Education is one of the fields that have undergone huge transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the main changes was schools adopting tools for effective online learning and online school management.

Many schools have already been using school management software way before the pandemic. Now that the circumstances have changed, it has become a necessity.

While selecting school management software, make sure that the following tools are included for efficient overall online school management during COVID-19.

Student Management System

Online School Management Tool-Student Management System

Student lifecycle management is an important responsibility of educational institutes. It involves monitoring and managing student information, new student registration, and much more

While selecting a student management system for you educational institute, you can either go for software that solely deals with student management or choose software, such as Edsys ERP, that allows both school and academics management.

A student management system can be considered efficient if

  • School authorities can smoothly handle student registration, enrolment, and information sharing with other school staff
  • They can monitor and manage student life cycle from the time of registration to graduation, which includes factors like student performance
  • The software is customizable, scalable, and flexible


  • Manage student information efficiently
  • Track student performance
  • Oversee multiple school branches at once
  • Save extra expenses, in terms of labor and time
  • Hassle-free access to academic-related information

 Online Student Attendance

Tool for Better Online School Management-Online Student Attendance

Manually tracking and managing student attendance during online classes can be a hassle for teachers. That is why Online Student Attendance System can be a great addition to the tools for online school management.

Online Student Attendance system allows teachers to mark and manage the daily attendance of students. It also helps to maintain an error-free student attendance record and create student attendance reports.

The following features of Online Student Attendance System define its efficiency

  • Track attendance based on student log in and log off
  • Teachers can track the breaks taken by students
  • Records of time spent by students on sessions, including attending classes and accessing learning resources


  • Accurate and reliable
  • Access student attendance data anytime, anywhere
  • Save time
  • Reduce labor and expenses
  • Improve productivity for both teachers and students

Timetable Management System

Tool for Better Online School Management-Timetable Management System

An online timetable management system is a great tool to ensure productivity as well as efficient monitoring of staff and students alike. Some timetable management software also comes with integrated attendance management system to add to the efficiency.

A timetable management system comes as a great relief to the school authorities, in terms of creating timetables, rescheduling staff timetables in case of unplanned leaves, avoiding manipulation of information, etc.

An efficient timetable management system has the following features

  • Teachers can create and access their own class timetables as well as student timetable
  • Students can view their class timetable for a day, a week, or a month
  • School authorities can view the scheduled timetable for classes for a particular day and make necessary changes in case of unplanned leaves
  • Timetable management system integrated with attendance management features reduces chances of data manipulation and improves productivity


  • Efficient time management
  • Reduced workload
  • Save time
  • Lower chances of errors
  • Teachers and students can prepare for the classes beforehand

Assignment Management System

Tool for better management of schools online-Assignment Management System

When facilities for online classes have been efficiently implemented during the pandemic, most schools seem to neglect the topic of assignment management. Applications, such as Whatsapp, are being widely used by teachers and students to share and submit assignments.

This method comes with risks, such as losing data, and teacher/student not noticing the scheduled/submitted assignments. Assignment Management System serves as an efficient tool to handle this issue, making it easy for both teachers and students.

The following features define an efficient Assignment Management System

  • Create assignments and assign them to individual students or a group
  • Monitor the status of assignments and performance of students
  • Send notifications to students for each new assignment/project
  • View pending tasks
  • Close completed assignments


  • Create assignments easily
  • Save time
  • Review submitted assignments
  • Provide instant feedback
  • Students can access subject data

Fee Management System

Fee Management System-Tool for Better Online School Management

Fee Management System has been widely used by schools for managing and paying fees of students for a while. But it seems to be more useful at the time of the pandemic.

With the Fee Management System, managing fees becomes an easier task for Accountants. Also, Parents can view details of their ward’s fees and pay pending fees using the system, without the hassle of going to the school and stand in queues for hours.

An efficient Fee Management System comes with the following features

  • Accountants/School Authority  can view and manage fee details
  • Provisions to update status of fee payment
  • View details of collected and pending fees
  • Generate invoice
  • Parents can pay their wards’ fees


  • Efficient fee management
  • Save time
  • Reduce costs
  • Receive reminders about fee payment
  • Generate reports instantly


Choosing an online school management system is more like a gamble. Things could go wrong if the system does not have necessary tools for efficient school management, despite the great reviews and cost. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the above-mentioned tools are included in the system.

Edsys is an educational software provider with an array of educational solutions, including those for effective school management, to our credit. If you are looking for an online school management service or need assistance in developing online learning tools, Edsys would be a great choice. Contact us to discuss in detail.

Managing timetables, plotting school bus route plans, calculating payroll and evaluating teacher performance adds to the tedious tasks of school management. Education software has been helping schools to manage these activities effectively by lessening the day-to-day time and effort put to complete them.

For instance, managing timetables is a difficult task for many school authorities. It involves continuous updating based on the availability of teachers, time required for each subjects, etc. So what can school authorities do to ease the tension associated with setting and managing timetables?

They can now depend on the timetable management software from Edsys to help the overall administrative functions of a school.

Let’s see what the advantages of using a Timetable management system in schools are.

Reducing paperwork

With an endless list of paperwork, manual school management is always tough and troublesome. But Timetable management software makes it easy for school authorities to manage the school affairs very effectively.

Less confusion

While creating timetables many things have to be taken into consideration like availability of teachers, number of classrooms, allotted time etc. It’s so confusing that errors may occur while setting it. Generating timetables automatically is the best way to avoid this and for that you can use timetable management software which provides a feasible solution.

Generating timetables automatically

Automatic timetable generation will help ease the disorder associated with manual timetable management. One special feature is the facility to generate timetables interactively. This will help in reducing the limitations of manual timetable management.

No more errors

Timetable management software is helpful in reducing manual errors. Sometimes, manual timetables can create confusion among teachers. So using timetable management software can help school management to effectively allot class hours to available teachers accurately.

Substitution management

Managing substitutions in the absence of a particular teacher is quiet troublesome where you need to check the availability and class timings of other teachers separately. But timetable management software can make it easier and hassle-free by providing the accurate results regarding substitution management.

Generating records

School management is not an easy job. The details regarding leaves, performance, classroom activities etc. need to be noted in order to manage and improve it. Timetable management software can be a great help for school management to take care of all the activities of employees. The benefit of generating records on a monthly basis helps school authorities to monitor the data regarding teachers and non-teaching staff in an easy manner.

Pay scales

Preparing pay scales is a tiresome job where leaves of each employee have to be taken separately. Confusion and chaos regarding pay scale can be avoided if timetable management software is used. It prepares pay scales very easily and accurately.

Not just for a single class!

Creating timetables for class itself is a hard thing. So how will school authorities manage to prepare timetable for the whole school? They can seek the help of Timetable management software which help in creating timetable for the whole school. It also helps us in saving our energy, time and money!

Manually managing the affairs of a school is not as easy as you think. So in order to keep up with the changing educational system, you need to make use of technology which will help you attain efficient results. Timetable management software is one such change which you can make in order to make things move faster. This not only helps in effective school management but also contribute significantly to the overall learning atmosphere of the school.


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Benefits Of Replacing Your Manual School Management With Time Table Management Software

Teaching is a remarkable profession. It is one that moulds the future generation, and hence has a high value. But just like any other professionals, teachers also need to be encouraged to perform better. In fact, all staff in a school should be incentivised to perform better as every one of them might have a direct or indirect effect on school students.

So, how do you implement a system that encourages your school staff to perform better? The obvious option will be to reward the high performing or the most disciplined employees. In order to help you on this, Edsys has included a new feature in its Work Force Management software. It is a page that shows various data about your staff including:

  • Unplanned leaves
  • School log in time
  • School log off time
  • Making late entries to the Work Force Management

The software uses these data to arrange your staff in a list which helps you to decide which among your employees set the best example to your school students with their punctuality and discipline. This list is displayed in the administrator’s panel as well. It will help the management in suggesting specific areas of improvement for individual staff. The listing is done automatically by the system and the administrator need not make any inputs manually.

Generating the list

The ranking list is generated on a monthly basis, with a rank for each month as well as a rank for the whole year. For example a teacher can have a ranking of 10 in the month of June and a ranking of 4 in July. But the overall ranking combines the data of both months and gives a list based on that, which in this case might give a 6 or 7 to the teacher. The rankings can be viewed separately for different departments. i.e., if you want to maintain separate lists for the pre-school teachers, primary school teachers, high school teachers and higher secondary teachers, it is perfectly possible. There will be a dropdown menu from which you can choose a group to view their monthly rankings.

School staff will be able to see the list when they log in to their respective Work Force Management accounts. They would also be able to find details of unplanned leaves, late coming, early exits and late entries. This would help the teachers and staff to be aware of their own discipline and their improvement over time.

If you want to know more about Work Force Management and its attractive features, write to

In the last part, we discussed about our smart English language apps for preschoolers. It was a fun and colourful app aimed at improving your child’s overall language development. But, children need to learn not just about language, but also about numbers. Our smart Math/Numbers apps are ideal for the purpose.

Swim With Numbers

With its beautiful ocean theme, the ‘Swim with Numbers’ app is a great way to introduce your children to the world of numbers. The app covers numbers 1 to 10. There are four different sections in this app to improve your child’s overall numerical ability. The sections are:

  1. 123 – Teaches children to recognize the numbers 1 to 10
  2. 123 Trace – A tracing activity for children to get used to writing numbers in English
  3. 123 Game – It is a counting activity that reinforces learning
  4. 123 Song – Children tend to learn songs faster. The numbers song will help retain what they learn.

Time Bird

Time can be a confusing concept for young children. Preschoolers do understand tiny bits of the concept and the Time Bird app makes the best out of it.

Learn to Tell Time

Your children gets introduced to the clock, the features and purpose of clocks

Both analogue and digital clocks are introduced to children in this section

It explains the hour hand to your child.

There are two different modes – Auto learning and self learning. In auto learning, the minute hand stays at 12 so that your child understands that every time the minute hand stays there, the time is __ o’clock. Self Learning on the other hand allows your child to move the hands around till they learn how to read it.


This part contains a couple of age-appropriate activities that simplify the concept of time; making it easy for your children to understand.

These activities are:

  1. Matching – The child has to match digital and analogue clocks that show the same time
  2. Set Time – This activity asks the child to set time on the clock evaluates the child by asking him to set the time on the clock.

Math Tables

This is a game that will make little multiplication table champions out of your kids. There are two different modes in this game.

The first one is Random Mode, which lets your child practice tables using random questions. The kid should slice or squash the correct answers. There are 5 lives and each incorrect answer reduces a single life.

The second mode is Time Mode. It gives a time frame of 90 seconds within which your child has to answer maximum number of multiplication questions.

Results are displayed in a separate page and points out the tables on which the child has to work more. The app even lets you choose the table you like to practice.

All About Shapes

This is our upcoming application that provides more fun and learning to preschoolers.

That’s it for this week. Next time, we will look into the E.V.K / G.K. apps.

Last week, we had discussed about our Smart apps for toddlers – TinyTapps. If you missed it, you can read it here. Today, we are going to explain about our English language apps. We have four colourful and fun apps for teaching English. Let’s take a look at them.

Fun with ABC – Alphabet Learning

This lovely app introduces your kid to the world of English alphabets. It has a colourful interface with jungle theme that children would easily relate to. There are four sections in this app –alphabet recognition (ABC), alphabet tracing (ABC Trace), alphabet activity (ABC Game) and song (ABC Song). These sections together provide a comprehensive learning that children will enjoy. The app is simple to use for both child and parent/teacher.

Small abc

Your child will have fun learning small letters of the English language with this smart app. This app aims to develop and strengthen both visual and auditory associations with alphabets. It also has an activities section that has been designed to build your child’s analytical thinking and recognition skills. This app has a read and writes section that, as the name suggests, is aimed at improving basic reading and writing skills of pre-schoolers. Children become familiar with the letters and their sounds. Apart from that, kids are encouraged to trace or write the alphabets, which have the additional benefit of improving their motor skills.

There is an Activities section too, for evaluating how much the child has learnt and retains in his mind. It incorporates a drag and drop activity that strengthens picture-letter association. Other sections include Blast the Rocket for recognising lower case alphabets through auditory association, Matching Activity that emphasizes on visual association and recognition and Rhythm & Rhyme, which hugely improves your child’s speech, literacy, reasoning, physical, emotional, and social development.


As the name implies, this app encourages children to learn word pairs with opposite meanings such as “hot and cold”, “up and down” and “good and bad”. Children show a tendency to learn certain types of words easily. Opposites are one such concept they grasp quickly. They help children to differentiate and distinguish the world around them. This app includes about 50 opposite words and a game. Opposites challenge and fine tune the cognitive skills of your children.

Rippling Rhymes

Songs are one of the easiest ways for children to learn because they love the rhythm and rhyme. Rippling Rhymes is an app that includes a collection of short and rhythmic songs that make it easy for your children to learn and memorize. Each song is unique and has a special theme. But all of these songs are like stories with a beginning and an end. They are entertaining and add value by incorporating new vocabulary, concepts of alphabets, numbers etc. There are beautiful illustrations, animations, an intuitive user interface and excellent audio quality.

These are the apps that TinyTapps have developed to help pre-schoolers learn more about English Language. Next week, we will explain about the Math/Numbers apps by TinyTapps.

A good school bus tracking software should invariably be able to manage drivers too. Imagine the scenario where you have the complete database of driver time and attendance. Wouldn’t it be really helpful? Definitely! You will be able to compare driver performance over time. The School bus Tracker would in fact be a single tool required to analyse and improve your employees’ performance no matter where you are.

Let’s see how the School Bus Tracker software helps to manage drivers


Driver attendance and time can be tracked with the bus. Drivers would need to log in to the GPS tracking system when they start their day.

Performance Evaluation

Analyse actual performance against planned schedules for employees with the data collected over time. It can be used
to improve employee performance.


Re-assign drivers with ease in case there is some sort of trouble. Also, be updated about the maintenance requirements of your vehicles.


Along with the location of the bus on a route by route basis, the driver can also be tracked. You will be notified in case of unscheduled stops, over speeding, etc.

Managing drivers can bring some real benefits to you. Employ our GPS school bus tracker and enjoy these benefits.

Kids are amazing. They are full of energy and are innately curious. In a world where technology is catching on than the wildest wildfire ever imagined, it is inevitable that kids get captivated by mobile devices. Considering these two factors, the best way for preschoolers to learn is through smart mobile apps.

Brilliant colors, large images of animals, fruits, etc are vital to getting the attention of children. Our designers and developers fully understand this and they have incorporated these elements to our smart apps.

These smart apps are in fact called TinyTapps as they are made for toddlers. They are made to work with the iOS operating system. These apps are great for the early learning years. We’ll be discussing the apps in a 5-part series. This is the introductory part. The next one will talk about English Language apps, the third one will be about Math/Numbers app, then E.V.K./G.K. Finally we will discuss all the remaining apps.

Here is an overview of the apps.

English Language

  • Fun with ABC – alphabet learning
  • Small abc
  • Opposites
  • Rippling Rhymes


  • Swim With Numbers
  • Time Bird
  • Math Tables
  • All About Shapes


  • Colour Carnival
  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Animal Adventure
  • Fun with Animals
  • Body parts
  • Community Helpers
  • Means of Transport


  • Hindi Vernal
  • Learn Arabic Alphabet
  • Arabic Flash cards
  • Fun with Quiz
  • My Talking Album
  • Fun with Flashcard
  • Learning Hindi

These are the different types of apps we have. We guess you would have got an idea as to the functions of each app here. In the next part we will be discussing about the English Language apps in more detail.

The development during early years is very important to the overall growth of each child. On realizing this, the British government introduced the EYFS system. According to the EYFS or Early Years Foundation Stage system, schools should submit a profile report for each child’s learning and development. This happens at the end of EYFS, which in most cases is the year the child turns five.

There are 7 areas of learning which are divided into prime and specific areas of learning.

Prime areas of learning:

  • Communication & Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Specific areas of learning:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

The system also mentions three characteristics of effective learning:

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creating and Thinking Critically

The profile reports are graded or judged based on real time observations of children’s activities. This system requires all adults who are part of the learning and development processes to make valuable contributions to the judgements made about children’s profiles.

Being an ongoing or real time process, observations have to be noted down with labels along with photographs taken using cameras. It might not seem much of an inconvenience at first, but imagine taking notes and photographs for 25 children every day for a month or a year. The process that looked very easy on the onset suddenly appears daunting. And don’t start thinking of the problems associated with processing all the valuable observations.

But when you think of it as a modern day problem, an answer pops up – Mobile devices. Yes, those portable, powerful computers with cameras and network connectivity could make it easy for you to collect, sort and process all the information.

Only problem? You need an app for that. But don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with an EYFS mobile application. This app makes it easy for you to take pictures and label them according to different activities and sub-activities and save to each child’s profile instantaneously. The various options available in the device are put to excellent use making this application an amazing tool for EYFS management.

The main features of the EYFS mobile application are:

Student Profiles – Create profiles of each student and add them to the database with images and other necessary details including classes, divisions etc.

Images & Videos – Capture images and videos as children are doing activities and save them with tags. The captured images and videos can be shared, commented and graded from the mobile device itself.

Smart Search – We all know how convenient a search feature can be when there is a huge database of information. The search feature is quite comprehensive and works with different criteria such as dates and activities. It becomes very useful when parents or senior management asks for immediate feedback.

Generate Reports – Preparing reports gets hassle-free with this application. Generate monthly or yearly reports in PDF format.

Postcards – No pasting and sticking as postcards can be created from the mobile device itself. Images from various activities can be selected for the postcard which also includes the profile picture.

Sharing – There are numerous sharing options such as email, YouTube, Bluetooth etc to share video reports and images.

Database Syncing – The server application maintains a database of all the profiles and activities in the same institution and syncs them between mobile devices. This results in well organised data.

The app has a nice, intuitive interface that’s easy to use. It sure decreases the workload of the faculty and leaves minimal room for errors. The profiles can provide a clear insight to the development and learning of each child. It definitely lets you breathe easy as far as EYFS profiles are concerned!

Run your institution efficiently with our multipurpose Real-time Institution Management System or RIMS. This software was developed with one idea in mind – to provide the most efficient and easy-to-use management tool for institutions all over the world. It is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that will help you to set up a complete management process ranging from student enrolment to TC issuance.

RIMS is mainly aimed at

  1. Schools
  2. Colleges
  3. Universities
  4. Training Centers
  5. Online Schools
  6. Group of Institutions
  7. Kindergarten


RIMS is a comprehensive solution for your management requirements. It removes the need for installing multiple softwares for various purposes.

A Long Features List – RIMS offers a list of features that is vital to suit the individual needs of each institution

A User Friendly Interface – Ease of use is one of the most important aspects to get right as far as software is concerned. The friendly interface of this student management software makes it easy to navigate and handle

Is Developed in PHP – PHP is a very flexible, efficient and user-friendly framework. It provides safety and simplicity to our education management software

Is Mobile Friendly – Mobile is a powerful tool that is with you all the time. RIMS is built to work seamlessly with mobile so that location doesn’t become a restriction for you.

Customize with Ease – All institutions do not have the same kind of governing. Each has its own unique requirements and we understand that. Therefore, RIMS has been created to be customized with ease.

Reliable Support – Do you have some doubt or is there an issue? Don’t worry. Our experienced professionals will help you out anytime.

RIMS plus Facilities

SMS messenger, Chat, RIMS mail, Directory, Task Scheduler


Student Profiles

  • Enrol students with a photograph and details
  • Retrieve information anytime by Admission no, Name, Parent or Guardian etc

Fee Manager

  • Collection, penalty and exemption have never been this easy.
  • SMS alerts and arrear reports will be sent to parents

Internet Module

  • Access to overall information of the institution over Internet
  • Know details about attendance, marks card and fees over the Internet

Statistics & Reports

  • Evaluate the overall performance of the institution
  • Detailed reports to take proper &timely decision

Marks Card Generator

  • Generate mark cards for each class and individual students
  • Get examination dates, mark card, etc through SMS or e-mail

TC Maker

  • TC application to issuance is made easy
  • Make duplicate TC easily according to demand

Access Control

  • User categories with different sets of operational rights and screens
  • Unauthorized access monitoring

Course Manager

  • Manage syllabi efficiently
  • Promotion and batch allocation are done with ease

Apart from the above features, RIMS also has the ability to effortlessly manage Attendance, Transport, Store, Library, Accounts, Human Resources, Pay Roll

Our primary concern is providing a seamless user experience and customer satisfaction, which drives us to constantly strive to improve our software. So, we have planned to include a few more modules to the software in the near future. These include:

  • Advanced Web Interface
  • BI Integrated
  • Continuous Assessment [as per CBSE]
  • Fixed Asset
  • Hostel Manager
  • Lesson Planner
  • Timetable Manager
  • Event Calendar
  • Meeting Room Scheduler
  • Online Payment
  • House Management
  • Exam Room Allocation
  • Entrance Exam
  • Scholarship Manager
  • Security & Surveillance
  • Alumni Manager
  • Faculty Performance Monitoring
  • Medical Records
  • ID card Generator
  • Tour Organizer

Benefits of Real-time Institution Management System (RIMS)

A lot of benefits can be reaped by using our Real-time Institution Management System (RIMS). The benefits can be for the management, the faculty and for parents & students as well.

For Management

  • A single, convenient solution for various requirements makes it easy to operate. Thus saving time and effort
  • No duplication or error while managing the entire institution records
  • Fee/arrear collection simplified, Cost centres are seamlessly integrated for easy management
  • Accurate, reliable reports to help make good decisions
  • Detailed information of all individual institutions under the same umbrella

For Faculty

  • Access information about individual students anywhere, anytime
  • Hassle-free and efficient management of multiple syllabi, semesters and sessions
  • Highly efficient and effective communication system to bridge the gap between parents and school authorities
  • Effective processing of exam results and generation of online score cards
  • Attendance, leave and payroll of teaching and non-teaching faculty

For Parents & Students

  • Stay well informed of latest developments in regard to your children’s education, discipline, attendance fees, activities, etc.
  • SMS notification of the latest news such as organized events, fee due date, etc
  • Evaluating students to identify learning gaps, repeat and reinforce concepts
  • Online projects and examinations for better learning

Last year, a school bus with 11 children was hijacked in Arkansas. The hijacker had blended in with parents and got into the bus before the driver could stop him. He himself started driving the bus. GPS tracking system was recently installed in the bus and that helped the police to track it down immediately. The hijacker drove another 10 miles and was finally caught. All the students were saved without much fuss.

It was an incident that brought forth the advantage of having GPS tracking facility in school buses. Now, these are not incidents that happen to everyone or everyday. But think about it. Wouldn’t you be at peace knowing your child is safely on the way home? Wouldn’t it be comforting to know that your child is late only because of heavy traffic? Safety and convenience are advantages that school bus tracking systems provide.

These advantages has immensely popularised real-time GPS school bus tracking in middle-east countries such as UAE as well in Europe and USA. It is also slowly picking up in Asian countries as people realize the utility in implementing GPS School Bus Tracking software.

However, GPS tracking would offer more value if it works with another application such the ParentApp. This android application acts as a single point reference for real time tracking of the students’ whereabouts as well as school activities. It is a handy application for tracking attendance, fees, results and much more.

Individual student tracking is made possible through RFID tags that students carry everywhere. It is an economical option and is more convenient than typical barcodes that needs to be scanned by the bus driver.

GPS and RFID are undoubtedly at the forefront of tracking technologies and would give you additional safety, savings, efficiency and ease of use. The main features of school bus tracking are given below

  • Real-time Tracking – Real-time location to parents with the help of GPS satellites including pickup and drop information.
  • Notifications – Parents can choose to get notified by sms, Android push notification or iOS push notifications.
  • Accurate & Efficient Reports – Get reports that include information on travel distance, travel history, travel speed, stops, etc.
  • Simple, Clutter-free Interface – The School Bus Tracker applications have simple, user-friendly interface with minimalist design