The biggest challenge for any teacher is capturing each student’s attention, and conveying ideas effectively enough to create a lasting impression.

As a teacher, to tackle this challenge effectively, you should implement innovative ideas that make the classroom experience much more lovable for your students.

So here are 16 innovative ideas that will help you reinvent your teaching methods and make your classes more interesting.

1. Creative Teaching


Take the help of tools to stimulate creativity. Include playful games or forms of visual exercises that will excite young minds and capture their interest.

This is a time-tested method to identify every young student’s creative abilities and encourage creative contributions.

Bring aspects of creativity into all your subjects, be it mathematics, science, or history. Think of ways to develop their creative ideas.

Encourage different ideas, give them the freedom to explore

2. Audio & Video Tools

Audio-Video-Tools classroom strategies

Incorporate audio-visual materials to supplement textbooks during your sessions. These can be models, filmstrips, movies, pictures, infographics or other mind mapping and brain mapping tools.

Such tools will help their imagination thrive and grow.

These methods will not only develop their ability to listen but will also help them understand the concepts better.

For example, you can get some oral history materials, conduct live online discussions or playback recordings of public lectures.

If you are tech-savvy, there are also a number of smart apps for preschoolers that you can utilize to create awesome slideshows or presentations

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3. “Real-World” Learning

Real World Learning- Classroom Strategies

Infusing real-world experiences into your instructions will make teaching moments fresh, and enrich classroom learning.

Relating and demonstrating through real-life situations will make the material easy to understand and easy to learn. It will spark their interest and get the children excited and involved.

4. Brainstorm

Brainstorming in Classroom - teaching strategies

Make time for brainstorming sessions in your classrooms. These sessions are a great way to get the creative juices flowing.

When you have multiple brains focusing on one single idea, you are sure to get numerous ideas and will also involve everyone into the discussion.

These sessions will be a great platform for students to voice their thoughts without having to worry about right or wrong.

Set some ground rules before you start. You can go for simple brainstorming or group brainstorming or paired brainstorming

5. Classes Outside the Classroom

Classes Outside the Classroom

Some lessons are best learnt, when they are taught outside of the classroom. Organize field trips that are relevant to the lessons or just simply take students for a walk outside of the classroom.

Field trips can help students make connections between classroom learning and real-world experiences. You can plan visits to museums, zoos, or historical sites related to the learning subjects. You can also arrange for students to visit local businesses or organizations related to what they learn to gain first-hand experience. Outdoor excursions, such as nature walks, hikes, or camping trips also help engage students in hands-on learning.

Students will find this fresh and exciting. Without taking much effort, they will learn and remember what you teach them.

6. Role Play

Role Play - Classroom Teaching Strategy

Teaching through role-playing is a great way to make children step out of their comfort zone and develop their interpersonal skills.

This method comes in handy, especially when you are teaching literature, history or current events.

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The role playing approach will help a student understand how the academic material will be relevant to his everyday tasks

Role playing is most effective for students of almost any age group. You just need to customize depending on the age group.

You can even use this method for teaching preschoolers. Just make sure you keep it simple enough to capture their limited attention span.

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7. Storyboard Teaching

Storyboard-Best-Teaching Strategies in classroom

Rudyard Kipling rightly said, “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.”

Storyboarding is a great way to teach any subject which requires  step-by-step memorization or visualization highly-conceptual ideas.

History teachers can use a storyboard to recreate a famous event. Such visually stimulating activity will ensure that even complex ideas are easily put across to students.

You can also encourage the use of storyboards as a form of communication and let the students tell a story in pictures using their imagination

8. Stimulating Classroom Environment

using Classroom environment for better teaching

A classroom environment that is well-decorated, fun, and engaging will help stimulate a student’s mind and will help think and learn better.

Such a creative and stimulating environment will help them explore and will encourage them to learn about the subject.

Children, especially young ones cannot be expected to sit all day and learn.  An environment that positively impacts the children is beneficial for you as well.

Schools associated with Early Years Foundation Stage(EYFS) will vouch for the fact that the learning environment has a prime role in learning and development.

9. Welcome New Ideas

Welcome-New-innovative-ideas-of teaching

An open-minded attitude can help you in innovating new teaching methods. Though you might claim to be open-minded, its human nature to resist change.

Evaluate yourself and ensure you try out new ideas in the classroom.

10. Think About A New Hobby


Sometimes, a hectic workload may affect your engagement in teaching.

If it happens to you, it’s natural.

You can take a break for a couple of hours and engage in some other activity that you’re interested in.

This will rejuvenate you and you can return to your work with more passion and interest.

11. Work Together As a Team

Teamwork in Classroom

As everyone knows, the end result of the collaborative effort is always immense.

Think about spending some quality time with your colleagues. Ask them to share their views on improving teaching methods, you can see many of them come up with interesting strategies.

So, collaborate and introduce innovative teaching methods.

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12. Puzzles and Games


Learning is fun when puzzles and games are part of education. Children may not require taking conscious effort when their lessons are introduced through games.

Puzzles and games help children to think creatively and face challenges.

13. Start School Clubs or Groups

Start School Clubs or Groups - innovative ideas

What about starting an after-school club or group?

Being a teacher you may not get enough time to work on interesting topics that you are passionate about.

You can share your views and learn more from others when you have school clubs or groups.

14. Refer to Books On Creativity


To be a creative teacher, you need to do some research on creative ideas and techniques.

There are a lot of books on creativity.

Choose some of the best works and start learning, it will be helpful for your professional development as well.

15. Love What You Do


You can give your best only if you truly love what you do.

When you are not stressed, you will be more creative and inspired.

Loving your work keeps you relaxed and gives you room to experiment with new ideas.

16. Introduce Lessons Like a Story


Just think, why do you watch movies with much interest?

You like to watch movies because there is always an interesting story to keep you engaged.

Like that,

Learning sessions become more interesting when you introduce it as a story. If you are creative, even math lessons can be related to interesting stories.

17. Music

Use music to create a more engaging learning environment. Music can be used to help students learn new concepts, improve memory retention, and enhance creativity.

It also creates a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere in the classroom and can help to keep students engaged and motivated.

18. Art Activities

Make use of art activities.

Art can help students develop creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. One way to incorporate art is to use visual aids, such as pictures or diagrams, to help explain complex concepts. Another way is to allow students to create art as a way to explore and express their understanding of a topic. This can be in the form of drawing, painting, sculpting, or even digital art. Lastly, encouraging students to collaborate on art projects can help them learn how to work together, communicate effectively, and build relationships with their peers.

All these can make lessons more engaging and can help to reinforce the material that is being taught.

19. Create Challenges

Creating challenges for students can help to keep them motivated and can help to ensure that they are actively engaged in the lesson. It helps enhance the problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and creativity of students.

You can present students with real-world problems or challenges that require them to apply knowledge gained in class. Or you can collaborate with students to design challenges that allow, thus promoting teamwork and communication skills. Additionally, teachers can provide students with the opportunity to design their own challenges, fostering ownership and promoting self-directed learning.

This helps students to develop skills that will benefit them both inside and outside the classroom.

20. Technology-Based Learning Activities

Technology-based learning activities can be an innovative way to make classes more interactive and effective.

Technology can help students develop computer skills, improve critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and provide opportunities for self-directed learning. You can use interactive software and apps to supplement learning materials, such as using virtual reality to explore historical sites or scientific concepts.

Another way is to use online platforms for collaborative projects, such as Google Docs or Padlet, allowing students to work together in real-time. Additionally, teachers can provide students with personalized learning opportunities through educational gaming or online courses.

All these help students to engage with daily lessons in a more dynamic and personalized way, enhancing their learning experience.

21. Online Discussion Boards

Teachers can use online discussion boards to assign discussion questions related to course material and encourage students to respond and engage with their classmates’ posts. They can also use it as a platform for peer review, where students can provide feedback on each other’s work.

The discussion boards can help students to learn from each other, develop their communication skills, and engage with course material in a more dynamic and collaborative way.

22. Debate

Debate activities can help to develop critical thinking skills in students and can help to make lessons more engaging.

You can conduct debate activities in the classroom debates by picking a topic related to lessons and allowing students to argue for and against specific positions. You can also let students research and present arguments on different sides of a topic, helping them develop their research and presentation skills.

Debate activities can help you to tech students to analyse information critically, present their arguments effectively, and consider different viewpoints.

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23. Virtual Labs

Virtual labs can be used to make lessons more engaging and can help to reinforce the material that is being taught. They help students develop scientific and technical skills, improve critical thinking abilities, and provide opportunities for self-directed learning.

There are a number of virtual lab software available; for example, virtual dissection software to study anatomy or physics simulations to explore physical concepts. You can make use of these use virtual labs to provide personalized learning opportunities and allow students to work at their own pace.

In conclusion, there are several innovative ideas that you can use to make your teaching methods more effective. By incorporating technology into your lessons and utilizing different teaching styles, you can help to create an engaging learning environment that is enjoyable for both teachers and students. Additionally, hands-on activities, creative writing activities, and multimedia tools into your lessons can help to make the learning process more engaging and can help to ensure that all students are actively involved in the lesson.

With even the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA ) emphasizing on schools to take measures for improving the quality of teaching and learning, these innovative ideas are sure to make teaching methods more effective.

The field of education is constantly evolving, and teachers need to stay ahead of the curve to ensure their students are receiving the best possible education. One way to do this is to become well-versed in the philosophy of education.

By understanding the history and theories behind education, teachers can gain a deeper understanding of their role and the impact they have on their students. With this knowledge, teachers can develop a teaching style that best supports their students’ needs. They can also better identify any gaps in their students’ knowledge and adjust their curriculum accordingly. By unlocking the power of philosophy, teachers can gain invaluable insight into their profession and their students’ learning.

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Students always look up to their teacher and therefore, it becomes necessary for you to have thoughts to inspire them.

Here are specific reasons why you should study philosophy of education if you are a teacher.

The philosophy of education is important because it provides a basis for understanding the nature and purpose of education. It allows us to consider the questions that are at the heart of education, such as: What is the purpose of education? How should students be taught? What knowledge and skills should students be taught? How should students be assessed?

It also allows us to examine the impact of different educational theories and practices on students’ learning. It helps us to consider the ethical and moral implications of educating students, and to think about the role of technology in education. By understanding the philosophy of education, teachers can gain valuable insight into their profession and their students’ learning.

Helps to Decipher The Path of Learning

Teaching philosophy has been defined as the map, which provides directions to move ahead.

One may feel lost without a map. In the same way, you are going to be missed while teaching if a specific path is not decided.
Hence, a map is always needed to make informed movements.

It is not possible to make students learn something until the teacher knows why and how he/she wants to teach.

Once you know your path, you will be helping your students to plan to reach their destinations.

Affects the Society

Teachers are termed as the future makers of the community. People like you are the ones who help students choose different professions and identities.

A teacher can leave a profound impact on students and help them make independent decisions in the near future.

The core values that your students learn from you today are going to be applied and used in society as they grow up.

A solid philosophical background will help ensure that these values are all positive.

Also Read: General Knowledge For Kids with Answers(105 Questions and answers)

If you believe in breaking stereotypes, there are high chances your students will follow the same philosophical path. If your philosophy is accepting the already existing theories, rather than questioning them, your students might follow your path.

Understanding the philosophy of education will teach them the need to know the whys.

Along with the intellectual development of the students, it will also improve the standards of our society and make us more rational.

To Be in Their Shoes

By learning philosophy, a teacher would be able to view and analyze from the perspective of their students.

Apart from understanding why students are behaving in a particular way, teachers would also be able to know how students perceive their actions.

This helps them adapt better teaching strategies and guidance, eventually resulting in improved results.

Best of all, a teacher would be able to analyze his/her actions and understand the positives and negatives of their methods.

Just as if it helps students, it helps them as well. In other words, the educational curriculum consisting of philosophy contributes to discovering the mind of the learner (student), thus aid him/her in offering experiences and opportunities for cultivating his/her potential abilities.

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To Avoid Being Judgemental

Philosophy of education also teaches a teacher the concept of not prejudicing the personality of each student. Remember that you need to consider all students equal.

But this should not affect the unique potential and capabilities of each student.

As educators, you are required to teach creativity, autonomy, and curiosity to all students without compromising their intellectual levels.

The idea is to avoid giving up on a pupil, who is a low-level learner. Philosophy teaches you that ideology, where you train with an unbiased attitude.

To Teach The Concept of Unification

Philosophy also teaches about unifying each pupil and the teacher as one body to ensure harmony.

The idea is to work together to create a better citizen, who diligently serves his community and keeps check on his/her morality.

Through the philosophy of education, teachers can understand how to deal with the students and unite them as one.

Even the students will then be able to confidently speak to the teacher as if he/she is their friend.

Tips for integrating philosophy in the classroom

The philosophy of education has a profound impact on student learning. By understanding the history and theories of education, teachers can gain a deeper understanding of their role and the impact they have on their students. This understanding can then be used to develop lesson plans that best support their students’ needs and help them to reach their full potential.

Furthermore, by understanding the different theories and philosophies of education, teachers can better identify any gaps in their students’ knowledge and adjust their curriculum accordingly. By unlocking the power of philosophy, teachers can gain invaluable insight into their profession and their students’ learning.

Resources for teachers to explore philosophy of education

There are a number of resources available to teachers who are interested in exploring the philosophy of education. Here are a few of the most popular resources:

  • The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: This encyclopedia contains a comprehensive overview of philosophy and its role in education.
  • Education Theory and Practice: This book provides a comprehensive overview of the history, theories, and philosophies of education.
  • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: This encyclopedia contains a wealth of information about the history and theories of philosophy, as well as its impact on education.
  • Philosophy of Education: This book provides an overview of the history and theories of philosophy, as well as its implications for education.

By exploring these resources, teachers can gain a deeper understanding of the philosophy of education and its implications for their profession and their students’ learning.

The Verdict

Through philosophy, you can ensure that your student not only retains his academic knowledge from all his completed grades but also develop a sense of humane values and ethics.

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These personal values provide a better upbringing for them to cope in the later years of their life.

Thus, studying it is beneficial and significant for teaching students to learn autonomously.

Is your teacher interview happening in a while? Are you looking for some smart ways to ace the teacher interview questions without many hurdles? The most basic thing you should do before the interview is to do enough research and go prepared. Moreover, stay polite but be confident in whatever you say and try to showcase your strength areas while answering the questions. It will also be a good idea to include interesting examples whenever possible to substantiate your points.

As the present situation is demanding remote learning, the school authorities will be looking for smart candidates who can handle the situation well and convey the subject ideas even without a direct face to face interaction. The situation is really challenging for teachers as they have to bring all students who are sitting at the comfort of their homes into a single virtual space where they have to recreate the replica of a regular classroom. 

Also, teachers nowadays have to upgrade their teaching style and rely more on technology to reach all students without fail and evaluate their understanding. There is no wonder why school management is looking for some X factor in the selection process.

Having an idea about some common questions that might come up in the interview and knowing how to tackle it will surely boost the confidence while you head for the interview. Here we are sharing some of the top teacher interview questions you can expect and some smart tips to outsmart them.

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What Are Hiring Managers Looking for When Interviewing Teachers?

Since teachers are the cornerstone of a school, the great concern lies in selecting a teacher for the school. So when hiring teachers, there are a couple of things that hiring managers will look upon.

  • Teaching Skills- It is crucial to know how a teacher teaches, the methods he/she uses in a classroom. Effective teaching should happen when each individual engages and learns from the teaching-learning process. The way a teacher teaches should make every student get actively involved.
  • Data proficiency– Data is incredibly important in the modern education system. Hiring recruiters want teachers to let them know how they used specific data to improve or learn things- whether they focused on each test score or overall class performance statistics.
  • Subject matter expertise– A teacher needs to be knowledgeable. He/she should have in-depth content knowledge. Chances are high to choose a subject expert by recruiters. So be prepared well enough to showcase your subject knowledge.
  • Teamwork– A successful school is a result of good teamwork by teachers, management, staff, students and parents. So a good teacher not only helps a student to succeed but also a school.
  • Patience – Regardless of the age group a teacher is engaged, he/she should have patience. Teachers may face bad experiences from students; still, teachers should be able to redirect them to the right path. Some students may need extra attention and care.
  • Enthusiasm for Job-Teaching is a challenging job and requires a lot of effort. Good teachers have genuine enthusiasm towards the job; they are sure about what they are doing and why they are doing.
  • Flexibility – Education trends change every time. A good teacher must be flexible with these changes. You should not continue teaching in a specific way every year; you should be able to adapt the changes without any frustration.
  • The ability to take feedback- Be positive to the criticism and feedback. Try to improve yourself from the criticism. Take things to improve and ignore the rest.

Salary Of Teacher ( Country Wise)

Sl NO Location Salary Of Teacher
1 UAE $3,500-$5,500 per Month
2 Japan $2,200-$5,000 per Month
3 Saudi Arabia $3,000-$4,000 per Month
4 Kuwait $2,600-$4,000 per Month
5 Oman $2,000-$3,500 per Month
6 Taiwan $2,000-$2,400 per Month
7 South Korea $1,600-$2,000 per Month
8 India $ 239 per month
9 China $1,500-$2,000 per Month


Some Extra Tips for Nailing Your Teaching Interview

There are certain things you should keep in mind before stepping into your new Principal’s room:

  • Be on time
  • Be prepared
  • Dress formally
  • Have a pitch for your teaching philosophy
  • Be ready to talk about yourself
  • Be ready with a portfolio

So are you looking for ways to clear up the interview that is happening in a while? Here are a few among the top teacher interview questions and the best possible answers that might help you to make the cut.

1. Why do you want to be a Teacher?

The general answers like ‘this are my passion’ or ‘to help society’ are not the expected replies anymore.

They simply want to know whether you are motivated to take up the role. Come up with some personal story or an inspiring story that motivated you to take up this profession.

2. What is your ideology to make teaching more effortless?

It is important to maintain a friendly tone while talking to students. Make sure that students are ready before you start delivering lectures.

Use non-verbal communication like hand signals whenever possible to make interaction interesting. Make sure that sessions are interesting and engaging by including fun elements.

3. What are your strengths and weakness as a teacher?

For strengths, you can include your strong areas like patience, creativity, communication, and social skills and emotional intelligence.

For weakness, bring in some points like the pressure of meeting deadlines or sharing responsibility but present it in a way that indirectly showcases it as your strength.

4. What should a teacher ideally do on their very first day at school?

First of all, it is important to familiarize with the school and their policies. It is a good gesture to meet the colleagues and get relevant advice from senior teachers if any. It is important to stay relaxed and be confident and that is why you should prepare your lesson thoroughly.

5. What is your teaching philosophy?

It is always good to learn the philosophy of the school before you take up the interview. Come up with some interesting replies like satisfying a student’s passion, sharing a tool to a student to make their life easy which is all about delivering structured classes in an unstructured way.

6. What positive changes do you expect from a student you teach over the period?

The prime objective will be to see notable progress in written and oral exams. In the long run, I look forward to seeing some other positive changes in their attitude like ready to learn new things, positive attitude towards novel ideas as well as being actively involved in learning.

7. What is the type of qualities you look for in a principal?

While answering such teacher interview questions, they expect you to be straight forward and they may even use it to test your ideas of school management.

You can list out qualities like good communication at all levels, supportive, having a proper vision, ability to plan and motivate consistency, visibility, and accountability.

8. What are the important characteristics of a good teacher?

A good teacher should learn to be patient and motivate students to do their best. He should be able to develop a healthy relationship with students and everything else follows.

He should maintain a kind personality, be dedicated to teaching, stay updated and make sure to engage students in learning.

9. How do you bring in positivity in the classroom?

It is important to stay pleasant and keep a smile throughout the class and students just become reflections of this positivity in no time.

Make them part of the teaching plans to make them feel important. Enhance intrinsic motivation through reinforcing positive behaviors whenever you see a good in students.

10. What areas should a teacher take care of while dealing with middle school students?

It is not fair to expect a middle school student to work independently always and make sure you don’t embarrass them in any case.

Most importantly, don’t expect them to understand everything you teach on the first chance itself.

11. What would you do to calm down an angry parent?

It is good to listen to him patiently until he cools down rather than making provoking conversations. Make sure that you don’t speak defensive or angry which may spice up the situation.

Try to make him understand the situation once he settles down and in the worst case seek the help of an experienced teacher.

12. What are the responsibilities of a middle school teacher?

You can use this question to make them understand that you are well aware of your role in the school. But you can stay simple by listing out your responsibilities like setting up lessons, conducting and grading tests and tracking and monitoring the performance.

13. What role should social media play in the classroom?

It can be a good platform to share classroom news with parents, remind students about upcoming deadlines or post home works without hassles.

However, it is important to make sure that a certain boundary is set and students are not just using the entertainment side.

14. How would you respond if a student acts disrespectfully to you?

Instead of keeping hatred, try to understand their background and consider their age. Use positive strategies and stay calm instead of responding in the same way.

Don’t take it personally and move on without leaving any stain marks. If it repeats, talk with the parents or discuss it with the school management.

Know More: General Knowledge For Kids(105 Questions and Answers)

15. What will you do next if a lesson does not work well?

An ideal response is to analyze what went wrong and utilize useful resources to get it right.

Simply explain how you work to make content more comprehensive and easy. Be polite by saying that you will be happy to take the advice of experienced teachers.

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16. How would you turn parents into teaching partners?

Maintain good communication with the students’ parents right from the beginning and try to involve them in the school activities whenever possible.

Make sure that they are being updated about the progress of the child.

Make them a part of your teaching strategies and seek their help to make a child’s learning comfortable at home.

17. What extracurricular activities can a high school teacher organize to make learning more interesting?

Quiz competitions can be held for the subjects you are handling or even a discussion or debate can do the trick.

Indoor and outdoor games can be made part of the learning to help them stay energized.

Drama and stage performances can be suggested for students of interest and asking them to make a yearbook on the subject can evoke their interest.

18. What are your strategies to learn new things and keep updated?

I usually write down notes when I come across something new while reading and I often listen to discussions and talk shows of subject experts whenever I get time.

I have set up email reminders of good websites so that I stay updated whenever something new in my subject is discussed.

19. What changes will you bring to classroom management structure if hired?

Other than normal lecture methods of teaching, one to one meetings with students will be done to listen to their specific problems. Parents will be involved in any decisions that are to be made on disciplinary grounds.

A set of classroom guidelines will be made which is decided with the cooperation of students.

20. How would you deal with a student who is habitually late?

If it is just once or twice, it is okay to warn them and make clear about the importance of discipline. However, if it repeats, it is good to make a one to one conversation to learn if the student is facing some issues.

You may also talk with their parents to make sure their kids follow the school rules.

21. What skills a middle school teacher can implement to make teaching more effective?

Convey the importance of creating a good classroom ambiance and how peer to peer teaching can help.

You can list out strategies like using storytelling methods, allotting homework smartly and about the significance of providing timely feedback.

22. What do you like best about teaching?

Unlike other careers, it offers a platform to influence a generation of students. I love to make a contribution to changing the mindset and shaping the future of a bunch of students.

Moreover, I will continue to learn more throughout my career and the company of young kids keep me young always.

23. What are the expected duties of a high school teacher in a normal school scenario?

In addition to regular lecture teaching, a high school teacher should spend some time prioritizing teaching methods depending on student interests.

The duties can also involve assessment of student progress, conducting progress reports and sometimes enforcing disciplinary actions and making administrative and budget decisions.

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24. Would you describe yourself as a “team player”?

Yes. I value the importance of working as a team towards a common goal while not forgetting the individual contributions.

It is productive as well as efficient when it comes to complex goals. I have learned to respect others’ views and listen to my teammates while working in a team.

25. List the benefits you expect for students while including extracurricular activities along with studies?

Through such activities, students can learn the importance of time management and prioritizing things in life.

Contributing their part to a win can boost their self-confidence and improve their teamwork and relationship skills.

26. How do you make learning fun for students?

Give attention to student interests before deciding the teaching strategy and offer them choices instead of insisting on any particular tasks.

Include more classroom games and make learning interactive and try to bring in some mystery to your lessons whenever possible.

27. What can you do differently to reduce drop out in middle school?

One to one conversation can be made with students once in a while to understand their problems within and outside the school.

Giving them a good ambiance at school and making them comfortable with learning is important.

Lectures should not only cover subject areas but about how learning outcomes can reflect in their career prospects and help them earn a living.

28. How do you motivate students to learn?

See that a positive learning environment is created and student needs are addressed with proper care.

Make learning fun and be wise with your homework strategies. Be extremely encouraging and give them a feeling that you believe in them.

29. What strategies will you apply to enhance interest among students for the subject like science?

Make students feel that the subject is not a tough one but it is creative, dynamic and fun.

Ask questions to students whenever possible to help arouse curiosity.

Group activities like science fair can be organized once in a while to invoke interest in the subject.

30. How often it is good to set up a meeting with students’ parents?

It is important to make sure that they are tracking students’ progress but it need not be face to face meetings always.

For primary classes, it is good to meet them on a weekly basis through the parents’ newsletter.

Making parents sign on daily progress reports can do the job for 3rd grades and above. It is important to call and talk to parents on disciplinary issues.

31. What all strategies can a teacher apply to handle a weak student?

Have a one to one conversation with students to make them understand their strengths and weakness. The conversation needs to be unbiased and make them feel equally important. Give them a space to express their views and share the difficulties they face and the ultimate aim should be to motivate them.

32. What are the don’ts expected out of a school teacher?

It is not recommended for teachers to be over demanding but understand the student potential before allotting any tasks. It is never advisable to be dominant but maintains a friendly ambience inside the classroom. A teacher should never be partial with students and give low marks on tests just because of personal strife.

33. Can you just share a few effective classroom management styles that can make an impact?

See that the desks, teaching equipment and displays are positioned in a welcoming manner. Develop some rules for a classroom that promotes respect, caring and community. Be firm, fair and consistent while making sure that discipline is not compromised. It is important to stay organized inside and out and keep class in order.

34. How do you teach a dull student?

It can be quite challenging but wise strategies can make a difference. This can include creating a lively classroom ambiance, asking them to get out of the desk, and making them involved in activities, offering varied teaching experiences to avoid boredom, using positive competitions, and offering rewards.

35. What do you understand by the concept of co-teaching?

It is an innovative teaching method where teachers share their responsibility with other teachers. It is fun for students to understand the same subject from different teachers who explain it with a different set of examples and thinking.

36. Why do you wish to work at this particular school?

This question is meant to check if you have done proper research and homework regarding the particular school or school district where you went for the interview. So it is recommended to do homework related to the same and be ready with a few examples of how you felt good to be part of the organization.

Go through their website and client testimonials to see why people like the team and showcase it in a very pleasing way.

37. What are the personality traits a teacher should possess to be successful?

This question is meant to check if the candidate is able to assess what is actually required in their role and what is expected by the management from them to work towards overall success.

Communicate to them on how you are going to adapt to your role’s changing requirements quickly and comfortably and showcase it positively.

Bring in values like patience, self-discipline and flexibility in your conversation and how well you value them on your success journey.

38. What is the role of technology in the classroom and how are you planning to integrate it into your lessons?

This question has a lot of relevance in today’s learning arena as world has moved to virtual learning. So the management would be looking for the knowledge of teachers in today’s technology and how they can implement it successfully in the virtual classroom to bring out the best in the teaching and learning process.

So do homework regarding the tools used by today’s teachers to implement flawless learning remotely and let them know about the strategies you would put forward to make the students less distracted while using these tools.

39. What kinds of qualities are students looking for in ideal teachers?

This question is meant to check if the teacher has the ability to think from the perspective of students. Different teachers have varying teaching styles and all students may not be comfortable with all styles.

So let them know about how you are planning to be open regarding feedbacks from students and the effort you would take to implement differentiated learning techniques to accommodate the likes of all students.

40. What frustrates you the most in a classroom?

This question is asked to evaluate how easily you can get discouraged following a failure or if something goes wrong than expected. Every people have their own weak points but use this as an opportunity to show how you use your inner strength to overcome a displeasing event that has occurred.

Let them know about how fast you can get back to normal after a temporary patch on your bad day. 

41. How do you connect your lessons to the real world?

This is a very important area as parents often look forward to how their kids can utilize the learning results out of the classroom. So convey about how you balance the practical sessions along with the mandatory theoretical sessions. 

Talk about inviting guest speakers who can motivate students, seminars on current affairs, using primary source documents to bring out the practical life possibilities of what they are learning in class.

42. What role does discipline play in learning and how are you going to approach it?

Discipline is definitely the highlight of an ideal classroom environment and both students and teachers will have to do their part to implement self-discipline. It would be good to highlight that students would like to be treated as individuals and so it is important to bring it as part of the curriculum or to make it habitual rather than imposing a forced discipline.

Tell them about the significance of a framework where students would happily agree to the set rules and be responsible for their actions.

43. How will you engage reluctant learners?

Every student in a class may not approach the subject with same interest and of course, there will be a lot of distracting factors when you learn online. So convince them about what you do differently to make the classes more interactive and interesting and how kids will stay focused to the class without boredom.

It would be good if you can quote the example of how your techniques helped an old student who was initially not interested in your subject but later turned out to love the subject. 

44. If you came to know that a student is being mistreated or abused by parents or someone at home or outside, what would you do?

This is a question that needs to be handled with utmost care. Don’t ever use this opportunity to show how you can handle things on your own. Tell them as you would first talk with parents of the student in the presence of senior teachers and principals. 

Instead of being aggressive, it is important to be good listeners and try to get the solution from parents or else seek the help of counselors or other departments if needed depending on the severity of the case. 

45. How do you incorporate social-emotional learning in your lessons?

Tell them about how you would include sessions that promote social and emotional learning along with the basic curriculum-based subject learning. In fact, some of the school districts have included it as part of the syllabus.

Showcase about how you are making your sessions good enough to promote self & social awareness skills, the key to building good relationships, and the way they are uplifted to make responsible decisions. 

46. How do you assess students’ progress?

Avoid generic and usual answers quoting the common assessment techniques. Rather bring in some examples of how you evaluated your students and the way it turned out to be successful.  

Point out the ways you mix the formal and informal methods to assess students and the significance of differentiated instruction and analysis to bring out the best in students.

47. What do you like most and dislike most about teaching?

When you tell about what you like about teaching, it is always better to include the welfare of students in the answer. Include points like an opportunity to share knowledge with students, boosting their passion for learning, making them better individuals etc.

When you talk about dislikes, try to bring in a positive side to it or some suggestions to improve it. For instance, you can talk about how unfair is to judge the capability of a student with just one test or about giving more focus to practical knowledge as it is important than just theory classes.

48. What do you consider unique about your teaching style?

Use this question as an opportunity to show your strength as a teacher and how your strategies can actually help the students and school. You can vary your answer according to the class you are being interviewed for.

For instance, if the role is to teach lower grade students, highlight how you motivate them to express freely in a fear-free environment.

If the interview is for higher classes, you can highlight the inclusion of field trips, problem-solving exercises, and the way you encourage and mold them as tomorrow’s citizens. 

49. Are you flexible as a teacher?

This question is meant to test your adaptability to the changing needs in a classroom. For instance, the classes have turned into virtual rooms which were once within four walls of a room when you had more control over the students. So use this as an example of how you will change your teaching style and the new strategies you will include for making virtual learning successful.

You may also discuss the various teaching approaches you use like co-learning, debates, role-plays, and elocutions to promote inclusive learning.

50. Do you have any questions?

Some candidates would prefer to leave the hot seat as early as possible by saying no questions to ask. However, use this as an opportunity to ask some quality questions targeted at the actual role or organization. Do good research and be prepared with one or two questions to ask the interviewer if you will be given an opportunity.

Teacher Interview Questions – Final Thought

These are just a few randomly picked up teacher interview questions and answers for different level classes.

There are a lot more teacher interview questions that can be asked by the interview board and it can vary depending on what skills they are looking for in the individual to be part of their institution.

Exclusive Bonus: Top 35 Teacher Interview Questions and Answers (PDF)

Having a qualifying degree and good technical and soft skills alone may not always help you to ace an interview. If you can convince the interview board that you are smart enough for the role and can be an asset to the institution, you will get hired for sure. It is fine to take some considerable time and do instant thinking before answering the questions rather than rushing with some half-cooked replies. 

Most of these teacher interview questions asked may not be straight to the point but will be tricky enough to assess your proficiency, skill set, and attitude. So stay calm, do enough research and preparation, and answer the questions politely and confidently. We hope this list of common teacher interview questions and answers along with the smart tips to handle them might help you to a great extent in the process! 

Teaching is a profession for the passionate, committed and dedicated. Besides being passionate and committed, a teacher must also be aware of the qualities of a good teacher, to bring out the best in each child.

However, there are other qualities that set good teachers apart from the rest. In this blog, we will elaborate on the top 10 qualities of a good teacher and look into 30+ ways to show them.

  1. Communication Skills

qualities of good teacher

The “gift of the gab” is one of the top qualities of a good teacher. Effective communication is the key to a great learning experience. This doesn’t mean that a teacher needs to be an extrovert, rather he/she needs to effectually use verbal and non-verbal communication in their teaching methods. Teachers should be able to effectively communicate with students individually and as a group.

Fourways to Show Communication Skills

Situation 1: Parent-Teacher Meeting

You need to explain the child’s difficulties and learning problems to the parents.

In most cases, parents will be on either extreme. They would completely negate your suggestions or put the full blame on the child and label them “stupid.” In such cases, you need to use your communication skills to explain the facts without hurting either the parents or the child’s feelings.

Situation 2: Classroom

You’re teaching an abstract concept that the children are not able to grasp. This is where you need to use your communication skills to help children understand the concept.

Situation 3: Annual Day Selection

The selection for the school Annual Day is in progress and you need to convince students to participate in the drama, dance, and other events. Effectively use your communication skills to motivate and encourage students to participate, both on-stage and off-stage.

Situation 4: Explaining Homework & Assignments

Many times, students may not do an assignment or homework because they don’t understand the concept. A good teacher understands that it is important to to effectively communicate while explaining about homework and assignments. Then the students will have a better idea on how to work on the assignment.

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  1. Listening Skills

a good teacher qualities

A good teacher listens more than what she/he talks about. Yes, listening skills are one of the top qualities of a good teacher. In an ideal learning environment, the teacher patiently and proactively listens to the child. If the students feel confident that their words matter, they will be happier to talk to the teacher and share their worries, thoughts, goals, and ideas.

Three Ways to Show Listening skills

Situation 5: Counselling session

You find a child sitting in the corner of the classroom and crying. Gently talk to the child and try to find out what the problem is. You need to use your listening skills here to help the child overcome his/her fear and share the problem with you.

Situation 6: Irregular Attendance

There could be many reasons why a student is taking leaves frequently. Talk to the child to find out the actual reason for irregular attendance. Listen to the real reasons and try to find a solution.

Situation 7: Class Discussion

Your listening skills will come very handy during a class discussion, more so when it is an informal discussion. Let the children talk and silently listen to what they talk about. You can find a lot about the students by listening to their informal discussions on any topic.

  1. Planning & Organizing Skills

qualities of good teacher

A good teacher understands the importance of planning and organization. He/she will prepare for the lesson and plan how every minute will be spent in the classroom.

Planning is also important while preparing the syllabus for each term and organizing tests and exams. Teachers with good planning and organization skills will have a better chance of scaling up the career ladder.

Three Ways to Show Your Planning & Organisational Skills

Situation 8: Preparing the Lesson Plan

The planning skills come handy while preparing the lesson plan for the coming week. In the lesson plan, the teacher notes down the chapters and concepts that will be taught during the week. The teaching aids and activities to be used for the lesson will also be included in the lesson plan. It will help teachers to have a clear idea of what they are going to do in each class.


Situation 9: Setting up a Student’s club

If you are in charge of setting up a student’s club, then you will definitely need planning and organization skills. You need to help students create a framework of the regulations and activities of the club, organize competitions and club events

Situation 10: Organising a School Trip/Annual Day

Your planning and organizational skills will be very valuable when you’re planning the school annual day, sports day, or a school trip. There are thousands of details that need to be checked before preparing the plan. Also, your collaboration skills will help you gain the support and assistance of other teachers and students in organizing the entire event.

Also Read: 16 innovative ideas to make your teaching methods more effective

  1. Professionalism

quality of good teacher

Professional behavior is what sets great and best teachers apart from mediocre teachers. It is very important for good teacher to toe the fine line between being a mentor for the students and getting overfriendly with them. Professional behavior is also expected from teachers while representing the school in academic circles. The way a teacher dress behaves and deals with various situations show professional behavior.

Three Ways to Show Professionalism

Situation 11: PTA Meeting

A PTA meeting, especially with a difficult parent, is the perfect place to show your professionalism. There are times when parents may complain about the facilities or teaching style. Sometimes, they may blame you for their child’s academic performance. In such cases, good teachers deal with the situation with dignity and professionalism.

Situation 12: Fight in the Classroom

Students get into all kinds of fights and sometimes teachers need to step in to sort them out. When you’re breaking up a fight, it’s necessary to be professional and not bring in personal viewpoints.

Situation 13: Dealing with the Management

Your professional skills will be very important when you’re dealing with your higher-ups or authorities from the educational department. You may have to explain something about the school or present a report – at such times , your professionalism will set you apart from others.

  1. Patience


Teaching and patience are two sides of a coin. You will need huge doses of patience to handle a large group of energetic kids. Be patient and relaxed while teaching, organizing events, handling a meeting or talking to children.

Three Ways to Show Patience 

Situation 14: Listening to Student’s Excuses

It can be tiring and frustrating for a teacher to listen to a stream of excuses about why an assignment was not completed or why a student didn’t bring a textbook.

It gets annoying when students don’t respond even after so much effort on the teacher’s side. At such times, hold on to your patience and deal with the situation calmly.

Situation 15: Teaching a New concept

Another situation where your patience is very vital is when you’re teaching a new concept. All children don’t learn at the same pace. So, you need to patiently help slow learners understand the concept.

Situation 16: Organising a Program

A teacher needs to have loads of patience in addition to planning skills while organizing a program. Everybody will come up with different ideas and suggestions. Students may be interested in the initial stages and then slowly drop out. All this can make you feel like tearing your hair out. But a good teacher is patient and handles the issues calmly.

  1. Creative

quality of great teacher

Creative and innovative thinking is one of the vital traits of a good teacher. Learning can get monotonous after some time. A creative teacher comes up with fun-filled and interesting ways to grab children’s attention and keep them focussed on lessons.

Three Ways to Show Your Creative Skills

Situation 17: Classroom Teaching

There are times when students get bored in class. Get creative during such times to make learning interesting. You can take the kids out for a walk in the playground as you discuss lessons. Or you could use creative teaching aids to pep up the students. There are many ways you can get innovative and creative in your teaching methodologies.

Situation 18: Discipline

Discipline doesn’t necessarily mean scolding or hitting a child or telling them to write imposition. Think of interesting and innovative ways to “correct” a child for forgetting the homework or doing some mischief in class. You can have creative punishments like – learn this poem and recite tomorrow; use the break hour to help KG teachers give out snacks to kids, and such.

Situation 19: Homework

Get creative while assigning homework and assignments to your students. If you’ve been teaching about the history of India, ask them to do research about their native town or village and present it to the class. Or, if you’re a science teacher, get students to collect different types of flowers or seeds.

  1. Continuous Learning

quality of a good teacher

A good teacher will continually update themselves about the latest developments in their field of study. Continuous learning is not just about earning certificates, but upskilling. The Corona pandemic has taken education from classrooms to online. Teachers who are willing to learn new technologies are able to keep pace with the changing demands.

Also Read: General knowledge for Kids (230 + simple gk questions and answers) 

Three Ways to Show Your Continuous Learning

Situation 20: Online classroom

One place where you can showcase your continuous learning ability is in online classrooms. Your willingness to learn new technologies and adapt your teaching methodologies to the online mode will showcase your teaching ability.

Situation 21: Project Work

You need to learn and update yourself before you ask your students to work on a project. For example, you’re giving a project about climate change to your students.

The students will do individual research and come up with a lot of findings, theories, and ideas. If you don’t understand what they are talking about, you need to take time to learn about new things.

This is where you can show your students that even though you’re a teacher, you’re always willing to learn.

Situation 22: Use of technology for teaching

Smart classrooms are gaining popularity across academic institutes. Good teachers upgrade their technical skills and learn to make the most of the smart technology for teaching.

8. Flexible & Adaptable

qualities of a good teacher

A good teacher knows to be flexible when necessary and rigid when needed. At the same time, a good teacher is able to adapt to the changing scenarios.

A good teacher handles students from different social backgrounds, economic backgrounds, and ethnicities. So, they need to have an open mind and be flexible in their approach.

Situation 23: Sudden changes in Classroom

Sometimes you may not be able to follow your lesson plan due to some situations. At such times, you need to be flexible and improvise your teaching methodology.

Situation 24: Evaluation

It is important to be fair and strict during evaluation. But sometimes, a good teacher takes a flexible approach while evaluating students. A good teacher knows that there is no one-fit-evaluation method for all students. However, the teacher also knows that being flexible with evaluation doesn’t mean showing favouritism.

Situation 25: Teaching Methodologies

A good teacher knows that it is important to be flexible with the teaching methodologies. They use a mix of teaching methodologies so that both visual learners and auditory learners are able to understand the lesson.

  1. Respect

qualities of good teacher

Respect is one of the prime qualities of a good teacher. A good teacher knows the mantra “Give respect to get respect.” They treat all students with respect and know that they will also be treated so.

Situation 26: Respect Personal beliefs

A school will have students from all communities, religions and backgrounds. The school rules will ensure uniform rules and regulations for all. However, there could be certain cases where a good teacher understands that personal beliefs need to be considered.

Situation 27: Respect Personal Boundaries

Good teachers know where to set personal boundaries. They are friendly and approachable. But, at the same time, they will have boundaries and will let the students know. It is very important to build a good relationship with students.

Situation 28: Respect the Regulations of School

A good teacher knows that they should respect the regulations of school. They don’t try to enforce their personal views and ideas, on students, parents or the management.

  1. Great Expectations

Good teachers set high expectations for students. one of the best qualities of a teacher motivates the children to live up to those expectations. In fact, many students attribute their success in life to the high expectations set by their teachers.

Three Ways to Set Great Expectations

Situation 29: Challenge Students

Good teachers continually challenge students, not just in academics, but also in extra-curricular activities. Teachers encourage and challenge students to participate in competitions and events that will help them explore their capabilities.

Situation 30: Explore New Skills

Good teachers offer plenty of opportunities for students to learn new skills. It can be done inside or outside the classroom. A good teacher identifies the innate skills and abilities of the student and helps to explore them.

Situation 31: Break Boundaries

Many students are set by various limitations, which may be because of their personal bias or peer pressure. A good teacher encourages students to break the boundaries and gain new skills and abilities.

The Qualities of a Good Teacher: Final Thoughts

Anyway, being aware of the qualities of a good teacher can help a teacher to show the best in her/him. So, I hope that the above listed top ten qualities of a good teacher have helped you to improve your way of teaching.

Do you have any other qualities to add to this list? Share them with us!

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In the simplest way, pedagogy can be defined as the art and science of teaching.

According to etymology, pedagogy originated from Greek and means, “the art of teaching children”.

To be more specific, ‘paidos’ means ‘child’ and ‘agogos’ stands for a ‘leader’ in Greek, and ‘pedagogue’ stands for a teacher.

According to Greeks, ‘paidagogos’ were slaves, given the task of taking boys to and back from school, teaching, and tutoring them.

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What is Pedagogy?

Most often, pedagogy is confused with the curriculum.

The latter means what is being taught, while the former refers to the ways involved in teaching, the theory and practice involved in educating.

Pedagogy is the relationship between an educator and learners, with respect to culture and techniques that are being used for learning. It is formally focused on educator’s belief on how learning should take place.

What is needed most in pedagogy is a healthy classroom interaction and mutual respect between educators and learners.

It focuses on building prior learning and developing skills and attitudes and, for educators to present curriculum in a most appealing way to students, by merging it in a way to suit to their needs and culture.

In pedagogy, materials used don’t matter but the process and strategy adopted by the teacher are counted.

It takes into consideration the context in which learning should take place and the type of students to whom it should be conveyed.

History of Pedagogy

The roots of ‘teacher’ can be traced back to Ancient Greece, with Socrates in 5th century BC as the cornerstone to what we consider now as modern education.

It is believed that the first schools appeared in England, during 597 AD. The first school was King’s School in Canterbury, Kent.  These early schools have links to churches where students are granted spiritual education

The Academic Curriculum of those days can be divided into two.

  • Trivium
  • Quadrivium

Trivium comprises rhetoric, grammar, and logic, while the other comprises of geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, and music.

Lessons took the form of lectures, with a teacher leading the students whilst he/she reads and explains the text to students.

As of now, group discussions were conducted. Pupil were given topics to discuss amongst themselves and the final doubts were clarified from their masters.

Why is Pedagogy important?

Having a well-structured pedagogy can enhance both the teaching and learning process and it can be reflected in student’s performance too.

A clear-cut teaching method will help students to have a deeper grasp of fundamental material. As a teacher, you should be mindful of the way how effective you can convey lessons to students and how it helps you better understand and can help students to achieve deeper and valuable learning.

Thus it builds cooperative learning environments. This structured approach paves way for students to think outside the box. As defined in Bloom’s taxonomy, their thinking level can vary from basic memorization and comprehension to complex learning processes like analysis, evaluation and creation.

So, it helps to leverage students learning process in an appealing manner, in a way they wish to learn. It can bring out more positive outcomes in students’ learning as they enjoy learning through this strategy.

Pedagogical Approaches

Teachers will use different pedagogical strategies with respect to the age of the pupil and the content.

They will do research from varying academic disciplines and will choose a strategy appealing to the students in front of them.

For example, a playschool teacher adopting EYFS system may prefer cognitive development research.

The justifications behind these decisions will later become pedagogical principals and every teacher will develop his/her own pedagogical strategies and principals over time.

Let’s see What are the Pedagogical Approaches?

Pedagogical approaches can be broken down into four:

  • Behaviorism
  • Constructivism
  • Social constructivism
  • Liberationist

(1) Behaviorism

The behaviorist approach is teacher-centered; it uses the theory of behaviorism. This approach promotes the use of direct instruction and lecture-based classes.

Behaviorist theory was put forward from the pedagogical research by Throndike (1911), Pavlov (1927), and Skinner (1957).  According to this approach, the teacher plays a key role, in delivering lessons.

Knowledge is delivered in a curriculum where each subject is taught independently to the learners.

In a lesson taught using the behaviorist approach, adopts different methods like learning, choral repetition, modeling, demonstration, etc.

All these activities are visible and are led under the direct supervision of a teacher.

However, as the lessons, progress shift may come when it becomes student-centric, and he/she demonstrates a lesson.

This approach is often described as a traditional teaching style.

(2) Constructivism

Constructivist pedagogy is a child-centered approach, where learning takes place through experiences and reflections.

In this, students are to incorporate project work; inquiry based learning, and sometimes adopt a Montessori or Steiner Method. This approach is also termed as ‘invisible pedagogy’.

The constructivist approach came into existence from the research of Piaget(1896- 1890). According to him, a teacher should incorporate activities to facilitate learning. Younger children work physically whereas, older ones tackle symbolic and abstract ideas.

Lessons might include hidden outcomes, individualization, a slower pace, and less teacher talk. Teachers also engage students with nature and to be outdoors.

This approach is also described as a progressive teaching style.

(3) Social Constructivism

Social constructivist approach was developed by cognitive psychologist, Lev Vygotsky.

He argued at the ideas of Piaget, that learning could happen only in social context and he believed that learning was a collaborative process between a learner and a teacher.

In a classroom setting, a teacher may use group work, but by building smaller groups, and limit the choice of topics. The teachers might include strategies such as questioning, group discussions, individual presentations, etc.

(3) Liberationism

Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire put forward the concept of Liberationist pedagogy. He was the director of the Dept. of Education; he developed an approach where he was able to make illiterate adults to read in just 45 days. He wrote the famous book ‘Pedagogy of the oppressed’.

In this book, he demonstrates learning as a liberationist approach and that democracy prevailed in the classroom.

The mode of learning is child centered and the teacher also becomes a learner and they discover things together.

In the classroom, teacher provides opportunities for students to showcase their learning; they can choose the form of a speech, dance or performance.

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What are the Different Aspects of Pedagogy?

There exist four different aspects of pedagogy.

It includes-

  • Social Pedagogy
  • Critical Pedagogy
  • Culturally responsive pedagogy
  • Socratic pedagogy

1) What is Social Pedagogy?

According to social pedagogy, education is crucial to a child’s social development and it continues to support one’s growth throughout his/her life.

Thus education and social aspects must go hand in hand, since students are social beings; they need education for effective communication.

2) What is Critical Pedagogy?

The main aspect to which critical pedagogy looks upon is to break down and deconstruct typical worldviews regarding learning and topics. It often includes radical thinking and critical theories.

The objective is to challenge students to question their thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and practices to obtain deeper insight on things.

Thus resulting in them finding and figure out things in their own ways.

3) What is Culturally Responsive Pedagogy?

In a culturally diverse society, teachers should adopt culturally responsive pedagogy strategies to meet the requirements of all students.

The dimensions such as personal, institutional and instructional norms are put together to recognize the cultural differences among students.

Different methods and approaches to learning are put forward by educators. During certain situations, institutions or teachers have to reform their policies and procedures to encourage more involvement from students.


As pedagogies are constantly evolving, teachers can develop their own with respect to 21st-century learning.

New advancements and innovations in the education field can be collaborated for effective learning to take place.

Pedagogy should focus on the students in front of them; they should be able to relate the concepts back to the real world even to their own lives.

Every pedagogy is different from other, strategies, and approaches used are also different.

A good pedagogy should begin well with the philosophy of your teaching methods by stating your outlines and goals as a teacher, steps involved to relate the work you do in the classroom to professional developments once they move into their career.

Then, try to relate your classroom experience around this philosophy, work with students to choose methods that invoke positive responses in them, and finally examine how you will assess and evaluate their performances.

Also Read: 18 Fun Classroom Activities For Students

It also include how you will integrate technology to enhance learning.

These are the ingredients for a successful and result oriented pedagogy. The more aware you are of your ways of teaching, the more you will get to know what works best for students.

If your goal is to become a teacher, you must grab the attention of the principal by writing a top teacher cover letter. This means that you should treat it as your final exam and not as an inconsequential quiz. This guide will help you make a perfect cover letter so that you end up landing more interviews irrespective of whether you are aspiring for a position of an elementary, substitute, pre-school, high school or an ESL teacher.

Example of a Cover Letter for the post of an Elementary Teacher

Elementary school teachers are responsible to teach as well as mentor young children, develop materials and projects, and encourage them to learn as well as develop different skill sets.

They also have to meet with parents and guardians to evaluate and maintain records of the progress made by the students.


(Your Name)

(Your Address with the Name of the City, State, and ZIP Code)

(Your Phone Number)

Your Email Address)


[Name of the Hiring Manager]

[School Address with the Name of the City, State, and ZIP Code]

[Hiring Manager’s Phone Number]

[Hiring Manager’s Email Address]

RE: Application for the Position of an Elementary School Teacher’s Position in [Name of the School]

Dear [Mr./Mrs./Ms.] [Name of the Hiring Manager],

I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement on the School District job board for the position of Elementary Teacher in your school. With more than seven years of experience in teaching students from the first to fifth grades in [name the schools you have worked for], I can confidently say that I have the expertise to command students’ attention and manage them regardless the number of students.. These skills, combined with my capability to create a positive learning environment, will enable me to perform my duties well.

Having said that here are a few aspects that highlight my performance in my current as well as past teaching experiences:

Development of TEKS-compatible activities related to health and nutrition for promoting better eating and exercise habits.

Setting up of an open-door policy for parent-teacher conferences from 6:30 am to 8:00 am

Planning and executing weekly after-school art class sessions for 1st grade to 3rd-grade students

Apart from my teaching experience and management skills, it is my pleasure to serve young children, which makes me the right candidate for the position of an elementary teacher in your school. I am passionate about education and I am excited to work alongside the administrators and staff members of your school and help elementary class students.

I have attached herewith my resume for your kind perusal. I am looking forward to an appointment with you for further discussion and would be happy to share any additional information that you may need. Thank you very much for reading.


(Your Name)


Also Read: 35 Top Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

Example of Cover Letter for the post of a Substitute Teacher

Substitute Teachers handle classes in the absence of full-time teachers.

They have to ensure the right learning environment and monitor progress being made by students.

Position requirements for Substitute Teachers typically include implementation of lesson plans, managing classroom, assigning homework, evaluating the performance of students, participating in parent meetings, and organizing after-school activities.

Substitute Teachers need to continuously update their knowledge and keep learning.

P.S. Only the body of the letter is given in the examples as there is no change in the rest of the aspects. The same standard will be followed for the rest of the examples as well.


As an enthusiastic and skilled teacher with a lot of experience in implementing lesson plans and the ability to effectively communicate with diverse students, I take great pleasure in submitting my resume for your perusal. My passion for education, combined with my background, enables me to contribute significantly as a Substitute Teacher in your school.

I can confidently say that I have excellent capabilities when it comes to classroom management, implementation of innovative educational techniques, and cross-functional collaboration. As I have handled a wide range of subjects and worked in various capacities, I have been able to hone my communication and motivational skills. My passion for fostering exciting and collaborative educational environments has helped me develop highly thoughtful, productive, and accomplished students.

Qualification and Highlights of My Experience

I possess a Bachelor’s degree in Education and teaching certification from ……state.

Creating and implementing educational programs and activities that facilitate a personalized approach to education and stimulate students’ interest in learning.

Adhering to guidelines and regular lesson plans for maintaining consistent classroom environments in the absence of normal teacher.

Building and maintaining strong relationships with students; encouraging them to ask doubts, make comments, and express concerns; and creating an exciting and dynamic classroom environment.

With my experience and credentials, I will be able to ensure the highest learning standards that exceed expectations at your school in the role of a Substitute Teacher. I am looking forward to an appointment with you to discuss my qualifications and experience in detail. Thank you very much for your kind consideration.

 Example of Cover Letter for the Post of a Preschool Teacher

As a Preschool Teacher, you have to work with children in the age group of 3 to 5 years and help them move on to kindergarten.

A Preschool Teacher has to handle various subjects in such a way that young children can understand them in a better manner.

Duties include teaching children to read and write, developing lesson plans, creating schedules, organizing activities, monitoring children’s intellectual and emotional development, reporting to parents, imparting learning through play, and identifying talent.


I am truly delighted to know through LinkedIn that there are openings for Preschool Teachers in your school. Currently, I am working as a preschool teacher at ABC School in XYZ and I am familiar with the functioning of private schools and the intensive learning environments they offer. Prior to my stint at ABC School, I was with EFG Preschool in XXX for four years. Some of the key aspects related to my teaching career till now include the following:

Was recognized as the Teacher of the Month (April 2018) while working at the ABC School

Have developed and coordinated student field trips successfully; 95 of the parents gave positive feedback

Implemented an extensively reviewed storytelling program; It improved the speech clarity of students by 24 percent

Additional qualifications:

Certification in child and infant CPR 

My talent in music which I would be putting to use in the classroom; I have the ability to engage students through music and arts and have received accolades for the same

I would love to know more about the opportunity for Preschool Teachers at your school and am looking forward to an appointment to discuss with you in this regard. You can contact me if you want to know more about my experiences. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you soon.



Also Read: About Teacher: 100 Interesting Facts that may surprise you

 Example of a Cover Letter for the post of a High School Teacher

High School Teachers handle classes for students in 9th to 12th grades. They are often specialized in specific subjects such as English, mathematics, or science. They also need to have state licenses that allow them to handle classes in public schools. High School Teachers plan lessons, organize activities, employ multiple teaching methods, assign homework, motivate students, take disciplinary actions as and when needed, discuss concepts, clear students’ doubts, and accompany students during educational trips.


I am writing this letter with great anticipation as securing a position as a High School Teacher in your school is of great interest to me. I am an enthusiastic as well as a dedicated educator with hands-on experience in teaching high school students and I look forward to becoming one of the key members of the academic team in your school. My teaching abilities combined with my work ethic and strong interpersonal skills make me the right candidate for teaching the science subject.

As an experienced teacher, I strongly believe that the key to success as far as high school students are concerned is experiential and inquiry-based education. I have the innate ability to motivate students, ascertain their inner abilities and strengths, and find out as to what really inspires them. I am also good at creating a learning environment that inspires students to realize their full potential.

I am committed to helping my students and will come up with lesson plans that will make learning science easy for them. I will design participatory activities, make use of technology, provide guided practice, include problem-based learning strategies, and ensure real-world applications so that students enhance their skills and make good progress. My experience as a high school teacher has taught me the valuable lesson that adopting a facilitating style of teaching is much better than dictating. According to me, students retain information for a longer period of time when they are provided with the right learning experiences.

It is my passion to work with students and create a positive influence that has enabled me to become a good teacher and I have realized over the years that education is vital to prepare young people for achieving success in life. As a highly motivated educator, I would sincerely welcome an opportunity to meet you and discuss how I could be of service to the school. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you soon.




 Example of Cover Letter for the post of an ESL Teacher

ESL Teachers handle sessions for non-native students. They work with immigrants to help them understand the new language so that they can be easily integrated with English-speaking students. They organize classroom activities, deliver lessons, administer tests, assign homework, provide feedback, promote language school services, and maintain student records.


I am a skilled ESL Teacher and I am excited to know that you have openings in your school for the right candidates. My qualifications and experience align very well with your requirements, especially because of my stint as an ESL Teacher with ABC School for the last 5 years. I am sure that I would be able to make significant contributions to your organization.

With over 11 years of experience as an ESL Teacher, I am adept at assessing learning styles and designing personalized lesson plans. Moreover, the well-rounded skill set I have acquired over the years include excellent analytical and communication capabilities. Further, I am fluent in Spanish, focused, goal-oriented, and committed.

Apart from my personal qualities and experience, I also possess a solid foundation in the Spanish language and a strong passion for education.

Kindly review my Curriculum Vitae that I have attached herewith for more details as regards my expertise and achievements. I would request you to give me an appointment so that I can provide further information in person. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you soon.


In short, a good cover letter for a teacher’s job should include information such as your teaching skills and the ability to deal with different students. It should also display your self-confidence and communication skills, among others.

As we all know, teachers are the most influential people in the world, the influence and impact these people make in the lives of our kids are immense, though it often goes undervalued and underappreciated.

Our society does not give much acclaim to the sacrifices teachers do, these scenarios should be reversed. People often have misconceptions and misunderstandings on what efforts were put to become a ‘great educator’.

The Neglected Majority

They make all the difference but still, Are they getting the respect they deserve? Have you ever thought of this?

They enlighten the young minds, leaders of tomorrow- They shape the world that is yet to unfold.

The lessons and stories they convey to their students should be acknowledged, despite the students’ complaints stating in turn.

It takes guts to reach out to the gloomy and innocent child who has depression and shows signs of suicide.

It takes guts to listen to their stories and to help them find a solution.

It takes guts to manage hundreds of kids and manage family life smoothly.

These are some of the things they bravely do every day. They really sacrifice their lives for the betterment of nation, to shape each child grow and blossom into capable adults.

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Misunderstood Profession

A profession often misunderstood by the people.

The masses are unaware of the efforts each teacher takes in the back-end to make teaching effective. They face many challenges every day. It is really a hard time for teachers to cope up with all these situations and stand up rightly in front of students. The efforts of teachers will be appreciated and counted only when the general public understands the real facts about teachers.

Though each teacher is unique in their own way, there are things to relate between their teaching styles and behavior.

Here is a list of Handpicked Interesting Facts about Teacher.

1. Teachers are the bunch of passionate people who enjoys making a difference in the world. They are dedicated to their profession sincerely.

2. Teachers end up in this profession with a passion to shape the young lives of the future citizens.

3. Teachers love to teach when all students attend the class every day. They get more determined to teach them more.

4. Teachers don’t just work during school hours and often they don’t get summer off days. They arrive even before school begins and stay and take back work home.During the summer months, they do research and preparations for the upcoming academic year.

5.  As the teaching methods are changing rapidly, they need to focus on the existing and changing teaching methods.

6. Typically, teachers enjoy to work in groups and in collaboration to each other. It helps to bring out best ideas, new teaching methods and figure out learning strategies.

7. It is a proud moment for teachers when former students get in touch and share things with them.

8. Teachers get frustrated when students with excellent potential do not make any effort to maximize their potential.

9. Teachers respect parents who show value and concern for their child’s education. They appreciate and support teachers for the efforts they take.

10. Teachers are real people just like everyone. They come across good and terrible days. They too make mistakes by chance.

11. Teachers want a supporting school administration and principal who provide suggestions for making changes and value their contributions to school.

12. Teachers are creative and unique. Though they club their ideas, they do things differently, outing their own spin on them.

13. Teachers are always looking for ways to improve themselves. They are searching for better ways to reach their students.

14. Teachers do have favorites. But they may not express. They have natural connection to some students for some reasons.

15. Teachers get irritated with those parents, who does not acclaim that education is an understanding with themselves and their child’s mentor

16. Teachers have plans for everything and they hate when things are out of it.

17. Teachers know that individual student and individual classes are different from each other, so they tailor each class accordingly to cater the needs of everyone in the class.

18. Teachers love to be appreciated. They are happy when students or parents do things to show their appreciation.

19. Teachers dislike social media when they focus on minority of teachers who make mistakes and neglect the majority of teachers who do their part well.

20. Teachers hate when parents try to underestimate or criticize them in front of students.

Also Read: Top 35 Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

21. Teachers are aware of the fact that students face many challenging situations in school and home, so teachers do their maximum to help the kids, regardless of the issue.

22. Teachers often undergo pressure when things cannot be finished on time. They get time- constraints as if time is insufficient in a day to get things done.

23. Teachers hate failing students. They put their maximum efforts to help a child perform well.

24. Teachers become teachers not for the paycheck they receive, but they are sure of the fact that things are going to be underpaid and ignored.

25. Teachers are indifferent to political aspects of education.

26. Teachers enjoy being asked for suggestions by the administration; it gives them a feeling of ownership in the school activities.

27. Teachers are not always excited by what they are teaching. They may come across contents where they do not enjoy teaching.

28. Teachers hate to grade papers. They do it because it is part of their job even though it is time consuming and monotonous.

29. Teachers often find ways to make students happy. They do many things to make teacher-student relationship healthier.

30. Teachers often spend their money to meet classroom needs.

31. Teachers always want to inspire people around them, including students, parents, colleagues and school administration.

32. Though classroom management is part of their job, it is one of their least favorite things to handle.

33. Teachers always love to engage in activities for making professional development.

34. Teachers want to be role models for all the students. They do things to portray themselves ideally.

35. Teachers enjoy the free time; it is a time for them to refresh and reflect themselves to make effective changes that can benefit their students.

36. Teachers love to see a classroom size to be around 15 to 20 students so that they can pay attention to all students.

37. Teachers want to maintain an open line of communication between students and parents throughout the entire academic year.

38. Teachers understand the importance of school finance and the role it plays in education. They are always bothered to spend it wisely.

39. Teachers want to have a supporting administration, if a parent or student makes a false allegation against a teacher, they want the school authorities to stand along with them and support.

40. Teachers do not like their classes to be disturbed, they respond with flexibility during those times.

41. Teachers put their maximum efforts to help students to be responsible, successful and productive in future.

42. When a student does not perform well, the blame falls on the head of teachers, but there are many factors that are beyond a teacher’s control.

43. Teachers get irritated when their colleagues are lazy and do not perform their part properly.

44. Teachers are often the first to hear a student’s problem in case of difficulties.

45. Teachers are committed to make a difference in individuals, classes and even societies.

46. Disruptions can cause irritations in teachers, but they are flexible and accommodating at times.

47. Teachers always love to learn new technologies and they are ready to implement new methods when properly trained.

48. Teachers often get frustrated for relatively low colleagues who are teachers not by choice but by chance. Those are minorities, not sincere to the job.

49. Teachers dislike those parents who undermine school authorities in front of their students.

50. Teachers wish to meet successful alumni students who became successful citizens in life. Teachers are eager to meet them to applaud them for their big achievements.

51. Teachers spend more time to make a student understand the tough part and are thrilled by the “light bulb” moment when they suddenly understand the portion.

52. Teachers often worry about some of their students outside of the school hours, for they do not have best home life.

53. Teachers hate standardized testing, believing that it is an undue stress on students and teachers.

54. Teaching process is often cyclical. They often teach the same content every year, but to a different group of students.

55. It is being estimated that 46% of teachers leave within the first five years, it is because they are forced to because of the low salary.

56. The job of teachers is compared to be stressful than the jobs of pilots and firefighters.

57. Teachers also need to have some time of theirs. They also want to use social media just like others to stay updated, but often they lack time for themselves.

58. Teachers want her students to write essays. It doesn’t mean they want students to be Hemingway, Shakespeare or E.L. James, but when students write essays in a way to express their thoughts clearly. They must have good critical thinking and should know to convey knowledge to others in an understandable way.

59. A teacher may not know everything under the sun. Don’t blame teachers if they are unaware of some or the other things.

Also Read: 151 Methods in Teaching

60. They are also human beings and can be ignorant of some things.The lives of teachers involve immense sacrifice. As society always want to see them as excellent role models, they need to do a lot of sacrifice in their personal lives. School activities, paper evaluation, research etc. also eat up their time for family and friends.

61. Teachers offer more parenting to students today. Students from broken families find relief and comfort in their teachers.

62. Teachers spend a majority of their income in brightening up their classrooms or buying essentials for students.

63. Teachers too have family and kids. Most of the parents do not think of this and assume teachers should listen to them and their kids’ issues. Be considerate to them.

64. Teachers have to be comical sometimes to make young listeners pay attention to the class. This kind of drama played by teachers makes them real orators.

Now let’s see some surprising stats about teachers….

65. More than 65% of teachers used to buy food for their students.

66. It is estimated that 1 in 3 teachers have purchased mittens, coats and other warm clothes for their students.

67. On a real basis, every US public school teacher spends up to 1,000 dollars for classroom supplies.

68. Nearly 1 in 3 teachers have purchased basic hygiene products such as soap, toilet paper for their classrooms.

69. More than half numbers of educators have spent their own money for field trips for students who couldn’t afford to pay.

70. Researches show that 44% of teachers have said salaries at their schools have been frozen.

71. Teachers are of the opinion that, donating funds for classroom supplies or donating classroom supplies is the best way to help their schools.

That is all about teacher stats; now let’s move to the other interesting facts on teachers:

72. A teacher makes personal connection with students; it helps them to relate to what is being thought. Teachers and students have some things in common.

73. Teachers encourage students to take risks. Because they know adulthood can be competitive and teachers inspire them to overcome difficult situations.

74. A great teacher is a continuous learner. He/she knows that there are things to be learned from everyone, from colleagues, parents, students etc.

75. Teachers plan their lesson plans creatively in a way to stick with students now and for the years to come.

76. Teachers are able to live without immediate feedback. Teaching and learning process is much like nurturing a garden. It takes time and dirt to grow.

77. A successful teacher knows when to listen to students and when to ignore them. Avoiding their opinions and agreeing their opinion every time will make a teacher fail ultimately. So, a teacher should be able to know when to hear them and when not.

78. The majority of teachers are women. Nearly 77% and more than 54% of school principals are also women.

79. As the pay scales of teachers are low, most teachers have part-time jobs to meet their daily needs.

80. Great teachers identify ambitious goals to improve the effectiveness of their teaching.

81. Good teachers deliver top-notch education in their classroom, despite the outside forces of poverty.

82. Teachers focus on student learning and increase the value of class time.

83. Teachers adjust teaching strategies and lesson plans to cater their student’s needs.

84. Most teachers spend summers by taking private classes and teaching in summer schools.

85. Most of the teachers used to work an average of 50 hours a week.

86. Teachers work more than 400 hours of overtime every year.

86. The profession of a teacher is one of the most admired professions in the world.

87. On average, teachers affect more than 3,000 students during their career.

89. Only 18% of teachers get 8 or more hours of sleep per night.

90. Teachers make 14% less than people in other professions that require similar level of education.

91. Most teachers have a lot mugs, frames and stuffed animals which they have received from their students.

92. The model age of retirement of teachers is about 59 years old.

93. Teachers have heard it all! Kids dish on their parents’ secrets all time including money, politics, family clashes etc.

94. A teacher affects eternity as they cannot tell where their influence stops.

95. A teacher contributes more to the future of our society than any other profession.

96. In the recent times, teachers use social media platforms like twitter chats or Facebook groups to make students participate in discussions outside classrooms.

97. Typically, teachers do not enjoy having to grade assignments. It’s time-consuming and repetitive, but a necessary part of their job.

98. Teachers may have disagreements or personality conflicts with some, just as in any other profession.

99. Teachers are just like everyone else: they have good days as well as bad and they’re not infallible.

100. Teachers are always grateful when their students show appreciation for the impact, they’ve had on them.

So, these are some of the interesting facts about your teacher.

Today is the perfect time to appreciate your teachers for all the things they have done, to all the care, sacrifice, love, concern etc.

Hesitate not, whether you are a student, an alumni or an intern, take some time to thank them.

Believe me, they do appreciate this!!!

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Peer teaching is one of the best ways to master a particular subject. It is a method of teaching, where a student instructs another student, wherein the former will be an expert and the latter a novice.

This paves the learner student to learn without depending upon the teacher, and the teacher-student to revise the topic again, on the belief that “To teach is to learn twice”(Collins).

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Through the direct interaction between students, peer teaching promotes active learning as well as participation within themselves. Student teachers enhance their own depth of knowledge in the topic by instructing others.

Benefits of Peer Teaching

Peer teaching is not a novel concept, as it was seen right from the time when the system of Gurukula education prevailed in our society.

Since then, it was an effective method of teaching as well as learning. And now, peer teaching is quite popular among students of all ages.

Here are some of the Main Benefits of Peer Teaching:
  • It enhances the student’s level of creativity in expressing ideas as well as in grabbing new concepts, as the student may not feel hesitant to clear his queries. This will also uplift his knowledge limit and thus allow a greater level of his understanding. Feeling at ease with a peer tutor, allows a student to concentrate better on the tasks of the lesson, which may transfer into higher achievements in the future. To an extent, the student will start questioning his own doubts, and will later find a way to resolve it himself, which will enable the student to improve his critical thinking.
  •  Peer Teaching involves direct interaction between the learner student and the teacher-student, this will help them to promote the active learning along with interpersonal skills, with which they can actually bid adieu to the so-called boring lectures and classes.
  • It will ease the teacher’s burden of responsibility because she is sharing her duties with her kids which are beneficial to them. But on the other side, it will increase the teacher’s role in monitoring and administering the students.

Disadvantages of Peer teaching

1) Amateur student

In spite of the fact that the teacher shares her tips and guidelines with the students, it won’t build an expert teacher (student).

There are also chances of a communication gap within the student and the teacher, which may often lead to the failure of assigned activities.

2) The Reluctance of Students

The toughest responsibility that lies upon the shoulders of a teacher is the reluctance of students to initiate the assigned duty.

Just like the two sides of a coin, there may be students who are actually willing to teach and on the other side, there may be students who are hesitant to work out of their comfort zone. Hence, this becomes a challenge for the teacher.

3) Annoyed parents

When the parents come to know about peer teaching, there may be chances for them to misinterpret the concept of peer teaching.

Parents may take it in a derogative manner that their kid is being taught by some other kid of the same age and that the teacher is sitting idle.

So, there may be complaints from the side of the parents until and unless they are completely given the justification behind the concept of peer teaching.

Types of Peer Teaching

1) One way peer teaching

This way of peer teaching provides only the trained tutor to teach, whereas the child with some kind of disability will remain passive.

This method will be more useful for teaching students with severe disorders like autism, visual impairment or cerebral palsy.

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The main merit of this method is that the teacher, as well as the student, will be well aware of their roles throughout the entire teaching and learning program

2) Duplex or reciprocal peer teaching

This is a two way or bidirectional teaching process where a student with a disability is paired with a student without disability to form a dyad (pair) and both of them will get chances to teach and learn.

This method is more useful to bring the activeness in children with moderate disabilities.

The main advantage of this method is that every individual will get a chance to play the role of a teacher as well as that of a student simultaneously.

3) Class-wide Peer Tutoring

This methodology of teaching involves grouping the entire class into pairs, and peers mentoring each other by giving prompts, error correction and helping each other.

This method is incomparable because every student is given cue cards for the task to keep them focused on the goal of the chapter and then the tutor takes the cue cards and marks the skills mastered by the particular student.

The main benefit of this approach is that no student is singled-out and that every student has to participate regardless of their disabilities

4) Crisscross or Cross-age peer tutoring

Cross-age peer teaching is a method of tutoring when children in different age groups and ability levels are paired together to work for a task.

The elder or the student with a higher level of intelligence will be assigned as the tutor whereas the other will be the tutee. This method will help them to improve their interpersonal skills too.

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In short, peer teaching is all about teaching peers and learning from their peers, which involves learners and teachers of the same or different, age groups or levels of intelligence. This assisted teaching helps the students to enhance their teaching skills. In addition to this, they get a platform to perform what they know which will pave them to drive away from the stage fear within themselves.

Daily assessment is indispensable for better molding of individuals.

Teaching is not only the art of covering the topics, but it is also about passing the knowledge to the students in real-time.

The assessment of individuals takes place only when the exams are done.

There isn’t always time to help the students to sort their weaknesses and misunderstandings after the tests have been graded.  For that, we can depend upon a few assessment strategies to help students.

Here is a list of simple assessment strategies to use every day for teaching, planning and curriculum designing.

1. Come up with Open-Ended Questions

For an effective and better assessment of the students, always remember to ask open-ended questions.

Avoid “yes/no” type questions and phrases like “Do you like to read?”. Because students always tend to reply “yes” to the questions you ask.

Instead of “yes/no” questions, ask open-ended questions that will help children to improve their imagination skills and to develop ideas.

2) Ask Students to Reflect

During the last session of the class, the teacher can ask the students to explain what they have learned. It is one of the finest assessment strategies teachers can rely on.

The students can apply the concepts or ideas in such practical situations.

3) Use Quizzes

At the end of the class, students can be given a few quizzes for better understanding and to check comprehension. This helps teachers to evaluate their students.

4) Ask Students to Summarize

The teacher can challenge students to summarize daily topics briefly.

It helps them to review what they have learned.

5) Hand Signals

Students can incorporate hand signals as a measure to indicate an understanding of the content. They can show five fingers to indicate full understanding, three fingers for mild confusion and one finger to show they need help. This strategy helps to engage all the students and teachers can check for understanding within the large group.

6) Response Cards

Students can use index cards, magnetic boards, whiteboards, and other items to indicate their feedback to the questions asked by the teacher. This method helps the teacher to quickly assess the students.

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7) Four Corners

In this method, corners of the class can be used to indicate, “firmly agree”, “firmly disagree”, “agree somewhat” and “not sure”.

When the teacher asks a question, students can take any of the four corners to point out their opinion.

8) Think -Pair-Share

For the question asked by the teacher, the students can take a few minutes to think about the solution, then they can pair with a partner and share their ideas and present before the class.

9) Choral Reading

Students mark text for a particular theory or concept. They read the marked text in unison with the teacher. This method helps to improve reading and listening skills, differentiate between the reading of statements, dialogue, questions, etc.

10) One Question Quiz

As an assessment strategy, the teacher comes up with a single focused question allowing the students to answer within a few minutes either written or orally. The question should cover the main theme or concept of the daily lesson.

11) Socratic Seminar 

A formal discussion based on the text, regarding a particular concept or idea. Students ask questions to each other and it continues with a series of discussions and responses. Within the context of discussions, the students share ideas and opinions.

12) 3-2-1

At the end of the class, the students consider and analyze what they have learned.

(3) What they understood,

(2) What they need to know more about and

(1) What are the questions or doubts they have?

13) Ticket Out the Door

Students note down the response for a specific prompt. The teacher collects the briefly written ideas at the end of the class and analyzes the responses of the students.

14) Journal Reflections

Reflections of each lesson can be summarized by the students. The places they need more help, the ideas conveyed, strategies they found helpful etc can be noted at the end of the class.

15) Formative Pencil–Paper Assessment

A short pencil- paper assessment is an easy way to monitor the things learned by the individuals. The teacher asks the students to self-correct. The teacher collects assessments and analyzes the results individually to examine student progress and also give instructions.

16) Misconception Check

Present before the students a common or predictable misconception relating to the topics they’ve covered. Ask to comment and explain the reason for agreeing or disagreeing.

17) Analogy Prompts

Making use of comparisons is a powerful tool. Periodically, give students an analogy prompt,” the idea being learned is like _____ because of _______”.

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18) Practice Frequency

Always try to revise the topic or concept learned. It helps in better understanding least three times, minimum.

19) Use Variety

Teachers should make use of different individual and group techniques to check what students know. The same technique should not be repeated during a single class.

20) Peer Instruction

It is the most effective assessment strategies to analyze the understanding of individuals. Let the students explain to each other what they have learned. The method helps to improve leadership qualities, communication, etc.

Being a full-time teacher is a huge responsibility itself! And when you decide to balance it with your aspiration of acquiring a master’s degree, it can seem overwhelming.

But don’t worry! You can achieve your degree and balance your life and work at the same time.

Here, in this article, you will find 5 valuable ideas that expert teachers offer for teachers who want to lead a life like this:

1. You have Some Great Planning Skills. Use them!

As a teacher, you talk about planning and strategy making to conveniently study. You give tips to your students about how to divide the time of the day for every important task.

So, if you can preach, you should be able to apply the same tips in your life as well. Your strategy-making capabilities are required here. But, this time, you will be making a lesson plan for yourself.

You have your daily teaching job along with personal life. Now, pursuing your master’s degree will require you to invest time in completing assignments.

This is the life you live, so it would be better to make a diary of strategy to balance everything.

For a particular assignment, you can write down a completion strategy. This strategy is required to cover all time-gaps when you can complete a certain portion of the assignment.

You can also balance your daily responsibilities as a teacher. Plus, add time to relax and sleep. The idea should be to create a pattern of actions that lead to automated completion of an assignment.

This way, you won’t be putting too much pressure on your head.

It takes more than just planning to achieve a smooth lifestyle. You should be able to follow your plans bit by bit without missing anything. Choose to try a plan that seems suitable.

You might face some issues with a plan. Use those problems to modify your strategy for the future. You won’t be needing too much coffee if you follow this idea successfully.

2. Have a List of Favorite Topics.

When you get physically and mentally tired, your brain asks you to avoid activities that you can possibly avoid. But when you love an activity, your brain motivates you to do it no matter how exhausted you feel.

This is the whole idea of picking a topic you feel connected to. The selection of a study program can’t be about money or what seems the next step in your career.

Instead of all the complicated questions, simply ask yourself the topics you enjoy. Make a list of those topics. This list can include traveling, fashion, designing, language, drama, photography or any other topic.

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These are the topics you need to choose from. Because your list of topics has only the topics you love.

This way, when you come back home after a hectic day, you would still want to learn. The excitement of learning something is the key force that helps you during tiring days and hectic schedules.

But that excitement is possible when you give yourself the freedom of choosing a master’s program you actually love.

An extra effort is definitely required to live such a busy lifestyle. You get the much-needed boost every day if the learning part is something you are fond of.

But teachers fail to see that many times in their careers. There is nothing wrong with choosing the education administration as your master’s program. However, it is important that you enjoy reading about education administration as a topic.

Otherwise, you will be putting your mind and body under too much stress. And stress kills productivity and restricts you from learning new stuff. So, it comes down to what you choose to study!

3. Make High-Tech Friends

When you read, you have to sit down in a calm environment and concentrate. Your eyes are required all the time, during which, you read.

This is a great practice and everyone should follow this. But there are other moments you can utilize to learn stuff. Those moments require modern-age technologies.

Every day, you take a ride to reach your work, take long walks and sit at parks. At home, you wash clothes, clean dishes and do other daily activities.

All these activities offer a chance to listen to things and understand them. All you need is the right kind of devices.

Thankfully, there are audiobooks available for almost every study material these days. Hearing a book saves a lot of time for you. It allows you to utilize every possible time when you can listen and focus without looking at a book constantly.

This makes your whole day productive without putting too much pressure on your head.

Then, there is Siri! Whenever you hear something new, you can ask it to Siri and get the answer. This turns into audio notes you prepare for yourself.

Time is everything when you have so much to do every day. Your responsibilities as a teacher take a big part of your life. Then, there are responsibilities associated with your personal life.

And after all that, you have to find time and concentrate on learning for your master’s program. Every second of every day can seem a precious treasure.

So, you should find every possible way to best utilize those precious moments. So, find the technologies and resources that can help you learn faster and easier.

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4. Get Ready To Bribe Yourself!

This is another lesson you have learned over the years working as a teacher. Remember when students require positive reinforcement and you set unique rewards.

Well, those things can work in your lifestyle as well. You need to set some positive rewards to motivate yourself towards your daily and weekly goals.

It is important that your rewards don’t counteract with the goals you are trying to accomplish.

Sit down this Sunday and make a list of goals you want to accomplish. Divide your goals into daily tasks and set a reward for each day. So, you can treat yourself with a scoop of ice cream after successfully completing your daily tasks.

And if you attain all your goals in a week, go to your favorite restaurant. Of course, it will take away some time, but you will get the much-needed encouragement to find more time for the right stuff.

The reward system works when you have a lot to study. Topic chapters, assignments and big research projects, these are the common aspects of studying for a master’s degree. Which is why you do need every encouragement possible to keep doing what you are doing.

The idea is to become your own teacher when it comes to motivating yourself. Without a doubt, you will get positive results using the reward system on yourself.

5. You have Your Weekends. Use them Smartly!

Weekends are important for two reasons. One is that they offer you a time to relax and reboot yourself after a stressful week. The second is that they also give you some free time when you can only focus on your studies.

You have to understand how to balance both aspects of having weekends.

If you are not smart about this and spend your weekends only chilling and enjoying it, it will be a waste of some precious time.

At the same time, if you decide to keep studying every weekend, it will take you to the edge of stress.

What you need to do is find a balance between both the activities. For instance, you can choose to spend the 1st weekend of each month doing your studies.

Then, plan a relaxing weekend every 2nd weekend of each month. Follow this alternatively and you have a perfect balance of work and life.

If you have a lot of work to do, you can pick the first few weekends of a month to complete those tasks.

Then, pick one weekend to release all the stress and enjoy it. This will get you ready for the next week and the upcoming weekend of work, life and studies.

When you utilize your weekend wisely, it makes your weekdays more convenient to handle.

You can have fewer things to do during the weekends. Plus, the proper relaxation will allow you to feel mentally calm.

All in all, it is all about the balance that you achieve with your abilities. You need love for the topic and an ability to manage your time.

This is a delicate approach to working and studying at the same time. But a teacher can definitely do it if he or she decides with sheer determination.

Hopefully, you are feeling inspired and ready to start your master’s program without stopping your career as a teacher. Follow each and every idea to create a systematic life around your work, life, and studies.