Sending off their kids in school bus can be a scary thing for parents. After all, they have no idea if the kid has reached school safely. This concern will be there till the child returns home in the evening. But if the school bus is a little late, parents’ minds start racing. Their concern is not entirely misplaced either. Approximately, 17,000 children are rushed to emergency rooms on an average per year because of school bus-related issues (Source:ABC News).

However, this is not an irresolvable issue. Employing a vehicle tracking system to track school buses is an effective solution. The concept of School Bus Tracking is quite simple. It provides real-time updates to parents and school authorities about the students’ location using RFID tags and GPS. Considering its simplicity and utility, this vehicle tracking system is a boon for school authorities as well as parents.

Let’s take a look at its advantages.

Read Also: 8 Reasons to Choose School Bus Tracking System

1. Addresses Safety Concerns

The primary concern for every parent is their child’s safety. With a vehicle tracking system school authorities, as well as parents, get real-time information on each student’s location. “Didn’t he get on the bus?” “Did he get on the wrong bus?” All such doubts become irrelevant. Notifications are sent for unscheduled stops, and the real-time location can be checked from the system’s mobile application; thus quickly finding solutions during emergency situations.

2. Makes Managing Simple

The RFID school bus tracking system is convenient for school authorities. The software takes care of routing and scheduling automatically. School authorities only need to review it and make changes for exceptional cases. It saves the time and energy needed for re-routing and re-scheduling whenever something goes wrong.

3. Improves Efficiency & Savings

Employing manual routing and scheduling can cause errors which might incur significant monetary losses. For instance, you might need to run an extra bus just because of a miscalculation. Such discrepancies can be avoided if you have an RFID vehicle management system in place. Employing such a system allows you to be aware of the distance covered and fuel burned by each vehicle. Therefore, it will be easier to streamline payrolls for drivers and vehicle service providers.

Also, the school authorities get to know how efficiently the buses are being run, if there is unnecessary idling and if the speed limits are being observed. These help in significant savings for the school over a period of time.

4. Acts as a Solid Record

By having a GPS vehicle tracking system, a school will be able to monitor and store the activity of each vehicle. Combined with the RFID tags, it can be really useful in tracking children if they go missing. The database can also act as evidence when and if accidents happen.

5. Provides peace of mind

Obviously, installing a GPS school bus tracking system provides peace of mind to parents as well as school authorities. With real-time notifications via a tracking system, you will be able to know the reason behind the delayed school transportation. Sometimes it can be traffic jam, unfavorable weather condition, break down, etc. whatever may be the reason, parents and school authorities will know about it instantly.

6. Maintains school bus attendance accurately

It is a difficult job to maintain attendance of each student separately. Also, taking attendance manually is prone to errors. With the help of a tracking system, you will be able to record school bus attendance quickly and easily. The attendance details obtained from the tracking system can be accurate and reliable one.

You May Also Like: 27 Best GPS Tracking Apps For Android and iOS

7. Enhances driver safety

You cannot always accompany school bus drivers and ensure that they are following essential road safety rules. By using a GPS tracking system, you get access to details such as speed, acceleration, braking, and turning of the bus. With these data, you will be able to know whether the driver is driving safely and whether he/she is following road safety rules or not.

8. Awaits avoided

By using a GPS school bus tracking system, parents are able to get real-time notification on arrival and departure timing of a school bus. Hence, long time waits and physical stress can be avoided by children as well as parents.

9. Creates a greener environment

A school bus tracking system will provide you the best route for school transportation and the idling time of each school bus. This will reduce the fuel consumption, which indeed results in creating a greener environment for everyone.

So, technology has finally found a way to ease parents’ tension. It’s time for schools to embrace it and make parents feel a lot safer. The popularity of Vehicle Tracking System in Dubai in particular, is on the rise.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the School Bus Tracking System would be effective, and would you have any concerns? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

Trackschoolbus Apps

Trackschoolbus Apps

Here are some interesting gps facts – DID YOU KNOW?

1. There are a total of 31 satellites, including 2 reserve satellites, out of which at least 24 GPS satellites orbiting the earth. This means that each GPS satellite orbits the earth in every 12 hours. 

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
2. The basic idea of Geo Positioning System or GPS was based on LORAN and Decca Navigation System, which were used during World War II to help in the navigation of ships and planes at a long range.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
3. When Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957, two American physicists started monitoring the satellite’s transmissions. They soon realised that they could identify the satellite in its orbit using Doppler Effect . This would later become the key principle used in GPS system. The change in frequency of signals from the GPS satellites helps in identifying locations.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
4. GPS was first used by US for military purposes. Their need of a global navigation system during the cold war triggered the introduction of GPS.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
5. Before GPS came into existence, navigation system of Navy was being used. Their need of a faster navigation system for high speed air force operations forced them to think whether navigation using satellites is possible.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
6. In the beginning, GPS was called Navstar. The first Navstar satellite was launched in 1978. Out of the ten satellites launched, only nine made it to the orbit. The first fully developed GPS satellite was launched in 1989.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
7. GPS was open to the public following a disaster.  In 1983, Korean Airlines Flight 007 was shot down by Soviet Union killing 269 passengers on board as the flight entered the prohibited Soviet airspace. This incident prompted President Ronald Reagan to provide public access to the United States military satellite navigation system DNSS, which is known as GPS at present.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
8. Though availability of GPS was made public, high quality GPS signals were confined to military use until recently. However, on May 1, 2000, this practice was taken off. At present, the GPS for civilian purposes is more accurate.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
9. GPS was first introduced in automobiles in 1996.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
10. With 31 active satellites in the orbit, GPS has become a part of every gadget we use, ranging from mobiles phones to cars.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
11. If you thought GPS was all about navigation, you were wrong. It can also be used to determine the accurate time. Each GPS satellites consist of atomic clocks and time signals that the GPS receiving device can use to obtain the correct time. These signals are used to set the time in our mobile phones.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
12. GPS has become very popular that GPS shoes are available in the market now, mainly aimed at locating people with Alzheimer’s disease, in case they get lost.

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About
13. Do you know who invented the GPS navigation system? Bradford Parkinson of the Applied Physics Laboratory,  Ivan A. Getting of The Aerospace Corporation, and Roger L. Easton of the Naval Research Laboratory

12 Interesting GPS Facts You Never Knew About

A good school bus tracking software should invariably be able to manage drivers too. Imagine the scenario where you have the complete database of driver time and attendance. Wouldn’t it be really helpful? Definitely! You will be able to compare driver performance over time. The School bus Tracker would in fact be a single tool required to analyse and improve your employees’ performance no matter where you are.

Let’s see how the School Bus Tracker software helps to manage drivers


Driver attendance and time can be tracked with the bus. Drivers would need to log in to the GPS tracking system when they start their day.

Performance Evaluation

Analyse actual performance against planned schedules for employees with the data collected over time. It can be used
to improve employee performance.


Re-assign drivers with ease in case there is some sort of trouble. Also, be updated about the maintenance requirements of your vehicles.


Along with the location of the bus on a route by route basis, the driver can also be tracked. You will be notified in case of unscheduled stops, over speeding, etc.

Managing drivers can bring some real benefits to you. Employ our GPS school bus tracker and enjoy these benefits., one of the leading makers of taxi meters and fare meters, has joined hands with TechnoAlliance for developing a comprehensive vehicle tracking system. While provides industry leading hardware that has integrated printers, GPS and GPRS, TechnoAlliance comes with some seriously good software in the form of web and mobile applications. The mobile and web applications were developed by Redbytes and Probytes respectively, both of which are subsidiaries of TechnoAlliance

Taximeter is known for producing quality products with high precision, compactness, accurate results, efficiency, user-friendliness, and long operational life. They also offer one year warranty for their products against manufacturing defects.

The vehicle tracking system developed by these companies in partnership includes the following features.


  • Smart, simple dashboard that shows which vehicles are currently running, which are available, which drivers are off duty, the pick-ups that are assigned and unassigned
  • Real-time tracking by Global Positioning System or GPS for amazing accuracy
  • Different user profiles such as administrator to manage and assign vehicles, pick ups etc. and a normal user profile for the call centre executive to access information
  • Manage both scheduled and instant pick-ups
  • Billing facility
  • Statistics report including time, distance, number of trips etc.


  • Easy for passengers to book
  • Keep passengers updated automatically by notifying through sms
  • Proper organization and management of vehicles and drivers to maximize efficiency
  • Retention of customers through timely and well organised services
  • Comprehensive data through reports and statistics
  • Easy for drivers to process orders and give receipts using taximeter’s vehicle tracking system.
  • Passengers enjoy the safety of recognised drivers
  • This GPS tracking system can be used for a variety of services such as taxis, couriers, school buses etc.

There are a lot more features and benefits that will come to the fore when you start using this GPS vehicle tracking system. Moreover, the system is convenient with significant savings in terms of time and money. The biggest gain would be customer satisfaction which is the main ingredient in the success of your business

Last year, a school bus with 11 children was hijacked in Arkansas. The hijacker had blended in with parents and got into the bus before the driver could stop him. He himself started driving the bus. GPS tracking system was recently installed in the bus and that helped the police to track it down immediately. The hijacker drove another 10 miles and was finally caught. All the students were saved without much fuss.

It was an incident that brought forth the advantage of having GPS tracking facility in school buses. Now, these are not incidents that happen to everyone or everyday. But think about it. Wouldn’t you be at peace knowing your child is safely on the way home? Wouldn’t it be comforting to know that your child is late only because of heavy traffic? Safety and convenience are advantages that school bus tracking systems provide.

These advantages has immensely popularised real-time GPS school bus tracking in middle-east countries such as UAE as well in Europe and USA. It is also slowly picking up in Asian countries as people realize the utility in implementing GPS School Bus Tracking software.

However, GPS tracking would offer more value if it works with another application such the ParentApp. This android application acts as a single point reference for real time tracking of the students’ whereabouts as well as school activities. It is a handy application for tracking attendance, fees, results and much more.

Individual student tracking is made possible through RFID tags that students carry everywhere. It is an economical option and is more convenient than typical barcodes that needs to be scanned by the bus driver.

GPS and RFID are undoubtedly at the forefront of tracking technologies and would give you additional safety, savings, efficiency and ease of use. The main features of school bus tracking are given below

  • Real-time Tracking – Real-time location to parents with the help of GPS satellites including pickup and drop information.
  • Notifications – Parents can choose to get notified by sms, Android push notification or iOS push notifications.
  • Accurate & Efficient Reports – Get reports that include information on travel distance, travel history, travel speed, stops, etc.
  • Simple, Clutter-free Interface – The School Bus Tracker applications have simple, user-friendly interface with minimalist design

Global courier companies have to deliver millions of packages everyday. Despite the numbers, they deliver with spot-on accuracy. They do it with vehicle tracking system utilizing Geo Positioning System (GPS). We thought – why not use the same technology for student school bus tracking and give that extra peace of mind to worrying parents. Thus was born the school bus tracking software.
This state-of-the-art technology can be used to track students using the school bus service from their boarding points to drop-off points. Each student will be provided a unique RFID tag which needs to be swiped when entering and leaving the bus. Once the tag is read, parents will receive an sms or Android/iOS push notification. Parents can track their children real-time from their mobile device using the ParentApp application or the web based application.


Real-time Tracking – Lets parents know the location of the bus in real-time with the help of GPS satellites. It helps them know if bad weather, traffic jam or some unexpected event has caused any delay. Parents also get to know pickup and drop information real-time.

Notifications – Parents can choose to get notified by sms, Android push notification or iOS push notifications. They will be notified. In short, parents stay aware of the whereabouts of their children.

  • When there are bus delays
  • If their child gets in the wrong route
  • In case of emergencies
  • Unscheduled stops

Accurate & Efficient Reports – The software can generate reports that include information on travel distance, travel history, travel speed, stops, etc.

Simple, Clutter-free Interface – Having so many good features will be useless if the interface is difficult to comprehend and use. The School Bus Tracker has a simple interface with six menu options. These options show running vehicles, available vehicles, pickups assigned, pickups unassigned, Off duty drivers and an option for other vehicles.


  • Plan, schedule and route your school bus fleet with efficiency
  • Parents and school authorities are aware of the students’ whereabouts, providing extra safety
  • RFID student tracking system is more efficient and easier to use than typical bar codes
  • Time-saving when compared to managing manually
  • Have a clear picture of worker hours
  • Cost savings by optimizing. Reducing the need for even one bus can save you a lot
    The attractive features and benefits of the School Bus Tracking software is sure to revolutionize the management of your School Bus Fleet. Enhance the reputation of your school by adapting this efficient and feature-rich software.