Schools and colleges have been locked for more than two months. Exams have been postponed. The Corona pandemic has almost frozen the entire education sector. However, many educational institutes are encouraging their teachers to start online classes.

The transition from traditional classroom teaching to online teaching can be difficult for many. There has been no buffer or training period for both teachers and students to get used to this new medium of teaching.

One day, all classes were being held in schools, and the very next day, teachers were being asked to log on to online meeting apps and start taking classes online. It is not only the teachers who are grappling with the sudden change, but the students are also struggling to adapt the new mode of teaching.

It is time for teachers to change and adapt themselves to this new method of teaching. In this blog, we will discuss 14 best virtual teaching tips for teachers.

1. Take Time to Learn the Technology

One of the biggest challenges for teachers is technology.You need to understand how to use learning platforms and online apps.

Unless you are a computer science teacher, the odds of using a computer for teaching are almost equal to zero.

So, it’s ok, if you’re not proficient with the apps and systems. Get a technical person to help you out.

Learn how to create online lesson plans, insert videos and images as you take a class or you can even build an online self-grading quiz. Once you get the hang of the technology, half your work will be done.

2. Spend a couple of sessions to familiarise your students with the technology

Children these days are well-versed in technology. So, using a computer system or a mobile phone is not a big deal for them.  You need to guide your students on how to use the online learning platforms.

They may also need to use MS Office tools like Word or Excel for their assignments.

Higher class students may need to use slides to present their projects. Give time to students to understand how to use technology.

If possible, try to get their parents to guide them in getting well-versed with technology.

3. Keep your Equipment Ready and Test it

Don’t wait for five minutes before your class starts, to set up your desktop or mobile.

Have everything set up and tested, a few times before you start the class.

This way, the time needed to setup your system will not eat into your class time. Also, check if you have good network connectivity and enough data balance for the online session.

4. Have a backup plan

Even after you’ve prepared well and tested all your equipments, anything could happen.

Always be prepared to face the worst, you may face network issues or power failures due to bad weather or any other problem. Try to keep a backup for every instance.

You can have an email that lists all tasks that your students can do until you get back. Or if your laptop doesn’t have power, start working from your mobile phone.

5. Don’t use your Regular Lesson Plan for the Online class

In the traditional classroom teaching, you will have a face-to-face conversation.

Your lesson plans will be based on the facilities available in the class. However, this may not work for online teaching. For example, you can give a talk for 10-15 minutes in the classroom and ensure the attention of your students.

However, that may not be the case in an online class. Long-winded speeches may end up on deaf ears. So, keep the context and concept but change the delivery!

6. Create a Clear Lesson Outline

As explained in the previous tip, you cannot use the same learning plan that you prepare for a classroom session for online sessions.

You need to come up with a different lesson outline including digital elements, interactive activities, and lot more to keep kids engaged.

There are also many educational software applications available online that you can use to make your lessons more interesting.

7. Add variety to the lesson plan

In traditional teaching, you would probably have worked with a blackboard/whiteboard and teaching aids.

In online teaching, your teaching aids are videos, gifs, slides, text, online tests, and images.

Use these different digital elements while delivering your lessons. In the initial stages, you may have to spend hours on preparing for one class. However, you can reorganize the content and reuse them based on different learning objectives.

8. Look for ways to increase engagement

When you teach in a classroom, you can gauge a student’s reaction, which is almost impossible in online teaching.

It can be solved to an extent if every student is online at the same time.

But still, it would be difficult to get connected with each student.

So, think of ways in which you can interact with your students and allow them to communicate during the session.

9. Plan activities to keep students focussed

An average human can focus on a particular activity continuously for 20 minutes.

And when you’re teaching via the online medium, you can expect it to drop a little more. This is because the student is not able to see the teacher directly.

And at the same time, the chances are high for a student to get distracted at home.. So, while planning your lesson, have numerous activities to keep the students focused on the lesson.

To add to the interest, have some surprises lined up. Maybe you can have a fun game with the first ten students who join the class. Or you could give them refundable credits when they ace a test.

They can use the credits when they forget to turn in an assignment or need extra time to work on a project.

10. Connect with Students outside Teaching Sessions

Stay connected with students even when you don’t have an online session. You could send them emails or messages.

Try to have one-on-one sessions with students. These sessions can be just 5 to 10 minutes.

During these personal sessions, you can ask the student to share his/her difficulties with the online teaching methodologies or things they would enjoy learning during the session.

11. Be Flexible with your Teaching and Learning plan

Online teaching requires a lot of flexibility, especially with your teaching methods.

Sometimes because of network connectivity or other factors, students may not be able to log in on time.

They may have trouble adjusting to the technology. So, your teaching methods also need to be flexible and student-centric.

12. Reach out to Unresponsive Students

Reach out to students who don’t respond to your messages or emails, or don’t attend your online sessions.

Try to talk to the parents to find out if there is any reason for the same. If there are any difficulties, work it out with the students and the parents to find an effective solution.

13. Create Different Mediums of Response

When you’re preparing for your online teaching session, remember to clearly mention how the student needs to respond to you.

If the students need to turn in an assignment – how should they do it? Should they post the files on a Drive or should they mail it to you?

Also, if they want to answer the questions you ask during the session, should they talk back to you or should they text back to you.

It is important to clearly explain the response medium you expect from the student before you ask the question or share a test.

14. Upskill and Update yourself

The changes due to Corona can be a common thing in future. . There are many e-learning apps that offer interactive and interesting ways of learning different concepts.

So, you need to use this time to upskill yourself about the e-learning platforms and technologies.

Learn how to use apps to create lesson plans and ways in which you can automate certain teaching tasks.

Teachers who are ready to learn and update themselves are the ones who can succeed in these tiring situations. .

We hope that these tips will help you tune your teaching skills to suit the rapidly evolving digital medium. Change is the only thing that is constant. As technology finds its way into the educational sector, teachers who embrace the change will be better equipped to train the future generation.

Wishing you happy and effective online teaching!

Welcome your students with creativity. Find 53 back-to-school bulletin board ideas.

Creative teachers give some great ideas for the back-to-school bulletin board. This article presents 53 of them for you!

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1. Wanted posters



Design board with wanted posters of all the students joining the school. You can choose a color theme, in which, pictures pop out.

2. Clipboard wall

Decorate a wall with a board. Add a border around the board. Now, use clipboards to create 4 to 6 columns. You can write a message for every student in each clipboard.

3. Painted balloon walls

Make your board adorable with some colorful painted balloons. Use the picture of your students tie with the threads that come out of the balloons.

4. A board of goals

A great way to begin classes is by reminding about the goals students have for the year. You write small messages on colorful paper patterns.

5. Superpower of learning

Motivate your students by making learning more fun. Send a positive message about learning, using a board of their favorite superhero characters.

6. Beauty of “Yet”

A beautiful representation of how “yet” can change your perspective. “I don’t get it YET optimism”, “I can’t do this YET perseverance” and similar quotes.

7. Recognize and find

Ask students as well as teachers to draw their own pictures. Then, post them all on a beautiful board. So, everyone can recognize and find each other.

8. Summer stories

Ask students and teachers to submit a positive summer experience in 2-3 lines. Use those experiences to create a board of positivity.

9. Welcome to Adventureland

Use your creative ideas to draw a scenery drawing to welcome students in the Adventureland of learning.

10. Blooming board

Design flowers with colorful paper cuttings to decorate the half side of the board. Then, use the other half to write “Welcome to start a new journey”.

11. Scrabble board

You can design the board like a scrabble game. Use alphabetical pieces to write names of the students connected horizontally and vertically with each other.

12. Fired up for new grade?!

Keep the theme fire or campfire to design the board with the tagline “fired up for 6th grade?!” You can change the grade as per your requirement.

13. Board of hunger games

Students who understand this reference get impressed by such boards. Pick a popular quote from “The Hunger Games” and design your board.

14. Initials of ideas

Have some positive messages to give to students?! Design a board with large alphabets and add a positive message for each alphabet. For example- “A- asking is good!”

15. A selfie board

How about you design a simple empty board! This board will collect all the precious moments of the current year.

16. Mary Poppins and her umbrella

Design the silhouette of Mary Poppins and fill the board with umbrella patterns including the names of the students.

17. Board of kindness

Get help from students and collect kind messages written by them on colorful papers. Put them on a board with some decoration.

18. Bookworm

Make a board with a design of a book and a cartoon worm character reading that book. You can give eye-glasses to the bookworm to add more fun to it!

19. Gumball of students

A beautiful container and colorful gumball papercuts inside it. Write the names of a student in each gumball papercut. And you have a perfect board ready.

20. You’re special

Remind every student why they are unique with your board. Write a special quality of each student and post it on a colorful board.

21. Board of belief

Start your students’ journey with a belief they can hold on to. Fill a board with positive slogans such as “We respect”, “We stay positive” “We work as a team” and “We are 9th graders”.

22. Ladybug for you

A large, colorful ladybug design on the board with the name of all your students on each black spot of its red shell. How does that sound?!

23. Board of genes

Draw DNA patterns on a board and ask students to write their name on one of the strands of DNA. Write a quote on the top of this board “Success is a part of our genes!”

24. Aim to reach stars

Design the board with stars and moon along with a rocket pattern. Then, add this valuable message “Aim to reach stars, if you miss, you can find a moon at least.”

25. Conversion of chalkboard

back to school bulletin boards

Turn your chalkboard in the classroom into a big board of bulletins. Keep the fonts interesting to bring out the beauty in the boards.

26. Balloon ride of learning

back to school bulletin boards

Design a rising balloon with a rainbow pattern. Keep this balloon large and fill the rest of the space with small balloons of messages.

27. Starbooks board

back to school bulletin boards

Convert a bulletin board into a bookshelf design. Ask students to click the pictures of their favorite books and post it on this board.

28. Classroom van gate

back to school bulletin boards

Make a large design of a van around the entry gate of a classroom. Make the gate of the classroom seem like the gate of a van.

29. Rhyme of the year

back to school bulletin boards

Write down a list of goals you want to accomplish with your students. Then, work your way through those goals to create rhymes around them. Add this to your board decoration.

30. Inspiration for books

back to school bulletin boards

Represent the importance of books with a design that includes a drawing of an open book. You can draw many colorful butterflies coming out of the book and call it “The book of dreams”.

31. Paintbrush of possibilities

back to school bulletin boards

Decorate your board with a large paintbrush design. Add rainbow colors to the strands of the paintbrush with a quote on the side “you can paint your future any way you desire.”

32. Exploding volcano

back to school bulletin boards
A volcano design that is exploding the names of the students on the board. This will grab the attention of students for sure!

33. The way of science

back to school bulletin boards

Use a board to explain the way of learning through science. Draw a scientist character on the board with notes related to questioning, researching, thinking, experimenting, analyzing and concluding.

34. Doorway to dreams

back to school bulletin boards

Decorate the classroom door with a message “You are entering the wonderful world of dreams.” Then, list down the careers students can accomplish.

35. Gear up to get success!

back to school bulletin boards

The theme can be mechanics, so you can add the patterns of colorful tools. In the middle of all the tools, write the message “Gear up to get success” to grab the attention of your students.

36. The fun of messy learning

back to school bulletin boards

Use a uniform shirt to paint the stains on them. Each stain should represent a positive activity a student does in the school. Clip the shirt on the board with a list of activities arrowing towards the stains.

37. Library missed you!

back to school bulletin boards

Welcome board with the characters of students’ favorite books. The message should say “Welcome back! The books missed you a lot!”

38. Selfie section

back to school bulletin boards

Use your camera to get a beautiful snap of every student. Then, design a selfie board with multiple frames and the names of the students. Place the pictures in the frames.

39. The cute pirates

Draw smiley faces of pirates with eyepatches and bandanas on a board. Write the name of a student on each pirate’s head.

40. An opportunity every day

Set the stage for the year of opportunity with your board of opportunities. Write an opportunity for each day of school and tie them together with threads attached to your board.

41. Who am I?

Ask every student to draw a self-portrait and write their 5 personality traits. Post this on a board for everyone to know each other.

42. Super teacher

The teacher becomes the central idea of this design. A picture of the teacher is placed as a superhero with all the students flying together with him/her.

43. Wild arts

Drawings of adorable monsters on board. This will make students smile before entering their classrooms.

44. Pacman board

Get an inspiration from the Pacman to design an adorable board for students.

45. The reason I teach is___

Make a board about the reasons why teachers like to teach. Post pictures of each teacher along with their reasons on a board. This way, students get to know their teachers.

46. National park of learning

Use national park as your theme and represent map locations of national parks with an adorable animal character for every location.

47. Sit to read!

back to school bulletin boards

Place a board above a reading bench with a message about reading and its benefits.

48. Write a new word

back to school bulletin boards

Make a board of vocabulary. Ask every student to write a new word they learned this summer.

49. Superstars

back to school bulletin boards

A board of stars, in which, each star can carry the face and the name of a student.

50. Love for owls

back to school bulletin boards

Design a tree on the board and draw colorful owls containing the names of students.

51. Emoji board

back to school bulletin boards

Design board of emojis with yellow plates.

52. Star Wars board

back to school bulletin boards

Take star wars as your theme for the board design.

53. Board of memes

back to school bulletin boards

Collect funny memes online and design your board with them.

So, which one suits the best for you?!

Tracking of classroom behaviour is very important in today’s learning portfolio but doing it without shaming students or giving the feel of punishment is a challenge.

Teachers are looking forward to creative ways to track their behaviour that paves the way for positive reinforcement.

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In fact these trackers can be a great option to help students correct any unknown flaws and make positive decisions throughout the learning phase.

Certain classroom behaviour trackers can even make the learning sessions more interesting and students will feel more engaged and diligent.

Here we are sharing some of the amazing creative ideas that are teacher tested that can track the classroom behaviour of students in an interesting, joyous and friendly manner.

1. Classroom Data Sheets

This is an improved version of the old behaviour chart used in traditional classrooms.

There will be different columns spread out in the sheet including punctuality, complete uniform, attendance, complete assignments, weekly test marks, classroom distraction and more.

Teacher will have to take some extra time out of their teaching time to fill out these columns for each student by the end of the day.

The chart will be analyzed monthly and students can get an idea of their behaviour pattern over the month.

Teachers can be stricter by asking the monthly report to get signed by the parents or make it simple by giving just warning and a chance to correct them.

2. Number Line

This is a more systematic way of tracking the behaviour of students on a scale of -10 to 10.

First of all teacher should make clear about the ‘classroom rules’ to students and let them know about how their behaviour is assessed.

This gives students a clear vision of how to behave in class and work towards earning more points.

Teacher can give marks from 1 to 10 in the number line for a positive behaviour and give marks from -10 to 0 for any negative behaviour. The total marks earned for each day will be a sum of these marks.

If their score is low for certain days, students can work to improve their monthly score by behaving well for rest of days.

3. Behavior Bingo

This is an interesting game that helps to manage the classroom in a jovial way.

Teachers can place a chart with numbers from 1 to 100 in 10 horizontal rows.

There will be a box of marbles with magnet attached to the backside. Whenever a student comes up with a good choice, accomplish a task or reach a milestone, they can attach a marble to the number on the board.

The ultimate aim of the game will be to get a complete line of numbers full like horizontal, vertical or diagonal just like the bingo game.

That is why it is a team game as students will be motivating each other to earn the points and get the final prize.

Teachers can even discuss rewards for each line completed.

Know More: 24 Best Classroom rules that will improve students behaviour

4. Classroom Coupons

Kids would love this strategy to track classroom behaviour as they get a chance to fulfil their small desires in classroom with a good behaviour.

Students can gain coupons for their good deeds in classroom and lose it if they fail to meet any ‘classroom rules’.

At the end of every week or month, teachers can analyze the coupons when they can exchange it to fulfil certain activities.

The list can include ‘kid’s desires’ like switch seat when they can move their seat near to their particular friend or wearing sun glass to school and more.

This strategy is sure to inspire students to have a look on their behaviour.

5. Bee-havior Punch Cards

This is a cute but effective way to encourage good behaviour and positivity among students.

There will be a punch card numbered from 1 to 20 in a circular motion.

A student can punch the card once against a number when they are given a positive feedback by a teacher for their classroom behaviour.

When a student succeeds to fill up the whole punch card, he will be getting a reward.

The type of reward can be decided after discussion with students and know their interests beforehand.

This encourages kids to keep up their behaviour and earn what they like in the form of rewards.

6. Blurt Beans

This is another creative way of assessing and correcting student behaviour in classroom.

When teachers are finding it difficult to control the student actions by just advising, this idea can do the trick.

All students of the class will be given X number of beans at the start of the class. Each time when the student violates a ‘classroom rule’ like blurting out answers, a bean will be taken back.

Likewise, the number of left out beans will be counted at the end of the day to see where they stand.

Kids can have a look at the result to get a physical reflection of their actions in the class.

This is sure to motivate them in the upcoming class days to improve the number of beans retained.

7. Personal Clip Chart

We have seen classroom management clip charts that are designed to manage the class as a whole.

This personal clip chart method is used to help each student to have a look at the impact of their behaviour in class and gets a chance to correct it.

The chart can include columns like great, good, warning and finally parent contact. The clip will be placed on the chart based on their behaviour.

Teachers can even give different colours to these columns to give an impact.

The method gives a clear visual warning for their unwanted behaviours and will inspire students to focus on their chart and behave better.

8.  Star Bucks

This is a fun strategy of classroom management that works on Star Wars and Monopoly Money.

This interesting game plan gives kids an opportunity to earn money for ticking the lines for good listening, daily attendance or punctuality or for completing certain special deeds.

At the same time, they have to pay back to teacher if they violate any ‘classroom rules’ like blurting out answers or distracting classroom.

Teachers can fix a time every week to analyze these points and kids can ‘shop’ with the money they earn every week.

Know More: 2019’s Top 11 Classroom Challenges According to Teachers

9. Digital Marbles

In this interesting method, teachers can set different goals for classroom to earn marbles throughout the day.

You can flexibly add a reward amount for each marble type or personalized rewards and then set targets to achieve those marbles.

Teachers can give a finishing line like 15 marbles for a class and students can work together to achieve the line and then start all over again.

In traditional classrooms, teachers used jars to fill up the marble but today’s classrooms prefer the idea of digital marbles.

If your students are not really interested in physical jar or marbles or if there is not enough space in the room for these, digital marbles can do the trick.

You can even polish these ideas to include digital cookies, hot cocoa or sundaes.

10. Daily Behaviour Charts

This is a comparatively simple but effective idea for tracking classroom behaviour.

A chart is prepared using all the subjects allotted for the day and ‘break times’ like brunch break and lunch break. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 will be marked against all these categories.

The corresponding teacher for the subjects will give a mark for each student depending on their behaviour during the period.

At the end of the day, each student will get the final mark which will be the average of each category.

This strategy gives them an opportunity to improve their scores throughout the day.

11. Team Tables

This is a fun but creative way of promoting good classroom behaviour.

Class can be divided into four groups based on their seating arrangement and name them with a colour, say red table, blue table, green table and yellow table.

The performance of each table will be evaluated based on many categories like punctuality, attendance, communication, up to date with lessons and following ‘classroom rules’.

Marks of each table will be a team effort and this helps them to work together as a team and bring in good sportsmanship. 

The winning table for each month will be given rewards based on the student interest that can be decided beforehand.

A token of love gesture can be to put up a customized balloon in the corner of classroom with winning table’s name on it.

12. ClassDojo

All the strategies discussed were more or less manual ideas to track the classroom behaviour and improve it.

Class Dojo is one of the most efficient tools for tracking the classroom behaviour digitally. Its feedback feature performs like a conventional classroom points system.

However, it records more information in a speedy and efficient manner and the calculations are done using a computer or mobile which would be more accurate.

Moreover, they provide immediate feedback to parents and teachers and changeover results from students will be more speedy.

However, teachers should make sure that these ideas won’t turn disruptive to instruction but carried out in a systematic way.

Also just tracking the behaviour alone does not complete the task but teachers have to sit to sort it out to change the negative behaviour if any.

It is important to discuss with students to learn if they are comfortable with these tracking tools.

Class Room Activity Apps

Teachers are not supposed to enforce any behaviour tracking tool to a class which will bring negative results.

If they find it shaming or a waste of time, it is always good to ask them to come up with better ideas if any and implement it as a team.

Some teachers even follow the idea of private behaviour chart for students who are interested and use other methods to track the general behaviour of class.

When it comes to classroom management, setting up some ground rules is a necessity.

This will not only help teachers and students to go forward in a well organized and systematic way but also reflects in good classroom discipline.

This is, in fact, a set of precepts that play a vital role in setting a structure for school classroom functions and organize learning activities.

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However, teachers should oversee that they maintain consistency while setting and implementing classroom rules just to avoid confusion among students.

Moreover, teachers are supposed to lead from the front by setting an example.

Here we are listing a few among the best classroom rules that can be implemented to improve student behavior and classroom discipline.

1. Come to class prepared to learn

Always come to class with complete preparation for learning.

This includes taking all important materials needed for the day like textbooks, notebooks, pencils and pens, geometry boxes, lunch bags, and water.

If the teacher has asked to prepare some lessons for the day, make sure that you do it before reaching the classroom.

Also, have a look at the day’s time table to not miss any subject books.

2. Don’t ever cheat

 It is not recommended to cheat in the classroom in any circumstances.

You should keep moral values such as honesty always.

It is not a big deal to fail in exams at times but succeeding by cheating is never tolerable.

Also, it is not advisable to lie to anyone and always speak the truth.

3. Always be on time

Punctuality is one of the best qualities to be developed right from school days.

Be warned about the starting time of your class and start from home early to reach before time.

Develop a routine to reach school before the bell rings and be seated in your classroom position before the warning bell.

4. Be attentive to teachers while teaching

It is mandatory to give your full attention to the classroom while teachers are taking classes.

Know More: illegal Things Teachers Can’t Do?

You can relax during break times and be dedicated to listening while teaching is going on.

This will help you to not miss any lesson areas and ask any doubts about the teacher straight away.

5. No vandalism is allowed in the classroom

Making deliberate damage to objects are not allowed on any grounds in the classroom.

Understand that the chairs, desks, blackboard, and cabinets in the classroom are common properties.

Always handle it with care and not even scribbling in desks is allowed.

Have a feeling that these objects are to be reused by the next batch of students and it is your responsibility to give it clean to them.

6. Be well dressed in complete uniform

Always come to the classroom in complete uniform as described in school policy.

It is good to plate your hair if you have a long one and avoid jewelry.

Make sure that dresses are washed properly and socks are changed daily.

Coming to classroom presentable can help you stay fresh day long.

7. Respect your body

You should understand that your body is your responsibility and you should respect it.

Never ever allow somebody to touch your body without your consent.

There are many bullying reported among school students.

If you experience any such incidents, straight away tell your parents and report to the teacher.

8. Keep your classroom clean

It is your responsibility to keep your classroom clean.

It is not advised to litter your classroom premises but make use of trash cans for dumping wastes.

See that you don’t spill food or water during lunchtimes and get assistance from cleaning staff if you notice any such dirt.

9. Don’t ever distract the class during lessons

Students should see that they never distract the class during teaching through any means.

Even sharpening the pencil in pin-drop silence in a classroom can distract the teaching flow.

Never walk around the class during lessons and avoid talking to other students.

If you have anything to ask the teacher, just raise your hand to ask permission before you speak.

10. Maintain good personal body hygiene

It is the most important to maintain personal hygiene while you are in class and always.

Take a daily shower in the morning before class and evening also to stay fresh.

Wash your hands properly before and after having food and use handkerchief while you sneeze.

11. Complete home works and assignments daily

It is the responsibility of students to come to class after completing the daily home works and assignments.

Instead of rushing to the classroom in the morning and doing in a hurry or copying from others, always do it the night before.

Be systematic on revising the daily lessons and preparing for the next day’s lessons.

12. Wait for your turn in queues

classroom rules

Whenever you are asked to stand in a queue, it is advised to stand politely on the line and take your turn.

Always keep a minimum distance from the person standing in front and don’t try to push them to move forward.

And it is not a good behavior to push people back and take their position in the queue.

13. Respect every one

Students should learn right from the school days regarding how to give respect and take respect.

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You should start off by respecting your teachers and elders in school.

Even when you are friends, it is always good to respect the space of your fellow mates.

14. No food allowed in the classroom other than breaks
classroom rules

There will be a specific time allotted in every school as lunch breaks or brunch breaks.

Students are advised to use that time only to have food and it is not good manners to have food while teachers are taking classes.

15. No sleeping in the classroom unless with permission

Students are supposed to stay fresh and active while the teacher takes the lessons.

Do a warm-up in between the sessions if you feel sleepy and drink enough water.

But don’t sleep in the classroom sessions unless you are ill and you have permission for the same.

16. Don’t hurt others

It is quite common among kids to have friendly fights and disagreements.

But you are not supposed to hurt others physically under any circumstances.

Even if somebody kicks you or beats you, you are not supposed to give it back which makes the situation worse.

You can complain about this to the teacher or guardian so that they take further measures.

17. Actively participate in classroom activities

There will be a lot of activities and classroom games as part of learning.

Every student should voluntarily come up to actively participate in all of them and never stay behind.

This is the age where you have to polish your potentials and never say ‘no’ if the teacher asks you to take up some small responsibilities.

18. Respect other students’ personal belongings

Just like you value your personal belongings, it is equally important to value other students’ belongings too.

Don’t take other’s belongings without their permission and take proper care of it if you happen to use them with their permission.

19. Comply with all school policies on handbook

You should sit with your parents to learn about the school policies written on the handbook before the first day of the school itself.

You are supposed to always comply with all these policies under any circumstances.

Have a talk with the teacher if you have doubts or concerns regarding any of the guidelines.

20. Follow the directions during activities

There will be a lot of classroom activities happening place during the learning sessions.

This can include games, debates, quiz etc.

Students are supposed to follow all the directions put forward by teachers or organizers and always be fair throughout the sessions.

21. No name calling, insults or put-downs

classroom rules

Students should be well-disciplined inside the classroom premises and need to be polite and well behaved.

There should not be any deeds from your side that pave the way for insulting others or that put them down.

There can be friendly disagreements or small fights, but calling by ‘names’ is not allowed.

24. Respect views of others

Just like you have an opinion about something, others might have a different view or perception.

You should be always polite to listen to others’ views and respect them rather than enforcing your particular view.

This can be more evident when you take part in classroom debates.

25. Be kind always

Students should learn to be kind right from the school days.

You should help people in need whenever possible and don’t miss any opportunities in front of you to shower kindness.

You should grow up by caring for each other and helping each other.

26. Always do your best

Always maintain a positive attitude in life and do your best despite what all obstacles life offers you.

There can be failures but that should not be letting you down.

You should be well determined to try again despite failures and come out with your best.

Applying these comprehensive classroom rules as part of classroom routines can make a remarkable difference in student behavior over the period.

However, teachers should take initiatives to make the whole process comfortable for students.

Ensuring good transparency in setting and implementing the rules is really important.

Similarly, students should be given a chance to contribute their ideas while setting up these rules.

This not only gives them a feeling of importance in the classroom but also help them to work towards it more sensibly and responsibly.

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However, make sure that you don’t enforce many hard rules in the classroom or give unrealistic expectations which give unwanted pressure.

Also Read: Why is it important for teachers to Study the Philosophy of Education?

Applying a few basic rules alone can bring a pleasant and cooperative classroom ambiance.

Teachers can try writing down these rules in charts and keep in the classroom which acts as a reminder always.

Bullying is one of the most challenging factors in classrooms these days.

Schools and colleges face the problem of bullying, which involves physical altercations, gossiping and rumors.

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No matter what method a bully uses, it can have a negative, lasting impact on the students and the overall learning environment. Which is why handling bullies the right way is extremely important in classrooms.


Here, in this article, you will come to know some of the practical approaches to deal with bullies in your classroom.

1. Make Students aware of different kinds of Bullies

Bullies in classrooms usually attack students who lack the emotional understanding of bullying. Bullies try to overpower their targets with different approaches. It can be the physical appearance, popularity, or other ways.

It is important that your students understand all kinds of bullying behaviors. Help students grow emotional intelligence, so they can counter a bully effectively. Also, work on the bullies to help them cultivate empathy and inform them about the consequences of their bullying behavior.

In a classroom, there are usually 7 kinds of bullies.

  • Physical bully- using physical power to strong-arm others
  • Verbal bully- using harsh words on other people
  • Prejudicial bully- prejudices in terms of religions, races, sexual orientation or others
  • Bully victims- who have been a victim of bullying in the past
  • Serial bully- who constantly bully others
  • Relational bully- uses friendship and other relationships to overpower others
  • Group bullies- they bully in groups

You have to understand all kinds of bullies and also make students aware of these kinds.

2. Read Signs of a Bully in your Classroom

Not all bullies become visible, as they do not always use physical bullying.

That’s why you have to be extremely focused on the behavior of boys and girls in your classroom. A relational form of bullying usually stays between the bully and the victim.

Hence, you need to keep an eye on how students are interacting with each other. No need to interfere all the time, just observe and definitely interfere to inquire, if you suspect any form of bullying.

3. Stay Available Everywhere and Every Time at School

Apart from your classroom, there are many other hot spots where bullies attack their victims. In fact, the conversations of classroom lead to other spots in college such as the hallway, bathroom, lunchroom, or other areas. It is important that responsible officials stay available near all the hot spots of bullying. At the same time, you should try and ensure that you stay available to the students throughout a school day.

Know More: 13 Tips For Teacher To Tackle Bullying in the Classroom

This way, any student, who wants help, can easily come to you and ask for your assistance.

4. Teach the Skill of Fighting Bullies Collectively

Mostly, students stand and watch one kid getting bullied and don’t do anything. But in some cases, it is better to collectively come together and take an ethical action against the bully.

In your classroom, you can promote a sense of unity among students. Ask them to recognize and call out a bully. Also, promote a behavior of reporting a bullying behavior to the authorities, teachers and even parents. The kids should not only inform about their own encounters but also stand up and talk about the bullying encounter, which other students face.

5. Find Class Leaders and Connect with Them

The emotional vulnerability of victims doesn’t allow them to come forward and talk about a bully. And a teacher only has limited exposure to the social environment of students. That’s why you need your own informers in the classroom. This way, you can find if a bully is active and bullying one or more students.

The best informers in your classroom are the leaders. Every class has one or more leaders who actually care about the educational environment and work for the betterment of the students. Your goal should be to find those students and connect with them. Let them help you keep an eye on bullies and find victims who generally stay hidden.

6. Bridge the gap of communication with every student

Usually, a teacher builds a group relationship with the whole class. Sure, some students come closer and the communication reaches more personal level. So, these students can easily seek a teacher for advice or assistance with anything. But what about the rest of the class?!

Not every student is outspoken or bold enough to connect with the teachers. In fact, many times, some students don’t feel the need to communicate with teachers on a one-on-one level. In that case, you, as a teacher, have to make efforts. You have to move forward and bridge that gap of communication. Try communicating with each and every student in your classroom.

This does two major things. First of all, every student becomes close enough to share his or her problems with you. At the same time, you come to know the emotional strengths and weaknesses of each individual. And that can help you identify bullies and victims in your classroom.

7. Include Parents to Work Together for Kids

Teamwork of teachers and parents is essential to winning the fight against bullying. You need to find more effective ways to engage parents in the process of bullying prevention.

Utilize PTA and PTO meetings, send newsletters to parents, connect with them on social media and conduct conferences if possible. All these steps can help in recognizing bullies and creating intervention strategies as well.

It is extremely important that you win the trust of parents. Only then, they will indulge in your methods of helping students. So, if a parent complains about a bully, it’s your duty to conduct a thorough investigation.

8. Become an anti-bullying voice of your students

In many situations, students make a collective effort to stop the bullies. But they don’t attain proper response from the school authorities.

Know More: 8 Anti Bullying Book Every child Must Read!

This is when your support matters a lot. You have to work as an advocate for students who try to fight against bullying. Become a voice and help students reach out to school authorities.

You can help in creating policies to actually change the ground realities of a classroom and school bullying.

9. Take Immediate Actions to Handle Every Incident You come across

Your actions should speak louder than your promises. Students won’t come to you for help if you simply send every bullying incident to higher authorities. You can’t normalize a situation by saying, “they are just energetic kids.” Never minimize the impact of bullying. You have to send a strong message to every bully that you are not going to allow such behaviors. So, help every victim and let every bully face the consequences of his or her actions.

This approach would actually help in stopping incidents at initial stages. So, you can save your students from escalated versions of bullying behaviors.

10. Don’t ask Questions to a Victim in Front of Other Students

A victim of bullying can feel extremely scared to talk about his or her experience. Many times, there is peer pressure of not talking about the incidents with elders. So, you have to be cautious when asking questions to victims.

First of all, create a safe environment where you can have a private conversation with the victim. Allow the kid to feel at ease and then begin the questions.

After the conversation, make sure you show your commitment regarding resolving the problem. Let the victim know how serious you are about helping him or her.

11. Give a Chance to the Bully to Talk Privately

A Private conversation with a bully can help a lot. See, it’s not about fighting the bully, it’s about fighting bullying behavior. For that, you need to talk to the bully and encourage him or her to recognize the behavior.

Don’t let the bully put the blame on his or her victim. You can say, “Just tell me what you did and how wrong it was.”

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If you are successful in helping the bully realize his or her mistake, then, you can change the behavior. You can explain different ideas to stop bad behavior.

12. Get professional help to improve emotional sides of bullies and victims

Victims need to regain control of their emotional sides. They need a boost of self-esteem and an understanding of self-worth.

At the same time, a bully requires an understanding of his or her emotional side as well. There can be suppressed issues, which require consistent communication and conditioning.

For such purposes, you should get help from a counselor. Allow both bullies and victims to have separate sessions with counselors to address issues and overcome them.

13. Keep Checking with a Bully or a Victim

After an incident and your assistance, things will get back to normal. But you can’t stop there. You have to check with the bully as well as the victim consistently.

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Help victims in any way to deal with the memory of past experience. Also, offer tips to handle future encounters. At the same time, treat the bully with similar concerns. No need to hold grudges.

So, that’s how you can take some concrete steps to deal with bullies in the Classroom

Stories are undoubtedly known to etch a profound impression on human brain. And for this exact reason digital storytelling could be a potent medium for conveying perceptions and information.

What is digital storytelling?

It is the art of luring your audience into the content by combining narrative and aesthetic elements in the vein of digital technology.

A digital story is basically any mundane content reproduced on screen using striking visuals and stirring soundtracks. A tell-a-tale format to align the thoughts of the viewer in consonance with that of the story teller.

Digital storytelling in a classroom

Teachers! It’s time to think like film makers.

Story telling is the means of altering the line of thoughts of your students, to weave their wisdom with the needle of insights.

The insights that will in turn be fastened to their brains with the threads of illustrations and sounds.

A normal delivery of knowledge lacks the potential to find room in the mind owing to a one dimensional approach.

Whereas a piece of information lavishly conveyed is there to stay.

And what better than digitizing the content to give it an extravagantly impactful look.

Digital story telling adds a lot of value to your teaching as it not only promotes competency with technology and improves sharing and collaboration.

With this platform, they would be proficient in building communication, project management skills as well as creativity.

Here let us have a look at the tested and proven ways of exploiting the supremacy of digital story telling in today’s classrooms.

Instructional photo series

Digital storytelling will help teachers execute a simple explanation to a difficult procedure.

With the help of a favorable instructional language, this can be used to make a sandwich of the message to be conveyed with appropriate sequence and steps.

Gamification is a smarter way to promote constructive learning and the instructional photo series can be used as a tool to make the game familiar to the group in an easy way.
Narrating a poem is beautiful if accompanied by images.
Give students a chance to create their own digital story.

Short drama

Let the students do a short drama that demonstrates an area of study by making use of the advanced digital technology tools.

However, ask them to be serious with the task by demanding a strong script and story board.

They can even create a customized motion by adding relevant audio and video.

Divide students into groups and make it a friendly competition. so that they would give out their best of digital story telling capability.

Field trip photo story

There is no doubt about how efficient a field trip can be to understand a subject better with hands on experience.
Bring the possibility of digital storytelling to the scenario. Ask them to make a photo story of the field trip experience.

This can be a great way to go through the field trip learning, any time in future or to refer to a past learnt idea at any point during their further studies. This is a simple but effective way of making them excited about writing and sharing their piece of work.

Develop book trailers

Ask them to write a book based on something they have learnt or to introduce something new to the class.
The launching of the book can be made as exciting as possible by creating book trailers. Students would be involved in the role of taking pictures, drawing stuffs as well as scanning.

Mathematical photo series

Mathematics is one of the nightmare subjects of many students. But some interesting strategies can make it really appealing for them.

A photo story on a math trail can be a great idea to get the attention of students.

Make them participate in the story making by asking to prepare narrative of the mathematical photo series made by teachers.

Importantly, smart classrooms should provide hands on opportunity for students to create their own digital stories of their interests.

Assessment rubrics

This is an excellent way to assess the skills of the students while teaching them various subjects.

It can be used in multiple ways to find out their narration skills, speaking ability and the efficiency to present a new subject before the audience in addition to written, oral and reading skills.

Moreover, digital story telling assignment is a good tool to learn how to responsibly use digital tools.

Tips and tricks

However, exploiting the utmost efficiency of digital story telling in a smart classroom needs a lot of dedicated effort from the side of educators.

Here are a few ideas and tricks that might help the teachers to invoke the love of students for this teaching technique:

1. Give them an open ended image or prompt so that they will feel excited to write narratives. This kind of kick-off would let their creative juices flow freely.

2. It is important to help them with the editing process. This would assist them to write a clear and focused story and end up with impressive digital pieces.

3. Show them successful stories and examples at first if you see a fall back in their interest. Seeing a final product would inspire them to create smart story ideas.

4. Help them with their writing plan whenever needed. Ask them to stay focused on the main point by rightly choosing the video clips and images that gives a completion to the story.

Always inspire them to explore new technology and digital options. And make sure to stick on to the importance of copyright and media use.

Digital story telling can play a key role in improving concerted learning inside classrooms.

This is a great way to engage teachers and students. Students will get a chance to know how to make use of the digital content in a safe way right from the school days.

Moreover, this is one of the effective ways to optimize critical thinking and decision-making skills among students.
The students will have to come across diverse processes such as planning, creating, editing, revising, publishing, reflecting and more over brainstorming.

Technology has by far spread its wings into every sphere of human life. Simplifying the lives of both students and teachers, technology-powered gadgets have already made their strong presence felt in the arena of education. Crafted to help educators and learners with their daily classroom routines, the present generation can now bank on wearable technology. Drifting away from the thought that wearables can distract the attention of the learners, these gadgets have steadily become modern powerful learning instruments.

If you are curious to know the ways in which these tech-powered wearables can enhance learning by imparting quality education to students, here they come.

  1. Enhanced Student Engagement

Modern wearable technologies surely demand a special mention as exciting tools to help students engage better with their lessons. Google Glasses are the promising educational tools that can lend a helping hand to students to get first-hand information about any topic of their choice. Educators can use these innovative wearables to come up with teaching schedules that can be shared amongst students and the teaching staff.

Through these gadgets, students will be informed about their timelines for assignment submissions and the exam schedules so as to ward off any instances of miscommunication. These wearables enable you to learn at your own pace.

You as a student wearing Google Glasses will also be able to make the most of distance learning. Allowing you to share lessons loaded with practical illustrations, you can enjoy holistic learning through experiments and appealing subject content that is presented by these gadgets.

  1. The Hands-Free Convenience

Wearables in education are star attractions on the strength of being hands-free. When you wear a gadget, you are freeing both your hands. A pair of free hands can help you better interact with the real world, alongside permitting you to enjoy a convenient access to other devices that are in your vicinity. This positive goes a long way in increasing the level of communication between you as a student and the tutor.

Wearables which come with environment sensing are the stepping stones for students to develop healthy learning habits. Google Glasses, through their hands-free feature, can come in as excellent learning tools permitting you to jot down notes without missing out important subject matter during class lectures.

  1. A Coordination Between Teachers and Students

For a classroom to become a haven for learning and knowledge, it is important that the teachers and students work in tandem with each other. There has to be a high level of coordination between both the parties so as to develop strong scholastic relationships.

With wearables in place, teachers can conduct real-time classes without assembling all the students under one roof. An on-the-go learning session is a matter of convenience that is bestowed by these wearables. Wearables which come in different forms stay with you for the entire working day, imparting knowledge about any topic that interests you.

  1. Communication Made Easy

With the beginning of every new academic year, students and teachers are introduced to newer versions of wearables. Updated wearables promise enhanced functionalities like messaging features, GPS and chat options are available on a Smart Watch. These wearables simplify the communication between teachers and learners alongside helping the wearer to perform calculations through its touch-screen mechanism.

You can send any sort of a query to your teacher via the smart watch, which can be answered by your faculty even remotely. Reminders that can be fed into these wearables will thus make the lives of students simple and enjoyable at the same time.

You can engage in smart communication with your peers in addition to enjoying a better access to study material you are looking for. You can effortlessly take notes of all the important topics and collate them into ready-reference study material.

  1. Video Recorders Are Modern Learning Tools

The markets are abuzz with wearable learning tech that come in the form of compact video recorders fitted with sophisticated cameras. GoPro is one such alternative that can be employed by teachers to record class lectures.

These recorded lectures which brim with in-class experiences of different students will come handy to students who have either missed a class or were absent for an entire day owing to ill-health or any personal engagement. It is through this Virtual Reality (VR) enabled GoPro wearable video recorder that you can master subjects like mass communication, journalism and classes aimed at television production.

  1. Learn History and Languages the Smart Way

Now is the era of Virtual Reality that has attracted the attention of both learners and tutors. A host of VR headsets have already penetrated into the educational sphere permitting students specializing in languages, civics and history.

Through VR headsets, you will be transported into another territory that is linked to your subject of interest. You begin to enjoy the feel of former empires coupled with loads of information concerning foreign locales and their cultures. You can go to these places without having to step out of your classroom and experience the lifelike learnings that cannot be assimilated through useless images, pictures, slideshows or static posters.

These real-time field trips are the best ways to learning since they bring in an element of realism to what all the students wish to learn. It is through such enlivening experiences that you as a student can unleash a new world of learning. You will then be able to experience the real thrill behind education which now comes with captivating and fun-filled elements.


  1. Enhanced Parental Participation in the Learning Process

Not only are Google Glasses useful for learning in classrooms, they can also become potent tools of effective communication between teachers and parents. Teachers, through a Google Glass, can inform the progress of students to parents in the form of report cards. When the report card reaches the parents, they will be encouraged to partake in the learning process of their wards so as to help them in their pursuit of knowledge and better grades. Through Google Glass, teachers can ensure an effortless and direct path of communication with the parents of students. This way, a healthy in-house and classroom learning environment can be established.

  1. Muse – A Futuristic Wearable That Will Take Education To the Next Level

The future of wearable technology is Muse, a brain-sensing headband that can track signals that are given out by out brain. With a similar mechanism that makes a heart monitor function, a Muse helps teachers to assimilate pertinent information about how well the students are concentrating in the class. This wearable will pick up useful data points and present the reactions of students to a particular lecture.

Highlighting the instances when you as a student were deeply engrossed in the class alongside the times when you were utterly distracted, the Muse can become a learner-centric brain tracker. Modern teachers can bank upon this wearable to improve student engagement, in addition to helping them assess their brain patterns concerning different learning activities.

Key Takeaways

The possibilities in education are growing by leaps and bounds. A plethora of technologically-driven gadgets have already made waves in the sphere of education, revolutionizing the academic industry so that students can reach the pinnacle of their learning curve; effortlessly and quickly. Providing a number of attractive classroom experiences for students, these wearables are the new generation learning tools that are poised to make headlines for many more years to come.

When you speak of a traditional classroom, the first image that crosses your mind is the sight of a tutor lecturing to a class.

What about the students? They simply sit without participating in the classroom discussions. This non-participation of students does a great deal of harm, marring the basic premise of learning.

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In an attempt to encourage students to actively engage themselves with everything that happens in class, a model of instruction called the student-centered classroom is in place.

This is a concept that shifts the focus away from teachers and revolves around students, encouraging them to partake in classroom discussions. All in an attempt to allow students apply their minds, here are 10 intelligent ways to build a student-centered classroom.

  1. Bestow Students with the Freedom of Choice

A student-centered classroom is one which allows the freedom of choice to students.  The teacher can allow them to use their discretion about what projects they wish to work on. For that matter, you can also permit them to choose their bench and the company of their classmates. This sense of freedom will spark creativity in students, alongside strengthening their decision-making skill.

When students enjoy autonomy in everything they do, they will feel less restricted, constantly giving their best to academics or extra-curricular activities.  When students apply their knowledge, they will create an environment which promises individual and collaborative learning, while working on a group project.

  1. Unleash the Power of Student Reflection while Becoming Their Mentors and Coaches

When students are encouraged to reflect upon what they have been learning, they will slow down their pace and introspect their strengths and weaknesses. Teachers can help them analyze their worthiness when they will try to process all that they have learnt in their inquisitive brains. This will help them tread the path of individual and collective growth.

Teachers are the pivots of a student-centered classroom. They are required to implement a learning structure that urges the students to actively participate in classroom activities.  Every teacher needs to transform into a mentor delivering deep insights about how learning should progress. Posing questions, having discussions etc will help you comprehend the level of understanding each student has.

This will ultimately lead them to a holistic learning process revolving around their innate intelligence.

  1. The Inclusion of Academic Workshops and Educational Gadgets

A student-centered classroom works best through workshops along with plenty of professional development opportunities. Teachers should work hard by playing the role of mentors for specific subjects. You should create a concrete lesson plan supported by a host of teaching techniques that will benefit your students. Workshops which focus on different subjects will help students strengthen their fundamentals. In order to facilitate these mechanisms, teachers can sign up for training sessions about the use of teaching gadgets like iPads that will create an environment of personalized learning.

  1. Demonstrate The Strength of Open-Ended Questioning Techniques

Posing open ended questions allows students to formulate their own answers without sticking to a particular response from a series of answers. Since open-ended questions have no pre-determined limitations or boundaries, students can hone their creative thinking abilities while sharpening their problem-solving skills. You will also create an environment of clear intra-class communication which develops a sense of reassurance that your class welcomes every student’s ideas and thoughts.

  1. The Formulation of Rules

Autonomy is not about allowing students to do what they like. It is also about following certain non-negotiable rules. Given a scenario when all your students are working towards a group project, you can allow one student to start and lead the discussion. Others will step in through their comments. These comments will again be called for discussion so that you can keep a check on unruly and distractive students. through these boundaries students can make the most of collaborative learning and deliver the project on hand.

  1. Flip The Assessment Grades With Comments

Treading away from the traditional educational pattern, grades no longer come in as a measure of a student’s success. On the flip side, teachers should change the feedback process which collates all the comments and discussions of students with regard to submission of their assignments. The simple alphabetical grades should be done away with. A conscious effort to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of students through constructive feedback is required.

Academic quizzes and assessments as learning activities can be conducted frequently. This will come handy while collating performance metrics of every student.

  1. Unveil The Attraction of Student Collaboration

Teachers working towards a student-centered classroom should encourage students to constantly engage themselves in group learning activities. Students should be provided with umpteen opportunities to partake in group discussions. Such activities will not only introduce your students to varying opinions of their classmates, they will also be thrilled to assimilate different views coming from their mates. These activities set the stage for a healthy competition amongst your students.

  1. The Union of Family and School

For the success of a student-centered classroom, teachers would need the endearing support of the families of their wards. When you are striving towards a student-driven learning pattern, you should work hard in the direction of motivating them alongside making them accountable for all their actions.

These two traits of accountability and motivation should be honed from the home-front as well. Notwithstanding the fact that a school is indeed the second home of every student, it is only when you rope in the parents of your wards that you will derive synergistic benefits of well-informed families teaming with classrooms. For this, it is the need of the hour to educate parents about the principles behind a student-centered classroom so as to reap the benefits of enhanced student participation.

  1. Chalk Out Individual Assignments

It takes all sorts of students to make up a class. Contrary to the belief that one size fits all, a classroom has students with different IQ levels. They also demonstrate different speeds at which they grasp the classroom learnings. In an attempt to handhold these different students, you can chalk out individual assignments that match varying learning styles. With such assignments in place, students with diverse learning patterns can benefit from an in-depth understanding of the subject.

  1. Introduce Students To Multiple Learning Avenues

Given the rate at which technology is penetrating into every walk of human life, millennials of today have lots to explore through the internet. You can encourage them to register for online courses which are in tandem with their core interests. Such learning avenues can encourage a motivated student to look at education from a completely different perspective.

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Alongside practicing the model of self-learning, students can become a part of experiential learning that is offered by technology  like AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality). All these not only allow students to apply their knowledge but also aid in a significant paradigm shift in the learning methods employed in classrooms. Such technological interventions can become catalysts to a student-centered classroom.

Key Takeaways

After understanding the importance of student-centered classrooms, it goes without saying that this form of learning can lead to a much-needed and exciting educational transition.

All you need to do is to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your students. After understanding these attributes closely, you can carve a student-centered classroom.

A good teacher can really make a remarkable difference in the way students grasp the lessons and how they apply it in real life. Knowing the students and following the right teaching strategy is the key to help them have a productive learning experience. School life is the best phase of every child as it plays a crucial role in moulding them for their future life. Considering its importance, a good teacher should come up with good tactics to help them utilize the best out of their study life.

Not all student groups are the same and it is the role of the teacher to understand their pulse before applying a teaching method. Here are a few effective methods and techniques that can help to improve the student in his/her learning if applied in the right way:

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1. Desire method: This is one of the unique but most effective teaching strategies to grab student attention and interest. Rather than simply starting with a topic during the class hour, first you have to convey the benefits of learning the particular topic. By wisely applying the strategy, you as a teacher should succeed in invoking good interest in students about the topic. So the students would be eager to start the lesson and approach it with a curious mindset.

2. Active learning: The one sided lecture methods are no more fruitful to get the interest of the new generation students. They would better respond well to the active learning strategies. Don’t limit their learning hour to simple note taking and doing assignments. Give them opportunities to express their talents and have some fun time and make learning more enjoyable. Bringing visual tools and proposing age related activities can really make a difference in the way students express themselves.

3. Cooperative learning: Give them a chance to come out of their seats and interact with their peers and have a cooperative learning experience. This would help them to experience a team building activity. Group activities such as group projects and fun elements such as jigsaw approach can do the trick. Shared learning is equally important to self learning time as they would get new ideas and thoughts from other students.

4. Teach with VAK: The visual, audio, and kinaesthetic learning are three key areas that need to be focused to offer an optimal learning experience. This approach simply means giving opportunities for the students to see the knowledge, hear it and feel it to the core. Give them a chance to interact with the lessons rather than sitting passively during the lectures. Watching animated videos with subject relevance can cover the visual and hearing part and getting a chance to create a video or presentation themselves hit the kinaesthetic area too.

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5. Case method: This is a really effective teaching strategy that gives promising outcome. Rather than simply teaching a new topic, share with them a real life example with which they can connect it. This kind of teaching would help them to retain the information for a longer period in their memory. This would also help them to learn how to apply what they learn in real life and not simply study to score marks in exams.

6. Prompt feedbacks: Giving valuable and consistent feedbacks to student is equally important to teaching them new lessons. Prompt feedbacks would help them to know their level of understanding and gives them a chance to clarify on the difficult areas further. Such assessments can also help teachers to give them right directions in the right time so that they can excel better. However, they should make sure that they offer only constructive feedbacks and encourage them to perform better next time.

7. Time management: Teaching them how to manage their time efficiently is the key to successful classroom learning. Give them time bounded activities so that they can challenge themselves to complete a task within the stipulated time frame. This kind of basic classroom learning also teaches them the importance of prioritizing the time effectively in their life too.

8. Flipped classroom: Inverting your class approach has proved to be really effective for all types of classrooms. In this method, students are asked to prepare on the lessons before hand through video tutorials at home. So they can approach the lesson with a better understanding during the class hour. The class time can be used productively for doing some quality assignments or paper works. Teachers can give an additional support in the areas where they lack understanding.

9. Gamification: Learning through games approach is not only effective for elementary students but also for higher classes. When games are made a part of teaching, students would approach the lessons more lightly and this helps them to be closer with the subjects. Classroom games also take away the boredom of one sided lectures. Through competitive games, students can challenge their peers to score higher and motivate each other.

10. Brainstorming: It is good to include some brain storming sessions in the classroom when students can challenge their thinking process. Give them puzzles or interesting activities in which they need to apply their thought process. This would stimulate their brain and makes them active and energized to receive new lessons. Creative sessions can also be included which challenges their critical thinking and logical reasoning.

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11. Distributed practice: The study activities are supposed to be spread over the period which gives significant results. Students usually have a habit of rushing with the lessons when the deadlines for exams are nearing. This type of learning won’t do any good to retain the information in the memory for long. So teachers should encourage distributed practice in which they learn the subject throughout the term. Teachers can evaluate their learning with regular, weekly or monthly tests and mini exams.

12. Teacher student relation: Maintaining a good relationship with the student is important for a teacher to make his/her teaching method more effective. Students should be given a space where they can freely express their concerns and doubts without any inhibition. When teacher becomes a good friend, students would actively participate and engage in the learning session which gives productive results. Certain communication apps even help to bring parents virtually into classroom to make the learning phase more effective.

13. Online tools: Teachers can make use of the online tools to bring fun to the classroom and ensure engagement and maximum participation. The activities such as online quizzes or videos would bring up a dynamic and interactive classroom environment. Education apps are yet another tool they can bring in the classroom to make the overall setting lively. The right mix of social media in classroom settings can also help a lot to improve the collaboration and relationships.

14. Outdoor learning: Students would love it when they are taken out of the four walls of the classroom to spend some quality learning time outdoors. You can either choose a roof top setting or shade of a tree to let them interact with the nature and study. Taking them for field trips in a while can also do the trick to regain their interest for learning. Visiting a museum or library of relevance can help them to learn the subject with a deeper understanding.

15. Student ideas: The learning phase would be more productive only if there is a give and take policy between the teachers and students. Teachers should not be dominant with the strategies and it is important to welcome student ideas as and whenever needed. Give them a chance to come up with some brilliant or interesting ideas that would really lift their spirit of learning. Once others start valuing their ideas, students would take extra effort to think further on improving their thought process.

16. Practice testing: In addition to all these methods, the time invested for self learning counts the most. They should be given some practice tests on a regular basis when they can evaluate or assess themselves on the areas where they lack and need to improve. This can include practice problems, virtual flash cards and more. The self learning phase gives them the independence to take control over their learning and they can have a boost to their confidence level.

There are a lot more teaching techniques and strategies that give impressive results in improving the student learning. School authorities should also offer a helping hand in supporting teachers to implement advanced and creative strategies in classrooms. With the advancements in mobile technology and digital education, smart school software and education apps are taking an important role in student life. Parents also have equal responsibility in giving them a comfortable environment and productive support to help them have a pleasant learning phase.

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It is important to make kids active in classroom to improve their interest for learning and increase their participation in studies. Both parents and teachers have a crucial role in improving their spirit for learning. Parents should motivate them at home and educate them about the importance of the learning phase which frames their future. Once they step in to the classroom, teachers will have an upper hand on how to mould them in the right way and help them get the better out of the learning phase. Making them active in the classroom is the key to help them have a productive classroom experience and excel in studies.

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Here are some interesting ways teachers can adopt to make the kids active in classroom:

  1. Mind warm-up: Starting the class with a mind warm up session can really make a difference in the way students remain active in the classroom. During this phase, teachers can bring in activities that promote more competition and collaboration and kill the dead time. Instead of single activities, it would be good to have a team like activity that fills them with enough energy to remain active for the rest of the class.
  2. Learn with fun: Bring enough fun elements in the classroom as kids would love to learn with fun. Spend some time to devise a teaching strategy that gives them a feel of play time while tactfully including the lessons. Make sure that each and every kid in the classroom is giving full participation by including some group movements. This helps to keep them focussed throughout the lesson and enhance their attention span.
  3. Create opportunities: Don’t leave it always to the kids to initiate activities in classroom. It is important for teachers to create enough opportunities for them to express themselves and actively participate in the learning period. Set interesting milestones or initiate a group project or ask them to perform in groups based on a lesson. Set the stage comfortable so that even the shy students come forward and express themselves and present their worth.
  4. Include age-appropriate activities: It is important to include age specific activities in classroom to ensure complete participation. Also it is good to consider the interests of the specific class group before deciding on the activities. Conducting a classroom poll can help you to know more about their areas of interest than deciding on autonomy. Including the right activity for the group can make a noticeable difference in the way they respond and interact.
  5. Gamification: This is the best way to keep the kids active in the classroom and gain their interest for learning. Try some engaging classroom games that help to learn the subjects in an interesting way. Include a variety of games in different classes to satisfy the interests of all student groups. It is good to try memory games such as memory cards or vocabulary games like educational bingo or completely fun group project games such as Jeopardy.
  6. Student-made games: It is also a nice option to try student made games in a while. This also gives them opportunity to express their knowledge, skills or talents. Make it a turn wise approach so that every kid will get a chance to showcase their efficiency in creating games. You can make the activity more interesting by making a poll to find the most popular student game of a month.
  7. Class discussions: This kind of team work activity can be organized frequently to let the students interact intellectually in addition to have all fun. Give wise topics that stimulate their critical thinking and logical reasoning. Teachers should ensure that the environment is friendly and students are expressing freely. Friendly debates on interesting topics can also be organized in between to gear up the activity.
  8. Talk shows: In between a boring lecture session, take a break to set up a talk show. One student can act as a popular personality and another student can interview him. Or the audience can ask relevant questions based on the particular personality. Give them some time to prepare and they can have a really interesting activity that fills them with loads of energy.
  9. Bring visual tools: Kids pay more attention and interest towards visual presentation of data. So it would be a good idea to bring visual tools to classrooms to make the sessions more active. It can be a power point presentation, video tutorials or a talking presentation by subject experts that deepens their level of understanding. With the introduction of interactive white boards, the learning with visual elements is gaining more popularity.
  10. Skills grouping: This activity can be performed as part of constructive differentiation technique. All students in the class may not be of the same calibre. For instance, when teaching mathematics, some may be weak in division, others may be weak in factors and some others may find it difficult to study trigonometry. Group students based on the skills in which they need additional care and arrange sessions or let students teach each other about the areas in which they excel.
  11. Keep them busy: Rather than making them bored with regular lectures, find ways to keep them completely busy throughout the learning time. Instead of giving lectures for the one full hour, make some time for interactions with a quiz, poll or even interesting ways to revise the lessons learnt so far. You can even try playing lecture bingo in order to keep them occupied while you lecture a lesson.
  12. Try active toys: Teachers should give importance in bringing active toys as part of teaching strategies. Give them a chance to interact with items such as balls and jump ropes in the middle of teaching sessions and group activities. Or take them out to the sports ground during a free hour or if they are exhausted with a tough lesson. Let them have some sports time to relax their mind and recharge some energy.
  13. Mix up teaching styles: Students would get bored if you follow the same teaching technique every day. So it is good to mix up the teaching styles for teaching various subjects. This kind of variety would invoke interest in kids to approach the new lessons with curiosity and takes away the boredom. You can bring in variations such as guess works or prediction activity even while you give a simple lecture to make the session more engaging and make them think actively.
  14. Plan outdoor activities: When the kids are always stuck up inside four walls of a classroom, they would find it suffocating. It is a good idea to take them outdoors to let them have a different learning experience. It can be learning under the shades of a school ground tree or take them for field trips once in a while. This is another tactics to keep them active throughout the learning sessions.
  15. Cooperative learning strategies: When you make cooperative learning as part of daily or weekly activity, kids would be more active in their approach. Team games and projects would give them the fun of working and sharing together and learn with fun. See that you don’t keep the students in the same group all the time. It is better to shuffle students often to give them chance to experience group learning with different students with different ideas and thinking.
  16. Exit tickets: Activities such as exit tickets can be made a part of the learning session. Good conversations and thinking can be stimulated with such activities. This end of the class activity makes them self revise the lessons at a glance and gives them the energy to stay active for the next lesson. In this activity, let them complete sentences starting with a set of phrases that you give such as ‘today I got a new idea about’ or ‘now I have a good understanding about’.
  17. Set a good example: Rather than simply telling them to do a particular thing in its most spirited style, it is easier to do and show it to them. Both parents and teachers can play active roles in setting good examples for children. For instance teachers can promote the story telling capability of children by performing some impressive story telling sessions. When parents teaches them the importance of being active always, set good examples by doing regular exercise or playing some sports.

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Rather than the one side lectures, active learning contributes a lot to help them retain information and improve their critical thinking skills. Trying out these few options can really make a remarkable difference in the way students perceive the learning. Actively involving in the learning phase can help them to have a deeper understanding of the lessons. Including classroom activities that improve their interest would make them crave for more. It is important to set a comfortable stage for them and welcome their ideas.