Building relationships is a fundamental part of every life. As humans, we are more evolved in understanding ourselves and others, which allows us to build relationships at every walk of our lives. But the same emotional maturity makes us fairly complex in terms of building relationships.


The life teaches us about relationships, but it doesn’t have to be a bumpy ride. Or at least, kids should feel ready to face the bumps of emotional growth in their lives.

The concept of relationship can prepare your kids to have healthy relationships as they grow up. Teaching this skill is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your child.

What is the Concept of Relationships?

The concept of relationships revolves around some basic factors:

1. Assertive Communication in Relationships

Communication is important for your kid to convey what he or she feels. At the same time, the child should learn to understand other people’s feelings. Assertive communication is a form where two people stay truthful, respectable, and honest when communicating. Conflicts are always possible, but kids should have an urge to find a balanced ground and understand other people as well.

2. Respect in Relationships

Our behavior towards others decides whether people want to stay around us or don’t. Kids need to learn to respect people, irrespective of the fact that they are young, old, relatives or stranger. Every relationship in life requires mutual respect. This includes the respect of emotions, respect of views and respect of conflicts as well. If kids are not prepared to understand and respect others, they tend to cause unnecessary issues due to self-centered opinions.

3. Balance in Relationships

Another important factor you need to teach is the relationship balance. Few kids create their own distorted meaning of relationships, which can turn into emotional falls.

Asking for too much loyalty from one person is one of the common issues.

Many kids force their friend to play with them only and not with any other friend. At the same time, another kid can feel that they are betraying their friend by playing with other kids in their classroom.

You need to teach kids the balance of relationships. How it is completely healthy to have many friends and share different aspects of life with them.

4. Copying Skills in Relationships

Even close relationships can face a downfall.

Sometimes intentional, sometimes unintentional, people tend to make bad moves.

It is important to prepare kids for those downfalls. Kids need to know how to talk about their feelings and deal with the disappointment without letting any scar appear on their emotional health.

How to Teach your Kids the Concept of Relationships

Now, that you know the concept of relationships, here are a few things you can do to teach this concept to your kids:

1. Spend Uninterrupted Time Together Every Day

Give your kids an opportunity to explore Communication and Relationship Building.

Also Read: 11 Tips for Teachers to Develop Positive Relationship with Parents

You can decide a special playtime when kids decide what to play and how to play.

And you have to be there completely attentive, no matter how stupid that game sounds to you.

No phone calls or leaving kids on their own.

Let them know you are there for them, so they can trust you with what they feel.

2. Encourage Communication and Expressing Feeling

Depending on the age of your kid, you can decide appropriate methods of communication.

For instance, a young kid can draw an angry face whenever he feels angry.

Or, he can toss a pillow.

Choose acceptable ways, so that your kid doesn’t have to suppress his or her emotions. Anger, sorrow, embarrassment, every feeling is important and it should come out.

Only then, kids can learn to understand themselves and understand other’s feelings.

3. Respect Their Feelings

Making fun of kids’ feelings, trying to suppress them and ignoring what they feel is not healthy at all.

Your kid learns to respect his or her feelings and respect other people’s emotional states from you. So, it all starts with how you treat your child’s emotional health.

When you show faith and allow your kid to express without feeling scared, it helps in building emotional health.

4. Allow your Kids to Play with Other Kids

The skill of patience requires some alone time with peers. Kids somehow know you are there to protect them, which keeps the conflicts away.

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But when two kids of same age come together, allow them to learn about sharing, taking turns, building friendships, feeling happy in groups and other important skills of relationships.

A fixed time with other kids is a healthy choice to improve relationship building capacities in your kids. You can organize playdates. You can surely be there to assist, but allow kids to resolve minor conflicts on their own. Make sure they are behaving appropriately with other kids. And help them behave correctly if they make a mistake. Tell them politely how their bad behavior can make other kids feel bad. Give them an alternative option, which would make everyone happy.

5. Limit Screen Time to Minimum

Television, video games, mobile phones and other screen times kill various opportunities of building relationship skills in kids.

Long screen time stops kids from playing with other kids or interacting with people in the real world.

There has to be an active time when kids can actually test their skills and learn from them.

Relationship building exercises are about real experiences. And for that, the screen time has to go down.

Are You Ready?

Now that you have a comprehensive knowledge of how the concept of relationships works, teach this to your kids.

You can use the given tips to effectively allow your kids to communicate, respect and have a balanced relationship at every age.

Your kids need you the most to grow their emotional health!

Also Read: Smart Classroom Management Strategies to Build Relationships

There is no doubt about the importance of regular physical activity in a person’s life that not only helps them to stay healthy but also improves their emotional fitness. Including such activities right from the childhood is a good idea as it helps them to make it a part of their routine with ease. That is why having sports in school curriculum is considered a good thought.

A student should be physically and emotionally healthy and stay focused to perform well in their academics. Including sports activities in the curriculum can help them to achieve this to a great extent.

Making sports an indispensable element in school days comes with a lot of other benefits than you think.  Here we are discussing a few among the most important benefits of making sports a part of the school curriculum.

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1. Can stay healthy: Regular physical activity in the form of sports can help students to stay healthy and avoid unwanted illness. One of the most important benefits is reduced risk of obesity which is otherwise a common problem among today’s kids. Students can benefit from increased cardiovascular fitness and increased bone density reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Also sports activities reduce chronic muscular tension, strengthen lungs, reduce blood sugar levels and regulate blood pressure. Students involved in sports grow up as more energetic individuals.

2. Maintain good fitness level: Being involved in sports activities help students to avoid formation of excess fat deposits and thus stay fit and slim. The training activities for the sports help them to develop a good posture which is an important factor of staying fit. Also they can improve their hand-eye and foot-eye co-ordination and attain a better balance. The interest in outdoor sports also avoids or minimizes their sedentary activities such as playing video games and watching television.

3. Boost in self esteem: Several research studies have noted that playing sports can enhance a child’s self-esteem and self-confidence. Even small gestures such as a handshake from the coach, a pat on the back from their team mate, a high-five from an opponent or praise of words from parents and friends can boost their self esteem as a student. They will learn to welcome constructive criticism and work on their weakness till they see improvement or success.

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4. Enhanced leadership skills: Sports activities not only demand the role of a team player but, a leader at times. Knowing how to lead a team in the school days will boost up their leadership quality which enables them to be good decision makers. Being a good leader not only demands them to lead from front but also need to boost their team with a winning spirit. This also teaches them to manage team emotions and improve team discipline.Teacher app ad banner

5. Undergoes positive mentoring: Sports persons will have to undergo a lot of mentoring from their coaches and support staff before they achieve success. This positive mentoring can be an asset for them in all phases of life in one form or the other. They will learn how to manage emotions well and perform better which helps them to develop a positive mindset early in their childhood. Respecting authorities’ decisions and accept failures just like success is important in certain spheres of life.

6. Improved emotional fitness: The physical stimulation through sports improves their feeling of well being and creates happiness in them. Release of happiness hormones reduces mental depression and helps them to stay emotionally fit and cheerful. If they can change the love for the game and follow it as a passion, they can even form a career out of it. When they stay focused and work towards achieving their dream, it is always a pleasure.

7. Be more social: Being a part of sports team helps them to interact well with people of all ages. Making friends and respecting diversities with a more open mindset becomes easier. Mingling sessions with coaches and senior students gives them broad exposure to the life happenings and the ability to face everything with a smile. It gives them the courage and confidence to come forward in all circumstances and never stay back for an opportunity.

8. Enhanced discipline: Being a sports person teaches them important qualities of discipline which can act as a self boost in many aspects of life. Involving in any sports activity teaches them mental, physical as well as tactical discipline. They learn it in the form of following rules, practicing restraint or obeying the coach and respecting decisions. This enables students to accomplish their full potential and realize their goals, which are critical factors in attaining success.

Also Read :  10 Reasons Swimming Should Be Part of School Curriculum


9. Perform better in academics: Studies have shown a positive connection between sports activities and improved memory and cognitive functions of the brain. This means that students can perform better in academics if sports are made a part of their routine. Also a disciplined student can plan their lessons smart and score well in tests. Being physically active helps them to stay focused in their studies. Also the skills such as coordination, multitasking and situational awareness enhances their academic skills.

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10. Improved teamwork and cooperation: Sports competitions and matches needs a very good coordination, teamwork and cooperation. These skills will help students when they grow up as tomorrow’s individuals. In addition to participating in individuals sports, team sports improves their role as a team player which helps them a lot when it comes to group projects both in academics and future career. They will learn how to cooperate with others to win as a team which enables them to respect others’ views.

11. Efficient time management: This is another important skill gained by a student who is part of sports activities. Discipline on the clock is very important when it comes to any sport and this skill is an asset for students for life time. Their passion for sports will help them to efficiently divide the available time for games, practice as well as academics. Knowing how to manage the available time can be a great factor in their success journey.

 12. Develop a success mindset: Being a sports person enables students to grow up with a success mindset which is really advantageous. In addition to strong focus and concentration development, they learn when to take risks and not. They will develop internal skills for handling pressure and will be dedicated to finding creative ways to improve. Critical thinking skills and coping skills gained during the phase prepares them to smartly deal with adversities.

13. Better patience and perseverance: These are two important elements they gain during their involvement with sports-Patience and perseverance. Athletes will easily learn how to keep practicing until they see the results. The perseverance helps them to go through bad times and become more resilient.

14. Improved sleep: Just like the improved health and fitness and every other factors, having a peaceful sleep for at least 8 hours a days is important. Research studies have noted a positive link between a better sleep and involvement in sports activities. Getting proper rest to the body just like relaxing your mind can help students to focus better, avoid illness and stay healthy.

15. Develop good life long habits: School days are the time when students tend to develop bad habits and start being in wrong relationships. However, keeping themselves busy with sports and academics gives them lesser free time to reckon and walk the disruptive path. The love and passion for sports would help students to develop good food habits and make exercise a part of their routine to stay fit. The discipline they earn during their sports phase helps them to refrain from any bad deeds which help them to grow up as good social beings.

School authorities can plan healthy competitions among students to evaluate where they stand and give away prizes for their achievements to keep them motivated. Let them taste success and failures right from their childhood which enables them to be good individuals with sportsman spirit.

When you say about including sports in school curriculum, it need not always be a supervised and well guided one always. It is better to form a group of students who have passion in certain sports skills and guide them to become good athletes.

However, not every student may like the pressure of being guided in their leisure activities. Let them play sports with minimal guidance just to ensure that they are safe but give them the freedom to form their own team, rules and just play for fun.

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Guardians who are ordained to inculcate a strong foundation of life’s principles in children can vouch for the importance of sharing. To share is to care. In line with this adage, it is the duty of the parents and educators in particular to harp on the virtue of sharing which manifests in the form of care and compassion. Such books when included in the library of kindergartens will help kids to learn the art of sharing as part of their socializing skills. Helping guardians to reiterate the ways in which children can share and benefit from the noble act of sharing, here are some intriguing storybooks that can be read out to them.

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  1. Gossie and Friends

Oliver Dunrea came up with an adorable board book for kids that is worth every cent. Kids between the ages of 2 and 4 will fall in love with the illustrative narration of this storybook which mirrors the friendship and sharing acts between Gossie, a cute and courageous yellow gosling and Gertie, another gosling of her type. Starting from young toddlers and preschoolers, this storybook can become a perfect learning tool for parents to inculcate the virtue of sharing from a tender age.

So fond of her bright red boots that Gossie wants to be dressed in them at all times. One day she wakes up to find her pair of red boots missing. Heartbroken, she frantically searches for her boots to ultimately find them on the feet of Gertie; her best friend. Gossie, through her kindness teaches kids the importance of sharing. She epitomizes care and love through her intention to share her boots with Gertie.

  1. You Are Not My Friend, But I Miss You

Authored by Daniel Kirk, ‘You Are Not My Friend, But I Miss You’ is a picture story book that just right for kids between 2 and 5 years speaks of friendship leading to the virtue of sharing. This is a cute story between a plush toy dog and a sock monkey. Although being friends, a small tussle dampens their playtime when the dog snatches the ball of the monkey and runs away with it. Enraged by this act, the monkey decides to break his friendly ties with the dog, announcing that he would never ever play with him. Their separation becomes an eye opener to the monkey when he begins to miss his partner during play.

No doubt, the monkey has his favorite ball to play, but not a good friend to give him company. Additionally, the story conveys the moral that the monkey failed to become a good friend. Supported by humorous illustrations, this story between two friends conveys the importance of sharing and subtle acts of friendliness that should be practiced by kids so that they grow up into friendly and adorable citizens.

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  1. Jonathan and Martha

A yet another illustrative storybook that teaches young kids the noble act of sharing is titled ‘Jonathan and Martha’. Petr Horácek is the Czech-British author of this children’s storybook which attracts the attention of kids between the ages of 2 and 5. A first look at the hardcover of the storybook will help you guess the storyline.

As the title goes, this story revolves around Jonathan and Martha, two lonely worms that share the same home; a huge tree. One fine morning, both the worms will be thrilled to see a huge and juicy pear that falls on the ground, between them. Both the worms eager to have their share of the fruit start to relish it. While Jonathan starts nibbling from the left of the fruit, Martha starts enjoying from the right side. Eating and relishing the pear, they get close to each other and get into a tussle. Mirroring captivating illustrations, this picture storybook speaks volumes of the essence of friendship along with the pleasure that sharing brings to kids.

  1. Llama Llama Time To Share

Anna Dewdney is the writer of this children’s storybook that is meant for kids aged between 2 and 5. Llama Llama is excited about his new neighbors, Nelly Gnu and her mama. Both of them plan a play date with Llama which gets Llama thinking whether he should share all his toys during playtime. Llama wonders if he can just let Nelly play with his blocks and keep the rest of his toys to himself. Nelly and Llama plan to build a castle.

On the flipside, Nelly attracts the attention of Llama with a cute little Llama called Fuzzy Llama. Playtime brings tears when Fuzzy Llama is ripped apart into two by Nelly Gnu. It is then that mama steps in to make peace between the two friends. She proclaims that it is time the two friends learnt to share. She not only fixes the Fuzzy but also keeps it on the stairs for both of them to play with it only after they make up their minds to share the toy between themselves.

  1. Should I Share My Ice Cream?

All those kids between the ages of 2 and 6 will be excited to listen to the cute story of Gerald, the cute elephant and his best friend Piggie. Authored by Mo Willems, the story revolves around these two friends with a lip-smacking ice-cream as a treat for them.

Contrasting the mindsets of both the friends, Gerald is pictured as a friend who weaves a web of thoughts in his mind whether or not to share the cone ice-cream with Piggie. By the time, he decides to do so, the entire ice-cream melts creating a puddle under his feet. Just then Piggie enters the scene with her cone and without even giving a second thought, shares it with Gerald. Epitomizing the pleasure in sharing, this story can enlighten not only kids but also elders who think hard before they can share what they have with others.

  1. The Bear Who Shared

If you are looking to excite young listeners through captivating illustrations of stories with a moral, then the Bear Who Shared can become your top bet. Authored by Catherine Rayner, this is an adorable storybook focusing on the virtues of sharing and patience.

The story revolves around three characters, namely: Norris the bear, Tulip the raccoon and Violet the mouse. All these three would be waiting patiently to relish the last ripe fruit that drops from the tree. While Violet and Tulip hug the fruit, it is Norris that catches the fruit when it drops off the tree. Kudos to the wise bear as it shares the fruit with the remaining two characters and makes them his best friends. Meant for kids between 3 and 6 years, this story sheds light on important traits like sharing, kindness, patience and wisdom that help us stand apart in a crowd.

  1. How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends?

Planning to get a novel birthday gift to your kid who finds dinosaurs intriguing? Then you can bank on this cute story series titled ‘How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends?’ Jane Yolen; the most acclaimed children’s storybook author teams up with Mark Teague to unveil this bestselling series of narratives that are full of humor. Tagged as a fun-filled guide to play nicely with others, this pictorial storybook is a nice-to-read-and-emulate collection of stories revolving around friendship. A ‘must read’ book for kids between the ages of 3 and 6.

It is a normal phenomenon for parents to inculcate a sense of playing nicely with others. Seen as a part of building good habits in children, this dinosaur board book sets up an imaginary scene when you begin to visualize a situation when dinosaurs become your friends and join you during playtime. If a dinosaur becomes your buddy, you will be prompted to answer the following questions:

Does your friendly dinosaur crib if he is not allowed to go his way?

Does your buddy hide all his dump trucks from you and not share them with you?

Does he/she make your coloring books fly up in the air?

Answers to these three questions will prompt young kids to understand the significance of playing nicely with friends alongside highlighting the need to share your things amidst friends. Offering a perfect blend of instruction and humor, this is a cute narrative that makes reading fun and beneficial.

  1. Rabbit’s Gift

While George Shannon presented the story line of this book titled Rabbit’s Gift, Laura Dronzek is the benefactor of captivating illustrations. Picked up from one of China’s ancient folktale collections, Rabbit’s Gift is a perfect reading entertainment and learning for kids between the ages of 3 and 6.

With snow fast approaching, a rabbit wants to hoard food so that it can survive during harsh winters. Just then, it notices a turnip and sometime later another one to its utmost surprise. The extra turnip does not make the generous rabbit fill with greed. On the contrary, the rabbit treads the road less travelled. Picking up a completely different path, the rabbit spreads the idea of sharing, by leaving the turnip at the door of a donkey. The donkey which is already prepared for the winters continues the sharing chain until the turnip reaches the rabbit. Along with graphical representations of the beautiful winter season, this storybook harps on the positive traits of generosity and sharing amongst kids. To top it all, you will be enamored by the Chinese calligraphy that lends an artistic touch to the ancient narrations reiterating the importance of sharing and caring. The turnip is indeed the rabbit’s gift to all the forest friends.

  1. One Big Pair of Underwear

All thanks to Laura Gehl who is the author of this lovable storybook and Tom Lichtenheld, the bestselling illustrator that they have come up with a hilarious account of numbers teamed with sharing. Kids above the age of 5 can find this storybook interesting and imitable.

You need to count and share. To count you need to keep track of two bears, four goats, three yaks and six cats. Now comes the twist to the tale. All these characters mentioned above have one thing in common. Can you guess what that is? They all hate to share. So how do these characters learn to share? A pack of twenty pigs now enter the scene with a willingness to share. Upon their arrival all the self-centered characters look up to the pigs to finally start sharing and experience double the fun. It is through this storybook that you can excite the memory of your kids while also teaching them the nobility of sharing.

  1. It’s Mine!

“It’s Mine!” – This is a phrase that is so commonly heard amongst self-centered people. Featuring three selfish frogs as the main characters of the story, Leo Lionni came up with this intriguing storybook that is a perfect reading and learning material for kids between 3 and 6 years.

The story goes like this: The three frogs though sharing the same island in the middle of a Rainbow Pond constant fighting over everything and anything that they see. And what do they utter in unison? It’s mine! It’s mine! These quarrels become their daily norm until bad weather strikes the island. An unpredictable storm hits the island introducing them to an angel that comes in the form of a big, brown toad. With the entry of the toad into their lives, the three selfish frogs realize that sharing can indeed be a lot more fun.

Closing Thoughts

All in an attempt to teach kids the virtue of sharing from an early age, you as a guardian can bank on these illustrative and educative storybooks. Simple to read, easy to understand and pleasurable to recapitulate, these picture storybooks can become intelligent tools of young parents. Read these storybooks aloud and help your kids cultivate the good habit of sharing things with the rest of the world.

“Nine-tenths of education is encouragement”. This is an adage quoted by Anatole France. Ponder over this thought and you will understand the basic foundation of parenting is to encourage kids. While you as parents and teachers encourage your children, you will be showing them the way to learn new things.

  1. Empathy Towards Kids

Kids who are on the threshold of becoming individuals need to be respected and supported at all times. They should be appreciated and valued. Only then will these positive stimuli help kids to learn about life much more easily.

  1. Freedom is the Keyword

You as parents and teachers will be doing a great favor to your kids if you just allow them to be the way they please. Bestow them the freedom of thought, expression and action. And then watch the magic unfold. You can witness remarkable changes in the intellectual, spiritual and physical aspects of your child.

  1. Introduce Them To the Power of Saying “No”

It is very important to teach your kids not to say “YES” when they want to say “NO”. “NO” is a powerful word in human psychology which dons the hat of an instrument in support of one’s integrity. Kids who have the courage to say “NO” will protect themselves from being exploited.

  1. Nurture Positive Aspects Linked To Self-Esteem

It is equally important for parents and teachers of toddlers to work in the direction of developing their self-esteem. Self-esteem is a positive trait that is a combination of self- respect and self-confidence.

But how do you nurture their self-esteem? It is by inculcating the strong feelings of self-acceptance.

When kids begin to accept themselves, they will start trying new challenges. And if they make mistake in that, they will repeat it until it becomes perfect. But parents can criticize them for repeating the wrong activities as this criticism can be really helpful for kids. It will bring self-confidence in them.

Self-acceptance helps kids take pride in their innate abilities and allows them to grow in an environment in which their accomplishments are highlighted. By extending such efforts, guardians of toddlers will be able to help their kids give their best to any task at hand. Hence, the secret behind successful parenting is to establish a congenial environment for kids to grow up into confident and productive individuals without an iota of self-doubt.

  1. Comparison of Kids – A Strict “No”

You should appreciate the fact that kids are highly sensitive beings. They are at a juncture when their personality is slowly evolving. They learn a great deal through observation and experimentation. Each kid is unique with a set of innate strengths and weaknesses.

It is when you compare kids that you will be hurting their ego which will manifest in the form of unruly behavior and self-doubt. Comparing your kid with another should be avoided in-toto since it damages the self-respect your kid has for himself or herself.

  1. The Power of Unconditional Love

It is very important for kids to grow up in an environment when they are loved for who they are and not for what they do. There can be many situtations when your child has wronged. But that mistake should not draw you against your child. You should make them clear about the mistake they did not in a rude way but in a lovable way and ask them to not repeat it ever after.

  1. Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood

This is the 5th habit from the book of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, penned by Stephen Covey which says: “Seek first to understand. Then to be understood”. This can be applied to while dealing with kids as well.

This habit is all about attentive listening to deeply understand people as human beings with strong individualities. You can apply this habit to parenting by listening to what your kid wants to convey to you. You should listen to understand and not with an intention to reply.

  1. Allow Them to Thrive in A Goal-Centric Life

Parents and teachers who practice setting up achievable yet small goals to their wards will be creating a fruitful environment for kids to grow through experiences. Here, it is very important for guardians to set goals to kids in accordance with their ages and capabilities. With a goal in mind, your kid will be steadily moving towards progress, taking baby steps in the direction of attaining the target. It is here that your kid will need constant guidance until he/she reaches the flag post. You should encourage your kids at every stage of their goal-meeting and rejoice their victory with an applause that will reinforce their self-confidence.

  1. Appreciate The Presence of Kids

Most of the times, in households or in schools, kids are not given their due importance. Their emotions and concerns are shunned away as a childish chatter. Their curious questions are either not answered or sometimes, answered with distorted information. You will be doing a lot of harm to your kid when you start avoiding him/her while he/she is saying something about her dissatisfactions and irritations. So, You as a guardian, must indicate to your kids that their presence is precious.

  1. Small Incentives Go A Long Way

Motivation is another keyword that works in favor of your kid. And what best way to motivate your kid than shower him/her with rewards? These rewards can be small and need not don the hat of expensive gifts or tangible stuff. It can be a trip to park, plying games them, etc., A motivating environment at home and school will help your kids grow up into sensible and level-headed human beings.

  1. The Benefits of a Close-Knit Family

It is indeed a blessing for any kid to be born in an affectionate family. A close-knit family can create a solid foundation for your kid’s psyche. A family that eats together, stays together. You as parents of kids should take out time for your kids. Spending quality time with them is the best means to delve deep into their minds. Providing enough space for healthy discussions, another perk of growing up in a close-knit family is that you can indulge in friendly and funny chats with family members. Being a part of a happy family does wonders to your kids when they begin to appreciate the fact that they are loved and cared for; at all times by their family and extended family members.

A close-knit family is also one that does not expose your kids to the disagreements between parents. Any argument between parents should be dealt with behind closed doors without being displayed to kids. This way, your kids will grow up in a healthy and happy family setup.

  1. A Congenial Environment That Leads to Healthy Living

It is the dream of every parent to raise her children into happy and healthy kids. In order to promote a healthy well-being of kids, parents should concentrate on the eating and exercise habits of their kids. For ensuring a healthy pattern of eating, it is appropriate for parents to bring back the practice of family dinners to the dining table. You, as parents can show your kids the path of healthy eating by cooking and serving low-fat foods which are equally delicious.

The second component of healthy living for kids is to include physical exercise as part of their lifestyle. Allow them to play and sweat it out at a park or engage them with a sport of their choice. This way, your kids will be active and agile and will enjoy the long-standing benefits of healthy living for life.

  1. A Home Which Spares the Rod

Corporal punishment should never be the solution to correct your kid. In fact, tending to physical punishment demonstrates your helplessness as parents, in correcting your kids. Inflicting physical pain by spanking is the worst punishment you as parent can ever give to a hyperactive or disobedient child. Parents at home and teachers in school should avoid threatening their wards. Instead, efforts should be directed towards reinforcing desirable behavior.

There are other non-violent ways to teach your kids the right way. Not only at home, teachers should also stop this strict disciplinary action of spanking.

You can instead try to discipline your kids by counseling them and setting rules around which they should operate at home and in school. These rules should be supported by consequences that the erring child will face in the event of non-compliance. If these specifications are clearly laid out early-on, then  chances of your kids becoming a deaf ear to your corrective suggestions will be less. To sum it all, a home which spares the rod preserves the self-respect of the child.

  1. Lead By Example

You as a parents and teacher must consider the fact that kids are very observant. They catch and mimic the behavior of their guardians. Teach them one virtue and demonstrate to them just the opposite and you have completely lost your child.

For example, the virtue of honesty. If you teach your kids to be honest at all times and you get away with white lies, you are sending a contradictory signal to your kid. Hence it is best to open up to your kids about your mistakes and how you have learned from them. This will not only help you appreciate your faults but will also pave way for an honest channel of communication between you and your kids.

  1. Recognize and Encourage Their Talents

Every child is indeed very special. However, the child does not realize his/her uniqueness. Hence, the onus is on the guardians to recognize and nurture their innate talents. It is hence very important to promote a homely atmosphere that provides ample opportunities for kids to demonstrate their talents. Along with this, it pays a great deal to provide constructive feedback about your kids’ talents so that your family can uncover and enrich the nascent talents that your kids are gifted with.

Closing Thoughts

Parenting is all about inculcating the right attitude to kids. It is also about striving hard to provide the best environment at home and in school. All your efforts of creating a productive atmosphere will bear fruit once your kid begins to tread the path of self-confidence and appreciation for all the blessings that are making his/her life so beautiful and worthwhile.

Tired of fighting with your problematic child? Both teachers and parents feel the urge to be angry at them, but that’s not the way out. We have better solutions for your problem.

While the quality of education, infrastructure and other facilities in schools are monitored by institutions such as KHDA and ADEC around the world, there is no official body to look at children’s character formation. Follow some simple steps to bring children under your control.

The Magic Is Here:

It’s not that tough to be buddies with your children. All you have to do is to follow these simple steps. Get hold of your children without them realising it.

Here We Go…!

Rule #1 Patience All The Way

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.” Joyce Meyer

The first compulsory step is to be patient with your children. It can be bitter but believe us; the fruit is worth the wait. This means that you need to have control over your temperament. Make yourself ready for their problematic behaviour. Do a makeover to your perspective.

Rule # 2 Find the Purpose

“When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

The question, why is a child misbehaving is of great importance. There might be some reason for their problematic behaviour. Understand them but never force them to reveal anything. The sooner you know, the better it is. Stay calm and love them for what they are. They must have a sense of belief in you. After gaining that the ball in your court, they will confide in you, making it easy to solve their issues.

Rule #3 No More Bossy Approaches

“Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us”John N Mitchell

Yes! That’s right. Do not be bossy over your child; it can ruin your relationship with him or her. Bossing can make children seek revenge. Ask yourself, do you like being bossed by anyone? You don’t. Neither do children. They need love and care. Look forward to maintain a strong and friendly relationship with your children. Don’t treat them as if they are your slaves.

Rule # 4 Shoulders in thick and thin

“To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.”- Barbara Bush

When children don’t feel a sense of belonging, they tend to exhibit unacceptable behaviour. Make sure that your children possess a sense of belonging. Never scold a child for unwanted reasons. They should get a natural feeling that they belong to you. Make them feel, how special they are. Rather than just making them guilty for their mistakes, make them realise.

Rule #5 Be the opposite of what they expect

“The moments that you were there for someone in their time of need are the moments that they will hopefully remember most.” -Senora Roy

Normally after doing mistakes, children anticipate your reaction. Afraid about the outcome, most of the times they attempt to hide their mistakes. If you want to restrict them from doing something, then talk in a positive manner. Don’t impose your opinion on your children; let them do the right thing on their own.

Rule #6 Focus on Good

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”Mark Twain

There is something good in everything. Instead of focussing on the flaws of your children, focus on their bright side. This gives them confidence. Always being worried about your child can instil in them a feeling that there is something within them to be worried about. The more you worry, the more they will get frustrated.


Researches show that the most important factor in child behaviour is child-parent relationship.

What a child expects form parents

  • Love, respect and care
  • Listen to their feelings
  • Never yell or shout
  • Always being positive
  • Always in a good mood
  • Never compare with other kids

It’s not that tough to control your child. Follow these simple strategies and let us know what you think in the comment section below.

In today’s age, we are becoming more and more culturally and ethnically diverse in all aspects of life. It spans across educational backgrounds, religion, language, race, ethnicity and geography. In spite of diversity that surrounds us most schools do not take a proactive approach to acknowledging diversity. There are numerous reasons why schools, parents and teachers alike should acknowledge diversity.

Why Acknowledge Diversity?

Diversity contributes to the richness of any environment. Students who are exposed to different cultures, backgrounds learn to respect and value people’s differences. They will develop an understanding of perspectives of different backgrounds and will also learn to function in a multicultural environment. This will also get them ready to be a part of any multicultural democracy.

A school that is diverse in faculty, staff as well as students has an enhanced environment of learning. It gives everyone a chance to experience different things that they are normally not accustomed to. Students in such schools will be more motivated and will very well be able to fit into any heterogeneous or complex society.


Despite the benefits of having a diverse staff, faculty and students, there are still several challenges that need to be addressed and overcome. Several studies have shown that minority faculty members and women are less satisfied in some aspects that their counterparts. These aspects often include professional relations with colleagues, salary, promotion and overall job satisfaction. It is the case with minority students as well. They often feel isolated and unwelcome and are often victims of discrimination and differential treatment.

Researches have also shown that the lack of previous positive experiences among minority members and majority creates an anxious environment. The resulting atmosphere is sometimes hostile. Another challenge that most diverse institutions face is that people hold unconscious assumptions and their judgements and interactions are mostly influenced. The assumptions and expectations are often based on physical and social characteristic like gender, age, race and ethnicity.

Embracing Diversity

Conflicts are natural in a diverse environment, but overcoming them and making it an advantage ultimately lies in the hands of parents and teachers.So, what can teachers and parents to help students understand and embrace diversity?

Role of Teachers: It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that no child is left behind and there is no achievement gap among diverse groups.Regardless of their ethnic background or language difference, the goal should be see that all students thrive. Structured class room activities are a great way to highlight and acknowledge different perspectives. The teacher can create diverse learning groups, wherein each student will be required to contribute to the group. This method will make students realize that each one is important and has something valuable to say.

Another very important factor that a teacher needs to take a conscious effort is mutual respect. Disrespect for fellow students should not be tolerated. Ground rules should be established; even the kids can be included to help establish these rules. A cordial environment where opinions and perspectives of others are valued should be modelled for students.

Role of Parents: It’s not about strategies or suggestions that can make a difference. It’s more about having the right mind set and teaching your children ways to support and welcome people from all backgrounds. The best way to start would be to broaden your social horizon. As a family socialize with people with whom you would not normally associate. Arrange dinner parties, invite new friends over or simply create situations wherein you can interact with parents of other children. Engage your kids in real conversations about diversity. As you start such conversations, their curiosity will grow and will expand their cognitive and social skills.

Parents can also play a part in promoting a positive environment in school. Find your school, pay attention to how the school addresses the needs and wants of diverse students. If you notice any different discipline consequences for different set of students, then make sure you express your concern. Observe of the student leadership group is ethnically diverse, if not question.

On the whole, it is the joint effort of parents, students and teachers alike to create a community that welcomes, listens and accepts people and ideas that are different from their own. When parents and teachers play their role, the school will be transformed into a warm, welcoming community.


“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune” -Jim Rohn

As a student, you were never trained to speak up in school nor at home. If you sat silently without daring to give a single opinion on anything, you may be staying the same even today. There might have been a moment when you wished to speak up, but didn’t have the courage to do so. You might have cursed the school you studied in for not grooming you to talk. You might have wished that you got an opportunity to express yourself and for those who did, you hailed them as heroes…the failure of traditional learning

That is exactly why educators are leaving behind traditional teaching techniques and are adopting technology involved learning. In traditional learning, knowledge is limited to books but technology involved teaching provides greater opportunities for the students to learn and explore. Apart from that, it allows students to connect on a global level and earn deeper knowledge about a certain subject. To support technology involved learning there are many mobile and web applications, such as smartapps for preschoolers, available. The school apps, which are in the form of games or activities instill interest in students and make learning an easy affair. Apart from apps for learning, there are many applications that also ensure safety of students such as ParentApp and also allow effective interaction between teachers and parents.

Must Read:

     10 Cool School Apps for Teachers

The field of education has just begun adopting technology to classrooms and therefore, the students are yet to be acquainted with the changes. As a teacher, it is your responsibility to ensure that students are comfortable in the new classroom environment where Internet is the star.

If you are thinking about ways you can prepare the students for a connected world, here they are:

1. Encourage Students to Speak Up

Every student may differ in terms of character and behaviour. Some may be smart and extra active while others may be shy to even speak a word out. The reserved behaviour won’t help them in future especially while attending an interview. Therefore, it is necessary to motivate the students to speak up. In the Internet connected world, students may find it much easier to speak up since they don’t meet anyone in person but just have to give an opinion. This adds to the confidence of students and hence, the teachers should ensure a positive environment for students to come forward and speak their mind out.

2. Student Blogs

Blogging is being practised in many schools across the globe. It provides students an opportunity to think creatively and write anything related to the currently relevant topics. Blogs are one of the best tools for students to raise their voice and give opinions.  Ask students to update their blogs on a regular basis and share the links to the blogs so that other students can go through the blog posts and comment.

3. Ask for Feedback

Just like you have an opinion on the performance of every student you teach, students too have something to say about your teaching. But, they rarely get a chance to voice their opinions. You can ask your students to give their feedback on your teaching via Internet. This can help you to improvise your teaching skills. It is also a way to show that their opinions do matter.

4. Tell them that you don’t have all the Answers

Usually, teachers are considered to be equal to an encyclopedia. They are expected to know about anything and everything on Earth and are expected to answer every question a student asks.  Prove them wrong this time and encourage your students to explore and find the answers themselves. This gives the students a better understanding of the subjects themselves and to make use of the connected world to the fullest.

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5. Let them Understand the difference between Progress and Performance

Without putting efforts, nobody can achieve anything. Also, in education, performance of students is evaluated on a regular basis. Hence, it is not sufficient for the students to perform well just once. They should make regular progress in their academic performance in terms of grades and understanding of the subject. Technology involved learning provides a better platform for students to explore every subject in depth and for the regular analysis of their performance.

6. Offer Engaging Topics

In traditional learning, teachers don’t usually discuss about a topic further with students once it is taught from the text book. Be different and starts discussing about topics relevant to the subjects students learn. Let them use all kind of technology and Internet to find out more about the subject and have a better understanding of the same.

7. Digital Story Telling

Give this activity a try. It is the modern version of already existing story telling in schools. Ask students to narrate a story based on a particular theme, a historical event or about life on the other corner of the Earth. This helps students to think more and develop their creativity. They also get to learn about different culture and how they are different.

Social equality is the state of affairs in which all people within a specific society or established group have the same status in certain respects. But, inequality is evident in most aspects of lives which includes racial, ethnic, socio-cultural and economic differences. Along with society, the egos of man create inequality.

Inequalities in schools

Children are not much bothered about such inequalities. But unknowingly, they also become a part of it. They won’t purposefully create this but it arises sometimes when not given proper attention.

Types of inequalities in schools:

1. Gender inequality

Not only in schools, but it is also a major problem everywhere. Sometimes, restrictions are imposed on students of a particular gender in schools or they may be discriminated on that basis.

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2. Racial inequality

Racial inequalities can occur mainly based on the particular caste, religion or the area a student belongs to. The majority will show a tendency to rule them or to avoid them from mainstream activities. Sometimes, even skin complexion can be the basis of such discrimination. This may very badly affect the confidence and calibre of students.

3. Economic inequality

This is also a worst form of inequality that appears among school children. In a school, students belonging to different financial backgrounds study in the same class. This gap is evident in the cloths the students wear, different accessories and stationeries they use in the class and the cash they bring to the class for their needs. Discrimination based on the financial status can hurt the students and make them feel inferior.

4. Academic inequality

All students don’t have the same calibre to learn or to grasp lessons. Their grades also vary. If the teachers show an extra affection towards those who score well, it will badly influence the weak children. The comparison made between the students by teachers and parents can be harmful.

How to solve these inequalities?

  • To solve gender inequalities, the teachers and parents involved should work together. The habit of giving priorities for a particular gender should be avoided. Let all students participate in all the activities irrespective of their gender. Discard the activities which don’t support mutual participation.
  • Racial discrimination should be avoided in schools. All students are equal, no matter what their religion, caste, complexion or locality is. The teacher must not be biased and also, they should take necessary disciplinary actions towards those who pass biased comments and remarks.
  • Teach the students the importance of secularism and unity. Make them aware of the feelings of those who are marginalized in the society. Tell them stories and incidents to develop a humanitarian concern in them.
  • To solve the economic inequalities, the first thing is to implement uniform for schools and make it compulsory to wear it on all days. The schools should supply the uniform, books, stationeries etc. for them. If possible, the schools should provide lunch too.
  • Inform the parents not to give any cash to the students unless the teacher demands.
  • Smartcards can be implemented so that the students can make their necessary purchases with that. The students will not have to bring money to the school and spend it unnecessarily because their parents will be aware of every item they purchase with that from school store or canteen.
  • To solve the academic inequalities, the teachers must take the upper hand. Always divide the class into groups which includes all levels of students for class activities. Give special attention to those who are weak and bring them up to the level of others.
  • Utilize Parent portal for better communication between the teachers and parents. Through Parent Portal, every parent can contact the teachers and get information regarding their child confidentially. They don’t have to feel bad about disclosing anything regarding their child to the teacher, so that the teacher can take care of the issue without letting others know about it.

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