An effective learning environment is only possible when everyone learns from each other. A strong student teacher relationship can make things easy. Teaching is no more a one-way process where teacher gives lectures and students take notes. Today’s effective classroom comprises interactive learning sessions when teacher and students contribute their roles and students are more responsible for their learning. Maintaining a good relationship with students is very important as kids would better do things out of love than compulsion.

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However, this may not happen all of a sudden but it can be developed, slowly nurtured, and when provided an ample space to evolve. Let us have a look at some of the timeless elements that play a vital part in building a strong student teacher relationship.

1. Consistent Communication

A good two-way communication between teacher and students can do wonders in terms of learning and teaching.

Teachers can in fact interact with students to see if teaching strategies are welcomed and may change their approaches for a better learning environment.

Even when observation and listening are important, open communication is the best medicine to nurture any relationship.

2. Genuine Interest in Each others’ Well Being

Having positive feelings towards each other is important while maintaining a healthy relationship.

Teachers showing interest towards the well being of students and vice versa will make their bonding stronger and healthier.

And there is no wonder why many of the students are still in touch with their teachers even after they pass out of schools.

3. An Emotionally-Safe Learning Space

An open learning environment where students and teachers can freely express their concerns, fears, doubts or ideas without any inhibition is very important.

If students get a feeling that their comments or questions will be listened with respect and patience, they will easily come out of the shelves and give their best.

Building an emotionally safe learning space where everybody can interact freely is crucial.

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4. Compassion and Understanding

An impressive understanding and communication from both ends is vital in building a strong relationship.

Compassion can give way for more trust and students will be more open about their problems and this can slowly build a friendship among them.

Recognizing the needs of kids outside classroom will also help students to approach them without any inhibition.

5. Mutual Respect, Trust, & Feedback

Mutual respect and trust is the basis of a good student teacher relationship.

When teachers show respect and willingness to help students in their difficult times, they get triggered to learn better and give their best to make teachers proud.

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At the same time, it is important to acknowledge their efforts through patience, words of approval or a celebratory applause.

6. Sense of Being in it Together

A student relationship with teacher can get nourished when both of them get a feeling that they are sailing in the same direction.

This can reflect in curriculum and instruction which in turn improves the learning outcome.

When teachers provide enough choices and create relevance, building connection with students is a lot easy.

7. True Equity

Equity is really important whether it is access to literature, technology access, or associated socioeconomic trends.

Focusing on particular individuals or considering their favorites can be a setback for a healthy classroom atmosphere.

Focusing on all students equally with a positive attitude can make a good difference in the way relationship between students and teachers prosper.

8. Constructive Criticisms

It is important for educators to give feedback to students on the areas where they are weak.

But it is also important for them to handle it through constructive criticisms through which students actually feel the importance of improving themselves.

While teachers can correct the students, this also paves way for strong positive relationships.

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9. Active Listening

Just like proper communication, students will value if they are heard well. That is why active listening and body languages matter more.

Minimal distractions and proper eye contact do the trick to give students a feeling of acknowledgement.

There is a tendency for students to perform better for their teachers who value their efforts.

10. Find Small Ways to Connect

Teachers can easily connect with students through similar interests. Bring in some classroom activities, may be in the Monday morning or Friday evenings or may be short 10 minutes activities daily to interact with students.

This builds up a positive vibe in the classroom and students will develop an interest for what they are doing and feel encouraged to give their best.

Some teachers even make chat groups or portals where everyone in the class can get in touch outside classroom hours, as well.

11. Have Some Fun Time

Keep aside some time when class lessons are kept at bay and everyone gets a chance to joke around.

There is no better way to connect with students than humor. Everybody would like to laugh out loud and indulge in fun conversations that boost up their positivity.

There is no wonder why many of our favorite teachers have got a good sense of humor.

12. Share in Activities

It is good to share in activities with students which give a feeling of togetherness.

Teachers can take part in extracurricular activities with students or may attend athletic events or clubs.

It is even a good idea to bring in the family also when everyone can get to know each other and boost relationships.

It is a great idea to involve students in classroom jobs in their free times which makes them efficient individuals,

13. Share Personal Stories

Keeping aside some time to share personal stories can be a good idea.

Teachers can come up with their inspirational, emotional and success stories from their life and give opportunities for students to share interesting incidents from their life.

Also Read: 24 Best Classroom Rules that will improve student behavior

Everybody gets a chance to know each other better and make relationships more transparent.

14. Team-Building Games

Don’t forget about some team building games which can make the classroom live and energetic.

This will take away the boredom of regular classroom lessons while fostering students and teachers to grow as a team.

It can lead to an enjoyable learning environment with improved participation and attendance of students.

Students usually react positively to a structured setting which is one of the best signs of positive students-teacher relationships. More sensible and constant reinforcements of rules and regulations also play a vital role.

Moreover, it is important to encourage efforts, validate feelings, give affection and provide support whenever needed.

Rather than calling home only to report the bad behavior or failures of students, take initiative to report their good deeds and achievements too.

It is always good to maintain an eye contact while teaching. Engage students with questions and give opportunity for them to ask doubts.

Take extra effort to incorporate child’s interests  whenever possible which gives them a feel of belonging which may enhance their performance level.

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Education has to be about learning! Learning about professional topics. Learning about the world we live in. And learning skills to develop a career.

All these goals become a part of a child’s education, the moment he or she enters a classroom. However, there is one more aspect of learning, which is gaining more popularity day by day. And that is- learning mindfulness.

Due to the latest studies, teachers are now able to understand the importance of teaching mindfulness in schools.

To help out such great teachers, this article offers more than 31 ways to teach mindfulness in school.

1)  Watching the glitter move

You can make a glitter container or purchase one. Such containers include colorful glitter mixed in a liquid. When you shake the container, the glitter takes some tip to stop moving. Watching this movement relaxes the mind of young kids.

2) Some time for the mind

You can decide mindfulness time durations for students. For instance, you can start every class by asking students to close their eyes and relax their mind. Or, you can turn the detention period into a period when students can meditate. That is exactly what the Robert W. Coleman Elementary School conducts in the location Baltimore Maryland.

The inclusion of meditation has offered outstanding results at the school. So, you have a proven mindfulness exercise to apply.

3) Utilize finger breathing

Finger breathing offers a visual method of focusing on breathing. Students can use their fingers to breath slowly and focus on their breathing one after another.

4) Introduce books on mindfulness

Students should understand the value of mindfulness in their lives. Which is why you should include books on mindfulness in the curriculum at your school.

5) Designate a mindfulness day of every week

Every week, you can decide a day dedicated to mindfulness. On this day, teachers are supposed to talk about wellness and conduct breathing exercises and meditation to help kids improve.

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6) Improve attentive listening with chimes

Ring the soothing sound of chime and ask students to raise a hand after they stop hearing the sound. This allows kids to listen to sounds attentively, which improves concentration.

7) Conduct an exercise of body scan

Prepare a yoga-like environment and ask students to lay down, looking at the ceiling. Then, every student has to scan his or her own body with their mind. The scanning can begin from the feet and move up towards the head. Ask students to focus on each body part and relax it.

8) A mindful walk

Create a safe outdoor environment for kids to walk. Designate an area of 5-6 steps for every student. Ask them to walk without their shoes and explain how their feet feel.

9) Finding the internal rhythm

There are several body areas where we can find our pulse. These areas are the heart, the wrist, and the neck area under the jaw. You can ask students to put their hand or fingers to find their own pulse. Let them close their eyes and focus on the beats. Ask them to jump thrice and check the pulse again.

10) Breathing buddy

Give a stuffed toy to every kid in the classroom. Provide yoga-like arrangement so they can lay down, looking up at the ceiling. Ask them to put their toy on their belly. Then, give them a task to breathe slowly for 2 minutes, while focusing on the movement of their toy as they breathe.

11) Smell and tell

This exercise requires good fragrance such as lavender, orange peel or a flower. Ask students to shut their eyes and concentrate on the fragrance. This will help in releasing anxiety.

12) Touch and tell

After the “smell and tell”, you can utilize the exercise of touch and tell. Include a variety of objects such as feathers, ball, stone, and a soft toy. Students are supposed to keep their eyes closed and touch each object one by one and describe them to their partner.

13) Having a mindful snack

Encourage students to feel the touch of their food, smell the aroma and slowly chew every bite. Notice every aspect of eating a snack. Ask them to chew every bite 30 times slowly before they swallow.

14) Responsible break

Give each student a bell and allow them two rings to stop an ongoing class between 50 minutes. Every time a student pushes the ring, everyone has to stand up, stretch and sit back silently again for 20 seconds. Then, the class begins again.

15) Controlled break

If responsible breaks don’t work, you can take control over the breaks during a class. So, the teacher decides when students should stand up, stretch and sit down to stay silent for 20 seconds. Ask students what are they thinking about right at that moment and why.

16) Mindful end of a chapter

At the end of a chapter or a class, let students breathe slowly and focus silently. Ask them to go through what they have just learned in their mind.

17) Tell a story

Stories during a class help students tap into their deeper levels of concentration and imagination. Including one or two stories will improve knowledge retention and improve the ability to understand concepts in students.

18) Create active classes

Teenagers are quite good at talking, but they hide away from indulging in activities. You need to make your lectures full of activities to help them come out of their shyness.

19) Make mindfulness meaningful

Every student wants to ask why you want to teach him or her mindfulness. So, create a link between mindfulness and how they can improve their daily lives with it. This will help students engage more.

20) Shark fin

Students can make a half “Namaste” pose with one hand and put it right in the middle of their forehead. Closing the eyes, they need to say out loud “shhh”, while sliding their hand down the face. Then, stay silent for 10 seconds, and then, breathe slowly for 2 minutes.

21) Breathing with colors

Ask every student to choose a color of happiness and a color of sadness. Similarly, designate colors for anxiety, calmness, nervousness and other emotions. Now, ask students to think of the colors that make them feel happy and focus on slow breathing.

You can also tell students to inhale while thinking a happy color and exhale while thinking about a sad color.

22) The Spiderman exercise

Spiderman has his 6th sense and you can help students find their sixth sense too. Ask students to feel as if they are Spiderman. Then, ask them to use their superpowers of hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling and smelling. Do this exercise for 2 to 4 minutes.

23) Gratitude journal

Indulge every student in creating a gratitude journal. In this journal, they all need to write about their experiences of that day. You can help by asking about the activities they, the person they enjoyed talking to, and a lesson they learned.

24) Mindful safari

In a large landscape or garden, allow students to indulge in the search for natural items. Ask them to explore nature with all five senses.

25) Countdown of senses

Ask students to think about 5 items they are able to see, 4 items they are able to touch, 3 sounds they are able to hear, 2 things they are able to smell and 1 thing they are able to taste.

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26) The weather report

Take students outside and ask them all to close their eyes. Now, encourage them to focus on the weather conditions they can feel using their 4 senses. They need to make their personal weather report and show it to you.

27) Indulge in drawings

Give all the freedom to students to color as per their creativity. They can use any color they like, but the catch is that they should be able to explain why they used each and every color.

28) Write a superhero story

Ask students to create their own superhero with special superpowers. They need to write 5 to 10 lines story and explain why everyone needs their superhero.

29) Thin ice walk

This is an outdoor activity. Students need to pretend that there is nothing but a thin layer of ice beneath their feet. So, they have to take each and every step very carefully and slowly.

30) Smell the imaginary pizza

Practice this with students who get anxious or angry very easily. Ask them to breathe in as if they are smelling a pizza slice.

31) Taste and tell

Blindfolded students taste food items and keep it for 1 to 2 minutes in their mouths to explore the feel of that food item.

32) Drawing an object

Give common objects to observe for about 2 minutes. Then, take the object away and ask students to draw a picture using their mental image of that object.


Use all the given ideas to encourage mindfulness in your students. This way, you can prepare students to grow up to become a confident person with confident self-awareness and the awareness of their own surroundings.

Handling the annoying behavior of students is an informal job description of every teacher. But handling such behavior is not enough, you have to have the ability to turn it around. As a teacher, it’s a responsibility to ensure the positive growth of students.

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For that, you need some great strategies and actual actions. This article will help you do it all.

Make Strategies

Some of the annoying behaviors can involve rudeness, disruptive nature, disrespect, and other forms of bad behavior. Such natures are a part of every person and they occur every now and then. Mature people know how to deal with it, some students don’t. You have to have that clarity in heart and mind first of all. Only then, you can set aside all your anger or frustration and think straight to turn around the issue.


With a calm and sorted mind, you can make some concrete strategies to tackle the problem:

1. Understand the core reason for Annoying Behaviors

First and the foremost, you need to find why those students of yours are behaving annoyingly. You can’t take any valuable action without knowing what a student is going through. Talk to the parents and find out if there has been any tragedy or a change in the life of the student. A divorce, disability, death, a new baby and other reasons can cause a change in the behavior of a student.

With a thorough understanding of the emotional and mental state of a student, you can decide actionable steps to help him or her.

2. Decide a goal

In your head, you can think of a step-by-step goal to resolve the problem. Give yourself a time period and a set of efforts, you can make to improve your relationship with the student. Also, think if there is a need for psychological, educational or any other professional counseling to tackle the issues.

Take action

After creating a strategy, you can start taking actions to manage an annoying student and help him or her at the same time.

1. Learn to respond in a composed manner

An annoying behavior has less to do with students and more to do with your mindset. It is completely natural to feel frustrated or angry when a student behaves in a bad way. But that anger or frustration shouldn’t guide your actions. You have to learn to acknowledge your frustration and calm yourself down before responding to such an action.

Why is this important?!

When you calm yourself down first, you can think of a positive approach to resolve the problem. At the same time, you can set an example for all students as well.

So, whenever you face an annoying student, give yourself a few seconds or minutes to calm down and think. Then, talk in a positive tone.

2. Dislike the Misbehavior, not the Student

It is difficult for many people to distinguish between behavior and the core personality of other people. Hence, we tend to judge a person due to his or her one misbehavior. If that happens between you and a student, that student can start feeling distant from you.

Make sure that you tell the student that you only dislike his or her misbehavior only. So, you can say, “You know you’re a great student, but this behavior of yours is unacceptable.” This approach helps the students understand that they just need to change one bad behavior and not their whole personality.

3. Allow the student to explain his or her actions

If you simply call out an annoying behavior, it won’t help in the process of turning it around. Instead, you should give a chance to the student to respond. Ask the student to explain his or her actions. Let them explain what they did step-by-step. Then, ask how their actions were wrong.

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This approach allows students to evaluate their behavior and understand how they misbehaved. Many times, emotions of a student don’t allow a clear perspective of mind. But when they revisit their actions, it helps in understanding the problem. Hence, you can effectively change the annoying behavior of students.

4. Choose a Problem-Solving Approach over Punishment

A conflict with annoying students can’t be about winning. As a teacher, it is easy to punish and feel that you have done the right thing. But punishment is not always the right way to turn around misbehavior. On the contrary, it can further increase the problem. A student can’t punish you, but he or she can keep annoying you with the same behavior. That’s what happens if you take the road of punishment.

Instead of punishing, present yourself as a problem-solver. Ask your student, why he or she is behaving that way. Also, present yourself as a solution. Say that you are there for them and you want to help them correct their misbehaving habits.

5. Listen, Respect, and Then, Respond

If you want students to listen to you, it’s necessary that you listen to them as well. Always be open to a conversation, so that, students can convey their concerns and feelings with you. Listen without making immediate judgments. Students can sometimes take time to express everything they want to say to you. So, give them enough time when talking.

At the same time, you have to respect their feelings too. Just because you have a mature mindset, doesn’t mean they have it too. Students worry about all those things which you have already dealt with. But you can’t tell them that their problems mean nothing. Their problems are real to them. So, respect what your students say.

If you follow the process of listening and respecting your students, the responding part gets easier. You can offer ideas to tackle problems. And, at the same time, tell students about the annoying behavior and how it’s bad for them as well.

6. Set disciplinary Rules in your Classroom

When you are trying to understand your students, it’s good to let them understand you as well. We all have some trigger points in our mind. Certain actions or activities can make us frustrated or angry. It naturally happens to you as well.

To resolve the problem, you can make a list of annoying behaviors you see in your students. Keep that list to yourself only.

Now, make a list of rules to counter all those annoying behaviors. Set those classroom rules, so that, students become aware of what you expect from them.

7. Understand if there is a cultural difference

Education has become a global sector today. So, students from all cultures are everywhere learning and getting degrees. This can create cultural clashes in some scenarios. And those clashes can happen between a student and a teacher as well.

For example, if a student looks down when you are talking to him, can have two meanings in different cultures. You might take it as annoying and disrespectful, but for the student, it can be a way of showing respect. You see, in many cultures, students don’t directly look at their teachers.

Such cultural differences can also create problems. So, understand about the culture of your students, especially if you have a diverse classroom.

8. Help Students Cultivate Social and Personal Skills

You can replace the annoying behavior of students with social and personal skills. No matter what subject you specialize in, a teacher can always help students learn better social and personal skills. You can share your experiences, tell stories and allow students to talk in the classroom. All these steps help in improving communication, sharing nature, kindness, and other skills in students. And all those qualities don’t allow a student to misbehave.

9. Acknowledge and Reward Acceptable Behavior

While punishment is not effective, rewarding acceptable behavior helps a lot. No matter how old your students are, they look up to you and want to impress you. So, you can let them know when they behave correctly.

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For example, if a student helps to stop a fight between two other students, acknowledge the effort. Also, give a treat or some other form of reward to the student who stopped the fight.

Now, you are punishing the students who fought, only rewarding the one who stopped the fight. This way, students know that you are all about solving a problem.

10. If a Strict Talk is necessary, Have it Privately

Some annoying students are hard to handle. So, disciplining them requires some strict talk too. You can follow that approach in certain cases. But make sure you offer a private and safe environment. A strict talk with your students is about making them realize the depth of the problem. It should not become humiliating. So, you should not shout at a student in front of the whole class, or right in the middle of the hallway. This puts a negative impact on the student.

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Now, you can begin your approach with the help of given strategies and actions. Hopefully, you will succeed in creating a perfect classroom.

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It’s easy to assume that an introvert has lesser capabilities than an extrovert.

But thankfully, that is not true at all.

So, educators need to remove this misconception from their mind and value the capabilities of introverts as well.

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If you open your eyes and see the social lifestyle everywhere, it is biased slightly towards the extroverts.

People, who are outgoing and gregarious, are seen as the symbol of success in society.

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Standing out and being heard are necessities of surviving in modern society.

Everybody is asked to stay dynamic and aggressive as if we all are on a roller-coaster ride.

However, the mind of a natural introvert doesn’t work like that. Introverts feel overwhelmed in a dynamic environment. But those introverts are restricted to the current social scenarios. The similar introverts come to your classroom and face the challenges of being in an extrovert-driven environment.

The biggest problem in our current social scenarios is in the way we look at introverts. Natural introverts are often judged. People feel concerned about them as if they have some mental disease.

Many people also think introverts are shy people, which is not true at all. For a shy person, other people create anxiety. On the other hand, introverts get overwhelmed by the stimuli coming from too many people around them.

Introverts feel exhausted not anxious. They just need some alone time to get their energy back.

Classrooms become a never-ending group activity for introvert students. Too many stimuli don’t allow a positive environment for introverts. So, their educational performance tends to go down and they become the so-called shy students in the class.

In a nutshell, we all need to redefine the method of teaching in a classroom to motivate introvert students.

Secret#1: Observe and Learn about Introvert Students in your Classroom

1. Avoid Typecasting in the Classroom

In your classroom, there are students with all kinds of characteristics. Being their teacher, you can surely see those characteristics by observing their behavior. However, you should never indulge in typecasting or making your observations a fact in the classroom.

If you address a student as “sensitive” or “the quiet one”, it tends to impact the introvert student as well as other students in the classroom. While other students start looking at introverts as a shy person, the introvert feels that he/she is the odd one out in the class.

So, whenever you are talking regarding an introvert student in your classroom, don’t let your observations become a typecast.

2. Observe the Unique Qualities of an Introvert

To understand the capabilities of a student, you have to look beyond the “introvert” label.

A student can look introvert at the first glance.

But if you observe, you will find unique qualities such as creativity, kindness, observant and other personality traits. These personality traits usually stay hidden behind the introversion.

An introvert, who seems shy to you, can have plenty of jokes, which he cracks with his close friends at home.

You need to talk to the parents to understand how the student behaves in other environments.

Find out all the scenarios when the student acts freely and looks happy. This will help you create similar scenarios in the classroom as well.

3. See How Long they take to Answer

Introverts don’t always raise their hands immediately after hearing your question. They do know the answer, but they try and collect their thoughts first, which can take a while. You need to observe this quality in introverts.

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Ask a question and allow an introvert student to work on his/her answer.

During this time, you can handle the extroverts, who want to answer your questions right away. Regular observations like this will help you find out the true capabilities of introverts in your class. Not all of them are out of answers, as it generally seems.

Secret#2: Communicate with Introvert Students

1. Have a One-on-One Conversation

An introvert student usually avoids sharing thoughts and challenges if you communicate in front of the whole class.

Statements like-

“What is your problem?”

“Do you need something else?”

They never help an introvert student.

You need to provide a safe and one-on-one interaction to communicate with such students. An introvert child feels that he or she is supposed to blend in the classroom. But they feel unable to do so, which makes them scared and confused. Sharing these thoughts is another task, which they avoid. But you can make them convey their feelings in a safe and quiet environment.

Present yourself as a helper and promise to assist in every possible way to improve the bad situations. This assurance will allow an introvert student to share his/her thoughts.

2. Give Subtle Signals of Appreciation

The skills of introverts tend to go unnoticed in front of extroverts. You can change that by indulging in subtle indirect communication with introverts. Even a smile or a pat on the back can let your introvert student know that you see their capabilities.

When introvert students feel appreciated, they feel free to open and indulge in classroom activities.

Secret#3: Bring Changes in the Classroom Teaching

1. Modify the Classroom Space to Create a Low-Key Environment

The design of a space impacts the behavior of people. For example, people behave differently in a large park than, in a small terrace garden.

The large size of space allows people to act more dynamically, but it makes introverts uncomfortable. On the other hand, a low-key environment offers more intimate space for people.

You can use the same concept to adjust the design of your classroom.

Just like any other communal zone, you can make it smaller and more intimate to provide quietness. In a smaller space, all students can become calm and focus on thinking and studying. This way, introverts, and extroverts both types of students can feel a part of the learning environment.

2. Design a Quiet Period in your Classroom

As mentioned before, introverts require some quiet time to reenergize themselves. But generally, classrooms keep on going on and on without no quiet breaks.

You can help both introvert and extrovert students by designing a quiet period in your classroom.

Decide a particular time when all students have to indulge in quiet activities such as drawing, reading, meditating and others. This way, quietness will become a part of the daily routine for all students.

This does two things. First of all, introverts get a chance to attain their energy back by staying calm and focused.

Plus, it allows extrovert students to understand the advantages of quiet activities, which makes them see introvert students as normal.

3. Utilize Different Teaching Channels

Your teaching method can have diverse strategies in the modern age.

There are plenty of technologies to utilize classroom blogs, social media pages, online videos, and others to help all students learn effectively.

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You can even use simple methods of writing and make it helpful for introvert students.

For example, instead of asking for an oral answer, you can allow all students to write their answers. An introvert might feel shy to raise hands to answer orally, but you will definitely get a written answer from them.

4. Encourage Quality of Participation in Students

All students in your classroom should learn the value of quality participation.

Quality of participation is about giving enough thought and effort to everything you want to say before actually saying it.

Encourage this habit in terms of classroom questions and even when students communicate with each other.

As introverts require time to gather their thoughts, this approach will surely help them and motivate them in indulging in giving their answer.

At the same time, the same approach will improve the learning ability of extroverts as well. Generally, your extrovert students say the first thing that comes to their mind.

This is true when you are asking questions and even when they are having conversations with other students.

The approach of quality participation will develop a tendency of analyzing thoughts and coming up with the best possible answer.

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Now, you have the top 3 secrets of motivating introvert students in your classroom. Though these methods are directed towards introverts, you will find that extroverts also get better learning experience with these methods.

So, understand introverts, attain diversity in your teaching approach and communicate to motivate.


Biology has placed certain constraints on human brains as to how large can our social circle be.

This was a research carried out by Robin Dunbar, in a mind boggling revelation about human brain and their social circle.

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Dunbar’s Number – states that a person can maintain only 150 stable relationships with other humans during a certain phase of life.

The concept applies to every sphere of human life, be it professional or personal. We are a social species and everything we do boils down to where we want to be in this society. The ultimate goal is to stabilize the coefficient of social relationships.

And where and how does this process initiate? Dunbar’s theory inspires us to question the very basis of today’s institutional architecture. The place where the process of social interaction begins for a human, seconds the value of it to academics.

The Basis of Dunbar’s Number Theory

The members of primate group manifest a relationship between the size of their brain and the size of their social circle.

There is a pattern when it comes to the primate group. It follows a grouping of 150 people with whom we feel a sense of trust and obligation. Technically these are more than just names and faces to us.

There are species of animals that are not as intensively social as the humans. The research brings out a relation between the size of the brain and their affinity towards intensive, steady relationships. It turns out as we all know; human relationships are very demanding for a reason.

The research was co-related to hunter gatherer communities where the communities were grouped into a number of 150.

Explains why one person cannot govern a country all by himself. There is a pronounced need of advisories and sub governing bodies to simplify the process.

The Fate of Teachers in Current Educational Scenario

Now think about how it can address the issues in today’s educational system.

If we consider a teacher has seven classes in one day, each with a capacity of 40 students.

She encounters over 200 students in a day.

Considering the Dunbar’s theory, it is practically impossible for the teacher to know the cursory details of each student. Even in the rarest of the cases, if the teacher manages to remember all these details, it is unquestionably out of her capacity to connect with these many students on a personal level.

There can be an outlook where in the need for this inherent connection might forever be locked in a dispute.  Except, certain prerequisites of healthy education can never be over looked for obvious reasons.

Teacher’s Attention means a lot to Students

It is unfortunate that present educational structure prioritizes academic growth over a wholesome physical, emotional and spiritual development.

For starters, establishing a stable connection at individual level is essential to comprehend the demands that account for an exponential graph of academic performance.

A teacher has to work out the math of the overall grasping potential that comes from interacting with each student closely. This helps her tailor her lessons and curricular planning to fit the frequency of each child in the class. A slight variation or peak in momentum of lesson advancement could leave a void and cause the student to lag for the rest of the classes.

Classroom activities can be planned keeping in mind the strengths and weaknesses of each student giving a sense of responsibility to all.

A lot of us might argue on the idea of tweaking curriculum to fit the needs of individual comfort. However if we are failing to consider the principle of diversity whilst deciding the procedures to evaluate a set of pupils, it could turn out to be a big bias in the favor of few.

Now Looking at it from a Student Perspective!

Developing a relationship with an authoritative figure other than the parent is the next step in the life of a child’s development. It helps them determine their personality and stem the process of social evolution.

In other words, the student-teacher relationships mark the first step in the social progression of the child.

Studies have gone to prove that emotional intelligence of children has seen a huge rise when nurtured in a structured and organized environments.

Given the scenario in today’s educational institutes, where overcrowding lurks as a result of hyped reputation of a few institutes and lack of infrastructure in a few others, it is not uncommon for a student to struggle to meet his needs for attention.

And at what cost? The very purpose of this system is undermined as the scores hit by students in these niches lie in two extremes. Teachers are unable to evenly support students in terms of curriculum resulting in non-standardized test scores across the classroom.

This fosters a feeling of insignificance and negativity towards self that could lead to chronic cases of self doubt and low self esteem in young minds.

It goes without saying that the current system is unfair to both teachers and students.

How Can We Address These Issues?

For starters let us focus on efforts of reducing the size of each class, so that each student gets the attention they need and deserve.

If we can place students who struggle with a similar weakness together and keep the size of the classrooms smaller it would definitely work in their favor. Ability grouping is not such a bad thing after all if done wise and careful.

Teachers can focus on creating more engaging activities and lessons that will potentially captivate most students in the class.

And more importantly the teacher needs to be prepared to face the fluctuating dynamics of varied class sizes and students. Respectfully, as demanding as this job is, the teacher needs to adapt to the drifting nature of the classrooms and students.

A glimpse at the educational health of countries like Finland will help comprehend the gravity of the situation.

The Finnish educational model enjoys consistent success when compared with the global scenario owing to a high quality pedagogical training and a regulated staff-child ratio. It comes as no surprise as the education is structured for a holistic socioeconomic development of the state which encompasses the social, cultural, political, economic, and ethical-moral factors.

The average student teacher ratio noted in the Nordic country is 16.03 students per teacher. With this unorthodox educational model in place, one teacher is allotted to 15-20 students for the entire span of their elementary education. So by the end of the first year, the teacher has already figured out the instructional needs of every individual.

Most other countries following a corporate oriented model will term this extremely ideal and difficult to achieve given the rising student population.

But doing this, aren’t we underestimating the ultimate potential of digital transformation to enhance human connections?

How do we exploit the Power of Tech?

Provide teachers with tools to help them tweak their lesson plans and daily schedule. These implements could help a teacher set up her activities as per the needs and the size of her class.

Speaking of tools, time scheduling and management apps have been doing the rounds lately and have proven to be quiet useful in rightfully dispensing class hours.  Timetable app from edsys for instance has an automated function for timetable creation and mapping information to match each class with a suitable teacher.

Schools can employ this app to ensure a rightful distribution of students and allotment of teachers thus clearing the mess of prejudice that prevails in the current scenario. This will help ensure that each teacher will not tend to more than 150 students for one academic year.


The above discussed points could just be a pebble in the sea of problems we are yet to discover, rising as a result of unhealthy student teacher connection.

It is a hard truth that the concept of Dunbar’s number is nowhere in the consensus of today’s institutional architects.

But at the same time, we cannot ignore how much it calls for a revaluation and enhancement in the present educational set up.

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International literacy day is celebrated around the globe on 8 September.

What is Literacy?

The basic definition highlights an individual’s ability to read and write. Literacy in simple terms means how good you are in comprehending what you can read. Can you interpret a version of the story to another in your own words?

The lucky needs to feel fortunate to have these skills, what they think is only basic. People around the world have endured long-standing hardships owing to not being able to attain them. The response to this crucial challenge that humanity faces saw the rise of International literacy day.

The Basic Idea

As efforts by world organizations and NGOs are made around the world to plant the seed of education in every barren mind, this day is there to acknowledge the progress made by the campaign and discover areas which need enhancements.

The goal is simple. The ultimate extinction of illiteracy from the world!

International literacy day is celebrated around the globe on 8 September.

Literacy is an important aspect of UN’s Sustainable Development goals. The sustainable development goals by UN put forth in 2015 plan on achieving extraordinary things by 2030. The objective is to “end poverty, promote prosperity and well-being for all, and protect the planet”

One of the prevalent goals is to provide every individual equivalent access to education and leaning opportunities all life.

The sustainable development goals strive toward providing the youth with basic literacy and numeracy. It also ensures the adults who lack these skills and offers a chance to seek them.

What is Special about International Literacy Day 2018?

2018 marks the 52nd year since the day was formally announced to highlight and work towards the literacy development in the world.

It marks the efforts of the presiding authorities and whoever in the position to contribute to improving the policies governing literacy. The world organization takes time to address the challenges concerning literacy and draw attention to the improvements in literacy rates.

The theme for International literacy day 2018 is “Literacy and Skills Development”.

Challenges still prevail in the development of literacy. Having said that, the requirements for skills are rising rapidly, adding hopes to the same picture.

UNESCO plans on highlighting the youth and adult section under lifelong learning framework. Skills and literacy are well thought to be connected and potentially resourceful when combined.

Amalgamation of ideas pertaining to skills and literacy would ensure the development of societies and foster equity and sustainability at the same time.

The aim is to create a competent and sustaining individual with skills for employment, livelihood, professional development. Enhancements in technical, digital and transferable skills also claim to be a major part of the endeavor.

How each of us can celebrate this day?

This literacy day will see unexplored corners of creativity as the governing bodies around the world have young minds actively working at creatively emphasizing the role of skills in development of learning.

Other events can include inviting people for reading sessions, erecting a word wall’ for eg. a wall of technical jargon and pictures, designing collages.

How do we interpret the theme “Literacy For Skills Development?

It could mean anything from connecting students to what is being taught through jargon and other resources to handling digital devices. The motive is to prep the individuals to develop basic skills demanded by every job in the present world.

Blending in Technology

Here are a Few Apps that might help Brighten the literacy day


This app has a fun literacy game where in you are required to find word clues. This app helps enhance a kids observation while helping them learn new words and also helps them understand sentence structure.

Playtales Gold! Kids’ Books

A compendium of virtual story books for kids. Playtales is designed to encourage kids to learn new vocabulary, numbers, pronunciation, spellings and lot more.

Mad Libs

The name justifies the crux of the app. You can pick crazy word choices, feed it into the app and create fun stories. This will feed the creative bug and also keep the vocabulary alive


The app has a large collection of bestsellers, new generation authors and even audio books. This literacy day you can add a few good reads to your personal library.

Kids Learn to Read Lite 

This is a wholesome app and entertaining  for kids. Children can learn new things and ideas in a fun way.


The UNESCO figures state that 774 million adults are still devoid of basic literacy. One in five adult fails to comply to the basic terms of literacy and two-thirds of the population are women.

The success lies in the drop in these figures to the extent that in years to come, the day shall only be celebrated to commemorate the efforts taken around the world to end one big suffering of humanity.

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Mathematics is the forebearer of the very tag – “difficult”.

In fact, it has become acceptable for certain students to perform badly in this subject.

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If examined carefully, one cannot deny that it is a very negative trend. Why should any student be poor in any subject?

Especially when that subject deals with logic and reasoning!

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Here we are going to discuss 10 significant reasons as to why students fail in Mathematics.

1. Attitude Towards Learning The Subject

Everything depends on one’s attitude towards the subject in question. The student mindset plays an important role.

If a student thinks from the beginning that he will not be able to perform well in the subject, he will end up developing a phobia towards Mathematics.

This in turn will affect his learning ability and performance. The positive attitude can bring about a lot of difference. It will act as a confidence booster.

2. Method of Teaching

Ideally, Mathematics should be taught in a way that is easy to comprehend.

The technique should be such that students can relate to it even after the class is over.

If the method of teaching is proper, the students will be able to add, subtract, divide, and multiply without using a calculator.

But, more often than not, mathematics teachers rely on methods that are difficult to grasp.

They might appear all right on pen and paper. But when its application comes to the world outside the classroom, problems starts to arise.

3. A Lack of Connection Between The Subject and Students

One of the many reasons why students fail in mathematics! Students are unable to develop a connection between the subject and themselves.

They treat the subject as something alien to them. Something that is unknown and scary!
Such students remain absent from the mathematics class. This hampers their learning ability.

They cannot keep a track between the previous class and the one that they are attending.

4. Self Doubt

Peer pressure is another reason why students fail in mathematics. They are unable to cope up with the pressure to perform at school.

This along with a constant comparison with other good students leads to the rise of self-doubt.

Once self-doubt sets in, it becomes difficult to recover. Eventually, the student’s ability to perform well in mathematics is hampered forever.

Students might not voice out but in reality, they are very scared of the subject. They look out for ways to avoid learning the subject.

5. Low IQ

Many might not agree. But one cannot overlook the role one’s IQ plays in learning mathematics.

This area is kept under wraps because no one wants to accept that his or her child has low IQ.

But the fact remains, some kids don’t have the ability to grasps numbers as easily as others. Thus their low IQ affects their learning graph.

6. Short Attention Span

Some students get easily distracted. They cannot remain attentive throughout the math’s class.

Their attention wanders and they stop paying any interest. When asked to solve a problem in class they falter and become the center of jokes.

Parents should make sure that their child pays more attention in the classroom.

Both the teacher and parents can use different learning aids to make mathematics appear interesting.

7. Lack of Understanding About Signs and Symbols

Mathematics is a tricky subject. Especially when it comes to the signs, symbols and significance.

There are many adults who are not very good at it as well.

For a below average student in mathematics, the chances of getting confused between the different mathematical signs and symbols is quite high.

If the student fails to put the degree sign in geometrical problems or the right unit after solving a sum, his marks are deducted.

Knowing where to put what sign and symbol is a vital part of learning mathematics.

8. Teacher Student Ratio

Generally, a classroom has 15-20 students with a single teacher teaching the subject. This results in poor teacher student ratio.

The teacher in his desire to teach the topic fails to pay attention to every student. He has only a vague idea as to which student is good and which is below average.

Only after class tests are conducted, the teacher gets a clear idea of his students’ abilities.

9. Many Mathematics Teachers are not well versed In the Subject

This might appear as a bit of out of the box reason, but it cannot be ignored completely.

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There are many teachers who do not have an in-depth knowledge of the subject.
There are many teachers who perform well in mathematics but when asked to teach, they somehow falter.

Not all teachers can teach well. Teaching is an art. Not everyone is well versed in it.

10. Accessible Textbooks

There are many schools where the students cannot afford to buy the textbooks.

If the textbook-pupil ratio is in order, it is not difficult to teach the subject.

If the scenario is reversed, where the students have to depend on the school to access the textbooks, it will hamper the performance power of the students.

All the above-mentioned problems can be solved if they are detected at the right time. Parents and teachers need to make a joint effort to improve a student’s performance.

This will help them deal with anxiety, peer pressure, and self-doubt. The student in question will be able to improve his performance gradually.

Parents can appoint tutors who will be able to give personalized attention. Proper guidance and regular practice will turn the tide in the favor of the student.

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So what are you waiting for?

If your child is afraid of math, it is time to have a serious discussion with him.
Look out for the above-mentioned factors.

Does your child suffer from any of it? Try to find out what is bothering him and work around it.

Together you can help your children overcome their fears and make them confident about the subject.

All students in a classroom may not always be of the same background, financial set up, academic skills and social behavior.

Simply covering the textbook syllabus and expecting them to perform well at the end of the academic year may not always work well.

Understanding their emotional concerns and giving them timely moral support and guidance can make a remarkable difference in their overall performance.

The family problems, financial worries or bullying can take a toll on the student behavior and performance.

This is when counselling as a part of school life becomes a whole lot purposeful.

Some schools would arrange a quarterly or annual counselling to students by arranging some specialist counselors.

While there are others that take into account the importance of regular counselling and have a counselor as part of their teaching team.

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Here let us have a look at the way school counselling helps students to enhance their performance.

  • Better academic outcomes

The counselors would start off with attending individual students that need special care, setting up discussions and group student activities.

Unlike in the past, the counselling is now data driven which improves the probability of the success rates.

They identify the weak students through individual counselling and identify the reason behind their set back.

Through little step by step processes, they contribute to improving the academic outcomes.


Let us have a look at the areas they focus during the process:

  • Set up an encouraging and supportive classroom where students can freely share their thoughts.
  • Improve their confidence through positive student story telling.
  • Teaches them how to set realistic goals and monitor their progress.
  • Give sessions to learn how to perform under pressure by overcoming test anxiety.
  • Gives tips and tricks to improve their memory lane.
  • Special focus on developing effective interpersonal relationship skills.
  • Better decision making skills

A good counselor can help students to grow up with better decision making skills, whether it is academic, personal or professional.

A well trained student can understand that no decisions should come out of temporary emotions but it should be a well thought one that can decide their future whether it is choice of course or career.

A strong support when making decisions at crucial turning points of life can make remarkable positives in their future.

A few encouraging words at needy times can boost their outlook towards family, school, and the future.


  • Minimal school drop outs

The lack of confidence and the motivation to continue despite failures are the main reason for school drop outs.

A good counselling group can give emotional and moral support to students to overcome failures and face situations with determination and confidence.

Lack of comfortable school or classroom ambience and bullying inside schools are also reason for students dropping out from schools.

Counselling helps to study the concerns of students and make relevant conversations with teachers and school authorities to make any requisite changes to make school a comfortable place for them.


  • Improved social and emotional skills

In addition to helping them excel in the academic performance, counselors also play a vital part in their personal development too.

A comprehensive guidance during the process helps them to easily address inequalities and grow up as confident individuals.

Through individual discussions, the counselor can easily find out students with mental health issues and give them special behavioral therapy classes.

Various counselor programs are designed to better their attitude, cognition as well as self-regulation.

For students who are troubled due to family problems, the counselling is sometimes even extended to their parents and a talk with teachers would be arranged if the class ambience is making them uncomfortable.


  • College and career readiness

A school is the platform of students before going for their higher education in colleges and building up a career.

The role of the counselors also includes making them ready to face this transition stage and assure their college and career readiness.

Unlike the traditional methods that focus more on paper works at school background, the professional counselors today proactively come up with innovative ways to meet the needs of all students and to maximize their academic achievement.

Special training programs help students to relate academic programs to future success.

  • Improved health and wellness

In addition to helping students to set a base for higher education and a good career, this professional relationship helps them to accomplish enhanced wellness and health.

When we say health, one of the most important areas of concern is the mental health which is equally important or far more significant than physical health.

One of the major challenges is to help students to overcome the depression and face life positively in case they face any bullying, especially cyber bullying.

They are given good advices on how to overcome the ill thoughts of alcohol and drugs.

  • Life after school

The most important part of a school counselling program is to prepare students for life after school.

This is the time when they set a foundation for handling personal problems and emotional conflicts.

They are also trained on how to behave positively in real life scenarios that comes across their lives.

There can be training programs that focus on shaping up student’s behavior and incorporating life lessons and values such as discipline.

A proper counselling channel can bridge the gap between different students and make life easy for them.

They are also given advices on the importance of how to open up their problems and share with teachers or parents rather than living with it.

They provide them with awareness about the changing world and prepare them to face even the worst expected.

The ultimate goal of good counselling at school level is to help students to grow up with a good sense of direction and clearer focus.

Counsellors are not just isolated teams that work with students only for a designated time frame.

In fact, they work in harmony with educators, school administrators as well as parents to provide a comfortable space for students to excel in their academics and grow up emotionally and socially.

A good emotional, behavioural and social support is really significant in a student’s journey.

So it is the role of the school authorities not to neglect the counselling part as just optional but include it as a mainstream area along with the curriculum.

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All those in the teaching line will vouch for the importance of a lesson plan.

A lesson plan is a concise and organized structure which provides answers to important questions. Questions about how a teacher can maintain a standard pattern of teaching.

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Purpose of the Lesson Plan

Brilliance lie in not leaving the schedule at the mercy of shambolic planning and fluctuating resources.  Teachers can re-direct their energy in designing an effective curriculum.

The duties of school hours will  recline in the lap of this set up. The lesson plan guides the direction in which the teacher can invest her efforts and resources for the day.

On attaining the equilibrium, you can help drive student’s efforts on the right path for the desired learning outcome.

Importance of a Good Lesson Plan:

Call it an essential vitamin for the teacher’s survival. The scant might cause deficient growth as a teacher.

A good lesson plan conveys to the teacher as to what is important for students when it comes to learning. And since prepared under the confines of individual comfort, it is easier to perceive.

It will include the content  and activities to be fulfilled for a set timeline.

Lesson planning provides a step-by-step guide to teachers to delve deep into what he/she is teaching.

it tells you how the teaching should progress with the contents of the lecture.

The next big question is  whether the students understand what you are teaching.

Alongside planning for these criteria which are crucial for in-depth learning, a lesson plan benefits teachers in more ways than you can imagine.

We shed light on the 10 most important ways in which a lesson plan becomes a teaching and learning aid to both the teachers and the students respectively.

1) Incorporate the Three Arms of Effective Teaching

In order to help faculty maintain a standard teaching pattern that will benefit students of different IQ levels, it is essential that they follow a logical teaching structure.

It is necessary to take into cognizance the three pivotal components of teaching; the three arms of a lesson plan.

They are:

  • The basic objectives of the course
  •  A collection of teaching and learning activities and
  • Assessment methods

A lesson plan unveils the basic objectives of the course. Students should walk out the class with a thorough understanding of what was taught in class.

Enlisting the learning and teaching activities is the next step. Here, you will have to strive and come up with multiple explanation methods that will help your students to better understand the topic.

You can include real-life examples alongside citing imaginary situations. This will help students stretch their imagination to extract the essence of what is being taught.

After planning for both objectives and teaching activities, you should work in the direction of assessing the level of understanding of your students.

Here you need to rely on assignments (oral or written) as qualifying tools. A question-answer session should be planned along with well-planned activities that will help you assess the learning abilities of your students.

2. A Perfect Time Management Tool in Classrooms

A step-by-step lesson plan will help you lecture the important sections of a topic within the prescribed time period.

You will not grope in the dark about how a particular query from a student should be addressed. With this tool in your hand you will be able to teach with a better sense of direction and control.

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There will a lot of free time to focus on improvising your abilities as an educator.

3. Builds The Confidence in Teachers

With a lesson plan in your hand, you will become a confident teacher. You would stay abreast with the novel teaching styles that are currently in vogue.

You will not be following the principles of the old school of thought but will incorporate new teaching mechanisms. A lesson plan helps you adhere to the best teaching practices that deliver effective teaching.

You will be come to be known as a confident teacher who is well-informed and highly knowledgeable faculty.

4. A Clear Route-Map To Effective Teaching

What to teach and how to teach are the two basic questions that should be pre-answered by teachers.

When you are clear about what topics to teach and how they should be taught, you will be able to match your lecturing patterns to the learning abilities of your students.

One important thing to remember!

Teaching from the front cover all the way to the end of the text book does not meet your teaching goals.

A lesson plan here sheds light on what topics are considerable as against those which are secondary.

5. A Boon To Struggling Students

Many a times, teachers either omit or repeat the subjects taught earlier. This situation arises because of the absence of a lesson plan.

With a lesson plan at your disposal, you will be able to avoid casual omissions or repetitions that emerge as a result of students getting promoted from one grade into another.

Once the semester ends, earlier teacher with the new class teacher can review the lesson plan in action. This will help to come up with recommendations to aid struggling students.

6. Gain Recognition as an poignant Teacher

A well-organized teacher will be able to attract the attention of students who will pattern after your planning traits.

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You can set an example to students who will follow your footsteps. uncovering the benefits of planning and apply your values to aspects of their lives.

This way, you will be able to lead the students by setting an example of the benefits of planning.

7. A Result-Oriented Practice

You as an instructor will be able to guide your students better if you value spadework yourself.

You will be instrumental in helping your students complete assignments with little or no supervision.

A lesson plan comes handy in assessing the level of mastery of your students. It allows you to concentrate on struggling students.

This way, you will be able to check their level of understanding and match your teaching style with what your class needs.

8. Sets the Anticipatory Mood for Students

Teachers rely on teaching mechanisms like a game, a video clipping or an industrial tour. This creates a sense of expectation among students.

You can also engage your students in a focused discussion about a particular topic. This could be a preparation for what is coming up next.

Imagine the excitement of students of English Literature when they are asked to pen down their thoughts about their failed college love.
Right before proceeding to value the world famous love story of Romeo and Juliet!

9. A Reference Tool Which Facilitates Swapping of Teachers

A substitute teacher will be able to take the position of a class teacher in a much shorter time, thanks to the lesson plan.

The assisting teacher will have all the details of lessons covered and the topics yet to be touched.

A lesson plan helps a supporting teacher be perceptive to the teaching style of the earlier faculty. This fosters easy comfort between students and new teacher.

10. Promotes A Healthy Learning Environment

With a lesson plan as a teaching tool, you can plan your lessons in the most purposeful manner.

Healthy classroom management is driven by a systematic pattern of teaching.

With a well-chalked out plan of learning activities and routines, you will be able to present the subject matter straight and clean.

11. Handing over and professional performance

It is always an advantage to have a clear lesson plan so that, it can be used by substitute teachers at times.

It ensures that time is being used properly, even when the HOD is not around.

The set of lesson plans can be used to handling over to new teachers, it acts as a guideline for them to follow.

Irrespective of all these, it can also be used to support annual performance evaluation of individual teachers.

Even when applying for new job, teachers can attach these lesson plans as a sample to show them your content understanding and organizational skills.

12. Prevent over-reliance on textbooks

There are many excellent guides with good resources using the syllabus that enables a teacher to prepare an effective lesson plan. These guides also have solved problems and notes which helps to save the time of teachers.

Thus, giving them more time to focus and teacher. So, a good lesson plan, prevent over- reliance on textbooks.

13. Ask questions

A properly built lesson plan helps a teacher to ask proper and important questions timely. This will engage the student interaction and communication in an effective way. Thus, it helps in retaining the lesson in the classroom.

14. It helps during class preparation

You teach a specific subject because you are well-versed in it. But preparation is essential even for the masters.

As lesson plans make teachers clear about what they are going to teach, it makes then capable to prepare even more.

Teachers can also research on the topic so that it helps them to gather additional information that can be shared with students.

15. It enables possible changes

During the preparation of the lesson plan, there come certain points which can be reviewed and edited. It helps teachers to use different strategies, methods, make use of different tools to make teaching process more interesting.

Thus, a proper lesson plan helps teachers to avoid mistakes and clarifies beforehand.

Key Takeaways

A lesson plan is a mandatory tool to tread the path of comprehensive education. No matter how experienced a teacher is.

With a step by step guide to at their disposal teachers will be in a position to better control the class and address anticipated situations with a strong sense of preparedness.

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A lesson plan is a ready-reference guide to all the teachers. Teachers willing to deliver the curriculum in a sensible and well-informed manner, this tool is just for you!

“Give me a break”! While this statement sounds very familiar in stressful situations, allowing your kid to enjoy a break is no less enlivening.

In fact, teachers should bestow the break-regime to the entire class for all the students to perform better in school.

Alongside helping kids to break the monotony that sets in with continuous learning, recess time can come as a powerful tool to bring about a holistic improvement in the attitude and performance of kids.

Here are all the ways in which frequent breaks during the day help kids to learn better and enjoy their schooling hours.

  1. Promote Holistic Development in Kids

It is a common scene to watch kids stuck to their study desks all day long. Sitting for long hours in front of books leads to inculcate a sedentary lifestyle. Here comes the need to include frequent day breaks to kids for them to step out of their classroom walls and play in the open.

While sitting for a long time comes in the way of kids not getting enough of physical exercise, it also leads to lack of concentration on what is being taught in class.

So, if you as parents and educators wish to see your kids pay attention to subjects and learn better, it is the need of the hour to include frequent brain breaks.

Research suggests that bodily movements have positive effects on the functioning of the brain. Lighting up the areas of a kid’s brain which are linked to learning, brain breaks which come in the form of short breaks energize kids.

Breaks allow kids to experience a boost of blood and oxygen flow, enabling them to retain and recapitulate subject knowledge better.

  1. A Sure Shot Means to Counter the Ill-Effects of Juvenile Obesity

Juvenile obesity is a major epidemic plaguing kids from across the various parts of the globe.

Sitting for extended periods in classrooms can cause a great deal of physical damage to kids which will eventually manifest in the form of emotional disturbances.

Kids who are not given frequent study breaks will sport fat bodies which will impair their overall physical and emotional makeup.

They turn lethargic and develop a low self-esteem about their bulging bodies which impairs their academic performance.

Frequent breaks to kids will help them play and sweat it out in games they love the most. In this manner, they can keep themselves away from the damages caused by unwanted fat.

If you team the lack of exercise with junk food binges that kids usually indulge in, your problem gets compounded.

This problem can be tackled by giving short and frequent breaks to kids during school hours when they will enjoy every bit of their “me time” so that they can make the most of the schooling hours.

  1. Multiple Benefits of Recess Time

Recess time is that time of the day when kids are allowed the freedom to do what they love the most.

They can rest, play, run around the campus, socialize and even set their brains to think and imagine.

Having time on your hands where you will have nothing to do with studies, you as kids can make the most of your frequent break times to divert your mind from strenuous and brain-wracking educational tasks.

It is only after a break that your brain resets giving you the power to face the rest of the day.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. This famous maxim should inspire parents and educators to offer frequent breaks to kids.

Allow your kids to play in the open unsupervised. This way, kids will not only learn the spirit behind winning and losing but will also learn to adapt themselves to a tricky situation.

This is also a part of learning when kids begin to associate themselves with their friends while trying to sort out minor disputes during play.

Recess time is hence the best time for kids to learn how to cope with life; a constant learning.

  1. Sharpens Memory And Comprehension Skills

Frequent breaks come as a perfect diversion to kids who are hooked to their books.

Give them a small break and you will witness the rise in attention spans of kids. Kids not only demonstrate increased attentiveness towards the classroom session but will also be able to fair better during exams.

The credit goes to breaks which improve the memory of kids so that they learn better.

Playing games during recess time not only helps kids get along well with their mates but also teaches them what is called as reciprocal learning.

Kids who notice others play will incorporate their moves into the game and derive the benefits of excitement coupled with learning.

  1. Paves Way for Creative Thinking in Kids

Tagged as a brain exercise, the focused-attention practice can help kids quieten the bombardment of thoughts in their minds.

It is through such a practice that kids learn to pay attention to the task at hand. One such activity is to focus on the breath.

Every time the kid inhales and exhales, the mind’s chatter still continues.

But you as educators and guardians should reiterate the fact that it is fine for the mind to experience the constant inflow of thoughts.

Through such a breathing practice that can be introduced as part of a break time, you can do a great deal of good to kids.

Teachers, most of the times find it very difficult to calm fidgety kids. Such practices of focusing on the breath will help kids to pay attention to their thoughts, choices and feelings.

Through introspection, they will be able to grab every opportunity that allows them to later such feelings and thoughts, paving way for a creative thinking in kids.

It is through such a self-awareness that kids tread the path of creativity; a deep learning in itself.

  1. Correlation Between Learning and Bodily Movements

Given the fact that kids are powerhouses of energy, it is very much essential for them to move their bodies.

Most of the kids do not get the much needed exercise that will turn on their brain-power. When the brains of kids start sending impulses for bodily movements, they start to fidget.

This brings about the correlation between bodily movements and learning. You must have heard the reaction coming from teachers and parents dealing with fidgety kids when they ask such kids to simply sit and pay attention, without fidgeting with anything.

This is a practice to allow the brain to get into an inactive mode. This is the correlation between bodily movements and learning.

For kids to learn, they need to focus their attention on the topic that is being taught in class. And for them to pay attention, they need to move their bodies. Such bodily movements are possible during recess time when kids unleash their physical power to accumulate loads of mental power.

With such frequent breaks, kids will be able to reset their brains so that they can fulfill the responsibilities of a working day to the best of their ability and go back home with lots of learning.

  1. Social And Communication Skills Witness an Upswing

Learning is not only about assimilating bookish knowledge. It also pertains to honing certain skills that will make the lives of kids worthwhile in a number of ways.

Kids who are on the threshold of stepping into the society demand certain social skills that are very important for their self-esteem. It is during a break time that kids enhance their social skills and make friends with their classmates.

Confidence starts building up in diffident and introvert kids when they find themselves in the company of active and vocal kids.

Such social interactions during recess time not only help them identify good friends but will also help them indulge in an activity that they love the most. In doing so, kids will also start building communication skills.

They start to overcome their fear of striking a conversation with an unknown student; all during their recess time.

Goal-setting and meeting their pre-defined targets is another skill that will go a long way in helping kids to excel in their chosen field.

All these things come as invaluable learning to kids; predominantly during their much-needed break time.

Key Takeaways

Mindful of all the socio-physical-intellectual and emotional learning that are bestowed by recess in schools, it is very important for kids to expend their energies in the company of their friends.

Simply allow them to play outdoors, not only within the school premises but also after they get back home.

Such breaks not only help your kids to recharge their memory and physical strength, they will also help them stay focused on their academic pursuits.