Every teacher is different in terms of their ways, styles, and methods in teaching. The best teaching methods are those designed considering the interests of students and the subjects taught. Methods in teaching can be teacher-centered, learner-centered, content-focused, and interactive or participative.

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Each teaching technique has its pros and pitfalls. To make the whole process effective, teachers usually combine two or more of these teaching methods. Here, let us have a look at some of the most widely accepted and followed methods in teaching throughout the nation

Lecture Class discussion Oral Questions
Repeating points
Buzz groups
Student reports
Textbook assignments
Class summary
Library research
Field trips
Class projects
Laboratory Experiments
Use of motion pictures
Student teachers
Weekly Assessments
Word walls
Workbooks Home tests
Classroom activities
Idea into the picture
Reading aloud
Unit tests
Think Pair Share
Turn and Talk
Flannel boards
Case studies
Pen pals
Audio-tutorial lessons
Mobile apps
Experiential Learning
Use of pretest
Vocabulary drills
Bulletin boards
Think Aloud
Alphabet Brainstorm
Differentiated Instruction
Interactive read aloud
Reciprocal teaching
Guided reading
Problem Tree
Active Listening
Bank Street
Flipped Classroom
Unit method
Vee maps Cubing
Silent way
Future Wheel
Talk and chalk
Mind maps
Z to A
Task cards
Task cards
Design Thinking
Explicit Teacher Modeling
Reading Comprehension
Periodical Revision
Match it challenge
Intellectual Challenge
Panel discussion
Push in
Social media platform
Sense of humour
Brain Dumps
Exit cards
Surprise tests
Outdoor teaching
Peer tutoring
Four corners
Just a minute
Tic-tac-toe board
Total Physical Response
K-W-L charts
Heads together
Salt dough maps
Learning station
Station teaching
Instructional Videos
Literature Circles
Animated gesturing
Shared reading
One on one
Quick write
Hand signals
Music therapy
Blended learning
Harkness table
Kinesthetic teaching
Journal Writing
Codes to remember
Expeditionary Learning
Object-based learning
Inquiry-based learning
Gallery walk
Online Learning Tools
Task-based learning
Student-Centered Discussions
Making connections


1. Lecture

This is the most commonly followed methods in teaching in various educational institutions throughout the country.

It is considered as the most ideal method for a teacher to address large classrooms. Lecture refers to an oral presentation of lessons to a group of students.

2. Class discussion

This is one of the best interactive methods in teaching in which both teachers and students in the classroom exchange ideas on the topic of discussion.

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When used effectively, this strategy can help students to develop their thinking, learning, understanding and problem-solving skills. A good teacher can create a positive class environment where students can freely discuss their ideas.

3. Oral Questions

One of the most commonly used methods in teaching. In this, instead of just a passive way of lecturing, teachers can encourage the students to ask questions in return.

This in fact helps teachers to understand the areas that the students find it difficult to comprehend and to explain things better. This helps the classes to be more engaging and interesting.

4. Repeating points

Instead of just giving an oral presentation of the lesson once, the teacher repeats the important points once they cover a subject unit before passing on to the next.

This helps the students to recollect what was taught in the previous unit before going to the next. Repeating points would register the content easily on students’ minds. Some teachers also ask the students to repeat the points he/she just covered.

5. Buzz groups

In these methods in teaching, teachers split the whole class into small groups and give them a topic of discussion so that the students can come up with ideas on the subject or solutions to a problem within a short period of time. This method helps to stimulate discussion and to get student feedback.

6. Demonstration

Instead of just giving an oral explanation of a subject, in these methods in teaching. the teacher produces enough materials or proofs to make things clear. For example, if a teacher wants to explain the functioning of a handy device, he/she can bring it to the classroom to explain it better and easily.

In another context, it can be a demo of a step-by-step process that helps students to easily connect it to theory.

7. Presentation

In this method, the teacher gives a power point presentation in the classroom. The slides include diagrams, charts, images or algorithms to make the session exciting and engaging. Teachers can use projectors connected from computers to address larger number of students.

8. Student reports

These methods in teaching are designed to get proper response or feedback from the students after the completion of a lesson. They will be asked to prepare reports based on what was taught in class. This gives the teachers an idea of what the students have understood.

9. Debate:

This method of teaching helps to explore the range of views on a subject. Students will be split into groups and then, they can debate on the subject provided to them. In most cases, the subjects given to groups will be contrasting so that they can argue with sharp points. This friendly debate is meant to develop critical thinking.

10. Quiz:

Once they cover a subject, teachers can conduct a quiz containing questions related to what was taught.

The students can be divided into quiz groups to make the whole idea interesting or sometimes, one or two students can represent a group. These methods of teaching are meant to evaluate student understanding and to improvise the instructional methods.

11. Puzzles

This is an easy way for teachers to teach subjects like mathematics, that students usually find hard to comprehend. This, in fact, helps to develop their problem-solving skills and creative thinking. The puzzle levels depend on the student groups.

For example, teachers can use simple word puzzles to improve vocabulary skills of elementary students. Teaching with puzzles helps to improve the parallel, vertical, lateral and confrontational thinking skills of students

Examples: Some students find it difficult to understand the lessons when it comes to studying theory alone. However, when teachers explain the facts with examples, it helps students to understand the lesson better. Sometimes, teachers even come up with real life examples which make learning easy and effective. With examples, students find it easy to relate to the theory.

12. Textbook assignments

In these methods in teaching, students will be asked to do textbook assignments once the teachers complete a unit. These assignments improve students’ understanding of the lessons taught.

Also, the application level of assignments will further enhance their learning. Some of the assignments would demand more research and this in turn, helps the students to develop their self learning skills.

13. Class summary

In this method, teachers ask the students to create a summary of what is taught in every class. Students can recollect the points taught and keep a write-up for future reference.

They can keep all the notes together and use them to revise during exams. The write-ups contain all important points that were taught in class. This makes it easy for students to refer from compared to textbooks.

14. Library research

This is one of the effective methods in teaching. Textbook lessons are always a brief content of many vast subjects. Therefore, teachers can encourage students to go for a library research of the subject taught.

Most schools contain big libraries with a vast collection of books. Referring to library books enhances students’ research skills and deepens their understanding of the subject.

15. Flashcards

This is one of the best ways to teach subjects like vocabulary or mathematics. This is an inexpensive and portable tool that makes learning easier for students.

This memory-aid tool has a different application for higher classes. They prepare a problem, question, or sight word on one side and the answer prompt on the other side.

16. Field trips

Students of all age group  loves this method in teaching. An organized trip to a place which has a significant relation with the subjects taught makes learning more interesting.

It also helps to improve student-student and student-teacher interactions. It is an opportunity for students to observe, ask questions and have an out of the regular classroom experience.

17. Infographics

It is one of the best teaching tools that can be used to easily convey the subject to the student. Instead of giving them a lot of written information, this visual learning tool lets teachers to easily teach a vast subject with a single infographic.

It is a fact that humans can easily process an image much faster than texts and that makes learning with infographics really effective.

18. Class projects

Project-based learning lets students to understand and to remember a subject for a longer period than just reading the textbook content.

Spending on the subject for an extended period of time lets them to go deeper into different areas. Working on a project improves their critical thinking, collaboration, communication and self-management skills.

19. Laboratory Experiments

This is a great opportunity for students to investigate, analyze and to reflect on the subjects taught in class.This is one of the interesting methods in teaching for students.

They will find it easy to relate the application to the theory and it also improves the power of observation and reasoning in students.

In addition to enhancing their higher-order thinking ability, it also gives an opportunity to the students to improve their skills in using laboratory equipment and instruments.

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20. Posters

Teachers can present lessons in the form of posters to make it visually appealing to students and to free them of the boredom from studying just theory.

They can also ask the students to prepare posters for certain lessons or subjects that were already taught in class.

These methods of teaching enhance students’ ability to develop information from a subject and then, visually present it for an audience.

21. Use of motion pictures

This is another interesting way to present a subject in a larger classroom.

In this method of teaching, a series of still pictures created in rapid succession will be projected via a motion picture projector. This is the best way to teach functioning or ongoing processes such as growth of plants or changes of a body system.

This, in fact, grabs more attention from students and helps teachers to explain vast subjects within in a short period of time.

22. Storytelling

In this method, teachers present lessons in the form of stories. Teachers can also come up with stories related to the subject in the middle of a lesson to make the session more interesting. As students usually love hearing stories, this method of teaching is sure to grab their attention.

23. Student teachers

In these methods in teaching, students take up the role of teachers. They will be asked to prepare lessons and to teach the rest of the students. Each student will be allotted a subject and given ample time, say 1 week, to collect information and materials for teaching. These methods of teaching are meant to develop research and presentation skills.

24. Weekly Assessments

Simply progressing from one lesson to another doesn’t always make sense. It is also important to see if the students really understand what you teach.

Weekly assessments are of great help in this regard. It helps the teachers to analyze the areas the students found difficult to understand and to make changes in teaching strategies if needed.

25. Word walls

This is a really interesting teaching strategy in classrooms where both students and teachers can contribute to word walls.

A space in the classroom will be assigned for the share their ideas, inventions or data or image of an important class lesson with their peers.

26. Workbooks

In this method of teaching, teachers can prepare workbooks on their subject or use the workbooks allotted by the school. This is a method to reinforce the lessons learned during a lecture and to give students some self-study time during the hour.

Students can use this option to analyze their understanding of the subject. Teachers can also use these methods of teaching to assess the students’ understanding about the lessons covered during class.

27. Home tests

This is one of the common methods of teaching adopted for students of any class. In this method, teachers assign a set of tasks for the students to complete at home.

This can include reading comprehension, writing, typing, and problem solving or reviewing a lesson before a test or practicing a skill. Parents can also have a look at the home works to ensure that their child performs better.

28. Classroom activities

The activity-based teaching method is gaining popularity these days for its ability to keep students active and engaged. This student-centred approach involves the students mentally and physically in the subject and thereby, provides them with a productive learning experience.

It also helps to develop students’ thinking ability and creativity in addition to providing them with a deeper understanding of the subject. The activities can either be individual or team-based.

29. Idea into the picture

This is more of a creative side of teaching. Students can be asked to express an idea taught in class in the form of a picture.

Each student will express their ideas differently and this gives the whole class a wide exposure to creative thoughts.

Teachers can use these methods of teaching once in a while to make the classes more engaging and interesting in between the routine lectures.

30. Reading aloud

Reading text aloud can help students to get it easily registered into their minds. In addition to providing a better understanding of the subject, reading aloud can also turn the students into active listeners.

Listening to their counterparts reading the lessons aloud in class it gives the students a better understanding of the right way to pronounce new words they come across. Also, as every student is given a chance to read, it encourages class participation.

31. Drama

This is an ideal way to teach languages. Also, students get an opportunity to express themselves through dialogues and gestures thus improving their imagination and memory.

This is one of the meaningful communication activities that can be tried out in any classroom that promotes teamwork. A story or an idea from a subject can be used as the drama theme.

32. Surveys

It is a simple way to collect information on any subject and is considered effective for teacher evaluations and student perception.

Video surveys are another way to compare classrooms and education across cultures and to adopt a way that seems effective for the majority. The surveys can be in-classroom or online ones.

33. Unit tests

A subject comes with different modules or units. When a teacher completes a particular unit, he/she can conduct a test covering the key areas of that particular module.

These methods of teaching will help students to make the present unit thorough before passing on to the next and the teacher can give additional classes on the units where the students scored less. Teachers can also hold special classes for students to help them improve in the areas where their performance was weak.

34. Think Pair Share

This is a collaborative learning strategy to develop teamwork among the students. In this method, they can work in partnerships to solve a problem or a puzzle related to a subject.

This allows them to think individually as well as to share ideas to come up with a solution. They can discuss the ideas with their allotted partner before sharing it with a larger group.

35. Jigsaw

This classroom activity allows students to rely on each other to succeed. In this method, a puzzle is broken into small units and is distributed amongst small groups formed within a classroom.

This emphasizes cooperative learning as one can actively help another to solve the puzzle. This cooperative learning promotes student learning and interdependence.

36. Role-playing

This technique allows students to explore realistic situations as part of their learning process.

They can interact with others in a managed way to tryout diverse strategies in a supported environment. In this method, particular roles to play are assigned for each student as part of a interaction. The students can act according to specific instructions and they can redo it based on the reflection and discussion after first trial.

37. Turn and Talk

This is an oral language support strategy in which students are given scaffold interactions in order to formulate ideas on a subject. They can share it with others.

In this method, all students get a chance to share their thoughts on the subject in a low-risk setting. The teacher’s role is to ensure that partnering of the students is not random but strategic.

38. Puppets

This is an interesting way to teach a new language in primary classrooms. Puppets with a movable mouth can be a good tool to teach phonics and basic number concepts.

This mode of teaching builds enthusiasm amongst young students as the puppets can be used to animate a topic.

39. Flannel boards

This is an interactive learning tool that can be used to teach primary level students. Teachers can make use of flannel boards to easily handle different subjects rather than teaching orally.

Flannel boards can be used as a personalized storytelling board or a counting board to teach mathematics. It can also take forms of a lapboard, game board, or graphics boards based on the subject to be handled.

40. Case studies

This teaching tool is a great way to showcase the application side of a theory or the subject concept to real-life situations.

A contextual analysis of a subject gives the students a better learning experience rather than just memorizing what’s given in textbooks.

Case studies can be either fact-driven or deductive and sometimes, they can be context- driven with multiple solutions.

41. Pen pals

In this method, students can write about exchange letters with people of another community or country. This provides the students with better exposure to different languages, arts, geography etc. Also, exchanging letters or write-ups contributes to improving students’ awareness of global societies and cultures.

42. Audio-tutorial lessons

This is an alternative to regular classroom lectures and is an innovative method to create an engaging learning experience.

Subject experts give lectures on different lessons in the form of audio clips to the students during class hours. They can also make a copy of the same to use while learning at home.

43. Mobile apps

At present, mobile apps are one of the widely used modes of teaching. Apps like Skype are capable of helping schools to visually bring experts to classrooms and apps like Socrative helps in visualizing student understanding.

Other popular mobile apps useful in classrooms include OneNote (a digital note-taking app), Google Classroom, ( a free web-based platform to save time and paper in classrooms) etc.

44. Experiential Learning

This is one of the comprehensive methods of teaching through first-hand experience. It provides outside the classroom setting learning experience that helps students to acquire advanced skills and knowledge.

Experiential Learning includes service-learning projects, internships, field trips, studies abroad and field research. This is in fact a simple but effective approach of learning by doing.

45. Use of pretest

A student’s level of understanding can be assessed beforehand using this method. The teachers can then use this information to plan their instructional strategies.

A student’s baseline knowledge in the subject can be determined initially to better plan their teaching.

Conducting tests after teaching can also help the teachers to assess where the students stand in the learning process.

46. Flowcharts

A sequence of events or actions in a lesson can be taught better using flowcharts.

These methods of teaching are also used to explain different stages in a process, the relationship between two levels or the process of reaching a solution. Using a flowchart, complicated ideas can be summarized to be explained in classrooms.

47. Vocabulary drills

In this teaching strategy, the teacher says a word or a sentence and the students will repeat after him/her. When the teacher changes the prompt next time, students will follow what the teacher does.

This is referred to as drill & practice as knowledge or skill can be achieved through repetitive practice. It can be a good option to learn new languages, spelling or even mathematical functions such as subtraction or addition.

48. Bulletin boards

Having bulletin boards in classrooms play a great role in creating a positive learning atmosphere. You can use them to display student work or anything related to the subjects being taught.

Bulletin boards help students to remember important areas of a lesson. It can also be a good aid to a lecture assignment, tutorial or group work. It helps students to remember and memorize key elements of the subjects being taught, including new words or concepts of the week or day.

49. Think Aloud

The teachers verbalize aloud when they read a subject in class. This includes describing things that helps students to construct meaning from a text.

They can improve their comprehension as well as thinking ability. This also means to re-read a sentence to make sense and read ahead to make it clear.

50. Brainstorming

It can be a small or large group activity in a class. In this method of teaching, students are taught on how to get ideas onto paper. This is the way of generating ideas within a group setting by posing a question or a problem. Everyone can contribute to the free flow of ideas with possible answers to the puzzle.

51. Alphabet Brainstorm

This is a varied approach to the usual brainstorming that can be a whole-class activity or can be done in small groups. In these methods of teaching, students are asked to generate or express ideas beginning with each letter of the alphabet. This is a quick means to create thoughts, evaluate prior knowledge, or to assess learning level.

52. Differentiated Instruction

These methods of teaching encourage equal success rates for all regardless of differences in ability with personalized instructions.

This is also an ideal teaching method for second language learners. A student with lower reading skills will be paired with another student who is advanced in the language. They are then asked to write out questions if they don’t understand any part of the story.

53. Cramming

These methods of teaching simply mean to memorize large amounts of data or information in a short period of time. It is ideally used to excel in performance-based assessment and as part of exam preparation.

Last-minute cramming is usually not recommended but the technique can be used effectively beforehand. The students are given easy codes or shortcuts to remember a list of items or the order of an activity.

54. Readaloud

This simple strategy is to read lessons aloud in the class. This instructional practice integrates variations in pace, volume, pitch, tone, pause and eye contact.

They also include questions and comments in order to create a fluent and pleasing delivery. This is the right way to introduce new vocabulary and to enhance expressive reading and fluency.

55. Interactive read aloud

This is a variation of the read-aloud teaching technique which integrates a series of purposeful activities including shared teaching. This basically means to preview the book, scaffolding on prior knowledge and teaching reading fluency.

The teacher will ask purposeful questions and will emphasize the elements of the story. He/she will then summarize the lesson to bring closure to the class.

56. Reciprocal teaching

This instructional activity involves small group reading sessions in which students are given the role of teachers. Teachers will first model and then, teach the students to guide group discussions.

The key elements of this technique involve generating questions, summarizing, clarifying, and predicting. During this activity, teachers can monitor their comprehension while students read.

57. Guided reading

In this instructional approach, a teacher will work with groups of students who showcase similar reading behaviors i.e., those who are capable of reading similar levels of text. This technique is useful in developing independent reading skills in students.

The reading text will be chosen in such a way that the students can read it with skilful support of teachers.

58. Problem Tree

This is an effective tool that is used to teach all the possible causes and effects of a concerned problem.

Clearly identifying the multiple causes helps them to understand the context better and to ease off the associated complexity with the problem. This is best used in classrooms while helping students to develop comprehensive class projects.

59. Active Listening

Rather than just going on with lectures, active listening skills are also inevitable for a good teacher. This helps to create empathy and understanding with the class. It also helps to assess if the teaching is effective and if the students understood what was being taught.

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60. ABL

ABL is a student-centred approach in which the students continuously take part in different activities other than in-class sessions in order to achieve knowledge.

This is in fact the method of learning by doing what helps the students to develop as individuals. Teachers can choose activities in which student’s senses are stimulated and can guide them in their approach.

61. ABA

The Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) teaching method is a great way to educate students with autism. This includes teaching with prompts- encouraging them to give the desired response and modelling-showing how a task can be done.

Discrete Trial Training (DTT) is also part of the process in which the large tasks are divided into steps or subtasks to make it easy.

62. Bank Street

It is also referred to as development-interaction approach in which a student is educated emotionally, socially, physically and intellectually.

This is one of the common approaches to teach primary school kids in an interdisciplinary, experience-based, and combined setting. In this effective method, the teacher works personally with children by understanding his/her interests.

63. Montessori

It is an integrated approach that combines hands-on learning, self-directed activity, and collaborative play for elementary students and thereby, helps them to develop independence in a prepared classroom environment.

These methods of teaching allow students to have creative choices in their learning. Teachers can provide age-appropriate activities to steer the process. Cooperative learning: This method combines students of mixed levels of ability who are arranged into groups.

They are then rewarded based on the group’s success and not solely for an individual member most of the times. Students can work in groups to complete a common task in a structured way, thus developing team work.

64. Flipped Classroom

The typical lecture process is reversed in this teaching strategy. Before the actual class session, students are asked to view video lectures at home.

They will then use the knowledge gained from these lectures to practice exercises, projects, or discussions during the class hours.

65. Deduction

In these methods of teaching, learners are given rules first followed by examples and after that, they practice the lesson. This is a teacher-centred approach which is ideal for teaching languages. It is really helpful for lower level learners who require a clear base to start a lesson.

66. Induction

In contrast to the deduction method, this is more like a student centric approach. This is a reverse model to teach a new language in which examples are given first and the learners are then asked to find the rules. They can detect or notice patterns and work out a personalized rule. A new theory can emerge from the data.

67. Gamification

Irrespective of the grade of your students, you can apply gamification in your classroom to make learning fun. Students always love to play and these methods of teaching can really take out the stress from the typical lectures.

Game elements such as badges, points, and level achievements can be brought to keep the students engaged and active throughout the class.

68. Hands-on

These method helps to achieve authentic understanding and application of a fact or a theory and not just memorization.

In this strategy, students are engaged in physical assignments or activities while learning. This is not just applicable for subjects like physics or chemistry but also for mathematics.

The physical evidence for thinking and reasoning gives more sense for mathematical ideas and they can solve problems easily.

69. Hands-off

The students are given only minimal instructions in this approach unlike lengthy explanations on the subject. Teachers urge the students to study independently by challenging them and brainstorming. Instead of just answering their questions, they are asked to find out answers with proper research.

70. Unit method

The teacher divides the subject to be taught into different units first and then, teaches it one by one. Textbooks may come with units to make teaching and learning easy.

In this method, the teachers prepare their own set of units to give a personalized instruction of their convenience and by considering the understanding level of particular students in the class.

71. Vee maps

This is a tool to guide the thinking and learning of students during laboratory sessions. It usually contains six areas- focus question, concept map, data and analysis, word list, events, and conclusions. This can be customized based on the subject handled in the lab.

72. Cubing

This is an easy to use approach in which six different topics can be taught or explained to students in a single step. Each side of the cube will have one concept or idea and students can cover the sides one by one.

This can also be used in activity learning in which cube is rotated and one side is chosen.

73. Sandwich

The teaching information can be integrated by considering the diverse needs of students in the target group. This is a fast and efficient technique to teach foreign languages.

It includes oral placing of an idiomatic translation in the mother tongue sandwiched between unfamiliar phrases in the learned language. It is then repeated so as to communicate meaning as rapidly and wholly as possible.

74. Seminar

This is a teaching technique that is ideal for higher learning. During seminar hours, students and teachers have discussions on a specific topic.

Usually, each student is assigned a topic and they give a prepared presentations on the same. The other students will then ask questions to clarify certain areas to come up with a final decision to solve a problem or to get comprehensive understanding of the concept.

75. Silent way

This is a language-teaching method in which extensive use of silence plays the key part. A structural syllabus is followed and the teacher concentrates on a small number of useful and versatile words. The learners are given more opportunities to speak as much as possible.

76. Spiral

in this method, the basic facts of a subject are taught first without giving much emphasis about details. Later, the details are introduced as the learning progresses. The information is reemphasized many times to the basic facts studied first to help them have a long-term memory on the lesson.

77. Snowball

This strategy is designed to aid students to predict, justify, summarize, and think critically on the subject. Teachers can personalize the approach to meet their exact purpose.

Students are asked to write a content related question on a paper and then, crumble it into snowball. Then, they can throw it in air and then, catch another snowball thrown by their counterparts. They can then try to answer the question on that snowball.

78. Dogmatic

Students almost literally reproduce what is memorized and need not apply knowledge in practice. This in fact encourages some degree of mechanical memory.

With this approach, students can save time and energy, and avoid unnecessary thinking. It is a good exercise to boost memory power.

79. Fishbowl

Teachers will explicitly educate students on a variety of social skills. In this approach, the whole class is given an opportunity to closely observe and study about social interactions.

To make it interesting, teachers can give a thought-provoking problem or a question to the fishbowl group and those staying outside will be listeners. Unlike other methods, the entire group can participate in a conversation as students take turns to be inside the fishbowl.

80. Abacus

This is an ideal approach to help kids to learn mathematics in an interesting way. It is designed with colorful beads to make learning more fun and exciting. The concepts are reinforced through their sense of touch. The simple arithmetical operations can be taught with mental visualization.

81. Simulation

This is a kind of experimental learning in which the reality of the scenario is experienced to gather meaning from it. It can take different forms based on the subject being taught.

For instance, medical student trainees can practice a procedure in a simulated learning environment before doing it with the actual patient.

82. Fishbone

This is a diagram based teaching technique for problem solving. In the fishbone diagram, the head of the fish will have the change that is being analyzed and the ribs of the fish have the reasons for the change. The riblets will have supporting evidence or relevant key terms.

83. Raft

It integrates reading and writing. Students are asked to write about what they have read or studied to illustrate their depth of understanding.

This form of teaching gives students an understanding of their role as a writer. They can get ideas on the varied formats for writing, the audience to be addressed and the content expected.

84. Future Wheel

In these methods in teaching, teachers instruct about the direct and indirect future consequences related to a specific change or growth in the lesson using graphical visualisation. This foresight method is a form of structured brainstorming. It is used to show complex interrelationships and to get organized thoughts about a process.

85. Talk and chalk

It is an interactive lecture methods in teaching using whiteboards or blackboards. The oral presentation will be less; instead, and the teachers write and draw on boards or solve problems with detailed steps.

Students will also be given chalks at times to solve a problem or draw an object or to reproduce what was taught.

86. Mind maps

This revolutionary approach makes both teaching and learning more effective. These maps are innovative thinking tools that help students to externalize and visualize difficult concepts and to easily connect between different ideas.

A basic map will first have a central idea to which branches and keywords are added. You can add colors or images to make easy connections.

87. Z to A

In this different teaching idea, the application part of a theory or concept is taught first so that the students will be interested to study about it further.

Followed by that, the actual concept is taught. This approach helps them to have a long lasting memory about correlation of a concept.

88. Discovery

This is constructivist, inquiry-based learning that is ideal for problem solving situations. The learner is supposed to draw and discover facts and relationships from existing knowledge and their own past experiences.

They are supposed to interact with their surroundings by exploring and influencing objects, fighting with enquiries and controversies.

89. Socratic

Students are given questions and not answers. This method of asking and answering questions encourages critical thinking and develops the capability to draw out ideas from underlying presumptions in students.

The students also get a deeper understanding of the topic with this forum for open-ended inquiry.

90. Didactic

This form of teaching encourages consolidation of knowledge with multiple elements such as ideas, formulae, facts, phenomena, and laws.

The information is organized better to make it logical and accessible to students. As part of this method, students are asked to find a solution to cognition tasks, take part in curricular and extracurricular activities and more.

91. Smart cards

These are magnetic strips with unique student profiles that are given for every student in the class. Plickers is one such method used to make low tech classrooms smarter.

Cards with multiple choices are issued to the students that they can use to choose an option when the teacher asks a question in the middle of the class. The teacher uses her device to scan the class and retrieve the answers. She can then evaluate the answers to know if students are following the class.

92. Task cards

The objective of using task cards in classrooms is to develop students as independent learners. Basically, a task card will have tasks or questions on them.

Students can use whiteboards to reveal the answers. These are one of the best tools for reinforcement and assessment. It can also be used as part of class activities. Teachers can mix up the tasks to make the game interesting.

93. Hybrid

Face-to-face teaching and online learning is combined in this hybrid approach. More than half of the class activities are made online. The use of technology gives a flexible learning environment for students.

This method is developed to enhance students’ conceptualization, knowledge acquisition, and communication skills.

94. Rubrics

In these methods in teaching, teachers can have consistent standards while assessing qualitative tasks and it encourages consistency in shared marking.

Students are given rubrics at times of an assessment that briefs the tasks to make them aware of the expectations out of it. They can use it to assess their own work while it progresses.

95. Design Thinking

This is a method to teach creative problem solving. Teachers can give hands-on design challenge as a class activity or in pairs or small groups.

Students can have an active and shared experience to explore design thinking in a solid time frame. They can apply discovery, ideation, interpretation, experimentation and evolution to reach a conclusion.

96. Explicit Teacher Modeling

Students are provided with a lucid, multi-sensory model of a skill or concept in this teaching approach. The teacher gives a multi-sensory instruction (visual, auditory, tactile). She describes and models this idea or concept for the students by breaking it into learnable parts.

97. Reading Comprehension

This approach helps students to become focused, active readers with control of their own reading. This practice improves their fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and spelling.

In this session, the teacher guides them to have a proper understanding and interpretation of their reading. This includes decoding the read, making links between the content and their prior knowledge and thinking deeply about what they came across.

98. Periodical Revision

Just giving a lecture of the topic may not be enough for every student to have a long term memory of what is taught.

In this strategy, the teacher revises a lesson at the end or before moving on to the next. Some teachers do it before the exam so that they can easily recollect what was taught helping them to excel in exams.

99. Match it challenge

This is an interesting approach which is usually performed after giving a lecture on the topic as part of an assessment or memorizing.

The key points or areas of the topic are listed on one side of the board and something related to it will be listed on the other side but in shuffled order. Students are asked to match the related points from both sides with cross lines.

100. Recordings

Hearing a lecture on a topic once may not be sufficient for every student to have a proper understanding. Smart schools provide options to record the lectures which can be used later for reference. They can rehear it at home to make clarifications on certain areas or to relate to a newly taught content.

Also Read: Top 11 Classroom Challenges According to Teachers

101. Intellectual Challenge

In contrast to the typical lectures, which many of the students find boring, teachers set up a challenging learning environment in class.

Activities that challenge their thinking will be set up, considering the students’ interests too. Give them goals to achieve with a reasonable timeframe thus making them engaged in the learning process.

102. Panel discussion

This approach aims at showcasing factual information and conceptual knowledge for a given topic. The technique can take different forms. In classroom panel discussions, the panel may contain a group of students or student representatives who discuss a certain topic after thorough preparation.

The panel may otherwise contain subject experts who discuss about all areas regarding the topic and thereby, giving the student audience a chance to gain deeper knowledge on the subject.

103. Push in

This is a different approach in which the general education teacher and the special expert work together. This method also promotes specially designed changes within the classroom setting.

Students are grouped together based on their similar skill levels and given coaching in order to make the process the most effective with the least instructional time.

104. Social media platform

Teachers use the possibilities of advanced social media tools to improve their teaching while coming up with innovative ideas. This includes pinning educational resources using Pinterest, blogging for students’ homework assignments, having a Facebook group for your class, bringing flipped classroom concept using YouTube and more.

105. Phonics

This is a teaching technique where students are taught to read and write in English language with regard to learners’ phonemic awareness.

This covers their capability to hear, identify, and control phonemes. This is effective in teaching the link between alphabet sounds and spelling patterns. The method is explicit and systematic helping them to figure and read words early on.

106. Mnemonics

This teaching strategy aims to help students in enhancing their memory of new information. Visual and/or acoustic cues are used to link novel information to prior knowledge.

Keywords or letters are used to connect the information. Mnemonic codes are developed that signifies an activity or process or any term to be remembered.

107. Sense of humour

In this teaching approach, teachers deliberately bring in humour between their lectures. They relate the topic of discussion with a comedy instance or a story to make the class interesting.  

108. Brain Dumps

This is a formative assessment activity where students share their knowledge on a topic or their assumptions and thereby, the teacher will get a chance to know what their students have understood about a specific concept or topic.

Teachers can use this technique to prepare on a related topic to be taught. They can write it on a sheet of paper or share orally in class.

109. Exit cards

In this method, the teacher gives a piece of paper having questions or prompts to be answered once she leaves the class. The purpose of the exit cards technique is for the teachers to assess students’ understanding, to keep an eye on their questions, or to get feedback about their teaching. Exit cards serve as a tool to enhance their metacognitive skills too.

110. Suggestopedia

This is an ideal technique to teach foreign languages. It can include a wide range of activities such as games, music or dramatised texts. The classroom settings may also be changed to dim lighting, comfortable chairs or playing special kind of music to maintain a calm learning environment.

111. Symposium

This approach usually contains prepared speeches followed by audience discussion. The idea is to offer a broad understanding of a certain topic or a problem.

This integrates synthesis and evaluation in one approach and the students can reach a conclusion with different views on the topic.

112. Surprise tests

Some teachers perform tests based on a subject without prior notice. This is one of the best ways to evaluate the students’ knowledge in already taught lessons.

This is also a self evaluation for them to assess their teaching effectiveness. By making these surprise tests a part of their teaching plan, students will always be updated about all the lessons.

113. Outdoor teaching

In this method,, students are taken out of the typical classroom settings. They can play, have fun and learn in an interesting way. They can involve in social activities and be closer to the environment, and have hands-on experiences of the subjects that are being taught in the classroom.

Some teachers even take their students out to the school ground to teach in open air.

114. Peer tutoring

In this flexible strategy, students take the role of academic tutors and tutees. A higher-performing student can tutor or assist weaker students in subjects for a student with limited performance.

Teachers can identify students who are experts in certain topics to help those with a lack of deeper knowledge on the same. This also promotes cooperation, sharing and friendliness in the classroom.

115. Four corners

Student learning is promoted through movement and discussion in this teaching technique. Teachers use this as a formative assessment tool. A controversial statement or puzzle is presented in the class and different answers or opinions are marked in four corners of the classroom.

The opinions can be “agree’’, “disagree”, “strongly agree” or “strongly disagree” or “likewise”. This interactive learning strategy enhances verbal communication, listening, cooperation, and critical thinking.

116. Just a minute

This is a classroom activity usually performed in class after completion of a study session. Students will be picked in random and will be asked to give a speech on the important areas of the lesson in a minute.

This not only helps them to recollect the lesson points but also to frame it effectively in the given time period. This activity can be performed frequently so that students pay attention during class hours.

117. Miming

As actions speak louder than words, some teachers include more understandable actions than lengthy lectures. Students taught with miming technique use this opportunity to understand, communicate and actively participate during lessons.

This is one of the best ways to learn and practice vocabulary which has a lot to do with gestures and expressions‏‎. Teachers use the technique differently based on what they are teaching.

118. Tic-tac-toe board

The ability to understand a topic will be different for each student in the classroom. Some learn best by writing, some by reading while others learn by seeing things happen.

This interactive teaching board will have different activities in each square to suit everyone. This includes acts to test for knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

119. Total Physical Response

It is an effective language teaching method that integrates the synchronization of language and physical movement. Students are commanded in a specific language, and they respond to it with whole-body actions.

In addition to passively understanding the structure of the language, meaning in the target language is recognized quickly. In this approach, the grammar is not taught explicitly.

120. K-W-L charts

This strategy is referred to “Know”, “Want to Know”, “Learned” aspects of learning. This graphic organizer can help students to arrange data before, during, and after a lesson.

These charts are used in classrooms to promote students to utilize former knowledge and personal inquisitiveness while exploring a subject or a topic. One can clearly understand what they know about a subject, what they want to learn or know, and what they have learned after the session.

121. Heads together

This is a cooperative learning strategy in which students are asked to work together in a group and each of them is accountable for learning the subject. When the teacher gives a question, students can “put their heads together” to find a solution.

Each student is numbered and when the teacher calls out a particular number, the corresponding student will raise his/her hands to answer the question. These numbered heads together is an ideal option for teaching accountability in the classroom.

122. Scaffolding

Not all students in a classroom are similar in terms of learning needs and therefore, this method of instruction is designed to satisfy everyone in the same class or learning environment.

This teaching strategy involves showing and telling, tapping into prior knowledge, giving the students time to talk, pre-teaching vocabulary, using visual aids and trying something new every session.

123. Salt dough maps

This is a fun related learning technique that gives great visual aid for teaching geography or revisiting history.

This tactile, hands-on project also helps to improve their creativity while learning a new topic. The activity includes drawing the outline of a map, pressing the dough on to it and colouring the elevations.

124. Learning station

This method involves a classroom space meant for easy access to a range of learning materials in an exciting and fruitful manner. The station contains learning materials that allows students to have self-directed and self-employed learning.

To make the whole learning interesting, students can get work schedules with compulsory and optional tasks from the station.

125. Station teaching: This is a varied station approach which allows teaching a number of lessons at one time. In order to engage in all activities, the students move from one station to the other within a definite time frame. This is a good option for teachers with limited resources to distinguish instruction by integrating students’ interests, requirements, and learning styles.

126. Audiobooks

This is an interesting learning approach in which students are given access to audiobooks on different subjects. They can listen to a variety of audios from subject experts to have a deeper knowledge of the subject which in turn improves their vocabulary, listening skills and attention to detail. This is also a good option to learn a new language by knowing the actual accent.

127. Instructional Videos

This is one of the best options to learn in detail about the laboratory methods. Students can view these videos to learn about the stepwise procedures of experiments.

There are communities and some schools providing instructional videos for students to learn in detail about diverse subjects. Students can use it to learn how to draw a diagram easily or to solve a mathematical problem.

128. Literature Circles

In this approach, students can have access to rich conversations within a group. During the session, they can convey their opinions, forecast, and queries about a topic in a productive and structured way. This is a lighter way to teach heavy to read subjects such as language, arts, history, or advanced English which gives the benefit of shared reading.

129. Animated gesturing

This is an effective method for virtual tutoring, usually used in online teaching. Teaching avatars are used to give a speech or instruction on a subject. Teachers also use animated gestures when giving class seminars or presentations to make teaching more interactive.

They are designed to point, circle or underline key points at the time of teaching.

130. Shared reading: In this teaching session, students can have an interactive reading experience. They can share or join in the reading of a book or a presentation and they will be properly guided and assisted by a teacher. They can learn to reading fluently and expression with a structured assistance. Some hard to read or boring materials can be read with fun using this method. They also get exposure to different reading perspectives of their classmates.

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131. Rewarding

This is a common method followed in elementary classes and sometimes, in higher classes to promote learning. It includes activities like rewarding the first person who finds the solution to a puzzle or who scores top in a test. This enhances a competitive mindset among students and a desire for more rewards.

132. One on one

Instead of teaching a group the teacher takes a personal class for each student. This approach proved good for giving special assistance to students with poor learning skills when taught in groups.

They are given special attention and personalized instructions to solve a problem or to approach a topic. Their strengths and weaknesses are dealt with more consistently.

133. Quick write

The students are asked to respond to an open-ended query or prompt given by the teacher in some 2–10 minutes.

This strategy can be used to build up writing fluency and to develop the habit of expression into a learning experience. Teachers also use it to informally assess student thinking.

134. Hand signals

This teaching approach utilizes the power of non-verbals to assess the understanding or thinking process of students. They are taught some hand signals to show their level of understanding when teaching a topic.

They are asked to react for ‘more explanation’, ‘need a break’, ‘not agree’ etc. with hand signals in the middle of discussion. The teacher stops his lecture on seeing this to respond for the student.

135. Playway

This is a common method of teaching in elementary classes to make the students engaged in learning with a little fun. The teacher takes into account the students’ interest in the topic and their aptitude when designing their play way method.

Games such as tag and hide-and-seek are integrated with the learning to make the class interesting to them. Games can be wisely chosen to enhance the students’ motor skills, imagination and creativity.

136. Music therapy

Incorporating music into teaching helps to have a lighter class environment for studying heavy subjects. This helps to change the mood of a student in a positive way.

When teaching tough topics, the teacher can take a break of 5 to 10 minutes to listen to some music. He/she can sing or play a device or ask students to sing together or one or two students who is good in singing.

137. Blended learning

This is a mix of teaching approaches to have comprehensive learning of a topic. In most cases, e-learning is integrated with traditional classroom methods and time is also allotted for self-learning thus helping students to get the benefits of all learning styles. This approach lets them to interact with other students, the instructor and the online content to get a wide exposure to a subject.

138. Harkness table

The students are seated in a large, oval-shaped configuration for open-ended teaching and learning. This more or less relates to a Socratic style of teaching.

For a given topic, they can discuss ideas in an open-minded and encouraging environment. This type of learning will have only occasional or minimal teacher intervention.

139. Kinesthetic teaching

This type of learning promotes the active participation of students. Instead of just listening to a lecture or seeing demonstrations, they are involved in physical activities.

This tactile learning style with a multi-sensory approach also involves touching the material to learn about it or being in close with an audio or video for instruction.

140. Journal Writing

Students can benefit from this type of learning to effectively respond to literature and gain writing fluency. This is an opportunity for them to freely generate ideas on a topic thus improving their writing skills and words of expression.

Teachers can then evaluate what their students have written and guided them in terms of punctuation, word usage, spelling, or grammar.

141. Kumon

In this varied approach, students can start learning from a comfortable starting point that is appropriate for them. Neither the age nor their grade level is taken into consideration. In this self learning style, they learn the subject by doing the worksheets on their own. These methods of teaching enhances their critical thinking skills and mindset to find out and explore new topics independently.

142. Codes to remember

Memorizing every element taught in the class is a real challenge for many students. Therefore, teachers give easy codes to remember the key areas of the subject, the order of a list, the sequence of events or more.

VIBGYOR which signifies the first letters of the 7 colors in the rainbow is a popular example. Similarly, teachers develop easily personalized codes to help the students to easily study the hard-to-remember topics.

143. Expeditionary Learning

This type of learning challenges students to take up active roles in their classrooms and think critically on topics of study. Students become masters of their own learning. This effective approach of learning by doing motivates them to have an urge for research or focus on new challenging topics.

144. Object-based learning

This refers to experiential and active learning; it is a mode of learning that student likes the most.

When they learn with hands-on learning techniques, it deepens their involvement with the subject matter. Moreover, their lateral thinking, analytical skills, and group work features are improved.

145. Inquiry-based learning

Instead of just going through simply established facts or knowledge and having an easy path to knowledge, this teaching approach involves active learning.

It begins by posing questions, puzzles, problems or scenarios and then, investigating to find solutions. The process is frequently assisted by a facilitator to give enough support and guidance.

146. Competitions

It is important to develop a competitive mindset among students to grow out successful in their careers and life. Healthy competition in classrooms and schools can help them out in this regard.

Teachers involve their syllabus topics as part of a competition to help the students to perform academically, as well. This includes elocution, essay writing, debates, etc.

147. Gallery walk

This is a discussion technique in learning in which students are allowed to be actively engaged in the classrooms. They can freely work and learn together in small groups. The activities involve sharing ideas, responding to momentous questions or tricky situations, preparing documents and charts and more.

148. Online Learning Tools

A number of learning tools are available online to help students to learn efficiently and productively in the minimal time frame. There are efficient tools designed to give shortcuts to students to easily study tough subjects.

Teachers also use quality teaching material available online to support students in advanced learning. There is also option for distance learning to help students staying in remote areas to experience the happiness of learning.

149. Self-learning

This is the best form of teaching in the present educational system. Instead of depending on a teacher for assistance, this form of learning helps students to grow up as independent learners.

Teachers and parents are the ones to promote this mindset in students in the preliminary classes itself. Rather than spoon-feeding the subjects, let them learn ways on their own to deal with a subject.

150) Task-based learning

The main aim of this approach to learning is task completion. In this approach, teachers set a relevant and interesting task for the students. They are expected to complete the task according to their pre-existing knowledge. This method helps them to acquire knowledge in different areas and increases thinking capacity.

151) Student-Centered Discussions

In this approach, the student is the center of learning. Make a group of five to six students and ask the question. Give adequate time for them to think and come up with an answer. It helps them to expand their imagination skills. Remember to come up with thought-provoking questions. Let them chances to dive deep into the content.

152) Making connections

One of the effective methods to help students learn easily is by making connections to their learning. Teachers can help them by making a connection with real-life incidents and people. This method can create a lasting impression in their minds.

The right teaching strategy makes a good classroom session. Some schools conduct polls amongst students to know the strategy they prefer for learning to make the whole process productive. The listed ones are only a few among the several methods in teaching. A good teacher always comes up with personalized methods to bring the best out of a learning session.

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Online communication tools have become the new normal since the world started adapting to the changes brought about by COVID-19 pandemic. Google Meet has been a popular communication tool used by business organizations to carry on with their work. Now, educational institutes have also adopted Google Meet for education to hold webinars, video conferences, staff training, online classes, etc.

Though it is a well-known platform, Google Meet for education requires further improvement to make it 100% efficient, to be used as an education app.

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Limitations in Free Version

With a limit of 30 participants per video call, Google Meet will not be able to accommodate a bigger team with its free version. This becomes a problem when it comes to classroom management. Some educational institutes opt to split the team and hold sessions for each team separately, which can be a hassle for the educators. Also the option does not really work for staff training because of time constraints. Therefore, the only option left is to buy the paid version.

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Multimedia Documents

When we say file sharing, it is not just images or text. It also includes multimedia documents at times. However, it is not possible to share multimedia documents through Google Meet.

Limited Features

Google Workspace comes with various tools and apps that users can put to good use, while using Google Meet. However, the features of Google Meet, in terms of productivity, interaction, and remote collaboration, are limited compared to other applications serving the same purpose.

For example, Google Meet does not have its own annotation feature, which is a necessity during video conferences. Annotations help the users to point out specific parts of a presentation and encourage interactions among participants. At present, such extra features are added using Google Chrome extensions from third party developers.

No Desktop Version

Google meet app has optimized iOS and Android versions for mobile devices; but, there is no specific desktop version of the app. It can only be accessed from a web browser for desktop.

Consumes Hardware Resources

The hardware quality of a device affects the user experience of the apps used in it. Google Meet uses up a large amount of hardware resources, making it difficult for devices with outdated processors and RAM to run a video conference.

Requires Strong Internet Connection

Live meetings and interactions being interrupted due to poor network is a common issue faced by most communication tools. Google Meet also requires strong Internet connection so that the meeting/conference happens without any hindrances.

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Accidental Call Drops

Sometimes, technical or network issues cause Google Meet to drop some members from a meeting, especially those attended by a big number of people. However, the app does not have provisions to add back the group members.

Better Options

Most of the above-mentioned issues can be a major let down when it comes to the efficiency of Google Meet for education. It is not wise to wait until the problems would be resolved in the future since the need for an efficient way to communicate has to be met at present. The better option is to go for video sharing and hosting platforms, like Vimeo and YouTube.


Google Meet for Education Vimeo

Google Meet and Vimeo are entirely different applications that seem to serve different purposes. But if you look closely, both have features can help businesses organizations or educational institutes in achieving what they prefer—to impart knowledge. Now, why does Vimeo seem to be the better option?

Let us find out.

Set Privacy

Maybe the file you share is not meant for the entire group. Vimeo’s privacy settings will help you to share the uploaded video content with a particular person or group of people as required.

Maintain Quality of Videos

Sometimes, live online interactions lack quality due to poor network connections. The interruptions will cause you to miss out certain details discussed, which can be a hassle during online learning

Vimeo allows you to share video content without compromising the quality that the team can watch whenever they want. It is because Vimeo has strict guidelines that users must follow while uploading the videos for the application to accept them. This makes the processing load lighter, and as a result, the user can use the best encoding techniques to upload high quality videos.

Replace Videos Without Losing URL

Vimeo allows you to replace an existing video with a new one under the same URL. This makes it easy for the educators since they just have to share the URL once.

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Password Protect Videos

Vimeo is a platform accessed by many. The app allows you to set a password for the video content you upload so that it will be accessible to only a particular group of people you want to share the content with

Groups and Albums

Vimeo comes with social resources, like groups and albums. Groups act as a meeting place to discuss and exchange knowledge. You can gather and share videos compiled through Albums.


You can use Vimeo Livestream to hold live sessions. The chat section can be utilized to make the session interactive.


Google Meet for Education_YouTube

YouTube is another video hosting and sharing platform that works better for education. Popularly known as an entertainment platform, educational institutes and organizations have been using YouTube for online learning and information sharing even before the pandemic.

It is free

YouTube, like other platforms, has a free version and a Premium version that provides additional features. Businesses or educational institutes can create and upload videos for free in their YouTube channels that the students/trainees can access for free. Also, YouTube allows integration of the videos uploaded on a channel into any website to ensure efficient learning.

Can be Accessed By All

Even if it is for staff training or for online classes at school/college level, the trainers/educators usually have to find time out of their schedule to explain the concepts. With YouTube, they can just upload the videos that can be accessed by anyone from anywhere and learn. Learners can also make use of the platform to search and learn more about the topics.

Mobile and Microlearning

YouTube provides opportunities for mobile and microlearning, in terms of online education. You can upload videos with long time duration as well as shorter videos that last 10 minutes or less in YouTube as per convenience. Learners, especially those with short attention span, usually prefer shorter videos for online learning.

YouTube Live

YouTube Live allows you to create livestreaming sessions. The comments section under the livestream can be utilized for interactions and clearing doubts.


YouTube videos are accessible anywhere, anytime, and across different mobile devices, including smartphones, laptops and tablets. It is also compatible with any screen size and does not affect the video quality.


Google Meet, being a popular communication and collaboration platform, is preferred by many. With the pandemic, the number of users has also increased. But Google Meet for education still has a long way to go to ensure a smooth and efficient online learning process. Therefore, it is better for businesses and educational institutes to choose better alternatives, such as Vimeo or YouTube.

Now, to choose among Vimeo and YouTube, see here.

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Microsoft Teams is a popular chat-based collaboration and communication tool. It has been commonly used by organizations for interactions, and file and information sharing these days.  Primarily meant for businesses, Microsoft Teams also has an Education version meant for classroom management, live classes, and for online learning. But as a tool for education, as in schools, colleges, or training of employees in an office, Teams still has a long way to go.

Requires Continuous Internet Connectivity

Teams cannot work without constant Internet connectivity. Any issues in connectivity during an ongoing presentation or meeting can cause users to miss out what is being said.

 Confusing File Structure

This is one of the main drawbacks of Microsoft Teams. Online learning involves lots of file sharing. It is not really possible to find where exactly these files are stored, considering the different folders created.

Even if you remember the file location, it can be confusing.  Whatever files that are uploaded during a Teams conversation are stored in the channel root folder. Finding the one you need among them can be quite tiresome. Trying to organize the files might cause the links with the conversations to break.

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Complex Outlook Transition

Microsoft Outlook is commonly used by all organizations and most employees might be used to the email platform. This makes transition to Microsoft Teams a bit difficult. The best way is for all team members to focus entirely on Microsoft Teams and leave out Outlook.

But, at the same time, abandoning Outlook altogether and using only Microsoft Teams is not wise either. Office 365 still depends on Outlook for many other functions. For example, while writing, Teams does not support Group calendars. Also, it is not possible to send links to Word documents through Teams chat. During such instances, email seems to be the better option.

Challenges in Inviting an Outside User

A member from outside of your organization can be added to Teams through External or Guest Access. And then, there are many steps to be followed to make sure that the outside users can access Teams with the right permissions.

Flexibility is Limited

Creating a new Team on the platform requires building everything from scratch. Microsoft Teams is not that flexible when it comes to replicating structures. If you are replicating a Team, everything has to be done manually. This can use up lot of your productive time and affect the efficiency.

Permission Setting Challenges

Most organizations prefer Microsoft Teams because it makes information sharing easy. Though all members can access all channels and all files in the Team and also other features, there are times information sharing has to be more specific. But it is not possible to change the permission settings accordingly at present. For example, you can create private channels in a Team with specific permissions for the channel, but you would not be able to invite guest users.

No Unified Chat

Microsoft Teams does not have a unified chat feature. This makes it impossible to search any information you want from all the conversations. You will have to remember the conversations in each chat and then search for a particular conversation within a specific chat.

Uses up Space

Anyone using Microsoft Teams can create their own Teams and channels. But with each team being created, it takes up space in the institute’s server. Restricting the people to create groups is not a plausible solution, as it requires extra work and maintenance.

No Warning for Similar Team Names

Microsoft Teams does not warn or notify you if you create a team with an already existing name. As a result, more than one team with the same team name will be created, making it confusing to the users.

Channel Limit

In Microsoft Teams, the number of channels you can be a part of is limited. A person can be part of only 200 public channels and 30 private channels. Though it seems enough in most scenarios, it can be a limitation if you want to be part of a few more channels.


Microsoft Teams is too crowded with many tools having similar or overlapping features. This confuses the users, making it difficult for them to choose the right tool.

White Labeling

 All features of Microsoft Teams were not developed by the company itself. There are some features that have been bought from lesser known brands and were rebranded by Microsoft. White labeling is legal. But, it is disadvantageous to the lesser known brands that actually developed those features, since they will never be given credit.

Online Classes

Online education has become the norm considering the pandemic situation requires everyone to remain at home. Organizations and educational institutes are relying on collaboration tools, such as Microsoft Teams, to carry out their activities.

Before, Microsoft Teams was a collaboration tool meant solely for businesses. But with the introduction of online classes, Microsoft came up with Microsoft Teams for Education. But, is Microsoft Teams an effective tool for online learning? Maybe not.

The most reported issue about Microsoft Teams during an online class is the technical problems. A large part of this problem is due to poor network connectivity, which can interrupt the smooth running of classes.

In January, students in Scotland had reported issues regarding Microsoft Teams. The students were not being able to use the “Join” button to join their online classes. There were also reports of services and chat functions being delayed. Similar issues with Microsoft Teams were reported in other countries as well.

(Source: https://www.windowscentral.com/some-scottish-students-struggle-study-online-due-microsoft-teams-issues)

In terms of usability, Microsoft Teams is a highly customizable platform. But the teachers/trainers have to work on setting up the class just right even if they are using basic features. Also, grading in Teams is a bit cumbersome.


Microsoft Teams might be a good tool for interaction. But when it comes to sharing content and live meetings, there are few flaws that affect the overall productivity of an organization. That is why using alternatives, such as Vimeo and YouTube, seems to be a better option.


Microsoft Teams for Education_Vimeo

Vimeo is primarily a video sharing and hosting platform meant for the arts and creative industry. But, lately, the application has found its way into the field of business as well. Vimeo allows hosts to password-protect videos, which is great if you are only sending to specific contacts.


Apart from Vimeo being a platform where you can upload and share videos, it also provides a live stream option that businesses can utilize to hold meetings. The chat option that works simultaneously with the livestream can be used for interactions. You can also record your screen, webcam, or both using Vimeo Record.

Keep Your Videos in One Place

This is one advantage Vimeo has over Microsoft Teams. Sure, you can share content through Teams. But you will have to manually record the live lectures, which might not give a good result in case of bad network or similar issues. Vimeo, on the other hand, allows you to store, manage, and host videos and live streams in the video library, which is secure and easy to search, without compromising the quality.

Host Meetings/Conferences Publicly or Privately

You can embed the player on your organization’s website by setting viewing permissions, and also, password-protect videos and live streams. You can also choose to host virtual meetings or conferences exclusively for your team. The videos can also be replaced without changing the URL.

Accessible to Everyone

Sometimes the videos you share is meant for a larger group of audience, may be including some with limitations, in terms of cognition, vision or physical abilities. Vimeo is accessible to anyone, anywhere making it easy for anyone to access.

Make It Interactive

Since Vimeo is mainly a video hosting platform, there is a common notion that the interaction is only one way. But, in reality, it is possible to make the videos interactive with call to actions, video chaptering, or closed captions despite the device used and thus, create engagement.


Vimeo is customizable, thus enabling businesses to create videos that match their branding.

Vimeo comes with a free plan, but it enables only a maximum storage of 500 MB per week. Since businesses need a larger space in the library to store and manage videos, the paid Plus or Pro plan would be a better option, and it is absolutely worth it.


Microsoft Teams for Education_YouTube

YouTube, another alternative to Microsoft Teams, is commonly known as an entertainment platform. It has been around for over ten years and has managed to gather a wide variety of audience for its different video content. Apart from being an independent video hosting and sharing platform, YouTube can also be integrated to other platforms.

Free of Cost

YouTube is absolutely free and is easily accessible to anyone, making it a usable tool to share video content within your organization. You can upload videos, even without having a Google account.

Available Anywhere

Now that the pandemic has transformed work life from offices to the comfort of your home, you will need a platform to connect from anywhere. YouTube allows you to upload videos or go Live from anywhere. A working Internet connection is the only requirement.

Form a Network

Sometimes different teams of an organization have to collaborate for projects and to explain the details to each team depending on their schedules would be a tedious task. With YouTube, you can share the videos containing information related to the projects with all teams at once. They can watch the video whenever they can.

Videos Can Be Watched Again

The best part of using YouTube is that the videos remain there until it is removed by the user. This enables everyone to go back and watch the lessons as required.

YouTube Live

YouTube also has a livestreaming option which organizations can use to hold meetings or conferences, be it for a big or a small group of people.  Interaction between the presenter and the team is possible through the comments section.

YouTube has come a long way from being a platform for entertainment to one used for education and businesses. The best part about YouTube is that whatever you upload is going to stay there until you want it removed.


Microsoft Teams is a good tool when it comes to interactions. But if you observe it as an educational app, there are many features that need improvement. May be the improvements will happen in the future. But, to wait for it until it happens is not reasonable. So the best way is to look for better alternatives, like Vimeo and YouTube.

Now, if you are wondering which to choose among Vimeo and YouTube, see here.

Edsys is an experienced educational software provider with clients around the globe. If you are looking for a development partner to create online learning tools, Edsys would be a great fit. Connect with us to discuss in detail.

Top Apps For Teachers and Educators

Today’s learning arena has reached into a digital space where students sit at the comfort of their homes and classes have turned into virtual rooms. As the present situation is demanding online learning, teachers have a huge role in adapting to the new space where they must depend more on technology to convey the subject ideas to students.

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Earlier also, the classrooms have utilized the best of smartphone technology and the amazing applications to experience the best of learning. There are lots of innovative apps designed for teachers and educators to make their job easy than ever before. There are apps for communication outside class, taking feedbacks, project collaboration, lesson planning and a lot more.

Moreover, the saved time can be spent for some quality interaction with students that not only improves their interest in learning but also helps to boost the personal bond with them.

Here we are sharing some of the best apps for teachers and educators that is useful for both online classes and of course for the regular classrooms once the pandemic gets over.

Pocket Haiku deck TED Duolingo Google Classroom
Quizizz: Plan to Learn EdX Too Noisy Pro Evernote Explain Everything Whiteboard
Study Blue Flashcards & Quizzes
Edu Creations
Dropbox Slack ClassDojo
Remind Schoology Edmodo Socrative Moodle
LiveBoard Interactive Whiteboard App ZOOM Kahoot! Planboard

Educational Apps for Teaching Students

1. Pocket

app for teachers

  • Rating: 4.6
  • Total Installs:10,000,000+
  • Last updated: 13th Oct 2020
  • Size: Varies with device

Pocket apps are widely used as an educational app for teachers, as it can do amazing things with content. Let’s have a look at some of the features it offers:

Pocket will help you to save videos, articles and other content required for your future classroom activities easily and quickly. It also helps you in presenting articles with an easy-to-view layout which normally improves the reading experience despite of your device.


  • Can save any type of articles, news, videos etc
  • It offers the users a reading, listening and watching experience with free hands, calm eyes and fresh focus
  • Save any articles, web pages, stories, magazine pages etc on this app

Download: Android | iOS

2. Haiku deck

apps for teachers

  • Rating: 4.5
  • Size:791.1MB

Though there are many apps for teachers, the Haiku deck is an app useful for creating amazing PowerPoint presentations that can wow your students. It helps you to create and edit beautiful presentations anytime and anywhere. It gives a professional outlook to your presentations with its customized fonts and layouts.

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  • Can add beautiful visuals to a blog or a website
  • Can create amazing portfolios
  • Helps to showcase your brand or company in a polished way

Download: iOS

3. TED

apps for teacher

  • Rating: 4.6
  • Total Installs:10,000,000+
  • Last updated:9 July 2020
  • Size:18M

TED has hundreds of motivating and interesting TED talks which features interesting lectures from industry leaders. It includes a wide range of categorical topics such as traditional folk music, neuroscience, human evolution, and many more. Some of them are perfect for online debates and discussions while some are inspirational.


  • Can explore a lot of videos with subtitles in over 100 languages
  • Can download video or audio for offline references
  • Bookmark important TED talks for easy reference

Download: Android | iOS

4. Duolingo

  • Rating: 4.7
  • Total Installs:100,000,000+
  • Last updated: 20 October 2020
  • Size: Varies with device

Duolingo is one of the best educational apps for teachers to help students to learn different languages easily. It motivates students to learn bilingual, and that too interestingly. Short lessons help kids to practice reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.


  • Can learn a variety of languages easily
  • Can track progress with shiny achievements

Download: Android | iOS

5. Google Classroom

apps for teacher

  • Rating: 2.5
  • Last updated: 16 October 2020
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Installs: 100,000,000+

Google Classroom is accessible for anyone with a Google account; it is a free and non-profit organization. It is very useful for teachers and students.

This educational app for teachers and students help to reduce the use of paper and save time. Teachers can easily create and distribute assignments and notes among students.


  • Secure and affordable
  • Enhances communication
  • Students can easily submit their assignments
  • Easy to set up

Download: Android  | iOS

Introducing Teacher App From Edsys – A Complete Class Schedule & Attendance Management App

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6. Quizizz: Plan to Learn

apps for teachers

  • Rating: 4.7
  • Last updated: October 13, 2020
  • Size: 35M

Quizizz is an educational app for teachers used by more than 20 million people per month in schools, homes etc. Students can either engage in a group activity or can study on their own.


  • Can study a million of quizzes covering every subject
  • Can see the questions and correct answers after the quiz
  • Can challenge your friends for instant study groups

Download: Android | iOS

7. EdX


  • Rating: 4.6
  • Last updated: 15 September 2020
  • Size: 17M
  • Installs: 5,000,000+

It is an app with real-time classrooms having lectures from expert teachers of top universities. It is helpful for teachers and students, as teachers can add their study materials and students can use them as required.

Learners can master the most in-demand skills here, to achieve a certificate online from the top universities.

Download: Android | iOS

Educational Apps for Everyday Class Needs

8. Too Noisy Pro

  • Rating: 3.7
  • Size: 84.8 MB

Are you searching for a way to make your students understand what an “inside voice” is? Then this app is really helpful. Set the maximum noise level for the classroom in the app. When the set limit is exceeded, this app will respond with an alarm.

  • Displays the background noise level in an engaging way
  • An audible alarm is sounded when noise exceeds the limit

Download: iOS

9. Evernote

apps for teachers

  • Rating: 4.2
  • Total Installs:100,000,000+
  • Last updated:11 June 2020
  • Size: Varies with device

Evernote is a useful tool for note-taking. It helps users to create a “note” in the form of a full webpage or webpage excerpt, formatted text, a voice memo or an image. Notes can also have file attachments.

This educational app for teachers helps to create notebooks, planners, organizers etc.  With this, notes can be synced and accessed anywhere and anytime.

Features of Evernote in education

  • Lecture notes can be systematically kept
  • Can be used as a planner and organizer to track assignments, lecture notes, exams, etc
  • Different notes for each class can be created
  • Track upcoming exams, deadlines, etc

Download: Android | iOS

10. Explain Everything Whiteboard

  • Rating: 3.7
  • Total Installs: 100,000+
  • Last updated: 15th October 2020
  • Size: Varies with device

One of the most interactive educational apps for teachers that can be used to teach, record videos, sketch notes, present things, etc.it  is considered to be the Swiss army knife of whiteboarding apps.

This app can meet, record, work, and share all your videos in a single space. It let teachers collaborate with students/coworkers in real-time.


  • Can create projects limited to 1 slide
  • Can export videos up to 60 seconds long
  • Various creative tools and recording features are available
  • Join and collaborate with others

Download: Android | iOS

Also Read:

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11. Study Blue Flashcards & Quizzes

apps for teacher

  • Rating: 4.4
  • Last updated: 28 June 2020
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 19M

An amazing app for teachers to enhance learning. Teachers can create interesting study materials, flashcards, and interactive sessions using this app. These flashcards can be used by study to make learning easier.

Students can also create digital flashcards using this.


  • Can create and share own digital flashcards for free
  • Can customize study materials with images and audio
  • Can track student’s progress and set study reminders
  • Seamlessly access study materials across desktop and mobile devices

Download: Android | iOS

Educational Apps for Collaborating in School Projects

12. Edu Creations

  •  Rating: 4.8
  • Size:41.9MB

Educreations is an interactive whiteboard app allowing you to create easy-to-follow tutorials for students.

With this, you can explain your actions in the form of recording also. It also allows you to create simple animations, documentaries, diagrams with audio covering.

Additionally, you can share videos via email or social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.


  • Videos can be stored online
  • Students can access classes digitally. Lessons sync automatically between teacher and student i pads.
  • Can snap or import images from Dropbox, google drive, web etc
  • Can edit videos in built-in video editor

Download: iOS

13. Dropbox

apps for teachers

  • Rating: 4.2
  • Total Installs: 100,000,000+
  • Size: 101M
  • Last update: 16th October 2020

Dropbox is a prominent app used by teachers for uploading and storing assignments.

It has been used by educators as one of the best educational apps for teachers. This app also has a provision for uploading and storing videos, images, and other things you might want to access from the classroom or home. It also helps you to create and edit MS Office files within your mobile phone.


  • Automatically upload photos and videos to cloud storage
  • Access any type of file, even offline. It can preview over 175+ file types.
  • Send large files easily, even to people without Dropbox account

Download: Android | iOS

   Educational Apps for communication

 14. Slack

teacher apps

  • Rating: 4.1
  • Total Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Last updated: 19 October 2020
  • Size: Varies with device

Using Slack, teachers can easily collaborate with parents and students in an engaging way. Message or call anyone within the group is possible here. It lets you bring out effective teamwork and success as the end result.


  • Share and edit documents easily
  • Communication with anyone in the group is possible
  • Notifications can be customized

Download: Android | iOS

15. ClassDojo

apps for teacher

  • Rating: 4.1
  • Total Installs:10,000,000+
  • Last updated: 21st October 2020
  • Size:41M

ClassDojo is not like your normal classroom-management platform. With this, you can even send private and public messages to parents about their child’s progress and if they wish, they can stay updated with their child’s feedback in real-time without any school newsletter.

As ClassDojo can make easy communication, it is regarded as one of the best educational apps for teachers. It helps teachers to build an amazing classroom community.


  • Teachers can communicate with parents easily
  • Can share videos, photos, important announcements, etc
  • The instant messaging option is available

Download: Android | iOS 

16. Remind: School Communicationapps for teachers


  • Rating: 4.3
  • Last updated: 14 October 2020
  • Size: 108 MB
  • Installs: 10,000,000+

An excellent app to help you stay connected with your school community.

It let you to have flawless communication between teachers, school authorities, parents and students as well.


  • Real-time communication is possible
  • Can translate messages into 90+ languages
  • Share files, content and photos

Download: Android | iOS

Educational Apps for Feedback

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17. Schoology

apps for teacher

  • Rating: 2.3
  • Total Installs: 5,000,000+
  • Last updated: 12 October 2020
  • Size: 80 MB

Schoology works as an effective educational app for teachers by letting teachers and students to post assignments, projects, videos, completed works, links etc. It let teachers and students to have rich and engaging academic experience from anywhere and anytime.


  • Can manage classroom
  • Create and submit assignments, projects etc
  • Can participate in interactive discussions, assessments etc

Download: Android, iOS

18. Edmodo

  • Rating: 3.8
  • Total Installs:10,000,000+
  • Last updated:15 October 2020
  • Size: 73 MB

Edmodo lets the teachers and students share content even after school time. They can use this app as a platform for new information or any notifications, to submit assignments and receive grades in the process.

This educational app for teachers is loved by most of the teachers as they can give constructive feedback in a 1:1 manner.

Students can also respond easily using this.


  • Classes and assignments organized in a place
  • Can communicate with parents and students directly
  • Can facilitate discussions with the entire class or to individuals

Download: Android | iOS

19. Socrative Teacher

  • Rating: 3.7
  • Total Installs: 500,000+
  • Size:1.8M

Socrative is a learning assessment tool which simplifies grade and reports. Using this educational app, teachers can personalize, engage and assess classes effectively.  Engaging assessments, quizzes, exit tickets, quick question polls etc are available in this app.


  • Can visualize student understanding
  • Can ask open-ended questions and vote the results
  • Share quizzes with teachers
  • Class exit tickets can be given

Download: Android | iOS

20. Moodle

  • Rating: 3.3
  • Total Installs:10,000,000+
  • Last updated: July 16, 2020
  • Size:17M

It is one of the most popular learning management systems available. Teachers from anywhere can take online classes and students can attend these classes and give feedback.


  • Browse content of your courses easily, when offline
  • Quickly find and contact other people in your course
  • Upload images, audio and videos from your device to Moodle app
  • Receive instant message notifications and other events

Download: AndroidiOS

21. LiveBoard Interactive Whiteboard App

apps for teachers

  • Rating: 4.4
  • Total Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Last updated: 20 October 2020
  • Size: 15M

Teachers who are part of classroom teaching, video tutoring or online classes can find this app useful to enhance the learning experience of students. This handy live app serves the purpose beyond time and distance, and communication with students in real time is possible through audio chat or live messaging.

This shared whiteboard makes classes easy, comfortable and interactive. Teaching can be visualized using pdf files and images making the lessons easy to understand and memorize.


  • Groups can be created easily with predefined members
  • Easily enable or disable drawing, chatting and writing functionality during sessions
  • External guests can be made part of the session by sending an invite link
  • Sessions can be recorded and shared easily with students for later reference

Download: Android | iOS

22. ZOOM Cloud Meeting

  • Rating: 3.6
  • Total Installs: 100,000,000+
  • Last updated: October 12, 2020
  • Size: 106M

As classes have turned into remote and virtual learning hubs, this is one of the most helpful apps for teachers to bring all the students into a single digital space. With cross-platform instant messaging, good video and audio quality and instant screen sharing options, this has become one of the favourite choice of apps for teachers and students.

The notes option helps students to take notes during live sessions which can be used for later reference.


  • Live stream option lets teachers to stream audio, video or both to students in real time
  • Polls option lets teachers to easily take responses during discussion or feedback of class
  • Virtual hand raising option can be an added boost during live classes
  • Noise cancellation option assures noise free backgrounds during online classes

Download: Android | iOS

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23. Kahoot! Play & Create Quizzes

teacher app

  • Rating: 4.7
  • Total Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Last updated: October 7, 2020
  • Size: 23M

This is an amazing app to play quiz-based games that can be used by teachers during classes to make it interesting and engaging. The app lets teachers to make their own version of Kahoot and add videos or images to it based on the subject.

You can also find several millions of Kahoot that are ready to play on diverse topics.


  • Different question types can be combined to improve engagement
  • It can be effective when done live in class or during distance learning
  • Student paced challenges can be easily assigned to review content
  • Reports can be generated to assess the outcome of learning

Download: Android | iOS

24. Planboard – Free Lesson Planner for Teacher

apps for teachers

  • Rating: 4.8
  • Total Installs: 50,000+
  • Last updated: October 2, 2020
  • Size: 6.0M

This is a mind-blowing app for teachers to easily plan lessons on the go. This works as an editor that lets you organize your subjects, lessons, and semesters with ease in a timetable.

Planning lessons is a lot easy than before as it comes with attachments and curriculum standards.


  • It is easy and fast to set up
  • Files can be easily added to lesson plans
  • Easily edit, create and share lesson plans
  • Manage curriculum standards at fingertips
  • It syncs with app on the web

Download: Android | iOS

Final Thoughts: Apps For Teachers

Hope this great list of apps can be some good ones to have for teachers and educators to make learning more interactive, interesting, comfortable and easy going. We all depend on the apps to make our daily activities a little more productive and so does the teachers.

Teachers all over the globe are now banking on the mind-blowing apps to enhance and collaborate the teaching process.

Today’s smartphone technology and the numerous possibilities can revolutionize the teaching methods to a great extent when both teachers and students will find the process a lot more convenient and enjoyable than ever before.

Also Check:(Our Comprehensive Researched Educational Apps Directory List)

 ‘Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s just about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life’  –Shakunthala Devi

Whether you learn or teach, assessing where you or your student stands are an integral part of every learning process. This is usually done through tests and traditionally tests are either verbal or written. Written tests are more popular due to their convenience.

When technology intervenes, we expect a better way, which in the case of assessments is by means of Assessment Management Systems

Let’s delve deeper…

What is Assessment Management System?

Assessment Management System is basically technology leveraged to assess what your child has learned, through different types of questions such as ‘Fill in the blanks, Multiple Choice Questions, Match the list, Yes or No questions’, etc…

It incorporates personalized adaptive testing modules that run in a systematic and continuous mode to get best results.

Different Types of Assessment Questions

Question types include

1) Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ’s)

  • With a single answer
  • With multiple answers
  • True/False

2) Match the following

3) Fill in the blanks

  • Short answers

4) Order the following

5) All these assessment questions have pre-defined answers

As these questions have fixed responses, automatic validation is possible

Now that you have a general idea about the technology, let’s see what it’s benefits are….

Benefits of Assessment Management System

  • Teachers can check students ‘understanding level after teaching a topic
  • Teachers can provide proper guidance after assessing the tests
  • Students can attend self- assessment to analyze their level of understanding
  • Peer assessment can be done for students to analyze the portions to be flipped and the ones to be learned thoroughly.

Why do you need an Assessment Management System?

  • Highly interactive Online Exam Result Accessibility

assessment management system

The online assessment exam can be easily accessed, even from home anytime. So, as a teacher, you can spend more time to teach the topic rather than for tests.

  • A Great Solution for Busy Class Schedules

assessment management system

The teaching process is completed only when you conduct a test to know how much he/she has learned. When you struggle to complete the syllabus before the exam, it would be really difficult for you to conduct class tests or exams.

The online Assessment Management System will be a helping hand for you, as you can teach the portions in school and the students can have their tests at home.

  • Assess Student Learning Process Systematically and Monitor the progress to give them Real-Time Guidance

assessment management system

Soon after the student gives an exam, the student, parents, and teachers will be notified with the results, with which the students can evaluate themselves and the teachers and parents can track the progress.

  • Provides Instant Feedback to Students, based on Different Parameters

assessment management system

When a student takes an exam, he/she will be shown results within a span of 5-10 seconds, with which they can analyze the portion they are weak in and spend more time accordingly.

User Roles of Assessment Management System

Parents, teachers, and the students are directly or indirectly involved in this learning process. Let’s go through it in detail:

(1) User Role of Parents

    • Check kid’s progress even via a smartphone
    • Real-time access to test results
    • Can view the questions and the answers marked by your kid
    • Individual results can be viewed in the case of two kids
    • Everything will be notified either through push messages or emails.

(2) User Role of Teachers

    • Check the students who appeared a particular exam
    • Can give high-quality corrective instructions
    • Can access a graphical representation of individual results to track learning outcome
    • Change test questions easily
    • Can send personal feedback as inbox messages


(3) User Role of Students (the group to benefit the most)

    • Can bring learning to their respective homes easily
    • Can have an easier self-evaluation with test results
    • Will get an idea of the portions to be focused more
    • Manage time to study and prepare schedules
    • Can attempt and re-attempt tests

In short, the Student Assessment System, allows teachers to upload, track and analyze the understandings of a student about a particular topic, which will help busy parents to keep track of learning outcomes and students to self-evaluate and thereby analyze what they have learned.

If your goal is to become a teacher, you must grab the attention of the principal by writing a top teacher cover letter. This means that you should treat it as your final exam and not as an inconsequential quiz. This guide will help you make a perfect cover letter so that you end up landing more interviews irrespective of whether you are aspiring for a position of an elementary, substitute, pre-school, high school or an ESL teacher.

Example of a Cover Letter for the post of an Elementary Teacher

Elementary school teachers are responsible to teach as well as mentor young children, develop materials and projects, and encourage them to learn as well as develop different skill sets.

They also have to meet with parents and guardians to evaluate and maintain records of the progress made by the students.


(Your Name)

(Your Address with the Name of the City, State, and ZIP Code)

(Your Phone Number)

Your Email Address)


[Name of the Hiring Manager]

[School Address with the Name of the City, State, and ZIP Code]

[Hiring Manager’s Phone Number]

[Hiring Manager’s Email Address]

RE: Application for the Position of an Elementary School Teacher’s Position in [Name of the School]

Dear [Mr./Mrs./Ms.] [Name of the Hiring Manager],

I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement on the School District job board for the position of Elementary Teacher in your school. With more than seven years of experience in teaching students from the first to fifth grades in [name the schools you have worked for], I can confidently say that I have the expertise to command students’ attention and manage them regardless the number of students.. These skills, combined with my capability to create a positive learning environment, will enable me to perform my duties well.

Having said that here are a few aspects that highlight my performance in my current as well as past teaching experiences:

Development of TEKS-compatible activities related to health and nutrition for promoting better eating and exercise habits.

Setting up of an open-door policy for parent-teacher conferences from 6:30 am to 8:00 am

Planning and executing weekly after-school art class sessions for 1st grade to 3rd-grade students

Apart from my teaching experience and management skills, it is my pleasure to serve young children, which makes me the right candidate for the position of an elementary teacher in your school. I am passionate about education and I am excited to work alongside the administrators and staff members of your school and help elementary class students.

I have attached herewith my resume for your kind perusal. I am looking forward to an appointment with you for further discussion and would be happy to share any additional information that you may need. Thank you very much for reading.


(Your Name)


Also Read: 35 Top Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

Example of Cover Letter for the post of a Substitute Teacher

Substitute Teachers handle classes in the absence of full-time teachers.

They have to ensure the right learning environment and monitor progress being made by students.

Position requirements for Substitute Teachers typically include implementation of lesson plans, managing classroom, assigning homework, evaluating the performance of students, participating in parent meetings, and organizing after-school activities.

Substitute Teachers need to continuously update their knowledge and keep learning.

P.S. Only the body of the letter is given in the examples as there is no change in the rest of the aspects. The same standard will be followed for the rest of the examples as well.


As an enthusiastic and skilled teacher with a lot of experience in implementing lesson plans and the ability to effectively communicate with diverse students, I take great pleasure in submitting my resume for your perusal. My passion for education, combined with my background, enables me to contribute significantly as a Substitute Teacher in your school.

I can confidently say that I have excellent capabilities when it comes to classroom management, implementation of innovative educational techniques, and cross-functional collaboration. As I have handled a wide range of subjects and worked in various capacities, I have been able to hone my communication and motivational skills. My passion for fostering exciting and collaborative educational environments has helped me develop highly thoughtful, productive, and accomplished students.

Qualification and Highlights of My Experience

I possess a Bachelor’s degree in Education and teaching certification from ……state.

Creating and implementing educational programs and activities that facilitate a personalized approach to education and stimulate students’ interest in learning.

Adhering to guidelines and regular lesson plans for maintaining consistent classroom environments in the absence of normal teacher.

Building and maintaining strong relationships with students; encouraging them to ask doubts, make comments, and express concerns; and creating an exciting and dynamic classroom environment.

With my experience and credentials, I will be able to ensure the highest learning standards that exceed expectations at your school in the role of a Substitute Teacher. I am looking forward to an appointment with you to discuss my qualifications and experience in detail. Thank you very much for your kind consideration.

 Example of Cover Letter for the Post of a Preschool Teacher

As a Preschool Teacher, you have to work with children in the age group of 3 to 5 years and help them move on to kindergarten.

A Preschool Teacher has to handle various subjects in such a way that young children can understand them in a better manner.

Duties include teaching children to read and write, developing lesson plans, creating schedules, organizing activities, monitoring children’s intellectual and emotional development, reporting to parents, imparting learning through play, and identifying talent.


I am truly delighted to know through LinkedIn that there are openings for Preschool Teachers in your school. Currently, I am working as a preschool teacher at ABC School in XYZ and I am familiar with the functioning of private schools and the intensive learning environments they offer. Prior to my stint at ABC School, I was with EFG Preschool in XXX for four years. Some of the key aspects related to my teaching career till now include the following:

Was recognized as the Teacher of the Month (April 2018) while working at the ABC School

Have developed and coordinated student field trips successfully; 95 of the parents gave positive feedback

Implemented an extensively reviewed storytelling program; It improved the speech clarity of students by 24 percent

Additional qualifications:

Certification in child and infant CPR 

My talent in music which I would be putting to use in the classroom; I have the ability to engage students through music and arts and have received accolades for the same

I would love to know more about the opportunity for Preschool Teachers at your school and am looking forward to an appointment to discuss with you in this regard. You can contact me if you want to know more about my experiences. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you soon.



Also Read: About Teacher: 100 Interesting Facts that may surprise you

 Example of a Cover Letter for the post of a High School Teacher

High School Teachers handle classes for students in 9th to 12th grades. They are often specialized in specific subjects such as English, mathematics, or science. They also need to have state licenses that allow them to handle classes in public schools. High School Teachers plan lessons, organize activities, employ multiple teaching methods, assign homework, motivate students, take disciplinary actions as and when needed, discuss concepts, clear students’ doubts, and accompany students during educational trips.


I am writing this letter with great anticipation as securing a position as a High School Teacher in your school is of great interest to me. I am an enthusiastic as well as a dedicated educator with hands-on experience in teaching high school students and I look forward to becoming one of the key members of the academic team in your school. My teaching abilities combined with my work ethic and strong interpersonal skills make me the right candidate for teaching the science subject.

As an experienced teacher, I strongly believe that the key to success as far as high school students are concerned is experiential and inquiry-based education. I have the innate ability to motivate students, ascertain their inner abilities and strengths, and find out as to what really inspires them. I am also good at creating a learning environment that inspires students to realize their full potential.

I am committed to helping my students and will come up with lesson plans that will make learning science easy for them. I will design participatory activities, make use of technology, provide guided practice, include problem-based learning strategies, and ensure real-world applications so that students enhance their skills and make good progress. My experience as a high school teacher has taught me the valuable lesson that adopting a facilitating style of teaching is much better than dictating. According to me, students retain information for a longer period of time when they are provided with the right learning experiences.

It is my passion to work with students and create a positive influence that has enabled me to become a good teacher and I have realized over the years that education is vital to prepare young people for achieving success in life. As a highly motivated educator, I would sincerely welcome an opportunity to meet you and discuss how I could be of service to the school. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you soon.




 Example of Cover Letter for the post of an ESL Teacher

ESL Teachers handle sessions for non-native students. They work with immigrants to help them understand the new language so that they can be easily integrated with English-speaking students. They organize classroom activities, deliver lessons, administer tests, assign homework, provide feedback, promote language school services, and maintain student records.


I am a skilled ESL Teacher and I am excited to know that you have openings in your school for the right candidates. My qualifications and experience align very well with your requirements, especially because of my stint as an ESL Teacher with ABC School for the last 5 years. I am sure that I would be able to make significant contributions to your organization.

With over 11 years of experience as an ESL Teacher, I am adept at assessing learning styles and designing personalized lesson plans. Moreover, the well-rounded skill set I have acquired over the years include excellent analytical and communication capabilities. Further, I am fluent in Spanish, focused, goal-oriented, and committed.

Apart from my personal qualities and experience, I also possess a solid foundation in the Spanish language and a strong passion for education.

Kindly review my Curriculum Vitae that I have attached herewith for more details as regards my expertise and achievements. I would request you to give me an appointment so that I can provide further information in person. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you soon.


In short, a good cover letter for a teacher’s job should include information such as your teaching skills and the ability to deal with different students. It should also display your self-confidence and communication skills, among others.

Though maths is an interesting subject, it’s a hard nut to crack for a majority. That is why teachers lookout for different strategies to make teaching more creative, funny, and engaging to invoke interest in the kids. Gamification and math puzzles are among the most tried out techniques in today’s classrooms and the idea of maths jokes is not novel.

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There is hardly anyone who doesn’t like to laugh out and have some humor in the conversation. Why not make it a strategy to teach maths to kids who consider the subject a nightmare?

Jokes on maths not only lighten the mood in classrooms but also brings out a positive vibe in learning sessions. Here we can have a look at some of the cheesy maths jokes that will make the students laugh out loud.

1. Why nobody prefers to talk to circles?

Ans: Because it is a waste of time as ‘there is no point’.

2. What is a math teacher’s most loved type of tree?

Ans: Geometry

3. Do you know why the quarter doesn’t roll down the hill with the nickel?

Ans: Yes! Because it had more cents!

4. Why is the math book so sad always?

Ans: Because it has too many problems.

5. Do you know why plants hate math?

Ans: It may be because it gives them square roots.

Also Read: 50 Math Riddles For Kids with Answers

6. The number 6 is always afraid of the number 7. What is the reason?

Ans: Because 7 “ate” 9!

7. The two fours are likely to skip lunch. Why?

Ans: Because they already eight!

8. A number can’t stay in one place. Which is that number?

Ans: A Roamin’ numeral

9. Why did the man refuse to drink the juice with 8 ice cubes in it?

Ans: Because it’s too cubed!

10. Which one weighs more –a pound of feathers or a pound of iron?

Ans: Both would weigh the same!

11. How algebra can help you to be a better dancer?

Ans: Because you can use the algo-rhythm!

12. If there are 4 apples in the basket and you take away 3 of them, how many do you have?

Ans: Three apples because you took three of them.

13. Why is it heartbreaking that parallel lines have so much in common?

Ans: Because they will never meet

14. Do you know a king who loved fractions?

Ans: Yes! Henry the ⅛

15. What may be the reason why a nose can’t be 12 inches long?

Ans: Because then it would be afoot.

16. Why did the mathematician drip all of his food in the oven?

Ans: Because the directions said, “Put the food in the oven at 180°”.

17. What is a math teacher’s favorite snake?

Ans: A pi-thon

18. Teacher: Why are you doing your multiplication problems on the floor?

Ans: You told me not to use the tables for these problems.

19. Have you heard the latest statistics joke?

Ans: Probably

20. Two fathers and two sons went fishing. Each of them catches one fish. So why do they bring home only three fish?

Ans: The fishing group consists of a grandfather, his son, and his son’s son. So three people caught only 3 fishes.

21. You know what seems odd to me?

Ans: Numbers that can’t be divided by two.

22. Why did seven eat nine?

Ans: Because you are supposed to eat 3 squared meals a day!

23. Why was the fraction worried about marrying the decimal?

Ans: Because he would have to convert.

24. Why did Pi get its driver’s license canceled?

Ans: Because it has no idea when to stop.

25. What did the triangle tell the circle to win the argument?

Ans: You are so pointless always.

Also Read: 15 Best Math Apps For Kids

26. What will you finally get when you take the sun and divide its circumference by its diameter?

Ans: Pi in the sky

27. What can you do to make seven an even number?

Ans: Remove the S

28. Why was the equal sign ‘=’ so humble?

Ans: Because she accepts the fact that she wasn’t greater than or less than anyone else.

29. Why did the boy get upset when his teacher called him average?

Ans: It was a ‘mean’ comment from the teacher.

30. Who is the king of the pencil case?

Ans: The Ruler

31. What is the reason why statistics is never anyone’s favorite subject?

Ans: It is just ‘average’

32. What are 10 things you can count on always?

Ans: Your fingers

33. Have you heard about the statistician who got drowned while crossing the river?

Ans: Yes! As it was just three feet deep on average, he thought he could easily cross it.

34. You are not at all advised to start a conversation with Pi. Why?

Ans: It will just go on and on forever.

35. What did the zero say to the eight?

Ans: Nice belt!

36. Why do atheists have difficulty with exponents?

Ans: Because, they don’t actually believe in higher powers.

37. Do you know a mathematician who couldn’t afford the lunch?

Ans: Yes, he could ‘binomials’

38. Why didn’t the two 4’s want any dinner for the day?

Ans: Because they already eight!

39. Is there any option to stay warm in a cold room?

Ans: Better go to the corner. It’s always 90 degrees.

40. Who invented the Round Table?

Ans: Sir ‘Cumference’

41. What might have the spelling book said to the math book?

Ans: “I know I can count on you!”

42. What do baby parabolas drink?

Ans: Quadratic formula

43. Why is it a bad decision to argue with the decimals?

Ans: Because, decimals always have a point.

44. What do you call an angle that is adorable?

Ans: A’cute’ angle

45. Why should you never mention the number 288?

Ans: Because it is “two” gross

46. What is a math teacher’s most loved vacation destination?

Ans: Times Square!

So, these are some interesting math jokes about maths for your little ones!

It is not too late to try out this maths jokes strategy in your classroom that is surely going to work out. This is because humans have a tendency to remember the facts through fun. While they laugh out on these math jokes on maths, it also makes them think about the math facts that are associated with it.

In fact, kids can use these math jokes as tools at problem-solving times to apply the facts and get the results smoothly.

Are you a math teacher who is finding it difficult to teach the tough math concepts? Then don’t hesitate to try out these cool math jokes that will surely lift the overall classroom vibe.

Good teachers are always good learners. They look forward to learn new things throughout their teaching phase.There are many motivational  books for teachers which help them to improve their teaching and personal skills.

Instead of just sticking on to a standard template, today’s teachers are always in search of novel ideas that keep away the boredom in classroom and make it more lively and engaging.

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At the same time, teaching profession is not that easy as you think and educators will have to go through a lot of challenging situations.

That is when a good motivation can help and even a simple word of inspiration from a genuine person can make things different. Getting inspired and motivated is not easy but some quality books for teachers can always play the trick.

Good books add quality to a person’s valuable reading time and motivational books can really make a difference in the way they go forward.

Here are a few among the best motivational books for teachers that can help them to improve everything about their teaching through realistic inspiration and motivational elements.

1) Finding Joy in Teaching Students of Diverse Backgrounds: “Culturally Responsive and Socially Just Practices in U.S. Classrooms by Sonia Nieto”

books for teachers

These awesome books for teachers is a must-read to celebrate diversity in classrooms.

Published in 2013, the content of this book remains fresh and unique through quality suggestions.

The author keeps reminding about the importance of teachers in enabling students from every single background to experience the power of community.

2) Teach Like Your Hair’s on Fire: The Methods and Madness Inside Room 56 by Rafe Esquith

books for teachers

Do you believe that a single teacher can make a difference in the lives of a group of students?

This book for teachers will clear all your doubts and make you understand that it is a reality.

Readers can come across interesting methods for building respect, trust, and passion for learning among students.

Beyond recognition, these smart techniques can actually help you see the students succeeding beyond expectations.

3) Never Work Harder Than Your Students and Other Principles of Great Teaching by Robyn R. Jackson

books for teachers

This is a good to have book in every educator’s library. The book covers about seven principles which are outstanding, doable strategies in order to build up a master teacher mindset.

Each chapter in the book refers to one exclusive principle.

This is about the relatable challenges when being a classroom teacher and the principles are meant to address it.

4) The Curious Classroom byHarveyDaniels:10 Structures for Teaching with Students Directed

books for teachers

In this interesting book, Daniels have shared inspiring ways to integrate student-led inquiry in the learning platforms, especially for elementary classrooms

. Readers can come across quite a few practical models and motivational examples of inquiry-based education from educators across the globe.

Its visual appeal is the highlight as it comes with full page snaps of student inquiry in action.

Also Read: Top 12 Motivational Stories for Students to work hard

5) The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them by Erin Gruwell

books for teachers

This book was published long back in 1999 which is a writing collection from the students of Erin Gruwell.

The author was once the teacher who handled a batch of “unteachable” students.

The readers can come across the interesting methods she used to reach the students like assigning literature that can be related to, use of blank composition notebooks to share their ideas and views anonymously and engaging speakers.

Despite the odds, all the students in the batch graduated successfully.

6) What School Could Be: Insights and Inspiration from Teachers Across America by Ted Dintersmith

books for teachers

This amazing book is one of the best travelogues from American classrooms that highlight the role played by teachers in enabling students to overcome difficult circumstances.

The author gives hope that the students we teach can bring the change we need and teachers should never step back from their goals.

7) Cultivating Mindfulness in the Classroom by Jeanie M. Iberlin

books for teachers

This inspiring book for teachers is all about the research related to mindfulness based practices with students and detailed steps to follow in order to create a personalized program.

Educators who read it are sure to get motivated to promote a more compassionate classroom culture. They can start enabling students to understand advantages of mindfulness.

8) The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher by Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong

books for teachers

In this amazing good read, author have come up with interesting ideas and strategies on effective classroom management from day one of teaching.

It is too good that this book is being used as part of many teacher training programs since it was introduced.

Educators can come across brilliant ideas on how to have more space and time for instruction.

9) Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel. H. Pink

books for teachers

This is a truly mind-blowing good read that helps readers to find out their inner motivation.

Anyone who is looking to figure out what actually motivates them gets the answer once they read this book.

Many educators are perplexed about what actually triggers them to perform better and the author has tried his best to help them.

10) How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

books for teachers

This is one of the most influential self-help books that is widely praised and followed by educators across the globe.

Whether teaching a 5-year-old or 30 years old, the science of teaching is the same and the science-based tricks in the book are surely a confidence booster.

The book covers simple but successful strategies for developing leadership skills, enhancing self-confidence, and minimizing the cycle of stress.

11) Teacher Laughs: Quips, Quotes and Anecdotes about the Classroom by Allen Klein

books for teachers

The author understands that teaching is never an easy job and the associated stress can even be devastating at times.

However, a good laugh can save the situation in one or more of the cases and the author tries to offer targeted humour for educators of all times.

The book for teachers gives a message that laughter is a good medicine for things not in our control and inspires to move forward positively.

12) The Hidden Lives of Learners by Graham Nuthall

books for teachers

This awesome book takes readers to undiscovered world of learning.

The book gives a clear message that it doesn’t mean that the student learns just because a teacher teaches him.

He clearly points out what it actually takes for a student to learn and retain a concept.

The book is a complete outcome of his 40 years of research on learning and teaching.

13) Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter C. Brown

books for teachers

This is one of the great books for teachers from the author that highlights the science of successful learning.

The book is all about strategies and ideas about creatively tailoring to the diverse learning approaches of students and how to make the process a lot easier for them.

Educators can come across concrete techniques on how to become more productive learners.

14) Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell

books for teachers

This must-read book comes with an interesting perspective about success.

Readers can understand that it is not always about thriving for success but it can be about the factors that make a man successful too.

Everything around you can be factors for success and the book teaches you to recognize opportunities for success and understand accomplishment.

15) Creating the Schools Our Children Need: Why What We’re Doing Now Won’t Help Much(And What We Can Do Instead: by Dylan Wiliam

books for teachers

This is a really thought-provoking book about creating the schools as actually needed by the students.

The book reminds us that why what we are doing now won’t help much and what we can do instead.

This is a good read for all teachers to assess the changes they need to make to improve the overall student learning.

16) I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Christina Lamb and Malala Yousafzai.

books for teachers

This is a mind blowing book that covers the personal stories of Malala Yousafzai who was the youngest to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

This truly inspiring book is all about her fight for girls’ education in Pakistan.

Any educator who look forward to make a positive change to the societies where girls education are of least consideration can read the book to start making some difference.

17) Your First Year: How To Survive And Thrive As A New Teacher by Todd Whitaker, Madeline Whitaker Good,Katherine Whitaker

This is an indispensable book for new teachers who is looking for ways to survive their first challenges and succeed as a good teacher.

The team of authors are an internationally renowned educator Todd Whitaker and his daughters who are teachers of various grades.

The book covers advices and ideas of learning classroom management, setting up the classroom, planning effective lessons and about managing the change of emotions.

Also Read: Skills Teachers required to be effective in Teaching

18) What Teachers Make: In Praise of the Greatest Job in the World by Taylor Mali

This is one of the much loved books from a former teacher which was published back in the year 2002 based on her famous poem.

The book is all about her experiences as a teacher which is truly motivating for those looking to take up teaching as their profession.

The valuable notes shared in the book keeps on reminding teachers about why their job is so important.

19) Teaching from the Heart: Reflections, Encouragement, and Inspiration by Sharon M.Draper

The author of this book was awarded Teacher of the Year in 1997 and it is no wonder why this book is one of the favourites for educators.

This awesome book keeps reminding teachers on their purpose of taking up this noble profession.

The rewards and joys of teaching are highlighted in this book through interesting humorous and inspirational stories. At the same time, realities of the profession are equally covered without any ignorance.

20) Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Their Students by Their Brains by LouAnne Johnson

This good read from the teacher-turned-author is one of the best ever and most influential strategy guides published so far.

The book covers honest and effective techniques and strategies for engaging students, enhancing classroom management, and to advance critical thinking. This is more about how to grab students by their brains.

21) Readicide: How Schools are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It by Kelly Gallagher

In this book, the author seems worried about how the habit of reading in our schools today is fading and he has come up with strategies to overcome the situation.

He has also shared extremely refreshing practices he follows as a teacher which has helped him to succeed in his career.

This book is really inspiring for the new teachers.

22) Today I Made a Difference: A Collection of Inspirational Stories from America’s Top Educators by Joseph W. Underwood

This good read is a collection of stories compiled by editor Joseph Underwood which answers two important questions.

Everyone knows that this profession has the drawback of low pay and long hours. The book answers why still teaching is considered as a profession by a fair amount of qualified people.

It comprises real-life stories of teachers who were Teacher of the Year Nominees in 2004 which gives a refreshing and inspiring look about the possible obstacles and how to overcome it to succeed in this career.

23) The Courage to Teach:Exploring the Inner Landscapes of a Teacher’s Life by Parker.J. Palmer

In this book, the author discusses the essence of being a successful educator.

According to him, it is all about establishing connections among teachers, their students, and the curriculum.

Unlike similar books, this gives a refreshing perspective about teaching and teachers can truly reflect on themselves and their profession.

24) The Teacher Liberation Handbook: How to leave School and Create a Place Where You and Young People Can Thrive by Joel Hammon

Educators who are looking to set up Liberated Learners Centers can find this book really interesting and motivating.

The book inspires young teachers to understand the importance of delivering meaningful and quality education and learning platforms for young people.

Anyone who read these books for teachers is sure to get motivated to create a self-directed learning center.


These are just a few among the many awesome books for teachers that can bring in good motivation and inspiration for teachers.

Moreover, real life stories in many such good books can really touch their heart and change their perception and perspective about being a good teacher.

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Good strategies and changing ways of teaching can always bring freshness in the classroom learning and students will tend to love learning than ever before.

“With toddlers around, times are always interesting,” says Beth Ann Fennelly.

As a preschool teacher, it can be challenging for you to keep the attention of students unless you come up with interesting and creative preschool activity ideas.

To lend you a helping hand, we have compiled a list of “Preschool Activity Ideas for Teachers”. It features some activities including games kids can play at preschool or their houses with peer groups. These activities help to boost your students’ sensory inputs.

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Indulge the little learners in a pool of activities, helping them to make learning enjoyable.

Here is the list of preschool activity ideas for teachers:-

1) Arts and crafts

Great leisure time activity for learners of all ages.


It includes activities like painting, drawing, using glue, scissors, paper crafts, etc. The activities should be done under the proper guidance of teachers or parents.

  • Painting and coloring include coloring using crayons, sketch pens, using watercolors, etc.
  • Drawing helps in the growth of the imagination of the kids. They can draw their favorite cartoon characters, toys, etc.
  • Using glue, scissors include doing activities under the guidance of teachers. They can make flowers using color papers, kites, and other origami stuff.


These preschool activities have an important role in developing fine motor skills, accelerating the development of muscles in the hands and fingers.


Creative activities are a great way to bond with kids and build lasting impressions.

Arts and crafts activities provide immediate and lasting cognitive benefits for the kids. It also helps in building up a unique bonding experience and creates life long memories in them.

2) Musical chairs / Trip to Jerusalem

Yet another preschool activity. It is a fun game to play with a group of friends.


Musical chairs is a classic game, in which each one of the players is eliminated in each round.

The game needs some chairs, players, and music, the number of chairs should be one less than the players.

By the time, the music is stopped all should take the seats and the one who doesn’t take the seat is eliminated from the game, one of the chairs is removed and the game continues until only one player remains.

The remaining player becomes the winner of the game.

The leader or the teacher can play any type of music; they can also change the type of music in between.


The traditional game of musical chairs helps kids to improve their listening skills and to improve self-regulation and reflexes.

3) Hopped up Hide and Seek


In this preschool game, the teacher can hide an object and can give directions to kids like “move two steps forward”, “move three steps to the right”, or like “look for something in blue color” etc.


It reinforces their listening skills and verbal instructions. It also teaches the little scholars positional words, shapes, colors, directions, etc.

4) Playing house

This activity is also known as “lay grown-up” is also a traditional game of children.


In this activity, preschoolers can form groups to play nuclear family.

Children can pretend to be cooking, dressing up, going to the office, cleaning houses, etc.They can also use toys as family members.


In order to make them social and also to teach life skills, teachers can make them playhouses

Also Read: Top 11 Classroom Challenges According to Teachers

5) Sock Puppet Show

This is a fun game for preschoolers to improve their motor skills.


The kids can make each one’s puppet unique under the guidance of teachers.

They can make puppets using socks which help them develop fine motor skills.

They can also make puppets talk with each other.


The activities can assist them to improve listening and speaking skills and also to develop their imagination.

6) Simon says

This is a fun activity that helps in honing listening skills.


In this game, one among the group can be “Simon”, who can give silly instructions like

  • “Simon says hop on one foot”
  • “Simon says dance around the room”
  • “Simon says to do some jumping jacks”
  • “Simon says to give yourself a hug”
  • “Simon says jump like frogs”
  • “Simon says clap your hands”
  • “Simon says touch your toes”

Simon’s target is to eliminate as many players as possible, the game continues until one of the listeners is left and he/she is the winner of the game. If a player incorrectly conforms or fails to obey Simon’s command, they are eliminated from the present the game round, and they should wait until the next round starts.

The game continues until there is only one player left. The player who remains till the end of the game is the winner of the game and is chosen as the next “Simon”.

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This is an interesting game to grab the attention of toddlers. It also helps to develop leadership qualities among preschoolers.

7) Freeze Dance

A classic game loved by preschoolers,


In this activity, the teacher needs to play music and all the kids will dance. They should stop dancing once the music is being stopped.

Teachers can use upbeat nursery rhymes, upbeat music like pop and rap, or could use any funny songs for preschoolers.

Encourage the kids to “freeze” in the funny faces and funny positions.

To make it more fun, the teachers can also dance with them.


The advantage of the game is the children get more active while having fun.

8) Playing Outside

Outdoor games are always a time of mental relaxation for kids.


Riding swings, playing on a jungle gym helps children gain strength, coordination, and dexterity.

Games like hopscotch help in developing balance. Outdoor games are also a time when they can enjoy freedom in their world.


It allows them to seek the environment, gain self-confidence, develop muscle strength and coordination It also helps to increases flexibility; develop fine and gross motor skills.

9) String Games


In this activity, preschoolers can hold strings between their thumbs and fingers and make simple things, patterns, animals, etc.


These games will help to improve hand-eye coordination. These activities can provide hours of fun for the kids.

The teachers and parents have a vital role in the development of a child. These activities help to develop the cognitive and physical skills of individuals.

Walk with your kids and mold them as bright individuals.

Mathematics is one of the nightmare subjects for many of the kids. However, once you start loving the subject, it is one of the most exciting and easy subjects of the curriculum.

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Teachers are finding out alternate methods other than a textbook to make the subject interesting for kids. Students are also in search of additional resources where they can find easy methods and extra help to tackle the problems.

Understanding its importance, enthusiasts have come up with many interesting websites to learn and teach the subject with fun.

Here let us have a look at some of the Math Websites For Teachers and Students to learn and teach mathematics.

1. Buzz Math

This awesome math websites has improved the learning outcome of millions of students and teachers since 2004. It is specifically designed for K-12 and comes with over 7, 000+ activities particularly to meet the Common Core State Standards. The key speciality is differentiation tools that identify particular challenges and offer individualized solutions.

2. Math is Fun

The objective of these math websites is to let students learn mathematics in an easy and enjoyable manner. They offer assistance for the subject from kindergarten to 12th In addition to covering a range of subject areas, they offer dictionary, worksheets and puzzles to interact with the subject without losing fun.

3. Dreambox

The learners can experience adaptive online K-8 math solutions which are supported with informed decision making. These kinds of math websites offer personalized instructions to enhance strategy development and special activities to promote student decision making. The academic insights and real-time data empower educators while students are motivated with a game-like engaging environment.

4. Math Playground

 This is one of the math websites in the world where students can learn maths through engaging games. In addition to more than 500 math games, students can also engage with interesting brain workouts and logic puzzles while mastering different concepts. In this fun platform to practice math facts, students can also come across math stories and videos.

5. Mathway

There is no better platform for maths students to figure out alternate solutions for the problems which they find hard in their classroom. They offer solutions to a wide range of subject areas from basic maths, algebra to trigonometry and graphing. You just enter your queries and tap the tutorial to find solutions.

6. Coolmath4kids

Millions of students across the world are using these cool math websites since 1997 to learn the subject without losing the fun. There is enough content in the website to help them learn the subject in a full filled environment. In fact, it is termed as an amusement park of lessons and games.

7. First in Math

This is an awesome supplement to any curriculum that particularly targets all K-8 students. With over 200 self-paced activities, this platform provides immediate feedback to support students to learn and master procedural skills. The website also has Math success stories to inspire students to love and learn the subject.

8. The Math Forum

This is an online hub dedicated to serve the interests of the mathematics education community. This is a platform for maths enthusiasts to learn the subject together. Students and teachers can discuss about resources, problems, research, survey, guidance and a lot more about the subject.

9. Illuminations

This online platform offers more than 700 lesson plans that cover a vast range of the subject areas. Students can play online math strategy games, and over 100 other activities train them to master the subject. They even provide newsletters where educators can get latest information, resources and interesting ideas to make the subject easy for students.

10. Absurd Math

This is an awesome mathematical problem-solving game series which lets students learn the subject in an interactive way. Students are supposed to use their skills and knowledge in the subject to unlock game levels. Teachers and parents can email the team to get the answer keys to evaluating the kids.

11. Istation

The platform provides amazing tools to assess student growth in the subject with computer-adaptive, interactive analytic and screening programs. Personalized instruction is the key and students get the required instructions as and when needed that helps to stay at ease. Students can master instructional decision-making and educators are assisted with diverse teaching approaches through customized instruction.

12. Math Goodies

Teachers and students who are looking for alternate ways or additional assistance to solve math problems can find this website really useful. Enthusiasts can get assistance for a wide range of areas such as algebra, fractions, set theory, statistics and a lot more. Students can also engage with worksheets and subject puzzles.

13. IXL Math

This amazing online platform simply lets the students to experience the subject with unlimited questions, real-world scenarios and engaging item types. The resource offer assistance to students from play school to advanced studies with lots of categories. Simply select your grade and explore the concepts of your curriculum.

14. Math Central

This is a comprehensive online platform designed particularly for maths enthusiasts. You can find a lot of teaching resources and the repository of math glossary helps you to learn more about the subject terms. You can easily search for an answer for your queries and can send the question to experts if answer not found.

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15. Khan Academy

Learners can explore maths subject through this platform that covers a vast range of topics from early math to algebra and advanced maths. Students can easily choose their category from kindergarten to high school. The website also provides assistance to various test preparations for higher classes and they even provide details on career prospects.

16. Math Drills

Students can learn mathematics by making use of over 50 thousand free math worksheets from this website. A wide range of topics are covered ranging from pre-algebra, measurement, geometry to money concepts and more. Choose the desired category and practice until you are tired.

17. Mathletics

This comprehensive platform empowers learning and teaching of mathematics across Asia. The website provides all necessary tools for students to excel in the subject in the classroom and beyond. The options are designed to cater the diverse approaches like teacher-led instruction or student-driven learning. There are separate sections for students of primary and secondary classes and for teachers.

18. AAA Math: This is a great online resource for maths students and teachers that feature over thousands of interactive arithmetic lessons. Thorough mastery of various concepts is possible with unlimited practice. The immediate feedback feature lets them correct the mistakes almost instantly. The resource is made available for kindergarten to 8th

19. Woot Math

The website offers formative assessment for maths learners and their objective is to collect and process information, facilitate collaboration and offer insights into trends. Assessing the student work through this platform enables teachers to identify common misunderstandings among students and take an extra step to solve it in the next class.

20. Mathplanet

This online resource offers a platform for students to learn maths with all possible assistance for absolutely free of cost. You can simply join their maths courses in diverse concepts and just explore the subject for free. They even provide practice sets for competitive exams covering maths.

21. BrainPOP

This online math website was developed back in 1999 to help students to master the subject through creative ways of explaining difficult concepts. Now millions of learners worldwide utilize the platform to enhance their skills in core and supplemental subjects. They cover a range of universal topics with localization for particular languages.

22. Art of Problem Solving

Passionate maths students can reach this math website to improve their proficiency in the classroom and beyond. In-depth problem-solving skills are taught with rigorous materials and accomplished instructors take real-time classes too. They offer assistance for the entire math curriculum for middle school and high school. They have successfully prepared several students for joining prestigious universities.

23. GeoGebra

This is an awesome online math tool that covers a range of areas in the subject like geometry, graphing, 3D, and a lot more. They even provide various online and offline apps for particular subject areas like spreadsheet and probability. Learners can master the subject by utilizing over 1 million free simulations, activities, exercises, games and lessons.

24. Wolfram MathWorld: They are recognized as one of the web’s most extensive mathematics resource that covers almost all subject areas. The students can build up their understanding of concepts by exploring over 13000 entries. Students are engaged with interactive GIFs, downloadable notebooks and demonstrations while they master concepts.

25. Kahoot

This is an awesome game based classroom response system used by lots of teachers to teach maths in an engaging way.

The whole class can play the game in real time to learn various areas in the subject. For instance, when the classroom screen displays multiple-choice questions, students can answer with their devices.

These are just a few among the many awesome websites available to teach and learn mathematics. While most of these resources can be accessed for free, some of them demand subscription charges for extended learning.

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Following these websites in addition to the syllabus textbooks help teachers to make the learning more interesting for students.

In the meanwhile, students can follow these websites to do additional practices and to learn more about the tips and tricks to tackle the math problems.

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