Please allow us to start by explaining what corporal punishment in schools environment means. Any kind of punishment in which force is used to inflict pain, discomfort any type of distress to the student is called corporal punishment.

This could be physical or emotional ache caused, however light. It’s petrifying for any parents who love their kids.

Corporal Punishment in a School

We do realize that some or, most of you are believers that your child does not go through corporal punishments in their school.

Well, the light slap or a pinch that you may feel harmless is considered corporal punishment.

No matter how innocuous the punishment is, it is corporal punishment if the intent was to hurt the child.

Also, as we mentioned in the beginning, causing emotional discomfort is also corporal punishment.

This includes any punishment that causes your child embarrassment in front of their peers or scares them.

Corporal punishment in Schools

To explain about corporal punishment in schools, know that 2 out of 3 children that go to school are victims of corporal punishment.

This was published in 2007 in a survey report by Ministry of Women and Child Development.

We need no survey to tell us this, anyone who studied in the USA at least for a short amount of time period can vouch for this information.

Corporal punishment is a standard tool used for behavior management in children in both government and private schools alike.

Corporal punishment in schools

In the USA, 19 states still justify corporal punishment to mold students in a better way.

If statistics are shown then almost 160000 students go through this evil every year succumbing to depression or bullying fellow mates.

Corporal punishment is not a practice seen only in US public schools. This is a global issue in almost all schools.

There are rules in multiple countries against corporal punishment; however, the lack of monitoring structures makes it difficult to track and take action against the ones involved.

Does Corporal Punishment actually Work?

We know that there is a for and against every topic and this is definitely a topic you would want to discuss extensively.

We want to understand if the corporal punishment is actually of any help to children after all the humiliation, they go through with it.

Many people are advocates of corporal punishment in schools. Corporal punishment is the go-to corrective method in schools since its inexpensive.

Corporal Punishment in schools

They consider that this is the only way to get children to listen to the elders sometimes.

Oh, we get it. All the times your child got into your nerve flashing through your mind? We know that’s not a great picture. So, obviously, corporal punishment seems like the best option to get a child to act obediently.

Then there are those who are against the very idea of corporal punishment in schools.

There is a large number of people who believe that children can be taught well with no violence in the picture. Love and Care are what they resort to, to teach children valuable life lessons.

There are multiple global organizations that are working on researches to understand the impact corporal punishment in school leaves on children.

Let’s have a look-see at the Power of Corporal Punishment on a Child and its Repercussions.

  • Children often fear teachers who practice corporal punishment in school. However, this is an unhealthy rapport to maintain with the teacher. Children are more inclined to listen to teachers they admire and respect than the teachers they fear and dislike.
  • Corporal punishment in school is commonly used to attain swift resolution to a child’s obedience issue, and there is no doubt in the fact that a child is most likely to amend their behavior for fear of pain. However, out of sight, out of mind. These amends are soon history when the teacher is no longer in the vicinity.
  • Corporal punishment in school also makes children submissive to abuse. Children being in an environment of corporal punishment at an early age are more likely to think that abuse is a part of life. We definitely do not want our children to think of the society as an abusive group and succumb to the pressure without even trying.
  • It is noticed that more often than not, a teacher uses corporal punishment as an outburst to their personal life and its issues. There have been issues where teachers use corporal punishment in school as a means to let out frustration in their personal life. This affects children in more ways than we could think of.
  • It is seen that children that go through corporal punishment in school not only perform poorly in academics but also have low self-esteem.
  • Corporal punishment makes the child self-doubt themselves, and this plays a significant role in how the child’s character is built as they grow up.
  • Also, it is not uncommon for corporal punishment in school to escalate over time. A mild smack initially escalates to spanking as time goes by. There have been multiple reports of children made to kneel under the hot sun and their hair being pulled out, all for an issue as small as errors in homework or students chatting in class. The degree of humiliation and distress a child feels increases with the degree of corporal punishment.
  • Violence breeds violence. Corporal punishment in school inflicts the idea that violence is the right path to correction into a child. Children that faced corporal punishment in school are more often seen implementing this in their personal life as a correction method.
  • Studies have shown that the chances of children subjected to corporal punishment being more violent adults when they grow up are higher when compared to children that were not subjected to corporal punishment.
  • Children also have difficulties in understanding why teachers are not being punished for physically abusing them. This sets a wrong example for children. This makes primary reasons why children get the idea that adults can get away with anything, even wrongdoings. This is precisely the reason they grow up to be abusers themselves since they consider that they could get away with it now that they are adults now.
  • The chances of children that go through physical abuse turning out to be bullies and display other anti-social behaviors are higher than others.
  • It is also seen that children who were a victim of extensive corporal punishment in school grow up to be abusers and continue to abuse their children and spouses.
  • Corporal punishment in school will most definitely harm the child’s physiological health considering the emotional damage it causes. Researches show that children are known to suppress their anger, sorrow, and pain, and this acts as a piled-up pressure as they grow up.
  • It is also seen that children often display signs of deep hurt in their behavior; however, this goes unnoticed often times than not. This only increases their ideology that violence is the right choice of corrective measure.
  • We see how the advantages are minimal when compared to the harm corporal punishment in school causes to a child. This is precisely why it is frowned upon and banned in most countries. There are also constant awareness programs conducted to help teachers and parents understand the repercussions of corporal punishment in school and home.
  • With this, we come to the next topic of how the attitude towards corporal punishment in school can be changed. It is known now that corporal punishment in school does more damage to the child’s emotional growth than good.

So, how can we help in ensuring that corporal punishment stays out the window and not in the child’s life? Well, we are glad you asked.

According to the Survey Report by India today, 80 to 100 percent of students experience corporate punishments in schools

Corporal Punishment in schools – how can we change it?

  • It is crucial to have a monitoring plan to ensure corporal punishment is not practiced in schools. Teachers, Principal of the school and other staff members have to work as a team to ensure that such incidents do not go unnoticed.
  • Parents also play a significant part in the monitoring plan. Parents need to ensure that corporal punishment is not practiced at home so that the child understands that corporal punishment is not the right method of correction. This opens a portal of discussion to children so that they can share their discomfort about corporal punishment practiced in school. We need to understand the fact that all children may not be comfortable sharing complaints about their teachers to school management. It is the responsibility of all adults in their life to ensure that such issues do not go unnoticed and hence, parents working along with the school authority is a critical aspect to ensure this.
  • Teachers need to be trained with alternate coaching and corrective methods. We know kids. They are mischievous and will definitely end up doing something that should not have been done. Without an alternative to corporal punishment, there is no way a teacher can ensure that children do not repeat them again.
  • In fact, it is even important for teachers to understand the emotional impact of corporal punishment in children. Having insight on this will help teachers understand a child’s psychology better, this will, in turn, ensure that teachers stick to the plan of No Corporal punishment in school.
  • Parents and children having an open discussion with the school Principal or other school faculties will also help the school in understanding if the policies are in place. Considering the fact that there is no definitive monitoring method to measure and understand if teachers are sticking to the no corporal punishment in school rule, such slightly unorthodox methods need to be kept in practice. This will help the management monitor the teacher’s behavior in classes.
  • The government needs to ensure that strict laws are in place against corporal punishment in school in all states. This will inflict the awareness in teachers that continual practice of corporal punishment in school would lead them to face severe law and order causalities. Also, explaining about student rights to teachers will ensure that the corporal punishment is kept at bay.
  • Other private pieces of training to teachers on sensitivity and alternative corrective measures can also be helpful for teachers.

Alternative corrective measures

We have curated a bunch of other corrective measures that teachers and parents could follow instead of corporal punishment.

If done right, these methods will ensure to have a positive impact on a child over time without the other emotional distress a child would go through when corporal punishment is practiced.

Negative consequences – Negative consequences are when the child endures any kind of negative repercussions for their action or behavior.

This will help the child understand that their teacher is punishing them minus the distress they go through in corporal punishment.

Time out – This is a popularly used correction method by many teachers and parents alike as an alternative for corporal punishment.

This requires the misbehaving child to stay in the corner of the room, away from all the friends, toys and any other source of entertainment.

This idle period provides the child with ample time to think of the action/s that leads to the time out.

Also, missing the fun and games will cross their mind the next time the child thinks of making a ruckus again. That should teach them a lesson.

For Time out to be an effective positive re-enforcement, teachers and parents need to ensure that there is quality Time in for the child to miss the entertainment during Time Out. Failing which, the activity miscarries its purpose.

Also, there has to be an effective Time out area for the task to be successfully fulfilled.

For toddlers or children who are most likely not to sit still, a Time out room would be ideal. Else, a corner of the room or the bottom of a flight of stairs is effective as the child does not have a source of entertainment in the area and is forced to stay idle.

Understand Behavior that caused Time out

All behaviors may necessarily not call for a Time Out in the first instance.

An IF statement could come to play in many situations. “If you keep throwing the pencils down, you are going into Time out.”

This statement has to be followed with Time out if the child continues the behavior.

Multiple warnings only make the child doubt the credibility of the warning. Crucial behaviors that require immediate change will call for an immediate Time out.

Children need to understand what behavior calls for immediate Time out and what doesn’t.

This will help them in understanding what behavior of theirs has to be changed immediately and what’s them just being naughty.

Considering Time out as the first option for all negative behaviors wouldn’t make the child understand what crucial changes need to be bought in immediately.

Also, they are kids. They will be naughty. All children will end up in infinite Time out if they are placed in Time out for every mistake they do.

Consider Resistance – The child resisting Time out is a common possibility. They may not be willing to go to time out or may just simply not want to stay in time out for long.

Teachers are usually advised to warn the child of additional consequence should they not abide by the Time out rules. The IF rule comes in handy here too.

“If you do not stay in Time out, you will not be allowed to play time for the next two days.” The thought that they may lose their play time for a whole of 2 days will urge them to stay in the Time out.

  • It is important to ensure that the larger consequence is followed out so that the child knows to correct their behavior. Failing to follow through the larger consequence, the child will lose faith in the process of Time out and will no longer comply with the Time out rules.
  • Following through the larger consequence, however, will ensure that the child knows that there is an impending larger consequence any time they do not follow through Time out, and this will encourage them to improve their behavior better.

Effective Consequences – Consequences have to be consistent for a child to understand the importance of it. Only then will the punishments prove to be effective.

For instance, if a child gets into a fight with their friend five times, they need to face the consequences 5 times. Three consequences against five fights will not teach them the right lesson.

Positive Consequences –Now that we know what punishments like Time out do let’s look at some methods of positive consequences. Showing children their positive qualities is as important as changing their negative qualities.

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Also, a child may have improved their behavior and inculcated a positive habit as a result of Negative consequences, and this needs to be rewarded. Only then will a child understand the benefits of improving themselves.

Positive attention – It is important to ensure that the child receives enough positive attention when they accomplish a task or display positive behavior.

Failing to exhibit positive attention on the kid when they display a positive trait will not show the child that what they just did was a good deed. Good and Bad will only get imprinted in their brain when an adult displays an emotion associated with their behavior.

Praise – This is something that works well on kids of all age, and we know, on adults too.

A simple “It’s really nice of you to help your friend with it,” will go a long way with kids, especially when the praise comes from their beloved teacher.

Rewards – A tangible reward for good behavior will be a constant reminder of the positive consequence they faced over positive behavior.

A tangible reward does not have to be pricey or very materialistic. It could be as simple as a star on the book from a teacher or a toffee for them to enjoy during lunch.

Teaching New Skills – One of the major reason children throw temper tantrum is that they do not know how to perform a certain task.

Helping them learn a better way to function every day will solve a lot of problems they have and hence eliminating the need to have a negative or positive consequence.

Natural Consequences – It’s okay if the child eats one too many chocolates in spite of you warning them not to.

You know the child is most likely to have a stomach ache later, but the child does not. It is sometimes best to let nature do its thing and teach children a thing or two.

By falling sick once and going through the pain, they remember that you know better in most situations.

Please understand that we are not advocators of not taking care of a child on purpose.

However, given the circumstance, such small cough, cold or stomach ache they get from not listening to you will work wonders when compared to you initiating negative consequences or even corporal punishment.

Difficulties of implementing Alternate corrective Measures

These ideas are tough to follow through. We do understand that they are easier said than done considering various other factors at play.

Crowded Classroom    – A classroom is filled with children. It is close to impossible for a teacher to pay attention to individual students and reinforce all these methods all day long.

Also, the fact that many private schools overfill the classrooms makes it extra difficult for teachers to pay attention to each child.

While there is no practical solution to the issue, there are some workarounds that could be performed for the betterment of the situation:

  • Appoint more than one teacher for a single classroom in primary classes. This will help divide the attention, and this will help teachers to devote more time to each child.
  • Have class monitors as children grow. Teachers can interact with this monitor to understand the difficulties children are facing.
  • Ensure to show at least one positive and negative consequence in a classroom every day.

Different teachers for different subject

Having a single teacher trained on these alternative methods for corporal punishment would not be effective considering there are different teachers for different subjects in all schools. 1 or 2 teachers following positive and negative consequences and the others still following corporal punishment would only send mixed signals to children. It is even not capable of resolving the issue at hand either.

  • The school management has to ensure that all facilitators are trained on and implement the alternative behavior improvement programs at classes and do not resort to corporal punishment in school.
  • Children need to have an open line to communicate about a fall out to ensure that action is taken against these teachers. This will help in ensuring that teachers are aware of the impending consequences they face should they continue to practice corporal punishment in school.

Cultural differences

Diversity is not an alien topic in the classroom. There are children from different families, states and even countries in the same classroom. It is close to impossible for a teacher to learn each child’s background and understand what is offensive and what is not to each child. There could be instances where a child could be more hurt than you intended to when corrective action is applied.

Wrapping up

The best and probably the only option against the corporal punishment is to explain the intent to the child and ensure that you clear things out with them. You may also include their parents in this discussion to better understand the child’s perception and to better explain your ideology.

Sex education for teenagers is a challenging topic than you think as teenage is a very critical age. Educating teenagers about sex life needs a lot of listening rather than just speaking.

It is more important to give them a confident platform where they can express freely. Moreover, it is always important to get the right information from a trusted source than misleading stuff from friends, magazines or websites which can have lasting impacts.

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It is a vast subject of discussion and here we are discussing a small thread of everything you need to know while approaching sex education for teenagers.

1. Goals of Teenage Sex Education

It is always better to know about the goals of sex education for teenagers before judging about it. A comprehensive education of sex for teens helps them to grow up as an individual who enjoys the phase responsibly.

Whether male or female, they can obtain a positive view of sexuality. The education mainly comprises the skills, knowledge, and development of thought processes to make healthy decisions on sex.

Another main objective of sex education is to minimize the chances of risk of negative outcomes owing to wrong sexual behavior like intimate relationships without protection.

2. Comprehensive Benefits:

Sex education teaches them the importance of communication and negotiation before having sex. Importantly they can have a better understanding or perspective of the repercussions.

Pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood at unexpected times can take a toll on their education, career and even lifestyle. As they learn about the significance of safe sex, it helps them to avoid and sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS.

Moreover, they can prepare mentally, physically and emotionally to approach sex in a feasible manner. In the case of teens, timely education can benefit a lot during times of peer pressure.

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3. How to Break the Ice?

This is the part where most parents find it difficult to start a discussion. However, with some wise strategies, you can easily break the ice.

It is always better to see opportunities in everyday moments such as television shows, news articles, and radio to start off a discussion rather than having a sitting specifically for sex education.

Going for a drive or having an evening coffee together are among the best ways to easily switch into the matter.

There is no need to cover up what you need to say but it is always better to talk it out directly to help them have a clear picture of the scenarios.

It is always good to use the correct names for the body parts. It is important to consider their point of view and invite more discussion.

4. Prepare yourself for the talk:

It is always good to prepare yourself before starting a topic on sex with teens. Better have a chat with your partner on what all values you need to share with your adolescent child.

Also, make sure that you are aware of the sexual issues happening in society and give them a brief about what areas to look out for.

Reading a good sexual development book together can be a good idea as you can discuss different subject areas on the go.

Also, make sure that you are very open and frank while discussing with your teen and understand the fact that their view can be different from yours.

5. Some Guidelines to Follow

Identifying the best age to discuss the topic is the most important. Understand the changes in teen behavior and know when they are sexually active.

It is never advisable to feel hesitant while talking with the teenager and always make them comfortable to discuss openly drugs and sex.

In case you are too embarrassed to talk to a teen on sex, it is best advisable to let them have a consultation with a medical practitioner.

It is quite common that teens might look up to you to get answers for all their doubts once you start discussing. So it is important that you are updated with the right set of information.

6. Preparedness of Answering Tricky Questions

When discussing sex with teens, it is quite common for them to come up with many tricky questions as they are new to this.

So educators and parents need to be well prepared to tackle such scenarios. It is never advisable to give them a wrong idea on the subject as it may have a lasting impact on their sex life.

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So if you really don’t know the answer to any of their questions, there is no problem to let them know that it can be answered later after thorough referral rather than giving wrong facts.

7. Responding Sensibly to Teens

Teenage is a volatile phase in the life of children. They are no more kids but and at a starting stage of adulthood. Taking decisions on their own all of a sudden may sometimes land them into trouble.

So elders need to be very cautious and sensible while responding to their feelings. If a teen is found to be sexually active, don’t hesitate to openly discuss your opinions rather than regret later.

Addressing their sexual behavior is important and that is why a routine medical checkup can help. Expressing their concerns in a confidential and supportive atmosphere can help them to grow up emotionally fit.

8. Distinguishing Facts vs. Beliefs

There are a lot of myths or beliefs regarding sex education which need to be busted. For instance, some believe that sex education promotes having sex and helps teens to have sex more frequently.

The truth is that sex education helps them to have better decisions about sex life.

Another such belief is that sex education for teenagers can impact on the frequency of having sexual intercourse.

But the reality is that comprehensive knowledge helps them to have better sexual behavior and in fact reduces the frequency of changing partners.

Some believe that abstinence-only education is better than comprehensive sex education. The reality is however otherwise.

9. Distinguishing Healthy and Unhealthy Relations

Make them aware of dating violence that is happening around them. This is important to help them distinguish between being in a healthy and unhealthy relationship.

It is important to have talks and have a watch on teen’s behavior to make sure that they are not a victim of dating violence.

It is ideal to have a check on the warning signs such as drug or alcohol use, loss of interest in family and school activities that were once enjoyable, fearful around a partner, and suspicious bruises or scratches.

Being on stable terms with them will help you, help them to come out of a wrong relationship and avoid long term consequences such as suicide attempts or poor academic performance.

10. Keep the conversation going

There is no need to wait for a perfect moment to talk about sexuality. Sex becomes a part of life and talking about it is nothing to be ashamed of.

If elders sense that there is something wrong with their sexual behavior, it is normal to talk about it directly. There is no need to collect all evidence and wait for the perfect moment.

Make a relationship with teens where they can come up with concerns or views about the subject anytime without any inhibition.

Make it an ongoing conversation and help teens clear their worries on the go and let them have a good sex life.

Parents’ Role

Sex education is not something that happens only at school. Just like sex educators in school, parents should take up relevant roles at home.

In fact, it is the parent’s responsibility to reinforce what they learn in school and talk from experiences.

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It may not be that easy at the beginning but parents can outsmart the awkward talk and make it an ongoing conversation that doesn’t need any introduction.

Transforming them into a sexually responsible adult is actually the role of teachers and parents as a whole.

Pollution is a condition when harmful and poisonous things are added to the environment. When huge amounts of toxic compounds, elements, smoke, and gases are out into the atmosphere, it causes pollution.

These gases and chemicals are very damaging to social, plant, and animal development. As grown-ups, it is our duty to tell kids about pollution and the necessary steps to curb it from roots.

What is pollution?

Pollution is the entrance of contaminants into the open environment which produces unfriendly change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or force, such as sound, heat or light. Pollutants can be both foreign substances and commonly befalling contaminants.

As responsible citizens, we have to make sure that our kids know about pollution, its types and ways to combat it.

Below are facts about pollution for kids in our generation:

1. Kids are more unsafe due to pollution of any kind than grown-ups because at their age their immune system isn’t fully developed.

2. Kids share only10% of the world’s pollution every year but still, they suffer more due to pollution of all kinds.

3. More than 3 million children under the age of 5 years die every year because of environmental circumstances like contamination in water, toxic air, etc.

4. Around 1000 babies die in India each year due to infections caused by the dirty water.

5. According to WHO, 9 out of 10 people of the world’s community exists in regions where air pollution has passed the safe threshold.

6. Air pollution appears 4th in the level of risks pretended to human well-being, after high blood pressure, dietary hazards and smoking.

7. The world’s biggest emitter of carbon dioxide is China, accompanied by the US.

8. Global warming happens when greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc.accumulate in the environment and consume sunlight and solar transmission that have jumped off the earth’s cover.

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9. Greenhouse gases are also the prime reason behind the gradual increase in earth’s temperature and are liable for global warming are called Greenhouse gases are also prime sources of air pollution.

10. When smoke and fog are mixed together, they form smog. As it contains small particulate matters and ground-level ozone, it generates serious respiratory disorders, including asthma, breathlessness and lung failure. The term smog was first used in London.

11. Common road-based vehicles like cars, trucks, and buses are big contributors to air pollution because these vehicles use fossil fuels which emit carbon monoxide into the air when combusted.

12. Air pollution can be reduced by amending strict PUC certification rules and also by taking bicycles, electric or hybrid vehicles in daily use.

13. To curb air pollution in Los Angeles, the United States has become the first country to update and take an initiation of the Clean Air Act.

14. Air pollution has the biggest role in worsening breathing problems, increasing respiratory and lung diseases, pulmonary disorders, and Asthma.

15. Till now, air pollution is still uncontrollable because about 3 billion people without a decent house and healthcare cook and heat their houses using free fires and cracked stoves, thus adding more towards pollution and global warming.

16. One of the severe effects of air pollution can be seen as – depletion of the ozone In May 1985, an annual report was submitted stating the affected ozone area over Antarctica. The main reason stated for the depletion was the use of CFCs in cooling and refrigerating equipment.

17. One Chlorine in CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons) can react with free oxygen in OZONE (O3) and kill up to 100,000 ozone molecules.

18. Depletion of OZONE will adversely impact the environment; UV rays may enter the Earth Atmosphere and might destroy plankton, which is the main source of food in the ocean’s food series.

19. Water is necessary for mortal endurance, but we are falling out of secure drinking water. On Earth, only 2.5% of the available water is fresh water. In rest available water, about 70% of industrial waste and 80% of untreated sewage are dumped.

20. Untreated sewage helps algae to develop in the water which utilizes the oxygen disturbing the total BOD. This disturbance is also another reason for marine life extinction.

Know More: Top 18 Road Safety Rules to Teach your Children

21. Apart from the untreated sewage and industrial waste, 18 billion pounds of plastic is also thrown in oceans every year succumbing marine life to death. It is one of the most serious problems of land and water pollution. Plastic persists on earth for millions of years without degradation.

22. Out of 18 billion pounds of plastic trash, 40% generated is used once for packaging articles and then it is abandoned. It either goes in landfills or contaminates water bodies.

23. About one million plastic drink bottles are marketed every minute throughout the world.12% of plastic is cremated, and 79% is deposited in the landfill, becoming a crucial and no biodegradable source of land pollution.

24. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle which is also known as Three R’s is the only way to prevent non-biodegradable wastes to reach the soil. If we reduce our waste and decide to reuse them by converting them in new product or item, it will prevent land pollution and soil will maintain to have its fertility. Also, recycling of trash and composting may rescue 85 tons of waste from being discharged into the environment.

25. Water pollution can be efficiently checked by establishing water-efficient toilets, disposing toxic or oily fluid waste after treatment and never dumping synthetic wastes in water bodies.

26. Ganges water in India is a decent example of becoming septic due to the dumping of industrial waste, enshrouded babies and half burnt and unburnt dead bodies.

27. Among different types of pollution, noise pollution is another evil. It occurs due to intense honking, booming music, outcries, and horns. Researches have even shown that sound pollution may induce insomnia, reinforces stress, sound loss, hypertension, and heart disorders. On regular exposure, it can also disrupt people from concentrating on their regular activities.

Final Words:

Kids see this environment as a wonderful place to exist. They admire their house, school, town and the life nearby. As grown-ups, we require to maintain that excellence for forthcoming generations. By giving children enough knowledge to be informed of the problem at hand, we can wish for a safer place to breathe and permit the planet to be better again.

Statistics show that many hundreds of kids are being injured every day due to road accidents. Being unaware of the road safety rules, inexperience and carelessness are the main reasons behind the situation.


Just like parents at home, teachers should take the role at school to teach students about road safety and best practices.

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However, make sure that you pass on only relevant information which they can handle on their own.

Here let us have a look at some of the most important road safety rules to be taught to your kids to assure their safety on roads.

1. Know your Safety Signals

road safety rules


The first and foremost element to road safety for anyone is to know the signals.

Parents and teachers should make sure that they are aware of all the basic signals on road safety before leaving them alone.

However, don’t burden them with all the signals at first. Teach them the basic signals at first and gradually make them aware of the other signals too.

Let us have a look at the main traffic lights and signals which your kids should know:

>>When the signal is Green, it means ‘go’ and now the vehicles are permitted to move ahead

>>If the signal is Red, it is a warning signal to stop the vehicle

>>When the signal is Yellow, you are supposed to slow down as it turns red soon.

>>Similarly, the walking man signal should be Green to cross the road at intersections and never attempt to cross if it is Red.

>>Students should also be taught about hand signals by traffic police in the absence of signal lights

2. Be Careful While Crossing Road

road safety rules

For students who walk to school or who need to cross the road from the pickup or drop off point of a school bus, teach how to cross the road safely. Insist that they should cross the road only through a pedestrian crossing in all possible situations.

In the absence of a pedestrian crossing, give them the tips to cross the road safely by following these rules:

>>Look on both sides of the road to see if there are any approaching vehicles

>>If any vehicles are approaching, wait for them to pass before you cross the road.

>>Insist them to never cross between the stationary vehicles

>>Make them understand that crossing the roads is always better on straight roads and never on bends

3. Always Pay Attention and Listen to Warnings

road safety rules

Teach them the importance of staying alert and attentive while moving through roads.

Also, teach them the sound of ambulances and that they should give them way first. Discuss with them on how to differentiate the loud sounds and faint sounds of vehicles to identify if they are near or far.

4. Never Run on Busy Road

It is quite common for children to always run on the home and school premises rather than walking.

Advise them on how to behave while going through roads and ask them never to run but walk slowly.

This is even applicable not only on main roads but on the neighborhood roads near home or school.

It is not a new scenario when kids leave the hands of their parents or guardians and run on roads which might cause accidents.

Make them aware of such situations and teach them the importance of staying safe and patient while on roads.

5. Always use SideWalks

Advise them to always make use of the sidewalks when walking on the road. Even when the road is empty or busy, ask them to stick to the basic rules and use the side pathways.

Encourage them to talk to you about what all they see in the road or what they experience so that you can guide them on what is right and not.

6. Make Sure They are seen at Nights

road safety rules

It is very common for children to play with friends in the neighborhood and come home late in the evening alone.

There will be sub roads in between where small vehicles pass by and so ensuring their safety is important.

Teach them the danger that comes with wearing dark colored clothing which might act as a camouflage them with the surroundings and make it hard for the vehicles to notice.

7. Practice Safety in Moving Vehicles

road safety rules

Teach them to follow the road safety rules when they are in the moving vehicles. Whether they travel by school bus or car, ask them to never put their hands or heads outside through the window.

Children often engage in the fun of waving hands to their friends through the window which can turn dangerous if the vehicles coming from opposite direction accidentally hits them.

>>Insist them to always wear a seat belt when they travel by car or similar vehicles.

>>It is never advisable to stand or walk through a moving vehicle

>>It is good to hold the hard rail on the sides to avoid falls during sudden breaks.

8. Ride Bicycles Carefully

It is quite common for kids to ride by bicycle to school or neighborhoods. Parents and teachers should make sure that they keep up the road safety rules when riding bicycles and here are a few main things to consider:

>>It is always advisable to wear helmets while riding the bicycle

>>Parents should see to it that the bicycle is in proper working condition and check for breaks and light when using after evening.

>>It is always good to follow the bicycle lane whenever possible and in other cases ride through the extreme left or right depending on your country rules

>>Kids should keep their eyes and ears open to know if there are any speeding vehicles behind them and ride safely.

>>Ring the bell whenever you want to indicate any person or vehicle which causes obstruction on your way.

>>Use the bicycle lights whenever there is poor visibility and strictly during night travels.

9. Being Safe When getting in and out of Vehicles

Teach them to be punctual to avoid running behind moving bus and jumping on it after they start moving.

When alighting or boarding the bus, it is always advisable to stand in the queue and take your turn.

Always prefer to get off the curbside while moving out of vehicles to avoid causing obstruction to other vehicles.

10. Never Multitask While Walking on Roads

Insist the kids to never multitask while they walk through roads or ride bicycles.

Being alert on the road can save many unwanted accidents which cause just because of carelessness.

Staying alert is the key to safety and so kids should be completely focussed on what is happening in the road.

>>It is never advisable to text messages on mobiles or makes calls while on the road which cause them to miss any horns or warning signals. As they get distracted, it is possible that they may violate the road safety rules.

>>Some students have the habit of reading books or blogs on mobiles while they walk which needs to be strictly avoided while they are on roads.

>>Convey the importance of staying alert and road safety rules even while they play with balls or moving objects or with pets in neighbourhoods. Ask them to always have a look at the apartment parking and garages from where vehicles can come in.

Instead of just taking lectures on road safety rules, it is always a wise idea to teach them through games and road safety activities.

Using activity sheets, guessing games or crosswords, painting traffic signs as well as getting their responses for different scenarios on road can help them learn fast.

11. Teach them to use the pedestrian crossing

Pedestrian crossings are safe crossways made for pedestrians to cross with no hurry. They could be of various types including zebra stripes, pelican, Pegasus, Toucan and so on.

It is common parent instinct that parents tend to scoot over to crossroads along with their child.

They tend to follow the same process. So make it a practice to be calm on the roads and make it a point to use the pedestrian crossings only.

12. Controlled Enthusiasm while on roads

Few children tend to get excited when they see a family member or a friend no matter where they are. They will need to be taught the importance of staying calm and composed

13. Getting down the vehicle

Blind spotting can also occur while kids are getting off the car may be at school or somewhere else.  If they are not attentive enough, it might cause accidents of various intensities.

It is important that if the car is parked at the roadside, they look both sides before opening the door to check for an approaching vehicle to avoid any misfortune.

It is advisable to drop off the kids at the side of pedestal walk away or places with minimum traffic.

14. Avoid leaving children alone in the car

An unintentional start of a vehicle as a result of the fidgety behaviour of a child is not an uncommon story.

Playing around with car keys is also very risky as children could lock themselves up in the car. Such mischief could take very serious turns, causing incidents of suffocation or even a heat stroke due to heating up.

15. Safety while in Neighborhood

Parents often tend to let their guard down in the neighbourhood, thinking there is no traffic. There are parking spaces and garages around which cause occasional vehicles to pass by.

And then we have kids playing around chasing each other wildly. Not being alert in here can invite unnecessary trouble. Teach them to be aware even when they are playing around in the neighbourhood.

17. The direction of the traffic

This is a very important rule often ignored by most people.  It becomes easier for kids to judge potential threats in traffic when they find the direction of the approaching traffic.

Once they notice a threat it is easier to move away from it well in advance.

18. Railway crossing rules

In a few countries like India, roads are intercepted by railway tracks. No doubt there is utmost security placed at railway crossings but it is important that kids understand the seriousness of the matter.

A passenger train takes almost a length of two football fields to stop. So it is advisable to not play around any railway tracks if there exist any in the neighbourhood.

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Even while crossing such tracks if is of high importance that we co-operate with the crossing security and not try to rush in for any reason.

Know More: School Safety: A Glimpse of Sexual Abuse faced by children

Bullying is one of the most challenging factors in classrooms these days.

Schools and colleges face the problem of bullying, which involves physical altercations, gossiping and rumors.

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No matter what method a bully uses, it can have a negative, lasting impact on the students and the overall learning environment. Which is why handling bullies the right way is extremely important in classrooms.


Here, in this article, you will come to know some of the practical approaches to deal with bullies in your classroom.

1. Make Students aware of different kinds of Bullies

Bullies in classrooms usually attack students who lack the emotional understanding of bullying. Bullies try to overpower their targets with different approaches. It can be the physical appearance, popularity, or other ways.

It is important that your students understand all kinds of bullying behaviors. Help students grow emotional intelligence, so they can counter a bully effectively. Also, work on the bullies to help them cultivate empathy and inform them about the consequences of their bullying behavior.

In a classroom, there are usually 7 kinds of bullies.

  • Physical bully- using physical power to strong-arm others
  • Verbal bully- using harsh words on other people
  • Prejudicial bully- prejudices in terms of religions, races, sexual orientation or others
  • Bully victims- who have been a victim of bullying in the past
  • Serial bully- who constantly bully others
  • Relational bully- uses friendship and other relationships to overpower others
  • Group bullies- they bully in groups

You have to understand all kinds of bullies and also make students aware of these kinds.

2. Read Signs of a Bully in your Classroom

Not all bullies become visible, as they do not always use physical bullying.

That’s why you have to be extremely focused on the behavior of boys and girls in your classroom. A relational form of bullying usually stays between the bully and the victim.

Hence, you need to keep an eye on how students are interacting with each other. No need to interfere all the time, just observe and definitely interfere to inquire, if you suspect any form of bullying.

3. Stay Available Everywhere and Every Time at School

Apart from your classroom, there are many other hot spots where bullies attack their victims. In fact, the conversations of classroom lead to other spots in college such as the hallway, bathroom, lunchroom, or other areas. It is important that responsible officials stay available near all the hot spots of bullying. At the same time, you should try and ensure that you stay available to the students throughout a school day.

Know More: 13 Tips For Teacher To Tackle Bullying in the Classroom

This way, any student, who wants help, can easily come to you and ask for your assistance.

4. Teach the Skill of Fighting Bullies Collectively

Mostly, students stand and watch one kid getting bullied and don’t do anything. But in some cases, it is better to collectively come together and take an ethical action against the bully.

In your classroom, you can promote a sense of unity among students. Ask them to recognize and call out a bully. Also, promote a behavior of reporting a bullying behavior to the authorities, teachers and even parents. The kids should not only inform about their own encounters but also stand up and talk about the bullying encounter, which other students face.

5. Find Class Leaders and Connect with Them

The emotional vulnerability of victims doesn’t allow them to come forward and talk about a bully. And a teacher only has limited exposure to the social environment of students. That’s why you need your own informers in the classroom. This way, you can find if a bully is active and bullying one or more students.

The best informers in your classroom are the leaders. Every class has one or more leaders who actually care about the educational environment and work for the betterment of the students. Your goal should be to find those students and connect with them. Let them help you keep an eye on bullies and find victims who generally stay hidden.

6. Bridge the gap of communication with every student

Usually, a teacher builds a group relationship with the whole class. Sure, some students come closer and the communication reaches more personal level. So, these students can easily seek a teacher for advice or assistance with anything. But what about the rest of the class?!

Not every student is outspoken or bold enough to connect with the teachers. In fact, many times, some students don’t feel the need to communicate with teachers on a one-on-one level. In that case, you, as a teacher, have to make efforts. You have to move forward and bridge that gap of communication. Try communicating with each and every student in your classroom.

This does two major things. First of all, every student becomes close enough to share his or her problems with you. At the same time, you come to know the emotional strengths and weaknesses of each individual. And that can help you identify bullies and victims in your classroom.

7. Include Parents to Work Together for Kids

Teamwork of teachers and parents is essential to winning the fight against bullying. You need to find more effective ways to engage parents in the process of bullying prevention.

Utilize PTA and PTO meetings, send newsletters to parents, connect with them on social media and conduct conferences if possible. All these steps can help in recognizing bullies and creating intervention strategies as well.

It is extremely important that you win the trust of parents. Only then, they will indulge in your methods of helping students. So, if a parent complains about a bully, it’s your duty to conduct a thorough investigation.

8. Become an anti-bullying voice of your students

In many situations, students make a collective effort to stop the bullies. But they don’t attain proper response from the school authorities.

Know More: 8 Anti Bullying Book Every child Must Read!

This is when your support matters a lot. You have to work as an advocate for students who try to fight against bullying. Become a voice and help students reach out to school authorities.

You can help in creating policies to actually change the ground realities of a classroom and school bullying.

9. Take Immediate Actions to Handle Every Incident You come across

Your actions should speak louder than your promises. Students won’t come to you for help if you simply send every bullying incident to higher authorities. You can’t normalize a situation by saying, “they are just energetic kids.” Never minimize the impact of bullying. You have to send a strong message to every bully that you are not going to allow such behaviors. So, help every victim and let every bully face the consequences of his or her actions.

This approach would actually help in stopping incidents at initial stages. So, you can save your students from escalated versions of bullying behaviors.

10. Don’t ask Questions to a Victim in Front of Other Students

A victim of bullying can feel extremely scared to talk about his or her experience. Many times, there is peer pressure of not talking about the incidents with elders. So, you have to be cautious when asking questions to victims.

First of all, create a safe environment where you can have a private conversation with the victim. Allow the kid to feel at ease and then begin the questions.

After the conversation, make sure you show your commitment regarding resolving the problem. Let the victim know how serious you are about helping him or her.

11. Give a Chance to the Bully to Talk Privately

A Private conversation with a bully can help a lot. See, it’s not about fighting the bully, it’s about fighting bullying behavior. For that, you need to talk to the bully and encourage him or her to recognize the behavior.

Don’t let the bully put the blame on his or her victim. You can say, “Just tell me what you did and how wrong it was.”

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If you are successful in helping the bully realize his or her mistake, then, you can change the behavior. You can explain different ideas to stop bad behavior.

12. Get professional help to improve emotional sides of bullies and victims

Victims need to regain control of their emotional sides. They need a boost of self-esteem and an understanding of self-worth.

At the same time, a bully requires an understanding of his or her emotional side as well. There can be suppressed issues, which require consistent communication and conditioning.

For such purposes, you should get help from a counselor. Allow both bullies and victims to have separate sessions with counselors to address issues and overcome them.

13. Keep Checking with a Bully or a Victim

After an incident and your assistance, things will get back to normal. But you can’t stop there. You have to check with the bully as well as the victim consistently.

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Help victims in any way to deal with the memory of past experience. Also, offer tips to handle future encounters. At the same time, treat the bully with similar concerns. No need to hold grudges.

So, that’s how you can take some concrete steps to deal with bullies in the Classroom

Most of the times, student behavior poses challenges to education experts. One such phenomenon is the threat of cyberbullying; bullying a student through the use of electronic media. Bullies send text messages via computers and smartphones which can be threatening or intimidating. Such students can also share content on social media platforms or via gaming apps so as to inflict emotional pain on timid and introvert students.

Here are some tips that will help teachers crack the whip on erring students who are making the lives of their peers a living hell through offensive texts and images.

  1. Inform About Cyberbullying at an Early Age

Now a days, kids as young as six are relying on technology to learn in classrooms or at home. It is this trend that paves the way for bullies to go crazy with their malicious intentions. It is hence your responsibility as a teacher to educate your pupils about cyberbullying from the time they start using technology for learning. When students are aware about cyberbullying, they will steer clear of all such occasions which can lead them to be bullied by the “so-called” dominating students.

  1. Conduct Informative E-Workshops for Parents

Teachers should work hard in the direction of nipping off cyberbullying in the bud itself through the active involvement of parents. School authorities, teamed with teachers should step in to conduct e-workshops and webinars for parents. As part of these workshops, parents should be allowed to engage in discussions concerning cyber bullying along with solutions that come in the form of filtering software. Highlighting the different forms of cyberbullying will also be of utmost help to parents to ensure that their kids are safe at home while being connected to the internet. This awareness about what cyberbullying will help parents to ensure a safe and cordial learning environment for their wards; at all times.

  1. Explain the Thin Line Between An Argument and A Bullying Comment

While teachers should educate both kids and parents about what cyberbullying is all about, the onus is on them again to inform both the parents as to what is not bullying. Since kids are free to express their differences on various online platforms, they can also engage in arguments so as to prove their point to others. Under such circumstances, it is important for students to not regard a small tiff as an act of bullying.

  1. The Privacy Factor

Teachers are ordained to impress upon students to protect their online passwords. It should be dinned into the minds of students that they should never ever share their passwords with anyone; including their closest pals. Teachers should also emphasize on the need to keep changing the passwords at regular intervals. Students should also be encouraged to come up with non-controversial tweets alongside maintaining a graceful online status for other friends to easily recall and interact.

  1. Compassion is the Key

Teachers should adopt an empathetic stance with the perpetrators by reiterating the fact that they cannot get away with what they are doing. Educators should impress upon such erring students that they cannot take refuge for their wrong doings behind a computer or phone. It is through empathy that teachers can handhold such students and tame them so that their words and actions do not inflict pain on the weak and vulnerable students.

  1. Ignorance of Law is Unpardonable

Teachers have to work in tandem with the school staff to ensure that the laws of cyberbullying are adhered to; at all times. If a teacher identifies an offensive image or content, especially of cyberbullying nature, he/she should go full on to confiscate the device. To perform such disciplinary acts, it is the prime responsibility of teachers to stay in sync with the protocols of their school along with the act of safeguarding the lawful policies of child protection. This way, a sense of lawfulness will keep such bullies on their guard.

  1. Cyberbullying is Non-Negotiable

As a strong contrast to the common adage “Spare the rod, spoil the child”, punitive actions work against your intention. Care should be taken by educators to restore the situation without indulging in any sort of punishment. Teachers should try to address cyberbullying in a healthy manner so as to avoid repeated occurrences. Allowing students to develop healthy relationships with their peers, teachers will have to work hard towards educating students about mutual understanding and responsibility.

  1. Openness to Report Abuse

Empathy is not only about understanding the mentality of bullies. It is also about helping the bullied students to report abuse. An open line of communication between students and teachers will pave the way for a cordial teacher-learner relationship. Once such a healthy relationship is established, students will gain confidence and start to open up with their faculty about becoming a victim of cyberbullying. It is hence the need of the hour for teachers to harp on the importance of breaking their fearful silence that envelops cyberbullying.

  1. Incorporate Team Building Mechanisms

Teachers deal with students coming from different walks of life. While some of them can be extroverts, a bunch of introverts in class might find it difficult to interact with the rest of the class. It is under such circumstances that team building activities come to the rescue of teachers. Allowing groups of students to collectively partake in an activity with a pre-defined goal will enhance the interaction between these groups. Once students start interacting with each other in pursuit of attaining a common goal, they will employ all their strengths to complete the task. In doing so, they will also start to engage with other students who are not a part of their class.

  1. Incorporate Technology In Classrooms

Schools which incorporate technology as a learning tool stand to ward off the instances of cyberbullying, in more ways than one. Teachers will be able to educate students about the ethical and non-ethical use of technology. Guiding them at all times, teachers through technology can help students respect each other and stay away from hurting others through malicious comments and images.

  1. A Yardstick to Cyberbullying

Teachers can seek the active participation of students in anonymous school surveys. Through such programs, teachers will be able to assess the extent of bullying that is harming students along with other malicious behaviors that are prevalent. Allowing educators to identify blind spots through nameless clues coming from the entire class, teachers will have substantial data points to address the menace of cyberbullying. They will be able to better focus on the issues and address them accordingly.

  1. The Intervention of Professionals

While teachers spend a great deal of time amidst the four walls of a classroom, constantly interacting with their pupils, they can also seek the intervention of community resources in tackling cyberbullying. School communities which have the support coming from administrators, counsellors and law enforcement personnel will be in a better position to tackle the ill-effects of cyberbullying.

Teachers can knock on the doors of counsellors to interact both with the perpetrators and the victims. Teachers should impress upon students to be open up their problems to counsellors to solve them.

  1. Knowledge About Legal Dimensions

Students can indulge in sexting, alongside engaging in conversations full of verbal aggression. They can be caught possessing an indecent video image or video of another student. Notwithstanding the fact that such actions do not call for any legal proceedings, teachers should seek the involvement of Police Community Support Officers (PCSO). Through these law enforcement officials, everyone concerned can be briefed about the legal implications that surround cyberbullying. When parents and students participate in such discussions, they will be better informed about the consequences of cyberbullying.

Wrapping It Up

With so much being said about cyberbullying and the pain it inflicts on weak students, it is time teachers take things under their control. When the above-discussed tips are implemented by educators, they can not only restore but also create a positive school environment that thrives on open communication and empathy. All in an attempt to establish healthy peer-to-peer relationships in classrooms, these anti-cyberbullying hacks will come handy to ensure the mental well-being of every student concerned.

“Children should be able to live a life free from bullying and harassment and it is time that we all took a stand against this.” – Katherine Jenkins

Student bullying is one of the most frequently reported discipline problems at schools as well as colleges. According to the report from National Education Association, 21% of elementary schools, 43% of middle schools, and 22% of high schools reported problems with bullying in 2005-06.

Types of bullying may include teasing, leaving someone out on purpose, and taking or breaking someone’s things. Classroom management strategies play a crucial role in preventing bullying. Teachers can make their students read certain anti-bullying books that keep their students stay active and reduce stress.

Here is a list 14 anti-bullying books every child should read.

Must Read: Smart Classroom Management Strategies to Tackle Bad Behaviour/Attitude

1. Chrysanthemum

Written by Kevin Henkes, Chrysanthemum is a school story about teasing, self-esteem, and acceptance. The story is about a young girl Chrysanthemum, who is teased for her name at school. Student at her school teases her to be named after a flower, which makes her hate the name. But later students began to accept her after learning that a teacher who they admire also has a long first name and is also named after a flower.

2. Edwardo: The Horriblest Boy in the Whole Wide World

Edwardo, an ordinary boy is the main character in this book written by John Burningham. Though he is occasionally rough and noisy, he was pointed out as the cruelest boy in the world. But later his actions were considered positively and he was called as the loveliest boy in the world.

3. The Recess Queen by Alexis O’neill

Mean Jean is the schoolyard bully, whom every other students are scared of. She is the one who kicks, swings and bounces before anyone else. But this gets changed after a new student Katie Sue arrives. Not aware of the ground rules Katie kicks first and them invites Mean Jean to play together, which changes the situation.

4. The Juice Box Bully

Written by Bob Sornson & Maria Dismondy, the story is more about the unity in a classroom and how Pete, who has a bad behavior, finally decides to give the group’s promise a try.Despite Pete’s rude behavior class treats him kindly which changes the boy.

5. Enemy Pie

This story by Derek Munson is about Jeremy Ross who feels slighted by the new neighbor. Jeremy accepts dad’s offer to prepare a new recipe to get rid of the enemy, which is Enemy Pie. However, the part of this secret recipe is to spend an entire day playing with the enemy. The games turn his best enemy into his best friend.

6. The Hundred Dresses

This childrens’ book by Eleanor Estes centers around Wanda Petronski, a Polish-American girl who is teased by her classmates for wearing the same old faded blue dress every day to school. As she can’t bear the teasing any more she lies that she owns one hundred dresses at home, which makes others bully her mercilessly. Later her father decides that she must leave that school. But later the students who felt kind towards her writes a kind letter to her old address, but she has already moved away.

7. Each Kindness

Written by the Newbery Honor-winning author Jacqueline Woodson. Chloe and her friends dislike Maya, who wears old dress, eats odd food and behaves quite strange. And one day Maya leaves school. It’s when Chloe’s teacher teaches a lesson about kindness, Chloe realizes the value of lost opportunity for friendship.

8. The Invisible Boy

This Trudy Ludwig’s book is the story of young Brian, a quiet boy, who was ignored by other students and even the teacher. It is the new boy Justin, who notices Brian’s kindness and his talent in drawing. Justin turns into Brian’s savior and this provides him a way to shine.

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9. Bully

The book by Patricia Polacco is about cyberbullying and will be a good one to read for increasingly digitally-savvy students. Lyla, who is new at school become friends with another new comer Jamie. By scoring top grade on an essay, Lyla manages to get attention of three popular girls in school. Slowly she leaves Jamie behind. But when she is wrongly accused of stealing a test, she finds herself being bullied on Facebook and online.

10. Wonder

The book written by R.J. Palacio, the story centers on August Pullman (Auggie) who is born with a facial deformity. For the same reason, his parents home-schooled him. But later he’s being sent to a real school in his fifth grade. The story includes certain sentimental situations where some kids use hateful language, and some people suggest that Auggie is mentally deficient.

11. Thirteen Reasons Why

This book by Jay Asher provides positive messages about the importance of treating people with kindness. A mysterious box that Clay Jensen finds while returning home from school includes few cassettes that discusses thirteen reasons that makes a girl in his school commit suicide.

12. Dear Bully

A must-read book for teens written by Dawn Metcalf, it includes 70 heartfelt stories about bullying in this collection. The stories were shared by top young adult authors.

13. Tease

The book by Amanda Maciel includes real-life incidents, where a teenage girl named Sara Wharton faces criminal charges. The charge she faces is for bullying after a classmate Emma Putnam commits suicide. Now she feels guilty as her peers, community and media points out her mistake.

14. Side Effects May Vary

The book by Julie Murphy features the life of the 16 year old Alice, who decides to take revenge of her classmates after being diagnosed with leukemia. Realizing that she won’t leave for more, she hurts people for what they’ve done in the past. But finally she has to face the consequences.

Like wet cement which reflects anything that falls on it, children cannot always be blamed for the behaviour they showcase. School apps help students to learn better and parent portal helps parents to evaluate their children, but is that enough for our children? For that, execution has to be impeccable. Gifting our children the best environment for healthy mental and physical development is equally important.

Even inside the school, children are not as safe as we think. Bullying is one such problem that can affect children in the school. Under any circumstances, bullying cannot be justified. Approximately 32% of reported student bullying complaints are from schools.

It is of no doubt that bullying can affect the emotional stability of the victim. When it happens at school, it can negatively impact a child’s learning ability. More than one in five children is bullied regularly at school.

Stop before it startsthat’s the best way to deal with bullying. The possibilities of school staffs are numerous to stop the bullies. Teachers have the authority to mould the children for better.

Teachers can help prevent the bullies:

Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops”- Henry Brooks Adams

Teachers can create a bully-free school zone. The authority of teachers is not limited to school syllabus, they can do a lot more for the school and the students.

What works?

Implement the best that works. Practice what you preach.

  • When in doubt take action

According to research when teachers or adults ignore bullying it is a clear indication for the students that it’s OK to behave in that manner. Always take immediate precautions against bullying. Students must be aware that, no practice of bullying shall be tolerated.

  • Treat them right

Always treat students with warmth and affection. Students should feel that teachers are always available to listen and help them. Most of the students might be in fear to expose their experience with the bullies, but giving them adequate courage can solve the problem.

  • Peer Volunteers

Appointing special volunteers for anti-bullying squad can be helpful. The volunteers can report to the teachers about any bullying incident. The victim also attains courage with volunteers between them.

  • Approaching the bullies

While the victim must be treated with extra care and support, bullies must not always be treated harshly. They should realize the intensity of the crime they have committed. Feeling guilty fetches better results.

  • Spread goodness

Activities that encourage social conduct can be helpful. The prevention taken before bullying is far more effective than the punishment granted to the victims after the incident. A school wide focus to the problem can resolve it better.

  • Monitoring the bullies

Bullies must be monitored and necessary action must be taken to prevent it as soon as possible. Contacting the parents of the bullies can be considered. The entire school must be warned that bullies are carefully monitored. No bullies will be ignored.

What doesn’t work?

It’s also essential to point out, what does not work in the prevention of bullying. Many preventive factors might sound effective but they are not.

  • Enforcing Zero Tolerance Policy

Zero tolerance policies might result in less reporting of bullying incident. The policy regardless of accidental mistakes or any other circumstances, believes in punishing the guilty. The policy might not fetch the expected result. Punishment cannot eliminate the chance of future bullying.

  • Conflict Resolution Methods

There is a great difference between the bully and the victim, mediation between the two is not an alternative. It can upset the victim more. Never encourage bullies by not resolving the issue.

  • Dealing each bullying incident in isolation

Compared to a school wide approach dealing the incident in isolation has little effect. Each incident should be resolved without any delay as well. Enquiring the family background of the bullies can help but counselling them is much better.

Always remember:

“If kids come to us from strong, healthy functioning families, it makes our job easier. If they do not come to us from strong, healthy, functioning families, it makes our job more important” – Barbara Colorose

‘Bullying’ is not a strange word now. Everywhere, children are facing bullying. Majority of the students in the world are facing bullying from school, from home or through online.


Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated or has a potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as threatening, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally and excluding someone from a group with purpose.

Bullying in schools

It’s a type of bullying that takes place in an educational institution and it can be physical, sexual, verbal or emotional nature.

Main characteristics of bullying at school

  1. It is deliberate and with an intention to harm; not accidental.
  2. It may cause psychological, social or physical trauma in varying degrees to the victims.
  3. It has a potential to happen again and again; it is persistent.
  4. It is motivated by the perceived benefits of their aggressive behavior.


Types of bullying that happens to students

Physical bullying: Any unwanted physical contact between the bully and the victim. It can be identified easily.
Examples: punching , pushing, kicking, tickling , inappropriate touching, fighting or using any object as weapon.

Emotional bullying: It won’t harm the body but the mind. It causes damage to the psyche or happy mood.

  1. Spreading rumors
  2. Keeping someone out of the group
  3. Avoiding or ignoring someone purposefully
  4. Harassment
  5. Making fun of others

Verbal bullying: It includes any statements or accusations that cause distress to someone.

  • Using foul language at someone
  • Using derogatory remarks or terms about a person
  • Making negative comment on the person’s appearance
  • Mocking, teasing, belittling etc.

Cyber bullying: It is the most threatening type of bullying and difficult to find out.
“ Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipments such as cell phone, computers and tablets as well as communication tools including social media, text messages, chats and websites.”

How is Cyber bullying different?

  • It can happen at any time and anywhere.
  • Messages or images can be sent anonymously
  • It threatens the victim about publishing pictures or messages to a wide audience. It is very difficult to find out the source unless we inform the authority.
  • Once the bully deletes the message, it is difficult to catch them.

Sexual bullying: it is also a very dangerous type of bullying that happens to school going children. Sexual bullying is “any behavior, whether physical or non physical that is based on a person’s sexuality or gender.”
It is commonly directed at girls but boys are also not spared from this nowadays. It is very difficult to detect this kind of bullying because of ignorance and fear about the threats from the bullies.

Power imbalance : a main cause of bullying at schools

Power imbalance is always there behind every bullying. The bully might have supremacy over the victim with size, gender, age or colour. Children find motivation to bully others in their weakness like not fitting in, physical weakness, short temper, who their friends are, overweight, facial appearance, the clothes they wear,academic status etc.
Students who bully others usually have an unpleasant atmosphere at home. The suffocation that they feel at home and the attempts to make them over disciplined will make them more violent. A bully is often someone who was bullied in the past or has witnessed bullying.

Role of children in bullying

Children have different roles in bullying:

  • Children who bully others
  • Children who are bullied
  • Children who witness bullying
  • Children who assist or support bullying
  • Outsiders who just watch bullying
  • Children who defend

How to identify the victims if they are unspoken?
There will be drastic change in the behavior of the child if he/she is bullied. Some of the following symptoms can be noticed:
• Injuries
• Anxiety
• Change in eating habits
• Declining grades
• Self injury
• Sitting alone
• Insomnia

How to deal with it?

• Talk about bullying. The parents and teachers must be very friendly to them. Their talks should enable them to identify the situations of such harassments
• Talk to them about ‘what is bullying?’ and ‘how to escape from it?’ Make them understand it is not acceptable. Make sure that they know how to get help
• Always listen to them, know their friends, activities and interests
• Promote them to follow what their mind says
• Be a role model for your kids
• If any of the signs are visible in your kids, inform teachers about it using Parent portal. The teachers also can do the same so that they can give more attention

Prevention at Schools

• Find out bullying in schools and take necessary disciplinary actions against it.
• Create rules to report bullying.
• Choose a good School app with which the parents and teachers can trace the bullies
• Build a safe environment.
• Arrange supervising cameras if necessary
• Find out those who are bullied and bring back as normal students by counseling etc.
It is best if we can find out bullying at the earlier stage and find a solution to it. If we can create a safe surrounding where bullying won’t occur, it is far recommended than finding a remedy.

There is an English proverb that says, “The soul is healed by being with children”. What if the very lives of these children are in jeopardy? It is a fact that ragging has been in the society for some time now and its intensity worsens every year. Though numerous anti-ragging squads and bodies exist, we haven’t been able to eliminate these practices completely.

It is hard to believe that bullying has tormented Indian school students for some time now, and it is just recently that we have started taking it seriously. What is the difference between bullying and ragging? None, they are practically the same. While there are strict laws and punishments against ragging, bullying has none whatsoever. And it is this very fact that makes bullying far more dangerous than ragging.

Other than the lack of laws against it, the fact that a very young age group, mostly in between 12 – 16 years is affected makes it more hazardous. It is said to be the very age which nourishes mental capability and invokes behavioral build up in children. Bullying is said to cause psychological traumas, from which children find it difficult to recover. In some cases, they even find themselves mentally scared for life.

5 Steps to Curb Bullying

1. Know your children

Parents need to maintain an open and deep relationship with their children so that they will be the first to know if something goes wrong. In most cases of bullying, the victims are traumatized for months before the parents or teachers come to know about what was happening. The lack of confidence that they will be helped is what holds them back. Children should feel free to talk to their parents at any time.

2. Know your students

School is said to be the second home for a student. If so, then teachers occupy the roles of responsible parents. This means he/she has not just the role of a teacher, but also a parent. So, just like parents they must also possess a sincere relation with their students. The student should feel safe and confident in talking with the teachers on his/her issues. The large number of students in a single classroom, probably beyond what the teacher can keep track of and the lack of good teaching staff, has only made it difficult to build teacher-student relations.

3. Friends can also help

In situations where a student finds it difficult to disclose the issue to a parent or teacher, he/she could get the help of a dear friend. The friend could in turn address the issue to a teacher or someone in charge. For this to happen, children should first be made aware of the seriousness of such situations.

4. Actions need to be taken

Laws against bullying will take time to come to full effect. Within that time, schools can play it’s part to help the cause. Schools across the world have adopted several methods to cope with the issue of bullying. Once bullying was at its worst in the USA. Ensuring participation of students in open discussions and conducting seminars on possible bullying problems and how to tackle them has brought down bullying to a large extent. So the question is, if they can do it, why can’t we?

5. Social awareness

Bullying and ragging are social issues. So, the society itself needs to come together for the purpose of fighting against it. Rather than thinking of it as another person’s issue, think of it as an entire society’s responsibility. Educate and prepare your children to hold on their own under risky situations.

Policies Taken

Recently, former HRD Minister MM Pallam Raju had formed a committee of academic and mental health experts to review the scale of ragging in schools and recommend preventive measures.

The committee headed by CBSE chairman Vineet Joshi is learnt to have submitted its report to the HRD Ministry. It has described bullying in Indian schools as a serious problem and recommended regulations to bar the menace in schools on the lines of UGC’s regulations to curb the menace of ragging in Higher Educational Institutions notified on June 17, 2009. The committee commissioned a survey of schools and found the extent of bullying to be “serious”.

Bullying is an issue that comes into existence at the school level and needs to be dealt with in schools itself. Otherwise it may result in a socially handicapped and mentally injured generation.