Education is one of the fields that have undergone huge transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the main changes was schools adopting tools for effective online learning and online school management.

Many schools have already been using school management software way before the pandemic. Now that the circumstances have changed, it has become a necessity.

While selecting school management software, make sure that the following tools are included for efficient overall online school management during COVID-19.

Student Management System

Online School Management Tool-Student Management System

Student lifecycle management is an important responsibility of educational institutes. It involves monitoring and managing student information, new student registration, and much more

While selecting a student management system for you educational institute, you can either go for software that solely deals with student management or choose software, such as Edsys ERP, that allows both school and academics management.

A student management system can be considered efficient if

  • School authorities can smoothly handle student registration, enrolment, and information sharing with other school staff
  • They can monitor and manage student life cycle from the time of registration to graduation, which includes factors like student performance
  • The software is customizable, scalable, and flexible


  • Manage student information efficiently
  • Track student performance
  • Oversee multiple school branches at once
  • Save extra expenses, in terms of labor and time
  • Hassle-free access to academic-related information

 Online Student Attendance

Tool for Better Online School Management-Online Student Attendance

Manually tracking and managing student attendance during online classes can be a hassle for teachers. That is why Online Student Attendance System can be a great addition to the tools for online school management.

Online Student Attendance system allows teachers to mark and manage the daily attendance of students. It also helps to maintain an error-free student attendance record and create student attendance reports.

The following features of Online Student Attendance System define its efficiency

  • Track attendance based on student log in and log off
  • Teachers can track the breaks taken by students
  • Records of time spent by students on sessions, including attending classes and accessing learning resources


  • Accurate and reliable
  • Access student attendance data anytime, anywhere
  • Save time
  • Reduce labor and expenses
  • Improve productivity for both teachers and students

Timetable Management System

Tool for Better Online School Management-Timetable Management System

An online timetable management system is a great tool to ensure productivity as well as efficient monitoring of staff and students alike. Some timetable management software also comes with integrated attendance management system to add to the efficiency.

A timetable management system comes as a great relief to the school authorities, in terms of creating timetables, rescheduling staff timetables in case of unplanned leaves, avoiding manipulation of information, etc.

An efficient timetable management system has the following features

  • Teachers can create and access their own class timetables as well as student timetable
  • Students can view their class timetable for a day, a week, or a month
  • School authorities can view the scheduled timetable for classes for a particular day and make necessary changes in case of unplanned leaves
  • Timetable management system integrated with attendance management features reduces chances of data manipulation and improves productivity


  • Efficient time management
  • Reduced workload
  • Save time
  • Lower chances of errors
  • Teachers and students can prepare for the classes beforehand

Assignment Management System

Tool for better management of schools online-Assignment Management System

When facilities for online classes have been efficiently implemented during the pandemic, most schools seem to neglect the topic of assignment management. Applications, such as Whatsapp, are being widely used by teachers and students to share and submit assignments.

This method comes with risks, such as losing data, and teacher/student not noticing the scheduled/submitted assignments. Assignment Management System serves as an efficient tool to handle this issue, making it easy for both teachers and students.

The following features define an efficient Assignment Management System

  • Create assignments and assign them to individual students or a group
  • Monitor the status of assignments and performance of students
  • Send notifications to students for each new assignment/project
  • View pending tasks
  • Close completed assignments


  • Create assignments easily
  • Save time
  • Review submitted assignments
  • Provide instant feedback
  • Students can access subject data

Fee Management System

Fee Management System-Tool for Better Online School Management

Fee Management System has been widely used by schools for managing and paying fees of students for a while. But it seems to be more useful at the time of the pandemic.

With the Fee Management System, managing fees becomes an easier task for Accountants. Also, Parents can view details of their ward’s fees and pay pending fees using the system, without the hassle of going to the school and stand in queues for hours.

An efficient Fee Management System comes with the following features

  • Accountants/School Authority  can view and manage fee details
  • Provisions to update status of fee payment
  • View details of collected and pending fees
  • Generate invoice
  • Parents can pay their wards’ fees


  • Efficient fee management
  • Save time
  • Reduce costs
  • Receive reminders about fee payment
  • Generate reports instantly


Choosing an online school management system is more like a gamble. Things could go wrong if the system does not have necessary tools for efficient school management, despite the great reviews and cost. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the above-mentioned tools are included in the system.

Edsys is an educational software provider with an array of educational solutions, including those for effective school management, to our credit. If you are looking for an online school management service or need assistance in developing online learning tools, Edsys would be a great choice. Contact us to discuss in detail.


Rita was very happy when she was made in-charge of time table management system in the school she worked in. But, as soon as she started working on it, she began to realize the horrors of manual time management. She was finding it difficult to prepare timetables for every class and adjust them according to teachers’ leaves. At the end of the month, she had to calculate the number of days each employee worked for payroll calculation. Within a month, even the word “timetable” made her panic. From then, she is in search of an alternative to make her job easier.

The Solution

Since everything in the world is being digitalized, the search for a replacement to manual timetable management system ends there as well – The time table management software!

How it works?

The timetable management software enables you to generate timetables automatically or interactively. All you have to do is to enter the basic data and once the timetable is generated, you can verify the details and make necessary changes. In case a teacher is absent, you can also generate substitution timetables using the timetable management software.

The Benefits

Apart from simplifying your work, the time table management software offers you a number of benefits. They include:

1. Going Paperless

In manual timetable management system, you have to deal with stacks of paper that carry important information like leave details of teachers, timetables for various classes etc. in them. You have to sort the papers and go through each of them in case you need any information immediately. The timetable management software makes it easier for you by storing all the information and you can pull them out whenever required.

2. Generating Reports

To generate reports on leaves taken or individual employee information, you can depend on the timetable management software. The software enables you to generate all important reports on a monthly basis and the reports usually contain details of substitutions made, leaves taken by teachers and allotted substitutions, and working hours of each employee.

3. Calculating Payroll

In manual timetable management system, you have to spend hours to sit and create reports on leaves taken and number of days an employee worked to calculate the pay scale. This is usually done on monthly basis making the task tougher for you. The timetable management software makes the job easier for you by enabling you to generate reports on all necessary details for a month.

4. Substitution Timetables

Sometimes, it is when you have prepared the timetable for the day you come to know that one of the teachers is absent. There, all your hard work goes down the drain! You have to start working on a substitution timetable again. The time table management software helps you generate substitution timetables at a quick pace and you don’t have to worry any more.

Also Read : 5 Best Productivity Softwares For Teachers

5. Save Money

Your pay scale calculations can go wrong when done manually. You may not mark leave for a teacher on the day she was absent and she gets paid the money for that day. Also, you have to spend an extra amount to buy papers and other materials needed for timetable management. The timetable management software can save you of these expenses. The reports generated by the software even after a month can give the accurate number of days a teacher has worked and since all the information regarding the teachers and timetables are saved in the software, you need not worry about money being wasted.

6. Security

There are chances of sensitive information being leaked while using software. But you need not worry about the risk while using the timetable management software. All information stored in the software is safely guarded.

7. Error-Free

Since the timetable management software automatically generates reports and timetables, you can expect fewer errors in them compared to manual timetable management system. Also, you can check the timetables generated thoroughly before making necessary changes. You can trust these error-free reports and timetables while calculating pay scale or using it for any other purpose.

8. User-Friendly

Unlike its highly complex counterparts that only an expert techie can operate, the timetable management software gives a person with lesser computer knowledge the freedom to operate it. You can easily use it without any confusion.

9.  Customization and Flexibility

One of the notable benefits of the timetable management software is that you can customize the software according to requirement and suggestions of a particular institution.  You can avoid course conflicts, assign classes and adjust timings without much difficulty.

10. Smooth Integration

The timetable management software can be easily integrated with a calendar application. When you create or alter timetable, the software will give real-time notifications, SMS alerts, and reminders.

11. Multi-lingual Support

Multi-lingual support is another feature of the timetable management software. You can create the timetable quickly and clearly in multiple languages based on the geographical region. This indeed aids in co-operation between different regions.

12. Save Time

Recording and managing timetable manually is obviously a complex job. If there is timetable management software, the records will be accurate and you will be able to save valuable time of employees. Earlier, those people dealing with salary procedures had to spend a significant amount of time for calculating salary based on the hours spent by staff. But now, things became easier and salary processing became a feasible task.

    Timetable management is indeed a tremendous task for everyone. The introduction of timetable management software is a boon to all institutions. Today, you can see a huge improvement in timetable generation and management. Hence, the software helps to reduce errors and redundancy in data, which smoothens the operations of every institution.

Also Read : 8 Best Timetable Apps On Android

Making the perfect notes for the class is a demanding task for history teachers. Only by depending on the right resources can they make impressive notes. The prepared materials should not only leave a lasting impression on students, but also create a positive attitude towards the subject.

Get Best Free History Apps (Check it Now)

Learning about the old leaders, events and the origin of modern day politics has made history classes favourite of many students. But teaching history with text books alone is not as exciting. New technologies can add that extra element of attractiveness to the subject.  It is true that technology has extended its service upon education as well. Addition of images and audio while teaching history can elevate the classroom experience to the next level.

Timetable management software helps teachers to manage things easier without stress. RFID tags ensure better safety of students by making it easier to identify individuals. Likewise, there are numerous technological inventions that can bring change into the classroom and teaching style.

Introducing new technology in education can help students to learn by themselves by inquiring rather than depending blindly on text books.

Let your students experience history rather than mugging up facts.

Let’s explore the possibilities of history teachers:

1. World History Association

World History Association is a website that helps history teachers to the core. It is the foremost organization which aims at the promotion of world history by encouraging teaching, research and publication.

World History Association was found in the year 1982 by a group of teachers and academicians. This website provides useful resources for secondary and college instructors. There are several history website links in the World History Association website, which can be used to further explore areas of interest.

2. World History Connected

World History Connected aims at providing free information on world history for students, teachers and those interested to explore history. World History Connected strives to keep the readers up to date on the latest research and debates and also presents innovative classroom-ready scholarship.

The website presents best teaching methods and practices as well as reports on exemplary teaching. World History Connected is free worldwide.

3. Bridging World History

Bridging World History is for teachers looking for an excellent resource in history. The site features 26 units in world history along with classroom resource, videos, archives and audio glossary.

The website encourages ensures advanced learning methods. Bridging World History helps teachers to construct better and improved teaching methods. The site is free of service worldwide.

4. Internet Modern History Sourcebook

Internet Modern History Sourcebook provides teachers and learners access to documents, research aids and multimedia sources that peep in to the contemporary world.

The site is a perfect partner for any modern or contemporary world history classroom. Internet Modern History Sourcebook consists of diversity of topics, neatly arranged that can be found easily. It’s easy to find the desired topics without much effort. The site is a gem for teachers.

5. World History Matters

World History Matters consists of rich resource for teachers and learners interested in history. The site is a portal to other sites of world history as well, which allows learners to explore the field of interests more.

World History Matters provides direct access to two projects; one is World History Sources and the other is Women in World History. The sections help to locate the desired topic. Search engine from the portal can be used to search both sites at the same time or visit and each site separately. Understanding the complex nature of world history becomes easy with World History Matters.

6. World History Resource Center

World History Resource Center consists of highly useful information on world history from the origins of man through the Cold War. The site is filled with online documents, maps, simulations and photos pertaining to the history of the world.

Teachers can make use of World History Resource Center to a great extent. There is History Quiz section in the site that tests the strength of learners in history.

Testimonials straight from teachers;

“As a history teacher, I have developed a method for teaching history, using a series of about 50 cross-referenced videos and over 75 powerpoint multimedia lecture outlines to help students see history as a dynamic process of causes and effects, not just a meaningless list of names and dates.”- Stella Johnson

Get Best Free History Apps (Check it Now)

“The photographs work very well. Students especially, those who are visual learners, really like them. They bring the broad essence of history out of the material, and that is one thing that I really like about them. I used them in class lectures a few times, but I discovered that students really need to have a paper copy in front of them to be able to follow them along. I will be using them again this semester.”- Anthony Louise

Managing timetables, plotting school bus route plans, calculating payroll and evaluating teacher performance adds to the tedious tasks of school management. Education software has been helping schools to manage these activities effectively by lessening the day-to-day time and effort put to complete them.

For instance, managing timetables is a difficult task for many school authorities. It involves continuous updating based on the availability of teachers, time required for each subjects, etc. So what can school authorities do to ease the tension associated with setting and managing timetables?

They can now depend on the timetable management software from Edsys to help the overall administrative functions of a school.

Let’s see what the advantages of using a Timetable management system in schools are.

Reducing paperwork

With an endless list of paperwork, manual school management is always tough and troublesome. But Timetable management software makes it easy for school authorities to manage the school affairs very effectively.

Less confusion

While creating timetables many things have to be taken into consideration like availability of teachers, number of classrooms, allotted time etc. It’s so confusing that errors may occur while setting it. Generating timetables automatically is the best way to avoid this and for that you can use timetable management software which provides a feasible solution.

Generating timetables automatically

Automatic timetable generation will help ease the disorder associated with manual timetable management. One special feature is the facility to generate timetables interactively. This will help in reducing the limitations of manual timetable management.

No more errors

Timetable management software is helpful in reducing manual errors. Sometimes, manual timetables can create confusion among teachers. So using timetable management software can help school management to effectively allot class hours to available teachers accurately.

Substitution management

Managing substitutions in the absence of a particular teacher is quiet troublesome where you need to check the availability and class timings of other teachers separately. But timetable management software can make it easier and hassle-free by providing the accurate results regarding substitution management.

Generating records

School management is not an easy job. The details regarding leaves, performance, classroom activities etc. need to be noted in order to manage and improve it. Timetable management software can be a great help for school management to take care of all the activities of employees. The benefit of generating records on a monthly basis helps school authorities to monitor the data regarding teachers and non-teaching staff in an easy manner.

Pay scales

Preparing pay scales is a tiresome job where leaves of each employee have to be taken separately. Confusion and chaos regarding pay scale can be avoided if timetable management software is used. It prepares pay scales very easily and accurately.

Not just for a single class!

Creating timetables for class itself is a hard thing. So how will school authorities manage to prepare timetable for the whole school? They can seek the help of Timetable management software which help in creating timetable for the whole school. It also helps us in saving our energy, time and money!

Manually managing the affairs of a school is not as easy as you think. So in order to keep up with the changing educational system, you need to make use of technology which will help you attain efficient results. Timetable management software is one such change which you can make in order to make things move faster. This not only helps in effective school management but also contribute significantly to the overall learning atmosphere of the school.


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Benefits Of Replacing Your Manual School Management With Time Table Management Software

Technology has been undergoing immense transitions recently and the new advancements have already been making their presence felt in every sector. The impact is being felt in the education field as well, where traditional teaching methods have already started stepping aside to embrace technology. But, what do we gain out of this? What transformations can use of technology in education bring? Let’s have a look:

Turn digital

In this era where everything is digitalized, how can a person face the world with just a pen and paper? That is exactly why students should be exposed to technology.  Computer knowledge is a compulsory criterion for any job these days. Therefore, only a digitally literate  can survive in this world of extreme competition in each and every field.

Sharing is easy!

Remember how you used to share notes when you were a student? With exams round the corner, you might have given your notes to a friend who doesn’t return it for few days due to some reason. You won’t be able to revise your lessons until your friend brings your book back and the result? Lots of tension and panic! With technology, sharing lessons is a lot easier, that too without giving away the notes you already have with you.

Analyse instantly

In traditional teaching methods, you have to conduct exams on a half-yearly or annual basis to understand the potential of your students. With technology in your hands, analyzing your students is a simple task. You can conduct simple tests to understand the areas each of your students has to improve in. This saves a lot of time which you can utilize to help the students improve in their areas of weakness.

Share the results

Parent-teacher meeting! The word itself can startle you, if you are a teacher.  It is not at all easy to sit and prepare reports on each student’s performance and then meet each of their parents with feedback. It is indeed a laborious task and at the end of the day, you may have no energy left. Especially if conducted on holidays, you lose valuable time that could be spent with your family. With technology entering classrooms, you won’t have to put even half the labour. You can share the reports on each student’s performance instantly. You can save energy and time that way.

Turn social

Most of you play games on social media platforms where you are rewarded or ranked virtually based on your performance. You can use technology in a similar way to virtually award your students who have done well, thus instilling a healthy competition among students. This motivates the children to give their best performances while making the concept of learning more interesting.

Save money and time

This can be said as the one of the most important advantages of bringing technology to the classrooms. With technology, you are saved from having to buy desks, books, lab equipments etc. all of which are very expensive. You don’t have to write everything on the black board. Instead you can share all the lessons or resources online. This saves your effort and time while benefiting disadvantaged students to have access to education.

Updates made easy!

Updating the syllabus is not a tough task when you have technology to your support. It can be done in a very short span of time. Also, you won’t have to buy thousands of updated books every year, adding to your savings.

Go Global

With technology, learning won’t be confined to the walls of the classrooms. Students get a chance to connect globally and hence, expand their knowledge.

It’s convenient

The heavy backpacks and hundreds of books have been causing physical issues to students for long. Introducing technology to classroom can therefore, tend to be such a relief to them physically.

It is a fact that use of technology beyond a limit can have negative effects. But there is a positive side that weighs heavier. And it is not tough to help children out of the bad effects due to over usage of technology. Introducing technology to class rooms can help in breaking the monotonous learning methods, thus motivating the students to do well. It also helps in reducing the issues related to stress, for both teachers and students as things get a lot easier.

It is to note that technology has not only intervened in teaching but also in the overall school management these days. There are lots of software and gadgets available in the market to provide suitable solutions to education related issues. Edsys is one such company that provides efficient educational solutions. The RFID Student Tracking System and GPS Vehicle Tracking System by Edsys addresses safety concerns regarding students and help in managing school bus fleet while the school work force management system and timetable management software aid in overall school management. Other products of Edsys such as Parent Portal and Smart Card Solutions for schools & colleges are also quite effective.