Math is one of the most troublesome subjects for most of the students. However, the minority who likes math finds it really easy and interesting than any other subject. It is the love for the subject that made them win over it. The way teachers handle the subject is also important when it comes to the end result. There should be some wise strategies applied when handling such subjects. And it is very important to encourage or incorporate growth mindset messages into math class than treating it with a fixed mindset strategy. In fact, changing a student’s math mindset itself can help them to boost their subject performance.
Here are a few among the many important ways teachers can nurture a growth mindset among students while teaching mathematics:

1. Problems with errors: Engaging them with a set of worked out problems that have output errors or step wise errors are a good strategy. This gives them a chance to think out of the box to find out what went wrong and they would come up with better solutions. Giving them such chances to think critically would foster a growth mindset when approaching the subject.

2. Solve problems independently: In most of the math classes, teachers are demonstrating the way of solving a problem at first and ask them to solve a similar problem with different variables. This gives them minimal chances for thinking more about the problem solving as they just replicate what you demonstrated at first. Change your approach to the subject and give them chances to solve the problems independently and then correct their mistakes if any.

3. Re-frame mode of assessment: Changing the mode of assessment can help lot in boosting the growth mindset in math class. Assessment should not always be targeting on the final grades they achieve. The students should be credited if they make an attempt to revisit the problems they went wrong and reworks it to reach the solution. Growth over a period of time is important when it comes to subjects such as math rather than getting a good grade once.

4. Productive feedback: Human brains are programmed to pay more attention to the negative signals. So it is important to give them feedback in the most positive way to help the students to get a growth mindset. A productive feedback with constructive criticism can play the trick rather than pointing out their mistakes in an unfriendly way that causes them to fear the subject.

5. Prepare every student: When we talk about growth mindset, the main target is on students who are performing weak. In fact, equal importance should be given on students who excel now also. This is important to help them perform better every time than living with a mindset that they are masters of the subject. Give them chances to struggle with the subject with some difficult problems and let them face failures once in a while. This works better than facing a failure all of a sudden in a higher class that kills their confidence.

6. Value the learning process: Teachers should convey the message very clearly to the students that grades and ranks are not just the mere motive behind learning. Or else the self perceptions of aptitude injects them a fixed mindset. So it is important to make them understand that the learning process should be valued more than the success achieved temporarily. Prioritizing the learning process over grades boosts their growth mindset.

7. Explore with open problems: Teachers should make an extra effort to give them a chance to explore with open problems. This helps students to understand concepts better and they relate similar problems very fast. In this approach, teacher can first give a simple problem and expand it step by step once they find solutions for each segment. This method helps them to explore the subject with their personal steps rather than looking blindly at an algorithm.

8. Thinking mathematically: Nurture a mindset in them to think mathematically when approaching a problem. You should welcome their questions even when it makes sense or not. Let them visualize the problem or generalize, justify and prove that their approach is right. Develop a curious mindset in them right from their junior classes and help them to be resourceful enough to approach even the weird problems without thinking twice.

9.Multiple entry points: It is important to set multiple entry points for students to treat the subject rather than giving them a fixed guideline. Let them solve problems in their favorite approach with mathematical reasoning. Give them chances to express their understanding and learning through multiple means or conclude their understanding with a varied strategy.

10. Ability grouping: The ability grouping approach by teachers are based on their thoughts about what a student can achieve or not. The idea of weak student groups and intelligent student groups in fact set a fixed mindset in students about their position in the group. The works for the weak groups are mostly easy and demands only less application of brain. This approach actually snatches their chance to perform better and think better with an extra effort. Ability grouping is never a good idea to promote a growth mindset.

11. Stress free classroom: A classroom which is low in stress itself gives them a peace of mind in approaching the subject. Give them ample time to solve a problem in the first time rather than forcing them to solve the problem in the fixed time frame which gives them an unwanted stress. A fixed time frame may block their thinking mindset and they might feel stressed and loss in problems. It is important to talk with them and find out a success plan in their failures rather than pushing them to perform better and stressing them.

12. No fear about mistakes: When approaching a subject like math, it is important to set a mindset that has no fear for mistakes. Or else they would step back without giving it try thinking about the failure. Making them understand that mistakes are stepping stones to success helps them to approach the problems in a confident manner.

13. Set achievable micro-goals: It is good to help them target small achievable goals rather than asking them to push hard for unrealistic targets. This in fact helps them to make an incremental and consistent progress in their approach to the subject. This is actually a psychological approach because repeated small wins continuously gives them a boost in the confidence and they slowly develops a growth mindset.

14. Praise student’s efforts: It is not advisable to praise the intelligence part of a student in their success. Teachers should actually praise their effort on the way to their success. If intelligence is praised over effort, students would lack self motivation in case of a failure in future and they easily get depressed causing repeated failures. But if their effort is praised instead, they would continue to make efforts despite the success or failure.

15. Change view about math brain: It is a common thinking that students who perform better in math are born with a math brain. In fact, it is just an illusion and there is no such brain according to research. Developing a growth mindset during the smaller classes is the key to approach the subject easily with a ‘math brain’. Hard work and determination will always be paid and there is nothing that blocks you to perform better.

16. Promote cooperative learning: According to many researches, studying in groups promotes a growth mindset than individualistic or competitive approach. So promote peer groups in class which gives them a chance to teach and learn from their peers and enjoy the process of learning. When a student performs in groups, it gives them an extra responsibility of performing for the group’s success and this in fact enhances a growth mindset in them.

17. Build up confidence: Making an effort to build up their confidence is just as important as teaching them the different strategies in the subject. A boosted confidence would always be an effective tool for a student rather than knowing some math techniques. This promotes a growth mindset in them and helps them to think on their own in solving the problems even if they are new to the technique.
A fixed mindset when learning math in fact degrades a student’s capability to think out of the box. When teacher gives focus and importance in integrating growth mindset messages while learning math, it actually opens them a world of possibilities and gives a chance to discover and explore their hidden talents. A growth mindset approach can really make a difference in the way they excel in their learning. This teaching technique helps them to think out of the box on many instances and this improves their critical thinking and logical reasoning capability.

A good teacher can really make a remarkable difference in the way students grasp the lessons and how they apply it in real life. Knowing the students and following the right teaching strategy is the key to help them have a productive learning experience. School life is the best phase of every child as it plays a crucial role in moulding them for their future life. Considering its importance, a good teacher should come up with good tactics to help them utilize the best out of their study life.

Not all student groups are the same and it is the role of the teacher to understand their pulse before applying a teaching method. Here are a few effective methods and techniques that can help to improve the student in his/her learning if applied in the right way:

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1. Desire method: This is one of the unique but most effective teaching strategies to grab student attention and interest. Rather than simply starting with a topic during the class hour, first you have to convey the benefits of learning the particular topic. By wisely applying the strategy, you as a teacher should succeed in invoking good interest in students about the topic. So the students would be eager to start the lesson and approach it with a curious mindset.

2. Active learning: The one sided lecture methods are no more fruitful to get the interest of the new generation students. They would better respond well to the active learning strategies. Don’t limit their learning hour to simple note taking and doing assignments. Give them opportunities to express their talents and have some fun time and make learning more enjoyable. Bringing visual tools and proposing age related activities can really make a difference in the way students express themselves.

3. Cooperative learning: Give them a chance to come out of their seats and interact with their peers and have a cooperative learning experience. This would help them to experience a team building activity. Group activities such as group projects and fun elements such as jigsaw approach can do the trick. Shared learning is equally important to self learning time as they would get new ideas and thoughts from other students.

4. Teach with VAK: The visual, audio, and kinaesthetic learning are three key areas that need to be focused to offer an optimal learning experience. This approach simply means giving opportunities for the students to see the knowledge, hear it and feel it to the core. Give them a chance to interact with the lessons rather than sitting passively during the lectures. Watching animated videos with subject relevance can cover the visual and hearing part and getting a chance to create a video or presentation themselves hit the kinaesthetic area too.

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5. Case method: This is a really effective teaching strategy that gives promising outcome. Rather than simply teaching a new topic, share with them a real life example with which they can connect it. This kind of teaching would help them to retain the information for a longer period in their memory. This would also help them to learn how to apply what they learn in real life and not simply study to score marks in exams.

6. Prompt feedbacks: Giving valuable and consistent feedbacks to student is equally important to teaching them new lessons. Prompt feedbacks would help them to know their level of understanding and gives them a chance to clarify on the difficult areas further. Such assessments can also help teachers to give them right directions in the right time so that they can excel better. However, they should make sure that they offer only constructive feedbacks and encourage them to perform better next time.

7. Time management: Teaching them how to manage their time efficiently is the key to successful classroom learning. Give them time bounded activities so that they can challenge themselves to complete a task within the stipulated time frame. This kind of basic classroom learning also teaches them the importance of prioritizing the time effectively in their life too.

8. Flipped classroom: Inverting your class approach has proved to be really effective for all types of classrooms. In this method, students are asked to prepare on the lessons before hand through video tutorials at home. So they can approach the lesson with a better understanding during the class hour. The class time can be used productively for doing some quality assignments or paper works. Teachers can give an additional support in the areas where they lack understanding.

9. Gamification: Learning through games approach is not only effective for elementary students but also for higher classes. When games are made a part of teaching, students would approach the lessons more lightly and this helps them to be closer with the subjects. Classroom games also take away the boredom of one sided lectures. Through competitive games, students can challenge their peers to score higher and motivate each other.

10. Brainstorming: It is good to include some brain storming sessions in the classroom when students can challenge their thinking process. Give them puzzles or interesting activities in which they need to apply their thought process. This would stimulate their brain and makes them active and energized to receive new lessons. Creative sessions can also be included which challenges their critical thinking and logical reasoning.

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11. Distributed practice: The study activities are supposed to be spread over the period which gives significant results. Students usually have a habit of rushing with the lessons when the deadlines for exams are nearing. This type of learning won’t do any good to retain the information in the memory for long. So teachers should encourage distributed practice in which they learn the subject throughout the term. Teachers can evaluate their learning with regular, weekly or monthly tests and mini exams.

12. Teacher student relation: Maintaining a good relationship with the student is important for a teacher to make his/her teaching method more effective. Students should be given a space where they can freely express their concerns and doubts without any inhibition. When teacher becomes a good friend, students would actively participate and engage in the learning session which gives productive results. Certain communication apps even help to bring parents virtually into classroom to make the learning phase more effective.

13. Online tools: Teachers can make use of the online tools to bring fun to the classroom and ensure engagement and maximum participation. The activities such as online quizzes or videos would bring up a dynamic and interactive classroom environment. Education apps are yet another tool they can bring in the classroom to make the overall setting lively. The right mix of social media in classroom settings can also help a lot to improve the collaboration and relationships.

14. Outdoor learning: Students would love it when they are taken out of the four walls of the classroom to spend some quality learning time outdoors. You can either choose a roof top setting or shade of a tree to let them interact with the nature and study. Taking them for field trips in a while can also do the trick to regain their interest for learning. Visiting a museum or library of relevance can help them to learn the subject with a deeper understanding.

15. Student ideas: The learning phase would be more productive only if there is a give and take policy between the teachers and students. Teachers should not be dominant with the strategies and it is important to welcome student ideas as and whenever needed. Give them a chance to come up with some brilliant or interesting ideas that would really lift their spirit of learning. Once others start valuing their ideas, students would take extra effort to think further on improving their thought process.

16. Practice testing: In addition to all these methods, the time invested for self learning counts the most. They should be given some practice tests on a regular basis when they can evaluate or assess themselves on the areas where they lack and need to improve. This can include practice problems, virtual flash cards and more. The self learning phase gives them the independence to take control over their learning and they can have a boost to their confidence level.

There are a lot more teaching techniques and strategies that give impressive results in improving the student learning. School authorities should also offer a helping hand in supporting teachers to implement advanced and creative strategies in classrooms. With the advancements in mobile technology and digital education, smart school software and education apps are taking an important role in student life. Parents also have equal responsibility in giving them a comfortable environment and productive support to help them have a pleasant learning phase.

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It is important to make kids active in classroom to improve their interest for learning and increase their participation in studies. Both parents and teachers have a crucial role in improving their spirit for learning. Parents should motivate them at home and educate them about the importance of the learning phase which frames their future. Once they step in to the classroom, teachers will have an upper hand on how to mould them in the right way and help them get the better out of the learning phase. Making them active in the classroom is the key to help them have a productive classroom experience and excel in studies.

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Here are some interesting ways teachers can adopt to make the kids active in classroom:

  1. Mind warm-up: Starting the class with a mind warm up session can really make a difference in the way students remain active in the classroom. During this phase, teachers can bring in activities that promote more competition and collaboration and kill the dead time. Instead of single activities, it would be good to have a team like activity that fills them with enough energy to remain active for the rest of the class.
  2. Learn with fun: Bring enough fun elements in the classroom as kids would love to learn with fun. Spend some time to devise a teaching strategy that gives them a feel of play time while tactfully including the lessons. Make sure that each and every kid in the classroom is giving full participation by including some group movements. This helps to keep them focussed throughout the lesson and enhance their attention span.
  3. Create opportunities: Don’t leave it always to the kids to initiate activities in classroom. It is important for teachers to create enough opportunities for them to express themselves and actively participate in the learning period. Set interesting milestones or initiate a group project or ask them to perform in groups based on a lesson. Set the stage comfortable so that even the shy students come forward and express themselves and present their worth.
  4. Include age-appropriate activities: It is important to include age specific activities in classroom to ensure complete participation. Also it is good to consider the interests of the specific class group before deciding on the activities. Conducting a classroom poll can help you to know more about their areas of interest than deciding on autonomy. Including the right activity for the group can make a noticeable difference in the way they respond and interact.
  5. Gamification: This is the best way to keep the kids active in the classroom and gain their interest for learning. Try some engaging classroom games that help to learn the subjects in an interesting way. Include a variety of games in different classes to satisfy the interests of all student groups. It is good to try memory games such as memory cards or vocabulary games like educational bingo or completely fun group project games such as Jeopardy.
  6. Student-made games: It is also a nice option to try student made games in a while. This also gives them opportunity to express their knowledge, skills or talents. Make it a turn wise approach so that every kid will get a chance to showcase their efficiency in creating games. You can make the activity more interesting by making a poll to find the most popular student game of a month.
  7. Class discussions: This kind of team work activity can be organized frequently to let the students interact intellectually in addition to have all fun. Give wise topics that stimulate their critical thinking and logical reasoning. Teachers should ensure that the environment is friendly and students are expressing freely. Friendly debates on interesting topics can also be organized in between to gear up the activity.
  8. Talk shows: In between a boring lecture session, take a break to set up a talk show. One student can act as a popular personality and another student can interview him. Or the audience can ask relevant questions based on the particular personality. Give them some time to prepare and they can have a really interesting activity that fills them with loads of energy.
  9. Bring visual tools: Kids pay more attention and interest towards visual presentation of data. So it would be a good idea to bring visual tools to classrooms to make the sessions more active. It can be a power point presentation, video tutorials or a talking presentation by subject experts that deepens their level of understanding. With the introduction of interactive white boards, the learning with visual elements is gaining more popularity.
  10. Skills grouping: This activity can be performed as part of constructive differentiation technique. All students in the class may not be of the same calibre. For instance, when teaching mathematics, some may be weak in division, others may be weak in factors and some others may find it difficult to study trigonometry. Group students based on the skills in which they need additional care and arrange sessions or let students teach each other about the areas in which they excel.
  11. Keep them busy: Rather than making them bored with regular lectures, find ways to keep them completely busy throughout the learning time. Instead of giving lectures for the one full hour, make some time for interactions with a quiz, poll or even interesting ways to revise the lessons learnt so far. You can even try playing lecture bingo in order to keep them occupied while you lecture a lesson.
  12. Try active toys: Teachers should give importance in bringing active toys as part of teaching strategies. Give them a chance to interact with items such as balls and jump ropes in the middle of teaching sessions and group activities. Or take them out to the sports ground during a free hour or if they are exhausted with a tough lesson. Let them have some sports time to relax their mind and recharge some energy.
  13. Mix up teaching styles: Students would get bored if you follow the same teaching technique every day. So it is good to mix up the teaching styles for teaching various subjects. This kind of variety would invoke interest in kids to approach the new lessons with curiosity and takes away the boredom. You can bring in variations such as guess works or prediction activity even while you give a simple lecture to make the session more engaging and make them think actively.
  14. Plan outdoor activities: When the kids are always stuck up inside four walls of a classroom, they would find it suffocating. It is a good idea to take them outdoors to let them have a different learning experience. It can be learning under the shades of a school ground tree or take them for field trips once in a while. This is another tactics to keep them active throughout the learning sessions.
  15. Cooperative learning strategies: When you make cooperative learning as part of daily or weekly activity, kids would be more active in their approach. Team games and projects would give them the fun of working and sharing together and learn with fun. See that you don’t keep the students in the same group all the time. It is better to shuffle students often to give them chance to experience group learning with different students with different ideas and thinking.
  16. Exit tickets: Activities such as exit tickets can be made a part of the learning session. Good conversations and thinking can be stimulated with such activities. This end of the class activity makes them self revise the lessons at a glance and gives them the energy to stay active for the next lesson. In this activity, let them complete sentences starting with a set of phrases that you give such as ‘today I got a new idea about’ or ‘now I have a good understanding about’.
  17. Set a good example: Rather than simply telling them to do a particular thing in its most spirited style, it is easier to do and show it to them. Both parents and teachers can play active roles in setting good examples for children. For instance teachers can promote the story telling capability of children by performing some impressive story telling sessions. When parents teaches them the importance of being active always, set good examples by doing regular exercise or playing some sports.

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Rather than the one side lectures, active learning contributes a lot to help them retain information and improve their critical thinking skills. Trying out these few options can really make a remarkable difference in the way students perceive the learning. Actively involving in the learning phase can help them to have a deeper understanding of the lessons. Including classroom activities that improve their interest would make them crave for more. It is important to set a comfortable stage for them and welcome their ideas.

Driven by a pursuit to bring technological advancements to the learning space, students can now bank on a host of benefits offered by Chromebooks. Although named as a book, a Chromebook is a laptop of a different kind. While the conventional laptops run on Mac OS or Windows 10 as their operating systems, a Chromebook is powered by the Chrome OS of Google.

Here are the numerous ways in which students can make the most of these devices.

  1. The Online Access to Learning is the Star Attraction

The World Wide Web is an indispensable interface that connects students with a host of educational sites. Attracting them with the best way to assimilate the knowhow that is making waves in the 21st century, millennials can rely on these gadgets. Going by the principle that you  are not restricted to the constraints of time and place, Chromebooks come as anytime and anywhere  to online wisdom. You as a student or faculty can learn in a classroom, library or at home. Students who learn through Chromebooks can access to the plethora of online sites that are brimming with subject knowledge. While you are aiming to gain knowledge, you are indirectly enhancing your creativity alongside sharpening your communication and research skills.

  1. Personalized Tools For Student Engagement

Chromebooks offer a platform for  students to learn better. They pave the way to establish a classroom environment that thrives on the strength of individual strengths and skills. A classroom session can be made even more interesting and engaging when the topics are fine-tuned to the specific needs of students. Matching the interest levels with their skill levels, a Chromebook can facilitate better student engagement with an eye towards personalized education. Educators create a personalized profile for every student based on his/her learning experience and allow them to log into their apps. When they log in, they will be able to access a host of personalized books and videos along with classroom material that will aid in their learning.

  1. Cost Benefits

Chromebooks can be tagged as “cheap and best” tools for learning, since it comes with an affordable price tag when compared to most of the laptops. Their starting price of $149.00 makes Chromebooks intelligent and budget-friendly learning tools to schools. Because of reasonable pricing, it can be made as an essential learning tool for a number of school districts. The list of cost benefits does not end here. Schools who have invested in Chromebooks are also at the receiving end of Google Apps for Education (GAFE) services which can be accessed without a fee by all public schools. Since all these machines are connected to the internet, you as a student can access the ocean of knowledge that is captured in the form of applications and documents floating on the cloud.

  1. Online and Offline Services

While Chromebooks thrive on a high speed internet, there are over 200 offline educational apps that can work without net connectivity. Gmail, Google Drive along with Pocket are some of the apps that can be accessed without internet connectivity along with a host of Android apps which are still in the making.

  1. Ease of Deployment and Administration

When compared to conventional notebooks, a Chromebook comes with simplified deployment and support. Easy to manage, a Chromebook can become a single window learning platform aiding students and teachers with various subjects. Tagged as lightweight gadgets, a Chromebook can boot up in a matter of seconds. With the battery backup lasting for about 8 hours of running time, you will always be accessing the updated version since the update happens in the background.

  1. Close Watch On Student and Faculty Usage

A Chromebook can become a watchful tool that will help educators with pertinent information about the usage and configuration reports. These reports can be viewed by the school management so that corrective measures can be taken on the use of the online content. With an option to filter and monitor mail, you can avail the round the clock support from customer care executives who can fix your issues or resolve your concerns via email, phone or online chat.

  1. The Security Feature

As you all know that Chromebooks are cloud-based gadgets that are meant to run exclusively on the browser, you need not have to initiate any installation on your laptop. This is one feature that works in favor of safeguarding the Chromebook from external attacks. These gadgets live by the promise of a unique design that does not facilitate any external user to access or view your files. Chromebooks do not call for any active firewalls or the installation of anti-virus or anti-malware software. Another element that concerns security is file system encryption. Chromebooks do not need this security feature as the access to view files is given only to identified and registered users.

  1. Use of Simplified Hardware

When it comes to Chromebooks, you are spared from the use of hard drives as a means to store your data. Since all the data is hosted on a centralized cloud location, Chromebooks offer greater performance when compared to traditional laptops. You have a lightweight operating system that leads to swift boot times. Students can experience a super-fast browsing experience alongside making the most of immediate updates and automatic file backup features.

  1. An Intelligent Tool for Holistic Student Development

There is a growing need for professionals like computer engineers, technology coordinators, data scientists and system administrators across the globe. A learning environment which aims at bridging the gap between demand and supply of professionals can bank on Chromebooks. These gadgets enable students to hone their analytical and creative skills. Students will develop a keen eye towards scientific enquiry which will lay the foundation for peer-interactions coupled with active participation. Given all the above positives, it is clear that Chromebooks can encourage students to tread the path of effective work habits that will go a long way in shaping their professional lives.

  1. A Insightful Tool That Examines Student Behavior Closely

Along with useful and educational online content, the internet is flooded with inappropriate content. In an attempt to steer clear of such ill-effects, Chromebooks help educators and parents to keep an eye on the children’s internet usage. As a guardian, you can block the harmful content that is available on the Chromebook alongside opening the doors for educative content to become a significant part of learning.

  1. Collaboration – The Student-Friendly Attribute

When computers step into classrooms, students are encouraged to interact better amongst themselves. Students attuned to technological learning through Chromebooks will begin to communicate and collaborate with each other. While staying in constant touch with each other, Chromebooks become instruments to stay in sync with the assignments that need to be submitted by them in the form of group projects, power point presentations and the making of subject-specific videos.

  1. Go Green” With Chromebooks

Given the numerous concerns towards preserving the environment, Chromebooks are a perfect solution to implement the “Go Green” ideology. With Chromebooks, you can restrict the use of paper also. Chromebooks reduce the carbon footprint arising out of the extensive use of printer ink, printed teaching material and hard-copy books and assignments.

  1. Chrome Web Store – The One Stop Destination for Online Games

Students who are gaming enthusiasts can make the most of the limited game titles that are listed on the Chrome Web Store. Cut the Rope and Bejeweled are a couple of online games that students can play along with a host of Android Chrome games like Minecraft, Galaxy of Heroes and Star Wars that can be an entertainment to students.

  1. An Ocean of Learning Possibilities

Chromebooks are possibly one of the best instruments that promise a well-designed, interactive learning program for students. Students  learning through Chromebooks will be able to explore subject concepts from various approaches. This  help students learn about online word processing, handhold them to master the concepts behind spreadsheets and hone their database management skills.

  1. An Intelligent Tool That Accommodates Multiple Learning Styles

When Chromebooks become the tool of learning, you as a student can make the most of the online material by blending visual and auditory learning styles. Notwithstanding the fact that you are a student who learns better by observation or through listening, Chromebooks come as your top bet. In this way, this internet-based gadget help educators use  multiple learning styles as a perfect response to the traditional curriculum that lacks this significant feature.

Wrapping It Up

Driven by a pursuit to stay abreast with the latest offerings in technology concerning the learning and development space, Chromebooks help students learn through a number of creative ways. Hence it is the need of the hour to drift away from the traditional learning methodologies and tread the path of online education that the world is currently poised for.

When in school, you would have thoroughly enjoyed a lecture delivered by a particular teacher. Then, you would start looking forward to the class he/she takes. In contrast, you would have also experienced a monotonous teaching pattern followed by another faculty.

What makes this difference?

It could be the teacher’s attitude, energy levels, and the teaching/learning style.

The learning style in particular can prove to be very important, as it allows kids to nurture a strong liking towards the subject taught.

Here, we try to shed light on different learning styles that help students to learn better. With these learning styles in place, they will begin to love what is being taught.

The Three Basic Learning Styles

With kids having different needs towards learning, educational experts have classified learning styles into three different heads. They are:

  1. Visual (Spatial) 2. Auditory (Verbal) and 3. Kinesthetic (Physical)

Let us now delve deep into the above 3 important types of learning styles.

  1. Visual (Spatial)

First in the list of learning styles for kids is the use of images and pictures that will provide them with a clear understanding of the area, size and position of different objects. Visual learning helps kids assimilate knowledge through observation. Tagged as the most powerful learning style, visual learners are kids who have a creative perception of their surroundings. When they observe an object closely, they will be able to absorb the minutest details concerning the object. In addition to this eye for detail, visual learners demonstrate the following traits:

  • They prefer to see and learn
  • Visual learners remember and repeat visual details with utmost accuracy
  • They are the kids who would need a pen and paper as learning aids to draw maps, diagrams and charts
  • If you notice that your kid is inclined towards penning down instructions, then you can adopt the visual learning style
  • A kid who is not much interested in listening can become a potent visual learner
  • If demonstrations about a particular topic thrill your kid, you have a visual learner who will weave stories about what he noticed through his creative pair of eyes

Visual learners cannot be taught through verbal instructions. It is only when they begin to see what they are expected to learn that they will actually pick up the details of the subject.

  1. Auditory (Verbal)

True to its name, kids who love the auditory pattern of learning will be drawn towards listening attentively to what others are saying. Such kids will learn linguistics through the use of words; which can be through speaking or writing. Kids who adopt the auditory (verbal) learning style will show following characteristics:

  • They will remember and recapitulate information when they recite their lessons aloud
  • Kids who are attuned to a linguistic pattern of learning will learn better when they are explained orally
  • Certain kids who struggle with written instructions can learn by listening
  • You may also find auditory learners who talk to themselves when they are introduced to a new topic
  • If your kid loves to learn through group discussions, it should ring a bell that he/she is a student made for the auditory learning style

A striking parameter that can help you identify auditory learners is through their sharp listening skills. On the face of it, such kids might seem to be least interested in what you are saying. But in reality, they will be actually putting their listening abilities to test to grasp all that they can, when you are talking to them. Kids who can learn better by paying attention to what you are saying thus have strong listening skills when compared to visual skills.

  1. Kinesthetic (Physical)

Also known as Tactile Learning, Kinesthetic Learning is a learning style that teaches kids through physical activities. Kids who make use of their arms and legs coupled with a keen sense of touch will develop an interest towards a particular subject. Typically treading the path of hands-on learning, it is an easy task to pick a kinesthetic leaner. He/she will be more agile with bodily movements rather than choosing to be a silent audience to a demonstration or a lecture. You as a parent or teacher can identify a kinesthetic learner if he/she mirrors the following characteristics:

  • Kinesthetic learners make utmost use of their hands to learn. That means, they “interact” majorly through hand movements
  • They have a strong inkling towards partaking in an activity that will help them master the topic
  • They learn by touching and feeling objects of study
  • Such kids are often found moving around from one place to another; talking or listening

Kids who have a mental make-up towards kinesthetic learning can sometimes be falsely classified under the category of kids with ADHD symptoms. Their inability to learn through visual or auditory means is the reason behind this erroneous classification.

There are umpteen ways to learn.

But are there only three learning styles?


While the above mentioned styles come under the category of basic learning styles, there are other learning styles that can simplify the lives of students in more ways than one. All these styles which apply logic to learning can help your kid better respond to his teaching curriculum.

Let us now look into these imaginative learning styles with a brief explanation.

  1. The Fourth Style – A Collection of Creative Learning Styles

Under this head, you will be able to recognize unique styles of learning. They are:

  1. Aural(Auditory and Musical) – This is a combination of the auditory learning pattern with music. Kids who prefer to learn through music and sounds will follow a particular pattern of learning. They will listen, discuss topics with others, explain their novel ideas to others and pose questions. They use a tape recorder which will help them remember interesting jokes, stories and examples that were a part of the learning session. Recalling a pleasurable instance of a joke that was shared in the class during a lecture will help aural learners tag this instance to the topic of study.
  2. Logical (Mathematical): You will agree with the fact that Mathematics is a subject based on logic. Kids who are gifted with an innate ability to apply logic to every problem will be able to solve mathematical puzzles and games. Applying reasoning to every mathematical step, they will arrive at the solution; the easy way.

If your kid demonstrates an early aptitude towards solving mathematical problems, you can encourage him to check out a host of fun-filled mathematical puzzles and games that are a dime a dozen on the internet. With these online learning tools, you as a proactive guardian can develop the logical thinking in them at a very tender age.

  1. Social (Interpersonal): All those kids who love to make learning interesting by engaging in group activities or by interacting with other people can check out the interpersonal style of learning. Such kids demonstrate a strong grasp over linguistic and communication skills. They have a prominent social style that can either manifest in verbal or non-verbal forms. Their love for social interactions comes to the fore when they demonstrate a keen interest to participate in group learning projects.

If you notice your kid partaking in school activities like debates, drama and speeches, then you have a social learner who will garner the limelight in social gatherings as well.

  1. Solitary (Intrapersonal): As a sharp contrast to the social learning style, you have a group of kids who love to indulge in self-study. They go by the principle that self-help is indeed the best help they can get to expand their knowledge base. Solitary learners, true to their name prefer to work alone, giving utmost importance to their privacy during learning. They have a strong individuality along with a keen sense of independence. They go by their own thinking and spend a lot of time on self-analysis.

Intrapersonal learners are happy being away from the crowd and rely on their innate intelligence to learn new things. Internalizing their thinking patterns, solitary learners come under the category of top performers who have learned about different topics their own way.

Closing Thoughts

All in an attempt to maximize the learning potential of kids, the above learning styles will not only help guardians match the needs of their wards to a befitting style but also helps understand them better. It is only when you as guardians pay heed to your kids’ wants and interests that you will be able to handhold them to make the most of different learning styles. Observation plays an important role in this regard.

Guardians, through observation will be able to provide a host of learning opportunities to kids to hone their primary and innate skills. In this way, they can become instruments of effective learning by introducing their wards to a combination of learning styles. This effort bears fruit by prompting kids to tread the path of a scientific method of learning that becomes an asset for life.

Bringing the concept of the age-old radio programs back into the 21st-century, podcasts have lots to cheer for. All thanks to the use of technology in churning out audio presentations of any topic under the sun, a podcast which comes in the form of episodes is a simple and easy-to-use educational tool. Alongside offering invaluable information to listeners, podcasts have gone ahead and become instructional tools in classrooms as well.

If you are curious to know how podcasts can be a good learning tool, here they come.

  1. The Emerging Popularity of Podcasts Helps Learners and Teachers

The innovative use of technology makes podcasts an indispensable tool for education. Tagged as the latest medium of learning, podcasts have,in the recent past become popular tools promising an impactful push to both students and teachers. Simplifying the job of the teaching staff, podcasts come as a stress-free option to engage students with quality audio content. Students can learn about topics while on the go once they subscribe to a podcast feed. Another primal benefit of podcasts is that these audio presentations can be used for students of different ages; right from schools all the way to universities.

  1. Portability and Convenience of Learning

Podcasts can be downloaded in your mobiles and can become your tutors in class. Portability and convenience are the two striking advantages of podcasts as with this students can enjoy flexibility in learning. You also have a round-the-clock access to information that is at your fingertips. Given a situation when your faculty is on leave, you can simply bank on this teaching resource and make the most of your free-hour to educate yourself about any topic of interest.

  1. Auditory Learning – An Impactful Educational Tool Compared to Watching or Reading

While listening to podcasts is one way of learning, recording podcasts also helps students in more ways than one. Students can record podcasts of topic synopses and submit as a group assignment while interviewing their peers about what they understood about a particular topic. Collating all the audio-based information and editing the same will lead to the emergence of a comprehensive educational podcast. Not allowing students to get distracted, podcasts come in as blessings to auditory learners who will start assimilating information by listening attentively.

  1. Lots of “Behind the Scenes” Activities

A podcast brings out the best in students by mirroring a number of their skills. Along with researching skills, students who record a podcast will also learn how to test it. Once the content is tested, it should be edited before it is finally recorded and ready to be published or promoted. Students who stir up podcasts will be taught the tone of storytelling when they begin to follow a flow of narration. You as a student will be prompted to record a podcast with a strict pattern of an introduction, followed by the explanation, eventually leading to a conclusion. While you are recording a podcast, you are simultaneously honing your communication skills, without the anxiety caused by stage fright. Upon recording multiple podcasts, you can slowly and steadily master the art of public speaking and engage your audience through quality audio content.

  1. Subject No Bar

If you are of the opinion that podcasts have to be made only in English or any other medium of instruction, think twice. You can churn out a Math podcast by reciting equations loud and clear, so that you can help your students who got struck over a tricky problem. You can share your podcast amongst your friends who are finding it hard to understand scientific concepts and theories. Given the numerous ways in which podcasts help master subjects, teachers also encourage their wards to listen to popular podcasts under various disciplines.

  1. Student Created Content – The Star Attraction of Podcasts

It is all about having a free hand while learning. Podcasts come in as valuable and interesting learning tools for students through the concept of “Student Created Content”. Allowing you to create your own podcast, you have the luxury of posing questions along with the inclusion of discussions that will help you complete your academic projects and presentations.All in all, podcasts come in as informal educational tools that favor the idea of collective learning.

  1. Record Your Lectures and Learn At Your Own Pace

Undoubtedly, technology presents innumerable options to all those who wish to think outside the box. Prompting you to record your classroom lectures, a podcast can serve as an “anytime”, “go to” educational material. Tagged as helpful study aids, podcasts help students to prepare better for their exams alongside hand-holding them to grasp a difficult concept that was lectured in the classroom. You simply listen to the recorded podcast, pause when needed and go on to the next topic; at your own pace. Podcasts coming with the options to pause, rewind and replay will come as a blessing to students with learning disabilities.

  1. A Boon to Students with Mental and Visual Disorders

“Learning through listening” can be the tagline of podcasting. Podcasts can be the best means of education especially for students battling visual and mental disorders. Such kids who are not comfortable with reading can opt for podcasts. Students fighting mental conditions like Dyslexia and ADHD can make the most of modern podcasts as a potent option to do away with the traditional methods of learning.

  1. A Perfect Option for Absenteeism

There can be a bad day in the life of a student who is unable to attend his/her college or school. In such a case, you can make up for your missed classes by downloading the recordings of the lectures. In this manner, you will be able to plug the gaps that have emerged on account of your non-attendance to school for a day or two. Teachers can record their lectures and hand over the recorded material for the absentees to catch up with the rest of the class.

  1. Guarantees A Uniform Learning Experience Across Sections

Given the fact that a teacher delivers lectures of the same topic to different classes, podcasts come in as teacher-friendly tools. Allowing the teacher to ensure that every student lays hands on the same explanation that was given by him/her in a particular class, podcasts help deliver “lecture consistency”. Students of different sections who listen to the lectures recorded by their teacher will be on par with each other with the same information being given out.

Wrapping It Up

All in an attempt to help you make the most of your learning experiences, you as a knowledge-seeker are at an advantage to master various subjects through listening. And if you are a teacher ordained to shape the lives of your students, you can bank on podcasts as the best tools that can help them learn effectively, without missing out a thing. To sum it all, podcasts come in as invaluable modern educational tools that can help the teacher and student fraternity in a number of creative ways.

Learning with fun is one of the most effective teaching strategies that are being adopted in most of the smart schools in the country. The right mix of games and curriculum are proved to be really effective in improving the learning skills of students. The game based learning enhances their interest for studies with an improved memory and attention.

Smart schools are including the proper mix of these games to help them learn better. Here let us have a look at how different games are fun and at the same time improve learning:

  1. Memory games: Memorizing what they have learnt in class is important to apply it in real life and to excel in exams. Game based learning can be always fun and certain games can boost up their memory skills. Activity based learning always helps them to grasp the subject better than just one way lecture sessions. Some popular educational memory games such as bingo are good to teach mathematical expressions. Games such as Jeopardy are good to revise lessons at end of class or before exams. The play way method in fact increases their interest for learning as kids always crave for more games.
  2. Computer games: Today’s world is dominated by technology and so it is important to make your kids well versed in adopting at least some of them from their early days. Computer games are one of the best ways to help your kid to learn more about technology and use of devices. With this strategy, even kids now know the working of computer and they can easily gain technical efficiency while they grow up. With cartoon network games, children would easily follow up the eye hand coordination and proper usage of keyboard and mouse. The exciting games in the internet also help them to enhance their general internet navigation.
  3. Puzzles: Teachers now bring puzzles to classrooms to take away the boredom of one way teaching. Puzzles help them to improve their thinking and problem solving skills. Most of the games demand utilizing their logic and assessing the problem from different levels. Students will have to think out of the box to solve many puzzles. Understanding its importance in today’s education, teachers are using games as a tool for teaching. Even kids can learn spelling through spelling puzzles such as Hangman and formation of new words through a game known as chain spelling. Teachers have to wisely choose the type of puzzles for different levels of classroom to make the strategy more effective.
  4. Vocabulary games: Improving a student’s vocabulary is really important to enhance their communication skills. Reading comprehension is a widely used strategy in which students would read aloud the lessons and teacher would correct their mistakes. However, some vocabulary games such as sentence race is really fruitful in improving their vocabulary in a much better way. This is actually a vocabulary review game for high school students in which they are asked to frame a sentence and write on the board that includes a given word. Some funny mime games are also now a popular choice to revise particular words or verbs. Engaging scenarios that include real life situations can improve the essence of gaming.
  5. Adventure games: There are various digital and non digital forms of adventure games that are brought as part of learning sessions. This is one of the best ways to learn a new language in your school days. Exploring different levels of a game by clearly going through the guidelines itself give a chance to understand the language better. Adventure games are also good to develop a mindset to explore new things while you are a kid. This quality can really help a student to try and learn new things in life without a second thought. Gaming in classrooms promotes interactive learning and sometimes it can even give way for peer supported learning experience.
  6. Skill acquisition games: Smart schools are including skill acquisition games into daily learning which helps kids to develop their social, cognitive and physical skills. The skills and knowledge one will get through activity learning can be retained for a comparatively longer period than what they gain through conventional learning methods. The video games such as car races are not only entertaining but teach them to control speed, move accurately or type quickly. Some games even trains them to have fine motor skills and spatial skills. This can be an added advantage once they move out of the school life. Some skills can really impact the way they face real life situations.
  7. Creativity games: Bringing creativity in classrooms can make the learning phase more productive. Creative games are made a part of the lessons that help them to think creative and imaginative to find out solutions. Interesting games such as blind artist is popular in the list in which a kid has to draw a picture using his creativity and imagination by listening to his/her friend. More than entertainment, educational games are aimed at teaching the player about something new. Teachers are using such games to introduce new topics or discuss hard to understand subject areas. Nowadays, teachers are also promoting student made games that takes their creativity to new quality levels.
  8. Competitive gaming: Competitive games are often challenging and students are forced to think out of the box to give their best. In a game based learning environment, students are utilizing the freedom of choosing their learning method. By pushing themselves harder and asking more questions, they are taking up an active role to learn on their own whenever they can. In multi player games such as competing with students from other schools, they can develop their non-cognitive skills too such as self control, motivation, perseverance and patience. This type of learning also promote mental stimulation, decision making and reasoning which they can apply better in real life.
  9. Team work activities: Smart schools are also focussing on including games that promote team work activities. When you play as a team, it is not only fun but students can experience collective learning and collaboration. It is also an open platform for developing social skills while getting a chance to interact with your peers. He may also asses about his position among the peers and work towards achieving the goals. Students can break the cultural and language back grounds while working together towards achieving the goals. Game based learning is always a part of constructivist learning theory that backs students to perform better next time.
  10. Outdoor sports: Being physically active by engaging in one or more sports can boost their energy level. More than simple fun, the characteristics associated with gaming such as definitive objectives, rules, challenge and measurable goals helps them to easily relate learning with practical life. The results of their decision making during game are understood almost instantly as compared to waiting for weeks or months for class test results. In fact, this is an open platform for them to try out their decision making skills without any fear. Higher retention rates are one of the key highlights in comparison with book learning.
  11. Gamification at home: The classroom learning experience can be integrated with learning at home through gamification. Parents can take the role of bringing in some game based activities at home to revise what they have learnt in class. Kids are nowadays spending quality time in playing video games during their free time at home. In the present era, a student should be qualified in digital literacy which includes accountability and ethics in addition to strong communication skills. Playing by utilizing the possibilities of today’s technology can really help them to gain sufficient knowledge in digital learning.

These school games are gradually becoming part of the learning curriculum. Most of these games are in one way or the other effective in raising the learning spirits of students. Gamification alleviates the stress of a typical classroom and the concepts can be retained better through positive learning memories.

“Show me how to do, without telling me what to do”! This is the novel mantra of visual learning. Contrasting this with traditional learning, students then used to listen to lectures delivered by teachers. Becoming a part of the black-board classrooms, they used to put their heads into volumes of printed study material. Now is the generation of video learning when educational videos are played in classrooms as a part of visual learning strategies. Supported by an educational curriculum, these videos help students in their pursuit of assimilating knowledge from various sources.

If you are curious to know the benefits of visual learning, here are the numerous ways in which this modern method of learning and teaching has transformed the way education is imparted.

  1. Visuals Are Better Tools For Learning

In line with the famous maxim “A picture is worth a thousand words”, an image has a profound impact on the brain of a student. If you are a student who is learning through educational videos, you will be using a large portion of your mental power. This is because of the fact that a major part of your brain is devoted exclusively to process visual information.

When you look at images, you are hastening the responses of your brain. Unlike in traditional learning when all you get to see is black and white text, visual learning through images helps you retain the information for a longer time. Your mind will be able to recapitulate a picture faster when compared to simple text. Hence, it is through videos that you can process information in a jiffy and store it in your mind for immediate retrieval.

  1. Makes Story Telling An Effective Way to Master a Subject

Through visual learning, you are concentrating only on watching the animated video without reading any text. Every frame of an educational video has a different story to tell. Playing a video introduces you to the way in which a situation occurs. You then begin to chalk out a flow of information when one scene follows another, moving from one concept into another. This way, you will be able to effectively narrate a story of the topic by figuratively understanding certain abstract concepts which are difficult to comprehend by reading the text. It is through these visual demonstrations that you can hasten up the process of learning.

  1. Self Help is the Best Help

Educational videos are perfect self-study learning tools. You can pick up from a host of audio and video presentations along with informative webinars which can teach you about the topic of your choice. You don’t need a tutor who will talk about the subject at length. On the contrary, these videos also help you engage in self-study which creates a profound impact on your brain; compared to reading and memorizing from a printed textbook.

  1. Eases the Learning Process

 A smart classroom which supports video presentations lends a helping hand to students with different IQ levels. Given the fact that it takes students of varying intelligence levels to make a class, visual learning eases the process of learning for all students. Drifting away from learning and studying from printed texts and notes, it is through visual learning that you can promote a better interaction between students and teachers.

  1. Saves Classroom Preparation Time

A traditional classroom will need the faculty to take time to draw or write subject details on the board. As a perfect time-saving mode of learning, visual learning calls for the airing of subject information in the form of educative short films and animated visuals which can be accessed in a jiffy.

  1. You Can Experience The Feel of A Classroom

Owing to the growing popularity of visual learning, most of the present day classrooms are seen imparting knowledge through online sessions. You can register for a host of online professional courses that are conducted by some well-known educational platforms and you are all covered. Upon registration, you will be able to access all the pre-recorded videos pertaining to your topic which offer you the experience of classroom learning. Tagged as a type of distant learning, you can become a part of the online learning community that is catching up worldwide.

  1. Makes On-the-Job Training A Reality

Most of the times giving verbal instructions to students fall on deaf ears. But when the same instructions are given through visual media, you will be able to understand the step-by-step process to complete a particular task. In the event of a confusing situation, you can bank upon the video, play it again and you are all covered. In this way, visual training is a strong benefactor for on-the-job training that all the modern day corporates are looking for.

  1. Illustrations Pave Way for Better Understanding

Video presentations are promising tools to help you understand better. Illustrations help you recreate the topic in your mind’s eye, allowing you to recapitulate what all was learnt; all in a jiffy. Students find it easier to connect with the images than with the text. Due to the strength of visual learning, topics are not only understood easily and quickly but also favor an effective application of assimilated visual content.

  1. The Fun Element to Learning

You will agree with the fact that traditional classroom learning is monotonous and distractive. Contrast this with visual learning which is imparted through educational videos. Allowing you to connect with the subject of the video, you can make learning fun which is absent when you sit down with books while you listen to the lectures delivered by faculty. Visual learning goes a long way in engaging you with your study topics, ultimately improving your concentration levels.

  1. Experience The Human Touch

Another component which is critical to learning is to interact with a physical entity as a learned faculty. In traditional learning, classrooms are conspicuous with lectures being delivered from a podium by subject teachers.

Flip this scenario with a visual learning classroom and you have a video session conducted by a subject matter expert. This expert who is a knowledgeable person in his chosen niche will make an indelible impression on your mind through his student-friendly interactive lectures. It is then that you can establish the strong human connect with your online tutor; the human touch that promotes successful and engaging learning.


Making the most of the technology, now is the age of innovative educational tools that are making a headway into schools and colleges. Tagged as a blessing for students of different intelligent levels, it is through visual learning that you can encourage students to employ creative learning techniques. This way, visual learning will not only educate students with subject knowledge but will also pave the way for holistic growth which surfaces in the form of improved concentration and creativity.

Learning should be in an appealing way so it boosts the learning interest of students. It is only possible when fun filled educational games will be brought into the classrooms. To support the above belief, you can refer to a plethora of research articles that are repeating the importance of structured educational games in classroom learning.

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Here are some benefits of learning through fun-filled educational games?

Here they come!

Along with a motivation to learn, kids who are exposed to classroom games will be assimilating information from various sources. While you can implement fun-filled learning activities within the four walls of a classroom, you also create ample opportunities for kids to step out and have fun outside the school. Thus, educational games played in classroom pave the way for knowledge acquisition to take place in a stimulating and interactive environment.

The underlying heads speak volumes of the significance of educational games in making learning a pleasurable experience for kids; with every passing day.

  1. Childhood – The Age of Constant Learning and Accelerated Development

You will agree that young children are constantly learning, while embarking on the path of rapid physical, intellectual and emotional development. Unmindful of the fact that they are multi-tasking, kids learn, experiment and play; all at the same time. Childhood is a golden period of human life when kids are on the verge of cultivating a self-identity which strikingly is very different from their peers.

Every child is unique and thus has special demands that are so diverse. It is for this reason that kids are constantly on the lookout for novel means of assimilating knowledge from multiple sources. Given the inadequacies posed by traditional methods of learning, a host of novel learning mechanisms are all set to excite kids. With so much happening in childhood, it pays to attach importance to their specific needs. This can be made possible by including exciting classroom activities and games that will excite them to concentrate on the task at hand.

  1. The Numerous Fun-Filled Learning Patterns

If you keenly observe a kid, you will understand the various ways in which he/she learns. Your kid learns through all his senses by touching, seeing, smelling, hearing and tasting. Through observation, kids emulate elders and learn the language and behavior. Finally, kids learn through playing. Though last in the list, playing is the best means for kids to learn. Playing educational games in classrooms helps kids develop a strong sense of self-worth. There are many structured and unstructured classroom games that help kids unveil their potent physical and mental abilities while helping them to concentrate on their subjects as well.

  1. The Numerous Playful Opportunities that Excite and Teach Kids

Guardians and teachers can check out these innovative educational games that can teach and stimulate the imagination of kids.

~ When you introduce your kids to playing with sand and water, you are teaching them the concepts of Math and Science. Kids will identify the striking differences between sand which is a solid and water which is a fluid.

~ There are umpteen creative means to unveil the hidden talents and expressions of kids. Allow them to sit with a paper and colored pencils. They will begin to weave their thoughts into pictures and when you ask them to narrate the story behind the picture, they will surprise you with their imaginative and expressive tales.

~ Girls who are allowed to play with toys will unleash their creative side by dressing up their favorite dolls in different attires and accessories.

~ You can gift your kid educational games like jigsaw puzzles, Lego blocks and shape sorters. When he/she sits with them, he/she will be applying his/her mental capabilities along with developing a sense of logic, with pictures. He will also start recognizing colors, shapes and sizes; the fun way.

~ Not restricting your kid to indoor games, you can also encourage them to engage themselves in outdoor sports like playing ball games and cycling. Such activities and games help in developing the mental and physical faculties of kids in addition to developing their agility and gross motor skills.

~ When a kindergarten classroom includes educational games as a part of its teaching strategy, kids will be taught to accept both victory and defeat. They will learn the art of taking turns in addition to sharing and interacting with peers.

~ You as a parent can encourage your kids to sing and play simple music instruments that can be in the form of educational toys. When they start toying with these instruments, kids will learn the concepts of musical rhythm by listening to different tones.

  1. Kids Will Engage Themselves in Activities They Love

When you team up educational games to learning, you as adults are actually setting the stage for your kids to do things that they love the most and learn a well. Playing educational games will introduce kids to experiment with their toys and come up with unusual way of doing things. If you notice that your kid has a keen interest in books, you can introduce him to new books.

When you sit with them and partake in their reading activities, your kids will find it exciting to not only spend quality time with you but will also encourage them to express themselves in their own sweet and child-like manner. When you as adults probe into the pictures in the books, your kids will start narrating stories that can inspire a writer of sorts to experiment with their thoughts and words. Thus, allowing your kids to do what they like is the best way for them to learn. .

  1. Educational Games Pave the Way for Holistic Learning

Learning is all about equipping kids with ways and means for them to develop and hone their social, emotional and physical skills. Educational games help in this endeavor, encouraging kids to experience life from a completely different viewpoint. They will be prompted to conduct many tryouts with all that is happening around them. When kids team up with peers in playing educational games, they will learn to interact better by sharpening their social skills.

  1. Team Building Mechanisms

If you as guardians and teachers wish to introduce a fun element to learning, and  can allow kids to learn collectively as a team. Tagged as a cooperative learning strategy that can be employed in classrooms, playing educational games as a team helps students to not only assimilate information easily but also helps them to recapitulate what they learnt quickly. Playing as a team can be fun when kids begin to develop leadership qualities teamed with sharpening their communication skills.

  1. A Field Trip – A Fun-Filled Quest That Helps Kids Appreciate And Learn From Nature

Connecting kids with the outside world can be encouraging and appealing to kids. And this can be achieved by engaging them with fun-filled field trips that will improve their curiosity level. An encounter with nature or a visit to a science exhibition or museum can make learning appealing to kids. Not only will they be excited to look around the exhibits and make notes, they can also learn with an excitement that comes when they begin to see the various forms of their subjects as life-like objects.

  1. Educational Games Offer Creative Brain Breaks

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. In line with this commonly used adage, if parents and teachers incorporate educational games into the learning curriculum, they can make the most of the enjoyable breaks that these games offer. It can be as simple as enacting a skit that is part of their English chapter.  This  can provide  dual benefits to students. While they learn about the characters in the drama through enacting, students will also enjoy a brain break that shuns away the monotony of constantly listening to lectures delivered by English teachers.

  1. Use of Technology-Based Educational Strategies

Technology opens up a number of avenues for kids to learn; the fun way. A host of classroom apps are now in vogue which can be used to increase student engagement and learning. Teachers can bank on teaching equipment like tabletop computers and overhead projectors to help kids develop interest about various subjects. Rekindling the interest in studies sets the stage for holistic learning when kids will use technology as a creative means to enhance their innate and acquired skills.

Now is the age of wearables in learning. Gadgets like headsets showcasing the abilities of Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) along with smart watches can become creative instruments for learning the novel way. These are all a part of the e-learning revolution that have taken the sphere of education by storm, altering and improving the way kids look at learning and living.

  1. The Concept of Fun Learning Centers

Schools which go the extra mile in setting up fun learning centers will provide the much-needed social interaction to students of different ages. Along with providing them with umpteen opportunities to hone their innate and acquired skills, a fun learning center calls for grouping of students into small gatherings.

Conspicuous of the directions given by teachers, a fun learning center can become an attractive activity-area outside a classroom. Such activities are very important for kids who will begin to adhere to the rules of the activity along with developing their self-esteem. These two traits go a long way in shaping the kid into a responsible individual who is aware of both his strengths and weaknesses.

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Wrapping It Up

By now, you must have understood the relevance of fun educational games in learning. The above tips and measures can be easily incorporated in schools which are driven by a goal to make education relevant and interesting to kids. Alongside promising all the benefits of cooperative learning, these fun-filled educational games and activities grab the attention of students to help them concentrate better on their academic curriculum. Along with a progress in academics, these exciting classroom and outdoor activities finally make learning fun and engaging for kids of different ages and IQ levels.

A popular educational culture attracting students and teachers alike is edutainment. Educational material presented in the form of educational toys, online games, mobile applications and e-books come in as interesting tools paving way for a modern pattern of learning. Making use of digital content as the attractive learning tool, here are a dozen ways in which education and entertainment in combination amaze students.

  1. Engages Kids While Learning

The most common complaint parents and teachers have about their wards is the lack of concentration during class or study hours. Keeping the attention of kids is indeed a challenge for guardians. As a perfect solution to this common issue, edutainment content will help students to assimilate loads of information along with keeping them attentive in class. So if you are dealing with a restless kid, a perfect solution is to get him hooked to learning the fun way through images that will catch his attention.

  1. Digital Curriculum – An Interesting Way to Complete Home Assignments

Another amazing way in which edutainment content encourages learning is when you watch interesting videos or an episode of edutainment curriculum every week. Such videos which illustrate the bookish knowledge help you complete your homework which most of the times seems like a herculean task.

While you are engrossed in watching educative and interactive films, you will be prompted to finish your assignments with the information that is shared through such films. A change in perception takes place when you begin to consider homework as an exciting way to learn. Homework will no longer be a dull exercise but an exciting means to complete additional readings by simply watching video presentations.

  1. Paves Way for Story Telling

Notwithstanding the fact that students spend a great deal of time online watching entertaining videos and online shows, edutainment content does them a favor. Students who acclimatize themselves with the format of online learning through informative films that sharpens their creativity. Each frame of a video narrates a different story and it is through such videos that kids can stand in good stead with their imaginative and story telling skills over their peers.

  1. Intellectual Stimulation – An “Out of the Box” Pattern of Learning

A picture is worth a thousand words! In line with this famous maxim, if you as a student are introduced to the culture of edutainment, you will gain insights about the topic of study through mind-stimulating activities. Experiencing a rush of thoughts and imaginative ideas while you are concentrating on the informative videos that are being played, it is through these videos that you begin to think “out of the box”. Edutainment, in more ways than one helps you fuel your natural curiosity, thus allowing you to look at multiple options to perceive a situation.

  1. Promotes Innovative Problem-Solving Abilities

Through edutainment content, students will be prompted to put their creative skills to the ultimate test. Imagine you as a student who are constantly allowed to learn through educative e-books or videos. You will develop a strong inkling towards learning through images which allows you to look at scenarios from different angles. You will stretch your imaginative skills to such an extent that you will come up with innovative ways to solve a particular problem. In this way, you will register progress with your learning curve that comes in the form of creative problem-solving abilities.

  1. On-the-Go Learning

All thanks to the use of online videos, students who follow the edutainment pattern of learning can make the most of learning on the go. You can watch these videos anywhere, at your own pace and at any time convenient to you.

Imagine taking your kid to the supermarket. While you are busy shopping for groceries, your kid will be immersed in the sea of knowledge that is presented in the form of online videos and educational shows. This way, you will be happy that your kid is assimilating knowledge about a topic of his interest and putting his free time to the best possible use.

  1. Flipped Classroom – Another Interesting Benefit of Edutainment

If you are treading the path of edutainment, then you can make the most of the “flipped classroom” concept. As part of this innovative instructional strategy, you will be assigned short educational videos that should be watched while you are at home. This is your homework which allows you to lay hands on all the information that is necessary to master a topic. While in class, you can engage in long-drawn discussions about the topic with the guidance from your tutor.

  1. Coordination Between Sense Organs

As practitioners of edutainment, you will be learning via online educational content; through your eyes and ears. Employing your innate visual and auditory senses, you can influence your learning curve better when you begin to register a synchronization between your audio-visual (AV) abilities. Tag this with the involvement of the mind power and you will pave the way for an alert mind that makes the most of your AV senses.

  1. Experience The Benefits of Hands-On Learning

All thanks to edutainment, you will be able to experience the benefits of hands-on learning. In contrast to learning from books and listening to lecturers within the four walls of a classroom, edutainment calls for your active participation. You will assimilate knowledge by visualizing real-world issues and problems. Hence, the hands-on training experience that is offered by edutainment lays a strong foundation of fundamentals about the topic of discussion; helping you to instantly recollect what you have learnt.

  1. The Fun Element to Learning Demands a Special Mention

It is common knowledge that children develop skills only when they begin to love what they do. Gone are the days when learning was confined to printed books and boring classroom lectures. Now is the age of edutainment which brings in a fun element to learning. As a practitioner of edutainment, you are lucky to enjoy every moment of gaining wisdom. Allowing you to access education through various modes including television, radio and films, the fun element in edutainment supports the idea of interactive learning and makes education a happy and fulfilling purpose.

  1. Sharpen a Host of Positive Attributes With These Edutainment Tools

Chaos is a part of our everyday life. And when you are introduced to this disorderliness that comes in the form of jigsaw puzzles, you will be putting your patience and perseverance to the ultimate test. Such puzzles will help you unveil the meaningful picture only after going through a series of trial-and-error methods.

Legos are construction toys that will sharpen your creativity while helping you develop motor skills, a keen sense of reason coupled with problem-solving abilities. A game of chess is a good way to foster mental agility while you are introduced to different alternatives that will either help you score more or lose.

  1. Promises The Best of Both the Worlds

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! So true to this adage, if learning and playing are laid side by side, no student will look at education as a boring and tedious mode of assimilating knowledge. Undoubtedly, education and entertainment are two different paths, but they are not the ones that do not intersect. They are not parallel roads but can overlap. And when they do overlap, the result is there for everyone to watch and enjoy. You can enjoy the best of both the worlds through edutainment which promises profound learning through rich and fun-filled experiences.

Wrapping It Up

In view of all the amazing ways in which edutainment favors the knowledge-seeking fraternity, the onus is on the educational bigwigs to promote the use of online content, educational games and mobile applications as novel modes of creative learning. In this manner, you as a decision maker in the field of education can make a huge difference in the lives of students. You will be the benefactor of bringing in a fun element to learning which helps them master their subjects through creative means.