Sparking the reading process in kids so that they fall in love with books all by themselves is no longer a tough task. Parents and guardians now have help that comes in the form of smart reading tips. It is through these intelligent and time-tested guidelines that you can help your kids identify and understand a series of printed words, in a smooth manner. To achieve this objective, you need to concentrate on four important elements of reading including fluency, engagement, and comprehension along with word recognition. Guardians who are keen on keeping this spark of reading alive in the formative years of their children can bank upon the following smart ideas to motivate independent reading in your kids:

  1. Variety is the Spice of Life

Head to a bookstore and you will be thrilled to see shelves arranged with books of various genres. Starting from picture books, you can check out cookbooks, graphic novels and biographies as reading options for your kids. If you are the parent of an inquisitive kid, you can pick up some of the popular “how-to” books which will encourage a strong sense of reading. Interested in jokes? Your kid can make reading as his favorite pastime by reading from a joke book that will keep him in good spirits.

Through these multiple reading options, you can support your kids to become expert readers when they begin to dig deep into the subject they love the most. A host of self-improvement books are up on shelves that will not only motivate your kids towards reading but will also bring about a dramatic change in their lifestyle.

  1. Lead By Example

Parents and guardians play an important role in assisting kids to read on their own. You can pick up a story book and read the first chapter aloud to your kid and then stop reading. This will awaken the curiosity in your kid who will be prompted to pick up the storybook and read it by himself to know what happens next with the plot of the story. The inquisitiveness to know the end of the story will drive your kid to read the entire story; without prompting.

It is the tendency of every kid to mimic the actions of elders. When you exhibit your innate love for books, your kids will see it as an encouragement to experience the joy you derive out of reading. Parents who keep books accessible to kids will be doing a favor to their children to hone their reading skills. The moment you see your kid inclined towards reading, you should be able to suggest a befitting book for him. This way, your reading habits will encourage your kids to become a part of the edutainment world of printed materials.

  1. Technology Steps In To Encourage Reading

Schools can establish what are called as Virtual Book Clubs through which kids will be connected to various authors across the globe via Skype. Teachers can arrange for Skype call which can last for a few minutes. Through such technologically-driven interactions, kids will be able to experience the real joy of reading.

When kids begin to interact with other kids from different geographies, they will be able to establish their opinions about the happenings around them. Following a Tumblr post allows kids to add comments to a blog they just read. A conversation can be initiated between different followers of the blog posts through this innovative platform. This can be a smart move to virtually recognize the reading interests and opinions of other kids. With an intention to express their views about a particular post, kids will be encouraged to read and share their findings with others subscribing to the platform.

  1. Family Reading Treats

Parents should work hard to introduce quality literature according to the age and interests of kids. Families which are accustomed to listening via audiobooks can work in favor of reluctant readers. It is also important to set aside a soft spot at home for reading that can become your kid’s favorite place. It is through this special reading space that kids will be encouraged to pick a book of their choice and settle down to read all by themselves.

Another interesting means to encourage a reluctant reader to set aside time for independent reading is by providing easy-to-read picture books. Encouraging him/her to read a story from the picture book to a younger sibling will work wonders not only for family bonding but also to make reading a pleasurable experience.

  1. A Pat On the Back Goes A Long Way

A job done well calls for appreciation. You can set up friendly reading competitions with an announcement of a reward. This way, you will set the stage for kids to start reading. As part of the competition, teachers can set aside a pre-determined number of books that each kid should read. And once a kid reaches the set target, he/she can be rewarded with incentives.

Book Trivia Battles are innovative literary quiz competitions meant for kids that can be conducted at your nearest public library. And to win such quizzes, it calls for an extensive reading of different books. Social media platforms like Instagram also come as one of the reading tools to kids. A reading campaign titled “What are you reading?” has a lot of success stories to tell with regard to encourage kids to read on their own.

  1. Speak About Your Book

Parent volunteers can team up to initiate a book-a-program, a ritual to motivate kids to borrow a new book every evening. Along with a book tracking system in place to check how many books were returned the next morning, teachers can prompt kids to speak about the book they picked last evening.

Every kid will have a different story to narrate. Such exciting conversations between kids will help them exchange their reading experiences. While expressing what they liked about the book, kids will get habituated to spend time with the printed material.

  1. The Mixed Bag

It is all about making reading a joyous experience for life. It is only when books become the best friends of your kids that they will spare themselves from the boredom that sets into their routine. Different books offer different perspectives to kids and it is for the guardians to introduce the habit of reading by attaching importance to their choice along with certain formats that blend online and offline reading.

Team these with analog and face-to-face interactions between peers so that kids will find excitement in expressing their thoughts about the book they just read. A subjective judgment about what types of books suit the age and intellect of your kid helps you make reading a life-long pleasure to kids.

Wrapping It Up

Every kid is special in more ways than you can imagine. With different levels of IQ, every kid has his/her interests in books. This uniqueness rests a huge responsibility on the shoulders of parents to come up with reading materials that will attract them. You should help them pick books that are in line with their interests so that they can make the most of their reading time. All the above tips can be of utmost help to put your kid on the right track, looking at books as their best friends for life.

You as a hands-on parent or tutor will not be doing a favor to your wards by being there for them at all times. Constant intervention from parents and teachers can work well with the learning abilities of kids when they begin to rely on your instructions. In the event you are not around, they will find it impossible to solve problems and buckle under pressure. For all such guardians who are aiming to bring up kids with minimum instructions, these are the creative ways in which you can help them fix their problems and become problem solvers for life; independently.

  1. The Concept of Healthy Space

Notwithstanding the fact that it is the dream of every parent and teacher to be there for kids during distress, constant intervention can work against their intention. It is hence the need of the hour to gift your kids an environment of healthy space.

Kids of all ages should be allowed to make mistakes and experiment through trial-and-error. Giving them a freehand will equip them with problem-solving skills when they try different ways and means to solve their issues.

  1. Creative Games Encourage Kids to Solve Their Problems

Playtime is the most attractive period for kids to play with different ideas. Give them a set of building blocks and encourage them to make something out of them. Allow them to imagine and come up with different options to use the material.

Kids will not only be excited to play with such materials but will also hone their abilities to weave magic through imagination. It is through this sense of imagination that they will be poised to take on life’s challenges and move forward independently. In fact, all such situations will help them realize the fact that problem-solving is within them only.

  1. Encourage Your Kids to Make Informed Choices

Kids should be encouraged to make their own decisions. In doing so, you as a guardian should let them come up with a set of informed choices. In order to have data points regarding choices, kids should first gather information about the problem. Collation of pertinent information about the available options is an integral part of decision-making process.

Alongside building strong foundations about study topics, it is when kids are tuned to making informed choices that they will be well-equipped to deal with difficult situations. Allow them to participate in discussions so that they will be informed about real choices coming from the group. This practice also enables kids to be mindful of the moral and social implications of their decisions in daily life. Erecting roadblocks in a situation can also help kids to come with a reasonable solution; all by themselves. Thus, with this helping hand, kids will not get upset with tricky situations but will look out for options that can solve their issues; the practical way.

  1. Keep the Fun Element in Problem Solving Alive

The domestic front of a kid should facilitate him to face difficulties. But this practice should be followed by keeping the fun element alive. It is the responsibility of the guardians to impress upon kids that problems are a part and parcel of everybody’s lives and that they should be faced with a positive attitude and a smile.

Alongside helping kids to develop rational thinking, you can also introduce them to problem solving activities in a group. Making use of such activities in the form of games will engage kids to arrive at a solution to a problem; the fun way. When every kid is assigned a particular role to play, he/she will be motivate to give the role the best shot and come up with a solution. This fun-filled way of looking at problems can become the strongest motivator in kids.

  1. Inspirational Stories Can Do the Trick

Stories about heroes can become strong instruments to learn about problem solving skills. Parents and teachers should work hard in teaching problem solving skills to kids so that they can be on their own. Listening to such stories about different characters who have risen above their problems and have emerged as victors will have a positive bearing on kids.

Reading aloud such narrations will create a strong imprint on the hearts and minds of young kids alongside helping them simulate the situations that have made the protagonist the hero of the novel. Kids will try to put themselves in the shoes of the hero and will either imitate or come up with other options to overcome the obstacles that were mentioned in the story.

  1. The Excitement of Learning Together

Since you as an adult would be dealing with a host of problems in your daily lives, you can introduce your kids to the ways in which you tackle your daily issues. When you involve your kids into your problem-solving sphere, your children will begin to see you in action. They will keenly observe the step-by-step process in which you address your issues and gain wisdom. Observation is a great tool that can help your kid sharpen his/her problem-solving skills, by picking up essential tips through experiences.

You can engage your child in some ‘do-it-yourself’ domestic problem. When your kids get involved in such things, they will be able to learn innovative means to fix many domestic issues using simple ways.

  1. The Methodical Approach to Problem Solving

You as a guardian can teach your wards the most fundamental problem-solving steps in a methodical manner. Here is it:

  • Firstly, let them identify the problem they are facing as the bigger picture
  • The next step is to break the problem into small and manageable tasks so that each task is simplified
  • The last step is to tackle each part independently, one by one until the problem is solved

This methodical approach to finding solutions to problems can help kids to apply the same principle for bigger problems that life throws at them.

  1. Impress Upon The Power of Failure

Kids who are taught to embrace failure will not take defeat to heart. On the contrary, they will begin to learn from the mistakes they have committed in the past with a well-informed bent of mind. They will understand the fact that, to arrive at a solution they need to fail many a times.

Every time kids fail, you as a guardian are allowing them to try again and learn from their previous failures. This in itself is a great learning lesson for kids to try and fail until they eventually come up with a solution to their problem. Only when your child faces failures, he/she will make the most of experiential learning towards solving their problems on their own.

  1. Constantly Seek The Help of Your Kids in Problem Solving

Parents and teachers should demonstrate a high level of confidence in the problem solving abilities of their wards. A healthy environment in a school or home is conspicuous of elders constantly seeking the assistance of kids to solve problems. To practice this, guardians can look at brainstorming as a solid tool for kids to come up with different alternatives for a problem.

Pose a scenario to them as a problem you are facing and seek their opinions. When kids are involved in trying to solve your problems, they will go about it with a feeling of warmth that their opinion means a lot to their guardians. Attaching creativity to all their suggestions, kids will surprise you with their innate problem-solving skills in more ways than you can imagine.

  1. Embrace the Unfamiliar

Science can vouch for the power of the unfamiliar. This is backed up by the theory that unfamiliar surroundings like eating out in a restaurant with a different cuisine, reading a new book or watching a movie of a completely different culture can help your kids.

Kids will try to welcome the unfamiliar things into their accustomed environment while being empathetic to the views of other people. This concept of handling with the unfamiliar scenarios will help your kids hone their creative problem-solving skills, eventually exciting them to make any part of the globe their cozy home.

Key Takeaways

Creative problem-solving is a methodical process that calls for a close examination of the troubled situation, checking out various alternatives and eventually arriving at a solution to the challenge. However, this creativity does not come naturally to any one of us. This skill should be sharpened by stretching your imagination and thinking about the various scenarios concerning the problems you are currently facing. Team this imagination with rational thinking. When you look at your problems objectively, you will be helping your mind to come up with solutions. This entire process requires training which has to start early on. Childhood is thus the best time to introduce your kids to problem-solving skills so that they are better prepared with anything life throws at them.

When in school, you would have thoroughly enjoyed a lecture delivered by a particular teacher. Then, you would start looking forward to the class he/she takes. In contrast, you would have also experienced a monotonous teaching pattern followed by another faculty.

What makes this difference?

It could be the teacher’s attitude, energy levels, and the teaching/learning style.

The learning style in particular can prove to be very important, as it allows kids to nurture a strong liking towards the subject taught.

Here, we try to shed light on different learning styles that help students to learn better. With these learning styles in place, they will begin to love what is being taught.

The Three Basic Learning Styles

With kids having different needs towards learning, educational experts have classified learning styles into three different heads. They are:

  1. Visual (Spatial) 2. Auditory (Verbal) and 3. Kinesthetic (Physical)

Let us now delve deep into the above 3 important types of learning styles.

  1. Visual (Spatial)

First in the list of learning styles for kids is the use of images and pictures that will provide them with a clear understanding of the area, size and position of different objects. Visual learning helps kids assimilate knowledge through observation. Tagged as the most powerful learning style, visual learners are kids who have a creative perception of their surroundings. When they observe an object closely, they will be able to absorb the minutest details concerning the object. In addition to this eye for detail, visual learners demonstrate the following traits:

  • They prefer to see and learn
  • Visual learners remember and repeat visual details with utmost accuracy
  • They are the kids who would need a pen and paper as learning aids to draw maps, diagrams and charts
  • If you notice that your kid is inclined towards penning down instructions, then you can adopt the visual learning style
  • A kid who is not much interested in listening can become a potent visual learner
  • If demonstrations about a particular topic thrill your kid, you have a visual learner who will weave stories about what he noticed through his creative pair of eyes

Visual learners cannot be taught through verbal instructions. It is only when they begin to see what they are expected to learn that they will actually pick up the details of the subject.

  1. Auditory (Verbal)

True to its name, kids who love the auditory pattern of learning will be drawn towards listening attentively to what others are saying. Such kids will learn linguistics through the use of words; which can be through speaking or writing. Kids who adopt the auditory (verbal) learning style will show following characteristics:

  • They will remember and recapitulate information when they recite their lessons aloud
  • Kids who are attuned to a linguistic pattern of learning will learn better when they are explained orally
  • Certain kids who struggle with written instructions can learn by listening
  • You may also find auditory learners who talk to themselves when they are introduced to a new topic
  • If your kid loves to learn through group discussions, it should ring a bell that he/she is a student made for the auditory learning style

A striking parameter that can help you identify auditory learners is through their sharp listening skills. On the face of it, such kids might seem to be least interested in what you are saying. But in reality, they will be actually putting their listening abilities to test to grasp all that they can, when you are talking to them. Kids who can learn better by paying attention to what you are saying thus have strong listening skills when compared to visual skills.

  1. Kinesthetic (Physical)

Also known as Tactile Learning, Kinesthetic Learning is a learning style that teaches kids through physical activities. Kids who make use of their arms and legs coupled with a keen sense of touch will develop an interest towards a particular subject. Typically treading the path of hands-on learning, it is an easy task to pick a kinesthetic leaner. He/she will be more agile with bodily movements rather than choosing to be a silent audience to a demonstration or a lecture. You as a parent or teacher can identify a kinesthetic learner if he/she mirrors the following characteristics:

  • Kinesthetic learners make utmost use of their hands to learn. That means, they “interact” majorly through hand movements
  • They have a strong inkling towards partaking in an activity that will help them master the topic
  • They learn by touching and feeling objects of study
  • Such kids are often found moving around from one place to another; talking or listening

Kids who have a mental make-up towards kinesthetic learning can sometimes be falsely classified under the category of kids with ADHD symptoms. Their inability to learn through visual or auditory means is the reason behind this erroneous classification.

There are umpteen ways to learn.

But are there only three learning styles?


While the above mentioned styles come under the category of basic learning styles, there are other learning styles that can simplify the lives of students in more ways than one. All these styles which apply logic to learning can help your kid better respond to his teaching curriculum.

Let us now look into these imaginative learning styles with a brief explanation.

  1. The Fourth Style – A Collection of Creative Learning Styles

Under this head, you will be able to recognize unique styles of learning. They are:

  1. Aural(Auditory and Musical) – This is a combination of the auditory learning pattern with music. Kids who prefer to learn through music and sounds will follow a particular pattern of learning. They will listen, discuss topics with others, explain their novel ideas to others and pose questions. They use a tape recorder which will help them remember interesting jokes, stories and examples that were a part of the learning session. Recalling a pleasurable instance of a joke that was shared in the class during a lecture will help aural learners tag this instance to the topic of study.
  2. Logical (Mathematical): You will agree with the fact that Mathematics is a subject based on logic. Kids who are gifted with an innate ability to apply logic to every problem will be able to solve mathematical puzzles and games. Applying reasoning to every mathematical step, they will arrive at the solution; the easy way.

If your kid demonstrates an early aptitude towards solving mathematical problems, you can encourage him to check out a host of fun-filled mathematical puzzles and games that are a dime a dozen on the internet. With these online learning tools, you as a proactive guardian can develop the logical thinking in them at a very tender age.

  1. Social (Interpersonal): All those kids who love to make learning interesting by engaging in group activities or by interacting with other people can check out the interpersonal style of learning. Such kids demonstrate a strong grasp over linguistic and communication skills. They have a prominent social style that can either manifest in verbal or non-verbal forms. Their love for social interactions comes to the fore when they demonstrate a keen interest to participate in group learning projects.

If you notice your kid partaking in school activities like debates, drama and speeches, then you have a social learner who will garner the limelight in social gatherings as well.

  1. Solitary (Intrapersonal): As a sharp contrast to the social learning style, you have a group of kids who love to indulge in self-study. They go by the principle that self-help is indeed the best help they can get to expand their knowledge base. Solitary learners, true to their name prefer to work alone, giving utmost importance to their privacy during learning. They have a strong individuality along with a keen sense of independence. They go by their own thinking and spend a lot of time on self-analysis.

Intrapersonal learners are happy being away from the crowd and rely on their innate intelligence to learn new things. Internalizing their thinking patterns, solitary learners come under the category of top performers who have learned about different topics their own way.

Closing Thoughts

All in an attempt to maximize the learning potential of kids, the above learning styles will not only help guardians match the needs of their wards to a befitting style but also helps understand them better. It is only when you as guardians pay heed to your kids’ wants and interests that you will be able to handhold them to make the most of different learning styles. Observation plays an important role in this regard.

Guardians, through observation will be able to provide a host of learning opportunities to kids to hone their primary and innate skills. In this way, they can become instruments of effective learning by introducing their wards to a combination of learning styles. This effort bears fruit by prompting kids to tread the path of a scientific method of learning that becomes an asset for life.

It is the role of parents and teachers to help the kids to think and learn right from their childhood. It is a fact that kids who are exposed to communicative gestures can have a better chance to study languages in pretty quick succession, and they can handle bigger vocabularies in no time. The proper use of gestures train kids to be good communicators and grow up with an amazing intellectual performance. It is nothing but science that substantiates the fact that gestures can actually play a crucial role in cognitive development too.

Have you heard that using gestures can make ideas more memorable in kids? Yes, conveying novel ideas to kids is a bit challenging task and it is more difficult to help them keep it in their memory. If proper use of gestures can do the trick, then why not go for it. Here let us have a look at the link between gestures and improved memory in kids.

1. Classroom directions: This is one of the first areas in a primary classroom where gestures come to play. Teachers may first say “sit down” or “stand up” along with hand gestures to help them link between the action and words. Later on, she just uses gestures to make them stand up or sit down and kids would easily follow it without saying. Some teachers tap on the desk or table when the noise level goes up by saying “silence please” and later on she just taps on the desk and the class would go silent. This is because a kid’s brain is designed in such a way as to easily understand and keep visual cues in their memory.

2. Vocabulory: The influence of gestures in kids can be very well used to teach them vocabulary too. Using hand movements would help kids to easily relate commonly used phrases and words with particular actions. This way of learning would certainly accelerate the process and kids would get more confidence to go further. As language and action are closely entangled, areas such as verb learning is made a lot easy with gestures in primary classes to exploit this relationship. According to researches, vocabulary can be well learnt and remembered using diverse senses and that makes an impact on the dominance of gestures in teaching vocabulary. Also a recent study suggests the influence of gestures in easily catching up new words.

3. Communication/Conversation: Gestures are in fact the basic building blocks of a language. And that is why using gestures to teach language to kids is becoming a productive strategy. Teachers conduct conversation sessions that accompany gestures in language classes. This approach helps kids to easily catch up on the new language and they can turn out to be good communicators with no inhibition in starting conversations. During conversations or interactions, teachers have always noticed that language processing is at its best when using body signals. During question and answer hours, teachers pointed out that, kids come with faster responses when gestures are involved.

4. Maths learning: Do you know that kids can learn mathematics pretty easier when taught using gestures? It is a subject which is a nightmare for many students and the way they grasp the idea is mostly troubling them. Teachers all around the globe take the support of gestures to convey maths concepts more easily. On the other side this gesture approach helps kids to grasp the ideas better and remember it for long as this technique offers a more flexible and deeper learning. As gestures can be easily interpreted allegorically, kids can easily connect with the ideas they have acquired in the previous lessons.

5. Role-plays: This is another form of classroom activity that uses gestures to teach and learn different ideas or concepts in an interesting way. Role play using skits is a much better way to learn languages without much emphasis on memorization. As you involve in talks and take part in dialogues with gestures, you don’t need a special memory compartment to memorize it. Moreover, this gesture activity is also a good option to improve social skills in children. Task-based role plays makes the idea really impressive in kids and the cooperative role play teaches the importance of team work too.

6. Mime games: Gestures are basically a non-vocal communication that involves the motion of the face, hands, or any other body areas. Teachers can bring in mime games during leisure hours to help them to become more comfortable with the ideas of using gestures for learning. This makes the whole session interesting and kids would give out their best to communicate the subject without the help of a spoken language. Mime games are really funny and at the same time needs good effort from the participants to express matters without giving much emphasis to speech.

7. Repetitive gestures: When you keep on signalling the same gesture for doing a particular action, the idea gets registered easily in a kid’s mind. That is why many teachers use repetitive gestures as a powerful tool for teaching even the difficult subjects. Once the kid connects certain action to a phrase, then they can acknowledge it the next time very easily without the need for describing it. This clearly shows that repetitive gestures can make an impact on the kid’s memory power. And several studies have substantiated the fact that physical exercise can really accelerate the memory recall capability.

8. Frees memory space: As gestures help kids to understand an idea or concept better, this can free up their working memory space. In fact, gestures are actually giving an indirect exercise to your brain that keeps the memory alive. As kids can easily connect ideas that are taught with gestures in the future, they actually need not think too much every time. For this reason, kids can actually free up their memory space to learn something new and don’t need to load it with unnecessary algorithms. In addition to being a memory booster, this non verbal communication also gives enough spare memory space for creative thinking.

Final Thoughts

It is an obvious thing that getting a kid’s attention during study time is always challenging. In fact, making gestures play a crucial part in getting your child‘s attention along improving their memory. And is beneficial to express openly while making a conversation in addition to its significance in making ideas more memorable.

The millennial generation has so much going in favor of them. All thanks to the emerging technologies that are making waves in every sphere of human life, the younger generation can come of age through a host of educational websites. These come as a boon to kids who are brimming with eagerness to learn something new with every passing day. If you as a guardian or teacher are on the lookout for educational tools that are free for kids, you can check out this long list of 20 odd websites that teach and guide them; the fun way.

  1. PBSKids

Featuring a number of fun-filled videos and games, PBSKids presents an array of educational shows for kids. Check out the above link and help your kid try his hand at sing-a-long songs while his mind is racing to solve counting games. Presenting a learning section for kids, this educational website tops the list of free and entertaining tools that teaches your kid the tricks to sort various items into their respective categories.

  1. Fisher Price

As a parent of a toddler, you must have invariably bought your kid a toy from Fisher Price. Tagged as a leading brand of children’s products, you as parents can now check out its online version which offers a host of educational activities and games that you can play along with your toddler.

Along with alphabet coloring pages, this free educational site helps your preschooler get accustomed to different sounds of animals, shapes. Another striking feature of this site is that it encourages story time with your kids with popular stories featuring Eddie, Maggie and Sonya Lee.

Education App Directory Banner

  1. Starfall

You as a guardian of your wards can bank on the innovative website which features a collection of Kindergarten Math games along with practice sessions that hone your kids’ linguistic skills. A host of reading activities specially curated for kids going to pre-K are placed alongside others which can even help a 2nd grader. The Parent-Teacher Center offers a helping hand to kids who find it hard to read through academic content web downloads and phonics. Starfall can thus excite your child to learn math and language the fun-filled and engaging way.

  1. CoolMath

Who says learning math is difficult? Check out CoolMath that can help all those kids who are either enamored with numbers or perplexed by the different mathematical operators. Either ways, you have help just around the corner. Allowing kids to play with numbers, this site teaches basic numbers along with the ways to calculate factors and identify prime numbers. Along with lessons about algebra, this site offers games like Chess and Chinese checkers.

Featuring three sections, the first segment has an array of math games for preschoolers. The next section called is tailor-made for kids between the ages of 3 and 12. The last section named CoolMath is for teenagers above 13 years who wish to learn math; the simple and entertaining way.

  1. Sesame Street’s Online Home

If you are looking to offer the perfect mix of fun and learning to your kid, then this site is just for you! Meeting the educational needs of kids who are still in their early stages of brain and body development, you can excite your kids through a host of video clippings and games. Handhold your child and lead him to enjoy learning through colorful presentations of the English alphabet. Check out the rhymes section along with the one that teaches your child various animal sounds.

  1. MakeMeGenius

Matching the educational needs of students of different age groups, MakeMeGenius is a free educational site featuring a host of science videos for kids. Introducing your kids to cool facts about any topic under the sun, the fun-element to learning is kept alive through an array of jokes for kids.

You can help your kids test their knowledge about a variety of science topics including the nervous system, photosynthesis and electricity by checking out the section called “Science Test, Quiz and Questions”. Curated for students attending Kindergarten all the way until their 8th grade, this informative site throws light on Math subjects like Pre-Calculus, Algebra and Geometry.

  1. Sprout

When you talk about educating your kids the fun way, you cannot forget Sprout. Featuring a collection of enjoyable videos and fun games, this free site presents easy crafting options teamed with coloring pages. You as parents can sign up with the “Sprout’s parent community” to be informed about new games and free live events and activities that will be featured next.

  1. National Geographic Kids Website

Everything your kid wants to learn about the world around him/her is now at your fingertips. Check out the Nat Geo Kids website and you are all covered. Alongside presenting an ocean of knowledge about various countries along with their characteristic flora and fauna, this comprehensive and fun-filled educational site can excite the creative side of your little kids. Helping your kid try his hand with some science experiments, the QUIZ WHIZ section is sure to transform your kid into a wizard of sorts.

  1. TIME for Kids

Living by the “Engage. Empower. Inspire” tagline, TIME for Kids is indeed worthy of its presence in the entertaining educational segment for kids. Featuring a host of articles that can attract and motivate inquisitive minds, there is no end to what this site can offer.

Introducing the nuances of journalism to kids, this site through its FACT CHECK section can help students to segregate facts from fiction. So if you are parenting a budding journalist, you know which site to bank upon. Coming as a gift from the publishers of the TIME magazine, this comprehensive site is a library of sorts with information about entertainment, health and sports amongst many other educational and general awareness topics.

  1. Boowa & Kwala

If you as parents are checking out a one-stop destination for educational games and songs that can become your kid’s favorite pastime, then “Boowa & Kwala” comes as your top bet. Featuring a long list of informative games for babies, toddlers and those that have just stepped into Kindergarten, this is the exclusive site that can teach your kid in English and French as the media of instruction.

  1. How Stuff Works

Featuring a long list of interesting channels including science, health, home and garden, automotive, technology, money and culture, “How Stuff Works” is the one-stop informative shop. What about the fun element? The entertainment quotient comes in the form of games, videos and quizzes that will provide an enlivening learning experience to your kids.

  1. The KIDZ Page

So true to its name, The KIDZ Page is an encyclopedia of 5000 pages featuring a collection of fun-filled learning activities and games. Captivating the attention of kids through coloring pages, you can introduce your kids to a plethora of word games and jigsaw puzzles that will improve their brain power.

Categorized into several holidays, each holiday presents a different collection of brain-teasers and games that will enhance the concentration of your kids. A host of FUN ROOM ACTIVITIES involving the dressing up of online toys along with plenty of movies, story books and music collections will ensure your kid treads the path of fun-learning.

  1. Scholastic

Tagged as a free and helpful site for parents to order school and story books, you can check out the Scholastic site. Presenting the largest collection of educational books from various publishers, this site is indeed a blessing to students of different grades; starting from pre-K all the way till they step into senior school.

  1. Nickjr

You as parents of a toddler would have watched the Nickelodeon cartoon channel on television. This is a website format that presents a host of exciting activities for kids like coloring books. Your kid will be thrilled to watch the numerous comic episodes alongside try his/her hand at a number of exciting games.

  1. Fun Brain

Offering a fresh, new look to an assembly of books, videos and games, Fun Brain presents categories of educational and entertainment content for Kindergarten kids all the way up to 8th grade. Featuring an array of colorful worksheets for kids to engage and learn, you will be doing them a favor by introducing them to this educational and entertaining website.

Along with a collection of most watched videos, you can lay your hands on popular books. So if you are looking to browse for books, videos and games all under one roof, then you know which one to choose. Key in Fun Brain on your internet browser and you are all covered!

  1. BBC History for Kids

Next in the list of educative and entertaining websites for kids is the “BBC History for Kids”. This site, true to its name, allows your kid to experience a sneak peek into ancient history along with the happenings that shaped World History and British History. A host of quizzes and games are waiting to be solved by your genius kid when he/she clicks the tabs with the names of different European countries. Allowing your kids to peep into the ancient histories of various countries, the fact sheets presented by the website document the learnings in printed form.

  1. Exploratorium

A collection of not one or two but the best 7 science websites for kids comes with a single name and that is Exploratorium. This can be your single window through which your kids will learnt the nuances of science and art in a fun-filled and novel way. This site which is promoted and developed by San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts unleashes the creative side of your kids when they begin to learn about various gadgets. Taking them on fun-filled and simulated outer-space rides, your kids will also be taught about the art of gardening and the science of animals and cells in detail.

  1. KidsKnowIt

Identified as a completely free learning network for kids, this educational site presents a number of games linked to multiple subjects including geography, biology, history, astronomy and math, to name a few. The fun element is conspicuous with the inclusion of memory and spelling games along with the provision to enjoy free educational music along with a large collection of free informative movies categorized according to different topics.

An interactive online quiz that features as the last section of the educational movies tests your kid that whether he/she understands about their chosen topic. Going back into the past, the Dinosaur website throws light on the life and extinction of these monstrous reptiles that once made our planet their home.

  1. Discovery Kids

All in an attempt to fuel the inquisitiveness of kids, guardians can check out the Discovery Channel’s site that is specially crafted for young minds. Answering frequently asked questions of youngsters, this site is a pile of information consisting of games, quizzes, activities and brain-teasers. Presenting facts and only facts to kids, this educative and entertaining website will surely become your kids’ favorite tutor and friend at all times.

  1. Highlights for Kids

You must have seen “Highlights for Kids” in black and white as an educational magazine that was making waves in the information sphere for over 6 decades. Now out as an online version, you can introduce your kids to this free, fun-filled and educative site that teaches them to play and read while engaging them with craft activities.

Alongside matching games and animated stories, this site presents interesting art activities for your kids to enjoy and replicate. The list of edutainment features does not end here. This site teaches your kids the concepts of science backed up by science experiments which can be performed from the comfort of their homes.

  1. Disney Jr.

If your kid is a hard-core fan of Mickey and Friends, then you can excite him/her with the Disney Jr. Educational Games page. Featuring a collection of videos along with games and coloring pages, your kid will find learning so entertaining that he/she will ask more of it. Alongside helping your kid sharpen his/her hand-eye coordination, you can thank this site for the guaranteed improvement that takes place in the brains of the young and the curious.

  1. Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids

Uniquely named, this is another free and educational site that takes pride in its fun-filled means to teach young minds. The home page features the “question of the day” along with an assembly of fun-filled learning activities coupled with some cool jigsaw puzzles. Along with these, your kids will be informed about historical facts supported by celestial phenomenon and weather conditions that can be tracked from the comfort of your homes.

  1. Learning Games for Kids

Last but not the least, you as teachers and guardians of young minds can check out this free and informative site. Laying emphasis on sharpening the math and language skills of preschool and elementary school kids, you can introduce your kid to a variety of educational games that will improve his/her knowledge about math, science, social studies and language amongst others. Presenting a collection of featured videos about different topics, you can make this site the best friend and tutor of your kid.


Not restricting to young adults, the internet is helping preschoolers in one or the other way. Teaching them numbers, alphabets, colors and many more, all the above websites vouch for the fact that learning can be made interesting through the use of innovative techniques.

Learning should be in an appealing way so it boosts the learning interest of students. It is only possible when fun filled educational games will be brought into the classrooms. To support the above belief, you can refer to a plethora of research articles that are repeating the importance of structured educational games in classroom learning.

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Here are some benefits of learning through fun-filled educational games?

Here they come!

Along with a motivation to learn, kids who are exposed to classroom games will be assimilating information from various sources. While you can implement fun-filled learning activities within the four walls of a classroom, you also create ample opportunities for kids to step out and have fun outside the school. Thus, educational games played in classroom pave the way for knowledge acquisition to take place in a stimulating and interactive environment.

The underlying heads speak volumes of the significance of educational games in making learning a pleasurable experience for kids; with every passing day.

  1. Childhood – The Age of Constant Learning and Accelerated Development

You will agree that young children are constantly learning, while embarking on the path of rapid physical, intellectual and emotional development. Unmindful of the fact that they are multi-tasking, kids learn, experiment and play; all at the same time. Childhood is a golden period of human life when kids are on the verge of cultivating a self-identity which strikingly is very different from their peers.

Every child is unique and thus has special demands that are so diverse. It is for this reason that kids are constantly on the lookout for novel means of assimilating knowledge from multiple sources. Given the inadequacies posed by traditional methods of learning, a host of novel learning mechanisms are all set to excite kids. With so much happening in childhood, it pays to attach importance to their specific needs. This can be made possible by including exciting classroom activities and games that will excite them to concentrate on the task at hand.

  1. The Numerous Fun-Filled Learning Patterns

If you keenly observe a kid, you will understand the various ways in which he/she learns. Your kid learns through all his senses by touching, seeing, smelling, hearing and tasting. Through observation, kids emulate elders and learn the language and behavior. Finally, kids learn through playing. Though last in the list, playing is the best means for kids to learn. Playing educational games in classrooms helps kids develop a strong sense of self-worth. There are many structured and unstructured classroom games that help kids unveil their potent physical and mental abilities while helping them to concentrate on their subjects as well.

  1. The Numerous Playful Opportunities that Excite and Teach Kids

Guardians and teachers can check out these innovative educational games that can teach and stimulate the imagination of kids.

~ When you introduce your kids to playing with sand and water, you are teaching them the concepts of Math and Science. Kids will identify the striking differences between sand which is a solid and water which is a fluid.

~ There are umpteen creative means to unveil the hidden talents and expressions of kids. Allow them to sit with a paper and colored pencils. They will begin to weave their thoughts into pictures and when you ask them to narrate the story behind the picture, they will surprise you with their imaginative and expressive tales.

~ Girls who are allowed to play with toys will unleash their creative side by dressing up their favorite dolls in different attires and accessories.

~ You can gift your kid educational games like jigsaw puzzles, Lego blocks and shape sorters. When he/she sits with them, he/she will be applying his/her mental capabilities along with developing a sense of logic, with pictures. He will also start recognizing colors, shapes and sizes; the fun way.

~ Not restricting your kid to indoor games, you can also encourage them to engage themselves in outdoor sports like playing ball games and cycling. Such activities and games help in developing the mental and physical faculties of kids in addition to developing their agility and gross motor skills.

~ When a kindergarten classroom includes educational games as a part of its teaching strategy, kids will be taught to accept both victory and defeat. They will learn the art of taking turns in addition to sharing and interacting with peers.

~ You as a parent can encourage your kids to sing and play simple music instruments that can be in the form of educational toys. When they start toying with these instruments, kids will learn the concepts of musical rhythm by listening to different tones.

  1. Kids Will Engage Themselves in Activities They Love

When you team up educational games to learning, you as adults are actually setting the stage for your kids to do things that they love the most and learn a well. Playing educational games will introduce kids to experiment with their toys and come up with unusual way of doing things. If you notice that your kid has a keen interest in books, you can introduce him to new books.

When you sit with them and partake in their reading activities, your kids will find it exciting to not only spend quality time with you but will also encourage them to express themselves in their own sweet and child-like manner. When you as adults probe into the pictures in the books, your kids will start narrating stories that can inspire a writer of sorts to experiment with their thoughts and words. Thus, allowing your kids to do what they like is the best way for them to learn. .

  1. Educational Games Pave the Way for Holistic Learning

Learning is all about equipping kids with ways and means for them to develop and hone their social, emotional and physical skills. Educational games help in this endeavor, encouraging kids to experience life from a completely different viewpoint. They will be prompted to conduct many tryouts with all that is happening around them. When kids team up with peers in playing educational games, they will learn to interact better by sharpening their social skills.

  1. Team Building Mechanisms

If you as guardians and teachers wish to introduce a fun element to learning, and  can allow kids to learn collectively as a team. Tagged as a cooperative learning strategy that can be employed in classrooms, playing educational games as a team helps students to not only assimilate information easily but also helps them to recapitulate what they learnt quickly. Playing as a team can be fun when kids begin to develop leadership qualities teamed with sharpening their communication skills.

  1. A Field Trip – A Fun-Filled Quest That Helps Kids Appreciate And Learn From Nature

Connecting kids with the outside world can be encouraging and appealing to kids. And this can be achieved by engaging them with fun-filled field trips that will improve their curiosity level. An encounter with nature or a visit to a science exhibition or museum can make learning appealing to kids. Not only will they be excited to look around the exhibits and make notes, they can also learn with an excitement that comes when they begin to see the various forms of their subjects as life-like objects.

  1. Educational Games Offer Creative Brain Breaks

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. In line with this commonly used adage, if parents and teachers incorporate educational games into the learning curriculum, they can make the most of the enjoyable breaks that these games offer. It can be as simple as enacting a skit that is part of their English chapter.  This  can provide  dual benefits to students. While they learn about the characters in the drama through enacting, students will also enjoy a brain break that shuns away the monotony of constantly listening to lectures delivered by English teachers.

  1. Use of Technology-Based Educational Strategies

Technology opens up a number of avenues for kids to learn; the fun way. A host of classroom apps are now in vogue which can be used to increase student engagement and learning. Teachers can bank on teaching equipment like tabletop computers and overhead projectors to help kids develop interest about various subjects. Rekindling the interest in studies sets the stage for holistic learning when kids will use technology as a creative means to enhance their innate and acquired skills.

Now is the age of wearables in learning. Gadgets like headsets showcasing the abilities of Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) along with smart watches can become creative instruments for learning the novel way. These are all a part of the e-learning revolution that have taken the sphere of education by storm, altering and improving the way kids look at learning and living.

  1. The Concept of Fun Learning Centers

Schools which go the extra mile in setting up fun learning centers will provide the much-needed social interaction to students of different ages. Along with providing them with umpteen opportunities to hone their innate and acquired skills, a fun learning center calls for grouping of students into small gatherings.

Conspicuous of the directions given by teachers, a fun learning center can become an attractive activity-area outside a classroom. Such activities are very important for kids who will begin to adhere to the rules of the activity along with developing their self-esteem. These two traits go a long way in shaping the kid into a responsible individual who is aware of both his strengths and weaknesses.

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Wrapping It Up

By now, you must have understood the relevance of fun educational games in learning. The above tips and measures can be easily incorporated in schools which are driven by a goal to make education relevant and interesting to kids. Alongside promising all the benefits of cooperative learning, these fun-filled educational games and activities grab the attention of students to help them concentrate better on their academic curriculum. Along with a progress in academics, these exciting classroom and outdoor activities finally make learning fun and engaging for kids of different ages and IQ levels.

Sharing of knowledge is the basic purpose of education but it matters more when you are teaching kids. The right form of education in the early stages is vital for them to set a basement to their moral principles, social behaviour, and mental well being. Kid’s education should be planned in such a way to mould their aesthetic senses and way of conduct and help them grow up as good citizens.

However, nowadays people are forgetting the real purpose of education and it is being more careers centric. Children are studying with an aim to build up a bright career and their goals are limiting to just clearing exams to pass to the next level. That is where the strategy of edutainment becomes very important and it acts as a mind opener for kids to really understand the purpose of education and get the many benefits that come its way.

Here let us have a look at how the edutainment can really impact on a kid’s learning phase and how he/she can grow up better.

  • Interactive learning: The routine class room learning is creating boredom in kids and this gradually creates unwanted pressure and negative tendencies towards learning. Edutainment makes it more interactive in the form of videos, games, storytelling and a lot more. Kids would have a love towards games and that is why this approach of learning with play works out for kids. This playful method in fact takes away the stress out of the fast paced lifestyle and lets them understand how interesting an education phase can be. The short sessions of engaging learning is not only captivating but also makes them feel excited about learning. Keeping them occupied for some time for learning can be a bit challenging and that is why this short period strategy gains their attention turned out productive.
  • More grasping power: This playful method boosts the grasping power in kids. The way they understand a subject or idea is really impressive when compared to the conventional teaching method. This is really evident when comparing the grasping powers of kids taught through edutainment and higher class students taught through lectures. The interactive learning sessions would help the kids to register the content for long term than just short term memorization for passing exams. If the kid can connect an idea or concept to what they experience in real life, then they need not adapt any additional methods to memorize it. This novel approach makes a game or video watching as part of homework or assignments that in turn helps them to understand the idea in a much proper way.
  • Knowing your subjects: In the conventional methods, kids just go through the textbooks or learning materials provided in school and memorize it to score well in exams. But with edutainment, kids get an opportunity to know more about their subjects and most importantly connect it with their real life. This approach can include anything from online cartoon shows, educational games or CDs, street plays, movies to even puppet shows. This kind of learning not only keeps them entertained but also teaches their subjects in a much deeper way.
  • Learning toys: There are many learning toys in the market which teacher brings to the classroom to let the kids to play and learn. For instance, Abacus is a widely accepted fun based approach to teach basic maths for kids. Similar is the case of ABC blocks that teaches alphabets, rainbow roller that teaches colours and counting balls that teaches counting. In fact, these toys teach them many concepts and ideas without actually giving them a feel that they are learning. Quality educational toys can give a tough competition to online games that are also designed to teach them different concepts. Recreation activities are equally important as playing and they can be trained to have basic learning in their favourite art forms such as singing or dancing and even sports such as cricket, football, tennis or badminton.
  • Enhanced creative thinking: Edutainment promotes creativity in kids through innovative games and interactive videos. This type of learning can in fact stimulate a thought process in the kid and they learn to think more about what is being taught. And this gradually develops a mindset in kids to try and learn something new in life always. This would not only help them to excel in their academics but also in other extracurricular activities. The right way of modelling and teaching in the kid’s level can help them grow up as good speakers and writers. Teachers include classroom games that promote problem solving skills, or one that challenges their brain or one that gives them a chance for team work and decision making.
  • Improved intellectual skills: Children are always fascinated to know how stuffs around them actually work. The edutainment makes use of this kid’s interest to teach them new things in life. Playing with interactive toys that improve their hand eye coordination and games that demand their thinking and reasoning skills are included right along with learning of the science around them. This in fact improves their intellectual skills which creates a base for advanced learning. Kids are good learners than adults and this is evident from the fact that they use the modern technology gadgets flawlessly. So it is good to use and develop their skills right from the initial days and give them more chances to showcase their excellence in novel ideas.
  • Digital learning: The concept of edutainment is not new but this approach prospered well with the influence of digital era. The wide use of technology has made the approach popular and widespread in no time. Teachers and parents are using many educational apps that make learning more interactive and fun. And kids are utilizing these apps to learn the basics of alphabets, numbers, colours and shapes in a playful manner. The portability of mobile gadgets makes learning possible despite where the kids are and this gives them an interesting outside the classroom learning experience.
  • Real life exposure: This method of learning also focuses on taking the kids out of the four walls of a classroom and giving them opportunity to get a real life exposure. Exploring their environment is the key to a kid’s education and that is why teachers not only keeps them occupied them with gadgets but also gives them a chance to interact with nature once in a while. Studying with nature makes them closer to nature and this helps them to learn by interacting with their surroundings. This can be puppet shows, picnics, outdoor plays, excursions or cultural programs which can make them entertained but at the same time teach the hidden meaning or purpose of education.
  • Positive outlook: Having a role model right from the initial phase of learning can help them to bring in positivity in their life. Teachers and parents can let them watch videos, play games or read books that have super heroes or characters who promote positivity. Kids would be greatly influenced by things around them and these types of activities can help them get inspired by such personalities. This is a prime source to enhance their moral values, role playing, team work and humanity. And most of these kid’s centric movies are framed in a way to attract children. That is why kids would love to watch movies such as spiderman, superman and Harry Potter series that have made a big bang in the movie industry.

As we all know, today’s kids are tomorrow’s citizens and that is why moulding them rightly from the initial days is important. Edutainment can not only be a mind opener but also an eye opener for them to be good and do well. Technology has really transformed the way edutainment strategy is influencing kids.

With the widespread popularity and usage of mobile gadgets, education apps and games are becoming the prime mode of letting kids learn with fun. In addition to using smart school software that helps students to have an amazing learning experience, schools are also taking initiatives to conduct interactive shows and even holiday camps to explore wide areas of learning with fun.

If you wish to handhold your kid to succeed in school and beyond, here are the modern learning skills that will become his/her boon for life. Leaning skills are often tagged under a common name called “4 Cs”. Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication. These are the 4 important Cs that will demand a push from you so that your child develops and improves the patterns of learning, assimilating and reproducing information in the manner he/she comprehends.  All these Cs are a function of their short-term memory that enables them to learn. Hence if you encourage them to develop their short-term memory through creative activities, you are clearing their path to learn and understand better.

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Here are 10 effective ways to improve kid’s learning skill:

  1. The “Left Brain” Activity Is Linked to Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is all about the careful analysis of a topic of study to help you understand it better. In order to help kids learn and use the power of critical thinking, guardians should teach them to analyze a situation by breaking the entire scenario into smaller and understandable parts.

You can also encourage your kids to come up with logical arguments about what they think about a topic and link their thoughts to evidences. When kids start talking in this manner, they will be able to learn the topic better; in a logical way. This exercise ultimately paves the way for them to come up with a logical conclusion. Kids can also be prompted to group items under their respective heads and explaining the striking contrasts between the various classes.

Critical thinking is a learning tool to hone the problem-solving abilities in kids. When guardians push kids to come up with the causes and effects of a problem, kids will find means to eliminate the reasons for a problem.

  1. Creativity Thinking Helps Kids Discover Possibilities

Creative thinking is the ability that is gifted to us by our “right brain”. Guardians can help their wards to learn creative thinking through a number of dedicated activities. Brainstorming is one such practice that will involve your kids to come up with a number of feasible, impossible and unreasonable suggestions for a particular scenario.

Actions speak louder than words. In line with this famous maxim, guardians can encourage the learning skill in kids by allowing them to make items with their own hands. Give them materials to create the product and they will slowly learn different ways to produce a product.

A creative attitude in kids will blossom if parents and teachers encourage them to crack jokes, narrate stories and sing their favorite songs. Engaging them in a dialogue about any topic can also bring their creative traits to the fore, allowing them to learn through innovative ways. Encourage them to pose questions through which they will be able to get to know the facts that were unknown to them. Through the answers given out by them, kids will also arrive at new ways to find a solution to their problem.

  1. Communication Skills – Another Stepping Stone to Learning Through Verbal and Written Expressions

Communication is all about expressing your thoughts and beliefs not only through words but also through gestures, body language and visual aids. It is the responsibility of the guardians to create a communicative environment at home or in school. When communication is encouraged, kids will learn the trick of attentive listening.

When you start communicating with them frequently, they will begin to listen to you with all their ears. They will learn to take notes while posing questions about unknown facts. You can also help kids to enjoy the act of reading, when they begin to decode the printed words or images that are in front of their eyes. All thanks to technology, kids can bank on mobile phones and apps that will serve as learning tools to either communicate through phone calls or email or engage themselves through app messages.

  1. Collaboration – The Art of Working Together for a Common Goal

Another tried and tested means to improve your kid’s learning skills is to introduce them to group activities that come with a common objective. Through collaborations, you can teach your kid the benefits of working towards a goal. In their pursuit to reach their common objective, kids will learn to evaluate multiple options.

They will take in alternatives that bring them close to their joint aim and discard those that work against their victory. Such activities can bring out the leadership qualities that are still in the nascent stage of development. Group activities come as a boon to kids when they begin to unearth the benefits of effective management of time and material resources. Such acts also teach your kids to resolve conflicts between their team mates in an amicable manner alongside introducing them to the dynamics of teams.

  1. Unlock the Power of Simulation

A picture is worth a thousand words. So true to this commonly used maxim, you as a parent will need to hone his visualization skills so that he/she can reproduce a subject in his own words. Now you might think that how to do it? You just have to encourage your child to imagine a picture of what he has just heard or read; in his mind’s eye. The next step is to prompt him/her to draw the picture that he imagined. Through repeated session, your child will be able to hone his/her visualization skills when he/she can orally describe the image without having to use a pen and paper to describe it.

  1. Allow Your Kid to Become Your Teacher

Take for instance that your child is trying to play a new game. You as a guardian can prompt him/her to master the game by inspiring them. If you begin to demonstrate a keen interest in their game, he/she will start opening up with the tricks of the game. He/she will employ his descriptive and discretionary skills to inform you about the nuances of the game. You can ignite their imagination through questions that will help them come up with sensible descriptions and evaluations. This way, they will assimilate all the information which they need to excel at a game or the subject at hand.

  1. The World of Knowledge in Black and White

You will agree with the fact that books are an ocean of knowledge. While technical and subject-oriented books come with volumes of information, books on self-improvement help your children learn about the ways to lead a successful and content life.

If you as a guardian encourage your wards to make reading as their favorite pastime activity, they will not only put their leisure time to the best use. They will also be at the receiving end of invaluable information that is presented in the form of printed books or digital sources. They will begin to learn the concept of self-help when they try to pick up a befitting text that provides solutions to all their queries.

  1. The Power of Delivering Good Instructions

As parents and teachers dealing with young children, it is very important for you to teach them by clearly explaining what needs to be done and the manner in which a particular task should be performed. Guardians while instructing kids should keep in mind their tone of voice; a clear yet calm tone can do the trick.

Parents and teachers should also be careful about the words used in the instructions. It is best to use simple language teamed with short sentences that allow your child to relate him/her to the task at hand. Good instructions are all about helping your kid to learn a process through a step-by-step approach. These phased-out instructions will permit your kid to organize himself while aiming to complete a task at hand.

  1. The Importance of Constructive Feedback

It is very common for kids to seek validations from elders. For every task they do, they expect parents and teachers to judge them, announcing their ability to fulfil the same. Constructive feedback can serve as a stepping stone to teach your kid the right way to address a problem. When you as a guardian are vocal about the correct approach your kid has initiated, this feedback encourages him/her to develop a sense of self-esteem. This learning helps them develop a personality that mirrors a blend of their self-confidence and self-respect.

  1. The Inclusion of Memory Boosting Games

You can check out the internet for a host of interesting and memory boosting puzzles and games. Introducing your kids to such games will not only sharpen their concentration levels but also helps them understand the concept of working around multiple alternatives to arrive at a befitting solution. Kids will learn to incorporate all the conditions that the puzzle puts in front of them; eventually reaching the winning post with the correct answer.

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All the above-mentioned strategies help your kids to hone their learning skills when they begin to better their reasoning power along with enhanced concentration levels. When these two attributes are sharpened, your kids will learn and unlearn various concepts by assimilating and processing information from multiple sources. When some or all of these learning strategies become a part of your child’s routine, they will help him/her thrive in a constantly changing and highly-competitive society.

Edutainment is the peculiar way of presenting learning in an entertaining style. Teaching kids are more challenging than giving education to a college grade student. Their way of interpreting things and understanding should be moulded right from the initial classes. And it is highly important to build a taste or interest for learning among kids.

More than just normal classroom sessions which they find boring, it would be a good idea to bring in strategies like edutainment. It is nothing but blending entertainment with education which not only makes learning pleasurable for them but also helps them to grow up as better individuals.

This strategy takes many forms according to what is being taught and the varying interests of kids groups. Primarily, edutainment involves combinations of audio and video to classroom or outside the classroom sessions. The other important elements of this approach include games as part of learning or toys, radio, and podcasts, film and television or taking a visit to museums.

Edutainment strategy is beneficial for all types of learning and when it comes to kids, leisure has more role than academics. Kids would love it when learning is fun. Here are a few among the many benefits of edutainment for kids.

  • Engaged learning: This approach helps teachers to make kids engaged throughout the learning process. Rather than keeping them occupied for long hour classes, just a short period edutainment can be productive for them. They will have access to more information in minimal time when they make learning a fun. The homework sessions would be really exciting for kids if watching videos or playing a fun game is made a part of it. Such video sessions can be equivalent or more to additional reading sessions. Apart from basic learning, kids can also build particular skills in their early days. However, kids are more prone to mistakes and so parents and teachers should give timely assistance to guide and help them to choose the right set of videos, games and apps.


  • Learning freedom: This whole child approach is given a priority in many top kindergartens and preschools as kids would always prefer to learn the way they want rather than occupying them in forced academic settings or structured learning. Learning through play gives them the freedom to enjoy the learning session. According to many researches, self-directed play gives the best learning time for preschool children. Moreover, open-ended play lets them to study and grow up cognitively, physically, emotionally and socially.


  • Real world exploration: Kids are biologically programmed to create their own innovations. Their play time is more of exploring and understanding their world around and that is why learning through play satisfies their basic interests. Make the learning sessions more qualitative by giving time for imaginary play through which they know more about oneself and other things happening around. Rather than restricting them within the four walls of a classroom, transform learning time for real world exploration with field trips.


  • Experiential education: This is a kind of experiential learning in which kids would actively play around while studying new ideas or concepts. Instead of classroom sessions, kids would love to have hands-on learning in kid’s museums or visiting theatres or parks to study with the nature. Adventure education and outdoor education are key forms of edutainment learning that makes their study time more exciting.


  • Improves positivity: There are a lot of positive characters featured in videos and online games which kids can easily connect with. These video characters that promote hard work, determination, humanity and team work all are usually made part of learning sessions. This would gradually bring in positivity in kids and most of them consider special characters as role models which really inspire the way they grow up. Teachers and parents can groom them correctly so that they can emulate these positive characters in their own lives.


  • Intellectual stimulation: Rather than boring classroom teaching and rote memorization, kids give more favourable response to game and video contents. This educational strategy can be too good to improve their intellectual stimulations with gamification aimed at boosting their thinking capability, problem solving and competitive mind set. Awesome storytelling sessions can be enjoyable and at the same time improve their knowledge base and learning. In fact, edutainment gives kids the best of both learning and entertainment worlds and they can go through an amazing experience.


  • Educational games: There is a good choice of games that stimulates diverse types of learning among kids. Games involving motion control is a great motivation for them to engage in physical and educational activities. While certain games foster skills development among kids, some other games are designed to encourage constructive thinking and generate curiosity. There are kid’s special apps that take them through the world of puzzles, rhymes and stories. The ways kids learn about different subjects are greatly influenced by the games they play. The elements such as images, sounds and animations can easily target kid’s senses and gains their dedicated interest for learning.


  • Enhanced attention: Getting a kid’s attention can be a tough job and it matters a lot when it comes to teaching. This shorter form of teaching strategy is a good solution to get their attention and kids would be able to take up more information. In fact, this learn with fun strategy encourages them to spend more time with studies and they will have the craving for more. Kids would love to give their attention more in matters that amuse them, and that is why edutainment is turning out to be very effective to grab their attention. The educational content showcased in the form of motion pictures would register the content in kid’s mind than lectures.


  • Portable learning: The role of online videos makes learning possible despite where the kids are. So the learning is not limited to classroom sessions and parents can make an effort to utilize the possibilities of edutainment in their free time at home or outside. Kids can view these videos when they are in the shopping cart or when they are travelling by a car. There are lot of web series videos at present aimed at engaging kids on the go while improving their knowledge base. As novel apps and games are compatible to play with multiple devices, kids can enjoy their favourites anywhere.


  • Improved social skills: This child-sensitive strategy seeks more social interaction which in turn plays a good role in enhancing their social skills which is vital for their survival and growth in the society. This best classroom engagement strategy brings in higher confidence in kids to face the challenges in society and they learn to collaborate and achieve goals. In one way or the other, this approach gives social development messages and makes them more exposed to the world of creativity. This kind of open learning helps kids to grow up with many extracurricular skills and set their goals for many achievements.


  • Technology at finger tips: The rise of mobile market has a good effect on the popularity of edutainment as the kids are greatly influenced by education apps. There are amazing apps that introduced an online world of entertainment to them and also opened a world of learning in parallel. This gives them a unique learning experience which even changes the aspect of learning in them. The wise selection of advanced apps can even transform the child’s gadget to a learning powerhouse. For example, Elmo Loves 123s app helps kids to learn counting from 1 to 20 in a funny way. Similarly, a preschooler can learn letters, numbers, colours and shapes in an interesting way with Fish School HD app. Visuals and narratives easily get attention of kids and that is why apps such as Disney Story Central is popular among parents who are finding hard to find daily bed time stories.

Kids always have a craving to play more as they love the world of fun and amusement. This innovative educational strategy is designed to get the best out of their interest for fun for productive learning. Present day education is full of experiments to make the learning process more effective and productive. Even when the idea of edutainment is not that new and is being experimented by many for past decades, this strategy is getting a widespread popularity and acceptance now.

Most of the learning video contents online are now blended with entertainment content to make them appealing to kids. Smart schools are bringing in this concept with smart school software and education apps that are designed to stimulate smart learning. The idea of edutainment is always motivating kids to learn new things without losing the fun element.

“Nine-tenths of education is encouragement”. This is an adage quoted by Anatole France. Ponder over this thought and you will understand the basic foundation of parenting is to encourage kids. While you as parents and teachers encourage your children, you will be showing them the way to learn new things.

  1. Empathy Towards Kids

Kids who are on the threshold of becoming individuals need to be respected and supported at all times. They should be appreciated and valued. Only then will these positive stimuli help kids to learn about life much more easily.

  1. Freedom is the Keyword

You as parents and teachers will be doing a great favor to your kids if you just allow them to be the way they please. Bestow them the freedom of thought, expression and action. And then watch the magic unfold. You can witness remarkable changes in the intellectual, spiritual and physical aspects of your child.

  1. Introduce Them To the Power of Saying “No”

It is very important to teach your kids not to say “YES” when they want to say “NO”. “NO” is a powerful word in human psychology which dons the hat of an instrument in support of one’s integrity. Kids who have the courage to say “NO” will protect themselves from being exploited.

  1. Nurture Positive Aspects Linked To Self-Esteem

It is equally important for parents and teachers of toddlers to work in the direction of developing their self-esteem. Self-esteem is a positive trait that is a combination of self- respect and self-confidence.

But how do you nurture their self-esteem? It is by inculcating the strong feelings of self-acceptance.

When kids begin to accept themselves, they will start trying new challenges. And if they make mistake in that, they will repeat it until it becomes perfect. But parents can criticize them for repeating the wrong activities as this criticism can be really helpful for kids. It will bring self-confidence in them.

Self-acceptance helps kids take pride in their innate abilities and allows them to grow in an environment in which their accomplishments are highlighted. By extending such efforts, guardians of toddlers will be able to help their kids give their best to any task at hand. Hence, the secret behind successful parenting is to establish a congenial environment for kids to grow up into confident and productive individuals without an iota of self-doubt.

  1. Comparison of Kids – A Strict “No”

You should appreciate the fact that kids are highly sensitive beings. They are at a juncture when their personality is slowly evolving. They learn a great deal through observation and experimentation. Each kid is unique with a set of innate strengths and weaknesses.

It is when you compare kids that you will be hurting their ego which will manifest in the form of unruly behavior and self-doubt. Comparing your kid with another should be avoided in-toto since it damages the self-respect your kid has for himself or herself.

  1. The Power of Unconditional Love

It is very important for kids to grow up in an environment when they are loved for who they are and not for what they do. There can be many situtations when your child has wronged. But that mistake should not draw you against your child. You should make them clear about the mistake they did not in a rude way but in a lovable way and ask them to not repeat it ever after.

  1. Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood

This is the 5th habit from the book of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, penned by Stephen Covey which says: “Seek first to understand. Then to be understood”. This can be applied to while dealing with kids as well.

This habit is all about attentive listening to deeply understand people as human beings with strong individualities. You can apply this habit to parenting by listening to what your kid wants to convey to you. You should listen to understand and not with an intention to reply.

  1. Allow Them to Thrive in A Goal-Centric Life

Parents and teachers who practice setting up achievable yet small goals to their wards will be creating a fruitful environment for kids to grow through experiences. Here, it is very important for guardians to set goals to kids in accordance with their ages and capabilities. With a goal in mind, your kid will be steadily moving towards progress, taking baby steps in the direction of attaining the target. It is here that your kid will need constant guidance until he/she reaches the flag post. You should encourage your kids at every stage of their goal-meeting and rejoice their victory with an applause that will reinforce their self-confidence.

  1. Appreciate The Presence of Kids

Most of the times, in households or in schools, kids are not given their due importance. Their emotions and concerns are shunned away as a childish chatter. Their curious questions are either not answered or sometimes, answered with distorted information. You will be doing a lot of harm to your kid when you start avoiding him/her while he/she is saying something about her dissatisfactions and irritations. So, You as a guardian, must indicate to your kids that their presence is precious.

  1. Small Incentives Go A Long Way

Motivation is another keyword that works in favor of your kid. And what best way to motivate your kid than shower him/her with rewards? These rewards can be small and need not don the hat of expensive gifts or tangible stuff. It can be a trip to park, plying games them, etc., A motivating environment at home and school will help your kids grow up into sensible and level-headed human beings.

  1. The Benefits of a Close-Knit Family

It is indeed a blessing for any kid to be born in an affectionate family. A close-knit family can create a solid foundation for your kid’s psyche. A family that eats together, stays together. You as parents of kids should take out time for your kids. Spending quality time with them is the best means to delve deep into their minds. Providing enough space for healthy discussions, another perk of growing up in a close-knit family is that you can indulge in friendly and funny chats with family members. Being a part of a happy family does wonders to your kids when they begin to appreciate the fact that they are loved and cared for; at all times by their family and extended family members.

A close-knit family is also one that does not expose your kids to the disagreements between parents. Any argument between parents should be dealt with behind closed doors without being displayed to kids. This way, your kids will grow up in a healthy and happy family setup.

  1. A Congenial Environment That Leads to Healthy Living

It is the dream of every parent to raise her children into happy and healthy kids. In order to promote a healthy well-being of kids, parents should concentrate on the eating and exercise habits of their kids. For ensuring a healthy pattern of eating, it is appropriate for parents to bring back the practice of family dinners to the dining table. You, as parents can show your kids the path of healthy eating by cooking and serving low-fat foods which are equally delicious.

The second component of healthy living for kids is to include physical exercise as part of their lifestyle. Allow them to play and sweat it out at a park or engage them with a sport of their choice. This way, your kids will be active and agile and will enjoy the long-standing benefits of healthy living for life.

  1. A Home Which Spares the Rod

Corporal punishment should never be the solution to correct your kid. In fact, tending to physical punishment demonstrates your helplessness as parents, in correcting your kids. Inflicting physical pain by spanking is the worst punishment you as parent can ever give to a hyperactive or disobedient child. Parents at home and teachers in school should avoid threatening their wards. Instead, efforts should be directed towards reinforcing desirable behavior.

There are other non-violent ways to teach your kids the right way. Not only at home, teachers should also stop this strict disciplinary action of spanking.

You can instead try to discipline your kids by counseling them and setting rules around which they should operate at home and in school. These rules should be supported by consequences that the erring child will face in the event of non-compliance. If these specifications are clearly laid out early-on, then  chances of your kids becoming a deaf ear to your corrective suggestions will be less. To sum it all, a home which spares the rod preserves the self-respect of the child.

  1. Lead By Example

You as a parents and teacher must consider the fact that kids are very observant. They catch and mimic the behavior of their guardians. Teach them one virtue and demonstrate to them just the opposite and you have completely lost your child.

For example, the virtue of honesty. If you teach your kids to be honest at all times and you get away with white lies, you are sending a contradictory signal to your kid. Hence it is best to open up to your kids about your mistakes and how you have learned from them. This will not only help you appreciate your faults but will also pave way for an honest channel of communication between you and your kids.

  1. Recognize and Encourage Their Talents

Every child is indeed very special. However, the child does not realize his/her uniqueness. Hence, the onus is on the guardians to recognize and nurture their innate talents. It is hence very important to promote a homely atmosphere that provides ample opportunities for kids to demonstrate their talents. Along with this, it pays a great deal to provide constructive feedback about your kids’ talents so that your family can uncover and enrich the nascent talents that your kids are gifted with.

Closing Thoughts

Parenting is all about inculcating the right attitude to kids. It is also about striving hard to provide the best environment at home and in school. All your efforts of creating a productive atmosphere will bear fruit once your kid begins to tread the path of self-confidence and appreciation for all the blessings that are making his/her life so beautiful and worthwhile.