The world is turning digital and it is high time now that kids learn basic computer skills.

It is only when kids are taught through simple coding games that they will hone their logical thinking and designing skills along with strong problem-solving capabilities.

You will agree with the fact that gaming is not only a pastime; it is  medium to encourage interaction between players.

Through games, kids discover and explore various things through trial-and-error options.

With so many benefits coming out of helping kids to code, here are some innovative coding games that will help them stay abreast with new technologies.

  1. Kodable

True to its name, Kodable is a kid-friendly game that enables kids to learn computer science in a fun-filled environment. You can check out a host of self-guided games that the Kodable website offers, specifically for kids between the ages of 4 and 10. All those kids who are yet to learn how to read can do wonders with the help of this iOS driven coding platform.

Interesting levels which come in the form of mazes help kids learn fundamental programming concepts like functions, loops and conditions along with debugging…

  1. Code Monkey Island

A yet another interesting platform that teaches kids the concepts of computer programming is the Code Monkey Island. Specially designed for kids above the age of 8, this is a crazy yet fun-filled board game that takes about 45 minutes to accomplish. This game basically revolves around the movement of monkeys around an island so that they finally reach their destination (bananas).

Played in a number of libraries, homes and schools, this captivating board game introduces kids to the fundamentals behind the embedded programming concept popularly known as the Boolean Logic.  Kids can also be taught about the manner in which conditional statements help them to code. Priced at $40+, you can order this game so that your kids can learn some programming skills; the exciting way.

  1. Lightbot and Lightbot Jr.

You can check out a number of programming puzzles that are presented in Lightbot and Lightbot Jr. These are iOS and Android compatible coding platforms that teach kids to code.. The aim of the game is to help the robot illuminate all the blue tiles that are placed on a 3-dimensional grid.

To complete the puzzle, you need to run an array of programming instructions on the robot. This puzzle game helps kids master the concepts of planning, testing and debugging along with loops and procedures. While Lightbot Jr. is meant for kids between 4 and 8 years, Lightbot is crafted for kids above the age of 9 years. While web browser version is free, you can pay $3 to download the iOS and Google Play versions.

  1. Robozzle

All the young programming enthusiasts should definitely try their hands at Robozzle. Tagged as a robot-programming game, both kids above the age of 6 and adults can make the most of this game that is compatible with iOS, Android and Windows phones.

An assembly of community-created puzzles help kids learn the art of programming. Challenging kids’ intelligence, this puzzle game offers the perfect blend of excitement and learning.

Robozzle through its tutorials help kids create indigenous games. While the browser version is free, you may obtain the iOS, Windows and Android versions by paying their respective prices.

  1. Puzzlets

In line with the tagline “Make Game Time, Brain Time”, Puzzlets is a Bluetooth-enabled game that can be either be played on your computer or tablet so as to learn the basics of coding.

Each game helps your kids to code while teaching them color theory and algebraic math. This game emphasizes on the need for innovative thinking that should be honed by the present generation kids.

If you are looking to sharpen the digital and intrinsic skills of your kids, then you can rely on Puzzlets as a promising gaming interface.

  1. Cargo-Bot

Identified as the first game that was developed using Codea, kids can find the iPad app Cargo-Bot both captivating and educative. This game comes with a simple aim and that is to employ a crane to transport boxes back and forward, between different platforms.

However, it is not as easy as it appears to be or sounds. It is through this challenging game that kids will be taught the concepts of programming like looks and debugging.

  1. Bee-Bot

Bee-Bot are kid-friendly robots that teach kids a host of subjects. Kids will be introduced to situations demanding their problem-solving, their sense of direction and estimation abilities.

Alongside these skills, kids can also learn programming languages by following certain instructions. In addition to imparting coding knowledge, Bee-Bot can help kids solve numerical, literary and scientific puzzles.

  1. Machineers

Would you be interested in letting your kids go on an adventurous trip as they start showing interest in computer programming? If yes, then Machineers is the right choice.

Tagged as a game capable of giving youngsters a rush of adrenalin, Machineers keeps your kids hooked to coding. Kids have to interact with broken machines as they begin to employ the principles of coding.

Kids can take the assistance of the “drag-and-drop” function so as to fix all these broken machines. And what are the skills that kids master by playing this game?

Kids will be trained to put their logical thinking to test while they begin to sharpen their reading and writing abilities.

  1. Code Combat

Identified as the most engaging game to learn how to code, kids can pick the classroom edition of the Code Combat game. Your kids will be playing a real game and while they are at the game, they will start picking up nuances about computer science. Poised to transform the way kids learn how to code, Code Combat can be your top bet to teach your kids to code using Python programming language.

The game allows your kids to battle with Ogres in their pursuit to gather precious gems. Packed with the dual benefits of entertainment and learning, you can also teach your kids coding principles when you select the multiplayer programming game.

  1. Codemancer

Last in the list of exciting coding games for kids, but definitely not the least is Codemancer. This is a fantasy game that engages kids while uncovering the magic behind computer coding. This game has many feathers in its cap including occupying the 2nd place in 2016 at the Games Learning Society Show.

This game is meant for kids between the age group of 6 and 12. As part of the game, all the kids have to rely on coding so that they carve a path for themselves in the imaginary world inhabited by fighting sorcerers and their minions.

Key Takeaways

If you as parents are looking to introduce your kids to coding early on, you can check out the above 10 interesting edutainment platforms. All these games expose kids to certain visual blocks that need to be expelled through Python and JavaScript codes.

Alongside enjoying these captivating games, kids will begin to hone their prowess in designing computer games, building apps and working on amazing academic projects.

All your efforts as parents to young kids will eventually bear fruit with your kids getting future-ready by learning how to code.

Learning should be in an appealing way so it boosts the learning interest of students. It is only possible when fun filled educational games will be brought into the classrooms. To support the above belief, you can refer to a plethora of research articles that are repeating the importance of structured educational games in classroom learning.

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Here are some benefits of learning through fun-filled educational games?

Here they come!

Along with a motivation to learn, kids who are exposed to classroom games will be assimilating information from various sources. While you can implement fun-filled learning activities within the four walls of a classroom, you also create ample opportunities for kids to step out and have fun outside the school. Thus, educational games played in classroom pave the way for knowledge acquisition to take place in a stimulating and interactive environment.

The underlying heads speak volumes of the significance of educational games in making learning a pleasurable experience for kids; with every passing day.

  1. Childhood – The Age of Constant Learning and Accelerated Development

You will agree that young children are constantly learning, while embarking on the path of rapid physical, intellectual and emotional development. Unmindful of the fact that they are multi-tasking, kids learn, experiment and play; all at the same time. Childhood is a golden period of human life when kids are on the verge of cultivating a self-identity which strikingly is very different from their peers.

Every child is unique and thus has special demands that are so diverse. It is for this reason that kids are constantly on the lookout for novel means of assimilating knowledge from multiple sources. Given the inadequacies posed by traditional methods of learning, a host of novel learning mechanisms are all set to excite kids. With so much happening in childhood, it pays to attach importance to their specific needs. This can be made possible by including exciting classroom activities and games that will excite them to concentrate on the task at hand.

  1. The Numerous Fun-Filled Learning Patterns

If you keenly observe a kid, you will understand the various ways in which he/she learns. Your kid learns through all his senses by touching, seeing, smelling, hearing and tasting. Through observation, kids emulate elders and learn the language and behavior. Finally, kids learn through playing. Though last in the list, playing is the best means for kids to learn. Playing educational games in classrooms helps kids develop a strong sense of self-worth. There are many structured and unstructured classroom games that help kids unveil their potent physical and mental abilities while helping them to concentrate on their subjects as well.

  1. The Numerous Playful Opportunities that Excite and Teach Kids

Guardians and teachers can check out these innovative educational games that can teach and stimulate the imagination of kids.

~ When you introduce your kids to playing with sand and water, you are teaching them the concepts of Math and Science. Kids will identify the striking differences between sand which is a solid and water which is a fluid.

~ There are umpteen creative means to unveil the hidden talents and expressions of kids. Allow them to sit with a paper and colored pencils. They will begin to weave their thoughts into pictures and when you ask them to narrate the story behind the picture, they will surprise you with their imaginative and expressive tales.

~ Girls who are allowed to play with toys will unleash their creative side by dressing up their favorite dolls in different attires and accessories.

~ You can gift your kid educational games like jigsaw puzzles, Lego blocks and shape sorters. When he/she sits with them, he/she will be applying his/her mental capabilities along with developing a sense of logic, with pictures. He will also start recognizing colors, shapes and sizes; the fun way.

~ Not restricting your kid to indoor games, you can also encourage them to engage themselves in outdoor sports like playing ball games and cycling. Such activities and games help in developing the mental and physical faculties of kids in addition to developing their agility and gross motor skills.

~ When a kindergarten classroom includes educational games as a part of its teaching strategy, kids will be taught to accept both victory and defeat. They will learn the art of taking turns in addition to sharing and interacting with peers.

~ You as a parent can encourage your kids to sing and play simple music instruments that can be in the form of educational toys. When they start toying with these instruments, kids will learn the concepts of musical rhythm by listening to different tones.

  1. Kids Will Engage Themselves in Activities They Love

When you team up educational games to learning, you as adults are actually setting the stage for your kids to do things that they love the most and learn a well. Playing educational games will introduce kids to experiment with their toys and come up with unusual way of doing things. If you notice that your kid has a keen interest in books, you can introduce him to new books.

When you sit with them and partake in their reading activities, your kids will find it exciting to not only spend quality time with you but will also encourage them to express themselves in their own sweet and child-like manner. When you as adults probe into the pictures in the books, your kids will start narrating stories that can inspire a writer of sorts to experiment with their thoughts and words. Thus, allowing your kids to do what they like is the best way for them to learn. .

  1. Educational Games Pave the Way for Holistic Learning

Learning is all about equipping kids with ways and means for them to develop and hone their social, emotional and physical skills. Educational games help in this endeavor, encouraging kids to experience life from a completely different viewpoint. They will be prompted to conduct many tryouts with all that is happening around them. When kids team up with peers in playing educational games, they will learn to interact better by sharpening their social skills.

  1. Team Building Mechanisms

If you as guardians and teachers wish to introduce a fun element to learning, and  can allow kids to learn collectively as a team. Tagged as a cooperative learning strategy that can be employed in classrooms, playing educational games as a team helps students to not only assimilate information easily but also helps them to recapitulate what they learnt quickly. Playing as a team can be fun when kids begin to develop leadership qualities teamed with sharpening their communication skills.

  1. A Field Trip – A Fun-Filled Quest That Helps Kids Appreciate And Learn From Nature

Connecting kids with the outside world can be encouraging and appealing to kids. And this can be achieved by engaging them with fun-filled field trips that will improve their curiosity level. An encounter with nature or a visit to a science exhibition or museum can make learning appealing to kids. Not only will they be excited to look around the exhibits and make notes, they can also learn with an excitement that comes when they begin to see the various forms of their subjects as life-like objects.

  1. Educational Games Offer Creative Brain Breaks

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. In line with this commonly used adage, if parents and teachers incorporate educational games into the learning curriculum, they can make the most of the enjoyable breaks that these games offer. It can be as simple as enacting a skit that is part of their English chapter.  This  can provide  dual benefits to students. While they learn about the characters in the drama through enacting, students will also enjoy a brain break that shuns away the monotony of constantly listening to lectures delivered by English teachers.

  1. Use of Technology-Based Educational Strategies

Technology opens up a number of avenues for kids to learn; the fun way. A host of classroom apps are now in vogue which can be used to increase student engagement and learning. Teachers can bank on teaching equipment like tabletop computers and overhead projectors to help kids develop interest about various subjects. Rekindling the interest in studies sets the stage for holistic learning when kids will use technology as a creative means to enhance their innate and acquired skills.

Now is the age of wearables in learning. Gadgets like headsets showcasing the abilities of Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) along with smart watches can become creative instruments for learning the novel way. These are all a part of the e-learning revolution that have taken the sphere of education by storm, altering and improving the way kids look at learning and living.

  1. The Concept of Fun Learning Centers

Schools which go the extra mile in setting up fun learning centers will provide the much-needed social interaction to students of different ages. Along with providing them with umpteen opportunities to hone their innate and acquired skills, a fun learning center calls for grouping of students into small gatherings.

Conspicuous of the directions given by teachers, a fun learning center can become an attractive activity-area outside a classroom. Such activities are very important for kids who will begin to adhere to the rules of the activity along with developing their self-esteem. These two traits go a long way in shaping the kid into a responsible individual who is aware of both his strengths and weaknesses.

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Wrapping It Up

By now, you must have understood the relevance of fun educational games in learning. The above tips and measures can be easily incorporated in schools which are driven by a goal to make education relevant and interesting to kids. Alongside promising all the benefits of cooperative learning, these fun-filled educational games and activities grab the attention of students to help them concentrate better on their academic curriculum. Along with a progress in academics, these exciting classroom and outdoor activities finally make learning fun and engaging for kids of different ages and IQ levels.