The biggest challenge for any teacher is capturing each student’s attention, and conveying ideas effectively enough to create a lasting impression.

As a teacher, to tackle this challenge effectively, you should implement innovative ideas that make the classroom experience much more lovable for your students.

So here are 16 innovative ideas that will help you reinvent your teaching methods and make your classes more interesting.

1. Creative Teaching


Take the help of tools to stimulate creativity. Include playful games or forms of visual exercises that will excite young minds and capture their interest.

This is a time-tested method to identify every young student’s creative abilities and encourage creative contributions.

Bring aspects of creativity into all your subjects, be it mathematics, science, or history. Think of ways to develop their creative ideas.

Encourage different ideas, give them the freedom to explore

2. Audio & Video Tools

Audio-Video-Tools classroom strategies

Incorporate audio-visual materials to supplement textbooks during your sessions. These can be models, filmstrips, movies, pictures, infographics or other mind mapping and brain mapping tools.

Such tools will help their imagination thrive and grow.

These methods will not only develop their ability to listen but will also help them understand the concepts better.

For example, you can get some oral history materials, conduct live online discussions or playback recordings of public lectures.

If you are tech-savvy, there are also a number of smart apps for preschoolers that you can utilize to create awesome slideshows or presentations

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3. “Real-World” Learning

Real World Learning- Classroom Strategies

Infusing real-world experiences into your instructions will make teaching moments fresh, and enrich classroom learning.

Relating and demonstrating through real-life situations will make the material easy to understand and easy to learn. It will spark their interest and get the children excited and involved.

4. Brainstorm

Brainstorming in Classroom - teaching strategies

Make time for brainstorming sessions in your classrooms. These sessions are a great way to get the creative juices flowing.

When you have multiple brains focusing on one single idea, you are sure to get numerous ideas and will also involve everyone into the discussion.

These sessions will be a great platform for students to voice their thoughts without having to worry about right or wrong.

Set some ground rules before you start. You can go for simple brainstorming or group brainstorming or paired brainstorming

5. Classes Outside the Classroom

Classes Outside the Classroom

Some lessons are best learnt, when they are taught outside of the classroom. Organize field trips that are relevant to the lessons or just simply take students for a walk outside of the classroom.

Field trips can help students make connections between classroom learning and real-world experiences. You can plan visits to museums, zoos, or historical sites related to the learning subjects. You can also arrange for students to visit local businesses or organizations related to what they learn to gain first-hand experience. Outdoor excursions, such as nature walks, hikes, or camping trips also help engage students in hands-on learning.

Students will find this fresh and exciting. Without taking much effort, they will learn and remember what you teach them.

6. Role Play

Role Play - Classroom Teaching Strategy

Teaching through role-playing is a great way to make children step out of their comfort zone and develop their interpersonal skills.

This method comes in handy, especially when you are teaching literature, history or current events.

Also Read: 15 Best Math Apps For Kids

The role playing approach will help a student understand how the academic material will be relevant to his everyday tasks

Role playing is most effective for students of almost any age group. You just need to customize depending on the age group.

You can even use this method for teaching preschoolers. Just make sure you keep it simple enough to capture their limited attention span.

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7. Storyboard Teaching

Storyboard-Best-Teaching Strategies in classroom

Rudyard Kipling rightly said, “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.”

Storyboarding is a great way to teach any subject which requires  step-by-step memorization or visualization highly-conceptual ideas.

History teachers can use a storyboard to recreate a famous event. Such visually stimulating activity will ensure that even complex ideas are easily put across to students.

You can also encourage the use of storyboards as a form of communication and let the students tell a story in pictures using their imagination

8. Stimulating Classroom Environment

using Classroom environment for better teaching

A classroom environment that is well-decorated, fun, and engaging will help stimulate a student’s mind and will help think and learn better.

Such a creative and stimulating environment will help them explore and will encourage them to learn about the subject.

Children, especially young ones cannot be expected to sit all day and learn.  An environment that positively impacts the children is beneficial for you as well.

Schools associated with Early Years Foundation Stage(EYFS) will vouch for the fact that the learning environment has a prime role in learning and development.

9. Welcome New Ideas

Welcome-New-innovative-ideas-of teaching

An open-minded attitude can help you in innovating new teaching methods. Though you might claim to be open-minded, its human nature to resist change.

Evaluate yourself and ensure you try out new ideas in the classroom.

10. Think About A New Hobby


Sometimes, a hectic workload may affect your engagement in teaching.

If it happens to you, it’s natural.

You can take a break for a couple of hours and engage in some other activity that you’re interested in.

This will rejuvenate you and you can return to your work with more passion and interest.

11. Work Together As a Team

Teamwork in Classroom

As everyone knows, the end result of the collaborative effort is always immense.

Think about spending some quality time with your colleagues. Ask them to share their views on improving teaching methods, you can see many of them come up with interesting strategies.

So, collaborate and introduce innovative teaching methods.

Also Read: EDU-SUITE – The Best School Management Software in 2023

12. Puzzles and Games


Learning is fun when puzzles and games are part of education. Children may not require taking conscious effort when their lessons are introduced through games.

Puzzles and games help children to think creatively and face challenges.

13. Start School Clubs or Groups

Start School Clubs or Groups - innovative ideas

What about starting an after-school club or group?

Being a teacher you may not get enough time to work on interesting topics that you are passionate about.

You can share your views and learn more from others when you have school clubs or groups.

14. Refer to Books On Creativity


To be a creative teacher, you need to do some research on creative ideas and techniques.

There are a lot of books on creativity.

Choose some of the best works and start learning, it will be helpful for your professional development as well.

15. Love What You Do


You can give your best only if you truly love what you do.

When you are not stressed, you will be more creative and inspired.

Loving your work keeps you relaxed and gives you room to experiment with new ideas.

16. Introduce Lessons Like a Story


Just think, why do you watch movies with much interest?

You like to watch movies because there is always an interesting story to keep you engaged.

Like that,

Learning sessions become more interesting when you introduce it as a story. If you are creative, even math lessons can be related to interesting stories.

17. Music

Use music to create a more engaging learning environment. Music can be used to help students learn new concepts, improve memory retention, and enhance creativity.

It also creates a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere in the classroom and can help to keep students engaged and motivated.

18. Art Activities

Make use of art activities.

Art can help students develop creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. One way to incorporate art is to use visual aids, such as pictures or diagrams, to help explain complex concepts. Another way is to allow students to create art as a way to explore and express their understanding of a topic. This can be in the form of drawing, painting, sculpting, or even digital art. Lastly, encouraging students to collaborate on art projects can help them learn how to work together, communicate effectively, and build relationships with their peers.

All these can make lessons more engaging and can help to reinforce the material that is being taught.

19. Create Challenges

Creating challenges for students can help to keep them motivated and can help to ensure that they are actively engaged in the lesson. It helps enhance the problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and creativity of students.

You can present students with real-world problems or challenges that require them to apply knowledge gained in class. Or you can collaborate with students to design challenges that allow, thus promoting teamwork and communication skills. Additionally, teachers can provide students with the opportunity to design their own challenges, fostering ownership and promoting self-directed learning.

This helps students to develop skills that will benefit them both inside and outside the classroom.

20. Technology-Based Learning Activities

Technology-based learning activities can be an innovative way to make classes more interactive and effective.

Technology can help students develop computer skills, improve critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and provide opportunities for self-directed learning. You can use interactive software and apps to supplement learning materials, such as using virtual reality to explore historical sites or scientific concepts.

Another way is to use online platforms for collaborative projects, such as Google Docs or Padlet, allowing students to work together in real-time. Additionally, teachers can provide students with personalized learning opportunities through educational gaming or online courses.

All these help students to engage with daily lessons in a more dynamic and personalized way, enhancing their learning experience.

21. Online Discussion Boards

Teachers can use online discussion boards to assign discussion questions related to course material and encourage students to respond and engage with their classmates’ posts. They can also use it as a platform for peer review, where students can provide feedback on each other’s work.

The discussion boards can help students to learn from each other, develop their communication skills, and engage with course material in a more dynamic and collaborative way.

22. Debate

Debate activities can help to develop critical thinking skills in students and can help to make lessons more engaging.

You can conduct debate activities in the classroom debates by picking a topic related to lessons and allowing students to argue for and against specific positions. You can also let students research and present arguments on different sides of a topic, helping them develop their research and presentation skills.

Debate activities can help you to tech students to analyse information critically, present their arguments effectively, and consider different viewpoints.

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23. Virtual Labs

Virtual labs can be used to make lessons more engaging and can help to reinforce the material that is being taught. They help students develop scientific and technical skills, improve critical thinking abilities, and provide opportunities for self-directed learning.

There are a number of virtual lab software available; for example, virtual dissection software to study anatomy or physics simulations to explore physical concepts. You can make use of these use virtual labs to provide personalized learning opportunities and allow students to work at their own pace.

In conclusion, there are several innovative ideas that you can use to make your teaching methods more effective. By incorporating technology into your lessons and utilizing different teaching styles, you can help to create an engaging learning environment that is enjoyable for both teachers and students. Additionally, hands-on activities, creative writing activities, and multimedia tools into your lessons can help to make the learning process more engaging and can help to ensure that all students are actively involved in the lesson.

With even the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA ) emphasizing on schools to take measures for improving the quality of teaching and learning, these innovative ideas are sure to make teaching methods more effective.


School inspections improve the quality and standard of schools. Hence it is the responsibility of each one of us to take care of our valuable schools and maintain its worthiness.

Dubai government have taken an initiative to improve the quality of private schools, known as Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA). The KHDA inspection use four -point scale to rate the schools.

The four levels in the scale are as follows:

  • Outstanding
  • Good
  • Acceptable
  • unsatisfactory

KHDA publishes the rating of each inspected schools in its website. The rating of each school helps parents in deciding the school for their children. This obviously improves the standard of the school.

Read Also: KHDA and Surprise School Inspections [will they do it?]

Why school inspection matters?

          School inspection is the process of monitoring and evaluating the academic performance and development of schools. The inspecting team inspects qualification and fitness of staff, provision and appliances of instructions, health and recreation activities, discipline among students, infrastructure, fee structure, attendance, subjects taught and examination results. They also look for personal development, welfare and behaviour, moral, cultural and spiritual growth of the children.

The inspection team assess quality of teaching based on their observation. To make the inspection beneficial, a proper relationship should be maintained between school authorities and the inspection team.

Here are some reasons why inspecting schools is necessary:

  • To grant approval from government:

Schools are inspected with respect of their pupil’s enrolment, number, teacher’s qualification, infrastructure, equipment, curriculum etc. If they meet all these necessities according to the requirement, then government nods approval.

  • To inspect for operational improvement:

The inspection team takes details about staffs, student population, school finance, academic programmes, co-curricular activities, health and sanitary aspects in the school. Based on this record, they call a meeting with school authorities to improve the operation of school.

  • To inspect the school’s programme recognition:

This is conducted to recognize and approve various academic performances. The team inspect in terms of quality, quantity, staffing and equipments which are used to present students effectively.

  • To inspect school if there is any situational demand:

Here the school is not inspected for measuring the productivity but for evaluating the specific case or situation. Such inspection is essential when there is any crisis.

You May Also Like: KHDA Recommended Approaches to Improve Parents’ Role in Their Children’s Education

Inspections Evaluates and Sustains Quality

More inspection improves the standard of the school as the inspecting team focus on the development of the school. The suggestion put forth by inspection team is practical and accurate. Credibility and respectability of the inspection team is very much essential. Without proper inspection, no school will undergo development. Hence regular inspection is necessary for a school.


Knowledge and Human Development Authority ensures quality education in Dubai private schools. KHDA always comes up with new ideas that can be beneficial for your Child’s education.

This government organization recommends the involvement of parents in the education of their children. Responsibilities of parents are not limited to selecting the best school for children. Parental involvement in children’s education is equally important.

What is parental involvement?

“As your kids grow they may forget what you said, but won’t forget how you made them feel”

– Kevin Heath

Children have got two educators; their parents and teachers. Until children attend school, parents are their prime educators. Once they start school, parents tend to leave children on their own. [KHDA Reiterates the Importance of Parent-Teacher Communication]

Parents often believe that it’s the responsibility of teachers to teach their children. That’s not right. Parents should help them learn too. There is pre-eminent importance in the purpose.

Early childhood and parent involvement

“Stop trying to perfect your child, but keep trying to perfect your relationship with him”

Dr. Henker

The effects of parent involvement in early childhood can be long lasting and effective. It helps children to cultivate better habits and discipline. That’s why KHDA want parents to involve themselves in the education of their children. Studies reveal that parental involvement helps in better achievement and cognitive development of children.

Benefits of parent involvement in education

KHDA has confirmed myriad benefits with parental involvement. Even small contributions can yield colourful results.

  1. Children achieve better

The ethical and racial background doesn’t matter if parents support their children.

  1. Better scores and grades

They take studies much more serious with the involvement of parents.

  1. Homework completed

Home works won’t be tiring.  Children will find it exciting to complete their homework with parents.

  1. Positive attitude

They tend to take the whole concept of education positive with better guidance.

  1. Improved behaviour

It’s proven that children under the guidance of parents behave better. The possibilities of them getting suspended for disciplinary reasons are less.

Related: Importance of Parental Involvement In The Education of Their Children

Partners in learning; Things to consider

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, then we must teach the way they learn.”Unknown

Teaching your child is not as easy as you think. You have to endure their mood fluctuations.

Here are some useful tips to keep in mind,

  1. Be with them: During early years, children are unaware about the whole concept of learning. Make them feel comfortable.
  2. Pay attention to your children: Don’t impose rules and regulations on your child. Pay attention to their needs and likings.
  3. No child is same: Needs of children varies. Teach them with the most adaptable method.
  4. Learning: Make learning a part of your child’s everyday activity. Do it lovingly and gracefully.
  5. No over work: Let there be a schedule for your child’s learning routine. Don’t mix it or make it tough.
  6. Less TV: Children should not get addicted to television. They can lose their interest in learning.
  7. Something new: Switch teaching method.  It can be boring for children to follow the same method everyday.

Raise awareness

KHDA is always aware that only the best learning environment can cultivate positive attitude. It’s a responsibility of parents to be their learning partner.

# “Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be”

– David Bly

 The more you support them the more they will love you. Invest time in your children. Home is the first education institution for any child.


As you are probably aware, Knowledge and Human Development Authority aims at upgrading Dubai private education sector to international standards.  This government institution issues KHDA ranking to schools after conducting strict inspections regularly. The rankings thus procured speak about the quality of schools.

KHDA usually informs schools about the inspection three weeks ahead of schedule. Obtaining a better ranking in KHDA is a licence for schools to hike their fees. This is to encourage schools to maintain their educational standards

Ratings of KHDA and fee hike depending on it

  1. Outstanding – 6% hike
  2. Good – 4.5% hike
  3. Acceptable – No
  4. Unsatisfactory – No

School Inspections

Schools get three weeks time to make necessary changes for better ranking. Instructions are given to teachers, students and schools staffs for better behaviour. The sole purpose of rehearsals is to impress the inspectors.

Good performance can win schools better ratings. Better rating yields a licence for fee hike. Teachers and students turn to be actors and school a theatre during the inspection day. Things become normal after the day of inspection. Teachers and students are left to no choice, but to go with the flow.

Mock Drills for Perfection

Yes, you heard it right. To reassure that everything is well-organised, schools conduct mock drills of the inspection. Hiring fake inspectors for mock drills is a common practice.

A school borrowed maths teacher from another school, as its own teacher did not have eligibility criteria.

“Teachers from our sister institutions double up as dummy inspectors and come to our school where they hold several rounds of mock inspections to iron out the kinks. It’s like a fire drill, but more exhaustive,” said a teacher

There are more tricks

Certain schools even change the seating arrangement during inspection. Bright students are placed at back rows, average students at front and below average in the middle rows. It’s a psychology that the inspector asks questions to the last benchers. Even if they are unaware about the answer, students should raise their hands.

Schools told some 11- grade students to showcase a skit for the morning assembly during the day of inspection.

“The school wanted to show that such skits are a routine feature. The fact is they’re not,” said a student.

Parents, it’s your turn

Parents also play a major role to make a fool out of KHDA inspections. Schools arrange parents for ‘special briefing’, a weekend before the inspection.

 “We were told not to pack junk food in the tiffin that week and teach our children everyday so that they come prepared,” said a parent.

School authorities force parents to say good things about them. Parents fear that after rated ‘outstanding’, schools issue fee hike.

Teachers are also stressed

Teachers stay back even after working hours to prepare for KHDA inspection. The school management wants teachers to struggle for good ranking. Teachers can scarcely concentrate on their daily lessons due to the preparations for inspection.

“In the past fortnight or so, I’ve barely slept for three hours. Most nights were spent tweaking lesson plans, preparing self-evaluation reports and making teaching aids. KHDA wants evidence of all school activities we have done over the year. We’ve proof of a few, the rest have been faked. But in trying to pack a year’s work in one week, my blood sugar has shot up… I’ve no time to see a doctor,” a kindergarten teacher expressed.

Unrealistic Picture

Real picture of the school is different from the one shown to KHDA inspectors.  Often unrealistic pictures are the basis of school ratings. This year 80% private schools in Dubai have increased their fees on the basis of the ratings.

Is this of any use?

Most of the parents questions about the advantage of informed school inspections. It’s like inspection for the sake of inspection. Parents are against the inspection method done by KHDA. It’s easy for schools to hide their problems that reduce ranking if the inspection date is already informed.

Explanation of KHDA

The issue had created quite a stir among parents. Jameela Al Muhairi is the Chief of the Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau (DSIB) at the KHDA. She clarified that there are reasons behind three-week notice period before inspection.

  1. KHDA needs key documents before inspection
  2. KHDA needs to confirm that the inspection is fair, rigorous and well-organised
  3. Students ands parents might not be present during un informed inspection

“We want to work with schools and parents as much as possible to gain an accurate and fair view of the typical work of each school,” she added.

So, what do you think? Would it help if there is a new process set up to make surprise inspections necessary or is the issue just being overblown? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section.


An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”– Benjamin Franklin

While worries about the quality of private education institutions minimises with the involvement of organizations such as KHDA, EYFS makes necessary steps to encourage activities among children.

But are we really concerned about the process of learning? Anything taught to them, must be taught well. That’s really significant. In fact, it’s the essence of EYFS as well.

Teaching Them Time:

When it’s about teaching children, the whole new concept of time is far more complex than it appears. There are numerous doubts that children faces.

Like in many other tasks, mobile applications come to the rescue this time too. There are smart applications out there that help in teaching children the concept of time.

Check out some of the smartest apps that help you with this:

  1. Learn to Tell Time

Learn to Tell Time is an innovation of Redbytes, a team known for making attractive apps for children. The whole concept of time is taught by this fascinating app in a simple way.

This mobile app has two different learning options for the users to select from- Auto Learning and Self-Learning. Introduction to both analogue and digital clock, its features and purposes are done by the app.

Activities of the app

Age appropriate activities are added advantage of Learn to Tell Time. Activities of the app includes

  1. Matching: The activity is really simple. Digital and analogue clocks showing the same time should be matched by the child.
  2. Set Time: Asks child to set time on the clock and evaluates them.

Each aspect on the app is designed with utmost simplicity.

     2. Jungle Time learn how to tell time

Jungle Time is an interactive app that teaches children how to tell time. The time can be set in multiple skill levels. It teaches both 12- hour and 24- hour clocks in both analogue as well as digital formats.

Jungle Time can be set to numerals in order to make it look little tough. The clock in the app can be set to different animal faces. Children find it fascinating when they receive smiles and roars for the right answers. It is possible to drag the clock hands to set time, just like a real clock. Jungle Time works well and looks great.

  1. Tick Tock app

Tick Tock is a fascinating app used for learning to tell time. The app can be set in multiple levels, which is really important for telling time. You can start with 0’Clocks and then move up to Half Past, Quarter to, 25 past etc.

  • It has a basic look compared to other apps, with just a smiley clock face.
  • It teaches from analogue to digital and vice versa
  • Digital to words and back again
  • Analogue to and from words

The operation of the app is little complex, but once you understand, it works fine. 

  1. Telling The Time

Telling The Time app cover three ranges 4-5, 6-8 and 9-11. It includes the practice of key concepts. The app helps children to learn the concept step by step.

The app helps children to learn o’clock, days and months to telling the time to the minute in 12- and 24-hour format and calculating time intervals and durations of train journeys.

Each app in Telling the Time has got three main areas:

  1. Quick quiz section that consist of selection of random questions that helps children to decide what to practice and when to take a progress test
  2. Practice quiz helps to build confidence
  3. Progress tests helps to grade ability of children and track scores that matches to National Curriculum expected progress.
  1. Around The Clock app

Quite different from conventional apps that teach children on telling time, Around The Clock app concentrates on teaching children about time and clock.

The app includes interesting games such as alarm clock ring, breakfast and packing backpacks along with a wide range of challenges, waiting during the day.

24 mini games are available one for each hour. There are wide ranges of games with different challenges. The illustration of the app is beautiful. It’s easy as well as fun to use.

You need quality in anything you invest. Whether it’s the school for your child or the carpet for your house, quality speaks. Since KHDA has taken the responsibility of assuring the quality of private institutions and EYFS made it mandatory to encourage activities among children, tension of parents has reduced considerably.

Education is no longer limited to schools. There is a powerful resource that you can make use of – the Internet. Not just the age old broadband connection with your PC, but an always connected, the world at your fingertips kind of Internet with Smart phones.

From choosing life partner to booking tickets, all you need can be done through a smart phone. Education is also taken to the next level by mobile phones.

Why Mobile Phones?

Most of the parents consider mobile phones as hindrance in education. But truth is different. It’s easy to make the most out of mobile phones in education. The operation systems of mobile phones are purpose-built. All you need is the desire to learn.

How to Use Mobile Phones for Learning?

The use of smart phones is not limited to communication. Educating children is also possible on the go. Mobile phones have taken the concept of learning and the process of learning to the next level.

It cannot be ignored that the most important feature of smart phone is the availability of applications. There are numerous mobile applications waiting exclusively for you in the app stores of different mobile platforms.

Just like going to a shopping mall, you can evaluate and buy applications of your desire.

Advantages That Comes With Applications:

According to a recent survey it is revealed that apps are widely popular among kids in the 5-10 age groups. Parents and junior teachers are encouraged to start using learning apps across the world. Surprisingly the availability of applications for children is expanding. The many reasons for this include:

  • Apps are interactive
  • Apps help to prepare children for the future
  • Tracking your child’s progress is simple
  • Its fun stuffed learning
  • Effective use of leisure time
  • Learning by sharing
  • Learning is no more a burden
  • Systematic learning

Easily Reachable Quality Education:

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

Can’t afford the best school for your child? Why worry, we have the solution.  With smart phone, you can gift a better learning environment for your kids.

Some Added Advantages of Mobile Phones:

Listed below are some of the added advantages of mobile phones. Scroll down, think, and gift a smart phone for your kid today!


It’s the low cost strategy that makes mobile phones attractive. Within your budget comes a smart phone with multi-purpose usage. Even low cost smart phones can download applications.


Mobile phones are small and easy to carry. Anywhere you want to use them, they are available at your service. No need to wait when you feel like learning.

Security, round the clock:

Contacting any person during emergency situations become possible with mobile phones. If they fail to pick up the call, messaging service ensures that the important message is delivered to that person.

Be in touch:

It’s easy to be in touch even with people outside your nation. Growing business network and connecting with social circle is easy beyond what you think.

Internet access:

Imagining life without internet is almost impossible for today’s average person. It is one among the blessings received by mankind. Social networking becomes possible with mobile phones. Enjoy social media on the go with smart phones.

Gift the best to your kids:

Perception is what makes a deed good or bad. Likewise, mobile phones can be used for betterment also. Let your child experience the next level of learning with the best mobile applications. Indeed, mobile phones can make significant contributions to education. The EYFS syllabus is proof of that.

While parents evaluate schools depending on the rating of institutions like KHDA and ADEC, are they giving adequate importance to the mentality of children?

The answer is a plain NO. Even though you come across the mood fluctuations of children, you never take it seriously. To survive in the modern world, surpassing education is not enough; priority goes to the attitude.

One among the most prominent attitude problem in children is the feeling of being a victim – the victim mentality.

What is victim mentality?

Victim mentality is a rotten attitude where your child assumes that he/she is always the victim. That’s far beyond childish. And as a responsible parent, you must not ignore such instincts in your child.

Never ignore, listen!

“It’s not fair!”, “that’s not my fault”, you won’t understand”. These might be some among the countless yelling your child makes when upset. Normally you ignore it or just console them saying that things will be fine. But that’s not enough. The problem is with the mentality of the children. If he thinks himself to be a victim he will begin to feel like one.

But the good news is that you can change your child’s attitude.

Simple steps to set things on track!

“The problem that we have with a victim mentality is that we forget to see the blessings of the day. Because of this, our spirit is poisoned instead of nourished.” – Steve Maraboli

  1. Be Clear: 

From their victim behaviour, it is clear that they are unaware about the difference between fair and unfair. With love and care, make them understand that life can be unfair sometimes but not always. Sharing with them your personal experiences of failure is also effective.

Dos and Don'ts while communicating with children

  • “Life can be biased sometimes, but that doesn’t mean it will be like this forever”

X “There is nothing like fair and unfair, it’s your fault”

2. Solve It

If your child faces any problem that makes him/her the victim, ask them how they are going to deal with it. To run away or to blame about problems is not the right way of dealing it. Encourage your children to keep trying until they succeed.

Dos and Don'ts while communicating with children

  • “It’s just part of life, how you handle it is important.”

X “You cannot succeed, I knew it”

3. Don’t argue

If you realise that the child is being treated unfairly, never argue with them for the opposite. If his/her teacher is treating your child badly then don’t ignore. Listen to them and talk to them about the problems and make them believe that, you are there for them.

Dos and Don'ts while communicating with children

  • “It’s not your fault but theirs. Don’t worry about anything. I am here for you”

X   “That teacher always treats you badly. I don’t think she likes you”

4. Responsibilities

Taking care of your child every time your child feels a victim is good. But you must never ignore that you should teach them to take responsibilities of their actions as well. It can be chaos at first but later this will fetch confidence and courage in your child.

Dos and Don'ts while communicating with children

  • Be yourself and that’s not tough

X If you want me to do anything, obey me

#Always remember

Change doesn’t happen overnight. You should bring it and it might take time, but never be disheartened. The core function of our plan is to make our children responsible individuals with a positive outlook towards life.

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow” – Helen Keller

“A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone” -Billy Graham

Parents always choose the best for their children.  When it’s about selecting the school, they often depend on institutions like KHDA and ADEC. Choosing the best school is not enough for the betterment of your child. Helping your child to become a better human being must be the top most priority.

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Most parents are tired of the disrespectful attitude of their children. They believe that there is no way out of it and the only remedy is to ignore. Guess what? You can have control over your child’s behaviour without much effort.

Behaviour that cultivates disrespect in children and ways to tackle them:

  1. Over-react

Children get angry when parents express their frustration in different ways. They find it really annoying when you connect their kiddish behaviour personally or to the next level. Every time your child talks to you and spend time with you, never over-react for the little things you find annoying.

What the child feels: Its better not to communicate with parents, as they won’t understand us.

What you can do instead: Understand their problems. Be a friend to them. You won’t take the jokes and mistakes of your friend personally, right? That’s what works here too. Children might run out of track may be because of their frustration with studies or any other reason. Promote maximum interaction with children. What they need is your time.

  1. Dealing with other people

We understand that you might be tangled with the problems from the boss, loud neighbours and irritating family members. Your possibilities of having a bad day are far higher than your kids. That doesn’t mean you can showcase your problems before your children.

Kids are watching you. Never show your bad behaviour to anyone in front of them. And if you do, don’t be surprised when your kids do the same.

What the child feels: They never feel anything, they just imitate you!

What you can do instead:  Be what you want your kids to be. First be a good human being, then a good parent. That’s not hard.

  1. My child can never go wrong

“I will take the side of my child no matter what”, you think your child will love when you do this. Yes, of course but what you are doing to your children is not less than a crime.

For instance, if your children talks disrespectfully about their teachers for giving them tiring homework, never take their side. Even if you know that the home work is hectic, never join with your kid and complain about the teacher.  When you take the side of your child, you are showing them that it’s ok to be disrespectful to someone you are angry with.

What the child feels: Its ok to rude to someone you are anger with.

What to do instead: You don’t need to agree with someone in order to respect them. Regardless of how they feel, they should always respect their elders. Teach your child to deal with disagreements appropriately and calmly.

  1. Ignoring the good things

Notice the good things in your child’s behaviour. Appreciate them for their brighter side. Constantly reminding them about their mistakes and flaws can only make things worse. Appreciate them for what they are and not what you want them to be.

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What the child feels: It’s impossible to impress parents. No need to be good all the time because it’s the flaws that always gets noticed.

What you should do instead: Kids respond positively to praise. They feel motivated to be better.

  1. Demanding respect

Demanding respect never works. It’s a misconception of parents that by the authority they can make their children do anything.  Ultimately respect is a feeling and you cannot force your child to feel something for you.

What the child feels: It’s just a rule to respect parents.

What to do instead:  Make them understand the importance of respect but don’t force them to do so. Let them realise that you are there for them.

Tired of fighting with your problematic child? Both teachers and parents feel the urge to be angry at them, but that’s not the way out. We have better solutions for your problem.

While the quality of education, infrastructure and other facilities in schools are monitored by institutions such as KHDA and ADEC around the world, there is no official body to look at children’s character formation. Follow some simple steps to bring children under your control.

The Magic Is Here:

It’s not that tough to be buddies with your children. All you have to do is to follow these simple steps. Get hold of your children without them realising it.

Here We Go…!

Rule #1 Patience All The Way

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.” Joyce Meyer

The first compulsory step is to be patient with your children. It can be bitter but believe us; the fruit is worth the wait. This means that you need to have control over your temperament. Make yourself ready for their problematic behaviour. Do a makeover to your perspective.

Rule # 2 Find the Purpose

“When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

The question, why is a child misbehaving is of great importance. There might be some reason for their problematic behaviour. Understand them but never force them to reveal anything. The sooner you know, the better it is. Stay calm and love them for what they are. They must have a sense of belief in you. After gaining that the ball in your court, they will confide in you, making it easy to solve their issues.

Rule #3 No More Bossy Approaches

“Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us”John N Mitchell

Yes! That’s right. Do not be bossy over your child; it can ruin your relationship with him or her. Bossing can make children seek revenge. Ask yourself, do you like being bossed by anyone? You don’t. Neither do children. They need love and care. Look forward to maintain a strong and friendly relationship with your children. Don’t treat them as if they are your slaves.

Rule # 4 Shoulders in thick and thin

“To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.”- Barbara Bush

When children don’t feel a sense of belonging, they tend to exhibit unacceptable behaviour. Make sure that your children possess a sense of belonging. Never scold a child for unwanted reasons. They should get a natural feeling that they belong to you. Make them feel, how special they are. Rather than just making them guilty for their mistakes, make them realise.

Rule #5 Be the opposite of what they expect

“The moments that you were there for someone in their time of need are the moments that they will hopefully remember most.” -Senora Roy

Normally after doing mistakes, children anticipate your reaction. Afraid about the outcome, most of the times they attempt to hide their mistakes. If you want to restrict them from doing something, then talk in a positive manner. Don’t impose your opinion on your children; let them do the right thing on their own.

Rule #6 Focus on Good

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”Mark Twain

There is something good in everything. Instead of focussing on the flaws of your children, focus on their bright side. This gives them confidence. Always being worried about your child can instil in them a feeling that there is something within them to be worried about. The more you worry, the more they will get frustrated.


Researches show that the most important factor in child behaviour is child-parent relationship.

What a child expects form parents

  • Love, respect and care
  • Listen to their feelings
  • Never yell or shout
  • Always being positive
  • Always in a good mood
  • Never compare with other kids

It’s not that tough to control your child. Follow these simple strategies and let us know what you think in the comment section below.

More or less, it’s the responsibility of teachers to ensure better progress of students. At a time when innovative syllabuses such as EYFS and quality control institutions such as KHDA and ADEC are present, a teacher’s job can be challenging.

The effort required to maintain all aspects of education smoothly is quite high. Hence, teachers might not be able to carefully monitor assignments completed by their students. Some children would complete their work by copying it from internet or other source with minimal effort.

No need to worry about tracking the copied stuff. There are sites out there that can help you with this.

5 Awesome tools for Teachers to Check Plagiarism

Be sure about your needs before choosing any plagiarism sites. It’s your responsibility as a teacher to ensure that the assignments allotted to them are carried out effectively.


TurnItIn is a popular plagiarism detection product. The software can be used to analyse against a database with billions of web pages, student papers, and academic articles.

Site Facts:

  • The service can be used in both computer and tablet as it is cloud-based
  • Educational institutions can avail purchase plans
  • 15,000 institutions round the globe uses TurnItIn
  • The site shows teachers the percentage of unoriginal content, high lightens the lines in question and  serves the source of the original content

It is reported that some followers encountered the problem of showing false plagiarism. This can be resolved by checking the source of plagiarism samples. TurnItIn can only be used by teachers if the school subscribes.

The usage of is free and simple. Hence, it is one among the favourite plagiarism checking sites for teachers. It has been made keeping in mind the needs of teachers.

Site Facts

  • is free
  • The site searches phrases rather than whole paper is the best resource to depend if you are looking for a simple reliable plagiarism detector for free. This one will miss plagiarism if children are cribbing their work from resources not freely available online.

  1. Plagtracker

Plagtracker is an effective online plagiarism detection service. The site scans content from more than 20 million academic works. After the scan teachers can obtain a detailed report about the work.

Site Facts:

There are some special features especially for teachers in the site:

  • Student Management and Tracking System
  • Custom Filter Setup
  • Grading System
  • Live Document View
  • Bibliography Check
  • Document Cross-Check

Plagtracker is an effective helping hand for teachers.


PlagScan allows teachers to copy paste or upload assignments of students. The web-based plagiarism detector will scan the content.

Site Facts

  • PlagScan offers the best security for the documents uploaded
  • The submitted document is compared with a database consisting of billions of other documents
  • The site allots information about the original source
  • The search index is regularly updated

PlagScan works on monthly subscription model. Institutions can buy accordingly.

5.The Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism Checker was developed by a college student and he forgot about the site, then he realised that the site was getting attention among users. The site functions with simple copy-paste method.

Site Facts

  • The site is free
  • Plagiarism Checker allows the user to check long posts
  • Premium users can upload files  along with copy-paste option

The site is free and simple, long tests can be checked without error.