The biggest challenge for any teacher is capturing each student’s attention, and conveying ideas effectively enough to create a lasting impression.

As a teacher, to tackle this challenge effectively, you should implement innovative ideas that make the classroom experience much more lovable for your students.

So here are 16 innovative ideas that will help you reinvent your teaching methods and make your classes more interesting.

1. Creative Teaching


Take the help of tools to stimulate creativity. Include playful games or forms of visual exercises that will excite young minds and capture their interest.

This is a time-tested method to identify every young student’s creative abilities and encourage creative contributions.

Bring aspects of creativity into all your subjects, be it mathematics, science, or history. Think of ways to develop their creative ideas.

Encourage different ideas, give them the freedom to explore

2. Audio & Video Tools

Audio-Video-Tools classroom strategies

Incorporate audio-visual materials to supplement textbooks during your sessions. These can be models, filmstrips, movies, pictures, infographics or other mind mapping and brain mapping tools.

Such tools will help their imagination thrive and grow.

These methods will not only develop their ability to listen but will also help them understand the concepts better.

For example, you can get some oral history materials, conduct live online discussions or playback recordings of public lectures.

If you are tech-savvy, there are also a number of smart apps for preschoolers that you can utilize to create awesome slideshows or presentations

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3. “Real-World” Learning

Real World Learning- Classroom Strategies

Infusing real-world experiences into your instructions will make teaching moments fresh, and enrich classroom learning.

Relating and demonstrating through real-life situations will make the material easy to understand and easy to learn. It will spark their interest and get the children excited and involved.

4. Brainstorm

Brainstorming in Classroom - teaching strategies

Make time for brainstorming sessions in your classrooms. These sessions are a great way to get the creative juices flowing.

When you have multiple brains focusing on one single idea, you are sure to get numerous ideas and will also involve everyone into the discussion.

These sessions will be a great platform for students to voice their thoughts without having to worry about right or wrong.

Set some ground rules before you start. You can go for simple brainstorming or group brainstorming or paired brainstorming

5. Classes Outside the Classroom

Classes Outside the Classroom

Some lessons are best learnt, when they are taught outside of the classroom. Organize field trips that are relevant to the lessons or just simply take students for a walk outside of the classroom.

Field trips can help students make connections between classroom learning and real-world experiences. You can plan visits to museums, zoos, or historical sites related to the learning subjects. You can also arrange for students to visit local businesses or organizations related to what they learn to gain first-hand experience. Outdoor excursions, such as nature walks, hikes, or camping trips also help engage students in hands-on learning.

Students will find this fresh and exciting. Without taking much effort, they will learn and remember what you teach them.

6. Role Play

Role Play - Classroom Teaching Strategy

Teaching through role-playing is a great way to make children step out of their comfort zone and develop their interpersonal skills.

This method comes in handy, especially when you are teaching literature, history or current events.

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The role playing approach will help a student understand how the academic material will be relevant to his everyday tasks

Role playing is most effective for students of almost any age group. You just need to customize depending on the age group.

You can even use this method for teaching preschoolers. Just make sure you keep it simple enough to capture their limited attention span.

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7. Storyboard Teaching

Storyboard-Best-Teaching Strategies in classroom

Rudyard Kipling rightly said, “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.”

Storyboarding is a great way to teach any subject which requires  step-by-step memorization or visualization highly-conceptual ideas.

History teachers can use a storyboard to recreate a famous event. Such visually stimulating activity will ensure that even complex ideas are easily put across to students.

You can also encourage the use of storyboards as a form of communication and let the students tell a story in pictures using their imagination

8. Stimulating Classroom Environment

using Classroom environment for better teaching

A classroom environment that is well-decorated, fun, and engaging will help stimulate a student’s mind and will help think and learn better.

Such a creative and stimulating environment will help them explore and will encourage them to learn about the subject.

Children, especially young ones cannot be expected to sit all day and learn.  An environment that positively impacts the children is beneficial for you as well.

Schools associated with Early Years Foundation Stage(EYFS) will vouch for the fact that the learning environment has a prime role in learning and development.

9. Welcome New Ideas

Welcome-New-innovative-ideas-of teaching

An open-minded attitude can help you in innovating new teaching methods. Though you might claim to be open-minded, its human nature to resist change.

Evaluate yourself and ensure you try out new ideas in the classroom.

10. Think About A New Hobby


Sometimes, a hectic workload may affect your engagement in teaching.

If it happens to you, it’s natural.

You can take a break for a couple of hours and engage in some other activity that you’re interested in.

This will rejuvenate you and you can return to your work with more passion and interest.

11. Work Together As a Team

Teamwork in Classroom

As everyone knows, the end result of the collaborative effort is always immense.

Think about spending some quality time with your colleagues. Ask them to share their views on improving teaching methods, you can see many of them come up with interesting strategies.

So, collaborate and introduce innovative teaching methods.

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12. Puzzles and Games


Learning is fun when puzzles and games are part of education. Children may not require taking conscious effort when their lessons are introduced through games.

Puzzles and games help children to think creatively and face challenges.

13. Start School Clubs or Groups

Start School Clubs or Groups - innovative ideas

What about starting an after-school club or group?

Being a teacher you may not get enough time to work on interesting topics that you are passionate about.

You can share your views and learn more from others when you have school clubs or groups.

14. Refer to Books On Creativity


To be a creative teacher, you need to do some research on creative ideas and techniques.

There are a lot of books on creativity.

Choose some of the best works and start learning, it will be helpful for your professional development as well.

15. Love What You Do


You can give your best only if you truly love what you do.

When you are not stressed, you will be more creative and inspired.

Loving your work keeps you relaxed and gives you room to experiment with new ideas.

16. Introduce Lessons Like a Story


Just think, why do you watch movies with much interest?

You like to watch movies because there is always an interesting story to keep you engaged.

Like that,

Learning sessions become more interesting when you introduce it as a story. If you are creative, even math lessons can be related to interesting stories.

17. Music

Use music to create a more engaging learning environment. Music can be used to help students learn new concepts, improve memory retention, and enhance creativity.

It also creates a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere in the classroom and can help to keep students engaged and motivated.

18. Art Activities

Make use of art activities.

Art can help students develop creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. One way to incorporate art is to use visual aids, such as pictures or diagrams, to help explain complex concepts. Another way is to allow students to create art as a way to explore and express their understanding of a topic. This can be in the form of drawing, painting, sculpting, or even digital art. Lastly, encouraging students to collaborate on art projects can help them learn how to work together, communicate effectively, and build relationships with their peers.

All these can make lessons more engaging and can help to reinforce the material that is being taught.

19. Create Challenges

Creating challenges for students can help to keep them motivated and can help to ensure that they are actively engaged in the lesson. It helps enhance the problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and creativity of students.

You can present students with real-world problems or challenges that require them to apply knowledge gained in class. Or you can collaborate with students to design challenges that allow, thus promoting teamwork and communication skills. Additionally, teachers can provide students with the opportunity to design their own challenges, fostering ownership and promoting self-directed learning.

This helps students to develop skills that will benefit them both inside and outside the classroom.

20. Technology-Based Learning Activities

Technology-based learning activities can be an innovative way to make classes more interactive and effective.

Technology can help students develop computer skills, improve critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and provide opportunities for self-directed learning. You can use interactive software and apps to supplement learning materials, such as using virtual reality to explore historical sites or scientific concepts.

Another way is to use online platforms for collaborative projects, such as Google Docs or Padlet, allowing students to work together in real-time. Additionally, teachers can provide students with personalized learning opportunities through educational gaming or online courses.

All these help students to engage with daily lessons in a more dynamic and personalized way, enhancing their learning experience.

21. Online Discussion Boards

Teachers can use online discussion boards to assign discussion questions related to course material and encourage students to respond and engage with their classmates’ posts. They can also use it as a platform for peer review, where students can provide feedback on each other’s work.

The discussion boards can help students to learn from each other, develop their communication skills, and engage with course material in a more dynamic and collaborative way.

22. Debate

Debate activities can help to develop critical thinking skills in students and can help to make lessons more engaging.

You can conduct debate activities in the classroom debates by picking a topic related to lessons and allowing students to argue for and against specific positions. You can also let students research and present arguments on different sides of a topic, helping them develop their research and presentation skills.

Debate activities can help you to tech students to analyse information critically, present their arguments effectively, and consider different viewpoints.

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23. Virtual Labs

Virtual labs can be used to make lessons more engaging and can help to reinforce the material that is being taught. They help students develop scientific and technical skills, improve critical thinking abilities, and provide opportunities for self-directed learning.

There are a number of virtual lab software available; for example, virtual dissection software to study anatomy or physics simulations to explore physical concepts. You can make use of these use virtual labs to provide personalized learning opportunities and allow students to work at their own pace.

In conclusion, there are several innovative ideas that you can use to make your teaching methods more effective. By incorporating technology into your lessons and utilizing different teaching styles, you can help to create an engaging learning environment that is enjoyable for both teachers and students. Additionally, hands-on activities, creative writing activities, and multimedia tools into your lessons can help to make the learning process more engaging and can help to ensure that all students are actively involved in the lesson.

With even the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA ) emphasizing on schools to take measures for improving the quality of teaching and learning, these innovative ideas are sure to make teaching methods more effective.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a comprehensive platform that is ideal for an unparalleled development for any childcare settings from birth to five years.

The first part has to be taken care at home whereas the Reception and nursery is the responsibility of schools.

According to experts, EYFS is a smart compilation of different stages that are very important for their growth as an individual.

The platform they set through EYFS can make a lasting impact for any kid in the way they grow up; their perspectives about life and of course their basic values.

That is why schools have to be very keen when they set up the EYFS curriculum for the next generation.

Are you planning to create the EYFS curriculum for your institution?

Here we are discussing the various stages of a comprehensive EYFS curriculum and the inevitable elements to incorporate in it to make an impact.

1. Communication and Language

This is the preliminary stage of an EYFS curriculum when they can learn the basics of communication and the relevance of a language.

This phase includes the activities to trigger their skills of listening and attention. Include activities to enable children to

  • Name and sound the letters of the alphabet
  • Listen and say sounds in words
  • Hold a pencil correctly
  • Understand a story has a beginning, middle, and end
  • Write their name
  • Begin to write simple sentences

2. Physical Development

This is the stage when a child is taught about the significance of moving and handling of objects around them. In a more detailed scenario, they can have a better awareness of health and self-care.

This stage is more about including activities that enable them to be active and interactive.

Moreover, this is meant to enhance their skills of control, coordination, manipulation, and movement.

This is also about teaching them the relevance of physical activity in daily life in addition to making healthy choices in food.

  • Develop skill and confidence in motor movements such as climbing, swinging, running, jumping, and hanging
  • Promote and develop their spatial awareness and coordination
  • Enable them to control the use of one-handed tools and equipment

3. Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This is the stage when a child learns about making relationships and its importance in their lives.

With activities that trigger personal, social and emotional development, the child gets the medicine of self-confidence and self-awareness.

The ultimate end result of this stage will be their understanding of managing feelings and behavior.

Educators should include experiences and support to help them to

  • Develop a positive sense of themselves and of others
  • Improve social skills
  • Have respect for others
  • Build a positive disposition to learn

4. Literacy

Once you enter this stage, the focus will be shifted towards the basic activities for setting a platform for their reading and writing skills.

They can explore it through stories, songs, and poems using a wide range of media.

The phonics area is an inevitable element which encourages and supports kids to trigger their independent learning.

The activities in this phase enable kids to

  • Develop linking sounds to letters
  • Recognize print in their environment
  • Understand the significance of print for communication

5. Mathematics

This is one of the most interesting but challenging phases of an EYFS curriculum when kids are taught about the basics of mathematics.

The basics for the subject needs to be set right or else it might turn out to be one of the most dreadful subjects when they move up higher classes.

The basic phase includes activities to trigger recognition of numbers, shape, space, and measure.

The activities should include

  • Counting up to ten and beyond
  • Sharing objects into equal groups
  • Learn ‘addition’ means adding on, and ‘subtraction’ means taking away
  • Creating their own patterns
  • Building models and shapes

6. Understanding of the World

This area of learning is meant for kids to explore, learn more and find more about their environment.

Kids should be exposed to solve problems, make decisions, question, predict, experiment, and plan in diverse life scenarios.

This in fact is the science part of the curriculum where kids have practical experience of conducting and exploring experiments and using drawings and charts to showcase the findings.

The activities during the phase will train them to

  • Identify features of objects, living things, and events
  • Look at similarities, differences, and patterns
  • Use their senses

7. Expressive Arts

This phase is more about giving them opportunities to be imaginative and setting a platform for them to share their ideas, thoughts and feelings.

It is important to give them role-play activities and let them experience and explore the possibilities of design, art, and music; dance and technology right from their young days.

This phase is more about encouraging their curiosity, exploration and play. Give them the ultimate freedom to express themselves through various means.

  • They sing songs, make music and dance
  • Experiment with ways of changing and improving their creativity
  • Design and technology enables them to represent their thoughts and ideas
  • Schools may even provide specialist teaching in music or dance

In fact, kids are encouraged to lead their own learning and support is given in terms of person, space and materials to trigger this independence.

The ultimate result of a proper EYFS program is smart children who have their own ideas, think creatively and critically, easily make links between ideas and choose their ways to do things.

When a child has undergone effective learning, they have the next level of engagement when he played with what they know, find out and explore more, and shows a willingness to ‘have a go’.

The schools and respected authorities can take an extra step towards building an EYFS curriculum with the best possibilities to develop a generation of smart citizens for tomorrow.

They can help kids to best exploit the chance to develop their understanding and knowledge to secure a foundation for their life later.

Know More: 20 Best Education System in the World 

Modern schools are using the best of the options in the curriculum to give them a challenging education which is designed to unlock their potential.

This will enable children to give out their best which makes them fit for the world’s best universities.

Teaching is a huge responsibility and an ideal teacher should make sure that the students are comfortable with the way they deal with a classroom.

Students spent more time at school than at home. So, teachers should be an ideal role model for their students. You should try to create a bond between the hearts and minds of yourself and the students.

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The statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) helps school teachers to analyze the standards that early year providers should meet. This would enable children will learn and develop well. Along with that, here are certain things that you should avoid as a teacher to create a pleasant, safe as well as comfortable atmosphere for their students.Teacher app ad banner

1. Yelling – No students like yelling at them. This will cause them to slowly dislike the teacher and may result in distrust too. Also by yelling, you can never follow the classroom management plan. Students will more listen to you, when you speak in a normal voice. While raising your voice, it seems like you are showering your frustrations in front of them. Clear communication will make teaching an easier and enjoyable task as well.

2. Short temper – It is just not fine if the role model lose temper in front of the students. Especially if you are an Early Years Foundation Stage teacher. Rebuilding trusts and relationship with students is not that easier as it seems to be. Try to keep calm and take effort as to avoid shouting. In case if you have raised your voice, make sure to apologize. Also focus on your behavioral aspects and change the things that need to be done.

3. Unprepared for class – Coming unprepared for class is the loss of valuable teaching time. It also indicates a negative behavior.

4. Loss of control – Never let the class become unruly. Take control of the class. Students may become overexcited and may create noises. Early Years Foundation Stage teachers might find it difficult, but it is a skill that can easily be developed. An ideal way would be to create signals such as clapping hands or raising hands to keep them quiet.

5. Continuous sitting – Teachers sitting at the beginning of the class is fine. But remaining in the seated position throughout the class may create lack of interest and motivation in students.

6. Arguing – Discussions and argument are both different. Even if the student argues on any point, you should never encourage that. While setting rules in the beginning of the year, make sure to include that arguing is not an appreciable behavior and it shows disrespect.

7. Humiliation – Never hurt the dignity and self-respect of a student. He/she will lose confidence in your classroom. Also they will never trust you.

8. Getting too much friendly – Most new teachers make this mistake. They try to win the students by compromising on discipline, which may result in disrespect. Make sure to follow the set of rules that teaches them discipline. Also never be too open with students to discuss your personal information. Instead stay professional and try to earn their respect and appreciation.

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9. Late rules – Establishing rules in the beginning of the year helps to create a peaceful atmosphere during the whole year. Routines and rules, established late will fail to serve the purpose.

10. Complaining about coworker – Talking ill about other staff, management or other teachers in the school will be of no gain at all. It is better to talk directly to the teacher or staff member whom you have issues with and solve the problem then and there.

11. Too tough and authoritative – A teacher’s authority is a responsibility. Never misuse that. Being too tough and hard may result in students being afraid of you. Your aim should be to be loved, respected and not to be feared by them.

12. Over dependency on administrators – Make your own strategies to manage the class. Never depend too much on school administrators. A teacher also plays the role of an educator and disciplinarian.

13. Too much hard work – Along with work, find time to relax and be with your family after work.

14. Unequal treating – Never treat students based on your likes and dislikes. All the students should be considered equal. Punishment should be same for everyone and never show special consideration for the one you like the most.

15. Getting late – Punctuality is crucial as students learn many things from you. Getting late occasionally is fine. When you get late, make sure to say a sorry to your students.

16. Lessons from text book alone – Just teaching the students what is dictated in the text causes boredom. Also they will miss many things like experimenting what they learned, projects and assignments.

17. Unfair rules – Rules certainly are created to follow. But certain alleviations should be made based on the valid excuse and situation of the student.

18. Accepting late work – Rules you make should be consistent. Do not accept late submission unless and until for a valid reason.

Also Read : Tips To Tackle Cyberbullying among students

19. Making simple things complex – Don’t confuse them. Explain your instructions in clear language, bit by bit so that they know what they are expected to do.

20. Too much directions Stop providing too many instructions. Make them feel that you are one among them and are reliable.

21. Eating Lunch during class hours You’d be surprised to see any teacher bringing lunch to a classroom. This is not good with any level or any age. Having a cup of tea or coffee is ok, but don’t eat your afternoon meal during class hours.

22. Making Fun of Students It is obvious that you make fun of students but sometimes your joke or comment can hurt the student’s self-confidence. Surely, it is a great talent you have if you are able to use humor in classrooms and make students laugh. But be careful that your jokes or comments doesn’t harm any particular student personally.

23. Only Following the Book Many a times, teachers teach everything directly from the textbook; this tends to boring and monotonous. It makes your student to show disinterest towards your lecture. Because they are learning something new, they want opportunities to do and experiment with their new skill. So, ensure that you are connecting your activities to book instead of just teaching whatever given in the textbook.

24. Sitting Down and Teaching Sitting down and teaching throughout an entire class is not apt for a teacher. The teachers you are expected to stand or walk around while taking a class as sitting down for long duration is a sign of laziness, unless you’re ill or injured.

25. Playing Favouritism Every student must get your direction and attention. It is quite obvious that every teacher has a favourite student in their class but be sure that you don’t give any special consideration to he/she which you don’t give to other students of the class. Whatever might be the situation, always be fair to all the students in your class.


Lack of a pleasant atmosphere will cause boredom and thus misbehavior follows.

The EYFS framework provides common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education and childcare experiences to all children.

But, how these principles are followed depends on how teachers like you execute the principles.

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So put your best foot forward to be an awesome teacher.

If you have any suggestions to add to the list, please share with us in the comment section.

Also Read : 20 Best Attendance Management App for Teachers

Every child is unique and they learn and develop at different rates and in different ways”- Beverley Hughes

Every child deserves the best possible start in their learning life. Early Year Foundation Stage(EYFS) provides support to children and helps to fully utilize their potential. Most children develop and learn during their early years. And the experiences they have between birth and age five have a remarkable impact on their future life.

Every child deserves a secure, good, safe and happy childhood. EYFS sets the standards for learning, growth, development and care of children from birth to five years old.

Must Read:

12 EYFS Activities For Children

There are seven areas of learning and development by which a child develop skills, gain knowledge and demonstrate their understanding. Usually children develop three areas first. Those areas are

1. Physical development

2. Personal, social and emotional development

3. Communication and language

Proper development of these areas are essential for healthy growth and to have a better future learning. As children grow, they need to develop in four specific areas. And those areas are literacy, mathematics, expressive arts and science, and understanding the world.

All these seven areas help to plan the child’s learning and activities. It is the responsibility of teachers in supporting and teaching children according to their unique needs.

A separate curriculum is designed for child in primary and secondary schools. Hence it is most suitable for young children only. It is designed in a very flexible manner so that staff can change it according to the unique needs and interests of the child. In EYFS framework, children learn by playing and exploring both indoors and outdoors. Each child develop their own skills according to their creativity, imagination and critical thinking.

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How can Parents help their Child in Learning?

Learning and development actually begin at home itself. All the fun activities that are done at home have a vital role in the growth and development of the child. Learning done at home will have a long lasting effect on the child during their progress to schools. Even when the child is too young and unable to talk, never ignore them. Try to talk to them so that they could learn and understand new words, ideas and thus give them a motivation to speak. As a young learner, we should care to have at least some time with our child. Parents can do the following activities with their children:

  1. Sing and tell nursery rhymes
  2. Tell them about numbers, colors, letters and words when we go out
  3. Allow them an opportunity to cut out and stick pictures from magazines
  4. When we go out for supermarket tell them about different packaging shapes
  5. Show them how to plant seeds and water it
  6. Cook or bake together
  7. Explore the park and give them an opportunity to mingle with other children
  8. Try to read and share stories from good books

All these activities can greatly help children in their growth. It is better to seek some professional for knowing about different activities and books the child may enjoy at different ages. If the parents work together with caretakers or professionals, one will get a better result in their child’s development. They should exchange information and discuss things together that can provide benefits to the child. There should be a proper check and thus prepare a brief summary done by parents and teachers regarding the progress of the child at each age. This summary can help in the future learning and development of the child.

"Books will soon be obsolete in the public schools…our school system will be completely changed inside of ten years."- Thomas Edison

Technology has revolutionized education for the better. Apps are now everywhere! Introduction of school apps has greatly made the life of students and teachers easier. School apps now play an important part in managing, organizing and monitoring activities in the classroom. They are particularly useful for early year foundation stage (EYFS)

But are school apps vital for modern education? Here are some benefits of using school apps:

  • Teachers are able to Share their Ideas and Resources Online

Teachers are able to connect with people all around the world within minutes, find shortcomings, correct it and thus improve students’ quality. If they want to share learning materials, they can use school apps’ sharing features. By using parent apps, teachers can communicate with parents regarding students’ academic improvement and other activities.

Read Also: 6 Ways School Apps are Important for Parents

  • Students are able to Cultivate Research Skills at a Young Age

Apps allow students to explore freely. Their innate curiosity is thus encouraged. By exploring using school apps, students become capable of finding solutions and clear their doubts themselves. This skill can be helpful for in future.

  • Create a Good Rapport between Parents and Teachers

School apps help create a good rapport between parents and teachers as they will be provided with up-to-date information regarding school policies, extracurricular activities, school happenings etc Apps can provide extra information such as bus routes, maps etc.

School apps can also integrate student information systems such as teacher comments, grades and school attendance. They are especially useful for distance and online education as it would be easy for them to submit assignments via mobile.

  • Easy Access of Information

With the evolution of innovative apps on smartphones, people are now able to connect to the internet universe without a personal computer or laptop. Hence, information can be easily accessed on-the-go

  • More Scope for Communication

With the help of school apps, parents are able to get notification regarding school activities. They will get information regarding urgent announcements, school events and thus keep track of important dates. Alerts can also be sent via apps. Teachers are able to answer the queries of students instantly.

Read Also: How School Apps are used to Engage Parents & Students

  • Forms a Stepping Stone to Self-Education

Students are able to form a creative and productive approach towards learning with the help of school apps. This later helps them in the process of self-education in future. They will be self-motivated to improve their performance through the usage of school apps.

School apps are inexpensive, easy to use, and improve student learning capacity. They have completely revolutionized today's educational sector. In fact, in this fast paced world, school apps are vital for students to keep up the changes happening around them.

One of the seven areas of learning in EYFS relates to the physical development of the child. Teaching your children to follow healthy ways and healthy habits in life is really important.

Training your child- What are the areas to focus on?

Don’t restrict yourself on putting your effort only in making them learn how to brush their teeth or wash their hands before eating and doing the other daily routines.  Also guide them in maintaining cleanliness during every day activities. That is what EYFS focuses on.

Explain to them why he/she is expected to follow this and that. Create awareness in the child. Let them understand that what they are doing doesn’t merely constrain itself to mimicking elders. This will make your efforts easier and your toddler will surprise you with better adherence to your instructions.

Read Also: Special Education Needs for Children [EYFS]

What to do and what not to do?

1. Teach Right. Teach Slow.

Give them clear and precise directions. Don’t give them confusing or hasty instructions and demand them to repeat when you’re done. Show them how to do it a multiple number of times.

2. Be Patient

Be patient and wait for improvements or results. Don’t get frustrated. This could take matters to the emotional side. Show the same amount of care and concern every time you deal with your child. Showing irritability can inhibit your child from seeking help from you anymore. Even if the child had repeated what you’ve taught once or twice previously, do not expect that he/she will do it right every time.

3. Give Treats

Motivate your child by offering a small and cheap treat, a chocolate or a coin to put in the piggy bank for a day of finishing their routines well.

4. Make Yourselves an Example to Follow

It is really annoying when the kids are required to follow a set of instructions and they watch you doing exactly the opposite. It will be really a struggle for them to understand the values you are trying to inculcate if you are not giving it any respect yourselves.  Keep yourselves and your surroundings clean; as well as your floors, cupboards, toilet, kitchen etc.

You May also Like: Motivational Movies for Students

5. Encourage Participation

Encourage them to participate in doing chores, cleaning up, and tidying. Give them simple tasks like taking their dishes to the kitchen after eating or taking their used clothes to the laundry basket.

6. Monitor and Make Changes

Teaching is not merely giving confined sets of instructions to follow. You have to monitor your child’s progress continuously. You should be at their service when they need external help until they gain some sort of mastery over it. Notice what they do right and what they do not. Praise them for what they deserve. Do revisions of your mode of approach if required. If a specific way is too difficult for your child, devise a better way that your child finds easier to follow.

Motivation is not just a word; it’s a desire to do things, better and excel. When it’s about motivating children, parents and teachers can contribute the best.

Schools have introduced EYFS syllabus to encourage in children the play and learn method. Just like EYFS syllabus that motivates children for better, films can also be motivation for them.

The best way to make you child understand life is to make them feel its essence. Movies serve the purpose best.

Check out the list of movies to gift your child;

Tired of watching movies that give no special message to live with? Here is the list of motivational movies that can leave lasting impression on your children.

  1. The Pursuit of Happyness

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Directed by Gabriele Muccino, The Pursuit of Happyness is the startling real-life story of Chris Gardner. The power of hard work helped him reach greater heights. He expanded his career from medical equipment salesman to financial hotshot, only with pure dedication and hard work. Chris’ story makes it clear that no matter what the circumstances be, never give up.

  1. Freedom Writers

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Freedom Writers directed by Richard LaGravenese is a perfect motivational study movie. The movie is perfect for students with learning disabilities during early life. The movie revolves around a dedicated young teacher who inspires her ‘ghetto’ class to pursue their dreams with education.

  1. Dead Poets Society

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Dead Poets Society written by Tom Schulman is the experience of a shy teenager forced to live a life to fulfil the expectations set by his parents. He is admitted into a strict school for the same. The movie is the perfect pick for students who want to know why they should learn.

  1. The Blind Side

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The Blind Side is based on the true story of Michael Oher. The protagonist is taken by a caring family and is provided all the opportunities he has been dreaming about. The story is about love, kindness and hope. It is every inch motivating. It is written and directed by John Lee Hancock based on a book by Michael Lewis named The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game.

  1. Good Will Hunting

20 Motivational Movies for Students

An American drama film, Good Will Hunting received both universal critical acclaim and was a financial success. It is the story of a janitor at MIT who discovers his incredible potential towards maths and chemistry. The film inspires to realize hidden talent rooted within each one of us. Good Will Hunting is a perfect movie for accounting and finance students.

  1. Rudy

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Rudy is a not a conventional movie that inspires children to learn but to play. Yes! You heard it right. It proves that sports, health and fitness are as important as books. Rudy is the story of a “no-hoper” desperate of playing football at Notre Dame University in the US. No one believed in his abilities as he was only half the size of the other players, with poor athletic ability and low grades. But he manages to prove them all wrong with his determination and hard work.

  1.  Legally Blonde

20 Motivational Movies for Students

An American comedy film Legally Blonde is the story about rising from the insecurities and doing well in life. The story revolves around Elle Wood, who manages to get admission into one of the most prestigious colleges. The movie depicts the fact that hard work eventually pays off. The movie shows that, sometimes you have got more potential than you think you have.

  1. Stand and Deliver

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Stand and Deliver is based on the true story of a high school math teacher Jaime Escalante. He was an idealistic mathematic teacher. Away from the conventional teaching style, he managed to encourage his “no-hoper” students to study. Stand and Deliver is the story of Jaime Escalante. The movie offers inspiration especially for anyone studying an accounting or finance course.

  1. Lean on Me

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Ever dreamt of a second chance in your studies or career? Lean on Me, based on a true story depicts an unorthodox teacher who returns to the high school from where he had been fired as the principal. The movie will inspire your students to dream and to achieve. There is nothing like a true story that shows real life in it.

  1.   The Paper Chase

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Often children feel lazy to study; they need to set a particular mind set before their studies. Based on John Jay Osborn, Jr.’s novel The Paper Chase focuses on the determination and hard work of James T. Hart. He was a studious first-year student at Harvard. The movie is a perfect pick for anyone who finds it difficult to maintain the motivation alive.

  11. The Great Debaters

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The movie is based on the real story and is about a debate coach named at Wiley College. He persuades his students (reportedly Black students) to compete with White students from American South for debate competition. This movie highlights the dialogue “An unjust law is no law at all”, which is a paraphrase of Augustine of Hippo.

 12. A Beautiful Mind

20 Motivational Movies for Students

A Beautiful Mind is about an intellectual named Tom, a mathematical genius, who falls in distress when he finds out that he is suffering from a disorder. But with his will power and effort, he recovers and breaks free from the trauma that affected him. It is a great movie for students who fall for silly issues and it gives a message that nothing is impossible.

13. 21

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The movie revolves around a math professor named Micky who chooses 5 brilliant students to play at Black Jack in Las Vegas. One of the five students Ben Campbell gets ready for this daring challenge to pay off his tuition fees. The movie is inspired by the real story of MIT students, who mastered in card games and was able to win millions of money. It shows the brilliance of Mathematics subject to students.

14. Udaan

20 Motivational Movies for Students

This is a Hindi movie which tells the story of a boy called Rajat. The story shows how he and his father get into argument regarding his career. He aspires to become a writer and the movie gives a strong message to young students to follow their passion rather than force other's dream into ones mind. It is indeed a warning to todays parents.

15. 3 Idiots

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Obviously, the movie is a must watch film for students as well as parents. It reveals the flaws in Indian Educational System and the sharp contrast between mugging up and learning with interest. This movie satirizes the mind-set of todays parents and students to get a white collar job and settle down without caring about ones passion.

16. Nil Battey Sannata

20 Motivational Movies for Students

This Hindi movie directed by Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, tells the story of a high school dropout, single-mother, who works as a housemaid and wants her daughter to have a good life unlike her. However, the daughter is a happy backbencher, with no intentions to study or achieve anything in life. With no other choice left, the mother joins her daughters school to make the daughter realize the importance of education. The movie underlines the fact that nothing should stop you from achieving in your life and shows how education can change your life positively.

17. The Social Network

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The movie about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerbergs journey from a Harvard student to a multi-millionaire is sure to inspire you. However, the path wasn’t easy for him with two brothers claiming that Zuckerberg stole their idea. The Social Network gives the message that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it and that the path to success is never easy. All you have to do is to courageously face the hurdles and move forward.

18. The Breakfast Club

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The movie deals with five students coming from different backgrounds who realize that what they have been thinking about each other wasn’t what they were in real and how the most unlikely of people come closer to form a friendship gang. The movie shows how you can find friends from places you might have never expected and motivate you to enjoy every minute of your student life as those moments are never going to some back.

19. I Am Kalam

20 Motivational Movies for Students

This is another Hindi movie to add to a students ‘must-watch movies’ list. I Am Kalam revolves around the life of a boy named, Chotu, who aspires to become like APJ Abdul Kalam one day and the hardships he face to reach his aim. The movie also shows the friendship between a rich and a poor boy, thus proving that financial status is not a criterion to make friends. Almost every student idolizes someone in their lives and therefore, they’ll find it easy to relate to Chotu. The movie also reminds the viewer about how they should be thankful to have the privilege to study while many are not lucky as them.

20. Akeelah and the Bee

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The movie tells the story of 11 year old Akeelah Anderson, a spelling enthusiast from South Los Angeles, who tries to make it to the Scripps National Spelling Bee contest. However, she faces many obstacles in between, one being her mother. The film conveys the message that the path to success is never easy and that only effort and focus can help you to succeed.

Education is really crucial for the healthy mental development of children. To help achieve the best through education, EYFS syllabus is enabled in many schools.

But some children are left behind without any special reason. Most parents take the reason as laziness or negligence towards studies. But the fact is that, the child must be having some really serious learning disability.

Plenty of helps and advices arrive if education is difficult for your children. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) has got special guidance for teachers to identify children with special needs. Most parents are even unaware about special needs education.

If your child has more difficulties than most children of their age with their schoolwork, communication or behaviour, plenty of help and advice is at hand from specialists, teachers and voluntary organisations. No need to panic.

What does the term 'special educational needs' really mean?

It’s hard for children with learning disabilities to learn the same way as other children of their age. Hence they need special assistance during education. With the help of specialists, help will be provided to them.

Related Read: Special Education Web Sites for Teachers and Parent

Overview about the Needs

They need extra help in special areas like:

  • School Home Work
  • Reading and Writing
  • Understanding information
  • Expressing themselves
  • Making Friends
  • Properly Behaving
  • Organising

Approach to Special Educational Needs

Take a step by step approach if your child requires special education needs. The way children learns are different so are their needs.

Schools can make great contributions:

  1. Different way of teaching
  2. Extra help from adult
  3. Use of technology to make child engaged

Basic Principles for parents:

  1. If your child requires special need, talk to the teacher and make necessary arrangements to meet their broad, well-balanced and relevant education.
  2. Listen to the wishes of your child
  3. Don’t be an observer, indulge your child’s education

Getting Help is Important

Your child’s early years are crucial for their emotional, intellectual, social and physical development. Support can take a lot of forms, which includes:

  • Support from doctors, educational psychologists, and speech or language therapists.  Visits from these specialists can help in providing advice information.
  • Promoting play, communication and language development with the special training of parents.
  • Make it a point to spend more time with your children. Routine check up with doctor is important.

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Always remember

To maintain a positive attitude: Positive attitude to any problem can create wonders. It’s a genuinely valuable tool.

Avoid Pity: Showing pity for your children is no less than disabling them. Don’t encourage pity.

You Are Not Alone: Parents might feel isolated after the diagnosis of the problem but that’s not the reality. There are many others fighting the same battle.

Find Assistance: Finding assistance for your problems helps you to deal with it better. Even if you belong to an isolated region, you can still find help.

“Every child you encounter is a divine appointment.”- Wess Stafford

While schools strive to elevate children’s learning experience to the next level by EYFS syllabus, what are the contributions to children with special needs?

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Each child is unique, so are their requirements. EYFS syllabus that instills love for learning in students is not enough for children with special needs. They deserve something more. It’s not that they lack potential but requires special care to shine.

If you are a parent or teacher of a child with special needs, you cannot afford to teach them with limited resources. Special education needs better research.  Discover the potential of your students with the right support. The tool you might need to polish their intellect is here.

Here are some great special education websites:

  1. is the perfect destination for a wide-range of topics. It’s easy for both parents and teachers to find what they need. This website can help you stay updated about special education information. Articles by expert Jerry Webster is of great use for parents and teachers. You can easily find lessons, activities and general information about special needs education in

  1. Cast

Cast consists of everything related to special education. It is a non-profit education research and development organization. Cast aims at expanding learning opportunities for all individuals through Universal Design for Learning.  It consists of 40 talented employees who include world-class educators, learning scientists, instructional designers, literacy experts, policy analysts, and graphic designers, software engineers, along with a first-rate administrative and executive staff.

  1. ADDitude

ADDitude is a magazine founded in 1998 by Ellen Kingsley, an award-winning journalist. The printed material in the magazine is also available in a fabulous website. The site is every inch useful for those living with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and parents of children with ADHD. The site provides clear, accurate and user-friendly techniques from experts.

  1. Understood

Understood has got partnership with 15 leading non-profit organizations like Common Sense Media, CAST, the National Center for Learning Disabilities and more. The site provides great articles with practice tips. The effective Parenting Toolkit in the site includes personalized advice and resources, a simulation tool to understand things from your child’s perspective, a tech finder, and a parenting coach tool. All you need is under one roof.

  1. LD Online

LD online is yet another website which contains articles, multimedia, columns by noted experts, first person essays, children’s writing and artwork, a comprehensive resource guide, community forums, and a referral directory of professionals, schools, and products. The site provides resources for teenagers transitioning between high school and college. This material rich website can be used by people belonging to all age groups.

  1. Do2Learn

Just like the name suggests, the Do2Learn website consists of numerous activities that can easily stimulate social skills and behavioural regulation in children. The site has to its credit, thousands of free pages which provide guidance, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills.

  1. BookShare

Knowledge can never go out of trend. Its mainly reading that enables knowledge. For people with print disabilities, BookShare has gifted world’s largest accessible online library. People with print disabilities due to visual impairments, physical impairments, and learning disabilities can depend on BookShare for books with digital formats.

  1. Bridging Apps

Bridging Apps is an effective site started by two parents and therapists of special needs children. It provides searchable database for iPhones, iPads and Android devices. The app is available anywhere and anytime. Bridging Apps provides the best resource for those living with disabilities and helps their parents to teach better.

  1. Apps for Children with Special Needs

Apps for Children with Special Needs concentrate on providing support for parents and teachers of special need children.  The app is developed by the parent of a special need child. This site appears to focus only on iOS apps. Apps for Children with Special Needs consist of videos along with relevant information and advice from source you can trust. This site encourages you to buy sensibly.

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  1. is used for finding materials of special education. The site is maintained by the largest and independent non-profit organization – Common Sense Education. The site was built by teachers for teachers. Collections of apps are produced by Graphite on various topics including special needs.

Three objects were considered essential across all participants, cultures and genders: keys, money and mobile phone.”

– Jan Chipchase, Nokia

Jenn is 3; she uses her mother’s phone with great interest and amusement.  If she couldn’t find the phone at her reach, she would cry her eyes out.

Ann is 9; still she demands to have a mobile phone for herself. Peer pressure must be the reason. She doesn’t want to depend on her mother for mobile access anymore.

Stella is 12; she needs the best- branded phone. She cannot take the risk of bringing a normal phone to school.

Jenn, Ann, and Stella are not individual cases. If you are a parent you must have noticed your child’s obsessions towards Smart phones. From the time they start understanding their surroundings; smart phones become an important priority for them. Parents love their children but are confused whether it’s good or bad to gift children smart phones.

Everything you need to know before surprising your child with a smart phone:

Most parents believe that it’s not wise to give mobile phones for children. The decision has become tougher with the arrival of kid-friendly apps and interesting videos for children.

According to survey conducted on mobile phones and children,

  • 56 %of children ages 10 to 13 have a smartphone
  • 25 % of children ages 2 to 5 have a smartphone

But the right age of introducing children to smart phones till remains a mystery. Let’s forget about the right and wrong, we can evaluate the uses of mobile phones.

Family circumstances, child’s maturity level, the real use of mobile phones are all factors that must be considered before gifting children mobile phones.

Compared to indoor learning, we know that children enjoy EYFS syllabus. The way they are made to learn is crucial. Just like the interactive learning experience of EYFS, there are numerous applications available in smart phones that can make learning a whole- new experience for children.

The prominent question is, “What’s the phone for?” the manner in which your child uses the phone must be taken in to consideration. There are useful apps out there that can be used to enhance children’s knowledge. But the social media circle is too early for small children to be a part of.

The educational possibilities of smart phones must be taken in to consideration before declining its use as well. There are numerous exclusive apps waiting for your children at the play store.

Be Double Sure About Your Decision

Emotional maturity

Child psychologists confirm that there is no specific age when children are ready for smart phones. It is noticed that introducing children to smart phone at an early age provides them solid foundation of the digital world. The parents must be well-aware about their children’s emotional and physical maturity before gifting them a smart phone.

Children after sometime might become frustrated with technology this may develop hatred towards everything in life. Face to face interaction is equally important for children to develop emotionally.

Love yourself

It’s important for children to love their own company. With smart phones they remain constantly in touch with one another. Nowadays when people are alone, they reach for their phones rather than involving themselves in personal activities.

Parental involvement

Parents must be involved in their child’s electronic device experiences. You can help your children gain more knowledge by indulging with them in the right usage of smart phones. The interaction with children surely will enhance your relationship with them. Along with interactive mobile phone sessions, spend time for outdoor activities as well. At the end of the day, they have to live in the real world.

How you use is important

It cannot be ignored that the way you use your mobile phones determines the outcome. Parents should distinguish between entertainment content and educational content. While selecting apps for your children always go for age-based apps. Choose apps your child can handle easily and effectively. There are numerous apps available which are distinguished according to the age group.

Limited Screen Time

  1. According to studies:
  • Do not allow 4 to 5 years old to sit more than half an hour per sitting
  • Do not allow 6 to 7 year olds to sit more than one hour per sitting
  • High school students should limit the use to two hours
  1. Other problems
  • Never allow your child to interact or use mobile phones while taking dinner.
  • Over-usage of mobile phones can result in eye problems. 20-20-20 rule must be followed. Every 20 minutes, spend 20 seconds looking at something 20 feet away

Random facts you may find useful:

  • If you are thinking of gifting your young children mobile phone. Opt for ones that dial only your contact number with pre-paid connection
  • Always opt for a basic handset for children
  • Apps your children download must be given special consideration
  • The social media usage must be under strict control

So, go ahead and teach your children the right smartphone habits.