
Tired of fighting with your problematic child? Both teachers and parents feel the urge to be angry at them, but that’s not the way out. We have better solutions for your problem.

While the quality of education, infrastructure and other facilities in schools are monitored by institutions such as KHDA and ADEC around the world, there is no official body to look at children’s character formation. Follow some simple steps to bring children under your control.

The Magic Is Here:

It’s not that tough to be buddies with your children. All you have to do is to follow these simple steps. Get hold of your children without them realising it.

Here We Go…!

Rule #1 Patience All The Way

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.” Joyce Meyer

The first compulsory step is to be patient with your children. It can be bitter but believe us; the fruit is worth the wait. This means that you need to have control over your temperament. Make yourself ready for their problematic behaviour. Do a makeover to your perspective.

Rule # 2 Find the Purpose

“When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

The question, why is a child misbehaving is of great importance. There might be some reason for their problematic behaviour. Understand them but never force them to reveal anything. The sooner you know, the better it is. Stay calm and love them for what they are. They must have a sense of belief in you. After gaining that the ball in your court, they will confide in you, making it easy to solve their issues.

Rule #3 No More Bossy Approaches

“Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us”John N Mitchell

Yes! That’s right. Do not be bossy over your child; it can ruin your relationship with him or her. Bossing can make children seek revenge. Ask yourself, do you like being bossed by anyone? You don’t. Neither do children. They need love and care. Look forward to maintain a strong and friendly relationship with your children. Don’t treat them as if they are your slaves.

Rule # 4 Shoulders in thick and thin

“To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.”- Barbara Bush

When children don’t feel a sense of belonging, they tend to exhibit unacceptable behaviour. Make sure that your children possess a sense of belonging. Never scold a child for unwanted reasons. They should get a natural feeling that they belong to you. Make them feel, how special they are. Rather than just making them guilty for their mistakes, make them realise.

Rule #5 Be the opposite of what they expect

“The moments that you were there for someone in their time of need are the moments that they will hopefully remember most.” -Senora Roy

Normally after doing mistakes, children anticipate your reaction. Afraid about the outcome, most of the times they attempt to hide their mistakes. If you want to restrict them from doing something, then talk in a positive manner. Don’t impose your opinion on your children; let them do the right thing on their own.

Rule #6 Focus on Good

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”Mark Twain

There is something good in everything. Instead of focussing on the flaws of your children, focus on their bright side. This gives them confidence. Always being worried about your child can instil in them a feeling that there is something within them to be worried about. The more you worry, the more they will get frustrated.


Researches show that the most important factor in child behaviour is child-parent relationship.

What a child expects form parents

  • Love, respect and care
  • Listen to their feelings
  • Never yell or shout
  • Always being positive
  • Always in a good mood
  • Never compare with other kids

It’s not that tough to control your child. Follow these simple strategies and let us know what you think in the comment section below.

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