To enhance the play and learn experience, schools follow EYFS syllabus. Play and learn method works best. The attachment of children towards EYFS syllabus shows their obsession towards activities. It’s a platform for them to learn beyond the print.

Just like EYFS, you can also plan exciting activities for your children. Have your ever considered listing hands-on nature activities with your child? Exploring and learning keeps the fun going.

Check out some fascinating Hands-on nature activities

  1. Bug Hunting

Bugs are always fascinating for children. When they fly and buzz, it lightens the mood of children. Make a visit to your backyard along with your children and get closer to nature.

Let your child observe bugs carefully. Talk to them about the colour of the bug. Explain about their life, how they protect themselves from external danger. With patience, teach them anything and everything related to a specific bug.

Materials you need

  • Container
  • Waxed paper
  • Rubber band
  • Spoon
  • Apple
  • Honey
  • Magnifying glass


You must attract bugs first. For that, there are several methods. Something sweet can attract them, so you can consider the mixture of an apple with honey. Mix both honey and apple; place it outside for a while. If you want you can place the mixture on a tree. Have regular check. You could have attracted new bugs. Draw what you see with the magnifying glass. It’s exciting to find new comers during night.

You can select any bug that you feel like observing. When you place the bug in a container make sure that it has bottle cap of water and green leaves inside it. Cover the container with waxed paper with small holes. Within twenty-four hours return the bug, where you found him.

  1. Create Rock Art

This week, plan a rock hunting venture with your children. Collect small rocks with different shapes, sizes, and colours. After getting back home, let your child decorate the rocks collected. They can also draw faces on them. When the colour dries up, store it in a box. Decorate your garden with the beautiful rocks.

Materials you need

  • Rocks
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Play dough
  • Ribbon or lace


Collect rocks and clean them. Colour it with paint. You can also make it look fantastic with accessories made out of play dough, ribbon and lace.

  1. Summer Memento

If your child is crazy about collecting memento, don’t stop them. That’s a good outdoor activity that you can try with them. Plan a trip to the beach, playground, or other summer destinations and allow your child to collect mementos. You can decorate your home with these beautiful items. Hang them in the walls of your home.


  • Heavy cardboard
  • Bowls or pots that are large- and medium-sized
  • Paintbrush
  • Glue
  • Flowers, leaves, sand, small pebbles and seashells
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Decorative items


Make a wreath on cardboard. Paint it with the colour of your choice. You can poke a small hole in the top of the wreath with scissors. Through the hole, thread string or yarn and tie the ends. After sliding the string, knot must be hidden behind the wreath. This is the “hanger.” Using the paint brush cover the wreath completely with glue.

By dusting a layer of sand over the glue cover the entire wreath. Leave it to dry. After 10 minutes, gently shake off any sand that hasn’t stuck to the glue. Decide the exact position where you want to stick your summer mementos. Glue each of them to the wreath. When the wreath is dry, hang it up to remember your summer fun.

  1. Pressed Flower Place Mats

Let your child turn his/her favourite flower into place mats. All year long they can enjoy the flower. Allow your child to grab his/her favourite flower and then help them to make a mat.

Materials you need:

  • Flowers and leaves
  • Clear contact paper
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon (optional)


Collect the flower you want to make a mat out of. After removing the flower blossoms and leaves place it on contact paper which is clear. Once placed it won’t be able to move. Cut the contact paper according to the number of mats you want to make.

After peeling the back side of the contact paper, arrange the flowers and leaves on the sticky side of the contact paper and press them. If you want you can decorate it with ribbon.

After peeling off the back of the remaining piece of contact paper, cover your place mat (sticky-side down) with the contact paper. In order to avoid wrinkles or air bubbles, flatten your place mat once more. Then use the scissors to trim any uneven edges. Now you’re ready to set the table!

  1. Nature Bracelet

Let your child love nature with accessories. It’s really simple. Have a light walk with your child outdoors and collect fascinating items for them. You can easily make accessories out of different flowers, leaves, and even grass all make great additions!

Materials you need:

  • Masking tape
  • Scissors


Before going for a walk, wrap a piece of masking tape to his wrist with the sticky side up. While exploring the wonders of nature attach colourful leaves, flowers, and other interesting discoveries to his bracelet. After the walk, use a scissors to trim and you natural bracelet is ready.

  1. Nature Hunt

This summer, collect some natural objects with your children. Let grabbing bird feather, wildflowers, and green leaf be the game. It’s family time!

Materials you need:

  • One paper bag per player
  • Natural objects collected from players


After listing the of natural objects like bird’s feathers, smooth rock, wildflowers, leaves and so on, give each player a paper bag. They must collect all the objects in the list. You can set a time limit for collecting to make the game more fun. The first player with all the items will be declared as the winner.

#Caution: Never leave your child alone to explore nature. It can be dangerous. Accompany them, let them enjoy in your presence. 


An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”– Benjamin Franklin

While worries about the quality of private education institutions minimises with the involvement of organizations such as KHDA, EYFS makes necessary steps to encourage activities among children.

But are we really concerned about the process of learning? Anything taught to them, must be taught well. That’s really significant. In fact, it’s the essence of EYFS as well.

Teaching Them Time:

When it’s about teaching children, the whole new concept of time is far more complex than it appears. There are numerous doubts that children faces.

Like in many other tasks, mobile applications come to the rescue this time too. There are smart applications out there that help in teaching children the concept of time.

Check out some of the smartest apps that help you with this:

  1. Learn to Tell Time

Learn to Tell Time is an innovation of Redbytes, a team known for making attractive apps for children. The whole concept of time is taught by this fascinating app in a simple way.

This mobile app has two different learning options for the users to select from- Auto Learning and Self-Learning. Introduction to both analogue and digital clock, its features and purposes are done by the app.

Activities of the app

Age appropriate activities are added advantage of Learn to Tell Time. Activities of the app includes

  1. Matching: The activity is really simple. Digital and analogue clocks showing the same time should be matched by the child.
  2. Set Time: Asks child to set time on the clock and evaluates them.

Each aspect on the app is designed with utmost simplicity.

     2. Jungle Time learn how to tell time

Jungle Time is an interactive app that teaches children how to tell time. The time can be set in multiple skill levels. It teaches both 12- hour and 24- hour clocks in both analogue as well as digital formats.

Jungle Time can be set to numerals in order to make it look little tough. The clock in the app can be set to different animal faces. Children find it fascinating when they receive smiles and roars for the right answers. It is possible to drag the clock hands to set time, just like a real clock. Jungle Time works well and looks great.

  1. Tick Tock app

Tick Tock is a fascinating app used for learning to tell time. The app can be set in multiple levels, which is really important for telling time. You can start with 0’Clocks and then move up to Half Past, Quarter to, 25 past etc.

  • It has a basic look compared to other apps, with just a smiley clock face.
  • It teaches from analogue to digital and vice versa
  • Digital to words and back again
  • Analogue to and from words

The operation of the app is little complex, but once you understand, it works fine. 

  1. Telling The Time

Telling The Time app cover three ranges 4-5, 6-8 and 9-11. It includes the practice of key concepts. The app helps children to learn the concept step by step.

The app helps children to learn o’clock, days and months to telling the time to the minute in 12- and 24-hour format and calculating time intervals and durations of train journeys.

Each app in Telling the Time has got three main areas:

  1. Quick quiz section that consist of selection of random questions that helps children to decide what to practice and when to take a progress test
  2. Practice quiz helps to build confidence
  3. Progress tests helps to grade ability of children and track scores that matches to National Curriculum expected progress.
  1. Around The Clock app

Quite different from conventional apps that teach children on telling time, Around The Clock app concentrates on teaching children about time and clock.

The app includes interesting games such as alarm clock ring, breakfast and packing backpacks along with a wide range of challenges, waiting during the day.

24 mini games are available one for each hour. There are wide ranges of games with different challenges. The illustration of the app is beautiful. It’s easy as well as fun to use.

You need quality in anything you invest. Whether it’s the school for your child or the carpet for your house, quality speaks. Since KHDA has taken the responsibility of assuring the quality of private institutions and EYFS made it mandatory to encourage activities among children, tension of parents has reduced considerably.

Education is no longer limited to schools. There is a powerful resource that you can make use of – the Internet. Not just the age old broadband connection with your PC, but an always connected, the world at your fingertips kind of Internet with Smart phones.

From choosing life partner to booking tickets, all you need can be done through a smart phone. Education is also taken to the next level by mobile phones.

Why Mobile Phones?

Most of the parents consider mobile phones as hindrance in education. But truth is different. It’s easy to make the most out of mobile phones in education. The operation systems of mobile phones are purpose-built. All you need is the desire to learn.

How to Use Mobile Phones for Learning?

The use of smart phones is not limited to communication. Educating children is also possible on the go. Mobile phones have taken the concept of learning and the process of learning to the next level.

It cannot be ignored that the most important feature of smart phone is the availability of applications. There are numerous mobile applications waiting exclusively for you in the app stores of different mobile platforms.

Just like going to a shopping mall, you can evaluate and buy applications of your desire.

Advantages That Comes With Applications:

According to a recent survey it is revealed that apps are widely popular among kids in the 5-10 age groups. Parents and junior teachers are encouraged to start using learning apps across the world. Surprisingly the availability of applications for children is expanding. The many reasons for this include:

  • Apps are interactive
  • Apps help to prepare children for the future
  • Tracking your child’s progress is simple
  • Its fun stuffed learning
  • Effective use of leisure time
  • Learning by sharing
  • Learning is no more a burden
  • Systematic learning

Easily Reachable Quality Education:

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

Can’t afford the best school for your child? Why worry, we have the solution.  With smart phone, you can gift a better learning environment for your kids.

Some Added Advantages of Mobile Phones:

Listed below are some of the added advantages of mobile phones. Scroll down, think, and gift a smart phone for your kid today!


It’s the low cost strategy that makes mobile phones attractive. Within your budget comes a smart phone with multi-purpose usage. Even low cost smart phones can download applications.


Mobile phones are small and easy to carry. Anywhere you want to use them, they are available at your service. No need to wait when you feel like learning.

Security, round the clock:

Contacting any person during emergency situations become possible with mobile phones. If they fail to pick up the call, messaging service ensures that the important message is delivered to that person.

Be in touch:

It’s easy to be in touch even with people outside your nation. Growing business network and connecting with social circle is easy beyond what you think.

Internet access:

Imagining life without internet is almost impossible for today’s average person. It is one among the blessings received by mankind. Social networking becomes possible with mobile phones. Enjoy social media on the go with smart phones.

Gift the best to your kids:

Perception is what makes a deed good or bad. Likewise, mobile phones can be used for betterment also. Let your child experience the next level of learning with the best mobile applications. Indeed, mobile phones can make significant contributions to education. The EYFS syllabus is proof of that.


EYFS has made student activities compulsory in schools. As a teacher, it’s your responsibility to come up with fresh ideas. Due to their busy schedule, it can be hard for teachers to innovate new ideas. Don’t worry. Internet is here to support you in every possible way.

Since it’s a digital era, students will love to get introduced to new techniques, compared to the passive classroom learning process. Teachers know where to search for that perfect material they want.

Check out some of the fascinating websites that can help you:

1.ReadWrite Think

This site is extremely useful when you have got only specific time to invest on activities. 5-minutes time range ideas are available at the site. Calender activity section is available that allows to tie your reading and writing lessons to seasons, notable people, and multicultural holidays.

2.Reading Rocket

Find well researched answers, if you have got any question about teaching, reading and writing. Professional development videos of education experts, book lists, author interviews, and lesson ideas are available at Reading Rocket. Tips are available at the site that helps teachers to serve children with disabilities and English language learners better.


Browsing lesson plans by grade level and subject is possible with Scholastic. There is close relationship between reading, language, art lessons and other subjects. The Book Wizard is a tool for finding the titles of hard-to-please readers and for students who are above or below grade level. It is a top teaching blog that consists of fresh ideas from teachers.

4.School Library Journal

School Library Journal is the very best resource for teachers with readers who are difficult to reach. Kid-friendly comic books and interview with student’s favourite author is available with the site. School Library Journal also provides news about education research, policy, and more.


The site belongs to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. It consists of lesson plans, online games, and brainteasers. Common Core standards, assessments, and links to related lessons are included in the lesson plans, making it easy for teachers to search. It’s easy to share your story of success with other people.

6.Inside Mathematics

Want to think deeply about mathematics? Inside mathematics is one such site that allots “problems of the month”, a section that allows students to think deeply about math problems. Common core standards are available with assessments for second through fifth grades. Example videos of successful classroom lessons are available in the site along with offers teaching support.

7.K-5 Mathematics

Hundreds of math games and activities are at your service ready to be printed in the site. K-5 Mathematics shows different ways in which you can integrate math in classroom. Sections such as math journals, math centers and mental math are available in the website.

8.Soft Schools

It’s easy to find material of all core subjects including maths website. There is a comprehensive section for maths including worksheets. Worksheets are arranged according to topics, and can be printed. There are games too, which can be played by students, without requiring registration.

9.Discovery Education

Fresh ideas as well as free lesson plans in every core subject are available in this website. An activity, evaluation tools, a list of English vocabulary, and links to academic standards are also involved in the plan. By signing up virtual trips, allow students to see new places and hear expert speakers via video.

10.PSB learning Media

There are dozens of education shows on PSB.  On this website, you can find clips from the show and share it with students. The site is loaded with activities and links to academic standards. It’s possible to search by grade and subject matter.

11.Smithsonian Education

If you are a teacher looking for a site where you can dig deeply into a subject, Smithsonian Education is the best. Lesson plans along with historical documents and photographs are available for your core subject. Field Trips tab in the site display ways to enrich off-campus journeys.


 ArtsEdge is associated with The Kennedy Center. The site shows how art, music, dance, and history can be incorporated in classroom lessons. Lesson plans with links to videos are available in the site.


teAchnology is a simple website that consists of all that you are looking for. It has lesson plans, worksheets along with other resources on subjects like music, physical education, art, and drama. Everything under one roof. Teachers can depend on Technology for the better management of classroom.

“Play is the highest form of research.” – Albert Einstein

Don’t take play that playful. Yes! You heard it right. There are numerous advantages connected with play.

Early Years Foundation Stage syllabus for pre-schoolers ensures fun-based learning experience starts at pre-schools. But are our children learning really well at home?

Even EYFS works better if parents take care to involve their kids in some activities at home. Switch the learning environment of your child from passive to active. If you are short on ideas, here are some useful websites you can take help from.

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All about 10 fascinating blogs for kids

  1. Fun At Home With Kids

Fun at home with kids is all-rounder blog managed by Asia, a former teacher. You can find little bit of everything in the blog. Science, art, crafts, sensory play, and small world play, everything is stuffed in the blog. The blog tries to encourage creativity and imaginative play. The aim of the blog is to make play at home fun because it’s not that tough!

  1. Housing a Forest

Housing a Forest is packed with fun filled engaging kids activities. Inexpensive activities that are easy to follow are the highlights of this blog. Tammy Dube is the girl behind Housing a Forest. She is a writer and creator. Make your kids excited about learning with the various activities in Housing a Forest.

  1. Mama. Papa. Bubba

Mama. Papa. Bubba is a charming website about engaged parenting, natural living, overseas living and travel. Healthful recipes, toddler food ideas, and doable DIY projects along with fun crafts and play activities are stuffed in the site. Everything you need under one roof!

  1. Happy Hooligans

Happy Hooligans highlights easy and affordable art and craft ideas for parents to try out at home. The site is managed by Jackie, a mom, wife and day-care provider. The unique activities in the site come straight from the daily activities of Jackie’s home-daycare. She uses everyday items and simple materials for unique activities. The ideas are not only suitable for toddlers and preschoolers but older kids will also love it.

  1. Nurturestore

The creative spirit behind Nurturestore is Cathy. The blog consists of more than 800 play and learn activities for children aged between 0 – 10. Play Planner is a service that you can avail by signing up. It gives fun charged ideas for each day of the week. You can find interesting resources in the site for sure. The blog is loaded with requirements for every child.

  1. Fantastic Fun and Learning

Fantastic Fun and Learning is the blog of Shaunna. There are a wide range of fun stuffed activities and theme-based learning ideas in this blog. The highlight of this website is how it combines art, math, science, and reading ideas to go along with one theme. Fantastic Fun and Learning consists of book ideas, small word play and sensory activities.

  1. Buggy and Buddy

Buggy and Buddy is a fascinating website with extensive resource is managed by Chelsey, a creator, writer, former elementary school teacher and a mother of two. “Creating and Educating with Love” is the motto of the website.  Buggy and Buddy is all about nurturing a love for learning in children. It is easy to find crafts and activities in the site that instantly boosts creativity in children.

  1. Learn With Play At Home

Learn with play at home is a handy website for parents. The blog is maintained by Deb, an EYFS Teacher. Learn with Play At Home consists of activities, ideas and tips. Open-ended maths and literacy activities, scientific explorations, cooking fun are the highlights of the blog.

  1. Twodaloo

Twodaloo is a useful blog that focuses on imaginative play, art, nature, and communication skills. The blog is lead by Stephanie who is passionate about play-based learning. Find interesting information regarding early childhood development with Twodaloo.

  1. Dilly-Dali Art

Dilly-Dali Art is the blog of Aleacia, a passionate mom. The blog is a perfect platform for finding unique art projects for kids. The activities in the blog are based on art and love. Art for kids, artists and element lessons for home schoolers and art play in group setting are available in the blog.

These are great blogs, but there might be other cool blogs for children too. If you know of one, please share with us in the comment section.

More or less, it’s the responsibility of teachers to ensure better progress of students. At a time when innovative syllabuses such as EYFS and quality control institutions such as KHDA and ADEC are present, a teacher’s job can be challenging.

The effort required to maintain all aspects of education smoothly is quite high. Hence, teachers might not be able to carefully monitor assignments completed by their students. Some children would complete their work by copying it from internet or other source with minimal effort.

No need to worry about tracking the copied stuff. There are sites out there that can help you with this.

5 Awesome tools for Teachers to Check Plagiarism

Be sure about your needs before choosing any plagiarism sites. It’s your responsibility as a teacher to ensure that the assignments allotted to them are carried out effectively.


TurnItIn is a popular plagiarism detection product. The software can be used to analyse against a database with billions of web pages, student papers, and academic articles.

Site Facts:

  • The service can be used in both computer and tablet as it is cloud-based
  • Educational institutions can avail purchase plans
  • 15,000 institutions round the globe uses TurnItIn
  • The site shows teachers the percentage of unoriginal content, high lightens the lines in question and  serves the source of the original content

It is reported that some followers encountered the problem of showing false plagiarism. This can be resolved by checking the source of plagiarism samples. TurnItIn can only be used by teachers if the school subscribes.

The usage of is free and simple. Hence, it is one among the favourite plagiarism checking sites for teachers. It has been made keeping in mind the needs of teachers.

Site Facts

  • is free
  • The site searches phrases rather than whole paper is the best resource to depend if you are looking for a simple reliable plagiarism detector for free. This one will miss plagiarism if children are cribbing their work from resources not freely available online.

  1. Plagtracker

Plagtracker is an effective online plagiarism detection service. The site scans content from more than 20 million academic works. After the scan teachers can obtain a detailed report about the work.

Site Facts:

There are some special features especially for teachers in the site:

  • Student Management and Tracking System
  • Custom Filter Setup
  • Grading System
  • Live Document View
  • Bibliography Check
  • Document Cross-Check

Plagtracker is an effective helping hand for teachers.


PlagScan allows teachers to copy paste or upload assignments of students. The web-based plagiarism detector will scan the content.

Site Facts

  • PlagScan offers the best security for the documents uploaded
  • The submitted document is compared with a database consisting of billions of other documents
  • The site allots information about the original source
  • The search index is regularly updated

PlagScan works on monthly subscription model. Institutions can buy accordingly.

5.The Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism Checker was developed by a college student and he forgot about the site, then he realised that the site was getting attention among users. The site functions with simple copy-paste method.

Site Facts

  • The site is free
  • Plagiarism Checker allows the user to check long posts
  • Premium users can upload files  along with copy-paste option

The site is free and simple, long tests can be checked without error. 

Are you are a teacher outside the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, who wants to gift an EYFS-like learning environment to students? If you are, it is a great way to help children practice effective ideas, ensuring better learning experience.

But, at times it can be a struggle to come up with fresh ideas in the classroom. This is where internet comes to the rescue. There are numerous blogs that can help you with this.

Check out some of the fascinating EYFS blogs every teacher should read:

  1. ABC Does

ABC Does is a website managed by Alister Bryce-Clegg. Despite many social prejudices, it is fascinating to realise that a man is managing a website about working in the Early Years. There are practical ideas in the website that easily works. The blog consists of effective tips and techniques you can work with children

Teachers can depend on the creative ideas that will make the children fall in love with classroom and learning. This blog is regularly updated.

  1. Coombe Mills

Coombe Mills offers farm experience for younger children. They are allowed to explore farm animals and farmyard way of life. This blog explains the experience youngsters had around their farm. There are activities in the blog, adaptable for teachers.

  1. Creative Star Learning

Creative Star Learning is a blog that concentrates on outdoor activities. The blog belongs to Juliet Robinson. You get everything you need to know about outdoor activities with effective tips and techniques.

  1. Forest Factor

Forest Factor allows young children to learn through forest schools. The website shares experience of young children. Let them enjoy their experience within the safe, forest environment. Along with forest learning, the blog is also packed with outdoor learning activities.

  1. Imagination Tree

Imagination Tree maintained by Anna Ranson is a simple blog that explains ideas that are handy. It focuses on learning through play and is a treasure of great ideas. Teachers can make use of this blog as it is regularly updated with tips and techniques

  1.  Inside the Secret Garden

A well designed blog with good resources, Inside the Secret Garden explores many policy decision affecting early years practitioners. It is managed by Juilan Grenier who is a head teacher, author and researcher.

  1. Interaction Imagination

Interaction Imagination is created by Suzzane Axelsson in Sweden. The blog highlights the early year’s practices happening in Swedish setting. It also consists of ideas and inspiration which are adaptable across the globe.

  1. Laura Henry

The blog of Laura Henry is every inch informative for parents and teachers. It is regularly updated and has plenty of ideas for teachers. Laura Henry is an Early Years consultant. She is an active participant in social media.

  1. Learning and Exploring Through Play

Learning and Exploring Through Play is a creative blog packed with practical activities, stories and ideas, including an ultimate guide to making playdough. The blog is a treasure for teachers wanting stunning ideas for encouragement and inspiration.

  1. Nursery Nook

Nursery Nook is a blog managed by James, a primary male school teacher. It is stuffed with ideas, tips and inspiration. Nursery Nook offers guidance for teachers on a daily basis. Teaching children becomes fascinating with Nursery Nook.

  1. Nurture Store

Nurture Store is a delightful and reliable site for teachers. The blog is maintained by Cathy James. Nurture Store offers effective practical ideas as well as activities. The site offers something for everyone. Motivate young children with the help of Cathy James.

  1. Pirates and Princesses

Pirates and Princesses is a fantastic blog created by Michelle, training to be a primary teacher. It explores the planning, ideas and challenges that can be faced working in the early years. The site is continually updated.

  1. Red Ted Art

Red Ted Art is a blog organised by talented Maggy Woodley. The site is full of art activities which can be used by teachers. Explore and get inspired with the blog. Along with picture the blog is one among the treasures in EYFS blog.

  1. Right from the Start

Right from the Start is an exquisite blog created by Rachel McClary which discusses about all the aspects of early education, play and similar topics. Insightful posts are available in the blog that throws light on issues such as:

  • The roles of adult in the early years setting
  • Advice for teachers who look after very young children

Let’s make the change happen:

We know that EYFS solely aims at providing the best for children. Adopt the best for your children too. With activities, teachers help to motivate and stimulate the learning ability of children.

Be the kind of teacher every student wish to have.

The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks”Christopher Hitchens

If you are a student friendly teacher, you could have experienced at least one student with his/her ideas different from the rest. It’s astonishing and interesting to come across such students. What makes them different from others?

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It’s the ability of the child to think about anything and everything. An ability of critical thinking

Critical thinking should be encouraged. Traditional concepts of learning are loosing its charm. Text based passive learning is giving way to active thinking and learning process.  The vital goal of education is to promote critical thinking in students, not making them reflect like a parrot. EYFS and KHDA are new terms that aim at improving the quality in education.

It’s really important to instil the ability of critical thinking in children through education. Early Years Foundation Stage is providing better guidance for children at a very tender age, they believe in individual abilities of children. There are Government bodies such as the KHDA in Dubai who takes the responsibility of the growth and quality of private education institutions.

As far as 21st century learning is concerned, critical thinking is an important factor. Spoon-feeding system in education has changed for better. It’s an era of better education.

10 out of the many uses of critical thinking:

We are provided with brains but we create our mind. The best mind is the one that thinks rather than the ones that accepts. Whenever we are dealing with humans we are dealing with their thoughts as well. By helping students to cultivate critical thinking, we are sowing the seeds of a generation with a better thinking capability that can help society.

  1. Critical thinking helps to cultivate higher-order thinking skill. Think beyond the print. Mostly children are fed the printed books which deny any further development of critical thinking.

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so”. William Shakespeare

  1. Rash decision making is a problem that the children should be kept away from. Stop and think before taking any action. Critical thinking ensures better thinking capacity in children which helps students think before any act.

  “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question      remains a fool forever.” – CHINESE PROVERB

  1. Things are more sensible when we think. Make more sense with thinking. Rather than just jumping into conclusions, think twice about the displayed conclusion. Make decesions of your own.

Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking while you’re thinking in order to make your thinking better.”Richard W. Paul

  1. Ideas must be clear. Complicated ideas can create confusion. Express your ideas clearly without doubt.

“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”- Robin Williams

  1. There can be more than one answer for a question. Explore alternatives with critical thinking.

“There is more than one way of getting to 2 besides 1+1.”

  1. Making better judgement. Evaluate and analyse before concluding to a judgement. Better decision making from a small age can benefit an individual in life. Future is more secure with better decisions.

“Nothing strengthens the judgment and quickens the conscience like individual responsibility.” – Elizabeth Cady Stanton

  1. Active thinking rather than passive acceptance of facts make children smart. With critical thinking, children tend to ask vital questions resulting in better judgement

“The one real goal of education is to leave a person asking questions.” – MAX BEERHOHM

  1. Critical thinking promotes academic improvement, effective communication with people and finding solution for complex problems.

“I think it’s really important to design things with a kind of personality”- Marc Newson

  1. Responsibility arises with better thinking. Being responsible for ones own thoughts and conclusion can make students better in learning as well as in life.

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Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work.” ― Adrienne Rich

  1. Critical thinking explores possibilities. Mugging up facts won’t make any person wise but thinking does.

“All things are possible until they are proven impossible.” ― Pearl S. Buck

ADEC strive to develop education and educational institutions in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Established in 2005 by the UAE President, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and the Ruler of Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) is recognized as a driver of superior education system. The council aims at meeting the development goals of the emirate by managing, guiding and implementing various educational development strategies and initiatives in Abu Dhabi. 

This council manages the education system by dividing it into three – Public Schools ranging from kindergarten to adult education centers, around 185 Private Schools, and around 18 Higher Education institutions. From January 2008, the council became the supervising body of the Abu Dhabi Educational Zone (ADEZ). The council’s future vision is to make the Abu Dhabi education system world class with support for all learners in reaching their full potential to compete in the global market.

Role of this educational framework is to

  • Deliver technical assistance for developing education and education institutions in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
  • Plan education strategies in synchronization with the Ministry of Education within the framework of the UAE’s general education policy
  • Improve the capabilities of education institutions and employees by conducting studies and making suggestions to develop education and vocational training
  • Offer technical and solid assistance to educational institutions
  • Support relations between educational institutions and the private sector
  • Provide training for graduates and expose them to wide range of employment opportunities, thus raising the standard of education and vocational training.
  • Enable educational institutions to implement the education plans of the Emirate by providing them with assistance, counseling and technical services.
  • Create an educational database for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
  • Inspire the private sector to provide quality education services, based on existing laws.

ADEC is responsible for dealing, guiding, adopting and implementing various educational development strategies and initiatives in Abu Dhabi. Along with the core activities, the council has also implemented a number of key initiatives to ensure world class education in Abu Dhabi. Initiatives include-

  • Irtiqa’a Program, a comprehensive school inspection system to monitor and benchmark performance quality education in our schools. The council’s school inspections are similar to the Dubai school inspections conducted by the DSIB division of the KHDA (Knowledge& Human Development Authority).
  • School master plan to ensure high quality education for all school-aged children
  • Library upgrade project to transform traditional libraries to 21st century  Learning Resource Centers
  • P-12 education system to organize education from Kindergarten through to Grade 12

ADEC also shows special concern for students with special education needs. Special education is offered for students with disabilities categorized as autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, hearing impairment, speech and language disorder, and multiple disabilities. Most schools in Abu Dhabi provide a broad curriculum within the framework outlined by both the UK Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Abu Dhabi Education Council guidelines.

Being an educator under the council provides an extremely rewarding as well as exciting opportunity to practice your teaching expertise. It also offers some of the best salary and benefits packages worldwide. The council's “Teacher Guidebook” helps teachers understand the key philosophies, values, and guiding principles of ADEC’s New School Model. It also promotes training program to assist teachers in professional development.

The role of the council’s professional development for educators and school leaders is to help them achieve the ADEC Professional Standards. This also supports school leaders to lead their schools more efficiently. With higher education as the major concern of the Emirate, they have 18 HE institutions, offering a superb range of courses and facilities.

The early years of a child’s life are crucial. Foundations for future choices, attainments and well being are built during these years. Children should receive guidance, care and love during the early years.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a syllabus that sets standard for learning and development of children from birth to 5 years of age. The goals of EYFS are impossible to achieve without the support of responsible teachers.

What is an ideal teacher?

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning”  – Brad Henry

Any teacher who has a mission and completes it without fail is a good teacher. He/she helps to overcome difficulties without hesitation. A good teacher is capable of transforming the learning experience of his/her students.

Must have qualities for Early Years Foundation Stage Teachers:

The prime concern of EYFS teachers is to make education comfortable for children by reducing stress. Many teachers take the help of smart apps for preschoolers to make learning more interactive and enjoyable.

EYFS teachers are accountable for achieving the highest possible standards in their professional practice and conduct. The teachers must act with honesty and integrity.

  1. Sustaining positive attitude and inspiring children

Teachers must sustain safe and stimulating environment for the children, where they feel confident to learn. A good teacher always concentrates on the positive side. Maintaining positive values, attitude and behaviour can enhance the capabilities of children.

Set standards that can challenge children belonging to all backgrounds, abilities and disposition. Not a single child must be ignored while making education plan. Transferring from a passive teacher-headed classroom to an active class can improve the environment of the class.

  1. Always encourage the good progress of children:

Goodness should never go unnoticed. Effective teachers focus on the progress and attainment of children. They promote model strategies which help in developing children’s learning and thinking ability (including sustained and shared thinking). Communicating, listening and responding with children from birth to age five is crucial.

  1. Planning education as per needs

Educational programmes must have balanced and flexible activities. These will promote a love of learning in children.

EYFS aims at providing a better environment for students to learn, where they enjoy learning. Need varies from child to child and having an eye on each students’ requirement can make a teacher better compared to the rest.

  1. Respond to the needs of all children

Emotional, social and intellectual development of children is crucial.   There must be a clear understanding of the requirement of children including those with special needs. Teacher must be well aware of when a child is in need of additional support.

The needs of children might vary, but they deserve individual attention. Children at an early age get distracted easily. They tend to concentrate more on things other than learning. It’s the responsibility of an EYFS teacher to make the classroom exciting for them.

  1. Promote the welfare of children with a safe learning environment:

A good teacher must possess adequate knowledge about health guidance and welfare of children. They should be able to employ practices that promote children’s health and safety. They should have knowledge of child protection policies and procedures.

  1. Wider professional responsibilities:

Equal opportunities must be provided to each child without discrimination. There must be contact with parents or care takers of children. Support good practices and evaluate the effectiveness of current provisions. Giving the right feedback at the appropriate time is significant.

Appreciating students motivates them to achieve high. Monitoring the learning of students can help them attain better development. As teachers get more professional, the benefits for teachers will increase.