Teaching is a huge responsibility and an ideal teacher should make sure that the students are comfortable with the way they deal with a classroom.

Students spent more time at school than at home. So, teachers should be an ideal role model for their students. You should try to create a bond between the hearts and minds of yourself and the students.

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The statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) helps school teachers to analyze the standards that early year providers should meet. This would enable children will learn and develop well. Along with that, here are certain things that you should avoid as a teacher to create a pleasant, safe as well as comfortable atmosphere for their students.Teacher app ad banner

1. Yelling – No students like yelling at them. This will cause them to slowly dislike the teacher and may result in distrust too. Also by yelling, you can never follow the classroom management plan. Students will more listen to you, when you speak in a normal voice. While raising your voice, it seems like you are showering your frustrations in front of them. Clear communication will make teaching an easier and enjoyable task as well.

2. Short temper – It is just not fine if the role model lose temper in front of the students. Especially if you are an Early Years Foundation Stage teacher. Rebuilding trusts and relationship with students is not that easier as it seems to be. Try to keep calm and take effort as to avoid shouting. In case if you have raised your voice, make sure to apologize. Also focus on your behavioral aspects and change the things that need to be done.

3. Unprepared for class – Coming unprepared for class is the loss of valuable teaching time. It also indicates a negative behavior.

4. Loss of control – Never let the class become unruly. Take control of the class. Students may become overexcited and may create noises. Early Years Foundation Stage teachers might find it difficult, but it is a skill that can easily be developed. An ideal way would be to create signals such as clapping hands or raising hands to keep them quiet.

5. Continuous sitting – Teachers sitting at the beginning of the class is fine. But remaining in the seated position throughout the class may create lack of interest and motivation in students.

6. Arguing – Discussions and argument are both different. Even if the student argues on any point, you should never encourage that. While setting rules in the beginning of the year, make sure to include that arguing is not an appreciable behavior and it shows disrespect.

7. Humiliation – Never hurt the dignity and self-respect of a student. He/she will lose confidence in your classroom. Also they will never trust you.

8. Getting too much friendly – Most new teachers make this mistake. They try to win the students by compromising on discipline, which may result in disrespect. Make sure to follow the set of rules that teaches them discipline. Also never be too open with students to discuss your personal information. Instead stay professional and try to earn their respect and appreciation.

Also Read: 45 Famous Quotes On Teachers

9. Late rules – Establishing rules in the beginning of the year helps to create a peaceful atmosphere during the whole year. Routines and rules, established late will fail to serve the purpose.

10. Complaining about coworker – Talking ill about other staff, management or other teachers in the school will be of no gain at all. It is better to talk directly to the teacher or staff member whom you have issues with and solve the problem then and there.

11. Too tough and authoritative – A teacher’s authority is a responsibility. Never misuse that. Being too tough and hard may result in students being afraid of you. Your aim should be to be loved, respected and not to be feared by them.

12. Over dependency on administrators – Make your own strategies to manage the class. Never depend too much on school administrators. A teacher also plays the role of an educator and disciplinarian.

13. Too much hard work – Along with work, find time to relax and be with your family after work.

14. Unequal treating – Never treat students based on your likes and dislikes. All the students should be considered equal. Punishment should be same for everyone and never show special consideration for the one you like the most.

15. Getting late – Punctuality is crucial as students learn many things from you. Getting late occasionally is fine. When you get late, make sure to say a sorry to your students.

16. Lessons from text book alone – Just teaching the students what is dictated in the text causes boredom. Also they will miss many things like experimenting what they learned, projects and assignments.

17. Unfair rules – Rules certainly are created to follow. But certain alleviations should be made based on the valid excuse and situation of the student.

18. Accepting late work – Rules you make should be consistent. Do not accept late submission unless and until for a valid reason.

Also Read : Tips To Tackle Cyberbullying among students

19. Making simple things complex – Don’t confuse them. Explain your instructions in clear language, bit by bit so that they know what they are expected to do.

20. Too much directions Stop providing too many instructions. Make them feel that you are one among them and are reliable.

21. Eating Lunch during class hours You’d be surprised to see any teacher bringing lunch to a classroom. This is not good with any level or any age. Having a cup of tea or coffee is ok, but don’t eat your afternoon meal during class hours.

22. Making Fun of Students It is obvious that you make fun of students but sometimes your joke or comment can hurt the student’s self-confidence. Surely, it is a great talent you have if you are able to use humor in classrooms and make students laugh. But be careful that your jokes or comments doesn’t harm any particular student personally.

23. Only Following the Book Many a times, teachers teach everything directly from the textbook; this tends to boring and monotonous. It makes your student to show disinterest towards your lecture. Because they are learning something new, they want opportunities to do and experiment with their new skill. So, ensure that you are connecting your activities to book instead of just teaching whatever given in the textbook.

24. Sitting Down and Teaching Sitting down and teaching throughout an entire class is not apt for a teacher. The teachers you are expected to stand or walk around while taking a class as sitting down for long duration is a sign of laziness, unless you’re ill or injured.

25. Playing Favouritism Every student must get your direction and attention. It is quite obvious that every teacher has a favourite student in their class but be sure that you don’t give any special consideration to he/she which you don’t give to other students of the class. Whatever might be the situation, always be fair to all the students in your class.


Lack of a pleasant atmosphere will cause boredom and thus misbehavior follows.

The EYFS framework provides common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education and childcare experiences to all children.

But, how these principles are followed depends on how teachers like you execute the principles.

Class Room Activity Apps

So put your best foot forward to be an awesome teacher.

If you have any suggestions to add to the list, please share with us in the comment section.

Also Read : 20 Best Attendance Management App for Teachers

"Books will soon be obsolete in the public schools…our school system will be completely changed inside of ten years."- Thomas Edison

Technology has revolutionized education for the better. Apps are now everywhere! Introduction of school apps has greatly made the life of students and teachers easier. School apps now play an important part in managing, organizing and monitoring activities in the classroom. They are particularly useful for early year foundation stage (EYFS)

But are school apps vital for modern education? Here are some benefits of using school apps:

  • Teachers are able to Share their Ideas and Resources Online

Teachers are able to connect with people all around the world within minutes, find shortcomings, correct it and thus improve students’ quality. If they want to share learning materials, they can use school apps’ sharing features. By using parent apps, teachers can communicate with parents regarding students’ academic improvement and other activities.

Read Also: 6 Ways School Apps are Important for Parents

  • Students are able to Cultivate Research Skills at a Young Age

Apps allow students to explore freely. Their innate curiosity is thus encouraged. By exploring using school apps, students become capable of finding solutions and clear their doubts themselves. This skill can be helpful for in future.

  • Create a Good Rapport between Parents and Teachers

School apps help create a good rapport between parents and teachers as they will be provided with up-to-date information regarding school policies, extracurricular activities, school happenings etc Apps can provide extra information such as bus routes, maps etc.

School apps can also integrate student information systems such as teacher comments, grades and school attendance. They are especially useful for distance and online education as it would be easy for them to submit assignments via mobile.

  • Easy Access of Information

With the evolution of innovative apps on smartphones, people are now able to connect to the internet universe without a personal computer or laptop. Hence, information can be easily accessed on-the-go

  • More Scope for Communication

With the help of school apps, parents are able to get notification regarding school activities. They will get information regarding urgent announcements, school events and thus keep track of important dates. Alerts can also be sent via apps. Teachers are able to answer the queries of students instantly.

Read Also: How School Apps are used to Engage Parents & Students

  • Forms a Stepping Stone to Self-Education

Students are able to form a creative and productive approach towards learning with the help of school apps. This later helps them in the process of self-education in future. They will be self-motivated to improve their performance through the usage of school apps.

School apps are inexpensive, easy to use, and improve student learning capacity. They have completely revolutionized today's educational sector. In fact, in this fast paced world, school apps are vital for students to keep up the changes happening around them.

One of the seven areas of learning in EYFS relates to the physical development of the child. Teaching your children to follow healthy ways and healthy habits in life is really important.

Training your child- What are the areas to focus on?

Don’t restrict yourself on putting your effort only in making them learn how to brush their teeth or wash their hands before eating and doing the other daily routines.  Also guide them in maintaining cleanliness during every day activities. That is what EYFS focuses on.

Explain to them why he/she is expected to follow this and that. Create awareness in the child. Let them understand that what they are doing doesn’t merely constrain itself to mimicking elders. This will make your efforts easier and your toddler will surprise you with better adherence to your instructions.

Read Also: Special Education Needs for Children [EYFS]

What to do and what not to do?

1. Teach Right. Teach Slow.

Give them clear and precise directions. Don’t give them confusing or hasty instructions and demand them to repeat when you’re done. Show them how to do it a multiple number of times.

2. Be Patient

Be patient and wait for improvements or results. Don’t get frustrated. This could take matters to the emotional side. Show the same amount of care and concern every time you deal with your child. Showing irritability can inhibit your child from seeking help from you anymore. Even if the child had repeated what you’ve taught once or twice previously, do not expect that he/she will do it right every time.

3. Give Treats

Motivate your child by offering a small and cheap treat, a chocolate or a coin to put in the piggy bank for a day of finishing their routines well.

4. Make Yourselves an Example to Follow

It is really annoying when the kids are required to follow a set of instructions and they watch you doing exactly the opposite. It will be really a struggle for them to understand the values you are trying to inculcate if you are not giving it any respect yourselves.  Keep yourselves and your surroundings clean; as well as your floors, cupboards, toilet, kitchen etc.

You May also Like: Motivational Movies for Students

5. Encourage Participation

Encourage them to participate in doing chores, cleaning up, and tidying. Give them simple tasks like taking their dishes to the kitchen after eating or taking their used clothes to the laundry basket.

6. Monitor and Make Changes

Teaching is not merely giving confined sets of instructions to follow. You have to monitor your child’s progress continuously. You should be at their service when they need external help until they gain some sort of mastery over it. Notice what they do right and what they do not. Praise them for what they deserve. Do revisions of your mode of approach if required. If a specific way is too difficult for your child, devise a better way that your child finds easier to follow.

Motivation is not just a word; it’s a desire to do things, better and excel. When it’s about motivating children, parents and teachers can contribute the best.

Schools have introduced EYFS syllabus to encourage in children the play and learn method. Just like EYFS syllabus that motivates children for better, films can also be motivation for them.

The best way to make you child understand life is to make them feel its essence. Movies serve the purpose best.

Check out the list of movies to gift your child;

Tired of watching movies that give no special message to live with? Here is the list of motivational movies that can leave lasting impression on your children.

  1. The Pursuit of Happyness

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Directed by Gabriele Muccino, The Pursuit of Happyness is the startling real-life story of Chris Gardner. The power of hard work helped him reach greater heights. He expanded his career from medical equipment salesman to financial hotshot, only with pure dedication and hard work. Chris’ story makes it clear that no matter what the circumstances be, never give up.

  1. Freedom Writers

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Freedom Writers directed by Richard LaGravenese is a perfect motivational study movie. The movie is perfect for students with learning disabilities during early life. The movie revolves around a dedicated young teacher who inspires her ‘ghetto’ class to pursue their dreams with education.

  1. Dead Poets Society

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Dead Poets Society written by Tom Schulman is the experience of a shy teenager forced to live a life to fulfil the expectations set by his parents. He is admitted into a strict school for the same. The movie is the perfect pick for students who want to know why they should learn.

  1. The Blind Side

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The Blind Side is based on the true story of Michael Oher. The protagonist is taken by a caring family and is provided all the opportunities he has been dreaming about. The story is about love, kindness and hope. It is every inch motivating. It is written and directed by John Lee Hancock based on a book by Michael Lewis named The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game.

  1. Good Will Hunting

20 Motivational Movies for Students

An American drama film, Good Will Hunting received both universal critical acclaim and was a financial success. It is the story of a janitor at MIT who discovers his incredible potential towards maths and chemistry. The film inspires to realize hidden talent rooted within each one of us. Good Will Hunting is a perfect movie for accounting and finance students.

  1. Rudy

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Rudy is a not a conventional movie that inspires children to learn but to play. Yes! You heard it right. It proves that sports, health and fitness are as important as books. Rudy is the story of a “no-hoper” desperate of playing football at Notre Dame University in the US. No one believed in his abilities as he was only half the size of the other players, with poor athletic ability and low grades. But he manages to prove them all wrong with his determination and hard work.

  1.  Legally Blonde

20 Motivational Movies for Students

An American comedy film Legally Blonde is the story about rising from the insecurities and doing well in life. The story revolves around Elle Wood, who manages to get admission into one of the most prestigious colleges. The movie depicts the fact that hard work eventually pays off. The movie shows that, sometimes you have got more potential than you think you have.

  1. Stand and Deliver

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Stand and Deliver is based on the true story of a high school math teacher Jaime Escalante. He was an idealistic mathematic teacher. Away from the conventional teaching style, he managed to encourage his “no-hoper” students to study. Stand and Deliver is the story of Jaime Escalante. The movie offers inspiration especially for anyone studying an accounting or finance course.

  1. Lean on Me

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Ever dreamt of a second chance in your studies or career? Lean on Me, based on a true story depicts an unorthodox teacher who returns to the high school from where he had been fired as the principal. The movie will inspire your students to dream and to achieve. There is nothing like a true story that shows real life in it.

  1.   The Paper Chase

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Often children feel lazy to study; they need to set a particular mind set before their studies. Based on John Jay Osborn, Jr.’s novel The Paper Chase focuses on the determination and hard work of James T. Hart. He was a studious first-year student at Harvard. The movie is a perfect pick for anyone who finds it difficult to maintain the motivation alive.

  11. The Great Debaters

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The movie is based on the real story and is about a debate coach named at Wiley College. He persuades his students (reportedly Black students) to compete with White students from American South for debate competition. This movie highlights the dialogue “An unjust law is no law at all”, which is a paraphrase of Augustine of Hippo.

 12. A Beautiful Mind

20 Motivational Movies for Students

A Beautiful Mind is about an intellectual named Tom, a mathematical genius, who falls in distress when he finds out that he is suffering from a disorder. But with his will power and effort, he recovers and breaks free from the trauma that affected him. It is a great movie for students who fall for silly issues and it gives a message that nothing is impossible.

13. 21

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The movie revolves around a math professor named Micky who chooses 5 brilliant students to play at Black Jack in Las Vegas. One of the five students Ben Campbell gets ready for this daring challenge to pay off his tuition fees. The movie is inspired by the real story of MIT students, who mastered in card games and was able to win millions of money. It shows the brilliance of Mathematics subject to students.

14. Udaan

20 Motivational Movies for Students

This is a Hindi movie which tells the story of a boy called Rajat. The story shows how he and his father get into argument regarding his career. He aspires to become a writer and the movie gives a strong message to young students to follow their passion rather than force other's dream into ones mind. It is indeed a warning to todays parents.

15. 3 Idiots

20 Motivational Movies for Students

Obviously, the movie is a must watch film for students as well as parents. It reveals the flaws in Indian Educational System and the sharp contrast between mugging up and learning with interest. This movie satirizes the mind-set of todays parents and students to get a white collar job and settle down without caring about ones passion.

16. Nil Battey Sannata

20 Motivational Movies for Students

This Hindi movie directed by Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, tells the story of a high school dropout, single-mother, who works as a housemaid and wants her daughter to have a good life unlike her. However, the daughter is a happy backbencher, with no intentions to study or achieve anything in life. With no other choice left, the mother joins her daughters school to make the daughter realize the importance of education. The movie underlines the fact that nothing should stop you from achieving in your life and shows how education can change your life positively.

17. The Social Network

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The movie about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerbergs journey from a Harvard student to a multi-millionaire is sure to inspire you. However, the path wasn’t easy for him with two brothers claiming that Zuckerberg stole their idea. The Social Network gives the message that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it and that the path to success is never easy. All you have to do is to courageously face the hurdles and move forward.

18. The Breakfast Club

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The movie deals with five students coming from different backgrounds who realize that what they have been thinking about each other wasn’t what they were in real and how the most unlikely of people come closer to form a friendship gang. The movie shows how you can find friends from places you might have never expected and motivate you to enjoy every minute of your student life as those moments are never going to some back.

19. I Am Kalam

20 Motivational Movies for Students

This is another Hindi movie to add to a students ‘must-watch movies’ list. I Am Kalam revolves around the life of a boy named, Chotu, who aspires to become like APJ Abdul Kalam one day and the hardships he face to reach his aim. The movie also shows the friendship between a rich and a poor boy, thus proving that financial status is not a criterion to make friends. Almost every student idolizes someone in their lives and therefore, they’ll find it easy to relate to Chotu. The movie also reminds the viewer about how they should be thankful to have the privilege to study while many are not lucky as them.

20. Akeelah and the Bee

20 Motivational Movies for Students

The movie tells the story of 11 year old Akeelah Anderson, a spelling enthusiast from South Los Angeles, who tries to make it to the Scripps National Spelling Bee contest. However, she faces many obstacles in between, one being her mother. The film conveys the message that the path to success is never easy and that only effort and focus can help you to succeed.


EYFS has made student activities compulsory in schools. As a teacher, it’s your responsibility to come up with fresh ideas. Due to their busy schedule, it can be hard for teachers to innovate new ideas. Don’t worry. Internet is here to support you in every possible way.

Since it’s a digital era, students will love to get introduced to new techniques, compared to the passive classroom learning process. Teachers know where to search for that perfect material they want.

Check out some of the fascinating websites that can help you:

1.ReadWrite Think

This site is extremely useful when you have got only specific time to invest on activities. 5-minutes time range ideas are available at the site. Calender activity section is available that allows to tie your reading and writing lessons to seasons, notable people, and multicultural holidays.

2.Reading Rocket

Find well researched answers, if you have got any question about teaching, reading and writing. Professional development videos of education experts, book lists, author interviews, and lesson ideas are available at Reading Rocket. Tips are available at the site that helps teachers to serve children with disabilities and English language learners better.


Browsing lesson plans by grade level and subject is possible with Scholastic. There is close relationship between reading, language, art lessons and other subjects. The Book Wizard is a tool for finding the titles of hard-to-please readers and for students who are above or below grade level. It is a top teaching blog that consists of fresh ideas from teachers.

4.School Library Journal

School Library Journal is the very best resource for teachers with readers who are difficult to reach. Kid-friendly comic books and interview with student’s favourite author is available with the site. School Library Journal also provides news about education research, policy, and more.


The site belongs to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. It consists of lesson plans, online games, and brainteasers. Common Core standards, assessments, and links to related lessons are included in the lesson plans, making it easy for teachers to search. It’s easy to share your story of success with other people.

6.Inside Mathematics

Want to think deeply about mathematics? Inside mathematics is one such site that allots “problems of the month”, a section that allows students to think deeply about math problems. Common core standards are available with assessments for second through fifth grades. Example videos of successful classroom lessons are available in the site along with offers teaching support.

7.K-5 Mathematics

Hundreds of math games and activities are at your service ready to be printed in the site. K-5 Mathematics shows different ways in which you can integrate math in classroom. Sections such as math journals, math centers and mental math are available in the website.

8.Soft Schools

It’s easy to find material of all core subjects including maths website. There is a comprehensive section for maths including worksheets. Worksheets are arranged according to topics, and can be printed. There are games too, which can be played by students, without requiring registration.

9.Discovery Education

Fresh ideas as well as free lesson plans in every core subject are available in this website. An activity, evaluation tools, a list of English vocabulary, and links to academic standards are also involved in the plan. By signing up virtual trips, allow students to see new places and hear expert speakers via video.

10.PSB learning Media

There are dozens of education shows on PSB.  On this website, you can find clips from the show and share it with students. The site is loaded with activities and links to academic standards. It’s possible to search by grade and subject matter.

11.Smithsonian Education

If you are a teacher looking for a site where you can dig deeply into a subject, Smithsonian Education is the best. Lesson plans along with historical documents and photographs are available for your core subject. Field Trips tab in the site display ways to enrich off-campus journeys.


 ArtsEdge is associated with The Kennedy Center. The site shows how art, music, dance, and history can be incorporated in classroom lessons. Lesson plans with links to videos are available in the site.


teAchnology is a simple website that consists of all that you are looking for. It has lesson plans, worksheets along with other resources on subjects like music, physical education, art, and drama. Everything under one roof. Teachers can depend on Technology for the better management of classroom.

“Play is the highest form of research.” – Albert Einstein

Don’t take play that playful. Yes! You heard it right. There are numerous advantages connected with play.

Early Years Foundation Stage syllabus for pre-schoolers ensures fun-based learning experience starts at pre-schools. But are our children learning really well at home?

Even EYFS works better if parents take care to involve their kids in some activities at home. Switch the learning environment of your child from passive to active. If you are short on ideas, here are some useful websites you can take help from.

Best Free Activity Apps (Check it Now)

All about 10 fascinating blogs for kids

  1. Fun At Home With Kids

Fun at home with kids is all-rounder blog managed by Asia, a former teacher. You can find little bit of everything in the blog. Science, art, crafts, sensory play, and small world play, everything is stuffed in the blog. The blog tries to encourage creativity and imaginative play. The aim of the blog is to make play at home fun because it’s not that tough!

  1. Housing a Forest

Housing a Forest is packed with fun filled engaging kids activities. Inexpensive activities that are easy to follow are the highlights of this blog. Tammy Dube is the girl behind Housing a Forest. She is a writer and creator. Make your kids excited about learning with the various activities in Housing a Forest.

  1. Mama. Papa. Bubba

Mama. Papa. Bubba is a charming website about engaged parenting, natural living, overseas living and travel. Healthful recipes, toddler food ideas, and doable DIY projects along with fun crafts and play activities are stuffed in the site. Everything you need under one roof!

  1. Happy Hooligans

Happy Hooligans highlights easy and affordable art and craft ideas for parents to try out at home. The site is managed by Jackie, a mom, wife and day-care provider. The unique activities in the site come straight from the daily activities of Jackie’s home-daycare. She uses everyday items and simple materials for unique activities. The ideas are not only suitable for toddlers and preschoolers but older kids will also love it.

  1. Nurturestore

The creative spirit behind Nurturestore is Cathy. The blog consists of more than 800 play and learn activities for children aged between 0 – 10. Play Planner is a service that you can avail by signing up. It gives fun charged ideas for each day of the week. You can find interesting resources in the site for sure. The blog is loaded with requirements for every child.

  1. Fantastic Fun and Learning

Fantastic Fun and Learning is the blog of Shaunna. There are a wide range of fun stuffed activities and theme-based learning ideas in this blog. The highlight of this website is how it combines art, math, science, and reading ideas to go along with one theme. Fantastic Fun and Learning consists of book ideas, small word play and sensory activities.

  1. Buggy and Buddy

Buggy and Buddy is a fascinating website with extensive resource is managed by Chelsey, a creator, writer, former elementary school teacher and a mother of two. “Creating and Educating with Love” is the motto of the website.  Buggy and Buddy is all about nurturing a love for learning in children. It is easy to find crafts and activities in the site that instantly boosts creativity in children.

  1. Learn With Play At Home

Learn with play at home is a handy website for parents. The blog is maintained by Deb, an EYFS Teacher. Learn with Play At Home consists of activities, ideas and tips. Open-ended maths and literacy activities, scientific explorations, cooking fun are the highlights of the blog.

  1. Twodaloo

Twodaloo is a useful blog that focuses on imaginative play, art, nature, and communication skills. The blog is lead by Stephanie who is passionate about play-based learning. Find interesting information regarding early childhood development with Twodaloo.

  1. Dilly-Dali Art

Dilly-Dali Art is the blog of Aleacia, a passionate mom. The blog is a perfect platform for finding unique art projects for kids. The activities in the blog are based on art and love. Art for kids, artists and element lessons for home schoolers and art play in group setting are available in the blog.

These are great blogs, but there might be other cool blogs for children too. If you know of one, please share with us in the comment section.

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”Joseph Addison

Knowledge and wisdom can never survive without reading. The more you know, the more you grow. Are schools contributing their best for our children?

Early Years Foundation Stage helps to build a better foundation in pre-schoolers by encouraging activities. But that’s not enough. They should be encouraged to read as well. Reading formulates character. Motivating students to do better is more or less the responsibility of teachers.

Check Out 10 Simple Steps that can Motivate Your Students to Read

1.Let Them See You Read

Think before you speak. Read before you think

Being an example is the best way to motivate. As a teacher, if you want your students to read, let them learn it from you. Introduce to your students the world of reading. Talk about the books you read and how fascinating reading can really be.

2.Give Them Time To Read, Then Discuss

There's so much more to a book than just the reading

Always make sure that children read the books before you discuss about it in class. Don’t be in a hurry burry. Sometimes when you talk about the plot, twists and settings of a book, it can ruin the fun of children. Let them read and arrive at their own conclusions.

3.Meet the Author

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn

Invite the favourite author of students to classroom. Let them get a pleasant surprise.  Learning more about the books from the author himself can motivate them to read more. Face to face interaction enables interest in students.

4.Teach Them How To Read

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint

Don’t leave them alone with the book: it can be tiring and monotonous. Teach students reading strategies works better. There are online websites out there that can help you with this. From selecting the book to evaluating, you can help them. In fact, teach them to think, to read between the lines and not to blindly trust books.

5.Book Clubs

He that loves reading has everything within his reach

Setting up book clubs can make the magic happen. It can encourage children to socialise as well as learn about books. Interaction makes reading much more enjoyable. Make sure not to force children to participate in the group. Fascinating activities and games can be arranged in the club to make it interesting

6.Read With Taste

No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting

Let children read to their taste. Don’t force books on children. Help them find the books of their interest. Introduce them to different themes. Boost their reading ability. But let them select their favourite from the lot.


Books are a uniquely portable magic

Books can be partners for life but remember that technology has also contributed to reading habits.  E-book is a modern day tool that helps students to read well. Children will love to share interesting e-books with their classmates with ease. Upgrade your book worm students to smart readers.

8.Book Series

Once you learn to read, you will be forever free

Introducing children to a book series can be interesting. There are series of novels available with themes ranging from adventures to fantasy. Your only task is to find out the types of books your students love and then introduce the first series to them. They will definitely finish off all the series in no time. Book series results in hunger for reading more.

9.Freedom Of Expression

Critics are our friends, they show us our faults

Allow children to criticize books they have finished. Their experience while reading the book can be positive or negative, that doesn’t matter as long as they are encouraged to speak their minds. The liberty to hate something gives courage to follow the good.

10.Explain About The Goodness Of Reading

We read to know we're not alone

The influences of teachers are immense on students. Explain to children the importance of reading. Sometimes introducing them to the facts can encourage them. Let them make reading as a habit or hobby. Knowledge is the new trend.

Read and grow

Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best

Attract your children towards the vast ocean of books with these simple steps. No one can take away the power of knowledge from your children. There are a lot of advantages with reading.

Advantages of reading

  • Mental stimulation
  • Reduction of stress
  • Knowledge
  • Expansion of vocabulary
  • Improvement of memory
  • Stronger analytical thinking  ability
  • Improvement in focus and concentration
  • Better writing skill
  • Entertainment with a purpose
  • Upgrade conversation quality

Are you are a teacher outside the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, who wants to gift an EYFS-like learning environment to students? If you are, it is a great way to help children practice effective ideas, ensuring better learning experience.

But, at times it can be a struggle to come up with fresh ideas in the classroom. This is where internet comes to the rescue. There are numerous blogs that can help you with this.

Check out some of the fascinating EYFS blogs every teacher should read:

  1. ABC Does

ABC Does is a website managed by Alister Bryce-Clegg. Despite many social prejudices, it is fascinating to realise that a man is managing a website about working in the Early Years. There are practical ideas in the website that easily works. The blog consists of effective tips and techniques you can work with children

Teachers can depend on the creative ideas that will make the children fall in love with classroom and learning. This blog is regularly updated.

  1. Coombe Mills

Coombe Mills offers farm experience for younger children. They are allowed to explore farm animals and farmyard way of life. This blog explains the experience youngsters had around their farm. There are activities in the blog, adaptable for teachers.

  1. Creative Star Learning

Creative Star Learning is a blog that concentrates on outdoor activities. The blog belongs to Juliet Robinson. You get everything you need to know about outdoor activities with effective tips and techniques.

  1. Forest Factor

Forest Factor allows young children to learn through forest schools. The website shares experience of young children. Let them enjoy their experience within the safe, forest environment. Along with forest learning, the blog is also packed with outdoor learning activities.

  1. Imagination Tree

Imagination Tree maintained by Anna Ranson is a simple blog that explains ideas that are handy. It focuses on learning through play and is a treasure of great ideas. Teachers can make use of this blog as it is regularly updated with tips and techniques

  1.  Inside the Secret Garden

A well designed blog with good resources, Inside the Secret Garden explores many policy decision affecting early years practitioners. It is managed by Juilan Grenier who is a head teacher, author and researcher.

  1. Interaction Imagination

Interaction Imagination is created by Suzzane Axelsson in Sweden. The blog highlights the early year’s practices happening in Swedish setting. It also consists of ideas and inspiration which are adaptable across the globe.

  1. Laura Henry

The blog of Laura Henry is every inch informative for parents and teachers. It is regularly updated and has plenty of ideas for teachers. Laura Henry is an Early Years consultant. She is an active participant in social media.

  1. Learning and Exploring Through Play

Learning and Exploring Through Play is a creative blog packed with practical activities, stories and ideas, including an ultimate guide to making playdough. The blog is a treasure for teachers wanting stunning ideas for encouragement and inspiration.

  1. Nursery Nook

Nursery Nook is a blog managed by James, a primary male school teacher. It is stuffed with ideas, tips and inspiration. Nursery Nook offers guidance for teachers on a daily basis. Teaching children becomes fascinating with Nursery Nook.

  1. Nurture Store

Nurture Store is a delightful and reliable site for teachers. The blog is maintained by Cathy James. Nurture Store offers effective practical ideas as well as activities. The site offers something for everyone. Motivate young children with the help of Cathy James.

  1. Pirates and Princesses

Pirates and Princesses is a fantastic blog created by Michelle, training to be a primary teacher. It explores the planning, ideas and challenges that can be faced working in the early years. The site is continually updated.

  1. Red Ted Art

Red Ted Art is a blog organised by talented Maggy Woodley. The site is full of art activities which can be used by teachers. Explore and get inspired with the blog. Along with picture the blog is one among the treasures in EYFS blog.

  1. Right from the Start

Right from the Start is an exquisite blog created by Rachel McClary which discusses about all the aspects of early education, play and similar topics. Insightful posts are available in the blog that throws light on issues such as:

  • The roles of adult in the early years setting
  • Advice for teachers who look after very young children

Let’s make the change happen:

We know that EYFS solely aims at providing the best for children. Adopt the best for your children too. With activities, teachers help to motivate and stimulate the learning ability of children.

Be the kind of teacher every student wish to have.

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.”Stacia

Smart phone, as the name suggests is one among the smartest invention of the modern era. In case of an emergency, smartphones help children to get in touch with their parents.

In addition to that, smartphone gifts children access to the outside world. They are free to download mobile applications, surf all sorts of websites, communicate with people all over the world, etc.

Smartphones have a lot of uses in the classroom too.  For instance, Early Years Foundation Stage makes use of the technology to identify and groom young talents.

In spite of being so familiar with smartphones, it is easy for children to invite dangers unintentionally while they are online.

It is not wise to leave children alone with their smartphone. Parents should take the right precautions to keep children safe with their smartphone.

Check out some smart ways to keep your children safe on smart phones:

  1. Restrict in-app purchases

If your app accounts are linked with credit or debit cards, it becomes easy for children to purchase apps without the permission of the parents.

Apple had to refund $32.5m to parents of children who purchased apps without the consent of their parents. Never link your credit or debit card with the app store, it can be dangerous.

  1. Always check the downloaded apps

It’s important to check the mobile applications downloaded by children. There are dating apps available in market which allows underage people to access with a minimum age limit of 13.

Online predators are something your child must be kept away from. According to 2015 Tinder experiment, online predators are using the app to groom underage girls. Prevention is way better than cure.

  1. Set Location data to private

Certain apps help in accessing phones GPS and will transfer the location data to the third party.  While using a family location service to monitor kids’, parents must make sure only they have got access. Location data can be disabled so that it would neither be available publicly nor be searchable.

  1. Make the phone secure

It’s important to maintain phone security. When a smartphone goes missing, people are worried not about the loss of a device, but the sensitive details in it. On an average, 1 out of 5 children in US have had their cell phones stolen.

So that means you should never store delicate information in the cell phone. Installing a tracking app in the phone can help locate the phone if it’s lost or stolen. Data erasing apps are available in the market along with tracking apps.

You can take a lot of precautions by installing some smart cyber-security apps as well.

Appropriate sharing

Teach your kids to share only appropriate content with others. Posting in-appropriate content can have negative effects which can be both immediate as well as long-lasting. Children must be taught about the emotional and social consequences of irresponsible sharing. With smartphones, sharing photos and videos is literally child’s play and happen within seconds too.

  • 1 out of 10 teens have had embarrassing or damaging pictures taken of themselves without their consent.
  • 1 out of 5 teens have either posted or sent sexually suggestive or nude pictures of themselves to others.

Greater responsibilities:

It’s almost impossible to keep children away from smartphone: they are getting addicted to the device day by day. A coin has two sides, so does a problem. It must not be ignored that smartphones help children in numerous ways. There are applications that help them to learn a lot of new things.

The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks”Christopher Hitchens

If you are a student friendly teacher, you could have experienced at least one student with his/her ideas different from the rest. It’s astonishing and interesting to come across such students. What makes them different from others?

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It’s the ability of the child to think about anything and everything. An ability of critical thinking

Critical thinking should be encouraged. Traditional concepts of learning are loosing its charm. Text based passive learning is giving way to active thinking and learning process.  The vital goal of education is to promote critical thinking in students, not making them reflect like a parrot. EYFS and KHDA are new terms that aim at improving the quality in education.

It’s really important to instil the ability of critical thinking in children through education. Early Years Foundation Stage is providing better guidance for children at a very tender age, they believe in individual abilities of children. There are Government bodies such as the KHDA in Dubai who takes the responsibility of the growth and quality of private education institutions.

As far as 21st century learning is concerned, critical thinking is an important factor. Spoon-feeding system in education has changed for better. It’s an era of better education.

10 out of the many uses of critical thinking:

We are provided with brains but we create our mind. The best mind is the one that thinks rather than the ones that accepts. Whenever we are dealing with humans we are dealing with their thoughts as well. By helping students to cultivate critical thinking, we are sowing the seeds of a generation with a better thinking capability that can help society.

  1. Critical thinking helps to cultivate higher-order thinking skill. Think beyond the print. Mostly children are fed the printed books which deny any further development of critical thinking.

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so”. William Shakespeare

  1. Rash decision making is a problem that the children should be kept away from. Stop and think before taking any action. Critical thinking ensures better thinking capacity in children which helps students think before any act.

  “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question      remains a fool forever.” – CHINESE PROVERB

  1. Things are more sensible when we think. Make more sense with thinking. Rather than just jumping into conclusions, think twice about the displayed conclusion. Make decesions of your own.

Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking while you’re thinking in order to make your thinking better.”Richard W. Paul

  1. Ideas must be clear. Complicated ideas can create confusion. Express your ideas clearly without doubt.

“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”- Robin Williams

  1. There can be more than one answer for a question. Explore alternatives with critical thinking.

“There is more than one way of getting to 2 besides 1+1.”

  1. Making better judgement. Evaluate and analyse before concluding to a judgement. Better decision making from a small age can benefit an individual in life. Future is more secure with better decisions.

“Nothing strengthens the judgment and quickens the conscience like individual responsibility.” – Elizabeth Cady Stanton

  1. Active thinking rather than passive acceptance of facts make children smart. With critical thinking, children tend to ask vital questions resulting in better judgement

“The one real goal of education is to leave a person asking questions.” – MAX BEERHOHM

  1. Critical thinking promotes academic improvement, effective communication with people and finding solution for complex problems.

“I think it’s really important to design things with a kind of personality”- Marc Newson

  1. Responsibility arises with better thinking. Being responsible for ones own thoughts and conclusion can make students better in learning as well as in life.

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Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work.” ― Adrienne Rich

  1. Critical thinking explores possibilities. Mugging up facts won’t make any person wise but thinking does.

“All things are possible until they are proven impossible.” ― Pearl S. Buck