Educational apps have made a phenomenal change in the way we manage classrooms and schools, and in the way we learn. The best part about these apps is the availability of information at our fingertips in different forms. Many of these educational apps have served as a one-stop learning solution where many things in terms of academic aspects can be achieved at the same place, rather than having to go for different sources.

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There are plenty of educational apps available these days that serve different purposes. You can use them to study, to stay organized, to be productive and what not.

Many of the educational apps can be accessed absolutely free of cost. There are also some apps of which the basic version is available for free, but would require subscription plans and in-app purchase options to use advanced featured. Also, there are fully paid apps that can be downloaded only by paying a certain amount of money.

Best Free Educational Apps for Students

The following list consists of some of the best 12 educational apps for students that are available for free. You can check them out here.

1. Duolingo

Yes, the popular language learning app is available for free. Duolingo offers over 95 different courses in 23 languages that include English, Turkish, Spanish, Russian, Latin and much more.

The learning process in Duolingo is mostly game based that makes language learning enjoyable and fun. The visual elements of the flashcard-like game in the app give you a better understanding of the words. It also helps you to build your vocabulary and improve your speaking skills.

Duolingo App

You can also attempt tests to analyse your proficiency in the language you are learning. The app monitors your learning progress and performance, giving you an idea of what part of your learning needs more attention.

Duolingo app helps you to master all aspects of language learning, be it reading, writing or speaking. It is available for download in

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

Check Also: 27 Best Free Educational Apps for Kids

2. SoloLearn

Technology has brought the world closer by helping them stay connected and it will continue to happen in the future as well. Therefore, knowledge in coding is expected to be an essential requirement in the days to come.

Many educational institutions have already introduced the subject to their students from a young age. There are educational apps for that extra support or to help the students to advance to the next level of learning to code, and SoloLearn app is one of the best choices.

sololearn logo

SoloLearn app comes with over 25 programming courses and a library with plenty of free code learning content under different topics for learners with any knowledge level, from beginners to experts. The app also keeps posting new content on a daily basis.

The app also comes with a community of over 40 million coding students, where they hold discussions based on various topics, solve problems and create new content to practice coding.

The app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:-  (

3. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is another popular educational app that is available for free. The online learning platform is perfect for students as well as adults who are looking to improve their knowledge.

Khan Academy app offers over 4000 courses in different subjects, including Maths, Science and Humanities, all based on NCERT or CBSE syllabus. The app also comes with a free, personalised learning library.

khan academy app logo

Khan App features videos, interactive exercises and articles on different subjects that allow in-depth learning. It also has a personalised dashboard for each learner where they can view their learning progress.

Khan Academy app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

Check Also: 25 Must-Have Educational Apps for Students in 2023

4. TED

TED, the popular platform known for TED talks by experts from all walks of life gives you access to all of its content for free. The app features over 3000 TED Talk videos based on different topics, all presented by renowned musicians, tech geniuses, business giants and others who have proven their worth in their respective fields.

In the app, you can browse through the TED Talks library to access the video of your choice. The videos come with subtitles in over 100 languages. You can also listen to podcasts in the app.

ted logo

If you have no idea as to which video to choose, you can use the” surprise me” feature for video suggestions. TED app also has bookmark feature to bookmark your favourite videos.

TED app is a great source if you are looking to fulfil your curiosity or if you want to improve your knowledge.

The app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:-  (

Play Store:- (

5. Lumosity

Lumosity is a well-known brain training app that you can access for free. The app helps you to achieve the goal of enhancing your skills, in terms of memory, critical thinking, problem solving and flexibility through games.

You can start with a free 10-minute FIT test to set your baseline scores, and to see where you stand compared to your peers. The app also features over 40 activities that challenge your memory, logic, language skills and much more. You can also go for personalised challenges based on your preferences and training habits.

Lumosity App logo

Lumosity app also provides you with training insights which helps you to understand your strengths and weaknesses as you progress. Your gameplay analysis provided by the app helps you to better identify your cognitive patterns.

Lumosity app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:- (

Play Store:- (

6. Photomath

Photomath app can be a saviour when you struggle with your math problems. Did you know that the app is available for free?

The app comes handy when it comes to solving any Math related problems, from simple ones of which you need to check the answers to difficult problems you are having a hard time solving.

Photomath app logo

All you have to do is to click a picture of an equation or scan it and upload it in the app. In return, you will get the step by step solution to it so that you get an idea of what needs to be done or where you went wrong.

Photomath app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

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7. Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Merriam-Webster dictionary, the popular American dictionary, is available in its app form and is absolutely free. Finding a right word or figuring out its meaning, it is a great accompaniment when you are learning English language. It is one of the most commonly used dictionaries around the world and is often used for reference, learning and building your vocabulary.

The app also features word games and quizzes that help you to learn new words and test your vocabulary. The word of the day feature in the app is also a great way to learn new words in the app.

Merriam Webster Logo

Apart from the meaning of a particular word, you can also find synonyms, antonyms and example sentences that help you to understand how that word is used in a sentence. Another feature is the audio pronunciations by native English speakers so that you learn to accurately pronounce it.

Merriam-Webster dictionary app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

8. Grammarly

Grammarly is another popular app that helps you in language learning. It can be termed as a writing assistant that helps to correct and edit your grammar, spelling and punctuation as you type.

Grammarly can be considered a proof read app that helps you to identify errors in your writing by checking it for issues. It also notifies you about the errors and guides you about what should be written instead.

Grammarly App Logo

The app also comes with advanced features, such as synonyms, that help you to improve your vocabulary, spelling and writing skills.

Grammarly app is available for download in

Google Play Store:- (

Play Store:- (

9. Timetable

Timetable app helps students to easily manage their school/university life. You can enter all your academic schedules in the app and get reminded so that you would not miss out on them.

Apart from class timings, you can also enter schedule details for home works, exams, tests and assignments, as in the timings, due date, name of teacher, etc. The app notifies you when about the schedules on time, and also reminds you to study. Another feature is that the app mutes your phone automatically during your study time.

Timetable App Logo

The schedules are organised in the app as a table or grid. You can also search for a particular task in the app.

Timetable app is available for download in the

Google Play Store:- (

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10. Daylio

Daylio is not exactly an academic related app. It is rather a mood tracker app that helps you to keep track of your mental health.

Daylio app acts as a private journal where you can note down anything about yourself. You can customise the app based on your personal needs.

Daylio App Logo

It helps you to analyse your habits, keep track of your emotional needs and helps you to realise the factors that affect your mood both positively and negatively.

Daylio app is available for free in

Google Play Store:- (

Play Store:- (

11. LiveCarta

Livecarta app is a digital library with all books and learning materials in it available for free. You can read the books in offline mode as well.

You can use your LiveCarta account to sync all the reading resources across different devices you use. You can also read the books, add highlights and notes and sync the changes made across the devices.

Live Carta App

The app also comes with features where you can search for keywords within the book or a specific chapter. The read aloud feature allows you to listen to the stories anytime, anywhere. You can also customise the read aloud feature, in terms of voice, speed and pitch.

LiveCarta app is available for download in

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

12. Study Tips

Study Tips is the app you need if you are looking for study hacks. The app gives you tips to study and also to remember more information in less time.

Study Tips app consists of a list of tips and tricks to learn that will help you achieve the different academics related goals. The app helps students to better manage their time and be productive, and also to develop good study habits.

Study Tips App Logo

The different tips provided by Study Tips app include those for studying effectively, maintaining the environment for learning, remembering information within a quick span of time, preparing for tests and exams, and so on.

Study Tips app is available for download in

Google Play Store:- (

App Costs Idea

Apart from the above mentioned apps, there are many more educational apps that are available for free. These apps help students be more responsible and committed towards their academic goals. Also, they get to organise and maintain their school/college life, and also to be productive without losing focus.

Most of these apps come with different elements, such as gamification and colourful, eye-catching interface that make it appealing to users. It interests them as the elements make the app more fun. As we mentioned earlier, the different apps serve different purposes. You can look for the best, free-to-use educational app that suits you and helps you to achieve all your academic goals.

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When it comes to online education and traditional education, there are benefits and drawbacks, which is why students should be aware of what to expect before attending a classroom or logging into one. In this comparison, we’ll look at some crucial areas where students’ experiences can differ significantly.

What is online education

Online learning is a type of distance learning that takes place over the internet, with the teacher providing a course at a specific time (synchronous) or the students completing a course at their own pace (asynchronous). The content is delivered in the form of text, images, or videos. Features such as online assessments may be included, as well as interactive activities.

Also Read: What is Distance Learning: What are it’s Benefits?

What is traditional education?

Traditional Educational Class

Education traditionally takes place in a classroom. A teacher plans and teaches a specific topic lesson, using a variety of educational tools. For example, the teacher might present information on a blackboard or whiteboard, conduct classroom discussions, have groups or partners complete tasks, and engage students in individual exercises. Assign homework, class quizzes, or conduct informal assessments are part of the class.

Flexibility Factor

One of the most important factors to consider when weighing your options is how much time and energy you have each day to dedicate to your studies. Will you be able to attend full-time school/college or do you need more flexibility to accommodate your busy life.

In the first place, the most obvious benefit of online education is its flexibility. It allows you to work, support a family, and take classes all at the same time. Moreover, online classes also have deadlines, which gives students more control over how they spend their time. They can plan when to study, work on projects or assignments, attend lectures, and so on.

There is frequently a lack of flexibility in a traditional class format. You must attend your classes in person, which normally involves a commute and stringent scheduling. However, there are still a number of flexible class options available. If you want to take classes on a school/college campus, you can look for a school that can let you plan a schedule that fits your need.

Educational Apps Directory List

Self-Discipline and Self-Motivation Factor

As previously said, attending school or college classes online provides students with greater freedom and control over their education. This, in return, requires a high level of self-discipline and self-motivation. You must be able to encourage yourself to finish essential reading and projects in an online class. You need to be able to manage your time effectively. However, these capabilities are also needed in traditional education.

Online lessons may be a good fit for you if you can work independently and manage your time properly. If you find it difficult to keep up with an online class, a more traditional environment can be more beneficial. It’s important to remember that becoming fully adjusted to online learning takes time. Setting a daily schedule and setting up a private workspace is just a couple of tactics you might use to ease into online education.

Social Interaction Factor

Many people wish for the traditional college experience, which includes classrooms, whiteboards, and walking around campus. Some people prefer to meet their teachers and classmates in person, and some people learn better that way. A traditional classroom format may benefit you if you are more of a social learner.

One common misperception about online education is that it does not require any interaction. In reality, your classmates and teachers are right at your fingertips! Collaborative resources such as Blackboard and video conferencing software are frequently used in online classes to stimulate regular exchanges, discussions, and brainstorming.

Today, Play Store has become a vast collection of useful apps for people.

This collection also includes great educational apps that allow students to learn faster and better.

Here are top 15 Android educational apps students can use regularly:

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Table of Content

1. English Grammar Book
2. Chemistry Helper  
3. SparkNotes
4. Math Lite
5. Mathway
6. Duolingo
7. YouTube
8. High School Physics  
9. MapMaster
10. SkyView
11. My Class Schedule
12. Memory Trainer
14. WolframAlpha  
15. Trello

1. English Grammar Book

Understanding the Grammar is the foundational requirement that every student should start with.


English Grammar Book can help you with that.

The app has been developed by Apps of India.

It accurately teaches about Tenses, Voices, Prepositions and other English Grammar concepts with tests and notes.

The app is available on the Play Store for free.

Teacher app ad banner
2. Chemistry Helper

Chemistry can be a mystery to many students without proper learning resources.


Chemistry Helper is a solution to that problem.

The app comprises a periodic table and online articles about the concepts of chemistry.

In fact, you can even use an inbuilt calculator to find out compound mass, molecular mass and conduct other calculations as well.

Chemistry Helper is a perfect reference provider and calculator for chemistry students.

The app is available for free on Android. But you can choose the Pro version to stay ad-free.

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3. SparkNotes

Apart from the basic grammar, a student also requires an understanding of the nuances and intricacies of the English language.

SparkNotes allows users to find literature reading materials and helps with the report making for an English paper.

All the famous literature are available in the vast storage. In fact, you can create and maintain multiple study groups.

The app allows you to share materials in the groups formed.

Developed by SparkNotes, this great app is available at no price for Android device users.
4. Math Lite

Students, during pre-schooling, require interesting ways to learn.


The visual appeal matters if you want them to remember a complex subject such as mathematics.

Math Lite is a great choice for such students. The app provides attractive animations and vivid colors in the interface.

With that, students learn the basics of mathematics smoothly.

The app includes concepts of subtraction, addition, comparison, naming and counting as well.

Developed by Intellijoy, Math Lite removes the struggles of mathematics and makes it interesting for young students.

The app includes free as well as paid versions for Android users.
5. Mathway

After passing the early stages of schooling, students come across some new concepts of mathematics.


These concepts develop the foundation of higher mathematics guidance. Hence, having an app like Mathway is a great choice for students.

The app is simple-to-use and offers comprehensive solutions to mathematical problems.

A student can understand every step of a math problem and reach the answer.

Or, you can simply use the instant answer feature for a problem.

The solutions come with valuable explanations to help you understand the concepts.

It covers Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus and other topics. The free version is available on Play Store.
6. Duolingo

Are you thinking about learning new languages?!


Students studying their second or third language can leverage Duolingo.

The app includes multiple language learning features for Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German and many others.

The interface is easy and requires no complex efforts to use.

You get complete guidance and complete levels by completing small lessons. The app offers digital rewards for your successes.

Progress tracking is possible, hence, you can improve your language skills faster. The app is available at no price for Android device users.

7. YouTube

An all encompassing universe of any and every kind of regulated video content available on the internet!


YouTube is no less than an educational app when it comes to finding explanatory videos.

It is the second largest search engine after Google.

Considering the vast database of video content with an added aesthetic element, students can rely on it for a considerably illustrative tutorial about almost any concept under the sun.

A smart student leverages advanced technologies to improve his or her life.

Each and every app mentioned in this list has one property to enhance your knowledge or make you productive.

So, grab all of them now!

8. High School Physics

High School students get intimidated by Physics.

This app offers an impressive way to understand concepts and actionable skills in physics.

Noted by top newspapers for its practical usability, this app has gained a lot of admiration in a short span of time.

Developed by Arjun S Bhardwaj, the app is available for free for all Android device users.

9. MapMaster

If geography is a complicated subject for you, MapMaster can help.

The app can assist with continents, countries, cities, capitals and even small towns.

The collection of information also includes locations of lakes, rivers, islands and mountain ranges.

The app is fast and accurate at the same time, which can help you with your school assignments.

Developed by Droidplant, this app provides a study mode as well. You can have a free or paid version by visiting the Play Store.

10. SkyView

The large database and appealing interface of SkyView makes solar system a fun subject for you.


The app provides a Zoom-in feature to admire the beauty of the solar system and various components of space.

The animations are detailed and include 3D quality.

Developed by Terminal Eleven LLC, this educational app allows students to learn and memorize all bodies of our solar system.

The application is available on the Play Store in a paid version.

11. My Class Schedule

Student life is all about becoming efficient.


My Class Schedule is a perfect app to manage your timetables, lesson plans and handle your study hours.

You can schedule notifications regarding your upcoming lessons.

These educational apps reminds you of unfinished homework and notifies about upcoming exams.

12. Memory Trainer

Sharpening your memory is a positive activity during your student life.


You have to improve your memory retaining abilities. Memory Trainer assists in improving your memory and intelligence.

The app enhances your cognition, spatial and concentration skills. Your mind learns to stay alert with the lessons you learn via this app.

Created by GRuV, Memory Trainer is a must-have app for every student.

You can visit the Play Store to download the app on your Android device for free.


Learning more words is possible now online as well as offline with this app. shows words and even pronounces them to help you understand the voice tones.


The interface looks beautiful and provides simple features to use the app online as well as offline.

You don’t have to worry about time lag or any other accuracy issues. The app has been developed by, LLC.

As this educational apps are free for all Android users, you can simply install it on your phone via Play Store.

14. WolframAlpha

Gathering information for your assignment or researching for an upcoming exam.

Everything seems easier when you have WolframAlpha to provide answers.

This educational apps has a huge collection of algorithms that collect and refer data from authoritative online platforms.

You can simply ask a question and let the app generate an accurate answer for you.

The topics include Physics, Stats, Mathematics, Thermodynamics, Astronomy, Chemistry and many others.

You can get the paid version for your Android device.

15. Trello

Becoming a productive student is possible only if you can optimize your time efficiently.


Trello is one organizing educational apps that can help you with management tasks. The app has been designed to keep a track of your time.

Plus, it assists you to manage all your daily functions as a student.

Developed by Fog Creek Software, Trello makes you an organized student, which results in on-time project submissions, early preparations for exams and much more.

Hence, you live a stress-free student life.

A smart student leverages advanced technologies to improve his or her life.

Each and every educational apps mentioned in this list has one property to enhance your knowledge or make you productive.

So, grab all of them now!

More Resources: 10 Amazing Drawing Apps For Students