Technology has by far spread its wings into every sphere of human life. Simplifying the lives of both students and teachers, technology-powered gadgets have already made their strong presence felt in the arena of education. Crafted to help educators and learners with their daily classroom routines, the present generation can now bank on wearable technology. Drifting away from the thought that wearables can distract the attention of the learners, these gadgets have steadily become modern powerful learning instruments.

If you are curious to know the ways in which these tech-powered wearables can enhance learning by imparting quality education to students, here they come.

  1. Enhanced Student Engagement

Modern wearable technologies surely demand a special mention as exciting tools to help students engage better with their lessons. Google Glasses are the promising educational tools that can lend a helping hand to students to get first-hand information about any topic of their choice. Educators can use these innovative wearables to come up with teaching schedules that can be shared amongst students and the teaching staff.

Through these gadgets, students will be informed about their timelines for assignment submissions and the exam schedules so as to ward off any instances of miscommunication. These wearables enable you to learn at your own pace.

You as a student wearing Google Glasses will also be able to make the most of distance learning. Allowing you to share lessons loaded with practical illustrations, you can enjoy holistic learning through experiments and appealing subject content that is presented by these gadgets.

  1. The Hands-Free Convenience

Wearables in education are star attractions on the strength of being hands-free. When you wear a gadget, you are freeing both your hands. A pair of free hands can help you better interact with the real world, alongside permitting you to enjoy a convenient access to other devices that are in your vicinity. This positive goes a long way in increasing the level of communication between you as a student and the tutor.

Wearables which come with environment sensing are the stepping stones for students to develop healthy learning habits. Google Glasses, through their hands-free feature, can come in as excellent learning tools permitting you to jot down notes without missing out important subject matter during class lectures.

  1. A Coordination Between Teachers and Students

For a classroom to become a haven for learning and knowledge, it is important that the teachers and students work in tandem with each other. There has to be a high level of coordination between both the parties so as to develop strong scholastic relationships.

With wearables in place, teachers can conduct real-time classes without assembling all the students under one roof. An on-the-go learning session is a matter of convenience that is bestowed by these wearables. Wearables which come in different forms stay with you for the entire working day, imparting knowledge about any topic that interests you.

  1. Communication Made Easy

With the beginning of every new academic year, students and teachers are introduced to newer versions of wearables. Updated wearables promise enhanced functionalities like messaging features, GPS and chat options are available on a Smart Watch. These wearables simplify the communication between teachers and learners alongside helping the wearer to perform calculations through its touch-screen mechanism.

You can send any sort of a query to your teacher via the smart watch, which can be answered by your faculty even remotely. Reminders that can be fed into these wearables will thus make the lives of students simple and enjoyable at the same time.

You can engage in smart communication with your peers in addition to enjoying a better access to study material you are looking for. You can effortlessly take notes of all the important topics and collate them into ready-reference study material.

  1. Video Recorders Are Modern Learning Tools

The markets are abuzz with wearable learning tech that come in the form of compact video recorders fitted with sophisticated cameras. GoPro is one such alternative that can be employed by teachers to record class lectures.

These recorded lectures which brim with in-class experiences of different students will come handy to students who have either missed a class or were absent for an entire day owing to ill-health or any personal engagement. It is through this Virtual Reality (VR) enabled GoPro wearable video recorder that you can master subjects like mass communication, journalism and classes aimed at television production.

  1. Learn History and Languages the Smart Way

Now is the era of Virtual Reality that has attracted the attention of both learners and tutors. A host of VR headsets have already penetrated into the educational sphere permitting students specializing in languages, civics and history.

Through VR headsets, you will be transported into another territory that is linked to your subject of interest. You begin to enjoy the feel of former empires coupled with loads of information concerning foreign locales and their cultures. You can go to these places without having to step out of your classroom and experience the lifelike learnings that cannot be assimilated through useless images, pictures, slideshows or static posters.

These real-time field trips are the best ways to learning since they bring in an element of realism to what all the students wish to learn. It is through such enlivening experiences that you as a student can unleash a new world of learning. You will then be able to experience the real thrill behind education which now comes with captivating and fun-filled elements.


  1. Enhanced Parental Participation in the Learning Process

Not only are Google Glasses useful for learning in classrooms, they can also become potent tools of effective communication between teachers and parents. Teachers, through a Google Glass, can inform the progress of students to parents in the form of report cards. When the report card reaches the parents, they will be encouraged to partake in the learning process of their wards so as to help them in their pursuit of knowledge and better grades. Through Google Glass, teachers can ensure an effortless and direct path of communication with the parents of students. This way, a healthy in-house and classroom learning environment can be established.

  1. Muse – A Futuristic Wearable That Will Take Education To the Next Level

The future of wearable technology is Muse, a brain-sensing headband that can track signals that are given out by out brain. With a similar mechanism that makes a heart monitor function, a Muse helps teachers to assimilate pertinent information about how well the students are concentrating in the class. This wearable will pick up useful data points and present the reactions of students to a particular lecture.

Highlighting the instances when you as a student were deeply engrossed in the class alongside the times when you were utterly distracted, the Muse can become a learner-centric brain tracker. Modern teachers can bank upon this wearable to improve student engagement, in addition to helping them assess their brain patterns concerning different learning activities.

Key Takeaways

The possibilities in education are growing by leaps and bounds. A plethora of technologically-driven gadgets have already made waves in the sphere of education, revolutionizing the academic industry so that students can reach the pinnacle of their learning curve; effortlessly and quickly. Providing a number of attractive classroom experiences for students, these wearables are the new generation learning tools that are poised to make headlines for many more years to come.


Learning objectives need to be clearly defined to be accurate and efficient. When creating learning objectives, there are certain criteria one needs to adhere to, in order to ensure that they are SMART Learning Objectives. SMART is an acronym in the learning and development circles. It stands for 5 different criteria that help determine the efficiency of your learning objective and let you know if they are good enough.

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As per the Smart Learning Objectives method, your learning objectives should be:

Specific –  Make sure to use clear and direct language. This makes it easier to communicate to the learner and let them know what exactly he or she should learn. It must also give them a clear idea about the things he or she should be able to do once the training is successfully completed. One should not be vague, misleading, or unclear.

Measurable –  When you set learning objectives, the basic aim is to determine if it is possible for the learners to meet, perform, or satisfy it. This is possible only if the objective is measurable. So, the first thing is that it needs to be an action you could observe. Here is where you correct the common mistake of using words which signify actions that could not be observed objectively. Examples are words like “know” and “understand”. Secondly, the objective must be written in a way so that the objective observer is able to closely watch the performance of the learner and come to a consensus about the fulfilment of the objective. One thing you need to note is that the learning objective should not be one that could be satisfied only by an individual’s own subjective understanding.

Achievable –  The smart learning objective needs to be something that the learners stand a chance to complete or satisfy. Enough pre-existing knowledge, resources, and time are the pre requisites for all objectives. As an example, do not create learning objective that is defined for and elementary school kid to construct a rocket in a day. This is not achievable. While checking your objective for this criterion, keep in mind that it should not be too simple or easy too.

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Relevant –  The learning objective must be one in which the learner is able to see the value in learning. Teach something that is not important or will not be used by a specific learner. The training should matter to the learners. It must be relevant and not something they will never need at all. Otherwise, it would be simple waste of time and nothing else.

Timely and Time-bound –  The learning objective needs to be something that the learner will use in a timely fashion. It needs to be something close like next day or next week and not the next year. Second thing, you must explain if there are time constraints on the performance of the learner. There are many cases in which the learner needs to complete the objective once the training ends, for example. The last thing is that the learner may have to perform an action that is defined in the objective in the given amount of time, like say for example “change the oil in just 10 minutes.”

The SMART Learning Objectives method helps one check their own work while the objectives are being created. It helps maintain focus on the building up of a useful objective and is also like a quick checklist to determine how effective the objective is. Start using it and see the difference it could bring to the overall learning programme.

Black board and white chalks that ruled classrooms have opted for retirement in this increasingly complex, information-rich world. Modern day schools have scaled up the use of digitised pedagogical tools to meet the rising demands of Gen Z. New age gadgets like iPhones, tablets and laptops have become everyday teaching tools that aid in explaining complex theories to simple poems. Technology-aided demonstrations of subjects, earlier covered only through text and images, have increased students’ curiosity and learning capacity.

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Dawn of Technology-Based Learning Environments

Smart Learning or adaptive learning is changing classrooms by taking a different route from blind memorization and by creating more dynamic learning environments. Classrooms powered by adaptive learning technology encourage students to get up from their benches and explore the world and the wealth of knowledge it has to offer through interactive learning.

These technology-backed intelligent learning environments empower instructors to facilitate real-time dynamic mapping of an individual learners’ needs and also facilitate sequencing of personalized instruction to suit each learner’s abilities and characteristics. This also further aids in successfully providing remedial instructions.

Thousands of online smart learning websites offer innovative methods of imparting knowledge to students irrespective of their age by addressing the root cause of disinterest– Boredom.

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Boredom – Root Cause of Disinterest?

It has been proven time and again that learning is more effective when the instruction is personalised. Studies show that children get bored of classes as the subjects being taught are often found to be repetitive or uninteresting. Minimal interaction or one-sided communication often make the subjects being taught to be less interesting. The adaptation of smart learning connects instructors and students/peers in a whole new way as the sessions are interactive/participatory in nature. Smart learning makes it easy to identify individual talents and needs of each students making it much easier to help them realise their full potential.

The adaptive learning technology encompasses educational aspects derived from various fields of study including computer science, education, psychology, and brain science. These smart classroom tools help revive the interest of students by using multimedia tools like videos, interactive quizzes, games and more. These tools are non-linear in nature and are often designed in a visually attractive and fun way to capture the attention of students of all age groups and to deliver better learning outcomes.