The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a rapid shift in the way education is delivered, with online teaching and learning becoming the new normal. In this era of online teaching, educators are exploring new technologies to make the learning experience more interactive, engaging, and effective for students. With the abundance of free apps for online teaching available, educators can now make the learning process more streamlined and efficient for their students.

In this blog, we will look at the 15 best free apps for online teaching that can help educators create engaging learning experiences for their students.

Zoom Google Meet Cisco Webex Google Classroom Moodle
Quizlet Nearpod Flip Padlet Classcraft
Explain Everything Pear Deck Loom Remind Edpuzzle
1. Zoom

Zoom is a video conferencing app that lets you connect with people from anywhere in the world in real-time. You can create a virtual classroom using the app that’s just as engaging and interactive as an in-person class.

how to create an app like zoom

You can share your screen, use virtual whiteboards, and even break your students into smaller groups for group discussions or activities. Zoom also has a range of features that make it easy to assess your students’ progress, such as the ability to create polls, quizzes, and surveys. And the best part? You can record your sessions for students who miss class or need to review the material later.

Download Now: Android, iOS

2. Google Meet

Google Meet is another video conferencing app that allows teachers to hold virtual classes. With features such as screen sharing, real-time captions, and virtual backgrounds, Google Meet makes online teaching more effective.

Google Meet is another video conferencing app that can be used for online learning. The app is easy to use and is packed with features that help teacher and classmates connect with each other from anywhere, anytime. You can share your screen, collaborate on projects in real-time, and even use virtual backgrounds to make your online classes more fun and engaging. Also, the interactive chat feature makes it easy to ask questions and stay engaged throughout the lesson.

Download Now: Android, iOS

3. Cisco Webex

Cisco Webex is a top-notch tool for online teaching that allows educators to connect with their students in a seamless and effective manner. With Webex, teachers can create virtual classrooms and conduct lectures, discussions, and interactive activities in real-time, no matter where they are.

zoom alternatives

Webex’s advanced features, like screen sharing, whiteboarding, and breakout rooms, enable teachers to engage their students and provide a personalized learning experience. Moreover, Webex’s secure and reliable platform ensures that classes run smoothly without any interruptions.

Download Now: Android, iOS

4. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a free web-based platform that streamlines the process of creating, distributing and grading assignments and more for teachers. With the app, teachers can create virtual classes, share documents, and communicate with students in real-time. It makes it easy to organize class materials, provide feedback, and collaborate with students.

virtual classroom technology apps

Additionally, the platform integrates seamlessly with other Google applications, like Google Drive and Google Docs, making it effortless to create and share assignments. Google Classroom is also easy to use and navigate, ensuring that both teachers and students can get started quickly.

Download Now: Android, iOS

5. Moodle

Moodle is an exceptional open-source learning management system that offers a range of features to facilitate the learning process. With Moodle, educators can create virtual classrooms, design courses, and engage with students in real-time. The platform offers various tools such as discussion forums, wikis, quizzes, and assignments that allow teachers to provide a personalized learning experience.

Moodle also offers robust analytics that helps teachers track students’ progress, identify areas of improvement, and provide targeted feedback. The platform is also customizable, allowing educators to adapt it to their specific needs. Moodle is an excellent choice for educators looking for a flexible, robust, and scalable platform to teach online.

Download Now: Android, iOS

6. Quizlet

With Quizlet, educators can create flashcards, quizzes and games that make learning fun and interactive for students. The platform offers various features like adaptive learning, spaced repetition, and personalized study plans that help students retain information better.


Quizlet’s analytics provide valuable insights into students’ performance, allowing educators to adjust their teaching strategies accordingly. The platform is also user-friendly, making it easy for educators to create and share study materials.

Download Now: Android, iOS

7. Nearpod

Nearpod is a student engagement platform that allows teachers to create interactive lessons and activities for their students. With features such as quizzes, polls and virtual field trips, Nearpod is a great app for online teaching.

Teachers can also monitor student progress in real-time and providing valuable insights into areas where students may be struggling using the app. The platform is also compatible with a range of devices, making it accessible to students with diverse learning needs.

Download Now: Android, iOS

8. Flip

Flipis a video discussion platform that makes it easy for teachers to create and share video-based assignments and discussions with the students. The app allows teachers to create topic discussions, record video feedback and engage with students in real-time.


The platform is designed to promote active learning, with features like screen recording, whiteboard integration and video replies that allow students to express themselves creatively. It is also accessible and easy to use, making it an excellent tool for educators who want to promote student engagement and interaction in online learning environments.

Download Now: Android, iOS

9. Padlet

Padlet is a digital bulletin board that offers a range of collaborative tools allows teachers to create and share content with their students. Teachers can create virtual bulletin boards in the app, where students can share and discuss ideas, images and videos.

The platform offers various features that make it easy for students to collaborate and express themselves creatively. The app is customizable, allowing teachers to adapt it to their specific teaching needs.

Download Now: Android, iOS

10. Classcraft

Classcraft is a gamification platform that allows teachers to gamify their virtual classrooms, where students can create their own avatars and embark on epic quests. Features like experience points, rewards and power-ups in the app make learning fun and interactive.

The app also allows teachers to monitor student progress and provide personalized feedback, ensuring that students are constantly challenged and motivated. If you’re an educator looking for a fun and engaging way to promote student learning in online environments, Classcraft the perfect choice.

Download Now: Android, iOS

11. Explain Everything

Explain Everything is an interactive whiteboard app that allows teachers to create engaging and interactive presentations, whiteboards and animations. Teachers can record and annotate live presentations, share videos and images and collaborate with students in real-time using the app.

The app allows teachers to share their content across multiple platforms and devices, ensuring that their lessons are accessible to all students. Explain Everything is a versatile and powerful tool that helps teachers create engaging online teaching content.

Download Now: Android, iOS

12. Pear Deck

Pear Deck is an interactive presentation platform that allows teachers to create interactive presentations and quizzes for their students. With features such as real-time responses, interactive slides, and quizzes, Pear Deck is a great app for online teaching.

Pear Deck is an interactive presentation platform that allows educators to create interactive presentations and quizzes that engage students in real-time. Teachers can use the app to create engaging slideshows that allow students to respond to questions, provide feedback, and collaborate with their peers.

Pear Deck app integrates seamlessly with other popular teaching tools like Google Classroom, making it easy for teachers to incorporate it into their existing teaching workflows.


13. Loom

Loom is a video recording app that is perfect for teachers to create and share video tutorials and presentations with their students. Teachers can use the app to record their screen, webcam, and audio, providing a comprehensive and engaging teaching experience.

Customizable video templates, annotations, real-time comments and other features of the app make it easy for teachers to create engaging and informative content. Teachers can also share their videos across multiple platforms and devices to make it accessible to students.

Download Now: Android, iOS

14. Remind

Remind is a communication tool that can be used for online teaching. The app allows teachers to communicate with their students and parents quickly and easily.

Teachers can use the app to send announcements, schedule reminders and share learning resources, files and photos, keeping students and parents up to date on their progress. The app offers features like real-time messaging, translation, and message scheduling, making it easy for teachers to stay connected with their students and parents.

Download Now: Android, iOS

15. Edpuzzle

Create interactive video lessons that engage students in real-time using Edpuzzle app. The app allows teachers to import any video from YouTube or other popular video platforms and add interactive element,s such as quizzes, voiceovers, and discussion prompts, making the videos more engaging and informative for students.

With features like real-time student analytics, automatic grading, and easy LMS integration, teachers can assess student progress and incorporate the app into their existing teaching workflows.

Download Now: Android, iOS

It’s International Women’s Day on March 8th – a day that celebrates the achievement of women from around the world and gender equality!

International Women’s Day is an important reminder that we still have work to do to achieve true gender equality, and to ensure that every woman has the opportunity to reach her full potential.

Women have made remarkable progress over the years, but we cannot be complacent. The fight for women’s rights is far from over, and we must continue to push for change and progress.

In many parts of the world, women still face significant challenges and discrimination. They may not have access to education or healthcare, or may be prevented from participating fully in the workforce or in politics. Violence against women is a widespread problem, and it is essential that we work to end it.

Also Read Best Education Quotes For Students

But despite these challenges, women are breaking down barriers and achieving great things every day. From scientists and entrepreneurs to artists and activists, women are making a difference in every field. And when women succeed, we all benefit. Studies have shown that when women are empowered, communities are stronger, and economies thrive.

The Women’s Day theme for 2023 is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality. The theme highlights the potential of technology and education in the digital era to promote the empowerment of women and girls globally.

Best quotes to celebrate Women’s Day 2023

There are many women in this world who have accomplished many things that were thought of as impossible for them. It might have taken extra effort or an extra step, but the end result that rocketed them to success has made the world rethink about the way they perceive women.

Here are 50 quotes to inspire you on Women’s Day.

1. “Women are the real architects of society.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe, American author and abolitionist.

2. “A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” – Diane Mariechild, author.

3. “The future is female.” – Unknown.

4. “Women hold up half the sky.” – Chinese Proverb.

5. “I raise up my voice-not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard…we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.” – Malala Yousafzai, education activist.

6. “A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.” – Coco Chanel, French fashion designer and businesswoman.

7. “Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.” – Hillary Clinton, American politician and diplomat.

8. “A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.” – Eleanor Roosevelt, American political figure, diplomat, pacifist and activist and former first lady of the United States.

9. “The best protection any woman can have…is courage.” – Elizabeth Cady Stanton, American writer and activist.

10. “There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” – Michelle Obama, American attorney, author and former first lady of the United States.

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11. “Empower a woman, empower a community.” – Unknown.

12. “Women are leaders everywhere you look—from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women, and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes.” – Nancy Pelosi, American politician.

13. “We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.” – Sheryl Sandberg, American technology executive, philanthropist, and writer.

14. “A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.” – Melinda Gates, American philanthropist and former multimedia product developer and manager at Microsoft.

15. “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” – G.D. Anderson, Australian feminist writer and founder of Australian charity, The Cova Project.

16. “The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” – Amelia Earhart, American aviation pioneer and writer.

17. “No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens.” – Michelle Obama, American attorney, author and former first lady of the United States.

18. “I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde, American writer, womanist, radical feminist, professor, and civil rights activist.

19. “In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.” – Sheryl Sandberg, American technology executive, philanthropist, and writer.

20. “Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.” – Coretta Scott King, American author, activist, and civil rights leader.

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21. “Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.” – Hillary Clinton, American politician and diplomat.

22. “I am a woman phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that’s me.” – Maya Angelou, American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist.

23. “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” – Coco Chanel, French fashion designer and businesswoman.

24. “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.” – Simone de Beauvoir, French philosopher, writer, social theorist, and feminist activist.

25. “I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves.” – Mary Shelley, English novelist.

26. “A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.” – Gloria Steinem, American journalist and social-political activist.

27. “A woman is human. She is not better, wiser, stronger, more intelligent, more creative, or more responsible than a man. Likewise, she is never less. Equality is a given.” – Vera Nazarian, American writer.

28. “The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description.” – Steve Maraboli, author.
29. “A woman’s place is in the resistance.” – Princess Leia, Star Wars.

30. “Women are the real superheroes because they’re not just working. They have a life outside of work.” – Gal Gadot, actress.

31. “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg, American lawyer.

32. “Women are always saying, ‘We can do anything that men can do.’ But men should be saying, ‘We can do anything that women can do.'” – Gloria Steinem, American journalist and social-political activist.

33. “Each time a woman stands up for herself she stands up for all women.” – Maya Angelou, American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist.

34. “A feminist is any woman who tells the truth about her life.” – Virginia Woolf, English writer.

35. “We realize the importance of our voice when we are silenced.” – Malala Yousafzai, education activist.

36. “There is nothing stronger than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself.” – Hannah Gadsby, Australian comedian, writer, and actress.

37. “Women should be celebrated every day, but a month dedicated to female empowerment is extremely special. It doesn’t just honor the iconic women who have changed history, but encourages new generations to dream big and know that anything is possible.” – Molly McCook, American actress.

38. “There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.” – W.E.B. Dubois, American sociologist, socialist, historian, and Pan-Africanist civil rights activist.

39. “How wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants rather than to create it herself.” –Anais Nin, diarist and novelist.

40. “What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one, she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced her she did not.” – Rupi Kaur, poet, illustrator, photographer, and author.

41. “Woman must not accept; she must challenge. She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her; she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression.” – Margaret Sanger, American activist.

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42. “A strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink.” – Gina Carey, American filmmaker and singer.

43. “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping-stone to greatness.” –Oprah Winfrey, American talk show host.

44. “The test of civilization is its estimate of women.” – George William Curtis, American writer.

45. “Feminism is not just about women; it’s about letting all people lead fuller lives.” – Jane Fonda, American actress.

46. “Empowering women isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do.” – Barack Obama, 44th US President.

47. “Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be but a challenge to others.” –Amelia Earhart, American aviation pioneer and writer.

48. “Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” – Serena Williams, American tennis player.

49. “The strongest actions for a woman is to love herself, be herself, and shine amongst those who never believed she could.” – Unknown.

50. “Some women fear the fire. Some women simply become it …” – R.H. Sin, author.

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Activities to Celebrate Women’s Day in School

Celebrating International Women’s Day in school is a great way to educate students about the importance of gender equality and to inspire the next generation of leaders to advocate for women’s rights. Here are some ideas for how to celebrate Women’s Day 2023 in school:

Invite a guest speaker
Invite a local female leader, a female entrepreneur or a female scientist to speak to the students about her career and how she has overcome obstacles to achieve her goals.

Plan a gender equality workshop
Plan a workshop for the students to learn about gender stereotypes, unconscious bias and ways to promote gender equality in their daily lives. The workshop could include activities, discussions, and videos that encourage students to think critically about gender issues.

Organize a film screening
Host a film screening of a movie or documentary that highlights the experiences and achievements of women. This could be followed by a discussion or a debate.

Showcase female artists
Organize an art exhibit or a concert featuring works of female artists, musicians and performers. This will give students a chance to appreciate the talents of women and to learn about the different ways in which they express themselves.

Hold a charity fundraiser
Host a fundraising event for a charity that supports women and girls, such as a girls’ education program or a women’s shelter. This is a great way to teach students about the importance of giving back to the community and to empower them to make a positive difference in the world.

By celebrating International Women’s Day in school, we can create a safe and inclusive environment that empowers girls and inspires them to break down gender barriers and pursue their dreams.

The biggest challenge for any teacher is capturing each student’s attention, and conveying ideas effectively enough to create a lasting impression.

As a teacher, to tackle this challenge effectively, you should implement innovative ideas that make the classroom experience much more lovable for your students.

So here are 16 innovative ideas that will help you reinvent your teaching methods and make your classes more interesting.

1. Creative Teaching


Take the help of tools to stimulate creativity. Include playful games or forms of visual exercises that will excite young minds and capture their interest.

This is a time-tested method to identify every young student’s creative abilities and encourage creative contributions.

Bring aspects of creativity into all your subjects, be it mathematics, science, or history. Think of ways to develop their creative ideas.

Encourage different ideas, give them the freedom to explore

2. Audio & Video Tools

Audio-Video-Tools classroom strategies

Incorporate audio-visual materials to supplement textbooks during your sessions. These can be models, filmstrips, movies, pictures, infographics or other mind mapping and brain mapping tools.

Such tools will help their imagination thrive and grow.

These methods will not only develop their ability to listen but will also help them understand the concepts better.

For example, you can get some oral history materials, conduct live online discussions or playback recordings of public lectures.

If you are tech-savvy, there are also a number of smart apps for preschoolers that you can utilize to create awesome slideshows or presentations

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3. “Real-World” Learning

Real World Learning- Classroom Strategies

Infusing real-world experiences into your instructions will make teaching moments fresh, and enrich classroom learning.

Relating and demonstrating through real-life situations will make the material easy to understand and easy to learn. It will spark their interest and get the children excited and involved.

4. Brainstorm

Brainstorming in Classroom - teaching strategies

Make time for brainstorming sessions in your classrooms. These sessions are a great way to get the creative juices flowing.

When you have multiple brains focusing on one single idea, you are sure to get numerous ideas and will also involve everyone into the discussion.

These sessions will be a great platform for students to voice their thoughts without having to worry about right or wrong.

Set some ground rules before you start. You can go for simple brainstorming or group brainstorming or paired brainstorming

5. Classes Outside the Classroom

Classes Outside the Classroom

Some lessons are best learnt, when they are taught outside of the classroom. Organize field trips that are relevant to the lessons or just simply take students for a walk outside of the classroom.

Field trips can help students make connections between classroom learning and real-world experiences. You can plan visits to museums, zoos, or historical sites related to the learning subjects. You can also arrange for students to visit local businesses or organizations related to what they learn to gain first-hand experience. Outdoor excursions, such as nature walks, hikes, or camping trips also help engage students in hands-on learning.

Students will find this fresh and exciting. Without taking much effort, they will learn and remember what you teach them.

6. Role Play

Role Play - Classroom Teaching Strategy

Teaching through role-playing is a great way to make children step out of their comfort zone and develop their interpersonal skills.

This method comes in handy, especially when you are teaching literature, history or current events.

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The role playing approach will help a student understand how the academic material will be relevant to his everyday tasks

Role playing is most effective for students of almost any age group. You just need to customize depending on the age group.

You can even use this method for teaching preschoolers. Just make sure you keep it simple enough to capture their limited attention span.

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7. Storyboard Teaching

Storyboard-Best-Teaching Strategies in classroom

Rudyard Kipling rightly said, “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.”

Storyboarding is a great way to teach any subject which requires  step-by-step memorization or visualization highly-conceptual ideas.

History teachers can use a storyboard to recreate a famous event. Such visually stimulating activity will ensure that even complex ideas are easily put across to students.

You can also encourage the use of storyboards as a form of communication and let the students tell a story in pictures using their imagination

8. Stimulating Classroom Environment

using Classroom environment for better teaching

A classroom environment that is well-decorated, fun, and engaging will help stimulate a student’s mind and will help think and learn better.

Such a creative and stimulating environment will help them explore and will encourage them to learn about the subject.

Children, especially young ones cannot be expected to sit all day and learn.  An environment that positively impacts the children is beneficial for you as well.

Schools associated with Early Years Foundation Stage(EYFS) will vouch for the fact that the learning environment has a prime role in learning and development.

9. Welcome New Ideas

Welcome-New-innovative-ideas-of teaching

An open-minded attitude can help you in innovating new teaching methods. Though you might claim to be open-minded, its human nature to resist change.

Evaluate yourself and ensure you try out new ideas in the classroom.

10. Think About A New Hobby


Sometimes, a hectic workload may affect your engagement in teaching.

If it happens to you, it’s natural.

You can take a break for a couple of hours and engage in some other activity that you’re interested in.

This will rejuvenate you and you can return to your work with more passion and interest.

11. Work Together As a Team

Teamwork in Classroom

As everyone knows, the end result of the collaborative effort is always immense.

Think about spending some quality time with your colleagues. Ask them to share their views on improving teaching methods, you can see many of them come up with interesting strategies.

So, collaborate and introduce innovative teaching methods.

Also Read: EDU-SUITE – The Best School Management Software in 2023

12. Puzzles and Games


Learning is fun when puzzles and games are part of education. Children may not require taking conscious effort when their lessons are introduced through games.

Puzzles and games help children to think creatively and face challenges.

13. Start School Clubs or Groups

Start School Clubs or Groups - innovative ideas

What about starting an after-school club or group?

Being a teacher you may not get enough time to work on interesting topics that you are passionate about.

You can share your views and learn more from others when you have school clubs or groups.

14. Refer to Books On Creativity


To be a creative teacher, you need to do some research on creative ideas and techniques.

There are a lot of books on creativity.

Choose some of the best works and start learning, it will be helpful for your professional development as well.

15. Love What You Do


You can give your best only if you truly love what you do.

When you are not stressed, you will be more creative and inspired.

Loving your work keeps you relaxed and gives you room to experiment with new ideas.

16. Introduce Lessons Like a Story


Just think, why do you watch movies with much interest?

You like to watch movies because there is always an interesting story to keep you engaged.

Like that,

Learning sessions become more interesting when you introduce it as a story. If you are creative, even math lessons can be related to interesting stories.

17. Music

Use music to create a more engaging learning environment. Music can be used to help students learn new concepts, improve memory retention, and enhance creativity.

It also creates a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere in the classroom and can help to keep students engaged and motivated.

18. Art Activities

Make use of art activities.

Art can help students develop creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. One way to incorporate art is to use visual aids, such as pictures or diagrams, to help explain complex concepts. Another way is to allow students to create art as a way to explore and express their understanding of a topic. This can be in the form of drawing, painting, sculpting, or even digital art. Lastly, encouraging students to collaborate on art projects can help them learn how to work together, communicate effectively, and build relationships with their peers.

All these can make lessons more engaging and can help to reinforce the material that is being taught.

19. Create Challenges

Creating challenges for students can help to keep them motivated and can help to ensure that they are actively engaged in the lesson. It helps enhance the problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and creativity of students.

You can present students with real-world problems or challenges that require them to apply knowledge gained in class. Or you can collaborate with students to design challenges that allow, thus promoting teamwork and communication skills. Additionally, teachers can provide students with the opportunity to design their own challenges, fostering ownership and promoting self-directed learning.

This helps students to develop skills that will benefit them both inside and outside the classroom.

20. Technology-Based Learning Activities

Technology-based learning activities can be an innovative way to make classes more interactive and effective.

Technology can help students develop computer skills, improve critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and provide opportunities for self-directed learning. You can use interactive software and apps to supplement learning materials, such as using virtual reality to explore historical sites or scientific concepts.

Another way is to use online platforms for collaborative projects, such as Google Docs or Padlet, allowing students to work together in real-time. Additionally, teachers can provide students with personalized learning opportunities through educational gaming or online courses.

All these help students to engage with daily lessons in a more dynamic and personalized way, enhancing their learning experience.

21. Online Discussion Boards

Teachers can use online discussion boards to assign discussion questions related to course material and encourage students to respond and engage with their classmates’ posts. They can also use it as a platform for peer review, where students can provide feedback on each other’s work.

The discussion boards can help students to learn from each other, develop their communication skills, and engage with course material in a more dynamic and collaborative way.

22. Debate

Debate activities can help to develop critical thinking skills in students and can help to make lessons more engaging.

You can conduct debate activities in the classroom debates by picking a topic related to lessons and allowing students to argue for and against specific positions. You can also let students research and present arguments on different sides of a topic, helping them develop their research and presentation skills.

Debate activities can help you to tech students to analyse information critically, present their arguments effectively, and consider different viewpoints.

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23. Virtual Labs

Virtual labs can be used to make lessons more engaging and can help to reinforce the material that is being taught. They help students develop scientific and technical skills, improve critical thinking abilities, and provide opportunities for self-directed learning.

There are a number of virtual lab software available; for example, virtual dissection software to study anatomy or physics simulations to explore physical concepts. You can make use of these use virtual labs to provide personalized learning opportunities and allow students to work at their own pace.

In conclusion, there are several innovative ideas that you can use to make your teaching methods more effective. By incorporating technology into your lessons and utilizing different teaching styles, you can help to create an engaging learning environment that is enjoyable for both teachers and students. Additionally, hands-on activities, creative writing activities, and multimedia tools into your lessons can help to make the learning process more engaging and can help to ensure that all students are actively involved in the lesson.

With even the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA ) emphasizing on schools to take measures for improving the quality of teaching and learning, these innovative ideas are sure to make teaching methods more effective.

Traditional classroom teaching alone cannot motivate every student. Given that children love entertainment, inspirational movies are an effective and easy medium to motivate them.

If you are a teacher or a parent, you might understand this very well. It is essential for students to feel affection towards learning.

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It is not difficult to screen a movie today. We have smart classrooms with projectors and screens. Here are some good inspirational, educational Hollywood & Bollywood movies that can motivate students from schools and colleges alike. These teach students the value of hard work and proper education.

Here is our list of best inspirational movies of all time for students:

1. Good Will Hunting (1997)

IMDb rating – 8.3/10

Cast & Crew: Good Will Hunting boasts an illustrious cast including Robin Williams, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Stellan Skarsgard. This American film was written by Affleck and Matt Damon while it was helmed by Gus Van Sant.

Story: Matt Damon played the title role of a 20-year old young man. The hero is gifted with high potential in mathematics and chemistry but doesn’t realize what his potential can offer.

The film will inspire students to discover hidden talents they have.

2. The Great Debaters

IMDb rating –7.6/10

Cast & Crew: Starring Denzel Washington, “The Great Debaters” is an inspirational American movie movie released in 2007. It was directed by Denzel Washington himself and its producer was Oprah Winfrey.

Story: It is based on an article written about the Wiley College debate team.

Thinking of teaching or training others? This movie is the dramatic retelling of the true story of Melvin B. Tolson, a professor who inspired his students to challenge Harvard at the debating championships.

This is a heart-warming tale to lift the study spirits of the students, especially if they have been inspired at some point by a wonderful teacher who saw their potential.

3. Lean on Me (1989)

IMDb rating –7.4/10

Cast & Crew: Written by Michael Schiffer and stars Morgan Freeman, directed by John G. Avildsen.

Story: Do you need a second chance at study or your career?

Based on a true story, Lean on Me is a dramatized biographical film An unorthodox teacher returns to the idyllic high school from which he had been fired as the principal, only to find it devoid of the success it used to be.

This movie will help build you up and get you through that pile of study! There is nothing like a true story to really lift your spirits.

4. The Paper Chase (1973)

IMDb rating –7.2/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by James Bridges, The Paper Chase is an inspirational Hollywood movie starring Timothy Bottoms, Lindsay Wagner, and John Houseman.

Story: Sometimes study does not come easily – often we need to learn to “set the mode”.

The Paper Chase focuses on the hardworking and studious James T. Hart who faces many challenges during his first year at Harvard. The movie is perfect for anyone struggling and finding it difficult to keep the motivation alive.

5. 21 (2008)

IMDb rating –6.8/10

Cast & Crew: 21 is a 2008 American movie directed by Robert Luketic starring Jim Sturgess and Kevin Spacey.

Story: The film is inspired by the true story of the MIT Blackjack Team as told in Bringing Down the House, the best-selling book by Ben Mezrich.

There is a typical situation: a talented student entered Harvard University, but he has to demonstrate his unique experience no other students have in order to get a scholarship.

Taking into account the fact that last year this scholarship was won by a student from Korea who had no leg, this task appears to be not easy at all. But the student is lucky to meet a math teacher who has noticed his talent to count and offered an unusual deal to him…
If you don’t know what to write in your motivation letter for all professors to notice you, this movie is a real must-watch for you then.

6. Forrest Gump (1994)

IMDb rating – 8.8/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by Robert Zemeckis, starring Tom Hanks

Story: This Tom Hanks movie tells the inspiring story of a man with low IQ who achieves many incredible feats. He wins the Medal of Honor for bravery, becomes an expert Ping Pong player, inspires the famous dance of Elvis Presley, and makes money by selling shrimps.

It is a truly inspirational story that every student should watch. The movie conveys that nothing is impossible if you are willing enough. There is a famous in the movie – “ Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get” from the movie remains popular to this day.

7. Theory of Everything (2014)

IMDb rating –7.7/10

Cast & Crew: James Marsh directed this movie starring Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones

Story: This Movie depicts the story of Stephen Hawking, the greatest cosmologist and physicist of our time. As a brilliant student of Astrophysics, he shockingly learns that he is suffering from motor neurone disease. Doctors predict just 2 more years for him to live.

But, he remarkably defied medical calculations and went on to live up to 76 years of age. During this period he became the famous man he is today with his eminent contributions to the world of Cosmology and Physics.
This movie is inspirational for all students, especially ones with special needs. There simply isn’t a boundary for what you can achieve with what you have.

8. 42 (2013)

IMDb rating –7.5/10

Cast & Crew: This Brian Helgeland helmed movie featured Chadwick Aaron Boseman in the lead role also starring Harrison Ford.

Story: This inspirational sports drama portrays the real life story of America’s baseball icon Jackie Robinson. He was the first Black player to feature in the Major League in the Modern Era.

The movie can teach students a lot about racism that was in practise in the USA. It can help students understand how difficult it can be to overcome challenges and why they should persevere.

9. The Social Network (2010)

IMDb rating –7.7/10

Cast & Crew: “The Social Network” is an American drama movie written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher in 2010. Jesse Eisenberg depicted facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg while Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfield played supporting roles

Story: This Inspirational Hollywood movie shows the journey of Mark Zuckerberg from a Harvard student to a multi-millionaire is really an inspiring one for everyone; it might inspire you to become an awesome genius like the man himself. The Social Network, tells that every student can turn their dream into reality.

10. The Breakfast Club (1985)

IMDb rating –7.7/10

Cast & Crew: It’s an American comedy drama directed, written and produced by John Hugges in 1985.

Story: This movie is about how 5 students from different backgrounds end up together for a detention and open up to each other.


The Breakfast Club shows that students can find friendship in the most unexpected ways. Regarded as an evergreen teen cult movie, it is a must watch for every student.

11. Freedom Writers(2007)

IMDb rating –7.6/10

Cast & Crew: This movie was directed by Richard LaGravenese and featured Hilary Swank and Patrick Dempsey

Story: “Freedom Writers” is an inspirational movie based on a young teacher who inspires her troublesome class to pursue studies even after high school. She has to contend with at-risk students who are divided among themselves, opposing teachers, struggling marriage and money shortage.

Students who watch this movie are bound to see their teachers in a new light.

12. Life of Pi (2012)

IMDb Rating: 7.9/10

Cast and Crew: Released in the year 2012, this movie directed by Ang Lee features both Indian and foreign actors. The film stars Suraj Sharma as Pi, Irfan Khan, Tabu, Rafe Spall, and Gerard Depardieu. The film won many awards at premiere film festivals around the world. It won the Golden Globe awards for the Best Director and Best Picture – Drama.

The Story: The plot of the movie revolves around the life of Pi Patel, a 16-year-old born a Hindu but follows all three religions for the love of God. The film talks of the boy’s life story as rendered to a novelist about how he survived a shipwreck and marooned in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger for companionship on a lifeboat.

The film will teach students how to realize hidden strengths when pushed to a corner.

13. Stand and Deliver(1988)

IMDb rating –7.9/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by Ramón Menéndez, starring Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillips, Will Gotay and Vanessa Marquez

Story: This movie is based on the real story of a high school mathematics teacher named Jaime Escalante.

It shows how an idealistic maths teacher supports his “no-hoper” students to study by adopting unusual teaching methods. “Stand and Deliver” is really an inspirational movie for those who think they are hopeless in their studies.

14. Rush (2013)

IMDb Rating: 8.1/10

Cast and Crew: Written by Peter Morgan and directed by Ron Howard, the movie stars Chris Helmsworth and Daniel Bruhl. Produced on a budget of 38 million USD, the film is a racy one which won the BAFTA Award for Best Editing.

The Story:  The plot of the movie is centred around two F1 racers of the 1970s – James Hunt and NikiLauda who are intense rivals and how they stretch to their very limits to prove their supremacy on the tracks. The movie is for the driving buff with exhilarating race sequences on the screen.

Students can get a feel of the gruelling conditions during an F1 race and how the rivalry spurred the other to fine-tune their skills.

15. Boyhood (2014)

IMDb Rating: 7.9/10

Cast and Crew: Written and directed by Richard Linklater, who is famous for his ‘Before’ trilogy, the movie stars Patricia Arquette, Ellar Coltrane, Ethan Hawke, and Lorelei Linklater. The film was lauded for its extraordinary undertaking of being shot for over 12 years. The stars showed up and the film every year when their schedules allowed them to do so.

The Story: The unique point of this movie was that it was shot over a course of 12 years and renders the story of a boy’s life over 12 years’ time. Incidents that occur in MJ’s life when living with his mother after his parents’ divorce form the main part of the film. The film traces in all emotional depth the life of the boy during his teens. The film shows the poignant moments of fatherhood and motherhood as well.

The film provides a great chance for children to understand the happenings in their parents’ lives in the context of modern times.

16. The Blind Side(2009)

IMDb rating –7.7/10

Cast & Crew: The Blind Side is an American biographical sports drama film written & directed by John Lee Hancock in 2009. Sandra Bullock starred in the leading role.

Story: It is based on the real story of Michael Oher, who was adopted by a loving, supportive family – the Tuohys. Leigh Anne Tuohy and her husband Sean offer him shelter for a day and extend their welcome indefinitely.

Leigh Anne discovers Michael’s strengths and helps him understand his strengths better. This, in turn, has a positive effect on his football skills. Finally, he becomes a successful football player, with strong support from the Tuohy family despite going through some rough patches.

Also Read: Top 12 Inspirational Animated Movies For Students

17. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

IMDb rating –7.7/10

Cast & Crew: Helmed by Gabriele Muccino, this biopic featured Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith as Chris Gardner and his son respectively.

Story: The Pursuit of Happyness is an American biographical drama film based on the life of entrepreneur Chris Gardner directed by Gabriele Muccino in 2006.

In this movie, Will Smith plays the role of Gardner who goes from being a homeless salesman to the owner of a brokerage house with his sheer determination and will power.

18.Warrior (2011)

IMDb Rating: 8.2/10

Cast and Crew: Directed by Gavin O’Connor, the movie stars Joel Edgerton, Nick Nolte, and Tom Hardy. Nick Nolte was nominated for the Academy Award for the Best Actor in a Supporting Role.

The Story: The film tells the story of two MMA champions who meet for a fight without knowing the fact that they are estranged brothers. The two brothers fight tournaments for different reasons and end up fighting one another. The brothers reconcile their differences in the end and the movie closes with the smiling shot of the father.

The film presents some great shots on MMA fighting with the major theme being reconciliation and redemption of the human spirit. The power of forgiveness and family bonds are well explored in the movie.

19. Half Nelson (2006)

IMDb rating –7.2/10

Cast & Crew: Half Nelson, is an American drama film directed by Ryan Fleck in 2006 and written by Anna Boden & Fleck. Ryan Gosling, Shareeka Epps and Anthony Mackie played the lead roles.

Story: This movie focuses on an inner city middle-school teacher who becomes friends with one of his students after she finds out that he has a drug habit. As compared to other movies based on good teachers, Half Nelson tells the story of ordinary people facing genuine problems but still maintains hope.

20. The Internship(2013)

IMDb rating –7.2/10

Cast & Crew: It’s an American comedy movie, directed by Shawn Levy in 2013, written by Vince Vaughn & Jared Stern and it was produced by Vaughn and Levy.

Story: The Internship is about Billy and Nick, two middle-aged salesmen, played by Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, who lost their jobs due to the arrival of digital age and how they manage to get a chance to do internship with Google and prove their worth.

21. Everest (2015)

IMDb Rating: 7.1/10

Cast and Crew: This biographical adventure film was both produced and directed by BaltasarKormakur. The film was scripted by Simon Beaufoy and William Nicholson. The movie stars Jason Clarke, John Hawkes, Emily Watson, and Keira Knightley among others.

The Story: The story set in Everest and recounts the disaster that took place in the year 1996 in the mountain. Two expedition groups fight to survive as they are faced with difficulties during the climbing as well as the descent. The film portrays intense peril and the thrill of being able to view climbing up Everest.

The film shows, how in reality, things can go wrong, not in the way that one hopes and what is usually shown in happy-ending movies.

22. Dead Poets Society (1989)

IMDb rating –8.1/10 

Cast & Crew: Dead Pets Society was written by Tom Schulman and directed by Peter Weir. Late actor Robin Williams played the lead role, the other actors being Robert Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke, Josh Charles and more.

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Story: This classic movie follows a group of students and their free-spirited English teacher – John Keatings, who uses poetry to encourage his students to express themselves.

The teacher, with his unique ways, teaches them to be true to themselves and make the most of life. It is a timeless story that teaches us to think for ourselves and to follow our dreams.

23. October Sky (1999)

IMDb rating –7.8/10 

Cast and Crew: Based on the book – Rocket Boys written by
Homer H. Hickam Jr., Lewis Colick prepared the screenplay of this biographical movie and was directed by Joe Johnston.

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal played Homer Hickam – the author of the book the movie is based on. Chris Cooper, Laura Dern, Chris Owen and William Lee Scott were some of the other actors who starred in the movie.

The Story: The movie follows the journey of Homer Hickam from being a coal miner’s son who took up rocketry inspired by the launch of Sputnik 1 much against his father’s wishes and went on to become a NASA Engineer. It is an inspiring story of courage and determination and teaches us to never stop reaching for our goals.

24. The Imitation Game (2014)

IMDb rating – 8/10

Cast and Crew: Based on the book – Rocket Boys written by
Homer H. Hickam Jr., Lewis Colick prepared the screenplay of this biographical movie and was directed by Joe Johnston. Actor Jake Gyllenhaal played Homer Hickam – the author of the book the movie is based on. Chris Cooper, Laura Dern, Chris Owen and William Lee Scott were some of the other actors who starred in the movie.

The Story: The movie follows the journey of Homer Hickam from being a coal miner’s son who took up rocketry inspired by the launch of Sputnik 1 much against his father’s wishes and went on to become a NASA Engineer. It is an inspiring story of courage and determination and teaches us to never stop reaching for our goals.

Also Read: 25 Motivational Movies For Students in Hindi

25. I am Kalam (2010)

IMDb rating – 7.9/10Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth, 2007)

Cast and Crew: The Hindi-language film, I am Kalam was written by Sanjay Chauhan and directed by Nila Madhab Panda. The movie stars actors Gulshan Grover, Harsh Mayar, Pitobash, Hussan Saad and Beatrice Ordeix.

The Story: I am Kalam tells the story of Chotu – a child labourer who dreams of becoming someone like Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, who was an Indian aerospace scientist as well as the country’s 11th president. The movie inspires you to be optimistic in life and to face all your problems with a smile.

26. The Man Who Knew Infinity (2019)

IMDb rating – 7.2/10

Cast and Crew: This British biopic on the life and academic career of legendary Indian Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan was written and directed by Matt Brown. Actor Dev Patel dons the role of the Indian Mathematician, while Jeremy Irons, Malcolm Sinclair, Raghuvir Joshi, Dhritiman Chatterjee and many more actors play other important roles.

The Story: Based on the 1991 book titled The Man Who Knew Infinity written by Robert Kanigel, the movie explores both personal and professional life of the self-taught Indian Mathematician – Srinivasa Ramanujan. As much as it inspires you to keep fighting to achieve your dreams, the movie also makes you realize that talent and hard work are not the only factors that define success. Being resourceful and grabbing the right opportunities are as important.

27. Whiplash (2014)

IMDb rating – 7.2/10

Cast and Crew: This British biopic on the life and academic career of legendary Indian Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan was written and directed by Matt Brown. Actor Dev Patel dons the role of the Indian Mathematician, while Jeremy Irons, Malcolm Sinclair, Raghuvir Joshi, Dhritiman Chatterjee and many more actors play other important roles.

The Story: The movie tells the story of 19-year-old Andrew Niemann, who dreams of becoming one of the greatest jazz drummers in the world. It tells you how behind every success, there is a story of giving blood, sweat and tears and breaking out of the limits.

28. Zootopia (2016)

IMDb rating – 8/10

Cast and Crew: This Oscar-winning animated film was directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore based on the screenplay by Jared Bush and Phil Johnston. Ginnifer Goodwin voices the role of Judy Hopps – the main character of the movie. Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Jenny Slate and more have also lend their voices for the movie.

The Story: The movie follows the life of Judy Hopps – a rabbit who realizes her dream of becoming a police officer in the city of Zootopia, in a fictional world populated by anthropomorphic mammals. But things take a turn when she is pushed aside despite being a high performer at the academy and has to face many obstacles to prove herself. The movie inspires you to never quit and to face your problems with your head held high.

29. Queen of Katwe (2016)

IMDb rating – 7.4/10

Cast and Crew: Queen of Katwe is a biographical sports movie written by William Wheeler and directed by Mira Nair. It is based on the life of Phiona Mutesi – a Ugandan chess player. Madina Nalwanga plays the role of Mutesi in the movie.

The Story: The movie is about how the life of a Ugandan girl changes drastically after she is introduced into the world of chess. The movie inspires you to dream big despite the circumstances you come from.

30. Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth, 2007)

IMDb rating – 8.3/10

Cast and Crew: Taare Zameen Par is a Hindi-language movie written by Amol Gupte and directed by Aamir Khan. Indian actors Darsheel Safary and Aamir Khan play the main roles in the film.

The Story: The movie tells the story of Ishaan Awasthi – an eight-year-old boy labelled as lazy and trouble maker, when in fact he has learning difficulties that people around him fail to recognize, until he is transferred to a boarding school where he meets an art teacher – Ram Shankar Nikumbh who identifies Ishaan’s learning difficulty as dyslexia and also recognizes the boy’s talent in art and helps the young boy overcome his problems.

This is a heart-warming tale to lift the study spirits of the students, especially if they have been inspired at some point by a wonderful teacher who saw their potential.

Share your favorite inspirational movies with us in the comment section

Nowadays, teaching is becoming increasingly complex, so lesson planning is essential for keeping track of the curriculum and making sure that all students can reach their full potential. As teachers, it is essential to have the right tools at our disposal to help us plan our lessons.

Lesson planning apps are a great way to make sure that your lessons are well-structured, organized and efficient. Not only do they help to save time, but they also help teachers to stay focused and make sure that their lessons are engaging and informative.

In this blog post, we will look at the benefits of lesson planning apps for teachers, the top 25 apps that are available and how to choose the right one for your needs. We will also provide some top tips for getting the most out of your chosen app.


Lesson planning apps

When it comes to lesson planning, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every teacher has their own individual style and needs, and so the right app for one teacher may not be the right one for another.

Lesson planning apps provide teachers with an easy way to plan, organize and review their lessons. These apps make it easier to manage the curriculum and keep track of student progress. They also provide teachers with tools to help them create engaging and informative lessons.
The range of apps available is vast and it can be difficult to know which one is the best for you. That is why we have put together the best 12 lesson planning apps for teachers in this blog.

Top 12 Lesson Planning Apps for Teachers

Let us take a look at the top 25 lesson planning apps for teachers.

1. MyStudyLife

MyStudyLife is a free app that allows teachers to easily plan, organize and track their lessons. It also allows teachers to share their lessons with other teachers and students. Teachers can also track tasks, such as homework, assignments, projects and revision. The best part is all learning materials and tasks can be stored in cloud and can be accessed from anywhere using the app.

Another benefit of MyStudyLife is that it plays the role of a daily planner, where you can create and access day and week rotation timetables and advanced academic year/term related tasks. You also get notified about unfinished tasks, upcoming exams and classes in advance.

MyStudyLife app is available for download in Google Play Store as well as App Store

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an Teacher App

2. ClassDojo

ClassDojo is a popular app that helps teachers to build relationships with their students and track their progress. It also has tools to help teachers create engaging and informative lessons and share learning resources.
Teachers can also share videos, pictures and announcements and send instant messages to parents through the app.

ClassDojo app is available for download in Google Play Store as well as App Store



3. TeacherKit

TeacherKit is an app that helps teachers to organize their classes, track student progress and create engaging lessons. It also allows teachers to easily collaborate with other teachers.

Originally a classroom manager app, TeacherKit helps teachers do pretty much everything they are responsible for, including lesson planning. Teachers can use the app to maintain a gradebook, organize lesson plans, create and share progress reports and much more.

TeacherKit app is available for download in Google Play Store as well as App Store



4. Planbook

Planbook is an app that makes it easy to create, organize and share lesson plans through its set of tools. It also has tools to help teachers track student progress and collaborate with other teachers.
Teachers can create lessons with up to 10 unique sections or use the existing lesson layouts within the app. You can also add images, links, videos, assignments and more to the lessons and status tags that give you an idea of the lessons that have already been taught, are yet to be taught and so on.

You can download Planbook app from Google Play Store as well as App Store



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5. PlanbookEdu

PlanbookEdu is an online lesson planner that provides an easier way for teachers to customize and edit their lesson plans. It is cloud-based, eliminating the possibility of forgetting it at home or school.

In the app, teachers can create, share, and print their lesson plans while indicating the number of periods they have and which standards they would like to use. They can also attach files and search for standards to attach to each “event” created within a period.

PlanbookEdu app is available for download in Google Play Store


6. Nearpod

Nearpod is an efficient tool that helps teachers plan and offers various resources to enhance their daily lesson plans. With Nearpod, teachers can easily create interactive lesson plans, presentations, assessments, and digital content.

The tool enables teachers to develop digital lesson plans that can be shared with students during class and to monitor individual progress. Each lesson is built from teacher-created slides that may contain various multimedia elements, such as text, video, images, websites, polls, assignments, etc.

You can download Nearpod app from Google Play Store as well as App Store



7. Planboard

Planboard app provides an organizational tool that is quite popular among educators and helps in lesson planning and is becoming increasingly popular among educators. Teachers can use Planboard as their primary lesson planning tool to write, view, and edit their lessons on the app while teaching. Additionally, teachers can revise or edit the lessons based on their teaching experience and save them.

Planboard also enables teachers to connect with students and parents while organizing their lesson plans. It is comprehensive and free, with an optional premium service available.

Planboard app is available for download in Google Play Store as well as App Store



8. ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard

ShowMe Interactive whiteboard app enables teachers to create lessons incorporating text, drawings, photos, and images, which can be shared with a private or public audience through the device.

Additionally, the app allows teachers to record and create captivating voice-over presentations on the chosen topic.

You can download ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard app from Apple App Store


9. Imagine Learning Classroom

Previously LearnZillion, Imagine Learning Classroom is a free website for teachers that offers a collection of interactive math and language arts lessons, videos, quizzes, and assignments for students. Teachers can find lesson plans by selecting the grade level and content topic through the navigation bar, and all lessons are Common Core aligned.

You can access Imagine Learning Classroom at


VEDAMO is an interactive Virtual Classroom Platform that mimics a traditional classroom and offers gamification tools and lesson preparation features. It was specifically designed for education and enables teachers to conduct live online sessions with their learners without requiring additional software installation.

With VEDAMO, teachers can save time using reusable lesson templates and distraction monitoring, and have full class management settings, among other features.

Additionally, it integrates with leading LMS platforms.
VEDAMO only has a website ( app.

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11. ReadWriteThink

The Read Write Think website provides resources and lessons created by The National Council of Teachers of English and the International Reading Association. It is an excellent source of information for literacy teachers, offering a wide range of standards-based lesson plans that incorporate Internet content into the teaching and learning experience.

Each lesson is thoroughly researched and comes with a detailed instructional plan, as well as student materials like interactives, worksheets, and web resources. These lessons connect classroom practice to theory, offer assessments and correlations to national standards, and provide interactive tools to help students with reading and writing activities. Teachers can filter lessons by grade level and by three areas of literacy practice- learning language, learning about language and learning through language.

You can access the web app at

12. Educreations Interactive Whiteboard

The Educreations Interactive Whiteboard app is primarily designed for teachers to deliver lessons that can be shared easily with students, teachers, or parents. It allows teachers to annotate, animate, and narrate nearly any type of content to explain concepts in their lessons. .

With this app, teachers can create brief instructional video lessons that they can instantly share with their students, or encourage students to showcase what they know and assist their peers in learning something new. Discover how teachers worldwide are employing classroom management apps to actively engage students both in and out of the classroom.

Educreations Interactive Whiteboard app is available for download in App Store


Educational apps cost idea

Choose the Right Lesson Planning App

Now that you have a list of the best lesson planning apps for teachers, the next step is to choose the best suited app for you.

First of all, you need to consider what kind of features you need. Do you need a simple app that just allows you to create and organize lesson plans? Or do you need something more comprehensive with features such as student tracking and collaboration tools?

You should also consider the cost of the app. Some apps are free, while others are subscription-based. Make sure to do your research and find an app that fits your budget.

In addition, you should also consider user reviews. Take the time to read reviews from other teachers to get an idea of how the app works and whether or not it is suitable for your needs.
Finally, make sure to test the app out before you commit to it. Most apps offer free trials, so make sure to take advantage of these to make sure that the app is the right one for you.


Lesson planning apps are a great way to make sure that your lessons are well-structured, organized and efficient. They can save you time, help you stay organized and create engaging lessons. Apart from the 12 apps mentioned above, you can find more apps in our Edsys Educational App Directory.

Make sure to take the time to research and find the right app for your needs. With the right app, you will be well on your way to creating and delivering amazing lessons!

International Education Day is an annual celebration of learning and education that officially recognized by the United Nations in 2018, and since then it has been celebrated in many countries around the world. It is celebrated on the 24th of January each year, and it is a time for people from all over the world to come together to honor the importance of education and learning. The purpose of International Education Day is to promote global cooperation, understanding, and peace through education.

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International Education Day is celebrated by holding various events, such as conferences, workshops, seminars, and panel discussions, to discuss and promote the importance of education and learning. The goal of International Education Day is to bring together people from all corners of the world and to promote global peace, understanding, and cooperation through education.
This year – 2023, International Education Day will be celebrated under the theme “to invest in people, prioritize education.”

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Why Celebrate International Education Day?

International Education Day is an important day for celebrating the power of education and learning. It is an opportunity for people from all over the world to come together and to recognize the importance of education for creating a better future for all.

Celebrating the day is also an important way to promote the importance of inclusive education. Inclusive education is a key component of achieving global peace and understanding, and it is essential for creating a better future for all. By celebrating International Education Day, people can learn more about how to create a more inclusive and equitable education system.

In addition, celebrating the day is a way to recognize the achievements of educators and learners from all over the world. It is a day to honor the teachers and students who are working hard to make a difference in the lives of others. It is also a way to recognize the importance of education in creating a better future for everyone.

Educational Day

Goals of International Education Day

The goals of International Education Day are to promote education, raise awareness of the importance of education, and promote international cooperation in the field of education. These goals are achieved through various activities, events, and initiatives held throughout the year.

The main goal of International Education Day is to bring people from all over the world together to recognize the power of education and show support for education initiatives. The day is also a great opportunity to learn more about different cultures, share knowledge and ideas, and promote the exchange of ideas.

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How to celebrate International Education Day?

Celebrating International Education Day is a great way to show support for education initiatives and raise awareness of the importance of education. There are many different ways to celebrate the day, from hosting special events and activities to launching education initiatives.

The most important thing is to come together and recognize the power of education. This can be done through activities like hosting special events, launching education initiatives, or simply by sharing information about the day with others.

Ideas for Celebrating International Education Day

There are many different ways to celebrate International Education Day in your educational institution. Here are some ideas for celebrating the day:

  • Host a special event: Host a special event like a seminar, workshop, or lecture to highlight the importance of education. Invite experts in the field of education to share their knowledge and insights.
  • Launch an education initiative: Launch an education initiative like a fundraising campaign or a scholarship program to help promote the importance of education.
  • Share information about the day: Share information about the day with others and raise awareness of the importance of education.
  • Show your support: Show your support for education initiatives by donating to organizations that are dedicated to promoting education.
  • Celebrate in your classroom: Celebrate International Education Day in your classroom by hosting a special assembly or activity to recognize the importance of education.

International Educational Day

Resources for Celebrating International Education Day

There are many resources available to help you celebrate International Education Day. Here are some resources that can help you plan and organize your celebration:

  • The International Education Day website: The official website of International Education Day provides information about the day, as well as resources and activities to help you plan your celebration.
  • UNESCO resources: UNESCO has a number of resources available to help you celebrate International Education Day, including a toolkit, ideas for activities, and more.
  • Education-focused organizations: Look for organizations that are focused on promoting education, such as UNICEF, the Global
    Partnership for Education, and the Global Education Initiative. These organizations can provide valuable resources and information about International Education Day.
  • Social media: Leverage social media to promote your celebration and spread the word about International Education Day.

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Tips for Planning an International Education Day Celebration

Planning an International Education Day celebration can be a bit overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you plan a successful celebration:

  • Start early: Start planning your celebration early to ensure that you have plenty of time to prepare.
  • Set goals: Set some clear goals for your celebration to ensure that you stay on track.
  • Get organized: Create a timeline and checklist to help you stay organized and ensure that you do not forget any important details.
  • Promote the event: Promote your celebration through social media, email, and other channels to ensure that people know about it.
  • Have fun: Don’t forget to have fun! Celebrating International Education Day should be a joyful and inspiring experience.

Examples of International Education Day Celebrations

There are many different ways to celebrate International Education Day. Here are some examples of how people have celebrated the day:

  • The United Nations Foundation hosted a special event to celebrate International Education Day in 2015. The event featured a panel of experts who discussed the importance of education and shared their insights on how to promote education initiatives.
  • In 2017, the Global Education Initiative launched a fundraising campaign to help promote education initiatives in developing countries.
  • In 2018, UNICEF hosted a special event to mark International Education Day. The event featured a panel of experts who shared their insights on how to promote education initiatives.
  • In 2019, the Global Partnership for Education launched a scholarship program to help promote access to education for students in developing countries.
  • In 2020, UNESCO launched a series of online activities to celebrate International Education Day. The activities included a virtual book club, a global photo contest, and a virtual tour of UNESCO World Heritage sites.

International Edu Day

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International Education Day is a global celebration of learning that celebrates the importance of education in our lives. It is a great opportunity to come together as a global community to recognize the power of education and show support for education initiatives. There are many different ways to celebrate the day, from hosting special events and activities to launching education initiatives. By celebrating International Education Day, we can show our support for education initiatives and raise awareness of the importance of education.

So, let us come together to celebrate International Education Day in 2023 and unlock the potential of education. With our collective efforts, we can create a brighter future for everyone.

Republic Day of India is one of the most important days in the country’s calendar. It marks the day when the Constitution of India came into effect, making India an independent and sovereign nation. It is also a day to honour India’s struggle for freedom and the hard-fought victory that established India as a republic.

The Constitution of India provides the framework for the governance of the country and ensures that all citizens are treated equally, regardless of their caste, creed, or religion. It is a day to celebrate the rights and privileges of all citizens and to honour the brave patriots who gave their lives to make India an independent nation. Celebrated on the 26th of January every year, it commemorates the proud history of India and its people, as well as the progress made over the years.

Read Also:- 25 Popular Freedom Fighters of India

Schools across the country use this occasion to teach children about the importance of the day and how to be proud of the country’s rich heritage. On this day, schools across the country conduct special assemblies and activities to commemorate the day. The National Flag of India is hoisted, patriotic songs are sung, and the national anthem is played. Children often participate in various activities, such as essay writing, poem recitation, painting, and cultural performances. These activities are not only fun, but also help to instil a sense of patriotism in young minds.

Interesting activities to do in school on Republic Day of India

Republic Day is a great opportunity to teach children about the importance of the day and to instil a sense of patriotism in them. There are a variety of activities that can be done in school to make the celebration of Republic Day an enjoyable and memorable experience. To make learning about Republic Day more fun and engaging, we have compiled some interesting activities in this blog that can be done in school on the day.

Indoor activities

1. Quiz

Hold a quiz competition related to the history of India , Constitution and more in the classroom.

Quiz Competition Republic Day

2. Debate

Hold a debate with the “importance of Republic Day” as the topic. You can split the students into two teams and give each of them an opportunity to express their point of view.

Republic Day Students

3. Poster making competition

You can hold a poster making competition on the theme of Republic Day and even reward the students who create the best posters.

Poster Making Competition

Read Also:- Independence Day Celebrations Ideas & Activities

4. Essay writing competition

Organize an essay writing competition on the topic of “What does India’s Republic Day mean to me?” and let your students’ creative juices flow.

Essay writing competition

5. Write a poem/song

This does not necessarily have to be a competition. You can ask the students to write a poem or song on the occasion of Republic Day.

Write a poem song

6. Make a collage

Make a collage about the Indian Constitution. You can ask students to contribute and even help them put together the collage and display it in school.

Make a collage

7. Short film

There is no limit to creativity these days especially with the availability of technology. You can ask the students to make a short film within the class room on the theme of “India’s freedom struggle” and showcase the works in school on Republic Day.

Short film

8. Fancy dress competition

Organize a fancy dress competition where students dress up as freedom fighters and personalities relevant to the day.

Fancy dress competition

9. Musicals

Hold a musical show with your talented students regarding the history of India to remind everyone of the day’s significance.

Musicals Activity

10. Exhibition

Let your students collect photographs, newspaper clippings and souvenirs that reflect the themes of patriotism and India’s journey to being a republic.

Republic Day Exhibition

11. Letter writing

This is another activity that does not have to be a competition. Ask the students to write a letter to a freedom fighter thanking them for their contribution.

Letter writing

12. Painting competition

Give students a theme related to Republic Day and let them bring to life what they have in mind regarding the theme in the form of paintings. You can even reward the best paintings.

Painting competition

13. Role Play

This activity is both fun and informative. You can organize role play in the class room where students can impersonate any of the personalities who have had a role in India’s freedom struggle or even act out scenes from the various well-known moments of India’s struggle for freedom.

Role Play

14. Create scrapbooks

Ask students to collect news pieces, images and everything related to the history of India and put together a scrap book. You can also have them gift their scrap books to other students.

Create scrapbooks

15. Short story writing

This is yet another activity that helps students get creative. You can ask the students to write a short story based on “India’s struggle for freedom.”

Short story writing

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Outdoor activities
1. Flag hoisting

Our national festivals always start with flag hoisting. Invite an eminent personality or the heads of the school to hoist the national flag to kick start the Republic Day celebrations.

India Republic Day Flag hoisting

2. March past/parade

Conduct a march past ceremony or Republic Day parade performed by the students, waving the Indian Flag.

March Past

3. Skits

Team students and organize skits that showcase the journey to India’s freedom and being a republic.


4. Patriotic tag

Organize the patriotic version of the popular game of tag. Let the students tag each other while reciting patriotic slogans.

Patriotic tag

5. Patriotic charades

Charades has been a favourite game, especially amongst students. This Republic Day, organize a game of “patriotic charades” where teams of students can compete to act out scenes related to freedom fighters.

Patriotic Charades

6. Patriotic treasure hunt

Treasure hunt, but make it patriotic. Leave clues related to India’s history in the school premises and let the students search and find them. You can even reward the student who finds the most clues.

Patriotic treasure hunt

7. Patriotic bingo

This is yet another patriotic version of one of the popular games among students – bingo. In the game of “patriotic bingo,” students can fill out cards with patriotic slogans.



8. Singing competition

Organize a singing competition, where students can sing patriotic songs. This can be a solo or a group event.

Singing competition

9. Dance off

Dance offs bring in the festive mood and enthusiasm among participants as well spectators. Have a “patriotic dance off” where teams of students can dance to patriotic songs.

Patriotic bingo

10. Capture the flag

Organize a game of “patriotic capture the flag” where teams of students can divide into two teams and compete to capture the flag.

Capture the flag

11. Republic Day stalls

Organize Republic Day stalls and let students volunteer to sell souvenirs and materials related to the day. You can even donate the money raised for a national cause.

Republic Day stalls

Tips to celebrate Republic Day the fun and safe way

Celebrating Republic Day in school is a great way to teach children about their country’s history and to instill a sense of patriotism in them. However, it is important to ensure that the celebration is conducted in a safe and responsible manner. Here are some tips for a fun and safe Republic Day celebration in school.

  • Choose activities that are age-appropriate and relevant to the occasion.
  • Ensure that the activities are conducted in a safe and supervised environment.
  • Make sure that the students follow all safety guidelines and adhere to the school’s code of conduct.
  • Encourage the students to treat the national flag with the utmost respect.
  • Ensure that all activities are conducted in a respectful and dignified manner.
  • Make sure that all activities have an educational component to them.
  • Encourage the students to show respect and appreciation for their country and its history.
  • Ensure that the students are aware of the importance of the day and the significance of the Indian Constitution.
  • Provide adequate resources and materials for the activities.
  • Make sure that all the activities are conducted in a fun and engaging manner.

Educational App Cost Development

Republic Day of India is an important day that marks the country’s adoption of the Indian Constitution. Schools across the country organize various activities to commemorate the day and to teach children about its importance. There are a variety of activities that can be done in school to make the celebration of Republic Day an enjoyable and memorable experience.

From quiz competitions and poster-making to debates and outdoor activities, there are plenty of interesting activities that can be done in school to make the occasion a fun and engaging one. However, it is important to ensure that the celebration is conducted in a safe and responsible manner. By following the tips given above, schools can ensure that their students have a safe and enjoyable Republic Day celebration.

You are never too old to keep learning.

If you thought learning comes with an age limit, it is time you change your mind. There are many examples of people in this world who have pursued learning at later stages of their lives, for their passion for it. One example is Karthyayani Amma – a nonagenarian from the Indian state of Kerala, who passed the literacy examination with flying colours at the age of 96. She had to stop her education due to responsibilities in life; but, ever since she got the opportunity to continue her education in her nineties, Karthyayani Amma has remained unstoppable.

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There are many such people who exist among us and are still looking for an opportunity. Sometimes it is the responsibilities in life and sometimes it is the physical and intellectual disabilities that make learning a far-fetched dream for many. However, with technology being an integral part of the field of education today, there are plenty of options for you to continue learning without actually having to wait until you are free of all your responsibilities.

Today, there are many apps – learning apps in general as well as learning apps for adults that help you to learn the subjects of your interest at your own pace, anytime and anywhere. Even if it is just about expanding your knowledge, upgrading your skills or earning an actual degree, it is all possible with the help of learning apps.

Best Learning Apps for Adults


Here is a list of the best 15 learning apps available for adults.


1. Duolingo

Whatever the purpose – be it your love for learning or upgrading your skills for the sake of your job, if you want to learn a new language, Duolingo is your go-to app. The app comes in a gamified format with tons of exercises and lessons that help you develop your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in the language of your choice. At present, Duolingo teaches 41 different languages, out of which 38 are for English speakers.

Duolingo App

Duolingo is available for download on

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

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2. 2048

If you are in for brushing up your math skills and having fun at the same time, 2048 is the app for you. It is a math-based puzzle game app for adults that makes you put your math as well as logical skills to use. Your goal in the game is to join the given numbers to get the 2048 tile. You can move the tiles using the arrow keys and when two tiles of the same number touch, they combine into one.

2048 Adult Apps

You need to continue until you get two tiles with 1024 next to each other and they merge to form the 2048 tile.

2048 app is available for download on

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

3. Coursera

Remember the learning programme you never got to pursue because your dream university was far away from your home country and flying there seemed to be an expensive dream? Well, now it is possible through Coursera – the MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platform that gives you an opportunity to pursue the courses of your choice from top universities online and earn a valid degree, diploma or professional certificate.


In 2021, Coursera has been offering over 4000 courses by 150 universities, including top educators like Yale University, University of London and Stanford University and more, and tech giants, like Google, Meta and IBM.

Coursera app is available for download on

Google Play Store:-  (

App Store:- (

4. Braille Tutor

Sighted or visually impaired, take your first step towards learning Unified English Braille (UEB) through Braille Tutor app. The app comes with plenty of interactive lessons that allow you to practice and learn Braille. The free version of the app offers exercises to practice writing and contractions – of, the, and, for, and with. You can also go for an in-app purchase worth $1.99 for advanced lessons that teach you shortforms, word signs, group signs and much more.

braille tutor app

Braille Tutor app is available for download in the

Apple Store:- (

5. Wikipedia

How can we leave out the most popular app that brings a plethora of information at your fingertips? Yes, you know the website and it has an app version for mobile devices as well. Be it any topic – history, math, science, entertainment and much more, Wikipedia helps you expand your knowledge in the blink of an eye.

Many of the information in the app are accompanied by images that give you a better idea of the information you are reading.

You can find Wikipedia app in

Google Play Store:-  (

App Store (

6. Codeacademy Go

Coding is one of the most in-demand skills of today, with basic coding skills being one of the requirements for many jobs, especially in the IT field. There are even reports suggesting that coding would become a must-have skill in the near future. So, if you are planning to learn to code or to upgrade your coding skills, Codeacademy Go is one app you can rely on. It is a great code learning app for beginners and comes with lessons based on different topics related to coding.

codeacademy go

You can attempt the quiz at the end of each lesson to review what you have learned. You get to learn web development and different coding languages, such as HTML, CSS, Python, Javascript, SQL and much more, in the app.

Codeacademy Go app is available for download on

Google Play Store:- (

App Store (


If astronomy is your thing, there is no better app than NASA to fill you in with all space-related information. Learn about the different space expeditions, upcoming missions and the latest space news in the app. The app also has a huge collection of images and videos, and other content, such as news, features, etc.


You can also access new content on a daily basis that would help you keep yourself updated about what is happening in the field of astronomy.

NASA app is available for download on

Google Play Store:- (

App Store :- (

8. Highrise – Virtual Metaverse

Learning does not have to be strictly academic. It also includes the development of your social skills. Highrise is a social networking app where you get to create your own avatars, interact with other users through private or group chat, attend virtual parties, build your own virtual world, and much more.

highrise app

The app also has many fun activities that you can join and meet new people in the metaverse.

Highrise is available for download on

Google Play Store (

App Store (

9. AmazingTalker

There are plenty of apps that teach you the English language from scratch. But what about an app that helps you achieve your language learning goals by allowing you to choose your own tutor and providing lessons tailor-made for you? And the best part is you can do this anytime, anywhere at your own pace. Sounds cool, right? That is exactly what AmazingTalker app does.


The app helps you better your communication skills through video teaching, quizzes and articles.

AmazingTalker app is available for download on

Google Play Store (

App Store (

10. Proloquo2Go

There are plenty of learning apps that are sometimes aimed at a general crowd or that are aimed at a specific group of people. Proloquo2Go app belongs to the second category. It is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app that gives people with speech difficulties a voice. This app is suitable for anyone with speech impediments due to conditions, such as autism, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, etc.


They learn to communicate by conveying their needs and messages through the app. Proloquo2Go app is flexible and customizable and comes with different voices and accents to choose from.

Proloquo2Go app is available for download on

App Store:- (

11. TED

TED is not your regular “learn your fundamental concepts” kind of app. Instead, you learn from the experiences of different personalities across different industries from around the world. The app features plenty of short talks by known figures in their respective fields. As they take you through their life and career journey, it will definitely send a spark of a new idea or a new knowledge in your mind.

ted logo

TED talks are usually comprehensible despite the topic each of them is about. You also get to download your favourite videos for offline viewing as well.

TED app is available for download on

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

12. Blinkist

If you fall in the category of adults who cannot afford to spend hours reading a book, Blinkist app is your saviour. Blinkist app features a huge collection of summaries of many non-fiction books across 27 categories as well as podcasts. You also have options to listen to audio versions of the books.

blinkist app logo

You can also enjoy reading your favourite books in offline mode in the app.

Blinkist app is available for download on

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

12. Khan Academy

If you plan to restart from where you left off or if you want to review the fundamental concepts that were long learned and forgotten, Khan Academy is your go-to app. The app offers free online courses, lessons and practice sessions across different subjects, including math, art, physics, chemistry and much more. khan academy

The lessons are in the form of short videos that you can access for free.

Khan Academy app is available for download on

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

14. Udemy

Another MOOC like Coursera, Udemy offers plenty of courses across different subjects. The only difference is that the app does not provide you with any degrees or certifications other than the certificate of completion of a course. More than academic learning, the app helps you upgrade your professional skills. Anyone can upload a course from anywhere and you can choose to learn any of those courses after purchasing them. You also get to view your learning progress in the progress bar of the app.

You can download Udemy app from

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

15. SoloLearn

Gamification and coding lessons combined make the learning process fun, and that is exactly what SoloLearn app does. The app features lessons that teach you how to code. Along with that, there are also coding challenges where you can compete with your peers and earn XP.

sololearn logo

You also have the option to share the code you created with other members of the community and receive their feedback. There is also a leaderboard that lists the top coders using the app.

SoloLearn app is available for download on

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

There are plenty of learning apps that are already available in the market and those that are awaiting release. But it is a fact that the majority of these learning apps are meant for young students and not specifically adults. Yes, some of these apps, like the ones listed above, are suitable for adults as well. But there is still a need for more learning apps meant exclusively for adults as well, that would help them learn a specific concept or a specific skill of their choice instead of making compromises.

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If there is an app with great content capable enough to pique the interest of adults, we would not hesitate to purchase it. Obviously, many of us adults spend a lot on gaming apps. So why not on educational apps, which give us an opportunity to learn something new or enhance our skills? It is time education providers and educational app makers give it serious thought because times have changed and adults love to learn too.

Every teacher is different in terms of their ways, styles, and methods in teaching. The best teaching methods are those designed considering the interests of students and the subjects taught. Methods in teaching can be teacher-centered, learner-centered, content-focused, and interactive or participative.

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Each teaching technique has its pros and pitfalls. To make the whole process effective, teachers usually combine two or more of these teaching methods. Here, let us have a look at some of the most widely accepted and followed methods in teaching throughout the nation

Lecture Class discussion Oral Questions
Repeating points
Buzz groups
Student reports
Textbook assignments
Class summary
Library research
Field trips
Class projects
Laboratory Experiments
Use of motion pictures
Student teachers
Weekly Assessments
Word walls
Workbooks Home tests
Classroom activities
Idea into the picture
Reading aloud
Unit tests
Think Pair Share
Turn and Talk
Flannel boards
Case studies
Pen pals
Audio-tutorial lessons
Mobile apps
Experiential Learning
Use of pretest
Vocabulary drills
Bulletin boards
Think Aloud
Alphabet Brainstorm
Differentiated Instruction
Interactive read aloud
Reciprocal teaching
Guided reading
Problem Tree
Active Listening
Bank Street
Flipped Classroom
Unit method
Vee maps Cubing
Silent way
Future Wheel
Talk and chalk
Mind maps
Z to A
Task cards
Task cards
Design Thinking
Explicit Teacher Modeling
Reading Comprehension
Periodical Revision
Match it challenge
Intellectual Challenge
Panel discussion
Push in
Social media platform
Sense of humour
Brain Dumps
Exit cards
Surprise tests
Outdoor teaching
Peer tutoring
Four corners
Just a minute
Tic-tac-toe board
Total Physical Response
K-W-L charts
Heads together
Salt dough maps
Learning station
Station teaching
Instructional Videos
Literature Circles
Animated gesturing
Shared reading
One on one
Quick write
Hand signals
Music therapy
Blended learning
Harkness table
Kinesthetic teaching
Journal Writing
Codes to remember
Expeditionary Learning
Object-based learning
Inquiry-based learning
Gallery walk
Online Learning Tools
Task-based learning
Student-Centered Discussions
Making connections


1. Lecture

This is the most commonly followed methods in teaching in various educational institutions throughout the country.

It is considered as the most ideal method for a teacher to address large classrooms. Lecture refers to an oral presentation of lessons to a group of students.

2. Class discussion

This is one of the best interactive methods in teaching in which both teachers and students in the classroom exchange ideas on the topic of discussion.

Teacher App

When used effectively, this strategy can help students to develop their thinking, learning, understanding and problem-solving skills. A good teacher can create a positive class environment where students can freely discuss their ideas.

3. Oral Questions

One of the most commonly used methods in teaching. In this, instead of just a passive way of lecturing, teachers can encourage the students to ask questions in return.

This in fact helps teachers to understand the areas that the students find it difficult to comprehend and to explain things better. This helps the classes to be more engaging and interesting.

4. Repeating points

Instead of just giving an oral presentation of the lesson once, the teacher repeats the important points once they cover a subject unit before passing on to the next.

This helps the students to recollect what was taught in the previous unit before going to the next. Repeating points would register the content easily on students’ minds. Some teachers also ask the students to repeat the points he/she just covered.

5. Buzz groups

In these methods in teaching, teachers split the whole class into small groups and give them a topic of discussion so that the students can come up with ideas on the subject or solutions to a problem within a short period of time. This method helps to stimulate discussion and to get student feedback.

6. Demonstration

Instead of just giving an oral explanation of a subject, in these methods in teaching. the teacher produces enough materials or proofs to make things clear. For example, if a teacher wants to explain the functioning of a handy device, he/she can bring it to the classroom to explain it better and easily.

In another context, it can be a demo of a step-by-step process that helps students to easily connect it to theory.

7. Presentation

In this method, the teacher gives a power point presentation in the classroom. The slides include diagrams, charts, images or algorithms to make the session exciting and engaging. Teachers can use projectors connected from computers to address larger number of students.

8. Student reports

These methods in teaching are designed to get proper response or feedback from the students after the completion of a lesson. They will be asked to prepare reports based on what was taught in class. This gives the teachers an idea of what the students have understood.

9. Debate:

This method of teaching helps to explore the range of views on a subject. Students will be split into groups and then, they can debate on the subject provided to them. In most cases, the subjects given to groups will be contrasting so that they can argue with sharp points. This friendly debate is meant to develop critical thinking.

10. Quiz:

Once they cover a subject, teachers can conduct a quiz containing questions related to what was taught.

The students can be divided into quiz groups to make the whole idea interesting or sometimes, one or two students can represent a group. These methods of teaching are meant to evaluate student understanding and to improvise the instructional methods.

11. Puzzles

This is an easy way for teachers to teach subjects like mathematics, that students usually find hard to comprehend. This, in fact, helps to develop their problem-solving skills and creative thinking. The puzzle levels depend on the student groups.

For example, teachers can use simple word puzzles to improve vocabulary skills of elementary students. Teaching with puzzles helps to improve the parallel, vertical, lateral and confrontational thinking skills of students

Examples: Some students find it difficult to understand the lessons when it comes to studying theory alone. However, when teachers explain the facts with examples, it helps students to understand the lesson better. Sometimes, teachers even come up with real life examples which make learning easy and effective. With examples, students find it easy to relate to the theory.

12. Textbook assignments

In these methods in teaching, students will be asked to do textbook assignments once the teachers complete a unit. These assignments improve students’ understanding of the lessons taught.

Also, the application level of assignments will further enhance their learning. Some of the assignments would demand more research and this in turn, helps the students to develop their self learning skills.

13. Class summary

In this method, teachers ask the students to create a summary of what is taught in every class. Students can recollect the points taught and keep a write-up for future reference.

They can keep all the notes together and use them to revise during exams. The write-ups contain all important points that were taught in class. This makes it easy for students to refer from compared to textbooks.

14. Library research

This is one of the effective methods in teaching. Textbook lessons are always a brief content of many vast subjects. Therefore, teachers can encourage students to go for a library research of the subject taught.

Most schools contain big libraries with a vast collection of books. Referring to library books enhances students’ research skills and deepens their understanding of the subject.

15. Flashcards

This is one of the best ways to teach subjects like vocabulary or mathematics. This is an inexpensive and portable tool that makes learning easier for students.

This memory-aid tool has a different application for higher classes. They prepare a problem, question, or sight word on one side and the answer prompt on the other side.

16. Field trips

Students of all age group  loves this method in teaching. An organized trip to a place which has a significant relation with the subjects taught makes learning more interesting.

It also helps to improve student-student and student-teacher interactions. It is an opportunity for students to observe, ask questions and have an out of the regular classroom experience.

17. Infographics

It is one of the best teaching tools that can be used to easily convey the subject to the student. Instead of giving them a lot of written information, this visual learning tool lets teachers to easily teach a vast subject with a single infographic.

It is a fact that humans can easily process an image much faster than texts and that makes learning with infographics really effective.

18. Class projects

Project-based learning lets students to understand and to remember a subject for a longer period than just reading the textbook content.

Spending on the subject for an extended period of time lets them to go deeper into different areas. Working on a project improves their critical thinking, collaboration, communication and self-management skills.

19. Laboratory Experiments

This is a great opportunity for students to investigate, analyze and to reflect on the subjects taught in class.This is one of the interesting methods in teaching for students.

They will find it easy to relate the application to the theory and it also improves the power of observation and reasoning in students.

In addition to enhancing their higher-order thinking ability, it also gives an opportunity to the students to improve their skills in using laboratory equipment and instruments.

Also Read: 16 Innovative Ideas to make you Teaching Methods More Effective

20. Posters

Teachers can present lessons in the form of posters to make it visually appealing to students and to free them of the boredom from studying just theory.

They can also ask the students to prepare posters for certain lessons or subjects that were already taught in class.

These methods of teaching enhance students’ ability to develop information from a subject and then, visually present it for an audience.

21. Use of motion pictures

This is another interesting way to present a subject in a larger classroom.

In this method of teaching, a series of still pictures created in rapid succession will be projected via a motion picture projector. This is the best way to teach functioning or ongoing processes such as growth of plants or changes of a body system.

This, in fact, grabs more attention from students and helps teachers to explain vast subjects within in a short period of time.

22. Storytelling

In this method, teachers present lessons in the form of stories. Teachers can also come up with stories related to the subject in the middle of a lesson to make the session more interesting. As students usually love hearing stories, this method of teaching is sure to grab their attention.

23. Student teachers

In these methods in teaching, students take up the role of teachers. They will be asked to prepare lessons and to teach the rest of the students. Each student will be allotted a subject and given ample time, say 1 week, to collect information and materials for teaching. These methods of teaching are meant to develop research and presentation skills.

24. Weekly Assessments

Simply progressing from one lesson to another doesn’t always make sense. It is also important to see if the students really understand what you teach.

Weekly assessments are of great help in this regard. It helps the teachers to analyze the areas the students found difficult to understand and to make changes in teaching strategies if needed.

25. Word walls

This is a really interesting teaching strategy in classrooms where both students and teachers can contribute to word walls.

A space in the classroom will be assigned for the share their ideas, inventions or data or image of an important class lesson with their peers.

26. Workbooks

In this method of teaching, teachers can prepare workbooks on their subject or use the workbooks allotted by the school. This is a method to reinforce the lessons learned during a lecture and to give students some self-study time during the hour.

Students can use this option to analyze their understanding of the subject. Teachers can also use these methods of teaching to assess the students’ understanding about the lessons covered during class.

27. Home tests

This is one of the common methods of teaching adopted for students of any class. In this method, teachers assign a set of tasks for the students to complete at home.

This can include reading comprehension, writing, typing, and problem solving or reviewing a lesson before a test or practicing a skill. Parents can also have a look at the home works to ensure that their child performs better.

28. Classroom activities

The activity-based teaching method is gaining popularity these days for its ability to keep students active and engaged. This student-centred approach involves the students mentally and physically in the subject and thereby, provides them with a productive learning experience.

It also helps to develop students’ thinking ability and creativity in addition to providing them with a deeper understanding of the subject. The activities can either be individual or team-based.

29. Idea into the picture

This is more of a creative side of teaching. Students can be asked to express an idea taught in class in the form of a picture.

Each student will express their ideas differently and this gives the whole class a wide exposure to creative thoughts.

Teachers can use these methods of teaching once in a while to make the classes more engaging and interesting in between the routine lectures.

30. Reading aloud

Reading text aloud can help students to get it easily registered into their minds. In addition to providing a better understanding of the subject, reading aloud can also turn the students into active listeners.

Listening to their counterparts reading the lessons aloud in class it gives the students a better understanding of the right way to pronounce new words they come across. Also, as every student is given a chance to read, it encourages class participation.

31. Drama

This is an ideal way to teach languages. Also, students get an opportunity to express themselves through dialogues and gestures thus improving their imagination and memory.

This is one of the meaningful communication activities that can be tried out in any classroom that promotes teamwork. A story or an idea from a subject can be used as the drama theme.

32. Surveys

It is a simple way to collect information on any subject and is considered effective for teacher evaluations and student perception.

Video surveys are another way to compare classrooms and education across cultures and to adopt a way that seems effective for the majority. The surveys can be in-classroom or online ones.

33. Unit tests

A subject comes with different modules or units. When a teacher completes a particular unit, he/she can conduct a test covering the key areas of that particular module.

These methods of teaching will help students to make the present unit thorough before passing on to the next and the teacher can give additional classes on the units where the students scored less. Teachers can also hold special classes for students to help them improve in the areas where their performance was weak.

34. Think Pair Share

This is a collaborative learning strategy to develop teamwork among the students. In this method, they can work in partnerships to solve a problem or a puzzle related to a subject.

This allows them to think individually as well as to share ideas to come up with a solution. They can discuss the ideas with their allotted partner before sharing it with a larger group.

35. Jigsaw

This classroom activity allows students to rely on each other to succeed. In this method, a puzzle is broken into small units and is distributed amongst small groups formed within a classroom.

This emphasizes cooperative learning as one can actively help another to solve the puzzle. This cooperative learning promotes student learning and interdependence.

36. Role-playing

This technique allows students to explore realistic situations as part of their learning process.

They can interact with others in a managed way to tryout diverse strategies in a supported environment. In this method, particular roles to play are assigned for each student as part of a interaction. The students can act according to specific instructions and they can redo it based on the reflection and discussion after first trial.

37. Turn and Talk

This is an oral language support strategy in which students are given scaffold interactions in order to formulate ideas on a subject. They can share it with others.

In this method, all students get a chance to share their thoughts on the subject in a low-risk setting. The teacher’s role is to ensure that partnering of the students is not random but strategic.

38. Puppets

This is an interesting way to teach a new language in primary classrooms. Puppets with a movable mouth can be a good tool to teach phonics and basic number concepts.

This mode of teaching builds enthusiasm amongst young students as the puppets can be used to animate a topic.

39. Flannel boards

This is an interactive learning tool that can be used to teach primary level students. Teachers can make use of flannel boards to easily handle different subjects rather than teaching orally.

Flannel boards can be used as a personalized storytelling board or a counting board to teach mathematics. It can also take forms of a lapboard, game board, or graphics boards based on the subject to be handled.

40. Case studies

This teaching tool is a great way to showcase the application side of a theory or the subject concept to real-life situations.

A contextual analysis of a subject gives the students a better learning experience rather than just memorizing what’s given in textbooks.

Case studies can be either fact-driven or deductive and sometimes, they can be context- driven with multiple solutions.

41. Pen pals

In this method, students can write about exchange letters with people of another community or country. This provides the students with better exposure to different languages, arts, geography etc. Also, exchanging letters or write-ups contributes to improving students’ awareness of global societies and cultures.

42. Audio-tutorial lessons

This is an alternative to regular classroom lectures and is an innovative method to create an engaging learning experience.

Subject experts give lectures on different lessons in the form of audio clips to the students during class hours. They can also make a copy of the same to use while learning at home.

43. Mobile apps

At present, mobile apps are one of the widely used modes of teaching. Apps like Skype are capable of helping schools to visually bring experts to classrooms and apps like Socrative helps in visualizing student understanding.

Other popular mobile apps useful in classrooms include OneNote (a digital note-taking app), Google Classroom, ( a free web-based platform to save time and paper in classrooms) etc.

44. Experiential Learning

This is one of the comprehensive methods of teaching through first-hand experience. It provides outside the classroom setting learning experience that helps students to acquire advanced skills and knowledge.

Experiential Learning includes service-learning projects, internships, field trips, studies abroad and field research. This is in fact a simple but effective approach of learning by doing.

45. Use of pretest

A student’s level of understanding can be assessed beforehand using this method. The teachers can then use this information to plan their instructional strategies.

A student’s baseline knowledge in the subject can be determined initially to better plan their teaching.

Conducting tests after teaching can also help the teachers to assess where the students stand in the learning process.

46. Flowcharts

A sequence of events or actions in a lesson can be taught better using flowcharts.

These methods of teaching are also used to explain different stages in a process, the relationship between two levels or the process of reaching a solution. Using a flowchart, complicated ideas can be summarized to be explained in classrooms.

47. Vocabulary drills

In this teaching strategy, the teacher says a word or a sentence and the students will repeat after him/her. When the teacher changes the prompt next time, students will follow what the teacher does.

This is referred to as drill & practice as knowledge or skill can be achieved through repetitive practice. It can be a good option to learn new languages, spelling or even mathematical functions such as subtraction or addition.

48. Bulletin boards

Having bulletin boards in classrooms play a great role in creating a positive learning atmosphere. You can use them to display student work or anything related to the subjects being taught.

Bulletin boards help students to remember important areas of a lesson. It can also be a good aid to a lecture assignment, tutorial or group work. It helps students to remember and memorize key elements of the subjects being taught, including new words or concepts of the week or day.

49. Think Aloud

The teachers verbalize aloud when they read a subject in class. This includes describing things that helps students to construct meaning from a text.

They can improve their comprehension as well as thinking ability. This also means to re-read a sentence to make sense and read ahead to make it clear.

50. Brainstorming

It can be a small or large group activity in a class. In this method of teaching, students are taught on how to get ideas onto paper. This is the way of generating ideas within a group setting by posing a question or a problem. Everyone can contribute to the free flow of ideas with possible answers to the puzzle.

51. Alphabet Brainstorm

This is a varied approach to the usual brainstorming that can be a whole-class activity or can be done in small groups. In these methods of teaching, students are asked to generate or express ideas beginning with each letter of the alphabet. This is a quick means to create thoughts, evaluate prior knowledge, or to assess learning level.

52. Differentiated Instruction

These methods of teaching encourage equal success rates for all regardless of differences in ability with personalized instructions.

This is also an ideal teaching method for second language learners. A student with lower reading skills will be paired with another student who is advanced in the language. They are then asked to write out questions if they don’t understand any part of the story.

53. Cramming

These methods of teaching simply mean to memorize large amounts of data or information in a short period of time. It is ideally used to excel in performance-based assessment and as part of exam preparation.

Last-minute cramming is usually not recommended but the technique can be used effectively beforehand. The students are given easy codes or shortcuts to remember a list of items or the order of an activity.

54. Readaloud

This simple strategy is to read lessons aloud in the class. This instructional practice integrates variations in pace, volume, pitch, tone, pause and eye contact.

They also include questions and comments in order to create a fluent and pleasing delivery. This is the right way to introduce new vocabulary and to enhance expressive reading and fluency.

55. Interactive read aloud

This is a variation of the read-aloud teaching technique which integrates a series of purposeful activities including shared teaching. This basically means to preview the book, scaffolding on prior knowledge and teaching reading fluency.

The teacher will ask purposeful questions and will emphasize the elements of the story. He/she will then summarize the lesson to bring closure to the class.

56. Reciprocal teaching

This instructional activity involves small group reading sessions in which students are given the role of teachers. Teachers will first model and then, teach the students to guide group discussions.

The key elements of this technique involve generating questions, summarizing, clarifying, and predicting. During this activity, teachers can monitor their comprehension while students read.

57. Guided reading

In this instructional approach, a teacher will work with groups of students who showcase similar reading behaviors i.e., those who are capable of reading similar levels of text. This technique is useful in developing independent reading skills in students.

The reading text will be chosen in such a way that the students can read it with skilful support of teachers.

58. Problem Tree

This is an effective tool that is used to teach all the possible causes and effects of a concerned problem.

Clearly identifying the multiple causes helps them to understand the context better and to ease off the associated complexity with the problem. This is best used in classrooms while helping students to develop comprehensive class projects.

59. Active Listening

Rather than just going on with lectures, active listening skills are also inevitable for a good teacher. This helps to create empathy and understanding with the class. It also helps to assess if the teaching is effective and if the students understood what was being taught.

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60. ABL

ABL is a student-centred approach in which the students continuously take part in different activities other than in-class sessions in order to achieve knowledge.

This is in fact the method of learning by doing what helps the students to develop as individuals. Teachers can choose activities in which student’s senses are stimulated and can guide them in their approach.

61. ABA

The Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) teaching method is a great way to educate students with autism. This includes teaching with prompts- encouraging them to give the desired response and modelling-showing how a task can be done.

Discrete Trial Training (DTT) is also part of the process in which the large tasks are divided into steps or subtasks to make it easy.

62. Bank Street

It is also referred to as development-interaction approach in which a student is educated emotionally, socially, physically and intellectually.

This is one of the common approaches to teach primary school kids in an interdisciplinary, experience-based, and combined setting. In this effective method, the teacher works personally with children by understanding his/her interests.

63. Montessori

It is an integrated approach that combines hands-on learning, self-directed activity, and collaborative play for elementary students and thereby, helps them to develop independence in a prepared classroom environment.

These methods of teaching allow students to have creative choices in their learning. Teachers can provide age-appropriate activities to steer the process. Cooperative learning: This method combines students of mixed levels of ability who are arranged into groups.

They are then rewarded based on the group’s success and not solely for an individual member most of the times. Students can work in groups to complete a common task in a structured way, thus developing team work.

64. Flipped Classroom

The typical lecture process is reversed in this teaching strategy. Before the actual class session, students are asked to view video lectures at home.

They will then use the knowledge gained from these lectures to practice exercises, projects, or discussions during the class hours.

65. Deduction

In these methods of teaching, learners are given rules first followed by examples and after that, they practice the lesson. This is a teacher-centred approach which is ideal for teaching languages. It is really helpful for lower level learners who require a clear base to start a lesson.

66. Induction

In contrast to the deduction method, this is more like a student centric approach. This is a reverse model to teach a new language in which examples are given first and the learners are then asked to find the rules. They can detect or notice patterns and work out a personalized rule. A new theory can emerge from the data.

67. Gamification

Irrespective of the grade of your students, you can apply gamification in your classroom to make learning fun. Students always love to play and these methods of teaching can really take out the stress from the typical lectures.

Game elements such as badges, points, and level achievements can be brought to keep the students engaged and active throughout the class.

68. Hands-on

These method helps to achieve authentic understanding and application of a fact or a theory and not just memorization.

In this strategy, students are engaged in physical assignments or activities while learning. This is not just applicable for subjects like physics or chemistry but also for mathematics.

The physical evidence for thinking and reasoning gives more sense for mathematical ideas and they can solve problems easily.

69. Hands-off

The students are given only minimal instructions in this approach unlike lengthy explanations on the subject. Teachers urge the students to study independently by challenging them and brainstorming. Instead of just answering their questions, they are asked to find out answers with proper research.

70. Unit method

The teacher divides the subject to be taught into different units first and then, teaches it one by one. Textbooks may come with units to make teaching and learning easy.

In this method, the teachers prepare their own set of units to give a personalized instruction of their convenience and by considering the understanding level of particular students in the class.

71. Vee maps

This is a tool to guide the thinking and learning of students during laboratory sessions. It usually contains six areas- focus question, concept map, data and analysis, word list, events, and conclusions. This can be customized based on the subject handled in the lab.

72. Cubing

This is an easy to use approach in which six different topics can be taught or explained to students in a single step. Each side of the cube will have one concept or idea and students can cover the sides one by one.

This can also be used in activity learning in which cube is rotated and one side is chosen.

73. Sandwich

The teaching information can be integrated by considering the diverse needs of students in the target group. This is a fast and efficient technique to teach foreign languages.

It includes oral placing of an idiomatic translation in the mother tongue sandwiched between unfamiliar phrases in the learned language. It is then repeated so as to communicate meaning as rapidly and wholly as possible.

74. Seminar

This is a teaching technique that is ideal for higher learning. During seminar hours, students and teachers have discussions on a specific topic.

Usually, each student is assigned a topic and they give a prepared presentations on the same. The other students will then ask questions to clarify certain areas to come up with a final decision to solve a problem or to get comprehensive understanding of the concept.

75. Silent way

This is a language-teaching method in which extensive use of silence plays the key part. A structural syllabus is followed and the teacher concentrates on a small number of useful and versatile words. The learners are given more opportunities to speak as much as possible.

76. Spiral

in this method, the basic facts of a subject are taught first without giving much emphasis about details. Later, the details are introduced as the learning progresses. The information is reemphasized many times to the basic facts studied first to help them have a long-term memory on the lesson.

77. Snowball

This strategy is designed to aid students to predict, justify, summarize, and think critically on the subject. Teachers can personalize the approach to meet their exact purpose.

Students are asked to write a content related question on a paper and then, crumble it into snowball. Then, they can throw it in air and then, catch another snowball thrown by their counterparts. They can then try to answer the question on that snowball.

78. Dogmatic

Students almost literally reproduce what is memorized and need not apply knowledge in practice. This in fact encourages some degree of mechanical memory.

With this approach, students can save time and energy, and avoid unnecessary thinking. It is a good exercise to boost memory power.

79. Fishbowl

Teachers will explicitly educate students on a variety of social skills. In this approach, the whole class is given an opportunity to closely observe and study about social interactions.

To make it interesting, teachers can give a thought-provoking problem or a question to the fishbowl group and those staying outside will be listeners. Unlike other methods, the entire group can participate in a conversation as students take turns to be inside the fishbowl.

80. Abacus

This is an ideal approach to help kids to learn mathematics in an interesting way. It is designed with colorful beads to make learning more fun and exciting. The concepts are reinforced through their sense of touch. The simple arithmetical operations can be taught with mental visualization.

81. Simulation

This is a kind of experimental learning in which the reality of the scenario is experienced to gather meaning from it. It can take different forms based on the subject being taught.

For instance, medical student trainees can practice a procedure in a simulated learning environment before doing it with the actual patient.

82. Fishbone

This is a diagram based teaching technique for problem solving. In the fishbone diagram, the head of the fish will have the change that is being analyzed and the ribs of the fish have the reasons for the change. The riblets will have supporting evidence or relevant key terms.

83. Raft

It integrates reading and writing. Students are asked to write about what they have read or studied to illustrate their depth of understanding.

This form of teaching gives students an understanding of their role as a writer. They can get ideas on the varied formats for writing, the audience to be addressed and the content expected.

84. Future Wheel

In these methods in teaching, teachers instruct about the direct and indirect future consequences related to a specific change or growth in the lesson using graphical visualisation. This foresight method is a form of structured brainstorming. It is used to show complex interrelationships and to get organized thoughts about a process.

85. Talk and chalk

It is an interactive lecture methods in teaching using whiteboards or blackboards. The oral presentation will be less; instead, and the teachers write and draw on boards or solve problems with detailed steps.

Students will also be given chalks at times to solve a problem or draw an object or to reproduce what was taught.

86. Mind maps

This revolutionary approach makes both teaching and learning more effective. These maps are innovative thinking tools that help students to externalize and visualize difficult concepts and to easily connect between different ideas.

A basic map will first have a central idea to which branches and keywords are added. You can add colors or images to make easy connections.

87. Z to A

In this different teaching idea, the application part of a theory or concept is taught first so that the students will be interested to study about it further.

Followed by that, the actual concept is taught. This approach helps them to have a long lasting memory about correlation of a concept.

88. Discovery

This is constructivist, inquiry-based learning that is ideal for problem solving situations. The learner is supposed to draw and discover facts and relationships from existing knowledge and their own past experiences.

They are supposed to interact with their surroundings by exploring and influencing objects, fighting with enquiries and controversies.

89. Socratic

Students are given questions and not answers. This method of asking and answering questions encourages critical thinking and develops the capability to draw out ideas from underlying presumptions in students.

The students also get a deeper understanding of the topic with this forum for open-ended inquiry.

90. Didactic

This form of teaching encourages consolidation of knowledge with multiple elements such as ideas, formulae, facts, phenomena, and laws.

The information is organized better to make it logical and accessible to students. As part of this method, students are asked to find a solution to cognition tasks, take part in curricular and extracurricular activities and more.

91. Smart cards

These are magnetic strips with unique student profiles that are given for every student in the class. Plickers is one such method used to make low tech classrooms smarter.

Cards with multiple choices are issued to the students that they can use to choose an option when the teacher asks a question in the middle of the class. The teacher uses her device to scan the class and retrieve the answers. She can then evaluate the answers to know if students are following the class.

92. Task cards

The objective of using task cards in classrooms is to develop students as independent learners. Basically, a task card will have tasks or questions on them.

Students can use whiteboards to reveal the answers. These are one of the best tools for reinforcement and assessment. It can also be used as part of class activities. Teachers can mix up the tasks to make the game interesting.

93. Hybrid

Face-to-face teaching and online learning is combined in this hybrid approach. More than half of the class activities are made online. The use of technology gives a flexible learning environment for students.

This method is developed to enhance students’ conceptualization, knowledge acquisition, and communication skills.

94. Rubrics

In these methods in teaching, teachers can have consistent standards while assessing qualitative tasks and it encourages consistency in shared marking.

Students are given rubrics at times of an assessment that briefs the tasks to make them aware of the expectations out of it. They can use it to assess their own work while it progresses.

95. Design Thinking

This is a method to teach creative problem solving. Teachers can give hands-on design challenge as a class activity or in pairs or small groups.

Students can have an active and shared experience to explore design thinking in a solid time frame. They can apply discovery, ideation, interpretation, experimentation and evolution to reach a conclusion.

96. Explicit Teacher Modeling

Students are provided with a lucid, multi-sensory model of a skill or concept in this teaching approach. The teacher gives a multi-sensory instruction (visual, auditory, tactile). She describes and models this idea or concept for the students by breaking it into learnable parts.

97. Reading Comprehension

This approach helps students to become focused, active readers with control of their own reading. This practice improves their fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and spelling.

In this session, the teacher guides them to have a proper understanding and interpretation of their reading. This includes decoding the read, making links between the content and their prior knowledge and thinking deeply about what they came across.

98. Periodical Revision

Just giving a lecture of the topic may not be enough for every student to have a long term memory of what is taught.

In this strategy, the teacher revises a lesson at the end or before moving on to the next. Some teachers do it before the exam so that they can easily recollect what was taught helping them to excel in exams.

99. Match it challenge

This is an interesting approach which is usually performed after giving a lecture on the topic as part of an assessment or memorizing.

The key points or areas of the topic are listed on one side of the board and something related to it will be listed on the other side but in shuffled order. Students are asked to match the related points from both sides with cross lines.

100. Recordings

Hearing a lecture on a topic once may not be sufficient for every student to have a proper understanding. Smart schools provide options to record the lectures which can be used later for reference. They can rehear it at home to make clarifications on certain areas or to relate to a newly taught content.

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101. Intellectual Challenge

In contrast to the typical lectures, which many of the students find boring, teachers set up a challenging learning environment in class.

Activities that challenge their thinking will be set up, considering the students’ interests too. Give them goals to achieve with a reasonable timeframe thus making them engaged in the learning process.

102. Panel discussion

This approach aims at showcasing factual information and conceptual knowledge for a given topic. The technique can take different forms. In classroom panel discussions, the panel may contain a group of students or student representatives who discuss a certain topic after thorough preparation.

The panel may otherwise contain subject experts who discuss about all areas regarding the topic and thereby, giving the student audience a chance to gain deeper knowledge on the subject.

103. Push in

This is a different approach in which the general education teacher and the special expert work together. This method also promotes specially designed changes within the classroom setting.

Students are grouped together based on their similar skill levels and given coaching in order to make the process the most effective with the least instructional time.

104. Social media platform

Teachers use the possibilities of advanced social media tools to improve their teaching while coming up with innovative ideas. This includes pinning educational resources using Pinterest, blogging for students’ homework assignments, having a Facebook group for your class, bringing flipped classroom concept using YouTube and more.

105. Phonics

This is a teaching technique where students are taught to read and write in English language with regard to learners’ phonemic awareness.

This covers their capability to hear, identify, and control phonemes. This is effective in teaching the link between alphabet sounds and spelling patterns. The method is explicit and systematic helping them to figure and read words early on.

106. Mnemonics

This teaching strategy aims to help students in enhancing their memory of new information. Visual and/or acoustic cues are used to link novel information to prior knowledge.

Keywords or letters are used to connect the information. Mnemonic codes are developed that signifies an activity or process or any term to be remembered.

107. Sense of humour

In this teaching approach, teachers deliberately bring in humour between their lectures. They relate the topic of discussion with a comedy instance or a story to make the class interesting.  

108. Brain Dumps

This is a formative assessment activity where students share their knowledge on a topic or their assumptions and thereby, the teacher will get a chance to know what their students have understood about a specific concept or topic.

Teachers can use this technique to prepare on a related topic to be taught. They can write it on a sheet of paper or share orally in class.

109. Exit cards

In this method, the teacher gives a piece of paper having questions or prompts to be answered once she leaves the class. The purpose of the exit cards technique is for the teachers to assess students’ understanding, to keep an eye on their questions, or to get feedback about their teaching. Exit cards serve as a tool to enhance their metacognitive skills too.

110. Suggestopedia

This is an ideal technique to teach foreign languages. It can include a wide range of activities such as games, music or dramatised texts. The classroom settings may also be changed to dim lighting, comfortable chairs or playing special kind of music to maintain a calm learning environment.

111. Symposium

This approach usually contains prepared speeches followed by audience discussion. The idea is to offer a broad understanding of a certain topic or a problem.

This integrates synthesis and evaluation in one approach and the students can reach a conclusion with different views on the topic.

112. Surprise tests

Some teachers perform tests based on a subject without prior notice. This is one of the best ways to evaluate the students’ knowledge in already taught lessons.

This is also a self evaluation for them to assess their teaching effectiveness. By making these surprise tests a part of their teaching plan, students will always be updated about all the lessons.

113. Outdoor teaching

In this method,, students are taken out of the typical classroom settings. They can play, have fun and learn in an interesting way. They can involve in social activities and be closer to the environment, and have hands-on experiences of the subjects that are being taught in the classroom.

Some teachers even take their students out to the school ground to teach in open air.

114. Peer tutoring

In this flexible strategy, students take the role of academic tutors and tutees. A higher-performing student can tutor or assist weaker students in subjects for a student with limited performance.

Teachers can identify students who are experts in certain topics to help those with a lack of deeper knowledge on the same. This also promotes cooperation, sharing and friendliness in the classroom.

115. Four corners

Student learning is promoted through movement and discussion in this teaching technique. Teachers use this as a formative assessment tool. A controversial statement or puzzle is presented in the class and different answers or opinions are marked in four corners of the classroom.

The opinions can be “agree’’, “disagree”, “strongly agree” or “strongly disagree” or “likewise”. This interactive learning strategy enhances verbal communication, listening, cooperation, and critical thinking.

116. Just a minute

This is a classroom activity usually performed in class after completion of a study session. Students will be picked in random and will be asked to give a speech on the important areas of the lesson in a minute.

This not only helps them to recollect the lesson points but also to frame it effectively in the given time period. This activity can be performed frequently so that students pay attention during class hours.

117. Miming

As actions speak louder than words, some teachers include more understandable actions than lengthy lectures. Students taught with miming technique use this opportunity to understand, communicate and actively participate during lessons.

This is one of the best ways to learn and practice vocabulary which has a lot to do with gestures and expressions‏‎. Teachers use the technique differently based on what they are teaching.

118. Tic-tac-toe board

The ability to understand a topic will be different for each student in the classroom. Some learn best by writing, some by reading while others learn by seeing things happen.

This interactive teaching board will have different activities in each square to suit everyone. This includes acts to test for knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

119. Total Physical Response

It is an effective language teaching method that integrates the synchronization of language and physical movement. Students are commanded in a specific language, and they respond to it with whole-body actions.

In addition to passively understanding the structure of the language, meaning in the target language is recognized quickly. In this approach, the grammar is not taught explicitly.

120. K-W-L charts

This strategy is referred to “Know”, “Want to Know”, “Learned” aspects of learning. This graphic organizer can help students to arrange data before, during, and after a lesson.

These charts are used in classrooms to promote students to utilize former knowledge and personal inquisitiveness while exploring a subject or a topic. One can clearly understand what they know about a subject, what they want to learn or know, and what they have learned after the session.

121. Heads together

This is a cooperative learning strategy in which students are asked to work together in a group and each of them is accountable for learning the subject. When the teacher gives a question, students can “put their heads together” to find a solution.

Each student is numbered and when the teacher calls out a particular number, the corresponding student will raise his/her hands to answer the question. These numbered heads together is an ideal option for teaching accountability in the classroom.

122. Scaffolding

Not all students in a classroom are similar in terms of learning needs and therefore, this method of instruction is designed to satisfy everyone in the same class or learning environment.

This teaching strategy involves showing and telling, tapping into prior knowledge, giving the students time to talk, pre-teaching vocabulary, using visual aids and trying something new every session.

123. Salt dough maps

This is a fun related learning technique that gives great visual aid for teaching geography or revisiting history.

This tactile, hands-on project also helps to improve their creativity while learning a new topic. The activity includes drawing the outline of a map, pressing the dough on to it and colouring the elevations.

124. Learning station

This method involves a classroom space meant for easy access to a range of learning materials in an exciting and fruitful manner. The station contains learning materials that allows students to have self-directed and self-employed learning.

To make the whole learning interesting, students can get work schedules with compulsory and optional tasks from the station.

125. Station teaching: This is a varied station approach which allows teaching a number of lessons at one time. In order to engage in all activities, the students move from one station to the other within a definite time frame. This is a good option for teachers with limited resources to distinguish instruction by integrating students’ interests, requirements, and learning styles.

126. Audiobooks

This is an interesting learning approach in which students are given access to audiobooks on different subjects. They can listen to a variety of audios from subject experts to have a deeper knowledge of the subject which in turn improves their vocabulary, listening skills and attention to detail. This is also a good option to learn a new language by knowing the actual accent.

127. Instructional Videos

This is one of the best options to learn in detail about the laboratory methods. Students can view these videos to learn about the stepwise procedures of experiments.

There are communities and some schools providing instructional videos for students to learn in detail about diverse subjects. Students can use it to learn how to draw a diagram easily or to solve a mathematical problem.

128. Literature Circles

In this approach, students can have access to rich conversations within a group. During the session, they can convey their opinions, forecast, and queries about a topic in a productive and structured way. This is a lighter way to teach heavy to read subjects such as language, arts, history, or advanced English which gives the benefit of shared reading.

129. Animated gesturing

This is an effective method for virtual tutoring, usually used in online teaching. Teaching avatars are used to give a speech or instruction on a subject. Teachers also use animated gestures when giving class seminars or presentations to make teaching more interactive.

They are designed to point, circle or underline key points at the time of teaching.

130. Shared reading: In this teaching session, students can have an interactive reading experience. They can share or join in the reading of a book or a presentation and they will be properly guided and assisted by a teacher. They can learn to reading fluently and expression with a structured assistance. Some hard to read or boring materials can be read with fun using this method. They also get exposure to different reading perspectives of their classmates.

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131. Rewarding

This is a common method followed in elementary classes and sometimes, in higher classes to promote learning. It includes activities like rewarding the first person who finds the solution to a puzzle or who scores top in a test. This enhances a competitive mindset among students and a desire for more rewards.

132. One on one

Instead of teaching a group the teacher takes a personal class for each student. This approach proved good for giving special assistance to students with poor learning skills when taught in groups.

They are given special attention and personalized instructions to solve a problem or to approach a topic. Their strengths and weaknesses are dealt with more consistently.

133. Quick write

The students are asked to respond to an open-ended query or prompt given by the teacher in some 2–10 minutes.

This strategy can be used to build up writing fluency and to develop the habit of expression into a learning experience. Teachers also use it to informally assess student thinking.

134. Hand signals

This teaching approach utilizes the power of non-verbals to assess the understanding or thinking process of students. They are taught some hand signals to show their level of understanding when teaching a topic.

They are asked to react for ‘more explanation’, ‘need a break’, ‘not agree’ etc. with hand signals in the middle of discussion. The teacher stops his lecture on seeing this to respond for the student.

135. Playway

This is a common method of teaching in elementary classes to make the students engaged in learning with a little fun. The teacher takes into account the students’ interest in the topic and their aptitude when designing their play way method.

Games such as tag and hide-and-seek are integrated with the learning to make the class interesting to them. Games can be wisely chosen to enhance the students’ motor skills, imagination and creativity.

136. Music therapy

Incorporating music into teaching helps to have a lighter class environment for studying heavy subjects. This helps to change the mood of a student in a positive way.

When teaching tough topics, the teacher can take a break of 5 to 10 minutes to listen to some music. He/she can sing or play a device or ask students to sing together or one or two students who is good in singing.

137. Blended learning

This is a mix of teaching approaches to have comprehensive learning of a topic. In most cases, e-learning is integrated with traditional classroom methods and time is also allotted for self-learning thus helping students to get the benefits of all learning styles. This approach lets them to interact with other students, the instructor and the online content to get a wide exposure to a subject.

138. Harkness table

The students are seated in a large, oval-shaped configuration for open-ended teaching and learning. This more or less relates to a Socratic style of teaching.

For a given topic, they can discuss ideas in an open-minded and encouraging environment. This type of learning will have only occasional or minimal teacher intervention.

139. Kinesthetic teaching

This type of learning promotes the active participation of students. Instead of just listening to a lecture or seeing demonstrations, they are involved in physical activities.

This tactile learning style with a multi-sensory approach also involves touching the material to learn about it or being in close with an audio or video for instruction.

140. Journal Writing

Students can benefit from this type of learning to effectively respond to literature and gain writing fluency. This is an opportunity for them to freely generate ideas on a topic thus improving their writing skills and words of expression.

Teachers can then evaluate what their students have written and guided them in terms of punctuation, word usage, spelling, or grammar.

141. Kumon

In this varied approach, students can start learning from a comfortable starting point that is appropriate for them. Neither the age nor their grade level is taken into consideration. In this self learning style, they learn the subject by doing the worksheets on their own. These methods of teaching enhances their critical thinking skills and mindset to find out and explore new topics independently.

142. Codes to remember

Memorizing every element taught in the class is a real challenge for many students. Therefore, teachers give easy codes to remember the key areas of the subject, the order of a list, the sequence of events or more.

VIBGYOR which signifies the first letters of the 7 colors in the rainbow is a popular example. Similarly, teachers develop easily personalized codes to help the students to easily study the hard-to-remember topics.

143. Expeditionary Learning

This type of learning challenges students to take up active roles in their classrooms and think critically on topics of study. Students become masters of their own learning. This effective approach of learning by doing motivates them to have an urge for research or focus on new challenging topics.

144. Object-based learning

This refers to experiential and active learning; it is a mode of learning that student likes the most.

When they learn with hands-on learning techniques, it deepens their involvement with the subject matter. Moreover, their lateral thinking, analytical skills, and group work features are improved.

145. Inquiry-based learning

Instead of just going through simply established facts or knowledge and having an easy path to knowledge, this teaching approach involves active learning.

It begins by posing questions, puzzles, problems or scenarios and then, investigating to find solutions. The process is frequently assisted by a facilitator to give enough support and guidance.

146. Competitions

It is important to develop a competitive mindset among students to grow out successful in their careers and life. Healthy competition in classrooms and schools can help them out in this regard.

Teachers involve their syllabus topics as part of a competition to help the students to perform academically, as well. This includes elocution, essay writing, debates, etc.

147. Gallery walk

This is a discussion technique in learning in which students are allowed to be actively engaged in the classrooms. They can freely work and learn together in small groups. The activities involve sharing ideas, responding to momentous questions or tricky situations, preparing documents and charts and more.

148. Online Learning Tools

A number of learning tools are available online to help students to learn efficiently and productively in the minimal time frame. There are efficient tools designed to give shortcuts to students to easily study tough subjects.

Teachers also use quality teaching material available online to support students in advanced learning. There is also option for distance learning to help students staying in remote areas to experience the happiness of learning.

149. Self-learning

This is the best form of teaching in the present educational system. Instead of depending on a teacher for assistance, this form of learning helps students to grow up as independent learners.

Teachers and parents are the ones to promote this mindset in students in the preliminary classes itself. Rather than spoon-feeding the subjects, let them learn ways on their own to deal with a subject.

150) Task-based learning

The main aim of this approach to learning is task completion. In this approach, teachers set a relevant and interesting task for the students. They are expected to complete the task according to their pre-existing knowledge. This method helps them to acquire knowledge in different areas and increases thinking capacity.

151) Student-Centered Discussions

In this approach, the student is the center of learning. Make a group of five to six students and ask the question. Give adequate time for them to think and come up with an answer. It helps them to expand their imagination skills. Remember to come up with thought-provoking questions. Let them chances to dive deep into the content.

152) Making connections

One of the effective methods to help students learn easily is by making connections to their learning. Teachers can help them by making a connection with real-life incidents and people. This method can create a lasting impression in their minds.

The right teaching strategy makes a good classroom session. Some schools conduct polls amongst students to know the strategy they prefer for learning to make the whole process productive. The listed ones are only a few among the several methods in teaching. A good teacher always comes up with personalized methods to bring the best out of a learning session.

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Educational apps have made a phenomenal change in the way we manage classrooms and schools, and in the way we learn. The best part about these apps is the availability of information at our fingertips in different forms. Many of these educational apps have served as a one-stop learning solution where many things in terms of academic aspects can be achieved at the same place, rather than having to go for different sources.

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There are plenty of educational apps available these days that serve different purposes. You can use them to study, to stay organized, to be productive and what not.

Many of the educational apps can be accessed absolutely free of cost. There are also some apps of which the basic version is available for free, but would require subscription plans and in-app purchase options to use advanced featured. Also, there are fully paid apps that can be downloaded only by paying a certain amount of money.

Best Free Educational Apps for Students

The following list consists of some of the best 12 educational apps for students that are available for free. You can check them out here.

1. Duolingo

Yes, the popular language learning app is available for free. Duolingo offers over 95 different courses in 23 languages that include English, Turkish, Spanish, Russian, Latin and much more.

The learning process in Duolingo is mostly game based that makes language learning enjoyable and fun. The visual elements of the flashcard-like game in the app give you a better understanding of the words. It also helps you to build your vocabulary and improve your speaking skills.

Duolingo App

You can also attempt tests to analyse your proficiency in the language you are learning. The app monitors your learning progress and performance, giving you an idea of what part of your learning needs more attention.

Duolingo app helps you to master all aspects of language learning, be it reading, writing or speaking. It is available for download in

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

Check Also: 27 Best Free Educational Apps for Kids

2. SoloLearn

Technology has brought the world closer by helping them stay connected and it will continue to happen in the future as well. Therefore, knowledge in coding is expected to be an essential requirement in the days to come.

Many educational institutions have already introduced the subject to their students from a young age. There are educational apps for that extra support or to help the students to advance to the next level of learning to code, and SoloLearn app is one of the best choices.

sololearn logo

SoloLearn app comes with over 25 programming courses and a library with plenty of free code learning content under different topics for learners with any knowledge level, from beginners to experts. The app also keeps posting new content on a daily basis.

The app also comes with a community of over 40 million coding students, where they hold discussions based on various topics, solve problems and create new content to practice coding.

The app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:-  (

3. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is another popular educational app that is available for free. The online learning platform is perfect for students as well as adults who are looking to improve their knowledge.

Khan Academy app offers over 4000 courses in different subjects, including Maths, Science and Humanities, all based on NCERT or CBSE syllabus. The app also comes with a free, personalised learning library.

khan academy app logo

Khan App features videos, interactive exercises and articles on different subjects that allow in-depth learning. It also has a personalised dashboard for each learner where they can view their learning progress.

Khan Academy app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

Check Also: 25 Must-Have Educational Apps for Students in 2023

4. TED

TED, the popular platform known for TED talks by experts from all walks of life gives you access to all of its content for free. The app features over 3000 TED Talk videos based on different topics, all presented by renowned musicians, tech geniuses, business giants and others who have proven their worth in their respective fields.

In the app, you can browse through the TED Talks library to access the video of your choice. The videos come with subtitles in over 100 languages. You can also listen to podcasts in the app.

ted logo

If you have no idea as to which video to choose, you can use the” surprise me” feature for video suggestions. TED app also has bookmark feature to bookmark your favourite videos.

TED app is a great source if you are looking to fulfil your curiosity or if you want to improve your knowledge.

The app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:-  (

Play Store:- (

5. Lumosity

Lumosity is a well-known brain training app that you can access for free. The app helps you to achieve the goal of enhancing your skills, in terms of memory, critical thinking, problem solving and flexibility through games.

You can start with a free 10-minute FIT test to set your baseline scores, and to see where you stand compared to your peers. The app also features over 40 activities that challenge your memory, logic, language skills and much more. You can also go for personalised challenges based on your preferences and training habits.

Lumosity App logo

Lumosity app also provides you with training insights which helps you to understand your strengths and weaknesses as you progress. Your gameplay analysis provided by the app helps you to better identify your cognitive patterns.

Lumosity app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:- (

Play Store:- (

6. Photomath

Photomath app can be a saviour when you struggle with your math problems. Did you know that the app is available for free?

The app comes handy when it comes to solving any Math related problems, from simple ones of which you need to check the answers to difficult problems you are having a hard time solving.

Photomath app logo

All you have to do is to click a picture of an equation or scan it and upload it in the app. In return, you will get the step by step solution to it so that you get an idea of what needs to be done or where you went wrong.

Photomath app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

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7. Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Merriam-Webster dictionary, the popular American dictionary, is available in its app form and is absolutely free. Finding a right word or figuring out its meaning, it is a great accompaniment when you are learning English language. It is one of the most commonly used dictionaries around the world and is often used for reference, learning and building your vocabulary.

The app also features word games and quizzes that help you to learn new words and test your vocabulary. The word of the day feature in the app is also a great way to learn new words in the app.

Merriam Webster Logo

Apart from the meaning of a particular word, you can also find synonyms, antonyms and example sentences that help you to understand how that word is used in a sentence. Another feature is the audio pronunciations by native English speakers so that you learn to accurately pronounce it.

Merriam-Webster dictionary app is available for download in both

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

8. Grammarly

Grammarly is another popular app that helps you in language learning. It can be termed as a writing assistant that helps to correct and edit your grammar, spelling and punctuation as you type.

Grammarly can be considered a proof read app that helps you to identify errors in your writing by checking it for issues. It also notifies you about the errors and guides you about what should be written instead.

Grammarly App Logo

The app also comes with advanced features, such as synonyms, that help you to improve your vocabulary, spelling and writing skills.

Grammarly app is available for download in

Google Play Store:- (

Play Store:- (

9. Timetable

Timetable app helps students to easily manage their school/university life. You can enter all your academic schedules in the app and get reminded so that you would not miss out on them.

Apart from class timings, you can also enter schedule details for home works, exams, tests and assignments, as in the timings, due date, name of teacher, etc. The app notifies you when about the schedules on time, and also reminds you to study. Another feature is that the app mutes your phone automatically during your study time.

Timetable App Logo

The schedules are organised in the app as a table or grid. You can also search for a particular task in the app.

Timetable app is available for download in the

Google Play Store:- (

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10. Daylio

Daylio is not exactly an academic related app. It is rather a mood tracker app that helps you to keep track of your mental health.

Daylio app acts as a private journal where you can note down anything about yourself. You can customise the app based on your personal needs.

Daylio App Logo

It helps you to analyse your habits, keep track of your emotional needs and helps you to realise the factors that affect your mood both positively and negatively.

Daylio app is available for free in

Google Play Store:- (

Play Store:- (

11. LiveCarta

Livecarta app is a digital library with all books and learning materials in it available for free. You can read the books in offline mode as well.

You can use your LiveCarta account to sync all the reading resources across different devices you use. You can also read the books, add highlights and notes and sync the changes made across the devices.

Live Carta App

The app also comes with features where you can search for keywords within the book or a specific chapter. The read aloud feature allows you to listen to the stories anytime, anywhere. You can also customise the read aloud feature, in terms of voice, speed and pitch.

LiveCarta app is available for download in

Google Play Store:- (

App Store:- (

12. Study Tips

Study Tips is the app you need if you are looking for study hacks. The app gives you tips to study and also to remember more information in less time.

Study Tips app consists of a list of tips and tricks to learn that will help you achieve the different academics related goals. The app helps students to better manage their time and be productive, and also to develop good study habits.

Study Tips App Logo

The different tips provided by Study Tips app include those for studying effectively, maintaining the environment for learning, remembering information within a quick span of time, preparing for tests and exams, and so on.

Study Tips app is available for download in

Google Play Store:- (

App Costs Idea

Apart from the above mentioned apps, there are many more educational apps that are available for free. These apps help students be more responsible and committed towards their academic goals. Also, they get to organise and maintain their school/college life, and also to be productive without losing focus.

Most of these apps come with different elements, such as gamification and colourful, eye-catching interface that make it appealing to users. It interests them as the elements make the app more fun. As we mentioned earlier, the different apps serve different purposes. You can look for the best, free-to-use educational app that suits you and helps you to achieve all your academic goals.

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