Mathematics is the forebearer of the very tag – “difficult”.

In fact, it has become acceptable for certain students to perform badly in this subject.

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If examined carefully, one cannot deny that it is a very negative trend. Why should any student be poor in any subject?

Especially when that subject deals with logic and reasoning!

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Here we are going to discuss 10 significant reasons as to why students fail in Mathematics.

1. Attitude Towards Learning The Subject

Everything depends on one’s attitude towards the subject in question. The student mindset plays an important role.

If a student thinks from the beginning that he will not be able to perform well in the subject, he will end up developing a phobia towards Mathematics.

This in turn will affect his learning ability and performance. The positive attitude can bring about a lot of difference. It will act as a confidence booster.

2. Method of Teaching

Ideally, Mathematics should be taught in a way that is easy to comprehend.

The technique should be such that students can relate to it even after the class is over.

If the method of teaching is proper, the students will be able to add, subtract, divide, and multiply without using a calculator.

But, more often than not, mathematics teachers rely on methods that are difficult to grasp.

They might appear all right on pen and paper. But when its application comes to the world outside the classroom, problems starts to arise.

3. A Lack of Connection Between The Subject and Students

One of the many reasons why students fail in mathematics! Students are unable to develop a connection between the subject and themselves.

They treat the subject as something alien to them. Something that is unknown and scary!
Such students remain absent from the mathematics class. This hampers their learning ability.

They cannot keep a track between the previous class and the one that they are attending.

4. Self Doubt

Peer pressure is another reason why students fail in mathematics. They are unable to cope up with the pressure to perform at school.

This along with a constant comparison with other good students leads to the rise of self-doubt.

Once self-doubt sets in, it becomes difficult to recover. Eventually, the student’s ability to perform well in mathematics is hampered forever.

Students might not voice out but in reality, they are very scared of the subject. They look out for ways to avoid learning the subject.

5. Low IQ

Many might not agree. But one cannot overlook the role one’s IQ plays in learning mathematics.

This area is kept under wraps because no one wants to accept that his or her child has low IQ.

But the fact remains, some kids don’t have the ability to grasps numbers as easily as others. Thus their low IQ affects their learning graph.

6. Short Attention Span

Some students get easily distracted. They cannot remain attentive throughout the math’s class.

Their attention wanders and they stop paying any interest. When asked to solve a problem in class they falter and become the center of jokes.

Parents should make sure that their child pays more attention in the classroom.

Both the teacher and parents can use different learning aids to make mathematics appear interesting.

7. Lack of Understanding About Signs and Symbols

Mathematics is a tricky subject. Especially when it comes to the signs, symbols and significance.

There are many adults who are not very good at it as well.

For a below average student in mathematics, the chances of getting confused between the different mathematical signs and symbols is quite high.

If the student fails to put the degree sign in geometrical problems or the right unit after solving a sum, his marks are deducted.

Knowing where to put what sign and symbol is a vital part of learning mathematics.

8. Teacher Student Ratio

Generally, a classroom has 15-20 students with a single teacher teaching the subject. This results in poor teacher student ratio.

The teacher in his desire to teach the topic fails to pay attention to every student. He has only a vague idea as to which student is good and which is below average.

Only after class tests are conducted, the teacher gets a clear idea of his students’ abilities.

9. Many Mathematics Teachers are not well versed In the Subject

This might appear as a bit of out of the box reason, but it cannot be ignored completely.

Also Read: How To Make Homework Less Stressful For Students

There are many teachers who do not have an in-depth knowledge of the subject.
There are many teachers who perform well in mathematics but when asked to teach, they somehow falter.

Not all teachers can teach well. Teaching is an art. Not everyone is well versed in it.

10. Accessible Textbooks

There are many schools where the students cannot afford to buy the textbooks.

If the textbook-pupil ratio is in order, it is not difficult to teach the subject.

If the scenario is reversed, where the students have to depend on the school to access the textbooks, it will hamper the performance power of the students.

All the above-mentioned problems can be solved if they are detected at the right time. Parents and teachers need to make a joint effort to improve a student’s performance.

This will help them deal with anxiety, peer pressure, and self-doubt. The student in question will be able to improve his performance gradually.

Parents can appoint tutors who will be able to give personalized attention. Proper guidance and regular practice will turn the tide in the favor of the student.

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So what are you waiting for?

If your child is afraid of math, it is time to have a serious discussion with him.
Look out for the above-mentioned factors.

Does your child suffer from any of it? Try to find out what is bothering him and work around it.

Together you can help your children overcome their fears and make them confident about the subject.


Like every other educational implement , libraries are mutating to smart libraries.

Thanks to the intervention of digital tools into education!

Why students need a Smart Library?

The present day libraries are modern repositories of information.
They are identified as well-organized spaces of learning for everyone.

They encourage learners and teachers to explore, create and collaborate with each other.

These smart libraries are poised to become the 21st century learning hubs.

Here are 6 wondrous education tech tools to help you create a smart library.


A collection of book recommendations coming from readers like you and me.
This website helps you find new books based on your previous reads.
Most of the students falter in making choices of books they should read.

The website enlists the titles of few books.  Students can scout for them on bookshelves.
You as a student can create your own account, save the books you find and read them.


An Audio-Aided Reading Platform!

What a pleasurable experience if you get to read and enjoy the background soundtracks!
this tool offers a perfect harmony between what you are reading with a soundtrack of your choice.

You can choose from simple music, ambient sounds and sound effects.

They will be played in tandem with the text you are reading.
The underlying idea is a multi-sensory concept of reading.

The students experience an increased assimilation supported by a strong engagement quotient.


Another tool that helps you create and manage research guides!
It is a free and open-source platform.

Organize all your reading resources that are in digital and print formats into online topic guides.

It is as simple as using the “drag and drag” function. You can use it to categorize all your reading material.
Independent of the devices that students use to browse, this tech tool can help research students in many interesting ways.

You might need the expertise of an IT professional to install this tool on to your web server.

This tool supports the addition of staff members. Students suggestions are very much encouraged. This tool which offers video resources deserves a special mention.


Do not sweat it, to prompt and prod your students to read.You can bank on Whooo’s Reading as a promising tool for smart library. It is bound to positively impact the classroom reading tendencies.

With every passing day it motivates students to become good readers. Whooo’s Reading can help a librarian to stay in constant touch with students and their reading preferences.

Here are the smart ways in which this reading tool bridges the gap between a reader and the students:
 Librarians can comment on student reading logs. They can appreciate their consistent efforts to read.
 Students can receive recommendations on what books to read. This feature keeps track of the reading abilities and preferences of students.                                                                                                                                  You can keep a watchful eye on the reading progress made by students through Reading Recovery, DRA and Lexile Score.
 Printed data reports are available to both parents and teachers. This paves way for remedial measures for students who lag behind.


A repository of video lessons for students. Knowmia is another educational tech tool for a smart library.

Through this tool teachers can create interactive and engaging video lessons and mini-courses.
It Allows students to learn at their own pace. Students can build video lessons. You can import your own visuals and categorize them in line with the format of your chapter.
You are all covered!

Knowmia comes with an in-built “drag and drop” option that, widely used by students.


An exhaustive storehouse of audio books, podcasts and MPS downloads! can become your top reading destination. It offers audio-visual reading capabilities.
The website allows you to access a whopping 50,000 educational reading materials.

It comprises over 3,000 audio books for students.                                          It includes all subjects.  Over 1,200 course ware and above 2,000 informative documentaries are available.  It encourages students to enjoy every bit of what they read.


Libraries, normally seen as houses of books and other literature have now undergone a makeover.
With technology spreading its arms into every facet of human life, libraries have become the beneficiaries.

All the tools discussed above provide an equitable access to technology for readers.
These tools come as the much-needed and timely resources for high school and college graduation courses.

These tools promise smart libraries in their quest to make data-driven decisions.

Can you relate to this common phenomenon?
You were either attracted or not interested in the lectures delivered by your teachers.
You must have found your teacher’s voice to be harsh or too soft for you to pick and the words.

All the teachers come with unmatched subject knowledge.  The catch is in the style of voice projection in class.Teacher app ad banner

A teacher’s voice is the bridge between the students and their learning capability. Understanding is linked to how clearly they hear what is being spoken.

How your teacher projects his/her voice while lecturing decides the success of teaching.

Surely you are looking to attract the attention of your students through your voice and vocabulary.

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Here is some advice:

1. Focus On The Elements of “Voice projection”

A teacher’s voice in the classroom is linked to a couple of elements. It includes the pitch (a unique sound from the vocal chords, used to emphasize a particular word or phrase), the vocal tone (the manner in which you talk along with the quality of the sound produced by your vocal chords), the tempo (the speed with which you speak; slowly or fast) and the volume.

The Pitch

It is advisable to have a natural pitch while delivering a lecture. In order to identify your natural pitch, you can relax your throat and begin to hum. A humming sound too loud or too soft can mar your lesson delivery. So, you should aim at practicing a natural pitch which is pleasing and audible to your students.

The Tone

A teacher should make the most of the vocal tone while delivering lecturers. They must watch their tone of voice so as to maintain the attention span of students. When you wish to express empathy, a soft tone teamed with a smile can do the trick. On the other hand, instructions and firm statements should be delivered using a formal tone.

The Tempo

You should watch out for the speed with which you speak. A tempo that is too slow or too fast, hinders your lecture delivery. Pause before you begin explaining an important point. This simple trick will help your students pay greater attention to the key point that will be discussed next.

Try to slow down your pace by taking some deep breaths while you are lecturing. Another tip to direct your lectures well is to ask questions. This is to check if students are in good stead with what you teach.

Also Read:  Dunbar’s Number and It’s Impact On Effective Teaching


Volume isanother important element that decides the success of your lecturing abilities. If you want to impress your students with an honest and serious demeanor, practice a quiet voice.

2. Unlock the Power of A “Pause”

Teachers should be aware of the power of a pause. To pause, it is important that you attach importance to timing. But to learn when to pause and for long to pause is a skill that comes with regular practice.

3. Aim For Clarity In Your Speech

Pay attention if your students find it hard to listen to your words. This situation arises because you failed to express yourself clearly. To ensure this you need to practice certain exercises that fine-tune your diction. Diction exercises help you speak clearly so that you are audible to your students. These exercises will handhold you to deliver lectures with ease. An exciting way to hone your diction is to ramble tongue-twisters which stress on different alphabets.

Also Read:   How to Exploit the Power of Digital Storytelling for a smart Classroom?

4. A Giggle Here and A Giggle There

Humor is another classroom prerequisite. You can attract and engage your students only if you make an effort to bring a smile on their faces. Humor unlocks the teacher-student divide. It creates an environment of mutual trust and openness. Another tip concerning laughter in classrooms is to blend humor with the topic that is being discussed.

5. The Importance of The Breath

It is important for you as a faculty to observe and focus on your breathe when you teach. It will impact how well your lecture is received by your students. Your breath is linked to the quality and health of your voice. A host of breathing exercises can be practiced by teachers to enhanced voice quality. This will make you a competent and confident teacher.

6. Teachers’ Vocabulary

Another Significant Element of a Great Classroom Session!
Subject knowledge that faculty brings to class determines the success of a lecture.

However, teachers should avoid the use of difficult, technical terms and abbreviations. Students may not understand them.
Try engaging them by adding interesting extracts, facts and nuances.
This will spark an interest level in students.

Include such bits and pieces of rare information into your lesson delivery. Your students will enjoy a deep sense of engagement with you and the topic in general.

Key Takeaways

As a teacher cover the entire nine yards to fine-tune your voice projection and vocabulary.

Ensure every student can hear you. Most importantly, avoid shouting while lecturing in class.

Voice modulation goes a long way in making you an effective and confident teacher. It evokes a great deal of respect and affinity from students.

Pay attention to your vocabulary. It takes all sorts of students to make a class.

Teachers who project voice in a rightful manner will be crowned as effective faculty by their wards.

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Stories are undoubtedly known to etch a profound impression on human brain. And for this exact reason digital storytelling could be a potent medium for conveying perceptions and information.

What is digital storytelling?

It is the art of luring your audience into the content by combining narrative and aesthetic elements in the vein of digital technology.

A digital story is basically any mundane content reproduced on screen using striking visuals and stirring soundtracks. A tell-a-tale format to align the thoughts of the viewer in consonance with that of the story teller.

Digital storytelling in a classroom

Teachers! It’s time to think like film makers.

Story telling is the means of altering the line of thoughts of your students, to weave their wisdom with the needle of insights.

The insights that will in turn be fastened to their brains with the threads of illustrations and sounds.

A normal delivery of knowledge lacks the potential to find room in the mind owing to a one dimensional approach.

Whereas a piece of information lavishly conveyed is there to stay.

And what better than digitizing the content to give it an extravagantly impactful look.

Digital story telling adds a lot of value to your teaching as it not only promotes competency with technology and improves sharing and collaboration.

With this platform, they would be proficient in building communication, project management skills as well as creativity.

Here let us have a look at the tested and proven ways of exploiting the supremacy of digital story telling in today’s classrooms.

Instructional photo series

Digital storytelling will help teachers execute a simple explanation to a difficult procedure.

With the help of a favorable instructional language, this can be used to make a sandwich of the message to be conveyed with appropriate sequence and steps.

Gamification is a smarter way to promote constructive learning and the instructional photo series can be used as a tool to make the game familiar to the group in an easy way.
Narrating a poem is beautiful if accompanied by images.
Give students a chance to create their own digital story.

Short drama

Let the students do a short drama that demonstrates an area of study by making use of the advanced digital technology tools.

However, ask them to be serious with the task by demanding a strong script and story board.

They can even create a customized motion by adding relevant audio and video.

Divide students into groups and make it a friendly competition. so that they would give out their best of digital story telling capability.

Field trip photo story

There is no doubt about how efficient a field trip can be to understand a subject better with hands on experience.
Bring the possibility of digital storytelling to the scenario. Ask them to make a photo story of the field trip experience.

This can be a great way to go through the field trip learning, any time in future or to refer to a past learnt idea at any point during their further studies. This is a simple but effective way of making them excited about writing and sharing their piece of work.

Develop book trailers

Ask them to write a book based on something they have learnt or to introduce something new to the class.
The launching of the book can be made as exciting as possible by creating book trailers. Students would be involved in the role of taking pictures, drawing stuffs as well as scanning.

Mathematical photo series

Mathematics is one of the nightmare subjects of many students. But some interesting strategies can make it really appealing for them.

A photo story on a math trail can be a great idea to get the attention of students.

Make them participate in the story making by asking to prepare narrative of the mathematical photo series made by teachers.

Importantly, smart classrooms should provide hands on opportunity for students to create their own digital stories of their interests.

Assessment rubrics

This is an excellent way to assess the skills of the students while teaching them various subjects.

It can be used in multiple ways to find out their narration skills, speaking ability and the efficiency to present a new subject before the audience in addition to written, oral and reading skills.

Moreover, digital story telling assignment is a good tool to learn how to responsibly use digital tools.

Tips and tricks

However, exploiting the utmost efficiency of digital story telling in a smart classroom needs a lot of dedicated effort from the side of educators.

Here are a few ideas and tricks that might help the teachers to invoke the love of students for this teaching technique:

1. Give them an open ended image or prompt so that they will feel excited to write narratives. This kind of kick-off would let their creative juices flow freely.

2. It is important to help them with the editing process. This would assist them to write a clear and focused story and end up with impressive digital pieces.

3. Show them successful stories and examples at first if you see a fall back in their interest. Seeing a final product would inspire them to create smart story ideas.

4. Help them with their writing plan whenever needed. Ask them to stay focused on the main point by rightly choosing the video clips and images that gives a completion to the story.

Always inspire them to explore new technology and digital options. And make sure to stick on to the importance of copyright and media use.

Digital story telling can play a key role in improving concerted learning inside classrooms.

This is a great way to engage teachers and students. Students will get a chance to know how to make use of the digital content in a safe way right from the school days.

Moreover, this is one of the effective ways to optimize critical thinking and decision-making skills among students.
The students will have to come across diverse processes such as planning, creating, editing, revising, publishing, reflecting and more over brainstorming.

Computer coding has steadily transformed itself into a crucial element of childhood learning. If you are a parent who is keen on reinforcing the concepts of coding early on to your kids, here are some great coding apps that can come to your rescue.

How Coding Apps help Kids?

All these apps lay emphasis on fundamental coding concepts like “if-then” statements, conditionals, loops and variables.

Apps which come with informative puzzles and riddles teach kids a host of “soft skills” including problem-solving abilities, resilience, dedication and presence of mind.

Below is the rundown of 15 such great coding apps that are poised to empower your kids with a confidence that they can run their fingers through any app.

1. Daisy The Dinosaur

coding apps

  • Rating-4.3
  • Size-6.4 MB
  • Download: iOS

Carrying the cute name “Daisy – The Dinosaur” is an app meant exclusively for iOS devices and for kids between the ages of 5 and 7.


  •       Drag and drop commands
  •       Shows challenges to be resolved
  •       Helps to learn loops, sequencing, solving etc.
2. Scratch JR

coding apps

  • Rating-4.1
  • Installs-8,428
  • Size-25M
  • Last updated-28 January 2020
  • Download: Android

Scratch Foundation unveiled the iOS version of the Scratch JR free app which can be also be downloaded from the Google PlayStore.


  •       Characters can be modified accordingly
  •       Learn to solve problems and design projects
  •       Develop sequencing skills
3. Osmo

coding apps

Curated for children between the ages of 5 and 12, Osmo is an award-winning gaming app that will excite your kids in more ways than you can imagine.

The iOS version allows kids to use physical blocks in place of drag-and-drop blocks.


  •       Learn computational thinking
  •       Blocks resembling LEGO
  •       Teaches problem solving and logical skills
4. Codespark Academy

coding apps

  • Rating-3.8
  • Installs-5,343
  • Size-66M
  • Last updated-17 March 2020
  • Download: Android, iOS

Kids between the ages of 5 and 10 truly can’t get enough with this incredible coding app called Codespark Academy.

This coding app for kids is compatible with both iPhones and Android-powered smartphones.

Showing up cute characters called “The Foos”, the app prompts kids to use the drag-and-drop functionality.

Moving these characters to different parts of their world bestows different prizes to kids.

Gold Stars come as attractions to kids who have demonstrated superior code writing skills.


  • Personalized daily activities based on your child’s progress
  • Supports 3 individual child profiles
  •  Perfect for pre-readers, ELL students and kids with reading and focus-related challenges.
5. Tynker

coding apps

  • Rating-3.6
  • Installs-1,321
  • Size-33 M
  • Last updated-3 August 2018
  • Download: Android, iOS

The Android and iPhone compatible Tynker app can introduce your kids to basic programming concepts by encouraging them to solve puzzles.

Featuring a host of interactive animations, kids will find the Tynker app truly engaging to build games and narrative creative stories.

Kids between the ages of 6 and 10 can effortlessly control robots and fly drones while learning the basics of Python, Swift and JavaScript.


  • Build realistic games using the physics engine
  • Design animated characters using the character creator
  •  Define your own programs with conditional logic, loops,  functions, variables, and more
6. Move the Turtle

coding apps

  • Download: iOS
  • Rating-3.2
  • Size-50.4 MB

All those kids who are between the ages of 9 and 11 can hone their programming skills through this iPhone compatible app.

A cute looking turtle is the central character of the app attracting the attention of young kids.

The aim of the app is to prompt the players to move the turtle across the screen of their devices by following certain instructions that are given out by the app.

This graphical app allows kids to experiment with a number of coding programs to see what happens to the moving turtle.

Kids can also edit their programs so as to complete a particular task at hand.


  •  plan complex activities composed of simple elements
  •  reuse previously completed work to use graphics, spatial orientation and sound in programming
7. Tickle

coding apps

  • Rating-2.2
  • Size-446.6 MB
  • Download: iOS

True to its name, the iPhone version of Tickle is sure to excite kids between the ages of 9 and 11 to learn how to code, in a fun-filled, drag-and-drop environment.

Consisting of a number of robots named Sphero and Dash, this app can help kids to build interactive games using a repository of animated characters and sounds.

Tagged as a visual-based coding app, kids will find this app truly engaging and easy to learn.


  • Easy to learn and incredibly powerful
  •  All the devices, Arduino, and virtual characters work seamlessly with each other.
  • You can program interactive stories and games using our library of animated characters and sounds
8. Sphero Edu

coding apps

  • Rating-4.4
  • Installs-2,790
  • Size-76M
  • Last updated-11 March 2020
  • Download: Android, iOS

Sphero Edu is an educational hub that allows kids aged between 5 and 13 to perform a host of learning activities.

While kids can effectively control a number of Sphero robots, this is a multi-functional coding app supporting the drag-and-drop feature.

Kids while learning to code will also have to juggle with capsules and balls that keep floating around as they keep drawing game paths.

This app is compatible with both Android smartphones and iPhones.


  • Program your bots in 3 ways with Draw, Block, and Text modes
  • See location, accelerometer, gyroscope, velocity, and distance sensor data through visual graphs.
  • Set LED colors on your robot and zoom around in Drive mode.
9. Box Island

coding apps

  • Rating-4.5
  • Size-352.3 MB
  • Download: iOS

Along with educating kids between the ages of 5 and 10, Box Island is a playful app loaded with impressive visual effects.

You can download this coding app from either the iTunes or Google Playstore.

Tagged as an award-winning coding adventure, kids will simply love to toy with the main character of this app; a box with a face.

In addition to equipping kids with problem-solving abilities, this edutainment app which comes with 100 odd levels can also teach your kids the basics of programming.


  •       Read along with story dialogues
  •       Find clues within 20+ hidden object games!
  •       Collect in-game charms!
10. Nancy Drew Codes and Clues

coding apps

  • Rating-3.8
  • Installs-232
  • Size-16 M
  • Last updated-13 January 2017
  • Download: Android, iOS

Notwithstanding the fact that Nancy Drew Codes and Clues is a female-centric coding app, this app can equally compel young boys as well to try their hand at coding.

All those kids between the ages of 6 and 10 who are planning to take baby steps into coding can bank upon this coding app that is compatible with both iPhones and Android-powered smartphones.

This app hand holds kids to sharpen their critical thinking skills while enhancing their coding and reading abilities.

All they need to do is to identify clues while coding to maneuver a robot puppy, as part of a thrilling story.


  • Learn sequences and loops
  • Develops skills such as pattern recognition, problem solving etc
  • Algorithm thinking and spatial visualization
11. Lego Boost

coding apps

  • Rating-3.9
  • Installs-9821
  • Size-42 M
  • Last updated-19 November 2019
  • Download: Android, iOS

Build the M.T.R.4 (Multi-Tooled Rover 4) and try out the different tool and customization attachments to train your rover for missions & battling other rovers

Especially meant for kids above the age of 7, both the iPhone and Android versions help kids to learn the concepts of coding.

All set to bring your Lego blocks creations to life, this app prompts your kids to code Legos that can talk, walk and respond to the normal day-to-day events.

Alongside employing the drag-and-drop functionality, your kids can enjoy watching informative videos while following digitized instructions to build Lego blocks.


  • Learn how to play a song and rock out with the Guitar4000
  • Construct, code and operate the AutoBuilder to produce real miniature LEGO® models
12. Programming Hub

coding apps

  • Rating-4.6
  • Installs- 5,000,000+
  • Size-varies with devices
  • Last updated- 5 April 2020
  • Download: iOS, Android

Tagged as a personal programming companion for teenagers, Programming Hub deserves a special mention under the category of coding apps for kids.

You can download this app on your Android phone or iPhone to juggle with many challenges.

This app, while equipping your kids with basic programming skills can also help high school students to code.

A pleasing layout coupled with an advantage to choose from over 20 different languages makes this app a top bet for students in 9th grade and above.


  • Concept-based illustrations to easily learn to code in a fun way
  • Interactive learning experience
  • Periodic Updates with new programming examples and course content
13. Hopscotch

coding apps

  • Rating-4.5
  • Size-193.2 MB
  • Download: iOS

If you have kids between the ages of 9 and 11 and if they are interested to understand the nitty gritty of coding, it is time you introduce them to Hopscotch.

This multipurpose app helps kids build their own games, churn out simple videos and complete a host of fun-filled educational projects.

Not one or two, but 40 challenges are presented by this iPhone compatible app that can sharpen the coding skills of youngsters.


  • Unlimited Access throughout the learn to code app
  • Offline Mode to get programming courses online
  • Unlimited Code Compilations
14. Pocket Code

  • Rating-4.0
  • Installs-1,000,000+
  • Size-24 M
  • Last updated-February 23, 2020
  • Download: Android

A yet another top coding app for kids in the 9-11 age groups is the Pocket Code.

With this app by your side, you will be armed to program, share and play your own games.

You can also build interesting and interactive animations supported by musical and artistic features.

Conferred with the “Best Educational App” Platinum Award in March 2017, this free app which can be downloaded from Google Playstore showcases the Lego-styled learning environment.


  • Interactive videos
  • Create, edit, share and remix catrobat programs in a visual programming environment
  • All Catrobat programs uploaded to this site can be downloaded by anyone under a free open source license to maximize learning, remixing, and sharing them freely.
15. Code Karts

  • Rating-3.8
  • Installs-50,000+
  • Size-23 M
  • Last updated-19 August 2019
  • Download: Android

It becomes a breeze to excite Montessori kids to help them learn how to code provided you download the Android or iPhone versions of Code Karts.

Kids in the age group of 3 and 5 can juggle with colorful cars that zoom on attractive tracks.

Also Read: Top 19 Free Apps For Toddlers

Not calling for any reading skills, preschoolers can easily master the concepts of programming through drag-and-drop coding.

A test of coding speed is taken by overtaking another car on the racing track.


  • 2 modes: Classic or Competition (race against the device)
  • Very intuitive User Interface for children from age 4
  • Develop sequencing, problem solving and logic
16. SoloLearn

  • Rating-4.8
  • Installs-5,000,000+
  • Size-12 M
  • Last updated-30 March 2020         
  • Download: Android

 Brush up your programming knowledge with this.

This app has a plethora of useful free code learning content that is useful for beginners to pro. One of the amazing parts of SoloLearn is peer support. While coding, you will be greeted by the friendliest community of coders.

The contents are updated to enhance the coder.

You can learn web development, python, java, C++, PHP, SQL and a lot more from this.


  • Free 24/7 peer support
  • Free knowledge sharing
  • Free mobile code editor
17. Grasshopper

  • Rating-4.6
  • Installs-1,00,000+
  • Size-varies with device
  • Last updated-13 march 2020
  • Download: Android

Grasshopper is the best way to start your coding adventure with fun and quick games. It teaches you to write real JavaScript.

It has challenging levels to develop your abilities thus graduating you with fundamental programming skills.

It uses industry-standard JavaScript with just a few taps on your phone. 


  • Visual puzzles develop your problem-solving skills and solidify coding concepts
  • Use industry-standard JavaScript with just a few taps on your phone
  •  Real-time feedback guides you like a teacher
18. Mimo

  • Rating-4.7
  • Installs-1,00,000+
  • Size-20 M
  • Last updated-6 April 2020
  • Download: Android

It is one of the most popular coding apps with over 5 million users.  With Mimo, one can learn programming and build websites and coding apps efficiently. It offers you languages like Phython, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Swift, Kotlin etc.

With Mimo’s “Learn to Code” module, you will dive into building websites with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. With “Data Science with Phython” you will learn to analyze data with Phython and SQL. You will even learn how Google and Netflix use big data to recommend websites or movies.


  • You can write real code on your mobile
  • You can keep track of your progress
  • Interactive curriculum
19. Dcoder

  • Rating-4.2
  • Installs-1,00,000+
  • Size-8.4M
  • Last updated-5 April 2020
  • Download: Android

With Dcoder, one can code and learn algorithms easily. It is tailored in a way to enrich your coding skills, using code compilation and algorithm solving.

So far, it is the fastest code compiler app available for android.

Also Read: 20 Best Attendance Apps For Teachers

Using this, you can program/code in any of the available 33+ programming languages, code and debug code etc.


  •  Thoroughly designed Algorithm problems to improve coding Skills and make programmers industry ready.
  • Leader Board: To know where you stand amongst the vast Dcoder community.
  • Custom Menu Drawer, Custom Code Editor Themes, Editable font Size for Editor and much more!
20. Programming Hero

  • Rating-4.8
  • Installs-1,00,000+
  • Size-18 M
  • Last updated-20 January 2020
  • Download: Android

In this amazing app, you can learn coding in a fun way. It uses fun teen conversations along with game-like challenges to teach programming concept enjoyably. It also uses fun visuals and real-world examples to help you retain concepts 10 times longer.

It uses space shooting games to explain basic programming, basketball game to explain data structures and a lot more. This makes coding fun and catchy to kids. To encourage kids, daily rewards for daily learning habits.


  • Interactive coding challenges and coding games
  • Request a personal mentor/Coding Buddy and take your knowledge to the next level
  • Volunteer opportunity to get real-world experience
21.  Enki

  • Rating-4.6
  • Installs-1,00,000+
  • Size-10M
  • Last updated-3 April 2020
  • Download: Android

Enki, an award-winning app to learn how to code, pick up new technical topics, or to sharpen your general skills.

This app is useful for beginners and developers of all levels. You can progress through the structured curriculum designed carefully.

Transfer new ideas and concepts quickly and easily. It is being used over 1 million people to learn coding and thus improve their skills,


  • Get help from thousands of learners in the Forum
  • Write concepts in your own words and share it with others
  •  Mark any content for future revisions (bookmark)
22. HTML Code Play

  • Rating-4.2
  • Installs-500,000+
  • Size-9.9M
  • Last updated-5 April 2020
  • Download: Android

It is specially designed to learn web designing and programming. It has courses such as HTML editor, JavaScript editor, CSS editor,viewer offline etc. This app is mainly used to teach you how to create websites using web development tools such as HTML tags and attributes, HTML CSS code etc.  This app teaches novice programmers, students to develop web pages professionally.


  • SVG tutorial added
  • Ratchet tutorial added
  • You can fetch the code for the given URL and edit it.
23. Coding Games for Kids

  • Rating-3.5
  • Installs-100,000+
  • Size-varies with device
  • Last updated-26 march 2020
  • Download: Android

         Kidlo Coding for kids is a fun filled coding game to teach kids the very basics of programming. It helps to improve their problem learning skills, boost memory and increase logical thinking skills. 

This app helps kids to recognize patterns to complete all levels, order actions in a logical sequence, discover the right actions needed to solve each level etc.


  • Recognize patterns to complete all levels
  • Order actions in a logical sequence
  • Learn to implement patterns in their day to day life

24. Programming for Kids

  • Rating-3.3
  • Installs-10,000+
  • Size-13 M
  • Last updated-15 January 2019
  • Download: Android

It has brain-challenging games to make you learn to program. It helps to sharpen your logic and evaluate problem-solving skills.

You can learn how to create and express yourself with the computer. You learn to design projects and create web pages, developing sequencing skills that are required for later academic success.


  • Recognize patterns to complete all levels.
  • Order actions in a logical sequence.
  • Discover the right actions needed to solve each level.

25. WhiteHatJr(PAID)

  • Rating-3.8
  • Installs-1,000,000+
  • Size-32M
  • Last updated-25 September 2020

WhiteHatJr is one of the popular coding platforms for students in Grade 1-12. They provide a tech curriculum with a vision to transform kids from consumers of technology to creators of technology.

They take specialized hands to teach basic fundamentals of coding- algorithmic thinking, structure, logic, sequence to bring out creative outcomes from the little ones. The main highlight of WhiteHat is the LIVE 1:1 class from expert coding educators.


  • Create Websites, Apps and Animations
  • Think like a problem solver
  • Analyze data using programming languages

Download- iOS, Android

26. Code Quest- FREE

  • Rating-5.0
  • Size-33MB

Code quest is an interactive coding game designed for preschoolers and early elementary students. This app is specially designed in a way to be also used by visually impaired kids.

The game is to help an astronaut to return to his ship by giving him a couple of commands. The player gets maximum scores if he/she is able to navigate the astronaut rightly by giving the least number of steps.


  • Compatible with voice over
  • Fun-oriented and easy to play game for kids
  • Helps to improve problem-solving skills, computational thinking skills etc.

Download-  iOS

27. Robot School programming (PAID)

  • Rating-3.7
  • Size-107.6MB

A cool educational app for kids to help them learn to face challenges through solving programming elements, including loop functions in languages such as BASIC and Java.

This app introduces coding logic across 45 levels.


  • Drag and drop instructions to control
  • 45 levels to help children learn programming logic
  • Unlock new powers after completing each level

Download- iOS

28. Code blast (PAID)

An effective app for students to learn the basics of coding.  Students are awarded stars and certificates after the completion of each level.  Moreover the apps has got many simple levels along with rewards to keep kids motivated.


  • Can save multiple games
  • 36 missions for kids to practice
  • Animated demos
  • Stars awarded after the completion of each level

Download- Website

29. Lightbot Programming Puzzles (PAID)

  • Rating-4.5
  • Size-55.6MB

A programming puzzles game for students. It cultivates an understanding of conditionals, loops and procedures. This feature about 50 interesting levels and 20 challenge stars to collect during the game.


  • Lightbot is available in about 30 languages.
  • Multiple players can be accommodated

Download- iOS, Android


There is no dearth for informative and fun-filled coding apps that can teach young kids to learn how to code.

With so much of importance given to coding, it pays to download these child-friendly and informative coding apps that will instil the much-needed programming skills in kids, early on.

These top-rated 15 coding apps create a favorable learning environment for kids to master the nuances of programming languages and coding.

All students in a classroom may not always be of the same background, financial set up, academic skills and social behavior.

Simply covering the textbook syllabus and expecting them to perform well at the end of the academic year may not always work well.

Understanding their emotional concerns and giving them timely moral support and guidance can make a remarkable difference in their overall performance.

The family problems, financial worries or bullying can take a toll on the student behavior and performance.

This is when counselling as a part of school life becomes a whole lot purposeful.

Some schools would arrange a quarterly or annual counselling to students by arranging some specialist counselors.

While there are others that take into account the importance of regular counselling and have a counselor as part of their teaching team.

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Here let us have a look at the way school counselling helps students to enhance their performance.

  • Better academic outcomes

The counselors would start off with attending individual students that need special care, setting up discussions and group student activities.

Unlike in the past, the counselling is now data driven which improves the probability of the success rates.

They identify the weak students through individual counselling and identify the reason behind their set back.

Through little step by step processes, they contribute to improving the academic outcomes.


Let us have a look at the areas they focus during the process:

  • Set up an encouraging and supportive classroom where students can freely share their thoughts.
  • Improve their confidence through positive student story telling.
  • Teaches them how to set realistic goals and monitor their progress.
  • Give sessions to learn how to perform under pressure by overcoming test anxiety.
  • Gives tips and tricks to improve their memory lane.
  • Special focus on developing effective interpersonal relationship skills.
  • Better decision making skills

A good counselor can help students to grow up with better decision making skills, whether it is academic, personal or professional.

A well trained student can understand that no decisions should come out of temporary emotions but it should be a well thought one that can decide their future whether it is choice of course or career.

A strong support when making decisions at crucial turning points of life can make remarkable positives in their future.

A few encouraging words at needy times can boost their outlook towards family, school, and the future.


  • Minimal school drop outs

The lack of confidence and the motivation to continue despite failures are the main reason for school drop outs.

A good counselling group can give emotional and moral support to students to overcome failures and face situations with determination and confidence.

Lack of comfortable school or classroom ambience and bullying inside schools are also reason for students dropping out from schools.

Counselling helps to study the concerns of students and make relevant conversations with teachers and school authorities to make any requisite changes to make school a comfortable place for them.


  • Improved social and emotional skills

In addition to helping them excel in the academic performance, counselors also play a vital part in their personal development too.

A comprehensive guidance during the process helps them to easily address inequalities and grow up as confident individuals.

Through individual discussions, the counselor can easily find out students with mental health issues and give them special behavioral therapy classes.

Various counselor programs are designed to better their attitude, cognition as well as self-regulation.

For students who are troubled due to family problems, the counselling is sometimes even extended to their parents and a talk with teachers would be arranged if the class ambience is making them uncomfortable.


  • College and career readiness

A school is the platform of students before going for their higher education in colleges and building up a career.

The role of the counselors also includes making them ready to face this transition stage and assure their college and career readiness.

Unlike the traditional methods that focus more on paper works at school background, the professional counselors today proactively come up with innovative ways to meet the needs of all students and to maximize their academic achievement.

Special training programs help students to relate academic programs to future success.

  • Improved health and wellness

In addition to helping students to set a base for higher education and a good career, this professional relationship helps them to accomplish enhanced wellness and health.

When we say health, one of the most important areas of concern is the mental health which is equally important or far more significant than physical health.

One of the major challenges is to help students to overcome the depression and face life positively in case they face any bullying, especially cyber bullying.

They are given good advices on how to overcome the ill thoughts of alcohol and drugs.

  • Life after school

The most important part of a school counselling program is to prepare students for life after school.

This is the time when they set a foundation for handling personal problems and emotional conflicts.

They are also trained on how to behave positively in real life scenarios that comes across their lives.

There can be training programs that focus on shaping up student’s behavior and incorporating life lessons and values such as discipline.

A proper counselling channel can bridge the gap between different students and make life easy for them.

They are also given advices on the importance of how to open up their problems and share with teachers or parents rather than living with it.

They provide them with awareness about the changing world and prepare them to face even the worst expected.

The ultimate goal of good counselling at school level is to help students to grow up with a good sense of direction and clearer focus.

Counsellors are not just isolated teams that work with students only for a designated time frame.

In fact, they work in harmony with educators, school administrators as well as parents to provide a comfortable space for students to excel in their academics and grow up emotionally and socially.

A good emotional, behavioural and social support is really significant in a student’s journey.

So it is the role of the school authorities not to neglect the counselling part as just optional but include it as a mainstream area along with the curriculum.

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The world is turning digital and it is high time now that kids learn basic computer skills.

It is only when kids are taught through simple coding games that they will hone their logical thinking and designing skills along with strong problem-solving capabilities.

You will agree with the fact that gaming is not only a pastime; it is  medium to encourage interaction between players.

Through games, kids discover and explore various things through trial-and-error options.

With so many benefits coming out of helping kids to code, here are some innovative coding games that will help them stay abreast with new technologies.

  1. Kodable

True to its name, Kodable is a kid-friendly game that enables kids to learn computer science in a fun-filled environment. You can check out a host of self-guided games that the Kodable website offers, specifically for kids between the ages of 4 and 10. All those kids who are yet to learn how to read can do wonders with the help of this iOS driven coding platform.

Interesting levels which come in the form of mazes help kids learn fundamental programming concepts like functions, loops and conditions along with debugging…

  1. Code Monkey Island

A yet another interesting platform that teaches kids the concepts of computer programming is the Code Monkey Island. Specially designed for kids above the age of 8, this is a crazy yet fun-filled board game that takes about 45 minutes to accomplish. This game basically revolves around the movement of monkeys around an island so that they finally reach their destination (bananas).

Played in a number of libraries, homes and schools, this captivating board game introduces kids to the fundamentals behind the embedded programming concept popularly known as the Boolean Logic.  Kids can also be taught about the manner in which conditional statements help them to code. Priced at $40+, you can order this game so that your kids can learn some programming skills; the exciting way.

  1. Lightbot and Lightbot Jr.

You can check out a number of programming puzzles that are presented in Lightbot and Lightbot Jr. These are iOS and Android compatible coding platforms that teach kids to code.. The aim of the game is to help the robot illuminate all the blue tiles that are placed on a 3-dimensional grid.

To complete the puzzle, you need to run an array of programming instructions on the robot. This puzzle game helps kids master the concepts of planning, testing and debugging along with loops and procedures. While Lightbot Jr. is meant for kids between 4 and 8 years, Lightbot is crafted for kids above the age of 9 years. While web browser version is free, you can pay $3 to download the iOS and Google Play versions.

  1. Robozzle

All the young programming enthusiasts should definitely try their hands at Robozzle. Tagged as a robot-programming game, both kids above the age of 6 and adults can make the most of this game that is compatible with iOS, Android and Windows phones.

An assembly of community-created puzzles help kids learn the art of programming. Challenging kids’ intelligence, this puzzle game offers the perfect blend of excitement and learning.

Robozzle through its tutorials help kids create indigenous games. While the browser version is free, you may obtain the iOS, Windows and Android versions by paying their respective prices.

  1. Puzzlets

In line with the tagline “Make Game Time, Brain Time”, Puzzlets is a Bluetooth-enabled game that can be either be played on your computer or tablet so as to learn the basics of coding.

Each game helps your kids to code while teaching them color theory and algebraic math. This game emphasizes on the need for innovative thinking that should be honed by the present generation kids.

If you are looking to sharpen the digital and intrinsic skills of your kids, then you can rely on Puzzlets as a promising gaming interface.

  1. Cargo-Bot

Identified as the first game that was developed using Codea, kids can find the iPad app Cargo-Bot both captivating and educative. This game comes with a simple aim and that is to employ a crane to transport boxes back and forward, between different platforms.

However, it is not as easy as it appears to be or sounds. It is through this challenging game that kids will be taught the concepts of programming like looks and debugging.

  1. Bee-Bot

Bee-Bot are kid-friendly robots that teach kids a host of subjects. Kids will be introduced to situations demanding their problem-solving, their sense of direction and estimation abilities.

Alongside these skills, kids can also learn programming languages by following certain instructions. In addition to imparting coding knowledge, Bee-Bot can help kids solve numerical, literary and scientific puzzles.

  1. Machineers

Would you be interested in letting your kids go on an adventurous trip as they start showing interest in computer programming? If yes, then Machineers is the right choice.

Tagged as a game capable of giving youngsters a rush of adrenalin, Machineers keeps your kids hooked to coding. Kids have to interact with broken machines as they begin to employ the principles of coding.

Kids can take the assistance of the “drag-and-drop” function so as to fix all these broken machines. And what are the skills that kids master by playing this game?

Kids will be trained to put their logical thinking to test while they begin to sharpen their reading and writing abilities.

  1. Code Combat

Identified as the most engaging game to learn how to code, kids can pick the classroom edition of the Code Combat game. Your kids will be playing a real game and while they are at the game, they will start picking up nuances about computer science. Poised to transform the way kids learn how to code, Code Combat can be your top bet to teach your kids to code using Python programming language.

The game allows your kids to battle with Ogres in their pursuit to gather precious gems. Packed with the dual benefits of entertainment and learning, you can also teach your kids coding principles when you select the multiplayer programming game.

  1. Codemancer

Last in the list of exciting coding games for kids, but definitely not the least is Codemancer. This is a fantasy game that engages kids while uncovering the magic behind computer coding. This game has many feathers in its cap including occupying the 2nd place in 2016 at the Games Learning Society Show.

This game is meant for kids between the age group of 6 and 12. As part of the game, all the kids have to rely on coding so that they carve a path for themselves in the imaginary world inhabited by fighting sorcerers and their minions.

Key Takeaways

If you as parents are looking to introduce your kids to coding early on, you can check out the above 10 interesting edutainment platforms. All these games expose kids to certain visual blocks that need to be expelled through Python and JavaScript codes.

Alongside enjoying these captivating games, kids will begin to hone their prowess in designing computer games, building apps and working on amazing academic projects.

All your efforts as parents to young kids will eventually bear fruit with your kids getting future-ready by learning how to code.

It is the role of teachers to bring up some wise strategies when it comes to handling a group of students with different thinking and aptitude.

Out of the many tested and proven educational practices, cultivating a growth mindset among students can really play the trick to help them have a better study life.

Fixed Mindset vs growth mindset

The students with a fixed mindset will have a limited space for exploring the various subjects with true spirit.

A growth mindset opens them a world of opportunities in the learning phase and they can lay the foundation for a better future.

However, fostering a growth mindset among students is not an easy process and it takes a lot of patience and determination and continuous effort from the side of both teachers and parents.

The modern educational technology is now playing a key role in helping them to accomplish the task in a pretty much easier way.

Here let us have a look at the use of educational technology in fostering growth mindset in students.

  1. Tools to support learning risks and change learning path

There is a tendency for students to focus on their success always and turns away from taking risks.

However, the modern technology tools give them options to choose their own set of activities and monitor the progress with their preferred pace.

This would help them to focus more on challenging tasks and they get better over time and explore new areas.

Such tools also help:

  • Teachers to evaluate and identify the students that need additional support on handling new challenges
  • Students to track their completed works toward goals and oversee the pending or upcoming tasks
  1. Technology programs to provide continuous feedback:

Teachers and parents are not supposed to reward them only for their final grades or achievement.

But it is really necessary to give continuous feedback for their ongoing effort which helps them to excel better and get strengthened with a growth mindset.

The use of educational technology helps to do that in a more systematic way with progress monitoring indices as well as animations.

  • Options such as screens are used to show up task completion acknowledgement
  • Counters can point out the number of activities that need to be completed

With such options, the students get a real time feedback on their effort and can see the time they contribute for specific activities.

As they get some immediate reinforcement following some really challenging tasks, it can really trigger a growth mindset.

  1. Tools to visualize denotation of progress

In the earlier days, teachers used to provide grades and ranks to rate their learning and results.

However, the advanced educational technology is now offering options to visualize their progress as they could easily track the accumulated knowledge.

  • A visual representation of one’s progress can make a good impact to the growth mindset and they can build up on their competence level.
  • Such kind of tracking also lets them to identify the significance of deep learning and continuous efforts towards achieving the target.
  • Teachers can also use these data to trigger a discussion with students to assist in progress monitoring and goal setting.
  1. Technology induced personalized materials that challenge them:

The learning materials can be personalized with the help of technology to challenge students at every level of learning.

In the early days, teachers follow a responsibility model to introduce a new subject and they work out together at first and then give chance for students to explore it.

With the influence of educational technology, students can experience variations of this model.

The students who have already mastered one level can challenge them with more complicated tasks and those who are weak with the concept can seek additional support and practice.

This kind of working on self pace at their optimal challenge level in fact triggers a growth mindset and enhances their love for learning.

Moreover, students would start thinking about learning as a fun activity and not something that stresses them.

  1. Individualized practice that enables teacher support:

Similar to other body parts, brain can be considered as a muscle that can grow only if proper exercise is performed and an idle brain remains fixed.

So it is important to challenge your brain very much frequently to keep up the pace.

The educational technologies are offering them a world of opportunities to challenge the brain with out of the box strategies and approaches.

They can also consider personalized and timely feedback from tracking tools to work out on their weak areas. Moreover, teachers can also get alerted of a continuously struggling student and work out more with them on a direct mode with targeted fashion.

  1. Tools to provide supportive classrooms and trigger home-school connections:

A supportive classroom with collaborative learning options can also do the trick to stimulate a growth mindset among students.

They can challenge each other to perform better every time and take the role of peer mentors for one another. Also the modern technology is helping to establish an after school connection with parents that enables them to know their child’s progress.

The progress charts also gives them an idea about what support they should provide with a growth perspective.

  1. Educational apps exclusive to foster growth mindset:

The ultimate foundation of developing a growth mindset is helping students to embrace their mistakes.

The right mix of blended learning and gamification along with advanced educational apps help to achieve the goal with a pretty decent pace.

There are a number of apps designed to cultivate growth mindset by triggering or challenging their learning from different perspectives.

Let us have a look at some of the most commonly used apps:

  • Mind Games: It is a fun app that encourages mistakes without a down feeling. They can play in different difficulty levels by challenging their limitations.
  • Whooo’s Reading: In this app, personalized feedback is provided to help students to improve their writing. The open-ended questions make the whole stuff interesting and the feedback is sent to help them improve their scores
  • GoSoapBox: It is a set of multiple assessment tools which can be easily accessed via their devices. This helps teachers to increase engagement and address the areas that need further understanding.
  • Kaizena: This app helps students to get an immediate and real-time feedback on the works they do. Interesting part of the app is that they are given a chance to correct their mistakes to get a better grade.
  • Instructables: This app is a repository of tutorials that help students to create something on their own. They can challenge themselves with different tasks.
  • Daily Goals: The app helps them to set and track goals. The built-in analytics helps them to learn their progress and track the areas that needed improvement.
  • Be The Change: Students are challenged with achievable goals every day. They can even discuss each goal a week with their peers to learn the different ways through which others achieved it.

It is not just the weak performing students that need attention but also those who excel in the studies. Let them taste the bitterness of failures at times which help them to face any odd situation of downfalls in future.

Every student should be handled in such a way that they can understand the equal importance of the final success as well as the continuous effort throughout the learning process.

Educational technology has been the ubiquitous element of the classroom as a part of transformation and advancement towards a smart environment. It could play a major part in planting the seed of growth mindset in the minds of students.

Let them learn in a classroom setting where they don’t fear about mistakes and easily share their views which help them to grow up with confidence.

The internet boom is facilitating students and elders alike to browse websites that contain volumes of information.

Tagged as a leisure-time friend of students, it is through the World Wide Web that they can satiate their inquisitiveness.

You name a topic and you have a website that provides tons of information.

If you are looking to nurture the curiosity of students, here are some websites that will ensure that your ward makes the most of his/her internet time.

Below are the repositories of online information that will enable students to lay hands on educational and productive facts that will make learning interesting and safe.

  1. How Stuff Works

The student fraternity is always seen interested in interrogative pronouns, namely: “how”, “what” and “why”. In an attempt to fulfill the curiosity of students, you can check out the which is loaded with interesting articles about games, current events and quizzes.

You also have videos which provide the much-needed audio visual experience to learning via the internet. Providing answers to the most common or unusual queries that students can come up with, HowStuffWork tops the list of informative websites..

  1. Teen Reads

Students who wish to hone their reading skills can check out this website which offers book reviews and recommendations.

Alongside encouraging students to make reading a favorite and productive pastime, students can also pen their thoughts in the form of blogs while trying to answer FAQs that are posed on the site. All those students who are looking for the next best book to read can bank on this book reading interface.

  1. Spatulatta

All those budding kid chefs can gain an ocean of information that is presented in a website called Spatulatta. You can browse from a wide range of interesting and delicious recipes that will tickle your taste buds, as you start to sharpen your culinary skills.

If you are curious to know about dishes that can brighten up your mid-afternoon meals or the entrees that are rich in nutrition, Spatulatta is the noted destination.

  1. Google Earth

“Gain a new perspective” is indeed an apt tag line that sums up the offerings of Google Earth; an educational website that encourages the curiosity in students about outer space..

You can go on a voyage to the space from the comfort of your living room. Google Earth can become the best friend of a budding astronaut through Oceanic Tours and 3D images of celestial objects.

Through this website, you will definitely experience the feel of having the entire world in your hands.

  1. Scratch

Students do need a helping hand to find answers to questions that keep cropping up in their minds. One such assistance comes in the form of Scratch; an online interface loaded with interactive games, stories and interesting animations.

This website is the noble initiative of MIT Media Lab aimed at nurturing the creative and logical thinking skills of students.

Prompting kids to work in collaboration with each other, students can also showcase their creativity to the online community by sharing their works.

  1. National Gallery of Art for Kids – (NGAKids)

Another interesting way to nurture the learning abilities of students interested in art history is to introduce them to NGAKids.

This art-centric website blends information with entertainment when students share their works on their personalized online gallery.

  1. Curiosity Machine

Living by every single word of the tag line “Imagine a better world and build it together”, Curiosity Machine is yet another online learning platform that deserves a special mention.

This website is specially meant for kids and young students who will be encouraged to design engineering objects using common, household items.

A host of informative videos, design contests and a user-guide engage and support curious students.

  1. Kahn Academy

If you are looking for an all-in-one learning platform that meets the leaning needs of every student, you can bank on Kahn Academy.

Allowing students to learn anything from science and engineering to economics and finance, this is an umbrella of information designed for students aiming to crack competitive exams like SAT, GMAT and LSAT.

  1. Brain Space

An innovative platform loaded with more than 1 million educational subjects is now available.

This website tagged as “Brain Space” was curated by a group of expert software engineers, education industry leaders and user-experience designers.

This educational interface makes use of an array of flashcard models which assist students in mastering foreign languages alongside offering assistance to educate drivers.

  1. Play Kids Games

When learning is teamed with a fun element, it leads to a promising form of edutainment.

The fun element is, when it comes in the form of games makes learning even more interesting for students to try their hand at winning games alongside mastering their subjects.

You can check out “Play Kids Games” as an awesome website that allows kids to master subjects like arts and music, geography, math, and vocabulary, exclusively designed for various grades starting from the 1st all the way to 8th grade.

A number of puzzle and skill building games are sure to spark the inquisitiveness in students.

  1. Energy Kids

All those kids who are curious to learn about science can bank upon the informative website titled “Energy Kids”.

It is loaded with plenty of educational games, articles and activities revolving around the history, the various types of conventional and non-conventional energy options and their sources.

Grant your kids the excitement of going on a virtual science trip through this informative website that can ignite and satiate their curiosity about various types of energy and their sources.

Key Takeaways

Curiosity is an attribute of humans allowing them to learn continuously through observation.

Kids are believed to demonstrate a great deal of curiosity when they demonstrate an eagerness to discover and explore new things.

Gone are the days when students would sit glued to their benches, listening to the same lectures given out by their faculty which do not match their educational needs and capabilities.

But with education evolving with the completion of every academic semester, students now have enormous opportunities to enjoy superior and enriching learning experiences that are bestowed by technology-driven personalized learning.

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The concept of personalized learning is a medium of instruction that curates curriculum based on the pace of learning of every student so as to meet their respective learning needs.

If you are aiming to provide your classrooms with personalized learning experiences to students, here are all the ways in which you can live your dream.

  1. The Feeling of Being Recognized

Personalized learning revolves around the concept of engaging students better to their curriculum and classroom studies.

Hence, it is your ordained duty as a faculty to make your students feel important and wanted. Only when students feel that their opinions are valued will they start to open up with the faculty about their misgivings.

Students will start to voice their feelings while becoming a part of a student community that is striving towards academic and holistic development.

Classroom activity is enhanced when the human element makes its strong presence felt.

  1. The Technological Intervention

It is not an overstatement to quote that the omnipotent and omnipresent technology has a say in education as well.

Teachers across the globe can now bank on technology as a medium to exchange notes about what works in a classroom and what does not.

Faculty can chat with their peers and see if they are on the same page as their counterparts with regard to teaching students of various IQ levels.

A number of apps are now available for teachers to partake in discussions via online groups about classroom activities and teaching techniques.

You can check out from a host of classroom management apps.

Teachers, through these apps can assign homework; keep a close watch on assignment deadlines while assigning grades to students.

These technological tools help students to track their own progress with a self-driven motive to excel in their academics.

You can also employ these apps to engage in conversations with introvert students who are comfortable to post their opinions online rather than express them in public.

  1. Encourage Students to Narrate Their Personal Experiences

Another wise means to get the students talking is to encourage them to tell stories about their personal experiences. Teachers can collate their inferences from the details given out by you. Teachers will hence be in a stronger position to introspect. They will get plenty of insights about how well they are teaching and the pace at which students are learning. Such information can come handy in fine-tuning teaching techniques.

  1. Facilitate Students To Exercise The Power of Choice

Teachers should work in the direction of bringing in a sense of choice to students, allowing them to come up with suggestions about what to do next. While you can start the class with an introductory session, you can encourage your wards to list out their specifications about the next thing that should be done. When students are permitted to choose their learning pathways, they will engage themselves better with all that is being taught in class.

Take for instance that an essay needs to be submitted by students.

You as a teacher can infuse some excitement into the assignment by permitting your students to choose between writing a conventional essay, using their learnings to pen the script for a video that can be recorded and played to the entire class or to create an informative website about the topic. All these are innovative ways to allow students take their decisions about how they wish to assimilate knowledge. After all, you are looking to educate your students about a topic by entrusting the decision-making power in the hands of your students. Isn’t this a situation of “best of both the worlds”? They are learning while making a choice that is so close to their heart.

  1. Try Out Novel Classroom Options

Gaps in learning mar the very purpose of education.

While there are a specified number of classroom hours for every student to spend during his entire semester, this number is not a measure of how well students have mastered a subject.

It is this gap in children’s education that has damaging effects as they go ahead in their lives.

Times are changing and rather at a fast pace. If students are being taught employing the same “old school” practices, there is no room for modernism to set into education.

It is for this reason that technology should step in as a promising educational tool.

The concept of blended learning can be implemented as part of an in-person classroom curriculum that is delivered through e-learning software.

Such an environment is sure to maximize the educational impact for students.

Flipped classrooms are another option that can be implemented so that students step out of the four walls of a classroom, explore their surroundings and learn through observation.

  1. Tap The Umpteen Online Learning Options

The traditional academic menu is now redundant. It is now the generation of assimilating information about any topic under the sun through the World Wide Web. The internet provides umpteen online learning opportunities for students to lay hands on superior-quality courses from any corner of the globe. And to encourage students to sign up for such online courses, it pays to provide incentives to online course providers. Once such provisions are brought into practice, it will prompt the concept of personalization when students through a host of online courses can attain vocational and technical trainings..

  1. Addressing the Individual Struggles of Students

The faculty should be mindful of the fact that every child learns at his or her own pace.

Every kid comes with a certain rate of learning that cannot become a benchmark of progress for other students.

Having said this, it is the need of the hour for schools and educational institutions to pay attention to the learning struggles of every student.

Take for instance that a student in his 4th grade might find it difficult to solve tricky problems that are a part of the 3rd grade curriculum.

This might be because of the fact that the student failed to completely master the fundamentals of the earlier class.

Such a situation raises a red flag on the “one-size-fits-all” doctrine.

Identifying and handholding such students who have issues with learning will pave the way for personalized learning in the classroom.

It is only when consistent and deliberate attempts are made by the school administration to support the current level of students that you will favor the concept of personalized learning.

  1. Reflect on Past Data and Inferences

If teachers go the extra mile in carving a learning path for students based on what sort of learning activities worked in the past, it will be a big leap in the direction of engaging students.

For some students, you can play an informative video as an introduction to a topic. For others, you can present a new concept through a face-to-face lecture.

An online quiz can kindle the interest to learn in others. All these are different ways in which you can provide educational content to students.

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Key Takeaways

Education is all about inspiring students to learn new concepts in a simplified manner so that they feel the urge to put in their heart and soul into what is being taught.

It is all about meeting their individual needs with an eye towards engaging them to the topic.

All the above tips can help educators lay the foundation for personalized learning experiences for students to choose and complete their assignments by honing their research and collaboration skills.

Only then will they become a part of an educational system that guarantees employment in their chosen field.