The subject of spreading knowledge is now poised to look up to these trends that will make waves until the end of 2017. Given the fact that teachers are constantly trying to reinvent themselves to offer the best possible education to their wards, here is a long list of education trends that will make teaching and learning as interesting practices. Keeping in mind the innate interests of students, education will be imparted employing the most modern techniques that will appease to both the learning and teaching sections.

So, here are the exciting trends connected to education that will become the talk of the town by the end of 2017.

Students Will Take On Center Stage

Given the technological advancements that are supporting every sphere of human life, education is another important space that is poised to register a fillip in 2017 on account of technology. With numerous advancements making their way into the lives of students, knowledge-seekers will be in a position to acquire a host of skills that will prompt them to compartmentalize information into important and insignificant data.

The year 2017 will see students wear the sash of information evaluators when they can make the most of digital literacy, civic education and media learning. This way, they can also come under intelligent creators of relevant content. They will be in a better position to evaluate information and their multiple sources. This development will make students stand in good stead by demonstrating what they know to the world at large through the creation of important content. Not only that, they can support their content with an evidence that a particular piece of information is worth learning and knowing about.

The Evolution of Seamless Learning Spaces

It is a thing of the past when education was confined to learning and memorizing within the four walls of a classroom. In the recent years, there is a paradigm shift in acquiring knowledge through multiple online sources. Emerging as a phenomenon linked to blended learning, students can bank on their smartphones to teach them about any topic under the sun.

You as a seeker of relevant information can enter into interactive online sessions as a part of educative forums conducted by subject matter experts in various fields and specializations. You can enroll yourself with an e-learning course that will help you gain knowledge alongside bestowing you with a course-completion certification. You can learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your study room with a 24/7 access to video tutorials, course material and online lectures. By the end of 2017, students will have numerous opportunities knocking on their doors promising them learning through real-world connections; the simulation-learning made possible with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR).

The Omnipotent and Omnipresent VR and AR

By the end of 2017, we would be successfully becoming a part of the first generation of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality learning apps. These apps will bring in an excitement to learning through real-world simulation. These unique apps which teach students about everything and anything under the sun, will become the new buzzwords of learning.

With this trend catching up, the day is not far when more and more people connected to education will begin to bank on these technologies. These technologies aim at improving student-teacher engagement in a recreated environment which is so stimulating. And by 2017, you can expect a rush of technological innovations that will prompt more players to make an impactful entry into the arena of educational startups; employing state-of-the-art technologies.

Many More Good Alternatives to College

Not all students are cut out for college education. This is a well-known fact that is often heard in the teaching circles. In line with this ideology, the year 2017 will register a push to alternative and unconventional options that students can consider. They can sign up with a vocational school that imparts skill-based training. There are umpteen opportunities that are attracting the student fraternity in the form of on-the-job apprentice trainings. With the digital marketing industry growing by leaps and bounds, a plethora of career-progression options can unveil in the form of startups from students blessed with entrepreneurial skills.

The Unique Amalgamation of “Learn While You Play”

Alongside the popularity of AR and VR leaning apps, the year 2017 will notice a rush of learning games. You can actually get serious with your education by playing games. The world of game-based learning is expanding and thus promises you to lay hands on plenty of novel and interesting games. Promising the perfect blend of excitement and learning, 2017 will have more and more teachers treading the gaming path. This will introduce students to the fun element that can make learning a pleasurable experience for life.

Clarity Will Lead to Mastery

By the end of 2017, teachers will be employing strategic ways to include formative assessments to learning. They will begin to bring in feedback systems supported by a process of self-assessment. This will pave way for students to assimilate knowledge after gaining clarity about their learning goals. With these changes, the learning process is poised for a major overhaul coming in the form of intrinsic motivation. Grades will no longer become the only yardstick to educational excellence.

The time is ripe for students to become masters in their chosen subjects by doing away with the grading system. They will strive to gain holistic information from various sources in tune with their learning objective. Thus, it will be interesting to witness this change when grades will come more under scrutiny in 2017 than they had been in the earlier academic years.

“Compulsory Learning”Leads To “Choice Learning”

By the end of 2017, the educational curriculum of all types of students including the K-12 students will be skewed towards “choice learning’. Typically curated according to the learner’s choice, educational curriculum will register a sea change. Tag this with the emergence of debates about the advantages and limitations of choice learning in various educational contexts and you have a holistic learning model. Leading to the prominence of choice programs in schools, this learning trend will favor the student community to specialize in the subject that interests them the most.

Digital Badges – The New Age Academic Credentials

Gone are the days when teachers used to send report cards home for the scrutiny of your parents. Tagged as yardsticks to assess your academic performance in school, the new age academic credentials are currently gaining prominence. Bestowed in the form of a digital badge, this is a validated measure of the skill, quality and interest that a student has in his chosen subject. This is an academic credential that is easy to issue, earn and display across the internet. With the popularity of digital badges picking up from the beginning of 2017, the end of the year will witness a dramatic progress when these badges will become promising instruments of academic assessment.

Parents On the Pedestal

The school is indeed the second home of students. And their first home is where their parents will act as guiding light, constantly guiding them to tread the right path. The year 2017 will mark the beginning of a revolution with schools going the extra mile to engage with the families of their wards. They will make use of personalized and supportive technologies as a part of parent-inclusive techniques.

Schools will be seen taking the recommendations of parents by engaging them with parent interviews and surveys. Going one step ahead, 2017 will see great traction coming in the form of inviting parents to step in as educational contributors. Parent engagement will be the topic that will occupy the minds of schools’ administrators so that a holistic pattern of learning emerges with parent involvement and participation. The day is not far when parents work in tandem with teachers to churn out the best supportive pattern of teaching to students.

Machine Learning Will Make An Impressive Debut In Education

The concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning will seep into the educational sphere with more and more students interacting with computers. These two unique concepts will become the buzzwords of 2017 with the emergence of case studies and applications that will be facilitated by these technologies. This will pave the way for a new beginning of educational research.

Educational Conversations Facilitated by Siri and Cortana

The year 2017 will witness a host of podcasts, blog posts and educational conversations revolving around these virtual assistants tagged with the names of Siri and Cortana. It will be during this time that these virtual assistants will play a significant role in classrooms by bringing in learning experiences stemming from a new thinking process. With this, individualized and personalized learning techniques will percolate into the teaching sphere. Along with these trends, the emergence of computerized personal assistants for learners will ensure that the conversations continue and grow until the end of 2017.

The Teaching Arena Will Get a Makeover

If you are concerned about the growing rate of teacher attrition, then the year 2017 will provide a strong retort to this global predicament. Schools will invest in the direction of improving teacher experience alongside paving the way to entirely alter the identity of teachers. This will be the time in history when teacher workspaces will be built in accordance with the cultural scope of startups. Progressing towards a functional, supportive and collaborative makeover, teachers will prompt the management to bring in innovative technologies that can be used to demonstrate their importance. As an add-on to this trend, the year 2017 will register a higher traction with teachers being awarded the tag of heroes and most-valued educators.


Giving due importance to all the facets of education, the year 2017 will see a major change when it comes to helping students taken on project-based learning. State-of-the-art technologies will make their strong presence felt in imparting knowledge, attracting students to learn their own way so that they can enjoy a sustainable career progression. Along with technology, learning which is supported by the timely and regular intervention of parents and teachers can be seen as the most promising trend that students can make by the end of 2017.

Moving away from the conventional pattern of teaching and learning, the present age is witnessing a paradigm shift in the way teachers are teaching and students are assimilating information. This change in educational patterns is all set to open up newer avenues for the teaching and learning groups, paving way for a modern school of thought. If you are curious to know about the futuristic trends in education that will shape the lives of the global student fraternity, here are the driving forces that you should watch out for.

  1. Practical Learning Strategies

Learning by rote is a thing of the past. Now is the age when students are prompted to demonstrate their learnings by following a practical approach. Laying the foundation for personalized learning strategies, the future presents umpteen opportunities to unleash the creative skills of students. It is only when students show what they learnt that they will better understand the concepts of the topic, before they step into learning the next topic as an extension to the earlier one. This strategy of practically demonstrating their knowledge can help students master their subjects.Teacher app ad banner

  1. Focus on Students’ Choice and Preferences

The future of education is all about strengthening and incorporating student-centric learning. In this endeavor, the onus is on teachers to adopt personalized learning and teaching patterns. Flexibility in learning is the keyword that governs the forthcoming tendency of imparting quality education to students. Given the fact that every student is unique with a different set of choices and strengths, it is through flexible learning patterns that students will benefit a great deal in future.

  1. Collaboration – The Powerful Tool of Sharing and Connecting With Others

All thanks to umpteen technological innovations, education is witnessing a sea change. Learning and teaching are no longer restricted to the use of textbooks and blackboards. Education has surpassed the geographical boundaries coming in the form of online training courses that can help students to enroll and complete them from any part of the globe. A host of open-source educative sites are now available to students to educate them about any topic under the sun. They can simply browse the topic that interests them the most and exchange information through social media circles.

Active participation in the online social world will set the stage for a collaborative form of learning when students of one school or country can effortlessly reach out to their peers located in other regions; whenever they want. Hence, working together paves way for better communication between students alongside improving their competencies and skills for the world to acknowledge and appreciate.

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  1. Edutainment – The Novel Concept of Blending Entertainment With Learning

An amalgamation of education and entertainment is opening the doors to think ahead. It can mean the use of technology to concentrate on online videos or slide shows. Grabbing the attention of students, the latest technological innovations in the sphere of Augmented Reality (AR) have already replaced the pens and chalk pieces needed to learn and teach.

Relying on media as an instrument to impart education has its own benefits, brightening the future of students by honing their creative skills. While providing them with a platform to express themselves better, media learning helps students to stay in constant touch with global educative events that are happening at different venues across the globe. Educative podcasts, videos and recorded audio-video lessons are the latest educational trends that will promise a beautiful makeover to the traditional classroom-type of teaching and learning.

  1. The Emergence of A Holistic Change

It should be kept in mind that the relationship between students and teachers is constantly changing and evolving with the passage of every single day. Gone are the days when teachers were tagged as the only source of learning. Now is the age when students are able to educate teachers through classroom discussions and presentations. While teachers are looking for other means to educate students, online learning comes as a handy tool to excite the participation of introvert students.

As a class enjoys the luxury of learning from different approaches, knowledge-seekers can make the most of such teaching methods. Permitting students to get introduced to global educative patterns, exchange of facts becomes a breeze when teachers assign interactive quizzes as class and home assignments along with the novel flipped classroom sessions.

  1. Skill-Based Education Paves Way for Trained Professionals

Education is all about preparing students towards employment. While bookish knowledge helps them understand the topic, it is only when they apply that knowledge to a specific trade that they will shine in their jobs. Skill-based training, also called as vocational training not only enhances employability but also drives the competencies in students to try their hand in various disciplines.

Skill-based training through its modular pattern can be introduced at the secondary and higher secondary stages. Once this is done, our economy will witness a boost coming in the form of competitive professionals who are equipped with on-the-job-training. This skill-centric education allows students to stay in good stead with the advancements in their chosen field of work. Tagged as an essential pillar of education, skill-based training is one of the ways to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of trained professionals; a scenario that is rampant in many countries.

  1. Learning On the Go is Fun

This is the generation of smartphones which are not only omnipresent but also omnipotent. Capable of simplifying our lives in a number of ways, students will be empowered to learn anywhere and anytime that is convenient to them through their internet-connected smartphones. Offering them the best learning experiences, mobile learning can further narrow the boundaries of learning.

  1. Appreciating The Competencies of Students

Feedback is another tool that will see the light of the day in imparting holistic education. Positive feedback coming in the form of awards and credits will encourage students to perform better and develop a keen sense of healthy competition amongst peer groups. Departing from the traditional A to F grading of students, it is through academic credits that teachers and schools can handhold students of varying IQ levels to demonstrate their innate strengths. This mind shift of compartmentalizing students to grades will develop the positive mindset that will work in favor of the learning communities.

  1. Internships – Another Promising Tool For Career Readiness

Students will be better prepared to identify and grab job opportunities provided they are exposed to real world experiences. Since the underlying purpose of education is to make a mark for yourself in your chosen field of work, internships offer a close-up to the corporate environment or job culture.

Internships are promising since they extend their classroom learnings to familiarize themselves with the workplace environment. While helping students gain technical knowledge about the working of organizations, in-house training workshops can hone their social skills. It is when students begin to actively participate in campus organizations that they will land up in better organizations which ultimately result in satisfying and lucrative careers. Thus, internships are important to provide the much-needed “hire experience” that translates into a permanent job with a handsome salary.

  1. Adaptive Learning Platforms Will Gain Prominence

Teachers are now being trained to bring in an adaptive learning curriculum which is in the best interest of the learning fraternity. It is through such innovative platforms that teachers can improve student engagement when they begin to impart education using adaptive courseware. It is a personalized learning which helps students work on instant feedback given out by their faculty.

Coming in the form of formative assessments, students will be differentiated based on their innate strengths and capabilities. Creating enough room for improvement, appropriate learning tools can be recommended so that the nascent talents of students are unveiled and brought to the fore. This competency-based educational pattern will thus lay the foundation of a curriculum that will keep in mind the fundamental interests and individual needs of students.

Closing Notes

Transitioning from the traditional to the modern style of imparting education did take a long time. And now that this change is wide-spread, students across the globe will be at the receiving end of multiple benefits that will not only strengthen their knowledge-base but will also pave way for lucrative and high-paying careers they are dreaming of.

Sharing of knowledge is the basic purpose of education but it matters more when you are teaching kids. The right form of education in the early stages is vital for them to set a basement to their moral principles, social behaviour, and mental well being. Kid’s education should be planned in such a way to mould their aesthetic senses and way of conduct and help them grow up as good citizens.

However, nowadays people are forgetting the real purpose of education and it is being more careers centric. Children are studying with an aim to build up a bright career and their goals are limiting to just clearing exams to pass to the next level. That is where the strategy of edutainment becomes very important and it acts as a mind opener for kids to really understand the purpose of education and get the many benefits that come its way.

Here let us have a look at how the edutainment can really impact on a kid’s learning phase and how he/she can grow up better.

  • Interactive learning: The routine class room learning is creating boredom in kids and this gradually creates unwanted pressure and negative tendencies towards learning. Edutainment makes it more interactive in the form of videos, games, storytelling and a lot more. Kids would have a love towards games and that is why this approach of learning with play works out for kids. This playful method in fact takes away the stress out of the fast paced lifestyle and lets them understand how interesting an education phase can be. The short sessions of engaging learning is not only captivating but also makes them feel excited about learning. Keeping them occupied for some time for learning can be a bit challenging and that is why this short period strategy gains their attention turned out productive.
  • More grasping power: This playful method boosts the grasping power in kids. The way they understand a subject or idea is really impressive when compared to the conventional teaching method. This is really evident when comparing the grasping powers of kids taught through edutainment and higher class students taught through lectures. The interactive learning sessions would help the kids to register the content for long term than just short term memorization for passing exams. If the kid can connect an idea or concept to what they experience in real life, then they need not adapt any additional methods to memorize it. This novel approach makes a game or video watching as part of homework or assignments that in turn helps them to understand the idea in a much proper way.
  • Knowing your subjects: In the conventional methods, kids just go through the textbooks or learning materials provided in school and memorize it to score well in exams. But with edutainment, kids get an opportunity to know more about their subjects and most importantly connect it with their real life. This approach can include anything from online cartoon shows, educational games or CDs, street plays, movies to even puppet shows. This kind of learning not only keeps them entertained but also teaches their subjects in a much deeper way.
  • Learning toys: There are many learning toys in the market which teacher brings to the classroom to let the kids to play and learn. For instance, Abacus is a widely accepted fun based approach to teach basic maths for kids. Similar is the case of ABC blocks that teaches alphabets, rainbow roller that teaches colours and counting balls that teaches counting. In fact, these toys teach them many concepts and ideas without actually giving them a feel that they are learning. Quality educational toys can give a tough competition to online games that are also designed to teach them different concepts. Recreation activities are equally important as playing and they can be trained to have basic learning in their favourite art forms such as singing or dancing and even sports such as cricket, football, tennis or badminton.
  • Enhanced creative thinking: Edutainment promotes creativity in kids through innovative games and interactive videos. This type of learning can in fact stimulate a thought process in the kid and they learn to think more about what is being taught. And this gradually develops a mindset in kids to try and learn something new in life always. This would not only help them to excel in their academics but also in other extracurricular activities. The right way of modelling and teaching in the kid’s level can help them grow up as good speakers and writers. Teachers include classroom games that promote problem solving skills, or one that challenges their brain or one that gives them a chance for team work and decision making.
  • Improved intellectual skills: Children are always fascinated to know how stuffs around them actually work. The edutainment makes use of this kid’s interest to teach them new things in life. Playing with interactive toys that improve their hand eye coordination and games that demand their thinking and reasoning skills are included right along with learning of the science around them. This in fact improves their intellectual skills which creates a base for advanced learning. Kids are good learners than adults and this is evident from the fact that they use the modern technology gadgets flawlessly. So it is good to use and develop their skills right from the initial days and give them more chances to showcase their excellence in novel ideas.
  • Digital learning: The concept of edutainment is not new but this approach prospered well with the influence of digital era. The wide use of technology has made the approach popular and widespread in no time. Teachers and parents are using many educational apps that make learning more interactive and fun. And kids are utilizing these apps to learn the basics of alphabets, numbers, colours and shapes in a playful manner. The portability of mobile gadgets makes learning possible despite where the kids are and this gives them an interesting outside the classroom learning experience.
  • Real life exposure: This method of learning also focuses on taking the kids out of the four walls of a classroom and giving them opportunity to get a real life exposure. Exploring their environment is the key to a kid’s education and that is why teachers not only keeps them occupied them with gadgets but also gives them a chance to interact with nature once in a while. Studying with nature makes them closer to nature and this helps them to learn by interacting with their surroundings. This can be puppet shows, picnics, outdoor plays, excursions or cultural programs which can make them entertained but at the same time teach the hidden meaning or purpose of education.
  • Positive outlook: Having a role model right from the initial phase of learning can help them to bring in positivity in their life. Teachers and parents can let them watch videos, play games or read books that have super heroes or characters who promote positivity. Kids would be greatly influenced by things around them and these types of activities can help them get inspired by such personalities. This is a prime source to enhance their moral values, role playing, team work and humanity. And most of these kid’s centric movies are framed in a way to attract children. That is why kids would love to watch movies such as spiderman, superman and Harry Potter series that have made a big bang in the movie industry.

As we all know, today’s kids are tomorrow’s citizens and that is why moulding them rightly from the initial days is important. Edutainment can not only be a mind opener but also an eye opener for them to be good and do well. Technology has really transformed the way edutainment strategy is influencing kids.

With the widespread popularity and usage of mobile gadgets, education apps and games are becoming the prime mode of letting kids learn with fun. In addition to using smart school software that helps students to have an amazing learning experience, schools are also taking initiatives to conduct interactive shows and even holiday camps to explore wide areas of learning with fun.

Juggling with numbers can seem a herculean task for many children. Irrespective of whether you are a beginner or a mathematical wizard, you can check out 15 brain teasers; all under one roof. Offering an assortment of puzzles with varying difficulty levels, these fun-filled math riddles surely ignite your numerical abilities and transform you into an ardent lover of math. These are ranked in the ascending order of their difficulty levels, featuring easy ones first followed by slightly tough and challenging ones.

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  1. Tricky Math Riddle –

All about fine-tuning your memory and grip with numbers, the Tricky Math Riddle teases your brain by posing a seemingly simple question. You need to come with the solution when you add 3 to 300, five times. Representing a difficulty level of 2/5, this riddle allows you to submit your answer alongside viewing the answers posted by other online friends and math enthusiasts.

  1. Funny Maths Riddle –

Promoting the principle that math can be learnt the funny way, the Funny Maths Riddle comes with a 2/5 difficulty level. This link features a riddle which prompts you to calculate the volume of a circle, given the measurements such as thickness and radius.

A circle with thickness? Sounds strange! Can you think of a spherical object with thickness that is a favorite food for kids and elders alike? Yes! You are right! The subject of this riddle is the famous Italian delicacy; the pizza. So, with this riddle, you will learn the relationship between the thickness and radius in the computation of the volume of a spherical object.

  1. Mathematical Equation Riddle

There is no dearth for fun-filled means to master the subject of numbers, figures and variables. Check out the above link which poses a brain teaser to all those who love to solve mathematical equations. Tagged with a 2/5 difficulty rating, this riddle gives you a mathematical expression that should result in a pre-defined figure. And the trick here is to fill the expression with befitting mathematical operators (+, -, * or /) which are expressed in the form of a “?”. Go on and enjoy the thrill of juggling with various mathematical operators to ultimately crack the riddle. This fun-filled riddle thus helps you learn mathematical functions in the simple yet creative way.

  1. Car Meter Riddle –

Now this is another mind teaser for all those who appreciate the novelty behind palindromes. Featuring a 2/5 difficulty grade, you have a car meter reading which shows 72927. Observe it and you know that it’s a palindrome. And now for the riddle. You need to come up with the minimum number of kilometers that a vehicle has to travel to display another palindrome on the milometer.

  1. Maths Number Riddle –

This brain teaser comes with a clue. And that is to insert two mathematical symbols between four 9s to make them equal to 100. Check out the link which categorizes this riddle under a 2/5 ranking. And once you crack this one, you can proudly display your mathematical expertise to the online fraternity.

  1. Divide Into Two Parts Riddle –

With a 3 on 5 popularity rating, this riddle, so true to its name, allows you to divide 110 into two parts. However, there is a condition to this division. And that is: one part should be 150% of the other. Check out the above link and you can sharpen your brain to come up with the right answer. This riddle too comes with a 2/5 difficulty rating.

  1. Tricky Distance Riddle –

The above link features a mind teaser that teaches you the concepts of time, distance and speed. Two friends are driving down from two different cities at different times and speeds. You need to take into account their respective speeds and the times they started and come up with an answer which matches a condition as to who is closer to a particular city. This riddle too comes with a 2/5 difficulty rating.

  1. Maths Logic Problem –

A yet another mind teaser that comes with a 3/5 popularity rating and 2/5 difficulty rating teaches you math in the logical way. The riddle goes like this:

A large group goes to a party. All of them decide to play and have some fun at the bar counter. The first person goes to the counter and orders the barman for a ½ pint of beer. Now it is the turn of the second person who asks for a ¼ pint of beer. The third person now makes an appearance at the counter, asking for 1/8th pint of beer. The series continues in this manner.

Now for the riddle.

You need to come up with a solution which matches a condition. And the condition is:

How many pints of beer should the barman have so that he can satisfy the needs of the entire group?

Slightly difficult riddles with a 3/5 difficulty rating

If you are already rejoicing with the victory of solving all the above 2/5 rated riddles, then you are getting closer to solving slightly difficult riddles which are lined up for you. Try your hand at these which comes as a true test to your mathematical and logical thinking skills.

  1. Easy Tricky Maths Riddle –

Check out the above link to find a tricky yet easy-to-solve riddle that will sharpen your fundamentals about the addition to positive whole numbers. Coming with a difficulty rating of 3/5, this riddle is all about identifying three positive whole numbers that result in the same answer when multiplied or added together. That means, the sum and product of these three positive whole numbers are the same.

Inquisitive to know what these numbers are? Then, you need to put in some effort and rack your brain to come up with a right solution. Allowing your mind to think deep, you can submit your answer for the rest of the online math-learning community to be in awe of your computation skills.

  1. Prime Number Riddle –

Students who are keen on learning the concept of prime numbers in the fun way can check out the above link. There lies a riddle that prompts you to come up with four consecutive prime numbers that when added lead to a sum of 220. Ranked with a difficulty level of 3/5, this link allows you to view the comments of fellow students and online friends who have already solved the riddle and have the answer for you.

Also Read : School Counselling helps enhance student performance

  1. Math or Science Problem –

Check out this link and you will be thrilled to find a number of mind teasers that come with a variety of difficulty levels. Testing your IQ through a host of simple and difficult riddles, you can indulge in this edutainment activity that promises a perfect blend of excitement coupled with a widened knowledge about math concepts.

  1. Number 8 Math Riddle –

The riddle with a popularity and difficulty rating of 3/5 is all about how many times you will have to paint the number 8 by the time you finish painting 100 hostel rooms.

  1. Common Exam Problem –

Under this heading, you will be given a series of additions with their respective answers. You should identify the common condition that satisfies all the additions. Once you have identified the commonality between all the equations, it becomes a breeze for you to solve the riddle that is mentioned down below the equations. You can submit your answer alongside view the solutions provided by other online math enthusiasts.

  1. Trick Maths Riddle –

You will agree with the fact that Math is a tricky subject governed by simple rules. If you follow these rules, you will be able to solve riddles effortlessly. One such tricky yet simple-to-solve riddle can help you sharpen your knowledge about division and multiplication operations on a series of fractions. This riddle comes with a difficulty and popularity rating of 3/5.

A Series of Tough Math Riddles

Let us now move on to the toughest riddle link that enlists an array of brain teasers with a 4/5 difficulty rating. All of them naturally come with a 4/5 popularity rating, exciting the imaginative side of math learners to come up with the right solution.

  1. Tough Maths Riddle –

As the name suggests, the link of Tough Maths Riddle presents many tough brain teasers that test your reasoning and logical capabilities. Try your hands at these for you to experience the excitement of putting your math knowledge to its best use.

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Closing Thoughts

All in an attempt to strengthen your knowledge about math and its expansive collection of concepts, working on all the above brain teasers and riddles will help you experience an impeccable grasp over the subject of numbers teamed with functions, figures and variables.

If you wish to handhold your kid to succeed in school and beyond, here are the modern learning skills that will become his/her boon for life. Leaning skills are often tagged under a common name called “4 Cs”. Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication. These are the 4 important Cs that will demand a push from you so that your child develops and improves the patterns of learning, assimilating and reproducing information in the manner he/she comprehends.  All these Cs are a function of their short-term memory that enables them to learn. Hence if you encourage them to develop their short-term memory through creative activities, you are clearing their path to learn and understand better.

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Here are 10 effective ways to improve kid’s learning skill:

  1. The “Left Brain” Activity Is Linked to Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is all about the careful analysis of a topic of study to help you understand it better. In order to help kids learn and use the power of critical thinking, guardians should teach them to analyze a situation by breaking the entire scenario into smaller and understandable parts.

You can also encourage your kids to come up with logical arguments about what they think about a topic and link their thoughts to evidences. When kids start talking in this manner, they will be able to learn the topic better; in a logical way. This exercise ultimately paves the way for them to come up with a logical conclusion. Kids can also be prompted to group items under their respective heads and explaining the striking contrasts between the various classes.

Critical thinking is a learning tool to hone the problem-solving abilities in kids. When guardians push kids to come up with the causes and effects of a problem, kids will find means to eliminate the reasons for a problem.

  1. Creativity Thinking Helps Kids Discover Possibilities

Creative thinking is the ability that is gifted to us by our “right brain”. Guardians can help their wards to learn creative thinking through a number of dedicated activities. Brainstorming is one such practice that will involve your kids to come up with a number of feasible, impossible and unreasonable suggestions for a particular scenario.

Actions speak louder than words. In line with this famous maxim, guardians can encourage the learning skill in kids by allowing them to make items with their own hands. Give them materials to create the product and they will slowly learn different ways to produce a product.

A creative attitude in kids will blossom if parents and teachers encourage them to crack jokes, narrate stories and sing their favorite songs. Engaging them in a dialogue about any topic can also bring their creative traits to the fore, allowing them to learn through innovative ways. Encourage them to pose questions through which they will be able to get to know the facts that were unknown to them. Through the answers given out by them, kids will also arrive at new ways to find a solution to their problem.

  1. Communication Skills – Another Stepping Stone to Learning Through Verbal and Written Expressions

Communication is all about expressing your thoughts and beliefs not only through words but also through gestures, body language and visual aids. It is the responsibility of the guardians to create a communicative environment at home or in school. When communication is encouraged, kids will learn the trick of attentive listening.

When you start communicating with them frequently, they will begin to listen to you with all their ears. They will learn to take notes while posing questions about unknown facts. You can also help kids to enjoy the act of reading, when they begin to decode the printed words or images that are in front of their eyes. All thanks to technology, kids can bank on mobile phones and apps that will serve as learning tools to either communicate through phone calls or email or engage themselves through app messages.

  1. Collaboration – The Art of Working Together for a Common Goal

Another tried and tested means to improve your kid’s learning skills is to introduce them to group activities that come with a common objective. Through collaborations, you can teach your kid the benefits of working towards a goal. In their pursuit to reach their common objective, kids will learn to evaluate multiple options.

They will take in alternatives that bring them close to their joint aim and discard those that work against their victory. Such activities can bring out the leadership qualities that are still in the nascent stage of development. Group activities come as a boon to kids when they begin to unearth the benefits of effective management of time and material resources. Such acts also teach your kids to resolve conflicts between their team mates in an amicable manner alongside introducing them to the dynamics of teams.

  1. Unlock the Power of Simulation

A picture is worth a thousand words. So true to this commonly used maxim, you as a parent will need to hone his visualization skills so that he/she can reproduce a subject in his own words. Now you might think that how to do it? You just have to encourage your child to imagine a picture of what he has just heard or read; in his mind’s eye. The next step is to prompt him/her to draw the picture that he imagined. Through repeated session, your child will be able to hone his/her visualization skills when he/she can orally describe the image without having to use a pen and paper to describe it.

  1. Allow Your Kid to Become Your Teacher

Take for instance that your child is trying to play a new game. You as a guardian can prompt him/her to master the game by inspiring them. If you begin to demonstrate a keen interest in their game, he/she will start opening up with the tricks of the game. He/she will employ his descriptive and discretionary skills to inform you about the nuances of the game. You can ignite their imagination through questions that will help them come up with sensible descriptions and evaluations. This way, they will assimilate all the information which they need to excel at a game or the subject at hand.

  1. The World of Knowledge in Black and White

You will agree with the fact that books are an ocean of knowledge. While technical and subject-oriented books come with volumes of information, books on self-improvement help your children learn about the ways to lead a successful and content life.

If you as a guardian encourage your wards to make reading as their favorite pastime activity, they will not only put their leisure time to the best use. They will also be at the receiving end of invaluable information that is presented in the form of printed books or digital sources. They will begin to learn the concept of self-help when they try to pick up a befitting text that provides solutions to all their queries.

  1. The Power of Delivering Good Instructions

As parents and teachers dealing with young children, it is very important for you to teach them by clearly explaining what needs to be done and the manner in which a particular task should be performed. Guardians while instructing kids should keep in mind their tone of voice; a clear yet calm tone can do the trick.

Parents and teachers should also be careful about the words used in the instructions. It is best to use simple language teamed with short sentences that allow your child to relate him/her to the task at hand. Good instructions are all about helping your kid to learn a process through a step-by-step approach. These phased-out instructions will permit your kid to organize himself while aiming to complete a task at hand.

  1. The Importance of Constructive Feedback

It is very common for kids to seek validations from elders. For every task they do, they expect parents and teachers to judge them, announcing their ability to fulfil the same. Constructive feedback can serve as a stepping stone to teach your kid the right way to address a problem. When you as a guardian are vocal about the correct approach your kid has initiated, this feedback encourages him/her to develop a sense of self-esteem. This learning helps them develop a personality that mirrors a blend of their self-confidence and self-respect.

  1. The Inclusion of Memory Boosting Games

You can check out the internet for a host of interesting and memory boosting puzzles and games. Introducing your kids to such games will not only sharpen their concentration levels but also helps them understand the concept of working around multiple alternatives to arrive at a befitting solution. Kids will learn to incorporate all the conditions that the puzzle puts in front of them; eventually reaching the winning post with the correct answer.

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All the above-mentioned strategies help your kids to hone their learning skills when they begin to better their reasoning power along with enhanced concentration levels. When these two attributes are sharpened, your kids will learn and unlearn various concepts by assimilating and processing information from multiple sources. When some or all of these learning strategies become a part of your child’s routine, they will help him/her thrive in a constantly changing and highly-competitive society.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”! So true to this adage, it is very important for kids to break their monotony so as to recharge their minds. Be it in school or while at home, the onus is on the guardians to involve them in activities so that kids can experience an agile mind. It is all about engaging kids with activities that are creative and informative at the same time. Basically aimed at involving them in fun-filled activities that they enjoy, below are some interesting activities that can work in the best interest of kids.

  1. Play with Colors and Drawing Aids

Kids are innately attracted to the beautiful world of colors. Parents and teachers can introduce them to the world of hues by prompting them to churn out an art book which includes designs and pictures drawn with the little fingers and a highly-imaginative mind of kids. Allow them to play with drawing paper, pencils, stencils, oil pastels and rulers to create a beautiful piece of art mirroring their artistic skills and interests. Such a colorful activity can refresh their minds alongside developing their hand and eye coordination.

  1. Unveil The Culinary Skills of Your Kid

If your child loves to churn out delicious recipes, why not provide a homely platform allowing him or her to live their dream? You as a parent can encourage your child to learn the art of preparing and garnishing food by following step-by-step procedures that are enlisted on various cookery sites, specially meant for kids. Who knows your child will turn out to be a famous chef, satiating the hunger pangs of food lovers across the globe? All for the sake of promoting the culinary interests of your kid, you as guardians should go the extra mile in providing him with resources so that he can fine-tune his innate interest to play with recipes.

  1. It’s Story Time And You Can Encourage Your Kid to Turn the Leaves of Interesting Story Books

Another proven means to refresh the minds of kids is to read stories from fairy tale books. Post the narration, you can engage in a discussion with your kid prompting him to pick his favorite story. Using this story as the backdrop, you can rekindle his theatrical skills by enacting a scene through role play.

  1. A Field Trip To Collect Rocks

Teachers and parents can plan out field trips with kids to help them experience the thrill of collecting various rocks. You can check out the Collecting Rocks website managed by the American Geological Survey. This informative site handholds kids to identify and label minerals and rocks that they have collected as a part of their interesting field trip.

  1. Chalk Out a “Family Activity” Day

Kids love to interact with adults who understand their world. When guardians become a part of the kids’ world, it helps kids to establish a strong bonding with them, ultimately helping kids to feel loved and cared for. Such an attention does wonders to their psyche allowing them to relax their mind.

In an attempt to build friendly ties between you and your child, it is important that you sit with your child and plan out a family activity day. Let your kid be at the helm of affairs of planning this activity, asking him/her to come with suggestions regarding the place, food and the day’s plan. Capture the moments of this wonderful family activity day with a camera and encourage him/her to come with a collage of your family pictures.

  1. Allow Kids To Have a Say In Revamping Their Living Spaces

Giving the much-needed attention to the discretion of kids, you as guardians can assist your kid in decorating his/her room. Allow him/her the freedom of expression to come up with decorating ideas that suit his/her needs. You can go full-on looking up websites which show up a host of ideas that will allow him to live his life the way he wants.

You can check out the various furniture options that are available and stock his room with closets and desks that will help him/her organize himself. This will make him/her more comfortable by creating their rooms in the way they want. It is when kids believe that their opinions are valued by their parents that they enjoy peace of mind that eventually makes them feel special.

  1. Interesting Games Which Demand Attentiveness

Kids who love to play with numbers should surely try playing either a probability game, arranging jig-saw puzzles or a timed flashcard activity. You can browse the internet for a number of puzzles and games that hone the problem-solving abilities of kids. While you make your kid play a math game, you should also record his/her score so that they can check their progress. And upon a victory, you can celebrate  it by giving him/her a special treat that he/she can cherish for life.

  1. Innovative On-The-Job Activities

Allow your kid play with the potter’s wheel, dirty his/her hands with the soft clay and eventually take pride in the creation of beautiful earthen artefacts. This is an activity that sharpens his/her fine motor skills while relaxing their mind. Allowing kids to stretch their imagination, such an activity will prompt them to come up with ideas that manifest in the form of beautiful creations mirroring their intelligent handwork. When all eyes are fixed on molding a sculpture from clay, your kid’s mind is relaxing with the enjoyment of partaking in a fun-filled and constructive activity.

  1. Learning History Made Easy

Given the fact that history is a tough subject to master, you as a parent can play an important role in simplifying this subject to your kids. You can plan a trip to a museum which is an interesting activity to relax your kid’s mind alongside teaching him the nuances of various cultures linked to bygone days. Such a visit to historical sites will also help your kid relate better to the information described in text books. Modern cities have the luxury of interactive museums which will prompt your kids to open their minds towards historical events that are part of the ancient civilization.

  1. Let Your KidEnjoy The Beauty of Nature from the Comfort of His Living Room

If you want your kid to appreciate the beauty of nature as a part of mind-relaxing activity, you can check out the Web Ranger site. This is a national site that has loads of information linked to monuments, historical sites and national parks. Simply sign up with this site for your kid to relax in the lap of nature; the online way. The site shows up a number of online activities that should be completed by him/her to be recognized as the “Web Ranger”. This relaxing and interesting activity can come as a boon to your kid who can enjoy the refreshing environment of natural sceneries.


Monotony is a bane which leads to boredom in both kids and adults. If you want your kid to develop creative skills, you as guardians should go the entire nine yards and ensure that he/she engages in mind-relaxing activities that will rejuvenate his/her thinking capacity.

Encourage him/her to take breaks and participate in all his mind-relaxing activities. Only when the mind of your kid is relaxed, he/she will be able to keep a number of health problems at bay. After you have included some of these interesting activities as part of your kid’s daily routine, you can take pride in bringing up a child in a relaxed and stress-free environment.

You will agree with the fact that education should provide you with skills that will help you prepare for and face the challenges life throws at us. Gone are the days of traditional educational systems where students learnt lessons by rote. Not allowing them to think out-of-the-box, it was the age when teachers too were not equipped with skills that they could ignite the creativity in students.

With modernization, this drawback paved the way to include classroom activities aimed at improving the creativity of students. Teaching creativity as one of the subjects of study was made possible through a model of giving instructions to students with an intention to hone their creativity; a natural ability to thrive in a fast-paced and highly-competitive environment.

Here are such creativities that fosters education:

  1. Teachers to come up with awards and rewards for creativity

Motivation is the first trick that can be followed by teachers. The onus is on the faculty to create a learning environment that not only recognizes creativity but also appreciates it. The school administration can declare awards to showcase the creative talents of students.

Every classroom which has students who provide creative solutions to real-world situations can be recognized and praised. This recognition will fuel the creative side of other students to follow suit. Here, you can create notice boards with the names and abilities of students who have come up with great school work and sing words of praise.

  1. A Blend of Cognitive and Emotional Programs

What are the effective ways to teach creativity so that teachers can impart quality education to students? All in an attempt to provide holistic education to knowledge-seekers, it is through an amalgamation of emotional and cognitive functions that teachers can handhold students to tread the path of a creative lifestyle. Other abilities of students like mastering a musical instrument, developing a spatial awareness and bodily kinesthetic development can lay the foundation of a creative means to a comprehensive educational program.

  1. Introduce a Host of Programs that can Develop the Creative Skills of a Class

Thinkquest and Odyssey of the Mind are some of the classroom programs that can be conducted by teachers who are inclined towards honing the creative talents of students. Becoming a platform to compete with the global fraternity of creative learners, it is through these well-designed programs that students from different parts of the globe can learn from the experiences of creative thinkers and learners.

  1. Encouragement to Hands-On Learning

Quote unquote the famous maxim from Benjamin Franklin says: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” The underlying concept behind this thought is that students who are encouraged to tread the path of experimental learning can connect better with the subject when compared to simply lecturing from a text book.

If you are an English teacher, you can involve a group reading session. And every time you want to conduct such a session, you can pick one  different reader who will read out the contents of the text to the entire class.

Media and Designing students are at an advantage when they can skip theory and involve themselves with hands-on learning. If you are teaching a class about fundamentals of web designing, you can encourage your wards to use  websites like Wix and Squarespace. These are free website building tools that students can use  to develop their own websites revolving around a topic of their choice.

Math can be taught the innovative way by implementing practical ideas teamed with working models.. Infusing a sense of excitement to learning will make students  learn to solve problems related to speed and distance. This way, you as a teacher will be able to provide an innovative way to solve math problems through real-life examples.

  1. The Use of Unconventional Learning Materials

Textbooks teamed with writing boards come in as traditional teaching tools. However, with technology impacting into every sphere of human life, you can promote the out-of-the-box thinking of your students by introducing them to innovative educational tools. Empowering students with TED Talks, Podcasts and Design Software, you can teach your kids to learn through audio-visual presentations.

When students listen to the TED talks delivered by role models and global leaders, they will connect with them better. Getting inspired by their life-stories, students who have TED talks as part of their educational curriculum will begin to enjoy the benefits of creative development.

Educational podcasts are handy tools that can be played in classrooms. You name a subject and you will find a matching podcast. Visual communication comes as another educational tool which makes use of design software to churn out innovative lesson plans for students. Through software-enabled visual communications, students can strengthen their fundamentals about a particular topic.

  1. Class Discussions – A Practice With Many Benefits

Unnecessary chatter can be distracting not only to the teacher but also to a group of focused students who are all eyes and ears with the subject under study. Encouraging the entire class to become part of a meaningful discussion is definitely a challenge to every teacher. If your teaching strategy relies on such meaningful subject-oriented discussions, then it will be a favor to your students in the following ways:

  • A discussion initiated by you will get your students to apply their reasoning skills and enables the entire class to think about the topic
  • Effective listening skills are encouraged when the rest of the class is made to pay attention to a group of students who are coming up with ideas and suggestions about the topic
  • Paving the way for a healthy competition, students will go extra mile in challenging their peers by outsmarting them with an innovative presentation of creative ideas
  1. Multi-Format Assignments – A Proven Means to Keep Monotony at Bay

Sticking to hard and fast rules can be very stressful to students who wish to demonstrate their innovative minds to the rest of the class. Teachers who encourage multi-format assignments fuel the creative steak in kids, alongside allowing them to come up with creative ideas to showcase their knowledge. It need not be a monotonous essay writing assignment that can become the yardstick of their intelligence. You can encourage your class to submit their assignments in the form of presentations, speeches and documentaries.

  1. Stress Busting Techniques Become Light-Hearted Learning Mechanisms

Topping the chart of options to create a positive learning environment, teachers who encourage  good sense of humor in classrooms are doing the right thing. that They can tackle stressful situations better only when students are encouraged to laugh and share relevant jokes in class

  1. A Video Diary Allows Students to Peep Into Their Inner Selves

It’s all about the “three things” concept. Teachers, by the end of every term can encourage students to introspect the three things that went well, the three major challenges that they faced and the three things that call for attention and hard work. And these inferences can be presented in the form of an interesting video presentation for the entire class to watch, learn and enjoy. This simple yet effective exercise will permit students to take their learning journey seriously so that they can make the most of the education imparted in classrooms.

  1. Education through Goal-Setting

Achievable and measureable goals are the biggest motivators in the learning curve of students. Teachers can encourage their wards to come up with a set of project or term based goals and write them down for everyone to see. A classroom notice board which displays the goals of every student will in turn serve as an empowering tool for others to tighten their belts. Once students are made to extend their efforts in the direction of reaching their goals, they will scout for creative means to finally arrive at the finish line.

  1. Motivation Through Posters

A picture is worth a thousand words. In line with this famous adage, teachers who pin up motivational quotes on the soft boards of classrooms will be dealing with a bunch of students who constantly look up to such quotes. Inspiring them to perform better by the day, these motivational quotes will go a long way in shaping their creative instincts.

  1. Team Building Strategies

Two brains are better than one. So true to this phrase, a class which thrives on the principle of team building can pave the way for creative thinking teamed with a strong sense of collaboration and communication. Allowing students to constantly interact with each other in pursuit of a common assignment or project work, they will experience a multitude of feelings. Alongside enjoying the thrill of success, they will also try to deal with failure in a better way. All these help them master the subject with a belief that they can bank on the combined efforts of their classmates.


A classroom which ranks high on creativity can make all the educational dreams of students a reality. All the above classroom activities can ensure that your students can hone their creative skills in the best possible manner. However, the onus is on the faculty to go the extra mile to encourage students to stretch their imagination through the above mentioned creative classroom strategies.

A good classroom environment always has some elements of creativity which makes the lessons more interesting and interactive. The right mix of creativity along with curriculum helps students to be innovative and also encourages them to learn new things. Students can grow up as good communicators in addition to improving their emotional and social skills. Creative classrooms can really transform the way students acquire education and how they apply it in their real life. In fact, creative expression plays a key role in a student’s emotional development.

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Let us have a look at how important is the role of creativity in today’s classroom and its benefits.

1. Learn with fun

Creative classrooms give an opportunity for students to learn with fun. The teaching activities such as storytelling and skits help them to learn without the pressure of learning.

Students are always fun loving and including creative activities along with curriculum gains their interest for learning.

Teachers should encourage this quality in students from the lower classes itself and inspire them to believe in one’s own creativity.

Fun team building activities can be organized so as to promote creative thinking in groups and helping them to learn about accepting others’ ideas.

2. Freedom of Expression

Unlike the conventional teaching methods, the creative classrooms give them the opportunity to express themselves.

Whether it is debate or classroom discussions or field trips, students have the chance to come out of their shelves and become a part of it. This freedom of expression gives them a sense of goodness and happiness.

Making some contributions in the learning sessions gives them a sense of satisfaction too.

A creative approach to learning makes them more open with the puzzles that come their way and gives them a feeling of accomplishment and pride.

3. Emotional Development

Creative expression is important for a kid to trigger up their emotional development. Importantly, this has to happen at their lower classes itself so that they grow up by responding well to the happenings around them.

Creativity gives them that freedom to explore the surroundings and learn new things from them.

Students would always love a classroom setting that helps them to explore freely without setting them any boundaries.

When they can show off their true emotions in a creative manner in their classrooms, they can build up good confidence level.

4. Enhances Thinking Capability

Creativity can stimulate imaginative thinking capability in students. That is why teachers promote activities such as open-ended questions, creative team building activities, brainstorming sessions and debates amidst busy curriculum schedules.

Some teachers tactfully use these techniques to teach tough lessons to make children learn with fun and ease.

Activities such as puppet shows will keep the students feel interested in the learning sessions and the flow of images in their mind gives them the pleasure of creativity.

The open-ended questions will open them a world of imaginative thinking and they can come up with creative responses.

5. Reduced Stress and Anxiety

When some time is set aside for creativity in between all the strenuous study times, it takes a lot of stress away from students.

This sense of joy keeps them relaxed and reduces their anxiety which in turn helps them to prepare well for exams and excel in it.

Integrating more hands-on learning and making room for visual reflection is really going to make a positive impact.

Encouraging productive discussions as well as making the classroom layout more flexible all matters a lot in gearing up a creative classroom atmosphere.

6. Boosts Problem Solving Skills

The brainstorming activities involving puzzles can stimulate the skills of problem-solving in children.

Creativity can really alter the way students approach a problem and it can be impressively optimistic once they go through creative teaching sessions.

Creative problem solving can be encouraged in classrooms that help students to think out of the box and be more imaginative and innovative.

With this way, the problems or opportunities are redefined by the students and the solutions or responses would be more innovative.

7. Improves Focus and Attention

The average attention or concentration span of a lower class kid is just a few minutes.

The conventional teaching methods would be boring for them and they may lose their focus in the midway.

Including creative teaching strategies such as storytelling and skits are sure to improve their focus and attention and the study time would be more productive.

Playing memory games, taking regular breaks and intervals to bring in some creativity and setting a flexible classroom environment can make a lot of improvement in their attention span.

8. Better Communicators

A classroom environment that promotes creativity opens them a world of communication. Students can make better conversation and stimulate innovative thinking and talking sessions in their free time.

This also triggers group problem solving and shared learning that gives them a feeling of togetherness.

Classroom debates not only help them to think creatively but also understand and welcome others’ views. This kind of shared creative experience helps them to open up to one another and grow up as better communicators.

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9. Follow Passions

Working out the passions in addition to excelling in academics is important for a student to come up successful in life.

A good classroom environment should give space for students to follow their passions whether it is music, dance, poetry, drawing or other art forms.

This gives students a sense of happiness which in turn helps them to approach academics with a free mind.

Setting aside time for such activities is really going to help them develop their creative talents in addition to academic brilliance. Students who rightly use these opportunities can come out of the school with flying colors.

10. Future Opportunities

A stimulating classroom can have charts that visualize the goals with timelines that help students to have a look on the go.

The classrooms are the place where students get the basement for how successful they can be when they grow up.

The skills and the confidence they gain throughout their school days are really going to make an impact in the way they prosper the career.

In fact, creative persons have an upper hand in triggering future opportunities than those with a mere academic skill set.

They can express freely during knock out rounds and the way they present themselves really matters in this competitive phase.

11. Innovative Mindset

Open-ended questions and classroom discussions are two popular creative teaching strategies that help students to develop an innovative mindset.

Students get opportunity to think more critically about the question or subject and come up with innovative ideas.

The friendly classroom discussions also aid them to think decisively about others’ ideas and contributions while thinking critically to produce something innovative.

A stimulating classroom setting which is colorful rather than black and white can do the trick to lower class students and teachers can make some effort to bring in some humor between the lessons.

12. Drive Lifelong Learning

A person with a creative mindset always has that craving to learn new things every time and this helps them to have that amazing feeling of lifelong learning.

This would really keep them engaged and active throughout which in turn helps them to stay young always.

A curious mind always loves to learn more and the creative classrooms can build up a curious mindset in children through unconventional ways.

The education apps are on the rise with the growing mobile market and there are some awesome apps such as Doodle Buddy, 123D Sculpt, Audacity and GarageBand that gear up creativity.

However, it is the role of a good teacher to bring in the right mix of creativity in classrooms and bring out the best in the students.

The pleasure of creativity also contributes a lot to improved health and this helps them to have a continued growth in academics as well as world of creativity.

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During a TED talk, Sir Ken Robinson raised the utmost significance of creativity in today’s education when he told “Creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.”

Class Room Activity Apps

Every child has some inbuilt creativity in them and proper guidance from the teacher coaxes and cultivates it to help them grow up as creative individuals.

Now is the age when a rush of technological advancements is changing every sphere of human life. Speaking of one such innovation is the field of Augmented Reality (AR) which is extensively finding its use in the field of education. Introducing a fun element to learning, here are some mobile applications that allow teachers to employ creative teaching techniques in classrooms.

The Multi-Faceted AR Apps for Imparting Knowledge

1.  AR Flashcards – Montessori Teachers’ First Choice

Montessori and preschool teachers enjoying their role of interacting with and teaching toddlers and preschoolers can look up to the AR Flashcard Animal Alphabet AR mobile app. This is an app that can lay a strong foundation for kids who are taking baby steps into learning and recognizing alphabets and animal names. This innovative teaching app which is sure to excite the senses of both the teacher and the learner comes in the form of cards. Students will be excited to juggle with these cards which come with the alphabet along with the corresponding name of an animal. In this manner, these flashcards come in as unique instruments attracting the attention of first-time learners.

The teacher can point his/her mobile at a printed flashcard that will result in an eye-catching 3D image of an animal on their screen. Then, the tutor can prompt students to tap the animal. When they do so, the students will get to hear the name of the animal and the alphabet the name begins with, that is given out by this intelligent app. Compatible with both Android and Apple phones, this AR app also allows you to save the pictures of all the 26 animals by tapping the “Screenshot” button on the phone.

AR Flashcards Space, as the name suggests, is a novel mobile AR app that is again meant for preschoolers and toddlers. Teachers can use this app when they are planning to conduct an introductory class about celestial objects. This is a befitting app that allows students to be taught with the help of 3D images depicting the various planetary objects along with their names. The “Info” button comes handy to explain interesting trivia about these objects belonging to outer space. This app can be downloaded on all the iOS and Android devices that come with a camera.

If you are looking to introduce your toddler into the world of colors and shapes,the free AR Flashcards Shapes and Colors app is one of the best choices. Tagged as a fun-filled teaching app, this cutting-edge AR technology makes teaching exciting. There can never be a dull moment in the lives of both teachers and students when both of them can make the most of the innovative technology of AR. The app that helps to teach students about various colors and shapes, comes with a color bar at the top of the screen. Teachers can simply press a button for the color and the shape to change. This app can be downloaded from either Apple iStore, Amazon Appstore or the Google Playstore.

2. Chromville Science – A Beginner’s Guide for Anatomy

Compatible with both Android and Apple phones, Chromville Science offers the perfect amalgamation of AR technology and high-quality educational content. Incorporating the concepts related to 8 Multiple Intelligence concerning the different learning stages of young children, this teaching app supports students who are interested in human anatomy. Teachers can make the class interactive by downloading this app on their mobiles before they can start printing the coloring pages. Now, it is for the students to color the templates according to their liking.

This is the spadework that should be done before you can start the app. The next step is to start the app. Teachers can prompt their studentsto tap the “PLAY” button which will again allow them to “SELECT” the correct character. The last step is to “PRINT” the colored pages which are in .pdf format.

Chromville Science is a perfect teaching app to unlock the inquisitive side of students. It is through such creative teaching techniques that students will grasp knowledge going by the maxim that “A picture is worth a thousand words”. They will be able to recapitulate nuances of a subject when they are exposed to pictures rather than subjecting them to black and white information.

3. Anatomy 4D – Your “On the Go” Anatomy Teaching Tool

Anatomy 4D AR App is aperfect aid to students, teachers and medical professionals. All in an attempt to unveil the knowledge about the enigmatic human anatomy and the heart in particular, this mobile app can be used to conduct an interactive class about the various parts of the human body.

You name the human system and teachers can access 4D images in the app explaining the same in detail. From the skeletal system to the muscular and digestive systems, those interested in anatomy will have information about various human systems on their fingertips.

Downloading this app onto your Android phone is an intelligent move before teachers can “PRINT” the huge collection of images that are enlisted under the “TARGET LIBRARY” section. This section lies embedded inside the MAIN MENU which is made accessible to mobile users. Once the image is printed, the teacher should place the printout out on a levelled surface and scan the image, using her phone. This completes the job of the teacher and the onus now shifts to students when the app delivers an unimaginable and life-like 4D image of the human part the teacher earlier scanned. The “ZOOM IN” option is an add-on from the app for students to enjoy a closer look at every organ that makes up a particular human system under study.

Helping mobile users to embark on a virtual journey, the Anatomy 4D app is a perfect teaching app to understand every bit of information concerning various body parts and their interconnections.

4. Unravel the “Under Water” Secrets through the Barcy AR App

Teachers looking to stimulate the imagination of students enamored with the water kingdom can now do it the smart way. The Barcy AR mobile app allowsstudents to imagine being a part of the stunning water world. Compatible with iPhones and Android devices, the Barcy AR mobile app throws light on the various types of marine animals with an imaginary submarine ride as a compelling attraction of this app.

Simulating the unfathomable depths of a water body, this app turns a discussion into a visual treat when students begin to enjoy the sight of marine creatures they are not familiar with. Giving the students the freedom to design their favorite marine character, teachers can harp on the ill-effects of water pollution alongside offering ways to avoid the same. This app which introduces students to various swimming techniques can excite them to register for swimming classes as a move towards “healthy and happy” living.

5. Elements 4D – An Easy Way To Master Chemistry

Elements 4D is an awesome app that provides an easier way to memorizing the periodic table of elementsand chemical reactions. The app features a collection of 4D cubesthat can be prepared by printing the special element blocks on a letter-sized paper and then, cutting them out and folding them. The blocks can then be held in front of any device camera to see the elements in augmented reality. Students can use the cubes to learn about 36 different elements, their names, atomic weights and structure.


They can also try bringing two different element cubes together to see if they react. After selecting one element, the next step is to introduce the second reactant. Then, teachers can move the two blocks close to each other until they establish a contact. If both the reactants are chemically active elements, the app demonstrates a chemical reaction. If nothing happens, you should alter one of the elements that can result in another chemical reaction.

6. Arloon Geometry – An AR App That Makes Geometry Interesting to Teach

Arloon Geometry is the next in the list of stunning teaching apps, employing the state-of-the-art Augmented Reality technologies. Offering a collection of multiple 3D models that explain various geometric shapes, teachers can handhold students above the age of 11 years to learn geometry. Allowing the class to interact with different geometrical figures, this app can strengthen knowledge about spatial visualization-a mental ability of students to visualize 2D and 3D figures.

The long list of topics that can be taught by this app is simply fascinating. Teachers can discuss geometric shapes like prisms and pyramids while going into the depths about their respective properties. Formulae to calculate their areas and volumes are also provided. The app follows a step-by-step process to arrive at a solution using the area or volume formula.

AR comes into play when students will be able to make comparisons between different geometric shapes in a virtual environment. Enabling students to understand various geometric shapes from different angles, AR steps in by making these multi-dimensional images look like plane surfaces. A star attraction of this app is the fact that its educational content is in line with the curriculum of schools. To sum it all, this app is a stunning tool that promises the perfect blend of textual content and graphic representations.

7. The Metamorphosis from a Pupa to Butterfly Clearly Explained by an AR App

Life Sciences teachers have a novel tool to excite their students. Life of a Monarch ButterflyAR app,which is compatible with iPads, can be downloaded by teachers who wish to tread the path of creative teaching. Tagged as an interactive app, an iPad dock VGA adaptor and a projector are the accompanying gadgets that are needed to make the most of this educative app. Teachers will excite students by projectingthe life-like simulations of the transformationsfrom an egg into a beautiful butterfly, on a screen.

Science teachers who wish to conduct their classes through video presentations can bank on this teaching app. The app which employs the AR feature follows a step-wise instructional pattern. After the successful completion of a lesson, students will be able to access a pop-up styled book which has a summary of all the important points of the chapter.

Teachers will be able to deliver practical sessions to their wards when the app isteamed with video presentation. Notwithstanding the intelligent quotient of a particular student, this teaching app can help smart students and the below-average ones. This app gains strength from the fact that the educational content is backed by graphical and life-like representations and thereforeis unique.

Coming under the umbrella of a digital storybook for teachers, this app helps teachers delve deep into the enigmatic natural wonders that surround and excite mankind. This teaching app is a perfect bet for students to visualize the beauty of nature that cannot be experienced by the naked eye.

8. History Teachers Make You Go Down Memory Lane With Augmented Reality Freedom Stories

A history teacher who wants to explain the ancient parables talking about the conditions of people of bygone eras can bank on Augmented Reality Freedom Stories AR app. History lecturers can use the app to take students to go down the memory lane about the incidents connected to the period when the US/Canada Underground Railroad was being commissioned. Going back to the time when Harriet Tubman, an American humanitarian who resolved to grant freedom to the American slaves living in Canada, it is through this app that a history class can be made even more exciting.

Teachers who possess an iPad or an iPhone can download and install this AR app along with the flash cards that come with it. Once installed, teachers can print these flash cards. The next step is to launch the app and point the image that is depicted on each of the cards to your device’s camera. This is when students will be thrilled to witness the glory of ancient stories come to life through AR.

9. Star Chart – An Exciting Visual Aid Simulating Outer Space

A classroom discussion about stars and their constellations, planets and the solar system, and the moon is incomplete without the Star Chart AR app. This app is compatible with multiple devices including Android Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android phone and Mac Desktop. However, all the above mentioned devices should come with a built-in compass so as to enjoy all the AR features of the app.

This high-tech teaching app can transport them into the captivating world of outer space when students begin to enjoy the stunning looks of the entire universe. Teachers will also be able to demonstrate how to calculate the astronomical distances between a particular star, moon or planet from the Earth.

The app can also be used by students aged between 7 and 18 years to view all these celestial objects even when the sun is shining bright. Teachers can simply point their device to any outer space object for the class to know whether it is a star or a planet. Students who are curious to know the placement of their star sign can use this app to view their star.

Once the teacher holds her mobile to the sky, she will be able to excite the visionary senses of her entire class. It is then that all the students will begin to watch in awe the beauty of the outer space unfolding in front of their eyes. This phenomenon comes in the form of 3D images with visual effects.

Additionally, this app allows teachers to manually set their location to visualize how the sky appears from any corner of the globe. All thanks to the Star Chart AR app, teachers can present the look and feel of everything and anything that happens on the ever-expansive blue sky to their inquisitive students.

10. Aurasma – An Innovative AR Teaching Tool

If you are a teacher who is driven by the zeal to employ the state-of-the-art teaching practices, then you are just a step away before you can achieve this. Simply download the Aurasma AR app, an educative tool specially designed for teachers and you are all covered. This app allows creative juices to flow by engaging students of different ages.

Compatible with iPhones and Android devices, this app helps in the creation of online AR content called “Auras”. Teachers can share the created content that is saved on their phones by connecting with the Aurasma Studio-a free online interface that allows teachers to create and publish their AR content. This app conveniently helps teachers to upload images, videos and animations that can be used to impart education to knowledge-seekers.


Technology aided teaching has become an indispensable part of the lives of every student and teacher. Apart from the use of multimedia technologies, the most modern advancements in the teaching sphere come in the form of AR tools. These apps allow students to experience the look and feel of real-life situations and thereby, transport them into an imaginary world while remaining in their classrooms.

There are many puzzles that improve the mind power of children. However, there is one that does not need an introduction. Sporting a colorful and compact cube with 6 faces, each divided into 9 cells, this is the Rubik’s Cube with each face showing a different color.

Solving a Rubik’s Cube is not only for playing but children can hone their brain power making several moves with the cube so that every face shows up one color. If you are interested in introducing your child to this unique and engaging puzzle, here are the numerous ways your child will be better recognized as smart and intelligent.

  1. An Open-Ended Puzzle That Needs No Instructions

Topping the list of advantages a Rubik’s Cube comes with, it is an open-ended puzzle that does not require your child to refer to an instruction manual. There are no hard and fast rules to arrive at a solution. You simply put the cube in the hands of your child and you can see his/her eyes gleam with happiness and excitement with small victories. No rule book or cheat codes are needed to understand the intent of the designer. It is a simple, but not-so-easy puzzle to solve. However, your child who will get to understand the aim of the puzzle will try different moves and combinations to solve it in multiple ways.

  1. Promotes Problem-Solving Abilities

Gift your child a Rubik’s Cube and you will be sharpening his/her problem-solving abilities. Your child, through trial and error method will get to learn the importance of every move which will either get them close to the solution or take him away. Your child will try to solve the puzzle by focusing on multiple patterns. This entire process of trying out multiple moves will pave the way for him to develop a clear understanding of the process of problem-solving.

He/she will also try to visualize the spatial impact of every move and will be promoted to eliminate the combination that does not get him close to the solution. Eventually, he will try to establish a pattern of moves that will get him closer to the goal of showing up a majority of faces with similar colored cells.

  1. Determination and Focus – The Two Important Traits Bestowed By the Puzzle

Any puzzle that employs the trial-and-error method allows the player to indulge in multiple moves to solve it. Through this repeated exercise of toggling between various possibilities and combinations of faces and cells, your child will begin to strengthen his/her determination to solve the puzzle.

Speaking of having a better focus, your child will be able to concentrate on the task at hand. He/she will attempt to apply all his/her mental abilities to tackle the puzzle with an enhanced level of confidence. Here comes another attraction. Since there is no hard and fast rule to complete this puzzle, every time your child picks up the puzzle, they will arrive at the solution in a unique way that was so different from the earlier moves they made. This feature demonstrates the fact that they are multiple ways to solve a problem, provided you put your heart and soul into seeking the solution.

  1. Eye-Hand Coordination Tagged to the Brain

With the Rubik’s cube in hand, your child will enjoy the benefits of a sharper brain that stems from a solid eye-hand coordination. Paving the way to improve their memory, your child will experience better reaction time coupled with an enhanced agility and attention span. While the mind is racing through a number of alternative moves, the eyes and hands of your child will be put to their optimum use; in perfect unison. Thus, a learning system evolves through the perfect amalgamation of various human reflexes.

  1. All about Skill and Nothing to do with Luck

Toggling with the puzzle builds the confidence levels of your child with every small victory. He/she will begin to enjoy a sense of accomplishment of a job done well with a strong belief that they can solve any puzzle. Believing in the concept that nothing is impossible, they will try their level best to solve the puzzle and stay ahead of their peers of their age.

It calls for a great deal of skill to work around the 43 quintillion combinations that the Rubik’s cube can come up with. Here, luck does not have any role to play. Success is guaranteed for children who put their innate and acquired skills to test. Through the multiple moves that your child makes to complete the puzzle, he/she is slowly inching towards bigger challenges that higher education will throw at him. Thus, Rubik’s Cube will sharpen his/her mind.

  1. Observational Skills Lead to a Host of Other Positive Traits

Your child will be glued to the puzzle once he/she starts observing it keenly. They will begin to enjoy a pattern of experimenting and taking note of patterns that will get them close to the winning post. They will also start to draw conclusion and will patiently make moves that will bring him closer to the goal but are time-taking. They will also move on with a sense of perseverance, with all eyes on the puzzle. Eventually, with regular practice, all these brainy activities will help your child identify his/her love for a particular profession that will shape him up into a man of multiple abilities.

  1. The Rewards Are Aplenty

Success with a Rubik cube comes with all the faces sporting cells of the same color. Your child who has taken baby steps to solve the puzzle will now enjoy the satisfaction of applying his/her own abilities. As a child attuned to all the moves of a Rubik’s cube, he/she can become the apple of your eye when they will be cheered in a crowd for their problem-solving abilities. Your child who will improve his/her cognitive abilities will tread the path of better thinking and memory; all thanks to the Rubik’s cube puzzle. He/she can also proudly carry the mantle of an intelligent problem solver who can attract the attention of the management of schools and colleges to offer them scholarships.

  1. The Mind Takes On Center Stage

Tagged as a mechanical 3-D puzzle that can improve the awareness about spaces, toying with this cube hones the analytical abilities of your child. They will be able to recognize images while their brain will work in the direction of seeing these images in the context of the surroundings. It is through the regular movement of the 9 faces on the cube that your child will be able to fine-tune his/her abilities concerning visual and spatial intelligence.

  1. The Ultimate Feel of Victory

Mastery comes through practice. This is so true with the Rubik’s cube when your child will cherish and relive the satisfaction of solving it. Hence it comes as an intelligent move to introduce him to this innovative and multi-faceted puzzle for him to experience the ultimate feeling of victory which can be cherished for life.

  1. A Puzzle to Keep Boredom at Bay

Dealing with a hyperactive kid or a child who gets bored very easily? You have a perfect solution to all such woes. Simply place a Rubik’s cube in his/her hand and you will be helping them to feed the right things into their brain. Not allowing their mind to wander, the puzzle will help him break a particular task into simple and multiple steps. Introduce your child to this leisure activity to get benefitted from all the above physical and brain-centric advantages that the colorful Rubik’s cube has in store.


All in an attempt to raise smart children, the onus is on the guardians to introduce them to such brainy puzzles early on. Get them to play with the cube when their brains are in the stage of development. Solving Rubik’s cube is an activity that will hasten the development of your child’s brain in one or more ways; transforming them into smart individuals.