Designing and teaching a course requires in-depth planning and an ongoing revision. Most probably, you will require recommendations from your colleagues. It is possible to obtain inspiration from other similar courses.

To prepare a good foundation for your course design, you need at least 6 months. This time period is necessary to define course goals, set teaching standards, cultivate course content, develop teaching methods and set several course policies.

This article is a guide through which you can design and teach a course from the ground up.

Define The Goals Of Your Course

First and foremost, take a few steps by defining the goals of your course. You need to become clear about what you wish to teach your students and what they can accomplish with it.

This basic clarity will allow you to seek the right direction when creating the content of your course. Also, you can use these goals to define your teaching methods, including the use of exams and assignments.

Curriculum planning is key to introducing a course successfully to students. The best goal formulation focuses on learnings and its result. The subcategories of your goals can concentrate on the content type, cognitive development as well as personal development of students.

According to expert teachers, specific goals work better than broader ones.

You can ask these questions to reach the right course goals:

  • What is the gist of course, students can retain even after 5-10 years?
  • What are the career and life-altering features of your course for the students?
  • What sort of skills you want to offer to your students?
  • What is the level of course (introductory course, fundamental course, or an advanced course)?

Outline The Content Of Your Course

No need to go too deep here, but a foundational structure of content is important to move ahead with the course design.

Make an initial outline, in which, you can list all the major topics of your course. For this, you will need an evaluation of textbooks, which are being used currently in the same sector of education. Discuss the value of every potential topic with experts in your education sector.

Also, go through the traits of the majority of students to restructure the topics. Don’t forget about the basic goals you have defined earlier. The topics have to align with the foundational goals of a course.

Use the initial outline to define pairs of concepts. This way, you can ensure a time-efficient teaching approach in your course.

After all that, you need to create a logical sequence of topics to define the flow of your course structure. This step is extremely important and critical in order to ensure that students understand every material clearly before moving to the next.

After finishing the sequence, ask the “why and how” for the structure of content you have designed.

You can introduce a topic, build on it, illustrate and provide a variety of perspectives in a sequence. This articulation has to have a rationale to ensure the success of the content.

There are different ways of organizing content topics:

  • Topical
  • Chronological
  • Survey-oriented
  • Conceptual
  • Process-oriented

Here are a few questions to help you define the topics and their sequence:

  • Is it possible to create a storyline or a theme with the topical organization?
  • What skills are required before beginning the application discussions?
  • Does the course require a theory introduction before problem illustrations?

Create Your Teaching Techniques And Tools

You have designed your goals along with the content structure. Now, you can think about the presentation process. This involves teaching techniques and various tools.

  • Your techniques and tools should align with the number of students in a class.
  • Your techniques and tools should align with the goals of your course.

Keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should consider the following points:

  • What sort of teaching style you utilize generally? How flexible can you be to adapt and apply your current style of teaching with the potential requirements of the course?
  • How will you blend your teaching method for every student enrolling in the course?
  • What would be the perfect balance of discussions, lectures, assignments, exams and other forms of teaching?
  • What kind of technologies can improve your teaching technique? Choose a technology after specifically identifying its purpose for your course. Integrate traditional tools with modern-age technologies to enhance the quality of your course.
  • Think about diversity in your teaching approach to align with multiple learning preferences of students.
  • Plan an ongoing student learning measurement to modify your approach whenever required.

Structure Assignments and Topical Exams

Measuring the impact of your teaching is very important to ensure the success of the designed course. So, you need to structure your assignments and topical exams before starting the teaching approach.

If your course is supposed to enhance the skills of problem-solving, the exams can’t contain fact-based questions only.

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The questions should present situational scenarios for students to come up with a logical solution. Similar concepts of goals should be applied when designing class activities, homework, and other assignments.

Here is how you can identify the effectiveness of your assignments and topical exams:

  • Are assignments reflecting one or more course goals and helping in their achievement? This involves deciding the genre and comprehensiveness of an assignment along with the time duration you provide for its completion.
  • Are your quizzes and exams reflecting one or more course goals? Is an exam helping in the process of learning success measurement? If yes, then, to what extent can you judge the success rate of your course?
  • Will you provide enough exposure to students and prepare them for these assignments and topical exams?

Choose Text Material and Other Resources

You need to plan the text material and its cost in advance. Choose a published material or compile multiple resources together to create a customized text material for students.

The process can take some time, depending on the size of your course and research requirements.

It would be wise to collect and store the whole material at your institutional library. This way, students will have a consistent availability of course material.

You can also provide a soft copy via the digital platform, so students can download the available course material.

You need to coordinate with your partner bookstores and ensure the delivery of materials at least 1 month before you begin your course.

When compiling a material, you need to go through the copyright issues and acquire permission from respective authorities to reuse the material. This process can take some time, which is why you should get it done about 3 months earlier than the beginning of the course.

Along with the text material, you need to obtain and arrange all valuable instructional technologies and equipment. Every software, training tool, space, and other requirements should be fulfilled 3 months earlier.

Develop Your Course Policies

The policies of your course should revolve around the grading process, exams, papers, class participation, and assignments.

Think of the potential issues that can arise and align your policies accordingly.

Potential issues can include low attendance, tardiness, late work submission, extension requests, and requests for exam rescheduling. Your policies should be well-thought and strategized enough to prevent and respond to common problems.

Select a Suitable Schedule For Your Course

Instead of accomplishing as much as possible in every class, focus on a smooth and convenient schedule. This way, you can teach successfully and students can understand every topic and indulge in discussions.

In your schedule, also add proper time durations for assignments, exam preparations, and classroom activities.

Also, keep all the holidays and campus events in your schedule to design an accurate estimation of course completion.

Turn Your Course into a Well-Written Syllabus

Foundational aspects of a course are:

  • The title of the course
  • The time duration of the course
  • The location of the course
  • Required text materials and other resources
  • The topics of your course
  • Major assignments along with the associated exams
  • Course policies associated academic integrity, grading, late work and attendance
  • Contact information and other instructions.

Evaluate and Refine the Design

The process of designing and teaching has to be an ongoing process. Which means that you need to continually work on improving the process.

Each and every step mentioned above has its importance and can arise again and again during your teaching process.

Hence, you need to give room for improvement by revising the different sections of a course accordingly.

When evaluating and revising your course, think about the core concepts of teaching.

Include your common understanding with critical-thinking and you will find the loopholes and potential areas of improvement in your course.

At the same time, keep your revision knowledge-based as well as thinking-based to find a perfect balance in your teaching approach.


Now, you have every step to design and teach a course with ongoing measurement and improvement. This plan includes everything from teaching, assigning work, testing and reviewing. You can follow each and every step and begin a course from the ground up

“One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world”

Teachers influence the lives of students much more significantly than we imagine. A teacher with the right skills inspires and influences entire student lives. They are instruments who can ignite powerful thoughts in students, helping them unleash their true potential.

To bring about such long-standing impacts, it is important for teachers to have certain skills. Let’s take a look at them.Teacher app ad banner

1. Discipline Skills

Discipline is an important skill that you should possess a teacher so as to be labelled as effective. A vital component of effective classroom management, your discipline ensures that positive behaviour is encouraged inside classrooms.

Unlike common belief, discipline is not about punishing students. Rather, it is a way to manage and guide students. Discipline is directly affected by the kind of relationship you have with your students.

The most important discipline skills you can have includes being respectful, responding to students, and reciprocating their interest. A teacher should be skilled in setting an effective routine with the right amount of flexibility.

As you might be already aware, proper communication and relationship building are very important skills as well.

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2. Classroom Management Skills

As a teacher, by ensuring good behaviour of students, the battle is half won.  But to be an effective teacher, you should also be able to help students develop study and work habits.

Good classroom management skills start with setting certain ground rules to stress the importance of classroom dignity.

Teachers should exercise patience along with a deep sense of care and kindness towards their wards. You as an empathetic teacher will win over the hearts of your students by demonstrating sensitivity, especially during student rifts.

Better student-teacher relationships emerge when you demonstrate a willingness to lend an ear to the problems faced by your students. It is important for teachers to establish a good rapport with students so that a positive, productive and safe learning environment is created in classrooms.

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3. Observation Skills

It is the prime responsibility of teachers to have a thorough understanding about the cognitive, emotional and social development of students. Since a classroom is filled with students coming from different parental backgrounds, it makes sense to a teacher to be aware of the learning capabilities of different students.

Here, observation is the key skill that every teacher should possess to become an effective tutor.

A class can be a mix of slow learners and intelligent students. This is a challenge that teachers face day in and day out when they need to adopt specific teaching patterns so that no student is left behind.

Understanding the innate abilities of each student helps you to match your teaching pace. Remember, given the variety of students in your classroom, “One size does not fit all”. You should adjust your teaching pace taking into consideration the overall IQ level of your class to ensure that every student benefits from your classroom lecture.

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4. Student Engagement Skills

Day in and day out, every teacher handles a bunch of students with different mentalities towards learning.

While some students demonstrate a keen interest in learning, others are distracted at the smallest provocation. Hence for you to be called an effective teacher, you should develop student engagement skills so that you can motivate your students.

You can make the educational content interesting for students by using different strategies such as the use of visuals and impressive feats and facts.

Developing a strong rapport with students is one of the best ways to ensure your students are engaged in the class. Show genuine interest in them and their interests. Be receptive to their queries and ideas.

Take that extra effort to understand their lives and problems better. Student engagement skills come naturally to some teachers, but others can develop them with practice. If you do it well, you become a “go to” source for the emotional or educational support that every student longs for.

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5. Strong Communication Skills with Students and Parents

Being a teacher, you are always putting your communication skills to test, every single day. Hence it is very important for a teacher to possess effective communication skills.

Your oratory skills coupled with a strong understanding of the subject matter will attract the attention of your students, paving the way for a high level of concentration towards the topic you are discussing.

Your preparedness comes to the fore when you are in a position to clarify the doubts of students so that you can make the subject material interesting to them.

An effective teacher is also expected to communicate with the parents of their wards. When you begin to constantly interact with parents, you will be able to bridge the gap between what is happening in school to what is expected from a particular student.

Parent-teacher meetings, along with phone and email conversations with parents are the tools that will help teachers stay in constant touch with parents. With such conversations, it becomes possible for teachers to update parents of the progress and weaknesses of their wards.

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6. Teaching Skills

Tagged as a noble profession that can change the lives of students for the better, every effective teacher requires good inter-personal skills along with effective speaking and strong presentation skills. Teaching skills include all of these and more… such as great organizational skills.

Teachers should be well-prepared for their lectures ensuring that they carry all the material that aids in teaching, to the class. You should have a penchant for working in groups.

Along with motivational skills that will keep the fire burning in the bellies of students, an effective teacher should rank high on empathy and rapport-building strategies.

Giving timely feedback about the behaviour and performance of your wards are also part of effective teaching skills.

Also Read:  21 Innovative Apps for Teachers

7. Subject Matter Expertise

Every teacher comes with a specific specialization. Putting in years of teaching experience, effective teachers stand in line with the changes to the curriculum of their favourite subject.

Keeping themselves abreast with the new topics that are added to the course, effective teachers will ensure that their students receive the best education from them.

When teachers demonstrate a high-level of subject matter expertise, students will be encouraged to pose questions with a belief that they will be clarified then and there. This overall knowledge about the subject you have chosen to teach will thus pave the way for interesting classroom sessions.

8. Time Management Skills

It is easy to get carried away by so many different aspects of teaching. But you only have limited classroom time.

Alongside ensuring that the curriculum is completed within the pre-defined time frame, you should also attach importance to the time taken by students to complete their assignments. You should follow a strategy to organize your working day around educational and non-teaching priorities.

An effective teacher, with an intention to offer repetitive practice to students, should strategically plan homework tasks. You can ensure the best use of classroom time by framing and structuring assignments which will help students sit for studies while at home.

Effective time management skills are vital for providing quality education to students while also meeting the specific learning needs of each student.

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9. Clear Planning Skills

You should be able to clearly plan what the objective for each class is. Planning ahead of time allows you as a teacher to be more confident about what you are going to teach each time you are in a class.

There can be holidays and unexpected events which need to be taken into consideration while planning. Also, have measures for students who are absent at times to help them catch up with the rest of the class.

10. Passion & Positivity

While not exactly a skill, being passionate about teaching is a pre-requisite to be an effective teacher. When you are passionate, you can learn from experience and there would be a constant search for methods to improve yourself as a teacher.

Maintaining a positive attitude is also very important, as you are a role model for your students. Your attitude towards each student will reflect in the way they behave and grow. So, maintain a positive attitude towards each of your students and avoid negative elements in the classroom.

Also Read: 20 Things Teachers Shouldn’t Do in the Classroom [Infographic]

11. Be a Team Player

Students would love to have teachers who are friendly and understands them. Rather than forcing students to learn by disciplining, working with your students as a team would help them have fun while learning.

It creates a positive atmosphere in your classroom, helping students to associate learning with fun activities. If you are a team player, it helps students to bond not just with you, but also amongst themselves.

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12. Patience

Let’s deal with it; managing a classroom full of students is not the easiest of jobs. There are going to be few students who would test your patience. But, if you lose your nerves during such testing times, it can produce only negative outcomes.

By being patient and working with troublesome students individually, you would be able to improve your classroom atmosphere effectively.

Key Takeaways

To be an effective teacher, you should be able to motivate and support students so that they are well-equipped to deal with any challenges life throws at them both academically and otherwise. With all the above skills in place, you will invariably take on the title of an effective teacher who inspires students in more ways than one.

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As we welcome another New Year, changes are inevitable in every field and it is no different in the education sector. When you talk about modern education, what a student wants the most is a good classroom experience. With advancements in technology, there is a lot for classrooms to expect in 2018, as well. Incorporating the modern technologies in the right mix can really lift the spirit of classroom learning. With the convenience, security and flexibility offered with new technologies, students would have more interest towards learning and they would crave for more.

So, here let us look at the most modern technologies that we can expect in a 2018 classroom and how they are going to improve the learning experience.Teacher app ad banner

  1. 1. Class Websites: A modern classroom will have a personalized website which helps students, teachers and parents to be in touch always. This web application provides a single place for everyone in the class to communicate any related things round the clock. The website will have access to announcements, events, & calendars and students can have a look at the upcoming assignments and syllabus. The website can even include additional sections such as blogs where students can share their views on any subjects or polls and contests as part of some celebration or decision making.


  1. 2. Interactive Whiteboards: The period of one-way lectures with a black board and chalk are now getting outdated. The interactive whiteboards that can be connected to computer are really changing the way different subjects are covered in class. These large computer monitors are also visually appealing for students and teachers can easily handle multimedia presentations. Teachers and students even have the option to draw or write on them with ease using its touch screen capabilities. Similarly, note taking is taking a new form with lightweight and flexible digital displays replacing paper note books.


  1. 3. 3D Printing: With this technology, students will have access to 3D models of different elements covered in their subjects. A 3D view helps them to have a deeper level understanding of certain lessons which they otherwise have only limited access when referring just text book pictures. Some working mini-models of certain applications can be set up in class to better learn about some principles. This technology erases the limitations of experimenting options for students. Without giving much emphasis to time and costs, they can freely experiment their preferred designs. The complex concept models can be reconstructed to easily convey tough subjects.


  1. 4. Online Social Networking: An online platform within a classroom will be an added advantage for students to socialize with their classmates and teachers. Teachers can act as moderators and students can utilize this platform to share their ideas freely with friends. Such opportunities for students can help them to identify their role in taking up learning as a personal responsibility. This can also act as a source for interactive learning where they can discuss their home works and projects and make learning more productive. The social networking tools can play crucial roles in improving engagement, interaction and team building activities in the classroom.


  1. 5. Big Data: Data generation within classrooms are on the rise every year which includes assignments, attendance, projects and weekly tests. Monitoring all these data in a regular manner is necessary to get an assessment of student’s performance which is a tough job. Big data is an efficient tool that helps to manage this monitoring pretty easily by analyzing significant patterns and trends. With this technology, data can be utilized in an efficient manner by saving a lot of time.


  1. 6. Student Response System: Teachers can receive instant feedback about their classes with such response systems. The modern tools such as Google Forms and Socrative are making the job really easy after every class which helps teachers to develop better strategies in the next class if needed. They can make necessary changes based on the understanding level of the students. This is also a good way to make in-class quizzes or polls at the time of decision making with regard to any event.


  1. 7. Tablets: With its portable nature and endless possibilities, this minicomputer like gadget is becoming a popular element in today’s classroom. With easy to store capabilities and internet connectivity, these are now replacing heavy text books. With possibilities of internet browsing, word processing and digital textbooks, the tablet is turning out to be the most popular classroom tool of the era. Whether it is Google Nexus, iPads, or Amazon Kindle, there are models built with students needs in mind. Adding to the overall convenience, new brands are offering paper-thin smartphones which is highly portable and easy to store.


  1. 8. Cloud Computing: This kind of advanced technology avoids the burden of students to carry their home works, heavy text books and assignments. They can just log in to their device to access their work saved at home system from their class. They can access the reading materials from digital library whenever they have an internet connection. Students can work on the projects anytime with the convenience of their device. The cloud technology also opens a world of virtual classroom learning experience when they can log in from their systems even at the comfort of their home.


  1. 9. Document Cameras: The advanced document cameras are now replacing the old era projectors for displaying learning content in the classroom for a wider audience. With precise display of text in big screen, students can get a visual treat of interesting lessons. The advanced models can easily capture movies with audio in addition to images. This technology provides ease of convenience in teaching with possibilities of even displaying content from SD cards.


  1. 10. Augmented Reality (AR): Engaging students in a classroom is the key to gain their interest for learning and this is possible up to a great extent with augmented reality (AR). The technology provides students an indirect vision of a real-world setting. They get an experience of getting physical with elements which are bettered with sensory inputs and graphics. With improved engagement and interaction, learning can be all fun for students. The endless possibilities of this technology help students to think out of the box and excel in the learning.


  1. 11. Communication Apps: These are becoming a must-have tool in today’s classroom. Whether it is Teacher Kit or Remind 101, communication between teachers, students and parents are a lot easy than before. The child’s activities in school can be monitored by parents with a virtual presence. They can also be intimated about any upcoming events or happenings in school. Students will get reminders from teachers regarding project deadlines and homework assignments which make the job a lot easy for teachers.


  1. 12. Virtual Field Trips: With limited time to go out of classrooms and explore different places and subjects, the virtual field trips are proving really beneficial for modern classrooms. With the endless possibilities of World Wide Web, the students can experience a guided exploration. This online learning experience can be customized depending on the subjects to be covered. Teachers also add tools for visualization, modelling and simulation along with this digital trip to enable them to think critically. They can engage in data collection and analysis, scaffolding and discussion to get the better out of this experience. Virtual studios are also slowly becoming an important tool in today’s classroom.


  1. 13. Artificial Intelligence: As each student prefer a varied learning style, the regular teaching methods may not be feasible for everyone. Their different progress rates and pace in learning can be better handled with artificial intelligence. With this technology, they would be able to pick up lessons in their preferred pace. The machine learning and artificial intelligence can play a key role in improving the weak areas of different students with customised learning.


  1. 14. Biometrics: Even when this technology is dominant in security industry, its possibilities are opening a new phase in the education sector. The eye tracking are finding its use for teachers to learn how the students understand and absorb the lessons. In libraries, the iris patterns can be used to know the identity of the students who are borrowing books which avoids the manual labour and saves time. The facial recognition and fingerprints are also helpful in easing off the class attendance.


  1. 15. Education Apps: These are now becoming integral elements of a new era classroom. With the dominance of mobiles, education apps are now a strong but flexible tool to teach and assess students in a smarter way. Being handy, students are finding it really convenient to maximise the possibilities of classroom experience. When Class Dojo gamifies the classroom, Nearpod aids to develop interactive lessons and students’ understanding level can be assessed easily with Plickers app.

Easy information access is the key to a successful learning phase and these future technologies are designed to bridge the online and offline gaps. With the use of modern technology in classrooms, students are getting all freedom to express their voice and creativity while learning new concepts in a different way. A sense of pleasure and the opportunities to explore new technology helps students to approach the world of learning in a positive mode. The modern classroom experience has really changed the way students perceive education and they love this phase of life than ever before. With more and more technologies to be introduced in the near future, tomorrow’s classrooms would be a better place for students.

Now is the age when a rush of technological advancements is changing every sphere of human life. Speaking of one such innovation is the field of Augmented Reality (AR) which is extensively finding its use in the field of education. Introducing a fun element to learning, here are some mobile applications that allow teachers to employ creative teaching techniques in classrooms.

The Multi-Faceted AR Apps for Imparting Knowledge

1.  AR Flashcards – Montessori Teachers’ First Choice

Montessori and preschool teachers enjoying their role of interacting with and teaching toddlers and preschoolers can look up to the AR Flashcard Animal Alphabet AR mobile app. This is an app that can lay a strong foundation for kids who are taking baby steps into learning and recognizing alphabets and animal names. This innovative teaching app which is sure to excite the senses of both the teacher and the learner comes in the form of cards. Students will be excited to juggle with these cards which come with the alphabet along with the corresponding name of an animal. In this manner, these flashcards come in as unique instruments attracting the attention of first-time learners.

The teacher can point his/her mobile at a printed flashcard that will result in an eye-catching 3D image of an animal on their screen. Then, the tutor can prompt students to tap the animal. When they do so, the students will get to hear the name of the animal and the alphabet the name begins with, that is given out by this intelligent app. Compatible with both Android and Apple phones, this AR app also allows you to save the pictures of all the 26 animals by tapping the “Screenshot” button on the phone.

AR Flashcards Space, as the name suggests, is a novel mobile AR app that is again meant for preschoolers and toddlers. Teachers can use this app when they are planning to conduct an introductory class about celestial objects. This is a befitting app that allows students to be taught with the help of 3D images depicting the various planetary objects along with their names. The “Info” button comes handy to explain interesting trivia about these objects belonging to outer space. This app can be downloaded on all the iOS and Android devices that come with a camera.

If you are looking to introduce your toddler into the world of colors and shapes,the free AR Flashcards Shapes and Colors app is one of the best choices. Tagged as a fun-filled teaching app, this cutting-edge AR technology makes teaching exciting. There can never be a dull moment in the lives of both teachers and students when both of them can make the most of the innovative technology of AR. The app that helps to teach students about various colors and shapes, comes with a color bar at the top of the screen. Teachers can simply press a button for the color and the shape to change. This app can be downloaded from either Apple iStore, Amazon Appstore or the Google Playstore.

2. Chromville Science – A Beginner’s Guide for Anatomy

Compatible with both Android and Apple phones, Chromville Science offers the perfect amalgamation of AR technology and high-quality educational content. Incorporating the concepts related to 8 Multiple Intelligence concerning the different learning stages of young children, this teaching app supports students who are interested in human anatomy. Teachers can make the class interactive by downloading this app on their mobiles before they can start printing the coloring pages. Now, it is for the students to color the templates according to their liking.

This is the spadework that should be done before you can start the app. The next step is to start the app. Teachers can prompt their studentsto tap the “PLAY” button which will again allow them to “SELECT” the correct character. The last step is to “PRINT” the colored pages which are in .pdf format.

Chromville Science is a perfect teaching app to unlock the inquisitive side of students. It is through such creative teaching techniques that students will grasp knowledge going by the maxim that “A picture is worth a thousand words”. They will be able to recapitulate nuances of a subject when they are exposed to pictures rather than subjecting them to black and white information.

3. Anatomy 4D – Your “On the Go” Anatomy Teaching Tool

Anatomy 4D AR App is aperfect aid to students, teachers and medical professionals. All in an attempt to unveil the knowledge about the enigmatic human anatomy and the heart in particular, this mobile app can be used to conduct an interactive class about the various parts of the human body.

You name the human system and teachers can access 4D images in the app explaining the same in detail. From the skeletal system to the muscular and digestive systems, those interested in anatomy will have information about various human systems on their fingertips.

Downloading this app onto your Android phone is an intelligent move before teachers can “PRINT” the huge collection of images that are enlisted under the “TARGET LIBRARY” section. This section lies embedded inside the MAIN MENU which is made accessible to mobile users. Once the image is printed, the teacher should place the printout out on a levelled surface and scan the image, using her phone. This completes the job of the teacher and the onus now shifts to students when the app delivers an unimaginable and life-like 4D image of the human part the teacher earlier scanned. The “ZOOM IN” option is an add-on from the app for students to enjoy a closer look at every organ that makes up a particular human system under study.

Helping mobile users to embark on a virtual journey, the Anatomy 4D app is a perfect teaching app to understand every bit of information concerning various body parts and their interconnections.

4. Unravel the “Under Water” Secrets through the Barcy AR App

Teachers looking to stimulate the imagination of students enamored with the water kingdom can now do it the smart way. The Barcy AR mobile app allowsstudents to imagine being a part of the stunning water world. Compatible with iPhones and Android devices, the Barcy AR mobile app throws light on the various types of marine animals with an imaginary submarine ride as a compelling attraction of this app.

Simulating the unfathomable depths of a water body, this app turns a discussion into a visual treat when students begin to enjoy the sight of marine creatures they are not familiar with. Giving the students the freedom to design their favorite marine character, teachers can harp on the ill-effects of water pollution alongside offering ways to avoid the same. This app which introduces students to various swimming techniques can excite them to register for swimming classes as a move towards “healthy and happy” living.

5. Elements 4D – An Easy Way To Master Chemistry

Elements 4D is an awesome app that provides an easier way to memorizing the periodic table of elementsand chemical reactions. The app features a collection of 4D cubesthat can be prepared by printing the special element blocks on a letter-sized paper and then, cutting them out and folding them. The blocks can then be held in front of any device camera to see the elements in augmented reality. Students can use the cubes to learn about 36 different elements, their names, atomic weights and structure.


They can also try bringing two different element cubes together to see if they react. After selecting one element, the next step is to introduce the second reactant. Then, teachers can move the two blocks close to each other until they establish a contact. If both the reactants are chemically active elements, the app demonstrates a chemical reaction. If nothing happens, you should alter one of the elements that can result in another chemical reaction.

6. Arloon Geometry – An AR App That Makes Geometry Interesting to Teach

Arloon Geometry is the next in the list of stunning teaching apps, employing the state-of-the-art Augmented Reality technologies. Offering a collection of multiple 3D models that explain various geometric shapes, teachers can handhold students above the age of 11 years to learn geometry. Allowing the class to interact with different geometrical figures, this app can strengthen knowledge about spatial visualization-a mental ability of students to visualize 2D and 3D figures.

The long list of topics that can be taught by this app is simply fascinating. Teachers can discuss geometric shapes like prisms and pyramids while going into the depths about their respective properties. Formulae to calculate their areas and volumes are also provided. The app follows a step-by-step process to arrive at a solution using the area or volume formula.

AR comes into play when students will be able to make comparisons between different geometric shapes in a virtual environment. Enabling students to understand various geometric shapes from different angles, AR steps in by making these multi-dimensional images look like plane surfaces. A star attraction of this app is the fact that its educational content is in line with the curriculum of schools. To sum it all, this app is a stunning tool that promises the perfect blend of textual content and graphic representations.

7. The Metamorphosis from a Pupa to Butterfly Clearly Explained by an AR App

Life Sciences teachers have a novel tool to excite their students. Life of a Monarch ButterflyAR app,which is compatible with iPads, can be downloaded by teachers who wish to tread the path of creative teaching. Tagged as an interactive app, an iPad dock VGA adaptor and a projector are the accompanying gadgets that are needed to make the most of this educative app. Teachers will excite students by projectingthe life-like simulations of the transformationsfrom an egg into a beautiful butterfly, on a screen.

Science teachers who wish to conduct their classes through video presentations can bank on this teaching app. The app which employs the AR feature follows a step-wise instructional pattern. After the successful completion of a lesson, students will be able to access a pop-up styled book which has a summary of all the important points of the chapter.

Teachers will be able to deliver practical sessions to their wards when the app isteamed with video presentation. Notwithstanding the intelligent quotient of a particular student, this teaching app can help smart students and the below-average ones. This app gains strength from the fact that the educational content is backed by graphical and life-like representations and thereforeis unique.

Coming under the umbrella of a digital storybook for teachers, this app helps teachers delve deep into the enigmatic natural wonders that surround and excite mankind. This teaching app is a perfect bet for students to visualize the beauty of nature that cannot be experienced by the naked eye.

8. History Teachers Make You Go Down Memory Lane With Augmented Reality Freedom Stories

A history teacher who wants to explain the ancient parables talking about the conditions of people of bygone eras can bank on Augmented Reality Freedom Stories AR app. History lecturers can use the app to take students to go down the memory lane about the incidents connected to the period when the US/Canada Underground Railroad was being commissioned. Going back to the time when Harriet Tubman, an American humanitarian who resolved to grant freedom to the American slaves living in Canada, it is through this app that a history class can be made even more exciting.

Teachers who possess an iPad or an iPhone can download and install this AR app along with the flash cards that come with it. Once installed, teachers can print these flash cards. The next step is to launch the app and point the image that is depicted on each of the cards to your device’s camera. This is when students will be thrilled to witness the glory of ancient stories come to life through AR.

9. Star Chart – An Exciting Visual Aid Simulating Outer Space

A classroom discussion about stars and their constellations, planets and the solar system, and the moon is incomplete without the Star Chart AR app. This app is compatible with multiple devices including Android Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android phone and Mac Desktop. However, all the above mentioned devices should come with a built-in compass so as to enjoy all the AR features of the app.

This high-tech teaching app can transport them into the captivating world of outer space when students begin to enjoy the stunning looks of the entire universe. Teachers will also be able to demonstrate how to calculate the astronomical distances between a particular star, moon or planet from the Earth.

The app can also be used by students aged between 7 and 18 years to view all these celestial objects even when the sun is shining bright. Teachers can simply point their device to any outer space object for the class to know whether it is a star or a planet. Students who are curious to know the placement of their star sign can use this app to view their star.

Once the teacher holds her mobile to the sky, she will be able to excite the visionary senses of her entire class. It is then that all the students will begin to watch in awe the beauty of the outer space unfolding in front of their eyes. This phenomenon comes in the form of 3D images with visual effects.

Additionally, this app allows teachers to manually set their location to visualize how the sky appears from any corner of the globe. All thanks to the Star Chart AR app, teachers can present the look and feel of everything and anything that happens on the ever-expansive blue sky to their inquisitive students.

10. Aurasma – An Innovative AR Teaching Tool

If you are a teacher who is driven by the zeal to employ the state-of-the-art teaching practices, then you are just a step away before you can achieve this. Simply download the Aurasma AR app, an educative tool specially designed for teachers and you are all covered. This app allows creative juices to flow by engaging students of different ages.

Compatible with iPhones and Android devices, this app helps in the creation of online AR content called “Auras”. Teachers can share the created content that is saved on their phones by connecting with the Aurasma Studio-a free online interface that allows teachers to create and publish their AR content. This app conveniently helps teachers to upload images, videos and animations that can be used to impart education to knowledge-seekers.


Technology aided teaching has become an indispensable part of the lives of every student and teacher. Apart from the use of multimedia technologies, the most modern advancements in the teaching sphere come in the form of AR tools. These apps allow students to experience the look and feel of real-life situations and thereby, transport them into an imaginary world while remaining in their classrooms.