Sending off their kids in school bus can be a scary thing for parents. After all, they have no idea if the kid has reached school safely. This concern will be there till the child returns home in the evening. But if the school bus is a little late, parents’ minds start racing. Their concern is not entirely misplaced either. Approximately, 17,000 children are rushed to emergency rooms on an average per year because of school bus-related issues (Source:ABC News).

However, this is not an irresolvable issue. Employing a vehicle tracking system to track school buses is an effective solution. The concept of School Bus Tracking is quite simple. It provides real-time updates to parents and school authorities about the students’ location using RFID tags and GPS. Considering its simplicity and utility, this vehicle tracking system is a boon for school authorities as well as parents.

Let’s take a look at its advantages.

Read Also: 8 Reasons to Choose School Bus Tracking System

1. Addresses Safety Concerns

The primary concern for every parent is their child’s safety. With a vehicle tracking system school authorities, as well as parents, get real-time information on each student’s location. “Didn’t he get on the bus?” “Did he get on the wrong bus?” All such doubts become irrelevant. Notifications are sent for unscheduled stops, and the real-time location can be checked from the system’s mobile application; thus quickly finding solutions during emergency situations.

2. Makes Managing Simple

The RFID school bus tracking system is convenient for school authorities. The software takes care of routing and scheduling automatically. School authorities only need to review it and make changes for exceptional cases. It saves the time and energy needed for re-routing and re-scheduling whenever something goes wrong.

3. Improves Efficiency & Savings

Employing manual routing and scheduling can cause errors which might incur significant monetary losses. For instance, you might need to run an extra bus just because of a miscalculation. Such discrepancies can be avoided if you have an RFID vehicle management system in place. Employing such a system allows you to be aware of the distance covered and fuel burned by each vehicle. Therefore, it will be easier to streamline payrolls for drivers and vehicle service providers.

Also, the school authorities get to know how efficiently the buses are being run, if there is unnecessary idling and if the speed limits are being observed. These help in significant savings for the school over a period of time.

4. Acts as a Solid Record

By having a GPS vehicle tracking system, a school will be able to monitor and store the activity of each vehicle. Combined with the RFID tags, it can be really useful in tracking children if they go missing. The database can also act as evidence when and if accidents happen.

5. Provides peace of mind

Obviously, installing a GPS school bus tracking system provides peace of mind to parents as well as school authorities. With real-time notifications via a tracking system, you will be able to know the reason behind the delayed school transportation. Sometimes it can be traffic jam, unfavorable weather condition, break down, etc. whatever may be the reason, parents and school authorities will know about it instantly.

6. Maintains school bus attendance accurately

It is a difficult job to maintain attendance of each student separately. Also, taking attendance manually is prone to errors. With the help of a tracking system, you will be able to record school bus attendance quickly and easily. The attendance details obtained from the tracking system can be accurate and reliable one.

You May Also Like: 27 Best GPS Tracking Apps For Android and iOS

7. Enhances driver safety

You cannot always accompany school bus drivers and ensure that they are following essential road safety rules. By using a GPS tracking system, you get access to details such as speed, acceleration, braking, and turning of the bus. With these data, you will be able to know whether the driver is driving safely and whether he/she is following road safety rules or not.

8. Awaits avoided

By using a GPS school bus tracking system, parents are able to get real-time notification on arrival and departure timing of a school bus. Hence, long time waits and physical stress can be avoided by children as well as parents.

9. Creates a greener environment

A school bus tracking system will provide you the best route for school transportation and the idling time of each school bus. This will reduce the fuel consumption, which indeed results in creating a greener environment for everyone.

So, technology has finally found a way to ease parents’ tension. It’s time for schools to embrace it and make parents feel a lot safer. The popularity of Vehicle Tracking System in Dubai in particular, is on the rise.

What are your thoughts? Do you think the School Bus Tracking System would be effective, and would you have any concerns? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

Trackschoolbus Apps

Technology has been undergoing immense transitions recently and the new advancements have already been making their presence felt in every sector. The impact is being felt in the education field as well, where traditional teaching methods have already started stepping aside to embrace technology. But, what do we gain out of this? What transformations can use of technology in education bring? Let’s have a look:

Turn digital

In this era where everything is digitalized, how can a person face the world with just a pen and paper? That is exactly why students should be exposed to technology.  Computer knowledge is a compulsory criterion for any job these days. Therefore, only a digitally literate  can survive in this world of extreme competition in each and every field.

Sharing is easy!

Remember how you used to share notes when you were a student? With exams round the corner, you might have given your notes to a friend who doesn’t return it for few days due to some reason. You won’t be able to revise your lessons until your friend brings your book back and the result? Lots of tension and panic! With technology, sharing lessons is a lot easier, that too without giving away the notes you already have with you.

Analyse instantly

In traditional teaching methods, you have to conduct exams on a half-yearly or annual basis to understand the potential of your students. With technology in your hands, analyzing your students is a simple task. You can conduct simple tests to understand the areas each of your students has to improve in. This saves a lot of time which you can utilize to help the students improve in their areas of weakness.

Share the results

Parent-teacher meeting! The word itself can startle you, if you are a teacher.  It is not at all easy to sit and prepare reports on each student’s performance and then meet each of their parents with feedback. It is indeed a laborious task and at the end of the day, you may have no energy left. Especially if conducted on holidays, you lose valuable time that could be spent with your family. With technology entering classrooms, you won’t have to put even half the labour. You can share the reports on each student’s performance instantly. You can save energy and time that way.

Turn social

Most of you play games on social media platforms where you are rewarded or ranked virtually based on your performance. You can use technology in a similar way to virtually award your students who have done well, thus instilling a healthy competition among students. This motivates the children to give their best performances while making the concept of learning more interesting.

Save money and time

This can be said as the one of the most important advantages of bringing technology to the classrooms. With technology, you are saved from having to buy desks, books, lab equipments etc. all of which are very expensive. You don’t have to write everything on the black board. Instead you can share all the lessons or resources online. This saves your effort and time while benefiting disadvantaged students to have access to education.

Updates made easy!

Updating the syllabus is not a tough task when you have technology to your support. It can be done in a very short span of time. Also, you won’t have to buy thousands of updated books every year, adding to your savings.

Go Global

With technology, learning won’t be confined to the walls of the classrooms. Students get a chance to connect globally and hence, expand their knowledge.

It’s convenient

The heavy backpacks and hundreds of books have been causing physical issues to students for long. Introducing technology to classroom can therefore, tend to be such a relief to them physically.

It is a fact that use of technology beyond a limit can have negative effects. But there is a positive side that weighs heavier. And it is not tough to help children out of the bad effects due to over usage of technology. Introducing technology to class rooms can help in breaking the monotonous learning methods, thus motivating the students to do well. It also helps in reducing the issues related to stress, for both teachers and students as things get a lot easier.

It is to note that technology has not only intervened in teaching but also in the overall school management these days. There are lots of software and gadgets available in the market to provide suitable solutions to education related issues. Edsys is one such company that provides efficient educational solutions. The RFID Student Tracking System and GPS Vehicle Tracking System by Edsys addresses safety concerns regarding students and help in managing school bus fleet while the school work force management system and timetable management software aid in overall school management. Other products of Edsys such as Parent Portal and Smart Card Solutions for schools & colleges are also quite effective.

“A child without education, is like a bird without wings”-Tibetan proverb

Education, apart from being a human right, is a necessity for survival these days. An uneducated person finds it tough to survive, be it financially or socially. The list of these schools given below is proof that people around the globe understand the value of education and are ready to go to any extend to spread knowledge. They are much different from the typical schools we are used to.

These schools do not even come close to those large class rooms with a black board, chairs and table, plenty of students and teaches. But they all serve the same purpose-to educate. Here’s a journey through the world’s unique schools:

Boat school, Bangladesh


Most of the rural areas of Bangladesh do not even have access to education. If at all there is a facility, it is mostly boys who attend school. Girls can attend only if the school is near their homes. But, when it is monsoon, it becomes tough. Due to the long-lasting floods during monsoon, children are unable to attend school. This is the reason architect Mohammed Rezwan came up with a unique idea-the boat school! “I thought that if the children cannot come to the school, then the school should come to them,” he says.

Nomadic School, Siberia


This school was formed in 2006 by Alexandra Lavrillier, an ethnologist, with the intention of providing modern education to children belonging to the Evenk, a nomadic group of south-east Siberia, while preserving their culture. Before this school came into existence, the Evenk children followed a modern education system, by staying in boarding schools for months at a time. This caused them to lose contact with their tradition. The school, which has been given the status of “official experimental school,” has inspired more schools of that sort to come up in other parts of Siberia.

Train Platform Schools, India


These schools were formed as a result of Inderjit Khurana, coming in contact with lots of children begging in trains, instead of attending schools. Being a school teacher, Inderjit understood that education is the only way to help those children escape from poverty. But to enrol these children in school was an impossible task. The concept of train platform schools enables children who dwell in streets of India to have their share of basic education.

School in the Cloud, China


Journey to attend this school in Gulu village of Sichuan Province in China is no child’s play. Located in the middle of lots of cliffs and canyons, it takes about 5 hours to walk across the narrow mountain path leading to the school, consisting of dangerous twists and turns. Unlike the present situation, the school had dirty classrooms with leaky roofs and no toilet about 26 years ago. It was the teacher Shen Qijun who toiled hard single-handedly to bring the school to the present form. Now, the school has a toilet and children have been given uniforms by volunteers. The school continues to thrive despite the difficult conditions.

Door Step School, India


Established in 1989 by a group of social workers, the concept of Door Step School is similar to that of Boat School in Bangladesh. Aimed to provide education to the underprivileged children, the school goes to where the children are and starts the class there. “School on Wheels” is an initiative of the people behind DoorStepSchool to educate the children on the streets. For that, a school bus has been designed as a class room, with just one aim-100% literacy.

The existence of these schools proves that, beyond the facilities, all that matters is just education.

But all of these schools do not just follow a traditional education system. Technology is making education more affordable, simpler and safer. Edsys is an example of a company that provides educational solutions that help to enhance educational system, right from school management to school bus management. Some of its products include RFID Student Tracking System, GPS Vehicle Tracking System, Parent portal and smart cards for schools, that prove to be very useful in terms of overall school management.

Be it providing education or receiving it, the task isn’t easy at it seems. It requires a lot of effort and energy. There may be various elements to tackle in between to earn real benefits out of education. Bullying, racism, inequality etc. are some social issues that the providers and the students have to face in common.

There are some other issues that are solely confined to teachers or students. Hence, it is very difficult to understand for people outside the circle. But many movies have brilliantly portrayed most of the issues related to education so that others out of the education system can understand them better.

Here are 11 movies that narrate some of the challenges faced by teachers and students in the education system. These convey the importance of education:

1. To Sir, With Love (1967)

Released in 1967, this movie highlighted racial and social issues. ‘To Sir, with Love’ narrates the story of Mark Thackarey, a former engineer, who begins his career in teaching at an area with low standard of living in London. Soon, Mr. Thackarey realizes that rather than arithmetic or any other subjects, how to survive is what he has to teach his students and how Mr. Thackarey achieves that forms the rest of the story. Actor Sidney Poitier portrayed the role of Mark Thackarey in this feel good movie.

2. Educating Rita (1983)

‘Educating Rita’ is all about self-discovery and the power to choose, that comes through education. The movie narrates how the life of a young wife Rita (played by actress Julie Walters) transforms when she comes in contact with Frank Bryant, her assigned Open University professor after deciding to complete her education. Mr. Bryant happens to inspires her and teaches her to value her own thoughts.

3. The Breakfast Club (1985)

A bit different from the usual teacher-student movie, ‘The Breakfast Club’ tells the story of five students, each belonging to a different high school group, who happen to come together during a Saturday detention and connect to each other. The movie successfully portrays the interaction between students in an education system.

4. Stand and Deliver (1988)

This 1988 movie revolves around a high school maths teacher, Jaime Escalante, who leaves his highly-paid job to take up teaching. ‘Stand and Deliver’ narrates how Mr. Escalante motivates his undisciplined and rebellious bunch of students to excel in academics while overcoming various hurdles. The movie is based on a true story and the character Jaime Escalante is for real. In the movie, actor Edward James Olmos played the role of the teacher, Jaime Escalante.

5. Dead Poets Society (1989)

This classic film tells the story of a teacher who motivates his students the break out of their normal lives to seize the day and to be extra ordinary. Late actor Robin Williams played the role of John Keating, the free-spirited, understanding and inspiring teacher, every student wishes to have. The movie ‘Dead Poets Society’ and the character John Keating has been inspiring students for many years.

6. Mr. Holland’s Opus (1995)

Director Stephen Herek brilliantly portrays the harsh realities related to teaching in his movie, ‘Mr. Holland’s Opus’. The movie is about Glenn Holland, a music composer who is forced to take up the job of a high school music teacher to pay his bills, who later discovers the impact he made on his students. Actor Richard Dreyfuss portrayed the role of Mr. Holland in the movie packed with touching scenes that can leave you with a lump in your throat.

7. Chalk (2006)

The fictional documentary, ‘Chalk,’ narrates the challenges and problems that four teachers endure over the course of an academic year. Some moments of the documentary make you laugh, while others make you think as it honestly depicts the real hardships one has to face in one of the most respected professions-teaching.

8. Half Nelson (2006)

More than a student-teacher story, ‘Half Nelson’ explores race and class issues and friendship. In the movie, Ryan Gosling plays Dan Dunne, a high school teacher, with a unique teaching style, who is otherwise, a drug-addict. Mr. Dunne is forced to be friends with one of his students, when she finds out his secret.

9. Freedom Writers (2007)

This movie proves that education isn’t something that is merely confined to the four walls of a classroom, but beyond that. In the movie, actress Hillary Swank plays Erin Gruwell, a teacher who motivates her rebellious and underprivileged students to improve in terms of academics and behaviour by asking them to maintain journals about their lives.

10. Tare Zameen Par(Like stars on Earth) (2009)

This Indian movie, which comes with a tagline, “Every child is special” gives a new definition to education. Tare Zameen Par narrates the story of Ishaan Awasti, who is good at art but fares poorly when it comes to academics. Ishaan’s art teacher Ram Shankar Nikumbh, suspects that Ishaan is suffering from dyslexia and helps Ishaan overcome his disability. Actor Amir Khan plays Mr. Nikumbh while Darsheel Safary plays Ishaan Awasti in the movie. .

11. Precious (2009)

This movie about an illiterate and obese girl explains the importance of education. Actress Gabourey Sidibe plays the role of 16-year-old Claireece Precious Jones, who is physically and mentally abused by her mother and is sexually abused by her father. Precious Jones later enrolls in an alternative school and certain incidents inspire her to have a new outlook of life.

All these amazing movies help you to understand a lot about education. They might help you to provide better education to students. And for that to happen in an easier way, you can embrace technolgy. There are solutions such as RFID Student Tracking System, GPS Vehicle Tracking System, Parent portal and smart cards for schools that can be quite effective.