When talking about social media interaction and community, Twitter steals most of the limelight. Following and connecting with celebrities from all industries have become possible. From pop music celebrities to top influential college professors, you can find them all online.


Here are 30 of the most influential college professors on Twitter:

1. Lucy P. Marcus


At the IE School of Business, Madrid, Lucy P. Marcus is the professor of Governance and Leadership. In 2013, she was included in the TIME’s list of Best Twitter Feeds. The magazine praised her for the tweets she posts about the worldwide business structure and the enhancing designations of women in the corporate sector.

2. Jennifer Aaker


Social psychologist and author, Jennifer Aaker is also a marketing professor at the Graduate Business School of Stanford University. She constantly tweets her expertise about the connection between money, time and happiness. She also talks about the process of building a global brand. Her book on social media “The Dragonfly Effect” has received awards and top positions in magazine rankings.

3. Marcus du Sautoy


Holding the position as a professor of the Science of Public Understanding at Oxford University, Marcus du Sautoy is a mathematician, trumpet enthusiast, and a soccer player. His Twitter feeds are great to explore the wonders of the mathematics.

4. Daniel Drezner


Teaching International Politics at the Fletcher School of Tufts University, Daniel Drezner talks about global security and politics in his popular tweets. His book called the Theories of International Politics and Zombies got immense visibility. Plus, he was also on the TIME’s list of Best Twitter Feeds in 2012.

5. Brian Cox


If physics is one of your interests, you surely know who Brian Cox is. This physicist has been a host of multiple TV shows on BBC. He has made physics fascinating and cool for people. At the Manchester University, he holds the position of Fellow of Royal Society University Research as well as PPARC Advanced.

6. Cornel West


In 1980, Cornel West made a big impact in the history by becoming the 1st African American who attained a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Princeton. His Twitter feeds involve topics of philosophy along with social equality. You can also find some feeds about blues and jazz music. He has been a part of the Union Theological Seminary, New York City as a Philosophy Professor.

7. Paul Krugman


The winner of the Nobel Prize, Paul Krugman is an economics professor at Princeton University. At the same time, he contributes to the New York Times with his columns. In his Twitter profile, he shares his online work from different resources and keeps his feeds business friendly.

8. NourielRoubini


Founder of the Roubini Global Economics, NourielRoubini is also a professor of international business and economics at New York University. The foresight of Roubini is admired in the economic sector, which has made him an important contributor in the discussion of global economy.

9. James Hirsen



James Hirsen is a professor of law, and also is a news analyst, columnist, and author of a best-selling book. Hirsen is known for his tweets on entertainment, current affairs, and other latest news. So, people who follow him, get a chance to stay updated with the world around.

10. MichioKaku


A physicist, a television personality, an author, MichioKaku is the rock star of physics. His Twitter account is a combination of everything he does. From self-discipline to lectures and shows, Kaku talks about it all in is Tweets.

11. Lawrence Lessig


Lawrence Lessig is a high-profile professor of law and political activist. He is involved in multiple NGOs. In his tweets, Lawrence pushes the idea of the “free culture” regarding the use of software and copyright.

12. Glen Gilmore



Professor and an expert in digital marketing, Glen Gilmore boosts the knowledge of his Twitter followers with feeds about social media news, ideas, strategies, and insights. He has also founded his own social media marketing firm and has been a part of the faculty at the Rutgers University.

13. Richard Florida



Professor of Creativity and Business, Richard Florida is known as one of the most influential urban theorists. He shares his thoughts on socioeconomic concepts and creative class as well.

15. Jay Rosen



A Ph.D. holder and the professor of journalism, Jay Rosen teaches at New York University. He is the perfect person to understand the changes in the world of communication, media and the impact of digital age.

15. Andres Silva Arancibia



A marketing professor and a motivational speaker, Andres is one of the topmost marketing specialists you can follow on Twitter. He has multiple positions and presence all over the social media marketing world. From a marketer to a professional, everyone can learn a lot from his tweets.

16. Anne-Marie Slaughter


Professor of International Affairs and Politics at Princeton University, Anne-Marie Slaughter expresses the value of social media in community forging. She has lectured at various platforms and universities such as Chicago University and Harvard University.

17. Marion Nestle


Nutrition professor, Marion Nestle joined New York University in 2011. Her tweets have been considered one of the best by TIME magazine. She offers fascinating reports and ideas on food and health.

18. Michael E. Porter



With business economics Ph.D., Michael E. Porter is a professor at the Business School of Harvard. He also assists top CEOs with his expertise. And all this knowledge comes out as feeds on his Twitter account.

20. Steve Blank



Steve Blank is known as a startup guru and Stanford University professor, who teaches entrepreneurship. Every budding entrepreneur or tweeters who tweet about business and entrepreneurship should follow and learn from the wise words of Steve.

21. Mark Schaefer


Social media expert and professor, Mark Schaefer has also written a best-selling Twitter book. Forbes has recognized him as one of the most influential personalities who change the game of social media. He also lectures and teaches marketing at Rutgers, New York, Princeton, and Oxford University.

22. Clayton M. Christensen



Professor of business, Clayton is an economist who is popularly known for his thoughts on disruptive innovation. Harvard School of Business considers him as one of the biggest influencers of global growth and innovation. He is a business thinker who teaches, writes and tweets about his thoughts.

23. Mary Beard


This professor has contributed to classics with her books, teaching, and social networking presence. She has also been on BBC several times. She speaks her heart on Twitter and stands by her point of views.

24. Gary Schirr



At the Radford University of Virginia, Gary Schirr lectures on marketing. He also has a passion for social media and blogging. On Twitter, he is considered one of the best social media marketing experts.

25. Alec Couros


At the Regina University of Canada, Alec is a professor of educational technology. He has a strong presence on Twitter along with many other social media platforms. He tweets about technology and social media on his profile.

26. Rosabeth Moss Kanter


Rosabeth Moss is a researcher and a professor of administration of the business. She teaches at Harvard School of Business and shares her knowledge of innovation, strategy, and leadership with the world. She is known as a thinker and an influential personality on Twitter.

27. Alan Rosenblatt


One of the pioneers of the web age, Alan Rosenblatt specializes in digital politics. He has taught at Johns Hopkins as a visiting professor. His tweets are a collection of social commentary on the modern-age politics. He blends his thoughts with sarcasm and humor, which makes his thoughts more entertaining.

28. Madeleine K. Albright


Diplomacy professor, Madeleine K. Albright is a former Secretary, who has served the State of Madeleine Albright. She joined Twitter in 2013 and started winning followers from all over the world. She informs about her own work for the Foreign Relations as well as her lifestyle.

29. Patrick Strother


Professor of public relations and advertising, Patrick Strother has been a part of Minnesota University for a long time. He has also founded his own PR Company and has gained honorable mentions all over the digital world.

30. Rebecca MacKinnon



Lecturing on Law, working for internet freedom, and holding multiple academic positions, Rebecca MacKinnon is a big voice on Twitter. She expresses her own thoughts on online freedom and also shares valuable information regarding internet privacy.

So, there it is! You have the best 30 most influential college professors sharing their expertise via Twitter. No need to say that each and every professor specializes in his or her own field. And every person who follows them can gain quality information and learn consistently.

How about you refine your Twitter profile by following some of the great professors included in this list. You can follow them all and stay updated about the online world, social media, physics, marketing, and more!

With the influence of digital technology, the way faculties teach lessons and how students perceive it has changed a lot.

In today’s student-centered classrooms, teachers play the role of guides or motivators while students study themselves.

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Irrespective of the change in the educational system, we have seen that many of the students fail to succeed and the reasons behind it have remained almost the same over the decades.

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There were many studies conducted to figure out the exact reasons why students fail despite the larger influence of modern educational technology.

Lack of motivation and perseverance, the absence of preparation and effort, poor time management and a lot of other external factors were seen in the list.

Even when the reasons remain more or less the same, the perspective of a student and faculty to the same problem is different.

Here let us have a look at some of the most important reasons why students fail according to the faculty’s perspective.

1. Lack of preparation

Many students approach the studies with an easy mindset and they do not feel the importance of proper preparation.

This is one of the main reasons why many students fail despite having all the top class educational facilities.

Teachers and parents should make sure that students have a proper understanding of the study phase in their life.

They should give them proper guidance and advice on how to utilize the time fruitfully to lay a better platform for the future.

That is why it is important to challenge them on preparedness while providing them enough free time to relax and enjoy.

2. An absence of Motivation or Interest

Not being active learners is another reason why some students fail and the lack of motivation and interest is the cause behind it.

Parents and teachers should take the role of motivators in a student life and this helps them to easily relate the significance of studies to real life.

It is important to inspire them to set goals for life and work hard towards achieving it.

The absence of passion or interest can be a hindrance in their success journey.

So invest some time to let students understand the importance of taking up opportunities in life and be dedicated to tasting success.

3. Lack of Effort

This is another key reason why students fail and not see any progress in their lifetime.

This category of students tends to satisfy with grade C or D and never realize the significance of trying for better grades.

The faculties are greatly worried about the mindset of such students who are not ready to make an effort to better their grades.

Even when they provide them opportunities such as retests, extra classes or home assignments, they lack a drive from within to give some effort and better their positions.

4. Personality issues

This problem varies with each student and the reasons can be hard to find and get corrected.

Some students may be lacking peace of mind due to the way they are raised or they may be worried about their parent’s conduct.

Some others may lack a social connection and stay isolated from the classmates and institution.

Maintaining good relationships with faculties and classmates and being an active learner are all factors that lead to their success.

The faculties may arrange talk sessions or seminars for weak performing students and try to sort out their personal problems and see if they can do something to better their condition.

5. Lack of perseverance

Students should understand that learning is an ongoing process and it is not something that can be stopped in a matter of years.

Even when the priorities change in life, they should dedicate a considerable time for proper learning to succeed in life.

One should not take life easy and give valuable dedication to overcome the unexpected obstacles and challenges life offers you.

Thinking that success in life comes easy leads to wrong hopes and expectations.

6. Not Ready For College 

High school phase is the most important time when the student gets a foundation for the advanced level learning.

However, those students who take the phase lightly seem to be not ready for college.

When they approach college with an easy mind, the challenges and obstacles around them seem a burden for them.

Their poor note-taking skills, presentation and organization skills, and poor study habits they followed in school will backfire them once they enter the college phase.

7. Economic issues

This is a factor affecting a larger section of students.

They may not afford the bus fare to travel every day to school or buy additional resources to help them in their study.

This category of students will have an urge to study hard and experience success but the economic situations are taking them backward.

They may not afford to have a computer or internet connection at home which has become indispensable elements in today’s education.

8. Poor Educational System

Despite the advancements in the industry, a poor system can spoil a student’s learning and winning attitude.

The lack of incorporating diverse learning and teaching styles may affect a set of students who do not prefer the presently followed style.

The faculty’s attitude and behaviour towards students can be another reason behind their failure.

Helping them to set a good roadmap towards success and lifting them up in their small failures can give them a lot of positive energy.

9. Poor Time Management

Managing time efficiently and using the available time for the right purpose is important.

A student should know to fix his priorities in life and dedicate the time for the learning.

Wasting the time for the living areas that need the least priority and placing studies later in the list is another reason for the academic failure for most of the students.

The college students keep apart the same time for learning which they used to keep in high school learning which may be inappropriate in most cases which they realize late in life.

10. Lazy Mentality

Another set of students who experience academic failure seem to have a lazy mentality towards life.

They fail to think for themselves and they hardly spare any time to analyze what actually they want in life.

The lack of being solution oriented and the inability to take responsibility for their deeds or learning can be a setback for them in their advanced studies.

A student should be able to develop an independent mindset rather than depending on others to make decisions for them.

11. Fear of Failure

One of the first few things to teach students is that failures are stepping stones to success.

They should be raised in a comfortable system where they accept failures and success as part of their life.

Fear of failure is one among the top reasons why many students fail. They tend to have a negative attitude towards progress and they never take a step to better their grades once they fail in life.

That is why it is important to teach them to learn from failures and quickly move on in life.

12. Lack of Thinking Skills

A good student should have the ability to think well which is lacking in most of the present era students.

This is another reason why some students fail in practical sessions. Teachers should challenge them to think critically, analytically and creatively to become good learners and apply theory in practical life.

This will help them to analyze situations better and solve problems in a much smarter way.

13. Procrastination

Last but not least, the lack of good study habits is affecting the success rate of students to a larger extreme.

They don’t take any effort to study the daily lessons and not practice the problems regularly.

The pending portions to study get piled up at the end and they make a futile effort to study it all together just days before the exam.

Also, a lot of factors are distracting their focus for study and some of them get diverted from their study goals.

If you go through the reasons, it is pretty clear that faculties can play a key role in helping students to succeed.

Whether it is motivating them or helping them overcome their fear of failure, teachers can play the role of positive mentors who can make a drastic change in the overall output.

Moreover, the educational institutions can come up with seminars, campaigns or motivational programs to help students to identify the reasons why they fail and help them overcome it.

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Identifying these factors at the right time and giving them solutions to come over it can really boost their spirit of succeeding despite all obstacles that come their way.

Also, parents need to give moral support to their kids and make sure that they have a peaceful ambiance at home to study well.

Also Read: 10 Reasons Why Students Fail Mathematics

In today’s student-centered classroom, approaching them with a well-prepared lesson plan is important. A teacher will have to cover a vast syllabus in a semester or a year and she needs a proper plan to complete it efficiently in the time frame allotted for her subject.

The overall effectiveness of the plan depends on a number of factors which demands a lot of thinking from the teacher. Here let us have a look at some of the indispensable elements to consider while making a lesson plan for any class level.

1. Understand Your Objective

A teacher should be clear about their objective before creating the Best Lesson Plan. She may write down the lesson goal at the top followed by a flowchart of the portions to be covered and the expected result in the time frame. The ultimate goal of every lesson plan should be to help students to not only score well in exams but also to prepare them to apply it in real life. The understanding would be complete if a student would be able to teach the same lesson to a fresh set of students.

2. Prepare An Overview

 Have an overview of the portions to be covered or the activities planned in the particular class hour. You may present it in the form of a simple flowchart to the class to make it interesting and students will also feel a better involvement. This also helps students to get an idea about what all will be covered in the class and thus be an indirect participator in the lesson plan.

3. Strategize Your Timeline

Planning a timeline for the lesson plan can be a good idea that helps teachers to execute the plan with a watch for the time too. If it is a 1-hour class, break your plan into 4 sections of 15 minutes or 6 sections of 10 minutes or so. This helps you to execute the plan in a more timely fashion and cover up portions on time. However, it is better to plan a few minutes for each portion to relax or accommodate some changes if needed.

4. Know Your Students

Understand your students before you finalize the lesson plan. A teacher should have an understanding about what their students know till date, what portions need an additional push when teaching and what type of teaching strategy suits them better. Also, not all students of the class will have the same level of understanding. So the plan should accommodate the needs of all types of students in the class and a small portion of the time can be dedicated to weak students.

5. Include a variety of Learning Styles

The lesson plan should not just include one single learning style which invites boredom. So make sure that a range of learning styles are covered in the lesson plan which not only makes the session interesting but improves the overall result of the teaching sessions. The plan can include powerpoint presentations, flowcharts and diagrams, talk shows and more. The lesson plan has to be a mix up of aural, visual, kinesthetic and verbal learning styles.

 6. Apply Diverse Student Interaction Patterns

Interacting with students should be a part of an effective lesson plan. Teachers can bring in a variety of interaction patterns throughout the teaching phase. This can include group discussions, friendly debates, virtual field trips, or case studies. Try reading out the lessons and later ask students to read aloud. After completing a portion, you may ask students to present it via pictures. Or ask them to take the variation of the covered topics as seminars.

 7. Script Out The Lesson Plan

If you are making a lesson plan for the first time or if you have the problem of panic when seeing a group, it is always better to script out the lesson plan. This helps you to approach the classroom with confidence and no second thoughts. Keep the lesson plan accurately detailed so that even a second person can understand the plan content without explanation. This helps you to easily hand over the lesson plan to another teacher in case of your absence.

8. Proper Closure of the Lesson

Just like how you start the lesson, how you wind up the lesson is very important. A concrete closure to the lesson means that every student in the class is very clear about what portions were covered in the session. The last few minutes of the session should be left for a friendly interaction with the students when you test their understanding. The plan should always have space for students to ask out their doubts if any. A teacher should be dedicated to clarifying their doubts to make sure that the objective of the session is met.

9. Practice and Production

 Another important part of a lesson plan is the time for practice and production. Once you complete a topic, a few minutes should be left out for students to practice what they have learned. They can do it as individuals or in pairs. This practice could include worksheets, short assignments or even a small demonstration depending on the subject covered. In the production phase, students should be able to produce something on their own out of what they have learned. This can be done as group activities, board games or so.

10. Warm up and Review

The time when a teacher gives a one-sided lecture and students simply take notes is gone. In today’s student-centered classroom, the comfort and breathing space of the students have to be guaranteed. In addition to the teaching time, the lesson plans should have enough time allotment for warm up and review. A warm-up session can be made part of the plan to refresh them and bring them to the mood. A simple interactive game can help them to improve their participation and involvement in the learning. Similarly, a review of the previous lessons or the portion learned the day before can help them to connect to the present chapter easily.

11. Regular Assessment

Assess your students on a regular basis. Simply teaching the lesson one-sided and not testing if they are grasping the subject at the same pace doesn’t make any sense. So give some time in your plan for assessment to check their understanding of the lesson. This helps you to plan the same lessons again with a different strategy if the students needed additional guidance.

 12. Have a Backup Plan

It is always important to have a backup plan for your lesson plan. Things may not always go as smoothly as you plan and unexpected scenarios may pop up in the class.

So it is better to balance the loss without affecting your future plans. Also, it is a good idea to not plan it too tight and be flexible enough to manage some unexpected talks or discussions that may come in between.

Similarly, have one or two copies of your lesson plan and keep one at home in case you misplace the original.

Students will love to learn a subject only if the sessions are interesting and interacting. So teachers can make a deliberate effort to bring in variety to invoke their interest and avoid boredom.

Gamification and similar teaching strategies can help students to learn a subject with fun without getting an actual feel of learning.

Also, it is important to ask for the student feedbacks once in a while and make necessary changes in your teaching styles to make it more effective and engaging.

Keeping this tips or strategies in mind helps teachers to come up with a good lesson plan which can really impact the way students understand the subject. A good teacher’s role is not just helping them to score well in exams but enables them to apply what they have learned in real life too.

Biology has placed certain constraints on human brains as to how large can our social circle be.

This was a research carried out by Robin Dunbar, in a mind boggling revelation about human brain and their social circle.

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Dunbar’s Number – states that a person can maintain only 150 stable relationships with other humans during a certain phase of life.

The concept applies to every sphere of human life, be it professional or personal. We are a social species and everything we do boils down to where we want to be in this society. The ultimate goal is to stabilize the coefficient of social relationships.

And where and how does this process initiate? Dunbar’s theory inspires us to question the very basis of today’s institutional architecture. The place where the process of social interaction begins for a human, seconds the value of it to academics.

The Basis of Dunbar’s Number Theory

The members of primate group manifest a relationship between the size of their brain and the size of their social circle.

There is a pattern when it comes to the primate group. It follows a grouping of 150 people with whom we feel a sense of trust and obligation. Technically these are more than just names and faces to us.

There are species of animals that are not as intensively social as the humans. The research brings out a relation between the size of the brain and their affinity towards intensive, steady relationships. It turns out as we all know; human relationships are very demanding for a reason.

The research was co-related to hunter gatherer communities where the communities were grouped into a number of 150.

Explains why one person cannot govern a country all by himself. There is a pronounced need of advisories and sub governing bodies to simplify the process.

The Fate of Teachers in Current Educational Scenario

Now think about how it can address the issues in today’s educational system.

If we consider a teacher has seven classes in one day, each with a capacity of 40 students.

She encounters over 200 students in a day.

Considering the Dunbar’s theory, it is practically impossible for the teacher to know the cursory details of each student. Even in the rarest of the cases, if the teacher manages to remember all these details, it is unquestionably out of her capacity to connect with these many students on a personal level.

There can be an outlook where in the need for this inherent connection might forever be locked in a dispute.  Except, certain prerequisites of healthy education can never be over looked for obvious reasons.

Teacher’s Attention means a lot to Students

It is unfortunate that present educational structure prioritizes academic growth over a wholesome physical, emotional and spiritual development.

For starters, establishing a stable connection at individual level is essential to comprehend the demands that account for an exponential graph of academic performance.

A teacher has to work out the math of the overall grasping potential that comes from interacting with each student closely. This helps her tailor her lessons and curricular planning to fit the frequency of each child in the class. A slight variation or peak in momentum of lesson advancement could leave a void and cause the student to lag for the rest of the classes.

Classroom activities can be planned keeping in mind the strengths and weaknesses of each student giving a sense of responsibility to all.

A lot of us might argue on the idea of tweaking curriculum to fit the needs of individual comfort. However if we are failing to consider the principle of diversity whilst deciding the procedures to evaluate a set of pupils, it could turn out to be a big bias in the favor of few.

Now Looking at it from a Student Perspective!

Developing a relationship with an authoritative figure other than the parent is the next step in the life of a child’s development. It helps them determine their personality and stem the process of social evolution.

In other words, the student-teacher relationships mark the first step in the social progression of the child.

Studies have gone to prove that emotional intelligence of children has seen a huge rise when nurtured in a structured and organized environments.

Given the scenario in today’s educational institutes, where overcrowding lurks as a result of hyped reputation of a few institutes and lack of infrastructure in a few others, it is not uncommon for a student to struggle to meet his needs for attention.

And at what cost? The very purpose of this system is undermined as the scores hit by students in these niches lie in two extremes. Teachers are unable to evenly support students in terms of curriculum resulting in non-standardized test scores across the classroom.

This fosters a feeling of insignificance and negativity towards self that could lead to chronic cases of self doubt and low self esteem in young minds.

It goes without saying that the current system is unfair to both teachers and students.

How Can We Address These Issues?

For starters let us focus on efforts of reducing the size of each class, so that each student gets the attention they need and deserve.

If we can place students who struggle with a similar weakness together and keep the size of the classrooms smaller it would definitely work in their favor. Ability grouping is not such a bad thing after all if done wise and careful.

Teachers can focus on creating more engaging activities and lessons that will potentially captivate most students in the class.

And more importantly the teacher needs to be prepared to face the fluctuating dynamics of varied class sizes and students. Respectfully, as demanding as this job is, the teacher needs to adapt to the drifting nature of the classrooms and students.

A glimpse at the educational health of countries like Finland will help comprehend the gravity of the situation.

The Finnish educational model enjoys consistent success when compared with the global scenario owing to a high quality pedagogical training and a regulated staff-child ratio. It comes as no surprise as the education is structured for a holistic socioeconomic development of the state which encompasses the social, cultural, political, economic, and ethical-moral factors.

The average student teacher ratio noted in the Nordic country is 16.03 students per teacher. With this unorthodox educational model in place, one teacher is allotted to 15-20 students for the entire span of their elementary education. So by the end of the first year, the teacher has already figured out the instructional needs of every individual.

Most other countries following a corporate oriented model will term this extremely ideal and difficult to achieve given the rising student population.

But doing this, aren’t we underestimating the ultimate potential of digital transformation to enhance human connections?

How do we exploit the Power of Tech?

Provide teachers with tools to help them tweak their lesson plans and daily schedule. These implements could help a teacher set up her activities as per the needs and the size of her class.

Speaking of tools, time scheduling and management apps have been doing the rounds lately and have proven to be quiet useful in rightfully dispensing class hours.  Timetable app from edsys for instance has an automated function for timetable creation and mapping information to match each class with a suitable teacher.

Schools can employ this app to ensure a rightful distribution of students and allotment of teachers thus clearing the mess of prejudice that prevails in the current scenario. This will help ensure that each teacher will not tend to more than 150 students for one academic year.


The above discussed points could just be a pebble in the sea of problems we are yet to discover, rising as a result of unhealthy student teacher connection.

It is a hard truth that the concept of Dunbar’s number is nowhere in the consensus of today’s institutional architects.

But at the same time, we cannot ignore how much it calls for a revaluation and enhancement in the present educational set up.

Also Read : Why Is It Important For Teachers to Study Philosophy of Education

The teaching apps have made the classroom ambiance friendly and students have gained immense interest in learning with interactive and fun elements.

These teacher apps help teachers to communicate their ideas more freely and ensure the participation of students.

Are you a teacher looking for some good apps for your classroom?

Here, let us have a look at some of the most innovative apps for teachers that have really made a positive impact over the period.

1. Prodigy Game


  • Rating; 4.2
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 20M
  • Last updated: April 1, 2020
  • Download: Android

Teachers handling mathematics subject for grades 1 to 8 can access this awesome app for absolutely free of cost.


  • Content is tailored to every player’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Math questions are fully aligned with state-level curricula, including Common Core and TEKS, so Prodigy is always connected to the classroom.
  • 1,400 available skills give students the chance to learn more and keep growing.

2. Nearpod


  • Rating; 2.8
  • Installs: 500,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: November 9, 2018
  • Download: Android

This is one of the best apps for teachers to create an engaging learning experience for students and improve their interest for learning.


  • Real-time assessment tools available
  • Instant assessment options
  • User friendly and interactive

3. Mindmaster


  • Rating; Rated for 3+
  • Installs: 100+
  • Size: 3.3M
  • Last updated: April 25, 2019
  • Download: Android

You can use this app to easily handle group projects in the classroom.

The features of the app support easy mapping out of the relationships between ideas when setting up a project in a group.


  • Easy mapping
  • Quick visualization and development of project outlines
  • User-friendly

4. ClassDojo


  • Rating; 4.3
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 27M
  • Last updated: April 21, 2020
  • Download: Android

This app serves as both a motivator and a classroom management tool.

This safe and simple communication app allows free sign up and you can build up a friendly classroom community within no time.


  • Teachers can encourage students for any skill easily.
  • Teachers can bring parents into the classroom experience by sharing photos, videos, and announcements
  • Students can add their classwork easily to their own digital portfolios for their parents to see
  • Teachers can also safely and instantly message with any parent

5. Kahoot


  • Rating; 4.1
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: April 18, 2020
  • Download: Android

The app lets teachers to turn the boring classrooms into interesting play stations with engaging quizzes and games based on the subject.


  • It creates interesting and funny quiz for students
  • Serves the purpose of homework management

6. ABC Mouse


  • Rating; 3.8
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 106M
  • Last updated: March 31, 2020

This is an amazing tool for elementary teachers handling all subjects, especially mathematics.


  • Standard-based curriculum for learning
  • Designed by early education experts
  • Easy to track and monitor process

7. Seesaw Class


  • Rating; 3.6
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: April 17, 2020
  • Download: Android

This app in fact serves the role of a student-driven digital portfolio. In addition to inspiring your students to give out the best, a lot of teaching time is saved which makes the learning more productive.


  • Browse thousands of great activities ready to use in your classroom today.
  • Give more differentiated support through comments and feedback.
  • Focus even more on your students

8. Edmodo


  • Rating; 4.0
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 23M
  • Last updated: April 23, 2020
  • Download: Android

You can experience a comprehensive control over your digital classroom with this awesome. It lets you focus more on teaching than paper work. 


  • All your classes and assignments organized in one place.
  • Send messages directly to students and parents.
  • Engage your students

9. Class tree


  • Rating; 3.9
  • Installs: 5,000+
  • Size: 7M
  • Last updated: September 16, 2017
  • Download: Android

Getting parent consent forms for many events and trips of students are a hectic job. This app saves a lot of time wasted by sorting and filtering paper forms manually.


  • Maintains utmost privacy
  • Helps with easier management of e-signature and consents
  • User-friendly

10. Additio


  • Rating; 4.1
  • Installs: 100,000+
  • Size: 23M
  • Last updated: April 1, 2020
  • Download: Android

This easy to use app makes classroom management for teachers easier than ever before.

Teachers can make use of this app as a powerful digital grade book. With customized templates, you can easily make lesson planners per session.


  • Powerful digital grade book.
  • Assessment based on skills and learning standards.
  • Customized reports.

11. Slack


  • Rating; 4.3
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: April 15, 2020
  • Download: Android

Classroom communication and collaboration can be conveniently handled from one place with this user-friendly app.


  • Communicate with your team easily.
  • Message or call any person or group within your team
  • Customize your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

12. Remind

  • Rating; 4.5
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 37M
  • Download: Android

Last updated: April 23, 2020

This is a very popular tool that is used widely by teachers to improve out of the classroom communication.


  • Communicate in real time—on any device
  • Keep personal contact information private.
  • Translate messages into more than 90 languages.

13. Pocket

  • Rating; 4.5
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: April 23, 2020
  • Download: Android

Preparing the lessons well beforehand is the key for teachers to present the lessons in the best possible way. This app is a very good assistance for you to add any relevant content to your teaching material anytime with ease.


  • Listen to articles
  • Discover what you love
  • Read anywhere and anytime with any device

14. Schoology

  • Rating; 3.4
  • Installs: 5,000,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: April 24, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is, in fact, a cloud-based platform with security features that are apt for classroom use. The teacher can use this as a single place to connect with every student of the class in case of sharing of information.


  • Have rich and engaging academic experiences anytime, anywhere
  • With all privacy and security, you can easily post assignments, completed work, videos and links.

15. Clapp

  • Rating; 4.3
  • Installs: 10,000+
  • Size: 15M
  • Last updated: April 5, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is an app that helps in integrating powerful ideas into a comprehensive teaching and learning platform.

Presenting Teacher App From Edsys: A Complete Class Schedule and Attendance Management System


  • Provides an online social environment
  • Serves as an ultimate productivity tool
  • Parents can also monitor child’s progress without micromanagement

16. Teacher Notes

  • Rating; 4.1
  • Installs: 10,000+
  • Size: 5M
  • Last updated: April 14, 2020
  • Download: Android

It is a personalized app for teachers to make their task easier by its features.  It can be accessed using a tablet or a smartphone.


  • Record both parent and student logs
  • Setup list of frequently used comments for easy access
  • Track positive and needs improvement notes

17. Planboard

  • Rating: 4.6
  • Installs: 50,000+
  • Size: 5.9M
  • Last updated: November 21, 2019
  • Download: Android

This is an app that allows the teachers to plan lessons on the go in an easy-to-use editor with its curriculum attachments and standards.


  • 100% free for Teachers
  • Take photos and add files to lesson plans
  • Organize your timetable, subjects, and semesters

18. ZIIEI Innovative Pathshaala App

  • Rating: 4.3
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 4.9M
  • Last Updated: March 13, 2020
  • Download: Android

This platform serves as an everyday classroom companion to the teachers who can refer to the innovative ways.

Also Read:20 Best Attendance Apps For Teachers


  • Encourages student-teacher participation in the class.
  • Ready-made lesson plans of the entire textbook.
  • Promotes Experiential Learning Environment.

19. Digital Teacher

  • Rating: 4.7
  • Installs: 50,000+
  • Size: 5.4M
  • Last Updated: November 19, 2019
  • Download: Android

Digital Teacher App is an animated, self-learning multimedia solution, which increases the interest levels and the retention power of your school-going children.


  • Easily accessible and Engaging
  • Rich graphics, animated videos, drawings etc
  • Android based App version

20. ChalkLit 

  • Rating; 4.8
  • Installs: 100,000+
  • Size: 16M
  • Last Updated: April 24, 2020
  • Download: Android

ChalkLit is an app for teacher education and training. ChalkLit provides tools, resources, and trainings to teachers to help them teach better in their classrooms.


  • Provides both Academic and Non Academic content
  • Personalized peer to peer social micro learning network for teachers
  • Easily accessible

21. Teacher Notes

  • Rating; 4.1
  • Installs: 10,000+
  • Size:5M
  • Last Updated: April 14, 2020
  • Download: Android

This app has attendance, grades and notes along with many other features to help students and teachers.


  • Record both parent and student logs
  • Setup list of frequently used comments for easy access
  • Track positive and needs improvement notes
  • Generate PDF reports

With the widespread acceptance of mobile gadgets in classrooms, these amazing teaching and learning apps are enhancing the quality of study time.

These cool apps for teachers have stimulated an expansion of the learning environment. Learning is more easy and fun with greater student engagement.

The apps for teachers improve teacher’s lesson plans and communication outside classrooms. They even keep track of their attendance and feedbacks.


In the current scenario, technology has developed in several ways, resulting in the increased number of amazing opportunities. Nowadays, education is no more limited to books. The internet has opened new doorways to the world of knowledge. One such doorway is educational websites that any student and teacher can refer. Some of these sites also encourage project-based learning and provide a better path for learning. These websites allow the students to attain a higher level of thinking and integrated learning in a fun and productive way. These websites can help the student a lot in their learning and in gaining more knowledge.

Let us find out which are the current most popular educational websites.


35 Free Educational Websites You Shouldn’t Miss_info featured image

Education has always been a vital aspect of society. As the time changes, educational system also changed from traditional classroom to smart classroom. This sort of classroom is really advantageous to today’s students and for their overall learning process as they are very tech savvy.

Smart classes offer a collaborative learning environment both for students as well as teachers. These classes attract students with interactive content. These classrooms not only change the perspective of students towards learning but also help the teachers to prepare lessons that interest the students. Learning becomes less burden and more fun with digital classrooms.

Interactive classrooms make the students capable enough to face some of the most modernized tools launched in the marketplace at a very tender age of their life which results in making them smarter and brighter.


27 Essential Smart Classroom Tools and Websites infographic

Given the penetration of technology into every human sphere, the 21st-century teacher has more challenges to face than be at the receiving end of benefits. Notwithstanding the fact that online learning or e-learning is the latest educational trend, this pattern of learning has its own flaws.

Educators who have the responsibility of teaching students in the best possible manner will have to face the below-mentioned problems. To make this explanation a bit more comprehensive, you can lay hands on the modern approaches to teaching in contrast to the age-old classroom coaching practices that were in vogue from times immemorial.

  1. Need to Personalize

Every student is unique with a certain level of intelligence. His needs are so diverse from the rest of his class.Teacher app ad banner

The Bygone Days: In this context, the primitive pattern was to assess and evaluate the performance of students. Teachers used to spend a great deal of time reporting the performance of the class to their guardians. After reporting, the faculties used to make certain adjustments to ensure that students learn better.

The Present Scenario: As a striking contrast, the modern day teachers operate differently. They tread the path of practicality by collecting data points from each and every student; individually. They sit down to identify, prioritize and evaluate the data of every student in real time.

Teachers of the 21st century face the need to bring in an element of precision to data collation. They should not only come up with the type of data that is significant to every student but also identify a path to obtain this data at regular intervals. Relevant data is the only instrument that will help the teachers of today to personalize their teaching patterns and monitor the progress of their classes.

  1. Use of Relevant Metrics

The Bygone Days: Earlier, students used to appear for a written or an oral test and wait for their result. Grades in the form of alphabets or scores in the form of numbers came as barometers to evaluate their learning and recapitulation abilities.

The Present Scenario: Teachers of the modern age are ordained to design data sources and concepts that appeal to the visual senses of students. They are supposed to come up with a seamless pattern of revising curriculum alongside adopting relevant metrics that will assess the over-all performance of students. An additional challenge comes in the form of connecting better with students through “cognitive instructions”. Once this pattern of teaching is in place, modern teachers will steer clear by uncovering important trends, patterns and possibilities for betterment.

  1. Methods to Manage A Classroom Better

The Bygone Days: Bad behavior of students was always a concern to teachers. Classroom disobedience coupled with violent outbursts are not new to teachers. A barking student or a physically abusive one was always a threat to the entire class. As a teacher, the primitive ways to deal with such disturbing situation was to nip off fighting and bullying through a pre-defined set of rules and “classroom expectations”. Non-compliance would mean punishment.

The Present Scenario: Teachers of today are supposed to employ well-informed means and strategies to tame down the unruly behavior of students. They are supposed to spend time in analyzing and coordinating with students through classroom interactions. When teachers spend quality time with students through project-based learning patterns, they will be able to mobilize them and help them better interact with their peers. This challenge of soothing the nerves of a rebellious student will create a quiet learning environment for every student in class.

  1. Incorporate Novel Teaching Patterns

The Bygone Days: Students in the past learnt by rote. They weren’t lucky enough to learn the way they pleased. All that learning took place amidst the four walls of a classroom, without any connection with the external environment.

The Present Scenario: In modern times, teachers are supposed to be the catalysts to learning. They are expected to explain students on how to find a solution for the particular problem. Modern teachers are supposed to promote the concept of self-reflection, allowing students to come up with their own solutions to their varying needs. The 21st-century teachers should go the entire nine yards to evoke the curiosity of their students and this is possible only when they attach innovative learning techniques like digital classroom learning and flipped classroom sessions. This can be taxing to teachers who should get attuned to technological developments that are marking the field of education.

  1. Accountable to Parents, Students and School Administrators

The Bygone Days: Earlier, educators were ordained to teach students about different subjects. They abstained themselves from interacting with the parents of students on a personal level. Primitive teachers simply did their job of completing lessons without sparing a thought about involving their parents in their progress. This created a major divide between students and parents who were on different platforms. Parents were groping in the dark about what their kid learned from school and their role in nurturing the hidden talents in their wards. Kids weren’t informed of the expectations their parents had on them.

The Present Scenario: All thanks to technology. It is now a matter of a tap on the mobile screen for a message of a teacher to reach the online community of parents. Teachers are also expected to mail parents about the strengths and weaknesses of their wards. In addition to establishing a constant connection with the parents of wards, teachers should engage with students after school hours. Initiating informal discussions between students can pave the way for a congenial learning environment that can help both parents and students.

The 21st century teachers through an open channel of communication are expected to help students with a sense of warmth and care, despite battling their own stress-related issues. This stress is majorly caused on account of high expectations coming from all sides; the parents, students and the school administration authorities to deliver high GPAs.

  1. Planning For Lessons And Class Materials

The Bygone Days: In the past, teachers were focused on completing the classwork along with attempts made to create a process of submitting assignments as homework.

The Present Scenario: Modern teachers have to juggle with multiple tools to provide a personalized teaching pattern to students. They need to delve deep into the interests of every student and come up with lesson plans and teaching guides that are in sync with their diverse needs and demands. Incorporating novel teaching strategies like flipped classrooms, teachers of the 21st-century should stay in good stead with technology as a promising tool for teaching.

  1. Time Constraints

The Bygone Days: In the past, teachers used to tread the path of “chalk and talk”. They used to spend close to 7 hours in classrooms and later participate in meetings to plan and grade students. Thus, the working day of a teacher does not come to a close by 3 pm. This running behind time leaves them with no scope to indulge in self-learning.

The Present Scenario: Time constraints are still a major challenge to modern teachers as well. Some lessons are long while some are short. How can we expect a teacher to deliver a concise lecture on a topic that is so vast, within a 60-minute timeframe? Modern- day teachers have to juggle with creating their class materials alongside planning in-house activities that the school has in place.


All in an attempt to get recognized as an efficient teacher not only from students but also from the teaching fraternity, it pays for teachers to be mindful of the above challenges. Once teachers are informed of the difficulties they will have to face, they will be better prepared to tackle them so as to not only organize their daily teaching routine but also help students learn better.

Now is the age when a rush of technological advancements is changing every sphere of human life. Speaking of one such innovation is the field of Augmented Reality (AR) which is extensively finding its use in the field of education. Introducing a fun element to learning, here are some mobile applications that allow teachers to employ creative teaching techniques in classrooms.

The Multi-Faceted AR Apps for Imparting Knowledge

1.  AR Flashcards – Montessori Teachers’ First Choice

Montessori and preschool teachers enjoying their role of interacting with and teaching toddlers and preschoolers can look up to the AR Flashcard Animal Alphabet AR mobile app. This is an app that can lay a strong foundation for kids who are taking baby steps into learning and recognizing alphabets and animal names. This innovative teaching app which is sure to excite the senses of both the teacher and the learner comes in the form of cards. Students will be excited to juggle with these cards which come with the alphabet along with the corresponding name of an animal. In this manner, these flashcards come in as unique instruments attracting the attention of first-time learners.

The teacher can point his/her mobile at a printed flashcard that will result in an eye-catching 3D image of an animal on their screen. Then, the tutor can prompt students to tap the animal. When they do so, the students will get to hear the name of the animal and the alphabet the name begins with, that is given out by this intelligent app. Compatible with both Android and Apple phones, this AR app also allows you to save the pictures of all the 26 animals by tapping the “Screenshot” button on the phone.

AR Flashcards Space, as the name suggests, is a novel mobile AR app that is again meant for preschoolers and toddlers. Teachers can use this app when they are planning to conduct an introductory class about celestial objects. This is a befitting app that allows students to be taught with the help of 3D images depicting the various planetary objects along with their names. The “Info” button comes handy to explain interesting trivia about these objects belonging to outer space. This app can be downloaded on all the iOS and Android devices that come with a camera.

If you are looking to introduce your toddler into the world of colors and shapes,the free AR Flashcards Shapes and Colors app is one of the best choices. Tagged as a fun-filled teaching app, this cutting-edge AR technology makes teaching exciting. There can never be a dull moment in the lives of both teachers and students when both of them can make the most of the innovative technology of AR. The app that helps to teach students about various colors and shapes, comes with a color bar at the top of the screen. Teachers can simply press a button for the color and the shape to change. This app can be downloaded from either Apple iStore, Amazon Appstore or the Google Playstore.

2. Chromville Science – A Beginner’s Guide for Anatomy

Compatible with both Android and Apple phones, Chromville Science offers the perfect amalgamation of AR technology and high-quality educational content. Incorporating the concepts related to 8 Multiple Intelligence concerning the different learning stages of young children, this teaching app supports students who are interested in human anatomy. Teachers can make the class interactive by downloading this app on their mobiles before they can start printing the coloring pages. Now, it is for the students to color the templates according to their liking.

This is the spadework that should be done before you can start the app. The next step is to start the app. Teachers can prompt their studentsto tap the “PLAY” button which will again allow them to “SELECT” the correct character. The last step is to “PRINT” the colored pages which are in .pdf format.

Chromville Science is a perfect teaching app to unlock the inquisitive side of students. It is through such creative teaching techniques that students will grasp knowledge going by the maxim that “A picture is worth a thousand words”. They will be able to recapitulate nuances of a subject when they are exposed to pictures rather than subjecting them to black and white information.

3. Anatomy 4D – Your “On the Go” Anatomy Teaching Tool

Anatomy 4D AR App is aperfect aid to students, teachers and medical professionals. All in an attempt to unveil the knowledge about the enigmatic human anatomy and the heart in particular, this mobile app can be used to conduct an interactive class about the various parts of the human body.

You name the human system and teachers can access 4D images in the app explaining the same in detail. From the skeletal system to the muscular and digestive systems, those interested in anatomy will have information about various human systems on their fingertips.

Downloading this app onto your Android phone is an intelligent move before teachers can “PRINT” the huge collection of images that are enlisted under the “TARGET LIBRARY” section. This section lies embedded inside the MAIN MENU which is made accessible to mobile users. Once the image is printed, the teacher should place the printout out on a levelled surface and scan the image, using her phone. This completes the job of the teacher and the onus now shifts to students when the app delivers an unimaginable and life-like 4D image of the human part the teacher earlier scanned. The “ZOOM IN” option is an add-on from the app for students to enjoy a closer look at every organ that makes up a particular human system under study.

Helping mobile users to embark on a virtual journey, the Anatomy 4D app is a perfect teaching app to understand every bit of information concerning various body parts and their interconnections.

4. Unravel the “Under Water” Secrets through the Barcy AR App

Teachers looking to stimulate the imagination of students enamored with the water kingdom can now do it the smart way. The Barcy AR mobile app allowsstudents to imagine being a part of the stunning water world. Compatible with iPhones and Android devices, the Barcy AR mobile app throws light on the various types of marine animals with an imaginary submarine ride as a compelling attraction of this app.

Simulating the unfathomable depths of a water body, this app turns a discussion into a visual treat when students begin to enjoy the sight of marine creatures they are not familiar with. Giving the students the freedom to design their favorite marine character, teachers can harp on the ill-effects of water pollution alongside offering ways to avoid the same. This app which introduces students to various swimming techniques can excite them to register for swimming classes as a move towards “healthy and happy” living.

5. Elements 4D – An Easy Way To Master Chemistry

Elements 4D is an awesome app that provides an easier way to memorizing the periodic table of elementsand chemical reactions. The app features a collection of 4D cubesthat can be prepared by printing the special element blocks on a letter-sized paper and then, cutting them out and folding them. The blocks can then be held in front of any device camera to see the elements in augmented reality. Students can use the cubes to learn about 36 different elements, their names, atomic weights and structure.


They can also try bringing two different element cubes together to see if they react. After selecting one element, the next step is to introduce the second reactant. Then, teachers can move the two blocks close to each other until they establish a contact. If both the reactants are chemically active elements, the app demonstrates a chemical reaction. If nothing happens, you should alter one of the elements that can result in another chemical reaction.

6. Arloon Geometry – An AR App That Makes Geometry Interesting to Teach

Arloon Geometry is the next in the list of stunning teaching apps, employing the state-of-the-art Augmented Reality technologies. Offering a collection of multiple 3D models that explain various geometric shapes, teachers can handhold students above the age of 11 years to learn geometry. Allowing the class to interact with different geometrical figures, this app can strengthen knowledge about spatial visualization-a mental ability of students to visualize 2D and 3D figures.

The long list of topics that can be taught by this app is simply fascinating. Teachers can discuss geometric shapes like prisms and pyramids while going into the depths about their respective properties. Formulae to calculate their areas and volumes are also provided. The app follows a step-by-step process to arrive at a solution using the area or volume formula.

AR comes into play when students will be able to make comparisons between different geometric shapes in a virtual environment. Enabling students to understand various geometric shapes from different angles, AR steps in by making these multi-dimensional images look like plane surfaces. A star attraction of this app is the fact that its educational content is in line with the curriculum of schools. To sum it all, this app is a stunning tool that promises the perfect blend of textual content and graphic representations.

7. The Metamorphosis from a Pupa to Butterfly Clearly Explained by an AR App

Life Sciences teachers have a novel tool to excite their students. Life of a Monarch ButterflyAR app,which is compatible with iPads, can be downloaded by teachers who wish to tread the path of creative teaching. Tagged as an interactive app, an iPad dock VGA adaptor and a projector are the accompanying gadgets that are needed to make the most of this educative app. Teachers will excite students by projectingthe life-like simulations of the transformationsfrom an egg into a beautiful butterfly, on a screen.

Science teachers who wish to conduct their classes through video presentations can bank on this teaching app. The app which employs the AR feature follows a step-wise instructional pattern. After the successful completion of a lesson, students will be able to access a pop-up styled book which has a summary of all the important points of the chapter.

Teachers will be able to deliver practical sessions to their wards when the app isteamed with video presentation. Notwithstanding the intelligent quotient of a particular student, this teaching app can help smart students and the below-average ones. This app gains strength from the fact that the educational content is backed by graphical and life-like representations and thereforeis unique.

Coming under the umbrella of a digital storybook for teachers, this app helps teachers delve deep into the enigmatic natural wonders that surround and excite mankind. This teaching app is a perfect bet for students to visualize the beauty of nature that cannot be experienced by the naked eye.

8. History Teachers Make You Go Down Memory Lane With Augmented Reality Freedom Stories

A history teacher who wants to explain the ancient parables talking about the conditions of people of bygone eras can bank on Augmented Reality Freedom Stories AR app. History lecturers can use the app to take students to go down the memory lane about the incidents connected to the period when the US/Canada Underground Railroad was being commissioned. Going back to the time when Harriet Tubman, an American humanitarian who resolved to grant freedom to the American slaves living in Canada, it is through this app that a history class can be made even more exciting.

Teachers who possess an iPad or an iPhone can download and install this AR app along with the flash cards that come with it. Once installed, teachers can print these flash cards. The next step is to launch the app and point the image that is depicted on each of the cards to your device’s camera. This is when students will be thrilled to witness the glory of ancient stories come to life through AR.

9. Star Chart – An Exciting Visual Aid Simulating Outer Space

A classroom discussion about stars and their constellations, planets and the solar system, and the moon is incomplete without the Star Chart AR app. This app is compatible with multiple devices including Android Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android phone and Mac Desktop. However, all the above mentioned devices should come with a built-in compass so as to enjoy all the AR features of the app.

This high-tech teaching app can transport them into the captivating world of outer space when students begin to enjoy the stunning looks of the entire universe. Teachers will also be able to demonstrate how to calculate the astronomical distances between a particular star, moon or planet from the Earth.

The app can also be used by students aged between 7 and 18 years to view all these celestial objects even when the sun is shining bright. Teachers can simply point their device to any outer space object for the class to know whether it is a star or a planet. Students who are curious to know the placement of their star sign can use this app to view their star.

Once the teacher holds her mobile to the sky, she will be able to excite the visionary senses of her entire class. It is then that all the students will begin to watch in awe the beauty of the outer space unfolding in front of their eyes. This phenomenon comes in the form of 3D images with visual effects.

Additionally, this app allows teachers to manually set their location to visualize how the sky appears from any corner of the globe. All thanks to the Star Chart AR app, teachers can present the look and feel of everything and anything that happens on the ever-expansive blue sky to their inquisitive students.

10. Aurasma – An Innovative AR Teaching Tool

If you are a teacher who is driven by the zeal to employ the state-of-the-art teaching practices, then you are just a step away before you can achieve this. Simply download the Aurasma AR app, an educative tool specially designed for teachers and you are all covered. This app allows creative juices to flow by engaging students of different ages.

Compatible with iPhones and Android devices, this app helps in the creation of online AR content called “Auras”. Teachers can share the created content that is saved on their phones by connecting with the Aurasma Studio-a free online interface that allows teachers to create and publish their AR content. This app conveniently helps teachers to upload images, videos and animations that can be used to impart education to knowledge-seekers.


Technology aided teaching has become an indispensable part of the lives of every student and teacher. Apart from the use of multimedia technologies, the most modern advancements in the teaching sphere come in the form of AR tools. These apps allow students to experience the look and feel of real-life situations and thereby, transport them into an imaginary world while remaining in their classrooms.

Remember those days when we used to have separate notebooks for each subject and same knowledge was given to students in the same way year round? Gone are those days, now technology has advanced manifold so much so that students have a host of options to learn from and in the best way possible. Yes, digital classroom is in and is ruling the education system like never before.

Unlike earlier times, teachers are now taking unending efforts in making the classroom a good place to learn and thrive. Moreover, they are aiming towards making education interesting and sensible at the same time.

Let’s find out how digital classrooms can result in increasing the level of interest.

Read Also: Smart School Software is Essential for an Organized School System. Know How.

1. Reduces constraints of time and place

Students enjoy learning when they are not forced into learning throughout the day. This means, with the digital classroom ruling the generation, students have more flexibility in terms of time and place. This has cultivated a deep interest in learning. They can learn within their comfort zones and make the best use of time available.

2. Interesting content leads to interesting learning

What your student learns on a regular basis has a lot to do with his or her level of interest. With digital classrooms, teachers can make the whole learning process interesting by making sure that the content is always updated and of best quality. This will surely foster healthy learning habits. Moreover, digital education is full of the latest knowledge and facts to which students can easily relate.

3. Cultural relevance makes digital classrooms even more interesting

Think of any field in the real world like manufacturing, medicine or science – and you will find how scientific tools are being used frequently on a daily basis. Some of them are also used for learning and boosting engagement. When a student is surrounded with so much to learn, he will surely have the knowledge of the dizzying array of such technological devices. Again, with digital classes, students will be interested in learning about such technology in details which will further prepare them for higher education and setting career goals.

4. Try to follow up lessons with a fun activity

There are times when, however hard you try, it is really tough to make a subject or a topic interesting. At such times, tutors can combine studies with fun and come up with certain ground engagement activities which will make the student to learn the subject easily without boredom. For instance, if the lesson is about protons and neutrons, before actually drawing or showing them the structure, you can let students use their imagination and draw such elements. It will be fun to discuss ideas of the students.

You’ll Also Like: 29 Essential Smart Classroom Tools/Websites

5. Practical experiments about the subject is surely an interesting way of learning in Digital Classrooms

Students have become smarter and curious about everything they see or listen. During such times, teaching with the help of practical or science experiments will be really engaging and interesting. Even those students who are never keen on learning anything related to science, will be found doing experiments and learn a lot faster when they find positive results of the same. Various chemical experiments will help them memorize faster and learn the reactions by actually performing it.

6. Field trips and Picnics

Although going digital means learning from the web and the latest gadgets, sometimes, it’s good to bring students out of their comfort zone and let them learn physically and visually. For instance, taking them to some science museum will help them know a lot about plants and animals. Likewise, a trip to historic monument will inculcate a sense of curiosity about our diverse culture and vast history of the nation. Thus, field trips are really amazing and help students to connect all that they learn with the outside world.

Although, teaching is a tough job, teachers are supposed to take efforts to make learning a fun process. It will help students remain motivated throughout the year and they will be able to keep themselves updated about knowledge in an interesting way.