Keeping ourselves healthy and immune to the germs and viruses is always important. Things are a little more serious when it comes to the case of kids and it is our responsibility to raise them with proper awareness about health.

The covid days have taught us the significance of guarding against germ spread and maintaining hygiene.

One should understand that the advices are to be kept for life as we may come across more viruses or bacteria in the future.

Health experts have warned that being prepared to face a virus is more important than the aftercare guidelines. It simply means that one should boost his/her immune system and stay healthy to keep all viruses at bay.

Here we are sharing some important ways through which you can increase immunity for kids and foster a healthy generation.

  1. Include more fruits and vegetables in the diet


Staying healthy by eating healthy is what needs to be promoted among kids. Include more vegetables and fruits that come with immunity-boosting carotenoids like carrots, green beans, strawberries, oranges, etc which can also be a treat to taste buds.

These foods that contain phytonutrients produce white blood cells that fight infection and also interferon which is a kind of antibody that protects from viruses.

So parents have to make sure that kids get the five servings of vegetables and fruits that are recommended for their age.

There are many studies that promote the importance of this important step in building a good immune system.

2. Boost the Sleep Time

how to boost immunity for kids

Getting a good night’s sleep can actually solve many of the health problems that occur in both kids and adults.

Sleep time is an important time when our body repairs itself and makes you fresh for the next day.

Similarly, it has got an important role in boosting the immune system of your body.

In fact, sleep deprivation can actually lead to a reduction in immune system weapons and natural killer cells that helps you fight against unwanted germs, foreign particles and viruses.  Around 12 hours of sleep is recommended by health experts for preschoolers and 8 hours for older kids.

3. Make Regular Exercise a part of the Daily Routine

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There is no second thought about the significance of regular exercise to stay healthy.

A right mix of proper diet, good sleep, and regular exercise can work wonders in boosting the immunity of kids. Regular activity can actually boost the natural killer cells and this can, in fact, help kids to fight against possible virus attacks.

Of course, parents can ask kids to go out and play and spend time with kids of similar ages. However, health experts always suggest the significance of promoting the habit of exercising as a family.

Take part in fun family activities and play and grow together while conveying the importance of the physical activity to stay healthy.

4. Guard against Germ Spreadhow to boost immunity for kids (2)

If you take this in just a technical aspect, guarding against germs won’t actually boost your immune system. However, prevention is always the first step to waiting for a cure.

Guarding against the germs can actually lift off the extra burden that you give to the child’s immune system.

This includes maintaining good healthy hygiene throughout the day. Develop the habits of proper handwashing before and after meals, after using the bathroom or when back to home after playtime.

It is also important to bath at least once or twice a day and remembers to change the toothbrushes once every 3 months.

5. Snack more on Immune-Boosting Foodshow to boost immunity for kids (3)

We have already discussed the importance of including fruits and vegetables in the daily diet.

It is common for kids to have some snacks in between the regular diets. So it would be good if parents can stock up on some immunity-boosting snacks at home rather than the tasty unhealthy snacks in which kids often tend to eat more.

It is good for kids to have immune-boosting snacks like almonds or seeds. Try making tasty and healthy snacks using yogurt, eggs, oats, spinach and berries.

Parents have to take an extra effort in creatively including these items in their diet.

6. Alleviate their Stress and Anxietyhow to boost immunity for kids (4)

When kids are over-scheduled and overstressed, it gradually affects their immunity over time. So parents have to take extra care to alleviate their stress and anxiety and keep them physically and mentally healthy.

There are even studies that suggest that an elevation in stress hormones has a direct link to immune regulation problems.

teacher app

So rather than pushing the kids to always study or get involved in some productive stuff; let them have enough free time. Encourage them to get creative during their free time and educate them on the importance of giving good rest to their body and mind.

7. Limit on the medications unless absolutely necessaryhow to boost immunity for kids (5)

Many studies have shown that antibiotics are prescribed over 150 million times during a year for an ear infection to small wounds.

Even when it kills off bacteria and turns life-saving in many instances, at least 30 percent of the cases were unnecessary according to the CDC.

As it not only kills the unwanted bacteria but also the good bacteria that are actually needed for your body, overuse of such medications can actually affect the immunity system. Moreover, experts always suggest giving your kid’s natural immunity a chance before treating an illness through medicine.

8. Breastfeed the Kids in the Early Days

how to boost immunity for kids

Many parents are knowingly or unknowingly forgetting the importance of breastfeeding. The busy life schedules may be blocking at least some of the mothers from doing so even if they really wish for it.

Health experts always suggest the importance of breastfeeding babies in their early days to develop a strong and healthy immune system.

Studies have shown that nursing can actually produce the white blood cells and antibodies that boost immunity and protect the kids against urinary tract infections, ear infections, pneumonia, meningitis, allergies, diarrhea, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Breastfeeding for at least the first 3 to 6 months can actually give kids a supplementary boost of immunity and aid them to grow healthy.

9. Include Essential oils and spice up cooking

how to boost immunity for kids

We have already discussed the importance of having a healthy diet and snacking on the food items that boost the kid’s immunity.

Similarly, parents have to really think about the way they cook food for kids. Studies have proposed the idea of including essential oils and to spice up cooking to boost immunity.

For example, oils like eucalyptus and oregano are said to have immune-modulating and antibacterial capabilities.

Also, spice up the cooking by including ginger and garlic. While ginger can fight against cold, nausea, and flu symptoms, garlic includes cancer-fighting and antimicrobial agents.

10. Maintain your Child’s Microbiota

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A healthy digestive process can also supplement the kid’s immune system. Probiotics which is also referred to as “good” bacteria is the key to maintain your child’s microbiota.

The foods that are naturally fermented like kimchi and yogurt can be a great source while some even prefer probiotic supplements.

These friendly bacteria in the guts can help to digest food, protect digestive tract, and guard against invading bacteria and viruses.

It is good to consult a family practitioner before starting off the diet plan as the requirement can vary with ages and other underlying conditions if any.

11. Invest More on Supplements and Herbs

supplement and herbs for kids

The healthy herbs and supplements like zinc and vitamin D can actually be a good boost to the immune system of kids. Spending considerable time in the sun and eating fish can actually be a good choice but not practical for all kids every time and that is when the supplements take the role.

You can try herbal remedies like a soothing tea that aid in good sleep, relaxation, and stress reduction. However, it is always a good choice to consult a health expert before making any supplements a regular inclusion.

12. Avoid or Limit the Immune Suppressors

how to boost immunity for kids

In addition to all the above discussed measures, it is always good to limit or even avoid the immune suppressors from your diet whenever possible.

This includes reactive foods, sugar, refined carbohydrates, trans fats and damaged fats. The toxins that are present in non-organic food materials can also be added in the list.

These are some of the very important things to practise to build the immune system for kids.

In spite of all this, maintaining cleanliness and healthy hygiene is very important.

As we are told everyday by our health experts during this pandemic, it is important to promote regular hand washing.

This important habit itself can stop many germs from entering our body and avoid unnecessary stress to our immune system.

Also practice healthy habits like keeping yourself hydrated always and that is why you should drink a lot of water every day.

So keep yourself healthy and increase immunity for kids by not compromising on the diet, having a regular exercise routine, getting proper sleep, practising hygiene habits and never give room for nutrient deficiencies.

COVID-19, the virus is no different from other viruses that accumulate mutations over time. The means of how it spreads depend on “Natural Selection”. The kind that can spread quickly and faster will survive “successfully” in the body.

Many of them who get affected by this virus experience nothing severe than seasonal flu symptoms, but the overall profile of the virus is fatal, which makes it a serious disease. It has a higher chance of leading to serious respiratory symptoms than seasonal flu.

Health workers are more prone to the disease, due to their higher exposure, but children are also at high risk of getting affected by this fatal disease as they are unaware of the intensity of this pandemic.

Schools are yet another place where the virus can spread easily. Schools have camps, group activities, common washrooms, playgrounds, libraries, etc. which are more prone to the disease.

It is true that COVID-19 can be prevented to an extent if we keep track of good hygienic practices. But school kids won’t take it into much consideration, as they are totally unaware of what is happening around them.

Since hygiene is a major factor of risk transmission, personal as well as group hygiene can be questioned in schools. So, if the schools are opened then there should be constant supervision for the younger students and reminders for all the students to wash their hands properly and regularly, to avoid touching the body parts.

Like the above-mentioned risk of transmitting the virus, in opened schools, there would be many such threats. So, for the safer side, it is always better to close the school until the town is disease-free, as we cannot take risk of our future kids.

And if it is assured by the concerned authorities that the town is less prone to the disease then, students should be given proper awareness about the same.

6 Things you should know about COVID-19

1) It spreads through direct contact:

The virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets from an infected person and by touching the surface that is contaminated.

Ask your kids to at least maintain a distance of 3 feet between themselves and the people who are coughing, sneezing or have a fever.

2) Symptoms:

Symptoms of Coronavirus can include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

In severe cases, this infection may lead to pneumonia or breathing difficulties.

More rarely, the disease can be fatal but that is mainly among older people with pre-existing conditions.

3) Precautions that you can take:

  • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds using soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.

  • Cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing. Use your elbow or a tissue to cover your mouth and throw it in a dustbin immediately after.

  • Stay home when you are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

  • Disinfect the frequently touched objects and their surfaces using a cleaning spray or a wipe.

4) Do Masks prevent Coronavirus?

Not really the masks prevent coronavirus. If you don’t have any symptoms then there is no need to wear a mask. Mask will make little or no difference if you are just wandering in your own town or taking a bus.

Viruses can also spread through the eyes and tiny viral particles, called aerosols can penetrate masks.

Washing your hands thoroughly is actually the most important thing that matters.

You are advised to wear a mask only if you have a cough, sneeze or cold to protect others.

5) Can a pregnant woman pass this virus?

As of now, there is no enough evidence to support whether the virus is transmitted from a mother to her baby during pregnancy or how the baby will be affected.

6) Are There Medicines to treat the virus?

Till February 2020, no specific medicine has been found to treat the new coronavirus.

So, the best thing that you can do is to practice basic hygiene (mentioned above).

COVID-19 is really a life scaring pandemic. It is more threatening that so far no medicine or vaccine has been found for the same. What we can do as groups are community –based interventions like school dismissals, event cancellations, and social distancing.  Individuals can practice more personal hygienic measures to prevent it.

Anyway, prevention is always better than cure. And COVID-19 is something that can beget ridden off only if we stand united.

YouTube is an entertainment channel currently owned by Google. The subsidiary channel is a video-sharing service that allows a user to both watch videos and posts videos of their own.

YouTube started off as an entertainment channel, and today it has become a destination for people, both young and old, to watch videos, cartoons, comedy, and music shows, hacks and product usage guides.

YouTube is very popular among adults and children alike. Some of the parents, of children who are allowed to watch YouTube, also complain about the easy accessibility of disturbing content available on the channel.

Youtube For Children

There is a large quantity of quality content available on the YouTube channel. The channel is inundated with videos on teaching, art and craft, sciences, mathematics and on all possible topics one can think of.

There is a lot to be learned from the matter uploaded on YouTube and if used properly they can be of immense use to enrich one’s knowledge.

Anything and everything can be learned from the tutorials offered. YouTube has aided self-study to a large extent. Do-it-Yourself videos help one to go about tasks without external help.

This saves time and money. Used with discretion, the channel is most educative and informative.

YouTube for children is definitely a risk. It does expose them to sex, violence, and suicide which are age-inappropriate. The internet exposes them to dark themes and adult content. Over time the very popular channels get infiltrated with harmful and dangerous videos and messages.

Children, in all innocence, follow the challenges laid in the messages which will lead to disastrous consequences like murder or suicide. There have been instances of games like Blue Whale challenge which leads the players to even suicide.

Pop up videos and messages appear while watching harmless videos. Their content will be entirely different from the primary video. Normally it leads one to sex or bullying. Bullying messages on the internet have caused untold suffering to ignorant and innocent children.

Pedophiles attract young children with video and audio content. Pedophile rings have been discovered very often on the channel.

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Friend requests send by random people trouble children. Momos and demons appear while watching apparently harmless content. The predictive algorithms lead the viewer to view more videos of similar content.

YouTube is rampant with fake videos. Revenue is the goal of most video content makers. More than 50 million viewers for a single video will earn the creator thousands of dollars. Content is comprised when the goal is profit.

Remedial Measures

By Youtube: 

Google advocates that it does not allow children below the age of 13 to create an account on YouTube and that they do not collect information from minors. If kids are found to violate this restriction they are banned from the usage of YouTube.

Protecting kids and families is a priority for YouTube. Since YouTube is not for children they have invested in the creation of YouTube kids, an app specially designed for children.

Google has developed a kid-friendly video app called YouTube Kids. Popular content on YouTube for children is cartoons, toy videos, and child-specific clips. These are normally found under the Parenting and Family Section of the YouTube site. If not under parental supervision the child is often tempted to explore forbidden areas.

YouTube does take an aggressive stand against violators. They take steps to keep young children safe. Millions of videos, which suggest predatory behavior, are deleted on a daily basis keeping in mind the usage of YouTube for children. They have blocked comments on children who are vulnerable to predatory behavior.

However, there has been no method to measure the success of YouTube’s effort to protect kids’ interest.

At present YouTube is outweighed by the drawbacks than the positive outcomes. It would be ideal if Google could monitor the quality of the content and its impact on people rather than the quantity and style. This would make YouTube for children much safer to use.

By Parents:

As in every case, there exists an element of risk in the usage of the channel by children. Though parental supervision is said to be a must for children viewing YouTube, in practical 100% supervision may not be possible.

Parents have to vet the sites initially before permitting the children to watch. Parents have to continually monitor the sites. This periodic check will help the parent to have control of the content to a large extent. This again is not a fool-proof method.

Parents should show an interest, discuss and communicate with the wards on what they view and watch. This will ensure a personal responsibility from the child. This will to some extent curtail usage of the internet also. Parents can apprise them of the dos and don’ts and the consequences that arise from their actions. The responsibility of the parent is total.

With everyone putting up videos of inane matters on YouTube and with millions of people viewing them, there is a whole gamut of unsettling matter on the internet. There is no complete way to protect children from the effects of the internet despite parental monitoring.

The word ‘risk’ implies underlying danger which signals caution.  Risk is required in the growth of a child. Risk provides an opportunity to learn. Allowing a child to take risks provides him/her to learn and understand on their own. They develop the skills to do things on their own.

Taking a risk, especially in play, is a challenge to the kid. It gives them a chance to use their full capability and find new ways to go about the situation. Failing in tasks and making mistakes helps them to develop their individuality.

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The risk involved in YouTube for children differs. Unrestricted exposure to age-inappropriate content molds juvenile minds in different ways. This manifests in numerous ways at the different stages in the life of the child. Psychological issues and problems in social adaptability are major fallouts of intense internet viewing.

There is great content on the internet for all. But reservations do exist in recommending the usage of YouTube for children. Maintaining the online safety of kids is a daunting task.

The importance of Gender Sensitization is raising high as every newborn is characterized by gender before stepping into this world. And, based on gender, everyone is labeled to have a particular set of prejudiced qualities. This taboo is present in so many countries, even in the U.S.

For kids, this can be a lifetime trauma if they are not able to cope with the harassment and preconception that others in society lay upon them.

Fortunately, parents are aware of this crisis, which is why they practice gender sensitization to change the way their sons and daughters are bred from the start.

They want their children to develop values that are not biased by gender bigotries.

But, how will a busy parent try to balance the beliefs of his/her child to ensure that he/she is protected from a gender-biased society?

If you want your child to be a part of a future that does not promote gender stereotypes, then you ought to learn and follow these tips.

1) Reduce the significance of a gender

Parents should make sure to free their children from the gender norms imposed upon them. Kids often grasp what their parents and people around them say while interacting.

Also Read: Sex Education For Teenagers: Everything you need to know

That is why your wording around a child is important every step of the way. Stereotyping children based on their gender is not prudent.

How many times have adults commented on a girl based on her physical appearance before other qualities?

In place of acknowledging them as “smart girl,” a better quote would be to say “smart kid.”

2) Discuss Sexism and Gender Stereotypes with your Child

One of the best ways to encourage gender sensitization is by communicating directly with the child on the issues of gender inequalities.

Parents need to teach their kids about stereotypes and sexism. Children need to understand such taboos whenever possible so that they know how sexism structures the world that we reside in.

Such conversations will impact children more if starting from the beginning of their learning age. That is how it will be apparent to them that the world is based on a stereotypical culture and not on inherent individualism.

3) Let Toys be Toys

Researches show that boys and girls show preference to play with toys that are provided to them based on their gender when they are around nine months old.

This behavior in them is likely stimulated in them because parents reward and initiate stereotypical playthings based on their biology.

The type of toys you are offering your kid is crucial for developing them. A toy is enough to shape their psychological and physical development.

Using a specific set of toys can lead to structuring their career interests and cognitive abilities too.

With toys, children learn skills. Board and block games teach them spatial skills and counting, while dolls let them understand how to nurture.

By just labeling ‘girl toys’ and ‘boy toys,’ we are making them develop limited skills to judge society.

Instead, parents should focus on encouraging a diversity of play for their children – and that too, without labeling the toys based on gender specifications.

4) Educate your Child about the “Blue and Pink” Color Stereotype

You must have seen many parents trying to decorate their baby’s room based on their gender.

Pink and blue colors are primarily considered to characterize such matters. As kids grow and witness a gender-specific color representation enforced upon them by their parents, they tend to accept it without questioning the norms of society.

Biasing a child’s brain about such shades only decreases their way to experience the world with equality. Don’t let your kid fall into that trap. Instead, open their world to enjoy all types of hues equally.

5) Encourage girls and boys to play together

It is essential to ensure that both genders can feel comfortable around one another while playing.

It is also vital to make sure that they work together with each other – at school, at the workplace, or in later stages of life.

Let kids learn to respect each other without making them feel awkward in a group that they think is not specific to their gender.

6) Make Them Comfortable about How They Feel

Children often feel that their liking of a specific habit might make them an outcast in society. But, as a parent, you must make them feel comfortable about their choices in life.

Let them know that it is fine to be different. Encourage them to believe that people can be females and males in their distinct ways, and there is nothing wrong with that.

7) Target your Kid as a Human Being

Studies show that humans, despite their gender differences, have a mix of characteristics from both genders.

Our physical structure might vary, but the mindset is mostly comprised of the thoughts nurtured into us from the beginning of our learning stage in life.

As a parent, you need to teach your child about gender equality without distinguishing genders.

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Children need to understand that males and females participate equally to shape and nurture this world together. Educating them from the start will help them see life from a positive angle.

Final Words

No doubt gender biasing in the society is like a viral infection that will take a lot of time to fix.

Gender sensitization comes with beliefs to improve the social, and every parent will need to be a part of this revolution so that our future generation lives without stereotypical boundaries.

Don’t let your child fall into the hazardous trap of gender bias. Make them understand that it is not right to divide people based on genders with the help of the above tips.

Habits are one of the inevitable elements that shape up a person and his life.

That is why it is really important for parents to teach their kids about the good habits that they should develop in their life.

This is the ideal time when you can mold a kid’s behavior and help him grow up as a better individual for society.

It is easier to take up good habits in the early years rather than changing when you are an adult which can be really challenging.

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Habits are for life and that is why the habits learned during childhood are really important in a person’s life.

Here let us have a look at some of the good habits for kids that should be ideally taught by parents at the school level.

1. Maintain Healthy Food Habits

It is important for kids to start off with healthy food habits.

Parents should teach them the importance of staying healthy and keeping away from illness by having lots of fruits and vegetables and avoiding junk foods.

It is also important to have a healthy breakfast which boosts you up for the day and never encourages the habits of skipping breakfast for any reason.

A healthy person needs to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

2. Stay Hygienic

good habits for kids

Just like healthy food choices, it is really necessary to keep up cleanliness in life.

Teach them the significance of washing hands properly before and after having food.

Also help them to develop the habit of brushing teeth two times a day, during the morning and before sleep.

Keeping necessary hygiene keeps the child away from unwanted diseases and so let them know the need of taking bath daily and if possible two times a day.

Cleaning your ears frequently and cutting off the fingernails before it grows too much is also important.

3. Get Enough Sleep Time

It is important for a kid to develop the habit of getting enough sleep every day.

good habits for kids

Get at least 8 hours of good night’s sleep which keeps you fresh and healthy for the next day.

Maintaining a proper sleep cycle by going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day gives you proper sleep.

Sleep is one of the crucial factors for a developing child and you need to teach them the importance of the saying “Early to bed, early to rise”. 

4. Develop Healthy Exercise Routines

It is important for parents to teach them why healthy exercise should be an integral part of life.

Ask them to start off with light exercises and gear them up as they grow up. A healthy food plan and regular exercise keep a person fit for life.

Encourage them to minimize the time they watch TV or playing video games and go out of the home to play with friends.

This keeps them active and there is no better way to get the daily dose of exercise.

Parents can also spend some free time to play with their kids during evenings or holidays.

5. Be Courteous to Everyone

Develop the habit of being courteous to others right from childhood. It is good to develop the habits of saying Thank You whenever somebody does something good to you or offer something to you.

At the same time, it is equally good to develop the habit of saying ‘sorry’ whenever you did something wrong to a person intentionally or unintentionally.

Using the greetings please, thank you and sorry from childhood onwards make them warm-hearted and polite individuals throughout their life.

6. Be Responsible When Handling Money

good habits for kids

It is not advisable to leave too much money for kids to handle but it is recommended to teach them the importance of handling money responsibly.

Start giving pocket money and advise them on how to use the hard earned money wisely and on the importance of having savings in life.

Show them examples of the piggy bank and give them small chances to buy something from neighborhood stores to mold them up as individual who values money.

7. Develop Habits like Reading

It is good to have some habits or hobbies along with regular studies in school.

This can include reading, painting, gardening or learning music or some sort of play.

This will keep them occupied during their free time and makes them less tempted to unhealthy habits.

Habits such as reading will not only keep them engaged but improves their vocabulary and knowledge in different subjects.

This also enhances their creativity and imagination but make sure you choose the right set of books for the kids.

8. Avoid Littering Public Places

Teach them the importance of considering the cleanliness of public places as their responsibility.

It is your duty as a citizen towards society, and so a kid should take deliberate efforts to avoid the cases of littering public places.

Cleanliness should start off from home itself and so make them part of the cleaning process at home.

This will make them responsible for the act and they will grow up as good citizens with love for society.

8. Importance of Keeping Values like Honesty

Parents should make sure that kids keep some moral values in life like honesty which should gear up right from childhood.

It is quite common for kids to take the stuff from friends and not giving back and lie for avoiding punishments.

Motivate them to speak the truth to everyone in all possible cases and to never ever wish for other kids’ objects.

Teach them the value of honesty in a person’s life and how it rewards them back.

The most important is to set good examples to children by behaving honestly in front of them.

Know More: 29 Classic and Funny Short Bedtime stories For Kids

10. Significance of Patience and Hard Work in Life

Peace of mind becomes more important than anything in today’s stressed up life.

The absence of patience is the reasons for many unnecessary quarrels and following accidents.

So teach them the importance of developing patience right from childhood.

Get them engaged in activities like gardening and cooking where patience is required.

Similarly, ask them to never shift their focus from hard work as it is highly necessary to earn success in life.

11. Sharing is Caring

Teach them how sharing is important which will be a blessing for others who can’t afford it.

Start this habit right from home by teaching them to share their favorite chocolate or toy to their sister or brother or by giving their share of food to grandparents or extended family.

When it comes to sharing, it is not only about objects but also about the intangible elements such as emotions, feelings, and stories which eventually makes him a loving person over the period.

12. Be Systematic with Studies

Once kids start going to school, ask them to give enough seriousness in their studies.

Their routines should be a right mix up of studies, play time and sleep.

Being systematic with the studies by learning the daily lessons sets the right foundation for them.

This helps them to easily follow learning when they move up classes and develop a love for learning. 

13. Importance of Time Management and Punctuality

Parents should convey the message that ‘time and tide wait for no man’ to the kids early in their life as possible.

Better management of time gives them enough free time to engage in some extra hobbies, do something productive or to simply stay relaxed.

Similarly, punctuality is a quality to be enforced in them from their early days. Better use of time makes sure that they don’t miss out any opportunities in life just because they are late.

14. Learn to Stay Organized

Being organized in life is very important which showcases the character of a person.

The organization should start with your room and home.

This includes keeping stuff in the places it is supposed to be and doing things on the time it is supposed to be done.

When you have multiple things to do, it is always good to make a list of items with priority and plan it in advance to get it done on or before time.

15. Accept Defeat and Move Forward

One of the best good habits to be enforced in your child is to accept the defeat and move forward.

Some kids used to get stuck in the same place just because they failed.

Parents should play a vital role in keeping them motivated always and convince them to try hard better until they achieve success.

These are only a few among the many good habits that you should teach your kids that not only gives them short term success but to help them have habits for life.

Parents can take a little effort to guide them in the right ways during their younger age itself and help them to grow up as better citizens for society.

Also, it is quite common that kids look at their parents and keep them as role models for many things in their life.

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This simply means that parents should not only advise them on good habits but also set good examples by following them in their life.

Make an attempt to correct them and differentiate between good habits and bad habits and guide them on the right path.

When you want the best childcare facility for your kid, the options include formal centers, in-home facilities, and family care. No matter which option you pick, it is important to make sure that the place is best suited for your child.


There are 10 important factors you should know about to find high-quality childcare.

1. Security and Safety

First and foremost, you should find out everything about the security and safety of the place. Analyze the building in terms of its equipment, safety measurements and the quality of overall security. Don’t judge the security with respect to general guidelines. The arrangements should ensure the safety of children in that building. For instance, you can evaluate the entry authorization process. This way, you will know that your child is in a secure place.

2. Caring and Responsive Environment

High-Quality childcare provides a caring environment with the consistent availability of a caregiver. You can find out the quality of care by listening to the conversations between the caregivers and children. See if kids look happy and try hearing the sound of laughter. Spend some time to find out how responsive those teachers are towards children. Make sure they treat kids kindly and don’t ignore them. After all, you want your child to get a loving and caring environment.

You can also ask for caregivers’ credentials to understand how reliable they are for the job. A teacher with years of experience with kids will be a trustworthy choice.

3. Cleanliness

Cleanliness should be a priority when selecting childcare. You should ensure that all the caregivers follow hygiene guidelines such as washing hands from time to time, especially after eating and coming out of the restroom.

Know More: 24 very short moral stories for Kids

4. Welcoming and Respectful

Childcare should not be castle where parents can’t enter during the day. There has to be a welcoming environment, where you can visit anytime. This shows the transparency and trust they want to offer to parents. At the same time, the administration and teachers should respect your culture. If teachers aren’t respectful to your language and culture, it will also impact the care they offer to your child. So, it is better to avoid such facilities.

5. Engaging and Stimulating activities

Activities throughout the day should be engaging and stimulating for kids. Children need to feel interested in activities such as interactions, reading, exploring items. This depends on the abilities of the teachers as well as the environment created in the childcare. A colorful environment with puzzles, blocks, props, books and other items encourages children to indulge in activities. Space should be wide and open enough to help the kid to enjoy. Children should be able to safely run, climb and throw balls in the available space.

6. Steady Availability of Staff Members

Trained adults should be available all the time when your child is there. Each child should receive proper attention. This is a matter of care and safety as well. One caregiver should handle not more than 4 infants. Also, a caregiver should only get 7 two-year-old or 10 preschoolers.

Also, inquire about the steadiness in their availability. If the staff members keep on leaving frequently, then, it is not a good sign. Your child won’t be able to make a steady relationship with his/her caregiver.

7. Qualified and Experienced Caregivers

You want qualified caregivers and teachers, so feel free to ask for the proof of qualifications. The director, teachers and caregivers, all are responsible for your child’s care. You should ensure the highest standards by letting only qualified people handle your kid.

Standard qualifications in childcare facility include child development training, teaching expertise and others. The teachers should also have the ability to prepare daily schedules and implement it without putting any pressure on children.

8. Communicative Relationship with Parents

A childcare administrative staff should have a communicative relationship with the parents. Caregivers and parents should interact with newsletters, phone calls, and direct communication. You should receive daily notes from the staff and also get to learn about their programs via conferences and meetings.

You can also ask for a handbook of policy, which the childcare facility follows. There has to be a policy book and the policies should align with your desires regarding your child’s care.

As parents, you should also show eagerness to learn how they operate and how they aim to upgrade their facilities with time.

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9. Recommendations and Trust

Nothing beats the evaluation provided by the parents who have used the childcare  before. Try and find references from parents. Many childcare facilities provide contact information about enrolled parents to help you interview them and understand the quality of the facility.

You can also, find them on social media to discuss your concerns. This will offer a chance to have an impartial conversation about the quality of childcare your kid can receive.

10. Your own Intuition

Your own intuition and gut-feeling matters. Even after all the analysis and evaluation, it is possible that you don’t feel satisfied with the available options. No problem! Keep looking until you find trustworthy childcare to take care of your kid.

Follow this 10 things and you will comprehensively evaluate childcare facilities for the ultimate selection.

It is very common for students to carry heavy backpacks to school and this eventually causes back pain and related issues to some.

Many cases are reported where students complain of fatigue, discomfort and even injury over the period as a result of carrying overweight bags to school.


Considering the importance of the situation, parents, teachers as well as school authorities are supposed to take some serious measures to prevent this.

However, a student is supposed to carry necessary books, stationary and food to school every day which is unavoidable. Avoiding a heavy backpack or making it light as possible is always a tricky situation.

Here are a few tips that can be considered by parents and students to solve the problem to an extent.

1. Choose the Back Material wisely: It is always advised to get a backpack of lightweight but with durable quality. Of course, materials like leather is really good in quality but it can add weight to the bag. So it is good to weigh the bag alone before you buy it to make sure that the bag alone itself is not causing unwanted weight.

2. Get the Smallest Size possible: When it comes to school bags, always give importance to convenience and comfort rather than attractive designs. Just have a look into what you needed to carry to school every day and choose a bag that fits the purpose.

When you give importance to other factors like color, design, and attraction, you might actually end up buying a bigger bag than you actually want. So the objective should be to get a bag of the smallest possible size.

3. Go for Bags with Compartments: Instead of going for bags with just 1 compartment, it is always good to choose a bag with multiple compartments. And it is very important to organize the bag in such a way that you use all the compartments wisely.

Some students might fill up some compartments while leaving others empty which might affect the comfort when you carry it. So distributing the stuff almost equally to every compartment can serve the purpose.

4. Prefer to Take a separate Lunch Bag: Instead of carrying the lunch along with books and other stuff in your backpack, it is a good idea to buy a separate lunch bag. It is recommended to use a lunch bag which can be carried by hands which lessen the burden on the shoulders.

5. Use Case with handle for Separate Instruments: Some students might carry extra items to school like instruments if they have a music class or racket/bat if they have a sports session. In such cases, parents can buy them a separate case with handles which can be easily carried by hands. Parents may also buy them an additionally used instrument for cheaper rates if affordable so that they can keep that permanently at home or school.

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6. Go for Online Resources If Permitted: In this digital age, the importance of carrying heavy textbooks to school every day is not recommended. It is a wise option to go for online resources instead of textbooks. However, some schools are strict about using textbooks and in which case kids have no option but to carry it.

7. Bring Half-Emptied Bottles of Water: It often gets unnoticed about the weight of water bottles students carry every day. However, it is unavoidable as drinking water is an essential element for a kid’s day at school.

However, it is a good idea to carry only half emptied water bottles in your backpack. The water in it can be used if you feel thirsty on the way to school. The students can then fill the bottle from water filters which are available in most of the schools. Similarly, half empty the bottles on the way back home.

8. Make Use of School Lockers If Any: Some of the schools provide paid or unpaid locker facilities for students. They can wisely use it by keeping the heavy books or stationary there instead of carrying it. However, make sure that you don’t need it when you go home or make sure that you have a spare one at home.

9. Use Scan Copies instead of Heavy Textbooks If Allowed: The heavy textbooks are one of the main items that add up to the backpack weight. It is a good idea to carry the scanned copies of the necessary textbooks in bags and keep the texts at home. However, make sure that your school permits it and you are not acting against any policies.

10. Clean the Backpack Often: Parents should make sure that kids have a habit of cleaning the backpack at least once in a week. This will help to see if any unwanted stuff is dumped unknowingly under the actual stuff inside the bag. Or else students will eventually carry this unwanted stuff every day to and from school only to add to the weight.

11. Take only the necessary items: See that kids carry only the books and stationery that is actually necessary. Make a list of the items that your school wants you to carry in your bag and keep that only. Keep the stuff to a minimum instead of carrying two umbrellas, two workbooks or unwanted stationery.

12. Get bags with wide and padded shoulder straps: When parents choose bags for your kids, see that you go for bags with wide and padded straps. And it is very important for kids to wear both the shoulder straps every time. Some kids have the habit of wearing only one side straps which causes extra weight to one shoulder resulting in pain.

They may also end up losing balance as their body leans to one side causing falls. Wearing both the straps distributes the weight almost evenly thus adding to the comfort.

13. Go for a Back pack with a Waist Strap: It would be a Good option to select backpacks with waist strap in addition to the shoulder straps. This, in fact, keeps the content of the bag closer to the child’s body which helps to keep up a proper balance. This also helps them to maintain a good posture and the weight of the bag can never cause a hindrance to their comfort.

14. Keep an Alternate Set of Stationeries If Possible: Stationeries are another set of items that add up to the backpack weight. Parents can buy kids an alternate set of stationeries if affordable. This helps them to keep a set at school and another at home. You may also use an old set of stationery from your elder sibling or cousin for this arrangement.

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15. Carry Only What You Need for the Day: Students have to see that they carry only what is necessary for the particular day. Some students will unnecessarily carry the textbooks that are not covered for particular day’s timetable. To make this practical, students have to develop a habit of packing the bags by looking at timetable on previous day night itself. If they arrange the bag during mornings, they might be in a hurry and might end up carrying unwanted stuff.

16. Organize the Backpacks Creatively: Organizing the backpacks can be done creatively so that they can lighten the final weight. Mainly, the textbooks and other heavy items have to be packed in the bag in such a way that it is closest to the student’s spine. Make use of all the bag compartments and zipped pouches on sides so that the weight of the bag is evenly distributed.

17. Complete the Everyday Assignments at Home: Parents should make sure that kids follow the habit of completing the homework assignments from home itself. Sometimes kids may plan to do the homework at school before the morning bell or during the breaks on the day of submission.

So they may end up carrying a heavy textbook just for reference when completing the assignment. So doing home works at home can avoid unnecessary weight.

18. You may even consider a Rolling backpack: We normally see a trend of students carrying backpacks to school every day. However, if your kid is suffering from back pain or related issues due to heavy backpacks, considering rolling backpacks are always an option.

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Going through these tips might help you to understand that problems with the backpack are caused most of the times due to unawareness or careless handling of bags. Try applying these strategies while your kids carry backpacks to school and know the difference. Carrying heavy backpacks can not only cause spasms and back pain but also neck and shoulder pain and posture issues in the long run. So consider these strategies seriously and apply it whenever possible.

School authorities can also do their part by making arrangements for lockers to help students to avoid carrying stuff to school every day. They may also arrange campaigns on school campuses to make kids aware of the seriousness of such routines and its impact in their lives. Even though it seems not very practical from a distant glance, a group effort from parents, students, teachers, and school authorities can surely solve the situation.

“Show me how to do, without telling me what to do”! This is the novel mantra of visual learning. Contrasting this with traditional learning, students then used to listen to lectures delivered by teachers. Becoming a part of the black-board classrooms, they used to put their heads into volumes of printed study material. Now is the generation of video learning when educational videos are played in classrooms as a part of visual learning strategies. Supported by an educational curriculum, these videos help students in their pursuit of assimilating knowledge from various sources.

If you are curious to know the benefits of visual learning, here are the numerous ways in which this modern method of learning and teaching has transformed the way education is imparted.

  1. Visuals Are Better Tools For Learning

In line with the famous maxim “A picture is worth a thousand words”, an image has a profound impact on the brain of a student. If you are a student who is learning through educational videos, you will be using a large portion of your mental power. This is because of the fact that a major part of your brain is devoted exclusively to process visual information.

When you look at images, you are hastening the responses of your brain. Unlike in traditional learning when all you get to see is black and white text, visual learning through images helps you retain the information for a longer time. Your mind will be able to recapitulate a picture faster when compared to simple text. Hence, it is through videos that you can process information in a jiffy and store it in your mind for immediate retrieval.

  1. Makes Story Telling An Effective Way to Master a Subject

Through visual learning, you are concentrating only on watching the animated video without reading any text. Every frame of an educational video has a different story to tell. Playing a video introduces you to the way in which a situation occurs. You then begin to chalk out a flow of information when one scene follows another, moving from one concept into another. This way, you will be able to effectively narrate a story of the topic by figuratively understanding certain abstract concepts which are difficult to comprehend by reading the text. It is through these visual demonstrations that you can hasten up the process of learning.

  1. Self Help is the Best Help

Educational videos are perfect self-study learning tools. You can pick up from a host of audio and video presentations along with informative webinars which can teach you about the topic of your choice. You don’t need a tutor who will talk about the subject at length. On the contrary, these videos also help you engage in self-study which creates a profound impact on your brain; compared to reading and memorizing from a printed textbook.

  1. Eases the Learning Process

 A smart classroom which supports video presentations lends a helping hand to students with different IQ levels. Given the fact that it takes students of varying intelligence levels to make a class, visual learning eases the process of learning for all students. Drifting away from learning and studying from printed texts and notes, it is through visual learning that you can promote a better interaction between students and teachers.

  1. Saves Classroom Preparation Time

A traditional classroom will need the faculty to take time to draw or write subject details on the board. As a perfect time-saving mode of learning, visual learning calls for the airing of subject information in the form of educative short films and animated visuals which can be accessed in a jiffy.

  1. You Can Experience The Feel of A Classroom

Owing to the growing popularity of visual learning, most of the present day classrooms are seen imparting knowledge through online sessions. You can register for a host of online professional courses that are conducted by some well-known educational platforms and you are all covered. Upon registration, you will be able to access all the pre-recorded videos pertaining to your topic which offer you the experience of classroom learning. Tagged as a type of distant learning, you can become a part of the online learning community that is catching up worldwide.

  1. Makes On-the-Job Training A Reality

Most of the times giving verbal instructions to students fall on deaf ears. But when the same instructions are given through visual media, you will be able to understand the step-by-step process to complete a particular task. In the event of a confusing situation, you can bank upon the video, play it again and you are all covered. In this way, visual training is a strong benefactor for on-the-job training that all the modern day corporates are looking for.

  1. Illustrations Pave Way for Better Understanding

Video presentations are promising tools to help you understand better. Illustrations help you recreate the topic in your mind’s eye, allowing you to recapitulate what all was learnt; all in a jiffy. Students find it easier to connect with the images than with the text. Due to the strength of visual learning, topics are not only understood easily and quickly but also favor an effective application of assimilated visual content.

  1. The Fun Element to Learning

You will agree with the fact that traditional classroom learning is monotonous and distractive. Contrast this with visual learning which is imparted through educational videos. Allowing you to connect with the subject of the video, you can make learning fun which is absent when you sit down with books while you listen to the lectures delivered by faculty. Visual learning goes a long way in engaging you with your study topics, ultimately improving your concentration levels.

  1. Experience The Human Touch

Another component which is critical to learning is to interact with a physical entity as a learned faculty. In traditional learning, classrooms are conspicuous with lectures being delivered from a podium by subject teachers.

Flip this scenario with a visual learning classroom and you have a video session conducted by a subject matter expert. This expert who is a knowledgeable person in his chosen niche will make an indelible impression on your mind through his student-friendly interactive lectures. It is then that you can establish the strong human connect with your online tutor; the human touch that promotes successful and engaging learning.


Making the most of the technology, now is the age of innovative educational tools that are making a headway into schools and colleges. Tagged as a blessing for students of different intelligent levels, it is through visual learning that you can encourage students to employ creative learning techniques. This way, visual learning will not only educate students with subject knowledge but will also pave the way for holistic growth which surfaces in the form of improved concentration and creativity.

If you wish to handhold your kid to succeed in school and beyond, here are the modern learning skills that will become his/her boon for life. Leaning skills are often tagged under a common name called “4 Cs”. Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication. These are the 4 important Cs that will demand a push from you so that your child develops and improves the patterns of learning, assimilating and reproducing information in the manner he/she comprehends.  All these Cs are a function of their short-term memory that enables them to learn. Hence if you encourage them to develop their short-term memory through creative activities, you are clearing their path to learn and understand better.

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Here are 10 effective ways to improve kid’s learning skill:

  1. The “Left Brain” Activity Is Linked to Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is all about the careful analysis of a topic of study to help you understand it better. In order to help kids learn and use the power of critical thinking, guardians should teach them to analyze a situation by breaking the entire scenario into smaller and understandable parts.

You can also encourage your kids to come up with logical arguments about what they think about a topic and link their thoughts to evidences. When kids start talking in this manner, they will be able to learn the topic better; in a logical way. This exercise ultimately paves the way for them to come up with a logical conclusion. Kids can also be prompted to group items under their respective heads and explaining the striking contrasts between the various classes.

Critical thinking is a learning tool to hone the problem-solving abilities in kids. When guardians push kids to come up with the causes and effects of a problem, kids will find means to eliminate the reasons for a problem.

  1. Creativity Thinking Helps Kids Discover Possibilities

Creative thinking is the ability that is gifted to us by our “right brain”. Guardians can help their wards to learn creative thinking through a number of dedicated activities. Brainstorming is one such practice that will involve your kids to come up with a number of feasible, impossible and unreasonable suggestions for a particular scenario.

Actions speak louder than words. In line with this famous maxim, guardians can encourage the learning skill in kids by allowing them to make items with their own hands. Give them materials to create the product and they will slowly learn different ways to produce a product.

A creative attitude in kids will blossom if parents and teachers encourage them to crack jokes, narrate stories and sing their favorite songs. Engaging them in a dialogue about any topic can also bring their creative traits to the fore, allowing them to learn through innovative ways. Encourage them to pose questions through which they will be able to get to know the facts that were unknown to them. Through the answers given out by them, kids will also arrive at new ways to find a solution to their problem.

  1. Communication Skills – Another Stepping Stone to Learning Through Verbal and Written Expressions

Communication is all about expressing your thoughts and beliefs not only through words but also through gestures, body language and visual aids. It is the responsibility of the guardians to create a communicative environment at home or in school. When communication is encouraged, kids will learn the trick of attentive listening.

When you start communicating with them frequently, they will begin to listen to you with all their ears. They will learn to take notes while posing questions about unknown facts. You can also help kids to enjoy the act of reading, when they begin to decode the printed words or images that are in front of their eyes. All thanks to technology, kids can bank on mobile phones and apps that will serve as learning tools to either communicate through phone calls or email or engage themselves through app messages.

  1. Collaboration – The Art of Working Together for a Common Goal

Another tried and tested means to improve your kid’s learning skills is to introduce them to group activities that come with a common objective. Through collaborations, you can teach your kid the benefits of working towards a goal. In their pursuit to reach their common objective, kids will learn to evaluate multiple options.

They will take in alternatives that bring them close to their joint aim and discard those that work against their victory. Such activities can bring out the leadership qualities that are still in the nascent stage of development. Group activities come as a boon to kids when they begin to unearth the benefits of effective management of time and material resources. Such acts also teach your kids to resolve conflicts between their team mates in an amicable manner alongside introducing them to the dynamics of teams.

  1. Unlock the Power of Simulation

A picture is worth a thousand words. So true to this commonly used maxim, you as a parent will need to hone his visualization skills so that he/she can reproduce a subject in his own words. Now you might think that how to do it? You just have to encourage your child to imagine a picture of what he has just heard or read; in his mind’s eye. The next step is to prompt him/her to draw the picture that he imagined. Through repeated session, your child will be able to hone his/her visualization skills when he/she can orally describe the image without having to use a pen and paper to describe it.

  1. Allow Your Kid to Become Your Teacher

Take for instance that your child is trying to play a new game. You as a guardian can prompt him/her to master the game by inspiring them. If you begin to demonstrate a keen interest in their game, he/she will start opening up with the tricks of the game. He/she will employ his descriptive and discretionary skills to inform you about the nuances of the game. You can ignite their imagination through questions that will help them come up with sensible descriptions and evaluations. This way, they will assimilate all the information which they need to excel at a game or the subject at hand.

  1. The World of Knowledge in Black and White

You will agree with the fact that books are an ocean of knowledge. While technical and subject-oriented books come with volumes of information, books on self-improvement help your children learn about the ways to lead a successful and content life.

If you as a guardian encourage your wards to make reading as their favorite pastime activity, they will not only put their leisure time to the best use. They will also be at the receiving end of invaluable information that is presented in the form of printed books or digital sources. They will begin to learn the concept of self-help when they try to pick up a befitting text that provides solutions to all their queries.

  1. The Power of Delivering Good Instructions

As parents and teachers dealing with young children, it is very important for you to teach them by clearly explaining what needs to be done and the manner in which a particular task should be performed. Guardians while instructing kids should keep in mind their tone of voice; a clear yet calm tone can do the trick.

Parents and teachers should also be careful about the words used in the instructions. It is best to use simple language teamed with short sentences that allow your child to relate him/her to the task at hand. Good instructions are all about helping your kid to learn a process through a step-by-step approach. These phased-out instructions will permit your kid to organize himself while aiming to complete a task at hand.

  1. The Importance of Constructive Feedback

It is very common for kids to seek validations from elders. For every task they do, they expect parents and teachers to judge them, announcing their ability to fulfil the same. Constructive feedback can serve as a stepping stone to teach your kid the right way to address a problem. When you as a guardian are vocal about the correct approach your kid has initiated, this feedback encourages him/her to develop a sense of self-esteem. This learning helps them develop a personality that mirrors a blend of their self-confidence and self-respect.

  1. The Inclusion of Memory Boosting Games

You can check out the internet for a host of interesting and memory boosting puzzles and games. Introducing your kids to such games will not only sharpen their concentration levels but also helps them understand the concept of working around multiple alternatives to arrive at a befitting solution. Kids will learn to incorporate all the conditions that the puzzle puts in front of them; eventually reaching the winning post with the correct answer.

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All the above-mentioned strategies help your kids to hone their learning skills when they begin to better their reasoning power along with enhanced concentration levels. When these two attributes are sharpened, your kids will learn and unlearn various concepts by assimilating and processing information from multiple sources. When some or all of these learning strategies become a part of your child’s routine, they will help him/her thrive in a constantly changing and highly-competitive society.

“Nine-tenths of education is encouragement”. This is an adage quoted by Anatole France. Ponder over this thought and you will understand the basic foundation of parenting is to encourage kids. While you as parents and teachers encourage your children, you will be showing them the way to learn new things.

  1. Empathy Towards Kids

Kids who are on the threshold of becoming individuals need to be respected and supported at all times. They should be appreciated and valued. Only then will these positive stimuli help kids to learn about life much more easily.

  1. Freedom is the Keyword

You as parents and teachers will be doing a great favor to your kids if you just allow them to be the way they please. Bestow them the freedom of thought, expression and action. And then watch the magic unfold. You can witness remarkable changes in the intellectual, spiritual and physical aspects of your child.

  1. Introduce Them To the Power of Saying “No”

It is very important to teach your kids not to say “YES” when they want to say “NO”. “NO” is a powerful word in human psychology which dons the hat of an instrument in support of one’s integrity. Kids who have the courage to say “NO” will protect themselves from being exploited.

  1. Nurture Positive Aspects Linked To Self-Esteem

It is equally important for parents and teachers of toddlers to work in the direction of developing their self-esteem. Self-esteem is a positive trait that is a combination of self- respect and self-confidence.

But how do you nurture their self-esteem? It is by inculcating the strong feelings of self-acceptance.

When kids begin to accept themselves, they will start trying new challenges. And if they make mistake in that, they will repeat it until it becomes perfect. But parents can criticize them for repeating the wrong activities as this criticism can be really helpful for kids. It will bring self-confidence in them.

Self-acceptance helps kids take pride in their innate abilities and allows them to grow in an environment in which their accomplishments are highlighted. By extending such efforts, guardians of toddlers will be able to help their kids give their best to any task at hand. Hence, the secret behind successful parenting is to establish a congenial environment for kids to grow up into confident and productive individuals without an iota of self-doubt.

  1. Comparison of Kids – A Strict “No”

You should appreciate the fact that kids are highly sensitive beings. They are at a juncture when their personality is slowly evolving. They learn a great deal through observation and experimentation. Each kid is unique with a set of innate strengths and weaknesses.

It is when you compare kids that you will be hurting their ego which will manifest in the form of unruly behavior and self-doubt. Comparing your kid with another should be avoided in-toto since it damages the self-respect your kid has for himself or herself.

  1. The Power of Unconditional Love

It is very important for kids to grow up in an environment when they are loved for who they are and not for what they do. There can be many situtations when your child has wronged. But that mistake should not draw you against your child. You should make them clear about the mistake they did not in a rude way but in a lovable way and ask them to not repeat it ever after.

  1. Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood

This is the 5th habit from the book of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, penned by Stephen Covey which says: “Seek first to understand. Then to be understood”. This can be applied to while dealing with kids as well.

This habit is all about attentive listening to deeply understand people as human beings with strong individualities. You can apply this habit to parenting by listening to what your kid wants to convey to you. You should listen to understand and not with an intention to reply.

  1. Allow Them to Thrive in A Goal-Centric Life

Parents and teachers who practice setting up achievable yet small goals to their wards will be creating a fruitful environment for kids to grow through experiences. Here, it is very important for guardians to set goals to kids in accordance with their ages and capabilities. With a goal in mind, your kid will be steadily moving towards progress, taking baby steps in the direction of attaining the target. It is here that your kid will need constant guidance until he/she reaches the flag post. You should encourage your kids at every stage of their goal-meeting and rejoice their victory with an applause that will reinforce their self-confidence.

  1. Appreciate The Presence of Kids

Most of the times, in households or in schools, kids are not given their due importance. Their emotions and concerns are shunned away as a childish chatter. Their curious questions are either not answered or sometimes, answered with distorted information. You will be doing a lot of harm to your kid when you start avoiding him/her while he/she is saying something about her dissatisfactions and irritations. So, You as a guardian, must indicate to your kids that their presence is precious.

  1. Small Incentives Go A Long Way

Motivation is another keyword that works in favor of your kid. And what best way to motivate your kid than shower him/her with rewards? These rewards can be small and need not don the hat of expensive gifts or tangible stuff. It can be a trip to park, plying games them, etc., A motivating environment at home and school will help your kids grow up into sensible and level-headed human beings.

  1. The Benefits of a Close-Knit Family

It is indeed a blessing for any kid to be born in an affectionate family. A close-knit family can create a solid foundation for your kid’s psyche. A family that eats together, stays together. You as parents of kids should take out time for your kids. Spending quality time with them is the best means to delve deep into their minds. Providing enough space for healthy discussions, another perk of growing up in a close-knit family is that you can indulge in friendly and funny chats with family members. Being a part of a happy family does wonders to your kids when they begin to appreciate the fact that they are loved and cared for; at all times by their family and extended family members.

A close-knit family is also one that does not expose your kids to the disagreements between parents. Any argument between parents should be dealt with behind closed doors without being displayed to kids. This way, your kids will grow up in a healthy and happy family setup.

  1. A Congenial Environment That Leads to Healthy Living

It is the dream of every parent to raise her children into happy and healthy kids. In order to promote a healthy well-being of kids, parents should concentrate on the eating and exercise habits of their kids. For ensuring a healthy pattern of eating, it is appropriate for parents to bring back the practice of family dinners to the dining table. You, as parents can show your kids the path of healthy eating by cooking and serving low-fat foods which are equally delicious.

The second component of healthy living for kids is to include physical exercise as part of their lifestyle. Allow them to play and sweat it out at a park or engage them with a sport of their choice. This way, your kids will be active and agile and will enjoy the long-standing benefits of healthy living for life.

  1. A Home Which Spares the Rod

Corporal punishment should never be the solution to correct your kid. In fact, tending to physical punishment demonstrates your helplessness as parents, in correcting your kids. Inflicting physical pain by spanking is the worst punishment you as parent can ever give to a hyperactive or disobedient child. Parents at home and teachers in school should avoid threatening their wards. Instead, efforts should be directed towards reinforcing desirable behavior.

There are other non-violent ways to teach your kids the right way. Not only at home, teachers should also stop this strict disciplinary action of spanking.

You can instead try to discipline your kids by counseling them and setting rules around which they should operate at home and in school. These rules should be supported by consequences that the erring child will face in the event of non-compliance. If these specifications are clearly laid out early-on, then  chances of your kids becoming a deaf ear to your corrective suggestions will be less. To sum it all, a home which spares the rod preserves the self-respect of the child.

  1. Lead By Example

You as a parents and teacher must consider the fact that kids are very observant. They catch and mimic the behavior of their guardians. Teach them one virtue and demonstrate to them just the opposite and you have completely lost your child.

For example, the virtue of honesty. If you teach your kids to be honest at all times and you get away with white lies, you are sending a contradictory signal to your kid. Hence it is best to open up to your kids about your mistakes and how you have learned from them. This will not only help you appreciate your faults but will also pave way for an honest channel of communication between you and your kids.

  1. Recognize and Encourage Their Talents

Every child is indeed very special. However, the child does not realize his/her uniqueness. Hence, the onus is on the guardians to recognize and nurture their innate talents. It is hence very important to promote a homely atmosphere that provides ample opportunities for kids to demonstrate their talents. Along with this, it pays a great deal to provide constructive feedback about your kids’ talents so that your family can uncover and enrich the nascent talents that your kids are gifted with.

Closing Thoughts

Parenting is all about inculcating the right attitude to kids. It is also about striving hard to provide the best environment at home and in school. All your efforts of creating a productive atmosphere will bear fruit once your kid begins to tread the path of self-confidence and appreciation for all the blessings that are making his/her life so beautiful and worthwhile.