GK Questions for Kids Aged Between 4 and 7 years

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1) Baby frog is known as ________.

Ans- Tadpole

2) How many continents are there in the world?

Ans- 7

3) The Sun rises in the __________.

Ans- East

4) _______ is a shape with ten sides.

Ans- Decagon

5) Which is the largest ocean in the world?

Ans- Pacific Ocean

6) Which is the hardest substance on Earth?

Ans- Diamond

7) How many hours do we have in a day?

Ans- 24

8) Which is the largest planet in our solar system?

Ans- Jupiter

9) Which colour symbolizes peace?

Ans- White

10) Which animal gives us wool?

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Ans- Sheep

11) A spider has ____ legs.

Ans- 8

12) Which is the largest bird in the world?

Ans- Ostrich

13) We smell with our ______.

Ans- Nose

14) We hear with our _______.

Ans- Ear

15) We see with our _______.

Ans- Eyes

16) Which day comes after Friday?

Ans- Saturday

17) Who brings letters to your home from the Post Office?

Ans- Postman

18) Who flies an aeroplane?

Ans- Pilot

19) Who treats us when we are sick?

Ans- Doctor

20) What is 3+2?

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Ans- 5

21) Your maternal grandmother is your mother’s ___________.

Ans- Mother

22) Children of your uncles and aunts are called your _________.

Ans- Cousins

23) Santa Claus is related to which festival?

Ans- Christmas

24) Name the animal that goes “moo”?

Ans- Cow

25) What sound does a horse make?

Ans- Neigh

26) Young one of a goat is called ________.

Ans- Kid

27) How many hands do you have?

Ans- Two

28) Where do bees live?

Ans- Hive

29) What comes after 24?

Ans- 24

30) Which sense organ helps us to feel?

Ans- Skin

Ans: Bow-Bow

GK Questions

General Knowledge For Kids (105 Questions and Answers)

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GK Questions For Class 1

Curiosity is the spark behind the spark of every idea”.

And so, let us be someone who ignites the spark in them. This can be done by developing General Knowledge in Kids. 

So, here are some easy GK questions for kids with answers for Class 1.

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1) How many months are there in a year?

Ans- 12

2) How many days are there in a week?

Ans- 7

3) How many days are there in a year?

Ans- 365

4) Which number comes after 15?

Ans- 16

5) How many colours are there in a rainbow?

Ans- 7

6) We use our ears to ______.

Ans- Hear

7) Name the day that comes after Tuesday?

Ans- Wednesday

8) How many vowels are there in the English alphabet?

Ans- 5

9) A cow has ____ legs.

Ans- 4

10) Which gas do humans need to breathe to live?

Ans- Oxygen

11) Which month comes after October?

Ans- November

12) How many zeroes are there in one thousand?

Ans- Three

13) How many hands do you have?

Ans- 2

14) We chew food using our ____________.

Ans- Teeth

15) Which sense organ do you use to smell?

Ans- Nose

16) Which part of the plant is brown and below the ground?

Ans- Roots

17) Which part of a plant has seeds?

Ans- Fruit

18) Which part of a plant soaks up nutrients and water from the soil?

Ans- Root

19) Which bird has a far sight and turns its head all the way round?

Ans- Owl

20) Which animal eats mice?

Ans- 20

21) Which animal wags its tail and lives in a kennel?

Ans- Dog

22) Which animal has a long nose known as trunk?

Ans- Elephant

23) Which animal likes honey?

Ans- Bear

24) Name a cunning animal?

Ans- Fox

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25) Which animal has a long neck?

Ans- Giraffe

26) Which animal has black and white stripes on its body?

Ans- Zebra

27) Which animal gives us wool?

Ans- Sheep

28) February has _____ days in a leap year.

Ans- 29

29) Which is the largest river island in Asia?

Ans- Majuli Island (Assam)

30) Which shape has three sides?

Ans- Triangle

31) How many weeks are there in a year?

Ans- 52 Week

32) There are ____ months in a year.

Ans- 12

33) Name the shape with five sides?

Ans- Pentagon

34) Home of a pig is called ______.

Ans- Sty

35) Name the largest island in the world?

Ans- Greenland

36) Which is the largest mammal on Earth?

Ans- Blue Whale

37) What is the name of the story where Ella leaves her glass slipper while attending the royal ball?

Ans- Cinderella

38) Which fairy tale character meets seven dwarfs in a cottage?

Ans- Snow White

39) Name the fairy tale character with long golden hair trapped in a tower?

Ans- Rapunzel

40) Name the fairy tale character, who is a poor thief and has a magic lamp?

Ans- Aladdin

41) Which fairy tale character meets a Big Bad wolf while going to visit her grandmother in the woods?

Ans- Little Red Riding Hood

42) Name the story in which a young girl falls through a rabbit hole, goes to a fantasy world and meets many strange characters?

Ans- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

43) Name the shape with seven sides?

Ans- Heptagon

44) Planet Earth is shaped like a __________.

Ans- Sphere

45) A shape with six sides is called ________.

Ans- Hexagon

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46) A shape with ten sides is called ________.

Ans- Decagon

47) How many sides does an octagon have?

Ans- 8

48) What is the color of human blood?

Ans- Red

49) Which colour symbolizes peace?

Ans- White

50) In which season do we use cotton clothes?

Ans- Summer

51) The colour of cow’s milk is ________.

Ans- White

52) What comes after 35?

Ans- 36

53) The tusks of elephants are made of ______.

Ans- Ivory

54) Kangaroos have _____ to carry their young ones.

Ans- Pouches

55) Cheese is made from _______.

Ans- Milk

56) Taste of sugar is _______.

Ans- Sweet

57) Taste of tamarind is _______.

Ans- Sour

58) We wear a watch on our _______.

Ans- Wrist

59) What is 10+4?

Ans- 14

60) A goat has ______ legs.

Ans- 4

61) Earth has ____ natural satellite(s).

Ans- 1

62) The leaves of a tree fall during which season?

Ans- Autumn

63) A person who goes to space is called an ________.

Ans- Astronaut

64) A young frog is called a _______.

Ans- Tadpole

65) Which colour of the traffic light indicates “wait”?

Ans- Yellow

66) Which is the first letter of the English alphabet?

Ans- A

67) Whom do we call to put out fire?

Ans- Fireman

68) Name the vehicle used by firemen?

Ans- Fire engine

69) Orange is a source of which vitamin?

Ans- Vitamin C

70) Humans have _____ toes.

Ans- Ten

71) A hen lives in a _____.

Ans- Coop

72) Your father’s brother is your _________.

Ans- Uncle

73) Which insect makes a web?

Ans- Spider

74) Which magic word do you use while asking for something?

Ans- Please

75) Which magic word do you use when someone helps you?

Ans- Thank you

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76) Which of these is a green-colored vegetable?

a) Potato

b) Tomato

c) Pea

d) Cauliflower

Ans: C. Pea 

  1. What is the Color of the Leaves?

a) Red

b)  Green

c) Blue

d) Yellow

Ans: B. Green

  1. Identify the Tree

gk question

a) Coconut Tree

b) Banyan Tree

c) Mango Tree

d) Peepal Tree

Ans: A. Coconut Tree

  1. Who is the king of the jungle?


b) Lion

c) Deer

d) Elephant

Ans: B. Lion

  1. Which part of your body do you use to see?

a) Ears

b) Nose

c) Tongue

d) Eyes

Ans: D. Eyes 

  1. How many fingers are there in your hands?

a) Five

b) Six

c) Seven

d) Ten

Ans. D. Ten

  1. Which of the following animals give us milk?

a) Cow

b) Dog

c) Cat

d) Monkey

Ans: A. Cow

  1. What is the color of sunflowers?

a) White

b) Yellow

c) Blue

d) Green

Ans: B. Yellow

  1. Which animal is known as “Ship of Desert”?

a) Donkey

b) Horse

c) Came

d) Elephant

Ans: C. Camel

  1.  How many legs do you have?

Ans: Two

  1.   Which animal guards our house?

Ans: Dog

  1.   Identify the bird

General knowledge for kids

Ans: Peacock

  1. What is the color of your hair?

Ans: Black

  1. How many wheels does a cycle have?

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Ans: Two

  1. Name the four main directions?

Ans: North, East, West, and South

  1. What food does a cow eat?

Ans: Grass

  1.   Which number comes after 10?

Ans: 11

  1. Which means of transport do you use in water?

Ans: Ship

  1. How many alphabets are there in the English language?

Ans: 26

  1. Where do you go when you are sick?

Ans: Hospital

  1. A person who teaches us is known as___________?

Ans: Teacher

  1. Name the vowels in English.

Ans: A,E,I,O,U

  1. How many sense organs do we have?

Ans: Five

  1. What is the color of the sky?

Ans: Blue

  1. What sound does a dog make?

Ans: Bow-Bow

GK Questions

General Knowledge For Kids (105 Questions and Answers)

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 General Knowledge Questions and Answers for Kids – Class 2

GK questions for kids help to improve their general awareness relating to the plants, animals, personalities, festivals, and other things happening around the world. 

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This set of simple quiz questions for kids can enrich one’s personal confidence and sharpen thinking capacity.

Our little minds are curious to learn new things. So here is a set of easy general knowledge questions for kids of class 2.

1) Name the shape with three sides?

Ans- Triangle

2) What is the smallest two digit number?

Ans- 10

3) Which shape has no sides and corners?

Ans- Circle

4) Which shape has all four of its sides equal?

Ans- Square

5) What is the largest two digit number?

Ans- 99

6) What is the smallest even number?

Ans- 2

7) What is the place value of 4 in 654?

Ans- Ones

8) 4 times 8 equals ___________.

Ans- 32

9) 40+20 equals to ____________.

Ans- 60

10) An adult human has _________ teeth.

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Ans- 32

11) Which animal gives us wool?

Ans- Sheep

12) What do we get when water freezes?

Ans- Ice

13) What is a house made of snow called?

Ans- Igloo

14) What kind of clothes do we wear during winter?

Ans- Woollen clothes

15) What are the white lines where we cross the road called?

Ans- Zebra Crossing

16) A lion lives in a ______.

Ans- Den

17) Sun rises in the ________.

Ans- East

18) Sun sets in the _________.

Ans- West

19) What does the red light of a traffic signal indicate?

Ans- 20

20) What does green light of a traffic signal indicate?

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Ans- Go

21) India has _____ states.

Ans- 28

22) What does a caterpillar turn into?

Ans- Butterfly

23) Which Indian city is known as “Pink City”?

Ans- Jaipur

24) Which is the largest cat in the world?

Ans- Siberian tiger

25) Which animal is known as the “ship of the desert”?

Ans- Camel

26) Which planet do we live on?

Ans- Earth

27) How many players are there in a cricket team?

Ans- 11

28) The doctor who takes care of our teeth is called ________.

Ans- Dentist

29) Name the bird that lays the largest eggs?

Ans- Ostrich

30) Our solar system has ______ planets.

Ans- 8

31) Name the currency of Thailand?

Ans- Bhat

32) What is the sound made by a lion?

Ans- Roar

33) What is the young one of an elephant called?

Ans- Calf

34) A pig lives in a _____.

Ans- Sty

35) A year has ___ weeks.

Ans- 52

36) How many kidneys does a human body have?

Ans- 2

37) How many strings does a violin have?

Ans- 4

38) A century has ____ years.

Ans- 100

39) How many moons does Earth have?

Ans- 1

40) Saturn has ____ moons.

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Ans- 82

41) How many colours are there in a rainbow?

Ans- 7

42) In which country can kangaroos be found?

Ans- Australia

43) Name the planet in our solar system with the most number of moons?

Ans- Saturn

44) Earth’s atmosphere has ____ layers.

Ans- 5

45) What are the colours of Olympic rings?

Ans- Blue, Red, Green, Yellow and Black

46) A spider has _____ legs.

Ans- Eight

47) Which is the smallest continent in the world?

Ans- Australia

48) How many days are there in a year?

Ans- 365

49) Which month has the least number of days?

Ans- February

50) Which part of a plant grows under the soil?

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Ans- Root

51) What is the currency of UK?

Ans- Pound Sterling

52) What is the currency of Bangladesh?

Ans- Taka

53) What is the currency of Pakistan?

Ans- Rupee

54) What is the currency of China?

Ans- Yuan

55) What is the currency of New Zealand?

Ans- Dollar

56) What is the currency of Russia?

Ans- Ruble

57) Tokyo is the capital of which country?

Ans- Japan

58) What was the real name of Lord Buddha?

Ans- Siddhartha Gautama

59) Oscar award is related to which field?

Ans- Film industry

60) How many minutes are there in an hour?

Ans- 60

61) A triangle with all three sides equal is called _______.

Ans- Equilateral triangle

62) What is the capital of Philippines?

Ans- Manila

63) What do you call a person who makes furniture from wood?

Ans- Carpenter

64) Which country is known as “Gift of Nile”?

Ans- Egypt

65) How many years make a decade?

Ans- 10

66) Which part of a plant is called “kitchen of the plant”?

Ans- Leaf

67) We smell using our _____.

Ans- Nose

68) Who painted Mona Lisa?

Ans- Leonardo Da Vinci

69) We use our ears to _______.

Ans- Hear

70) English alphabets have ____ consonants.

Ans- 21

71) What is the shape of a cricket field?

Ans- Circle

72) How many members are there in a Water Polo team?

Ans- 7

73) The word “Grand Slam” is associated with which sport?

Ans- Tennis

74) What is a group of porcupines called?

Ans- Prickle

75) Name a bird that can fly backwards?

Ans- Humming bird

76)  Who was the first Prime Minister of India?

Ans- Jawaharlal Nehru

 77)  Which state is known as the ‘fruit bowl’ of India?

Ans- Himachal Pradesh

 78)  What is the name of this beautiful monument?

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Ans- Taj Mahal

79)  How many legs does a spider have?

Ans – Eight

80)  Name this famous Indian Cricketer.

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Ans- Sachin Tendulkar

81)  Who is popularly known as the “Iron Man of India”?

Ans- Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel 

82)  What is the sound made by a duck?

Ans- Quack quack

83)  The national currency of India is

Ans- Rupee

84)  The young one of a kangaroo is

Ans- Joey

85)  What is the sound made by a horse?

Ans- Neigh

86)  The young one of Elephant is

Ans- Calf

87)  Which river is infamous as the ‘Sorrow of Bengal”?

Ans- Damodar River

88)  _ is celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ

Ans- Christmas

89)  Which is the harvest festival in Assam?

Ans- Bohag Bihu 

90)  Thiruvananthapuram is the capital of _.

Ans- Kerala

91)  Which is the national sport of India?

Ans- Hockey

92)  What does the heart pump?

Ans- Blood

93)  The longest river in India

Ans- Ganga

94)  Which is the national fruit of India?

Ans- Mango

95)  How many spokes does the wheel in Indian Flag have?

Ans- 24 spokes

96)  Who is the first citizen of India?

Ans- President of India

97)  Where does a pig live?

Ans- Sty

98)  What is the name of this famous painting?

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Ans- Mona Lisa

99)  How many cats can you see in this picture?

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Ans- 10 cats

100)  How do you relate to your maternal grandfather?

Ans- Mother’s father

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GK Questions For Class 3

Since ages, it has always been for kids to know more General Knowledge quizzes. As adults, we are supposed to encourage their interest. Below given are certain GK quiz questions for class 3. 

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1) A polygon with 5 sides is called a _________.

Ans- Pentagon

2) What is the young one of a kangaroo called?

Ans- Joey

3) What is the name of India’s highest mountain peak?

Ans- Kanchenjunga

4) The capital of Andaman & Nicobar Islands is ______.

Ans- Port Blair

5) Which is the largest country in the world, in terms of area?

Ans- Russia

6) The two holes on the nose through which we breathe are called _________.

Ans- Nostrils

7) In which country did the game, chess, originate?

Ans- India

8) The wheel in the center of Indian national flag has _____ spokes.

Ans- 24

9) Who is the author of Harry Potter series of books?

Ans- J.K. Rowling

10) Who was known as “Human Computer”?

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Ans- Shakuntala Devi

11) Name the instrument used to measure the speed of wind?

Ans- Anemometer

12) Name the smallest planet in our solar system?

Ans- Mercury

13) Any number multiplied by zero is ________.

Ans- Zero

14) Which is the largest four-digit number?

Ans- 9999

15) Ganymede is the moon of which planet?

Ans- Jupiter

16) Who was the first person to land on the moon?

Ans- Jupiter

17) Who invented steam engine?

Ans- James Watt

18) Who was the first person to calculate the value of Pi?

Ans- Archimedes

19) In which country is Mount Everest situated?

Ans- Nepal

20) Which is the biggest coral reef in the world?

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Ans- Great Barrier Reef

21) World’s largest rain forest is _________.

Ans- The Amazon

22) Which is the biggest part of the brain?

Ans- Cerebrum

23) _________ animals sleep during the day and stay awake at night.

Ans- Nocturnal animals

24) Animals that eat meat are called _________.

Ans- Carnivores

25) Name an insectivorous plant?

Ans- Venus Flytrap

26) A newborn baby has _______ bones.

Ans- 300

27) How many millimeters make a meter?.

Ans- 1000

28) How many millimeters make a meter?.

Ans- 1000

29) What is an angle that has a value less than 90˚ called?

Ans- Acute angle

30) What is an angle that has a value greater than 90˚ called?

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Ans- Obtuse angle

31) When a number is multiplied by 1, the product would be ________.

Ans- The Same Number

32) What is the art of folding paper to create shapes called?

Ans- Origami

33) The flag of which country has a non-quadrilateral shape?

Ans- Nepal

34) The place where beehives of honeybees are kept is called?

Ans- Apiary

35) Which is the fastest land animal?

Ans- Cheetah

36) Which animal has a hump on its back?

Ans- Camel

37) Name a commonly found reptile?

Ans- Lizard

38) Which is the largest ocean in the world?

Ans- Pacific Ocean

39) Australia lies between which two oceans?

Ans- Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean

40) Which is the coldest planet in our solar system?

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Ans- Neptune

41) Where is food collected in the human body once it is chewed and swallowed?

Ans- Stomach

42) Which pigment is responsible for the green colour of leaves?

Ans- Stomach

43) Which Indian city is known as “Orange City”?

Ans- Nagpur

44) Which city is known as the “Financial Capital of India”?

Ans- Mumbai

45) Which country won the first T20 world cup?

Ans- India

46) Which planet in our solar system takes less than 10 hours to complete its one rotation?

Ans- Jupiter

47) Which planet is known as the “blue planet”?

Ans- Earth

48) Which star is closest to the Earth?

Ans- The Sun

49) Which is the most abundant gas found on Earth?

Ans- Nitrogen

50) The mixture consisting of molten rocks that flow out of a volcano during the volcanic eruption is called ________.

Ans- Lava

51) Earth requires ____ hours to complete one rotation.

Ans- 24

52) What is the movement of Earth on its own axis resulting in day and night called?

Ans- Rotation

53) What is the movement of Earth around the Sun resulting in change of seasons called?

Ans- Revolution

54) The Earth is closest to the Sun during which season?

Ans- Summer

55) Name the galaxy our solar system is a part of?

Ans- Milky Way

56) Who invented video games?

Ans- Ralph Baer

57) Who invented postage stamp?

Ans- Rowland Hill

58) Which is the tallest animal in the world?

Ans- Giraffe

59) Which is the fastest bird in the world?

Ans- Ostrich

60) Which is the highest waterfall in the world?

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Ans- Angel Falls

61) Who wrote the world famous children’s book—Jungle Book?

Ans- Rudyard Kipling

62) Who wrote the book “Chronicles of Narnia”?

Ans- C.S. Lewis

63) The book “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” was written by _______.

Ans- Roald Dahl

64) Who wrote the popular children’s book “The Cat in The Hat”?

Ans- Dr. Suess

65) The book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” was written by _________.

Ans- Eric Carle

65) How many years did the First World War (WWI) last?

Ans- Four (1914-1918)

67) How many years did the Second World War (WWII) last?

Ans- Six (1939-1945)

68) Distance between two countries is measured in __________.

Ans- Kilometers

69) In which country is the Eiffel Tower located?

Ans- France

70) Which number is neither prime nor composite?

Ans- 1

71) 5 times 20 equals to ______.

Ans- 1000

72) How many months of a year have only 30 days?

Ans- 4 (April, June, September and November)

73) An octopus has _____ hearts.

Ans- Three

74) The Statue of Liberty is located in which city?

Ans- New York, USA

75) Sunlight is the source of which vitamin?

Ans- Vitamin D

76) How many teeth does a human have?

Ans- 32

  1. On which planet do we live?

Ans: Earth

  1. How many continents do we have?

Ans: Seven

  1. What is the process in which plants make food known as?

Ans: Photosynthesis

  1. How many bones do we have?

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Ans: 206

  1. Name the biggest flower.

Ans: Rafflesia

  1. The animals that eat only plants and herbs are called ____________.

Ans: Herbivores

  1. Which country is known as the “Land of White Elephants”?

Ans: Thailand

  1. Which is the biggest planet in our Solar System?

Ans: Jupiter

  1.  Who is the first woman to go to space?

Ans: Valentina Tereshkova

  1. Identify the Historical monument

general knowledge questions for kids

 Ans: Charminar

  1. Name the tallest building in the world.

Ans: Burj Khalifa, UAE

  1. Who invented the Light Bulb?

Ans: Thomas Alva Edison

  1. In how many hours does earth complete one rotation?

Ans: 24 hours

  1. Who wrote the drama “Julius Caesar”?

Ans: William Shakespeare

  1. Which is the highest mountain peak in the world?

Ans: Mount Everest

  1.  Who is known as the father of modern computers?

Ans: Charles Babbage

  1. Which part of the computer is its Brain?

Ans: CPU

  1. Name the longest river on earth.

Ans: Nile

  1. Name three vegetables that grow under soil.

Ans: Potato, Tapioca and Ginger

  1. What is the value of Pi?

Ans: 3.14

  1. Which is the most widely spoken language in the world?

Ans: Mandarin (Chinese)

  1.  Identify the scientist.

        gk quiz questions for kids

Ans: Albert Einstein

  1. How many days are there in a Leap Year?

Ans: 366 

  1. Name the Largest desert in the world.

Ans: Sahara Desert

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GK Questions For Class 7

General Knowledge is something that involves every aspect of studies. It may or may not be included in academics at times. And so, G.K. is a tool to develop one’s general awareness.

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Check out some school student’s gk questions with answers for class 7.

1) World Homoeopathy Day is observed on ______

Ans- April 10

2) What is the square of 42?

Ans- 1764

3) Baku is the capital of which country?

Ans- Azerbaijan

4) Name the currency used in Japan?

Ans- Yen

5) Which lake is situated in the border of countries, Peru and Bolivia?

Ans- Lake Titicaca

6) The distance travelled by light in one year is called _______

Ans- Light Year

7) When is World Hearing Day?

Ans- March 23

8) What is the theme of World Hearing Day 2022?

Ans- To hear for life, listen with care!

9) ________________ is known as “antisterility vitamin”?

Ans- Vitamin E

10) Name a non-metal that conducts electricity?

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Ans- Graphite

11) Birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is observed as?

Ans- National Unity Day (Rashtriya Ekta Divas)

12) Who discovered X-Rays?

Ans- Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

13) Name the main gases present in the Sun?

Ans- Hydrogen and Helium

14) Name the capital of Kingdom of Bahrain?

Ans- Manama

15) What is the theme of World Meteorological Day 2022?

Ans- Early Warning and Early Action

16) What is the capital of Norway?

Ans- Oslo

17) Name the compound necessary for photosynthesis in leaves?

Ans- Chlorophyll

18) What are the tiny pores present in plant leaves called?

Ans- Stomata

19) Who invented electricity?

Ans- Benjamin Franklin

20) Name the continent known as “Dark Continent”?

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Ans- Africa

21) ______ is the hardest substance available on Earth.

Ans- Diamond

22) Name the instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure

Ans- Barometer

23) Who was the first woman to go to space?

Ans- Valentina Tereshkova

24) Which bird is known for its intelligence?

Ans- Owl

25) Which is the gas absorbed by plants?

Ans- Carbon Dioxide

26) What is the capital of Denmark?

Ans- Copenhagen

27) Olympic Games of which year were cancelled due to World War I?

Ans- 1916

28) How many players are there in a Kho Kho team?

Ans- 9

29) Who was the first President of the United States?

Ans- George Washington

30) Name the continent with the highest population density?

Ans- Asia

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31) Beriberi disease is caused by the deficiency of _________

Ans- Vitamin B

32) Scientific study of birds is called _______

Ans- Ornithology

33) Name the organ responsible for blood purification in human body

Ans- Kidney

34) What is the name of the process where excess water in plants gets released?

Ans- Transpiration

35) What is the main source of energy produced through photosynthesis in plants?

Ans- Glucose

36) The measure of moisture in the air is known as _________

Ans- Humidity

37) A decagon has _______ sides.

Ans- 10

38) 3 raised to power 0 is ________.

Ans- 1

39) Which is the smallest three-digit number?

Ans- 1000

40) Which is the largest three-digit number?

Ans- 999

41) What is the cube root of 27?

Ans- 3

42) What is another name for Northern Lights?

Ans- Aurora Boralis

43) There are a total of _____ time zones in the world.

Ans- 24

44) What is the full form of GPS?

Ans- Global Positioning System

45) Which famous explorer discovered Cuba?

Ans- Christopher Columbus

46) Which is the hardest substance on the human body?

Ans- Tooth enamel

47) Where is the headquarters of UNESCO located?

Ans- Paris, France

48) Which planet is known as Earth’s Twin?

Ans- Venus

49) Which is the loudest animal on Earth?

Ans- Sperm whale

50) Which blood group is known as “universal donor”?

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Ans- O+

51) _____ is a flying mammal.

Ans- Bat

52) Which animal has fingerprints similar to that of humans?

Ans- Koala

53) What is the colour of polar bear’s skin?

Ans- Black

54) Which protein is a fingernail made of?

Ans- Keratin

55) Which bird can fly backward?

Ans- Humming bird

56) Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?

Ans- Marie Curie (in the year 1903)

57) _____ is the warmest sea on Earth.

Ans- Read Sea

58) Which is the fastest snake in the world?

Ans- Black Mamba

59) Which is the largest organ in the human body?

Ans- Skin

60) Which is the largest lake in Japan?

Ans- Biwa

61) Name the vitamin that helps to heal wounds?

Ans- Vitamin C

62) Equilateral polygons have all ______ equal.

Ans- Sides

63) Which country does famous footballer Lionel Messi belong to?

Ans- Argentina

64) The atomic number of Iron (Fe) is _____.

Ans- 26

65) What is the capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE)?

Ans- Abu Dhabi

66) Golfer Vijay Singh belongs to which country?

Ans- Fiji

67) Which blood cells do not have a nucleus?

Ans- Blood platelets

68) Who authored the renowned novel “The Godfather”?

Ans- Mario Puzo

69) RAM is located in which part of the computer?

Ans- Mother board

70) Who was nicknamed the “Little Corporal”?

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Ans- Napolean Bonaparte

71) The ceiling of Sistine Chapel has frescos painted by which famous painter?

Ans- Michelangelo

72) What was the court language used by Mughals?

Ans- Persian

73) Orange Prize is related to the field of ____________.

Ans- Literature

74) When did World War II start?

Ans- 1939

75) Vienna is the capital of which country?

Ans- Austria

76) Who discovered Protons?

Ans- Rutherford

  1. What does ‘Xylem’ in plants do?

Ans: Transport water

  1. Which is the ‘class’ of Octopus?

Ans: Cephalopod

  1. What does Big Bang Theory explain?

Ans: Origin of Universe

  1. Who is the author of ‘Origin of Species’?

Ans: Charles Darwin

  1. What kind of mosquito carries malaria?

Ans- Anopheles Mosquitoes

  1. Name the smallest Ocean.

Ans: Arctic Ocean

  1. Which day is celebrated as World Consumer Rights Day?

Ans: March 15

  1. What is Light year?

Ans: It is the unit of distance

  1. Which is the sacred book of Buddhists?

Ans: Tripitakas

  1. Cataract is the disease of _.

Ans- Eye

  1. What is the SI unit of Force?

Ans: Newton

  1. Who is the author of ‘Wings of Fire’?

Ans: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

  1. Who is the father of Economics?

Ans: Adam Smith

  1. What is the common name of Sodium Carbonate?

Ans: Washing Soda

  1.   What is Phycology?

Ans: Study of Algae

  1. Which is the first Asian country to orbit Mars?

Ans: India

  1. Which country is the largest producer of Coffee?

Ans: Brazil

  1. The terms’ Bull and Bear’ is associated with __________.

gk for class 7 (1)

Ans: Stock Market

  1.   Where are the HeadQuarters of UNESCO?

Ans: Paris, France

  1. Which are the colors of the rings of the Olympic flag?

Ans: Black, Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow

  1. Who invented ‘Lift’?

Ans: Elisha Graves Otis

  1. Which river crosses the equator twice?

Ans: Congo River

  1. Which is the device used to locate submerged objects under sea?


  1. Which of these beaches is not in Goa?

a) Anjuna

b) Baga

c) Kovalam

d) Calangute

Ans: Kovalam

GK Questions

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GK Questions For Class 4

General knowledge can impart interest in young minds by opening them to a new world of knowledge. General Knowledge covers a wide range of subjects including plants, animals, astronomy, places, etc, and events from the past, present, and what is likely to happen in the future.

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So here are some simple and easy gk quiz questions and answers for class 4 to sharpen their intellectual skills.

1) Which is the largest island in the world?

Ans- Greenland

2) What is the name of the sword owned by King Arthur?

Ans- Excaliber

3) Who is known as “Nightingale of India”?

Ans- Sarojini Naidu

4) Who is known as the “father of geometry”?

Ans- Euclid

5) Who wrote the national song of India? (Vande Mataram)

Ans- Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

6) When is National Girl Child Day celebrated in India?

Ans- January 24

7) A leap year has _____ days.

Ans- 366

8) Taj Mahal is situated on the banks of which river?

Ans- Yamuna

9) Name the largest planet in our solar system

Ans- Jupiter

10) Our solar system consists of _____ planets

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Ans- 8

11) _____ is known as the brain of the computer.

Ans- CPU

12) _____ What is the full form of CPU?

Ans- Central Processing Unit

13) Which part of the human body has the smallest bone?

Ans- EAR

14) Penicillin was invented by ________.

Ans- Alexander Fleming

15) Saina Nehwal is related to which sport?

Ans- Badminton

16) Giza Pyramids situated in which country?

Ans- Egypt

17) Statue of liberty is situated in which city?

Ans- New York

18) Which is the most sensitive organ in the human body?

Ans- Skin

19) Computer was invented by _______.

Ans- Charles Babbage

20) Which animal is known as the ship of the desert?

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Ans- Camel

21) An octagon has _____ sides.

Ans- 8

22) Which colour represents peace?

Ans- White

23) How many players are there in a cricket team?

Ans- 11

24) Which African country is famous for chocolate?

Ans- Ghana

25) Olympic Games are held every ____ years.

Ans- 4

26) Which is the largest desert in the world?

Ans- Sahara Desert

27) Which is the tallest waterfall in the world?

Ans- Angel Falls

28) Which is the biggest animal in the world?

Ans- Antarctic Blue Whale

29) What is another name for Table Tennis?

Ans- Ping pong

30) Where will the 2024 Olympics be held?

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Ans- Paris

31) Dipa Karmakar is associated with which sport?

Ans- Gymnastics

32) When was the first modern Olympics held?

Ans- 1896 (in Athens, Greece)

33) Where is leaning tower of Pisa located?

Ans- Italy

34) Where is Louvre Museum situated?

Ans- Paris, France

35) Which river is nicknamed “Sorrow of China”?

Ans- Yellow River

36) Where is world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa, located?

Ans- Dubai, UAE

37) What was the name of the ISRO mission to Mars?

Ans- Mangalyaan

38) Who invented Java programming language?

Ans- James Gosling

39) Who is known as the father of C language?

Ans- Dennis Ritchie

40) What is the full form of bit?

Ans- Binary digit

41) What is the name of the supercomputer placed at Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)?

Ans- Pratyush

42) Which is the world’s fastest super computer?

Ans- Fugaku Supercomputer

43) Which number has no reciprocal?

Ans- 1

44) A heptagon has _____ sides.

Ans- 7

45) The sum of the angles of a triangle is _____.

Ans- 180˚

46) Which blood cells in our body help to fight infections?

Ans- White Blood Cells

47) What is the full form of BMP?

Ans- Bit Map Picture

48) Monitor of a computer is an _______ device.

Ans- Output

49) How many oceans are there in the world?

Ans- 7

50) In which country is Mount Everest located?

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Ans- Nepal

51) What is the capital of Belgium?

Ans- Brussels

52) Who was the first President of India?

Ans- Dr Rajendra Prasad

53) Who invented telescope?

Ans- Galileo Galilei

54) Which is the smallest bird in the world?

Ans- Humming bird

55) Which is the largest country in terms of population?

Ans- China

56) Which is the largest delta in the world?

Ans- Sunderban delta (Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta)

57) Durand Cup is related to which sport?

Ans- Football

58) World Red Cross Day is celebrated on ________.

Ans- May 8th

59) Which country is known as the “Land of Cakes”?

Ans- Scotland

60) Which is the world’s largest coral reef system?

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Ans- The Great Barrier Reef

61) Which is the biggest bird in the world?

Ans- Ostrich

62) The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the USA from which country?

Ans- France

63) The largest moon of Saturn is ________.

Ans- Titan

64) The term “wicket” is related to which sport?

Ans- Cricket

65) Name an insect with colourful wings?

Ans- Butterfly

66) Which state is known as the Orchid Paradise of India?

Ans- Arunachal Pradesh

67) Name the acid present in apple

Ans- Malic acid

68) Which country awards Nobel Prize?

Ans- Sweden

69) What is the currency of Malaysia?

Ans- Malaysian Ringgit

70) Measurement of right angle is ___________.

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Ans- 90˚

71) What is a triangle with two equal sides called?

Ans- Isosceles triangle

72) Which metal is used to make the filament of an electric bulb?

Ans- Tungsten

73) How many consonants are there in the English alphabet?

Ans- 73

74) Trout and Carp are types of _________.

Ans- Fish/strong>

75) A polygon with 8 sides is called __________.

Ans- Octagon

76) Which organ purifies our blood?

Ans- Kidney

77) The animal with a hump on its back is _?

Ans- Camel

78) The brain of a computer is _.

Ans- CPU

79) The largest continent is _.

Ans- Asia

80) Who wrote ‘Ramayana’?

Ans- Valmiki

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81)  How many bones are there in a newborn baby?

Ans- 300

82)  Martyrs’ Day is celebrated every year on _.

Ans- 30th January

83) The fastest animal on earth is?

Ans- Cheetah

84) Earth Day celebrated on?

Ans- April 22nd

85) The National Tree of India is?

Ans- Banyan Tree

86) Which is the tallest animal in the world?

Ans- Giraffe

87) What is the full form of RAM?

Ans- Random Access Memory

88) Who wrote ‘Discovery of India’?

Ans- Jawaharlal Nehru

89) Which is the tallest statue in the world?

Ans- The Statue of Unity, India

90) Young one of the horses is called?

Ans- Colt

91) How many players are there in a cricket team?

Ans- 11

92) How many days does earth take to revolve around the sun?

Ans- 365 days

93) The biggest sea animal is _.

Ans- Dolphin

94) Which is the largest desert in India?

Ans- Thar desert

95) Which is the densest jungle in the world?

Ans- Amazon

96) When is Teacher’s Day celebrated?

Ans- September 5th

97) A place where bees are kept is called _.

Ans- Aviary

98) How many sides are there in a pentagon?

Ans- Five

99) Which is the smallest state in India?

Ans- Goa

100) Who is the father of our Nation?

Ans- Mahatma Gandhi

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GK Questions For Class 5

This is a stage where kids have learned a lot of new things but will be unsure of many other things.

Let’s go with some of the interesting General Knowledge (gk) questions for class 5 Students to quench their thirst for knowledge.

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1. Which is the 4th planet of our solar system?

Ans: Mars

2. Which is the largest river in the world?

Ans: Amazon

3. Name a plant that grows in the desert?

Ans: Cactus

4. Which is the brightest planet in the solar system?

Ans: Venus

5. A football team consists of how many members?

Ans: 11

6. What is the young one of a cow called?

Ans: Calf

7. Which is the largest ocean in the world?

Ans: Pacific Ocean

8. The branch of science that deals with earthquakes is called ___________

Ans: Seismology

9. “Wings of Fire” is the autobiography of ______________

Ans: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

10. Which is the national bird of the USA?

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Ans: Bald Eagle

11. The smallest bone in the human body is __________

Ans: Stapes (located in the ear)

12. Which is the deepest oceanic trench in the world?

Ans: Mariana Trench

13. Name a country without an official capital?

Ans: Nauru

14. Name the capital of Romania?

Ans: Bucharest

15. Which is the largest plateau in the world?

Ans: Tibetan Plateau

16. Young one of a horse is called?

Ans: Foal

17. How many bones does an adult human body have?

Ans: 206

18. Who wrote the famous play, “Romeo and Juliet”?

Ans: William Shakespeare

19. Atacama Desert is located in which continent?

Ans: South America

20. Study of the universe is called?

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Ans: Cosmology

21. Mt. Vesuvius is located in which country?

Ans: Italy

22. Who is known as the “Father of Indian Space Program”?

Ans: Vikram Sarabhai

23. Mt. Abu is located in?

Ans: India

24. What is the capital of Armenia?

Ans: Yerevan

25. “B” in BRICS, an international organization, stands for?

Ans: Brazil

26. Where is Spratly Islands located?

Ans: South China Sea

27. Where is the headquarters of European Union located?

Ans: Brussels, Belgium

28. In which city is the world’s largest port located?

Ans: Shanghai

29. For which event did Neeraj Chopra win a gold medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?

Ans: Javelin throw

30. In which year did India win the first Cricket World Cup?

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Ans: 1983

31. In which year was South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) established?

Ans: 1985

32. Which country is known as the “land of the blue sky”?

Ans: Mongolia

33. Richter Scale is used to measure _________

Ans: Magnitude of earthquakes

34. Coco Islands are located in which sea?

Ans: Bay of Bengal

35. Who wrote the book “Midnight’s children”?

Ans: Salman Rushdie

36. Who was the first person to go to space?

Ans: Yuri Gagarin

37. Which is the deepest lake in the world?

Ans: Lake Baikal

38. Name the device that provides power to the connected devices of a computer during power outages?

Ans: Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

39. What is the full form of URL?

Ans: Uniform Resource Locator

40. Who invented World Wide Web (www)?

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Ans: Tim Berners-Lee

41. When did the Internet come into existence?

Ans: January 1, 1983

42. Where is the headquarters of Kaspersky Lab, the popular cyber security and anti-virus provider, located?

Ans: Moscow

43. Name the planet in our solar system that is known as the “Red Planet”

Ans: Mars

44. Name the scientist who discovered gravity?

Ans: Sir Isaac Newton

45. Whose birthday is celebrated as “Engineer’s Day” in India?

Ans: Sir M Visvesaraya

46. Between which planets does the asteroid belt exist in our solar system?

Ans: Mars and Jupiter

47. Who invented dynamite?

Ans: Alfred Nobel

48. Name the country Alfred Nobel, the famous inventor, was born in?

Ans: Sweden

49. Which is the longest bone in the human body?

Ans: Femur (thigh bone)

50. Who invented airplanes?

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Ans: Wright brothers (Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright)

51. Which galaxy does solar system belong to?

Ans: Milky Way

52. What is the speed of light in vacuum?

Ans: 3,00,000 km/sec

53. Which gas is commonly found in our universe?

Ans: Hydrogen

54. When is World Heritage Day celebrated?

Ans: April 18

55. Which is the smallest continent in the world?

Ans: Australia

56. Telephone was invented by ___________

Ans: Alexander Graham Bell

57. Who invented light bulb?

Ans: Thomas Alva Edison

58. Which is the national game of the USA?

Ans: Baseball

59. Which is the lightest gas?

Ans: Hydrogen

60. Branch of science that deals with scientific study of insects is known as _________

Ans: Entomology

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61. Who invented the television?

Ans: John Logie Baird

62. Who was known as “Indian Napolean”?

Ans: Samudragupta

63. The total distance between the Sun and the Earth is ___________

Ans: 149.6 Million km

64. Who formulated the theory of relativity?

Ans: Albert Einstein

65. Which mathematician is known as the “Prince of Indian Mathematics”?

Ans: Srinivasa Ramanujan

66. Sound cannot travel through _________

Ans: Vacuum

67. What is the full form of ROM?

Ans: Read-Only Memory

68. Name the smallest ocean in the world?

Ans: Arctic Ocean

69. Goitre is caused by the deficiency of?

Ans: Arctic Ocean

70. The term “LBW” is related to which sport?

Ans: Cricket

71. In which year did Christopher Columbus discover America?

Ans: 1492

72. Which is the tallest mountain in the world?

Ans: Mount Everest

73. The famous novel, Alice in Wonderland, was written by?

Ans: Lewis Carroll

74. Name the ocean in which the famous ship, Titanic, had sunk?

Ans: North Atlantic Ocean

75. What is the scientific name of tomato?

Ans:  Solanum lycopersicum

76. 1024 kilobytes is equal to _.

Ans: 1 Megabyte(MB)

77. Who is Paulo Coelho?

Ans: Brazilian Novelist

78. A figure with 6 sides is known as ________.

Ans: Hexagon

79. What do UPS stand for?

Ans: Uninterrupted Power Supply

80. At which temperature does water boil?

Ans: 100◦C

81. Name the acid in lemon.

Ans: Citric acid

82. Which is the first animal to land on the moon?

Ans: Laika, The dog

83. Name the two Oceans in which Australia is sandwiched between?

Ans: The Indian Ocean and The Pacific Ocean

84. What do AM and PM stand for?

Ans: AM stands for Ante Meridiem and PM stands for Post Meridiem

85. Statue of Liberty is in _.

Ans- New York City

86. Name the five layers of Earth’s atmosphere.

Ans: Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere and Troposphere

87. Name the border of India and Pakistan.

Ans: Radcliffe Line 

88. What is Ablutophobia?

Ans: It is the Fear of Bathing

89. What is the full form of  HTTP?

Ans: Hypertext Transfer Protocol

90. Identify the Tennis Player.

gk for kids (2)

Ans: Roger Federer

91. Which is the coldest planet in our solar system?

Ans: Neptune

92. Which gas is known as “Laughing gas”?

Ans: Nitrous Oxide

93. Name the largest temple in the World.

Ans: Angkor Wat

94. Which of the following is not a component of chlorophyll?

a) Magnesium

b) Carbon

c) Calcium

d) None of These

Ans: C. Calcium

95. Which is the largest freshwater lake in the world?

Ans: Lake Baikal

96. What is the full form of MBBS?

Ans: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

97. Who is the founder of Buddhism?

Ans: Siddhartha Gautama

98. What is the capital of Italy?

Ans: Rome

99. When is UN day celebrated?

Ans: October 24

100. What is the scientific name of Mango?

Ans: Mangifera Indica

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It is the era of globalisation and English is one language that binds the world together, in terms of communication.

Nowadays, students and professionals look for better opportunities and are always ready to migrate to any corner of the world that would give them the best of everything they need to achieve their goals. In the process, learning an extra language for communication is crucial.

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English is a global language and it works in majority of the countries around the globe. Learning English language involves learning all elements, which include vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and everything in between. To be honest, it takes a while to fully master it. Educational systems around the world have already understood it that most schools teach English language to students as part of their curriculum from an early age.

In the last few years, there has been an increase in need to learn English language. While traditional way of learning has their own benefits, English learning apps seem to be a feasible solution. You can either use them as a support to your classroom learning process or learn English from scratch at your own pace. This fully explains the continuous growth in number and popularity of English learning apps.

Best English Learning Apps

English learning apps provide a self-paced, personalised learning experience that helps you to learn the language anytime, anywhere.

Here is a list of some of the best English learning apps currently available in the market.

Also Read: (15 Best Language Learning Apps for Students in 2023)

1. Duolingo:-

Duolingo has been reigning as the most popular language learning app in the market for a while now. It is one of the most recommended apps for beginners to learn a new language, and has over 42 million active users. Therefore, unhesitatingly, Duolingo tops the list of best English learning apps.

The app provides you lessons in the form of different activities, mostly mini games, based on your learning style, age and experience level. In the process, you practice all important parts of learning English—speaking, listening and writing. The best part is you just have to spend 20 minutes in the app every day.

The gamification elements in Duolingo make learning fun, while the learners master words, grammar, spelling, phrases, and pronunciations in an efficient manner. You also get rewarded on completion of the lessons.

The app also keeps track of the progress of the learners. This gives you a better understanding of your knowledge level and the areas you need improvement in.

Duolingo is available as both web and mobile apps. The mobile app versions are available for download in the App Store as well as Google Play Store.

2. LingoDeer:-

LingoDeer is another popular language learning app that qualifies as one of the best English learning apps in the market. You can use the app to master English language from beginner to intermediate levels.

Like Duolingo, LingoDeer uses gamification in its lessons and review exercises that make language learning fun and interesting to learners. At the same time, the app follows a goal-oriented curriculum with organised daily lessons, and vocabulary and grammar reviews, making it different from its counterparts.

LingoDeer offers English lessons in different languages, including Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. The lessons are arranged based on different themes and cover a variety of topics. Each of these five-minute long lessons comes with exercises that help learners to practice listening, reading and vocabulary.

The app also includes five-minute long quizzes that learners can attempt. It tracks your progress in vocabulary and grammar, helping learners understand their weaknesses and practice.

LingoDeer has both web app and mobile app versions. The mobile apps are available for download in the App Store as well as Google Play Store.

3. Babbel:-

If you are looking for an app that will help you acquire conversational skills in English language, Babbel is the one. The app mainly focuses on vocabulary and grammar.

Babbel app uses four different methods to help you learn English—image recognition, sound recognition, fill in the blanks and spelling. It also has a custom goal system that learners can use to set milestones and track your progress as you learn. Through these approaches, the app intents to let you have a better understanding of the languages than simply memorising new words.

Babbel provides 15-minute lessons on a daily basis that feature realistic conversations and optional live lessons. It also helps you with your pronunciation by listening to your voice. Another useful feature of Babbel app is that it reminds you to review the completed lessons so that you will not forget what you learned.

Babbel app also ensures personalised learning by allowing learners to choose lessons that interest you. The lessons feature an array of real-world topics that you can easily choose from.

The app has both web and mobile versions. The mobile app is available in App Store as well as Google Play Store.

Also Read: (Best Apps To Learn English Grammar)

4. Memrise:-

Memrise is a free English learning app that helps you learn English words in a fun manner. The app uses creative and humorous ways to help you remember the words.

Memrise app features lessons that help users to speak fluent English within a short span of time. It provides over thirteen different courses that are created by users. Thus, you get an idea of how other users learned a topic you are learning.

The courses for beginners consist of short lessons that make it easy for you to learn every day and also practice the lessons. The lessons in Memrise consist of practical vocabulary, grammar and useful phrases that helps users to get a grasp on conversational English that you can use in the real world.

You can also keep track of your learning progress in Memrise app. It helps you understand the areas you need further improvement in and learn more efficiently.

Memrise has both web and mobile app versions. The mobile app is available for download in App Store as well as Google Play Store.

5. Busuu:-

Busuu is a popular language learning app developed by linguists that is highly recommended for English learning at beginner levels. The app combines human interaction and AI to help users learn English quickly.

Busuu app comes with English lessons that majorly cover topics that help in improving reading, writing, speaking and listening skills of learners. You can also interact with native English speakers in the app to practice your speaking skills, and receive feedbacks from them as you attempt the exercises given in the app.

With Busuu app, you can observe your learning progress and make changes to your learning style or focus more on the areas you might need to spend additional time in. The app also sends you a weekly report listing your achievements in the previous week.

Busuu app has both web and mobile versions. The mobile app is available for download in App Store as well as Google Play Store.

6. Pimsleur:-

Language learning courses through Pimsleur date back to 1950s when English audio lessons were provided in the form of a series of cassettes. Keeping up with the modern times, now there is a Pimsleur app serving the same purpose.

Pimsleur app offers audio-based English lessons based on a curriculum, along with interactive exercises like flashcards, quizzes, and conversation activities that aid in your learning process. Each lesson lasts 30 minutes and the learners are expected to listen to at least one lesson per day.

The lessons include English dialogues where the narrator explains the new words and pronunciations. There are also instances where you should be repeating what the narrator in the audio says. The English courses in Pimsleur app are available in different languages, including Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Russian, French and Arabic.

The courses can be bought from the Pimsleur website or you can find the mobile app version in App Store and Google Play Store.

Also Read: (How to Make a Language Learning App)

7. Rosetta Stone:-

Rosetta Stone app is one of the most popular English learning apps out there that has a different approach compared to its counterparts. It helps users learn English language from scratch through different exercises.

What makes it different is that Rosetta Stone app does not give you options to learn English in your native language. Instead, you learn English with English.

The app features lessons and also exercises that help you to learn the basic words through images first, before moving to phrases or complex sentences. There are also options for additional tutoring sessions and live streaming. Like in Busuu app, you can interact with native speakers to practice speaking in English in Rosetta Stone app as well.

Rosetta Stone app has both web and mobile versions. The mobile app is available for download in App Store as well as Google Play Store.

8. FluentU:-

If your main aim in learning English language is to learn how to speak, FluentU is the app for you. The app helps you to learn and improve your English pronunciation and conversation skills within a short period of time.

FluentU app is another language learning app with a different approach. In the app, you learn English language through authentic online videos, which include movie scenes, interviews and news reports. This helps you to learn to speak like a native speaker, familiarising yourself with everyday expressions and common slangs.

The videos come with interactive subtitles. If you come across an unfamiliar word, you can just hover over the word in the subtitle to see the description about it. The app also provides video examples of each new word, which helps you to improve your vocabulary. You can also find translations of the subtitles in a different language in the app.

FluentU also provides flashcards to learn a new word. You can test your knowledge using personalised quizzes at the end of each video. The quizzes include comprehension tests where you have to listen to audio snippets and identify words and speaking tests where you have to talk loudly in English.

The app has both web and mobile versions. The mobile app is available for download in the App Store.

9. Mondly:-

Mondly app is a great choice if you are looking to improve your conversational skills in English or looking to learn basics of English language to be used in your daily life. The app teaches you conversational phrases that you can use in the real world.

Mondly app features a world map that you can scroll through to choose among the lessons based on different themes. If you are not able to choose one, you can go for the customized daily lessons in the app. The lessons include quizzes that help improve your language skills and practice tests by Oxford University Press.

In addition, Mondly also has an augmented reality function where you will be able to see a 3D teacher in your surroundings as you turn on the camera of your mobile device.

Mondly has both web and mobile app versions. The mobile app is available in App Store as well as Google Play Store.

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10. Xeropan:-

Xeropan is an interesting English learning app that uses gamification to help users learn English language. The app features a number of fun exercises that include interactive videos, chatbot conversations and weekly lessons.

The app is structured like a game where you go on a time-travel journey through which you will continue to learn the language in the form of lectures, videos simulating real-world scenarios, audio tracks and interactive activities.

Xeropan is suitable for users of any age group and knowledge level. It does not matter if you are someone who wants to learn the language from scratch or someone who is familiar with the basics and want to improve your proficiency.

The app has both web and mobile versions. The mobile app version is available for download in App Store as well as Google Play Store.

Xeropan App Logo

There are different ways to master English language. However, English learning apps seem like one of the best option because of the many benefits they offer—efficiency, self-paced learning, access to lectures and daily exercises at one place to name a few. Also, there are many apps that offer personalised learning, which give an opportunity to anyone from any corner of world, with any level of learning ability to learn English language.

All you have to do is find the app that suits your needs and go for it. Happy learning!

GK Questions For Class 6

Students reach class 6 after completing their primary studies.

In this grade, students are expected to have basic general awareness. So this is the perfect time to introduce subjects like Civics, History, Geography, Science, etc.

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The General knowledge (gk) quiz questions for class 6 also include questions on political science, Indian freedom struggle, ancient history, etc.

The students can also refer to other GK questions also to improve their knowledge.

Here let’s see some of the important General Knowledge questions and answers for grade 6.

1) Who is the fastest man in the world?

Ans- Usain Bolt

2) In which year was the Battle of Plassey fought?

Ans- 1757

3) At which age Gautham Buddha got Nirvana?

Ans- 35

4) Who is known as the father of history?

Ans- Herodotus

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5) What was the ancient name of Patna?

Ans- Pataliputra

6) What is the square root of 144?

Ans- 12

7) Who gave the slogan “Do or Die”?

Ans- Mahatma Gandhi

8) Why are the leaves green in color?

Ans- Due to the presence of Chlorophyll

9) Name the acid that is secreted in the stomach?

Ans- Hydrochloric acid

10) Which is the highest civilian award of the Republic of India?

Ans- The Bharat Ratna Award

11) WWW stands for?

Ans- World Wide Web

12) World Environment Day is celebrated on _.

Ans- June 5

13) Plants that develop in dry conditions are

Ans- Xerophytes

14) Where is ‘Great Bear Lake’ found in the world?

Ans- Canada 

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15) What is the full form of Wifi?

Ans- Wireless Fidelity

16) Who is the writer of ‘Panchathantra’?

Ans- Vishnu Sharma

17) Who is the 14th President of India?

Ans- Ram Nath Govind

18) Which is the biggest bone in the human body?


19) Who was the inventor of the light bulb?

gk for class 6

Ans- Thomas Alwa Edison

20) Opium is obtained from the dry latex from which part of the Papaver somniferum Plant?

Ans: Poppy

21) Which Vitamin helps to heal the wound 

Ans- Vitamin C

22) Which is the mineral found in teeth and limestones?

Ans- Calcium

23) Who was at the helm of the Philadelphia Phillies in the 2011 season?

Ans- Charlie Manuel

24) Which is the largest lake in Japan?

Ans- Biwa

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25) What is the weight of a cricket ball?

Ans- 5.75 ounces

26) Which is the only even prime number?

Ans- 2

27) Who invented the number zero?

Ans- Aryabhatta

28) How many degrees are there in a circle?

Ans- 360

29) What is the shape of dice?

Ans- Cube

30) How many decimal points are there in a number?

Ans- One

31) How many seconds are there in an hour?

Ans- 3600

32) A triangle with all side equal is called_?

Ans- Equilateral triangle

33) Which is the first odd composite number?

Ans- 33

34) What is a polygon with five sides called?

Ans- Pentagon

35) How many years is a decade?

Ans- Ten

36) A raindrop is of which geometric shape?

Ans- Sphere

37) What is the approximate value of pi?

Ans- 3.14

38) 90 minutes amount to ___ hours?

Ans- 1.5

39) What is the value of Golden Ratio?

Ans- 1.618

40) What is a triangle with all three sides of different lengths called?

Ans- Scalene triangle

41) Which polygon has opposite sides and angles equal?

Ans- Parallelogram

42) Which number is neither prime nor composite?

Ans- 1

43) A polygon with all four sides and angles equal is called___?

Ans- Square

44) How many seconds are there in a day?

Ans- 86400

45) How many sides does the base of a pyramid have?

Ans- 4

46) Fourth Buddhist council held during the reign of which emperor?

Ans- Kanishka

47) In which year did Mahatma Gandhi start Dandi March?

Ans- 1930

48) Who is the founder of Chola Dynasty?

Ans- Vijayalaya

49) Which was the first animal to go to space?

Ans- Dog

50) Zawar mines are located in which Indian state?

Ans- Rajasthan

51) Which country is the first in Asia to launch a plastics pact?

Ans- India

52) What is the capital of Finland?

Ans- Helsinki

53) Ozone layer is in which layer of the atmosphere?

Ans- Stratosphere

54) What is the capital of Morocco?

Ans- Mozambique

55) Which is the longest river in the world?

Ans- Nile

56) Mount Aconcagua is located in which mountain ranges?

Ans- Andes

57) Which Indian state was the first to introduce the “Oak Tussar Industry”?

Ans- Manipur

58) National Research Centre on Yak (NRCY) is located in which Indian state?

Ans- Arunachal Pradesh

59) Which is the largest river on Earth?

Ans- Amazon river

60) Which is the most spoken language in the world?

Ans- Mandarin Chinese

61) Which is the highest mountain peak of India?

Ans- Kanchenjunga

62) Who was the first president of the USA?

Ans- George Washington

63) How many fundamental rights are mentioned in the Indian Constitution?

Ans- 6

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64) Who is popularly known as the Napolean of India?

Ans- Samudragupta

65) Who was known as Punjab Kesari?

Ans- Lala Lajpat Rai

66) When is World Health Day observed?

Ans- April 7

67) What was the theme of World Health Day 2022?

Ans- Our Planet, Our Health

68) October

Ans- Our Planet, Our Health

69) Which planet is known as the Morning/Evening star?

Ans- Venus

70) Which continent invests the most in solar power?

Ans- Asia

71) Who won the 2022 International Women of Courage Award?

Ans- Rizwana Hassan

72) What is the theme for World Wildlife Day 2022?

Ans- Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration

73) What is the name of ISRO’s new humanoid robot that will go to space next?

Ans- Vyommitra

74) Which country is known as the Pearl of the Orient Seas?

Ans- Philippines

75) Who is known as the father of Indian nuclear program?

Ans- Homi J Bhabha

76) Who invented radio?

Ans- Guglielmo Marconi

77) Which is the longest river in Europe?

Ans- Volga River

78) Which was the first metal used by Harappan civilization?

Ans- Copper

79) Thomas Cup is related to which sport?

Ans- Badminton

80) How many players are there in an ice hockey team?

Ans- Six

81) Ryder Cup is related to which sport?

Ans- Golf

82) Which country invented paper?

Ans- China

83) Who has been reappointed as the President of the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Ans- Tedros Ghebreyesus

84) Which day is observed as International Literacy Day?

Ans- September 8

85) Who was known as the Missile Man of India?

Ans- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

86) Name the marine animal known as “sea cow”?

Ans- Manatees

87) Which is the protein found in nails?

Ans- Keratin

88) Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure?

Ans- Sphygmomanometer

89) Which mineral is found in teeth?

Ans- Calcium

90) Which acid is secreted in the stomach?

Ans- Hydrochloric acid

91) Who is known as the “father of vaccination”?

Ans- Edward Jenner

92) Which is the slowest moving animal on Earth?

Ans- The three-toed sloth

93) Which only metal in liquid form at room temperature?

Ans- Mercury

94) Which is known as the Father of modern medicine?

Ans- Hippocrates

95) Which scientist developed the Theory of Relativity?

Ans- Albert Einstein

96) The air we breathe is majorly composed of which gas?

Ans- Nitrogen

97) What is the chemical name of Vitamin C?

Ans- Ascorbic acid

98) Plaster of Paris is made of ____?

Ans- Gypsum

99) Hematite is the ore of which metal?

Ans- Iron

100) Who discovered Penicillin?

Ans- Alexander Fleming

101) Which planet has the biggest known volcano in our solar system?

Ans- Mars

102) Who invented telephone?

Ans- Alexander Graham Bell

103) Kelvin scale is the unit of ____?

Ans- Temperature

104) Which part of the brain helps body balance?

Ans- Cerebellum

105) What is the full form of LED?

Ans- Light Emitting Diode

GK Questions

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Educational technology simply means technology aided education. It can include use of computers, computer programs, or learning systems to provide education and training to students and professionals.

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Technology was introduced to education as a part of keeping pace with the innovations in the field. So, edtech has been around for a while, from the time computers were used in education. Then with the wide use of Internet, online courses were introduced, thus making edtech part of remote learning, distance learning or online learning.

The use of edtech has only progressed with time. The pandemic and the field of education adapting to the changes, there has been a sudden boom in use of edtech. Today, there are many technologies that are sources of learning, teaching and communication between students and mentors that edtech has become more accessible and efficient.

Also Read: (12 Best Edtech Companies Around the World)

Is it Cost Effective?

Let us be honest here-Technology is expensive.

But if you compare the efficiency, you might understand that edtech has an upper hand over the traditional education systems. Most of us are used to the traditional way of learning and we ourselves have experienced how the method lacks in many ways.

Edtech is more inclusive. It accommodates all kinds of learners and helps in closing the gaps in traditional method of learning. This helps students to learn on their own accord, while making the most of all learning resources—something they might not get to do in a traditional classroom setup. In short, every penny spent on learning becomes worth it.

Edtech also helps to cut down extra expenses, in terms of infrastructure costs, labor costs, and much more. All you need is a stable internet connection and a mobile device. The best part is you do not necessarily have to go to an institution. Learning is possible even within the comforts of your home. This has contributed to a significant decrease in costs spent on hardware, which makes up to 60% of the IT budget of educational institutions.

Also Read: (Online Learning The Present and The Future)


As mentioned above, edtech definitely has an upper hand compared to the traditional way of learning as it closes many gaps that exist in the traditional teaching and learning system.

There are many advantages of using edtech.

Edtech makes learning easier, efficient, affordable and accessible to all students, despite the learning differences. It also helps educational institutions to stay innovative, while reducing the extra expenses.  For educators, edtech serves as a huge relief, taking many of the additional responsibilities off their shoulders, while helping them to carry on their tasks with efficiency and accuracy.

What more does edtech have to offer?

Let us have a closer look.

Promotes Immersive Learning

Edtech provides learning resources that are not only informative, but keeps learners engaged at a deeper level. Also, the interactive content helps students understand the concepts in a better manner.

One good example is teachers using Google Maps while teaching their students about a country and its geography. Teachers will be able to take students on a virtual tour and the visual experience will help students to understand the subject better.

There are many similar learning applications and platforms that cover almost all important topics of different subjects. Many of these applications even use virtual reality or augmented reality for students to virtually experience the concepts.

Allows Personalized Learning

Our traditional educational systems do not really acknowledge the fact that every student is different. Some are fast learners, while some need their own time to learn.

Some cannot wrap their head around the theoretical concepts taught in school and might need some extra attention. There are also students who are differently abled. But there were, many a times, the traditional way of learning could not accommodate all of them.

Edtech, on the other hand, encourages self-paced, personalized learning. Many platforms provide learning resources that the students can refer to whenever they want. Also, it helps teachers to focus on each student individually and in real time, and keep up with their progress.

Some of these applications or platforms also collect information, with regard to the performance of the students, so that teachers can evaluate each student’s performance individually and help them in areas that need improvement.

Educational App Cost Development

Accessible Learning Resources

Every time you have a query, the first place you go searching for answers would be the Internet. There is lot of information available online in various forms, be it eBooks, videos, online platforms or forums. Using the same resources in a learning environment makes it easy to access and use for students since they are already familiar with the different formats.

Also, educators can make use of the different online tools available for lecture. The use of advanced technology and gamification in the applications also provide efficient and engaging learning resources to students.

Better Creativity and Engagement

Edtech makes learning fun and gives room for students to be creative and visualize. Use of gamification and advanced technology, like virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence keeps students interested and adds fun to learning.

Today, we can see many educational apps that include gamification elements. The games cover important concepts in different subjects and an opportunity to learn and relearn while having fun. Apart from games, there are also other alternatives like interactive videos that manage to boost the interest of students in learning.

Improved Teamwork and Communication

Technology allows people from different parts of the world to easily connect and collaborate. Different students can work together on a school work or project at the same time and teachers can also ensure that all students equally participate in the project.

There are many online tools that allow students to work on group projects and assignments, and also encourage collaboration. When students work on a project or school work, they not only understand the concepts, but also learn to communicate and work as a team.

Prepare for the Future

In the traditional way of learning, you learn all important topics, but it is nowhere near the real work environment you will have to experience in the future. Today’s jobs are based on continuous learning, which does not end with just a degree you attain. You will have to keep acquiring technical knowledge and keep up with the innovations, all which can be achieved easily with the help of technology.

Edtech includes a variety of digital tools that gives students a chance to familiarize with them. Also, there are many online courses that students or professionals can take up for training and upskilling, preparing them for the next step.

Educational App Directory List

Reduce the Burden of Teachers

Edtech makes things easier for teachers as well. Teachers can depend on the infinite number of resources available online to make progressive changes in their teaching process.

They can also make use of the different online tools, virtual lesson planners, grading software, etc., for example, which are easily accessible, to work in a more efficient manner.

Teachers can also make use of the different applications to evaluate the performances of their students, focusing on each student separately. This can help teachers understand the areas each of their students need improvement in and help them.

Keep Pace With The Digital World

Today’s world is pretty much digitalized and it is important to keep up with it. From work front to daily life, everything is dependent on gadgets and technology that it is important for students to familiarize with it from an early age, and edtech helps them with that.

When children learn to use technology while learning, they also learn to be digitally responsible and also understand the dos and don’ts of tech life and online etiquettes they need to follow in a deeper manner.

Current Trends

Using edtech is not enough. It is also important to understand what is happening in the world on edtech and what new innovations are to come up in the field. That way, education providers, students, educators and parents can make the best use of it.

So, what is trending in edtech in 2022?

Let us have a look.

Gamification in the Forefront

Gamification is already a part of edtech. This year will see more investments for gamification in education. Games will be part of lectures and evaluation of the progress of students.

With the elements of gamification, educators will be able to focus on each student individually and analyze their knowledge in an interactive manner.

Extended Reality (XR) in Daily Learning

Extended Reality or XR is an umbrella term that sums up virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and everything in between. Edtech already includes the use of advanced technology in education and it has managed to keep students engaged at a deeper level. So, we might soon see extended reality become a part of daily learning.

XR can be used in lessons, assessments and also provide a virtual lab experience to students to encourage practical learning.

Focus on Learners

Since the pandemic and the necessary changes in the field of education that followed, the priority was to adapt to the new changes with the help of technology and to ensure that the needs were met. Now that educational institutions, educators and learners have adapted to the new norm of learning, this year would all be about the leaners.

Edtech will focus on ensuring personalized learning to students that provide better results.

More Homeschooling Startups

Though homeschooling has been another method of acquiring education, it had not got enough attention of learners or parents. But, ever since the pandemic happened and technology-aided education has become prominent, it had given a chance for parents to rethink their notions about homeschooling.

As a result, there has been a consistent increase in students relying on homeschooling and new edtech startups are emerging to provide technology-aided homeschooling experience to students

eLearning Will Continue to Trend

eLearning has done its magic in 2021. It has made it easy for educators to provide lectures to as many students as they wanted, and making education accessible to students from across the world in the midst of the pandemic and lockdown.

Even online tools that were not really meant to be used for education were also used to provide lectures and connect educators and students. And the best part was that it cost lower than how much it would for a traditional classroom setting. That is why many reports predict that the eLearning market worth would surpass $1 trillion by 2027.

With many universities offering 100% online courses for bachelor’s and masters degrees, and other courses for training and upskilling, eLearning will continue to stay with more innovations adding to it with passing years.

More Investments in Edtech

In 2020, the total global capital investment in edtech amounted to $10 billion. Another $87 billion is expected to be added to it by 2030.

There has also been a surge in sales of edtech-related products and services over the years, which would definitely contribute towards the increase in investment amounts in the coming years.

At present, most top edtech companies are located in Asia. With edtech trends gaining momentum, we can expect rise of more edtech startups from other parts of the world as well, especially Europe and USA.

The Future

As per reports of 2021 (https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/02/01/2376551/28124/en/Global-EdTech-Market-Outlook-Forecast-Report-2022-Market-Size-was-Valued-at-254-80-Billion-in-2021-and-is-Expected-to-Reach-605-40-Billion-by-2027.html ), the edtech market size was valued at $254.80 billion. It is expected to grow in the coming years with the arrival of artificial intelligence and digitalization.

By 2025, the total global expenditure on edtech is expected to be $404 billion, which is double the amount than what it was in 2020—$227 billion. (Source: https://www.holoniq.com/edtech/10-charts-that-explain-the-global-education-technology-market/ ) Another expected change is integration of artificial intelligence and extended reality as part of all major learning processes becoming main stream.

They are already part of many professional upskilling and training processes. But in the near future, we might be able to see more of advanced technology in formal educational environments.

With many reports that are predicting greater usage of edtech and its growth, in terms of innovations, revenue and investment, it is safe to say that edtech is here to stay and is definitely important.