Handling the annoying behavior of students is an informal job description of every teacher. But handling such behavior is not enough, you have to have the ability to turn it around. As a teacher, it’s a responsibility to ensure the positive growth of students.

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For that, you need some great strategies and actual actions. This article will help you do it all.

Make Strategies

Some of the annoying behaviors can involve rudeness, disruptive nature, disrespect, and other forms of bad behavior. Such natures are a part of every person and they occur every now and then. Mature people know how to deal with it, some students don’t. You have to have that clarity in heart and mind first of all. Only then, you can set aside all your anger or frustration and think straight to turn around the issue.


With a calm and sorted mind, you can make some concrete strategies to tackle the problem:

1. Understand the core reason for Annoying Behaviors

First and the foremost, you need to find why those students of yours are behaving annoyingly. You can’t take any valuable action without knowing what a student is going through. Talk to the parents and find out if there has been any tragedy or a change in the life of the student. A divorce, disability, death, a new baby and other reasons can cause a change in the behavior of a student.

With a thorough understanding of the emotional and mental state of a student, you can decide actionable steps to help him or her.

2. Decide a goal

In your head, you can think of a step-by-step goal to resolve the problem. Give yourself a time period and a set of efforts, you can make to improve your relationship with the student. Also, think if there is a need for psychological, educational or any other professional counseling to tackle the issues.

Take action

After creating a strategy, you can start taking actions to manage an annoying student and help him or her at the same time.

1. Learn to respond in a composed manner

An annoying behavior has less to do with students and more to do with your mindset. It is completely natural to feel frustrated or angry when a student behaves in a bad way. But that anger or frustration shouldn’t guide your actions. You have to learn to acknowledge your frustration and calm yourself down before responding to such an action.

Why is this important?!

When you calm yourself down first, you can think of a positive approach to resolve the problem. At the same time, you can set an example for all students as well.

So, whenever you face an annoying student, give yourself a few seconds or minutes to calm down and think. Then, talk in a positive tone.

2. Dislike the Misbehavior, not the Student

It is difficult for many people to distinguish between behavior and the core personality of other people. Hence, we tend to judge a person due to his or her one misbehavior. If that happens between you and a student, that student can start feeling distant from you.

Make sure that you tell the student that you only dislike his or her misbehavior only. So, you can say, “You know you’re a great student, but this behavior of yours is unacceptable.” This approach helps the students understand that they just need to change one bad behavior and not their whole personality.

3. Allow the student to explain his or her actions

If you simply call out an annoying behavior, it won’t help in the process of turning it around. Instead, you should give a chance to the student to respond. Ask the student to explain his or her actions. Let them explain what they did step-by-step. Then, ask how their actions were wrong.

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This approach allows students to evaluate their behavior and understand how they misbehaved. Many times, emotions of a student don’t allow a clear perspective of mind. But when they revisit their actions, it helps in understanding the problem. Hence, you can effectively change the annoying behavior of students.

4. Choose a Problem-Solving Approach over Punishment

A conflict with annoying students can’t be about winning. As a teacher, it is easy to punish and feel that you have done the right thing. But punishment is not always the right way to turn around misbehavior. On the contrary, it can further increase the problem. A student can’t punish you, but he or she can keep annoying you with the same behavior. That’s what happens if you take the road of punishment.

Instead of punishing, present yourself as a problem-solver. Ask your student, why he or she is behaving that way. Also, present yourself as a solution. Say that you are there for them and you want to help them correct their misbehaving habits.

5. Listen, Respect, and Then, Respond

If you want students to listen to you, it’s necessary that you listen to them as well. Always be open to a conversation, so that, students can convey their concerns and feelings with you. Listen without making immediate judgments. Students can sometimes take time to express everything they want to say to you. So, give them enough time when talking.

At the same time, you have to respect their feelings too. Just because you have a mature mindset, doesn’t mean they have it too. Students worry about all those things which you have already dealt with. But you can’t tell them that their problems mean nothing. Their problems are real to them. So, respect what your students say.

If you follow the process of listening and respecting your students, the responding part gets easier. You can offer ideas to tackle problems. And, at the same time, tell students about the annoying behavior and how it’s bad for them as well.

6. Set disciplinary Rules in your Classroom

When you are trying to understand your students, it’s good to let them understand you as well. We all have some trigger points in our mind. Certain actions or activities can make us frustrated or angry. It naturally happens to you as well.

To resolve the problem, you can make a list of annoying behaviors you see in your students. Keep that list to yourself only.

Now, make a list of rules to counter all those annoying behaviors. Set those classroom rules, so that, students become aware of what you expect from them.

7. Understand if there is a cultural difference

Education has become a global sector today. So, students from all cultures are everywhere learning and getting degrees. This can create cultural clashes in some scenarios. And those clashes can happen between a student and a teacher as well.

For example, if a student looks down when you are talking to him, can have two meanings in different cultures. You might take it as annoying and disrespectful, but for the student, it can be a way of showing respect. You see, in many cultures, students don’t directly look at their teachers.

Such cultural differences can also create problems. So, understand about the culture of your students, especially if you have a diverse classroom.

8. Help Students Cultivate Social and Personal Skills

You can replace the annoying behavior of students with social and personal skills. No matter what subject you specialize in, a teacher can always help students learn better social and personal skills. You can share your experiences, tell stories and allow students to talk in the classroom. All these steps help in improving communication, sharing nature, kindness, and other skills in students. And all those qualities don’t allow a student to misbehave.

9. Acknowledge and Reward Acceptable Behavior

While punishment is not effective, rewarding acceptable behavior helps a lot. No matter how old your students are, they look up to you and want to impress you. So, you can let them know when they behave correctly.

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For example, if a student helps to stop a fight between two other students, acknowledge the effort. Also, give a treat or some other form of reward to the student who stopped the fight.

Now, you are punishing the students who fought, only rewarding the one who stopped the fight. This way, students know that you are all about solving a problem.

10. If a Strict Talk is necessary, Have it Privately

Some annoying students are hard to handle. So, disciplining them requires some strict talk too. You can follow that approach in certain cases. But make sure you offer a private and safe environment. A strict talk with your students is about making them realize the depth of the problem. It should not become humiliating. So, you should not shout at a student in front of the whole class, or right in the middle of the hallway. This puts a negative impact on the student.

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Now, you can begin your approach with the help of given strategies and actions. Hopefully, you will succeed in creating a perfect classroom.

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Organizing a party for your kid is a fun activity for You. But you have to make sure that kids feel entertained and enjoy your party.


Actually, that’s the whole point of a kids’ party, isn’t it?!

Going beyond the cake and food, you can include elements to make kids’ party entertaining. To do so, this article has some entertainment ideas.

So, check them out!

1. Face Painting and Costume Services

Theme parties are great to create a new world for kids where they can become their favorite characters and play.


You don’t have to take too much stress. There are reliable face painting and costume services to help you organize theme parties.

Dressing up as cartoon characters, prince and princesses, and other fun activities will surely impress kids at your party.

These activities work with safari themes, superhero themes and other kinds of theme parties.

Kids always remember and look forward to such parties.

2. Get a Photo Booth


A memory of enjoying with friends is precious for kids and adults both.

Most parties for kids involve children and their parents. So, you can make your party memorable by renting out a beautiful photo booth for your guests.

To make it more entertaining, you can get some props such as colorful wigs, large eye-glasses, and others to make pictures more interesting and memorable for kids and their parents.

3. Puppeteers and Magicians

A puppet show telling a funny story will surely engage all the kids at a party.

Hiring puppeteers will also allow some calm time for kids without feeling bored.

Hence, they can re-energize themselves for more activities.

Another great way to entertain kids would be hiring magicians. Cool tricks appropriate for kids can make every guest at your party amazed.

Kids love magic tricks and so this would be a sure shot to entertain kids at your party.

Make sure you hire puppeteers and magicians who specialize in performing for kids.

This will keep the stories and magic tricks appropriate for kids.

4. Music and Dance


Music brings a spark to any party. But here you need to focus on kids-oriented music.

Hire a DJ who specializes in playing for the kids. Disney theme songs and other music choices for kids will bring every guest to the dance floor.

Dancing together will help kids make new friends and socialize.

You can also have a karaoke set up to offer a fun place where kids can sing selected songs.

5. Tossing the Balls

A few light ping pong balls along with some plastic cups. That’s what you need to make a fun party game for kids.

The game involves placing cups in a row and giving plastic balls to kids. They all try to put their balls in cups from a distance. The first kid succeeding in this wins the round.

This game is simple to arrange and easy to manage. So, it won’t be stressing you out during a party. Plus, the kids at your party will enjoy playing it.

6. Play a Guessing Game

A guessing game brings a mystery to a simple game making it entertaining for kids.

You simply need some paper bags and small-sized objects that can easily go in those bags. You can use small toys, pencils, fruits, and other items.

The objects are packed in the bags. The kids can look at the bag and guess the name of the object. You can set certain prices for every correct guess.

7. Call Animal Trainers

Expert animal trainers bring beautiful birds, reptiles and other animals. These shows are easy to organize if you have a large backyard at your place.

Arrange proper seating arrangement for kids. Consult with the animal trainer in advance to understand what he/she requires from you.

Certified trainers help in arranging a safe environment.

Having a portable zoo at your place will amaze the kids attending the party.

At the same time, they will get a chance to learn more about birds, reptiles and other animals.

8. Take Your Party Outside

If you really want to make the party interesting, why not choose an entertaining venue!

Adventure parks, local zoos, bowling alleys, and other entertainment centers in your city are perfect to organize a kids’ party.

All the entertainment factors are already available at those places. So, you can go there and offers every kid something interesting to enjoy.

This also reduces the stress of organizing a party. You can consult with other parents and simply manage kids.

9. Have a Balloon Modeler


Balloon modeler services are easy to find these days. The artists work with balloons and turn them into beautiful hats, toy guns, animal characters, and even cartoon characters.

Every kid can make his or her own wish and get favorite balloon models to take back home after the party.

10. Pamper Services


If you are organizing a party especially for girls, you can focus on offering pampering services.

Mini sessions of pedicures, manicures, nail art, and other pampering services at a party would make girls really happy.

You can hire services that offer kid-friendly pamper services. Then, the party is on for your little girl and her friends.

11. Cup Bowling


If you can’t take kids to a bowling alley, design an indoor bowling alley during a party.

Use disposable paper cups and tennis balls to organize small bowling tournaments for kids at the party.

Throwing balls and knocking cups, this is definitely an idea of an entertaining day for kids. You can keep the score and include small prizes to make the game more exciting for kids.

So, that’s a wrap on entertainment ideas for your kids’ party. But you can allow your creative juices to flow and create new ideas as well.

There are various ideas such as scavenger hunt and others, which you can twist and modify as per the theme of your party.

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Hopefully, this article has given you enough ideas to organize your kid’s party with entertaining elements.

You can start by making a list of everything required moving forward!

Know More: 21 Fun Children’s Day activities games and Ideas


A new year is about to come with new opportunities. Many people will be welcoming the new year with personal resolutions. Students can do the same too!

No matter where you are supposed to be as a student, there are some resolutions to help you ensure educational success.

This article will give you 15 New Year resolutions to make 2020 a successful year in terms of education.

1. I will say No to Procrastination This Year

Do you always have to finish your assignments in one night with close deadlines?! Then, you have a tendency to procrastinate. This bad habit of pushing responsibilities away doesn’t allow you to learn effectively.

How about giving yourself a break from procrastination this year. Promise yourself to plan and act on your plans on a daily basis.

This way, you will enjoy your life as a student and learn more effectively.

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2. I will take One Class out of Syllabus

When learning becomes a fixed cycle, students lose the excitement and curiosity about learning new things.

You can bring a positive change in your life as a student by taking one class out of syllabus.

Your education plan surely has fixed classes you attend to attain your certificate or degree. But this resolution will allow you to indulge in your hobbies.

For example, if you are studying to become an engineer, choose a class that aligns with your hobbies such as painting, dancing or writing. It will help refresh your life and bring new excitement.

3. I will Start Building my own Network

Networking or communication is a skill every student has to learn. It is easy to talk to your friends every day.

But are you comfortable talking to new students who come to your class every year?! Your networking skills help you everywhere you go. From professional to personal life, networking abilities allow you to understand people and communicate effectively.

This resolution will give you a kickstart. You can begin by talking to at least one stranger every day and build a network with students from different classes or branches.

4. I will Save and Invest Money

Finance management skills have become a fundamental of living a prosperous life.

No matter if you earn thousands or millions, you can’t leverage the power of money without the knowledge of financial management.

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With small saving and investment opportunities all around us, every student can start improving the knowledge of finance and practice investments.

You just need a determined mindset to keep growing your knowledge and restrict yourself from wasting money.

5. I will find my Mentor

A mentor is a person who has reached a position where you want to be physically, mentally and educationally.

Depending on your goals as a student, you can choose multiple mentors. However, it is better to follow one mentor who has skills you want to learn.

So, promise yourself that you will find a mentor for yourself and follow his or her path to perfect whatever you want..

6. I will get Real-World experience with a Job

No matter how effective your educational program is, nothing can prepare you completely for real-life scenarios.

Real-world problems and challenges prepare you as a professional. So, you can choose to join internships that align with your career goals. However, this resolution is effective for students who are sure about what they want to do.

There are other things you might want to think about. Taking a new job can impact your involvement in studies. So, you need to compare the benefits of a job with your classroom study material.

If an internship offers you real-world experience, allow you to gain contacts and boosts your confidence, then, it would be a good move.

You can also join internships during the holidays, so that, you won’t have to skip classes.

7. I will Travel to one New Destination at Least

Forget about new video games and spend your saved money on exploring new places.

Traveling is the best way to learn and boost confidence. But going to the same place every year for vacation is not traveling. You should try and visit at least one new destination in a year to enhance your perspective of life.

When you make this resolution, try including your friends as well if possible. Travel in groups to make your trips cost-effective and more exciting. Or, you can travel alone and challenge your inner survivor.

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8. I will ask more Questions

If you restrict yourself from asking questions during a class, this resolution is critically important for you. Asking question is good for every student, but many don’t.

The fear of sounding silly doesn’t allow you to expand your knowledge. And those unanswered questions become the reason you underperform during exams.

Give yourself the authority of asking as many questions as possible. Be it a silly question. It doesn’t matter as long as the question makes sense to you.

9. I will Commit to Improving Myself

The gist of all resolutions is this one where you promise yourself to commit and improve.

Whether it is completing an assignment, preparing for good scores on tests, indulging in more activities or anything else. It all comes down to how committed you are about improving yourself this year.

Become a coach for yourself and guide yourself through the challenges. This will give a great year with happiness and sadness blend into each other. At the end of this year, you will feel fulfilled and improved as a student.

10. I will Speak Up in Class

It’s often noticed that some students feel uncomfortable speaking up in the class or involving in an open discussion. Speaking up one’s mind is always a good action to grab the teacher’s attention. So, this New Year, try to come up with your ideas, opinions, etc and showcase participation in open discussions too.

11. I will eat better and stay healthy

Similar to an academic goal, to eat healthier is one resolution many of us can’t ignore. In the present scenario, most students are likely to depend more on junk foods. These foods are high in calories from sugar or fats.

So, this new year start cutting down on fast foods, sleep well, eat healthier, drink a lot of water, go exercise regularly and stay healthy and happy.

12. I will do regular exercise

Anything that keeps you moving can be referred to as exercise, it doesn’t always mean that you need to sweat or pay for trainers; an ultimate Frisbee or hula hopping is also accountable.

Doing exercise on a regular basis promotes positive and clear brain function, helps the immune system, increases your energy levels, etc.

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13. I will do at least one kind thing a day for someone else

Make it a goal to put a smile on the face of strangers each day. Your one act of kindness means a lot to them. You can help an old woman/man to cross the road; help a baby to find his ball, show kindness to animals, etc.

If you actually look around, these opportunities are always surrounding you. Only you need to open your eyes and see.

14. I will get sufficient sleep every day

You may probably know-how important sleep truly is. You will only get into know when you get older.

You need to get a night of adequate sleep for about 7-8 hours daily. This means no phones, no computer, and no social media at least 30 minutes before you sleep.

15. I will spend only less time on social media

The presence of social media has become inevitable in everyone’s lives. Nowadays it is the first thing you check after waking up and the last thing you check for before sleeping.

This attitude should be changed. Make sure your presence in social media is limited and not an addicted one.

Don’t scroll up feeding your Instagram post while walking around. Take in the sights, sounds, and people around you more often.

So, choose the resolutions you want to work on this year and stay determined! 

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Parenting is one of the hardest jobs. It becomes challenging when you go out with your toddler for social gatherings. All the eyes gaze criticizing the behavior of your kid.


At social gatherings, parents have to ensure that kids cope with their problems comfortably. At the same time, they also need to ensure that other people don’t get bothered. Parties, movie theaters, supermarkets, and all other social gathering opportunities require advance preparation to discipline your toddler.

There are both right and wrong ways of disciplining your toddler at social gatherings. This article will help you learn all the right ways:

1. Take Care of Toddler’s Basic needs in Advance

If you go out with a hungry, tired child, he or she is more likely to create a scene.

Discipline a hungry or tired child is almost impossible. These are the basic needs you need to prepare for in advance.

If your kid is tired, don’t take him out. Or, allow your toddler to sleep during the car ride.

If you are going out for dinner with family or friends, don’t assume that your toddler can wait for the food to be served. Feed properly, at least feed enough to satisfy the hunger of your child.

2. Prepare your Toddler Before Going Out

If you put your kid in a strange situation, things are more likely to go out of hands. Preparing in advance is a logical way to discipline your toddler at social gatherings. You should have a talk with your kids or follow a roleplay sequence at home before going out to a new place.

If your toddler is old enough, you can address questions such as:

Where are we all going today?

What are the reasons to attend a gathering?

What will happen when we reach there?

How are we supposed to behave?

Why do we need to behave specifically?

Find age-appropriate ways to help your toddler understand how to behave. This will allow kids to stay ready for new situations and keep them disciplined. But make sure it all seems fun to your kid. Don’t make them feel scared of the place before even reaching there.

3. Don’t Make them Feel Alone or Insecure

Toddlers can feel insecure if they see you ignoring them. It is easy to indulge in conversations at social gatherings. Your toddler knows no other way than to act out in order to gain your attention. It is their way to reassure that you are concentrating on them.

Talking to your kid consistently is very important at social gatherings. Ask them if they need anything or simply include them in your conversations. This way, kids feel relaxed, which reduces the chances of them acting out.

4. Increase Child’s Involvement

Whenever you go out for social gatherings with your toddler, think of things you can do to involve your kids in some activity. Boredom is another reason why kids become restless and start acting out. No kid likes to sit quietly and watch, while you talk to your friends. They need some kind of activity to focus their mind. And obviously, if the toddler is concentrating on something, he or she stays disciplined.

You can keep your kid’s favorite toys with you. Or, find other creative ways to involve your child, according to where you are.

5. Don’t Ignore Toddler’s Restlessness

When adults feel anxious, they tend to move faster and get out of a situation. But that’s not how toddlers behave.

A toddler can feel more restless if you talk loud, fast or try to move out of an environment quickly.

Instead of increasing the pace, you should try and decrease the pace and allow your toddler to calm down.

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Calm yourself down first of all and follow up with deep breathing. Then, connect with your toddler by making eye contact. Sing a slow, soft song you generally sing to calm your kid down. Twirl your toddler around gently. These slow-paced activities can help your child feel relaxed again.

6. Bring out the Child in you

Sometimes kids can make silly demands and act out if you don’t fulfill their demands.

Maybe you want to stop your child from running around, but he doesn’t want to. In these situations, you can bring out the child in you.

Take your kid out and run around. Your exaggerated silliness and make your kid laugh and resolve the stressful situations smoothly.

7. Listen and Empathize

In many situations, toddlers simply want to convey what they feel, which can seem like they are acting out.

So, all you need to do is listen and empathize with their feelings.

Don’t immediately jump into conclusions or try to solve the problem. Wait and listen to what your child is saying.

This will help them calm down and behave well.

8. Set some Boundaries whenever appropriate

You can’t fulfill every demand of your kid, just because he or she is acting out at a social gathering.

For instance, you can’t give your child candy every time he or she asks.

Instead, you can deal with the situation by offering an alternative to candy.

Setting the boundaries is important to make your child understand that they need to ultimately listen to you.

If they feel that acting out is a way of getting away with everything, this will become their habit or trick.

9. Go to a nearby Private Place in case of a Meltdown

If your toddler has a meltdown, it would be wise to calm the kid down a little and try to find a private space nearby.

Take the kid to your car or a room to talk and calm him/her down. This way, you can save from creating a public scene and focus solely on your child’s needs.

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Preparing your toddlers for social gatherings is not a one-talk solution.

Your kid requires constant assistance and you need the patience to deal with unwanted situations. If you keep following all the techniques offered in this article, they will help you discipline your toddler for sure.

Bullying is one of the most challenging factors in classrooms these days.

Schools and colleges face the problem of bullying, which involves physical altercations, gossiping and rumors.

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No matter what method a bully uses, it can have a negative, lasting impact on the students and the overall learning environment. Which is why handling bullies the right way is extremely important in classrooms.


Here, in this article, you will come to know some of the practical approaches to deal with bullies in your classroom.

1. Make Students aware of different kinds of Bullies

Bullies in classrooms usually attack students who lack the emotional understanding of bullying. Bullies try to overpower their targets with different approaches. It can be the physical appearance, popularity, or other ways.

It is important that your students understand all kinds of bullying behaviors. Help students grow emotional intelligence, so they can counter a bully effectively. Also, work on the bullies to help them cultivate empathy and inform them about the consequences of their bullying behavior.

In a classroom, there are usually 7 kinds of bullies.

  • Physical bully- using physical power to strong-arm others
  • Verbal bully- using harsh words on other people
  • Prejudicial bully- prejudices in terms of religions, races, sexual orientation or others
  • Bully victims- who have been a victim of bullying in the past
  • Serial bully- who constantly bully others
  • Relational bully- uses friendship and other relationships to overpower others
  • Group bullies- they bully in groups

You have to understand all kinds of bullies and also make students aware of these kinds.

2. Read Signs of a Bully in your Classroom

Not all bullies become visible, as they do not always use physical bullying.

That’s why you have to be extremely focused on the behavior of boys and girls in your classroom. A relational form of bullying usually stays between the bully and the victim.

Hence, you need to keep an eye on how students are interacting with each other. No need to interfere all the time, just observe and definitely interfere to inquire, if you suspect any form of bullying.

3. Stay Available Everywhere and Every Time at School

Apart from your classroom, there are many other hot spots where bullies attack their victims. In fact, the conversations of classroom lead to other spots in college such as the hallway, bathroom, lunchroom, or other areas. It is important that responsible officials stay available near all the hot spots of bullying. At the same time, you should try and ensure that you stay available to the students throughout a school day.

Know More: 13 Tips For Teacher To Tackle Bullying in the Classroom

This way, any student, who wants help, can easily come to you and ask for your assistance.

4. Teach the Skill of Fighting Bullies Collectively

Mostly, students stand and watch one kid getting bullied and don’t do anything. But in some cases, it is better to collectively come together and take an ethical action against the bully.

In your classroom, you can promote a sense of unity among students. Ask them to recognize and call out a bully. Also, promote a behavior of reporting a bullying behavior to the authorities, teachers and even parents. The kids should not only inform about their own encounters but also stand up and talk about the bullying encounter, which other students face.

5. Find Class Leaders and Connect with Them

The emotional vulnerability of victims doesn’t allow them to come forward and talk about a bully. And a teacher only has limited exposure to the social environment of students. That’s why you need your own informers in the classroom. This way, you can find if a bully is active and bullying one or more students.

The best informers in your classroom are the leaders. Every class has one or more leaders who actually care about the educational environment and work for the betterment of the students. Your goal should be to find those students and connect with them. Let them help you keep an eye on bullies and find victims who generally stay hidden.

6. Bridge the gap of communication with every student

Usually, a teacher builds a group relationship with the whole class. Sure, some students come closer and the communication reaches more personal level. So, these students can easily seek a teacher for advice or assistance with anything. But what about the rest of the class?!

Not every student is outspoken or bold enough to connect with the teachers. In fact, many times, some students don’t feel the need to communicate with teachers on a one-on-one level. In that case, you, as a teacher, have to make efforts. You have to move forward and bridge that gap of communication. Try communicating with each and every student in your classroom.

This does two major things. First of all, every student becomes close enough to share his or her problems with you. At the same time, you come to know the emotional strengths and weaknesses of each individual. And that can help you identify bullies and victims in your classroom.

7. Include Parents to Work Together for Kids

Teamwork of teachers and parents is essential to winning the fight against bullying. You need to find more effective ways to engage parents in the process of bullying prevention.

Utilize PTA and PTO meetings, send newsletters to parents, connect with them on social media and conduct conferences if possible. All these steps can help in recognizing bullies and creating intervention strategies as well.

It is extremely important that you win the trust of parents. Only then, they will indulge in your methods of helping students. So, if a parent complains about a bully, it’s your duty to conduct a thorough investigation.

8. Become an anti-bullying voice of your students

In many situations, students make a collective effort to stop the bullies. But they don’t attain proper response from the school authorities.

Know More: 8 Anti Bullying Book Every child Must Read!

This is when your support matters a lot. You have to work as an advocate for students who try to fight against bullying. Become a voice and help students reach out to school authorities.

You can help in creating policies to actually change the ground realities of a classroom and school bullying.

9. Take Immediate Actions to Handle Every Incident You come across

Your actions should speak louder than your promises. Students won’t come to you for help if you simply send every bullying incident to higher authorities. You can’t normalize a situation by saying, “they are just energetic kids.” Never minimize the impact of bullying. You have to send a strong message to every bully that you are not going to allow such behaviors. So, help every victim and let every bully face the consequences of his or her actions.

This approach would actually help in stopping incidents at initial stages. So, you can save your students from escalated versions of bullying behaviors.

10. Don’t ask Questions to a Victim in Front of Other Students

A victim of bullying can feel extremely scared to talk about his or her experience. Many times, there is peer pressure of not talking about the incidents with elders. So, you have to be cautious when asking questions to victims.

First of all, create a safe environment where you can have a private conversation with the victim. Allow the kid to feel at ease and then begin the questions.

After the conversation, make sure you show your commitment regarding resolving the problem. Let the victim know how serious you are about helping him or her.

11. Give a Chance to the Bully to Talk Privately

A Private conversation with a bully can help a lot. See, it’s not about fighting the bully, it’s about fighting bullying behavior. For that, you need to talk to the bully and encourage him or her to recognize the behavior.

Don’t let the bully put the blame on his or her victim. You can say, “Just tell me what you did and how wrong it was.”

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If you are successful in helping the bully realize his or her mistake, then, you can change the behavior. You can explain different ideas to stop bad behavior.

12. Get professional help to improve emotional sides of bullies and victims

Victims need to regain control of their emotional sides. They need a boost of self-esteem and an understanding of self-worth.

At the same time, a bully requires an understanding of his or her emotional side as well. There can be suppressed issues, which require consistent communication and conditioning.

For such purposes, you should get help from a counselor. Allow both bullies and victims to have separate sessions with counselors to address issues and overcome them.

13. Keep Checking with a Bully or a Victim

After an incident and your assistance, things will get back to normal. But you can’t stop there. You have to check with the bully as well as the victim consistently.

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Help victims in any way to deal with the memory of past experience. Also, offer tips to handle future encounters. At the same time, treat the bully with similar concerns. No need to hold grudges.

So, that’s how you can take some concrete steps to deal with bullies in the Classroom

It’s Christmas time. Yippee!

A fun day with family and gifts.

But the most important thing is sharing and appreciating each other.

Time to decide on what gifts we are going to give our family, friends and our loved ones.

We might even spend a lot of time thinking what would the person like the most as a Christmas gift?

Maybe just a greeting card or a watch or some toy. But what can you gift a teacher?

Read till the end to get awesome ideas on gifting your teacher on Christmas Eve.

1. Anything handmade

Teachers don’t expect any gifts from their students. But, it’s Christmas.

The eve of gifting.

What makes a gift so special is how it is made?

Handmade gifts are really awesome to receive and it shows how much love and effort you have put in it.

Starting from a handmade greeting card to a hand-woven sweater or even socks will make your teacher literally happy.

You might even turn out to be the Teacher’s favourite student.

>>Greeting Card<<


A simple card with decorations and a personal message is always a good gift.

Try making a pop-up card or a musical card. Write your personal message and gift it to your teacher. Nothing is bigger than a personal message.


It’s an epic fact that people feel absolute pleasure when someone gifts them with something they have poured all their effort into. In that list, knitted scarfs and sweaters never betray us. It is a sure thing that it would impress anyone. If you know how to knit, don’t hesitate to show off your skills. Just take the thread and start knitting. A good scarf can protect your teacher from cold weather.

This gift would just make her so happy that she will pamper you so much that even if you don’t complete your homework, you will get an excuse. LOL.



What’s Christmas without cookies? Make some homemade cookies for your teachers on this beautiful day.

Home-made chocolates are an excellent choice of the gift if you have enough time to make them.

Best secret Santa gift is chocolates stuffed stocking or socks. Chocolates show love and passion and that is what Christmas is all about.

>>Wish upon a Star<<

Make origami stars and gift it to make their house beautiful. Origami stars are easy to make and require only a piece of paper. Creating a piece of art for your teacher will sweep them off the floor.

2. Personalized Gifts

Is your teacher a coffee or a juice lover?

Try buying a mason jar or a coffee mug. Try personalizing it but printing your teacher’s favourite lines from a poem or novel, or his picture, etc. every time he uses it, he will remember you and cherish the moment.

Drinking coffee in a personalized mug will always be the best gift to a person. Personalizing the gift will indicate that you have put your effort on gifting. It is really easy and simple and you need not worry whether they will like it as it has their favourite piece of art in it.

3. Invitation to dinner

Is your teacher staying alone for Christmas? Family in other country or unable to visit them this Christmas?

Just send a personal invitation to your teacher inviting him/her to your family dinner.

Christmas is all about family and sharing. So invite your teacher and make his dinner the best dinner he has ever had.

A teacher might bring a cake or a gift when he arrives for the dinner. Invite him with a bouquet or a glass of wine. You can also plan an after dinner party and play a few games. This will indulge the people together and create a personal connection with your teacher. Connecting with people is what matters when it comes to Christmas.

4. Decorations For Tree

Who wouldn’t want their Christmas tree to have more ornaments and decorations? If you want to give a gift to your teacher and his family, just go for some tree decoration items like stars, candies etc.


This gift of decoration will be showcased on their Christmas tree and they will remember you forever. You can also get them hanging snow globes, snowflakes that symbolize the season.

5. Books

There is no wrong time to gift a book. Especially to a teacher, gifting books can be an overwhelming great idea. Find out your teachers favourite novel or favourite author and buy them a book. Gifting a book may seem an easier way, but it will be of no use if you gift the same book your teacher already has. Find out his taste and buy a book of that genre. Books can be really satisfying and will stay longer with them as they are unperishable.

6. Gift cards

If you totally have no idea of what to buy, just gift them a gift card or a gift token. Gift cards are prepaid cards of stores where your teacher can select own gifts for themselves. If your teacher is a music lover, gift him an iTunes gift card. From Walmart to Starbucks all accept gift cards. This can lessen your pressure of buying the perfect gift.

7. Candles

Fragrance candles are a good idea.,They light up one’s mood. Fragrance candles are not only for lovers or crush. Fragrance candles are something that is used to light up the whole house. Candles are also available in different fragrances. From scent of Christmas tree to gingerbread, from hot chocolate to scent of snow, these fragrance candles will remind Christmas Eve to the person being gifted.

8. Music lovers

If your teacher loves music, buy him/her an album of their favourite artist. Or buy a music player if it comes within your budget. Music albums might be old-fashioned with all iTunes and online streaming. But, nobody hates to have their own physical collection of their favourite artist. You can also buy them headphones or a Bluetooth headset. Might seem materialistic yet it would be the perfect fit for your beloved teacher.

9. Pen Drives

To gift something that is very useful to a teacher, you can always rely on buying a pen drive. Pen drives are cheaper and will be very useful for the teacher. Data storage devices are much needed now a day as everything is computerized.  Customized pen drives are also available.

10. Others

Gifts do not always have to be costly.

It’s Christmas, just chill.

Go to the store next door and browse through all options available within your budget. From socks to indoor plants, from flowers to fragrances, everything will be a delightful gift for Christmas.

Christmas is an auspicious day when we get to thank everyone for being there in our lives. It becomes more special when you gift your teacher, as they are the most important people because they shape your future. They have spent their precious time and life bringing your talents to the world and trying to make you a better person. So it is worth it to stress a little on what could make a pleasant gift for them.

Merry Merry Christmas!

It’s easy to assume that an introvert has lesser capabilities than an extrovert.

But thankfully, that is not true at all.

So, educators need to remove this misconception from their mind and value the capabilities of introverts as well.

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If you open your eyes and see the social lifestyle everywhere, it is biased slightly towards the extroverts.

People, who are outgoing and gregarious, are seen as the symbol of success in society.

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Standing out and being heard are necessities of surviving in modern society.

Everybody is asked to stay dynamic and aggressive as if we all are on a roller-coaster ride.

However, the mind of a natural introvert doesn’t work like that. Introverts feel overwhelmed in a dynamic environment. But those introverts are restricted to the current social scenarios. The similar introverts come to your classroom and face the challenges of being in an extrovert-driven environment.

The biggest problem in our current social scenarios is in the way we look at introverts. Natural introverts are often judged. People feel concerned about them as if they have some mental disease.

Many people also think introverts are shy people, which is not true at all. For a shy person, other people create anxiety. On the other hand, introverts get overwhelmed by the stimuli coming from too many people around them.

Introverts feel exhausted not anxious. They just need some alone time to get their energy back.

Classrooms become a never-ending group activity for introvert students. Too many stimuli don’t allow a positive environment for introverts. So, their educational performance tends to go down and they become the so-called shy students in the class.

In a nutshell, we all need to redefine the method of teaching in a classroom to motivate introvert students.

Secret#1: Observe and Learn about Introvert Students in your Classroom

1. Avoid Typecasting in the Classroom

In your classroom, there are students with all kinds of characteristics. Being their teacher, you can surely see those characteristics by observing their behavior. However, you should never indulge in typecasting or making your observations a fact in the classroom.

If you address a student as “sensitive” or “the quiet one”, it tends to impact the introvert student as well as other students in the classroom. While other students start looking at introverts as a shy person, the introvert feels that he/she is the odd one out in the class.

So, whenever you are talking regarding an introvert student in your classroom, don’t let your observations become a typecast.

2. Observe the Unique Qualities of an Introvert

To understand the capabilities of a student, you have to look beyond the “introvert” label.

A student can look introvert at the first glance.

But if you observe, you will find unique qualities such as creativity, kindness, observant and other personality traits. These personality traits usually stay hidden behind the introversion.

An introvert, who seems shy to you, can have plenty of jokes, which he cracks with his close friends at home.

You need to talk to the parents to understand how the student behaves in other environments.

Find out all the scenarios when the student acts freely and looks happy. This will help you create similar scenarios in the classroom as well.

3. See How Long they take to Answer

Introverts don’t always raise their hands immediately after hearing your question. They do know the answer, but they try and collect their thoughts first, which can take a while. You need to observe this quality in introverts.

Know More: 13 Tips To Tackle Cyber Bullying Among Students

Ask a question and allow an introvert student to work on his/her answer.

During this time, you can handle the extroverts, who want to answer your questions right away. Regular observations like this will help you find out the true capabilities of introverts in your class. Not all of them are out of answers, as it generally seems.

Secret#2: Communicate with Introvert Students

1. Have a One-on-One Conversation

An introvert student usually avoids sharing thoughts and challenges if you communicate in front of the whole class.

Statements like-

“What is your problem?”

“Do you need something else?”

They never help an introvert student.

You need to provide a safe and one-on-one interaction to communicate with such students. An introvert child feels that he or she is supposed to blend in the classroom. But they feel unable to do so, which makes them scared and confused. Sharing these thoughts is another task, which they avoid. But you can make them convey their feelings in a safe and quiet environment.

Present yourself as a helper and promise to assist in every possible way to improve the bad situations. This assurance will allow an introvert student to share his/her thoughts.

2. Give Subtle Signals of Appreciation

The skills of introverts tend to go unnoticed in front of extroverts. You can change that by indulging in subtle indirect communication with introverts. Even a smile or a pat on the back can let your introvert student know that you see their capabilities.

When introvert students feel appreciated, they feel free to open and indulge in classroom activities.

Secret#3: Bring Changes in the Classroom Teaching

1. Modify the Classroom Space to Create a Low-Key Environment

The design of a space impacts the behavior of people. For example, people behave differently in a large park than, in a small terrace garden.

The large size of space allows people to act more dynamically, but it makes introverts uncomfortable. On the other hand, a low-key environment offers more intimate space for people.

You can use the same concept to adjust the design of your classroom.

Just like any other communal zone, you can make it smaller and more intimate to provide quietness. In a smaller space, all students can become calm and focus on thinking and studying. This way, introverts, and extroverts both types of students can feel a part of the learning environment.

2. Design a Quiet Period in your Classroom

As mentioned before, introverts require some quiet time to reenergize themselves. But generally, classrooms keep on going on and on without no quiet breaks.

You can help both introvert and extrovert students by designing a quiet period in your classroom.

Decide a particular time when all students have to indulge in quiet activities such as drawing, reading, meditating and others. This way, quietness will become a part of the daily routine for all students.

This does two things. First of all, introverts get a chance to attain their energy back by staying calm and focused.

Plus, it allows extrovert students to understand the advantages of quiet activities, which makes them see introvert students as normal.

3. Utilize Different Teaching Channels

Your teaching method can have diverse strategies in the modern age.

There are plenty of technologies to utilize classroom blogs, social media pages, online videos, and others to help all students learn effectively.

Know More: Why Do Students Fail? Faculties Perspective!

You can even use simple methods of writing and make it helpful for introvert students.

For example, instead of asking for an oral answer, you can allow all students to write their answers. An introvert might feel shy to raise hands to answer orally, but you will definitely get a written answer from them.

4. Encourage Quality of Participation in Students

All students in your classroom should learn the value of quality participation.

Quality of participation is about giving enough thought and effort to everything you want to say before actually saying it.

Encourage this habit in terms of classroom questions and even when students communicate with each other.

As introverts require time to gather their thoughts, this approach will surely help them and motivate them in indulging in giving their answer.

At the same time, the same approach will improve the learning ability of extroverts as well. Generally, your extrovert students say the first thing that comes to their mind.

This is true when you are asking questions and even when they are having conversations with other students.

The approach of quality participation will develop a tendency of analyzing thoughts and coming up with the best possible answer.

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Now, you have the top 3 secrets of motivating introvert students in your classroom. Though these methods are directed towards introverts, you will find that extroverts also get better learning experience with these methods.

So, understand introverts, attain diversity in your teaching approach and communicate to motivate.


The lack of interaction in the classroom presents the issues of bored students, decreasing grades and lower attendance in the classroom. Smart instructors try fun group activities to increase the interaction level and interest in the classroom.

Why do you require Fun Group Activities for College Students?

Making a connection is one of the biggest challenges for teachers in the classroom.

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This lack of connection creates a gap between the teacher and the students.

For a 40-year-old teacher, iPads can seem fascinating and a great gift to humanity. But for the 20-year old students, the gadget has been there always.

Similar gaps of thoughts between teachers and students require a bridge. And fun group activities can help build that bridge.

Of course, group activities are about students working together as a team. But it also allows the teacher to understand the core perspectives of every student in a class.

With that, a teacher can decide his or her approach to teaching.

In many cases, you come across student groups that stay reserved and don’t interact even with each other.

Such groups require an energetic environment of learning to become more interested in learning.

Here come the effective group activities that help those college students.

Now, let’s discuss some effective and fun group activities to help your college students learn better:

1. Assignment in Motion

Students of a theatre group never feel bored or isolated. The whole idea of a theatre group is to come together and perform as a team. So, why not bring a theatre group experience to your classroom studies.

No matter if you teach physics, advertising or literature, you can turn any subject into an act of a play.

First of all, divide your students into small groups. Then, ask them to come up with a scenario based on the topic learned and demonstrate that scenario by acting.

So, if you have discussed the solar system, ask students to choose planets as their characters can create a story around those characters. So, students can come up with characters such as “an angry Sun”, “A silent moon” and “A happy earth”.

Similarly, if you teach literature or advertising, you can ask students to demonstrate a story or an advertising campaign in groups.

This group activity is fun and allows students to collectively learn. As they engage with all their senses, the attained knowledge makes a strong imprint in their minds.

2. Building Card Towers

Group activities can also help in teaching students to communicate with each other and respect a healthy competition.

For both the purposes, you can utilize this great group activity with your college students.

Building card towers is a group activity, which will require you to divide your students into groups of an equal number of members.

You can include clauses such as the tallest tower will win a prize. At the same time, ask students to talk slowly, so that, they don’t interrupt other groups.

This group activity is perfect to boost creativity in the students and allow them to face difficulties in a collective manner.

3. Puzzle and Quiz Challenges

You can turn your topics into puzzles and create a fun quiz, which would require multiple people to solve them.

Know More: 14 Fun Classroom Activities for Students

For this, you can create 5 to 10 puzzles and divide each puzzle into 10 clues. Then, mix all the chits of clues in a bowl and allow students to randomly pick their chits.

After that, it is every student’s responsibility to match clues with every other student to find all clues that are related to each other.

This way, students will have to work and search to build their own group.

When all the students find a group, they can work to solve their puzzle by finding a collective meaning behind each clue.

This activity gives a feeling of treasure hunt and mystery, which engages all students in the form of groups.

4. What’s Your Problem?

Students like complaining, especially when it comes to teachers and their strict demands.

You can use this common habit to allow students to indulge in a group activity.

“What’s your problem?” is a game based on open-ended queries. You ask students, “What’s your problem regarding…….?”

For example, you can ask, “what’s your problem regarding this assignment?”

Then, the first student can say his or her problem regarding the assignment.

Now, the student next to the first one has to provide a solution for the first problem and raise another problem regarding the assignment. The cycle keeps on going on till every student gets an answer.

This activity generates critical thinking, problem-solving and the ability to appreciate other people’s point of view.

5. Find the Mistake

Another activity that every student like is finding mistakes in what a teacher says. It is fun! You can deliberately make mistakes and allow students to collectively find those mistakes.


First of all, begin your class by announcing some deliberate mistakes during the whole class. But no student can point your mistake until he or she has noticed at least 5 mistakes.

Students can get help from each other to find 5 mistakes and allow one person to answer them.

Then, you can change “King John” with “King Henry”, give wrong years to historical incidence, change the name of a planet, or make other mistakes during the whole class.

This activity is a great revision exercise and also allows students to form their own alliances to come up with the required number of solutions.

Plus, the whole process is fun, as students get to find your mistakes.

6. A Divided Assignment

If doing the whole assignment seems like a burden for students, why don’t you offer a deal of cutting their burden?!

Know More: 10 Interesting Activities That Helps Kids TO Refresh their Mind

Offer an opportunity to divide an assignment into fractions and complete it as a group.

For this, you will have to divide your students into groups. Then, divide an assignment into fractions and assign those fractions to each member of a group. Do this with every group in the classroom.

Each group has to work collectively in order to provide a harmonized piece of work to justify the given assignment.

At the end of the given time period, every group gets to represent their work, and the most harmonized work gets extra marks or other rewards.

You can leverage this approach for computer programs, writing essays, creating a song, designing an ad campaign and other topics, depending on the subject you teach.

7. Healthy Critiquing among Students

Critiquing is a complicated activity to conduct. But you can make it healthy in nature by utilizing an approach where students criticize the work of other students along with a solution.

This activity is also conducted in groups. You divide your class into groups and each group has to work on a writing piece, a hypothesis, a philosophical question, a computer code or any other form of assignment you provide.

After the given period of time, each group presents their idea and thoughts. All the other groups can make notes including mentioning the mistakes in the presented idea and provide a solution at the same time.

This exercise will help college students understand the concept of healthy competition and problem-solving. They will also learn to enjoy figuring out mistakes and learn to appreciate innovative views of others.

8. Word Limit Answers

This is another collaborative game you can play with your students in college. This game is fun and matches the concept of limited characters people get when posting on social media.

In this game, you offer a limited number of words to every student. For example, you can say that every student can utter 20 words only.

Then, divide students into groups of 3 to 4. Now, you can ask questions and students have to answer.

Every group can discuss their answer among each other. And then they can divide the whole answer into 20-20 words among themselves. So, each member of a group answers one part of a question.

9. Classroom Charades

Divide your students into 2 groups. Now, members from each group come in front one-by-one. The opposite team tells a subject-related word or phrase.

Now, the student in the front has to act without saying anything, and his or her team members have to guess the right phrase or word.

This group activity is a popular one, so every student usually knows the rules. You just have to change the topics and make it about the subject you teach.

You can also make it more fun by mixing two topics together. For example, you can allow students to choose physics and/or movies, or pick literature with celebrities.

This will bring a fun twist to the game. Students feel confused if the word is from the subject or a celebrity or a movie.

It’s Your Turn Now!

Discipline and control matters, but only to a certain extent.


College students will feel more interested in studying if they enjoy each other’s company and also feel excited about your class.

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Fun group activities can help you attain both the goals. So, follow the given ideas!

Effective teaching and learning.

What does it mean today?!

Today, teaching and learning are not about giving guidelines but allowing creative freedom at the same time.

A futuristic approach is also important, so that, students get ready for the ever-changing technological and social environments outside the college.

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So, it would not be wrong to say that an effective teaching and learning environment in college requires flexibility.

But how can a college attain that flexibility by Effective Teaching and learning?!

In reality, one answer can’t satisfy this question.

There are multiple aspects of teaching and learning that a college needs to take care about in order to attain successful flexibility and effectiveness.

This article tries to showcase some of the most important aspects of effective teaching and learning in a college.

1. Provide Knowledgeable Teachers and Top Resources

With the advancement in the world around us, the learning requirements keep changing as well.

New technologies, different working models and socioeconomic changes should be incorporated into the teaching models.

The first step towards this is hiring teachers who specialize in their field and also crave more knowledge.

A teacher should continue to grow and update his or her knowledge.

Otherwise, students would see a faded image of the world created by the outdated knowledge base of a teacher.

Along with enthusiastic teachers, a college has to have decent resources to help students learn better.

The creativity and innovation will flourish only when students get exposure and tools to test their skills.

2. Promote Questions more than Answers

The process is more important than the goal.

Just like that, the questions are more valuable than the answers in a classroom. So, a student needs to come up with as many genuine questions as possible.

In a classroom, asking questions should become more valuable than knowing the answers.

But mostly, exactly the opposite happens in college classrooms. Knowing the right answers in the right form becomes more important than thinking about unique questions. This needs to stop!

Promote a habit of critical thinking and problem-solving in students and let them ask good questions.

3. Include Multiple Learning Sources

Learning model in a college revolves around reading, lessons, projects, and tests.

This model can get better results if teachers bring diversity in the material of learning.

Using resources such as community knowledge, professional mentors, expert content pieces online, and other sources can bring a much-needed diversity in the learning model.

It is important to focus on the credibility and freshness of the sources.

Teaching ideas can come from different authoritative sources that are available in the real world. So, the students can learn what’s in their books and also learn everything that’s going on in the world out there.

4. Accept all levels of Skills and Abilities

Every student that enters the door of a college classroom can’t have the same level of knowledge.

They all know different things and have different priorities as well. Not knowing something should not be criteria of berating a student.

Teaching and learning are effective only when teachers acknowledge the information possessed by each student and help students go forward.

Just imagine- what’s the point of even having a college, if all students are already geniuses?!

In fact, from a teacher’s perspective, every student should be a genius in his or her own way. With this approach, teachers can help students unleash their true capabilities eventually.

5. Blend Technology in Teaching and Learning Model

With so much going in the advancement of a digital world, education is gaining great opportunities to improve.

Mobile learning, e Learning and video learning models are changing the way teachers and students look at teaching and studying.

These technologies offer unlimited possibilities in terms of content diversity, ability to retain knowledge and learn.

With advanced technologies, learning doesn’t have to stay limited to classrooms or curriculum.

Also Read: Dunbar’s Number and It’s Impact On Effective Teaching

Every place or every new upgrade in the world can become a learning moment for students.

But that is possible only if the college stays ready to adopt new and meaningful technologies as quickly as possible.

At the same time, the teachers should work constantly to upgrade their ability to utilize new technologies in their teaching.

6. Keep a Personalized Approach Attached to Teaching

Even with all the diversity of resources, it is difficult to address the learning requirements of each and every student.

While students need to indulge more and more in classroom discussions, teachers need to find ways to have a personalized approach to teaching alongside the regular teaching model.

In terms of personal growth of a student, a teacher has to consider the interest, the pace of understanding a topic and readiness for a content.

These factors vary from student to student. Plus, teachers can’t recognize these factors by looking at the test results. Personalization is an ongoing process, which a teacher has to conduct to understand the flexibility and adjust the method and pace of teaching.

7. Develop Management Policies and Inform Students about those Policies

Classroom management brings discipline in the learning environment.

For a long time, this management stayed a part of the faculty’s responsibility only.

But that has changed now. Students understand the importance of a disciplined learning environment and want to indulge in classroom management.

However, the policy creation is still the responsibility of college authorities. But the authorities can include students in those decisions.

This way, policies will cover all aspects of management creating a favorable learning environment for both teacher and students. Whether it is about the curriculum, schedules of tests, paper distribution, attendance, use of devices in classrooms or any other policy, both students and teachers should work together.

8. Success Criteria Should Make Sense to Students too

Mostly, colleges define the criteria of success. This success involves assessment, grades, the participation of students, attendance, and other factors. These factors surely make sense to the faculty and college authorities.


But the question is-

Do these factors make sense to students?!

This is probably the most important question to ensure an effective learning environment. No student is going to give his or her heart to working hard if the success criteria don’t align with their own sense of success.

College authorities need to understand what “success” means for each individual. Then, blend those criteria with the ones you have available already. This will create a cohesive model of success in a college.

9. Revisit Concepts to Offer Practice Opportunities

A Teacher should know which concepts require revisiting. This depends on the complexity of the concepts as well as the understanding of the students. Revisiting concepts allow the class to upgrade an outdated thinking. Teachers can revisit an old concept and showcase the errors or find new angles to understand them.

With revisiting old concepts, students also get a chance to correlate multiple concepts with each other, which creates a brain map and enhances the capacity to retain information.

Practicing is key to shaping and upgrading knowledge. Hence, it can’t just be a job for the students alone. Teachers should indulge as well and give their guidance during practice opportunities too. The demonstration of a concept offered by a teacher is way better than a student trying to revise it on his or her own.

10. Develop a Habit of Success Celebration

Celebrating success helps to boost interest and makes students excited about learning. However, this is not about offering rewards. Solving a complex problem can also be a reason to feel good about the day.

Teachers should cultivate that habit in students. They can acknowledge small but valuable classroom achievements of students and promote their ability to learn.

Beyond assignments and formal tests, teachers can set fun classroom goals to indulge students in the process of learning. Mostly, assignments and tests are the goals of learning, but classroom informal goals can create an interest in the learning process, which is extremely important.

At the same time, such efforts help in recognizing the loopholes in a curriculum. Then, teachers can communicate with students to revisit learning strategies and find new ways to clarify complex concepts.

It’s Your Turn Now!

A college requires the involvement of teachers and students along with the availability of flexible teaching models. If these three factors align together, effective teaching and learning become possible.

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So, now it is time that you rethink education and bring necessary changes to teaching and learning for better results. Hopefully, the given ideas will help you do that!

Also Read: 12 Skills Teachers Require to be Effective in Teaching

This article is here because we all know that living away from home and mum’s food can be devastating,


both for taste buds and health. We have all been there and faced that! While there is only little you can do about ensuring the wellness of your taste buds, there is so much you can do to maintain your health.

These 20 easy to make meals are your guide to staying healthy in your dorm room.

1. Mac and Cheese

One of the easiest dishes to make in your dorm room. Cheese is always a healthy food and mac doesn’t harm your health either. Just add some mac and cheese in a cup along with some water. Keep this in the microwave and let it boil. Your delicious and simple delicacy is ready.

2. Sandwich


This is, again, one of the easiest things to make for a student. All you need is a sandwich toaster for a gadget. Get whole wheat bread and add some veggies in between the 2 slices like the cucumber, tomatoes, potato, capsicum etc. This makes for a really healthy meal.

3. Scrambled Eggs


You will see a few more egg dishes down the list but this probably is the easiest to make. Boil a few eggs, mash them up after removing the shell and then fry it along with some veggies and spices for a delicious and proteinaceous meal.

4. Milkshakes

There is no denying the fact that milk sure is nutritious but there is another fact that college students, more often than not, don’t like drinking milk.

However, milkshakes are quite popular among students and if they are fruit milkshakes like mango shakes or banana shakes, and then it becomes even more nutritious.

5. Cornflakes with Hot Milk

If cold milk is not exactly your favorite then you might go for cornflakes with hot milk. This makes for a fantastic breakfast and can be made really quickly.

6. Soup


Dried soup powders packets are easily available these days and you can make the most of it. Soups are nutritious, fulfilling and available in multiple flavors like tomato soup, hot & sour soup etc.

 7. Stuffed French Toasts


Cut slices of bread and soak them in milk and churned eggs and fry them. Don’t protest that fried isn’t healthy.

Occasionally, fried stuff is important as well and eggs and milk more than make up for it. You can further stuff them with Nutella to make them more delicious.

8. Bacon Cheese Pasta


Bacon is expensive but most non-veg stuff is that. However, it is equally nutritious as well. Bacon combined with pasta make a fantastic dinner. Make it in olive oil and garnish them with coriander leaves

9. Avocado Toast

Avocados are the latest hot trending food option. That coupled with a pair of crisp toasts make for an exciting meal. Dealing with Avocado to spread it over bread is some work though.

 10. Mashed Potatoes and Spinach


Any kid can easily boil a few potatoes and mash them up later. Add to it some spinach to make it really nutritious and couple it with whatever bread you like and enjoy your easy meal.

 11. Fried Rice


If you love Chinese food then this healthy vegetable rice mashup is a perfect deal. Don’t forget to keep the soy sauce in control to avoid burning your tongue.

12. Omelet


Sure that’s a pretty obsolete dish but is healthy and surely is pretty easy to make. Chopped onions and tomatoes along with black pepper make it more delicious.

13. Mexican Corn

Well, this is another cup dish that can be made in a microwave. This can be eaten as such or add accessories like quesadillas or some cheese to add some more flavours to it.

14. Microwaved Salmon


Yes, it is that easy! It might not be as delicious as the ones you eat at a restaurant but don’t drop the idea as yet. You might surprise yourself with how good it turns out to be.

15. Banana Oatmeal

Well, is there anybody who can contest how healthy oatmeal is! Go on to add some frozen or fresh bananas.

16. Ramen Noodles

You might ponder if those thread like things in cup packs are nutritious or not but adding a few vegetables especially the likes of spinach, capsicum and tomatoes can indeed make it really nutritious. What else do you even ask for!

17. Microwave Steamed Broccoli


Well, Broccoli has recently hit the trends and for all the right reasons. It definitely is attractive and nutritious for starters. It might not taste that good but it all depends on your taste buds and your ability to develop a taste. So why not give it a try and if it works you get another easy meal in your list.

18. Nachos

We know what you are thinking. It isn’t a joke. You can actually make Nachos at home and all you need to do is get a pack of raw Nachos that are ready to eat once microwaved. Just add loads of cheese and fresh veggies before dropping it in the microwave.

19. Egg Fried Rice


We have talked about scrambled eggs, we have talked about omelet and we have talked about Fried rice. Mix any of the egg dish types with rice and then fry it and you are in for a great and delicious meal.

20. Pizzas


Yes, we know pizzas are counted in junk food but take our word for it, it’s more about those restaurant pizzas that have minimum veggies and loads of calories. At home add loads of nutritious veggies, get whole wheat pizza base and control the amount of cheese and you are in for a decently healthy yet nutritious food.

Hey, we know your mouth sure is watering by now! So what are you waiting for? Get your cooking hats on and try out these interesting dishes.

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