Technology has not only changed the way of our daily routine, it also changed the way of our traditional method of education. As of now, we can see various technologies getting implemented in classrooms and educators also trying out different types of technologies in their teaching.

One form of these technologies is wearable technologies, which is growing day-by-day, helping every person to fulfill their tasks smoothly in almost every field.  This technology is gaining popularity in every sector mainly in education after the arrival of laptops and smartphones.

Here is the list of wearable technologies, which has shown a positive impact in the world and knows how you can make use of it, mainly in educational institutes.


Wearable Technology- Shaping the Future of Education [Infographics]

In recent times, education sector is one of those areas which have seen a good growth rate. We are not so far from the high-tech era where the classrooms will be filled with wearable technology as well as gadgets of the modern era. There is no doubt that these smartwatch apps and wearables will go a long way in bringing a revolution in the education sector. They are indeed useful in helping students get education in the best way possible. Moreover, it is highly different from the traditional studying habit which was followed few years back.

Coming to the present time, let us get to know more about these wearables and apps.

Read Also: How Wearable Technology Can Play a Vital Role in Education

1. Google glass and Reality Headsets

It is not always we get to see students paying full attention to the complete lecture. Some or the other point they will get missed. This is where Google glass comes handy.

Students can thus, record lectures and can replay later on numerous times to learn. This can be a remarkable tool while preparing for exams.

2. Duolingo

If you are someone who is into learning various languages, then Duolingo is the best for you. This is one of the famous apps made to learn popular languages on the go.

The app is made up of simple tasks which make the whole learning process very simple. Other than this, there are various games which nurture your knowledge for the particular language. The app is free and is available on Google Play Store.

3. Instapaper

Apple Watch is recently in the news for its versatility and is touted as one of the best wearables. Adding to it, the Instapaper on Apple Watch has reduced the burden of carrying bulky books to school and back. Now, all you have to do is to access as many articles as you want to use the Instapaper and convert them to speech simply by connecting to an iPhone. Your smartwatch has all the controls which help in listening the articles. Thus, modern day classroom is incomplete without this wearable.

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4. Muse

You must have heard of headbands used to listen music or watch videos. Talking about Muse, it is also a kind of headband, but is focused on determining the interest of the students on a certain topic. They behave like heart rate monitors and come with seven EEG sensors.

Muse helps teachers to determine the most effective way of teaching students based on their response. Other than this, it can also be utilized to judge the learning process and evaluate its progress from time to time.

5. Narrative Clip

Another wearable thing which can be worn to save yourself from all the distraction in the class. It is nothing but a small 8 MP camera with a video recorder, which optionally has Wi-Fi as well as Bluetooth.

The best part about this Narrative Clip is that it is designed to capture images as well as videos throughout the day. This comes handy, especially when you go on field trips and class events. You can also record lessons or classroom activities to view them later.

6. Lumosity

Take hold of your smartwatch as you have a new app which will drastically improve your memory and sharpen your attention skills. Lumosity is a smartwatch app which helps you to learn a new language in a very simple way. There are various languages in the app. Every time you look at your smartwatch, a new word pops up for you to learn and widen your knowledge. It is one of the famous apps which challenges your brain and is used by millions of people around the world.

Thus, learning experience is touching new heights with smartwatch apps and wearables. Starting from kids to adults, it has a lot to offer you.


Many a times, using technology is the best way to avoid wastage of time and efforts. Designed for helping teachers and students with everyday tasks, wearable technology in education certainly fits the bill perfectly. Thus, we have seen rapid progress in the development of the wearables as educators are making the best use of this technology. Instead of mere distraction, they are now viewing it as an opportunity to enhance learning and impart knowledge like never before. 

Here are some points which state how wearable technologies can play a vital role in the education system

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Ways To Use Wearable Technology In Education

1. Student Engagement

When we compare with most of the recent innovations related to education, wearable technologies are indeed making a mark to keep the students hooked up to their lessons.

For instance, with the help of Google Glasses, students can get first hand knowledge and have some good point-of-view experiences. This also gives rise to learning with experiments and good content supporting the subject.

2. Teachers and students can collaborate in an excellent way

Be it a traditional classroom environment or a distance learning class, students can easily connect with the teachers or their mentors. This helps both the teachers and students to build tremendous academic relationships.

Like mobile devices, wearables technologies can remain with the student all the time in various forms. This has drastically reduced time constraint and teachers, they no more need to assemble students in a class to start with a session.

3. Wearable technology makes technology hands free

With both the hands free, users can now interact with the real world and have good access to the devices connected near the student. This highly increases the level and quality of communication.

There are other features like environment sensing which fosters healthy learning habits. With cameras being seamlessly incorporated in google glasses, students can now record lectures at a good pace and moreover, they can take down notes without missing out on anything.

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4. Wearable technology now comes with various integrations

Wearable technologies is growing leaps and bounds with each passing year. You will now find these devices that have the functionalities like GPS, messaging as well as chat to make things a lot easier for students and teachers.

All the implications helps students learn in a better way and have good access to all the material they find. They can seamlessly take down all the important stuff and assimilate data for future reference. There are even more functionalities in store for the education system which will foster healthy learning habits.

5. Wearable technologies and its importance in universities

To start with, they are the best devices that can be used for orientation in high schools and universities. The students can view the lab demonstrations. They can even make use of Google Glasses to identify the required building from the on-campus map.

Distance learning makes the best use of wearable technology in education, as the teacher records all the medical techniques and experiments and students sitting in any corner of the world can learn and discuss on Google hangouts.

Thus, students and teachers have just begun to realize the unending innovations and advantages which the wearable technology in education are bringing in the learning environment. It is very essential to help students and teachers to come together on one platform to embrace this vision. Now the time has come, we take aid of these shinny devices as they are really playing a very important role in education system.

As we look around, we find technology being used to its full extend to each of the domain of society. Likewise, the education sector is not different. This calls for wearable technology which is in trend these days due to feasibility and convenience. It is slowly showing its importance and is one of the essential needs these days. 

Ranging from laptops and smartphones to iPods and watches, wearable technology is leaving it footprints in our lives, time and again. It has surely left a positive impact in education domain, as there are list of wearable technologies to ponder over which can be used extensively in schools and colleges.

Must Read: Technology Is Changing The Face Of Education With Smart Learning Objectives. Know How

1. Help students get acquainted with the technology

If students own recording gadgets then they can make the best use of it by recording important lectures and then listening them time and again, when required. Moreover it can be helpful for your friends who happen to miss lectures.
Other than this, it can be readily used as calculator to do some quick maths. This drastically reduces a lot of time and helps students as well as teachers to learn in an innovative manner.

2. Wearable glasses and similar gadgets can add to the creativity of learning process

Glasses can be of utmost importance if you want your students to learn as well as enjoy the process. Students can record sessions and other classroom activities.

While on a field trip, glasses can be converted into a video camera to capture stills and learning activities. Moreover, the presentations can be saved for clear viewing and learning purposes. Installing  with GPS can help teacher to keep a watch on student activities.

3. Tablets and laptops take wearable technology to yet another level

If a student plans to create some visually powerful presentation, then he/she can take help of laptops and install high end software to achieve a good level of perfection. Later on it can be modified and presented with various effects.

Tablets, or mini-laptops as they say, are indeed a bliss as they are portable and can be carried to places without hassles. You can install unlimited apps related to education and help students learn in an interesting manner. For instance, teachers can install app which help them to update information from time to time, and can be passed on to students quickly.

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4. E-classes and remote tutoring help students learn without much chaos

Well if your student is sick enough not to attend school, then there are good alternatives for the student to learn. You can conduct remote classes for such students so that they do not miss the important information about the subject.
Likewise, people who cannot come to the classrooms due to disabilities can anytime attend remote classes and participate actively in remote group studies to make up for the loss.

5. Wearable technology has also given us face recognition software

Nowadays, advanced teaching schools are taking help of face recognition to mark attendance of students. This cuts on a lot of time and makes it easier for the staff to manage attendance without keeping any records as such on paper.
This save teachers from mundane job of marking attendance each time before starting a new session in the class.

Wearable technology has now reached each nook and corner of the education system. There are multiple ways of using it in educational domain. It has a vast scope and huge potential to change the way we learn and think. Moreover, it has helped students and teachers to change their perception of studying and acquiring knowledge.