Teaching is a profession for the passionate, committed and dedicated. Besides being passionate and committed, a teacher must also be aware of the qualities of a good teacher, to bring out the best in each child.

However, there are other qualities that set good teachers apart from the rest. In this blog, we will elaborate on the top 10 qualities of a good teacher and look into 30+ ways to show them.

  1. Communication Skills

qualities of good teacher

The “gift of the gab” is one of the top qualities of a good teacher. Effective communication is the key to a great learning experience. This doesn’t mean that a teacher needs to be an extrovert, rather he/she needs to effectually use verbal and non-verbal communication in their teaching methods. Teachers should be able to effectively communicate with students individually and as a group.

Fourways to Show Communication Skills

Situation 1: Parent-Teacher Meeting

You need to explain the child’s difficulties and learning problems to the parents.

In most cases, parents will be on either extreme. They would completely negate your suggestions or put the full blame on the child and label them “stupid.” In such cases, you need to use your communication skills to explain the facts without hurting either the parents or the child’s feelings.

Situation 2: Classroom

You’re teaching an abstract concept that the children are not able to grasp. This is where you need to use your communication skills to help children understand the concept.

Situation 3: Annual Day Selection

The selection for the school Annual Day is in progress and you need to convince students to participate in the drama, dance, and other events. Effectively use your communication skills to motivate and encourage students to participate, both on-stage and off-stage.

Situation 4: Explaining Homework & Assignments

Many times, students may not do an assignment or homework because they don’t understand the concept. A good teacher understands that it is important to to effectively communicate while explaining about homework and assignments. Then the students will have a better idea on how to work on the assignment.

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  1. Listening Skills

a good teacher qualities

A good teacher listens more than what she/he talks about. Yes, listening skills are one of the top qualities of a good teacher. In an ideal learning environment, the teacher patiently and proactively listens to the child. If the students feel confident that their words matter, they will be happier to talk to the teacher and share their worries, thoughts, goals, and ideas.

Three Ways to Show Listening skills

Situation 5: Counselling session

You find a child sitting in the corner of the classroom and crying. Gently talk to the child and try to find out what the problem is. You need to use your listening skills here to help the child overcome his/her fear and share the problem with you.

Situation 6: Irregular Attendance

There could be many reasons why a student is taking leaves frequently. Talk to the child to find out the actual reason for irregular attendance. Listen to the real reasons and try to find a solution.

Situation 7: Class Discussion

Your listening skills will come very handy during a class discussion, more so when it is an informal discussion. Let the children talk and silently listen to what they talk about. You can find a lot about the students by listening to their informal discussions on any topic.

  1. Planning & Organizing Skills

qualities of good teacher

A good teacher understands the importance of planning and organization. He/she will prepare for the lesson and plan how every minute will be spent in the classroom.

Planning is also important while preparing the syllabus for each term and organizing tests and exams. Teachers with good planning and organization skills will have a better chance of scaling up the career ladder.

Three Ways to Show Your Planning & Organisational Skills

Situation 8: Preparing the Lesson Plan

The planning skills come handy while preparing the lesson plan for the coming week. In the lesson plan, the teacher notes down the chapters and concepts that will be taught during the week. The teaching aids and activities to be used for the lesson will also be included in the lesson plan. It will help teachers to have a clear idea of what they are going to do in each class.


Situation 9: Setting up a Student’s club

If you are in charge of setting up a student’s club, then you will definitely need planning and organization skills. You need to help students create a framework of the regulations and activities of the club, organize competitions and club events

Situation 10: Organising a School Trip/Annual Day

Your planning and organizational skills will be very valuable when you’re planning the school annual day, sports day, or a school trip. There are thousands of details that need to be checked before preparing the plan. Also, your collaboration skills will help you gain the support and assistance of other teachers and students in organizing the entire event.

Also Read: 16 innovative ideas to make your teaching methods more effective

  1. Professionalism

quality of good teacher

Professional behavior is what sets great and best teachers apart from mediocre teachers. It is very important for good teacher to toe the fine line between being a mentor for the students and getting overfriendly with them. Professional behavior is also expected from teachers while representing the school in academic circles. The way a teacher dress behaves and deals with various situations show professional behavior.

Three Ways to Show Professionalism

Situation 11: PTA Meeting

A PTA meeting, especially with a difficult parent, is the perfect place to show your professionalism. There are times when parents may complain about the facilities or teaching style. Sometimes, they may blame you for their child’s academic performance. In such cases, good teachers deal with the situation with dignity and professionalism.

Situation 12: Fight in the Classroom

Students get into all kinds of fights and sometimes teachers need to step in to sort them out. When you’re breaking up a fight, it’s necessary to be professional and not bring in personal viewpoints.

Situation 13: Dealing with the Management

Your professional skills will be very important when you’re dealing with your higher-ups or authorities from the educational department. You may have to explain something about the school or present a report – at such times , your professionalism will set you apart from others.

  1. Patience


Teaching and patience are two sides of a coin. You will need huge doses of patience to handle a large group of energetic kids. Be patient and relaxed while teaching, organizing events, handling a meeting or talking to children.

Three Ways to Show Patience 

Situation 14: Listening to Student’s Excuses

It can be tiring and frustrating for a teacher to listen to a stream of excuses about why an assignment was not completed or why a student didn’t bring a textbook.

It gets annoying when students don’t respond even after so much effort on the teacher’s side. At such times, hold on to your patience and deal with the situation calmly.

Situation 15: Teaching a New concept

Another situation where your patience is very vital is when you’re teaching a new concept. All children don’t learn at the same pace. So, you need to patiently help slow learners understand the concept.

Situation 16: Organising a Program

A teacher needs to have loads of patience in addition to planning skills while organizing a program. Everybody will come up with different ideas and suggestions. Students may be interested in the initial stages and then slowly drop out. All this can make you feel like tearing your hair out. But a good teacher is patient and handles the issues calmly.

  1. Creative

quality of great teacher

Creative and innovative thinking is one of the vital traits of a good teacher. Learning can get monotonous after some time. A creative teacher comes up with fun-filled and interesting ways to grab children’s attention and keep them focussed on lessons.

Three Ways to Show Your Creative Skills

Situation 17: Classroom Teaching

There are times when students get bored in class. Get creative during such times to make learning interesting. You can take the kids out for a walk in the playground as you discuss lessons. Or you could use creative teaching aids to pep up the students. There are many ways you can get innovative and creative in your teaching methodologies.

Situation 18: Discipline

Discipline doesn’t necessarily mean scolding or hitting a child or telling them to write imposition. Think of interesting and innovative ways to “correct” a child for forgetting the homework or doing some mischief in class. You can have creative punishments like – learn this poem and recite tomorrow; use the break hour to help KG teachers give out snacks to kids, and such.

Situation 19: Homework

Get creative while assigning homework and assignments to your students. If you’ve been teaching about the history of India, ask them to do research about their native town or village and present it to the class. Or, if you’re a science teacher, get students to collect different types of flowers or seeds.

  1. Continuous Learning

quality of a good teacher

A good teacher will continually update themselves about the latest developments in their field of study. Continuous learning is not just about earning certificates, but upskilling. The Corona pandemic has taken education from classrooms to online. Teachers who are willing to learn new technologies are able to keep pace with the changing demands.

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Three Ways to Show Your Continuous Learning

Situation 20: Online classroom

One place where you can showcase your continuous learning ability is in online classrooms. Your willingness to learn new technologies and adapt your teaching methodologies to the online mode will showcase your teaching ability.

Situation 21: Project Work

You need to learn and update yourself before you ask your students to work on a project. For example, you’re giving a project about climate change to your students.

The students will do individual research and come up with a lot of findings, theories, and ideas. If you don’t understand what they are talking about, you need to take time to learn about new things.

This is where you can show your students that even though you’re a teacher, you’re always willing to learn.

Situation 22: Use of technology for teaching

Smart classrooms are gaining popularity across academic institutes. Good teachers upgrade their technical skills and learn to make the most of the smart technology for teaching.

8. Flexible & Adaptable

qualities of a good teacher

A good teacher knows to be flexible when necessary and rigid when needed. At the same time, a good teacher is able to adapt to the changing scenarios.

A good teacher handles students from different social backgrounds, economic backgrounds, and ethnicities. So, they need to have an open mind and be flexible in their approach.

Situation 23: Sudden changes in Classroom

Sometimes you may not be able to follow your lesson plan due to some situations. At such times, you need to be flexible and improvise your teaching methodology.

Situation 24: Evaluation

It is important to be fair and strict during evaluation. But sometimes, a good teacher takes a flexible approach while evaluating students. A good teacher knows that there is no one-fit-evaluation method for all students. However, the teacher also knows that being flexible with evaluation doesn’t mean showing favouritism.

Situation 25: Teaching Methodologies

A good teacher knows that it is important to be flexible with the teaching methodologies. They use a mix of teaching methodologies so that both visual learners and auditory learners are able to understand the lesson.

  1. Respect

qualities of good teacher

Respect is one of the prime qualities of a good teacher. A good teacher knows the mantra “Give respect to get respect.” They treat all students with respect and know that they will also be treated so.

Situation 26: Respect Personal beliefs

A school will have students from all communities, religions and backgrounds. The school rules will ensure uniform rules and regulations for all. However, there could be certain cases where a good teacher understands that personal beliefs need to be considered.

Situation 27: Respect Personal Boundaries

Good teachers know where to set personal boundaries. They are friendly and approachable. But, at the same time, they will have boundaries and will let the students know. It is very important to build a good relationship with students.

Situation 28: Respect the Regulations of School

A good teacher knows that they should respect the regulations of school. They don’t try to enforce their personal views and ideas, on students, parents or the management.

  1. Great Expectations

Good teachers set high expectations for students. one of the best qualities of a teacher motivates the children to live up to those expectations. In fact, many students attribute their success in life to the high expectations set by their teachers.

Three Ways to Set Great Expectations

Situation 29: Challenge Students

Good teachers continually challenge students, not just in academics, but also in extra-curricular activities. Teachers encourage and challenge students to participate in competitions and events that will help them explore their capabilities.

Situation 30: Explore New Skills

Good teachers offer plenty of opportunities for students to learn new skills. It can be done inside or outside the classroom. A good teacher identifies the innate skills and abilities of the student and helps to explore them.

Situation 31: Break Boundaries

Many students are set by various limitations, which may be because of their personal bias or peer pressure. A good teacher encourages students to break the boundaries and gain new skills and abilities.

The Qualities of a Good Teacher: Final Thoughts

Anyway, being aware of the qualities of a good teacher can help a teacher to show the best in her/him. So, I hope that the above listed top ten qualities of a good teacher have helped you to improve your way of teaching.

Do you have any other qualities to add to this list? Share them with us!

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We invariably drift from our choices for the purpose of accomplishing a different experience with regards to amusement and leisure.

If you are one among those people, you must have undoubtedly come across the Japenese Manga comics.

And whoever has, will definitely not deny – There is something peculiarly amazing about these Mangas. They give you a different perception about life and in a way no one could ever imagine.

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It could not be wrong to say these mangas are a perfect blend of intellect, psychology and philosophy. And needless to say, young minds of the present generation definitely need a novel approach of viewing life and society. Mangas are a hardcore approach to trigger a latent sense of visualization and stimulate instincts for judging the right from wrong.

Japanese creators undeniably have this floating sense of imagination when it comes to blending art with practicality.

Having said that, here is the evidence… What you are about to experience now  is a totally different dimension in the world of art and comics.

12 Japanese Manga movies and anime series to compliment the introduction!

1. Naruto  

This awesome Japanese Mangas series from Masashi Kishimoto depicts the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who is in search of recognition and chasing his dreams. The author tells a beautiful message through this manga “A smile is the best way to get away with trouble even if it’s a fake one.” The manga also highlights the importance of love which is the only weapon that can heal the heart. The manga teaches the importance of success and failure to know the distinction between insanity and genius.

2. Haikyuu!! (Volleyball) 

This is a truly inspiring manga from Haruichi Furudate which is based on sports comedy. This manga conveys the importance of perseverance and determination in achieving any dream – “Talent is something you bloom, instinct is something you polish”. This manga inspires students to always push oneself to next level to taste success. Readers can also understand the importance of teamwork to get up from failures and work towards success.

3. Assassination Classroom

 This is a school comedy which was featured as manga in 2012. The theme of the series is interesting for students as the background of the story is a classroom of underachieving students. They are given a task to assassinate a super-being failing which Earth gets destroyed. Different types of teaching methods are covered in this manga that involve tailored teaching and uniformed learning. The manga conveys a beautiful message of positive thinking in the series.

4. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

This truly inspiring Japanese Mangas series was illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa which can be a good guide for students to overcome obstacles in life and chase their dreams. It comes with powerful message like “Even when our eyes are closed, there’s a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves in our dreams.” It teaches the importance of determination and perseverance in life that will give an equal value in return.

5. Dragon Ball 

The societal values consider fighting an act of radicalism. You would feel otherwise after watching this classic anime created by Akira Toriyama.  As a line in the series goes “It is not a sin to fight for the right cause. There are those who words alone will not reach.” The story starts with a martial arts student Goku and his quest of acquiring all the dragon balls. The journey is an incredible portrayal of strength, perseverance and more so the power of values and ingenuity.

6. Hajime no Ippo (The First Step)

 This inspiring story tale is a boxing manga series which was penned and illustrated by George Morikawa. The hero is an introverted high school boy which many of the students can relate easily. This manga gives a powerful message of how a never give up attitude and determination can lift up a person over the period. Unlike many other stories in which the personality changes through a magic, this manga clearly showcases how his hard work paid him in the long run which eventually changed his personality.

7. Kokou no hito

It is rated as one of the realistic Japanese Mangas that is highly motivational.  A boy with regrets and self-doubts finds self motivation to climb mountains even after many setbacks. The story clearly showcases how he did hard work, underwent sacrifices and dedicated considerable time in achieving what he wanted in life.

8. My little monster

 An awesome Japanese Mangas creation from Robico which talks about the beautiful relation between a boy and a girl and at the same time gave out strong inspiring messages. There is always an answer for a problem. You cannot pick water if it is spilled.

9. School Days

This is an amazing visual novel which was illustrated by Homare Sakazuki. The book showcases the beautiful relationships between students, friendship, romance and togetherness. At the same time, the manga keeps on motivating students with messages like “Instead of for someone else, find your own happiness!”

10. Welcome to the NHK

Tatsuhiko Takimoto gives a really inspirational message through his manga – “No human beings, regardless of who they might be, want to look directly at their own shortcomings.” He depicts the beautiful life of fireflies which lasts for just a week to show how they enjoyed their life despite their short life span.

11. Baby Steps

This creative Japanese Mangas series by Hikaru Katsuki have showcased some really inspiring quotes for life time. The manga depicts the significance of making an attempt to do something even if its intensity is small as it says “So no matter how far my goal is, no matter how small a step I’m taking, as long as I keep moving forward, someday I’ll get there!” Students can get inspired to chase their dreams by keeping and balancing both the reason and instinct and by just following desires.

12. Death Note 

This is the most popular Japanese Mangas by Tsugumi Ohba adored by Manga fans around the world. It is  about a high school student, Light Yagami and his downright vigilante perception. It develops as a result of a Death Note accidentally dropped on to earth by a shinigami (God of Death). Light naturally has a different take about how crime should be judged and now that he has the implement, there is no stopping him from going Rogue. No denying his ability to outsmart the protectors of law but he would rather fit best on the other side of the chase. The story is the best way to convey, that power can blind the vision of even the most intellectual and honest beings. So if you happen to attain it, use it wisely!

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The Japanese Mangas have influenced the organizing of many of the world’s largest comic events. There are Manga cafes where readers can spend reading their favourite mangas for a specific time and rate. Students are the most influenced group of readers. It was one of the main reasons that helped many of the students to learn Japanese language with ease.  Parents often complain of kids becoming obsessed with manga but in fact these amazing creations can be a good companion for kids when they grow up.

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The commencement of a new academic year sets into motion a number of performance resolutions from both students and educators. These resolutions revolve around improving the productivity so that both they can strengthen their learning and teaching skills.

In an attempt to help both these groups to work well in class, there are a number of productivity tools that are of utmost use.

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Here is a list of 14 such tools that can be helpful to a class handled by a creative teacher who wishes to go beyond the common means of imparting education.

1. Wunderlist


Topping the list of productivity tools that can help teachers working on a project is theWunderlist app. This is a user-friendly app which is compatible with all the platforms can help you get going with various tasks. While the free version can meet most of the needs of teachers, the paid version can be used to share task lists which are essential to complete a group assignment..

2. Google Docs


Google Docs is a free tool from Google which helps teachers upload documents, edit them and share them with a group of students. This can be a boon to teachers who can cut down on the time they take to grade and comment on answer scripts.. They can electronically streamline the assessment process by editing the papers and plugging in comments wherever needed. Students can immediately check the comments raised by their teachers.

3. Todoist


There should be a method even to the madness that surrounds us. Students and educators, most of the times, feel so overwhelmed with their lives when they are asked to multitask. To help you address this feeling of daze, you can check out the free tool called Todoist that will help you track all your tasks which can be listed at one location. Simply check out the list and you are all set to complete all the tasks; one after another.

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4. Virtual Assistant


True to its name,a virtual assistant can help teachers complete their tasks from a remote location. Teachers who are in need of support to accomplish their responsibilities can rely on these skilled aides. You can sign up with The International Virtual Assistants Association which can provide you with a virtual assistant. Through this aide, teachers can become productive in class when errands like editing PowerPoint slides and keying in details into the grading software are taken care of by a Virtual Assistant.

5. Essential PIM

Essential PIM helps you to effectively manage all your tasks and notes along with password entries and email messages. Since this tool is compatible with multiple platforms, you can easily download this on your Android smartphone or iPhone. You can also avail the PC version of this Personal Information Manager (PIM). This tool can remember everything including your student ID number along with tracking your group assignment deadlines.

6. Rescue Time


Everyone is racing against time. For all those busy people who want to deliver much more in a particular timeframe can count on this online time management and tracking tool called Rescue Time. You will agree with the fact that distractions in the form of an email or phone call sap your productive time. Students who start losing track of their time can make use of this tool which shows up timers indicating the time they spent on unproductive activities. These timers can serve as a wakeup call for you get back to the task at hand and complete it before the deadline.

7. OneTab:


Many a times, you might have encountered a situation when you have opened a number of tabs to check a lot of information from multiple sites. Opening multiple tabs slows down the browser, dampening your speed of work. In an attempt to boost up productivity, teachers and students can rely on the OneTab productivity tool. This is a browser plugin that essentially saves all the opened tabs on your computer and creates a single list. After the list is ready, your browser will start working at a normal speed. You can then check the information on all the open tabs leisurely.

8. Twitter


Ideally a social media platform meant for voicing opinions, Twitter surprisingly can become an invaluable classroom productivity tool. Through Twitter’s #HackLearning, a directory of podcasts, books and blogs penned by global leaders in various fields, teachers can benefit a great deal. Twitter has gained popularity to the extent that students get updated about school and college events and the last minute changes in schedules as tweets.

9. Snapchat


It might come as a surprise to you that Snapchat, a popular social networking interface can be used as a tool to improve the productivity of a classroom. Through this messaging interface, teachers can engage students to share educational content in a smart way. Snapchat allows you to share videos and photographs alongside permitting you to add images and text to messages. These are called ‘snaps’ which are visible for 10 seconds after which they simply vanish. You can use these snaps to improve your vocabulary by adding a text caption to a snap.

10. EssayTagger


If teachers are looking for a tool that can step in to cut down their daily workload, then EssayTagger is the right choice. This is a tool which modernizes and optimizes education, helping teachers to simplify their task of evaluating answer scripts. This is a web-based tool that can effectively reduce the time teachers spend on checking answers written by students. This tool comes with an Essay Evaluation tool bar that can check the grammar and punctuation of essays. Teachers can also provide real-time comments about any disparities concerning the structure of paragraphs and quotation marks used in an essay, through this tool.

11. Voxer


 Another online tool that can be used by teachers is Voxer, a walkie-talkie interface, this supports voice, text and picture messaging. This tool helps you communicate with one or more students at a time. That means, teachers can stay in touch with a group of students who are working on a group task. Teachers can create group discussions through this app. Voxer can also be used to deliver scholastic presentations.

12. PlayBrighter


If you are keen to learn the smart and fun-filled way, then you can bank on PlayBrighter.. Teachers who wish to add an element of excitement to boring question papers can use PlayBrighter, a tool to create compelling gaming missions. Teachers, after keying in details on a registration form are expected to create student profiles. Then they should invite students to join the game by allowing them to pick questions that are listed by PlayBrighter. Students who complete missions by answering all the questions can accumulate on-site currency.

13. FreshGrade


 Tagged as an assessment and portfolio platform, FreshGrade can work as a liaison between parents, students and teachers. Educators can use this tool to enhance the classroom efficiency by documenting all the events that take place in a classroom. They can also simplify their reporting and assessment processes while establishing a constant communication between parents and students.. 

14. Kahoot


“Make Learning Awesome” is a befitting tagline that makes Kahoot. You name the topic and you have a game-based quiz about it that can surely captivate you.. Both students and teachers can use this tool to lay hands on some actionable tips. Math brain teasers crafted for students between grade 4 and 9 is another attraction. All you need to do is to play a game and you will gather a lot of academic information concerning the subject you are focusing on.

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These 14 tools are sure to excite both teachers and students to tread the path of tech-savvy learning while also improving the teaching methods. All in an attempt to either reduce the workload of teachers or to bring up compelling learning techniques, some of these tools can establish a communication between parents, teachers and students. With so many benefits, it is time you go ahead and employ any of these productive classroom tools to enjoy a winning situation.

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Mind mapping is a very common approach in various industries to externalise and visualise the difficult concepts in its simplest form. This innovative thinking tool is one of the best methods followed so far to connect easily between ideas and relations. By considering its success rates, the strategy is widely being adopted in the teaching and learning areas. Many of the studies have reported a positive learning experience when mind mapping is made part of the study life.

Here let us have a look at what exactly is a mind map and how students can make use of them in their learning phase.

What Is A Mind Map?

This innovative tool is a great option when it comes to understanding and absorbing data in the optimal form. This pictorial representation of information gives an overview of complex data or a topic in the first look itself. This map usually starts off with a central idea and then gets surrounded by associated branches of related topics. The central idea can be represented using a word or image which is then extended outwards to sub topics or ideas. The topics and branches with different ideas can be represented using different colors for easy understanding. When used in the right way, it improves independent learning and critical thinking. This is an absolute time saving strategy during several phases of your study life.

To learn more about how students can better use the mind maps and how it makes a remarkable difference in their learning progress, take a look at the key points.

  1. Take notes better: The mind map strategy helps students to take notes in a better form. This aids them to revise the lessons during exam times with minimal effort. Remembering a lot of facts and figures covered in the syllabus would be really tough for the students. Mind map allows organizing this information in a better to understand form. They can do it by using keywords and then visually connecting the ideas and facts. Having all important topics in a single sheet of paper makes it easy for students to go back to the lessons easily and review them.
  1. Project planning: This area of study requires good organization of both thoughts and time. A good mind map makes the job easy for you and you can complete each phase of your project step by step in a well structured way. The talking points to be covered in the project can be presented in a very interactive way using this visualization tool. Moreover, it can act as a simplified content management system that helps you to access necessary information from a centralized location.
  1. Problem solving: Seeing things clearly is the key to analyze it on a better way. Instead of stressing your head to find a solution, take it on a lighter note using a mind map. This is the right way to watch out the many options and possibilities that can be used effectively to solve the puzzle or problem. During the process of problem solving, you can keep on refining the map by taking into account the incoming thoughts to draw out a realistic or the most practical solution. Moreover, this lets the students to look at the problems from a different angle and work it out better.
  1. Exam study plans: Exams are one of the toughest phases for most of the students. Remembering piles of notes can be a scary dream. However, the mind map strategy can be used to visually represent only the main topics in simple forms. You can also form small mind maps for each topic separately. You can cover more lessons easily in this approach and have an idea about the lessons covered so far. You just need to glance through the main mind map before the exam and fill up the rest from the memory. The mental triggers of this tool let the brain to memorize the stuff in a more effective manner.
  1. Brainstorm ideas easily: This amazing tool lets you brainstorm your ideas or thoughts in an organic manner without bothering about structure and order. When the ideas are structured visually, it is really easy for student to make the analysis and recall. A student brain can easily pick up organized diagrams than a bulk or pile of data. This powerful tool lets you do a creative work out of your brain and think more progressively by gearing up an imaginative mindset. This is in fact a free thinking strategy in which students can visualize the ideas from a deeper level.
  1. Connect ideas efficiently: Making a good connection between the ideas learnt throughout different lessons or sessions is important to have an upper hand over the subject. This is really important when it comes to memorizing the lesson segments during exams. The mind map helps you to make central concept and build an intuitive framework around it. When information gathering and applying facts is possible in its simplest form, connecting ideas becomes really easy than you think. The radiant structure of the mind maps can correspond well to the way the brain process information.
  1. Assess situations better: When it comes to complex situations in the lessons, this radical tool helps you to assess the data points better and move on pretty easily. Let it be any confusing situation of any subject area, taking out a few minutes to draw out a mind map with relevant facts and figures helps you to reach the conclusion really quickly. In fact both sides of your brain can be used effectively that helps you to think out of the box. This means that students can easily collaborate with the logic and analytics as well as the creative and imaginative part.
  2. Present ideas clearly: It is common for students to make a mess on the presentations. Mind map is also a good solution to present ideas more clearly and convey the message in the simplest form to the audience. Piles of notes on the screen can be tough when handling an audience and so use keywords and images to connect them. You can even number your points and give an idea about the quantity of topic to be covered to the audience. Mind map helps to frame the presentation in a more conversational way and make a good interactive session by making eye contact with the audience.
  1. Group study plans: Studying in groups can be really effective during exam times. Sitting alone and studying can be stressful especially during exams and group study can be more fun while you teach and learn from others. Mind maps can make the sessions more productive and interesting. Each one of you can create your mind maps during self study time and share it with others during group study. You can then form a new mind map by including the ideas and collective thoughts.
  1. Creative inspiration: This is one of the great ways to turn creative. Whether it is planning an essay, painting a picture or writing a story, the tough part is to get a good start. The working of mind map is more or less similar to a brain. So just start off with a word or image you think off in your mind by drawing it out. To the surprise, it can spark off numerous connecting ideas and turn your thought into an amazing art work. As thoughts flow freely, stepping out with novel and creative ideas seems really fun and easy. The tool lets you see the bigger picture of a concept or idea from a wider perspective that makes the job easy.
  1. Improved decision making: When it comes to deciding on some important areas of your school life, it could be tough when a number of concerns and possibilities are running at the back of your mind. Use the mind map and just draw off the possible pros and cons as well as your concerns or doubts when thinking about particular decision. You can clear it off one by one and strike it off when you have done with it. In this way, you can make decisions that are error free and that goes by all considerations.

There are different types of mind mapping tools designed by enthusiasts to help out students in the job that automates the process. You may choose from mind maps that can be used offline, online mind maps or mind map software.

Many of the reports have pointed out that the mind map approach can assist in their cognitive learning theory as well as enhance their reading comprehension.

Moreover, they can benefit from improved thinking and learning skills when the tool is used effectively. One of the main problems faced by students is to memorize what they have learnt. And interestingly, the mind map strategy is proving good to increase the retention rates.

Reading is one of the good habits that need to be developed in every person. Schools play a crucial role in developing this habit among students with special period assigned for library. This helps them to learn more about the world, arts, society and history.

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Making reading a habit helps them to develop their language and comprehension . Reading good books can really inspire the way they grow up and they interact with the society. However, parents and teachers should play a good part in helping them choose the right set of books to motivate them to grow up as good individuals.

Here is a list of amazing books for students which are chosen and recommended by other students:

1. What I Wish I Knew When I was 20: This awesome book from the author Teena Seelig is a worth read for  people in a transition state. In What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20, you can read the personal stories of people who have been in unexpected and challenging situations and how they overcome them to go ahead. The book inspires students to make right decisions at the right time in their life by bringing out their potential.

2. Island of the Blue Dolphins: This is a really motivating book from the author Scott O’Dell.  It is a story of a young girl who was all alone in an island for years. The Island of the Blue Dolphins is a motivation for survival even there is no hope left in your life. Students can consider this as a reference guide to go ahead with full confidence even the whole world stands against you.

3. I Am NOT Going to School Today: This good read from the author Robie H. Harris tells the story about the interesting thoughts of a child. In I Am NOT Going to School Today, the child is thinking of skipping the first day of the school in the beginning. Later the child gets motivated and understands how interesting and exciting it can be to go to school. The book helps students to overcome the fear of doing new things in life.

4. The Art of Asking: This interesting book from the author Amanda Palmer teaches students about the significance of taking initiatives to ask for help. The The Art of Asking asks the society to stop worrying about things and getting stressed. It urges us to learn the art of asking and getting help from the people around you. Students are reminded that sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places, so don’t hesitate to open up on your problems with your loved ones.

5. Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? This good read from the author Michael J. Sandel is a great choice for social science students. In Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?, students can easily connect with the moral issues and critical thinking in a well structured way. Students will understand what are the right things to do at certain points of life and how life becomes unfair at times. Many interesting dilemmas are discussed, such as the conflicts between common good and individual rights and the obligations in this free society.

6. A Brief History of Time: This beautiful book from the great author Stephen Hawking can be a good guide for the students to learn about managing their time intelligently. In A Brief History of Time, the author interacts with the audience in non technical terms to make it readable for even the non specialist readers. The science behind space and time is discussed in a very simple way. This bestseller got translated to 35 languages owing to its wide acceptance.

 7. Before You Leap: This is a funny book from the author Jim Lewis which comes with a lot of life lessons. The Before You Leap is written in the form of an autobiography of Kermit the Frog. The book discusses a frog’s view of life which is blended with some advices that are fun and fresh. Those in a transitional period can read the book that covers career settlement, finance management and even romance.

 8. The Harry Potter Series: This amazing book series from the great author J. K. Rowling is an all time favourite of all young minds. In The Harry Potter Series, students can come across a lot of mysteries and mind blowing plots. Due to its wide acceptance, awesome movies are also made out these books’ themes. There are seven books in the series and each one is rich with excellent stuff.

 9. Out of My Mind: This heart warming novel from the author Sharon M. Draper tells the story of a girl with cerebral palsy. In Out of My Mind, students can learn about how to handle your tough life. Even with all disabilities, the photographic memory helps the girl to handle the life. The book teaches students not to complain about their life as there are always people around you who suffer more.

10. The Opposite of Loneliness: This inspiring book from the author Marina Keegan is a good read for students that motivate them to try and get what they wish to have in life. This book- The Opposite of Loneliness has some interesting personal essays compilation of a Yale graduate which was in fact published after she passed away. The book motivates students to make use of their life’s possibilities and make a difference to the world.

11. How to Become a Straight-A Student: This awesome book from the author Cal Newport helps students to understand the fact that studying smarter counts more than studying harder to achieve higher grades in the first place. The How to Become a Straight-A Student discusses some important tricks to score smarter such as streamlining study habits to cover more lessons in minimal time, selective study and giving A+ answers to excel in exams and quizzes.

12. Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library: This student chosen book from Chris Grabstein is rich with lot of puzzles. The students can stimulate their brain by solving the puzzles in many sequences in Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library . The book also teaches the importance of team work in solving problems. The book takes you to an ultimate library experience and students can enjoy the crafty twists. 

13. Warriors: This unique book from the author Erin Hunter tells an interesting story about cats. In Warriors, you can read an inspiring tale about a group of cats who care for each other and inspire youngsters to succeed. Students can also learn from these cats about showing hostility to people outside your team. The book is action packed, and comes with a lot of suspense moments.

14. Fish in a Tree: This good read from the author Lynda Mullaly Hunt is a gift for students who are fun-loving. In Fish in a Tree, students can also come across many important phases that teach them good values in life. This book inspires students to stop thinking that they are wrong just because they didn’t fit into a situation. Students are taught the fact that everybody is smarter in their own ways and there is no point in judging a fish by its capability in climbing up a tree.

 15. Best of the Best: This awesome book from the great author tells a story about the baseball tournament of a boy when he was in the midst of many personal problems. The Best of the Best gives the best example of how true determination to do a thing helps you overcome many difficult phases of life. The book also highlights the value of friendship, team power and finding alternate ways to reach your goal.

 16. The Alchemist: This amazing novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho has changed the lives of many. This is a truly inspiring book from the author which can be a good guide for students to try and work hard towards achieving the life goals. The Alchemist is an international bestseller that can transform the lives of people and inspire them to dream many things and make them come true.

These are just a few among the millions of good books that are good for students. Each book provides them a message in one way or the other which helps them to change the odds in them and self motivate good qualities.

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When you come across a good book, it is good that you share it with your friend and help them to have a good reading experience too. Parents can also motivate kids to have reading habit right from the beginning by providing good books for them in their free time. You can also set up a small library at home with a collection of good books that you come across.

Also Read : Best Inspirational Books For College Students

Day scholars are lucky to spend quality time in school and get back home after school. But what about those who have moved out from their home city to another town to study? They miss being at home, their family and friends in their neighborhood in their pursuit to receive quality education from a renowned institute that is away from their home.

All in an attempt to make the transition from home to the hostel a pleasant move, school and college administrators should go the extra mile in helping hostelers deal with homesickness in a better way.

Here are some ways in which an educator can better manage homesick students so that they make their hostel as their second home.

  1. It is normal to feel homesick

Educators play an important role in simplifying the first few months of hostel life of students. They are the ones who try to impress upon students who is having homesick. While some introvert students keep their feelings to themselves, some express their feelings that are indeed missing their families.

Handholding all such students and making them comfortable in the hostel will be possible if educators spend time with homesick students make them feel normal. Educators should impress upon students that this is a passing phase which will fade out very soon provided certain corrective measures are taken.

  1. Encourage Homesick Students to Step Out of their Rooms

Restricting yourself to the four walls of a hostel room can be very depressing. Hostelers who start missing their homes at times get into a shell, withdrawing themselves from interacting with other friends and hostelers. In such cases, the school or college management should ensure that homesick students should be encouraged to step outside their hostel rooms.

Educators can encourage hostelers to partake social and extra-curricular activities, along with making study hours in a library mandatory. Libraries can also be the best places where hostelers can interact with day scholars and their peers.

  1. Pack Your Bags With Pleasurable Articles of Comfort

Hostel administrators who help freshers tide over their homesickness feelings can vouch for the immense influence of favorite articles that in-campus students bring along with them from their homes. It can be your favorite and cuddly teddy bear which was gifted by your parents, the poster of your favorite hero which was pasted on one of your bedroom walls or your family pic.

Bringing such comforting things along with you will help you better deal with the feelings of missing your home and your dear ones. Such lovable articles will also help students interact better with their roommates when they begin to go down memory lane about those articles that have a special place in their heart. These familiar things can strengthen you with a sense of positivity that you have left your home and your dear ones to pursue your dreams and soon will join them after you have reached your goal.

  1. A Positive Attitude Does the Trick

Positivity fills you with good and pleasurable feelings that help you overcome the thoughts of missing home. School and college administrators who prompt their in-house students to stay positive will need to handhold them to make new friends and socialize with them. At times, stress-release mechanisms like a hot shower or a stroll around the school garden can work wonders to homesick kids.

Educators who prompt hostelers to look out for ways and means to deal with homesickness will be helping them a great deal to deal with the transition from home to a university hostel. Educating them about finding solace in such comforting acts will pave the way for a smooth changeover. And when the situation goes out of hands, you as educators can also bank on the assistance provided by professionals who will counsel such students who are battling the pain of staying away from home.

  1. Silence Can Never Solve Your Problems

It is the responsibility of hostel or university wardens to help students open up their concerns. Suffering in silence can never be the solution to any of the problems students face; be it with their academics, their finances or their inner-most feelings. It is hence the duty of educators to help students express their fears so that they can be sorted out at the earliest before the issue magnifies and disrupts their peace of mind.

Hence it is recommended to encourage homesick students to talk about their feelings with someone whom they feel close to. While some students bank on a guidance counselor, there can be others who wish to pour out their feelings to a parent or a confidante. Shunning away the embarrassment that you experience while seeking emotional help, such acts of openness will only make homesick students stronger and composed.

  1. Engage in Activities You Loved While Being At Home

Another way in which hostelers can get over homesickness is to do things that they feel nostalgic about. Engaging in all those activities that you loved while you were at home even after you stepped out will help you feel better. It could be relishing familiar foods and sharing them with your roommates. You could also participate in religious traditions that were followed while you were at home.

All such activities will familiarize you with your new surroundings with a slow and steady feeling of accepting the change. Providing you the much-needed emotional support when you feel lost and lonely, these tricks help you tide over the move from home to hostel. This way, the management of schools and colleges will be able to help students identify the unique aspects of the new surroundings and fill them with a sense of belonging to the current location.

  1. Spend Time In Your New Surroundings

It is a known fact that moving from home to a university hostel uproots you from your known surroundings to become a part of the unknown. It can be a completely new city that you have stepped into or a hostel that is far away from your home but within the city limits. Either ways, it is going to be a completely different setup that you should acclimatize yourself with.

Activities like going around the new place, signing up for sightseeing tours, enrolling in local dance or cooking clubs should be encouraged by the management. All such activities will help new students learn the local expressions and culture. Students who are encouraged to learn the new language of the city will be better off over others who are still struggling to make a place for themselves. Getting to know the new surroundings works wonders for homesick students to look at the positives in the place alongside embracing the change gracefully.

  1. Putting Your Thoughts On Paper

Journalizing all your thoughts will help you delve deep into what you were feeling at different points in time. Every time you look at your journal you will begin to identify yourself better with the thoughts you had and the ways in which you dealt with them. You can enlist all the unfamiliar situations you faced during your initial stages of moving to a new city. And when you sit back to read your journal, you will be able to reflect on all those experiences.

Giving vent to your feelings in black and white strengthens your core and offers you solutions to relieve yourself of the painful feelings of homesickness. Thus, the management of universities should go the extra mile in letting the students know that penning down their thoughts and actions will come as a therapeutic tool to better manage the pain caused by staying away from home.

  1. Flex Your Muscles

Exercising bestows dual benefits with students who stick to a strict regime. Not only helping them stay fit, it is through exercise that students will experience the positives coming from the release of feel-good hormones. Endorphins are the natural chemicals that are released into our bodies while flexing our muscles. These hormones help students fight the common side-effects of homesickness like depression and anxiety.

Even better, the management which encourages students to exercise as groups will not only create opportunities to socialize but also helps students boost their immune system. Thus, schools and colleges which make exercising compulsory can better deal with homesick students with reduced instances of frequent headaches and colds bothering them.

  1. Engage in Frequent Conversations with Family and Friends Back Home

Another proven means to fight the ill-effects of homesickness is to encourage students to talk to their loved ones, their family and close friends back home. This act of frequent calling and interacting with people at home and in their old neighborhood will provide them with the much-needed self-confidence and self-reliance.

Only when homesick students talk to their dear ones about what they are going through in their new place will they be able to get the perspective of others. Listening to what they have to say will help you come up with ways to deal with the new situation. Alongside talking to old friends, if the management provides opportunities to make new friends, you will not feel left out.

Closing Thoughts

Driven by a motive to handhold new students moving away from their cozy nests to settle in a completely new place, the onus is on the management to ensure a smooth transition. Allowing them the time to embrace their new surroundings, if all the above pointers are kept in mind and implemented, educators will become instruments of peace and harmony for hostelers.

Students in schools and colleges are susceptible to a host of health complications, some of which are communicable while others are contacted due to a bad lifestyle.

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Here we shed light on the 10 most common health complaints faced by students.

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Speaking of the symptoms and treatment to certain common diseases that students contact, these details can become a reference guide to common health problems faced by them on the campus. Once you are informed about the conditions of a particular complication, you as an educator will be able to lessen its severity in the beginning itself.

The Most Common Health Problems Faced by Students

  1. The Common Cold

Common cold is one of main health issue that students face. Every person might have suffered from common cold at some or the other point in their lives.

Symptoms of a common cold are:

  • Repeated sneezing coupled with cough
  • A sore and irritable throat
  • A blocked nose

Students contact a common cold through touch or through inhaling. When you as a healthy student either touch the eyes or nose of the infected student or inhale the germs that spread while the diseased student sneezes, you can catch this common cold. Thus, it is the best to stay away from students with a running nose and wash hands repeatedly to avoid any sort of contact with the germs carrying the disease. This is a minor ailment that can get better within a few days.

  1. Food Poisoning

Diarrhea and vomiting accompanied by fever with chills are the symptoms that can disrupt the health of students who have either consumed uncovered or non-refrigerated food.

Students who have consumed contaminated food will be at a high risk to develop these symptoms which will also lead to a general body weakness coupled with unbearable headaches. Infected students also suffer from severe abdominal cramps.

Dehydration is another striking symptom that needs to be controlled during food poisoning. It is important to administer clear fluids to all such students bearing the brunt of consuming contaminated food. While it is best to avoid solid foods, you should also keep away from dairy products which can aggravate your diseased condition.

  1. Influenza (Flu)

Caused by influenza viruses that affect the respiratory tract of the patient, Influenza commonly called as Flu is a mild to severe illness that can affect the physical health of students. Predominantly high during the flu season between October and May, students who contact flu have symptoms like:

  • High temperature with a headache
  • Running or blocked nose
  • Dry cough with a sore throat
  • Full body fatigue caused due to muscular aches
  • Stomach complaints like diarrhea, vomiting or nausea

Infected students can transmit flu to healthy students when they either cough or sneeze. It is during such times that the infected air comes in contact with healthy students and infects them as well. Tagged as highly contagious conditions, students with flu should stay away from school for a minimum of one week or until all the above-mentioned symptoms subside completely.

Prevention is better than cure. In line with this maxim, students can prevent or limit the spread of flu through flu vaccinations.

  1. Sprains

Students may face injuries in their ligaments while playing games. A sprain also called as the torn ligament damages one or more ligaments that make up a joint. Students who sprain their legs, ankles, knees or wrists will experience severe pain accompanied by an inflammation. Unable to move the injured joint, a sprain can be very painful for students. While some of them are not-so alarming sprains, there are sprains which might call for a surgery to fix them.

  1. Bleeding Nose

Nosebleeds are common health issues faced by students who have dry nasal membranes. This condition is common with students who pick their noses frequently. Picking the nose ruptures the blood vessels inside, causing your nose to bleed. Students who are on anti-allergic or decongestion medication can also experience nosebleeds along with those who are susceptible to frequent colds and sinus issues. Frequent blowing of nose is another cause of nosebleeds. The best way to prevent a nosebleed is to ensure proper lubrication of the nasal passages along with consciously avoiding picking the nose.

  1. Meningitis

Another in-campus health issue faced by students is the spread of meningitis; a disease called by bacteria or virus which infects the lining of the brain. Upon contact with this disease, the brain of the patient begins to swell leading to a dangerous condition which can lead to death in severe cases. Given the fatality of this disease, it pays for the school administration to keep a watch on the following symptoms so as to take prompt and corrective action.

  • High fever accompanied by chills
  • An unbearable headache accompanied by pain in the neck or a stiff neck
  • A sore throat
  • Vomiting and/or nausea
  • Constant feeling of drowsiness along with sensitivity to light or sound
  • Rashes

Under severe conditions, the infected student can also experience seizures. Students who exhibit 3 or more of the above symptoms should immediately get medical help.

  1. Strep Throat

One of the most common bacteria that thrive on the skin of students is strep. Strep throat is a bacterial infection that disturbs the throat and tonsils of infected students. Tagged as a contagious disease that spreads through air when the infected student coughs, sneezes or breathes. Following are the symptoms of strep throat:

  • A sever and all-of-a-sudden sore throat
  • High temperature above 101°F
  • Pain during swallowing
  • Inflamed tonsils and lymph nodes
  • Yellow or white spots visible on the back side of a red and inflamed throat


  1. Measles

Despite having a vaccination for measles, students on campuses contact this health complication. Here is the list of symptoms that you should watch out for in a patient.

  • A general feeling of sickness
  • Face and body covered with patchy red rashes
  • Red eyes
  • Intolerance or sensitivity to light

Calling the doctor is the first thing you should do to help the infected student. Administering fluids is another means to counter the symptoms of measles while taking tablets if general body aches persist.

  1. Chicken Pox

While some students would have contacted Chicken Pox during their childhood, this condition affects others who have missed it during their early years. The symptoms of this health issue are:

  • Rashes which emerge as spots of 3 mm in the initial stages grow into irritable blisters, all over the body
  • Blisters can also show up on the scalp
  • High temperature
  • This condition affects the palate causing a discomfort to the patient while he is swallowing

Treatment includes the application of Calamine lotion to soothe the burning sensation and itching caused by blisters. Tablets can be given to the infected student to ease him of fever and body pains.

  1. Mononucleosis (Mono)

Epstein Bar is the common human virus that causes Mononucleosis, also called as Mono. Students infected with this virus experience fever accompanied by a sore throat. Along with fatigue, the physiological condition of inflamed lymph glands, spleen or liver can help you detect the viral complication. It is best to keep the infected students away from playing contact games as this virus is spread through saliva. Mono is a condition that lives in the bodies of the infected patients for life, rarely causing any other health issues.


All the above descriptions of health complications will help the management of schools and other educational institutions to not only understand the severity of the complication but also administer first aid.

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Allowing educators to perform frequent health assessments of their wards, the symptoms of diseases that were highlighted above will serve as a reference guide to detect the complaint so that timely action can be taken.

Going by the maxim that it is better to be safe than to be sorry, the management of educational institutions can ensure the well-being of their wards by being watchful of the symptoms of health complications discussed above.

Smart schools are trying out different teaching strategies to give a better learning experience for students.

Despite the quality of the teaching you give, keeping them engaged throughout a classroom session is always challenging.

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The attention span of kids is very low than you can expect and so it is important to put in some serious effort to grab their attention.

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The classroom sessions can be made interactive and interesting with a mix of learning and some gamification.

Here are a few tips that might help you to keep the students engaged in your classroom that helps you have a quality teaching time:

1. Warm up sessions:

A good start can impact the way students grasp the lessons. It would be good to start it off with a warm up session.

One of the commonly followed activities is writing some points related to what was taught in the previous class on the board. Students can actively find out the mistakes in it in a collaborative way.

2. Light movements

In order to improve their focus and attention, make them involve in light movements either in the beginning or in the middle of the lesson if you find them sleepy.

The activities can be varied according to the class you are handling. It can be hand-clapping, rhythmic finger snapping, cross crawls or light march.

3. Quick writes

When you finish a particular topic, you can ask them to give a quick write of what you taught them.

It can include important points covered in the topic and their judgement or conclusion regarding some tricky areas. This is a good way to keep students engaged with the lessons. This makes them focus more during the next classes.

4. Encourage to and fro questions

 Teachers should develop a habit of asking questions in between their lessons. And also give students an open platform to raise some questions or doubts regarding what was taught.

This makes the classroom sessions more interactive. This also helps them to understand the lessons better. By framing questions and receiving answers, students can get a deeper view of the subject.

5. Mix teaching styles

Following the same teaching style in every class creates boredom among students and they slowly start losing the interest. So it is better to mix the teaching styles often and students would have a better learning experience.

Approach different subjects in a different way and consider the interests of the students too.

6. Gamification

This is one of the best ways to teach kids as they would always love to have ‘learn with fun’ experience. Games such as education bingo and bleep can be included to enhance their memory.

Their vocabulary can be improved with vocabulary games such as ‘sentence race’. Teachers can also bring in creativity games, team work activities and competition games to raise their spirit for learning.

7. Group works

Group learning is equally important as self learning as students can be trained to think in groups and improve their group decision making.

Group assignments can be given once in a while when they can share their ideas and work out a project. They can bring out their exclusive ideas while accepting or considering others’ ideas too. This is another way to keep students engaged in the classroom.

8. Video sessions

Video sessions are a good option to grab student’s attention and focus. The visual elements are processed faster by brain and this can make remarkable impact on their understanding of the topic.

Variety can be made in this strategy too by including video presentations with beautiful slides or giving them video tutorials. Considering its importance, smart board options are gaining more importance in today’s classrooms.

9. Connect with real life:

Students would find it interesting if teachers can connect the subject that is being taught to incidents in real life. This also helps them to relate the subject better and gain a better understanding.

10. Activity learning

Making the students to sit stagnantly throughout the classroom sessions can be really boring for them.

Teachers can utilize the classroom space and engage them in some activity learning to regain their interest. Jumping the line, mime or sports gallery can be tried once in a while to make students active and engaging.

This is the best way to make the afternoon learning sessions more productive.

11. Quizzes and polls

Once a topic is covered, quizzes can be conducted by dividing class into groups.

This activity is not only engaging but also one of the spontaneous ways to assess their understanding.

Polls can also be conducted to get their feedback on the lessons, which is another option to pass the dead time.

12. Education apps

Bringing in some technology to the classroom can take away the boredom and make the students engaging.

With the wide use of mobiles, education apps are now becoming an inevitable tool in today’s classroom. With puzzle, you can engage them with video sessions and Motion Math app lets you teach difficult mathematical problems through games.

13 Story telling

 An interesting way to introduce a new subject is to start it with a story. Some teachers also bring stories in the middle of lessons helping students to relate some facts in a better way.

Kids would always love to hear stories and they crave for more. This is another way to engage them when handling tough subjects.

14. Autonomy Support

Including students in the learning process is really important to gain their interest for the subject.

Students should be given a platform to express their ideas or opinions during the activity.

They should be given ample time to understand a particular subject and don’t rush to the next lesson.

15. Flipped classroom

This is a credible learning technique which is being adopted in many smart classrooms.

Students are asked to prepare the lessons in advance by referring some video tutorials.

So when teacher discusses the lesson in the class, students would find the subject more engaging and interesting.

16. Teacher-student relations

Maintaining good relation with students is important for a teacher to make the classes more positive.

Students will have that freedom to express themselves whenever needed which gives them a sense of peace and happiness. Keeping up a pleasant classroom environment can impact the way they grasp the lessons.

17. Take small breaks

 Instead of having an hour long teaching sessions, take some small breaks in between to refresh the minds of students. You can talk or share something out of the syllabus and have a chit chat time with the students.

18. Response cards

Students can be given response cards with options such as agree and disagree, multiple choices, yes/no or even emoticons.

During the class period, teacher can ask questions and students have to give response with these cards. This activity can make the classes interactive and engaging which kills the boredom of one way lectures.

19. Dictation

For elementary classes, simple activities such as dictation can do the trick to pass the dead time.

Once you cover a class, just give a simple dictation test to stimulate their memory and to make them comfortable with words and spelling.

It can be a mix of listen, repeat, read and write experience for kids.

20. A to Z class summary

You may conclude a learning session with this activity to help them memorize or revise what they have learnt in the class.

Students can write a summary of the class in sentences starting with all alphabets from A to Z. This activity can be done in groups or as singles. Teacher can evaluate to give a feedback and correct them if their understanding went wrong somewhere.

These are some of the commonly used ideas in smart classrooms to have a quality learning session.

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Teachers can wisely apply the teaching tips according to the age or the level of classroom that is being handled. Know their boundaries when deciding on a new teaching strategy.

It is important to maintain eye contact with the students and always give a space for them to come up with suggestions. Similarly praising and rewarding their works can really motivate them.

Using contemporary materials whenever possible and differentiation can actually work wonders in enhancing the student’s liking and interest for learning.

Conventional lecture methods would not be very productive when the students are tired or sleepy, especially in the afternoon sessions. Having some fun classroom activities can make students active after lunch hour.

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Some teachers would make it plainly fun games while some others use it as a strategy to revise what is learned in the previous classes. In the morning sessions also, some teachers would take a short gap in between the strenuous learning to bring in some fun.

Are you looking for some interesting fun classroom activities to make your learning session interesting and engaging? Here are a few among the most played cool classroom activities for students of diverse class levels:

1. Educational Bingo

fun classroom activities

This awesome game can be played in groups. It is a lot of fun while helping to revise what is learnt in the class.

Teacher can ask a question that was taught in the previous class and the answer would be hidden in the bingo puzzle. It is widely used to learn mathematics with fun. The bingo card can contain numbers in columns and they have to solve maths puzzles to find out the answers in the list.

For example, teacher can call out “all numbers that are divisible by 4 in a row”.

2. Bleep

fun classroom activities

Bleep is an interesting memory game in which students are restricted to use certain words during reading comprehension.

A list of banned words is first provided to the participating students. This can also be word categories such as colors, names, animals, food and more.

Teacher would then give a reading comprehension material containing the relevant words. Each student is asked to read a sentence or paragraph by omitting these words.

They have to bleep once they come over a banned word to succeed in the game.

3. Pink Tac Toe

fun classroom activities

This is a really funny game that can be played with any number of students by grouping them into teams. Teacher would call out a body part followed by a colour.

A student from a team is assigned the task of finding an object in the classroom with that particular colour. He/she then needs to touch it with the mentioned body part.

If teacher calls out pink toe, he/she has to find out an object with pink colour and touch it with his toe.

Also Read: General Knowledge For Kids with Answers (105 Questions and Answers)

4. Sports Gallery

fun classroom activities

This is an energizer game that raises the acting spirit in students.

Teacher will have a list of sports activities with him/her numbered from 1 to 10 or so. He would then randomly call out a student and asks to say a number.

Teacher now call out the sports activity that is linked to the particular number in his/her list.

The student has to enact the activity for at least 10 seconds.

The list can include items such as shooting a jump shot, batting a baseball, serving a tennis ball, juggling a soccer ball and more.

5. Blind Artist

fun classroom activities

This amazing classroom activity can invoke creativity among students. Students are first paired and are placed in a position such that they don’t face each other.

A student will be given a picture and the other student will be given a plain paper and pencil. The student with the picture has to describe what is in the picture without actually telling what it is.

The other person has to bring in some creativity and imagination to draw a picture according to his description.

6. Crazy Train

fun classroom activities

This is a funny game which can be played with elementary level students. Students can be grouped into 10 or 12. They are asked to line up and connect among themselves to represent a train.

Teacher says start when the train slowly moves forward. He would then give commands during the journey such as fast, slow, move backward, turn left and more. Kids would listen to these commands and make changes in their move.

7. Four Corners

fun classroom activities

Teacher would randomly choose a student ‘X’ and ask him/her to stand outside the classroom after his/her eyes are tied up.

Rest of the class would be divided into four and asked to stand at four corners of the class, say A, B, C and D. Then X will call out an alphabet and those students staying at that corner will be out of the game.

The rest of the three groups are again divided into four and asked to stand at four corners. X will again call out an alphabet and that group gets out. This elimination is continued until four students are at four corners and the luckiest student will be the last one standing.

8. Sentence Race

fun classroom activities

This is a vocabulary review game that can be played among high school students.

The teacher would write up vocabulary words in pieces of paper and folds it and keeps in a box. The class would be divided into two groups and the blackboard would also be partitioned into two, each side for a team.

A member from a team would come up and picks a piece of paper. He needs to write a meaningful sentence that includes the word specified on the paper on blackboard. Teacher would finally evaluate the sentences and the side with most meaningful sentences will win.

9. Chain Spelling

fun classroom activities

This is an amazing game in which students need to connect two unrelated words by looking at their spelling.

Teacher first writes a word on the board. First student is asked to take the last three or four letters of the word and form another word.

The next student has to repeat the same and this is continued until a student fails to form a word or misspells it. The game can be made tighter by restricting them to certain category of words.

10. Blindfold Conversation

fun classroom activities

This is a team building activity for a new classroom. First teacher asks everybody to introduce themselves in a few sentences.

Once it is done, class would be divided into two teams. A student from a team is called up and his eyes would be tied. A student from the other team is then called and asked to say something.

The student who is blinded has to recognize him/her from his voice. If he/she failed to do so, he/she may also ask certain questions related to what was discussed in the introduction to identify the person.

11. Jumping the Line

fun classroom activities

This is an energizer game that would be apt to play at the end of a class which can be used as a revision too.

A line is drawn on the class floor and one side of the line will be marked ‘true’ and the other as ‘false’. The students are asked to stand on the line.

Teacher would pick a student and says a statement based on what is taught in the class. If the student thinks that it is true, he/she has to jump to the true side or else the false side.

If the student’s assessment is wrong, he/she has to go back to his desk.

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Teacher would continue the game and the last student standing in the line with the most right assessments will be the winner for the day.

12. Missing Cards

This is a memory game for any level students that improve their attention to detail. The class is first divided into two. Teacher has a set of cards which denotes different categories.

A student from the first team is asked to come up and teacher shows him/her 5 cards for 10 seconds. He/she then shuffles the card and shows only 4 cards next time.

The student has to recall his/her memory and identify the missing card. The team with the most number of correct card recalls win.

13. Mime

This is a very popular game in which action words or verbs are revised in a funny manner.

The class is first divided into teams. Teacher writes action words such as running, gardening, singing etc in pieces of paper. It is then folded and placed in a bag or box.

A student from a team comes and picks a paper and enacts the word. The other team has to guess the word correctly to win a point.

14. Buzz

This is a great game that stimulates concentration and attention to detail in students while still having fun.

The teacher can first choose a list such as a number 1 to 100, a series of words, prime numbers and more according to the knowledge level of the students.

The participants will be first informed about the buzzwords or numbers in the list, say every odd number, prime number, vowels or so. They have to read the items in the list while replacing the particular number or alphabet as ‘buzz’.

These are just a few among the many popular fun classroom activities for students. A board race, scavenger hunts, spin the wheel, and the jigsaw is among other commonly chosen fun classroom activities to let students enjoy the beautiful feeling of learning with fun.

15. Thanking for the Compliment

This is an ice-breaking classroom activity, which can boost the confidence and encourage students to complement each other’s.

The teacher can give a sheet of paper to each student in the class which has to be pinned on their backs then she has to ask every student to think of a compliment to write for their friends. When the whole class is done with it, ask them to read it aloud.

16. “All about me”

This would be a fun-filled interesting classroom activity for kids, which can be performed in the beginning as well as at the end of the academic year.

Here the teacher is supposed to prepare a worksheet with certain set of questions like:

  • My name is………….
  • I want to become a …………………. When I grow up.
  • My hobbies are……………
  • My favourite colour …………
  • I want to go to …………………………
  • My best friend is …………………………….

They would simply live to fill this out. It would be more fun to do this activity twice an year, for them to compare.

17. Collect the Candies

‘Collect the candies’ is a school-activity which would be very effective in classroom.

In this the teacher has to hide candies in different corners of the class. Now, the students have to collect and find the candies. Initially, it would sound like a treasure hunt.

Now ask the students to show the number of candies they have collected and along with this they have describe about their favourite actor, teacher, colour, fruit etc. The number of things to be said will depend on the number of candies they have collected.

18. “Lean Laniya”

These interesting fun classroom activities will let the students to think and learn new words.

The game goes like, every student has to think of an adjective to describe themselves. But with the condition that the adjective must start with the first letter of the respective student’s name. For instance, Funny Francila, Smart Steeve, Tall Tom etc.

Teachers can choose the activity wisely depending on the level of students they are handling. Some of these classroom activities are not only evoke fun but also stimulates their creativity, thought process and teamwork.

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Some of these school activities can also be used as part of strategic plans to teach difficult topics. However, it needs a lot of planning and preparation from teachers to execute such Classroom activities successfully rather than making it a distraction from serious learning.

A good classroom environment should always have the right mix of learning and fun.

Food to the brain comes in the form of logic puzzles that students can solve so that they can better their logical thinking. These are brain games that challenge the higher-order thinking of students. It is through these logic exercises that you as students will be prompted to solve the puzzle by posing the “What”, “Why”, “When” and “How” to puzzles.

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Here are 13 such brain teaser sources that will make logical thinking a fun-filled exercise, alongside improving your reasoning and problem-solving abilities.

  1. Puzzles Shows A Logical Path to A Sharper Brain

Puzzles.com features an exciting collection of 20 riddles which can be solved by students to sharpen their brains. All these puzzles come with answers and an explanation that clarifies all the steps to arrive at the final result. To name a few, “Find Hidden Animals Riddle”, “Which country am I?”, and “Who are we?” are some of the fun-filled riddles. These are the puzzles that will excite and stimulate the brains of students to come up with solutions using nothing but logic.

  1. Animeyume.com – A Set of 5 Lateral Thinking Brain Teasers

Check out this site Animeyum.com and you will find five puzzles that come with solutions supported by hints. It is interesting to note that the solution and hints come in white text and you can view them only when you use your cursor to highlight the text. With every hint, you get closer to the solution and then finally arrive at the solution. These puzzles come in the form of story narrations which are made interesting through the use of Manga artwork.

  1. Smartest Brain – A Multi-Angle Brain Challenge

Students can look up the Smartest Brain site to solve a collection of lateral thinking puzzles and brain teasers. Allowing you to look at the problem from different angles, an assembly of dozen puzzles are waiting to be solved. Every puzzle comes with the “view entire puzzle and answer” hyperlink that will clearly explain to you all the parameters of the teaser while handholding you to come up with the right answer.

  1. So True to Its Name- PuzzlesandRiddles.com

Students can work their way through various puzzles that feature on PuzzlesandRiddles site. Promising a reasoning workout to your brain, you can select from an array of riddles, brain teasers, word games and perceptual puzzles that will improve your logical thinking in one or the other way. Not one or two, a dozen puzzles are eagerly looking forward to your brainy intervention. After you have solved all of them, you can enjoy the thrill of being named as the one with a smart and creative brain.

  1. Big Riddles – A Platform that Collates Riddles and Teasers from Online Browsers

You can put your brain to its ultimate test by checking out the largest repository of riddles of various flavors; be it a lateral puzzle or a puzzle which deals with probability or is based on logical thinking. A set of detective puzzles featured here challenge your inquisitiveness so that you can dismantle and solve a particular case study. You can answer a series of puzzles posted by the community of brainy online browsers to get recognized as the one who is proud of his sharp and logical brain. Students can visit this site Big Riddles to solve different brain teasers that come with high-quality solutions.

  1. Learning Tree – An Interesting Array of Matchstick Puzzles

Featuring interesting puzzles befitting students of all age groups, check out the Learning Tree site to unleash your imaginary side. These are lateral thinking puzzles that show up a collection of pre-deigned matchstick kits with complete instructions. And the aim of the puzzle is to follow the instructions and come up with a figure using the matchsticks. But here comes a twist in the tale! You need to complete the picture in a certain number of moves. You should move only the pre-defined number of matchsticks to arrive at the final figure.

  1. “I Riddler” Can Tickle Your Creative Side

Check out the iRiddler site to solve a number of dark puzzles that come with hints and the final solution. This site enlists a host of short yet tricky brain teasers that will sharpen the logical abilities of students.

  1. Brain Food – The Cop-Murderer Puzzles

The perfect merger of narrating a story with a puzzle results in lateral thinking puzzles that sharpen the brains of students. Brain Food presents a series of stories and you will start reading them while collecting some clues that are revealed about the scenario in question. But the clues are incomplete. Hence, the onus is on you to plug in the details to churn out a compelling story. There can be many solutions to such a puzzle, but with practice, you begin to understand that only one solution will be the perfect match.

  1. Word Juxtapoz – A Stimulating Repository of Language-Centric Riddles

Inviting students to check out the Word Juxtapoz site for a stimulating collection of brain teasers, riddles, idioms and proverbs. An additional incentive of this option comes in the form of laying your hands on educational material that improves your vocabulary. Tagged as original creations, this site vouches for the authenticity of the puzzles with a guarantee that you will not get to see any of these puzzles in any other online source.

  1. Puzzles.com – An Exhaustive Collection of Puzzles

Puzzles can be tagged as a perfect online destination to improve your logical thinking. Featuring a long list of playful puzzles, you can check out the puzzle projects along with a host of logic puzzles and brain teasers. All in all, this site helps you stretch your imagination to come up with a befitting solution to a plethora of interactive puzzles.

  1. IQ FIT Helps You Enjoy A Road-Ride

IQ Fit is a logical puzzle, from the house of Smart Games. Taking you on a road trip full of car journeys, you will be allowed to go on a holiday. A solution to the puzzle comes when you try to place vibrantly-colored 3D shapes into a case. You will also have the support of puzzle cards to complete this puzzle.

  1. Rush Hour – The Puzzle of Arranging Plastic Vehicles

This is a puzzle that allows you to arrange plastic vehicles on a puzzle grid. To do this, you can refer to the puzzle card and then move the pieces so that you make room for a particular car to speed away. Visit this site Thinkfun to download this puzzle which comes with three gaming levels including easy, medium and hard.

  1. Laser Maze Game Lights Up Your Target

Another captivating puzzle that sharpens your logical thinking is the Laser Maze. The aim of this puzzle is to light up your target. To make this possible, you can rely on a set of puzzle cards that come with certain conditions that should be adhered to. Following these conditions, you should peg these pieces in their right places. You can visit this site Laser maze to challenge your mind.

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Closing Thoughts

All the above mentioned 13 puzzles and puzzle collections help you grasp the logic behind a particular scenario that becomes the backdrop of your puzzle story. You simply have to connect all the dots and eliminate blind spots. By doing this, you will not only enjoy the rush of fulfilment but also sharpen your brain to take on more challenging tasks that life will eventually throw at you. All in all, these puzzles will let your creative juices to flow at all times with a guarantee that you can effortlessly provide a solution to any puzzle under the sun.