Reading is one of the good habits that need to be developed in every person. Schools play a crucial role in developing this habit among students with special period assigned for library. This helps them to learn more about the world, arts, society and history.

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Making reading a habit helps them to develop their language and comprehension . Reading good books can really inspire the way they grow up and they interact with the society. However, parents and teachers should play a good part in helping them choose the right set of books to motivate them to grow up as good individuals.

Here is a list of amazing books for students which are chosen and recommended by other students:

1. What I Wish I Knew When I was 20: This awesome book from the author Teena Seelig is a worth read for  people in a transition state. In What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20, you can read the personal stories of people who have been in unexpected and challenging situations and how they overcome them to go ahead. The book inspires students to make right decisions at the right time in their life by bringing out their potential.

2. Island of the Blue Dolphins: This is a really motivating book from the author Scott O’Dell.  It is a story of a young girl who was all alone in an island for years. The Island of the Blue Dolphins is a motivation for survival even there is no hope left in your life. Students can consider this as a reference guide to go ahead with full confidence even the whole world stands against you.

3. I Am NOT Going to School Today: This good read from the author Robie H. Harris tells the story about the interesting thoughts of a child. In I Am NOT Going to School Today, the child is thinking of skipping the first day of the school in the beginning. Later the child gets motivated and understands how interesting and exciting it can be to go to school. The book helps students to overcome the fear of doing new things in life.

4. The Art of Asking: This interesting book from the author Amanda Palmer teaches students about the significance of taking initiatives to ask for help. The The Art of Asking asks the society to stop worrying about things and getting stressed. It urges us to learn the art of asking and getting help from the people around you. Students are reminded that sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places, so don’t hesitate to open up on your problems with your loved ones.

5. Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? This good read from the author Michael J. Sandel is a great choice for social science students. In Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?, students can easily connect with the moral issues and critical thinking in a well structured way. Students will understand what are the right things to do at certain points of life and how life becomes unfair at times. Many interesting dilemmas are discussed, such as the conflicts between common good and individual rights and the obligations in this free society.

6. A Brief History of Time: This beautiful book from the great author Stephen Hawking can be a good guide for the students to learn about managing their time intelligently. In A Brief History of Time, the author interacts with the audience in non technical terms to make it readable for even the non specialist readers. The science behind space and time is discussed in a very simple way. This bestseller got translated to 35 languages owing to its wide acceptance.

 7. Before You Leap: This is a funny book from the author Jim Lewis which comes with a lot of life lessons. The Before You Leap is written in the form of an autobiography of Kermit the Frog. The book discusses a frog’s view of life which is blended with some advices that are fun and fresh. Those in a transitional period can read the book that covers career settlement, finance management and even romance.

 8. The Harry Potter Series: This amazing book series from the great author J. K. Rowling is an all time favourite of all young minds. In The Harry Potter Series, students can come across a lot of mysteries and mind blowing plots. Due to its wide acceptance, awesome movies are also made out these books’ themes. There are seven books in the series and each one is rich with excellent stuff.

 9. Out of My Mind: This heart warming novel from the author Sharon M. Draper tells the story of a girl with cerebral palsy. In Out of My Mind, students can learn about how to handle your tough life. Even with all disabilities, the photographic memory helps the girl to handle the life. The book teaches students not to complain about their life as there are always people around you who suffer more.

10. The Opposite of Loneliness: This inspiring book from the author Marina Keegan is a good read for students that motivate them to try and get what they wish to have in life. This book- The Opposite of Loneliness has some interesting personal essays compilation of a Yale graduate which was in fact published after she passed away. The book motivates students to make use of their life’s possibilities and make a difference to the world.

11. How to Become a Straight-A Student: This awesome book from the author Cal Newport helps students to understand the fact that studying smarter counts more than studying harder to achieve higher grades in the first place. The How to Become a Straight-A Student discusses some important tricks to score smarter such as streamlining study habits to cover more lessons in minimal time, selective study and giving A+ answers to excel in exams and quizzes.

12. Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library: This student chosen book from Chris Grabstein is rich with lot of puzzles. The students can stimulate their brain by solving the puzzles in many sequences in Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library . The book also teaches the importance of team work in solving problems. The book takes you to an ultimate library experience and students can enjoy the crafty twists. 

13. Warriors: This unique book from the author Erin Hunter tells an interesting story about cats. In Warriors, you can read an inspiring tale about a group of cats who care for each other and inspire youngsters to succeed. Students can also learn from these cats about showing hostility to people outside your team. The book is action packed, and comes with a lot of suspense moments.

14. Fish in a Tree: This good read from the author Lynda Mullaly Hunt is a gift for students who are fun-loving. In Fish in a Tree, students can also come across many important phases that teach them good values in life. This book inspires students to stop thinking that they are wrong just because they didn’t fit into a situation. Students are taught the fact that everybody is smarter in their own ways and there is no point in judging a fish by its capability in climbing up a tree.

 15. Best of the Best: This awesome book from the great author tells a story about the baseball tournament of a boy when he was in the midst of many personal problems. The Best of the Best gives the best example of how true determination to do a thing helps you overcome many difficult phases of life. The book also highlights the value of friendship, team power and finding alternate ways to reach your goal.

 16. The Alchemist: This amazing novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho has changed the lives of many. This is a truly inspiring book from the author which can be a good guide for students to try and work hard towards achieving the life goals. The Alchemist is an international bestseller that can transform the lives of people and inspire them to dream many things and make them come true.

These are just a few among the millions of good books that are good for students. Each book provides them a message in one way or the other which helps them to change the odds in them and self motivate good qualities.

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When you come across a good book, it is good that you share it with your friend and help them to have a good reading experience too. Parents can also motivate kids to have reading habit right from the beginning by providing good books for them in their free time. You can also set up a small library at home with a collection of good books that you come across.

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The mind with the power of singularity has unlocked many mysterious phenomenon of the universe including singularity itself. The legendary physicist Stephen Hawking gave the world a new perception of looking at the cosmos.

He was the man who challenged the work of many scientists and philosophers and also went on to prove that “the universe created itself”.

Furthermore, the black hole theorist extrapolated the work of many physicists making ground breaking discoveries.

Through his books he not only spread his knowledge to the scientific world but also made the insights accessible to general folks with a lesser scientific understanding.

Here we bring to you 10 popular books written by Stephen Hawking, that made him the most appealing physicist of all times.

  1. A Brief History of Time – First published in 1988 this book covers the basic concepts of space and time, the building blocks of the universe and the fundamental forces that govern the universe in the most extra ordinary way possible.

10 Most Popular Stephan Hawking Books of All Times

  1. The Grand Design – This book explores the theories of various physicists and philosophers over the period of time, comprehending their insights on mysterious cosmological phenomenon and how it rules out the role of a creator in the Grand design of the universe.

10 Most Popular Stephan Hawking Books of All Times

  1. The Universe in a Nutshell – It is his attempt to unify Einstein’s general theory of relativity and Richard Feynmann’s idea of multiple histories to decode the mysteries of the universe. The book speaks about the cutting edge of conceptual physics including the ever disputed contemporary concepts like Black holes, time travel extra dimension, quantum space time, string theory etc.

10 Most Popular Stephan Hawking Books of All Times

  1. A Briefer History of Time  – This is a simplified rendition of Stephen Hawking’s 1988 publication ‘A Brief History of Time” . It encompasses quantum mechanics, string theory and the Big bang theory in a manner comprehensible to laymen. The book is a co-authored by American Physicist Leonard Mlodinow

10 Most Popular Stephan Hawking Books of All Times

  1. Black Holes and Baby Universes –The 1993 publication is mainly a compendium of lectures and thesis on the black hole thermodynamics, general relativity, quantum mechanics and so on. In addition the book briefly contemplates his life post the diagnosis of his illness.

10 Most Popular Stephan Hawking Books of All Times

  1. The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe 

Through This book Hawking tries to explain how all physical aspects of the universe are linked to one another unifying all the fundamental interactions of nature. Quantum mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics, the big bang and black holes are the major highlights of the book.
10 Most Popular Stephan Hawking Books of All Times

  1. My Brief History  This is an account of Stephen Hawking himself on how his life and intellect progressed along with the fatal condition of his illness.

10 Most Popular Stephan Hawking Books of All Times

8. The Nature of Space and Time  –A scripted account of an argument between Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking where in they debate about physics and the philosophy of physics.
10 Most Popular Stephan Hawking Books of All Times

  1. On the shoulder of the Giants – As the title suggests it is an obvious compilation of scientific literature written by the giants in the league down the line of history and adorned with Stephen Hawking’s personal interpretation of these existing theories.

10 Most Popular Stephan Hawking Books of All Times

  1. Black Holes: The Reith Lectures– The thing that intrigued the cosmos genius the most for all his life also took a form of a book. This is basically the collection of Stephen Hawking’s lectures arguing that deciphering the very mystery of black holes and their interaction with space and time could resolve mysteries of the bewildering universe

10 Most Popular Stephan Hawking Books of All Times
His books are a testimonial to the fact that he viewed every aspect of life through the lens of physics and they are also the best way to experience the magnificence of his imagination.

His work not just enlightened the scientists and cosmology enthusiasts round the globe but also the general public.

Be it the Black holes of the universe or of the ones in his own life, he never let the perplexity of any unexplained phenomenon corrupt his zeal to keep going.

In the words of the man himself – “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.”