It is always advised to study the portions regularly so that you just need to revise it at the time of exams.

However, it is quite common for students to skip their regular study sessions and indulge in fun activities.


Exams turn out a nightmare for such students and the exam pressure takes away their confidence level.

And they would end up worrying about the lost time in the past when they could have prepared well.

For those who are struggling to finish off the exam syllabus in the last few weeks, these last-minute exam preparation strategies might help.

1. Focus on your Weak Areas

You may be good at some subject areas whereas weak in some other areas.

So focus better on your weak areas at first and you can keep aside the areas in which you are good at, last on the list so that you can cover it easily.

2. Give Attention To Core Areas

Have a detailed look into the exam syllabus and spend more time and attention on the core areas.

Make a list of the subject areas that have more weightage for marks and give an additional focus to these areas in your last minute preparation which can help you to score better.

3. Revise Within 24 Hours

Once you study a certain portion in the exam syllabus for the first time, it is better to revise it within the next 24 hours to retain it in memory.

This helps you to recap, review and reinforce the new information and you can recall it much faster.

4. Try Visual or Audio Aids

You can mix up the learning style to make the study phase more productive. Instead of just studying the textbooks and notebooks always, try to include some visual and audio aids that help to register the learning content better.

This can even be your own audio or video recording in which you pretend to teach someone else.

5. Shift Between Subject Categories

While having exam preparation, First, have a look at the entire syllabus to cover and categorize it into three groups.

Also Read: 13 Ways To Deal With The Exam Stress

This includes contents that need interpretation like literature papers, the syllabus that is memory dependant like history and geography and lastly problem-solving subjects such as mathematics.

For a long study time to be effective, you can switch between these subject categories.

6. Create a Mind Map

A well-organized mind map can help you to study more efficiently and quickly during the last minute preparation.

This study tool helps you to connect between ideas or concepts pretty better during the final revision.

A mental association through this means helps you to recall the information better during the exams.

7. Read and write

Speed reading is good for understanding a subject faster.

So first read out the important points loud and write it down on a paper so that you are going through the content thrice, first by reading, then listening and finally by writing which makes a better impact.

8. Practice Past Year Exam Papers

Invest some time to practice the exam papers of past few years. Also, mark out the questions that tend to repeat quite often and prepare well on those questions to get some guaranteed marks.

9. Create Flash Cards

This is a tested and proven study tool for a better exam preparation during your final study hours. This helps to enhance your visual learning abilities and improve your memory recall.

You can test yourself using flash cards to analyze the areas that need additional revision.

10. Last-Minute Study Groups

It would be a good idea to be part of last-minute study groups of your friends or classmates.

You can discuss the important topics to be covered in exams, expected questions and new study hacks to study smarter.

You can have a fun, interactive study session where you can quiz and test each other and teach each other. However, make sure that you don’t divert the topics away from learning.

11. Have a Clear Overview of Exam

It is important to have a proper overview of the exam you are preparing for.

This includes the exam format, duration of the exam, the question patterns as well as the guidelines to be followed.

This helps you to avoid any last minute confusions and approach the exam with good confidence.

12. Create a Personal Study Guide

Rather than depending on other study guides, a personalized study guide can help you to study better and faster in your last minute.

Prepare such a guide well in advance that covers the particular areas that you need to focus and require additional revision.

13. Block out Possible Distractions

Make sure that there are no disruptions in your study environment which may easily divert you from learning. See that you are away from gaming gadgets, TV and even mobiles and laptops unless you are using it for study purpose.

Also, block any friends or relatives that may come up with some fun plans in your last minute study time.

14. Schedule Recovery Time

If you have exams for continuous days, make sure that you have enough recovery time every day.

Proper sleep and rest are needed to recharge your brain and appear fresh for the exam.

Having a sleepless night busy with studies can interfere with the process. Also eat well and do minimal exercise to stay fit and fresh for the next day’s exam.

15. Rest between Back-to-Back Exams

You will have to undergo back to back exams on a tight schedule at times.

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So know the exam timetable well in advance and plan the study time accordingly so that you get enough rest between the exam days. Or else you will be worn out and may not be able to produce even what you know during the exams.

16. Take Regular Study Breaks

Avoid studying continuously for hours as the attention span of a student is less.

That is why it is important to take regular study breaks in between and make the sessions short.

Just dragging the study session with less concentration is not going to be productive.

17. Exercise between study breaks: Instead of watching TV or chatting with your friends that may distract you from studies, better invest that time for exercise that boosts your energy level and concentration for the next study session. Even 5 to 10 minutes of physical exercise can keep you fit for the learning.

18. Rest Your Hands

If the exam needs a lot of writing, make sure that you give proper rest to your hands the days before the exam.

A tired hand can affect the speed and performance in the exam.

You can even try using stress relief ball or toy during the time and take it with you in the exam hall if permitted.

19. Have Proper Food Habits

You should be physically healthy to prepare well for the exam and to perform well.

So maintain good food habits like not skipping breakfast, avoiding junk food and including more vegetables and fruits that enhances your brain function.

Also, drink lots of water throughout the day that keeps you hydrated and fresh and minimizes the possibilities of any illness at exam time.

20. Prepare last-Minute Review Notes

Just like the study guide, it is important to prepare last-minute review notes while you study it early.

This helps you to just glance through the notes just before the exam and revise your memory.

Include the concepts or terms you often struggle in these review notes and have a look at it before you go.

21. Plan Your Exam Day

Also, it is important for you to plan the exam day well in advance. Pack your bag with all required items such as hall ticket, pen, calculator and last minute study guides the night before the exam.

Also plan your schedule like when you will wake up, what time you get ready and reach the exam venue to avoid last minute hurry.

22. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Just like studying well for the exam, having a good night’s sleep of at least 8 hours the previous day is very important to perform well. This keeps you physically and mentally fresh and relaxed and you can appear for the exam with a boosted memory.

Hope these study hacks can help the students to sort out their last-minute exam preparation struggles.

However, nothing can replace the continuous hard work and determination of a student to perform well.

Even when these tips and tricks can save you to an extent, a dedicated study plan and regular practice are important to edge out the competitors and score top marks.

Also Read: Why Do Students Fail? – Faculty’s Perspective

Are you looking for ways to outsmart your friends by learning smartly and scoring well?

There are lots of strategies and techniques put forward by enthusiasts to help out students to utilize their potential and excel well.

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However, certain tactics really support the way brain actually works and thus assure productive results over time.

Even when there are many learning modes, certain hacks lets your brain respond and process information faster and retain it for long.

Here let us have a look at some of the smart study tactics that are based on the brain research studies.

1. Study with a view

Instead of simply approaching a subject just to learn it and complete it on time in a closed setting, aim to study anything with a proper view.

According to study reports from the University of Illinois, the learning results are better “in a room with a view of a green landscape, rather than a windowless room or a room with a view of built space.”

The view to greenery is not only pleasing for your eyes but refreshing for your brain. Studying in such a scenario helps students to perform better in tests.

2. Test Yourself In Advance

Just before you start learning a subject, testing your knowledge in it in advance can do the trick.

You may answer it wrongly at first but your brain is now ready to wait and know the correct answer which makes learning easy.

This learning mode helps to make best use of fluency illusion that enables you to answer questions easily in the final phase.

The pretesting before going through the notes improves the way you think about a subject and the brain easily stores the information contained in the questions for later use.

3. Space out Study Sessions

Instead of studying for long hours, it is a good idea to space out your study sessions in short periods for productive learning.

Repeated short training sessions just means that your brain is working at full power.

You can break your study period and correctly space it over time and engage multiple sets of sessions for better results.

Also attention spans of the students seem to be very less and it gradually decreases over the time. So make better use of the first 20 to 30 minutes and take a break and start again on a fresh note.

4. Be in the Middle of High Performers

The people around you can influence you unknowingly and so it is a better choice to be in the middle of high performers which makes you one among them eventually.

The high performing students can not only influence you to perform better but offers a helping hand too in making your learning easy.

Try to teach the students who struggle with studies which will help you remember your lessons better.

5. Take Regular Power Naps

It may Sound silly or funny for many people but taking regular power naps in between the study sessions can really work wonders.

These power naps rests your brain and you wake up fresh for a more productive study time rather than just dragging on a boring and sleepy study time.

Some studies even note that memory is better processed during these naps and thus helps you to retain the lessons for long.

Students can also perform better in visual spatial tasks when proper power naps are taken between the study sessions

6. Mix up Your Study Environment

It is not advisable to study in the same environment always even if it is comfortable but aim for mixing up the study environments.


If you study in your room for some time, then try learning in different scenery like your house terrace or garden the next time.

This helps to make new associations with your brain and this aid to retain and recall information later.

Studies have noted that your brain needs variation to be more productive and it needs to move and requires periodic breaks.

In fact, changing context and changing environment means better retention.

7. Learn by Doing If Possible

In which ever cases possible, try to learn a subject by doing it as hands on learning lets you understand it better than learning theory.

It may not be possible in all cases but try to bring in this approach in all possible cases. Once a student physically experiences the subject, it helps them to grasp it and retain it in memory for long.

The brain scans have noted that students had activation in the sensory areas of the brain when trying to recall some information they physically experienced.

8. Test Yourself Periodically

You might have learnt a subject in detail and might be updating on it but testing yourself periodically can make a big difference when it comes to the end results.

According to studies, metacognition is really significant in case of studies which mean that being aware of your own learning and knowing where you stand in case of memory retention and recall.

Instead of just assuming that you remember whatever portions you have covered, test yourself periodically by listing out what you actually remember.

Check out the areas you missed in the list and learn it again for retaining it better.

9. Learn With a Different Style Every Time

Studying a subject in the same learning style and technique should be avoided.

Making slight changes in the way you practice a new skill in fact expedites the learning process.

Also rather than practising the same set of information or task again and again, try to practice a modified version or an added task every time for better outcome.

Also the modification you make between different sessions needs to be subtle than making a big change all of a sudden.

10. Imagine Teaching Someone Else

One of the best brain hacks to study faster and smarter is to teach someone else once you have learnt a subject or at least just pretend that you are doing it.

This helps you to remember more of what you have learnt correctly and organize the recall in a much better way.

11. Study in Groups

Of course, you need individual study time but studying in groups once in a while can be good that eventually improve your decision making skills.

Of course, teacher led discussions are important at times when studying something new and important.

However, the efficiency they gain from collaborative group work improves their ability to come up with reasoned decisions and they can apply it better when handling a novel task.

In a new research study, the students who were involved in group study performed better in decision making than those who studied alone or under the guidance of teacher.

12. Always Aim For Mastery

Approaching a subject just to know it doesn’t sound smart but you should always aim for mastering the subject which can really make a difference.

Students who target for a relative performance may not go all the way up in the journey but a strong determination to master it can gear up your performance.

So just stop comparing yourself to others and just aim well for developing your own competence. In fact, mastery approach goals can eliminate the chances of retrieval-induced forgetting.

There are a lot more tested and proven brain hacks that help you outsmart your friends.

For instance, instead of re-reading what you have learnt, quizzing yourself produce better results.

You may also try interesting tricks such as creating flashcards for better memorization, listening to soothing background music while studying, and by discovering new ways to learn a boring or tough subject.

Using standing desks while studying and repeating new information aloud than silent reading can sometimes do the trick.

Keeping these strategies in mind can help students to study better, smarter and quicker as it helps exactly the way how brain actually works.

Also maintain good sleep, exercise and food habits that can indirectly boost your academic performance.

Never skip your breakfast and have a healthy 8 hours night sleep in addition to doing regular physical exercises.

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Homework is a major part of student education.

Homework is assigned to students so they could revise what they studied at school while there are at home.

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But when a student is overwhelmed or frustrated by homework it could have a negative impact on their performance. Too much homework can cause higher levels of stress for students.

This can lead to negative effects on their grades and health (both physical and mental). The basic objective of assigning homework is to increase the knowledge and improve the ability and skills of the students.

But an enormous amount of work could create pressure and reduce the time which students could spend with their families.

Due to the overwhelming workload, they do not have time to sleep or any extracurricular activities.

In other words, they are bound to do nothing but study. This could cause immense damage to their behaviors and performance.

So it’s the job of teachers to keep the homework less stressful for the students. Here are some tips teachers could follow.


Try to give examples of the work so they could refer to it while finishing their homework.

When students are in distress because of the homework, they seek help from their parents.

At this time these examples will help the parents to understand what type of answers are expected by the teacher.

Students could also check whether the answers are correct based on the examples they have for reference.


Never give out homework just for busy work.

Make sure you are able to give a valid reason for why they are doing this work.

Some teachers use home works as a way to complete the topics because the exams are near.

Sometimes overwhelming works is assigned as a consequence of bad behavior shown by the students.

Either you give out homework to improve their knowledge on the subject or help the struggling students to enhance their grasp of the topic.

But never use it as an excuse to complete your work or as punishment for what they did in class.


Make sure you assess the homework.

You could give out grades based on their work or just look through them. Assure that you will assess it if you don’t.

Students will see that you don’t value their work and do not care about it.

If they don’t think there is importance in completing the homework, then there would be no reason for them to do so.

But if you assess it, the students will see its importance and try to complete the homework to score good grades.


While evaluating the work try to praise them for making an attempt.

Attention should be paid to students who didn’t complete the work.

If this is not done, it could make the students who finished it feel useless.

If we show appreciation to the work they did then the mindset of others changes.

The students who did not complete the work will have the tendency to finish it the next time and show that they could also improve.

Parents could also help in making homework less stressful for their children.

By helping doesn’t mean doing the work for them. It means aiding them when needed.

There are two ways in which parents could help reduce homework struggle.

One is to establish clear routines around their studies and the second is to reward them for completing their work.

Parents can take some measures to assist their children from overwhelming assignments.


You could help out by planning a time schedule for your child. This way he/she knows what to do and when.

By optimizing the time your child can finish their studies and still have time for other activities.

A time schedule could help maintain your child’s composure. Keeping stress away your child could work on every project at the time assigned.

Thus able to finish the monstrous assignments without any complication.


When it’s time for homework to make sure that your child is completely focused.

Try to keep your child away from distractions. It’s a hindrance to the task which is needed to be completed.

The disturbance like smartphones, television, computers all is needed to be excluded while completing their assignments.

Try to keep the environment calm. Make sure the younger siblings don’t interfere while the task is at hand.

Make sure that all sorts of diversions are turned off.


An unorganized workstation could be distracting. Make sure the study space is kept neat and tidy.

The organized study area will automatically give your child a positive mentality and the urge to study.

Try to keep your child’s studies away from the bedroom or any other space which is unenthusiastic.

Provide every study material which is required like textbooks, extra notes, pencils, papers etc in the table.


When you see your child frustrated with an assignment, encourage them to take a break.

If he/she is in a dead end and you can’t help them, suggest a recess. This way you could take your child’s mind off the topic.

At the break, they could relax and regroup so they could come back with a clear mind. If needed call it a day, sometimes a good night sleep is the right answer for every problem.

While helping in your child’s assignments. Try not to complete the work for them.

Homework is given with the intention to improve your child’s knowledge, not yours.

Try to aid them with tips and shortcuts for complex processes. This way your child will find it easy to complete the homework.

Students also could take measures to keep stress away. If they are able to utilize the resources which are available for them, then they could find homework less stressful. Here are a few tips which they could follow.


Just because it’s called homework doesn’t mean you only have to do it once you reach home.

You can utilize the free period, study hour or any other free time you get during school hours to do your homework.

By exploiting the free time to finish your work at a school you will have more time in your hands which could be used for other activities once you reach back home.


There are some teachers who are willing to work with their students before or after school hours to explain the topics more clearly.

If you find it difficult to understand the given homework you could simply ask your teacher for tips to grasp it comprehensible.

This way the teacher could understand your weak point and help vanquish your problem.


A group could help make homework less overwhelming by giving you the chance to go over the material with your classmates.

This gives you the opportunity to clear doubts based on the assignment.

Some students find it hard to confront their teachers with doubts about the topic.

These groups could help you to share your ideas and receive information from your classmates without any hesitation.

While assembling such groups you should make sure to avoid troublemakers and the chatty ones. Otherwise, the group will become a casual hangout.


If you are in a hassle because you couldn’t find answers to the homework, then try to take your mind off it.

Get some sleep.

Obtaining the recommended amount of sleep will help you tackle another day of school and assignments.

A good night’s sleep could even help you to find answers for any troubling assignments.

Teachers should take it easy on students while assigning homework. Try to give students two hours of work a day, this way they still have time to mingle with their family and other activities.

Parents should also keep an eye towards their children. If you find them in distress enlighten them to not take it too seriously.

Brief them about things which are more important in life than homework and grades. Students must take homework as a chance to improve their knowledge on the topic.

If you find difficulty in understanding the topic, seek help from teachers, classmates or parents because homework is assigned for you to develop motivation and study skills. 

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A mind map is a diagram that connects bits of a topic to form a hierarchical representation that is easy to remember and recollect.

With an aim to promote study skills amongst students, mind mapping is a promising tool. Mind maps encourage students to not only visualize educational concepts but also express them better.

They prompt children to come up with different ideas concerning their academics. Learning is made possible when students establish a strong connection between these ideas.

For all those students who are looking to ace in their exams with commendable scores, here is a step-by-step blueprint that will help you chalk out a mind map for studying.

Step 1:Come Up With a Central Image for Your Mind Map

Items required: You would need some colored pencils or marker pens and a blank paper which should be turned sideways (breadth-wise).

Now, you need to take the center of the page and draw the first image that crosses your mind when you think of the topic you are about to master. You should then label it. You can also use a couple of words and encircle them.

Using this central image or the title, you will be in a position to weave a mind map that will help you grasp the subject. That means, your mind map will start from the center of the page, ultimately moving to the edges of the paper.

Step 2:Branching Out from the Central Image

The next step is to branch off from the central image. Each branch corresponds to the chapter of your book or a sub-head that you wish to learn. You should then label each branch and if needed, you can support every branch with a corresponding picture.

Step 3: Drawing of Sub-Branches

The 3rd step consists of drawing some sub-branches for every branch. It is through this process that you are setting the stage to establish a connection between different ideas concerning the topic of study.

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Step 4:A Complete Network of 1stBranch

In order to come out with a complete network of branches, you should illustrate every branch with pictures of your choice. You can use your creativity and come up with images that are funny, exaggerated or even silly.

The supporting idea behind such images is that you as students tend to easily recall pictures that are absurd.

Step 5: Branch 2 to be Completed

You should now draw another main branch, your 2nd branch, using another color. The premise behind the use of different colors for main branches is to help you separate out various ideas. Color schemes also help you stimulate your mind.

You should then support the 2nd branch with sub-branches along with corresponding images. In the event the map becomes monotonous, you have the luxury to create another branch.

Step 6: Complete the 3rd Branch

By now, you have understood the repetitive pattern of building a mind map. Follow the same chronology by using different colors, drawing a main branch while supporting the main branch with a number of sub-branches. Last but not the least, attach every sub-branch with pictures.

An important point to keep in mind is to use curved branches as against straight lines. Again there is a logic behind the use of curved lines. This rule is linked to the fact that our brains respond better to curved lines.

The Last Step: Your Mind Map is Now Ready to Use

After completing all the above steps, the resulting image that you have in front of your eyes is a mind map. Without getting discouraged that it does not resemble an artistic piece, strive to stretch your creativity to the maximum. Never mind if the map sports a messy look. You need not get bogged down by the opinions of others who fail to understand what you have drawn.

How to Make a Mind Map for Studying_subheading image

Wrapping It Up

Taking notes and planning for assignments feature in the daily routine of students. When students have to learn so much, they need to concentrate on the important facts that every subject offers.

To help students ace in their exams, a mind map comes as an effective tool which will help them establish a logical link between various topics concerning a particular subject.

Through mind maps, students can progress in their academics by stretching their creativity and resourcefulness. Through such learning tools, you will not only be encouraged to think but will also help you organize your study patterns.

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In a class, there are several types of students. Teachers hence should be equipped with various methods that can meet the varying needs of students with differential IQ levels. While some students find it easy to grasp the concepts taught in class, but some struggle in that. Teachers, in their endeavor to handhold students struggling with attention and learning issues implement a set of strategies that will make learning easy. Identifying a struggling learner is the key to effective teaching, here are some time-tested strategies that can be of great help to both teachers and struggling students.

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  1. Segregation of Teaching Instructions

One size does not fit all. Segregation of teaching instructions is the practice followed by teachers, to help both fast and slow learners make the most of the classroom lectures. Commonly known as Differentiated Instructions, this approach, true to its name, allows teachers to fine-tune their teaching procedures in line with what the students need to learn.

This practice also helps teachers ponder about how slow learners will be able to assimilate what is taught in class. To arrive at this position, teachers will have to work hard to identify ways and means to get the educational content reach the struggling student. Teachers create a plan that makes enough space for extra practice sessions coupled with providing step-by-step instructions. Special assignments will also pave the way for effective learning especially with regards to students with a wide range of learning abilities.

  1. Chaining and Chunking Come as Effective Learning Tools

A chunk is a type of a mental pattern that is essential to master a particular topic. A chain, on the other hand is a series of chunks that will automatically help struggling students to excel in a subject. Following a piece-meal, step-by-step learning procedure, students with the guidance of their teachers will be able to create a chain of events. They will then stick to a logical order learning on tools like cue cards, charts and pictures.

All in an attempt to take learning to the next level, teachers can incorporate the concepts of chains and chunks so as to become fluent with high-quality work. And once this fluency is established, struggling students will be able to sail easily and quickly through the various subjects of study in a methodical and scientific manner.

  1. Graphical Representations

A picture is worth a thousand words. In line with this common maxim, teachers intending to handhold struggling students will draw a picture so as to match the ideas and thoughts of slow learners.

Younger students can make the most of graphical organization of ideas through activities like recalling the characters in a story they just read. Older students, on the other hand, can employ this tactic to chalk out a plan and organize their thoughts so that they can recapitulate all the events that have taken place in history. Take for instance that you are learning about World War II. Through graphical organization of thoughts and ideas, you will be able to better learn through comparing and contrasting topics of the lesson.

  1. Mnemonics Act As Memory-Boosting Patterns

Students who find it difficult to learn and remember an answer to a question now have help at their fingertips. They can create an image of a special word that can be tied to the answer they are learning. It can also be the first alphabet of subheads which can be arranged in a series that results in a word. Mnemonics is the name given to this learning pattern. When such words are coined by struggling students, they will be able to recall the answer in a jiffy. Thus, the learning process for struggling students can be simplified by taking the cue from either the image created or the word coined by them.

  1. The Premise of Multisensory Instructions

It is very important for slow learners to use their sense organs while learning. Sense organs provide a distinguishing experience to such students offering them a better grasp of the subject. They will learn better when they see, hear and feel about what they have just learnt.

Multisensory learning paves the way for a complete understanding of the study material. You as a teacher can help students learn new words by drawing a picture that provides the meaning of the word. When trying to recollect the meaning, students begin to visualize the picture you drew and come up with the answer.

  1. Analogies and Metaphors – Excellent Teaching Tools for Slow Learners

It is very important for teachers to coach struggling students employing different strategies that are uncommonly used. The run-of-the-mill educational strategies fall short for such students. In an attempt to make learning effective to such students, teachers need to establish a connection between what the students already know to what they are currently learning. To make this possible, teachers can bring in the excitement of metaphors and analogies.

If a teacher quotes that the human eye is like a camera, he/she is trying to compare unlike things (here the eye and the camera) that have a particular characteristic in common (the power to capture images). Analogies and metaphors usually begin with phrases like “It is same as”, “It’s just like” or “Imagine it to be”. When teachers make such comparisons during lecturing, they are actually helping struggling students to learn new things by associating them with the things they are already aware of.

  1. Brain Breaks Help Slow Learners Rejuvenate Their Memory

Procrastination is the mother of all evils. In line with this commonly used maxim, postponing study hours saps the learning abilities of students. Struggling students usually demonstrate a noticeable disinterest towards learning, since they are continuously made to focus on studies. Their minds get clogged with information without any time to relax. This will in turn lead them to procrastinate.

Undoubtedly, all work and no play makes a dull student.

If you want your students to enjoy their learning sessions, you as a guardian should bring in a routine through which they can focus, read and relax; be it in school or at home. A brain break that is permitted after your students accomplish a particular task will help them in more ways than you can imagine. These short breaks recharge their lost mental energies and support them to bounce back with enhanced vigor. Breaks are instrumental in bringing a sense of enjoyment to learning. This concept of regular brain breaks helps rejuvenate the minds of struggling students, nips off procrastination and aids in reinforcing what all is being taught in class or at home.

  1. Encouraging Slow Learners to Live Their Dreams

Every struggling student is gifted with a passion that he/she longs to pursue. For one, it can be the art of playing with colors on a canvas. For some, it could be about creating a soothing music by plucking the strings of a guitar.

When such students are taught how to learn and sharpen their talents, they will be exposed to a host of opportunities. Possibilities begin to emerge, widening their horizons. They will have umpteen ways to keep themselves occupied when they begin to give the talent their heart and soul. While they hone their creative skills, they will also be getting better at doing other things they like the most.

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Important Takeaways

Research is the keyword that will help struggling students to step into the mainstream of education. It is the need of the hour for teachers to not only be vigilant of a slow learner but also handhold him at every stage of learning. Paying heed to the above-mentioned strategies is all about making the most of researching and implementing strategies that will support children with mild special needs to thrive in this competitive world.

You as a hands-on parent or tutor will not be doing a favor to your wards by being there for them at all times. Constant intervention from parents and teachers can work well with the learning abilities of kids when they begin to rely on your instructions. In the event you are not around, they will find it impossible to solve problems and buckle under pressure. For all such guardians who are aiming to bring up kids with minimum instructions, these are the creative ways in which you can help them fix their problems and become problem solvers for life; independently.

  1. The Concept of Healthy Space

Notwithstanding the fact that it is the dream of every parent and teacher to be there for kids during distress, constant intervention can work against their intention. It is hence the need of the hour to gift your kids an environment of healthy space.

Kids of all ages should be allowed to make mistakes and experiment through trial-and-error. Giving them a freehand will equip them with problem-solving skills when they try different ways and means to solve their issues.

  1. Creative Games Encourage Kids to Solve Their Problems

Playtime is the most attractive period for kids to play with different ideas. Give them a set of building blocks and encourage them to make something out of them. Allow them to imagine and come up with different options to use the material.

Kids will not only be excited to play with such materials but will also hone their abilities to weave magic through imagination. It is through this sense of imagination that they will be poised to take on life’s challenges and move forward independently. In fact, all such situations will help them realize the fact that problem-solving is within them only.

  1. Encourage Your Kids to Make Informed Choices

Kids should be encouraged to make their own decisions. In doing so, you as a guardian should let them come up with a set of informed choices. In order to have data points regarding choices, kids should first gather information about the problem. Collation of pertinent information about the available options is an integral part of decision-making process.

Alongside building strong foundations about study topics, it is when kids are tuned to making informed choices that they will be well-equipped to deal with difficult situations. Allow them to participate in discussions so that they will be informed about real choices coming from the group. This practice also enables kids to be mindful of the moral and social implications of their decisions in daily life. Erecting roadblocks in a situation can also help kids to come with a reasonable solution; all by themselves. Thus, with this helping hand, kids will not get upset with tricky situations but will look out for options that can solve their issues; the practical way.

  1. Keep the Fun Element in Problem Solving Alive

The domestic front of a kid should facilitate him to face difficulties. But this practice should be followed by keeping the fun element alive. It is the responsibility of the guardians to impress upon kids that problems are a part and parcel of everybody’s lives and that they should be faced with a positive attitude and a smile.

Alongside helping kids to develop rational thinking, you can also introduce them to problem solving activities in a group. Making use of such activities in the form of games will engage kids to arrive at a solution to a problem; the fun way. When every kid is assigned a particular role to play, he/she will be motivate to give the role the best shot and come up with a solution. This fun-filled way of looking at problems can become the strongest motivator in kids.

  1. Inspirational Stories Can Do the Trick

Stories about heroes can become strong instruments to learn about problem solving skills. Parents and teachers should work hard in teaching problem solving skills to kids so that they can be on their own. Listening to such stories about different characters who have risen above their problems and have emerged as victors will have a positive bearing on kids.

Reading aloud such narrations will create a strong imprint on the hearts and minds of young kids alongside helping them simulate the situations that have made the protagonist the hero of the novel. Kids will try to put themselves in the shoes of the hero and will either imitate or come up with other options to overcome the obstacles that were mentioned in the story.

  1. The Excitement of Learning Together

Since you as an adult would be dealing with a host of problems in your daily lives, you can introduce your kids to the ways in which you tackle your daily issues. When you involve your kids into your problem-solving sphere, your children will begin to see you in action. They will keenly observe the step-by-step process in which you address your issues and gain wisdom. Observation is a great tool that can help your kid sharpen his/her problem-solving skills, by picking up essential tips through experiences.

You can engage your child in some ‘do-it-yourself’ domestic problem. When your kids get involved in such things, they will be able to learn innovative means to fix many domestic issues using simple ways.

  1. The Methodical Approach to Problem Solving

You as a guardian can teach your wards the most fundamental problem-solving steps in a methodical manner. Here is it:

  • Firstly, let them identify the problem they are facing as the bigger picture
  • The next step is to break the problem into small and manageable tasks so that each task is simplified
  • The last step is to tackle each part independently, one by one until the problem is solved

This methodical approach to finding solutions to problems can help kids to apply the same principle for bigger problems that life throws at them.

  1. Impress Upon The Power of Failure

Kids who are taught to embrace failure will not take defeat to heart. On the contrary, they will begin to learn from the mistakes they have committed in the past with a well-informed bent of mind. They will understand the fact that, to arrive at a solution they need to fail many a times.

Every time kids fail, you as a guardian are allowing them to try again and learn from their previous failures. This in itself is a great learning lesson for kids to try and fail until they eventually come up with a solution to their problem. Only when your child faces failures, he/she will make the most of experiential learning towards solving their problems on their own.

  1. Constantly Seek The Help of Your Kids in Problem Solving

Parents and teachers should demonstrate a high level of confidence in the problem solving abilities of their wards. A healthy environment in a school or home is conspicuous of elders constantly seeking the assistance of kids to solve problems. To practice this, guardians can look at brainstorming as a solid tool for kids to come up with different alternatives for a problem.

Pose a scenario to them as a problem you are facing and seek their opinions. When kids are involved in trying to solve your problems, they will go about it with a feeling of warmth that their opinion means a lot to their guardians. Attaching creativity to all their suggestions, kids will surprise you with their innate problem-solving skills in more ways than you can imagine.

  1. Embrace the Unfamiliar

Science can vouch for the power of the unfamiliar. This is backed up by the theory that unfamiliar surroundings like eating out in a restaurant with a different cuisine, reading a new book or watching a movie of a completely different culture can help your kids.

Kids will try to welcome the unfamiliar things into their accustomed environment while being empathetic to the views of other people. This concept of handling with the unfamiliar scenarios will help your kids hone their creative problem-solving skills, eventually exciting them to make any part of the globe their cozy home.

Key Takeaways

Creative problem-solving is a methodical process that calls for a close examination of the troubled situation, checking out various alternatives and eventually arriving at a solution to the challenge. However, this creativity does not come naturally to any one of us. This skill should be sharpened by stretching your imagination and thinking about the various scenarios concerning the problems you are currently facing. Team this imagination with rational thinking. When you look at your problems objectively, you will be helping your mind to come up with solutions. This entire process requires training which has to start early on. Childhood is thus the best time to introduce your kids to problem-solving skills so that they are better prepared with anything life throws at them.

While it is a common phenomenon to experience an exam stress, you should also keep in mind that the stressful thoughts should not get out of control. It is a feeling of an uncertainty having an edge over the exam preparation that prompts you to feel “butterflies in your stomach”.

Don’t worry

Here are 15 ways to deal with your exam stress.

  1. Maintain a Positive Outlook

First and foremost, you need to inculcate a positive approach to life. Passing or failing an exam does not threaten your life. You should learn to focus on the idea that there is life after exams and your preparation time for exams is just a passing phase. When you begin to attach objectivity to your exams through such positive thoughts, you will be able to give the attention that exams need. This way, you will sail through the exam preparation time without any negative thoughts draining out your physical and emotional strength.

  1. Accept the Fact That You Are Stressed and Let Out the Steam

It pays to accept the fact that you are getting stressed because of the ensuing exams. Just take a short break from reading, it is good for you and  can engage in a casual chat with either a senior or  confidante who can help you put things in perspective. He/she who is familiar with your stressed feelings can become your top choice to hear you out. Talking out your concerns not only eases you but will also help you put things in the right perspective.

  1. Comparison – A Strict “No”

Most of the students experience bouts of stress when they begin to compare themselves with others with regard to the pattern of revising or the number of chapters completed. Since every student has his/her own style of brushing up study notes, you should check out and follow a pattern of study that suits you the best. While avoiding comparison is one trick, you can help yourself by framing an orderly study timetable with enough room for short breaks and then stick to it; come what may.

  1. Reward Yourself

Working towards a pre-set goal can be beneficial in more ways than one. While you are striving to achieve your own goal of revising a chapter within a particular timeframe, you should also have something to look forward to as your reward. A celebration with friends and family after your exams can push your limits to give it your best during exam time.

  1. Focus on Your Palpitating Breath by Meditating

It is during stressful times that your breathe rate goes up drastically. Palpitations occur as an after-effect of the panic you are experiencing because of the forthcoming exams or during an exam. It is during such times that you need to actively focus on your quick and shallow breaths. A simple trick that can help you alleviate your panic in the examination hall is to just sit back for a moment and focus on your breath. This  can help you to fight  with the exam stress in a jiffy.

  1. Limit the Time For Social Media Interactions

Your lifestyle which revolves around social media interactions bombards you with unnecessary information and chatter that saps your mind power. Be it Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat. All these social media networking apps drain your valuable time and energy. No doubt, shunning away to stay in touch with your near and dear ones especially during exam time can be taxing. But there is a way out. You can choose to exercise some self-control and allocate a time during the day when you will respond to the messages of your family and acquaintances. These apps should help you connect with your loved ones and not become prime distractions that will pull you away from your goal of acing the exam.

  1. Eat Right

Diet takes a backseat for most of the students preparing for exams. An erratic diet does a lot of harm to your well-being, especially when you need to concentrate on your studies. It is during exam time that you need to eat right by treating yourself as a well-built machine that needs fuel at regular intervals. A hearty breakfast is mandatory. Feeding your body thus provides the much needed energy and nutrition to the brain as well which will help you ace your exams. Fresh fruits and veggies are the most recommended foods to consume during exam time.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

While food is fuel to body, sleep replenishes the lost brain power. While preparing a study timetable, you should make sure that you can enjoy a 8 hour sleep before you wake up for your exam. It is best to avoid revising any topic after you hit the bed.

  1. Enjoy Dark Chocolate

It is a well-known fact that dark chocolate which contains more than 70% cocoa can work wonders as a stress-buster. Consuming dark chocolate not only satisfies your taste buds but also helps you relax your body. During stress, your body releases a steroid hormone called Cortisol. Dark chocolate works against this hormone and helps you soothe your nerves. Another benefit of relishing dark chocolate during exams is that it also releases feel-good hormones that work as natural stress busters.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Herbal teas, fluids and water are highly recommended to beat exam stress. However, care should be taken to avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks. Consciously hydrating your body can help you maintain optimum energy levels that are required to prepare for an exam with confidence.

  1. Don’t Rewind and Replay

Past is past, so goes a common maxim. You have absolutely no control over your answer script once it leaves your hand and reaches the desk of the invigilator. So why fret over it? Reviewing an exam that you already appeared for should be avoided as a clever means to focus on the next exam that you will have to appear. Brooding over the exam that is over will cut down your valuable preparation time for the next exam and thus cause anxiety with the next paper too.

  1. Allow Technology To Become Your Tutor

The educational space is thriving with a host of mobile apps that can become your “on the go” tutors. You ask for help pertaining to any subject and you are sure to find a befitting app on your mobile that will teach you. Downloading these student-friendly and free mobile educational apps will help you assimilate online information from anywhere and at any time. Students who tread the path of technological learning can beat the symptoms of exam stress; the digital way.

  1. Engage in Creative Activities

Music is indeed a great healer. Playlists can become your soulful friends, especially when you are preparing yourself for an exam. Listening to music can not only elevate your mood but will also help you concentrate better on your studies. Encouraging you to study for long hours, music works as a soothing instrument to beat exam stress.


With so much of attention being given to grades, marks and percentages, students bear the brunt of a lot of expectations coming from their parents and at times, themselves too. All in an attempt to help students give the due importance to exams, the above study and preparation hacks will help them put things in perspective and soothe their nerves during exam time. After all, exams and results do not end your world!

When in school, you would have thoroughly enjoyed a lecture delivered by a particular teacher. Then, you would start looking forward to the class he/she takes. In contrast, you would have also experienced a monotonous teaching pattern followed by another faculty.

What makes this difference?

It could be the teacher’s attitude, energy levels, and the teaching/learning style.

The learning style in particular can prove to be very important, as it allows kids to nurture a strong liking towards the subject taught.

Here, we try to shed light on different learning styles that help students to learn better. With these learning styles in place, they will begin to love what is being taught.

The Three Basic Learning Styles

With kids having different needs towards learning, educational experts have classified learning styles into three different heads. They are:

  1. Visual (Spatial) 2. Auditory (Verbal) and 3. Kinesthetic (Physical)

Let us now delve deep into the above 3 important types of learning styles.

  1. Visual (Spatial)

First in the list of learning styles for kids is the use of images and pictures that will provide them with a clear understanding of the area, size and position of different objects. Visual learning helps kids assimilate knowledge through observation. Tagged as the most powerful learning style, visual learners are kids who have a creative perception of their surroundings. When they observe an object closely, they will be able to absorb the minutest details concerning the object. In addition to this eye for detail, visual learners demonstrate the following traits:

  • They prefer to see and learn
  • Visual learners remember and repeat visual details with utmost accuracy
  • They are the kids who would need a pen and paper as learning aids to draw maps, diagrams and charts
  • If you notice that your kid is inclined towards penning down instructions, then you can adopt the visual learning style
  • A kid who is not much interested in listening can become a potent visual learner
  • If demonstrations about a particular topic thrill your kid, you have a visual learner who will weave stories about what he noticed through his creative pair of eyes

Visual learners cannot be taught through verbal instructions. It is only when they begin to see what they are expected to learn that they will actually pick up the details of the subject.

  1. Auditory (Verbal)

True to its name, kids who love the auditory pattern of learning will be drawn towards listening attentively to what others are saying. Such kids will learn linguistics through the use of words; which can be through speaking or writing. Kids who adopt the auditory (verbal) learning style will show following characteristics:

  • They will remember and recapitulate information when they recite their lessons aloud
  • Kids who are attuned to a linguistic pattern of learning will learn better when they are explained orally
  • Certain kids who struggle with written instructions can learn by listening
  • You may also find auditory learners who talk to themselves when they are introduced to a new topic
  • If your kid loves to learn through group discussions, it should ring a bell that he/she is a student made for the auditory learning style

A striking parameter that can help you identify auditory learners is through their sharp listening skills. On the face of it, such kids might seem to be least interested in what you are saying. But in reality, they will be actually putting their listening abilities to test to grasp all that they can, when you are talking to them. Kids who can learn better by paying attention to what you are saying thus have strong listening skills when compared to visual skills.

  1. Kinesthetic (Physical)

Also known as Tactile Learning, Kinesthetic Learning is a learning style that teaches kids through physical activities. Kids who make use of their arms and legs coupled with a keen sense of touch will develop an interest towards a particular subject. Typically treading the path of hands-on learning, it is an easy task to pick a kinesthetic leaner. He/she will be more agile with bodily movements rather than choosing to be a silent audience to a demonstration or a lecture. You as a parent or teacher can identify a kinesthetic learner if he/she mirrors the following characteristics:

  • Kinesthetic learners make utmost use of their hands to learn. That means, they “interact” majorly through hand movements
  • They have a strong inkling towards partaking in an activity that will help them master the topic
  • They learn by touching and feeling objects of study
  • Such kids are often found moving around from one place to another; talking or listening

Kids who have a mental make-up towards kinesthetic learning can sometimes be falsely classified under the category of kids with ADHD symptoms. Their inability to learn through visual or auditory means is the reason behind this erroneous classification.

There are umpteen ways to learn.

But are there only three learning styles?


While the above mentioned styles come under the category of basic learning styles, there are other learning styles that can simplify the lives of students in more ways than one. All these styles which apply logic to learning can help your kid better respond to his teaching curriculum.

Let us now look into these imaginative learning styles with a brief explanation.

  1. The Fourth Style – A Collection of Creative Learning Styles

Under this head, you will be able to recognize unique styles of learning. They are:

  1. Aural(Auditory and Musical) – This is a combination of the auditory learning pattern with music. Kids who prefer to learn through music and sounds will follow a particular pattern of learning. They will listen, discuss topics with others, explain their novel ideas to others and pose questions. They use a tape recorder which will help them remember interesting jokes, stories and examples that were a part of the learning session. Recalling a pleasurable instance of a joke that was shared in the class during a lecture will help aural learners tag this instance to the topic of study.
  2. Logical (Mathematical): You will agree with the fact that Mathematics is a subject based on logic. Kids who are gifted with an innate ability to apply logic to every problem will be able to solve mathematical puzzles and games. Applying reasoning to every mathematical step, they will arrive at the solution; the easy way.

If your kid demonstrates an early aptitude towards solving mathematical problems, you can encourage him to check out a host of fun-filled mathematical puzzles and games that are a dime a dozen on the internet. With these online learning tools, you as a proactive guardian can develop the logical thinking in them at a very tender age.

  1. Social (Interpersonal): All those kids who love to make learning interesting by engaging in group activities or by interacting with other people can check out the interpersonal style of learning. Such kids demonstrate a strong grasp over linguistic and communication skills. They have a prominent social style that can either manifest in verbal or non-verbal forms. Their love for social interactions comes to the fore when they demonstrate a keen interest to participate in group learning projects.

If you notice your kid partaking in school activities like debates, drama and speeches, then you have a social learner who will garner the limelight in social gatherings as well.

  1. Solitary (Intrapersonal): As a sharp contrast to the social learning style, you have a group of kids who love to indulge in self-study. They go by the principle that self-help is indeed the best help they can get to expand their knowledge base. Solitary learners, true to their name prefer to work alone, giving utmost importance to their privacy during learning. They have a strong individuality along with a keen sense of independence. They go by their own thinking and spend a lot of time on self-analysis.

Intrapersonal learners are happy being away from the crowd and rely on their innate intelligence to learn new things. Internalizing their thinking patterns, solitary learners come under the category of top performers who have learned about different topics their own way.

Closing Thoughts

All in an attempt to maximize the learning potential of kids, the above learning styles will not only help guardians match the needs of their wards to a befitting style but also helps understand them better. It is only when you as guardians pay heed to your kids’ wants and interests that you will be able to handhold them to make the most of different learning styles. Observation plays an important role in this regard.

Guardians, through observation will be able to provide a host of learning opportunities to kids to hone their primary and innate skills. In this way, they can become instruments of effective learning by introducing their wards to a combination of learning styles. This effort bears fruit by prompting kids to tread the path of a scientific method of learning that becomes an asset for life.

It is the role of parents and teachers to help the kids to think and learn right from their childhood. It is a fact that kids who are exposed to communicative gestures can have a better chance to study languages in pretty quick succession, and they can handle bigger vocabularies in no time. The proper use of gestures train kids to be good communicators and grow up with an amazing intellectual performance. It is nothing but science that substantiates the fact that gestures can actually play a crucial role in cognitive development too.

Have you heard that using gestures can make ideas more memorable in kids? Yes, conveying novel ideas to kids is a bit challenging task and it is more difficult to help them keep it in their memory. If proper use of gestures can do the trick, then why not go for it. Here let us have a look at the link between gestures and improved memory in kids.

1. Classroom directions: This is one of the first areas in a primary classroom where gestures come to play. Teachers may first say “sit down” or “stand up” along with hand gestures to help them link between the action and words. Later on, she just uses gestures to make them stand up or sit down and kids would easily follow it without saying. Some teachers tap on the desk or table when the noise level goes up by saying “silence please” and later on she just taps on the desk and the class would go silent. This is because a kid’s brain is designed in such a way as to easily understand and keep visual cues in their memory.

2. Vocabulory: The influence of gestures in kids can be very well used to teach them vocabulary too. Using hand movements would help kids to easily relate commonly used phrases and words with particular actions. This way of learning would certainly accelerate the process and kids would get more confidence to go further. As language and action are closely entangled, areas such as verb learning is made a lot easy with gestures in primary classes to exploit this relationship. According to researches, vocabulary can be well learnt and remembered using diverse senses and that makes an impact on the dominance of gestures in teaching vocabulary. Also a recent study suggests the influence of gestures in easily catching up new words.

3. Communication/Conversation: Gestures are in fact the basic building blocks of a language. And that is why using gestures to teach language to kids is becoming a productive strategy. Teachers conduct conversation sessions that accompany gestures in language classes. This approach helps kids to easily catch up on the new language and they can turn out to be good communicators with no inhibition in starting conversations. During conversations or interactions, teachers have always noticed that language processing is at its best when using body signals. During question and answer hours, teachers pointed out that, kids come with faster responses when gestures are involved.

4. Maths learning: Do you know that kids can learn mathematics pretty easier when taught using gestures? It is a subject which is a nightmare for many students and the way they grasp the idea is mostly troubling them. Teachers all around the globe take the support of gestures to convey maths concepts more easily. On the other side this gesture approach helps kids to grasp the ideas better and remember it for long as this technique offers a more flexible and deeper learning. As gestures can be easily interpreted allegorically, kids can easily connect with the ideas they have acquired in the previous lessons.

5. Role-plays: This is another form of classroom activity that uses gestures to teach and learn different ideas or concepts in an interesting way. Role play using skits is a much better way to learn languages without much emphasis on memorization. As you involve in talks and take part in dialogues with gestures, you don’t need a special memory compartment to memorize it. Moreover, this gesture activity is also a good option to improve social skills in children. Task-based role plays makes the idea really impressive in kids and the cooperative role play teaches the importance of team work too.

6. Mime games: Gestures are basically a non-vocal communication that involves the motion of the face, hands, or any other body areas. Teachers can bring in mime games during leisure hours to help them to become more comfortable with the ideas of using gestures for learning. This makes the whole session interesting and kids would give out their best to communicate the subject without the help of a spoken language. Mime games are really funny and at the same time needs good effort from the participants to express matters without giving much emphasis to speech.

7. Repetitive gestures: When you keep on signalling the same gesture for doing a particular action, the idea gets registered easily in a kid’s mind. That is why many teachers use repetitive gestures as a powerful tool for teaching even the difficult subjects. Once the kid connects certain action to a phrase, then they can acknowledge it the next time very easily without the need for describing it. This clearly shows that repetitive gestures can make an impact on the kid’s memory power. And several studies have substantiated the fact that physical exercise can really accelerate the memory recall capability.

8. Frees memory space: As gestures help kids to understand an idea or concept better, this can free up their working memory space. In fact, gestures are actually giving an indirect exercise to your brain that keeps the memory alive. As kids can easily connect ideas that are taught with gestures in the future, they actually need not think too much every time. For this reason, kids can actually free up their memory space to learn something new and don’t need to load it with unnecessary algorithms. In addition to being a memory booster, this non verbal communication also gives enough spare memory space for creative thinking.

Final Thoughts

It is an obvious thing that getting a kid’s attention during study time is always challenging. In fact, making gestures play a crucial part in getting your child‘s attention along improving their memory. And is beneficial to express openly while making a conversation in addition to its significance in making ideas more memorable.

You as a parent must have noticed the difficulty your child has with numbers while he is so good at reading and writing English. He might even find it difficult to perform simple mathematical functions like additions and subtractions. Helping such kids, guessing games come as interesting and fun-filled options to master the seemingly complicated subject of numbers and figures.

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For all such kids who are confused about numbers, here are the numerous ways in which guessing games can help them feel comfortable with numbers.

  1. Intuition Plays A Significant Role

Primarily aimed at eliminating the math phobia of your kid, you can introduce him/her to a guessing game. As a part of the game, he should be prompted to guess the number of items in a set of objects without actually counting them one-by-one. This intuitive manner of arriving at the right number helps your kid perform better with numbers.

  1. Start Small and Leap Ahead

While you have identified the basic issue with your kid in case of numbers, he might surprise you, by beating you in a game of chess. Chess is an intuitive and intelligent game that sharpens the imagination of your kid to base his next move by imagining your next move with your chess pawns. Guessing games help your kid to think about numbers, their approximations and various combinations. You can start off with simple numerical exercises and then move on to solving complicated math problems.

  1. Reasoning Skills Are Sharpened

A proper workout to the brain can be ensured through guessing games. These fun-filled, educative games come with plenty of interactive activities which makes math learning exciting. A host of number problem games can put your kid’s logical thinking to test. They can also handhold your kid to sharpen his reasoning skills as well.

  1. Math is All Around You

When you look around, you will find a host of natural objects that can teach your kid the significance of shapes and sizes. A yellow flower with 5 petals looks so different from a rose with multiple petals. If you can coax your kid to appreciate the various objects in nature and their innate differences and similarities, your kid can get over his fear of numbers naturally.

  1. Inculcates a Positive Learning Environment

With guessing games, you can sharpen the math skills of your kid in the midst of a safe and engaging environment. These games which come a host of in-built contests can help your kid stretch his imagination and tide over those numerical challenges. And once your child begins to excel in intuitive math tasks, you can find an evident improvement in his math grades in school.

  1. Numbers Speak for Themselves

Research conducted on two group of students; one which was subjected to intuitive math tasks and the other which followed the controlled task procedure demonstrate a positive response in terms of guessing games. Researchers concluded that the group which was exposed to guessing games registered a 25% improvement in terms of better understanding and faster grasp of mathematical concepts when compared to the other group which focused entirely on controlled tasks.

  1. A Strong Foundation to Math Fundamentals

Bookish information at times fails to lay a strong foundation of mathematical concepts. In such cases, it is through guessing games that students can polish their math fundamentals. They begin to comprehend the reason behind a particular mathematical rule or axiom. Such games ignite the creative senses of your child who will start loving the mental exercises; without simply memorising mathematical postulates.

  1. Mental Math Games

A special mention goes out to the prominence of mental math games which can become instruments of teaching your kid mathematical problem-solving skills. Repeated practice is possible when questions keep changing over and over again. Without any time restrictions to arrive at a right answer, you can gain brownie points provided if you are quick with your answers.

  1. A Practical Approach To Deal With Numbers and Shapes

When you as a parent encourage your children to look at math in a practical way, you will be reinforcing their problem-solving skills. Prompt them to think about numbers by applying real-world scenarios and you will not only strengthen their math skills but will also pave the way for a creative bent of mind.

  1. Guessing Is Not the Be-All-End-All of Mastering Math

With a strong sense of conviction, you as a parent know and believe that guessing random numbers for every math question your kid finds in his/her textbooks is not the right practice. However, there are instances which signify the prominence of educated guesses. Such well-informed guesses can be of utmost use to your kids. They will help your child come up with the right estimate which need not stem from a random guess. Since your kid is extending effort in the direction of making an accurate guess, he will be close to the right answer which will lead to an exciting means to estimate numbers.

  1. Allows Kids the Luxury of Making Mistakes and Learn From Them

With guessing games, your child will begin to understand that it is perfectly fine to make mistakes. He will also appreciate the fact that he should not expect the correct answer in the very first attempt. He will acclimatize himself with the trial-and-error method and will rule out the guesses that have taken him further away from the solution and will incorporate the closer guess that will provide him with the right answer. By following this strategy, your kids will sharpen their logical thinking as well.

  1. The Universal Ideology Behind “Guess and Check”

Named as a promising problem-solving strategy that can be applied to guessing games, students who adhere to the “guess and check” principle will be able to solve math problems by initially guessing the answer. Then they check to see whether the guess matches all the predefined conditions of the problem. They will then refine the guess to come closer to the solution. This is a famous ideology that has churned out many research mathematicians when they guess a possible solution to a math equation and then try to prove it with a valid condition called as “Proof”.

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Closing Thoughts 

The study of numbers and figures can indeed be a difficult task for students. But with guessing games, you as a parent will be encouraging your children to look at math through a pair of practical eyes. This way, your children will enjoy learning math as an exciting and stimulating part of their daily routine.