Though maths is an interesting subject, it’s a hard nut to crack for a majority. That is why teachers lookout for different strategies to make teaching more creative, funny, and engaging to invoke interest in the kids. Gamification and math puzzles are among the most tried out techniques in today’s classrooms and the idea of maths jokes is not novel.

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There is hardly anyone who doesn’t like to laugh out and have some humor in the conversation. Why not make it a strategy to teach maths to kids who consider the subject a nightmare?

Jokes on maths not only lighten the mood in classrooms but also brings out a positive vibe in learning sessions. Here we can have a look at some of the cheesy maths jokes that will make the students laugh out loud.

1. Why nobody prefers to talk to circles?

Ans: Because it is a waste of time as ‘there is no point’.

2. What is a math teacher’s most loved type of tree?

Ans: Geometry

3. Do you know why the quarter doesn’t roll down the hill with the nickel?

Ans: Yes! Because it had more cents!

4. Why is the math book so sad always?

Ans: Because it has too many problems.

5. Do you know why plants hate math?

Ans: It may be because it gives them square roots.

Also Read: 50 Math Riddles For Kids with Answers

6. The number 6 is always afraid of the number 7. What is the reason?

Ans: Because 7 “ate” 9!

7. The two fours are likely to skip lunch. Why?

Ans: Because they already eight!

8. A number can’t stay in one place. Which is that number?

Ans: A Roamin’ numeral

9. Why did the man refuse to drink the juice with 8 ice cubes in it?

Ans: Because it’s too cubed!

10. Which one weighs more –a pound of feathers or a pound of iron?

Ans: Both would weigh the same!

11. How algebra can help you to be a better dancer?

Ans: Because you can use the algo-rhythm!

12. If there are 4 apples in the basket and you take away 3 of them, how many do you have?

Ans: Three apples because you took three of them.

13. Why is it heartbreaking that parallel lines have so much in common?

Ans: Because they will never meet

14. Do you know a king who loved fractions?

Ans: Yes! Henry the ⅛

15. What may be the reason why a nose can’t be 12 inches long?

Ans: Because then it would be afoot.

16. Why did the mathematician drip all of his food in the oven?

Ans: Because the directions said, “Put the food in the oven at 180°”.

17. What is a math teacher’s favorite snake?

Ans: A pi-thon

18. Teacher: Why are you doing your multiplication problems on the floor?

Ans: You told me not to use the tables for these problems.

19. Have you heard the latest statistics joke?

Ans: Probably

20. Two fathers and two sons went fishing. Each of them catches one fish. So why do they bring home only three fish?

Ans: The fishing group consists of a grandfather, his son, and his son’s son. So three people caught only 3 fishes.

21. You know what seems odd to me?

Ans: Numbers that can’t be divided by two.

22. Why did seven eat nine?

Ans: Because you are supposed to eat 3 squared meals a day!

23. Why was the fraction worried about marrying the decimal?

Ans: Because he would have to convert.

24. Why did Pi get its driver’s license canceled?

Ans: Because it has no idea when to stop.

25. What did the triangle tell the circle to win the argument?

Ans: You are so pointless always.

Also Read: 15 Best Math Apps For Kids

26. What will you finally get when you take the sun and divide its circumference by its diameter?

Ans: Pi in the sky

27. What can you do to make seven an even number?

Ans: Remove the S

28. Why was the equal sign ‘=’ so humble?

Ans: Because she accepts the fact that she wasn’t greater than or less than anyone else.

29. Why did the boy get upset when his teacher called him average?

Ans: It was a ‘mean’ comment from the teacher.

30. Who is the king of the pencil case?

Ans: The Ruler

31. What is the reason why statistics is never anyone’s favorite subject?

Ans: It is just ‘average’

32. What are 10 things you can count on always?

Ans: Your fingers

33. Have you heard about the statistician who got drowned while crossing the river?

Ans: Yes! As it was just three feet deep on average, he thought he could easily cross it.

34. You are not at all advised to start a conversation with Pi. Why?

Ans: It will just go on and on forever.

35. What did the zero say to the eight?

Ans: Nice belt!

36. Why do atheists have difficulty with exponents?

Ans: Because, they don’t actually believe in higher powers.

37. Do you know a mathematician who couldn’t afford the lunch?

Ans: Yes, he could ‘binomials’

38. Why didn’t the two 4’s want any dinner for the day?

Ans: Because they already eight!

39. Is there any option to stay warm in a cold room?

Ans: Better go to the corner. It’s always 90 degrees.

40. Who invented the Round Table?

Ans: Sir ‘Cumference’

41. What might have the spelling book said to the math book?

Ans: “I know I can count on you!”

42. What do baby parabolas drink?

Ans: Quadratic formula

43. Why is it a bad decision to argue with the decimals?

Ans: Because, decimals always have a point.

44. What do you call an angle that is adorable?

Ans: A’cute’ angle

45. Why should you never mention the number 288?

Ans: Because it is “two” gross

46. What is a math teacher’s most loved vacation destination?

Ans: Times Square!

So, these are some interesting math jokes about maths for your little ones!

It is not too late to try out this maths jokes strategy in your classroom that is surely going to work out. This is because humans have a tendency to remember the facts through fun. While they laugh out on these math jokes on maths, it also makes them think about the math facts that are associated with it.

In fact, kids can use these math jokes as tools at problem-solving times to apply the facts and get the results smoothly.

Are you a math teacher who is finding it difficult to teach the tough math concepts? Then don’t hesitate to try out these cool math jokes that will surely lift the overall classroom vibe.

As summer rolls around the time, students are curiously waiting for vacations to start.

It is the happiest period in every student’s life. At the same time, it’s a worrisome question for the parents,” how to keep students busy during the summer break?”

It is important for the parents to keep their kids active and engaged during the period, because long breaks may result in boredom among students.

There are a lot of fun engaging games for students to enrich their skills and to keep them entertained during the time.

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Let’s have a look at some of the interesting summer vacation activities for students.

1. Keep your Child Stay Active and Healthy

summer vacation activities

Long breaks may be boring for your kids. Children need at least 60 minutes of physical activities every day to keep themselves active and healthy.

To keep them physically engaged, it is always a good option to enroll them for swimming, karate, yoga or dance classes. It can vary according to your child’s taste and interest. These physical activities will be beneficial for them to stay active and healthy.

2. Engage your Child in Reading

summer vacation activities

Reading is one of the best summertime activities.

Engage your kids in reading interesting stories and novels. Spending an hour every day helps to improve their reading skills, helps to gain knowledge, increase vocabulary, etc.

Listening and speaking, reading and writing skills can be improved through reading books. So in every aspect, reading is beneficial for students as it enriches their language on the go.

3. Let your Child Explore the World outside

summer vacation activities

Summer vacation can be made interesting by accompanying your kids on trips outside. Make them chances to explore the world. Fresh air, exercise, and observation are synonymous with child growth.

Partaking them in study tours and picnics will help them to enhance general awareness .These trips can be made mesmerizing for your little ones by accompanying friends and families around.

4. Engage your Kids in Arts & Crafts

summer vacation activities

It improves their creative skills.

Help them to make new things and develop creative and innovative skills. Indulging students in these activities help to enrich their hidden talents.

5. Writing a Daily Journal

summer vacation activities

Engage your kids in writing a daily journal. It helps to improve their writing. This is an effective way to increase writing skills.

Journaling involves writing about his/her experiences, feelings, thoughts, stress levels, etc. This way it can help to improve their self- reflection.

Also Read: 10 Steps to Use Your Vacation Productively

6. Make a Pet-Rock

summer vacation activities

While going for outings, kids can choose a rock, not too big or small. They can wash it and let it dry. Kids can turn this rock into a pet by decorating with glitter, paint, googly eyes, foam, etc.

They can make it in an innovative and attractive way.

7. Go Stargazing

summer vacation activities

Summer is the perfect time for stargazing. This helps to enjoy the beauty of our natural world. The night is not too cold, so you along with your family can snuggle on a blanket and enjoy watching the night sky.

Letting you watch the beautiful canopy of the world is a memorable summer experience for you!

8. Watch Movies

summer vacation activities

Lazy afternoons can be turned interesting by watching movies that your kids may have missed in the theatre.

Use your home theatre and watch those movies with them. Popcorn and lemonade would be a good accompaniment.

9. Teach Them Gardening

summer vacation activities

Gardening is beneficial for students.

It helps children come closer to nature.

They can plant different types of herbs, shrubs, trees, etc. It also helps improve locomotive skills in them as they have to move from one place to another and need to carry gardening types of equipment etc.

Watering plants help them to know more about plant growth.

10. Teach them How to Cook

summer vacation activities

Learning how to cook is very essential for them as it can be useful in the future. Listening to instructions will help them to improve listening skills and improve memory.

Give them chances to come up with experiments too. Cooking will help them explore their senses and helps them to stay organized. Make them aware of how food is important and about not to waste food. Such activities will be useful in their lifetime.

11. Visit the Library

Apart from reading books, in summer vacation most libraries organize programs, career development courses, competitions, arts, and crafts, etc. Make a visit to a library near you and get engaged in these interesting activities.

12. Rediscover Old Toys

Most of the kids’ old toys have been missing or lost somewhere around the house. It may be hidden in some corners or so.

Kids can use this summertime to rediscover those toys. If they have outgrown those toys, it can be shared with your neighbors or friends. It is always interesting to find out lost things.

13. Making Forts

No matter what your age is, making forts using pillows, blankets, bed sheets, cushions, etc is always fun. It helps to bring up your creative skills. You can also try making larger forts for elder ones.

14. Play in the Dirt

Though messy, playing in the dirt is fun!

Kids always wish to jump in puddles after a rain. Let them a chance to explore.

This activity is beneficial for the kids as it has many advantages. It helps to boost the immune system, keep them active, it helps in the influx of vitamin D (by playing under the sun),

Apart from all these, the happiness they get is priceless!

15. Play with Science

There are many science activities for the kids to experiment during summer vacations.

For example Mix baking soda and vinegar, compare rocks, etc. There are many interesting science activities you can do. Google to get the list of activities and make this summer season an experimental one.

16. Let’s go, Fly a Kite

There is no child who doesn’t love to fly kites. Different types of kites are easily available in the toy stores or it can be even made under the supervision of elder ones.

Teach the little ones the secret of flying the kites for hours in the sky. They can fly kites even if there is not much wind. It’s fun to run with a kite. They can enjoy flying kite behind them.

17. Learn a New Skill

Start learning a new skill that you always wished to learn. But do not rely on courses with a hefty fee to learn this course, instead use YouTube and other resources available using the internet. Here are some of the skills you could develop.

  • Learn how to salsa
  • Learn how to bake
  • Play an instrument
  • Learn a foreign language

18. Family Time

During this summertime, plan some time to spend with your family together. Moments spent together with families and grandparents together are always priceless and memorable.

19. Create Photo Albums

It works for any age. Create a scrapbook with photos you treasure. You can paste photos taken during your visit to different places during your vacation times.

20. Create a Veggie Garden

Try growing a veggie garden this summer. Just a patch of sunny land and some seedlings can make this plan work out. Try planting a variety of veggies, water them regularly and watch their growth. This activity helps you to know more about plant growth and vegetation.

21. Go Swimming

Mother and baby in outdoor swimming pool of tropical resort. Kid learning to swim. Mom and child playing in water. Family summer vacation in exotic destination. Active and healthy sport for kids.

Summer vacations are a perfect time for swimming. Go swimming with your friends to a nearby swimming pool.You can spend time on the beach by reading books or listening to music.

To Sum Up

Summer vacations are a period of fun and entertainment. Make the little ones engaged in interesting activities because long hours of idleness can create boredom.

Fill these wonderful activities with lovely activities and make the time fun-filled

Have fun together and have a wonderful summer!

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Knowingly or unknowingly cartoons and respective cartoon characters have played an important role in mending our personality.

For instance, we learn our own language as well as a foreign language from a cartoon series or the great animations in it makes a person more creative.

Cartoons really influence us because, we have all started with cartoons.

Usually, cartoon characters are sticky to mind. Here are some of the cartoon characters that have created a space in some or the other corner of our memory

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1. Mickey Mouse

cartoon characters

No one else can grab this position of the most enjoyed cartoon character. In fact, no other cartoon characters in the Disney era would have been as popular as they are today, without the favourite Mickey Mouse. Perhaps, he can be called as the ‘Jesus of Cartoon Characters’.

  • Creator or Artist of this cartoon characters: Walt Disney
  • Year of Release: 1928
  • IMBD Rating: 8.1
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 67%

2. Homer Simpson

cartoon characters

Simpson and his family has been our favourite entertainers since their debut in “The Trace Ullman Show”. He is best known for his epic exclamation of frustration-“D’oh!!!”.

  • Creator or Artist of the cartoon character: Matt Grogening
  • Year of Release: 1987
  • IMBD Rating: 8.7
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 88%

3. Charlie Brown

cartoon characters

Charlie Brown- the kid who always refuses to kick his football. He is one of the kinds of cartoon characters whose dog is more popular than him. His feelings for his secret crush- ‘Little Redheaded Girl’, steal our hearts.

He made his debut in a comic newspaper named “Lil Folks” in 1948, later on through certain makeovers; he got the chance to appear first in Television as “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.

  • Creator or Artist: Charles M Schulz
  • Year of Release: 1965(in TV)
  • IMBD Rating: 6
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 94%

4. Fred Flintstone

cartoon characters

Fred Flintstone-one who has made us tuck in front of our televisions, with a blend of comedy along with family issues. Fred is known for his voice loyalty and appetite.

Perhaps, ‘The Flintstone’ was the first ever animated show in prime time.

  • Creator or Artist: William Hanna and Joseph Barbera
  • Year of Release: 1960
  • IMBD Rating: 6.9
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 87%

5. Tom & Jerry

cartoon characters

No other cartoon series can replace one of the longest running cartoon series in the history of America. They have made our childhood days funnier with their slapstick comedies and screams.

This mouse and the cat have entertained us through their household weaponry fight where Jerry always outsmarts Tom.

  • Creator or Artist: William Hanna and Joseph Barbera
  • Year of Release: 1940
  • IMBD Rating: 7.8
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 25%

6. Scooby-Doo

cartoon characters

One of the most famous animated dogs ever-Scooby Doo and his investigating team including his owner Shaggy Roggers have made us laugh through their unending investigation of super natural monster crimes.

In a study in 2013, Scooby-Doo was ranked as the fifth greatest TV cartoon.

  • Creator or Artist: Joe Ruby and Ken Spears
  • Year of Release: 1969
  • IMBD Rating: 7.8
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 90%

7. Sponge Bob Square Pants

cartoon characters

The iconic cartoon character Sponge Bob Square Pants, is an American animated comedy Television series in Nickel don.

He is a super-cute yellow porous sponge with square pants and many positive traits. He has always wondered children with the question that how can someone live in a pineapple under the sea.

  • Creator or Artist: Stephen McDannell Hillenburg
  • Year of Release: 1999
  • IMBD Rating: 8.1
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 75

8. Winnie- The Pooh

cartoon characters

The little fluffy bear- Winnie the Pooh, is a character with a mental obsession of having honey all the time. Winnie the Pooh has also created controversies in China in 2013, when it was used as a political satire.

Besides these issues, the character has bagged many awards including the 27th rank in the list of 50 greatest cartoon characters of all time by TV Guide in 2002.

  • Creator or Artist: A A Milne
  • Year of Release: 1926
  • IMBD Rating: 8.3
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 100%

9. Donald Duck

cartoon characters

The cynical sidekick of Mickey Mouse- Donald Duck has conquered the audience through his eye-rolling attitude and vitality. He has been one of the shining stars in Disney Land for over 80 years. Donald is portrayed as a partially colour blind character in the series.

  • Creator or Artist: Walt Disney
  • Year of Release: 1934
  • IMBD Rating: 6.9
  • Rotten Tomato Rating:  NA

10. Alvin the Chipmunk

cartoon characters

Alvin is a Chipmunk (basically a little squirrel), who is very enthusiastic, energetic, funny, charming and mischievous, accompanied by two other chipmunks. He is a singer as well.

They have together earned 6 Grammy Awards and 8 nominations. The cartoon characters were a success and have given life to many animated American movies.

  • Creator or Artist: Ross Bagdasarian Sr.
  • Year of Release: 1958
  • IMBD Rating: 6.7
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 64%

11. Popeye- The Sailor man

cartoon characters

This muscular American cartoon character has been entertaining us with his scientific ingenuity and diplomatic arguments. He is portrayed to get strength by having spinach. His efficient skills in finding out solutions to problems have been often unscientific but interesting for the audience.

  • Creator or Artist: Elzie Crisler Segar.
  • Year of Release: 1932
  • IMBD Rating: 7.7
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 61%

12. Daffy Duck

cartoon characters

The animated anthropomorphic cartoon character Daffy is a Black Duck. Since its debut in the late 1930’s, it has undergone a lot of change, of which only his sound by Mel Blanc and his black feathers with white neck ring has remained unchanged.

  • Creator or Artist: Tex Avery and Bob Clampett
  • Year of Release: 1937
  • IMBD Rating: 7.5
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 71%

13. Superman

cartoon characters

Superman is one of the many fictional super heroic cartoon characters with superpowers. He is actually an iconic character for kids since ages. He first appeared in comics and was portrayed to have super powers like incredible strength, X-ray vision, super speed etc.

  • Creator or Artist: Jerry Shiegel and Joe Shuster
  • Year of Release: 1938
  • IMBD Rating: 7.4
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 100%

14. Power puff Girls

cartoon characters

Power puff girls or Power puff sisters- Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup ; were accidentally born sisters created in a laboratory by Prof Utonium. The story is all about these girls saving their city-Townsville from anti-heroes like Mojo Jojo, the Gangreen Gang etc.

  • Creator or Artist: Craig Mc Cracken
  • Year of Release: 1998
  • IMBD Rating: 7.2
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 62%

15. Dora- The Explorer

cartoon characters

A seven year old Latin girl-Dora the explorer goes to several adventurous cities. She is always accompanied by her friend Boots- a monkey and many useful tools like bagpack, map, etc. It has been translated to over 30 languages around the globe.

  • Creator or Artist: Chris Gifford, Eric Weiner and Valerie Walsh Valdes
  • Year of Release: 1999
  • IMBD Rating: 5.7
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 86%

16. Doraemon

cartoon characters

Doraemon is a Japanese robotic cat who has the ability to even travel back to ancient times. It was first published in a Japanese manga series, in almost six different magazines with 1345 stories.

  • Creator or Artist: Fujiko F Fujio
  • Year of Release: 1969
  • IMBD Rating: 5.7
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 86%

17. Barbie

cartoon characters

Barbie Dolls is one of the most famous and popular fashion dolls of all times, which was produced by an American toy company Mattell. Barbie is named after the creator’s daughter.

  • Creator or Artist: Ruth Handler
  • Year of Release: 1959
  • IMDb Rating: 7.2
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 67%

18. Cindrella


The animated short film based on a fairy tale- Cindrella, has always been one in the favourite cartoon list of kids. It is about a beautiful girl who lived with her step mother and sisters. And one day she wasn’t allowed by them to attend a Royal Ball, and gets some unexpected help. Thus the plot goes on.

  • Creator or Artist: Charles Parrault
  • Year of Release: 1950
  • IMDb Rating: 7.5
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 97%

19. Snoopy

Snoopy is a fictional cartoon character with good traits like loyalty and genuinity. He is always shown to be with his friend-Lucy.

  • Creator or Artist: Charles M Schulz
  • Year of Release: 1950
  • IMDb Rating: 7.1
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 87%

20. Krishna and Balram

They are the two Indian animated cartoon characters based on Indian Mythology. Among them, Krishna has supernatural powers and Balram, his elder brother is very strong. These cartoon characters are more loved by Indian kids.

  • Creator or Artist: Rajiv Chilaka
  • Year of Release: 2008
  • IMDb Rating: NA
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: NA

21. Goofy

Goofy is a dog with human features. He is pictured as a funny animal who wears a turtleneck and vest, with pants, gloves, shoes and a tall hat. He is a close friend of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

  • Creator or Artist: Walt Disney Productions
  • Year of Release: 1932
  • IMDb Rating: 6.8
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 60%

22. Sylvester

Sylvester is a fictional anthropomorphic tuxedo cat, who is often shown to chase Tweety, Speedy Gonzales or Hippety Hopper. Sloopy voice is his trademark. Perhaps, he is one of the coolest cartoon characters ever.

  • Creator or Artist: Friz Freleng
  • Year of Release: 1939
  • IMDb Rating: 7.5
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 71%

23. Batman

He is a fictional superhero who originated from an unnatural incident, as part of which he was physically and intellectually trained and was crafted with a bat-inspired persona to fight against crimes.

  • Creator or Artist: Bruce Timm
  • Year of Release: 1992
  • IMDb Rating: 9
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 93%

24. Shrek

He is a fearsome animated fictional cartoon character, but too kind at heart. He is pictured as a legendary character because of his heroic qualities to fight against evils.

  • Creator or Artist: William Steig
  • Year of Release: 2001
  • IMDb Rating: 7.8
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 88%

25. Pikachu

Pikachu is a yellow coloured mouse or a species of Pokemon, who has the ability to store electricity in his cheeks. In fact, he is one of main species of the cartoon-Pokemon.

  • Creator or Artist: Atsuko Nishida and Ken Sugimori
  • Year of Release: 1996
  • IMDb Rating: 7.5
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 63%

26. Snow White

Snow white is a beautiful, young and charming princess who was exiled by her stepmother. But she runs to a forest and is rescued by seven little dwarfs and thus the plot moves on.

  • Creator or Artist: Wilhelm Grimm and Jacob Grimm
  • Year of Release: 1965
  • IMDb Rating: 7.6
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 98%

27. Oswald

Oswald is a blue-coloured fun loving Octopus, who lives in an apartment amidst a city. He always helps others. He has many friends in the city like Daisy the Sunflower, Henry the Penguin, Madame Butterfly etc. He has a pet dog too.

  • Creator or Artist: Dan Yaccarino
  • Year of Release:
  • IMDb Rating: 7.5
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: NA

28. Bob-The Builder

Bob is an animated human cartoon character with a positive attitude of mind and he solves problems. He shows the positive traits like teamwork, positive thinking and problem solving skills.

  • Creator or Artist: Keith Chapman
  • Year of Release: 1988
  • IMDb Rating: 6.9
  • Rotten Tomato Rating:

29. Spiderman

He is a fictional superhero, who was bitten by a radioactive spider and then develops super powers like a spider. He uses these powers to save people and to fight against crimes.

  • Creator or Artist: Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
  • Year of Release: 1994
  • IMDb Rating: 7.3/10
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 86%

30. Woody Woodpecker

Woody Woodpecker is an anthropomorphic cartoon character who is unlike the others, is an annoying character, yet loved by all.

  • Creator or Artist: Walter Lantz and Ben Hardaway
  • Year of Release: 1940
  • IMDb Rating: 7.5
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 34%

31. Courage- The Cowardly Dog

He is a character of an American animated horror comic Television series. This dog is too loyal to his masters but very timid. He always threatens his owners by paranormal elements.

  • Creator or Artist: John R Dilworth
  • Year of Release: 1996
  • IMDb Rating: 8.2
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 90%

32. Dexter

He is the protagonist of the TV series- Dexter’s Laboratory. He is an extra brilliant genius with his own secret laboratory in his home.

  • Creator or Artist: Genndy Tartakovsky
  • Year of Release: 1995
  • IMDb Rating: 8.1
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 59%

33. Iron Man

This is yet another fictional superhero who uses his heroic supernatural powers and strength to save the world from evil doers.

  • Creator or Artist: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
  • Year of Release: 1994
  • IMDb Rating: 6.7
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 66%

34. Richie Rich


Richie Rich is an extra rich teenage fictional Character who has everything under his fingertips. Yet he is too generous and good at heart. In this cartoon series, he has been portrayed as the world’s richest kid.

  • Creator or Artist: Warren Kremer and Alfred Harney
  • Year of Release: 1953
  • IMDb Rating: 6
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 24%

35. Noddy

Noddy is a sweet and funny little boy who lives in the fictional world Toyland. He is famous for his red cap and car.

  • Creator or Artist: Enid Blyton
  • Year of Release: 1949
  • IMDb Rating: 5.5
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: NA

36. Krypto

Cartoon Characters

Krypto is a super dog with super powers. He is loyal and intelligent. He has the ability to bite steel. Apart from being a man’s best friend, he is superman’s best friend.

  • Creator or Artist: Otto Binder and Curt Swan
  • Year of Release: 1955
  • IMDb Rating: NA
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: NA

37. Eric Cartman

Cartoon Characters

Eric Theodore Cartman or popularly known as Cartman, is a fat, racist, foul-mouthed, sadistic cartoon character. He is a 10 year old student.

  • Creator or Artist: Trey Parker and Matt Stone
  • Year of Release: 1992
  • IMDb Rating: 8.4
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 81%

38. Lola Bunny 

Cartoon Characters

The cartoon character Lola Bunny is an anthropomorphic female rabbit. She is Bugs Bunny’s girlfriend.

  • Creator or Artist: Leo Benvenuti and Steve Rudnick
  • Year of Release: 1996
  • IMDb Rating: 7.1
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 87%

39. Mojo-Jojo

Cartoon Characters

Unlike the other heroic cartoon characters, Mojo-Jojo is a super intelligent chimpanzee, who is a troublemaker. He always comes up with attacking the city of Townsville where Powerpuff girls live.

  • Creator or Artist: Craig Mc Cracken
  • Year of Release: 1998
  • IMDb Rating: 7.2
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 62%

40. Wonder Woman

Cartoon Characters

Wonder Woman or Wondy is a protagonist in the super hero girls’s Web series. She is an independent and an action oriented female of modern era.

  • Creator or Artist: William Moulton Manston
  • Year of Release: 2009
  • IMDb Rating: 7.4
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 82%

41. Tarzan

Cartoon Characters

Tarzan is a human cartoon character, who is orphan as he lost his parents in an accident, and is raised by animals including a chimpanzee, a bear, a snake etc. He is popularly known as “Ape Man”.

  • Creator or Artist: Walt Disney productions
  • Year of Release: 1999
  • IMDb Rating: 7.3
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 89%

42. Ben

Cartoon Characters

Ben is a 10 year old school boy, who has a magical device which can turn him into 10 different alien like heroes with super powers.

  • Creator or Artist: Man by Action
  • Year of Release: 2005
  • IMDb Rating: 7.2
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 100%

43. Shaktiman

Cartoon Characters

Shaktiman is an Indian Hindi language super heroic cartoon character. Earlier it wasn’t animated.

  •  Creator or Artist: Jeffrey Scott
  • Year of Release: 2011
  • IMDb Rating: 8.1
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: NA

44. Tin-Tin

Cartoon Characters

Tin-Tin is a reporter and an adventurer who travels around the globe with his pet dog- Snowy. He is honest, compassionate, decent and kind.

  • Creator or Artist: Herge
  • Year of Release: 1929
  • IMDb Rating: 8.3
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 74%

45. Thomas

Cartoon Characters

Thomas is an anthropomorphized locomotive train, who lives in the fictional island of Sodor. Though he is a train Thomas and his friends can talk like humans.

  • Creator or Artist: Britt Allcroft
  • Year of Release: 1945
  • IMDb Rating: 6.6
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 39%

46. Bean

Cartoon Characters

He is a fictional cartoon character, taken from the American TV series- Mr. Bean. He plays the role of a comedian who makes us laugh with his slapstick comedies.

  • Creator or Artist: Rowan Atkinson
  • Year of Release: 2002
  • IMDb Rating: 8.5
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 93%

47. Tyson

Mike Tyson, is the protagonist of the Television cartoon series- Beyblade. He is pictured as a boy who solves mysteries with the help of his beyblade.

  • Creator or Artist: Mike Tyson, Hugh Daulson and Lee Stimmel
  • Year of Release: 2001
  • IMDb Rating: 6.8
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 71%

48. Ariel- The Mermaid

Ariel is the seventh and the youngest daughter of King Triton and Queen Athena. She becomes a human and marries a prince. Thus the plot moves on with interesting incidents.

  • Creator or Artist: Hans Christian Anderssen, Ron Clementes and John Musker
  • Year of Release: 1989
  • IMDb Rating: 7.6
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 93%

49. Ninja Hotori

Ninja Hottori-kun or Ninja Hattori lives with a lazy and stubborn 11 year old kid, and always helps Kenichi the kid, whenever he faces difficult times.

  • Creator or Artist: Fujiko A Fujio
  • Year of Release: 1982
  • IMDb Rating: 6.8
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 40%

50. Pingu

Pingu is a young and energetic penguin who lives in the polar region with his family. Pingu has a sister Pinga and a friend name Robby who is a seal. They are always fond of doing adventures.

  • Creator or Artist: Otmar Gutmann
  • Year of Release: 1986
  • IMDb Rating: 6.3
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: NA

51. Johny Bravo

Johny Bravo is a muscular young man of around 20 years of age and is a fitness freak. Besides, he is an egomaniac and gets in love with pretty girls easily.

  • Creator or Artist: Van Partible
  • Year of Release: 1995
  • IMDb Rating: 7.3
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 67%

52. Chotta Bheem

Chotta Bheem or Little Bheem is an Indian cartoon character who is famous for his extreme strength, bravery and intelligence. He is the one who solves the problems of people in his village. He loves laddoo.

  • Creator or Artist: Rajiv Chilaka
  • Year of Release: 2008
  • IMDb Rating: 4.6
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: NA

53. Elsa

Elsa is the lead fictional cartoon character of the animated film-‘Frozen’. She is a beautiful young princess. Her character throws powerful messages of acceptance, empowerment and hope into the minds of kids.

  • Creator or Artist: Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee
  • Year of Release: 2013
  • IMDb Rating: 7.5
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 77%

54. Aladdin

Aladdin is a fictional character of the animated film-“Aladdin and his magic lamp”. Aladdin is a thief who falls in love with the beautiful Princess- Jasmine.

  • Creator or Artist: Walt Disney Productions
  • Year of Release: 1992
  • IMDb Rating: 8
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 95%

55. Nemo

Nemo is a young clownfish in the animated film-‘ Finding Nemo’. He lived with his parents, but gets lost due to his eagerness in exploring ocean.

  • Creator or Artist: Walt Disney Productions
  • Year of Release: 2003
  • IMDb Rating: 8.1
  • Rotten Tomato Rating: 99%

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Cartoons can never be kids-zoned. They make people of all ages to laugh, cry and even more.

Also Read: 12 Inspirational Animated Movies For Students

Hope this cartoon characters made you to recollect your childhood memories..

As we all know, teachers are the most influential people in the world, the influence and impact these people make in the lives of our kids are immense, though it often goes undervalued and underappreciated.

Our society does not give much acclaim to the sacrifices teachers do, these scenarios should be reversed. People often have misconceptions and misunderstandings on what efforts were put to become a ‘great educator’.

The Neglected Majority

They make all the difference but still, Are they getting the respect they deserve? Have you ever thought of this?

They enlighten the young minds, leaders of tomorrow- They shape the world that is yet to unfold.

The lessons and stories they convey to their students should be acknowledged, despite the students’ complaints stating in turn.

It takes guts to reach out to the gloomy and innocent child who has depression and shows signs of suicide.

It takes guts to listen to their stories and to help them find a solution.

It takes guts to manage hundreds of kids and manage family life smoothly.

These are some of the things they bravely do every day. They really sacrifice their lives for the betterment of nation, to shape each child grow and blossom into capable adults.

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Misunderstood Profession

A profession often misunderstood by the people.

The masses are unaware of the efforts each teacher takes in the back-end to make teaching effective. They face many challenges every day. It is really a hard time for teachers to cope up with all these situations and stand up rightly in front of students. The efforts of teachers will be appreciated and counted only when the general public understands the real facts about teachers.

Though each teacher is unique in their own way, there are things to relate between their teaching styles and behavior.

Here is a list of Handpicked Interesting Facts about Teacher.

1. Teachers are the bunch of passionate people who enjoys making a difference in the world. They are dedicated to their profession sincerely.

2. Teachers end up in this profession with a passion to shape the young lives of the future citizens.

3. Teachers love to teach when all students attend the class every day. They get more determined to teach them more.

4. Teachers don’t just work during school hours and often they don’t get summer off days. They arrive even before school begins and stay and take back work home.During the summer months, they do research and preparations for the upcoming academic year.

5.  As the teaching methods are changing rapidly, they need to focus on the existing and changing teaching methods.

6. Typically, teachers enjoy to work in groups and in collaboration to each other. It helps to bring out best ideas, new teaching methods and figure out learning strategies.

7. It is a proud moment for teachers when former students get in touch and share things with them.

8. Teachers get frustrated when students with excellent potential do not make any effort to maximize their potential.

9. Teachers respect parents who show value and concern for their child’s education. They appreciate and support teachers for the efforts they take.

10. Teachers are real people just like everyone. They come across good and terrible days. They too make mistakes by chance.

11. Teachers want a supporting school administration and principal who provide suggestions for making changes and value their contributions to school.

12. Teachers are creative and unique. Though they club their ideas, they do things differently, outing their own spin on them.

13. Teachers are always looking for ways to improve themselves. They are searching for better ways to reach their students.

14. Teachers do have favorites. But they may not express. They have natural connection to some students for some reasons.

15. Teachers get irritated with those parents, who does not acclaim that education is an understanding with themselves and their child’s mentor

16. Teachers have plans for everything and they hate when things are out of it.

17. Teachers know that individual student and individual classes are different from each other, so they tailor each class accordingly to cater the needs of everyone in the class.

18. Teachers love to be appreciated. They are happy when students or parents do things to show their appreciation.

19. Teachers dislike social media when they focus on minority of teachers who make mistakes and neglect the majority of teachers who do their part well.

20. Teachers hate when parents try to underestimate or criticize them in front of students.

Also Read: Top 35 Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

21. Teachers are aware of the fact that students face many challenging situations in school and home, so teachers do their maximum to help the kids, regardless of the issue.

22. Teachers often undergo pressure when things cannot be finished on time. They get time- constraints as if time is insufficient in a day to get things done.

23. Teachers hate failing students. They put their maximum efforts to help a child perform well.

24. Teachers become teachers not for the paycheck they receive, but they are sure of the fact that things are going to be underpaid and ignored.

25. Teachers are indifferent to political aspects of education.

26. Teachers enjoy being asked for suggestions by the administration; it gives them a feeling of ownership in the school activities.

27. Teachers are not always excited by what they are teaching. They may come across contents where they do not enjoy teaching.

28. Teachers hate to grade papers. They do it because it is part of their job even though it is time consuming and monotonous.

29. Teachers often find ways to make students happy. They do many things to make teacher-student relationship healthier.

30. Teachers often spend their money to meet classroom needs.

31. Teachers always want to inspire people around them, including students, parents, colleagues and school administration.

32. Though classroom management is part of their job, it is one of their least favorite things to handle.

33. Teachers always love to engage in activities for making professional development.

34. Teachers want to be role models for all the students. They do things to portray themselves ideally.

35. Teachers enjoy the free time; it is a time for them to refresh and reflect themselves to make effective changes that can benefit their students.

36. Teachers love to see a classroom size to be around 15 to 20 students so that they can pay attention to all students.

37. Teachers want to maintain an open line of communication between students and parents throughout the entire academic year.

38. Teachers understand the importance of school finance and the role it plays in education. They are always bothered to spend it wisely.

39. Teachers want to have a supporting administration, if a parent or student makes a false allegation against a teacher, they want the school authorities to stand along with them and support.

40. Teachers do not like their classes to be disturbed, they respond with flexibility during those times.

41. Teachers put their maximum efforts to help students to be responsible, successful and productive in future.

42. When a student does not perform well, the blame falls on the head of teachers, but there are many factors that are beyond a teacher’s control.

43. Teachers get irritated when their colleagues are lazy and do not perform their part properly.

44. Teachers are often the first to hear a student’s problem in case of difficulties.

45. Teachers are committed to make a difference in individuals, classes and even societies.

46. Disruptions can cause irritations in teachers, but they are flexible and accommodating at times.

47. Teachers always love to learn new technologies and they are ready to implement new methods when properly trained.

48. Teachers often get frustrated for relatively low colleagues who are teachers not by choice but by chance. Those are minorities, not sincere to the job.

49. Teachers dislike those parents who undermine school authorities in front of their students.

50. Teachers wish to meet successful alumni students who became successful citizens in life. Teachers are eager to meet them to applaud them for their big achievements.

51. Teachers spend more time to make a student understand the tough part and are thrilled by the “light bulb” moment when they suddenly understand the portion.

52. Teachers often worry about some of their students outside of the school hours, for they do not have best home life.

53. Teachers hate standardized testing, believing that it is an undue stress on students and teachers.

54. Teaching process is often cyclical. They often teach the same content every year, but to a different group of students.

55. It is being estimated that 46% of teachers leave within the first five years, it is because they are forced to because of the low salary.

56. The job of teachers is compared to be stressful than the jobs of pilots and firefighters.

57. Teachers also need to have some time of theirs. They also want to use social media just like others to stay updated, but often they lack time for themselves.

58. Teachers want her students to write essays. It doesn’t mean they want students to be Hemingway, Shakespeare or E.L. James, but when students write essays in a way to express their thoughts clearly. They must have good critical thinking and should know to convey knowledge to others in an understandable way.

59. A teacher may not know everything under the sun. Don’t blame teachers if they are unaware of some or the other things.

Also Read: 151 Methods in Teaching

60. They are also human beings and can be ignorant of some things.The lives of teachers involve immense sacrifice. As society always want to see them as excellent role models, they need to do a lot of sacrifice in their personal lives. School activities, paper evaluation, research etc. also eat up their time for family and friends.

61. Teachers offer more parenting to students today. Students from broken families find relief and comfort in their teachers.

62. Teachers spend a majority of their income in brightening up their classrooms or buying essentials for students.

63. Teachers too have family and kids. Most of the parents do not think of this and assume teachers should listen to them and their kids’ issues. Be considerate to them.

64. Teachers have to be comical sometimes to make young listeners pay attention to the class. This kind of drama played by teachers makes them real orators.

Now let’s see some surprising stats about teachers….

65. More than 65% of teachers used to buy food for their students.

66. It is estimated that 1 in 3 teachers have purchased mittens, coats and other warm clothes for their students.

67. On a real basis, every US public school teacher spends up to 1,000 dollars for classroom supplies.

68. Nearly 1 in 3 teachers have purchased basic hygiene products such as soap, toilet paper for their classrooms.

69. More than half numbers of educators have spent their own money for field trips for students who couldn’t afford to pay.

70. Researches show that 44% of teachers have said salaries at their schools have been frozen.

71. Teachers are of the opinion that, donating funds for classroom supplies or donating classroom supplies is the best way to help their schools.

That is all about teacher stats; now let’s move to the other interesting facts on teachers:

72. A teacher makes personal connection with students; it helps them to relate to what is being thought. Teachers and students have some things in common.

73. Teachers encourage students to take risks. Because they know adulthood can be competitive and teachers inspire them to overcome difficult situations.

74. A great teacher is a continuous learner. He/she knows that there are things to be learned from everyone, from colleagues, parents, students etc.

75. Teachers plan their lesson plans creatively in a way to stick with students now and for the years to come.

76. Teachers are able to live without immediate feedback. Teaching and learning process is much like nurturing a garden. It takes time and dirt to grow.

77. A successful teacher knows when to listen to students and when to ignore them. Avoiding their opinions and agreeing their opinion every time will make a teacher fail ultimately. So, a teacher should be able to know when to hear them and when not.

78. The majority of teachers are women. Nearly 77% and more than 54% of school principals are also women.

79. As the pay scales of teachers are low, most teachers have part-time jobs to meet their daily needs.

80. Great teachers identify ambitious goals to improve the effectiveness of their teaching.

81. Good teachers deliver top-notch education in their classroom, despite the outside forces of poverty.

82. Teachers focus on student learning and increase the value of class time.

83. Teachers adjust teaching strategies and lesson plans to cater their student’s needs.

84. Most teachers spend summers by taking private classes and teaching in summer schools.

85. Most of the teachers used to work an average of 50 hours a week.

86. Teachers work more than 400 hours of overtime every year.

86. The profession of a teacher is one of the most admired professions in the world.

87. On average, teachers affect more than 3,000 students during their career.

89. Only 18% of teachers get 8 or more hours of sleep per night.

90. Teachers make 14% less than people in other professions that require similar level of education.

91. Most teachers have a lot mugs, frames and stuffed animals which they have received from their students.

92. The model age of retirement of teachers is about 59 years old.

93. Teachers have heard it all! Kids dish on their parents’ secrets all time including money, politics, family clashes etc.

94. A teacher affects eternity as they cannot tell where their influence stops.

95. A teacher contributes more to the future of our society than any other profession.

96. In the recent times, teachers use social media platforms like twitter chats or Facebook groups to make students participate in discussions outside classrooms.

97. Typically, teachers do not enjoy having to grade assignments. It’s time-consuming and repetitive, but a necessary part of their job.

98. Teachers may have disagreements or personality conflicts with some, just as in any other profession.

99. Teachers are just like everyone else: they have good days as well as bad and they’re not infallible.

100. Teachers are always grateful when their students show appreciation for the impact, they’ve had on them.

So, these are some of the interesting facts about your teacher.

Today is the perfect time to appreciate your teachers for all the things they have done, to all the care, sacrifice, love, concern etc.

Hesitate not, whether you are a student, an alumni or an intern, take some time to thank them.

Believe me, they do appreciate this!!!

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In a glance…

Have you ever thought of school assignments and projects going completely online?

If yes, the time has come they have fully gone online now.

Assignment management, as you would be aware, is one of the basic activities in education.

With online classes becoming common, it has become a necessity for students and for you as a teacher to access e-learning systems from anywhere, any time.

This will allow you to handle their assignment and project in an extremely convenient way.

An efficient system provides a quality educational impression for both students as well as teachers.

It helps them to know responses immediately, share and make use of abundant online resources.

Assignments and projects can be created and managed systematically with ease.

What is an Assignment and Project Management System?

Assignment & Projects management help teachers to assign tasks and deadlines to students and monitor their performance on completion of these tasks.

All the assignments and projects are assigned with a start and end date, student update the task on completion. Teachers can view the status of the task and reports are being generated after evaluation.

Things are made easy using this system for both teachers and students.

Benefits of Assignment and Project Management System

1) Create Assignments Easily

Assignment Management System

The teachers can create assignments without much effort.

The additional resources such as PDF’s, docs, images etc can be attached to the same.

It provides teachers more time to teach and spent less time on these activities.

2) Time Saving

Assignment Management System

As this process requires fewer manual efforts, the system is time-saving. Assignments and projects can be assigned to the students online. No extra efforts should be spent for paper works.

“It is indeed time saving, Na?”

3) Review Assignments with Interactive Reports

Assignment Management System

Once the assignments and projects are completed by the students, it can be reviewed by teachers online. Grades can be rewarded in the system itself, accordingly.

Feedback from the educators is beneficial for students to improve themselves.

4) Instantly Access Relevant Data

Assignment Management System

The students can easily access any type of subject data. As teachers upload videos, PDF, Docs etc., students can make use of the resources instantly. So, these are the major benefits of this system.

Major Features of this Assignment and Project Management System

1. Student Work- Load Management

Assignment Management System

The hectic load of projects and assignments can be managed systematically by the students.

2. Flexible Grade Scaling


The grades are awarded by the teachers. Remarks and instructions for the assignments and projects will also be noted.

3. Graphical Representation of Grades

Assignment Management System

Feedback from the teachers are available in graphical representation also. It helps students to have a glance at their performance and encourage them to do better.

4. Subject Specific Assignment Types

Assignment Management System

Assignments and projects based on each subject can be viewed particularly. It is also easy for the teachers to assign topics for students from Pre-defined topics available in the system.

5. Do & Edit Assignments in a Spreadsheet like Interface

Assignment Management System

Students can do and edit assignments as required before submission. The works once submitted cannot be edited afterward.

And so, What are the Key Highlights of Assignment & Project Management System?

  • Assign projects & Assignments to students or a group of students
  • Track the status of completed tasks(pending/completed)
  • Monitor individual student status
  • Track Student performance
  • Generate student reports
  • Email notifications can be sent for each assignments & projects
  • List of pending tasks can be viewed
  • Completed task can be closed

Let’s go through the different types of Assignments

1) Reading Assignment

In Reading Assignment, teachers can ask the students to answer to questions orally. The recorded audio files can be shared to teachers for evaluation.

Benefits of Reading Assignment

  • Students can answer the questions orally
  • Lets teachers to understand how deep a child understood the concept
  • Teachers can hear individual audios and give effective feedback
  • Helps to improve speaking skills

2) Writing Assignment

In this familiar mode of Assignments, students write and share the answer for assigned topics to teachers.

Benefits of Writing Assignment

  • Students can research and write accordingly
  • Helps to improve writing skills

3) Visual Assignment

In the visual assignments, teachers can assign tasks related to drawing, images, videos, etc.

Benefits of Visual Assignment

  • Students get an exposure to showcase their creative skills
  • A right way to speak out their minds creatively

 4) Project Assignment

This assignment is a collaboration of all the above assignments. Teachers can give any of the tasks related to audio, visual, writing or reading.

Benefits of Project Assignment

  • An effective way for students to do assignments
  • Students can choose and do any of them according to their convenience

And since it is about benefits & features, now we shall look “How is Assignment and Project Management System useful for teachers?”

1) Post Homework Easily

In between the tiresome works, it is sometimes hard for teachers to search and assign topics manually.

With Assignment and project management system in hand, it simplifies the work of teachers for assigning projects to students.

From the Pre-defined topics available, teachers can assign the same to students or can assign new topics according to convenience and relevance.

2) Attach Any Form of Reference

It is always bliss for students to have documents for reference. Teachers can attach any form of reference (docs, pdf’s, videos etc.) along with the task. Videos and notes can be downloaded by the students and can be used further.

3) Track Complete Status

To track individual child’s work status manually is tough and often get errors.

With this automated system, teacher can view in detail of each student’s assignment and project submission status systematically.

Last day of submission can be reminded for the students in the form of notifications and late submission can be warned by teachers.

4) Systematic Record of Completed Work

It is always good to have a systematic record of things.

Using this system, teachers, students and even parents can view the record of completed works. Teachers can have the overall access of entire class students and parents can view the completed record of their ward respectively.

5) User- Friendly

Though the system is sophisticated, it has a user-friendly interface. Students, teachers and parents can access the system without much effort. It is built in a way to meet the requirements of its users in a friendly way.

Do you know How Assignment and Project Management System Works?


So Now we shall look How Evaluation is carried out, once the Assignments are Done?

As you all know students submit assignments after completion. Teachers can view and assess grades individually. Remarks and feedback can be included along with the grades. Students can view this and it helps them to improve themselves in near future.

Parents can view the report and track their ward’s progress in curriculum.

Take a Break and Go through this Video – “Teacher App – A Complete Class Schedule and Attendance Management App”

Have You Ever thought of the Necessity of Assignment Management System?

Parents, teachers and students are benefited from this system. Let us have a look at what each one can do with this system:

1) Role of Teachers in Assignment Management System

Using this system, teachers can create different types of assignments, projects, homework etc and can be shared easily. They can also provide students with instructions, clarifications and details along with the tasks.

Teachers can assign the tasks either to the class assigned to him/her or can assign it class-wise, section-wise, or even to a particular group of students. Along with this, they can also attach any type of documents (like doc., pdf, jpeg formats) for reference.

Teachers can decide whether the given assignment is to be submitted either online or direct.

They can also create new tasks or add tasks to an assignment. These tasks can be created by the same teacher or by the teachers who handles the same subject

2) Role of Parents in Assignment Management System

Using this system, parents can view assignments and projects assigned to their ward. They get notified regarding the grades and tasks assigned.

Time -keeping has a major role in an individual’s life and it must be nurtured in the early stage itself. They can check if the tasks are completed by their ward on time.

Parents can guide and help their child in completing the tasks and also track their ward’s achievements

3) Role of Students in Assignment Management System

assignment management system

Assignments and project management system helps students to view the assignments assigned to them online. Thus, they can do and submit the assignments and projects conveniently

Students can track the status of their tasks (whether approved/not approved by teacher) and scores and view the reference documents attached.

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Being a school principal is rewarding but equally challenging and that is why at least some of them are finding it difficult to be successful in their career.

A principal should be collaborative, confident and sincere with amazing time-management, analytical, problem solving and communication skills. He/she should be able to set the tone for tough learners and be a good leader, excellent listener with an awesome vision.

Here let us have a detailed look at what does an effective principal does to overcome challenges and be successful in their career.

Be a Good Leader

A good principal should obviously be a good leader who takes up ownership of successes and failures that happen in his/her school.

He/she must develop a mindset to value the needs of others around.

One needs to always look for ideas to improve the school, and think of ways to implement these improvements.

Be Proficient at Building Relationships with People

You will come across many types of people daily. A good principal should be able to connect with them without any inhibitions.

Moreover, He/she should learn to earn the trust of people as only teamwork can make anything successful.

Whether they come across teachers, support staff, students, parents or community members, everybody will be unique in their thoughts and attitude.

A principal should be patient enough to consider them and make fair decisions on related matters.

Balance organization with Leadership

Being a school principal gives you enough leadership opportunities; but it is really important not to miss out management duties.

Nobody will listen to a leader who is unable to perform his/her management duties efficiently. So, manage everything without mistakes and set a good example and then lead from the front.

Be Fair and Consistent

It is really important to handle similar cases in a more or less similar way as the thought of being inconsistent and unfair can take away the credibility you have built over time.

Especially, students will look for your past decisions and judge you based on your present decisions.

So, it is vital to scan your previous decisions and document your reasoning and never rush to a final decision on sensitive matters.

Foresee the Ideal and Aim on the Doable

An effective principal should have a proper vision about how the school should look like.

By foreseeing the results, they can systematically aim to create a culture they are looking for.

There is no point in rushing towards it but be reasonable and practical by setting step by step goals towards bigger goals.

The incremental changes that you make towards the goal is more important than meeting the actual goal.

Stay Organized and Prepared

Every new school day comes with a unique set of challenges and it is important to stay organized and prepared to handle them tactfully.

No days are predictable. Being prepared is the best you can do to handle any situation.

Policies and procedures should be ready in place to deal with any tough situations that may come in future to avoid stress and anxiety and do the necessary.

Act as a Spokesperson for the Missing voice

Being a school administrator, there will often be situations when one needs to solve conflicts.

Teachers complaining about students or parents complaining about teachers or kids complaining about teachers are common in a school.

Rather than taking a decision by listening to the initial part of the conflict, it is ideal to represent the missing voice of the other person to have a fair settlement.

Be an Effective Communicator

Being approachable is very important to be a successful principal and the foremost step towards this is to be a good communicator.

You should be able to listen, understand, interrelate, and bond with teachers and students in the best way to offer helping, productive and healing ways.

Reducing the negative attitude within the staff community and building strong positive members to work towards a common goal is vital.

Always Listen and Interpret

Irrespective of their stature, people often mean more than what they convey when raising a problem.

A good principal should listen to it carefully to understand their actual concerns and give the correct solution to their problems.

They can apply communication techniques such as paraphrasing and frank discussions before providing a proper learning feedback.

Reflect Constantly

It is important to reflect on what has been done constantly to make the actions complete.

Following a decision, interaction or action, it is good to ask questions like how this could have been done better or whether the actions were transparent to all.

A constant reflection on the work enables them to enhance their practice on a daily basis.

Be an Amazing Contributor

Rather than pushing others to act wisely towards the success goals and sitting in the comfort zone, it is important to be an amazing contributor and set an example.

Pay attention to the needs and feelings of teachers and do the needful to foster their productivity and satisfaction.

Making a notable contribution to the success of others is what one can do the best to stay successful and inspire others.

Plan for your own Departure

The ultimate goal of an effective administrator is to build enough capacity within the organization rather than thinking themselves as indispensable.

You have to ensure that not a single important task that impacts the running of the school is confined to a set of people.

Setting up redundancy into the structure is an essential part of framing a healthy and sustainable leadership configuration.

Once you join as a school principal, understand the importance of team work in building and meeting the vision.

A good nurturing school atmosphere enables students and teachers to give their best. More than managing just data and processes, it is vital to manage people efficiently to foster improvement in school system.

It is even more important to cultivate leadership in others within the institution. This enables them to assume their roles in recognizing the school vision.

Also Read: 5 illegal things teachers can’t do

Are you looking to take up a career as a school principal? Then definitely consider these important characteristics to be successful in your career.

Start developing your skills and spend some dedicated time to do enough research on how to practice these skills and make it a habit. The best thing you can do for your school is to create an optimal learning climate.

An effective learning environment is only possible when everyone learns from each other. A strong student teacher relationship can make things easy. Teaching is no more a one-way process where teacher gives lectures and students take notes. Today’s effective classroom comprises interactive learning sessions when teacher and students contribute their roles and students are more responsible for their learning. Maintaining a good relationship with students is very important as kids would better do things out of love than compulsion.

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However, this may not happen all of a sudden but it can be developed, slowly nurtured, and when provided an ample space to evolve. Let us have a look at some of the timeless elements that play a vital part in building a strong student teacher relationship.

1. Consistent Communication

A good two-way communication between teacher and students can do wonders in terms of learning and teaching.

Teachers can in fact interact with students to see if teaching strategies are welcomed and may change their approaches for a better learning environment.

Even when observation and listening are important, open communication is the best medicine to nurture any relationship.

2. Genuine Interest in Each others’ Well Being

Having positive feelings towards each other is important while maintaining a healthy relationship.

Teachers showing interest towards the well being of students and vice versa will make their bonding stronger and healthier.

And there is no wonder why many of the students are still in touch with their teachers even after they pass out of schools.

3. An Emotionally-Safe Learning Space

An open learning environment where students and teachers can freely express their concerns, fears, doubts or ideas without any inhibition is very important.

If students get a feeling that their comments or questions will be listened with respect and patience, they will easily come out of the shelves and give their best.

Building an emotionally safe learning space where everybody can interact freely is crucial.

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4. Compassion and Understanding

An impressive understanding and communication from both ends is vital in building a strong relationship.

Compassion can give way for more trust and students will be more open about their problems and this can slowly build a friendship among them.

Recognizing the needs of kids outside classroom will also help students to approach them without any inhibition.

5. Mutual Respect, Trust, & Feedback

Mutual respect and trust is the basis of a good student teacher relationship.

When teachers show respect and willingness to help students in their difficult times, they get triggered to learn better and give their best to make teachers proud.

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At the same time, it is important to acknowledge their efforts through patience, words of approval or a celebratory applause.

6. Sense of Being in it Together

A student relationship with teacher can get nourished when both of them get a feeling that they are sailing in the same direction.

This can reflect in curriculum and instruction which in turn improves the learning outcome.

When teachers provide enough choices and create relevance, building connection with students is a lot easy.

7. True Equity

Equity is really important whether it is access to literature, technology access, or associated socioeconomic trends.

Focusing on particular individuals or considering their favorites can be a setback for a healthy classroom atmosphere.

Focusing on all students equally with a positive attitude can make a good difference in the way relationship between students and teachers prosper.

8. Constructive Criticisms

It is important for educators to give feedback to students on the areas where they are weak.

But it is also important for them to handle it through constructive criticisms through which students actually feel the importance of improving themselves.

While teachers can correct the students, this also paves way for strong positive relationships.

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9. Active Listening

Just like proper communication, students will value if they are heard well. That is why active listening and body languages matter more.

Minimal distractions and proper eye contact do the trick to give students a feeling of acknowledgement.

There is a tendency for students to perform better for their teachers who value their efforts.

10. Find Small Ways to Connect

Teachers can easily connect with students through similar interests. Bring in some classroom activities, may be in the Monday morning or Friday evenings or may be short 10 minutes activities daily to interact with students.

This builds up a positive vibe in the classroom and students will develop an interest for what they are doing and feel encouraged to give their best.

Some teachers even make chat groups or portals where everyone in the class can get in touch outside classroom hours, as well.

11. Have Some Fun Time

Keep aside some time when class lessons are kept at bay and everyone gets a chance to joke around.

There is no better way to connect with students than humor. Everybody would like to laugh out loud and indulge in fun conversations that boost up their positivity.

There is no wonder why many of our favorite teachers have got a good sense of humor.

12. Share in Activities

It is good to share in activities with students which give a feeling of togetherness.

Teachers can take part in extracurricular activities with students or may attend athletic events or clubs.

It is even a good idea to bring in the family also when everyone can get to know each other and boost relationships.

It is a great idea to involve students in classroom jobs in their free times which makes them efficient individuals,

13. Share Personal Stories

Keeping aside some time to share personal stories can be a good idea.

Teachers can come up with their inspirational, emotional and success stories from their life and give opportunities for students to share interesting incidents from their life.

Also Read: 24 Best Classroom Rules that will improve student behavior

Everybody gets a chance to know each other better and make relationships more transparent.

14. Team-Building Games

Don’t forget about some team building games which can make the classroom live and energetic.

This will take away the boredom of regular classroom lessons while fostering students and teachers to grow as a team.

It can lead to an enjoyable learning environment with improved participation and attendance of students.

Students usually react positively to a structured setting which is one of the best signs of positive students-teacher relationships. More sensible and constant reinforcements of rules and regulations also play a vital role.

Moreover, it is important to encourage efforts, validate feelings, give affection and provide support whenever needed.

Rather than calling home only to report the bad behavior or failures of students, take initiative to report their good deeds and achievements too.

It is always good to maintain an eye contact while teaching. Engage students with questions and give opportunity for them to ask doubts.

Take extra effort to incorporate child’s interests  whenever possible which gives them a feel of belonging which may enhance their performance level.

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SQ3R is an amazing teaching and learning strategy designed to help students to improve the understanding and retention of what they have learned.

This is in fact a sequence that can be applied throughout the reading process to move from smaller to larger details and then back again.

Teachers use this strategy to get the better of teaching and learning by utilizing each stage of the reading course, say before, during and after.

SQ3R Definition

SQ3R is a step-by-step method to approach a text more efficiently for a better understanding.

This comprehensive method of teaching basically involves 5 steps –Survey, Question, Read, Recall and Review.

This helps students to be an effective reader as they learn to think about the topic or concept while they read. Let us have a look.


In this very first step, students are asked to simply skim or scan through the entire text book and look for pictures, headings, layouts, chapters, and sub headings.

Following which, they have to check out the summaries mentioned at the end of each chapter or book.

This gives them enough idea to foresee what the author is trying to convey and get an overview and structure. Notes can be taken based on the thoughts and have a look into the overall notes to get some idea.

  • Catch up the title, headings, visuals, preview, bolded words & summary
  • Think about background information or knowledge

They get an initial understanding of the concept through bolded texts, headings and charts which give a foundation for the active reading.

This step in fact gives a bigger picture of what is going to be learnt; and decide on what is necessary.

The present information can be connected or linked back to what is already known which help students to prepare for reading.


In this second step, students are asked to convert the headings of paragraphs into meaningful questions. For example, if the heading is ‘importance of self discipline’, then, frame a question like ‘what is the importance of self discipline’ and then write it out.

  • Turn headings into queries
  • Try asking who, what, why and how
  • Students can now stay focussed while reading

They learn to preview the content to generate questions out of it. Queries such as “What is this text about?” “What do I already know about the topic?” “What else I am missing?” etc can make reading time more productive. Having a purpose for reading in fact invokes interest and quizzing oneself on the subject is a great practice in learning.


In the very next step, students have to read out the questions attentively and try to answer them.

They can actually answer the questions in their own words in notes. It is recommended to read the content areas that are complex or difficult, multiple times.

  • Look out for solutions to the queries
  • Highlight or underline key concepts
  • Break up the comprehension into chunks

While reading, they will actually search for answers of the questions they had generated before during the preview.

This is a good practice to get relevant information from the textbook.

There is no better way to prepare for discussions and lectures. This even helps to become a master for test preparation.


Now students can close the text books and keep the notebooks away, and then try to recall what they have read in the book.

In fact they should try to mentally visualize the contents of the material, and try to recall the important highlights.

Also Read: Teacher App : A Complete Class Schedule and Attendance App 

It is advised that more time needs to be spent for recalling rather than reading. It can either be done by explaining the content to someone else or by imagining the same.

  • Say your answers aloud
  • Note down summary of section or paragraph
  • Identify main ideas of the topic
  • Write note cards of relevant data
  • Create a graphic organizer or mind map of how they relate

This is the phase when they rehearse the answers for their questions and prepare notes for later reference.

These are the best methods to retain or recall information after reading a topic and there is no better way to evaluate the level of understanding.

This even help students to stay awake and interact with reading.


In the final phase of the strategy, students can take back the book and go through the notes, questions and answers to understand how well they have recalled.

Conclude the final phase by having a mental picture of the whole process.

  • Quiz yourself on what has been learned
  • Develop connections between notes and readings from class
  • Revisit the topic at least once a week and give a test on old and new topics

They can review the text to reply to the queries previously answered. This is a great way to retain what has been learned on a weekly basis. Students can prepare for exams and assignments in a systematic way.

Teachers often mention about students who read a textbook fully and still have no idea about what exactly was covered.

This SQ3R strategy is a great solution for such students to improve their learning.

This method demands them to activate their thoughts throughout the reading process and review their understanding.

Moreover, the notes created during the reading can be later used as a study guide during exams

How Teachers Can Use The Strategy?

Applying this strategy in the most efficient way is important to experience the best results.

First of all, make students understand the importance of surveying, questioning, reading, reciting and reviewing to be an efficient reader.

The best way to implement this way of teaching is to model the five SQ3R steps.

  • Choose a content area and model the strategy
  • During each step of the SQ3R, don’t forget to explain the actual purpose like what and why they are doing so
  • Following the session, ask students to independently perform the task while they read and practice SQ3R
  • It can either be provided as a take home assignment or as a class session
  • Following the session, let the students reassess their notes and reflect on the procedure.

This amazing reading method was first cited in the year 1946, in the book Effective Study”by Francis P. Robinson who was an American education psychologist.

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All students need not find this method effective or feel an impact on the very first trial.

So it is highly important for the teachers to give them some time to get along with the method. Most importantly, teach them on how and when to apply the strategy.

The most important benefit of this strategy is to make optimum use of the reading time while discovering, understanding, and retaining the significant facts and ideas covered in the text.

Reviewing of information while they read the text can make a really good impact in remembering the essence of the text.

Once students feel an interest in the strategy, they will find reading and learning really simple and they will be surprised to score high in exams.

At times, it really becomes a hard nut to crack, to keep our kids engaged. And so, we almost end up with tablets, mobile phones or other such electronic gadgets. Now, the next challenge is about the gaming apps that we are supposed to install.

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So, here is a collection of 24 handpicked best rated gaming apps for kids,that will entertain them for sure:

1. Quizizz Games

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  • Rating: 4.8
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 32M
  • Last updated: March 30, 2020
  • Download: Android, iOS

Quizizz is one of the best gaming apps for students, used by more than 10 million students, teachers and parents around the globe. It focuses on both learning at home and classroom.


  • Multi-player quiz games
  • Exam sessions available
  • Track your progress easily
  • Play and compete with your friends

2. Phonics: Reading Game for Kids

gaming apps

  • Rating: 4.6
  • Installs: 1,00,000+
  • Size: 61M
  • Last updated: August 28, 2019
  • Download: Android

This is a funny reading game customized for kids to develop their skills in vocabulary and spellings. This will also help students to recognize sound-spelling relationships and word families.


  • Unique play-based methodology
  • Spelling games for kids
  • A colourful game interface
  • No third party advertising

3. Kids Educational Games

gaming apps

  • Rating: 4.4
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 57 M
  • Last updated: January 18, 2020
  • Download: Android

Kids Educational Games app is specially designed for toddlers, Preschool kids, Kindergarten and primary school kids. It has a collection of educational games, logical games, memory games and many more.


  • Interactive games to improve basic maths
  • Auditory memory games to develop memory for listening
  • Matrix like games to expand logical ability
  • Shapes and sorting games for toddlers

4. Pictoword

gaming apps

  • Rating: 4.3
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 85 M
  • Last updated: April 3, 2020
  • Download: Android,iOS

This is a word puzzle game perfect for all ages. Though it is a addictive game, it helps to boost the brain.


  • No internet required
  • Best for all ages
  • Interesting Brain training games available
  • No ads

5. Kids Quiz GK

gaming apps

  • Rating: 4.4
  • Installs:500,000+
  • Size: 4.4 M
  • Last updated: October 25, 2019
  • Download: Android

This is an education game that helps children to improve and learn general knowledge without getting bored. It will also help them to revise facts and make their minds sharp.


  • Available in Hindi and English
  • Can revise the wrong answers
  • Multi-player option available

6. Spelling Master

gaming apps

  • Rating: 4.4
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 6.7M
  • Last updated: January 22, 2020
  • Download: Android,iOS

Spelling Master is a simple game for kids to learn common spellings. Besides spelling, kids can also learn pronunciation of words through this gaming apps.


  • 13 spelling categories like fruits, vegetables, body parts etc included
  • Free app
  • High quality images
  • Ad free

7. Mind Games

gaming apps

This app has a great collection of games based on cognitive tasks to improve a kid’s mental skills. It includes nearly 3 dozens of brain games.

  • Rating: 4.4
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 15M
  • Last updated: November 10, 2019
  • Download: Android,iOS


  • Available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Russian and Japanese
  • Improves concentration and attention of mind
  • Exercises vocabulary and spelling skills
  • Untimed multiple choice vocabulary tasks available

8. Flow Free

gaming apps

  • Rating: 4.5
  • Installs: 100,000,000+
  • Size: 11M
  • Last updated: December 17, 2019
  • Download: Android,iOS

This is a simple and addictive puzzle game with hundreds of levels and Time-trial mode. The levels range from simple and relaxed to challenging and frenetic.


  • Over 2500 free puzzles
  • Free Play and Time Trial modes
  • Clean and colourful graphics
  • Funny sound effects

9. English Kids App

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  • Rating: 4.2
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 12M
  • Last updated: January 17, 2020
  • Download: Android

English Kids App is provides fun games for kids to improve their memory power by identifying the images and words. It shows various sections like English Alphabets, English months etc.


  • Personalized app
  • Customized levels
  • Makes learning easy

10. Ultimate English Spelling Quiz

gaming apps

  • Rating: 4.3
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 6.8M
  • Last updated: March 16, 2020
  • Download: Android, iOS

Ultimate English Spelling quiz is an English language game with hundreds of games and activities to gradually develop English grammar, spelling, pronunciation and many more.


  • 1900 new grammar Quiz activities
  • Special lessons to improve pronunciation, spelling facts, common slangs etc
  • 2500 English Spelling Quiz

11. Math Games- Math Puzzles, Best Riddles & Games

gaming apps

  • Ratings: 4.3
  • Installs: 100,000+
  • Size: 49M
  • Last Updated: February 27, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is a perfect game for all math puzzle lovers and for those looking for interesting activities. It helps students to challenge themselves with unique puzzle combinations to improve their intelligence and reasoning ability.


  • Free Offline Puzzle Games
  • Fb login to save your Progress
  • 15+ Unique puzzle levels
  • Modern UI, easy and fun-filled Puzzle Games

12. Brain Exercise Games- IQ test

gaming apps

  • Ratings: 4.1
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 9.1M
  • Last Updated: February 4, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is an app which provides free brain games for kids as well as adults. It helps to train the brain with many memory exercises.


  • Focuses more on mental ability development games
  • Covers almost all needed lessons
  • Ad free

13. Kids Educational Games for Kindergarten Children

  • Ratings: 4.0
  • Installs: 50,000+
  • Size: 7.1M
  • Last Updated: September 21, 2017
  • Download: Android

This is an specially developed for toddlers with all time favourite animated images, rhymes, funny activities etc.


  • Purely fun-games for kids
  • Lot of activities
  • Cost-free
  • No internet required

14. 2 Emoji 1 Word

  • Ratings: 4.0
  • Installs: 500,000+
  • Size: 37M
  • Last Updated: March 19, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is a unique fun game with thousands and word games with simple rules, mostly by looking at emojis and guessing the word.


  • 400 levels ranging from easy to hard
  • No Time limit
  • No network limit
  • Free app

15. Kids Mazes

  • Ratings: 3.8
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 46M
  • Last Updated: March 19, 2020
  • Download: Android

Kids Mazes is a puzzle game for kids with plenty of different mazes. This is also known as Labyrinth Games. It has funny options like pets, animals, vegetables etc.


  • Kids friendly
  • Easy to play
  • Many options and characters

16. Brain Games

  • Rating: 4.4
  • Installs: 5,000,000+
  • Size: 13M
  • Last updated: March 23, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is an app that provides 32 brain development games, customized to train the learner’s visual memory, concentration, speed, calculation, reasoning and many such skills.


  • Useful to all ages
  • Offline mode available
  • Cost free

17. Great Breakout

  • Rating: 4.2
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 81M
  • Last updated: February 18, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is a sequel of word story, with world’s best popular word games in 2018. It aims at enlarging the learners vocabulary and spelling skills as he passes the levels.


  • Better and smarter game modes
  • No boring rules
  • Thousands of word puzzles

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18. Learn English for Kids

  • Rating: 4.4
  • Installs: 1,00,000+
  • Size: 25M
  • Last updated: March 30, 2020
  • Download: Android

Learn for Kids: Lattukids is a learning game app designed especially for kids to learn English starting from alphabets, words, grammar, pronunciation and many more. It assures to offer a safe learning environment free from distractions.


  • Fun and simple interaction sessions
  • Helps in memorizing words
  • Bilingual

19. Study Tips

  • Rating: 4.7
  • Installs: 1,00,000+
  • Size: 3.8M
  • Last updated: March 7, 2020
  • Download: Android

This app is particularly designed for students who look to get better grades in schools and to develop a better learning strategy by spending more time in studies.


  • Focuses on Skill Tips
  • Test Taking levels available
  • Well organized

20. Roz Dhan: Earn Money, Read News and Play Games

  • Rating: 4.1
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 11M
  • Last updated: April 3, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is one of the best Gaming apps that provide entertainment and Daily News Content.


  • Play Games
  • Make money
  • Visit Online Sites
  • Update news

21. Battle Text- Chat Game

  • Rating: 3.9
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 38M
  • Last updated: January 30, 2020
  • Download: Android,iOS

Battle Text is a free word game developed to stretch the limits of a learner’s vocabulary, train their brain and thereby enhance their texting speed.


  • Free to download and play
  • Multiplayer mode available
  • Ad free app
  • 72 different timed stages to play through in story mode is also available

22. Quiz Maker Offline

  • Rating: 4.2
  • Installs: 10,000+
  • Size: 8.1M
  • Last updated: March 30, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is a kind customized questionnaire kind of gaming app which can be played anywhere and anytime.


  • Night mode available
  • Played anywhere and anytime
  • Check progress

Also Read: 20 Best Attendance Management Apps For Teachers

23. Paytm First Games

  • Rating: 3.4
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 44M
  • Last updated: March 26, 2020
  • Download: Android

Paytm Games is an ultimate destination for game lovers to participate, play nad earn money through paytm.


  • Collection of perfect quick break games
  • Multi-player mode available
  • Online and real-time game
  • Adventurous games

24. STEPapp- Gamified Learning

  • Rating: 3.9
  • Installs: 1,00,000+
  • Size: 24M
  • Last updated: April 6, 2020
  • Download: Android,iOS

STEP or Student Talent Enhancement Program app is a educational app developed with a mission to provide equality education through gamification, for children all over the world.


  • Personalized, Gamified and Adaptive learning
  • Content created by experts
  • Rewards and Scholarships
  • Mentorship and Guidance

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However, these gaming apps will help you manage your kids. In fact, these gaming apps will really pave a way for a productive learning process of your kids. With this, you can also teach them to learn with fun.

Also Check:  Latest Updated Educational Apps for Kids

The Coronavirus or Covid19 as it is known has shaken up the entire world. It is the biggest fear of the people now and many countries are in lock down. In this situation, it is better to be safe and take precautions beforehand.

With all the fear and media coverage of the coronavirus it is clear that people above 60 are more prone to the virus than youngsters.  The problem is that this fear has left kids with the impression that getting the virus can lead to death Parents should be able to explain to kids what the virus is, what the risks that they are up against, and how to take precautions. This will give them courage before they are mislead by false information.

What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

What the world is now facing is a type of coronavirus. This is a group of viruses that can cause diseases in both humans and animals. The virus affects the respiratory tract and is usually mild. In certain cases it has proved to be severe like SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and the most recent COVID-19.

corona virus

COVID-19 is the latest type of coronavirus to be detected. It is believed to have started in China in December 2019. The world still could not find vaccine for it. Symptoms include dry cough, tiredness, fever and difficulty in breathing.

The virus can infect people without showing symptoms for up to 14 days. This is why it is considered dangerous. You will not know if you are infected for up to 14 days giving the virus enough time to infect other people you come into contact with.

How does the Virus Spread?

The virus can spread through droplets from person to person. Droplets of body fluids, such as saliva and mucus, contain the virus. It spreads when an infected person sneezes or coughs onto you, when you touch someone who has the virus on their body, or you touch some surface which has the virus left on it through contact with an infected person.

The virus is said to have first appeared in a seafood market in Wuhan, China. Health experts are still looking into this fact.

How to inform Kids about the Virus?

Kids are exposed to social media at a very early age nowadays. The bad thing about social media is that a lot of misleading facts are spread through this platform.

So it is not a surprise that a lot of fear about the coronavirus has already been spread among children.

Parents have to know that not informing kids about the virus can lead them to unnecessary worries… Therefore it is better for them to receive information that is vetted by the parents and based on facts rather than rumours.

The parents need to be reassured and be able to answer all their doubts. Do not give them too much information which they may not understand. Give only what is required. Inform them about all the precautions they need to take against the virus and help them do it.

The most important thing to do is to keep talking to them. Give them confidence so they will feel reassured. Keep them updated and try to correct any inaccurate information they get from social media.

Precautions against the virus

You should be aware of the disease and be proactive. As of the saying, prevention is always better than cure. So, some of the precautions that you can take against the virus are:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water at regular intervals for a minimum of 20 seconds. Washing hands should be done properly before and after every meal and every time you return home from outside.

  • If soap and water is not available, hand sanitizers with more than 60% alcohol content can be used.

  • Maintain at least 1 meter distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing or has some kind of fever.

  • Do not touch your face without washing your hands. Hands touch many surfaces and therefore can contract viruses. When you touch your face, the virus can get into your body.

  • Avoid going to crowded areas and large gatherings such as weddings and religious congregations. Try to avoid using public transportation such as the metro or bus service.

How to help Kids deals with Corona Virus

  • Abide by the travel restrictions given by the local authority

How to help Kids deals with Corona Virus

  • Leave your house only when it is unavoidable. Doing so increases the risk of both you and your family getting infected.

How to help Kids deals with Corona Virus

  • Clean and disinfect your house frequently

How to help Kids deals with Corona Virus

  • If you feel sick and have any of the symptoms of the virus, seek medical help immediately and try to avoid contact with others.

How to help Kids deals with Corona Virus

How to take Extra Precautions for Kids?

  • Avoid sending them to buy essentials and restrict them from wandering around the neighborhood unnecessarily.
  • Though it is difficult, do not allow them to play with other children even when you are close by and can keep an eye on them.
  • Do not visit houses of relatives unnecessarily.
  • Teach them how to wash their hands in the proper manner.
  • Help them build a habit of washing their face, hands and legs when they come in from outside.
  • When parents come in from outside, avoid giving your children things like car keys, your phone or any packages. Hugs also till the parent has cleaned up.
  • Avoid food from outside.
  • Make children wash their hands thoroughly before every meal.
  • Provide them some kind of entertainment so that they will not be desperate to go outside during lockdowns. Kids need to be occupied and the best way to do it is to spend time with them.
  • When telling them to do things, make them understand why they have to do it. Kids won’t like it if you prevent them from doing something without giving reasons.
  • Maintain a routine when at home during lockdown. A fixed routine to stick to is comforting and eliminates a lot of uncertainties in the kids’ minds.

How to help Kids deals with Corona Virus

Activities to keep your Kid Entertained during Lockdowns                           

  • Bring out those board games that are hidden in the back of all your old stuff
  • Help them learn a new talent like cooking
  • Develop new hobbies like reading or drawing
  • Online courses can be taken to develop new skills
  • Watch movies on streaming platforms
  • Allow kids to maintain contact with their peers using video call and social media
  • Kids can be taught how to plan and use their supplies so that they don’t run out of it during critical times.


A very good time to teach your kids about nutrition. They need to learn that one of the best ways to prevent any disease is to have a strong immune system. We need to eat healthy to have a healthy life.

A healthy diet along with good hygiene can help you in building your resistance. Include raw and partially cooked salads in your diet to increase the intake of minerals. Kids should also be taught how to cook healthy foods.

To sum up

Coronavirus is a huge threat to the society now. Even if it is not fatal to everyone, the virus easily spreads and therefore anyone can contact it. The danger is increased because you will not know if you are infected until after fourteen days and by that time the virus may have spread to the people around you. Because of this, everyone is living in fear.

Kids look up to their parents for solutions to all their problems. It is your duty to help them understand what the virus is and help them remain calm. You have to help them understand the precautions they have to take to remain healthy and not contract the virus. Kids have to understand that by staying at home and not wandering around, they are reducing the risk to themselves, their friends and their families.

As novel coronavirus is the pandemic that the world is facing now, like all other pandemics that have occurred in the world, we will overcome this too. We as individuals have to do whatever we can to prevent ourselves from contracting this disease. If one person takes precautions, many lives can be saved.

Therefore, protect yourself and your family. Help your family, especially your kids, to take the necessary precautions and stay safe. This pandemic will also pass if we do our bit contributing towards reducing the risk of spreading the virus.