In a glance…

Have you ever thought of school assignments and projects going completely online?

If yes, the time has come they have fully gone online now.

Assignment management, as you would be aware, is one of the basic activities in education.

With online classes becoming common, it has become a necessity for students and for you as a teacher to access e-learning systems from anywhere, any time.

This will allow you to handle their assignment and project in an extremely convenient way.

An efficient system provides a quality educational impression for both students as well as teachers.

It helps them to know responses immediately, share and make use of abundant online resources.

Assignments and projects can be created and managed systematically with ease.

What is an Assignment and Project Management System?

Assignment & Projects management help teachers to assign tasks and deadlines to students and monitor their performance on completion of these tasks.

All the assignments and projects are assigned with a start and end date, student update the task on completion. Teachers can view the status of the task and reports are being generated after evaluation.

Things are made easy using this system for both teachers and students.

Benefits of Assignment and Project Management System

1) Create Assignments Easily

Assignment Management System

The teachers can create assignments without much effort.

The additional resources such as PDF’s, docs, images etc can be attached to the same.

It provides teachers more time to teach and spent less time on these activities.

2) Time Saving

Assignment Management System

As this process requires fewer manual efforts, the system is time-saving. Assignments and projects can be assigned to the students online. No extra efforts should be spent for paper works.

“It is indeed time saving, Na?”

3) Review Assignments with Interactive Reports

Assignment Management System

Once the assignments and projects are completed by the students, it can be reviewed by teachers online. Grades can be rewarded in the system itself, accordingly.

Feedback from the educators is beneficial for students to improve themselves.

4) Instantly Access Relevant Data

Assignment Management System

The students can easily access any type of subject data. As teachers upload videos, PDF, Docs etc., students can make use of the resources instantly. So, these are the major benefits of this system.

Major Features of this Assignment and Project Management System

1. Student Work- Load Management

Assignment Management System

The hectic load of projects and assignments can be managed systematically by the students.

2. Flexible Grade Scaling


The grades are awarded by the teachers. Remarks and instructions for the assignments and projects will also be noted.

3. Graphical Representation of Grades

Assignment Management System

Feedback from the teachers are available in graphical representation also. It helps students to have a glance at their performance and encourage them to do better.

4. Subject Specific Assignment Types

Assignment Management System

Assignments and projects based on each subject can be viewed particularly. It is also easy for the teachers to assign topics for students from Pre-defined topics available in the system.

5. Do & Edit Assignments in a Spreadsheet like Interface

Assignment Management System

Students can do and edit assignments as required before submission. The works once submitted cannot be edited afterward.

And so, What are the Key Highlights of Assignment & Project Management System?

  • Assign projects & Assignments to students or a group of students
  • Track the status of completed tasks(pending/completed)
  • Monitor individual student status
  • Track Student performance
  • Generate student reports
  • Email notifications can be sent for each assignments & projects
  • List of pending tasks can be viewed
  • Completed task can be closed

Let’s go through the different types of Assignments

1) Reading Assignment

In Reading Assignment, teachers can ask the students to answer to questions orally. The recorded audio files can be shared to teachers for evaluation.

Benefits of Reading Assignment

  • Students can answer the questions orally
  • Lets teachers to understand how deep a child understood the concept
  • Teachers can hear individual audios and give effective feedback
  • Helps to improve speaking skills

2) Writing Assignment

In this familiar mode of Assignments, students write and share the answer for assigned topics to teachers.

Benefits of Writing Assignment

  • Students can research and write accordingly
  • Helps to improve writing skills

3) Visual Assignment

In the visual assignments, teachers can assign tasks related to drawing, images, videos, etc.

Benefits of Visual Assignment

  • Students get an exposure to showcase their creative skills
  • A right way to speak out their minds creatively

 4) Project Assignment

This assignment is a collaboration of all the above assignments. Teachers can give any of the tasks related to audio, visual, writing or reading.

Benefits of Project Assignment

  • An effective way for students to do assignments
  • Students can choose and do any of them according to their convenience

And since it is about benefits & features, now we shall look “How is Assignment and Project Management System useful for teachers?”

1) Post Homework Easily

In between the tiresome works, it is sometimes hard for teachers to search and assign topics manually.

With Assignment and project management system in hand, it simplifies the work of teachers for assigning projects to students.

From the Pre-defined topics available, teachers can assign the same to students or can assign new topics according to convenience and relevance.

2) Attach Any Form of Reference

It is always bliss for students to have documents for reference. Teachers can attach any form of reference (docs, pdf’s, videos etc.) along with the task. Videos and notes can be downloaded by the students and can be used further.

3) Track Complete Status

To track individual child’s work status manually is tough and often get errors.

With this automated system, teacher can view in detail of each student’s assignment and project submission status systematically.

Last day of submission can be reminded for the students in the form of notifications and late submission can be warned by teachers.

4) Systematic Record of Completed Work

It is always good to have a systematic record of things.

Using this system, teachers, students and even parents can view the record of completed works. Teachers can have the overall access of entire class students and parents can view the completed record of their ward respectively.

5) User- Friendly

Though the system is sophisticated, it has a user-friendly interface. Students, teachers and parents can access the system without much effort. It is built in a way to meet the requirements of its users in a friendly way.

Do you know How Assignment and Project Management System Works?


So Now we shall look How Evaluation is carried out, once the Assignments are Done?

As you all know students submit assignments after completion. Teachers can view and assess grades individually. Remarks and feedback can be included along with the grades. Students can view this and it helps them to improve themselves in near future.

Parents can view the report and track their ward’s progress in curriculum.

Take a Break and Go through this Video – “Teacher App – A Complete Class Schedule and Attendance Management App”

Have You Ever thought of the Necessity of Assignment Management System?

Parents, teachers and students are benefited from this system. Let us have a look at what each one can do with this system:

1) Role of Teachers in Assignment Management System

Using this system, teachers can create different types of assignments, projects, homework etc and can be shared easily. They can also provide students with instructions, clarifications and details along with the tasks.

Teachers can assign the tasks either to the class assigned to him/her or can assign it class-wise, section-wise, or even to a particular group of students. Along with this, they can also attach any type of documents (like doc., pdf, jpeg formats) for reference.

Teachers can decide whether the given assignment is to be submitted either online or direct.

They can also create new tasks or add tasks to an assignment. These tasks can be created by the same teacher or by the teachers who handles the same subject

2) Role of Parents in Assignment Management System

Using this system, parents can view assignments and projects assigned to their ward. They get notified regarding the grades and tasks assigned.

Time -keeping has a major role in an individual’s life and it must be nurtured in the early stage itself. They can check if the tasks are completed by their ward on time.

Parents can guide and help their child in completing the tasks and also track their ward’s achievements

3) Role of Students in Assignment Management System

assignment management system

Assignments and project management system helps students to view the assignments assigned to them online. Thus, they can do and submit the assignments and projects conveniently

Students can track the status of their tasks (whether approved/not approved by teacher) and scores and view the reference documents attached.

Edsys presenting Assignment and Project Management System …

We are one of the leading software providers for Educational Solutions for ages.

We have Edsys For Education– “a collection of top-notch educational products”. In this we provide “Assignment and Project Management System”-