Good news awaits all the educators, students and school administrators for the year ahead.

Much to the surprise of all the stakeholders, a number of exciting trends are predicted to shape up, revolutionizing the educational sphere.

The year 2018 is all set to shed light on a number of concerns and topics that are poised to transform the way educators teach and students learn.

If you are keen on exploring the much anticipated and imminent educational trends that will make a mark for themselves in 2018, here is a long list of 15 such instances that can be expected.

  1. The Internet Will Continue to be the Omnipresent and Omnipotent Learning Tool

It is now the age of technological learning that provides umpteen learning opportunities to students and teachers alike. With the booming use of internet, students will expect the seamless use of technology in classrooms as well. Since technology has already penetrated into their homes, the present generation students would be poised to bank on the internet to realize all their learning aspirations.

Students can rely on web portals to submit educational projects and assignments. Paving the way for computerization of schools, the internet will continue to provide the much-needed, unlimited access to information for students.

  1. Augmented Reality Will Rule the Roost

A number of studies that were conducted over the last couple of years have put the technology behind Augmented Reality (AR) on a pedestal. AR is the buzzword that will enhance learning alongside improving classroom interactions. Students who bank upon AR will enjoy experiential learning alongside motivating them to perform better in studies.

AR is the next big thing for tertiary learning institutes like colleges and universities. The year 2018 will witness AR to transform into a mainstay learning technology, especially for subjects like humanities, arts and sciences. AR will team up with 3D modeling software systems, allowing you to submit 3D assignments and project presentations; from your smart devices. Students majoring in architecture can employ this technology to build 3D models and assist them in their college and university project submissions.

  1. Widened Scope for Paraprofessionals

Paraprofessionals who support the activities of teachers will witness a plethora of opportunities in 2018. They will bring in quality learning experiences through a number of creative methods. Paraprofessionals will have access to information that will hone their skills so that they can employ them for the collective welfare of the students of a classroom. The year 2018 will see the rise of professional development opportunities for these paraprofessionals for different school districts attached to every country.

  1. A Rise in Cost of Education Continues

College education is becoming expensive on account of many reasons. Inflated costs will definitely fleece the budget of colleges, forcing them to compensate through an increased tuition fee. Along with a deliberate cut in state funding for education, public schools and colleges are forced to jack up their tuition fees. This trend of high education costs will make its strong presence felt in 2018 as well. Given the fact that low-income students are finding it difficult to enroll for college education, colleges have decreased the college enrolment fees, eventually hiking the tuition fee.

  1. Trauma-Informed Practices Will Experience a Fillip

The future lies with educationalists having a keen interest in information concerning trauma-informed practices. The present day educators and students are relying on the professional resources which can ease the effects of trauma. It is an eye-opener to know that students under the age of 16 have already experienced the debilitating effects of stress. Given the number of factors can lead to stress in students, it is for the educators to identify them. Once these are recognized, it is for the administration to come up with strategies aimed at better management of classrooms. These trauma-informed practices will help new age students to counter and surpass any sort of educational or behavioral stumbling blocks they encounter.

  1. Flipped Classrooms – The New Age Learning Arenas

Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams along with One Drive will soon become the indispensable learning tools in modern schools. Flipped classrooms will continue to make their presence felt in education, guaranteeing the benefits of collaborative learning. The year 2018 will make these online learning tools very significant and pivotal to students to make the most of modern educational practices.

  1. Niche Learning – The New Kid on the Education Block

All in an attempt to address the increased demand for skilled professionals required by various industries, it is the need of the hour to tread the path of niche learning. Enrolments to certification courses will see a rise with organizations spending monies on equipping their workforce with on-the-job trainings and certifications. This trend is expected to open up millions of jobs for certified professionals. It is for these certifications that schools will tie up with industries who are scouting for skilled workers. This will lead to a smooth transition for the learned to pass out of college and immediately get placed in companies scouting for trained professionals.

  1. Micro-Credentialism Will Witness A Major Push

Similar to niche learning that is the much-needed form of education to thrive in this highly-competitive business environment, the concept of micro-credentialism is steadily gaining ground. Businesses are no longer in need of students who attend colleges in pursuit of knowledge about various subjects. On the contrary, they are constantly on the lookout for professionals who are abreast with the working of a streamlined vocational environment. It is through micro-credentialism that students of the present generation will have to sign up for niche learning courses so as to fill the widening gap between the demand and supply of skilled labor.

  1. The Use of Collaboration Tools Will Witness a High

In 2018, as in the previous years, students will rely on technology to not only socialize and make friends but also to collaborate. While this is an external parameter to a classroom, this trend is expected to percolate into the classroom as the entire class will use similar technologies to make education enjoyable. This will not only set the stage for students to learn from each other, but also to engage better with their topics.

  1. The Prominence of Video Communication Tools

Google Expeditions is a Virtual Reality (VR) learning tool that allows students to enjoy virtual trips by travelling to any nook and corner of the globe. This is a video communication tool that holds great promise to students of modern times to enjoy real-life learning experiences that are far-fetched with traditional teaching styles. Such video-driven learning tools permit you to make the most of online content that makes visuals thrilling to watch and learn.

  1. The Modern Age of Data-Centric Schools

Another educational trend that you should be in the know of concerns the use of statistical information in school management. Be it the seamless monitoring of attendance registers or the storage of educational projects, the year 2018 is all set to witness a sea change. Schools will begin to incorporate a widespread use of EMIS (Education Management Information System) so as to better monitor the performance of both students and teachers alike. EMIS helps schools to have up-to-date and relevant information that can be retrieved effortlessly. With the EMIS in place, schools will be in a strong position to make better decisions when they can compare past trends to current happenings.

  1. Reading Will Become A Pleasure Through E-Books

It is not an overstatement to quote that e-books have a positive impact on the reading habits of students who are reluctant to hold a book in their hands. You can now pick an e-book of your choice and read it so as to not only improve your reading skills but also for the sheer pleasure of befriending black and white text. By 2018, you can expect all the schools to employ e-books as promising reading tools to make the assimilation of knowledge a pleasure for life.

  1. The Upcoming Benefits for Teaching Fraternity

New age teachers will begin to enjoy better career pathways through typical classroom practices like teacher leadership roles and mentoring skills. Given the fact that teaching is considered a flat career without any promotions, the attrition level in the teaching line is quite high.

Some teachers will sign up for new teacher mentoring roles while some become instructional coaches. It is through these novel career options that a fresh breathe of life can be bestowed to teachers. These education-centric admin roles that the teachers will embrace will help them gain recognition for their expertise in the fields of delivering curriculum. They will also become the vital instrumentals in the growth of new teachers who are aspiring to teach and inspire students.

  1. Teacher Shortage Continues To Be A Matter of Concern

Shortage of teaching staff linked to subjects like science, math and special education will still persist in 2018 apart from registering a rise. While schools continue to face a serious shortfall of teachers, it is also crucial to retain new teachers. With a steady rise in the number of school-going students coupled with a low teacher retention rate, most of the schools, across the globe will face an acute shortage of teachers in 2018 as well.

  1. The Growing Popularity of Inclusive Practices in Education

The year 2018 will witness a steady popularity of inclusive educational practices. It is through such practices that differently-abled students can be brought into the educational mainstream. These practices will help such students to excel in their academics through an endearing support coming from educators. Enabling them to meet their numerous learning needs, a free-thinking and a collaborative learning pattern will support them in more ways than one.

Closing Thoughts

There is so much in store for all the stakeholders concerning the sphere of education in 2018. The above-explained pointers highlight the developments that you can expect in 2018. It is through these fact-based predictions that you can come to a conclusion that a paradigm shift in education is imminent and here to stay.

The advancements in technology have made a strong impact on almost all areas of our society. It is making a serious difference in the way kids and parents perceive the world and each other.

Have you ever thought about the impact of technology on family time?

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Even when one can highlight how the reach of technology is breaking barriers between parents and kids, the other side of technology is almost creating a family divide. Most of the technologies we use today have changed from the perspective of just a ‘want’ to a ‘necessity’ in one’s life.

The technology has moved forward from simple computer gaming, SMS, chatting or emails to assignment completion tools and video calling. Parenting in digital age has now become more challenging than ever before.

Here let us have a look at how technology has affected our families both positively and negatively.

First we can go through the positive impacts of technology:

  1. Coordinate change of plans: In the early days, there was no point of informing the family members if the day’s plan got changed. One has to go directly and inform them if they can’t make for the function, movie or dinner out. Now technology is offering a good assistance to coordinate the change of plans with just a message or call. Kids can let their parents know if they are staying late at school for some extra class without getting them worried.


  1. Reach family in trouble: The location tracking facility is now of great help to reach the family in case of any trouble. If kids come across some mishap during their way, the location tracking facility helps parents to reach them as soon as possible. This is also giving kids a lot of confidence to travel around and do things independently without the fear of being alone. Technology is helping kids to grow up as independent persons without depending on parents for each and everything.


  1. Interaction with family groups: The new messaging apps have options to set up family groups where one can interact with all members of their family despite where they are. Even the distant family is now more connected with social media groups rather than just interacting only at some events or birthday or marriage functions.


  1. Home security systems: The safety within home with modern security systems has added more peace within families. The emergency alarms as well as the quick response options help to bring the police or the correspondent authority to be at the place at the time of a robbery or a fire. Having a feeling that the people and home belongings are safe gives you a more peaceful sleep.


  1. Parents engaging apps in school: Most of the parents will be busy with their work schedules and find it difficult to make a visit to the school. The parents engaging apps have come to the rescue as they can virtually be present in school during all the activities of their child in campus. They can maintain a good relationship with teachers through communication apps and school portals and learn more about how their child progresses in schools.


  1. Virtual presence with video call: Some parents are too protective about their children and won’t allow them to stay out of their reach. However, with video call options, a person can virtually be present near you when talking. Even if it demands to stay abroad or in some distant places during your career, one can still be in close touch with the family through daily video conversations.

Now it is high time to know about the negative results of today’s technology which happens just because of the way we use them. Here are a few of them:

  1. Too much screen time: The situation prevailing currently in almost every household- If there are four members, each of them will have a personal screen with which they spend most of the time. When parents and children come back after office and school at the end of the day, it is important to interact with each other. It helps maintain a personal bond and fosters empathy for the apprehensions of the other.


  1. Lack of quality time: It is important to share some quality time with your family. Today’s reality is that even when parents pretend to play with children or share some family moments, the emails or chatting is taking half of their attention. It is important to switch of your devices for at least an hour or two and spend some quality time together. The habit of bringing work home is one of the main reasons for many failing relationships as this compromises time for intimacy.


  1. Poor face-to-face interaction: Today the mode of communication has drastically changed from direct face to face communication to merely chatting. This seriously affects children as they will have poor face to face interaction skills when they grow up As they spend most of the time with screens, people will have only limited experience of proper interaction with humans which can lead to a shrink in the level of confidence. This can severely affect the professional performance of a child who is brought up in such mechanical environment.


  1. Interrupted family time: It is good to share at least a meal together to have a good bonding with family members. The morning breakfast is used to watching everyone rush to make it in time for school and work. The dinner time too is interrupted by technology with people choosing to eat as and when they finish of chatting or working. Even if they have dinner at the same time, everybody will be giving their half focus on their personal screens.


  1. Limited outdoor activities: The detrimental lifestyle with lack of proper exercise and unhealthy eating habits is the prime reason for most of the problems. Technology has a real impact on the way people have changed the healthy habits. As people are busy with their gadgets, they have no time for outdoor activities. The sedentary life style is seriously causing health issues for people of all ages. Kitchen and cooking is a rare sight for junk food is just a call away. Children now prefer computer games to outdoor games which add the problem of unhealthy eating.


  1. Setting wrong example: Parents would advise children to go out and play and they sit inside the home with their screens. If Parents do not practice what they preach, the child won’t follow. It is important to teach kids by setting good examples.

The right decision would be to add the right mix of technology in your family and experience the pleasures of both. Technology was invented for the good of mankind and so it is our duty to utilize it responsibly.

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Parents can guide kids to enjoy the life rightfully by weighing the pros and cons of technology. Even schools are realizing the negative impacts of overuse of technology and taking children out of the four walls of the classroom to give them an opportunity to interact with the nature. Technologies have made life really easy for us as information to anything under the sun is available at our finger tips. However, we should understand that even when technology has made this a better place to live; we should not compromise human values while enjoying it.

All those in the teaching line will vouch for the importance of a lesson plan.

A lesson plan is a concise and organized structure which provides answers to important questions. Questions about how a teacher can maintain a standard pattern of teaching.

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Purpose of the Lesson Plan

Brilliance lie in not leaving the schedule at the mercy of shambolic planning and fluctuating resources.  Teachers can re-direct their energy in designing an effective curriculum.

The duties of school hours will  recline in the lap of this set up. The lesson plan guides the direction in which the teacher can invest her efforts and resources for the day.

On attaining the equilibrium, you can help drive student’s efforts on the right path for the desired learning outcome.

Importance of a Good Lesson Plan:

Call it an essential vitamin for the teacher’s survival. The scant might cause deficient growth as a teacher.

A good lesson plan conveys to the teacher as to what is important for students when it comes to learning. And since prepared under the confines of individual comfort, it is easier to perceive.

It will include the content  and activities to be fulfilled for a set timeline.

Lesson planning provides a step-by-step guide to teachers to delve deep into what he/she is teaching.

it tells you how the teaching should progress with the contents of the lecture.

The next big question is  whether the students understand what you are teaching.

Alongside planning for these criteria which are crucial for in-depth learning, a lesson plan benefits teachers in more ways than you can imagine.

We shed light on the 10 most important ways in which a lesson plan becomes a teaching and learning aid to both the teachers and the students respectively.

1) Incorporate the Three Arms of Effective Teaching

In order to help faculty maintain a standard teaching pattern that will benefit students of different IQ levels, it is essential that they follow a logical teaching structure.

It is necessary to take into cognizance the three pivotal components of teaching; the three arms of a lesson plan.

They are:

  • The basic objectives of the course
  •  A collection of teaching and learning activities and
  • Assessment methods

A lesson plan unveils the basic objectives of the course. Students should walk out the class with a thorough understanding of what was taught in class.

Enlisting the learning and teaching activities is the next step. Here, you will have to strive and come up with multiple explanation methods that will help your students to better understand the topic.

You can include real-life examples alongside citing imaginary situations. This will help students stretch their imagination to extract the essence of what is being taught.

After planning for both objectives and teaching activities, you should work in the direction of assessing the level of understanding of your students.

Here you need to rely on assignments (oral or written) as qualifying tools. A question-answer session should be planned along with well-planned activities that will help you assess the learning abilities of your students.

2. A Perfect Time Management Tool in Classrooms

A step-by-step lesson plan will help you lecture the important sections of a topic within the prescribed time period.

You will not grope in the dark about how a particular query from a student should be addressed. With this tool in your hand you will be able to teach with a better sense of direction and control.

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There will a lot of free time to focus on improvising your abilities as an educator.

3. Builds The Confidence in Teachers

With a lesson plan in your hand, you will become a confident teacher. You would stay abreast with the novel teaching styles that are currently in vogue.

You will not be following the principles of the old school of thought but will incorporate new teaching mechanisms. A lesson plan helps you adhere to the best teaching practices that deliver effective teaching.

You will be come to be known as a confident teacher who is well-informed and highly knowledgeable faculty.

4. A Clear Route-Map To Effective Teaching

What to teach and how to teach are the two basic questions that should be pre-answered by teachers.

When you are clear about what topics to teach and how they should be taught, you will be able to match your lecturing patterns to the learning abilities of your students.

One important thing to remember!

Teaching from the front cover all the way to the end of the text book does not meet your teaching goals.

A lesson plan here sheds light on what topics are considerable as against those which are secondary.

5. A Boon To Struggling Students

Many a times, teachers either omit or repeat the subjects taught earlier. This situation arises because of the absence of a lesson plan.

With a lesson plan at your disposal, you will be able to avoid casual omissions or repetitions that emerge as a result of students getting promoted from one grade into another.

Once the semester ends, earlier teacher with the new class teacher can review the lesson plan in action. This will help to come up with recommendations to aid struggling students.

6. Gain Recognition as an poignant Teacher

A well-organized teacher will be able to attract the attention of students who will pattern after your planning traits.

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You can set an example to students who will follow your footsteps. uncovering the benefits of planning and apply your values to aspects of their lives.

This way, you will be able to lead the students by setting an example of the benefits of planning.

7. A Result-Oriented Practice

You as an instructor will be able to guide your students better if you value spadework yourself.

You will be instrumental in helping your students complete assignments with little or no supervision.

A lesson plan comes handy in assessing the level of mastery of your students. It allows you to concentrate on struggling students.

This way, you will be able to check their level of understanding and match your teaching style with what your class needs.

8. Sets the Anticipatory Mood for Students

Teachers rely on teaching mechanisms like a game, a video clipping or an industrial tour. This creates a sense of expectation among students.

You can also engage your students in a focused discussion about a particular topic. This could be a preparation for what is coming up next.

Imagine the excitement of students of English Literature when they are asked to pen down their thoughts about their failed college love.
Right before proceeding to value the world famous love story of Romeo and Juliet!

9. A Reference Tool Which Facilitates Swapping of Teachers

A substitute teacher will be able to take the position of a class teacher in a much shorter time, thanks to the lesson plan.

The assisting teacher will have all the details of lessons covered and the topics yet to be touched.

A lesson plan helps a supporting teacher be perceptive to the teaching style of the earlier faculty. This fosters easy comfort between students and new teacher.

10. Promotes A Healthy Learning Environment

With a lesson plan as a teaching tool, you can plan your lessons in the most purposeful manner.

Healthy classroom management is driven by a systematic pattern of teaching.

With a well-chalked out plan of learning activities and routines, you will be able to present the subject matter straight and clean.

11. Handing over and professional performance

It is always an advantage to have a clear lesson plan so that, it can be used by substitute teachers at times.

It ensures that time is being used properly, even when the HOD is not around.

The set of lesson plans can be used to handling over to new teachers, it acts as a guideline for them to follow.

Irrespective of all these, it can also be used to support annual performance evaluation of individual teachers.

Even when applying for new job, teachers can attach these lesson plans as a sample to show them your content understanding and organizational skills.

12. Prevent over-reliance on textbooks

There are many excellent guides with good resources using the syllabus that enables a teacher to prepare an effective lesson plan. These guides also have solved problems and notes which helps to save the time of teachers.

Thus, giving them more time to focus and teacher. So, a good lesson plan, prevent over- reliance on textbooks.

13. Ask questions

A properly built lesson plan helps a teacher to ask proper and important questions timely. This will engage the student interaction and communication in an effective way. Thus, it helps in retaining the lesson in the classroom.

14. It helps during class preparation

You teach a specific subject because you are well-versed in it. But preparation is essential even for the masters.

As lesson plans make teachers clear about what they are going to teach, it makes then capable to prepare even more.

Teachers can also research on the topic so that it helps them to gather additional information that can be shared with students.

15. It enables possible changes

During the preparation of the lesson plan, there come certain points which can be reviewed and edited. It helps teachers to use different strategies, methods, make use of different tools to make teaching process more interesting.

Thus, a proper lesson plan helps teachers to avoid mistakes and clarifies beforehand.

Key Takeaways

A lesson plan is a mandatory tool to tread the path of comprehensive education. No matter how experienced a teacher is.

With a step by step guide to at their disposal teachers will be in a position to better control the class and address anticipated situations with a strong sense of preparedness.

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A lesson plan is a ready-reference guide to all the teachers. Teachers willing to deliver the curriculum in a sensible and well-informed manner, this tool is just for you!

Technology has by far spread its wings into every sphere of human life. Simplifying the lives of both students and teachers, technology-powered gadgets have already made their strong presence felt in the arena of education. Crafted to help educators and learners with their daily classroom routines, the present generation can now bank on wearable technology. Drifting away from the thought that wearables can distract the attention of the learners, these gadgets have steadily become modern powerful learning instruments.

If you are curious to know the ways in which these tech-powered wearables can enhance learning by imparting quality education to students, here they come.

  1. Enhanced Student Engagement

Modern wearable technologies surely demand a special mention as exciting tools to help students engage better with their lessons. Google Glasses are the promising educational tools that can lend a helping hand to students to get first-hand information about any topic of their choice. Educators can use these innovative wearables to come up with teaching schedules that can be shared amongst students and the teaching staff.

Through these gadgets, students will be informed about their timelines for assignment submissions and the exam schedules so as to ward off any instances of miscommunication. These wearables enable you to learn at your own pace.

You as a student wearing Google Glasses will also be able to make the most of distance learning. Allowing you to share lessons loaded with practical illustrations, you can enjoy holistic learning through experiments and appealing subject content that is presented by these gadgets.

  1. The Hands-Free Convenience

Wearables in education are star attractions on the strength of being hands-free. When you wear a gadget, you are freeing both your hands. A pair of free hands can help you better interact with the real world, alongside permitting you to enjoy a convenient access to other devices that are in your vicinity. This positive goes a long way in increasing the level of communication between you as a student and the tutor.

Wearables which come with environment sensing are the stepping stones for students to develop healthy learning habits. Google Glasses, through their hands-free feature, can come in as excellent learning tools permitting you to jot down notes without missing out important subject matter during class lectures.

  1. A Coordination Between Teachers and Students

For a classroom to become a haven for learning and knowledge, it is important that the teachers and students work in tandem with each other. There has to be a high level of coordination between both the parties so as to develop strong scholastic relationships.

With wearables in place, teachers can conduct real-time classes without assembling all the students under one roof. An on-the-go learning session is a matter of convenience that is bestowed by these wearables. Wearables which come in different forms stay with you for the entire working day, imparting knowledge about any topic that interests you.

  1. Communication Made Easy

With the beginning of every new academic year, students and teachers are introduced to newer versions of wearables. Updated wearables promise enhanced functionalities like messaging features, GPS and chat options are available on a Smart Watch. These wearables simplify the communication between teachers and learners alongside helping the wearer to perform calculations through its touch-screen mechanism.

You can send any sort of a query to your teacher via the smart watch, which can be answered by your faculty even remotely. Reminders that can be fed into these wearables will thus make the lives of students simple and enjoyable at the same time.

You can engage in smart communication with your peers in addition to enjoying a better access to study material you are looking for. You can effortlessly take notes of all the important topics and collate them into ready-reference study material.

  1. Video Recorders Are Modern Learning Tools

The markets are abuzz with wearable learning tech that come in the form of compact video recorders fitted with sophisticated cameras. GoPro is one such alternative that can be employed by teachers to record class lectures.

These recorded lectures which brim with in-class experiences of different students will come handy to students who have either missed a class or were absent for an entire day owing to ill-health or any personal engagement. It is through this Virtual Reality (VR) enabled GoPro wearable video recorder that you can master subjects like mass communication, journalism and classes aimed at television production.

  1. Learn History and Languages the Smart Way

Now is the era of Virtual Reality that has attracted the attention of both learners and tutors. A host of VR headsets have already penetrated into the educational sphere permitting students specializing in languages, civics and history.

Through VR headsets, you will be transported into another territory that is linked to your subject of interest. You begin to enjoy the feel of former empires coupled with loads of information concerning foreign locales and their cultures. You can go to these places without having to step out of your classroom and experience the lifelike learnings that cannot be assimilated through useless images, pictures, slideshows or static posters.

These real-time field trips are the best ways to learning since they bring in an element of realism to what all the students wish to learn. It is through such enlivening experiences that you as a student can unleash a new world of learning. You will then be able to experience the real thrill behind education which now comes with captivating and fun-filled elements.


  1. Enhanced Parental Participation in the Learning Process

Not only are Google Glasses useful for learning in classrooms, they can also become potent tools of effective communication between teachers and parents. Teachers, through a Google Glass, can inform the progress of students to parents in the form of report cards. When the report card reaches the parents, they will be encouraged to partake in the learning process of their wards so as to help them in their pursuit of knowledge and better grades. Through Google Glass, teachers can ensure an effortless and direct path of communication with the parents of students. This way, a healthy in-house and classroom learning environment can be established.

  1. Muse – A Futuristic Wearable That Will Take Education To the Next Level

The future of wearable technology is Muse, a brain-sensing headband that can track signals that are given out by out brain. With a similar mechanism that makes a heart monitor function, a Muse helps teachers to assimilate pertinent information about how well the students are concentrating in the class. This wearable will pick up useful data points and present the reactions of students to a particular lecture.

Highlighting the instances when you as a student were deeply engrossed in the class alongside the times when you were utterly distracted, the Muse can become a learner-centric brain tracker. Modern teachers can bank upon this wearable to improve student engagement, in addition to helping them assess their brain patterns concerning different learning activities.

Key Takeaways

The possibilities in education are growing by leaps and bounds. A plethora of technologically-driven gadgets have already made waves in the sphere of education, revolutionizing the academic industry so that students can reach the pinnacle of their learning curve; effortlessly and quickly. Providing a number of attractive classroom experiences for students, these wearables are the new generation learning tools that are poised to make headlines for many more years to come.

Students follow their teachers’ footsteps in almost everything. So, a good teacher is supposed to demonstrate only those things which they can ask their students also to do. If the teacher can do a similar project what his/her students have been assigned, then students can come up with better work. It means if the teacher is not interested in the thing he/she teaches, then students will not show any interest towards the information that they have been taught.

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A teacher should fairly make time to listen and help their students. If they show kindness and love toward their students, then students will become more comfortable to share their problem and stories with their teachers. If teachers only deliver a lecture and leave the class, then students will lose the trust that is required for a positive student-teacher relationship. Gaining such trust is one of the most important qualities teachers must have.

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When you speak of a traditional classroom, the first image that crosses your mind is the sight of a tutor lecturing to a class.

What about the students? They simply sit without participating in the classroom discussions. This non-participation of students does a great deal of harm, marring the basic premise of learning.

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In an attempt to encourage students to actively engage themselves with everything that happens in class, a model of instruction called the student-centered classroom is in place.

This is a concept that shifts the focus away from teachers and revolves around students, encouraging them to partake in classroom discussions. All in an attempt to allow students apply their minds, here are 10 intelligent ways to build a student-centered classroom.

  1. Bestow Students with the Freedom of Choice

A student-centered classroom is one which allows the freedom of choice to students.  The teacher can allow them to use their discretion about what projects they wish to work on. For that matter, you can also permit them to choose their bench and the company of their classmates. This sense of freedom will spark creativity in students, alongside strengthening their decision-making skill.

When students enjoy autonomy in everything they do, they will feel less restricted, constantly giving their best to academics or extra-curricular activities.  When students apply their knowledge, they will create an environment which promises individual and collaborative learning, while working on a group project.

  1. Unleash the Power of Student Reflection while Becoming Their Mentors and Coaches

When students are encouraged to reflect upon what they have been learning, they will slow down their pace and introspect their strengths and weaknesses. Teachers can help them analyze their worthiness when they will try to process all that they have learnt in their inquisitive brains. This will help them tread the path of individual and collective growth.

Teachers are the pivots of a student-centered classroom. They are required to implement a learning structure that urges the students to actively participate in classroom activities.  Every teacher needs to transform into a mentor delivering deep insights about how learning should progress. Posing questions, having discussions etc will help you comprehend the level of understanding each student has.

This will ultimately lead them to a holistic learning process revolving around their innate intelligence.

  1. The Inclusion of Academic Workshops and Educational Gadgets

A student-centered classroom works best through workshops along with plenty of professional development opportunities. Teachers should work hard by playing the role of mentors for specific subjects. You should create a concrete lesson plan supported by a host of teaching techniques that will benefit your students. Workshops which focus on different subjects will help students strengthen their fundamentals. In order to facilitate these mechanisms, teachers can sign up for training sessions about the use of teaching gadgets like iPads that will create an environment of personalized learning.

  1. Demonstrate The Strength of Open-Ended Questioning Techniques

Posing open ended questions allows students to formulate their own answers without sticking to a particular response from a series of answers. Since open-ended questions have no pre-determined limitations or boundaries, students can hone their creative thinking abilities while sharpening their problem-solving skills. You will also create an environment of clear intra-class communication which develops a sense of reassurance that your class welcomes every student’s ideas and thoughts.

  1. The Formulation of Rules

Autonomy is not about allowing students to do what they like. It is also about following certain non-negotiable rules. Given a scenario when all your students are working towards a group project, you can allow one student to start and lead the discussion. Others will step in through their comments. These comments will again be called for discussion so that you can keep a check on unruly and distractive students. through these boundaries students can make the most of collaborative learning and deliver the project on hand.

  1. Flip The Assessment Grades With Comments

Treading away from the traditional educational pattern, grades no longer come in as a measure of a student’s success. On the flip side, teachers should change the feedback process which collates all the comments and discussions of students with regard to submission of their assignments. The simple alphabetical grades should be done away with. A conscious effort to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of students through constructive feedback is required.

Academic quizzes and assessments as learning activities can be conducted frequently. This will come handy while collating performance metrics of every student.

  1. Unveil The Attraction of Student Collaboration

Teachers working towards a student-centered classroom should encourage students to constantly engage themselves in group learning activities. Students should be provided with umpteen opportunities to partake in group discussions. Such activities will not only introduce your students to varying opinions of their classmates, they will also be thrilled to assimilate different views coming from their mates. These activities set the stage for a healthy competition amongst your students.

  1. The Union of Family and School

For the success of a student-centered classroom, teachers would need the endearing support of the families of their wards. When you are striving towards a student-driven learning pattern, you should work hard in the direction of motivating them alongside making them accountable for all their actions.

These two traits of accountability and motivation should be honed from the home-front as well. Notwithstanding the fact that a school is indeed the second home of every student, it is only when you rope in the parents of your wards that you will derive synergistic benefits of well-informed families teaming with classrooms. For this, it is the need of the hour to educate parents about the principles behind a student-centered classroom so as to reap the benefits of enhanced student participation.

  1. Chalk Out Individual Assignments

It takes all sorts of students to make up a class. Contrary to the belief that one size fits all, a classroom has students with different IQ levels. They also demonstrate different speeds at which they grasp the classroom learnings. In an attempt to handhold these different students, you can chalk out individual assignments that match varying learning styles. With such assignments in place, students with diverse learning patterns can benefit from an in-depth understanding of the subject.

  1. Introduce Students To Multiple Learning Avenues

Given the rate at which technology is penetrating into every walk of human life, millennials of today have lots to explore through the internet. You can encourage them to register for online courses which are in tandem with their core interests. Such learning avenues can encourage a motivated student to look at education from a completely different perspective.

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Alongside practicing the model of self-learning, students can become a part of experiential learning that is offered by technology  like AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality). All these not only allow students to apply their knowledge but also aid in a significant paradigm shift in the learning methods employed in classrooms. Such technological interventions can become catalysts to a student-centered classroom.

Key Takeaways

After understanding the importance of student-centered classrooms, it goes without saying that this form of learning can lead to a much-needed and exciting educational transition.

All you need to do is to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your students. After understanding these attributes closely, you can carve a student-centered classroom.

“E-Learning  – education conveyed via electronic means”

There may be other insignificantly different definitions, but this could be considered succinct.

E-Learning is so ubiquitous and vast that it’s difficult to articulate a concise outline that truly does the word justice.

What exactly is the spur in created by e-learning and its various aspects. Let us briefly witness each facet of the trend.

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Concept of e-learning

eLearning is imparting and facilitating knowledge on media, electronic devices like that on the Internet, CD-ROMs, and DVDs, streaming media etc.

It has drifted the method of learning imparted to the students. Unlike conventional chalk and board style of schooling, eLearning makes giving and receiving simpler, prolific, and productive. Shortly, it is the method of teaching purely through technology.

The word e-learning is used synonymously with virtual knowledge, online education, computer-based training, web-based knowledge, and networked education. Whatever may be the explanation of e-learning, it is revamping the style traditional academia teaches and the learners grasp.

Purpose of e-learning

The idea of e-learning is to empower learners to absorb personal accomplishment, basic schooling or to obtain a degree certificate, without actually attending the school or university or any other academic institute.

Another idea is to apply E-learning to all levels of schooling to ensure students grasp the lessons adequately.

Psychologists believe that audio-visual  method of teaching creates a disciplined learning environment and fosters effective student engagement in the class.

The next benefit of learning online or on electronic media assures you are in sync with advanced learners. Also, digital and self-initiated learning can be acquired at the desired locations. One need not wander in search of learning.

eLearning is versatile and ample to suit all learning methods.

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Types of e-learning

e-Learning eventuates in many forms and at times is the blend of the following:

·         Completely online – no vis-a-vis meetings

·         Mixed Learning – A blend of online and direct communication

·         Synchronous- the communication between the provider and receiver happen directly as in chat rooms, or video-audio conferencing.

·         Asynchronous- The information is passed through forums, emails, wikis etc

·         Self-study

·         Web-based learning

·         CD-ROMs

·         Audio and Visuals

Advantages of e-learning in education

The online learning style is best suited for all. This is a revolution in learning genre. The information, now, can be accessed, talked, absorbed and shared anywhere. E-Learning has made education easy for everyone including office-goers, housewives etc  without compromising much.

  • E-Learning is effective and powerful. It makes information easy to grasp and absorb. It imparts enhanced ability to learn and implement among the learners. The Audio-Visuals help in remembering knowledge for a longer time.
  • E-Learning let you be in sync with modern learners. This keeps you updated with the current trends.
  • Traditional classrooms, have mischievous elements to disturb the class. Whereas, eLearning provides expeditious delivery of lessons. There is no procrastinator in eLearning. It is a quick way of learning!
  • Lectures can be taken at any time and any number of times. In traditional classes, revisions are not that easy. Unlike traditional learning, if you have missed any lesson, you can always have it online.
  • E-Learning allows teachers a higher degree of coverage to deliver the content regularly. This ensures consistency in learning.
  • E-Learning is cost-effective as this method quick and easy. Long training period, infrastructure, stationary, travel expense etc is reduced.
  • It is a benefactor to those who feel nervous and disconnected in groups. It helps you learn without having to give up the comforts of the environment you are at ease with.

How e-learning helps students/benefits of eLearning to student

E-Learning has been an invaluable support for learners around the world. Earlier the access to knowledge was not accessible to all. Students with economic constraints, geographical boundaries or physical disabilities had scarce opportunities in the academic province. The same now hold access to consistent education.

The modern learning method fetches you a refreshed version of knowledge accessible at convenience and shared with millions of people from different boroughs. It’s an ecstatic learning period for scholars far and wide. eLearning also offer greater collaboration and global opportunities to the learners.

Wrapping Up

The method compliments the requisites of the current era where in everyone is racing against time to fetch their share of affluence.

Due to the all-inclusive set of advantages, it offers to the learners, eLearning has matured into popular and apprehended way amongst scholars all around the world.

The process undoubtedly has its limitations. For those with hard economic background and lack of accessibility to technology it is definitely a long shot to exploit its luxury to the fullest. The unprivileged population of developing countries are saddled with this phase of digital divide.

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But with an attempt to make internet more affordable and far reaching, it is possible to bridge the gap between low income community and tech access to dissipate the plight of economic divide.

E-learning with its burgeoning influence in the educational galaxy will open portals to unexplored  pathways giving rise to new opportunities.

Also Read:- How Does Online Education Differ From Traditional Education

A mind map is a diagram that connects bits of a topic to form a hierarchical representation that is easy to remember and recollect.

With an aim to promote study skills amongst students, mind mapping is a promising tool. Mind maps encourage students to not only visualize educational concepts but also express them better.

They prompt children to come up with different ideas concerning their academics. Learning is made possible when students establish a strong connection between these ideas.

For all those students who are looking to ace in their exams with commendable scores, here is a step-by-step blueprint that will help you chalk out a mind map for studying.

Step 1:Come Up With a Central Image for Your Mind Map

Items required: You would need some colored pencils or marker pens and a blank paper which should be turned sideways (breadth-wise).

Now, you need to take the center of the page and draw the first image that crosses your mind when you think of the topic you are about to master. You should then label it. You can also use a couple of words and encircle them.

Using this central image or the title, you will be in a position to weave a mind map that will help you grasp the subject. That means, your mind map will start from the center of the page, ultimately moving to the edges of the paper.

Step 2:Branching Out from the Central Image

The next step is to branch off from the central image. Each branch corresponds to the chapter of your book or a sub-head that you wish to learn. You should then label each branch and if needed, you can support every branch with a corresponding picture.

Step 3: Drawing of Sub-Branches

The 3rd step consists of drawing some sub-branches for every branch. It is through this process that you are setting the stage to establish a connection between different ideas concerning the topic of study.

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Step 4:A Complete Network of 1stBranch

In order to come out with a complete network of branches, you should illustrate every branch with pictures of your choice. You can use your creativity and come up with images that are funny, exaggerated or even silly.

The supporting idea behind such images is that you as students tend to easily recall pictures that are absurd.

Step 5: Branch 2 to be Completed

You should now draw another main branch, your 2nd branch, using another color. The premise behind the use of different colors for main branches is to help you separate out various ideas. Color schemes also help you stimulate your mind.

You should then support the 2nd branch with sub-branches along with corresponding images. In the event the map becomes monotonous, you have the luxury to create another branch.

Step 6: Complete the 3rd Branch

By now, you have understood the repetitive pattern of building a mind map. Follow the same chronology by using different colors, drawing a main branch while supporting the main branch with a number of sub-branches. Last but not the least, attach every sub-branch with pictures.

An important point to keep in mind is to use curved branches as against straight lines. Again there is a logic behind the use of curved lines. This rule is linked to the fact that our brains respond better to curved lines.

The Last Step: Your Mind Map is Now Ready to Use

After completing all the above steps, the resulting image that you have in front of your eyes is a mind map. Without getting discouraged that it does not resemble an artistic piece, strive to stretch your creativity to the maximum. Never mind if the map sports a messy look. You need not get bogged down by the opinions of others who fail to understand what you have drawn.

How to Make a Mind Map for Studying_subheading image

Wrapping It Up

Taking notes and planning for assignments feature in the daily routine of students. When students have to learn so much, they need to concentrate on the important facts that every subject offers.

To help students ace in their exams, a mind map comes as an effective tool which will help them establish a logical link between various topics concerning a particular subject.

Through mind maps, students can progress in their academics by stretching their creativity and resourcefulness. Through such learning tools, you will not only be encouraged to think but will also help you organize your study patterns.

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Undoubtedly, students of today are the future employers and employees of profitable global businesses.

For students to stand out as promising assets to multinational organizations, they need to invest in the sharpening of what are labelled as soft skills.

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These abilities which are linked to personality traits are a host of interpersonal capabilities that will help the present day students to transform into outstanding corporate resources.

So, if students are looking to establish a successful professional career, here are the numerous ways in which soft skills are important for them to enjoy an edge over others who are not abreast with these life-changing “people skills”.Teacher app ad banner

  1. Students Develop Emotional Intelligence

It takes all sorts of students to make up a class. While some students demonstrate a high level of emotional intelligence, there are others who lack this ability.

Emotional intelligence is all about how amicable you as a student are with others. With a high emotional intelligence quotient, you will be looked upon as an easy-to-work with student.

Through soft skills training programs, students will be able to better handle interpersonal relationships with a strong sense of empathy. They will also be in a favorable position to monitor the emotions of others so as to come up with well-informed perceptions about others’ behavior and thinking patterns.

Leaving no room for prejudices, students through the sharpening of soft skills can also become strong influencers in the lives of students with a low emotional intelligence quotient.

Such students will be able to look at every situation in an objective manner, without attaching any pre-conceived judgments about others.

  1. Nurture Interpersonal Relationships

A classroom is an educational entity which calls for a great deal of interaction between students. Once students constantly engage in interactions during class hours or in the event of completing a group assignment, they will befriend others.

Given the fact that man is a social being, mutual interactions between students pave the way for a strong educational base supported by a healthy competitive environment in the classroom.

Classroom behavior is an important aspect to nurture interpersonal relationships. While some students emulate the good behavior of others, there are others who need to be taught about the acceptable decorum of a class.

It is this concept of social etiquette that is brought to the fore for students to not only make friends but also interact with each other with a sense of empathy.

Students who befriend others stand to gain a lot in the form of friendly conversations and an emotional support that they can bank upon at all times.

Thus empathy is one such soft skill that will take students places and keep them in good stead with any sort of study group.

  1. Better Understanding of Classroom Lectures

Students step into a class with the prime aim of learning new things and subjects that are of interest to them. In keeping with this primal need of students, soft skills come handy as instruments that will make learning interesting and fruitful.

With soft skills, students will be able to adapt themselves to different teaching and learning patterns and will try to assimilate what all is taught in class. Students can solve problems employing the principles of soft skills while staying inquisitive about their surroundings and their subject matter.

Allowing them to interpret and explain their inferences, students through soft skills will be able to uncover the steps they need to take to face challenges.

  1. Unveil the Leadership Qualities in Students

There are plenty of students who are born leaders. For all such students who lack the spirit of leadership, soft skills come in as handy tools. Followers can turn into leaders when they start sharpening their soft skills.

Through soft skills trainings, students will be able to motivate themselves to take on leadership roles so as to attract the attention of others.

Students who lead from the front will be able to impress upon the faculty and their peers that they have it in them to successfully complete a project right from the start until its fag end. A sense of trustworthiness will also emerge when you begin to assess the leadership qualities in other students. Additionally, assertiveness is a soft skill that will help you stand your ground as a leader about a particular issue that concerns your college or class.

  1. Improvements in How Students Communicate

A sense of self-confidence is evident with all such students who have absorbed soft skills as their new-found DNA. While such students not only demonstrate a high level of adaptability with changing situations and study groups, they will also be able to better express themselves in college forums and inter-collegiate debate and elocution competitions.

Communication skills, tagged as one of the essential traits to succeed not only as a promising student but also as a potential employment resource are bestowed to students who sign up for soft skill training. Team spirit is a soft skill that should be inculcated by every student to become a team player, especially concerning the submission of group activities. Every student begins to work with the ultimate goal in mind and communicates in the right manner for the benefit of the entire class.

  1. Time-Tested Tools To Ace in Examinations

Come exam time and students are seen hooked to their text books and other study materials. All those students who are either blessed with soft skills or have worked on building their soft skills will stand to gain during examinations.

You can employ your problem solving skills coupled with your innate ability to express yourself better and do well in exams. A number of soft skill trainings not only help you better prepare for the questions that will appear in the question paper, they will also bring in a host of thinking skills that can help you crack numeric and quantitative problems. 

  1. Goal Setting and Target Achievements

Students will learn the importance of setting academic goals for themselves along with the pride that they enjoy upon meeting their targets.

Bringing to the fore the human traits of commitment, enthusiasm and motivation, students will make the most of their classroom sessions to meet their scholastic goals.

It is not only about having a goal. It is also about articulating your goal so that it comes as a reminder to you with every breath you take. Shunning away the instances of day-dreaming when students simply engage in wishful thinking about their ambitions, soft skills help students fulfill all their ambitions.

  1. Unleash The Hidden Potential in Students

All thanks to soft skills, students are now in a sweet spot to uncover their hidden potential that was lying dormant in them. Every student brings to the table a host of talents that amaze both the educators and their parents. Most of the times, the hidden talents of students are brought to light during some unexpected instances.

While some students are blessed with a high degree of creativity, there are others who demonstrate excellent organizational skills. There are others who always sport the aura of positivity, wherever they go. All these are talents that will help students uncover their strongest abilities that haven’t seen the light of the day.

  1. A Strong Commitment to Student Life

A day in the life of a student introduces him/her to a myriad new things that cannot be learnt through printed text books. One should live it to believe it.

Once soft skills become a part of student life, they will help them lead a self-disciplined life that revolves around the educational values that should be inculcated by them. Students will tread the path of education with a strong positive attitude coupled with an undeterred commitment towards their ultimate goal.

Soft skills keep students motivated to perform better in their academics. This motivation manifests in the form of a positive body language.

Interest in educational curriculum will be evident when students maintain an eye-to-eye contact with the faculty, sit erect in class and abstain from chatting with friends during a lecture. These are all the advantages of soft skills in the life of a student.

  1. A Steady Push to Your Presentation Skills

Presentations are part and parcel of student life. You as a learner will be asked to address the class and share your inferences or opinions about a particular topic that is discussed in class. Not only does this call for strong oratory skills but also superior writing skills.

Allowing students to not only form opinions about various subjects, they are also encouraged to stand up and voice their opinions to a gathering.

It is this power of written and oratory expressions that is bestowed by incorporating soft skills into the daily routine of students.

The Take-Home Advice

All in an attempt to secure your professional career, you as a student will have to tread the path of sharpening your interpersonal skills. Only then will you demonstrate the traits of commitment, goal-consciousness, enthusiasm and motivation.

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All these positive abilities will become the pillars of support to settle down in a respectful and highly satisfying employment that every student dreams of.

Once you have mastered these soft skills, you can go ahead and sport these on your resume so as to attract the attention of hiring managers scouting for skilled and confident resources.

Mind mapping is a very common approach in various industries to externalise and visualise the difficult concepts in its simplest form. This innovative thinking tool is one of the best methods followed so far to connect easily between ideas and relations. By considering its success rates, the strategy is widely being adopted in the teaching and learning areas. Many of the studies have reported a positive learning experience when mind mapping is made part of the study life.

Here let us have a look at what exactly is a mind map and how students can make use of them in their learning phase.

What Is A Mind Map?

This innovative tool is a great option when it comes to understanding and absorbing data in the optimal form. This pictorial representation of information gives an overview of complex data or a topic in the first look itself. This map usually starts off with a central idea and then gets surrounded by associated branches of related topics. The central idea can be represented using a word or image which is then extended outwards to sub topics or ideas. The topics and branches with different ideas can be represented using different colors for easy understanding. When used in the right way, it improves independent learning and critical thinking. This is an absolute time saving strategy during several phases of your study life.

To learn more about how students can better use the mind maps and how it makes a remarkable difference in their learning progress, take a look at the key points.

  1. Take notes better: The mind map strategy helps students to take notes in a better form. This aids them to revise the lessons during exam times with minimal effort. Remembering a lot of facts and figures covered in the syllabus would be really tough for the students. Mind map allows organizing this information in a better to understand form. They can do it by using keywords and then visually connecting the ideas and facts. Having all important topics in a single sheet of paper makes it easy for students to go back to the lessons easily and review them.
  1. Project planning: This area of study requires good organization of both thoughts and time. A good mind map makes the job easy for you and you can complete each phase of your project step by step in a well structured way. The talking points to be covered in the project can be presented in a very interactive way using this visualization tool. Moreover, it can act as a simplified content management system that helps you to access necessary information from a centralized location.
  1. Problem solving: Seeing things clearly is the key to analyze it on a better way. Instead of stressing your head to find a solution, take it on a lighter note using a mind map. This is the right way to watch out the many options and possibilities that can be used effectively to solve the puzzle or problem. During the process of problem solving, you can keep on refining the map by taking into account the incoming thoughts to draw out a realistic or the most practical solution. Moreover, this lets the students to look at the problems from a different angle and work it out better.
  1. Exam study plans: Exams are one of the toughest phases for most of the students. Remembering piles of notes can be a scary dream. However, the mind map strategy can be used to visually represent only the main topics in simple forms. You can also form small mind maps for each topic separately. You can cover more lessons easily in this approach and have an idea about the lessons covered so far. You just need to glance through the main mind map before the exam and fill up the rest from the memory. The mental triggers of this tool let the brain to memorize the stuff in a more effective manner.
  1. Brainstorm ideas easily: This amazing tool lets you brainstorm your ideas or thoughts in an organic manner without bothering about structure and order. When the ideas are structured visually, it is really easy for student to make the analysis and recall. A student brain can easily pick up organized diagrams than a bulk or pile of data. This powerful tool lets you do a creative work out of your brain and think more progressively by gearing up an imaginative mindset. This is in fact a free thinking strategy in which students can visualize the ideas from a deeper level.
  1. Connect ideas efficiently: Making a good connection between the ideas learnt throughout different lessons or sessions is important to have an upper hand over the subject. This is really important when it comes to memorizing the lesson segments during exams. The mind map helps you to make central concept and build an intuitive framework around it. When information gathering and applying facts is possible in its simplest form, connecting ideas becomes really easy than you think. The radiant structure of the mind maps can correspond well to the way the brain process information.
  1. Assess situations better: When it comes to complex situations in the lessons, this radical tool helps you to assess the data points better and move on pretty easily. Let it be any confusing situation of any subject area, taking out a few minutes to draw out a mind map with relevant facts and figures helps you to reach the conclusion really quickly. In fact both sides of your brain can be used effectively that helps you to think out of the box. This means that students can easily collaborate with the logic and analytics as well as the creative and imaginative part.
  2. Present ideas clearly: It is common for students to make a mess on the presentations. Mind map is also a good solution to present ideas more clearly and convey the message in the simplest form to the audience. Piles of notes on the screen can be tough when handling an audience and so use keywords and images to connect them. You can even number your points and give an idea about the quantity of topic to be covered to the audience. Mind map helps to frame the presentation in a more conversational way and make a good interactive session by making eye contact with the audience.
  1. Group study plans: Studying in groups can be really effective during exam times. Sitting alone and studying can be stressful especially during exams and group study can be more fun while you teach and learn from others. Mind maps can make the sessions more productive and interesting. Each one of you can create your mind maps during self study time and share it with others during group study. You can then form a new mind map by including the ideas and collective thoughts.
  1. Creative inspiration: This is one of the great ways to turn creative. Whether it is planning an essay, painting a picture or writing a story, the tough part is to get a good start. The working of mind map is more or less similar to a brain. So just start off with a word or image you think off in your mind by drawing it out. To the surprise, it can spark off numerous connecting ideas and turn your thought into an amazing art work. As thoughts flow freely, stepping out with novel and creative ideas seems really fun and easy. The tool lets you see the bigger picture of a concept or idea from a wider perspective that makes the job easy.
  1. Improved decision making: When it comes to deciding on some important areas of your school life, it could be tough when a number of concerns and possibilities are running at the back of your mind. Use the mind map and just draw off the possible pros and cons as well as your concerns or doubts when thinking about particular decision. You can clear it off one by one and strike it off when you have done with it. In this way, you can make decisions that are error free and that goes by all considerations.

There are different types of mind mapping tools designed by enthusiasts to help out students in the job that automates the process. You may choose from mind maps that can be used offline, online mind maps or mind map software.

Many of the reports have pointed out that the mind map approach can assist in their cognitive learning theory as well as enhance their reading comprehension.

Moreover, they can benefit from improved thinking and learning skills when the tool is used effectively. One of the main problems faced by students is to memorize what they have learnt. And interestingly, the mind map strategy is proving good to increase the retention rates.