It is quite common for students to have nervousness in their study life which adversely affects their learning cycle. For some students, the anxiety is only mild and is seen only at exam times but it can be an alarming issue for certain students.

Whether the nervousness is mild or  a serious disorder, teachers can play a crucial role in alleviating it to a great extent. Some deliberate changes in the way they approach these students can help them a lot to overcome these mishap and have a productive learning phase.

Let us see the important changes teachers can adopt in their teaching strategies to help students to mitigate nervousness:

1. Create a study schedule

For students with exam fear, the anxiety of covering large portions of syllabus in the stipulated deadline is the major problem. Teachers can help them to create a realistic study schedule by which they can complete important lessons more productively. You can help them to allot their time effectively to cover all of the subjects in the time frame.

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2. Empower students with tips

Help them to relax their body and mind with some tips. This can include taking deep breathing exercises whenever they feel stressed. Advice the students to follow their mantras and promote positive self-talk. Seated stretches are one of the good ways to remove tension during exam times.

3. Keep them busy

An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. Students with anxiety problems used to think a lot and this makes the problem worse. So teachers should take up some steps to keep them busy with some interesting activities during their free time giving no way for unwanted thoughts. Keeping them physically and mentally active with some productive schedules can do the trick.
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4. Promote positive thinking

Teachers can take deliberate efforts in promoting positive thinking with some valuable speech every day. You can share the success stories with the students to help them learn how the hard work actually pays them back. Another option is to write down a new positive thought in classroom black board every day which motivates them to think positively.

5. Facilitate peer study groups

Students would always be comfortable with kids of their age group. So it would be good to organize some peer study groups with students of differing calibre. They can teach and learn from each other and share the ideas in groups during free hours which bring in lots of positive vibes.

6. Give continual feedback

It is not a good idea to blame them all of a sudden when they score badly in main exams. Instead you can conduct mini tests all through the study term and give them continual feedback on ways to improve. This would help them to re-frame their study approach effectively and take effort to perform better every next time. This takes away their exam fear and helps to approach the main exams with confidence.

7. Make flexible assignments

It is not good to burden them with unrealistic assignments that kill their self study time. Teachers should consider giving them small portions of flexible assignments and make the deadline for completion more realistic. You may also give friendly advice to present the assignments better next time with constructive criticism.

8. Praise student effort

Students would always love to hear words of appreciation for the work they do. So take some time to praise them for the little efforts they take. Even if they fail in their first or second attempt, praise them for the effort they took in doing it. This would inject positive vibes in them and lifts their self confidence to do things better and try something new without any fear.

Also Read:  8 Strategies To Make Learning Easier For Struggling Students

9. Educate importance of practice

As we all know, practice makes a man perfect and there is no gain without pain. So it is important to teach them the importance of practice. Make them understand that success may not always come their way in the first place; instead they have to achieve it one day through practice and hard work.

10. Create a nurturing environment

Make sure that no students in your classroom are bullied for any difference. See that there is no gender or caste or cultural discrimination in your classroom. Give them a feeling of safety and take an effort to make everyone in the class feel valued. Also see that there is proper student engagement with learner-centered activities.


11. Give additional help for needy

All students in the classroom may not be of the same calibre. So it is good to include activities that help every type of students to understand the lessons. If you see that certain students are too weak in some lesson areas, spend some time to give them additional help to make them compete with their peers.

Also Read: 8 Strategies To Make Learning Easier For Struggling Students

12. Keep them moving

Being physically active in the classroom can also help them to have some positivity. Include activities that ask them to come out of their seats and interact with others and explore new ideas. Making them communicate well with their peers is another way of erasing their anxiety problems and to help them stay positive.

13. Identify and ease fear

The fears can be different for different students. It is the role of teachers to spend some time for them to make a friendly conversation. This helps them to identify their personal fears and take effort to ease it to an extent. You may also have a chat with their parents if things seem serious and not handy.

14. Have a good classroom setting

A comfortable atmosphere to study gives them a feel of goodness. You may consult with the management to make some proper seating arrangement. Also make sure that the lighting is proper inside the classroom. You may also bring in some light music in the classroom to ease of the pressure.

15. Have proper leisure time

Burdening students with lessons throughout the day can invoke stress and this can create nervousness in them. Teachers can initiate steps to make sure that they are getting proper leisure time in the middle of all lessons. It is important to free up their mind and help their body and mind to relax.

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16. Teach importance of time management

The lack of time management is the reason why many students fail to complete the lessons on time. This paves the way for unnecessary fears and anxiety, especially during exam times. So teachers can help them learn the importance of time management which takes away most of the associated fears.

17. Have good teacher-parent relations

Maintaining good parent teacher relations can help a lot to identify the student’s personal fears. This helps teachers to take some cautious steps to approach a student with anxiety disorder. This also helps teachers to properly convey the child’s activities in school and seek help from parents if needed.

18. Give them support to enjoy learning

It is important to do the things you love to make it more enjoyable. Teachers can give enough support for them with timely advice to make learning more easy and joyful. Devise a teaching style that helps them to learn with fun rather than giving them a feeling of serious study time.

19. Advice a balanced approach

Teach them the importance of balancing their time effectively to enjoy all phases of life. Help them to allot their daily time wisely for studies, friends, parents, play and rest to balance their life properly. Similarly, teachers can also make the exams balancing by trying open book tests or creative exams to enhance their confidence.

20. Maintain friendly classroom ambience

A friendly classroom setting can help students to be more free and relaxed. Keep up a good ambience in classroom which motivates every student to express freely and share their ideas. Make the setting comfortable enough for even the shy students to express themselves and see that students are keeping positive relations with one another.

21. Keep yourself relaxed

It is highly important for you to keep yourself relaxed while approaching students. Keep away your tensions and approach a classroom with a positive attitude. This would be highly inspiring for them to maintain a positive outlook in life despite what all comes their way. It is important for teachers to set an example of the principles you are conveying to the kids.

Giving a clear picture of the objective of lessons and the purpose of learning erases away their feeling of uncertainty and anxiety to a great extent. Let them understand that they can freely approach teachers or parents for any support and guidance.

Teach them that making mistakes are quite human and there is no need to lose hope over a single failure. School management can take some effort to arrange personality development and confidence boosting sessions by experts once in a while in addition to the regular text book lessons.

Teaching science is no longer a monotonous job when you have science movies that can be played in classrooms. It is only when education merges with entertainment that students grasp the subject matter. Relying on the broadcast of science movies, you can make a topic much more interesting for your students. For all those educators who wish to go the entire nine yards to teach effectively, here are some science movies that will present a perfect mix of entertainment and information to the seekers of scientific knowledge.

  1. Jurassic Park

You must have heard of this famous movie that became a run-away hit with moviegoers when it was first released across the world in 1993. “Jurassic Park” is a movie which sheds light on a theme park which was created to house genetically engineered dinosaurs. Scientists work very hard in building a DNA from the blood of a preserved dinosaur so as to create many such creatures.

However a twist to the tale comes in the form of a computer expert deactivating the security system of the park so that he can flee with the embryos of the dinosaurs. The thrill of watching deadly and awkward-looking creatures which are extinct is what makes Jurassic Park an entertaining and intellectual science movie for students as well.

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  1. The Manhattan Project

Released in 1986, “The Manhattan Project”is a science fiction movie revolving around a teenager and his girlfriend. Both of them steal the radio-active element Plutonium to make an atomic bomb from a scientist. And how do these teenagers build the disastrous bomb? They dig out information from the internet and refer to published materials. They also rely on random government papers so that they can build the destructive nuclear bomb. Any guesses as to what drives them to such extreme limits? All this is to win number one position in a science fair.

Tagged as a science movie, students will enjoy the fun element that blends with a feeling of fright that surfaces once in a while. All in all, this is an entertaining movie that can demonstrate the singular mindset of teenagers working very hard to pursue their irrational dreams.

  1. Microcosmos

If you are an ardent lover of nature, then “Microcosmos” can excite you in more ways than you can imagine. Typically a documentary demonstrating the life of insects in ponds and meadows, students will thoroughly enjoy the result of 15 years of scientific research that has gone into picturing these little yet interesting creatures. Employing state-of-the-art photography coupled with 3 long years of filming, Microcosmos is a treat to the inquisitive eyes of every student. This science documentary sheds light on how honey bees collect nectar, the manner in which snails reproduce and how spiders catch their prey through their webs.

Students can delve deep into the lives of underwater spiders which create an air bubble as their home. Demonstrating the process of mosquito egg-hatching through awesome slow motion photography, Microcosmos, true to its name is a beautiful presentation of incredible insects and their habitats.

  1. Honey, I Shrunk The Kids

Released in 1989, students will be amazed at the comic representations of this American science fiction film. When telecast in the classroom, this movie will transform the teaching arena into a comical theater with the loud laughter of students.

Going by the title, this comic movie revolves around an inventor as the central character, his kids and his neighbor’s kids. So what about the movie? The inventor toying with his electromagnetic shrinking machine accidentally shrinks all the kids to a quarter of an inch. The fun element comes to life when these tiny kids are dropped into the trash by the inventor. These kids go through a lot of problems, face obstacles and try their best to ward off insects in the trash dropped in the backyard of the inventor. If you want your classroom to bustle with the giggles of your wards, then this movie along with its sequel named Honey I Blew Up The Kid can he helpful for you.

  1. Back To the Future

This is a 5 star rated American science movie loaded with adventure and comedy in equal shares. Released in 1985, “Back to the Future” is a story of a teenager called Marty McFly who will be sent back into the past. He gets positioned into the year 1955 by the acts of a weird scientist where he meets his future parents but falls in love with his own mother.

That is when his friend steps in to protect Marty to wipe out the damage caused by his journey into the past. All thanks to his friend that he becomes the reason for love to strike the hearts of Marty’s parents. In the end, the weird scientist will be working towards finding a way to bring back Marty to the year 1985.

  1. Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs

Released to the global audience in 2009, “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” offers a comical ride with a touch of computer-animated science. Tagged as a fictional story revolving around the central character named Flint, this entertaining movie keeps your students in splits.

Flint, an upcoming scientist invents a machine which is capable of transforming water into food. Although a novel idea, he faces a number of obstacles. When the invention becomes difficult to manage, the responsibility of protecting the town of Chews and swallow comes on his tender shoulders. How he takes up this responsibility forms the crux of this entertaining and creative movie.

  1. Meet the Robinsons

“Meet the Robinsons” is a yet another entertaining science movie with a dash of comedy. Released in 2007, this is a computer-animated science fictional film loaded with funny scenes. Meet Lewis an orphaned child who tries his hand repairing pans and kettles. He is lucky enough to find a family when he meets The Robinsons.

Applying his creative instincts, Lewis comes up with many smart inventions, frightening his potential parents. It is then he realizes that it is not only important to share cool inventions but also to have the support of people who respect and support your unique ideas.

Key Takeaways

Being a subject linked to logic, science when teamed with fiction becomes a treat to the eyes of students. Alongside entertaining them, such movies which carry a streak of comedy as well are in favor of kids’ viewing. It is through such movies that you as an educator can break the monotony that sets into a classroom session and bring in a fresh whiff of air. Such movies can not only engage your students but will also help them learn about the traits that make the central characters a class apart from the rest.

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A good teacher can really make a remarkable difference in the way students grasp the lessons and how they apply it in real life. Knowing the students and following the right teaching strategy is the key to help them have a productive learning experience. School life is the best phase of every child as it plays a crucial role in moulding them for their future life. Considering its importance, a good teacher should come up with good tactics to help them utilize the best out of their study life.

Not all student groups are the same and it is the role of the teacher to understand their pulse before applying a teaching method. Here are a few effective methods and techniques that can help to improve the student in his/her learning if applied in the right way:

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1. Desire method: This is one of the unique but most effective teaching strategies to grab student attention and interest. Rather than simply starting with a topic during the class hour, first you have to convey the benefits of learning the particular topic. By wisely applying the strategy, you as a teacher should succeed in invoking good interest in students about the topic. So the students would be eager to start the lesson and approach it with a curious mindset.

2. Active learning: The one sided lecture methods are no more fruitful to get the interest of the new generation students. They would better respond well to the active learning strategies. Don’t limit their learning hour to simple note taking and doing assignments. Give them opportunities to express their talents and have some fun time and make learning more enjoyable. Bringing visual tools and proposing age related activities can really make a difference in the way students express themselves.

3. Cooperative learning: Give them a chance to come out of their seats and interact with their peers and have a cooperative learning experience. This would help them to experience a team building activity. Group activities such as group projects and fun elements such as jigsaw approach can do the trick. Shared learning is equally important to self learning time as they would get new ideas and thoughts from other students.

4. Teach with VAK: The visual, audio, and kinaesthetic learning are three key areas that need to be focused to offer an optimal learning experience. This approach simply means giving opportunities for the students to see the knowledge, hear it and feel it to the core. Give them a chance to interact with the lessons rather than sitting passively during the lectures. Watching animated videos with subject relevance can cover the visual and hearing part and getting a chance to create a video or presentation themselves hit the kinaesthetic area too.

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5. Case method: This is a really effective teaching strategy that gives promising outcome. Rather than simply teaching a new topic, share with them a real life example with which they can connect it. This kind of teaching would help them to retain the information for a longer period in their memory. This would also help them to learn how to apply what they learn in real life and not simply study to score marks in exams.

6. Prompt feedbacks: Giving valuable and consistent feedbacks to student is equally important to teaching them new lessons. Prompt feedbacks would help them to know their level of understanding and gives them a chance to clarify on the difficult areas further. Such assessments can also help teachers to give them right directions in the right time so that they can excel better. However, they should make sure that they offer only constructive feedbacks and encourage them to perform better next time.

7. Time management: Teaching them how to manage their time efficiently is the key to successful classroom learning. Give them time bounded activities so that they can challenge themselves to complete a task within the stipulated time frame. This kind of basic classroom learning also teaches them the importance of prioritizing the time effectively in their life too.

8. Flipped classroom: Inverting your class approach has proved to be really effective for all types of classrooms. In this method, students are asked to prepare on the lessons before hand through video tutorials at home. So they can approach the lesson with a better understanding during the class hour. The class time can be used productively for doing some quality assignments or paper works. Teachers can give an additional support in the areas where they lack understanding.

9. Gamification: Learning through games approach is not only effective for elementary students but also for higher classes. When games are made a part of teaching, students would approach the lessons more lightly and this helps them to be closer with the subjects. Classroom games also take away the boredom of one sided lectures. Through competitive games, students can challenge their peers to score higher and motivate each other.

10. Brainstorming: It is good to include some brain storming sessions in the classroom when students can challenge their thinking process. Give them puzzles or interesting activities in which they need to apply their thought process. This would stimulate their brain and makes them active and energized to receive new lessons. Creative sessions can also be included which challenges their critical thinking and logical reasoning.

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11. Distributed practice: The study activities are supposed to be spread over the period which gives significant results. Students usually have a habit of rushing with the lessons when the deadlines for exams are nearing. This type of learning won’t do any good to retain the information in the memory for long. So teachers should encourage distributed practice in which they learn the subject throughout the term. Teachers can evaluate their learning with regular, weekly or monthly tests and mini exams.

12. Teacher student relation: Maintaining a good relationship with the student is important for a teacher to make his/her teaching method more effective. Students should be given a space where they can freely express their concerns and doubts without any inhibition. When teacher becomes a good friend, students would actively participate and engage in the learning session which gives productive results. Certain communication apps even help to bring parents virtually into classroom to make the learning phase more effective.

13. Online tools: Teachers can make use of the online tools to bring fun to the classroom and ensure engagement and maximum participation. The activities such as online quizzes or videos would bring up a dynamic and interactive classroom environment. Education apps are yet another tool they can bring in the classroom to make the overall setting lively. The right mix of social media in classroom settings can also help a lot to improve the collaboration and relationships.

14. Outdoor learning: Students would love it when they are taken out of the four walls of the classroom to spend some quality learning time outdoors. You can either choose a roof top setting or shade of a tree to let them interact with the nature and study. Taking them for field trips in a while can also do the trick to regain their interest for learning. Visiting a museum or library of relevance can help them to learn the subject with a deeper understanding.

15. Student ideas: The learning phase would be more productive only if there is a give and take policy between the teachers and students. Teachers should not be dominant with the strategies and it is important to welcome student ideas as and whenever needed. Give them a chance to come up with some brilliant or interesting ideas that would really lift their spirit of learning. Once others start valuing their ideas, students would take extra effort to think further on improving their thought process.

16. Practice testing: In addition to all these methods, the time invested for self learning counts the most. They should be given some practice tests on a regular basis when they can evaluate or assess themselves on the areas where they lack and need to improve. This can include practice problems, virtual flash cards and more. The self learning phase gives them the independence to take control over their learning and they can have a boost to their confidence level.

There are a lot more teaching techniques and strategies that give impressive results in improving the student learning. School authorities should also offer a helping hand in supporting teachers to implement advanced and creative strategies in classrooms. With the advancements in mobile technology and digital education, smart school software and education apps are taking an important role in student life. Parents also have equal responsibility in giving them a comfortable environment and productive support to help them have a pleasant learning phase.

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Education has always been a vital aspect of society. As the time changes, educational system also changed from traditional classroom to smart classroom. This sort of classroom is really advantageous to today’s students and for their overall learning process as they are very tech savvy.

Smart classes offer a collaborative learning environment both for students as well as teachers. These classes attract students with interactive content. These classrooms not only change the perspective of students towards learning but also help the teachers to prepare lessons that interest the students. Learning becomes less burden and more fun with digital classrooms.

Interactive classrooms make the students capable enough to face some of the most modernized tools launched in the marketplace at a very tender age of their life which results in making them smarter and brighter.


27 Essential Smart Classroom Tools and Websites infographic

It is important to make kids active in classroom to improve their interest for learning and increase their participation in studies. Both parents and teachers have a crucial role in improving their spirit for learning. Parents should motivate them at home and educate them about the importance of the learning phase which frames their future. Once they step in to the classroom, teachers will have an upper hand on how to mould them in the right way and help them get the better out of the learning phase. Making them active in the classroom is the key to help them have a productive classroom experience and excel in studies.

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Here are some interesting ways teachers can adopt to make the kids active in classroom:

  1. Mind warm-up: Starting the class with a mind warm up session can really make a difference in the way students remain active in the classroom. During this phase, teachers can bring in activities that promote more competition and collaboration and kill the dead time. Instead of single activities, it would be good to have a team like activity that fills them with enough energy to remain active for the rest of the class.
  2. Learn with fun: Bring enough fun elements in the classroom as kids would love to learn with fun. Spend some time to devise a teaching strategy that gives them a feel of play time while tactfully including the lessons. Make sure that each and every kid in the classroom is giving full participation by including some group movements. This helps to keep them focussed throughout the lesson and enhance their attention span.
  3. Create opportunities: Don’t leave it always to the kids to initiate activities in classroom. It is important for teachers to create enough opportunities for them to express themselves and actively participate in the learning period. Set interesting milestones or initiate a group project or ask them to perform in groups based on a lesson. Set the stage comfortable so that even the shy students come forward and express themselves and present their worth.
  4. Include age-appropriate activities: It is important to include age specific activities in classroom to ensure complete participation. Also it is good to consider the interests of the specific class group before deciding on the activities. Conducting a classroom poll can help you to know more about their areas of interest than deciding on autonomy. Including the right activity for the group can make a noticeable difference in the way they respond and interact.
  5. Gamification: This is the best way to keep the kids active in the classroom and gain their interest for learning. Try some engaging classroom games that help to learn the subjects in an interesting way. Include a variety of games in different classes to satisfy the interests of all student groups. It is good to try memory games such as memory cards or vocabulary games like educational bingo or completely fun group project games such as Jeopardy.
  6. Student-made games: It is also a nice option to try student made games in a while. This also gives them opportunity to express their knowledge, skills or talents. Make it a turn wise approach so that every kid will get a chance to showcase their efficiency in creating games. You can make the activity more interesting by making a poll to find the most popular student game of a month.
  7. Class discussions: This kind of team work activity can be organized frequently to let the students interact intellectually in addition to have all fun. Give wise topics that stimulate their critical thinking and logical reasoning. Teachers should ensure that the environment is friendly and students are expressing freely. Friendly debates on interesting topics can also be organized in between to gear up the activity.
  8. Talk shows: In between a boring lecture session, take a break to set up a talk show. One student can act as a popular personality and another student can interview him. Or the audience can ask relevant questions based on the particular personality. Give them some time to prepare and they can have a really interesting activity that fills them with loads of energy.
  9. Bring visual tools: Kids pay more attention and interest towards visual presentation of data. So it would be a good idea to bring visual tools to classrooms to make the sessions more active. It can be a power point presentation, video tutorials or a talking presentation by subject experts that deepens their level of understanding. With the introduction of interactive white boards, the learning with visual elements is gaining more popularity.
  10. Skills grouping: This activity can be performed as part of constructive differentiation technique. All students in the class may not be of the same calibre. For instance, when teaching mathematics, some may be weak in division, others may be weak in factors and some others may find it difficult to study trigonometry. Group students based on the skills in which they need additional care and arrange sessions or let students teach each other about the areas in which they excel.
  11. Keep them busy: Rather than making them bored with regular lectures, find ways to keep them completely busy throughout the learning time. Instead of giving lectures for the one full hour, make some time for interactions with a quiz, poll or even interesting ways to revise the lessons learnt so far. You can even try playing lecture bingo in order to keep them occupied while you lecture a lesson.
  12. Try active toys: Teachers should give importance in bringing active toys as part of teaching strategies. Give them a chance to interact with items such as balls and jump ropes in the middle of teaching sessions and group activities. Or take them out to the sports ground during a free hour or if they are exhausted with a tough lesson. Let them have some sports time to relax their mind and recharge some energy.
  13. Mix up teaching styles: Students would get bored if you follow the same teaching technique every day. So it is good to mix up the teaching styles for teaching various subjects. This kind of variety would invoke interest in kids to approach the new lessons with curiosity and takes away the boredom. You can bring in variations such as guess works or prediction activity even while you give a simple lecture to make the session more engaging and make them think actively.
  14. Plan outdoor activities: When the kids are always stuck up inside four walls of a classroom, they would find it suffocating. It is a good idea to take them outdoors to let them have a different learning experience. It can be learning under the shades of a school ground tree or take them for field trips once in a while. This is another tactics to keep them active throughout the learning sessions.
  15. Cooperative learning strategies: When you make cooperative learning as part of daily or weekly activity, kids would be more active in their approach. Team games and projects would give them the fun of working and sharing together and learn with fun. See that you don’t keep the students in the same group all the time. It is better to shuffle students often to give them chance to experience group learning with different students with different ideas and thinking.
  16. Exit tickets: Activities such as exit tickets can be made a part of the learning session. Good conversations and thinking can be stimulated with such activities. This end of the class activity makes them self revise the lessons at a glance and gives them the energy to stay active for the next lesson. In this activity, let them complete sentences starting with a set of phrases that you give such as ‘today I got a new idea about’ or ‘now I have a good understanding about’.
  17. Set a good example: Rather than simply telling them to do a particular thing in its most spirited style, it is easier to do and show it to them. Both parents and teachers can play active roles in setting good examples for children. For instance teachers can promote the story telling capability of children by performing some impressive story telling sessions. When parents teaches them the importance of being active always, set good examples by doing regular exercise or playing some sports.

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Rather than the one side lectures, active learning contributes a lot to help them retain information and improve their critical thinking skills. Trying out these few options can really make a remarkable difference in the way students perceive the learning. Actively involving in the learning phase can help them to have a deeper understanding of the lessons. Including classroom activities that improve their interest would make them crave for more. It is important to set a comfortable stage for them and welcome their ideas.

While there are many certification courses for different professionals to advance in their career, teachers are not left behind. Teachers can now avail the benefits of professional development which introduces them to a variety of specialized training modules along with advanced professional teaching patterns.

Termed as an ongoing education for teachers, it is through professional development that they can develop new skills by attending seminars, workshops and training courses. All in an attempt to ensure their skills are fresh, professional development helps teachers to constantly learn new skills. For all those who are curious to learn the benefits of a robust professional development program for teachers, here they come.

  1. A Big Boost to Your Teaching Career

Investing in a teachers’ professional development program is the best bet for a school district. Once teachers complete the training program, they will be in a favorable position to take up supervisory positions. When this happens, you as a well-trained professional teacher will enjoy the benefits of increasing pay.

Teachers who have enrolled themselves for a national board certification will be picked up to fill important leadership roles. It is through these development modules that you as a teacher can encourage your wards to stay in the classroom for longer periods. What about struggling teachers? New teachers who find it difficult to manage and teach students will be able to protect their career aspirations, with a sense of faith that they have made a right choice picking up teaching as their profession.

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  1. Promises A Hefty Pay-Check

Knowledge is wealth, more so when it concerns the teaching profession. Teachers who are abreast with the modern teaching techniques and curricula enjoy financial incentives, taking the form of a salary raise. Undoubtedly, a teacher passing out a training course will attract the attention of school administrators looking to hire qualified teachers. After you put in five years of teaching experience post your professional development course, you will also earn a professional license. You can then take pride in the tag of an accomplished teacher.

Teachers who have enrolled for a professional development module will complete it after successfully passing a test alongside meeting the specification of putting in the specified number of training hours. Along with this recognition in the educational space, you as a professionally trained teacher will also take home a hefty pay package.

  1. An Armor to Avert Attrition

The teaching profession is equal with a high level of attrition. Research states that teachers have high turnover rates when they bid goodbye to their profession within the first five years of joining. When teachers enroll themselves in a professional development program, they will able to adopt strategies and best educational practices.

Loaded with tips for effective classroom management, it is through a professional development training program from which teachers enjoy the feeling of being respected. It is through this support that teachers can kick start their teaching careers and become experienced teachers for the long haul.

  1. A Strong Hold on Subject Matter

Every one of us is a student, constantly learning about everything life throws at us. Same is the case with teachers who should be constantly positioned on the learning curve. It will not be an overstatement to quote that a teacher is also a student for life; constantly updating her knowledge about her specialization. It is for this purpose that teachers should constantly update themselves with the evolving teaching technologies.

When administrators invest in a professional training program of teachers, they will be handholding educators to not only develop new skills but also sharpen existing skills. And the best part of such a program is that new and established teachers can make the most of the knowledge that is imparted. All these will lead to a deeper understanding of the subject they will be proud of.

  1. A Cooperative Learning Environment

Mutual sharing of ideas through brainstorming sessions help teachers signed up with professional development programs. When teachers with varying IQ levels meet up on a common learning platform, exchange of information takes place. Alongside exchanging notes about the subject matter, teachers can also benefit from learning new techniques that are either in vogue or are practiced by other educators.

It is through this formal and informal means of sharing pertinent information, teachers enrolling for professional development programs stand to gain in a number of ways. It is through such learning courses that the faculty of schools and colleges tread the path of continuous improvement.

  1. Students Benefit A Great Deal

If you can answer this question as to why administrators invest in professional development programs for teachers, you will come up with a strong reason behind these training courses. The innate benefit of such courses is to help teachers learn new techniques and teaching styles. Thus, while the teachers are learning, students will also learn the better way.

A learned teacher is indeed a boon to a classroom when he/she implements the novel teaching mechanisms assimilated as a part of training course. When a well-informed teacher faces students and lectures about a particular topic, he/she will be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of particular students. It is with this data point that professionally trained teachers will be able to handhold students of diverse IQ levels so as to uncover their dormant potential and make the most of it. Trained teachers also know of ways and means to make a classroom session even more interesting. Using various teaching styles, professionally-trained teachers excite the attention of students towards academics and extra-curricular activities as well.

Wrapping It Up

Everyone who dreams of staying on top of the game should keep reinventing themselves. All in an attempt to keep pace with the changes in educational space, it is through professional development programs that teachers and students enjoy a plethora of benefits. While teachers earn recognition and enjoy hefty salaries, students learning from trained teachers develop an interest in academics alongside uncovering their nascent talent.

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Despite sounding very similar to computer literacy, digital literacy comes with a completely different meaning. This is a branch of study that requires a deep understanding of the communal issues emerging out of digital technologies. Digital literacy is also about creating an awareness of the standard governing online behavior. To proceed with this arm of education, you also need to put your vital thinking skills to the ultimate test. Hence to sum it all, digital literacy is a combination of critical thinking, social engagement and the wide knowledge of various digital tools. After understanding the definition of digital literacy it is time to learn about its significance in the classroom.

  1. The Emergence of a Class Called Digital Citizens

As you all are aware that reading, writing and mathematics are the three pillars of education, here is a fourth pillar that comes in the form of digital literacy. All set to create a unique fraternity named as digital citizens, students through this field of education will learn the tips connected to the use of technology.

Students will be informed about how to indulge in a legitimate use of technology while they are interacting with their online contacts. It is through this section of education that you as a student will be better prepared to thrive in your area .

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  1. Deep Learning – The Star Attraction

One of the most prominent constituents of digital literacy is the benefit of profound learning. Emerging in the form of six Cs, these are the skills that can be honed, while treading the path of digital literacy.

  • Character: Through digital literacy, students will be able to hone their traits like resilience, perseverance and strength of purpose. Along with these improvements, you will also develop an innate push to embrace learning as part of your everyday lifestyle.
  • Creativity: Only when you ask intelligent questions, will you develop your creativity. Your creativity will come to the fore when you develop an ability to weigh and grab your opportunities coming out of fresh entrepreneurial ideas presented by online platforms.
  • Cooperation: This trait is to work in tandem with others alongside demonstrating strong team-based and interpersonal skills.
  • Critical Thinking: Applying logic to everything that happens around you is the basic premise behind developing a critical mindset. In doing so, you will be prompted to evaluate information while identifying different patterns and associations between various elements. Eventually, you will be able to lay hands on resourceful information that can find a place in the real world.
  • Communication: The ability to communicate better with different audiences is an essential arm of digital literacy. When you focus on this aspect of expressing your thoughts and views to global audience, you will be employing different tools and methodologies that will make your communication effective to every online reader or viewer.
  • Citizenship: Here, your value system comes to the front when you develop a holistic view of the world around you. Through a deeper understanding of societal issues, you will be able to come up with solutions to complex problems involving diverse beliefs and values.
  1. The E-Safety Cover

Most of the online lives of people are distorted; very far from reality. Drifting away from ethics, digital interfaces come in as thriving grounds for bullies and criminals. These anti-social elements try to rope in innocent youngsters and prompt them to accept fake information. It is also through misrepresented facts that a lot of children fall prey to such harmful netizens. The end result of such unlawful acts shows up in the form of mental health issues along with feelings of detachment and loneliness amongst students.

So what is the way out? You may ask.

It is here that the educational curriculum should step in so that students are taught the ethics concerning digital literacy. A host of lesson plans should be initiated by teachers to shed light on the need for online safety. Students should be taught to not only secure their personal online information but also to be vigilant about sharing photographs on social media platforms. It is through this e-safety education that students should be cautioned against sharing personal data to unwarranted sites or people.

  1. Fake News – A Red Flag of the Digital World

Modern classrooms have now taken the shape of anchors spreading false news. It is hence the need of the hour to bring in a sense of discretion between fact and fiction, especially when it concerns students.

Teachers are thus required to equip their wards with tools that can differentiate between fraudulent and trustworthy news. They can achieve this goal by discussing news trivia as part of daily curriculum. They are also required to discuss about the role played by social media in the spread of false information. Through examples, teachers can compare the differences between a satire, false news and a real piece of valuable information. You as a teacher should validate all your instructions by stressing on the need to verify authentic sources of information.

  1. How to Use Internet Appropriately

Everything concerning digital literacy is linked to ethics. Students in their pursuit of learning or entertaining themselves should pay heed to what sort of online behavior is acceptable and what attracts corrective action. Since the online space does not clearly compartmentalize your private and public spaces, it pays to tread the online path with caution.

Teachers step in here to address this issue when they prompt students to think about their personal information that is published online. This exercise will be an eye-opener to students who will try to assess the reactions of others with regard to their public presence.

  1. Live the World of Digital Classrooms

With digital literacy, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of a modern classroom which employs digital lessons as learning tools. Modern classrooms which are governed by collaborative learning and student-centric learning can make the most of digital literacy as the much needed educational tool.

For instance, an English teacher can look at blogging as a promising tool to teach her wards about the power of words. On the flipside, a social-science teacher can present the scenarios of real world issues that are available online and encourage students to understand them and prompt them to offer solutions.

  1. Save Students from the Trap Laid By Online Advertisements

You know for sure the impact of ads on children. Most of the promotional campaigns run by companies target the younger generation and excite them to buy their stuff. Hence it comes as a dire need to safeguard children from the traps laid by online advertising.

Digital literacy, here demands the intervention of teachers to coach students about online ads and their striking influence on their day-to-day lives. Allowing students to closely examine the commercial ads that have been targeted at them is a tested means to teach them about consumer behavior. Students will also pick up tricks on selling. With this knowledge in hand, children will be able to create innovative ads that are not only encouraging but appropriate for their age.

  1. Inculcate A Positive Sense of Body Images

With the online territory a buzz with images of fit and toned bodies, young girls and boys of today are giving utmost importance to their body measurements and weight, so much so that they are relying on fad diets. If you are a parent of a young boy who has just entered his teens, you will notice his strong intent to flaunt a sculpted body. This attitude can pose a host of health complaints in kids.

In an attempt to nip off the bud of ideal body shapes amongst young adults, teachers can rely on digital literacy by showing them online images of their Snapchat contacts. Then, they should encourage their wards to attach a sense of judgment to the images they are seeing. Students should also be prompted to share a couple of positive statements about themselves and others, with regard to their bodily appearances. This intelligent exercise can help students develop a positive sense of well-being. They will then be able to brush aside unwanted and harmful effects of diets with an intention to be accepted by their peers.

Key Takeaways

Technology that is impacting every sphere of human life has a widespread influence on the lives of pupils. While students are tending to the digital world to learn, it pays to safeguard them from the challenges posed by technological advancements. It is as if they are breathing technology in every step they take. With so much going in favor of digital media, it is also important to prepare them for the threats that are a part of this emerging educational trend. All these are possible by relying on digital literacy as the whistleblower of online learning platforms.

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“One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world”

Teachers influence the lives of students much more significantly than we imagine. A teacher with the right skills inspires and influences entire student lives. They are instruments who can ignite powerful thoughts in students, helping them unleash their true potential.

To bring about such long-standing impacts, it is important for teachers to have certain skills. Let’s take a look at them.Teacher app ad banner

1. Discipline Skills

Discipline is an important skill that you should possess a teacher so as to be labelled as effective. A vital component of effective classroom management, your discipline ensures that positive behaviour is encouraged inside classrooms.

Unlike common belief, discipline is not about punishing students. Rather, it is a way to manage and guide students. Discipline is directly affected by the kind of relationship you have with your students.

The most important discipline skills you can have includes being respectful, responding to students, and reciprocating their interest. A teacher should be skilled in setting an effective routine with the right amount of flexibility.

As you might be already aware, proper communication and relationship building are very important skills as well.

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2. Classroom Management Skills

As a teacher, by ensuring good behaviour of students, the battle is half won.  But to be an effective teacher, you should also be able to help students develop study and work habits.

Good classroom management skills start with setting certain ground rules to stress the importance of classroom dignity.

Teachers should exercise patience along with a deep sense of care and kindness towards their wards. You as an empathetic teacher will win over the hearts of your students by demonstrating sensitivity, especially during student rifts.

Better student-teacher relationships emerge when you demonstrate a willingness to lend an ear to the problems faced by your students. It is important for teachers to establish a good rapport with students so that a positive, productive and safe learning environment is created in classrooms.

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3. Observation Skills

It is the prime responsibility of teachers to have a thorough understanding about the cognitive, emotional and social development of students. Since a classroom is filled with students coming from different parental backgrounds, it makes sense to a teacher to be aware of the learning capabilities of different students.

Here, observation is the key skill that every teacher should possess to become an effective tutor.

A class can be a mix of slow learners and intelligent students. This is a challenge that teachers face day in and day out when they need to adopt specific teaching patterns so that no student is left behind.

Understanding the innate abilities of each student helps you to match your teaching pace. Remember, given the variety of students in your classroom, “One size does not fit all”. You should adjust your teaching pace taking into consideration the overall IQ level of your class to ensure that every student benefits from your classroom lecture.

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4. Student Engagement Skills

Day in and day out, every teacher handles a bunch of students with different mentalities towards learning.

While some students demonstrate a keen interest in learning, others are distracted at the smallest provocation. Hence for you to be called an effective teacher, you should develop student engagement skills so that you can motivate your students.

You can make the educational content interesting for students by using different strategies such as the use of visuals and impressive feats and facts.

Developing a strong rapport with students is one of the best ways to ensure your students are engaged in the class. Show genuine interest in them and their interests. Be receptive to their queries and ideas.

Take that extra effort to understand their lives and problems better. Student engagement skills come naturally to some teachers, but others can develop them with practice. If you do it well, you become a “go to” source for the emotional or educational support that every student longs for.

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5. Strong Communication Skills with Students and Parents

Being a teacher, you are always putting your communication skills to test, every single day. Hence it is very important for a teacher to possess effective communication skills.

Your oratory skills coupled with a strong understanding of the subject matter will attract the attention of your students, paving the way for a high level of concentration towards the topic you are discussing.

Your preparedness comes to the fore when you are in a position to clarify the doubts of students so that you can make the subject material interesting to them.

An effective teacher is also expected to communicate with the parents of their wards. When you begin to constantly interact with parents, you will be able to bridge the gap between what is happening in school to what is expected from a particular student.

Parent-teacher meetings, along with phone and email conversations with parents are the tools that will help teachers stay in constant touch with parents. With such conversations, it becomes possible for teachers to update parents of the progress and weaknesses of their wards.

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6. Teaching Skills

Tagged as a noble profession that can change the lives of students for the better, every effective teacher requires good inter-personal skills along with effective speaking and strong presentation skills. Teaching skills include all of these and more… such as great organizational skills.

Teachers should be well-prepared for their lectures ensuring that they carry all the material that aids in teaching, to the class. You should have a penchant for working in groups.

Along with motivational skills that will keep the fire burning in the bellies of students, an effective teacher should rank high on empathy and rapport-building strategies.

Giving timely feedback about the behaviour and performance of your wards are also part of effective teaching skills.

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7. Subject Matter Expertise

Every teacher comes with a specific specialization. Putting in years of teaching experience, effective teachers stand in line with the changes to the curriculum of their favourite subject.

Keeping themselves abreast with the new topics that are added to the course, effective teachers will ensure that their students receive the best education from them.

When teachers demonstrate a high-level of subject matter expertise, students will be encouraged to pose questions with a belief that they will be clarified then and there. This overall knowledge about the subject you have chosen to teach will thus pave the way for interesting classroom sessions.

8. Time Management Skills

It is easy to get carried away by so many different aspects of teaching. But you only have limited classroom time.

Alongside ensuring that the curriculum is completed within the pre-defined time frame, you should also attach importance to the time taken by students to complete their assignments. You should follow a strategy to organize your working day around educational and non-teaching priorities.

An effective teacher, with an intention to offer repetitive practice to students, should strategically plan homework tasks. You can ensure the best use of classroom time by framing and structuring assignments which will help students sit for studies while at home.

Effective time management skills are vital for providing quality education to students while also meeting the specific learning needs of each student.

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9. Clear Planning Skills

You should be able to clearly plan what the objective for each class is. Planning ahead of time allows you as a teacher to be more confident about what you are going to teach each time you are in a class.

There can be holidays and unexpected events which need to be taken into consideration while planning. Also, have measures for students who are absent at times to help them catch up with the rest of the class.

10. Passion & Positivity

While not exactly a skill, being passionate about teaching is a pre-requisite to be an effective teacher. When you are passionate, you can learn from experience and there would be a constant search for methods to improve yourself as a teacher.

Maintaining a positive attitude is also very important, as you are a role model for your students. Your attitude towards each student will reflect in the way they behave and grow. So, maintain a positive attitude towards each of your students and avoid negative elements in the classroom.

Also Read: 20 Things Teachers Shouldn’t Do in the Classroom [Infographic]

11. Be a Team Player

Students would love to have teachers who are friendly and understands them. Rather than forcing students to learn by disciplining, working with your students as a team would help them have fun while learning.

It creates a positive atmosphere in your classroom, helping students to associate learning with fun activities. If you are a team player, it helps students to bond not just with you, but also amongst themselves.

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12. Patience

Let’s deal with it; managing a classroom full of students is not the easiest of jobs. There are going to be few students who would test your patience. But, if you lose your nerves during such testing times, it can produce only negative outcomes.

By being patient and working with troublesome students individually, you would be able to improve your classroom atmosphere effectively.

Key Takeaways

To be an effective teacher, you should be able to motivate and support students so that they are well-equipped to deal with any challenges life throws at them both academically and otherwise. With all the above skills in place, you will invariably take on the title of an effective teacher who inspires students in more ways than one.

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As we welcome another New Year, changes are inevitable in every field and it is no different in the education sector. When you talk about modern education, what a student wants the most is a good classroom experience. With advancements in technology, there is a lot for classrooms to expect in 2018, as well. Incorporating the modern technologies in the right mix can really lift the spirit of classroom learning. With the convenience, security and flexibility offered with new technologies, students would have more interest towards learning and they would crave for more.

So, here let us look at the most modern technologies that we can expect in a 2018 classroom and how they are going to improve the learning experience.Teacher app ad banner

  1. 1. Class Websites: A modern classroom will have a personalized website which helps students, teachers and parents to be in touch always. This web application provides a single place for everyone in the class to communicate any related things round the clock. The website will have access to announcements, events, & calendars and students can have a look at the upcoming assignments and syllabus. The website can even include additional sections such as blogs where students can share their views on any subjects or polls and contests as part of some celebration or decision making.


  1. 2. Interactive Whiteboards: The period of one-way lectures with a black board and chalk are now getting outdated. The interactive whiteboards that can be connected to computer are really changing the way different subjects are covered in class. These large computer monitors are also visually appealing for students and teachers can easily handle multimedia presentations. Teachers and students even have the option to draw or write on them with ease using its touch screen capabilities. Similarly, note taking is taking a new form with lightweight and flexible digital displays replacing paper note books.


  1. 3. 3D Printing: With this technology, students will have access to 3D models of different elements covered in their subjects. A 3D view helps them to have a deeper level understanding of certain lessons which they otherwise have only limited access when referring just text book pictures. Some working mini-models of certain applications can be set up in class to better learn about some principles. This technology erases the limitations of experimenting options for students. Without giving much emphasis to time and costs, they can freely experiment their preferred designs. The complex concept models can be reconstructed to easily convey tough subjects.


  1. 4. Online Social Networking: An online platform within a classroom will be an added advantage for students to socialize with their classmates and teachers. Teachers can act as moderators and students can utilize this platform to share their ideas freely with friends. Such opportunities for students can help them to identify their role in taking up learning as a personal responsibility. This can also act as a source for interactive learning where they can discuss their home works and projects and make learning more productive. The social networking tools can play crucial roles in improving engagement, interaction and team building activities in the classroom.


  1. 5. Big Data: Data generation within classrooms are on the rise every year which includes assignments, attendance, projects and weekly tests. Monitoring all these data in a regular manner is necessary to get an assessment of student’s performance which is a tough job. Big data is an efficient tool that helps to manage this monitoring pretty easily by analyzing significant patterns and trends. With this technology, data can be utilized in an efficient manner by saving a lot of time.


  1. 6. Student Response System: Teachers can receive instant feedback about their classes with such response systems. The modern tools such as Google Forms and Socrative are making the job really easy after every class which helps teachers to develop better strategies in the next class if needed. They can make necessary changes based on the understanding level of the students. This is also a good way to make in-class quizzes or polls at the time of decision making with regard to any event.


  1. 7. Tablets: With its portable nature and endless possibilities, this minicomputer like gadget is becoming a popular element in today’s classroom. With easy to store capabilities and internet connectivity, these are now replacing heavy text books. With possibilities of internet browsing, word processing and digital textbooks, the tablet is turning out to be the most popular classroom tool of the era. Whether it is Google Nexus, iPads, or Amazon Kindle, there are models built with students needs in mind. Adding to the overall convenience, new brands are offering paper-thin smartphones which is highly portable and easy to store.


  1. 8. Cloud Computing: This kind of advanced technology avoids the burden of students to carry their home works, heavy text books and assignments. They can just log in to their device to access their work saved at home system from their class. They can access the reading materials from digital library whenever they have an internet connection. Students can work on the projects anytime with the convenience of their device. The cloud technology also opens a world of virtual classroom learning experience when they can log in from their systems even at the comfort of their home.


  1. 9. Document Cameras: The advanced document cameras are now replacing the old era projectors for displaying learning content in the classroom for a wider audience. With precise display of text in big screen, students can get a visual treat of interesting lessons. The advanced models can easily capture movies with audio in addition to images. This technology provides ease of convenience in teaching with possibilities of even displaying content from SD cards.


  1. 10. Augmented Reality (AR): Engaging students in a classroom is the key to gain their interest for learning and this is possible up to a great extent with augmented reality (AR). The technology provides students an indirect vision of a real-world setting. They get an experience of getting physical with elements which are bettered with sensory inputs and graphics. With improved engagement and interaction, learning can be all fun for students. The endless possibilities of this technology help students to think out of the box and excel in the learning.


  1. 11. Communication Apps: These are becoming a must-have tool in today’s classroom. Whether it is Teacher Kit or Remind 101, communication between teachers, students and parents are a lot easy than before. The child’s activities in school can be monitored by parents with a virtual presence. They can also be intimated about any upcoming events or happenings in school. Students will get reminders from teachers regarding project deadlines and homework assignments which make the job a lot easy for teachers.


  1. 12. Virtual Field Trips: With limited time to go out of classrooms and explore different places and subjects, the virtual field trips are proving really beneficial for modern classrooms. With the endless possibilities of World Wide Web, the students can experience a guided exploration. This online learning experience can be customized depending on the subjects to be covered. Teachers also add tools for visualization, modelling and simulation along with this digital trip to enable them to think critically. They can engage in data collection and analysis, scaffolding and discussion to get the better out of this experience. Virtual studios are also slowly becoming an important tool in today’s classroom.


  1. 13. Artificial Intelligence: As each student prefer a varied learning style, the regular teaching methods may not be feasible for everyone. Their different progress rates and pace in learning can be better handled with artificial intelligence. With this technology, they would be able to pick up lessons in their preferred pace. The machine learning and artificial intelligence can play a key role in improving the weak areas of different students with customised learning.


  1. 14. Biometrics: Even when this technology is dominant in security industry, its possibilities are opening a new phase in the education sector. The eye tracking are finding its use for teachers to learn how the students understand and absorb the lessons. In libraries, the iris patterns can be used to know the identity of the students who are borrowing books which avoids the manual labour and saves time. The facial recognition and fingerprints are also helpful in easing off the class attendance.


  1. 15. Education Apps: These are now becoming integral elements of a new era classroom. With the dominance of mobiles, education apps are now a strong but flexible tool to teach and assess students in a smarter way. Being handy, students are finding it really convenient to maximise the possibilities of classroom experience. When Class Dojo gamifies the classroom, Nearpod aids to develop interactive lessons and students’ understanding level can be assessed easily with Plickers app.

Easy information access is the key to a successful learning phase and these future technologies are designed to bridge the online and offline gaps. With the use of modern technology in classrooms, students are getting all freedom to express their voice and creativity while learning new concepts in a different way. A sense of pleasure and the opportunities to explore new technology helps students to approach the world of learning in a positive mode. The modern classroom experience has really changed the way students perceive education and they love this phase of life than ever before. With more and more technologies to be introduced in the near future, tomorrow’s classrooms would be a better place for students.

In a class, there are several types of students. Teachers hence should be equipped with various methods that can meet the varying needs of students with differential IQ levels. While some students find it easy to grasp the concepts taught in class, but some struggle in that. Teachers, in their endeavor to handhold students struggling with attention and learning issues implement a set of strategies that will make learning easy. Identifying a struggling learner is the key to effective teaching, here are some time-tested strategies that can be of great help to both teachers and struggling students.

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  1. Segregation of Teaching Instructions

One size does not fit all. Segregation of teaching instructions is the practice followed by teachers, to help both fast and slow learners make the most of the classroom lectures. Commonly known as Differentiated Instructions, this approach, true to its name, allows teachers to fine-tune their teaching procedures in line with what the students need to learn.

This practice also helps teachers ponder about how slow learners will be able to assimilate what is taught in class. To arrive at this position, teachers will have to work hard to identify ways and means to get the educational content reach the struggling student. Teachers create a plan that makes enough space for extra practice sessions coupled with providing step-by-step instructions. Special assignments will also pave the way for effective learning especially with regards to students with a wide range of learning abilities.

  1. Chaining and Chunking Come as Effective Learning Tools

A chunk is a type of a mental pattern that is essential to master a particular topic. A chain, on the other hand is a series of chunks that will automatically help struggling students to excel in a subject. Following a piece-meal, step-by-step learning procedure, students with the guidance of their teachers will be able to create a chain of events. They will then stick to a logical order learning on tools like cue cards, charts and pictures.

All in an attempt to take learning to the next level, teachers can incorporate the concepts of chains and chunks so as to become fluent with high-quality work. And once this fluency is established, struggling students will be able to sail easily and quickly through the various subjects of study in a methodical and scientific manner.

  1. Graphical Representations

A picture is worth a thousand words. In line with this common maxim, teachers intending to handhold struggling students will draw a picture so as to match the ideas and thoughts of slow learners.

Younger students can make the most of graphical organization of ideas through activities like recalling the characters in a story they just read. Older students, on the other hand, can employ this tactic to chalk out a plan and organize their thoughts so that they can recapitulate all the events that have taken place in history. Take for instance that you are learning about World War II. Through graphical organization of thoughts and ideas, you will be able to better learn through comparing and contrasting topics of the lesson.

  1. Mnemonics Act As Memory-Boosting Patterns

Students who find it difficult to learn and remember an answer to a question now have help at their fingertips. They can create an image of a special word that can be tied to the answer they are learning. It can also be the first alphabet of subheads which can be arranged in a series that results in a word. Mnemonics is the name given to this learning pattern. When such words are coined by struggling students, they will be able to recall the answer in a jiffy. Thus, the learning process for struggling students can be simplified by taking the cue from either the image created or the word coined by them.

  1. The Premise of Multisensory Instructions

It is very important for slow learners to use their sense organs while learning. Sense organs provide a distinguishing experience to such students offering them a better grasp of the subject. They will learn better when they see, hear and feel about what they have just learnt.

Multisensory learning paves the way for a complete understanding of the study material. You as a teacher can help students learn new words by drawing a picture that provides the meaning of the word. When trying to recollect the meaning, students begin to visualize the picture you drew and come up with the answer.

  1. Analogies and Metaphors – Excellent Teaching Tools for Slow Learners

It is very important for teachers to coach struggling students employing different strategies that are uncommonly used. The run-of-the-mill educational strategies fall short for such students. In an attempt to make learning effective to such students, teachers need to establish a connection between what the students already know to what they are currently learning. To make this possible, teachers can bring in the excitement of metaphors and analogies.

If a teacher quotes that the human eye is like a camera, he/she is trying to compare unlike things (here the eye and the camera) that have a particular characteristic in common (the power to capture images). Analogies and metaphors usually begin with phrases like “It is same as”, “It’s just like” or “Imagine it to be”. When teachers make such comparisons during lecturing, they are actually helping struggling students to learn new things by associating them with the things they are already aware of.

  1. Brain Breaks Help Slow Learners Rejuvenate Their Memory

Procrastination is the mother of all evils. In line with this commonly used maxim, postponing study hours saps the learning abilities of students. Struggling students usually demonstrate a noticeable disinterest towards learning, since they are continuously made to focus on studies. Their minds get clogged with information without any time to relax. This will in turn lead them to procrastinate.

Undoubtedly, all work and no play makes a dull student.

If you want your students to enjoy their learning sessions, you as a guardian should bring in a routine through which they can focus, read and relax; be it in school or at home. A brain break that is permitted after your students accomplish a particular task will help them in more ways than you can imagine. These short breaks recharge their lost mental energies and support them to bounce back with enhanced vigor. Breaks are instrumental in bringing a sense of enjoyment to learning. This concept of regular brain breaks helps rejuvenate the minds of struggling students, nips off procrastination and aids in reinforcing what all is being taught in class or at home.

  1. Encouraging Slow Learners to Live Their Dreams

Every struggling student is gifted with a passion that he/she longs to pursue. For one, it can be the art of playing with colors on a canvas. For some, it could be about creating a soothing music by plucking the strings of a guitar.

When such students are taught how to learn and sharpen their talents, they will be exposed to a host of opportunities. Possibilities begin to emerge, widening their horizons. They will have umpteen ways to keep themselves occupied when they begin to give the talent their heart and soul. While they hone their creative skills, they will also be getting better at doing other things they like the most.

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Important Takeaways

Research is the keyword that will help struggling students to step into the mainstream of education. It is the need of the hour for teachers to not only be vigilant of a slow learner but also handhold him at every stage of learning. Paying heed to the above-mentioned strategies is all about making the most of researching and implementing strategies that will support children with mild special needs to thrive in this competitive world.