It’s Christmas time. Yippee!

A fun day with family and gifts.

But the most important thing is sharing and appreciating each other.

Time to decide on what gifts we are going to give our family, friends and our loved ones.

We might even spend a lot of time thinking what would the person like the most as a Christmas gift?

Maybe just a greeting card or a watch or some toy. But what can you gift a teacher?

Read till the end to get awesome ideas on gifting your teacher on Christmas Eve.

1. Anything handmade

Teachers don’t expect any gifts from their students. But, it’s Christmas.

The eve of gifting.

What makes a gift so special is how it is made?

Handmade gifts are really awesome to receive and it shows how much love and effort you have put in it.

Starting from a handmade greeting card to a hand-woven sweater or even socks will make your teacher literally happy.

You might even turn out to be the Teacher’s favourite student.

>>Greeting Card<<


A simple card with decorations and a personal message is always a good gift.

Try making a pop-up card or a musical card. Write your personal message and gift it to your teacher. Nothing is bigger than a personal message.


It’s an epic fact that people feel absolute pleasure when someone gifts them with something they have poured all their effort into. In that list, knitted scarfs and sweaters never betray us. It is a sure thing that it would impress anyone. If you know how to knit, don’t hesitate to show off your skills. Just take the thread and start knitting. A good scarf can protect your teacher from cold weather.

This gift would just make her so happy that she will pamper you so much that even if you don’t complete your homework, you will get an excuse. LOL.



What’s Christmas without cookies? Make some homemade cookies for your teachers on this beautiful day.

Home-made chocolates are an excellent choice of the gift if you have enough time to make them.

Best secret Santa gift is chocolates stuffed stocking or socks. Chocolates show love and passion and that is what Christmas is all about.

>>Wish upon a Star<<

Make origami stars and gift it to make their house beautiful. Origami stars are easy to make and require only a piece of paper. Creating a piece of art for your teacher will sweep them off the floor.

2. Personalized Gifts

Is your teacher a coffee or a juice lover?

Try buying a mason jar or a coffee mug. Try personalizing it but printing your teacher’s favourite lines from a poem or novel, or his picture, etc. every time he uses it, he will remember you and cherish the moment.

Drinking coffee in a personalized mug will always be the best gift to a person. Personalizing the gift will indicate that you have put your effort on gifting. It is really easy and simple and you need not worry whether they will like it as it has their favourite piece of art in it.

3. Invitation to dinner

Is your teacher staying alone for Christmas? Family in other country or unable to visit them this Christmas?

Just send a personal invitation to your teacher inviting him/her to your family dinner.

Christmas is all about family and sharing. So invite your teacher and make his dinner the best dinner he has ever had.

A teacher might bring a cake or a gift when he arrives for the dinner. Invite him with a bouquet or a glass of wine. You can also plan an after dinner party and play a few games. This will indulge the people together and create a personal connection with your teacher. Connecting with people is what matters when it comes to Christmas.

4. Decorations For Tree

Who wouldn’t want their Christmas tree to have more ornaments and decorations? If you want to give a gift to your teacher and his family, just go for some tree decoration items like stars, candies etc.


This gift of decoration will be showcased on their Christmas tree and they will remember you forever. You can also get them hanging snow globes, snowflakes that symbolize the season.

5. Books

There is no wrong time to gift a book. Especially to a teacher, gifting books can be an overwhelming great idea. Find out your teachers favourite novel or favourite author and buy them a book. Gifting a book may seem an easier way, but it will be of no use if you gift the same book your teacher already has. Find out his taste and buy a book of that genre. Books can be really satisfying and will stay longer with them as they are unperishable.

6. Gift cards

If you totally have no idea of what to buy, just gift them a gift card or a gift token. Gift cards are prepaid cards of stores where your teacher can select own gifts for themselves. If your teacher is a music lover, gift him an iTunes gift card. From Walmart to Starbucks all accept gift cards. This can lessen your pressure of buying the perfect gift.

7. Candles

Fragrance candles are a good idea.,They light up one’s mood. Fragrance candles are not only for lovers or crush. Fragrance candles are something that is used to light up the whole house. Candles are also available in different fragrances. From scent of Christmas tree to gingerbread, from hot chocolate to scent of snow, these fragrance candles will remind Christmas Eve to the person being gifted.

8. Music lovers

If your teacher loves music, buy him/her an album of their favourite artist. Or buy a music player if it comes within your budget. Music albums might be old-fashioned with all iTunes and online streaming. But, nobody hates to have their own physical collection of their favourite artist. You can also buy them headphones or a Bluetooth headset. Might seem materialistic yet it would be the perfect fit for your beloved teacher.

9. Pen Drives

To gift something that is very useful to a teacher, you can always rely on buying a pen drive. Pen drives are cheaper and will be very useful for the teacher. Data storage devices are much needed now a day as everything is computerized.  Customized pen drives are also available.

10. Others

Gifts do not always have to be costly.

It’s Christmas, just chill.

Go to the store next door and browse through all options available within your budget. From socks to indoor plants, from flowers to fragrances, everything will be a delightful gift for Christmas.

Christmas is an auspicious day when we get to thank everyone for being there in our lives. It becomes more special when you gift your teacher, as they are the most important people because they shape your future. They have spent their precious time and life bringing your talents to the world and trying to make you a better person. So it is worth it to stress a little on what could make a pleasant gift for them.

Merry Merry Christmas!

Effective teaching and learning.

What does it mean today?!

Today, teaching and learning are not about giving guidelines but allowing creative freedom at the same time.

A futuristic approach is also important, so that, students get ready for the ever-changing technological and social environments outside the college.

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So, it would not be wrong to say that an effective teaching and learning environment in college requires flexibility.

But how can a college attain that flexibility by Effective Teaching and learning?!

In reality, one answer can’t satisfy this question.

There are multiple aspects of teaching and learning that a college needs to take care about in order to attain successful flexibility and effectiveness.

This article tries to showcase some of the most important aspects of effective teaching and learning in a college.

1. Provide Knowledgeable Teachers and Top Resources

With the advancement in the world around us, the learning requirements keep changing as well.

New technologies, different working models and socioeconomic changes should be incorporated into the teaching models.

The first step towards this is hiring teachers who specialize in their field and also crave more knowledge.

A teacher should continue to grow and update his or her knowledge.

Otherwise, students would see a faded image of the world created by the outdated knowledge base of a teacher.

Along with enthusiastic teachers, a college has to have decent resources to help students learn better.

The creativity and innovation will flourish only when students get exposure and tools to test their skills.

2. Promote Questions more than Answers

The process is more important than the goal.

Just like that, the questions are more valuable than the answers in a classroom. So, a student needs to come up with as many genuine questions as possible.

In a classroom, asking questions should become more valuable than knowing the answers.

But mostly, exactly the opposite happens in college classrooms. Knowing the right answers in the right form becomes more important than thinking about unique questions. This needs to stop!

Promote a habit of critical thinking and problem-solving in students and let them ask good questions.

3. Include Multiple Learning Sources

Learning model in a college revolves around reading, lessons, projects, and tests.

This model can get better results if teachers bring diversity in the material of learning.

Using resources such as community knowledge, professional mentors, expert content pieces online, and other sources can bring a much-needed diversity in the learning model.

It is important to focus on the credibility and freshness of the sources.

Teaching ideas can come from different authoritative sources that are available in the real world. So, the students can learn what’s in their books and also learn everything that’s going on in the world out there.

4. Accept all levels of Skills and Abilities

Every student that enters the door of a college classroom can’t have the same level of knowledge.

They all know different things and have different priorities as well. Not knowing something should not be criteria of berating a student.

Teaching and learning are effective only when teachers acknowledge the information possessed by each student and help students go forward.

Just imagine- what’s the point of even having a college, if all students are already geniuses?!

In fact, from a teacher’s perspective, every student should be a genius in his or her own way. With this approach, teachers can help students unleash their true capabilities eventually.

5. Blend Technology in Teaching and Learning Model

With so much going in the advancement of a digital world, education is gaining great opportunities to improve.

Mobile learning, e Learning and video learning models are changing the way teachers and students look at teaching and studying.

These technologies offer unlimited possibilities in terms of content diversity, ability to retain knowledge and learn.

With advanced technologies, learning doesn’t have to stay limited to classrooms or curriculum.

Also Read: Dunbar’s Number and It’s Impact On Effective Teaching

Every place or every new upgrade in the world can become a learning moment for students.

But that is possible only if the college stays ready to adopt new and meaningful technologies as quickly as possible.

At the same time, the teachers should work constantly to upgrade their ability to utilize new technologies in their teaching.

6. Keep a Personalized Approach Attached to Teaching

Even with all the diversity of resources, it is difficult to address the learning requirements of each and every student.

While students need to indulge more and more in classroom discussions, teachers need to find ways to have a personalized approach to teaching alongside the regular teaching model.

In terms of personal growth of a student, a teacher has to consider the interest, the pace of understanding a topic and readiness for a content.

These factors vary from student to student. Plus, teachers can’t recognize these factors by looking at the test results. Personalization is an ongoing process, which a teacher has to conduct to understand the flexibility and adjust the method and pace of teaching.

7. Develop Management Policies and Inform Students about those Policies

Classroom management brings discipline in the learning environment.

For a long time, this management stayed a part of the faculty’s responsibility only.

But that has changed now. Students understand the importance of a disciplined learning environment and want to indulge in classroom management.

However, the policy creation is still the responsibility of college authorities. But the authorities can include students in those decisions.

This way, policies will cover all aspects of management creating a favorable learning environment for both teacher and students. Whether it is about the curriculum, schedules of tests, paper distribution, attendance, use of devices in classrooms or any other policy, both students and teachers should work together.

8. Success Criteria Should Make Sense to Students too

Mostly, colleges define the criteria of success. This success involves assessment, grades, the participation of students, attendance, and other factors. These factors surely make sense to the faculty and college authorities.


But the question is-

Do these factors make sense to students?!

This is probably the most important question to ensure an effective learning environment. No student is going to give his or her heart to working hard if the success criteria don’t align with their own sense of success.

College authorities need to understand what “success” means for each individual. Then, blend those criteria with the ones you have available already. This will create a cohesive model of success in a college.

9. Revisit Concepts to Offer Practice Opportunities

A Teacher should know which concepts require revisiting. This depends on the complexity of the concepts as well as the understanding of the students. Revisiting concepts allow the class to upgrade an outdated thinking. Teachers can revisit an old concept and showcase the errors or find new angles to understand them.

With revisiting old concepts, students also get a chance to correlate multiple concepts with each other, which creates a brain map and enhances the capacity to retain information.

Practicing is key to shaping and upgrading knowledge. Hence, it can’t just be a job for the students alone. Teachers should indulge as well and give their guidance during practice opportunities too. The demonstration of a concept offered by a teacher is way better than a student trying to revise it on his or her own.

10. Develop a Habit of Success Celebration

Celebrating success helps to boost interest and makes students excited about learning. However, this is not about offering rewards. Solving a complex problem can also be a reason to feel good about the day.

Teachers should cultivate that habit in students. They can acknowledge small but valuable classroom achievements of students and promote their ability to learn.

Beyond assignments and formal tests, teachers can set fun classroom goals to indulge students in the process of learning. Mostly, assignments and tests are the goals of learning, but classroom informal goals can create an interest in the learning process, which is extremely important.

At the same time, such efforts help in recognizing the loopholes in a curriculum. Then, teachers can communicate with students to revisit learning strategies and find new ways to clarify complex concepts.

It’s Your Turn Now!

A college requires the involvement of teachers and students along with the availability of flexible teaching models. If these three factors align together, effective teaching and learning become possible.

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So, now it is time that you rethink education and bring necessary changes to teaching and learning for better results. Hopefully, the given ideas will help you do that!

Also Read: 12 Skills Teachers Require to be Effective in Teaching

Inspirational teacher quotes are a must-have when it’s teacher’s day or a special occasion for your teacher. Here we have compiled a list of 45 inspirational quotes for teachers. You can add these great teacher quotes as WhatsApp status or greeting card wordings or wallpapers.

Let’s look at some of the most famous quotes on teachers.


1. “Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher that will be the biggest honour for me” P. J. Abdul Kalam


2. “A gifted teacher is not only prepared to meet the needs of today’s child, but is also prepared to foresee the hopes and dreams in every child’s future.” Robert John Meehan.


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3. “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge” Albert Einstein


4. “The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask his pupils that they will answer readily, but how many questions he inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard to answer” Alice Wellington Rollins


5. “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important” Bill Gates


6. “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think” Margaret Mead


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7. “The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching” Aristotle


8. “Education is not to reform students or amuse them or to make them expert technicians. It is to unsettle their minds, widen their horizons, inflame their intellects, teach them to think straight, if possible” Robert M. Hutchins.


9. “There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can’t move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies” Robert Frost.


10. “If we are truly effective teachers, then we are creating autonomous, independent, and self directed learners, not just successful test takers.” Robert John Meehan.


11. “The dream begins, most of the time, with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you on to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth.” Dan Rather.


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12. “The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind” Khalil Gibran


13. ” Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire – William Butler Yeats.” Ann Lieberman


14. “A great teacher who is full of excitement and love for her students can make all the difference in their lives.” Deval Patrick


15. “Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.” Nikos Kazantzakis


16. “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” Brad Henry.


17. ” In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn – Phil Collins.


18. “A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils.” Ever Garrison


19. “The job of an educator is to teach students to see the vitality in themselves.” Joseph Campbell


20. “Great teachers empathize with kids, respect them, and believe that each one has something special that can be built upon.” Ann Lieberman


21. ”The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires” William A. Ward


22. “One mark of a great educator is the ability to lead students out to new places where even the educator has never been.” Thomas Groome


23. “A good teacher, like a good entertainer first must hold his audience’s attention, then he can teach his lesson.” John Henrik Clarke.


24. “Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and love of bringing the first two loves together.” Scott Hayden.


25. “A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find learning hard.” Eliphas Levi.


26. “Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.” Joyce Meyer


27. “The average teacher explains complexity; the gifted teacher reveals simplicity.” Robert Brault


28. “The true aim of everyone who aspires to be a teacher should be, not to impart his own opinions, but to kindle minds.” W. Robertson.


29. “The wise teacher knows that 55 minutes of work plus 5 minutes laughter are worth twice as much as 60 minutes of unvaried work.” Gilbert Highet.


30. “Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students.” Solomon Ortiz.


31. “The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.” S. Lewis


32. “A teacher must believe in the value and interest of his subject as a doctor believes in health.” Gilbert Highet

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inspirational quotes for teachers

33. “No man can be a good teacher unless he has feelings of warm affection toward his pupils and a genuine desire to impart to them what he believes to be of value.” Bertrand Russell

inspirational quotes for teachers

34. “Teachers teach because they care. Teaching young people is what they do best. It requires long hours, patience, and care.” Horace Mann

inspirational quotes for teachers

35. “That is the difference between good teachers and great teachers: good teachers make the best of a pupil’s means; great teachers foresee a pupil’s ends.” Maria Callas.

inspirational quotes for teachers

36. “In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else” Lee Iacocca.

inspirational quotes for teachers

37. “The teachers who get “burned out” are not the ones who are constantly learning, which can be exhilarating, but those who feel they must stay in control and ahead of the students at all times.” Frank Martin

inspirational quotes for teachers

38. “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.” Alexandra Trenfor

inspirational quotes for teachers

39. “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

inspirational quotes for teachers

40. “A teacher’s job is to take a bunch of live wires and see that they are well-grounded.” Martin.

inspirational quotes for teachers

41. “What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.” Karl Menninger

inspirational quotes for teachers

42. “Every teacher is a reflection of his or her students.” Chris Walker

inspirational quotes for teachers

43. “There is no system in the world or any school in the country that is better than its teachers. Teachers are the lifeblood of the success of schools.” Ken Robinson.

inspirational quotes for teachers

44. “A mater can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher though awakens your own expectations.” Patricia Neal

inspirational quotes for teachers

45. “The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say: The children are now working as if I did not exist.” Maria Montessori

A good teacher can understand the difference between just covering up the syllabus and developing good citizens for tomorrow.

Only a few of the students are indeed really lucky to get the best teacher of their life time.

A word of encouragement from a teacher despite many failures has really touched the lives of many who have turned out to be some of the best legends in our history.


Hope you have found this list of great teacher quotes useful. We have tried to include the most useful and best quotation for teachers. If there are more inspirational quotes for teachers you would like us to include in this list, please let us know.

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Ever since the advent of the computers, technology has been playing a key role in the education sector in enabling learning.

In addition to accelerating learning, technology has brought about innovative methods of retaining information. In fact, it has replaced the simple scribbling pad and cue cards because the smart devices have the capability to do much more than the conventional tools.

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In this post, we will be discussing a few of the best productivity software for teachers that could help them effectively organise students’ attendance, prepare lectures, and communicate with students.

1. Notability (for iPad, iPhone, and Mac)

One of the highly versatile software available for taking notes is the Notability app. Notability app has the potential to enrich the lives of teachers, students, and business professionals alike as it is designed to provide the unique note-taking experience.

This enables you to set up a reading conference with students and test their fluency in reading.

Key Features

Streamlines workflow – Write, sign, and share notes; Drag and Drop files, text, GIFs, web pages, and photos, from other apps

Handwrite and sketch/draw lines using colourful ink; for detailed work use zoom-writing feature

Search for words in handwritten notes (14 languages supported); convert handwritten notes to text

The multi-note feature allows you to work on two notes simultaneously

Note Navigator feature helps to quickly switch from one note to another

Drag and drop handwritten and typed text, and images on to notes

A wide range of font, size, and colour options

Create outlines, interactive checklists, and text boxes.

Import and share PDFs, PPTs, images, DOCs, and GIFs

Annotate imported pictures, complete class assignments, lecture slides

Share notes through email, AirDrop, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, and Google Drive

Record/playback audio

Auto backup on iCloud

2. Explain Everything – (for Apple and Android devices)

“Explain everything” is an easy-to-use screen-casting and interactive whiteboard app which can be used for presenting information to students that are visually very engaging. It is also helpful in getting your students to create and make presentations either individually or in groups. This is a highly flexible app and it allows you to create dynamic interactive lessons, presentations, tutorials, and activities. Further, you can insert various multimedia documents like powerpoints, pdf, audio, video, and pictures files into projects..

Key Features

Communicate visually using a laser pointer, draw using any colour, and add shapes, clipart, text, and web browsers

Import documents and multimedia including PDF, DOC, XLS, RTF, TXT, PPT, JPG, BMP, PNG, MOV, MP3, MP4, WAV, AAC, and M4A

Create tutorials, guides, and explanations

Share content through multimedia formats such as MP4, MOV, PDF, EXPLAIN, and PNG, or as a Web Video Link

Store and share through Explain Drive

Seamlessly connect and integrate with Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box

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3. Evernote (for Apple and Android Devices)

Evernote is a great organisational app for teachers as it offers limitless options ranging from course planning to conveying a lesson plan and capturing the feedback after a class. In addition to allowing you to take notes, the app helps you to capture photos, record voice reminders, create to-do lists, and makes your notes completely search friendly irrespective of where you are, at home, school or on-the-go.

Key Features

Create notes simply with voice commands

View notes on phone and lock the screen to make them appear on your watch

To check off to-dos, just tap your watch

Speak the text that you want to search and find

Find the created notes and recently opened notes nearby

Relevant notes/content pop up on your watch when there is a calendar event

4. Teacher Kit (for Apple and Android devices)

The Teacher Kit app can be considered as teachers’ personal organiser. It enables them to organise classes and students. The app’s intuitive and user-friendly interface helps teachers track student attendance and behaviour, and grades. Teachers can access attendance summaries, customise student grade reports, parent information, and save behavioural records. One of the best features of this app is its ability to separately maintain all information for different classes. Moreover, you have the flexibility to create as many classes as needed.

Key Features

Organize your classes and students

Quickly distinguish your classes through photos

Just tap to quickly record attendance

Add/remove attendance statuses as you want (set different codes for each status)

Add students’ behaviour notes, record both positive and negative behaviour

Import data from memory or Dropbox

Browse the file to automatically create classes and add students’ list

Add student photos

Supports the Arabic Language

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5. Edmodo (for Apple and Android devices)

Edmodo, a feature-rich social learning platform, is designed to connect/collaborate in an educational setting. It is perfect for sharing information between teachers, students, and parents/guardians as it collaborates and connects and provides access to homework, school grades, and notices. You can use Edmodo as an inbox and online blackboard for posting quizzes, polls, assignment guidelines, and request for submission of finished assignments. The key benefit offered by the app is that it allows students to ask questions and collaborate on projects.

Key Features

Organise all your classes in one space

Real-time Direct Messaging feature for teachers and students

Assignment Centre shows up all assignments and quizzes.

Engage students in your classes

Students can access and participate from computer, phone, or tablet

Students can view assignments within the app

The app facilitates discussion with a group within class and browsing for subject related resources

Check and share resources and new lessons across your school and those in the district or any teacher connections that you may have

Home stream enables you to find any number of educational resources

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Classroom management is one of the key areas where a lot of time is wasted.

This time could have otherwise been used effectively for a productive study time.
Replacing these manual tasks of attendance taking, assignments management and feedback collection with some comprehensive apps can save a lot of precious teaching time.

Moreover, some additional options such as detailed attendance report generation, easy sharing of reports with parents, and storing information in cloud makes the job a lot easy.

There are lots of attendance management apps available for diverse mobile platforms.

Are you a teacher who is looking for some awesome apps to enhance your attendance management job?

Here we can have a look at some of the most commonly used and best featured apps for teachers that help you to save a lot of classroom management time.

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1. K12 Attendance


You can easily list out students’ courses and their corresponding attendance time.

The missing attendance alert display helps to track if any entry is not available and stay organized.

There is also an additional option with the app to check if a particular student has missed the attendance in the given 10 days.


2. MyClass Attendance

This is a simple user-friendly app which can be used in your mobile to track student attendance.

This is a lightweight app which saves device memory and you can use it without the need for any internet connectivity.

Attendance reports can be generated easily and you can simply transfer it to any other device for convenience.

3. Chalk Attendance


Your teaching workflow can be improved to a great extent with this smart attendance.

The app makes the overall process simple and convenient and you can straightway start off your daily lessons without much delay. All students are marked present by default and you just need to tick the absentees.

The pre-loaded attendance can be verified whenever needed for quicker reference.

4. TeacherKit


Classroom management can be made very simple and fun when this app is made part of your routine.

The app not only helps you with attendance management but also for a lot other daily classroom chores.

No special skills or training is needed to use this app and is ideal to use for any grades from K12 to higher education.


5. Attendance Manager


This app is a really convenient choice to quickly and easily track a student’s attendance or their participation in any given event, program or classes.

Busy teachers can make use of this app to get complete reports on attendance and identification can be made simple by including student names and photos.

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 6. Attendink

Taking attendance and managing reports is a lot simpler than ever before with this user-friendly app.

All you need to do is start a new session, list out the attendees, and initiate the process of registering attendance.

The app works flawlessly in offline mode and you can access it for free. 


7. A+ Teacher’s Aide


The speciality of this attendance app is the option to manage user-defined attendance statuses.

You can also make use of the additional options of computing grades from attendance and even track behaviour.

The privacy of data can be maintained and the app lets you generate individual and class level graphical reports which can be shared with parents easily.


8. MyAttendanceTracker

This app lets you track, and report attendance online with ease.

Report generation can be made in various categories according to your convenience.

You can access the application free of cost. It is completely web based and so you can access the info anywhere anytime if you are connected to internet.

9. Attendance Taker

This professional attendance taker lets you take attendance of your class with ease and maintain a history of the reports which can be accessed anytime for reference.

You can track weekly or monthly attendance percentage or similar statistics and get the excel report of any attendance list anytime at your finger tips.

Also editing the already entered data for a selected student or date is much simple. 


10. Teacher’s Notebook Lite


This is a primary version of the app that can be accessed free of cost.

You can make attendance generation and tracking for two groups of students and generate reports for three categories.

If you are satisfied with the basic version, you can purchase a more professional version for much more additional options.


11. TrackCC


This free and easy-to-use tool helps teachers to track class attendance of students and share the report to parents.

There are additional options of writing individual notes or comments for particular students which can be used for reference later.

You can easily view old attendance by date or student and even customize it for usage convenience. 


12. Attendance Master App

 This amazing app lets you take student attendance in the smartest possible way.

The ROL Cloud Technology automatically synchronizes the info between servers.

You can use the app without any extra cost or even internet facility and the auto SMS option lets you share the attendance reports with parents.

This app can be integrated with School management Software for added convenience.

 13. Edevo Teacher


This is an organizer and grade book that helps you to manage your time consuming classroom chores such as attendance.

This is not only an attendance register but also a classroom manager and a quick contact of students’ parents.

In addition to the quick register option that makes taking roll pretty easy, it features a convenient home screen and • CSV file export options.  

14. RollCall


This is a free attendance managing app with various convenient inbuilt features to optimize a teacher’s workflow.

You can easily categorize students based on subjects and take individual attendance of students for separate subjects.

You have options to export attendance of desired subjects to .CSV file and can easily backup and restore data anytime. 

15. Teacher’s Aide


This is a comprehensive package of attendance and grade book that makes your classroom management job more systematic and easy.

You can make use of user-defined attendance statuses for convenience.

Moreover, the app features allow you to track student behavior using attendance.

The option to automatically compute grades from attendance is an added advantage.


16. Attendance Register


As the name suggests, the app absolutely serves the role of an attendance register which makes your attendance management task a lot easy.

It is a very simple and easy to use app that eliminates the time consuming manual attendance job and stay more organized and be productive and more focussed with your other daily chores. 


17. Attendance Manager & Tracker


This is a quick and simple to set up app that helps you to track student attendance more systematically.

The app lets you manage teams of any sizes and track dates of classes.

For the added convenience of marking attendance all at once for many students, you can utilize the option to define groups.


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18. iRegister


This is an absolutely user-friendly and environment friendly attendance register that lets you do the task by saving paper and your precious time.

You can access this app for free of cost and you can mange up to 20 classes with this app.

You can easily Sync the app to othe nline server and make use of added options such as a basic calculator and a powerful notepad


19. 360eCampusTeacher


This is a comprehensive app that lets you do many of your daily chores from a single place.

You have the option to not only mange your class attendance and student details but also to easily track your attendance, salary, pending benefits and a lot more.

You have option to view individual reports as well as classroom wise reports for improved convenience.

20. AccuClass


This is one of the easiest means to track the student attendance from your iOS device.

For each of the student in the list, you can add customized entries such as present, absent, tardy and more which can be used for quick reference in future.

For better memory management, you can even sync with the AccuClass portal in the cloud.

Having such amazing attendance management apps on your device is really a great addition to your efforts of maintaining a quality teaching time.

These apps can make a lot of positive difference in your overall teaching experience and you can complete your lessons on time.

Also by making the attendance tracking and reports generation more effective, students will be motivated to not miss many classes.


Also Read : 10 Amazing Drawing Apps For Students

The teaching apps have made the classroom ambiance friendly and students have gained immense interest in learning with interactive and fun elements.

These teacher apps help teachers to communicate their ideas more freely and ensure the participation of students.

Are you a teacher looking for some good apps for your classroom?

Here, let us have a look at some of the most innovative apps for teachers that have really made a positive impact over the period.

1. Prodigy Game


  • Rating; 4.2
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 20M
  • Last updated: April 1, 2020
  • Download: Android

Teachers handling mathematics subject for grades 1 to 8 can access this awesome app for absolutely free of cost.


  • Content is tailored to every player’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Math questions are fully aligned with state-level curricula, including Common Core and TEKS, so Prodigy is always connected to the classroom.
  • 1,400 available skills give students the chance to learn more and keep growing.

2. Nearpod


  • Rating; 2.8
  • Installs: 500,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: November 9, 2018
  • Download: Android

This is one of the best apps for teachers to create an engaging learning experience for students and improve their interest for learning.


  • Real-time assessment tools available
  • Instant assessment options
  • User friendly and interactive

3. Mindmaster


  • Rating; Rated for 3+
  • Installs: 100+
  • Size: 3.3M
  • Last updated: April 25, 2019
  • Download: Android

You can use this app to easily handle group projects in the classroom.

The features of the app support easy mapping out of the relationships between ideas when setting up a project in a group.


  • Easy mapping
  • Quick visualization and development of project outlines
  • User-friendly

4. ClassDojo


  • Rating; 4.3
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 27M
  • Last updated: April 21, 2020
  • Download: Android

This app serves as both a motivator and a classroom management tool.

This safe and simple communication app allows free sign up and you can build up a friendly classroom community within no time.


  • Teachers can encourage students for any skill easily.
  • Teachers can bring parents into the classroom experience by sharing photos, videos, and announcements
  • Students can add their classwork easily to their own digital portfolios for their parents to see
  • Teachers can also safely and instantly message with any parent

5. Kahoot


  • Rating; 4.1
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: April 18, 2020
  • Download: Android

The app lets teachers to turn the boring classrooms into interesting play stations with engaging quizzes and games based on the subject.


  • It creates interesting and funny quiz for students
  • Serves the purpose of homework management

6. ABC Mouse


  • Rating; 3.8
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 106M
  • Last updated: March 31, 2020

This is an amazing tool for elementary teachers handling all subjects, especially mathematics.


  • Standard-based curriculum for learning
  • Designed by early education experts
  • Easy to track and monitor process

7. Seesaw Class


  • Rating; 3.6
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: April 17, 2020
  • Download: Android

This app in fact serves the role of a student-driven digital portfolio. In addition to inspiring your students to give out the best, a lot of teaching time is saved which makes the learning more productive.


  • Browse thousands of great activities ready to use in your classroom today.
  • Give more differentiated support through comments and feedback.
  • Focus even more on your students

8. Edmodo


  • Rating; 4.0
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 23M
  • Last updated: April 23, 2020
  • Download: Android

You can experience a comprehensive control over your digital classroom with this awesome. It lets you focus more on teaching than paper work. 


  • All your classes and assignments organized in one place.
  • Send messages directly to students and parents.
  • Engage your students

9. Class tree


  • Rating; 3.9
  • Installs: 5,000+
  • Size: 7M
  • Last updated: September 16, 2017
  • Download: Android

Getting parent consent forms for many events and trips of students are a hectic job. This app saves a lot of time wasted by sorting and filtering paper forms manually.


  • Maintains utmost privacy
  • Helps with easier management of e-signature and consents
  • User-friendly

10. Additio


  • Rating; 4.1
  • Installs: 100,000+
  • Size: 23M
  • Last updated: April 1, 2020
  • Download: Android

This easy to use app makes classroom management for teachers easier than ever before.

Teachers can make use of this app as a powerful digital grade book. With customized templates, you can easily make lesson planners per session.


  • Powerful digital grade book.
  • Assessment based on skills and learning standards.
  • Customized reports.

11. Slack


  • Rating; 4.3
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: April 15, 2020
  • Download: Android

Classroom communication and collaboration can be conveniently handled from one place with this user-friendly app.


  • Communicate with your team easily.
  • Message or call any person or group within your team
  • Customize your notifications so you stay focused on what matters

12. Remind

  • Rating; 4.5
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: 37M
  • Download: Android

Last updated: April 23, 2020

This is a very popular tool that is used widely by teachers to improve out of the classroom communication.


  • Communicate in real time—on any device
  • Keep personal contact information private.
  • Translate messages into more than 90 languages.

13. Pocket

  • Rating; 4.5
  • Installs: 10,000,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: April 23, 2020
  • Download: Android

Preparing the lessons well beforehand is the key for teachers to present the lessons in the best possible way. This app is a very good assistance for you to add any relevant content to your teaching material anytime with ease.


  • Listen to articles
  • Discover what you love
  • Read anywhere and anytime with any device

14. Schoology

  • Rating; 3.4
  • Installs: 5,000,000+
  • Size: Varies with device
  • Last updated: April 24, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is, in fact, a cloud-based platform with security features that are apt for classroom use. The teacher can use this as a single place to connect with every student of the class in case of sharing of information.


  • Have rich and engaging academic experiences anytime, anywhere
  • With all privacy and security, you can easily post assignments, completed work, videos and links.

15. Clapp

  • Rating; 4.3
  • Installs: 10,000+
  • Size: 15M
  • Last updated: April 5, 2020
  • Download: Android

This is an app that helps in integrating powerful ideas into a comprehensive teaching and learning platform.

Presenting Teacher App From Edsys: A Complete Class Schedule and Attendance Management System


  • Provides an online social environment
  • Serves as an ultimate productivity tool
  • Parents can also monitor child’s progress without micromanagement

16. Teacher Notes

  • Rating; 4.1
  • Installs: 10,000+
  • Size: 5M
  • Last updated: April 14, 2020
  • Download: Android

It is a personalized app for teachers to make their task easier by its features.  It can be accessed using a tablet or a smartphone.


  • Record both parent and student logs
  • Setup list of frequently used comments for easy access
  • Track positive and needs improvement notes

17. Planboard

  • Rating: 4.6
  • Installs: 50,000+
  • Size: 5.9M
  • Last updated: November 21, 2019
  • Download: Android

This is an app that allows the teachers to plan lessons on the go in an easy-to-use editor with its curriculum attachments and standards.


  • 100% free for Teachers
  • Take photos and add files to lesson plans
  • Organize your timetable, subjects, and semesters

18. ZIIEI Innovative Pathshaala App

  • Rating: 4.3
  • Installs: 1,000,000+
  • Size: 4.9M
  • Last Updated: March 13, 2020
  • Download: Android

This platform serves as an everyday classroom companion to the teachers who can refer to the innovative ways.

Also Read:20 Best Attendance Apps For Teachers


  • Encourages student-teacher participation in the class.
  • Ready-made lesson plans of the entire textbook.
  • Promotes Experiential Learning Environment.

19. Digital Teacher

  • Rating: 4.7
  • Installs: 50,000+
  • Size: 5.4M
  • Last Updated: November 19, 2019
  • Download: Android

Digital Teacher App is an animated, self-learning multimedia solution, which increases the interest levels and the retention power of your school-going children.


  • Easily accessible and Engaging
  • Rich graphics, animated videos, drawings etc
  • Android based App version

20. ChalkLit 

  • Rating; 4.8
  • Installs: 100,000+
  • Size: 16M
  • Last Updated: April 24, 2020
  • Download: Android

ChalkLit is an app for teacher education and training. ChalkLit provides tools, resources, and trainings to teachers to help them teach better in their classrooms.


  • Provides both Academic and Non Academic content
  • Personalized peer to peer social micro learning network for teachers
  • Easily accessible

21. Teacher Notes

  • Rating; 4.1
  • Installs: 10,000+
  • Size:5M
  • Last Updated: April 14, 2020
  • Download: Android

This app has attendance, grades and notes along with many other features to help students and teachers.


  • Record both parent and student logs
  • Setup list of frequently used comments for easy access
  • Track positive and needs improvement notes
  • Generate PDF reports

With the widespread acceptance of mobile gadgets in classrooms, these amazing teaching and learning apps are enhancing the quality of study time.

These cool apps for teachers have stimulated an expansion of the learning environment. Learning is more easy and fun with greater student engagement.

The apps for teachers improve teacher’s lesson plans and communication outside classrooms. They even keep track of their attendance and feedbacks.


Good news awaits all the educators, students and school administrators for the year ahead.

Much to the surprise of all the stakeholders, a number of exciting trends are predicted to shape up, revolutionizing the educational sphere.

The year 2018 is all set to shed light on a number of concerns and topics that are poised to transform the way educators teach and students learn.

If you are keen on exploring the much anticipated and imminent educational trends that will make a mark for themselves in 2018, here is a long list of 15 such instances that can be expected.

  1. The Internet Will Continue to be the Omnipresent and Omnipotent Learning Tool

It is now the age of technological learning that provides umpteen learning opportunities to students and teachers alike. With the booming use of internet, students will expect the seamless use of technology in classrooms as well. Since technology has already penetrated into their homes, the present generation students would be poised to bank on the internet to realize all their learning aspirations.

Students can rely on web portals to submit educational projects and assignments. Paving the way for computerization of schools, the internet will continue to provide the much-needed, unlimited access to information for students.

  1. Augmented Reality Will Rule the Roost

A number of studies that were conducted over the last couple of years have put the technology behind Augmented Reality (AR) on a pedestal. AR is the buzzword that will enhance learning alongside improving classroom interactions. Students who bank upon AR will enjoy experiential learning alongside motivating them to perform better in studies.

AR is the next big thing for tertiary learning institutes like colleges and universities. The year 2018 will witness AR to transform into a mainstay learning technology, especially for subjects like humanities, arts and sciences. AR will team up with 3D modeling software systems, allowing you to submit 3D assignments and project presentations; from your smart devices. Students majoring in architecture can employ this technology to build 3D models and assist them in their college and university project submissions.

  1. Widened Scope for Paraprofessionals

Paraprofessionals who support the activities of teachers will witness a plethora of opportunities in 2018. They will bring in quality learning experiences through a number of creative methods. Paraprofessionals will have access to information that will hone their skills so that they can employ them for the collective welfare of the students of a classroom. The year 2018 will see the rise of professional development opportunities for these paraprofessionals for different school districts attached to every country.

  1. A Rise in Cost of Education Continues

College education is becoming expensive on account of many reasons. Inflated costs will definitely fleece the budget of colleges, forcing them to compensate through an increased tuition fee. Along with a deliberate cut in state funding for education, public schools and colleges are forced to jack up their tuition fees. This trend of high education costs will make its strong presence felt in 2018 as well. Given the fact that low-income students are finding it difficult to enroll for college education, colleges have decreased the college enrolment fees, eventually hiking the tuition fee.

  1. Trauma-Informed Practices Will Experience a Fillip

The future lies with educationalists having a keen interest in information concerning trauma-informed practices. The present day educators and students are relying on the professional resources which can ease the effects of trauma. It is an eye-opener to know that students under the age of 16 have already experienced the debilitating effects of stress. Given the number of factors can lead to stress in students, it is for the educators to identify them. Once these are recognized, it is for the administration to come up with strategies aimed at better management of classrooms. These trauma-informed practices will help new age students to counter and surpass any sort of educational or behavioral stumbling blocks they encounter.

  1. Flipped Classrooms – The New Age Learning Arenas

Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams along with One Drive will soon become the indispensable learning tools in modern schools. Flipped classrooms will continue to make their presence felt in education, guaranteeing the benefits of collaborative learning. The year 2018 will make these online learning tools very significant and pivotal to students to make the most of modern educational practices.

  1. Niche Learning – The New Kid on the Education Block

All in an attempt to address the increased demand for skilled professionals required by various industries, it is the need of the hour to tread the path of niche learning. Enrolments to certification courses will see a rise with organizations spending monies on equipping their workforce with on-the-job trainings and certifications. This trend is expected to open up millions of jobs for certified professionals. It is for these certifications that schools will tie up with industries who are scouting for skilled workers. This will lead to a smooth transition for the learned to pass out of college and immediately get placed in companies scouting for trained professionals.

  1. Micro-Credentialism Will Witness A Major Push

Similar to niche learning that is the much-needed form of education to thrive in this highly-competitive business environment, the concept of micro-credentialism is steadily gaining ground. Businesses are no longer in need of students who attend colleges in pursuit of knowledge about various subjects. On the contrary, they are constantly on the lookout for professionals who are abreast with the working of a streamlined vocational environment. It is through micro-credentialism that students of the present generation will have to sign up for niche learning courses so as to fill the widening gap between the demand and supply of skilled labor.

  1. The Use of Collaboration Tools Will Witness a High

In 2018, as in the previous years, students will rely on technology to not only socialize and make friends but also to collaborate. While this is an external parameter to a classroom, this trend is expected to percolate into the classroom as the entire class will use similar technologies to make education enjoyable. This will not only set the stage for students to learn from each other, but also to engage better with their topics.

  1. The Prominence of Video Communication Tools

Google Expeditions is a Virtual Reality (VR) learning tool that allows students to enjoy virtual trips by travelling to any nook and corner of the globe. This is a video communication tool that holds great promise to students of modern times to enjoy real-life learning experiences that are far-fetched with traditional teaching styles. Such video-driven learning tools permit you to make the most of online content that makes visuals thrilling to watch and learn.

  1. The Modern Age of Data-Centric Schools

Another educational trend that you should be in the know of concerns the use of statistical information in school management. Be it the seamless monitoring of attendance registers or the storage of educational projects, the year 2018 is all set to witness a sea change. Schools will begin to incorporate a widespread use of EMIS (Education Management Information System) so as to better monitor the performance of both students and teachers alike. EMIS helps schools to have up-to-date and relevant information that can be retrieved effortlessly. With the EMIS in place, schools will be in a strong position to make better decisions when they can compare past trends to current happenings.

  1. Reading Will Become A Pleasure Through E-Books

It is not an overstatement to quote that e-books have a positive impact on the reading habits of students who are reluctant to hold a book in their hands. You can now pick an e-book of your choice and read it so as to not only improve your reading skills but also for the sheer pleasure of befriending black and white text. By 2018, you can expect all the schools to employ e-books as promising reading tools to make the assimilation of knowledge a pleasure for life.

  1. The Upcoming Benefits for Teaching Fraternity

New age teachers will begin to enjoy better career pathways through typical classroom practices like teacher leadership roles and mentoring skills. Given the fact that teaching is considered a flat career without any promotions, the attrition level in the teaching line is quite high.

Some teachers will sign up for new teacher mentoring roles while some become instructional coaches. It is through these novel career options that a fresh breathe of life can be bestowed to teachers. These education-centric admin roles that the teachers will embrace will help them gain recognition for their expertise in the fields of delivering curriculum. They will also become the vital instrumentals in the growth of new teachers who are aspiring to teach and inspire students.

  1. Teacher Shortage Continues To Be A Matter of Concern

Shortage of teaching staff linked to subjects like science, math and special education will still persist in 2018 apart from registering a rise. While schools continue to face a serious shortfall of teachers, it is also crucial to retain new teachers. With a steady rise in the number of school-going students coupled with a low teacher retention rate, most of the schools, across the globe will face an acute shortage of teachers in 2018 as well.

  1. The Growing Popularity of Inclusive Practices in Education

The year 2018 will witness a steady popularity of inclusive educational practices. It is through such practices that differently-abled students can be brought into the educational mainstream. These practices will help such students to excel in their academics through an endearing support coming from educators. Enabling them to meet their numerous learning needs, a free-thinking and a collaborative learning pattern will support them in more ways than one.

Closing Thoughts

There is so much in store for all the stakeholders concerning the sphere of education in 2018. The above-explained pointers highlight the developments that you can expect in 2018. It is through these fact-based predictions that you can come to a conclusion that a paradigm shift in education is imminent and here to stay.

Students follow their teachers’ footsteps in almost everything. So, a good teacher is supposed to demonstrate only those things which they can ask their students also to do. If the teacher can do a similar project what his/her students have been assigned, then students can come up with better work. It means if the teacher is not interested in the thing he/she teaches, then students will not show any interest towards the information that they have been taught.

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A teacher should fairly make time to listen and help their students. If they show kindness and love toward their students, then students will become more comfortable to share their problem and stories with their teachers. If teachers only deliver a lecture and leave the class, then students will lose the trust that is required for a positive student-teacher relationship. Gaining such trust is one of the most important qualities teachers must have.

Class Room Activity Apps

20-Things-Teachers-Shouldnt-Do-in-the-Classroom Infographic

Most of the times, student behavior poses challenges to education experts. One such phenomenon is the threat of cyberbullying; bullying a student through the use of electronic media. Bullies send text messages via computers and smartphones which can be threatening or intimidating. Such students can also share content on social media platforms or via gaming apps so as to inflict emotional pain on timid and introvert students.

Here are some tips that will help teachers crack the whip on erring students who are making the lives of their peers a living hell through offensive texts and images.

  1. Inform About Cyberbullying at an Early Age

Now a days, kids as young as six are relying on technology to learn in classrooms or at home. It is this trend that paves the way for bullies to go crazy with their malicious intentions. It is hence your responsibility as a teacher to educate your pupils about cyberbullying from the time they start using technology for learning. When students are aware about cyberbullying, they will steer clear of all such occasions which can lead them to be bullied by the “so-called” dominating students.

  1. Conduct Informative E-Workshops for Parents

Teachers should work hard in the direction of nipping off cyberbullying in the bud itself through the active involvement of parents. School authorities, teamed with teachers should step in to conduct e-workshops and webinars for parents. As part of these workshops, parents should be allowed to engage in discussions concerning cyber bullying along with solutions that come in the form of filtering software. Highlighting the different forms of cyberbullying will also be of utmost help to parents to ensure that their kids are safe at home while being connected to the internet. This awareness about what cyberbullying will help parents to ensure a safe and cordial learning environment for their wards; at all times.

  1. Explain the Thin Line Between An Argument and A Bullying Comment

While teachers should educate both kids and parents about what cyberbullying is all about, the onus is on them again to inform both the parents as to what is not bullying. Since kids are free to express their differences on various online platforms, they can also engage in arguments so as to prove their point to others. Under such circumstances, it is important for students to not regard a small tiff as an act of bullying.

  1. The Privacy Factor

Teachers are ordained to impress upon students to protect their online passwords. It should be dinned into the minds of students that they should never ever share their passwords with anyone; including their closest pals. Teachers should also emphasize on the need to keep changing the passwords at regular intervals. Students should also be encouraged to come up with non-controversial tweets alongside maintaining a graceful online status for other friends to easily recall and interact.

  1. Compassion is the Key

Teachers should adopt an empathetic stance with the perpetrators by reiterating the fact that they cannot get away with what they are doing. Educators should impress upon such erring students that they cannot take refuge for their wrong doings behind a computer or phone. It is through empathy that teachers can handhold such students and tame them so that their words and actions do not inflict pain on the weak and vulnerable students.

  1. Ignorance of Law is Unpardonable

Teachers have to work in tandem with the school staff to ensure that the laws of cyberbullying are adhered to; at all times. If a teacher identifies an offensive image or content, especially of cyberbullying nature, he/she should go full on to confiscate the device. To perform such disciplinary acts, it is the prime responsibility of teachers to stay in sync with the protocols of their school along with the act of safeguarding the lawful policies of child protection. This way, a sense of lawfulness will keep such bullies on their guard.

  1. Cyberbullying is Non-Negotiable

As a strong contrast to the common adage “Spare the rod, spoil the child”, punitive actions work against your intention. Care should be taken by educators to restore the situation without indulging in any sort of punishment. Teachers should try to address cyberbullying in a healthy manner so as to avoid repeated occurrences. Allowing students to develop healthy relationships with their peers, teachers will have to work hard towards educating students about mutual understanding and responsibility.

  1. Openness to Report Abuse

Empathy is not only about understanding the mentality of bullies. It is also about helping the bullied students to report abuse. An open line of communication between students and teachers will pave the way for a cordial teacher-learner relationship. Once such a healthy relationship is established, students will gain confidence and start to open up with their faculty about becoming a victim of cyberbullying. It is hence the need of the hour for teachers to harp on the importance of breaking their fearful silence that envelops cyberbullying.

  1. Incorporate Team Building Mechanisms

Teachers deal with students coming from different walks of life. While some of them can be extroverts, a bunch of introverts in class might find it difficult to interact with the rest of the class. It is under such circumstances that team building activities come to the rescue of teachers. Allowing groups of students to collectively partake in an activity with a pre-defined goal will enhance the interaction between these groups. Once students start interacting with each other in pursuit of attaining a common goal, they will employ all their strengths to complete the task. In doing so, they will also start to engage with other students who are not a part of their class.

  1. Incorporate Technology In Classrooms

Schools which incorporate technology as a learning tool stand to ward off the instances of cyberbullying, in more ways than one. Teachers will be able to educate students about the ethical and non-ethical use of technology. Guiding them at all times, teachers through technology can help students respect each other and stay away from hurting others through malicious comments and images.

  1. A Yardstick to Cyberbullying

Teachers can seek the active participation of students in anonymous school surveys. Through such programs, teachers will be able to assess the extent of bullying that is harming students along with other malicious behaviors that are prevalent. Allowing educators to identify blind spots through nameless clues coming from the entire class, teachers will have substantial data points to address the menace of cyberbullying. They will be able to better focus on the issues and address them accordingly.

  1. The Intervention of Professionals

While teachers spend a great deal of time amidst the four walls of a classroom, constantly interacting with their pupils, they can also seek the intervention of community resources in tackling cyberbullying. School communities which have the support coming from administrators, counsellors and law enforcement personnel will be in a better position to tackle the ill-effects of cyberbullying.

Teachers can knock on the doors of counsellors to interact both with the perpetrators and the victims. Teachers should impress upon students to be open up their problems to counsellors to solve them.

  1. Knowledge About Legal Dimensions

Students can indulge in sexting, alongside engaging in conversations full of verbal aggression. They can be caught possessing an indecent video image or video of another student. Notwithstanding the fact that such actions do not call for any legal proceedings, teachers should seek the involvement of Police Community Support Officers (PCSO). Through these law enforcement officials, everyone concerned can be briefed about the legal implications that surround cyberbullying. When parents and students participate in such discussions, they will be better informed about the consequences of cyberbullying.

Wrapping It Up

With so much being said about cyberbullying and the pain it inflicts on weak students, it is time teachers take things under their control. When the above-discussed tips are implemented by educators, they can not only restore but also create a positive school environment that thrives on open communication and empathy. All in an attempt to establish healthy peer-to-peer relationships in classrooms, these anti-cyberbullying hacks will come handy to ensure the mental well-being of every student concerned.

Effective feedback in the classroom is an important tool for learning. Feedback which comes from assessing the performance becomes an indispensable instrument in the toolkit of education. While the main purpose of feedback is to help the students understand the subject in relation to where they stand, it also paves the way to improve their learning. Feedback which comes attached with a clear guidance can become the leading light for students in a number of ways. Here we shed light on the numerous ways in which meaningful feedback bridges the gap between how students are progressing with their learning and what is actually expected of them.

  1. To Provide Feedback Is To Care

Giving feedback to students is a proven means to improve their learning. Driven by an objective to better student outcomes, feedback when given correctly serves as a guiding light to students. It is through this tool of continuous improvement that students begin to harbor the feelings of care and concern coming from their instructors. They understand that the educators, in their pursuit to better the performance of the class are working very hard. Through feedback, educators can enable students to involve themselves with various educational and co-curricular activities in the classroom.

  1. The Perfect Timing

There should be a time for everything, more so when it concerns speaking about the performance of students in the class. Thus, feedback should come at the right time for students to make adjustments with regard to their pre-defined goal. When students are given feedback at an appropriate time, they will ponder over the inferences of their faculty and be receptive to their suggestions.

Allowing students to make improvements as they continue to learn, it is through timely feedback that a permanent damage can be avoided. Nipping off the problem in the bud itself, timely feedback provides enormous scope for students to analyze the pointers in the feedback and focus on addressing their deficiencies and flaws.

  1. Provides Solutions to “Where” and “What” Questions

The prime aim of feedback is to correct major issues concerning either learning or behavior. With feedback, educators will be able to guide students on to the right path by answering the questions” “Where am I going wrong?” and “What can I do to correct myself?” These are the common questions that arise in the minds of students who are assessed for their behavior and abilities.

When the areas of improvement of students are pointed out by the faculty, they will then begin to prioritize what is important. You as a student will benefit from a clear sense of direction which not only sheds light on your inefficiencies but also provides the much needed support to rectify your mistakes.

  1. A Mixed Bag of Strengths and Weaknesses

Constructive feedback comes as a boon to students willing to better themselves. Teachers should be mindful of the content they present while offering feedback to students. It is hence very important to bring out not only the weaknesses of students but to also recognize their strengths as well. When you as a student are praised about your inherent positives, you will not only take pride in your achievements but will also strive to hone them as well.

On the flipside, when your weaknesses as a student are highlighted, you will start looking at the inferences objectively. You will not get overwhelmed by their feedback since you are already convinced of the fact that your teachers love you for what you are and will begin to accept their suggestions gracefully.

  1. The Multiple Modes of Feedback

Teachers employ various means to get their point across to students. They can deliver feedback orally, in a written format or through a demonstration. Written feedbacks are helpful to you as you can refer to it at any point of time. Oral feedback comes handy in situations where you as a faculty have lots of pointers to share which cannot be put into a concise write-up.

Interactive feedback is another effective way of engaging in a question-answer session. You will have the liberty to pose questions to your faculty who will provide answers to your queries as part of your improvement plan.

  1. Sets The Stage for Repeated Practice

You as a student can bank upon feedback as a guiding light towards mastery. Allowing you to focus all your thoughts and efforts in the direction of improvement, you will become a better student with the passage of time. Practice makes a man perfect. In line with this common maxim that is so apt for students, feedback brings in an enthusiasm that will prompt you to practice harder so that you reach the top of your learning curve.

When teachers conduct periodical assessments of your performance, they will come up with recommendations as well compliments that will instil a sense of confidence that you are on the road to recovery. You will do all that is within your means to improve yourself and gain experience by taking well-informed decisions.

  1. A Boost To Students’ Morale

Learning can be a task for some students. Since every student comes with a different IQ level, not every subject appeals to every student. While you may find science interesting but math difficult, your classmate may be a man of letters. With a class full of students coming from various socio-economic sections, it is important for the faculty to provide effective feedback to students based on these parameters.

Students who are in receipt of regular feedback not only experience a boost to their confidence levels but will also begin to understand themselves better. With a sense of self-awareness, you as a student working around your feedback pointers will tread the path of learning which is fueled by enthusiasm.

  1. The Target Audience

Teachers may be concerned about a particular student, a group of learners or the entire class. All of them form the various recipients of feedback in a classroom. If you find a particular student struggling with learning, you as a faculty can provide individual feedback. This will help him/her reflect on the shortcomings and make improvements accordingly.

Teachers, most of the times would want to address a group of students or the entire class if they find that they are unable to follow an instruction or a concept that has being discussed in class. In such cases, the educator can employ the means of group feedback which speaks about the deficiencies of a group or the entire class.

  1. Uncovers The Benefits of Reflective Learning

Feedback is an excellent tool to allow students to look back into what they have been doing that is not delivering the expected outcomes. Permitting them to step back into their past actions, it is through feedback that you as a student will set the stage for an improved learning experience. This practice is referred to as Reflective Learning.

Reflective Learning has a deeper meaning to learning than simply memorizing formulae, dates or scientific facts. It is a method which helps students spare a thought about what they have read, learned or done as part of completing a lesson that was taught in the class. It is through this exercise that helps students to start thinking by asking questions, collecting information and analyzing it so that they can put the inferences into action in their real world.

  1. The Essentials of Constructive Feedback

Feedback should never be given with an intention to criticize a student. It should always come as an integral part of learning and behavioral improvement. Feedback that is given with this intention in mind will have a strong bearing on the minds of students towards continuous progress. It is for this reason that teachers should come up with effective feedback content. The content should not only provide you with clarity, but also suggest areas of improvement. A teacher providing feedback to students should also keep in mind her tone of communication.


Student achievement can be linked to constant feedback which you as a student will receive from your teachers. For the feedback to benefit you, it is important that you take an objective stand towards every pointer and work on the same. You will then be able to make smart improvements which will transform you into a near-perfect student. Ponder over all the inferences of your teachers so that you will finally tread the path of continuous progress; much to the surprise of your parents and educators as well. You will turn around your life for the better, banking on the observed and delivered feedback coming from your faculty.