The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a comprehensive platform that is ideal for an unparalleled development for any childcare settings from birth to five years.

The first part has to be taken care at home whereas the Reception and nursery is the responsibility of schools.

According to experts, EYFS is a smart compilation of different stages that are very important for their growth as an individual.

The platform they set through EYFS can make a lasting impact for any kid in the way they grow up; their perspectives about life and of course their basic values.

That is why schools have to be very keen when they set up the EYFS curriculum for the next generation.

Are you planning to create the EYFS curriculum for your institution?

Here we are discussing the various stages of a comprehensive EYFS curriculum and the inevitable elements to incorporate in it to make an impact.

1. Communication and Language

This is the preliminary stage of an EYFS curriculum when they can learn the basics of communication and the relevance of a language.

This phase includes the activities to trigger their skills of listening and attention. Include activities to enable children to

  • Name and sound the letters of the alphabet
  • Listen and say sounds in words
  • Hold a pencil correctly
  • Understand a story has a beginning, middle, and end
  • Write their name
  • Begin to write simple sentences

2. Physical Development

This is the stage when a child is taught about the significance of moving and handling of objects around them. In a more detailed scenario, they can have a better awareness of health and self-care.

This stage is more about including activities that enable them to be active and interactive.

Moreover, this is meant to enhance their skills of control, coordination, manipulation, and movement.

This is also about teaching them the relevance of physical activity in daily life in addition to making healthy choices in food.

  • Develop skill and confidence in motor movements such as climbing, swinging, running, jumping, and hanging
  • Promote and develop their spatial awareness and coordination
  • Enable them to control the use of one-handed tools and equipment

3. Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This is the stage when a child learns about making relationships and its importance in their lives.

With activities that trigger personal, social and emotional development, the child gets the medicine of self-confidence and self-awareness.

The ultimate end result of this stage will be their understanding of managing feelings and behavior.

Educators should include experiences and support to help them to

  • Develop a positive sense of themselves and of others
  • Improve social skills
  • Have respect for others
  • Build a positive disposition to learn

4. Literacy

Once you enter this stage, the focus will be shifted towards the basic activities for setting a platform for their reading and writing skills.

They can explore it through stories, songs, and poems using a wide range of media.

The phonics area is an inevitable element which encourages and supports kids to trigger their independent learning.

The activities in this phase enable kids to

  • Develop linking sounds to letters
  • Recognize print in their environment
  • Understand the significance of print for communication

5. Mathematics

This is one of the most interesting but challenging phases of an EYFS curriculum when kids are taught about the basics of mathematics.

The basics for the subject needs to be set right or else it might turn out to be one of the most dreadful subjects when they move up higher classes.

The basic phase includes activities to trigger recognition of numbers, shape, space, and measure.

The activities should include

  • Counting up to ten and beyond
  • Sharing objects into equal groups
  • Learn ‘addition’ means adding on, and ‘subtraction’ means taking away
  • Creating their own patterns
  • Building models and shapes

6. Understanding of the World

This area of learning is meant for kids to explore, learn more and find more about their environment.

Kids should be exposed to solve problems, make decisions, question, predict, experiment, and plan in diverse life scenarios.

This in fact is the science part of the curriculum where kids have practical experience of conducting and exploring experiments and using drawings and charts to showcase the findings.

The activities during the phase will train them to

  • Identify features of objects, living things, and events
  • Look at similarities, differences, and patterns
  • Use their senses

7. Expressive Arts

This phase is more about giving them opportunities to be imaginative and setting a platform for them to share their ideas, thoughts and feelings.

It is important to give them role-play activities and let them experience and explore the possibilities of design, art, and music; dance and technology right from their young days.

This phase is more about encouraging their curiosity, exploration and play. Give them the ultimate freedom to express themselves through various means.

  • They sing songs, make music and dance
  • Experiment with ways of changing and improving their creativity
  • Design and technology enables them to represent their thoughts and ideas
  • Schools may even provide specialist teaching in music or dance

In fact, kids are encouraged to lead their own learning and support is given in terms of person, space and materials to trigger this independence.

The ultimate result of a proper EYFS program is smart children who have their own ideas, think creatively and critically, easily make links between ideas and choose their ways to do things.

When a child has undergone effective learning, they have the next level of engagement when he played with what they know, find out and explore more, and shows a willingness to ‘have a go’.

The schools and respected authorities can take an extra step towards building an EYFS curriculum with the best possibilities to develop a generation of smart citizens for tomorrow.

They can help kids to best exploit the chance to develop their understanding and knowledge to secure a foundation for their life later.

Know More: 20 Best Education System in the World 

Modern schools are using the best of the options in the curriculum to give them a challenging education which is designed to unlock their potential.

This will enable children to give out their best which makes them fit for the world’s best universities.

Every child is unique and they learn and develop at different rates and in different ways”- Beverley Hughes

Every child deserves the best possible start in their learning life. Early Year Foundation Stage(EYFS) provides support to children and helps to fully utilize their potential. Most children develop and learn during their early years. And the experiences they have between birth and age five have a remarkable impact on their future life.

Every child deserves a secure, good, safe and happy childhood. EYFS sets the standards for learning, growth, development and care of children from birth to five years old.

Must Read:

12 EYFS Activities For Children

There are seven areas of learning and development by which a child develop skills, gain knowledge and demonstrate their understanding. Usually children develop three areas first. Those areas are

1. Physical development

2. Personal, social and emotional development

3. Communication and language

Proper development of these areas are essential for healthy growth and to have a better future learning. As children grow, they need to develop in four specific areas. And those areas are literacy, mathematics, expressive arts and science, and understanding the world.

All these seven areas help to plan the child’s learning and activities. It is the responsibility of teachers in supporting and teaching children according to their unique needs.

A separate curriculum is designed for child in primary and secondary schools. Hence it is most suitable for young children only. It is designed in a very flexible manner so that staff can change it according to the unique needs and interests of the child. In EYFS framework, children learn by playing and exploring both indoors and outdoors. Each child develop their own skills according to their creativity, imagination and critical thinking.

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How can Parents help their Child in Learning?

Learning and development actually begin at home itself. All the fun activities that are done at home have a vital role in the growth and development of the child. Learning done at home will have a long lasting effect on the child during their progress to schools. Even when the child is too young and unable to talk, never ignore them. Try to talk to them so that they could learn and understand new words, ideas and thus give them a motivation to speak. As a young learner, we should care to have at least some time with our child. Parents can do the following activities with their children:

  1. Sing and tell nursery rhymes
  2. Tell them about numbers, colors, letters and words when we go out
  3. Allow them an opportunity to cut out and stick pictures from magazines
  4. When we go out for supermarket tell them about different packaging shapes
  5. Show them how to plant seeds and water it
  6. Cook or bake together
  7. Explore the park and give them an opportunity to mingle with other children
  8. Try to read and share stories from good books

All these activities can greatly help children in their growth. It is better to seek some professional for knowing about different activities and books the child may enjoy at different ages. If the parents work together with caretakers or professionals, one will get a better result in their child’s development. They should exchange information and discuss things together that can provide benefits to the child. There should be a proper check and thus prepare a brief summary done by parents and teachers regarding the progress of the child at each age. This summary can help in the future learning and development of the child.

Are you are a teacher outside the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, who wants to gift an EYFS-like learning environment to students? If you are, it is a great way to help children practice effective ideas, ensuring better learning experience.

But, at times it can be a struggle to come up with fresh ideas in the classroom. This is where internet comes to the rescue. There are numerous blogs that can help you with this.

Check out some of the fascinating EYFS blogs every teacher should read:

  1. ABC Does

ABC Does is a website managed by Alister Bryce-Clegg. Despite many social prejudices, it is fascinating to realise that a man is managing a website about working in the Early Years. There are practical ideas in the website that easily works. The blog consists of effective tips and techniques you can work with children

Teachers can depend on the creative ideas that will make the children fall in love with classroom and learning. This blog is regularly updated.

  1. Coombe Mills

Coombe Mills offers farm experience for younger children. They are allowed to explore farm animals and farmyard way of life. This blog explains the experience youngsters had around their farm. There are activities in the blog, adaptable for teachers.

  1. Creative Star Learning

Creative Star Learning is a blog that concentrates on outdoor activities. The blog belongs to Juliet Robinson. You get everything you need to know about outdoor activities with effective tips and techniques.

  1. Forest Factor

Forest Factor allows young children to learn through forest schools. The website shares experience of young children. Let them enjoy their experience within the safe, forest environment. Along with forest learning, the blog is also packed with outdoor learning activities.

  1. Imagination Tree

Imagination Tree maintained by Anna Ranson is a simple blog that explains ideas that are handy. It focuses on learning through play and is a treasure of great ideas. Teachers can make use of this blog as it is regularly updated with tips and techniques

  1.  Inside the Secret Garden

A well designed blog with good resources, Inside the Secret Garden explores many policy decision affecting early years practitioners. It is managed by Juilan Grenier who is a head teacher, author and researcher.

  1. Interaction Imagination

Interaction Imagination is created by Suzzane Axelsson in Sweden. The blog highlights the early year’s practices happening in Swedish setting. It also consists of ideas and inspiration which are adaptable across the globe.

  1. Laura Henry

The blog of Laura Henry is every inch informative for parents and teachers. It is regularly updated and has plenty of ideas for teachers. Laura Henry is an Early Years consultant. She is an active participant in social media.

  1. Learning and Exploring Through Play

Learning and Exploring Through Play is a creative blog packed with practical activities, stories and ideas, including an ultimate guide to making playdough. The blog is a treasure for teachers wanting stunning ideas for encouragement and inspiration.

  1. Nursery Nook

Nursery Nook is a blog managed by James, a primary male school teacher. It is stuffed with ideas, tips and inspiration. Nursery Nook offers guidance for teachers on a daily basis. Teaching children becomes fascinating with Nursery Nook.

  1. Nurture Store

Nurture Store is a delightful and reliable site for teachers. The blog is maintained by Cathy James. Nurture Store offers effective practical ideas as well as activities. The site offers something for everyone. Motivate young children with the help of Cathy James.

  1. Pirates and Princesses

Pirates and Princesses is a fantastic blog created by Michelle, training to be a primary teacher. It explores the planning, ideas and challenges that can be faced working in the early years. The site is continually updated.

  1. Red Ted Art

Red Ted Art is a blog organised by talented Maggy Woodley. The site is full of art activities which can be used by teachers. Explore and get inspired with the blog. Along with picture the blog is one among the treasures in EYFS blog.

  1. Right from the Start

Right from the Start is an exquisite blog created by Rachel McClary which discusses about all the aspects of early education, play and similar topics. Insightful posts are available in the blog that throws light on issues such as:

  • The roles of adult in the early years setting
  • Advice for teachers who look after very young children

Let’s make the change happen:

We know that EYFS solely aims at providing the best for children. Adopt the best for your children too. With activities, teachers help to motivate and stimulate the learning ability of children.

Be the kind of teacher every student wish to have.

The early years of a child’s life are crucial. Foundations for future choices, attainments and well being are built during these years. Children should receive guidance, care and love during the early years.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a syllabus that sets standard for learning and development of children from birth to 5 years of age. The goals of EYFS are impossible to achieve without the support of responsible teachers.

What is an ideal teacher?

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning”  – Brad Henry

Any teacher who has a mission and completes it without fail is a good teacher. He/she helps to overcome difficulties without hesitation. A good teacher is capable of transforming the learning experience of his/her students.

Must have qualities for Early Years Foundation Stage Teachers:

The prime concern of EYFS teachers is to make education comfortable for children by reducing stress. Many teachers take the help of smart apps for preschoolers to make learning more interactive and enjoyable.

EYFS teachers are accountable for achieving the highest possible standards in their professional practice and conduct. The teachers must act with honesty and integrity.

  1. Sustaining positive attitude and inspiring children

Teachers must sustain safe and stimulating environment for the children, where they feel confident to learn. A good teacher always concentrates on the positive side. Maintaining positive values, attitude and behaviour can enhance the capabilities of children.

Set standards that can challenge children belonging to all backgrounds, abilities and disposition. Not a single child must be ignored while making education plan. Transferring from a passive teacher-headed classroom to an active class can improve the environment of the class.

  1. Always encourage the good progress of children:

Goodness should never go unnoticed. Effective teachers focus on the progress and attainment of children. They promote model strategies which help in developing children’s learning and thinking ability (including sustained and shared thinking). Communicating, listening and responding with children from birth to age five is crucial.

  1. Planning education as per needs

Educational programmes must have balanced and flexible activities. These will promote a love of learning in children.

EYFS aims at providing a better environment for students to learn, where they enjoy learning. Need varies from child to child and having an eye on each students’ requirement can make a teacher better compared to the rest.

  1. Respond to the needs of all children

Emotional, social and intellectual development of children is crucial.   There must be a clear understanding of the requirement of children including those with special needs. Teacher must be well aware of when a child is in need of additional support.

The needs of children might vary, but they deserve individual attention. Children at an early age get distracted easily. They tend to concentrate more on things other than learning. It’s the responsibility of an EYFS teacher to make the classroom exciting for them.

  1. Promote the welfare of children with a safe learning environment:

A good teacher must possess adequate knowledge about health guidance and welfare of children. They should be able to employ practices that promote children’s health and safety. They should have knowledge of child protection policies and procedures.

  1. Wider professional responsibilities:

Equal opportunities must be provided to each child without discrimination. There must be contact with parents or care takers of children. Support good practices and evaluate the effectiveness of current provisions. Giving the right feedback at the appropriate time is significant.

Appreciating students motivates them to achieve high. Monitoring the learning of students can help them attain better development. As teachers get more professional, the benefits for teachers will increase.

Every child should have the opportunity to receive a quality education”- Bill Frist

Providing affordable and easily accessible education to each layer of society is crucial. When it’s about education, the quality is really important compared to any other aspect.

Studies show that the human brain develops more rapidly between birth and age 5 than during any other time in a person’s life. It is important to equip children with the very best quality of education during the initial years. It is indeed shocking to know that 250 million children are unable to read, write or count well, even those with at least four years at school. Technology has brought innovations such as smart apps for preschoolers for improving childhood education.

Related: 5 Important Questions Parents Ask EYFS Providers

EYFS, the Early Years Foundation Stage is an ideal choice for parents who want their children to get quality education quite early. Education is a process and providing children with best quality education in the early years is the first stepping stone towards their successful future.

EYFS contributes to creating a better society where opportunities are equal regardless of background. Child’s physical, emotional, intellectual and social development depends on the education he/she receives. The progress of mental and physical abilities of children is at an astounding rate from birth to age of five. Children need high quality personal care as well as learning experience during this period.

Related: 14 Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Blogs Every Teacher Should Read

Here is what high quality education for children does to the society;

  • Less welfare assistance needed
  • Fewer unemployment benefit claims
  • Higher income tax payments
  • Criminal justice system gets less burdened

Impact of high quality education

High quality education grows with the children like an investment.

  • Never ignore the quality of education as children who receives quality education is 18% likely to be employed, 24% more likely to own a house, 53% less likely to have multiple arrests and more likely to make higher earning.
  • Criminal tendency is reduced in children who receive quality education
  • A new study held at Norway concluded that high-quality early childhood education offers protection against the economic decline of families
  • There are noticeable changes between behaviour pattern of students who received quality education and the ones who did not
  • Children belonging to low income families had behaviour problems and the pattern was opposite when the income increased
  • Taking steps from an early age to improve childhood education skills could raise overall population levels of academic achievement by as much as 5%, and reduce socioeconomic inequality in education by 15%, according to international research led by the University of Adelaide
  • Future education is improved by better early education foundation
  • There are possibilities of education achievements to rise by 5%. 5% improvement in the educational outcome out of 620,000 pupils aged 15-16 in secondary education means that 13,500 students would be benefited out of this. 5% is not less.
  • Better education will contribute to the future employment chances of the children and it will show positive reflection on the society economically
  • High quality education results in personal development with better understanding of responsibilities, social development with well understanding about the social responsibilities and emotional development

Rather than a task, learning should be an experience. The diverse experiences that students acquire through education will make them thirsty for more knowledge. Successful and burden-free learning results in happier students.

Related: 10 EYFS Activities To Improve Children’s Numerical Ability

Functions of EYFS include

Functions of EYFS is not limited in helping parents choose better, instead it concentrates on more.

  1. Learning is encouraged through experience. The learning abilities of children are motivated and stimulated
  2. Secure environment is provided to the children to learn
  3. Visual aids are encouraged while teaching
  4. Learning materials are organised and they are imaginatively used
  5. Social and personal language of children are also taken in to consideration
  6. Basic skills of children like physical coordination, speech and communication are given support
  7. Stories, songs, games, drawing and imaginative play are used to encourage the mathematical and creative development of children
  8. Curiosity and knowledge of children are developed
  9.  Indoor and outdoor works are planned and coordinated among teaching assistants, nursery nurses as well as volunteer helpers
  10.  Observing and recording the progress of each child
  11.  During both inside and outside activities safety of children and staff is maintained

Related: 5 Misconceptions Parents have about EYFS

If the beginning is good, everything else will be fine. So, always start the education of your child with the best team. Early years are always very important because it decides the future. To select best for your kids is the parents’ responsibility. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning development and of children from birth to five years.

All the early education providers must adopt EYFS. This will surely help the parents and teachers to trace the path of development of their child. EYFS supports a new and integrated approach towards early learning and care. This sets some common principals and ways or routine for all the practitioners who provide early education and childcare.

Edsys provides EYFS Management Software which makes it easy to follow the EYFS system for parents and teachers. Once we adopt EYFS system, there are a lot of advantages.

  • EYFS system helps the teachers to understand and evaluate each child separately. The teachers can keep separate profiles for each child with all the minute details of their development. That will provide equal attention for each child
  • This will help the teacher to explain the activities of the child at school to the parents. The teacher will take pictures or videos of a child’s activities and they can keep it as a record of the child’s developmental stages. Those pictures and videos will communicate with the parent more than verbal discourses
  • Both the providers and parents can add comments and grades to the photos. They can have discussions about their child with the support of this data
  • The providers with the help of these images will help the parents to understand the different tastes, abilities and caliber of their own child. So, the parents can easily design their future according to their taste and ability
  • Some children may have some special skills in some particular areas like drawing, manufacturing, singing, dancing, by-hearting etc. So parents can help their children to polish their skills
  • Just like the kids are having some good skills, sometimes they may have some inabilities or weakness. That can also be identified in EYFS system. The early identification will help to find solutions for such problems easily.
  • If the teachers use advanced technologies with EYFS, they can easily share data with parents with e-mail or Bluetooth. The software introduced by Edsys to support EYFS activities can be used even with a Smartphone.
  • Connecting EYFS software with Parent Portal will enable easy parent-teacher interaction. The information of a particular child can be visible to the parents too.
  • When some details of a child are necessary, it can be collected easily and completely. That makes developmental evaluation properly and systematically.
  • With the lively moments captured in the classroom, the teacher can make collages and post cards which is also a part of EYFS curriculum.
  • Following the EYFS curriculum in a systematic way, the teachers can easily make the monthly or yearly reports in the form of PDF. With these reports, the evaluation of learning and other developments of the child can be easily conducted.

Moreover, EYFS curriculum follows child-led learning and it is play-oriented. That makes the children more creative and energetic. They will start loving education. It gives them much freedom and exposure. It will enable them to have a wonderful personality.EYFS curriculum has very good perspective to make the future generation smart and active. Now it is followed by early education providers mainly in UK. But can be tried everywhere. Following its standard is necessary for the success. We can develop a wonderful young generation by adopting EYFS curriculum.


Since EYFS is entirely different from traditional schooling, parents have some misconceptions. Some parents don’t understand its importance, some others expect more from it and some of them are dubious about its working. To utilize the benefits of EYFS to maximum, it is necessary to wipe out all the misconceptions from parents’ mind. Here are some of those misconceptions.

“It is just a nursery…”

Many parents have that belief. Actually, they don’t understand its importance. Major emotional and social development of the child takes place at this age; therefore, they need great care and attention. They need to have a stress-free, liberal and motivating atmosphere. EYFS works on child-led and play based format. It needs frequent intervention from parents. The practitioners inform parents regarding each and every development of the child. The parents should always give proper attention to the child’s developments and changes.

When the teacher frequently tries to contact, some parents may feel it unnecessary. They think “it is just a nursery, not higher class. Then why these people are troubling us like this?” This notion should be removed by making them understand the importance of early education in the development of children.

“It’s not our duty…”

When teachers give small tasks to the children to do from home or something to read with parents, some parents get angry. They think the educator alone is responsible for teaching the child. The parents won’t help in anyway other than financially. They claim that they paid well for their child’s education and therefore, the school should do all the work. It is your child; so you must know them and that will help them a lot than any other teaching.

They take money for doing nothing

The providers are not teaching anything in the traditional way but they demand more money. The parents won’t understand the risk and expense of gathering, compiling and sharing the data. Actually the EYFS practitioners are doing much more than an ordinary teacher.

“Not teaching anything.”

Some parents make complaints about the EYFS providers that they are not teaching anything. They expect their child to learn so many things fast because they are paying well. EYFS has its own format of teaching. It is not simply teaching from the books. They are not teaching in the traditional way. They are following the child-led and play based format for teaching.

Some parents are worried while seeing the annual or monthly reports. It’s all about playing and other things. They are worried the system is not giving proper importance to learning.

Some expect drastic development in their child             

The overall development of the child takes place in few years. From birth to the age of five, it happens gradually. EYFS cannot do any wonders in the given time. EYFS is for evaluating, providing support, guiding and informing parents about the attitude and skills of their child.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning and development of children from birth to five years. This will surely help parents and teachers to trace the path of development of their child. EYFS supports a new and integrated approach towards early learning and care. This sets some common principals and ways or routine for all the practitioners who provide early education and childcare.

EYFS gives special attention to the child’s emotional and creative development. But some parents expect academic development only. They undervalue the emotional and creative development.

The first task for EYFS providers is to wipe out all the misconceptions and worries from the parents’ mind and making them confident about their child’s development.

Each and every child deserves the best possible start in life. The development of a child is quick in the early years; the impact of a child’s experience between birth and age 5 is crucial and can affect the overall development. Childhood should be safe and secure, with the children freely expressing their potential.

Taking into consideration about the various factors that affect the development of children, Early Years Foundation Stage was introduced in order to make the early years of a child’s life productive and fruitful.

“Every journey starts with a simple step; the step must be placed right and with care”

Early Years Foundation Stage was introduced in 2008, recognizing the importance of the early period in a child’s life. It is a combined effort, to ensure better experience of the children. The childhood period is made beautiful by reducing stress.

EYFS reconstructs the overall environment of children. This system has received a large number of positive responses after its introduction. More and more educational institutions are adopting EYFS for making childhood better for their students.

Aims of EYFS                                                                 

EYFS aims at the all-round development of children.

  • Better health
  • Stay safe
  • Achieve while enjoying
  • Always make positive contributions
  • Personal, social and emotional peace and well-being
  • Optimistic attitude towards learning
  • Skill development
  • Enhancing language
  • Encouraging communication
  • Reasoning and problem solving
  • Better knowledge of the world around
  • Physical and creative development
  • Positive relationship
  • Exploration through plays

The protecting shield of EYFS

EYFS curriculum helps ensure better environment to children and covers their development.

  • EYFS ensures better security checks of the staffs
  • Suitable and safe equipments which are appropriate for children are used
  • The environment is taken into consideration and outdoor space is utilized in the curriculum for the active growth of children.

The working of EYFS

Each child has a unique profile. With the separate profiles, it becomes easy to access and monitor the development of children in his or her early years. The profile maintains idea about the characteristics of each child and the areas at which they are best at. The providers can interact with parents and discuss about the progress of children and can also facilitate extended learning at home.

 How does EYFS function?

Primary concern of parents after admitting children to school is monitoring their performance. Because of the busy schedule, it becomes impossible for the parents to regularly derive updates about the child’s performance. Through EYFS framework, the development of the child is monitored stage by stage. The area in which a child is good at can be known through EYFS. This helps the parents to boost-up the children in order to sharpen their skills. The strength as well as the weakness of the children can be measured.

EYFS monitors the overall development of the children, both as a student and as a person. The following developments are noticed;

  •    Personal, social and emotional development
  •    Physical development
  •    Communication and language
  •    Creative development
  •    Knowledge and understanding about the world
  •    Problem solving, numeracy and reasoning
  •    Expressive art and design

Through EYFS, children will learn by the means of interaction, exploration and playing. They become more active which results in the development of their indoor and outside skills.

A ‘key person’ is assigned to each child to monitor his or her development and the responsibility of taking care of the child. The progress of the child can be made clear through the interactions with them as per the convenience of the parents. The written information about the development of the children received at age 2 and age 5 is an added advantage

Development of EYFS

When EYFS was initially introduced, there were a lot of controversies that surrounded it. People were concerned about the promises that EYFS made. Some were of the opinion that it could harm the child rather than making their future promising. There were many questions, doubts and worries. With time concerns began to melt and EYFS has proved itself to be one of the most successful pre-school curriculum made to better the development of children.

Working of EYFS

Children are given activities that must be performed. These activities are enjoyable to most children.. The area of a child’s interest can be calculated without much effort. The efforts made through EYFS have been great success.

  • Freedom is given to the child to participate according to his or her interest
  • No stress on the child
  • Activities makes them more energetic and refreshing
  • Children communicate more with others
  • Enhances their confidence level
  • The children become more happy with their surroundings and learning process

Some Facts

1)   85 % of EYFS adopters were of the opinion that parents supported the new framework. Anxiety about learning goals, expectations of formal and informal learning, general lack of awareness and disinterest were the answers when asked about the reaction of the parents.

2)   Some EYFS adopters felt the lack of adequate information, poor local support and availability of training but 72 % felt that they have been adequately supported to deliver all the elements of the new frame work

3)   Lack of time, resources and the training of staff to more specific problems were thee challenges that the respondents high lightened, when asked.

4)   Child-led learning, user-friendly planning, good practice guidelines and improved record were the benefits, according to the respondents

5)   35 % were of the opinion that only Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) had been trained adequately to assess their service as per the new framework.