Besides providing the necessary support and encouragement for studies and career, we can also motivate youngsters through confidence-building programs. Such routines will inspire them to work harder in their lives and develop a positive and creative mind. So we have listed several confidence-building activities to help young teenagers to grow confident and motivated in their lives.

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1. Certificate of Accomplishment

This activity can help your teen realize some good things about their life and helps them visualize their achievements in the future.

Things To Do

  • The first thing to do is to divide the entire chart into 4 sections likely, first and second phase that includes the recent success and the success to achieve.
  • Tell the teens to fill up the respective sections and put the chart in the room.
  • This can be a good certificate.

Things They Will Learn

The outcome in the worksheet will make them realize their potential to achieve more in their life as well as their present capabilities too.

2. Positive Affirmation Day

This can boost self-esteem for teens, making them feel confident and happy.

Things to do

  • Make your teen feel positive about themselves.
  • Family members should reaffirm those positive qualities and praise them for it.
  • Try to be realistic and never praise the teens with some never existed qualities.

Things they learn

Teens can explore many things in which they are good at, and people also agree for it.

3. Positive Goals Diary

This helps the teen in identifying their goals and explores the ways to achieve them.

Things to do

  • Writing diaries have two sections in which strategies to implement is followed by the goals set.
  • The first section should be filled with the goals that should be achieved in the next few weeks, months or even years.
  • The plans and strategies should be filled in the next section.

Things They Learn

Setting definite goals will provide a definite purpose and goals to be achieved, which makes them aimed and positive person.

4. The Flipbook of Mistakes

These confidence-building activities will help the teens to learn lessons from their past mistakes and turn those mistakes into success.

Things To Do

  • The most affected mistakes from the past should be written in it.
  • Possible reasons for the failures should be noted down.
  • Boosts their mind to come up with the most effective solutions.

Things They Learn

This reduces negative feelings from life by understanding the failure part of life with definite reasons.

5. Coat of Arms/Family Crest

This is for the painting lovers for confidence building by providing a creative outlet for them.

Things To Do

  • Help your teen to conclude the answer for “What makes me great?”
  • Maintain individual sections of the coat of arms such that every answer is reflected from it.

Things They Learn

Listing those perspectives makes them feel great, which will also help them realize why they are good persons.

6. Sentence Completion Worksheet

Socializing your teen is the main purpose of this activity as it makes the teen feel comfortable and self-worthy too while sharing their feelings with others.

Things To Do

  • Come up with the questions related to their plans, struggling moments, loveable moments and aim of their life.
  • Say teens to answer every question by the end of the day.
  • Make a quick analysis of answers every 2 weeks.

Things They Learn

This enhances positivity in their minds and also turns the negative feelings to a positive one.

7. Gratitude Journal

This activity enhances the positivity of the teens making it immensely satisfying in their life.

Things To Do

  • Instruct your teen to write at least two things that they were grateful of.
  • Increase the number of those things.
  • Compare the recordings at the end of the week.

Things They Learn

Regular practice of this activity leads to improved relationship and positive quality of living, including the self-worthiness too.

8. Negative Self-Talk Exercise

Low self-esteem can be due to negative introspection, which can be reduced by this activity to a great extent and makes your teen a more positive person.

Things To Do

  • Thoughts that trigger the negative feeling should be written down in the first section.
  • Make them explain the thought process in details and the feelings associated with it in the second section, followed by the things that oppose their thoughts in the last section.
  • Help them to come up with the alternative thought which can be replaced by the original ones.

Things They Learn

Slowly your teen will learn that negative thoughts are just an exaggeration and how they can be replaced with positive thoughts.

Also Read: 17 Active Learning Activities For College Students

9. Core Belief Challenge

This activity will help your teen focus more on the core belief other than that of semi-conscious beliefs and also makes them more of a practical person.

Things To Do

  • Instruct your teens to identify three negative core beliefs followed by three reasons of why these beliefs are false.
  • Note them down

Things They Learn

Regular practice of this activity will help your teen to come out of the limiting beliefs and makes them a practical person through confidence building regimen.

10. Assertive Communication Records

This activity will be a lot more beneficial to teens possessing underdeveloped communication skills, which may lead to low self-esteem.

Things To Do

  • Instruct your teens to write three instances where they asserted their mindsets in a communication process and how they felt after that.
  • They could set their goal to be assertive in the future if there were no such instances in their life.

Things They Learn

With this activity, teens learn to stand up for them and be more assertive too.

11. Self-Appreciation Chart

This chart will help your teens to be confident by appreciating themselves for real reasons, thus providing healthy self-esteem.

Things To Do

  • Instruct your teens to record one good thing about themselves on the chart.
  • Start with something small and then progress to more meaningful qualities gradually.

Things They Learn

This activity helps your teens to love and appreciate themselves.

12. Positive Word of the Day

This activity helps the teen to improve positivity and to be positive in any circumstances of life.

Things To Do

  • Say your teens to write a positive word that suits the good act they did.
  • The word could be “helpful” if they helped you or someone else.

Things They Learn

This activity makes your children realize that they have some admirable qualities in them.

13. Body Appreciation Mirror Time

This activity is perfect for the teens those who are a victim of body images and also teaches them to love their body.

Things To Do

  • Ask your teens to stand in front of the mirror and come up with one beautiful thing in them,
  • Make them do this regularly.

Things They Learn

Teens can learn to appreciate their body and also learns to be comfortable with body-image issues.

14. Motivational Quote Challenge

This activity is great bonding means and also an exercise to enhance self-esteem for your teens.

Things To Do

  • Ask your teens to write their motivational quotes, which inspires them most of the time.
  • Have a family discussion with them to get deeper into the meaning of quotes.
  • The quotes can be interesting too.

Things They Learn

This activity enhances the positive outlook in teens as well as boosts their intentions to do something good every day.

15. Body Language Test

This activity enhances the positive thinking and drives away the negative energy that affects their mindset often.

Things To Do

  • Ask your teens to observe their body language when they feel negative.
  • Help them to replace it with positive thoughts.
  • Not down the changes after observing the body language again.

Things They Learn

This activity helps your teens to control their negative thoughts by seeing their body language in the mirror.

16. Letter of Encouragement

This activity helps your teens to enhance the self-worthy feeling to a great extent./

Things To Do

  • Ask all the family members to write two things about their teens, which they are proud of.
  • Hang the chart in their room.

Things They Learn

This enhances the confidence of the teens about their self-worthiness and makes them realize that they have many supports upon which they can rely.

17. Physical Activity Hour

This is the best activity that can enhance the self-esteem of teens and also promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Things To Do

  • Ask your teens to choose any sport that includes physical activity.
  • Instruct them to spend at least one hour on that sport.

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Things They Learn

This will enhance the sportive quality in the teens as well as make them capable of getting into any physical activity.

You and your family’s support is necessary for teens in confidence-building.

One thing should be kept in mind that false impressions and false praises can disrupt their practical thinking, which is why they should be kept in reality always.

You can also suggest other families practice them regularly for a better life of their teens.

Chandrayaan 2 – India’s most awaited second mission to moon set out its way to Moon on 14 July 2019 at 2.51pm. People around the globe had been staying curious about this follow-up mission and its launch since Chandrayaan 1 – the first successful moon mission attempt by ISRO (India Space Research Organisation).

Chandrayaan 2 was rescheduled several times due to different technical reasons. However, breaking all barriers, it has embarked on its journey with the key objective of mapping lunar water.
Here are a few interesting facts about India’s second Moon Mission

Let’s Have a Look into the Details,

  • Chandrayaan 2 is the successor to chandrayaan 1 launched on Oct 22, 2008
  • Chandrayaan 2 is the second space mission of India to the moon.
  • Chandrayaan2 is the first mission ever to the moon’s North Pole.
  • Rocket used – Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III-M1.
  • Chandrayaan 2 was launched from- Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.
  • Chandrayaan 2 weighs 3.5 tons and consists of three modules/vehicles.
  • This mission is expected to make India the fourth country which soft-land a craft on the moon surface after Russia, America, and China.

What are the Three Modules in Chandrayaan 2?

1) Orbiter

The orbiter weighs 2379 kg and consists of

Terrain Mapping Camera – for three-dimensional mapping of the lunar surface.

Spectrometers – measure spectral components and observes water molecules.

Synthetic Aperture Radar – used to create two-dimensional images or three-dimensional reconstructions of objects

Radio Occultation – a remote sensing technique used for measuring the physical properties of a planetary atmosphere.

Solar X-Ray Monitor– Observes emission of solar X-ray. It is built and fed to perform the observations one earth year on the orbit.


2) Lander

Chandrayaan 2 lander is also called as ‘Vikram’ in commemoration of Vikram Sarabhai. It weighs 1471 kg and it includes the rover as well. Lander can correspond to the Indian deep space network, the Orbitor, and the Rover.

It consists of highly advanced instruments for collecting accurate data such as;

Camera – to map out the terrains and landing site of Lander and Rover.

Seismometer -an instrument that responds to ground motions, eg- earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and explosions.

Thermal profiler – recording and interpreting the temperatures of products and/or air through a conveyorized heat-treating process .

Langmuir probe – a device used to determine the electron temperature, electron density, and electric potential of a plasma.

Laser retroreflector – Device or surface that reflects radiation (light) back to its source with a minimum of scattering.

3) Rover

ISRO loves to call chandrayaan 2 Rover as Prayag- which means- wisdom in Sanskrit.

The rover is a 6-wheel- a solar-powered vehicle which can travel up to 500m at a speed of 1 cm/sec. It is expected to last one lunar day.

It will deploy within moments after the soft-landing. It can communicate with the Lander directly.

This vehicle is equipped with advanced Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscope to carry out lunar observations, Alpha-proton X-ray spectrometers, and subsequent instruments.

What are the Major Objectives of Chandrayaan 2?

  • To prove the capability to soft-land on the lunar surface and deploy the rover.
  • To figure out the mineral components and hydroxyl and water ice molecules.
  • Study about lunar topography and elemental diversity over the lunar surface.
  • Learn the density of electrons in the ionosphere of the moon surface.
  • Exclusive mapping of the lunar surface to figure out the chemical composition which can ‘ Shed light to mysteries of origin.

How Chandrayaan 2 differ from Chandrayaan 1?

Chandrayaan 1

  • India’s first mission to explore the moon.
  • The rocket used- Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV-C11
  • Chandrayaan 1 weights 1380 kg and made more than 3400 orbits.
  • Discovered traces of water ice on the north pole region of the moon.
  • Find out the presence of magnesium, Aluminium, and Silicon on the lunar surface.
  • Instruments used are outnumbered Indian equipment.

2. Chandrayaan 2

  • India’s second mission for detailed moon expedition.
  • Rocket used – Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III-M1
  • Chandrayaan 2 comprises of three modules and weighs 3850 kg.
  • Most of the instruments used are home-made except for LSR.
  • Expected mission life is 365 day and for Lander and Rover is once a lunar day.

Final Words

Children, hope you got a quick and decent understanding of Chandrayaan 2.

Space science is an endless subject, each finding inspires another and every discovery is exciting.

Delve deep into it you can find precious pearls that can redefine the universe.

Crossword puzzles are a great addition for regular classroom exercise for primary school kids.

It can be a good choice along with typical classroom lessons to enhance the child’s reading skills and improve spellings.

They will have a better awareness of general knowledge on diverse topics.

Also, it helps to gear up the thinking and processing ability of children.

Problem-solving skills will be stimulated in an optimal way by letting kids solve excellent crossword puzzles.

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Kids will be better trained to focus more and develop memory.

Here are a few among the best crossword puzzles for kids that we came across that will be ideal for primary school kids.

1. Opposites

Just like teaching the nouns and adjectives, it is important for teachers to educate kids on the opposite words to make their vocabulary strong.

This awesome puzzle is a good platform for teachers to make kids familiar with the commonly used words and their opposites.

Just fill up the answers in the corresponding number marked in the puzzle to make it complete.

crossword puzzles for kids

2. Shape Names

Understanding different shapes in and around us is one of the key areas to be taught to primary school kids.

This fun crossword puzzle can be a good option to test their awareness about the different shapes like squares, circles and triangles and its variants.

Kids can have a look at the pictures of shapes and answer it using the clues which are given in the form of a few letters in the shape names

crossword puzzles for kids

3. Vegetables Crossword

This vegetables crossword puzzle worksheet is an awesome way for English learner beginners to improve the vocabulary of all common vegetables.

Kids can learn the spelling of a variety of vegetables like cabbage, carrot, corn, cucumber and more.

Kids can have a look at the pictures of the vegetables alongside the puzzle and answer it on the corresponding column number.

crossword puzzles for kids

4. Food Names

There is no better way to introduce kids to the world of foods. In this simple but interesting crossword, different types of foods are shown in numbered pictures.

Kids have to look at the particular food and answer it in the corresponding number in the crossword.

crossword puzzles for kids

Teachers can use this crossword to explain the diverse food types, their tastes and help them distinguish between main meals and deserts.

crossword puzzles for kids

5. Body Crossword

This crossword is a practice worksheet to learn more about the vocabulary of our body parts.

Kids can learn about the spelling of our body parts by answering the puzzle.

Kids can go through the picture clues of the body parts and answer the puzzle which includes all common body areas like feet, hand, face, nose, mouth and more.

crossword puzzles for kids

6. Animal Name Puzzles

This is an amazing puzzle to introduce the diverse species of animals like primates, birds, reptiles and mammals.

Pictures of animals are given as clues and they are connected to their corresponding numbers in puzzles using pointers.

Teachers can use this puzzle to teach them how different animals make sounds, the type of food they eat and the category of animals like if they are domestic or wild animals.

crossword puzzles for kids

7. School Supplies Crossword

This is one of the most useful but interesting crossword puzzle for primary school kids that make them familiar about the different types of school supplies they will come across.

Kids can go through the clue picture to answer this crossword puzzles which include practice words like paper, pencil, notebook, crayon, and more.

8. Guess The Colour

This is a simple and fun but interesting puzzle to help kids to learn about different colours.

The clues of the puzzle are objects that are commonly associated with particular colours like sun for yellow.

Also Read: General Knowledge For Kids ( 105 Q & A)

Kids just need to follow the number in the pictures and the corresponding number in the starting column of puzzles while answering the colours.

crossword puzzles for kids

9. Bedroom Crossword

This is an excellent crossword puzzle for English learner beginners to improve their vocabulary of stuffs you find in a bedroom.

The common practice words included in the puzzle are pillow, rug, bed, blanket, wardrobe and more.

Kids can easily find out the puzzle solutions by looking at the clues given as pictures.

crossword puzzles for kids

10. Fruit Puzzles

Fruits are the delicious and healthy foods one should include in their diet and kids can use this fun puzzle to learn to identify them easily.

The first letter of each fruit is given as clue in this crossword puzzles. Kids can have a look at the pictures of foods on the side to identify them easily.

Teachers can further discuss about the health benefits of each fruits and why they are important in their diet.

crossword puzzles for kids

11. Christmas Puzzles

This is a simple but fun-filled crossword puzzle which helps teachers to introduce the festival of Christmas.

The puzzle will include the common terms associated with the festival such as Christmas tree and star.

Teachers can help kids to get familiarized with the popular terms associated with this traditional festival and how people around the world celebrate it.

crossword puzzles for kids

12. Sports Puzzles

This is a sporty crossword puzzle to introduce kids to the world of sports.

The puzzle helps them to identify common sports such as basketball, golf, and tennis to fencing and polo.

The pictures of sports are given as clues and kids can try to answer them on the corresponding numbers in puzzle.

The teacher can discuss the importance of physical activity and sports in life and the skills required for every sport.

crossword puzzles for kids

13. Guess The Months

Knowing all the months of a year and learning its spelling is important for a primary school kid.

This fun crossword can be a excellent option to help them learn about different months and remember its spelling.

In this crossword, the spelling of each month is scrambled.

The kids just need to unscramble it to get the correct spelling of each month and then fill up the crosswords.

crossword puzzles for kids

14. Know the Nature

This puzzle is a cool option for kids to know more about the nature around them, whether it is animals or birds.

They have to use the picture clue of nature and answer the corresponding puzzle.

The pictures will be numbered and they have to just enter the answer in the particular number in a crossword.

Teachers can use this opportunity to educate them on the importance of staying close to nature.

crossword puzzles for kids

15. Transportation Crossword

This crossword puzzle is a thrilling option to educate kids about the different modes of transportation available around from their younger days.

This puzzle not only lets them know about basic options such as cars, buses and bikes but even the advanced transport modes like submarines, rockets and excavators.

Kids can go through the numbered pictures alongside the puzzle to answer the corresponding modes of transport.

16. Math Crosswords

In this fun but simple crossword, kids can answer the simple maths problems in a crossword format.

Solving these puzzles help kids to practice mathematical problems and regular classroom lessons which can improve their arithmatic skills.

At the end of the session, it is sure that the kids will crave for more crosswords and they will start loving the subject.

17. Bathroom Crossword

This is an interesting crossword puzzle that includes practice words of the common stuffs we see in a bathroom.

This is a good platform for kids to improve their vocabulary of bathroom items like soap, shower, towel, shampoo and more.

Kids can go through the clues which are provided as the pictured numbers of particular bathroom objects.

18.Kitchen Crossword

This is a really useful crossword puzzle for kids that helps kids to have awareness about the stuff you can find in a kitchen.

The puzzle comes with illustrations about kitchenware items which are numbered and kids can have a look at it to answer the corresponding crossword.

Also Read: Math Riddles For Kids (With Answers)

This can help to improve a child’s vocabulary in basic things in life and teachers can further explain the functions of these objects.

19. Find the words: Sounds

This is an interesting ‘find the word’ crossword puzzle for primary school kids. Teachers can use this puzzle to educate kids about the sounds produced by different animals.

After the session, kids can fill up the blanks by matching the correct sound of particular animals. Finally, they have to find out the word from the puzzle.

20. Baby Animals Crossword

This is a really engaging crossword puzzle where kids can come across the vocabulary of baby animal names.

The particular puzzle includes 18 of the most commonly discussed baby names including a bunny, calf, duckling, eaglet, chick, cub, fawn, hatchling, foal, gosling and more.

Kids have to look at the animal names and answer its baby names in the corresponding column in the puzzle.

21. Weather Crossword

Teachers can use this chilling puzzle to educate kids about the types of weather they see around throughout the year.

Kids can first complete the sentences using the clues of the type of weather which is illustrated as pictures.

Then they can complete the puzzle by writing the weather type on the corresponding column numbers like sunny, cloudy, hot etc.

22. Daily Actions

This is an amazing crossword puzzle for kids to educate them about the vocabulary of daily actions we perform and their spelling.

The puzzle is given in the form of a numbered crossword where each number will have a corresponding clue alongside.

Kids can have a look at the picture of the actions performed and fill up the related sentence to answer the puzzle.

23. Jobs Crossword

This crossword puzzle is a good option for teachers to educate kids about the different types of jobs people are doing to earn their living.

They can better their vocabulary of diverse job types like firefighter, nurse, teacher, dentist, the police officer and more.

Teachers can explain the duties performed in each job and kids can fill up the sentences based on the information to answer the puzzle.


24. Drinks Crossword

This is a crossword puzzles worksheet  helps kids to improve their vocabulary of the types of drinks we have along with food.

They can get familiar with all popular drinks and their spelling including that of juice, coke, milk, coffee, and more.

The clues are given as complete the sentence formats and kids can go through the pictures to fill it and answer the puzzles.

25. Clothes crossword

These awesome crossword puzzles help kids to improve their vocabulary of the types of clothes everybody wears.

The common practice words included in the puzzle are jeans, shirt, skirt, sandals and more.

The pictures of the different types of clothes are given as clues and kids can figure out its spelling to answer the puzzle.


Teachers can consider including a session for solving crosswords for kids once in a while in addition to regular classroom lessons.

This will not only keep away the boredom of mundane classroom routines but gives them a platform to build their creative problem-solving skills.

Puzzles Apps

It is an amazing way of helping kids to prepare for taking tests with much confidence.

Parents can also use the free time to solve crossword puzzles together that will help your kids to grow up smarter.

Moreover, this serves as a way to bond with your child in a fun but creative way.

This is one of the best ways to spark interest among kids in reading and writing.

Fitness APPS! If you go through the Android play store or even iOS app store you can find them in hundreds. However, if you are a student or even a youngling who is in desperate search of a good one, it’s better that you don’t randomly pick one.

The main reason is many of them have unwanted features, might be full of bugs or even don’t have the features that you are looking for. Since tracking your fitness/activities/exercise effectively and continuously requires a stable app.

You need to go for one that suits your needs and can help you in attaining health or even the chiseled figure that you have been dreaming about.

But, as mentioned above we all know that Fitness apps are of plenty. Relying on reviews might not give you a clear picture. So to keep you away from the struggle we have picked 45 fitness app that can be used by students. Go through it and download the one which suits you.

Fitness Apps (iOS)

First, we can have a look at some of the best exclusive fitness apps for students using iOS devices.

1. Map My Fitness

best fitness apps

This app lets students to track and map every workout they do and the performance can be improved with instant feedback and stats.


  • Gain in-depth insights on every workout
  • Easily connect with other fitness apps and wearables
  • Join a community of 40 million athletes that motivate each other

2. GymGoal ABC

best fitness apps

This is a comprehensive and flexible workout planner and tracker ideal for college students.


  • Students can easily organize the workouts based on goals like strength, muscle size or weight loss
  • Comprises 390 exercises with animations and step by step instructions
  • 67 workout routines and options to add personalized routines
  • Flexible tracking system for cardio, strength etc

3. Strava

best fitness apps

This fitness tracker app is a comprehensive healthy meal planner with a mix of quick workout routines that are tailored for your particular needs.


  • Features customized healthy meals and diet plans
  • Comprise workout plans that challenges you
  • Have over 350 exercises with a variety of levels
  • Get inspired with daily motivation, activity tracking and fitness trainer tips

4. Sweat Deck

best fitness apps

This app features an interesting deck of cards workout that makes your fitness routine fun but challenging with simple & effective workouts.


  • Students can choose from a list of common exercises that comes with demonstration videos
  • Features joker cards for adding extra challenge
  • Upgrade to Pro to time your workouts and add your own custom exercises

5. Fitocracy

best fitness apps

Reach your fitness goals systematically with this application by working with expert trainers.


  • Features to rearrange workouts and save routines
  • Easily join fitness teams led by expert trainers and benefit from personalized nutrition and workout programs
  • The awesome Fitocracy community helps you stay motivated

6. Pedometer++

best fitness apps

This amazing application lets you use your iPhone as a step counter while you walk and get inspired to walk more every day.


  • Easily track your daily and weekly step counts
  • Displays step count, active calories, walking distance, and heart rate data
  • View your progress each day and stay inspired

7. Healthy Out

This app is a healthy restaurant nutrition guide that helps college students to find healthy restaurant meals near them.


  • Easily find 1/2 the calories, 1/2 the fat dishes compared to average restaurant meals
  • Effectively filter by type of dish, cuisine and ingredients
  • Can try out popular diets like Paleo, South Beach, Atkins and Zone

Fitness Apps (Android)

Are you using devices with Android platforms? Here are some exclusive fitness apps for you guys.

8. My Virtual Mission

best fitness apps

This is an awesome virtual fitness challenge that lets you map out a long-distance mission and inspires you to achieve it.


  • The app is ideal for any long-distance activities like running, walking, cycling or swimming
  • You have options to dedicate your mission as a fundraiser for approved charities or for your own cause
  • Share your progress easily with friends to stay motivated

9. Slim NOW 2019

This is a woman-specific workout app that is ideal for college students to lose belly fat at home without any equipment.


  • This anytime fitness personal trainer inspires you to lose weight in 30 days
  • Features daily workout plans that target full body workout, leg work out, belly fat etc
  • Daily & weekly meal plans personalized for you with over 100 healthy meal recipes

10. My Diet Coach

best fitness apps

This is a comprehensive fitness app that helps you avoid exercise laziness, make healthy lifestyle changes, resist food cravings and keep you on track.


  • Features inspiring tips, photos, and virtual rewards to keep you motivated
  • User-friendly calorie counter helps you stay on track
  • Comes with customized reminders, visual weight tracker and personalized diet planner

11. MyPlate Calorie Tracker

best fitness apps

This user-friendly app lets you track the daily calories and inspires you to stay fit on the go.


  • Handy bar code scanner lets you find and track food easily
  • Gives you a personalized daily calorie goal
  • Keeps you on track with meal-time reminders
  • Real-time, 24/7 support from the motivational community

12. HIIT & Cardio Workout

best fitness apps

This awesome app inspires you to burn calories wherever you are without the need of any equipment through free workouts & exercises.


  • Features unique workouts like High-Intensity Interval Training, Plyometric Jumps, and light cardio
  • Choose from over 90 bodyweight exercises
  • Design custom workouts with duration and rest intervals
  • The training level is adjusted based on feedback

13. Six Pack in 30 Days

best fitness apps

This is an inspiring abs workout app that helps college students to stay in shape and be fit.


  • 3 levels of workout plans in step by step mode to lose belly fat and build abdominal muscles
  • Systematic and scientific 30-day workout routines help you get six pack if you stay determined
  • Records training progress automatically
  • Effectiveness assured with animations and video guides

Cross-Platform Apps

Here is the list of fitness apps that are available on both iOS and Android platforms.

14. HiFit

best fitness apps

This is a comprehensive fitness app ideal for college students that come with various fitness courses and scientific workout plans.


  • You can get Live-recorded HIIT workout courses at good rates
  • Professional video guides with coaching voice inspires you to stay fit
  • Share your daily fitness achievements with friends

15. Runkeeper

best fitness apps

This amazing fitness app helps you to set measurable goal, track exercise and see progress on the go.


  • You can record activities like running, hiking, walking, biking etc to track progress
  • Choose from six inspiring voices that keep you motivated
  • Join in-app challenges and receive exercise rewards while reaching goals

16. Asana Rebel

best fitness apps

This great app transforms your lifestyle into a healthy one and empowers you to feel better and get in shape.


  • Features high-intensity workouts to moving meditations personalized for you
  • Explore the yoga-inspired programs to stay physically and mentally fit
  • Build lifelong habits and get a healthier you

17. Runtastic

best fitness apps

This all in one app inspires you to run a bit more every day by tracking distance, elevation, time, speed and calories burned.


  • Built-in GPS lets you track workouts in real time
  • Voice Coach inspires you with audio feedback
  • Easily track & save your favourite routes
  • Join a group & run with friends

18. Seven

best fitness apps

This app is a comprehensive workout platform that works based on scientific studies to assure results in the shortest time possible, as early as 7 days.


  • Everyday workout challenge helps you create a habit of working out
  • Get extra encouragement and support by competing with friends
  • Receive personalized workouts based on needs and preferences
  • Drill Sergeant and Cheerleader are instructors that keep it fun

19. J&J Official 7 Minute Workout

best fitness apps

This science-based application helps you to stay in shape and fit in the fastest and simplest way possible.


  • Features 22 preset workouts in Workout Library of diverse intensity and duration.
  • Customize 72 exercises to create over 1,000 variations
  • 72 high-definition video tutorials lets you learn exercise easily
  • Inactivity reminders inspire you to stay on track

20. Daily Yoga

best fitness apps

This awesome handy yoga training app is an ideal choice for college students to develop a healthy mind and body.


  • Features 200+ guided yoga classes, 500+ asanas, pilates, 50+ workout plans and meditation
  • Comes with 10+ top coaches’ workshops for advanced and beginners
  • Be part of Global Community to stay motivated

21. 8fit Workouts & Meal Planner

best fitness apps

College students can look forward to a healthier and happier future with assistance from great fitness and nutrition experts through this app.


  • Features lots of nutrition tips and guides
  • Make use of muscle-building HIIT workouts with interactive videos
  • Benefit from extensive meal plan customization
  • Provides proper exercise form and progression

22. Lifesum

best fitness apps

This application gives you the upper hand of having personal diet planner, calorie counter, food tracker & healthy recipes in a single wallet.


  • Diet plans & tips for healthy food habits and weight loss
  • Easy food tracking with barcode scanner of calorie counter
  • Track daily nutritional & calorie intake through Macro tracker

23. FatSecret Calorie Counter

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This comprehensive weight loss and dieting app is the easiest way to track calories despite which country you are.


  • Food diary lets you plan and keep track of daily food
  • Exercise diary records the calories burnt everyday
  • Track nutrition of your food with just images
  • Get awesome recipes and meal ideas

24. Sleep Genius

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This scientifically designed application helps you have a proper sleep cycle every night and lets you experience a better health.


  • Features multiple revive cycle alarm tunes and 4 sleep programs
  • Relaxation program reduces stress and anxiety
  • Benefit from emotional, physical and mental benefits of a good night’s sleep

25. FIT Radio Workout Music

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This application lets you utilize the power of music to benefit from amazing workout goals.


  • Features 100 chart-topping DJs creating mixes explicitly for your workout
  • A consistent & energetic tempo makes your sweat sessions more productive
  • Benefit from video-guided strength training sessions

26. Studio Tone It Up

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Top personal trainers design the daily workout routines specifically for you to get in good shape.


  • Tone the abs and strengthen your booty in an easy way
  • Top fitness trainer helps you learn the proper exercise technique
  • Get motivated and inspired by community members

27. C25K 5K Trainer

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This is an easy to use workout app for beginners with millions of success stories.


  • Easily track your calories and distance for each workout
  • Comes with convenient audio coach and alerts
  • Features real-life inspirational transformations
  • Integrate with social media platforms to stay motivated

28. Aaptiv

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The app gives you an awesome platform to work out the way you want despite the time and location.


  • Unlimited access to certified personal trainers’ audio-based fitness classes
  • Awesome playlist of music gives you the perfect rhythm to work out
  • Refresh your routine with 30 new classes added each week

29. Freeletics Bodyweight

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Train anywhere, anytime with this amazing application to get in better shape, build muscle or lose weight.


  • Designs 10-30 minute workouts for you based on bodyweight
  • Workouts are tailored to your schedule and fitness level
  • Receive feedback on your performance every time and stay motivated

30. Skimble Workout Trainer

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Download this application and experience expert coaches led custom training programs and thousands of free workouts.


  • Benefit from timed step-by-step photo, audio, and video instruction
  • Adjustable difficulty levels lets you train at your pace
  • Get detailed workout performance analysis and stay inspired

31. Fooducate

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This awesome application is a great assistant for your diet plan as it lets you scan and grade foods based on their ingredients.


  • Lose your weight easily and keep it off
  • Track your food intake, quality of calories and exercise
  • Scan the food to learn the hidden facts that diverts you from goal

32. Lose It!

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This effective weight loss program lets you reach the goal by having lots of fun.


  • Easily scan in foods using barcode scanner
  • Track more than just calories for each food
  • Step up your game with fun weight loss and exercise challenges
  • Stay on track with Meal Targets

33. AllTrails

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This amazing application inspires your fitness journey by exploring 60,000+ hiking trails and mountain bike routes.


  • AllTrails GPS Activity Tracker lets you record your outdoor adventures
  • Save your favourite trails to make it easy next time
  • Easily filter kid friendly, dog friendly, and wheelchair friendly walking trails
  • Share your latest achievements through social media

34. SportsTracker

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Millions of fitness enthusiasts are getting inspired over the decade through this amazing sports app.


  • Powerful GPS and maps let you track your training
  • Easily track calories burned, cycling speed/running pace and average training pace
  • Get inspired through voice feedback during training
  • Share your progress through social media platforms

35. Daily Cardio Workout

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A certified personal trainer developed this app that is ideal for both men and women to help you reach your fitness goals.


  • Features two different 5 to 10 minute cardio workouts
  • Comes with on-screen instructions and timer
  • Benefit from video demonstrations of exercises
  • Go for full version to get random & custom workouts

36. Nike Training Club

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One of the best health and fitness apps that let you do free workouts on endurance, strength, yoga & mobility.


  • Features body-part focused workouts
  • Comes with low, moderate and high intensity sessions
  • Choose from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels
  • Follow your preferred workout times ranging from 15 to 45 minutes

37. 7 Minute Workout

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This scientifically proven app is loved by over 3 million users to reach weight loss goals and improve cardiovascular function.


  • Do 7 minute exercise to get a flat tummy, lose weight, & strengthen your abdominal muscles
  • Improve your muscular and aerobic fitness and get a healthier you in no time
  • Features Google Fit support and voice guidance
  • Comes with adjustable circuit time and rest time
  • Get notifications for daily workout

38. Strong

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This comprehensive workout and exercise tracker is an adaptable application for the workout routine of your choice.


  • Features over 300 exercises with no need of equipment
  • Rest Timer lets you know when to start with next session
  • Personal records and previous workouts let you see your progression

39. Sworkit

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It is rated as one of the best fitness apps in the industry with use over 25 million people.


  • 6 week program helps you to become fitter, leaner and stronger
  • Benefit from a huge database of body weight exercises
  • Make your own custom workout and stay motivated

40. PumpUp

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Be part of the world’s most positive community and celebrate your health goals.


  • Features video demonstrations and voice prompts for over 700 exercises
  • PumpUp Certified coaching gives you comprehensive fitness plans
  • Millions of like-minded people cheer you and inspire you

41. Pocket Yoga

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Practice yoga with this awesome application at your own pace with the comfort of your home and stay healthy.


  • Features 27 different sessions of diverse duration and difficulty
  • 200 illustrated pose images with proper posture and alignment
  • Detailed voice and visual instruction to support you on the go

42. MyFitnessPal

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This awesome application can be your best buddy on your run for staying healthy by inspiring you to change your habits, tone up and lose weight.


  • Simply scan barcodes to log foods
  • Biggest food database with over 6+ million foods
  • Features restaurant logging and gives you food insights
  • Easily calculate calories and track all nutrients

43. Virtuagym Fitness Tracker

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The application comes with a 3D-animated personal trainer to work alongside and learn to do exercise in the proper way.


  • Features full workouts for home & gym
  • Progress tracking feature for over 100 values
  • Easily create custom workout routines
  • Tone up with 3D-animated exercise videos and written exercise instructions

44. Noom: Health & Weight

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This great application works on a proven psychology-based approach that tracks your deep-rooted thoughts to help you build healthy habits.


  • Tricks your body to build healthy habits easy and smart
  • Challenges are identified in real time to keep you on track
  • Personalized feedback from your coach to inspire you

45. Headspace

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Practice the skills of meditation with this amazing application with over hundreds of sessions.


  • Help you to focus, breathe and stay calm
  • Practice meditation and mindfulness for a better night’s sleep
  • Easily manage anxiety and stress relief
  • Courses to improve relationships, self-esteem, kindness and happiness


These are just a few among the many fitness apps that stand unique with its wide acceptance and positive reviews since it was introduced.

You can find a lot more apps in the Android and iOS app store that suits your exact requirements and expectations.

best fitness apps

Having a few of these best fitness apps on your handset can really lift your spirit high when it comes to maintaining health and fitness. It is not only about doing regular exercise but also about watching a proper diet. These top fitness apps can come really handy for college students to stay healthy despite their busy schedules.

Designing and teaching a course requires in-depth planning and an ongoing revision. Most probably, you will require recommendations from your colleagues. It is possible to obtain inspiration from other similar courses.

To prepare a good foundation for your course design, you need at least 6 months. This time period is necessary to define course goals, set teaching standards, cultivate course content, develop teaching methods and set several course policies.

This article is a guide through which you can design and teach a course from the ground up.

Define The Goals Of Your Course

First and foremost, take a few steps by defining the goals of your course. You need to become clear about what you wish to teach your students and what they can accomplish with it.

This basic clarity will allow you to seek the right direction when creating the content of your course. Also, you can use these goals to define your teaching methods, including the use of exams and assignments.

Curriculum planning is key to introducing a course successfully to students. The best goal formulation focuses on learnings and its result. The subcategories of your goals can concentrate on the content type, cognitive development as well as personal development of students.

According to expert teachers, specific goals work better than broader ones.

You can ask these questions to reach the right course goals:

  • What is the gist of course, students can retain even after 5-10 years?
  • What are the career and life-altering features of your course for the students?
  • What sort of skills you want to offer to your students?
  • What is the level of course (introductory course, fundamental course, or an advanced course)?

Outline The Content Of Your Course

No need to go too deep here, but a foundational structure of content is important to move ahead with the course design.

Make an initial outline, in which, you can list all the major topics of your course. For this, you will need an evaluation of textbooks, which are being used currently in the same sector of education. Discuss the value of every potential topic with experts in your education sector.

Also, go through the traits of the majority of students to restructure the topics. Don’t forget about the basic goals you have defined earlier. The topics have to align with the foundational goals of a course.

Use the initial outline to define pairs of concepts. This way, you can ensure a time-efficient teaching approach in your course.

After all that, you need to create a logical sequence of topics to define the flow of your course structure. This step is extremely important and critical in order to ensure that students understand every material clearly before moving to the next.

After finishing the sequence, ask the “why and how” for the structure of content you have designed.

You can introduce a topic, build on it, illustrate and provide a variety of perspectives in a sequence. This articulation has to have a rationale to ensure the success of the content.

There are different ways of organizing content topics:

  • Topical
  • Chronological
  • Survey-oriented
  • Conceptual
  • Process-oriented

Here are a few questions to help you define the topics and their sequence:

  • Is it possible to create a storyline or a theme with the topical organization?
  • What skills are required before beginning the application discussions?
  • Does the course require a theory introduction before problem illustrations?

Create Your Teaching Techniques And Tools

You have designed your goals along with the content structure. Now, you can think about the presentation process. This involves teaching techniques and various tools.

  • Your techniques and tools should align with the number of students in a class.
  • Your techniques and tools should align with the goals of your course.

Keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should consider the following points:

  • What sort of teaching style you utilize generally? How flexible can you be to adapt and apply your current style of teaching with the potential requirements of the course?
  • How will you blend your teaching method for every student enrolling in the course?
  • What would be the perfect balance of discussions, lectures, assignments, exams and other forms of teaching?
  • What kind of technologies can improve your teaching technique? Choose a technology after specifically identifying its purpose for your course. Integrate traditional tools with modern-age technologies to enhance the quality of your course.
  • Think about diversity in your teaching approach to align with multiple learning preferences of students.
  • Plan an ongoing student learning measurement to modify your approach whenever required.

Structure Assignments and Topical Exams

Measuring the impact of your teaching is very important to ensure the success of the designed course. So, you need to structure your assignments and topical exams before starting the teaching approach.

If your course is supposed to enhance the skills of problem-solving, the exams can’t contain fact-based questions only.

Also Read: 27 Tips To Reduce Teacher Burnout

The questions should present situational scenarios for students to come up with a logical solution. Similar concepts of goals should be applied when designing class activities, homework, and other assignments.

Here is how you can identify the effectiveness of your assignments and topical exams:

  • Are assignments reflecting one or more course goals and helping in their achievement? This involves deciding the genre and comprehensiveness of an assignment along with the time duration you provide for its completion.
  • Are your quizzes and exams reflecting one or more course goals? Is an exam helping in the process of learning success measurement? If yes, then, to what extent can you judge the success rate of your course?
  • Will you provide enough exposure to students and prepare them for these assignments and topical exams?

Choose Text Material and Other Resources

You need to plan the text material and its cost in advance. Choose a published material or compile multiple resources together to create a customized text material for students.

The process can take some time, depending on the size of your course and research requirements.

It would be wise to collect and store the whole material at your institutional library. This way, students will have a consistent availability of course material.

You can also provide a soft copy via the digital platform, so students can download the available course material.

You need to coordinate with your partner bookstores and ensure the delivery of materials at least 1 month before you begin your course.

When compiling a material, you need to go through the copyright issues and acquire permission from respective authorities to reuse the material. This process can take some time, which is why you should get it done about 3 months earlier than the beginning of the course.

Along with the text material, you need to obtain and arrange all valuable instructional technologies and equipment. Every software, training tool, space, and other requirements should be fulfilled 3 months earlier.

Develop Your Course Policies

The policies of your course should revolve around the grading process, exams, papers, class participation, and assignments.

Think of the potential issues that can arise and align your policies accordingly.

Potential issues can include low attendance, tardiness, late work submission, extension requests, and requests for exam rescheduling. Your policies should be well-thought and strategized enough to prevent and respond to common problems.

Select a Suitable Schedule For Your Course

Instead of accomplishing as much as possible in every class, focus on a smooth and convenient schedule. This way, you can teach successfully and students can understand every topic and indulge in discussions.

In your schedule, also add proper time durations for assignments, exam preparations, and classroom activities.

Also, keep all the holidays and campus events in your schedule to design an accurate estimation of course completion.

Turn Your Course into a Well-Written Syllabus

Foundational aspects of a course are:

  • The title of the course
  • The time duration of the course
  • The location of the course
  • Required text materials and other resources
  • The topics of your course
  • Major assignments along with the associated exams
  • Course policies associated academic integrity, grading, late work and attendance
  • Contact information and other instructions.

Evaluate and Refine the Design

The process of designing and teaching has to be an ongoing process. Which means that you need to continually work on improving the process.

Each and every step mentioned above has its importance and can arise again and again during your teaching process.

Hence, you need to give room for improvement by revising the different sections of a course accordingly.

When evaluating and revising your course, think about the core concepts of teaching.

Include your common understanding with critical-thinking and you will find the loopholes and potential areas of improvement in your course.

At the same time, keep your revision knowledge-based as well as thinking-based to find a perfect balance in your teaching approach.


Now, you have every step to design and teach a course with ongoing measurement and improvement. This plan includes everything from teaching, assigning work, testing and reviewing. You can follow each and every step and begin a course from the ground up

Poems for kids in their free times are a good way of engagement just like short stories. There are lots of interesting poems written specifically suitable for kids.

Most of them come with beautiful messages for life and goals to cultivate valuable qualities such as empathy and compassion.

Poems can also be a good platform to help them to learn how to deal with emotionally challenging situations and enable them to express their emotions.

Here is a list of some of the must share poems for kids that can make a positive impact in the way they grow up and face society.

1. “A Light Exists in Spring” by Emily Dickinson

This is one of the best poems from this great American poet which talks mainly about nature which invokes a love for nature among kids. She refers to darkness as troubles and ‘light’ as the presence of God in our life. She also tries to explain how the human heart and mind can understand the feelings in life beyond science.

2. “Adventures Of Isabel” by Ogden Nash”

This amazing poem from Nash relates to the life incidents of a brave girl named Isabel. Kids would be eager to learn how the girl faces the challenges in her life and it would amaze everyone. The poet is trying to help kids to learn how to tackle fears and challenges in life.

3. “Lift Every Voice and Sing” by James Weldon Johnson

This interesting poem is from an African-American poet who was a civil rights activist. It was written to celebrate the birthday of Lincoln who was the pillar behind the nation in accomplishing freedom from slavery. It is often referred to as “Black National Anthem”.

4. “Aim High to the Sky” by James McDonald

This short but amazing poem from the poet inspires every kid to aim to the sky in whatever they do in their life. He also advises kids to be strong and brave while facing life but not forgetting the value of kindness. He also checks with kids if they are using their mind before going out for any goals.

5. “Every Time I Climb a Tree” by David McCord

This amazing poem from the award-winning poet is a gift for all people who love language, especially for kids. This is fun to read out loud and moreover, it is written from a child’s perspective making it favorite for kids.

6. “First Grade” by William Stafford

Kids have often very little patience for anything and that is why short poems like this can be a good choice for them. This cute poem from the master is from his collection of poems “The Darkness around Us Is Deep”. This revolves around a group of friends who decided to have a play and the fun incidents that follow.

7. “Fairy Town” by Carolyn Wells

This is one among the best fairy poems for kids from this great American writer and poet. Kids would love to read this poem and get fascinated by the parallel world. They can slowly go to their favorite dream of land while they catch their sleep.

8. “The Quarrel” by Maxine Kumin

This is a cool poem by Maxine, the winner of Pulitzer Prize for Poetry who always amazed us with her beautiful works. This poem revolves around a cute conversation or ‘quarrel’ that took place between a lightning bug and a firefly. A glow worm that passed through the way stopped to opine that all are just worms.

9. “The Light of Other Days” by Thomas Moore

The poet has tried to portray the beauty of friendship for kids and inspires them to value such relations while they grow up. The beautiful memories of love, good times and amazing experiences will keep you live even when life looks hard on you once you grow up.

10. “Friends” by Abbie Farwell Brown

The poet inspires kids to see friends in the nature that they see around them. Immersing oneself in the beauty and comfort of nature gives kids a really good feeling. The poet has discussed some of such natural friends from the eyes of a child.

11. “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe

This awesome poem from the American writer Edgar Allan Poe is known for its stylized language, musicality, and supernatural atmosphere. This poem gives a message that you should learn to let go of things in life and don’t try to hold on everything you love forever and end up in pain.

12. “The Mountain and the Squirrel” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

The poet tries to discuss the problem of complexes in human beings through a fun tale through this poem. He portrays the irony of how a mountain and a squirrel can have importance when the situation changes. A mountain cannot crack a nut but carry forests on its back while a squirrel cannot carry forests but crack a nut.

13. “Reading” by Jacqueline Woodson

This is another cool poem for kids from the author who is well known for his works exclusive for kids. This is a short poem from his “Brown Girl Dreaming”. This depicts a funny tale of how the girl reads a story in class and the way the teacher encourages her to do so to remember it for long.

14. “The Corn-Stalk Fiddle” by Paul Laurence Dunbar

The poet who is one of the most influential Black poets in American literature has always come up with some amazing poems for kids. This interesting poem from him describes how the fiddle is constructed and later played at a square dance.

15. “The Rainbow” by Christina Rossetti

The poetess admires the beauty of nature through this poem. She just compares how the beauty of flying clouds looked awesome than moving ships and seas. She also depicts how the natural beauty of the rainbow connecting heaven and earth outsmart the beauty of bridges constructed across rivers.

16. “Drum Dream Girl” by Margarita Engle

The poet tells about the story of a girl who overcame Cuba’s conventional taboo, not in favor of female drummers. This cute poem simply emphasizes the importance of dreaming in life and working towards achieving it despite the obstacles. Despite the strong message from her society that girls cannot be drummers, she lived her dream of becoming a drummer.

17. “The Shepherd-Boy and the Wolf” by William Ellery Leonard

This poem revolves around the story of a boy who called ‘wolf’ to fool the people who came for his help. The people fell two times for his lies but when the wolf actually came, nobody believed him and offered any help.

This gives a simple but important message to kids that liars won’t be believed even when they speak the truth. The poet urges kids to keep up moral values like honesty in life and to respect others’ efforts for you.

Recommended For You: General Knowledge For Kids With Answers

18. “Sick” by Shel Silverstein

This is a fun poem that talks about the excuses told by kids to not to do something they don’t like. This poem is about a kid that came up with excuses of all possible illness in the morning to avoid going to school. The reader is sure to get a good laugh when the kid later realized that it was not a school day.

19. “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou

This poem depicts the story of a bird with clipped wings. Angelou tries to convey the importance of freedom in everyone’s life. Even when being tied up, the caged bird sings out for freedom continuously. The poet talks about freedom of expression and the reasons to substantiate it.

20. “The Spider and the Fly” by Mary Howitt

This is a cute but alarming poem of a spider who flatters the fly with the intention of trapping her into his parlor. As expected, the fly was never seen again. Even when the fly first objected to spider’s trap of food and comfort, she fell for flattery. The poet advice kids to never fall for flattery and invite trouble.

21. “The Red Wheelbarrow” by William Carlos Williams

The poet tries to beautifully portray the relationship between imagination and reality. This is one of the shortest poems ever that is published by an American poet that comprises four miniature stanzas of just four words each and three images. This is more about how human imagination interprets the way senses relate reality.

22. “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley

This is an awesome poem from Henley that focuses mainly on the significance of human spirit and its gift to overcome adversity. This poem was written when he was hospitalized for the treatment for tuberculosis. He also relates the level of personal courage and faith in a higher power.

23. “The Swing” by Robert Louis Stevenson

The poet is known for his amazing imaginative type poems and this poem is on top of the list. The poem discusses how a childish mind can swing at their wish. Life is too busy to fulfill every wish but he inspires kids to make their wish despite if it can be achieved or not.

24. “Halfway Down” by A.A. Milne

This is a wonderful poem framed on a child’s perspective regarding the special spot in the center of the staircase. The spot is special because it is not on top or bottom but on a place on its own. The poet was trying to relate the unique way in which a child looks at the world.

25. “The Purple Cow” by Gelett Burgess

This is a short nonsense poem from the author which is one of his most widely known works. In fact, it is the most quoted poem in 20th century America. This comes with a lot of fun stories and illustrations for kids and some of them make kids to scratch the head also.

26. “Snowball” by Shel Silverstein

This poem is full of humor and innocence at its best. The poet talks about the vivid imagination of a kid while seeing a snowball in his short and fun poem. If you think deeper, the poet tries to explain how you are not interpreting your experiences properly just because you don’t understand its nature.

27. “How to Paint a Donkey” by Naomi Shihab Nye

This is an interesting poem regarding a sweet girl who tried to draw and paint a donkey but failed to complete a ‘perfect’ one. The poet is indirectly advising kids not to compare their work with others and never try to prove your worth. Enjoy what you do without thinking about its perfection.

28. “Since Hanna Moved Away” by Judith Viorst

This is one of the best expressive and lyrical poems from Judith. This great thoughtful poem is full of emotions that give a great nostalgic feel. This is from the perspective of a kid regarding the life that changed for her when her best friend moved away.

29. “Rathers” by Mary Hunter Austin

This is a cute and interesting poem in which the poet discusses which animal she would rather be. She imagines about becoming an owl, an antelope, a woodpecker, a chipmunk, and a pump. She concludes the poem by imagining that she would rather be a red Indian hunter who hunts a puma.

30. “Unexpected Holiday” by Alma Flor Ada

This beautiful poem depicts the story of a kid who complained about nothing to do on a holiday. The kid explained how boring the day was despite having TV and homework to do. However, when she started reading a book, she went to her world of imagination and exclaimed how fantastic the holiday was within the covers of a book.

31. “To Catch a Fish” by Eloise Greenfield

The poet inspires kids to not just sit and wish but do whatever they can to get things done. The poem greatly encourages kids to step out of their comfort zone and invest in positive thinking and constructive action and let the world know about your capabilities.

32. “Fishmonger” by Marsden Hartley

This is a unique and expressive piece of work framed in a playful free verse portrayed through rhyme schemes. His imaginative use of language is the highlight attraction of this poem. Kids can get to know about the natural prototypes and lively colors of life.

33. “You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You” by John Ciardi

This is a clever collection of poems for kids and adults to read aloud together. The idea of the poet is that an adult reads out a poem followed by a kid and then adult and so on. The themes are more about silly ways of incorporating life into a kid’s poem.

34. “Then Laugh” by Bertha Adams Backus

This is a motivational poem from the poetess. She relates a tough wooden box to our mental strength where we can lock our troubles. She inspires kids to cover up sorrows through optimism and laugh on failures and move forward happily.

35. “After the Winter” by Claude McKay

The tone of most of his poems is hopefulness and this one is no different. He inspires kids to be hopeful in life despite what all problems come their way. He portrays that there is a light at the end of every tunnel. So he advises everyone to hope for good in life and stay happy.

36. “We Are Seven” by William Wordsworth

The poem revolves around an interesting conversation happening place between a kid and a man. The man asked about her siblings while she answered about them saying ‘we are seven’. However, the man later realized that two of them are dead but she still insisted that they are seven.

She refuses to mourn over grief but accepts that things changes in life and tries to live happily as she could.

37. “Daddy Fell Into the Pond” by Alfred Noyes

This is a sweet and simple poem that is enjoyable for both adults and kids. It depicts the innocence of kids, love of the father and his deeds just to see that his kids are happy. The reader is sure to have a smile on the lips throughout the poem.

38. “Where the Sidewalk Ends” by Shel Silverstein

The poet suggests that there is a magical place in the world which is only aware of the kids. Through this ‘place’, the poet portrays about childhood and its innocence and their peculiar way of seeing the world around unlike adults.

39. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost

This is a feel-good poem which is simple but interesting. The poet stopped by some woods on a snowy evening to enjoy the lovely scene in near silence. Even when he wanted to stay longer, the obligations and the distance to be traveled before he can take rest forced him to move on.

40. “The Dentist and the Crocodile” by Roald Dahl

This is a hilarious poem from the author and the language is truly captivating for kids and adults. It depicts a fun incident of crocodile approaching a dentist to get his teeth repaired. The poem is full of amazing imagery and the children could have a good laugh from the moment the crocodile meets the dentist.

41. “My Best Friend” by Abby Jenkins

This is a dog poem for kids which talks about the joy of a kid when having a dog as their best friend. Even when animals can’t talk back, they have the awesome power of listening to kid’s silly talks and responding in their own style. The poem is all about the unconditional love of dogs and the greatest joy of kids when they are with them.

42. “Casey at the Bat” by Ernest Lawrence Thayer

This poem is all about the story of an interesting baseball game and the poetic situation is when the game reaches the final half-inning. This interesting piece of work is full of suspense until Casey; the valiant megastar baseball hitter reaches the plate and swings at the ball.

43. “Heart’s Needle” by W. D. Snodgrass

This awesome poem from the Pulitzer Prize winner is one of the finest single-volume poems. It is a loose narrative and the incidents are highly personal but have a good universal appeal. It talks about a father’s struggle to remain a ‘father’ to his daughter after her parents got separated too early.

44. “The Tiger Who Wore White Gloves” by Gwendolyn Brooks

This poem tells the story of a tiger who thinks that tigers are not stylish enough. He wore white gloves to look better but later realized that all these were not needed to prove his worth. Through this poem, the poet inspires kids to be yourself and not to care about what others think about you.

45. “Bed in Summer” by Robert Louis Stevenson

This poem is all about the different times of the month. He describes the change of events that happen with a boy with the change of season. While the kids have to go to bed by day in summer, they have to wake up at night and dress by candlelight during winter.

46. “Going Down Hill on a Bicycle” by Henry Charles Beeching

The poet tells about how he waited at a hilltop anticipated about an exhilarating ride and later started off slowly down the hill. He compares the happiness of his speeding ride in the wind to the freedom of a flying bird. As the ride ended, he exclaimed about how a person will be rewarded a joyous flight if he has the determination to climb up again.

47. “The Tyger” by William Blake

The poem is all about the poet’s personal philosophy of intellectual and spiritual revolution by people.

In the context of the poem, the poet got puzzled when seeing a tiger at night.

He keeps on asking a number of questions to tiger regarding his fierce appearance and the creator behind it.

Hope parents can choose a few poems from the list to share with your kids during free time and teachers can pick a few to start good discussions in the classroom.

This is a great way for kids to develop self-expression and they can learn how to creatively convey a message to the audience right from their early days. Poetry and rhymes are also designed to help kids to develop rhythm and phonemic awareness.

Moreover, the wise use of poems by teachers and parents can enable kids to develop memorization skills and physical awareness while they grow up.

Teacher burnout is usually associated with the thoughts of being undervalued, overburdened or underpaid.

Being selfless, passionate, and servile in nature adds to a teacher’s worries.

It is no surprise why many of them leave their profession halfway. However, there is a solution for everything and this case is no different.

Applying some tricks and tips and keeping some key points in mind can help you out to reduce Teacher burnout and succeed as a teacher.

Let us have a look.

1) Mindful Meditation

Teaching at the moment is the key for teachers to have a peaceful professional life.

Mindful meditation can help them to be in the present rather than being end up as a teacher burnout.

This even helps them to be more controlled and proactive in tricky situations.

2) Teach From Your Heart

The best part of being a teacher is to teach from your heart. Be in this profession only if you are really passionate about doing the job.

Once you love what you do, everything that matters simply follows it.

Teaching with passion brings in a lot of positivity in the classroom.

3) Always Keep a Smile

Let it be any profession, keeping a smile with you always can do you good physically, mentally and emotionally.

It may be hard to do it at first despite the tensions rising all around.

However, practicing it can help teachers to move forward with a positive mind and this enhances your mood and people around.

4) Arrive at School Early Every Day

It is important to keep up values like punctuality and discipline in a teaching profession.

Moreover, reaching school a little bit early every day gives you some time to relax and do light mental preparations before you start off the day’s schedule.

Hurrying at the last minute and rushing to the classroom gives you unwanted tensions.

5) Laugh Out Loud

Make it a habit to laugh out loud to the situations that might otherwise take control of you.

This means to change the perspective from which you see difficult things around you and laugh over it.

Find out reasons to laugh more which recharges you and makes you healthy and happy.

6) Differentiate Instructional Methods

It is good to cut short on the usual lecture time and worksheets that is sure to create boredom over time.

Instead, try to include more student-centered and refreshing learning activities into the teaching plan.

Flipped classrooms and gamification can do wonders in lifting the overall mood of the classroom.

7) No More Conflicts

It is easy to say to avoid conflicts but being a teacher makes you travel through such unwanted scenarios quite often.

However, this simply means to “Pick your battles.”

Develop this important skill to save a lot of energy and time and stay peaceful and happy.

8) Monitor Your Feelings

It is important to be more aware of your feelings in the first place itself.

This helps you to take a step back before things go out of your control.

Whenever you notice such signs, take a moment to stay realistic and win over the situation.

9) Leave Work at School

It is good to give your best as a teacher when you are at school but leave work at school at the end of the day.

Once you are back home, leave the thoughts of school but be the family person and spend quality time with your loved ones.

It is important to unplug from teacher duties once you are home.

10) Take a Day Off

If you are worn out of too much work, it is okay to take a day off from your schedule to recharge yourself and come back stronger.

Continuing the work despite the warning signs can make things worse.

It is important to give yourself some time to come back with more power and better insight while teaching.

Also Read: 16 Innovative Ideas to Make Teaching Methods More Effective

11) Always Share Your Worries

Just like any other profession, a teacher will come across many unfavorable incidents throughout their career.

Taking all pain with you and worrying alone can lead to teacher burnout.

Share your worries to any trusted partner, maybe your better half, your best friend or parents and go forward with a light heart.

12) Teach Something New

This is a really interesting suggestion for teachers who are continuously teaching the same stuff for years.

Try to teach something new every day or at least add new information to the typical teaching stuff.

Instead of slowing down with the same routines, bring in some variety to lift the entire scenario.

13) Share the Workload

You may be good at a certain subject but this doesn’t mean you have to take all work by yourself even when the management might insist you.

Talk to the management if it is not handy by you alone. Sharing the workload or delegating the tasks with minimal supervision can save many teacher burnout situations.

14) Be More Organized

Staying more organized is the key to have a peaceful teaching career. If you mess up with the plans in the last minute, you are inviting unwanted tensions.

Have a proper plan for the upcoming week and keep the teaching materials ready. Plan more strategically so that you can finish off the lessons well ahead of the stipulated time.

15) Don’t Hesitate To Ask For Help

It is not advisable to take every burden on your shoulder alone and end up in the struggle.

It is always good to ask for help whether it is your co-staff or a favorite student.

Small helping hands can take away the unwanted stress and you can successfully and happily move forward.

16) Maintain a Friendly Classroom Ambiance

Being strict with students is fine to an extent so that students finish off their duties on time.

However, maintaining a friendly classroom ambiance can make the situation more peaceful.

Students will love to do stuff without any extra push if they are given their space and a positive ambiance.

17) Know Your Limits

This is really important for being a successful teacher.

Pushing yourself too hard to do things that are not possible will eventually end up in failure and you start losing the confidence.

Instead, know your limits and plan to do everything accordingly. Learn to say ‘no’ to something that is not meant for you.

18) Do Regular Exercise

Doing enough exercise every day not only keeps you physically strong but makes you mentally and emotionally fit.

Find a way to include some workout in your daily routine, whether it is a little bit of walking, swimming, running, or yoga.

The resulting endorphins can easily lift your mood.

19) Eat Healthy Foods

Having a healthy body is also important that is the basis of whatever you do.

So remember to include healthy food in your daily diet and avoid junk foods to save time.

Have more fruits and vegetables and drink enough water every day.

20) Spend Time With Friends

It will be a good idea to spend some time with your friends once in a while.

This will take away the boredom of regular routines and gives you some time to vent out.

Go for a movie or invite a friend for lunch and the feel of being with friends is sure to lift your mood.

21) Avoid Boredom in the Classroom

Being bored is yet another reason for burnout among teachers.

The typical teaching routine for years can take a toll on your mind at some point in your career.

Instead of having the same preparations every week, come up with new approaches.

You may even request a change of grade in which you teach which gives you fresh challenges.

Also Read: 50 Innovative Teaching Methods in Science

22) Have Open Communication with Administrators/Parents:

It is important to have open communication with both parents and administrators to avoid surprises.

Handling students can be fun but equally challenging. Maintaining good relation with parents can make the situation a lot easy.

Similarly, talk with administrators to learn what they are expecting out of you and plan accordingly rather than pushing yourself too much in the last minute.

23) Get Enough Rest

This is one of the Effective technique used by teachers around the world to avoid teacher burnout scenario.

It is common among teachers to take a back seat when it comes to proper sleeping.

However, a proper good night’s sleep every day is important to stay healthy. This even makes you fresh for the next day and boosts your energy level and positivity.

24) Set Realistic Goals and Reward Yourself

You are creating troubles if you put expectations high on you or your students.

It is okay to put the bar a slightly higher but make sure that you set realistic goals that are achievable. You can even start the practice of rewarding yourself for the small achievements that can gear you up.

25) Have Some ‘me’ Time Every Day

It is important for a teacher to have some ‘me’ time after your busy teaching schedules.

Keep aside some time every day to do something that you love to do. Let it be reading a book or a short drive alone or some quality time in your garden; don’t hesitate to take some time for yourself.

26. Simply Get up and Walk Around

Teachers need not be busy throughout the day with complete class hours but they do have some off hours in the staff room.

Being sedentary can do you no good but only negative moods and a loss in energy levels.

Simply get up and walk around in the campus and enjoy the nature that simply lifts your mood.

27) Focus on What You Can Control

It is okay to leave the worries that are not in your control. If something bothers you, see if anything can be done from your side to correct it or better it.

If it is beyond your control, stop worrying about it and just focus on the positive elements around you.


These tips and considerations can, of course, help teachers to get away with their tough times.

Watch out for the warning signs once pressure takes over you and apply these tips early as possible before it becomes a teacher burnout.

Having more perspiration, feeling hot, a quickened pulse and having trouble breathing all are among the common signs of experiencing burnout.

Just don’t panic but deal with the situation smartly to avoid more problems. Believe in yourself and apply these smart tips that can make your profession more peaceful.

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