Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another. John C. Maxwell

While some kids are good leaders by nature, other students need to be encouraged, role modeled, and nurtured to develop leadership skills. By being a leader, a child will develop qualities such as honesty, belief in one, dedication towards the task, being a good listener and positive attitude. Teachers, caregivers, parents and other family members can encourage the development of these qualities in early life.

Building Leadership in Kids – Teacher’s Role

Let us consider a school environment. Teachers can give children opportunities to serve in leadership roles. They can teach the skills necessary for children to take on leadership roles now and in the futureTeacher app ad banner

  1. 1. Leadership activities can help kids to-
  2. 2. Check the positive as well as negative aspects of their behavior
  3. 3. Identify areas where they lack courage and improve
  4. 4. Boost self-confidence
  5. 5. Express themselves to others correctly
  6. 6. Develop organizational skills

Certain ways to develop leadership skills in children include helping them learn to see different viewpoints in a situation which will help to manage multiple opinions in a group setting, teaching them to set goals and try to do their best at everything, helping them maintain a positive attitude even when others make things difficult or tell them they can’t achieve something and teaching them that mistakes will always happen and are a natural part of life and not to let the mistakes beat them down.

Activities That Teachers Can Adopt

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1. Create a New You” –  The game requires materials such as a crayons, poster board/construction paper, magazines, scissors, and newspapers. Ask children to sketch themselves on the board or paper. Tell them to make identifications to clearly show that the picture is theirs.

They can use magazine or newspaper cut outs which include their favorite activities and food, pets, whatever makes them special and where they live. Once completed, children can present the poster to other children. This artistic activity will improve the kid’s confidence to lead.

2. Same or Different” –  This simple game doesn’t require any material. Ask the children to sit in a circle. Select one child to go first. The kid should be asked to point at someone in the circle who looks similar to him in appearance, hair style or even dress color. When the kid chooses one, ask him to point out what differences and similarities they have with one another. The game will help the teacher to explain that everyone has differences and everyone also has things that are the same.

3. “Move the Egg” – Divide the students into groups of four or five members. Students have to choose a leader for their team. Provide spoons and eggs for each participant. The leader should find an effective way to transfer the eggs from one point to another. While one child creates a line to pass the egg, other child might ditch the spoons and simply instruct the team members to run for it. The team that gets their eggs across the finish in a creative manner will win. The game helps to teach children how to lead their peers.

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4. “Lead the Blindfolded” –  The game reveals the importance of communication skills in a leader. Choose a large indoor or outdoor area for this activity. Divide kids into two groups and provide them enough blind folds. Place the teams at opposite sides of the space and instruct everyone except one member of each team to put on a blindfold. The one member, who is not sporting a blindfold should lead his team across the field by providing clear commands. Make sure that each member in the team is getting a chance to lead the team in regular intervals. The team which successfully leads their members across their finish line wins.

5.Charity Support” –  Teacher can support charity activities by assisting the kids with planning a fundraiser. Assign each child with different tasks. While one student finds a worthy charity to support, the other one should find a space to have the fundraiser. And other should get donations. Along with teaching the importance of being a leader, the activity also help to learn about supporting worthy charities.

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6. Planning Strategies”  – Planning strategies, taking time to discuss and create strategies are very vital leadership skills. Teach the student to split a large task into small groups. Assign them a large task just like conducting a class function. Show them a plan as to how to do it step by step. Many children can be involved so that they can share their task. Evaluate each kids job and provide suggestions for better improvement.

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7. ” Volunteer Roles”  – Volunteering is a key on leadership roles. Talk to children about how they would like to help any one in need. Interested kids can be directed to organizations in your own community that may need assistance. For instance, if a poor family needs home, you might suggest students to collect fund that would help the poor family in any way. Teachers should make sure to choose volunteer opportunities that give children a chance to lead and work with other children.

8. “Untangle Human Knot” –  Ask students to have a group and have them put one hand out and grab someone else’s hand. Once this is done, ask everyone to put their other hand out and grab someone else’s hand. The goal is to figure out how to untangle and create a big circle, without releasing their grips. Also assign few kids to help everyone get untangled.

9. “Just Listen” – This is a listening test. Agree on that you and your student (s) will not talk about yourselves for an entire day. Ask them only to listen to others, and in case if they talk, it should be about the other person with whom you are talking to. The game will force them to become completely others-minded. Also the listening skills will emerge. The activity will help to learn the power of focusing on others instead of themselves, which is the foundation of relational leadership

10. “A Quick Quiz” – This is an activity to build good habits. Prepare students to interact with others while on the trip. Just ask them to be ready to evaluate their experience when its over. Ask them questions like Do you remember the name of the dog we saw? What was it? Did you touch that dog? What is that owners name? and more.

Other artistic activities for exploring leadership include writing a poem about leadership, drawing cartoons, and creating a recipe for how to cook up leadership.

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The discipline you learn and character you build from setting and achieving a goal can be more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself.”

Discipline plays a vital role in maintaining a civilized life. Proper discipline can significantly decrease unnecessary chaos existing in daily life. For the effective operation of an institution like a school, discipline is very much essential.

School discipline is a system of a certain code of conduct, behavior and punishments for regulating students and making school well organized. For making teaching learning process effective, the classroom environment must be favorable and opportune.

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Here are the ten awesome tips to manage discipline issues:

1. Be Organized

If there is no proper organization in the classroom, kids feel bored and starts to misbehave. It will be better if the lessons are properly planned, make supplies ready and thus be organized in everything as possible. Always think about items that can be displaced and figure out a system that help to keep track of those items.

2. Deal with Problems Right from the Start

It is advisable to deal with problems before they become too large to handle. You can address each and every small issue happening in the classroom. A tiny mistake in discipline issue can be a nightmare in the future.

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3. Have Good Control Procedures

Certain good control procedures are developed to prevent problems. For instance, a cover sheet can help prevent children from cheating during written exams. Such procedure should be easy as possible for the students to choose the right thing and be difficult as possible for them to misbehave or take imperfect decisions.

4. Teach the Procedures Well

Making good and appropriate procedures is not enough. They should be taught to the students properly as well. Four steps involved in teaching them are:

a. Clearly explain the procedure

b. Practice it with children

c. Correct the parts that were done incorrectly

d. Repeat it constantly until they do it in the right manner

If you don’t take time to teach procedures properly, students may not follow them which leads to utter frustration.

5. Keep your Students Engaged

The more students are engaged in activities, the less they cause problems. Make sure you give interactive classes and teach the students passionately. It is better to make students involved than just giving lectures. Hence it would be advisable to make the students write while teaching.

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6. Move Around the Classroom

Most of the teachers stand at the front of the room without even moving their position. It would be a good idea to walk around as you teach. It is not only a different approach of teaching, but also helps to keep an eye on what the students are doing.

7. Develop a Rapport with the Students

If we want students to follow us, they not only need to respect us, but also create an impression that we care about them. Always be genuine, kind, approachable and ready to admit mistakes. Also, students must be given compliments, and show that you love them. With the above qualities, you will be able to create a good rapport with students.

8. Be Professional

Rather than becoming a too friendly teacher, try to become a good mentor. Interactions must be made friendly but not familiar.

9. Require Students to Clear their Desks

Students should be asked to keep only the required items on the desk. When desks are cleared, teachers will be able to know exactly about the activities done by their students. Teachers will have better control of students.

10. Establish Structure First

Train students to work and do their activity in a structured environment. Once they understand the structure, they should be able to work in an unstructured environment without losing control.

All these tips help to manage disciplinary issues in school. No institution can be operated successfully without proper maintenance of discipline. Hence, discipline should be given top priority.

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Learning has become more interesting and easier with the evolution of smart apps. there are smart apps especially created for preschoolers with special needs. These Smart apps for preschoolers make it easier for teachers to manage preschoolers with special needs.

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Here are some examples of smart apps for preschoolers with special needs:

1.Autism Core Skills

Autism Core Skills are a loaded app full of things such as smooth graphics, custom settings, easy to access content and data collection. This app grants a free trial opportunity to know whether it fits the needs of parents, teachers, therapists, and above all the needs of students.

2.Chill Outz

Chill Outz is a collection of five animated stories that provide regulation and relaxation techniques for children. Kids are able to learn strategies like body regulation and focused breathing by watching animals getting through the different tensed situation. This app helps to calm down and make children focused without much difficulty.

3.Birdhouse for Special Needs

Birdhouse app is used for tracking a childs diet, health and behavioral data along with scheduling as well as therapy information. Apart from this, the app allows to interact with Birdhouse via e-mail, offer feedback and create an icon from within an app.

4.Table It!

Table It app contains 34 editable sample tables and with that users are able to make unlimited number of tables for organizing any type of information desired. In addition to this, user can make a table schedule, make a data set in math, organize information from history class and create a table for entering personal information or their special interests. This particular app helps to inculcate creative ability in users.


One must create a user account for getting started with this MagnusCards app. Here the child may require help from adults. After that, child can help Magnus collect Magnus Points which look like gold coins. More points will be gained whenever they complete more daily tasks.

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6.Autism Discovery Tool

Autism Discovery Tool ,this particular app helps to explore the senses and hence able to experience the ways by which people on all aspects of the autism might see the world. One can use this app as a tool for teaching acceptance, tolerance and understanding. It can also be a useful app for making discussions with kids regarding how differently they perceive the world.

7.ZyroMath City Count

ZyroMath City Count, this app makes counting easier for children aged between six to eight irrespective of their physical or cognitive inabilities. It is very much useful to parents and teachers as the app can switch custom settings for game play to accessory compatibility and can track progress for multiple users.

8. iDo Hygiene

iDo Hygiene app provides real-life images and videos of self care and hygiene routines aimed for pre-teen students with special needs. One of the specialties of this app is high customization and clear presentation of tasks.

9.Smart Steps Mobile

Smart Steps Mobile app helps teens as well as adults develop executive function skills and independent living in stressful situations. This app is especially made for child suffering from autism, developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, or Down syndrome.

10. Visual Supports

This app includes pictures, printed words, a combination of pictures and printed words, concrete items, etc. It helps children to develop abilities like proper understanding of spoken language, maintain attention and organize and sequence their environment.

Smart apps for preschoolers with special needs is a great aid to teachers as well as parents. It is a relatively difficult task to teach children with special needs. Here smart apps can become handy and it helps to develop a variety of skills in children.