Swimming is undoubtedly the best form of exercise for all age groups that keeps them emotionally and physically healthy. Student life is the best phase of a person’s life cycle when they mould up their character and other routines. It is the age when one can learn a new skill easily without much effort. So why not consider learning swimming right from the school life than keeping it aside for later? Yes, swimming can be a great addition for a student life and making it part of the school curriculum can offer


In addition to helping them stay healthy, it can improve their emotional health and well-being. Let us have a look at some of the most important benefits of making swimming part of the school curriculum.

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1. Skill set for safety: Swimming is an important skill set that should be learned by everyone as part of safety measures. As drowning is one of the most frequent reasons for death among individuals around the world, learning swimming can prevent this to a great extent. If you are a good swimmer, you can even offer a helping hand in case you see a person getting drowned at some point in your life. Even if a kid doesn’t prefer to learn competitive swimming, learning this sport just to survive water accidents can be a good thought.

2. Low-impact sport activity: Being physically active is important for everyone to stay healthy and clear off unwanted illness. However, many students may not prefer to be actively involved in a high impact exercise for long and age and injuries can be a hindrance to such activities over the years. However, swimming can be a good choice as it is a low impact exercise and can be practised lifelong. Your body will be 90 percent buoyant once you are under water and you don’t need to carry all your weight to perform this activity. This makes swimming a good activity in the long run and the injuries are also less common and easily healed when compared to other sports.

3. Keeps kids healthy: Unlike other activities, this is an all body work out and thus offer lots of health benefits. Whether students practice the technical aspects of butterfly stroke or just float or paddle, strength and muscle mass gets improved over the period. Swimming can be a great aid in improving the overall balance of the body. Unlike other sports which pose threats on joint injuries, swimming is an exception due to buoyancy of the water. This activity also betters the blood flow to the brain and lifts the body health. Regular swimming can help students to enhance their focus and capability to retain memories which helps a lot to excel in academics.

3. Enhances psychological fitness: In addition to keeping the body healthy, regular swimming can have a great role in maintaining the mental health too. .. As per study reports from Centers for Disease Control and the National Institute for Health, swimming can be a reason for instant mood improvement. Unlike other students, those who start learning swimming in the early ages are seen as having an overall improvement in language skills, setting physical milestones, and will have a boost in confidence.

4. Incredible workout for kids: This is a high-intensity cardio workout that involves multiple muscle groups. It can also be a good asset for weight management as it flushes the excess fat. This low impact exercise burns calories quickly and that is why it is one among the favourite options for those looking to slim down. A person can undergo more resistance training through swimming rather than any other challenging on-land workouts. The activity also releases endorphins that help in minimizing depression and enhancing moods. Kids with some medical condition or disability may not perform other sports but this can be a comparatively easy option for them.

5. Improved teamwork and individuality: Swimming in groups can be a good phase in student life when they learn the importance of team work. Friends will be there to support on the hardest phase due to the shared experience in the practising sessions. This sport also teaches some important elements such as self motivation and setting goals and working towards it. In addition to earning points for the team, a student is motivated to beat their personal milestones every time.

6. Can learn time management: This is one of the most valuable skills a student should have to excel well in the academics which can be learnt as part of competitive swimming. This sports activity teaches students about taking small breaks in between and how to utilize the breaks positively when returning to the activity. Balancing the academic learning and swimming practise lets students to learn the importance of time management right from the childhood. Dividing one’s time and managing it for the activities to be completed is an invaluable talent which can be attained far more easily than any other sport.

7. Swim for rest of life: Swimming is a skill that can be kept with you for life time. If you learn swimming during childhood, then this activity alone can help you stay fit mentally, emotionally and physically for life long. According to CDC reports, water exercising can be a great aid to minimize disability and enhance quality of life in the old age. This low impact sport can be easily practiced by an older adult with minimal risks of injury thus improving joints and lifting mood.

8. Perform academically better: Even when there is no direct correlation between swimming and a kid’s academic performance, this can indirectly help them to learn better in many ways. This activity teaches them the significance of taking challenges in life and preserving it. This quality can be used by kids to overcome the challenges they face in learning tough subjects such as mathematics. They can learn the art of multitasking and coordination through swimming which can be utilized in classrooms to take notes, listen to lectures and solve problems without any lag. It Also teaches them situational awareness and they can handle sensory learning well.

9. Be more social: Including swimming in school curriculum helps kids to get engaged in team exercises and socialize from a younger age. This helps them to make friends easily and navigate group projects well in higher classes. Also exercising regularly helps the students to stay focussed which enables them to learn better. Learning swimming can be a little scary for most of the kids in the beginning. Once they overcome this and start learning the sport, they are actually getting internally trained to overcome fears in life and face life more positively.

Swimming is a much preferred sport among kids and youth as it can be performed as an individual or a team. Kids can find this a fun but challenging way to stay fit which makes the activity interesting. Unlike many other common sports, this involves cardiovascular activity which plays a vital role in enhancing the heart and lung health. If kids start practicing swimming right from their early days, they can maintain a good posture and enhance the overall stamina and flexibility.

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Childhood obesity is one of the dreadful medical condition. Including such activities in the school curriculum can prevent this to a great extent. Moreover, this takes the role of a mental exercise too and thus contributes in improving the emotional health and well-being.

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