What are Smart Classes?

Smart Classes use digital technology to enhance the learning process. The various audio and visual aids enhance the learning process and make it more fun. The possibilities are endless. 

Specialized software is designed and optimized to the needs of a specific class, unlike universal solutions. The digital infrastructure enhances the teacher to student and peer to peer communication because data streams are separated and structured. An example of this will be the raise hand feature in video conferencing apps now.

Smart Classes can also educate the students about the potentials of using it. As a result, they will resort to more innovative ideas after school.

A key part of classes in the part were the lectures, this is not the case now. Interactive learning is proved to help students better. Projectors and computers are used to exchange information. Interactive touch screens help the students become immersed.

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In this blog, we will discuss

Why do you need a Smart Classes?

We now know that learning is a cognitive process. The old system of teaching catered only to one type of learning. The visual or solitary learners found it difficult to grasp concepts. But now we have a method to address every specific need to cater to the student. 

Apart from these services, institutions are developing their own software and apps to make the organization and the learning process easier.

Due to the rapid digitization, the transition to online classes in the time of covid19 has been rather smooth. Virtual communities help in better interpersonal communication. 

Information also tends to hold longer with visual aid. 

Smart classrooms allow students to not be present in the class physically anymore. They can also access previous classes from their device making the laborious note-taking task obsolete

Types of Smart Classes

Learning solutions have evolved and are more smarter by the say. There are various approaches you can take when making the school smarter. The budget, the digital literacy of the students all influence it.

Innovations allowed the prices of equipments to go down by a huge bracket in recent times. 

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Here are the various types of Smart Classes

1. The Basic Setup

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 These are the most common ones used in schools. It involves projectors, a computer, and a screen. The system will be preloaded with lessons that utilize visual and auditory learning. Animations and Videos are the most common mediums used to convey information. The lessons can be easily updated according to changes in the curriculum.

2. Personal Devices

On top of the basic setup, students can possess devices like tablets and laptops. Personal tablets have replaced the simple digital slate because the cost of making is very low now. Students can take notes, receive material and complete assignments and tests in the same device. This also saves paper which is a plus for the environment.

3. Virtual Reality

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 By using a VR headset, students can enter a new world or a sandbox.

In a sandbox, the students can do experiments, especially physical ones to learn theories and incite the brain.

The contents of the VR can also be controlled by the teacher so that everyone experiences the same. From a DNA molecule to the French revolution can be shown in great detail. 

Augmented Reality is used to simulate objects in the real world. This can include holograms and AR glasses. The technology is in the cradle and is rapidly advancing.

3. Student Tracking Management

 All the aspects of the school are digitized here. From attendance marking to school bus tracking are in the cloud. This ensures more transparency of information. The students’ performance can also be assessed in real time.

4. Interactive Boards

The old dusty chalkboards are replaced with Smartboards. Now teachers can show visuals, videos etc in the new blackboard. The students can also interact with it with their personal tablets. New tools enable you to present ideas better.

5. Student Devices

 This can help you if you are studying remotely. Services like Google Jamboard can enable multiple people to collaborate in the same whiteboard from separate devices. E-books, pdf and other study material can be sent to the device eliminating the need for books. 

6. Apps

 Hardware side is not the only solution that is needed when it comes to smart classes. The app development should be tailored to fit the wants of your class. Kahoot for example has a very simple, uncluttered layout that younger people will like.

7. Communication Devices

You should use quality microphones (preferably wireless), speakers, and other gadgets to address the whole class more effectively. 

8. IoT (Internet of Things)

Many textbooks now feature links and QR codes to its internet counterparts to give more content to the students. Attendance and progress can be tracked.

Benefits of Smart Classes

  1. Anytime Access to The Expansive World of Online Information

The internet is a treasure trove of invaluable information to students. Storing volumes of data that correspond to any subject under the sun, a smart class can extract the potential of best online resources in teaching and learning.

Most suitable for students who wish to go the extra mile to grasp information that is way ahead of their course curricula, online resources can improve the curiosity and creativity of students.

Teachers can access online information from various educational articles that are published on the net and project the culled information in the form of an interesting presentation.

This way, education will not be restricted to referring to printed material. Online sources will bring in an element of excitement to learning when students can bank on the exhaustive information that is published on the internet.

  1. Digital Tools Help Students Understand The Topic Better

Gone are the days of traditional black-board education. Now is the age of smart classes which allow the faculty to impart education using PowerPoint presentations, word documents, audio sessions, and video screenings and also through images.

A picture is worth a thousand words! In line with this famous maxim, it is through smart classes that students will be able to assimilate all the information that is presented via these instructional tools.

Since the teacher is not writing on the board, students will be able to better concentrate in the class, assimilating audio-visual (AV) information through digital tools like CDs, pen drives and PDF files that will be e-mailed to students.

This pattern of teaching and learning thus avoids the trouble of making notes while the lecture is in progress. Since notes will be provided to them through these modes, they can concentrate better while the class.

  1. A Top Bet for Absentees

Fret no more if you have to miss your smart class for a day. Students of smart classes can access lectures at any time since all of them are recorded on digital devices.

You can simply download the recorded lectures which are uploaded on the internet by keying in your user ID and password and access the study material which was discussed in your absence.

This way, your digital notes will come to your rescue when you miss a day in school; without putting in any extra effort to obtain the same.

  1. Interactive Environment Favors Better Learning

The use of digital tools of instruction brings in an interactive environment to learning. It is in a smart class where better transparency is established between the faculty and students.

Since learning is linked to photos, maps, images, and animated videos, you as a student will be able to establish a strong connection with your faculty. You will be enthused to share your thoughts freely in class, expressing them through writings and drawings.

  1. “Go Green” with Smart Classes

Smart classes are a perfect solution to the environmental hazards that are posed by the conventional methodology of education. You will be creating a “Go Green” zone when you will learn about your favorite subjects without the use of paper and pen.

You don’t need to rely on printouts and photocopiers which lead to the formation of a carbon footprint. This way, a smart class can indeed become an intelligent and workable way to pave way for a greener environment.

  1. A Perfect Option for Students with Different IQs

It takes all sorts of students to make up a class. While some students grasp the concepts in a jiffy, there are others who will need to go through repeated explanations.

In such a situation, smart classes come as befitting learning options. Since you learn via different forms of media, these advanced technologies present an interesting platform for both the teachers and students.

A lot can happen via visual effects of a smart class. These effects bring in a dynamic perspective to education.

Hence, smart classes come in as perfect learning territories for students to assimilate the nuances behind a subject;in a single go or after repeatedly accessing subject details for a clearer understanding.

  1. Ease of Maintenance

Smart classes employ electronic tools which are easy to use and maintain. The use of a digital pen along with other electronic gadgets comes with very low maintenance costs.

It is a one-time investment that you need to make in contrast to the use of chalks and markers which made their strong presence felt in traditional classrooms.

A once-in-a-while service to all these gadgets is all that is needed for your smart class to impart quality education to knowledge-seekers.

  1. Extracting the Best Out of Technology

All thanks to the modern age we are all a part of, smart classes come with a “technology-aided classroom learning” tagline.

It is through the use of technology that you can learn about interesting and novel things. You can employ a number of digital tools in your pursuit of quality education.

  1. A Fillip To Academic Performance

Grades are a barometer to assess the performance of students. It is through smart classes that students will be thrilled to surprise themselves, their teachers and parents with excellent grades.

All thanks to innovative methods of learning, you will be able to clearly understand the topic taught via digital tools.

When the fundamentals of a subject are clearly understood, you can bank on this strength to proceed with the comprehension of difficult sections of the subject.

All these in toto will not only help you master the subject but will also manifest in the form of top educational grades.

  1. The Fun Element to Learning

It is not an exaggeration to quote that a lot can happen in a smart class. A smart class is conspicuous with a bunch of active students glued to various digital gadgets in their pursuit of holistic education.

The class will be a buzz with the inquisitive chatter and interactions between student groups. This inquisitive chatter is what makes learning fun for students.

Sparing you of the monotonous traditional classroom environment, a smart class is evident with enhanced student-teacher interaction; prompted by technological tools.

There can never be a dull moment in a smart class when you will be thrilled to step into your class to learn about various topics; the smart and entertaining way.

After spelling out all the benefits of a smart class, let us now move on to the disadvantages of smart classes.

Demerits of Smart Classes

  1. Cost Concerns

School administrators need to burn a hole in their pockets to keep their school abreast with the latest technologies in teaching.

Every other day, a new version of software emerges and it is not only difficult to keep pace but also fund these resources.

Schools treading the smart classroom path will need to employ a salaried technologist who will again drain the school’s resources.

It is not only about the cost, it is a challenge to zero-in on a modern technologist who can bring necessary changes to classrooms; attuned to emerging teaching technologies and techniques.

Budgetary concerns also arise when schools have to invest in training the faculty since all types of teachers cannot acclimatize themselves to the use of technological teaching tools.

A smart class thrives mainly because of skilled faculty. And when teachers are not trained about the latest teaching technologies, a smart class can lead to the deceleration of learning amongst students.

  1. The Perils of Technology-Based Learning

When technology is applied to learning, the outcome is progressive and entertaining. But, the constant use of electronic gadgets can impair the problem-solving capacity of students.

There can be a situation when you can feel completely lost and helpless when a gadget malfunctions.

Parents of students are a generation behind the technologically-educative student community.

In such a case, they as the all-time guardians of their children will fail to offer any sort of educational assistance. Children of such parents will be at a loss when they cannot bank on their parents to complete their academic projects or homework.

  1. Human Values Take a Beating

In a smart class, electronic teaching gadgets come as teaching tools. Students attuned to learning via smart devices will lose touch with their teachers.

This shift in learning brings down the significance of a good teacher. Students will be glued to computers and laptops; looking at teachers as mere entities in their class.

  1. A Monotonous Learning Process

Notwithstanding the fact that a smart class makes learning entertaining, you will be relying so much on technology that your creative skills will take a beating. A tech-driven class brings in monotony to learning when your smartness and creativity get on to the backburner. Learning will seem a mechanical process when you repeatedly try to employ gadgets that work in a prescribed manner.

  1. Technical Hiccups

The malfunction of an electronic gadget is enough to cause the loss of many teaching hours. Since all these are delicate tools, it takes time and money to get them back to work.

Given such a situation, teachers are forced to return to the conventional blackboard mode of education. And this comes with a great deal of dissent from students who will be unwilling to accept the change.

Such technical faults can dampen the classroom environment, burdening teachers. In such an unforeseen situation, teachers should not only prepare for the topic for the day but also have to toggle between the two modes of teaching.

Wrapping It Up

After enlisting the contrasting aspects of a smart class, it pays to ponder about the ways and means you can make education accessible and enjoyable to every student.

No doubt, there are some disadvantages of smart classes. But when you weigh these demerits against the numerous advantages, you can conclude that smart classes are an apt means to head towards a technology-driven educational system that the modern world is aiming for.

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