A lot has been told about organizing your schedule and working likewise so as to accomplish your goals. But for this, we first need to be clear what the goals are. These days, students have a lot of pressure on them and thus, it becomes vital to change their mindset and set practical goals which will pave a positive way for them. Challenges are mounting up day by day and it has become essential to come up with positive goals which will surely help students to compete well in this vastly changing era.

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Technology Is Changing The Face Of Education With Smart Learning Objectives. Know How

1. Start with one of the vital goals to make it smarter

For students, one of the major smart goals is to excel in the academics. They can surely try to make their goal smarter by breaking it into quick and short duration goals so that when one of them is achieved, they get the feeling of accomplishment. You need to specify the time frame for them and a set of fruitful actions accompanying it. It will make more sense if you keep on adding required effort to it without losing hope.

2. Strategical plans never fail

Setting one single final goal will not give much needed enthusiasm. However,  if you take efforts to break it into manageable goals then you might get quick results which will help you go in the right direction easily.

3. No goal can be achieved without taking necessary help

If you are really keen about all the hard work and still stuck at some point of it, then taking help is probably the best option. Sources can be any reference material, the web or maybe people having similar goals. This makes sure the student doesn’t waste time, instead spending it on taking help, thus reaching closer to the smart goal.

4. Make sure to have a deadline set

Some of the actions might go on till the end, while another might have a limited time frame. Learn to give a deadline to each of the sub-task. This will speed up the process for now, you can adjust your calender as per the schedule and timeline. There can be various processes like filling up the form before deadline or submitting a particular assignment before a given date and time. These can be really helpful in the long term.

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5. Try to make families and friends a part of smart goal

Many a times your child may end up with not being able to fulfill a particular goal. This can be discouraging at times. Moreover, if your near and dear ones are unaware of your goal, they may keep their expectations high which can be even more pressurizing. Thus, having friends and families by student’s side can be indeed aiding and fulfilling.

6. Do not forget to celebrate the sweet success

Of course, you have the big final goal in mind always, but celebrating small bouts of success will do no harm. In fact, it will help you to go ahead positively. Thus, celebrate them as they will boost your confidence. But again, don’t overdo it as it can waste considerable time. Keep in mind that you have a lot to achieve yet and the hard work done till date will go in vain if you don’t put more efforts to reach the final target.

7. Motivation will keep you going all the time

Although you have a deadline set, time line framed and all the material kept ready to set yourself in action, you will surely need equal amounts of motivational sessions to keep it going. This is true because at any time of the day, playing outside or watching TV is more interesting than studying. Thus help students by giving them motivation and making them understand their smart goals.

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Hence, students generally set goals for them to achieve things. You can help them to set some Smart Learning Objectives ones so they can achieve more in lesser time. Help your student develop effective goal-setting skills and let them earn the laurels of hard work.


Technology has shown its effect on each nook and corner of our lives. Be it professional life or personal, we have been knowingly or unknowingly using technology that has noticeably changed the way we communicate and learn. With the advent of the 21st Century, it has shown a huge impact on the Education system as well. The impact is positive or negative is not the point of discussion, but how it has affected our lives is really enchanting and worth discussing.

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1. Education is a Global affair these days

Crossing the borders of countries, you can now avail knowledge from any corner of the Earth, sitting at your home. Thanks to the latest and advanced online courses, you don’t need to learn within the barriers of the country. You can expand your knowledge and learn from some of the best lecturers overseas.

2. Study materials not only means textbooks and notes

Enough of learning from textbooks which become outdated in this era where knowledge is evolving on a daily basis. These days students are encouraged to learn through e-books available on the web. Not only this, they can also include smart learning objectives videos which come with an interesting set of animations and effects and keeps the student hooked up for hours and thus, learn in an innovative fashion.

3. Students can have one to one discussion with the tutor

Gone are the days when you had fifty other students with you when you had to clear your doubt. These days, you can contact your mentors online, via mail or video call to sort out doubts. Other than this, tutors are also equally interested in having discussions with their students so that can teach them even more effectively.

4. Mobiles applications are imparting knowledge as well

The knowledge is not confined to books and the web. You can now download awesome apps which give you some practical and interesting knowledge. It need not be related to your curriculum or stream, but still it helps a lot in improving your general knowledge. Some of the app are highly popular amongst youngsters who take the process of learning to a good level.

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5. Classrooms have become more interactive and collaborative

If you are sitting in a modern day classroom, you will no longer find notebooks and pens in students’ bags, but you will surely find a laptop or tablet for noting down important stuff. Moreover, you can even find them browsing through the lectures and getting to know the subject like never before.

6. Students can now learn as per their learning habits

Studies have found that the traditional method of learning through books and notes is no more appealing to the students, as they get bored really fast. This has brought light to other means of education like audio and video lessons, animated videos, e-learning tutorials and other such stuff which makes the whole process alluring. This not only increase the imagination power of the learners, but also helps them to widen their horizon and get the most out of the time invested. It is a source of fun as well as knowledge.

7. Fair assessment and quick results increase rate of student progress

Get away with the idea of manually correcting the answers and at times, although rarely, being unfair in assessing the students’ knowledge. Online assessment software is easily available, which makes the whole routine quick and efficient. This has also reduced dependency on teachers. Students can now take such tests online and get results within seconds. The impartial nature of online assessment instantly makes it more reliable.

Thus, can you recall one day when you have not used technology? Since it has made a mark in each domain, why should be education left behind? The system has revolutionized which makes it easier for us to disseminate the information. For each of the significant or insignificant need, we now completely rely on technology.


Learning objectives need to be clearly defined to be accurate and efficient. When creating learning objectives, there are certain criteria one needs to adhere to, in order to ensure that they are SMART Learning Objectives. SMART is an acronym in the learning and development circles. It stands for 5 different criteria that help determine the efficiency of your learning objective and let you know if they are good enough.

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As per the Smart Learning Objectives method, your learning objectives should be:

Specific –  Make sure to use clear and direct language. This makes it easier to communicate to the learner and let them know what exactly he or she should learn. It must also give them a clear idea about the things he or she should be able to do once the training is successfully completed. One should not be vague, misleading, or unclear.

Measurable –  When you set learning objectives, the basic aim is to determine if it is possible for the learners to meet, perform, or satisfy it. This is possible only if the objective is measurable. So, the first thing is that it needs to be an action you could observe. Here is where you correct the common mistake of using words which signify actions that could not be observed objectively. Examples are words like “know” and “understand”. Secondly, the objective must be written in a way so that the objective observer is able to closely watch the performance of the learner and come to a consensus about the fulfilment of the objective. One thing you need to note is that the learning objective should not be one that could be satisfied only by an individual’s own subjective understanding.

Achievable –  The smart learning objective needs to be something that the learners stand a chance to complete or satisfy. Enough pre-existing knowledge, resources, and time are the pre requisites for all objectives. As an example, do not create learning objective that is defined for and elementary school kid to construct a rocket in a day. This is not achievable. While checking your objective for this criterion, keep in mind that it should not be too simple or easy too.

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Relevant –  The learning objective must be one in which the learner is able to see the value in learning. Teach something that is not important or will not be used by a specific learner. The training should matter to the learners. It must be relevant and not something they will never need at all. Otherwise, it would be simple waste of time and nothing else.

Timely and Time-bound –  The learning objective needs to be something that the learner will use in a timely fashion. It needs to be something close like next day or next week and not the next year. Second thing, you must explain if there are time constraints on the performance of the learner. There are many cases in which the learner needs to complete the objective once the training ends, for example. The last thing is that the learner may have to perform an action that is defined in the objective in the given amount of time, like say for example “change the oil in just 10 minutes.”

The SMART Learning Objectives method helps one check their own work while the objectives are being created. It helps maintain focus on the building up of a useful objective and is also like a quick checklist to determine how effective the objective is. Start using it and see the difference it could bring to the overall learning programme.