You might have heard that great teachers doesn’t simply teach class lessons. They impart life lessons as well. To do that, building relationships with students are very important. Here are some smart classroom management strategies to help you build lasting teacher-student relationships.

Avoid Friction With Students

i. Avoid strategies that cause friction with students for it will make classroom management difficult.
ii. Avoid negative comments as long as possible as such comments will have a demotivating effect on the class room environment.
iii. You can avoid harmful methods such as corporal punishment, favouritism, etc  to create a conducive classroom atmosphere.

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Build Rapport Naturally

i. Just avoid friction and what you will obtain is a tension free, natural, extraordinarily effective teaching experience.
ii. Your pleasant, confident mode of personality will go a long way in ensuring the students’ confidence in you.
iii. As a teacher, your behaviour would naturally and organically influence students and increase their confidence in turn.

Create A Classroom That Is Mutual And Participatory

The most important aspect in ensuring the effectiveness of teaching is to make your students actively participate in class activities.

Participating in class activities ensures that students learn more from you and you learn more from your students. It helps your students develop all important trust in you. With time, they will gain confidence in their abilities while knowing their strengths and weaknesses.

Rely Exclusively On Your Classroom Management Plan

It is important to make your classroom management strategy to be the sole point of accountability and thus remove the stress of arguing, pleading, and battling with students. Make sure that students participate in all academic related activities as a valued member of your class.

Build Their Trust In You

The point to be highlighted to build healthy relationship is that students trust you on account of your words and deeds along with our consistently pleasant manners and natural behaviour patterns as well.

The simple fact of a good smart class room strategies and its success rests upon the fact is that better the rapport you have with your students, the easier the classroom management becomes!

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The key question is how we are going to make a healthy rapport?

1. The process of making and keeping healthy, genuine, behavior-influencing rapport,  is through kindling in them deep desire to share with them your vision of a ideal classroom.

2. The element of rapport becomes so easy and effortless while the teacher manages his  classroom without much friction and conflict with students.

3. The smart class room management also involves or demands the teacher to abstain from yelling, scolding, sarcasm, etc and thus to make healthy relationships for that matter.

4. The point to b remembered is that the healthy rapport is the positive feelings students carry about you.

5. You should also keep in mind that such a relationship occur organically from the initial day itself and it just goes on stronger as the days passes by.

6. Moreover, it also becomes important on your part to make the students near-obsessive reliance on your classroom management plan.

7. It is also important make your conversations and interactions to become open and easy.

8. You should keep in mind that making and keeping relationships is a long term affair and not a single time affair.

9. Foremost aspect of smart classroom management is in knowing building healthy rapport with students is also the effective way to classroom management.

10. Last but not the least the character integrity will also ensure a healthy smart room strategy and its implication.

These are some tips or strategies to help you improve student-teacher relationships. If you have other ideas, please feel free to share them in the comment section.

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Teaching a number of children with different attitudes, behaviour and attention spans can be a challenging task. Bad behavior is not something a teacher should tolerate in a classroom. You cannot ignore it or it will get worse. It is crucial to teach students to manage their own behavior. Understanding the root cause of the child‘s behaviour is essential. Basic models in understanding child behaviour includes:

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4 Essential Parts of Classroom Management Strategies

• Biological, where children’s behavior will be influenced by their environment
• Behavioral, where behavior can be modified through classical or operant conditioning
• Cognitive, the approach that helps the child judge and reason effectively and have a perception of their surroundings
• Systemic that targets the individual‘s behavior within the family, friends, school, classmates and community
• Psychodynamic that focus on understanding and intervening by unravelling past conscious and unconscious experiences

Effective classroom management strategies should be implemented to run a well-disciplined classroom. Behaviour management can promote a positive and caring classroom community that encourages student learning, positive peer and teacher relationships and self-motivation.

Effective Strategies to Check Out

An effective classroom management will help to develop a quality relationship between the teacher and the students in the classroom. Certain classroom management strategies can help to change student’s attitude gradually.

1. Teach those Routines and Rules

First, create the rules and the routines that the class agree. Next step is teaching them. Explain the created rules in a clear, brief language. Students should also be taught to use those rules in different special areas such as the lunchroom, hallway, school bus, or playground. It is ideal to create routines and rules in the beginning of the school year and also shared with parents. It should also be reviewed frequently throughout the year. Most students learn routines and procedures quickly. The teacher has to periodically review the routine and reteach it.

2. Be fair, but Consistent in Class

A teacher needs to be fair with the students, but at the same time consistent. Students should know that if they do something wrong, what the consequence is going to be. They should be aware that there are consequences that follow from the way they behave. Consequences may include formal punishments. Even though punishments are last option, it is important to deal with serious misbehavior.

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3. Arrange Classroom Meetings

A positive classroom atmosphere can be promoted by conducting classroom meetings on a regular basis. Such meeting can encourage effective communication between the teacher and the students. This also provides an opportunity for the teacher to involve special students in all classroom activities. Certain ground rules should also be created for the meeting such as students should help each other, they should show mutual respect, and only one should speak at a time.

4. With-It-Ness

With-it-ness refers to the teacher’s ability to know what is going within the class or among students, even without watching a student or group of students. It is less likely that students will misbehave if they know their teacher notices every little thing going on in the classroom. It is essential that teachers should use their peripheral vision. This helps them to indirectly monitor what is happening in all areas of the class. Continuously scanning the room to see what is going on. Hope you remember your school age where you assume that good teachers have eyes in the back of their heads.

Social stories can also be used to teach students new social skills, routines, behavior, and transitions. Encourage students to praise each other by clapping, cheering or even doing something positive. It creates a positive and fun classroom environment. Effective classroom management strategies can also increase the engagement of all students rather than just a few paying attention and few responding to teacher’s questions.

Grabbing students’ attention in a classroom is not easy for a teacher. Ideal classroom management strategies can help.

Getting students to stay interested and engaged in a classroom is not that easy. Classroom management issues are a great concern, especially for beginning teachers. Reliable smart classroom management strategies are crucial to create a successful learning environment, where students are free from disruptions, distractions and threats to safety and well -being.

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Motivation plays a crucial part in managing students. While intrinsic motivation is a response to needs that exist within the student, extrinsic motivation refers to external rewards on the completion of a task.Teacher app ad banner

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Relevance of Classroom Management is Important to –

• Create a positive learning environment that students feel safe

• Manage class time most effectively

• Engage students in lectures thus boosting confidence

• Organized learning opportunities

• Manage classroom resources in an effective manner

Optimize Student Learning and Achievement with These 19 Strategies

These strategies also impact the student’s life outside of the classroom.

1. Maintain Positive Attitude

Be positive minded. Teach each lesson with a positive mind frame. A negative approach towards your students can provide negative results. Be strict, but be positive. However, too much control can spoil everything.

2. Use Some Signals to Get Attention

 Teachers can use any word, signal or sound to grab student’s attention during class. Popular signals include hand signal, where teacher raises his/her hand and waits for complete silence in the classroom, bells, whistles, turn off the lights, or even claps. Make sure not to continue with your lessons until all the students listen to you.

3. Make Changes in Seating Arrangement

Changes in the seating chart can bring in the discipline in your class. It is the cheapest form of managing our class. Make sure to seat the children where their attention is directed towards you. They should be able to clearly see board and screens as well.

4. Update your Lesson Plan

You should also learn the skills you need to successfully plan and teach motivating lessons. Updated lessons and course structure is essential to the process of teaching and learning. A new teacher must be ready to spend the necessary time developing interesting lessons.

5. Give and Take Respect

To be respected by your students you should also respect them. A warm, personal greeting for each student at the beginning of the day and a farewell at the end would be good. Also, have the general talk with them. Know what the student does at home. Do he read, plays games or even watch TV.

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6. Get them Involved in Extracurricular Activities

You can arrange some extracurricular activities outside the classroom at regular intervals. Evaluate the games your students enjoy the most. Ask every student to participate in those activities in one or the other way. This will also help the students to realize that you are there to encourage them.

7. Compliment positive Behaviors

Instead of correcting a student’s negative attention, ignore his behavior and praise the students. While praising the hardworking student, the other students will most likely copy the model student’s activities so that the teacher will also praise him.

8. Silence is the Right Tool

Shouting at the unruly students will be of no use. It is ideal to use a calm and quiet voice, which reflects your emotions and tone. By remaining silent, students will realize that their teacher values their conversation and respect them to let them finish.

9. Create a Guideline for Disciplinary Measures

Your students should have enough freedom in their class. But at the same time, they should be aware of the after effects of certain actions. When they know what repercussions come with certain behaviors, they are less likely to act out.

10. Balance Friendliness and Position

Maintain the right mix of authority and friendship in your class. Be friendly to your students and advise them in difficult situations. But remember you are the authoritative figure in the room.

11. Stick to the Decided Rules

If you are not ready to follow the rules you set, how your students would follow. Never compromise in the decided measures. Stay steady with your student discipline approach. This will help in stopping students from repeating offenses.

12. Punish the Right Candidate

It would never be fair to punish an entire class, even if it seems that all of them are misbehaving. Choose the right kids who are providing directions. Punishing the class as a group only provokes further conflict.

13. Bring Hard Situations to Light

Handling problematic situations would be difficult for a beginner. In certain cases, talking to the students’ parents will be the right action to take. You can also take help from experienced colleagues.

14. Change the Possible, Leave the Rest

Your class may not be perfect when compared to others. That doesn’t mean that they are not learning. Certain things may be out of your control. Don’t be scared to experiment. Try to turn the negative to positive. Don’t worry about the rest.

15. Try Creative Activities

Make students do creative activities. Provide them ideas. Guide them how to do. For instance, you can make them hang seasonal symbols in the classroom for each season. Celebrate each time they get a compliment from staff member or a visitor.

16. Teach them Social Skills

Teach them social skills such as raising hands, taking turns and sharing them as a part of the learning course. Provide reminders so that they will remember the taught skills.

17. Identify each Student’s Strength

Create opportunities to reveal each kid’s hidden talents and interests. Make sure the student is prepared to exhibit his expertise in the subject.

18. Use Simple Language

The classroom is not the place for teachers to exhibit their language fluency and expertise. Talk to students in a very simple language so that they will clearly understand your instructions. This improves their confidence as well.

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19. Provide more Visual Content

Rather than theory, it is far better to use visual aids like charts, images and graphs. Visuals will stay in their mind for a long time than just text materials.

Remember that the major principle behind classroom management is to deal with students’ disruptive behavior and teaching them how to manage their own behavior.