Burning the midnight oil, exam time is that period in the life of a student which creates a lot of stress, struggling with printed subject material. Not anymore! With technology impacting every sphere of human life, electronic gadgets have become a part and parcel of students’ life in their pursuit of knowledge. Helping you prepare for exams, it seems that your future is actually in your hands in the form of education-friendly devices. These tools can not only help you crack competitive exams but also help you successfully complete your course effortlessly.

Bringing in a modern, student-friendly alternative for better scores in exams, it is through the use of smart school software that you can easily master various subjects. Convenience is the keyword. Not demanding you to set aside particular hours to study hours in class, you can now revise for your exams even while on the go. This way, you will be making the most of the mobile learning technology to not only simplify your learning process but also to be better prepared for every exam that you aim to crack.
Doing away with the conventional bookish revisions which at times came with boredom and strain,

Here are the innovative ways in which your smartphone can become your best tutor and friend for life.

1. Informative Videos 

The World Wide Web is full of educational videos that can be streamed via popular sites like YouTube and Vimeo – a professional video platform which offers ad-free videos for the student fraternity. Seen as interfaces between educators and students, it is through these sites that you can dig into the details of a particular subject. Allowing you to assimilate the nuances behind a concept that is well explained through graphs and charts, these videos create an indelible imprint on your mind.

A picture is worth a thousand words! In line with this maxim, mobile phones through instructional videos help you drift away from the conventional classroom style of learning. Not requiring your physical presence in a classroom to gain knowledge, you can simply log on to these video sites and learn the various concepts that are streamed; anytime and at any place.

2. Audio Playbacks 

Another convenient feature of using mobiles for an exam preparation is the benefit of listening to the topic of discussion. Plenty of audio options are now available in the form of podcasts, online lectures and eBooks. Listening to an educational audio clip can be exciting and informative at the same time. Allowing you to juggle with various activities, you can effortlessly lend an ear to the session while your hands can be busy with different chores. It is this facility of multitasking that will make audio playbacks an innovative means to prepare for an exam.

3. Mobile Applications for Exam Preparation 

An important part of your exam preparation is to assess your recapitulating skills after a particular topic is completed. Allowing you to summarize the contents of a topic, you can make use of certain mobile applications that offer mock tests. Loaded with practice papers, it is through these tests that you can make progress in your studies when you come face to face with the results. Your results indicate not only your strong points but also the topics which demand more of your attention. Categorized according to the level of difficulty, these sample papers offered by certain exam preparation apps can be helpful in clearing school entrance and certification exams.

Pocket Prep is one such mobile application that help you clear exams with customized examinations and conceptual explanations of topics. You can also track your progress through charts and scores.

4. Preparing Notes Through Mobile Applications 

If you are a student who believes in the benefits of jotting down points and notes, then you can make the most of note-taking applications that can be installed on your smartphones. Offering you utmost help, you can simply do away with the ordeal of writing down notes using paper and pen. A simple tap on your phone is all that needed to unveil the wealth of knowledge, wherever and whenever you feel like preparing for your exam.

5. eBooks – The Student-Friendly Study Guides 

Your mobile is undoubtedly your treasure trove of knowledge. Just a click away, you can access voluminous information that can be gathered through eBooks. Fitting into your pocket, smartphones through eReaders, eReader applications and eBooks help you prepare for an exam. Allowing you to delve deep into ambiguous concepts through the internet, it is through these electronic books that you can save a great deal of time and effort to collect resourceful information. In view of all these benefits, it will not be an exaggeration to quote that your smartphone can become an affordable instrument of learning for life.

6. Multiple Applications to Clear Competitive Exams

Competitive exams thrust a great deal of importance on assessing your general knowledge. Testing your IQ, it is through the use of online educational sites via your mobile that you can prepare for competitive exams with general knowledge and math as subjects.

Math Tricks App has all the tricks and simplified versions of solving mathematical problems posed in competitive exams. Simply download this app from Google Play Store and you can effortlessly have the entire question bank of multiple choice questions that can be solved. Speed tests, bookmarks and result checks are the additional tools that will help you measure your progress.

GK for SSC IBPS and IAS Exams is another application that is available for Android users which has questions on current affairs along with online study material that will be useful to clear GATE, UPSC, LIC and other state level government examinations.

Aptitude tests are one of the ways in which aspirants are screened through competitive exams. Aptitude Test and Preparation helps you ace in exams through 7 options which are categorized under Solved Problems, Formulae, Practice Section, Online Tests, Daily Tests along with Tricks and Tips. The conclusion of a test is demonstrated in the form of a pie diagram with your performance details.

7. Mobile Presentations and Seminars 

Many a times, your curriculum will demand the completion of project seminars and presentations as your internal assessment. This is when the Android platform of your smartphone becomes a perfect bet. Tagged as a modern-day instrument for students, Android mobiles can be used to store all the information of a presentation which also allows you to make changes before you submit your project to your evaluator. Allowing you to effortlessly demonstrate your hard work, your smartphone when connected to a projector will work wonders in getting you a top score in your internal assessment.

With so many options now open for students, mobile technology not only simplifies the effort to assimilate information from various online sources but also allows you to crack an exam in the very first attempt.