Math is one of the most troublesome subjects for most of the students. However, the minority who likes math finds it really easy and interesting than any other subject. It is the love for the subject that made them win over it. The way teachers handle the subject is also important when it comes to the end result. There should be some wise strategies applied when handling such subjects. And it is very important to encourage or incorporate growth mindset messages into math class than treating it with a fixed mindset strategy. In fact, changing a student’s math mindset itself can help them to boost their subject performance.
Here are a few among the many important ways teachers can nurture a growth mindset among students while teaching mathematics:

1. Problems with errors: Engaging them with a set of worked out problems that have output errors or step wise errors are a good strategy. This gives them a chance to think out of the box to find out what went wrong and they would come up with better solutions. Giving them such chances to think critically would foster a growth mindset when approaching the subject.

2. Solve problems independently: In most of the math classes, teachers are demonstrating the way of solving a problem at first and ask them to solve a similar problem with different variables. This gives them minimal chances for thinking more about the problem solving as they just replicate what you demonstrated at first. Change your approach to the subject and give them chances to solve the problems independently and then correct their mistakes if any.

3. Re-frame mode of assessment: Changing the mode of assessment can help lot in boosting the growth mindset in math class. Assessment should not always be targeting on the final grades they achieve. The students should be credited if they make an attempt to revisit the problems they went wrong and reworks it to reach the solution. Growth over a period of time is important when it comes to subjects such as math rather than getting a good grade once.

4. Productive feedback: Human brains are programmed to pay more attention to the negative signals. So it is important to give them feedback in the most positive way to help the students to get a growth mindset. A productive feedback with constructive criticism can play the trick rather than pointing out their mistakes in an unfriendly way that causes them to fear the subject.

5. Prepare every student: When we talk about growth mindset, the main target is on students who are performing weak. In fact, equal importance should be given on students who excel now also. This is important to help them perform better every time than living with a mindset that they are masters of the subject. Give them chances to struggle with the subject with some difficult problems and let them face failures once in a while. This works better than facing a failure all of a sudden in a higher class that kills their confidence.

6. Value the learning process: Teachers should convey the message very clearly to the students that grades and ranks are not just the mere motive behind learning. Or else the self perceptions of aptitude injects them a fixed mindset. So it is important to make them understand that the learning process should be valued more than the success achieved temporarily. Prioritizing the learning process over grades boosts their growth mindset.

7. Explore with open problems: Teachers should make an extra effort to give them a chance to explore with open problems. This helps students to understand concepts better and they relate similar problems very fast. In this approach, teacher can first give a simple problem and expand it step by step once they find solutions for each segment. This method helps them to explore the subject with their personal steps rather than looking blindly at an algorithm.

8. Thinking mathematically: Nurture a mindset in them to think mathematically when approaching a problem. You should welcome their questions even when it makes sense or not. Let them visualize the problem or generalize, justify and prove that their approach is right. Develop a curious mindset in them right from their junior classes and help them to be resourceful enough to approach even the weird problems without thinking twice.

9.Multiple entry points: It is important to set multiple entry points for students to treat the subject rather than giving them a fixed guideline. Let them solve problems in their favorite approach with mathematical reasoning. Give them chances to express their understanding and learning through multiple means or conclude their understanding with a varied strategy.

10. Ability grouping: The ability grouping approach by teachers are based on their thoughts about what a student can achieve or not. The idea of weak student groups and intelligent student groups in fact set a fixed mindset in students about their position in the group. The works for the weak groups are mostly easy and demands only less application of brain. This approach actually snatches their chance to perform better and think better with an extra effort. Ability grouping is never a good idea to promote a growth mindset.

11. Stress free classroom: A classroom which is low in stress itself gives them a peace of mind in approaching the subject. Give them ample time to solve a problem in the first time rather than forcing them to solve the problem in the fixed time frame which gives them an unwanted stress. A fixed time frame may block their thinking mindset and they might feel stressed and loss in problems. It is important to talk with them and find out a success plan in their failures rather than pushing them to perform better and stressing them.

12. No fear about mistakes: When approaching a subject like math, it is important to set a mindset that has no fear for mistakes. Or else they would step back without giving it try thinking about the failure. Making them understand that mistakes are stepping stones to success helps them to approach the problems in a confident manner.

13. Set achievable micro-goals: It is good to help them target small achievable goals rather than asking them to push hard for unrealistic targets. This in fact helps them to make an incremental and consistent progress in their approach to the subject. This is actually a psychological approach because repeated small wins continuously gives them a boost in the confidence and they slowly develops a growth mindset.

14. Praise student’s efforts: It is not advisable to praise the intelligence part of a student in their success. Teachers should actually praise their effort on the way to their success. If intelligence is praised over effort, students would lack self motivation in case of a failure in future and they easily get depressed causing repeated failures. But if their effort is praised instead, they would continue to make efforts despite the success or failure.

15. Change view about math brain: It is a common thinking that students who perform better in math are born with a math brain. In fact, it is just an illusion and there is no such brain according to research. Developing a growth mindset during the smaller classes is the key to approach the subject easily with a ‘math brain’. Hard work and determination will always be paid and there is nothing that blocks you to perform better.

16. Promote cooperative learning: According to many researches, studying in groups promotes a growth mindset than individualistic or competitive approach. So promote peer groups in class which gives them a chance to teach and learn from their peers and enjoy the process of learning. When a student performs in groups, it gives them an extra responsibility of performing for the group’s success and this in fact enhances a growth mindset in them.

17. Build up confidence: Making an effort to build up their confidence is just as important as teaching them the different strategies in the subject. A boosted confidence would always be an effective tool for a student rather than knowing some math techniques. This promotes a growth mindset in them and helps them to think on their own in solving the problems even if they are new to the technique.
A fixed mindset when learning math in fact degrades a student’s capability to think out of the box. When teacher gives focus and importance in integrating growth mindset messages while learning math, it actually opens them a world of possibilities and gives a chance to discover and explore their hidden talents. A growth mindset approach can really make a difference in the way they excel in their learning. This teaching technique helps them to think out of the box on many instances and this improves their critical thinking and logical reasoning capability.

Juggling with numbers can seem a herculean task for many children. Irrespective of whether you are a beginner or a mathematical wizard, you can check out 15 brain teasers; all under one roof. Offering an assortment of puzzles with varying difficulty levels, these fun-filled math riddles surely ignite your numerical abilities and transform you into an ardent lover of math. These are ranked in the ascending order of their difficulty levels, featuring easy ones first followed by slightly tough and challenging ones.

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  1. Tricky Math Riddle –

All about fine-tuning your memory and grip with numbers, the Tricky Math Riddle teases your brain by posing a seemingly simple question. You need to come with the solution when you add 3 to 300, five times. Representing a difficulty level of 2/5, this riddle allows you to submit your answer alongside viewing the answers posted by other online friends and math enthusiasts.

  1. Funny Maths Riddle –

Promoting the principle that math can be learnt the funny way, the Funny Maths Riddle comes with a 2/5 difficulty level. This link features a riddle which prompts you to calculate the volume of a circle, given the measurements such as thickness and radius.

A circle with thickness? Sounds strange! Can you think of a spherical object with thickness that is a favorite food for kids and elders alike? Yes! You are right! The subject of this riddle is the famous Italian delicacy; the pizza. So, with this riddle, you will learn the relationship between the thickness and radius in the computation of the volume of a spherical object.

  1. Mathematical Equation Riddle

There is no dearth for fun-filled means to master the subject of numbers, figures and variables. Check out the above link which poses a brain teaser to all those who love to solve mathematical equations. Tagged with a 2/5 difficulty rating, this riddle gives you a mathematical expression that should result in a pre-defined figure. And the trick here is to fill the expression with befitting mathematical operators (+, -, * or /) which are expressed in the form of a “?”. Go on and enjoy the thrill of juggling with various mathematical operators to ultimately crack the riddle. This fun-filled riddle thus helps you learn mathematical functions in the simple yet creative way.

  1. Car Meter Riddle –

Now this is another mind teaser for all those who appreciate the novelty behind palindromes. Featuring a 2/5 difficulty grade, you have a car meter reading which shows 72927. Observe it and you know that it’s a palindrome. And now for the riddle. You need to come up with the minimum number of kilometers that a vehicle has to travel to display another palindrome on the milometer.

  1. Maths Number Riddle –

This brain teaser comes with a clue. And that is to insert two mathematical symbols between four 9s to make them equal to 100. Check out the link which categorizes this riddle under a 2/5 ranking. And once you crack this one, you can proudly display your mathematical expertise to the online fraternity.

  1. Divide Into Two Parts Riddle –

With a 3 on 5 popularity rating, this riddle, so true to its name, allows you to divide 110 into two parts. However, there is a condition to this division. And that is: one part should be 150% of the other. Check out the above link and you can sharpen your brain to come up with the right answer. This riddle too comes with a 2/5 difficulty rating.

  1. Tricky Distance Riddle –

The above link features a mind teaser that teaches you the concepts of time, distance and speed. Two friends are driving down from two different cities at different times and speeds. You need to take into account their respective speeds and the times they started and come up with an answer which matches a condition as to who is closer to a particular city. This riddle too comes with a 2/5 difficulty rating.

  1. Maths Logic Problem –

A yet another mind teaser that comes with a 3/5 popularity rating and 2/5 difficulty rating teaches you math in the logical way. The riddle goes like this:

A large group goes to a party. All of them decide to play and have some fun at the bar counter. The first person goes to the counter and orders the barman for a ½ pint of beer. Now it is the turn of the second person who asks for a ¼ pint of beer. The third person now makes an appearance at the counter, asking for 1/8th pint of beer. The series continues in this manner.

Now for the riddle.

You need to come up with a solution which matches a condition. And the condition is:

How many pints of beer should the barman have so that he can satisfy the needs of the entire group?

Slightly difficult riddles with a 3/5 difficulty rating

If you are already rejoicing with the victory of solving all the above 2/5 rated riddles, then you are getting closer to solving slightly difficult riddles which are lined up for you. Try your hand at these which comes as a true test to your mathematical and logical thinking skills.

  1. Easy Tricky Maths Riddle –

Check out the above link to find a tricky yet easy-to-solve riddle that will sharpen your fundamentals about the addition to positive whole numbers. Coming with a difficulty rating of 3/5, this riddle is all about identifying three positive whole numbers that result in the same answer when multiplied or added together. That means, the sum and product of these three positive whole numbers are the same.

Inquisitive to know what these numbers are? Then, you need to put in some effort and rack your brain to come up with a right solution. Allowing your mind to think deep, you can submit your answer for the rest of the online math-learning community to be in awe of your computation skills.

  1. Prime Number Riddle –

Students who are keen on learning the concept of prime numbers in the fun way can check out the above link. There lies a riddle that prompts you to come up with four consecutive prime numbers that when added lead to a sum of 220. Ranked with a difficulty level of 3/5, this link allows you to view the comments of fellow students and online friends who have already solved the riddle and have the answer for you.

Also Read : School Counselling helps enhance student performance

  1. Math or Science Problem –

Check out this link and you will be thrilled to find a number of mind teasers that come with a variety of difficulty levels. Testing your IQ through a host of simple and difficult riddles, you can indulge in this edutainment activity that promises a perfect blend of excitement coupled with a widened knowledge about math concepts.

  1. Number 8 Math Riddle –

The riddle with a popularity and difficulty rating of 3/5 is all about how many times you will have to paint the number 8 by the time you finish painting 100 hostel rooms.

  1. Common Exam Problem –

Under this heading, you will be given a series of additions with their respective answers. You should identify the common condition that satisfies all the additions. Once you have identified the commonality between all the equations, it becomes a breeze for you to solve the riddle that is mentioned down below the equations. You can submit your answer alongside view the solutions provided by other online math enthusiasts.

  1. Trick Maths Riddle –

You will agree with the fact that Math is a tricky subject governed by simple rules. If you follow these rules, you will be able to solve riddles effortlessly. One such tricky yet simple-to-solve riddle can help you sharpen your knowledge about division and multiplication operations on a series of fractions. This riddle comes with a difficulty and popularity rating of 3/5.

A Series of Tough Math Riddles

Let us now move on to the toughest riddle link that enlists an array of brain teasers with a 4/5 difficulty rating. All of them naturally come with a 4/5 popularity rating, exciting the imaginative side of math learners to come up with the right solution.

  1. Tough Maths Riddle –

As the name suggests, the link of Tough Maths Riddle presents many tough brain teasers that test your reasoning and logical capabilities. Try your hands at these for you to experience the excitement of putting your math knowledge to its best use.

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Closing Thoughts

All in an attempt to strengthen your knowledge about math and its expansive collection of concepts, working on all the above brain teasers and riddles will help you experience an impeccable grasp over the subject of numbers teamed with functions, figures and variables.

You as a parent must have noticed the difficulty your child has with numbers while he is so good at reading and writing English. He might even find it difficult to perform simple mathematical functions like additions and subtractions. Helping such kids, guessing games come as interesting and fun-filled options to master the seemingly complicated subject of numbers and figures.

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For all such kids who are confused about numbers, here are the numerous ways in which guessing games can help them feel comfortable with numbers.

  1. Intuition Plays A Significant Role

Primarily aimed at eliminating the math phobia of your kid, you can introduce him/her to a guessing game. As a part of the game, he should be prompted to guess the number of items in a set of objects without actually counting them one-by-one. This intuitive manner of arriving at the right number helps your kid perform better with numbers.

  1. Start Small and Leap Ahead

While you have identified the basic issue with your kid in case of numbers, he might surprise you, by beating you in a game of chess. Chess is an intuitive and intelligent game that sharpens the imagination of your kid to base his next move by imagining your next move with your chess pawns. Guessing games help your kid to think about numbers, their approximations and various combinations. You can start off with simple numerical exercises and then move on to solving complicated math problems.

  1. Reasoning Skills Are Sharpened

A proper workout to the brain can be ensured through guessing games. These fun-filled, educative games come with plenty of interactive activities which makes math learning exciting. A host of number problem games can put your kid’s logical thinking to test. They can also handhold your kid to sharpen his reasoning skills as well.

  1. Math is All Around You

When you look around, you will find a host of natural objects that can teach your kid the significance of shapes and sizes. A yellow flower with 5 petals looks so different from a rose with multiple petals. If you can coax your kid to appreciate the various objects in nature and their innate differences and similarities, your kid can get over his fear of numbers naturally.

  1. Inculcates a Positive Learning Environment

With guessing games, you can sharpen the math skills of your kid in the midst of a safe and engaging environment. These games which come a host of in-built contests can help your kid stretch his imagination and tide over those numerical challenges. And once your child begins to excel in intuitive math tasks, you can find an evident improvement in his math grades in school.

  1. Numbers Speak for Themselves

Research conducted on two group of students; one which was subjected to intuitive math tasks and the other which followed the controlled task procedure demonstrate a positive response in terms of guessing games. Researchers concluded that the group which was exposed to guessing games registered a 25% improvement in terms of better understanding and faster grasp of mathematical concepts when compared to the other group which focused entirely on controlled tasks.

  1. A Strong Foundation to Math Fundamentals

Bookish information at times fails to lay a strong foundation of mathematical concepts. In such cases, it is through guessing games that students can polish their math fundamentals. They begin to comprehend the reason behind a particular mathematical rule or axiom. Such games ignite the creative senses of your child who will start loving the mental exercises; without simply memorising mathematical postulates.

  1. Mental Math Games

A special mention goes out to the prominence of mental math games which can become instruments of teaching your kid mathematical problem-solving skills. Repeated practice is possible when questions keep changing over and over again. Without any time restrictions to arrive at a right answer, you can gain brownie points provided if you are quick with your answers.

  1. A Practical Approach To Deal With Numbers and Shapes

When you as a parent encourage your children to look at math in a practical way, you will be reinforcing their problem-solving skills. Prompt them to think about numbers by applying real-world scenarios and you will not only strengthen their math skills but will also pave the way for a creative bent of mind.

  1. Guessing Is Not the Be-All-End-All of Mastering Math

With a strong sense of conviction, you as a parent know and believe that guessing random numbers for every math question your kid finds in his/her textbooks is not the right practice. However, there are instances which signify the prominence of educated guesses. Such well-informed guesses can be of utmost use to your kids. They will help your child come up with the right estimate which need not stem from a random guess. Since your kid is extending effort in the direction of making an accurate guess, he will be close to the right answer which will lead to an exciting means to estimate numbers.

  1. Allows Kids the Luxury of Making Mistakes and Learn From Them

With guessing games, your child will begin to understand that it is perfectly fine to make mistakes. He will also appreciate the fact that he should not expect the correct answer in the very first attempt. He will acclimatize himself with the trial-and-error method and will rule out the guesses that have taken him further away from the solution and will incorporate the closer guess that will provide him with the right answer. By following this strategy, your kids will sharpen their logical thinking as well.

  1. The Universal Ideology Behind “Guess and Check”

Named as a promising problem-solving strategy that can be applied to guessing games, students who adhere to the “guess and check” principle will be able to solve math problems by initially guessing the answer. Then they check to see whether the guess matches all the predefined conditions of the problem. They will then refine the guess to come closer to the solution. This is a famous ideology that has churned out many research mathematicians when they guess a possible solution to a math equation and then try to prove it with a valid condition called as “Proof”.

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Closing Thoughts 

The study of numbers and figures can indeed be a difficult task for students. But with guessing games, you as a parent will be encouraging your children to look at math through a pair of practical eyes. This way, your children will enjoy learning math as an exciting and stimulating part of their daily routine.