Undoubtedly, teachers are the ones who play a vital role in molding the character and future of their students. Each one of them has their bars set when it comes to imparting knowledge, some do it with kindness while others put forward their most strict version. Teachers indeed are the torch bearers of next generation and what better than films to portray their importance in our lives.

Here are some of the awesome educational movies every teacher should watch to realize their worth.

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5 Inspirational Movies That Every Student Must Watch

1. Dangerous Minds

Dangerous Minds, made in the 20th century, this movie revolves around a teacher who displays dedication in teaching those who hail from an under-privileged school. Teaching a bunch of disrespectful and rude students is never easy, but LouAnne Johnson easily slips into the role of a determined teacher and brings her students back on track.

2. Stand and Deliver

Stand and Deliver, another movie based on a true story is all about a teacher who wins over the battle of transforming a bunch of dumb and hopeless students to those topping in the state in mathematics. Then follows a league of struggle before finally tasting the sweetness of their success.

3. Lean on Me

Lean on Me, the very famous actor Morgan Freeman plays the role of a principal who has a hard time improving the culture of  school and making it a productive place for children. Although a tough task, he never compromises on the happiness of the children at any cost.

4. The Karate Kid

One of the most powerful movies teachers should watch. The Karate Kid is about a kid called Daniel, who is trained by his mentor in exceptional ways so as to prepare him for physical protection. This movie is really inspiring if you focus on the part where the teacher come up with out-of-the-box ideas to train his kid.

5. Election

If, as a teacher, you are interested in student relationship, then go watch Electionas it focuses on the dark secrets of students' government. The movie takes a funny twist and at the same time invokes the vitality of student relationship.

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6. School Ties

There are many kinds of discrimination faced by students and the movie School Ties is just about all the unjust experiences faced by them, focusing more on the concept of antisemitism. Although a very old movie, it surely deserves a watch by teachers of this generation.

7. October Sky

Teachers not only teach you, but also provide you a good direction when you find your goal fading away. October Sky is about a teenage having keen interest in rocket launching. At the end, he makes it to the NASA, thanks to the support and direction imparted by his teacher.

8. Good Will Hunting

This is one of the famous educational movies seen by most of the people. Genius by birth, Will Hunting ends up studying mathematics despite never attending school in his entire life. Good Will Hunting throws light on talent more than regular schooling practice.

9. The Mighty

It is not always the teachers who inspire us and help us in the process of learning. Many a times, you find your best teachers in the form of friends, relatives and dear and near ones. The Mighty is one of its kind which is about two friends having a lot in store for each other.

10. Stand By Me

When was the last time you were forced to live up to unjustified expectations of your family? The story  Stand By Me smartly tells how students have to fight a tough war while dealing with hopes and pressure. Somewhere it makes us realize of all the wrong we have been doing as a parent or a teacher.

There is no dearth of educational movies which have a deep impact on those who teach and impart knowledge. However, do watch the listed ones above, so that you end up learning something or the other from each of them.