Tracking of classroom behaviour is very important in today’s learning portfolio but doing it without shaming students or giving the feel of punishment is a challenge.

Teachers are looking forward to creative ways to track their behaviour that paves the way for positive reinforcement.

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In fact these trackers can be a great option to help students correct any unknown flaws and make positive decisions throughout the learning phase.

Certain classroom behaviour trackers can even make the learning sessions more interesting and students will feel more engaged and diligent.

Here we are sharing some of the amazing creative ideas that are teacher tested that can track the classroom behaviour of students in an interesting, joyous and friendly manner.

1. Classroom Data Sheets

This is an improved version of the old behaviour chart used in traditional classrooms.

There will be different columns spread out in the sheet including punctuality, complete uniform, attendance, complete assignments, weekly test marks, classroom distraction and more.

Teacher will have to take some extra time out of their teaching time to fill out these columns for each student by the end of the day.

The chart will be analyzed monthly and students can get an idea of their behaviour pattern over the month.

Teachers can be stricter by asking the monthly report to get signed by the parents or make it simple by giving just warning and a chance to correct them.

2. Number Line

This is a more systematic way of tracking the behaviour of students on a scale of -10 to 10.

First of all teacher should make clear about the ‘classroom rules’ to students and let them know about how their behaviour is assessed.

This gives students a clear vision of how to behave in class and work towards earning more points.

Teacher can give marks from 1 to 10 in the number line for a positive behaviour and give marks from -10 to 0 for any negative behaviour. The total marks earned for each day will be a sum of these marks.

If their score is low for certain days, students can work to improve their monthly score by behaving well for rest of days.

3. Behavior Bingo

This is an interesting game that helps to manage the classroom in a jovial way.

Teachers can place a chart with numbers from 1 to 100 in 10 horizontal rows.

There will be a box of marbles with magnet attached to the backside. Whenever a student comes up with a good choice, accomplish a task or reach a milestone, they can attach a marble to the number on the board.

The ultimate aim of the game will be to get a complete line of numbers full like horizontal, vertical or diagonal just like the bingo game.

That is why it is a team game as students will be motivating each other to earn the points and get the final prize.

Teachers can even discuss rewards for each line completed.

Know More: 24 Best Classroom rules that will improve students behaviour

4. Classroom Coupons

Kids would love this strategy to track classroom behaviour as they get a chance to fulfil their small desires in classroom with a good behaviour.

Students can gain coupons for their good deeds in classroom and lose it if they fail to meet any ‘classroom rules’.

At the end of every week or month, teachers can analyze the coupons when they can exchange it to fulfil certain activities.

The list can include ‘kid’s desires’ like switch seat when they can move their seat near to their particular friend or wearing sun glass to school and more.

This strategy is sure to inspire students to have a look on their behaviour.

5. Bee-havior Punch Cards

This is a cute but effective way to encourage good behaviour and positivity among students.

There will be a punch card numbered from 1 to 20 in a circular motion.

A student can punch the card once against a number when they are given a positive feedback by a teacher for their classroom behaviour.

When a student succeeds to fill up the whole punch card, he will be getting a reward.

The type of reward can be decided after discussion with students and know their interests beforehand.

This encourages kids to keep up their behaviour and earn what they like in the form of rewards.

6. Blurt Beans

This is another creative way of assessing and correcting student behaviour in classroom.

When teachers are finding it difficult to control the student actions by just advising, this idea can do the trick.

All students of the class will be given X number of beans at the start of the class. Each time when the student violates a ‘classroom rule’ like blurting out answers, a bean will be taken back.

Likewise, the number of left out beans will be counted at the end of the day to see where they stand.

Kids can have a look at the result to get a physical reflection of their actions in the class.

This is sure to motivate them in the upcoming class days to improve the number of beans retained.

7. Personal Clip Chart

We have seen classroom management clip charts that are designed to manage the class as a whole.

This personal clip chart method is used to help each student to have a look at the impact of their behaviour in class and gets a chance to correct it.

The chart can include columns like great, good, warning and finally parent contact. The clip will be placed on the chart based on their behaviour.

Teachers can even give different colours to these columns to give an impact.

The method gives a clear visual warning for their unwanted behaviours and will inspire students to focus on their chart and behave better.

8.  Star Bucks

This is a fun strategy of classroom management that works on Star Wars and Monopoly Money.

This interesting game plan gives kids an opportunity to earn money for ticking the lines for good listening, daily attendance or punctuality or for completing certain special deeds.

At the same time, they have to pay back to teacher if they violate any ‘classroom rules’ like blurting out answers or distracting classroom.

Teachers can fix a time every week to analyze these points and kids can ‘shop’ with the money they earn every week.

Know More: 2019’s Top 11 Classroom Challenges According to Teachers

9. Digital Marbles

In this interesting method, teachers can set different goals for classroom to earn marbles throughout the day.

You can flexibly add a reward amount for each marble type or personalized rewards and then set targets to achieve those marbles.

Teachers can give a finishing line like 15 marbles for a class and students can work together to achieve the line and then start all over again.

In traditional classrooms, teachers used jars to fill up the marble but today’s classrooms prefer the idea of digital marbles.

If your students are not really interested in physical jar or marbles or if there is not enough space in the room for these, digital marbles can do the trick.

You can even polish these ideas to include digital cookies, hot cocoa or sundaes.

10. Daily Behaviour Charts

This is a comparatively simple but effective idea for tracking classroom behaviour.

A chart is prepared using all the subjects allotted for the day and ‘break times’ like brunch break and lunch break. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 will be marked against all these categories.

The corresponding teacher for the subjects will give a mark for each student depending on their behaviour during the period.

At the end of the day, each student will get the final mark which will be the average of each category.

This strategy gives them an opportunity to improve their scores throughout the day.

11. Team Tables

This is a fun but creative way of promoting good classroom behaviour.

Class can be divided into four groups based on their seating arrangement and name them with a colour, say red table, blue table, green table and yellow table.

The performance of each table will be evaluated based on many categories like punctuality, attendance, communication, up to date with lessons and following ‘classroom rules’.

Marks of each table will be a team effort and this helps them to work together as a team and bring in good sportsmanship. 

The winning table for each month will be given rewards based on the student interest that can be decided beforehand.

A token of love gesture can be to put up a customized balloon in the corner of classroom with winning table’s name on it.

12. ClassDojo

All the strategies discussed were more or less manual ideas to track the classroom behaviour and improve it.

Class Dojo is one of the most efficient tools for tracking the classroom behaviour digitally. Its feedback feature performs like a conventional classroom points system.

However, it records more information in a speedy and efficient manner and the calculations are done using a computer or mobile which would be more accurate.

Moreover, they provide immediate feedback to parents and teachers and changeover results from students will be more speedy.

However, teachers should make sure that these ideas won’t turn disruptive to instruction but carried out in a systematic way.

Also just tracking the behaviour alone does not complete the task but teachers have to sit to sort it out to change the negative behaviour if any.

It is important to discuss with students to learn if they are comfortable with these tracking tools.

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Teachers are not supposed to enforce any behaviour tracking tool to a class which will bring negative results.

If they find it shaming or a waste of time, it is always good to ask them to come up with better ideas if any and implement it as a team.

Some teachers even follow the idea of private behaviour chart for students who are interested and use other methods to track the general behaviour of class.

Teaching has never been so tough the way it is today. Teachers are playing really smart to get the best out of their students as their achievement is directly proportional to the efforts they put in the classroom. This calls for good classroom management strategies as it’s really tough for the students to gain knowledge in chaotic atmosphere. To curb the unwanted things, the relation between teacher and the student should be really strong and respectful.

Here are some other points you need to consider when you are looking out for a lasting positive change in the classroom

Recap: Top 6 Classroom Management Strategies for Keeping the Attention of Your Students

1. Teacher should be dominant over the students and not otherwise

There should be a set of rules for every task and if not followed, it should be warned with negative consequences. They should also keep a watch on each student activities and their progress over the course of time.

2. Be co-operative at the same time

Imposing your rules and ideas all the time would do no good in the long term. Focus on maintaining a good balance while in classroom. There might be some serious reasons for a particular behaviour. The best is to understand your students and maintain a good rapport with them so as to make them feel comfortable with you throughout the lecture.

3. Come up with a set of rules for during at the start of the academic year

Although this may take away your time in the begining, but is very fruitful and organised way of maintaining class in the long term. You should surely involve students in the activity as they are the ones to follow the suit. This has also given a defined goal for the students which they can look forward to from day one.

4. Students have their own dignity too

You are the one, teaching doesnt’ mean you can behave the way you want. It is always suggested to handle any behaviour of the student calmly and without much chaos. This way, dignity of the student won’t be harmed and he will get his lesson in a subtle way. Take such efforts so that students are not fearful of you, but consider you as their friend and confidant. In this way, the class will always be disciplined.

Read Also: Top Classroom Management Strategies for Keeping the Attention of Your Students

5. Try to maintain neutral relations with students

There might be instances where you are aware that a particular student is right and the other one has made the mistake, but you don’t need to show it to them as students may doubt you have a partial behaviour. Make sure to know the whole story and tacke it in a friendly and neutral manner.

6. Praise your students for the right deed to give them much needed motivation

Dont forget praising the student who reaches your expectations. This can have stunning positive effect on the student. Other than this, other students will see the goal more clearly now and then can act upon in a quick way. It will surely create a healthy atmosphere in the classroom and make students feel confident about themselves.

Thus, being a teacher, you should have the ability to see the beauty and strength of each student. Mould them in the best way possible so that they can use their energy in the right direction. These small tips will surely help a lot in the long run to maintain the class easily and see progress in each of the student. The more students feel loved and respected, the more efforts they are going to put in to succeed.


Teaching has never been an easy job. Taking care of a bunch of teenagers, who are just ready to do anything but studies, take lots of patience and well planned classroom management strategies. If you feel helpless at times while finishing this challenge, then there are many people similar to you facing similar delimma.

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With so many distraction these days, it is vey easy for the students to get carried away and loose focus. Thus, you need to ponder over these ideas to maintain the attention of the student for a longer time, while teaching.

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1. Rules help a lot indeed

All you need is a good set of rules and a plan to execute them well with your students. This basically means keeping them occupied throughout the session so that they seldom get any free time to distract themselves. Other than this, it will also give them a good direction in the long run.

2. Make the sessions as interesting as possible

Paying attention to a plain lecture is not at all easy. Instead, try out other forms of imparting knowledge. For instance, group discussions and surprise tests related to the session and other such ideas will for sure keep the students hooked to the whole learning process. You can even try adding visual representations of the chapters to maintain attention for a longer duration.

3. Small break will do the needful

Well the plan is to maintain attention but boredom comes really soon if the topics are serious and lengthy. During such times, let students take mini breaks of few minutes. It will help them to unwind and get ready for the further session. One smart of doing this is telling them half of the story and keeping the important stuff for the second half so that students come on time, out of sheer curiosity.

4. Try inculcating humor in between lectures

Serious sessions are never a good option. Instead, try adding humor in the class. This will not only keep the students attentive but also strengthen the bond between students and the teacher. Students will, hence, listen to their teacher attentively. It also eliminates the factor of fear and helps the teacher to manage the class in a smartly and friendly manner.

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5. Lets start the session with a quick exercise routine

Sitting at a place for many sessions makes them lazy and unattentive. During such times, the best practice is to start the session with some simple execises like bending, twisting and stretches. It surely freshens up the mood and prepares the brain to remain attentive for a longer duration, thus helping in managing the class easily.

6. Speak something off-topic

Although it is the main aim, you dont always need to stick to the topic. Sometimes you can discus about news, movies, artists and other topics which will be a refreshing break and inculcate student involvement. Moreover, it will then help student to actively participate in the activities related to the main lecture as well.

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There are numerous ways to maintain the attention of students. So, next time you enter the classroom and find yourself in the middle of a bunch of students filled with boredom, you have these quick hacks in hand.

When you enter a classroom, you find students chatting in groups while some others making noises just for fun. This is, indeed, a common sight for teacher who walks in with a study plan in his or her mind. With so much distraction around the students, its quite easy for them to get carried away and loose focus.

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Here are a few ideas to make the best use of time to maintain the attention of your students.

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4 Innovative Teaching Methods to “WOW” Your Students

1. Rules help students stay attentive throughout the session

It all starts with a set of fresh rules followed religiously by you as well as the class. Such acceptable procedures will surely give the students a certain direction. They will be occupied with something always and moreover, this will fulfill the major goal of maintaining silence and decorum.

2. Visual instructions are more appealing than a plain lecture

Try to bring in more  pictorial representations while teaching the class. This will help students stick to the topic for a longer period of time, leading to a peaceful class. A common belief says that students show a great deal of interest when lessons are taught with pictures.

3. Student involvement increases attentiveness

A lecture will surely become uninteresting after a certain period of time, resulting in communicative behavior. To overcome this situation, you can come up with certain activities for each session which demand participation of each student. This will keep them hooked up to the session, surely in a very interesting manner. Role playing activities can be really helpful in this direction.

4. Humor is a huge attention getter

Running out of ideas to maintain the interest of your students on a daily basis? Try using humor as a part of teaching process. Humor never fails to grab attention for a longer period of time. Make use of it in reference to the chapter going on. This will also help students remember the important points of the chapter effortlessly.

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5. Unexpected games can really grab attention for a long time

Teaching can be really boring at times for the students as well as the teacher. This calls for a change in the teaching pattern. Keep eye contact with each student. This will foster a healthy environment in the classroom. Moreover, good interaction will then lead to a class full of attentive students. This will surely remove the fear of a teacher, making it easier for the teacher to manage the class throughout a session.

6. Mini breaks will take care of all the discipline

Study suggests that it becomes tough to maintain attention after 20 minutes of the session. Breaks are essential for the mind as well as body to prepare for the next session. Another amazing idea to keep them engaged is to narrate half of the story from the syllabus and students will surely return back from break on time to know the ending, helping you to practice healthy as well as disciplined learning.

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Teaching is indeed tough. But then there are numero uno ways to control the mayhem and grab students’ attention in no time. You need to come up with smart tactics listed above. Other than these, there are many other ideas you can use to make sure your class is attentive and shows interest throughout the session.

You might have heard that great teachers doesn’t simply teach class lessons. They impart life lessons as well. To do that, building relationships with students are very important. Here are some smart classroom management strategies to help you build lasting teacher-student relationships.

Avoid Friction With Students

i. Avoid strategies that cause friction with students for it will make classroom management difficult.
ii. Avoid negative comments as long as possible as such comments will have a demotivating effect on the class room environment.
iii. You can avoid harmful methods such as corporal punishment, favouritism, etc  to create a conducive classroom atmosphere.

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Build Rapport Naturally

i. Just avoid friction and what you will obtain is a tension free, natural, extraordinarily effective teaching experience.
ii. Your pleasant, confident mode of personality will go a long way in ensuring the students’ confidence in you.
iii. As a teacher, your behaviour would naturally and organically influence students and increase their confidence in turn.

Create A Classroom That Is Mutual And Participatory

The most important aspect in ensuring the effectiveness of teaching is to make your students actively participate in class activities.

Participating in class activities ensures that students learn more from you and you learn more from your students. It helps your students develop all important trust in you. With time, they will gain confidence in their abilities while knowing their strengths and weaknesses.

Rely Exclusively On Your Classroom Management Plan

It is important to make your classroom management strategy to be the sole point of accountability and thus remove the stress of arguing, pleading, and battling with students. Make sure that students participate in all academic related activities as a valued member of your class.

Build Their Trust In You

The point to be highlighted to build healthy relationship is that students trust you on account of your words and deeds along with our consistently pleasant manners and natural behaviour patterns as well.

The simple fact of a good smart class room strategies and its success rests upon the fact is that better the rapport you have with your students, the easier the classroom management becomes!

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The key question is how we are going to make a healthy rapport?

1. The process of making and keeping healthy, genuine, behavior-influencing rapport,  is through kindling in them deep desire to share with them your vision of a ideal classroom.

2. The element of rapport becomes so easy and effortless while the teacher manages his  classroom without much friction and conflict with students.

3. The smart class room management also involves or demands the teacher to abstain from yelling, scolding, sarcasm, etc and thus to make healthy relationships for that matter.

4. The point to b remembered is that the healthy rapport is the positive feelings students carry about you.

5. You should also keep in mind that such a relationship occur organically from the initial day itself and it just goes on stronger as the days passes by.

6. Moreover, it also becomes important on your part to make the students near-obsessive reliance on your classroom management plan.

7. It is also important make your conversations and interactions to become open and easy.

8. You should keep in mind that making and keeping relationships is a long term affair and not a single time affair.

9. Foremost aspect of smart classroom management is in knowing building healthy rapport with students is also the effective way to classroom management.

10. Last but not the least the character integrity will also ensure a healthy smart room strategy and its implication.

These are some tips or strategies to help you improve student-teacher relationships. If you have other ideas, please feel free to share them in the comment section.

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“Children should be able to live a life free from bullying and harassment and it is time that we all took a stand against this.” – Katherine Jenkins

Student bullying is one of the most frequently reported discipline problems at schools as well as colleges. According to the report from National Education Association, 21% of elementary schools, 43% of middle schools, and 22% of high schools reported problems with bullying in 2005-06.

Types of bullying may include teasing, leaving someone out on purpose, and taking or breaking someone’s things. Classroom management strategies play a crucial role in preventing bullying. Teachers can make their students read certain anti-bullying books that keep their students stay active and reduce stress.

Here is a list 14 anti-bullying books every child should read.

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1. Chrysanthemum

Written by Kevin Henkes, Chrysanthemum is a school story about teasing, self-esteem, and acceptance. The story is about a young girl Chrysanthemum, who is teased for her name at school. Student at her school teases her to be named after a flower, which makes her hate the name. But later students began to accept her after learning that a teacher who they admire also has a long first name and is also named after a flower.

2. Edwardo: The Horriblest Boy in the Whole Wide World

Edwardo, an ordinary boy is the main character in this book written by John Burningham. Though he is occasionally rough and noisy, he was pointed out as the cruelest boy in the world. But later his actions were considered positively and he was called as the loveliest boy in the world.

3. The Recess Queen by Alexis O’neill

Mean Jean is the schoolyard bully, whom every other students are scared of. She is the one who kicks, swings and bounces before anyone else. But this gets changed after a new student Katie Sue arrives. Not aware of the ground rules Katie kicks first and them invites Mean Jean to play together, which changes the situation.

4. The Juice Box Bully

Written by Bob Sornson & Maria Dismondy, the story is more about the unity in a classroom and how Pete, who has a bad behavior, finally decides to give the group’s promise a try.Despite Pete’s rude behavior class treats him kindly which changes the boy.

5. Enemy Pie

This story by Derek Munson is about Jeremy Ross who feels slighted by the new neighbor. Jeremy accepts dad’s offer to prepare a new recipe to get rid of the enemy, which is Enemy Pie. However, the part of this secret recipe is to spend an entire day playing with the enemy. The games turn his best enemy into his best friend.

6. The Hundred Dresses

This childrens’ book by Eleanor Estes centers around Wanda Petronski, a Polish-American girl who is teased by her classmates for wearing the same old faded blue dress every day to school. As she can’t bear the teasing any more she lies that she owns one hundred dresses at home, which makes others bully her mercilessly. Later her father decides that she must leave that school. But later the students who felt kind towards her writes a kind letter to her old address, but she has already moved away.

7. Each Kindness

Written by the Newbery Honor-winning author Jacqueline Woodson. Chloe and her friends dislike Maya, who wears old dress, eats odd food and behaves quite strange. And one day Maya leaves school. It’s when Chloe’s teacher teaches a lesson about kindness, Chloe realizes the value of lost opportunity for friendship.

8. The Invisible Boy

This Trudy Ludwig’s book is the story of young Brian, a quiet boy, who was ignored by other students and even the teacher. It is the new boy Justin, who notices Brian’s kindness and his talent in drawing. Justin turns into Brian’s savior and this provides him a way to shine.

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9. Bully

The book by Patricia Polacco is about cyberbullying and will be a good one to read for increasingly digitally-savvy students. Lyla, who is new at school become friends with another new comer Jamie. By scoring top grade on an essay, Lyla manages to get attention of three popular girls in school. Slowly she leaves Jamie behind. But when she is wrongly accused of stealing a test, she finds herself being bullied on Facebook and online.

10. Wonder

The book written by R.J. Palacio, the story centers on August Pullman (Auggie) who is born with a facial deformity. For the same reason, his parents home-schooled him. But later he’s being sent to a real school in his fifth grade. The story includes certain sentimental situations where some kids use hateful language, and some people suggest that Auggie is mentally deficient.

11. Thirteen Reasons Why

This book by Jay Asher provides positive messages about the importance of treating people with kindness. A mysterious box that Clay Jensen finds while returning home from school includes few cassettes that discusses thirteen reasons that makes a girl in his school commit suicide.

12. Dear Bully

A must-read book for teens written by Dawn Metcalf, it includes 70 heartfelt stories about bullying in this collection. The stories were shared by top young adult authors.

13. Tease

The book by Amanda Maciel includes real-life incidents, where a teenage girl named Sara Wharton faces criminal charges. The charge she faces is for bullying after a classmate Emma Putnam commits suicide. Now she feels guilty as her peers, community and media points out her mistake.

14. Side Effects May Vary

The book by Julie Murphy features the life of the 16 year old Alice, who decides to take revenge of her classmates after being diagnosed with leukemia. Realizing that she won’t leave for more, she hurts people for what they’ve done in the past. But finally she has to face the consequences.

Teaching a number of children with different attitudes, behaviour and attention spans can be a challenging task. Bad behavior is not something a teacher should tolerate in a classroom. You cannot ignore it or it will get worse. It is crucial to teach students to manage their own behavior. Understanding the root cause of the child‘s behaviour is essential. Basic models in understanding child behaviour includes:

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• Biological, where children’s behavior will be influenced by their environment
• Behavioral, where behavior can be modified through classical or operant conditioning
• Cognitive, the approach that helps the child judge and reason effectively and have a perception of their surroundings
• Systemic that targets the individual‘s behavior within the family, friends, school, classmates and community
• Psychodynamic that focus on understanding and intervening by unravelling past conscious and unconscious experiences

Effective classroom management strategies should be implemented to run a well-disciplined classroom. Behaviour management can promote a positive and caring classroom community that encourages student learning, positive peer and teacher relationships and self-motivation.

Effective Strategies to Check Out

An effective classroom management will help to develop a quality relationship between the teacher and the students in the classroom. Certain classroom management strategies can help to change student’s attitude gradually.

1. Teach those Routines and Rules

First, create the rules and the routines that the class agree. Next step is teaching them. Explain the created rules in a clear, brief language. Students should also be taught to use those rules in different special areas such as the lunchroom, hallway, school bus, or playground. It is ideal to create routines and rules in the beginning of the school year and also shared with parents. It should also be reviewed frequently throughout the year. Most students learn routines and procedures quickly. The teacher has to periodically review the routine and reteach it.

2. Be fair, but Consistent in Class

A teacher needs to be fair with the students, but at the same time consistent. Students should know that if they do something wrong, what the consequence is going to be. They should be aware that there are consequences that follow from the way they behave. Consequences may include formal punishments. Even though punishments are last option, it is important to deal with serious misbehavior.

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3. Arrange Classroom Meetings

A positive classroom atmosphere can be promoted by conducting classroom meetings on a regular basis. Such meeting can encourage effective communication between the teacher and the students. This also provides an opportunity for the teacher to involve special students in all classroom activities. Certain ground rules should also be created for the meeting such as students should help each other, they should show mutual respect, and only one should speak at a time.

4. With-It-Ness

With-it-ness refers to the teacher’s ability to know what is going within the class or among students, even without watching a student or group of students. It is less likely that students will misbehave if they know their teacher notices every little thing going on in the classroom. It is essential that teachers should use their peripheral vision. This helps them to indirectly monitor what is happening in all areas of the class. Continuously scanning the room to see what is going on. Hope you remember your school age where you assume that good teachers have eyes in the back of their heads.

Social stories can also be used to teach students new social skills, routines, behavior, and transitions. Encourage students to praise each other by clapping, cheering or even doing something positive. It creates a positive and fun classroom environment. Effective classroom management strategies can also increase the engagement of all students rather than just a few paying attention and few responding to teacher’s questions.

If you want to help students motivate themselves, there should be a balance provided intrinsically and extrinsically. Autonomy, competence, relatedness, and relevance are the four qualities that are critical for this process. They are the 4 essential parts of Classroom Management StrategiesLet’s go through these 4.

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For promoting learner autonomy, one strategy is to provide your students with the freedom of choice. Generally, us educators think of this idea through the view point of organization and procedures. As an example, an organizational choice might enable students to speak out for seating assignments or make teams for their learning groups. As for procedural choice, it gives your students a chance to select from a given list of homework choices.

Cognitive choice is a third point put forward by some researchers. They believe that this would be a better approach to provide student autonomy. Cognitive method would include ideas such as:

  • Students developing ideas for homework related to the topic
  • Students sharing different approaches and thinking processes for solving problems
  • Problem based learning – where a class splits in to small groups to come out with solutions to issues
  • Teachers making use of the thinking routine to initiate the students to think and ask questions and learn by becoming inquisitive


Feedback is highly important to boost the morale of students, and a crucial part of classroom management strategies as well. When a student does well, we should praise their effort. Praising effort has a significantly higher impact than praising intelligence. The latter forces the student to not risk their genius status. But when you praise the effort taken, it makes them understand that one learns through hard work.

For healthy learning, providing critical feedback is also necessary. Plussing is the strategy to be used here. It is a concept used by Pixar animation studios with a high rate of success.

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A key factor in developing intrinsic motivation in students is by creating good quality relations with tutors they respect. When you or your teachers take a genuine effort in developing these relationships, it pays off really well. Here are some steps to go forward in this path:

  • Be genuinely interested in the students – Take an interest in their dreams and interests. Keep an open communication which is two way. Share your stories with them and hear theirs out too.
  • Be flexible – Understand their needs, read their minds, and become slightly flexible in what you demand from them. Being gentle and lenient with them could help off rather than being too strict and adamant. It could be alright to change the rules once in a while. Keep eyes on the learning goal prize.
  • Become more friendly – Make some small jokes, laugh with them, give a good smile, and also give a gentle supportive pat on the shoulder.
  • Do not give up on your students – Be positive and do not give up on your students. They will strive their best to meet your expectations, but if they fail, motivate them. Encourage them to grow.


The students need an understanding of how learning the syllabus is when it comes to application in real life. Have them write about it. It would definitely encourage growth and positive learning gains. . This makes the students connect to it at a personal level as well, which leads to a better learning.

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Making real life connections to what they teach is one of the most common Classroom Management Strategies by teachers. But, this could have a negative impact for students who have low skills. They tend to under-perform. As such, it is important to let the students make their own connections and learn from them rather than forcing them to follow exactly what the teacher thinks.