GK Questions for Kids Aged Between 4 and 7 years

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1) Baby frog is known as ________.

Ans- Tadpole

2) How many continents are there in the world?

Ans- 7

3) The Sun rises in the __________.

Ans- East

4) _______ is a shape with ten sides.

Ans- Decagon

5) Which is the largest ocean in the world?

Ans- Pacific Ocean

6) Which is the hardest substance on Earth?

Ans- Diamond

7) How many hours do we have in a day?

Ans- 24

8) Which is the largest planet in our solar system?

Ans- Jupiter

9) Which colour symbolizes peace?

Ans- White

10) Which animal gives us wool?

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Ans- Sheep

11) A spider has ____ legs.

Ans- 8

12) Which is the largest bird in the world?

Ans- Ostrich

13) We smell with our ______.

Ans- Nose

14) We hear with our _______.

Ans- Ear

15) We see with our _______.

Ans- Eyes

16) Which day comes after Friday?

Ans- Saturday

17) Who brings letters to your home from the Post Office?

Ans- Postman

18) Who flies an aeroplane?

Ans- Pilot

19) Who treats us when we are sick?

Ans- Doctor

20) What is 3+2?

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Ans- 5

21) Your maternal grandmother is your mother’s ___________.

Ans- Mother

22) Children of your uncles and aunts are called your _________.

Ans- Cousins

23) Santa Claus is related to which festival?

Ans- Christmas

24) Name the animal that goes “moo”?

Ans- Cow

25) What sound does a horse make?

Ans- Neigh

26) Young one of a goat is called ________.

Ans- Kid

27) How many hands do you have?

Ans- Two

28) Where do bees live?

Ans- Hive

29) What comes after 24?

Ans- 24

30) Which sense organ helps us to feel?

Ans- Skin

Ans: Bow-Bow

GK Questions

General Knowledge For Kids (105 Questions and Answers)

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Math Riddles for Kids

Math riddles are a great way to enrich kids’ knowledge. It is beneficial for kids to stay fit both mentally and physically and math riddles for kids are a way to exercise their minds in the funniest and in a tricky way.

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These interesting math riddles are one of the trickiest ways to approach the subject. Here are some math riddles for kids with answers:

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Math Riddles For Kids

1. I have a pound of feathers and a pound of iron? Can you please tell me which one weighs more?

Answer: Both of them would be of the same weight. A pound remains a pound despite the type of object.

  • If you multiply me by any other number, the answer will always remain the same. Who am I?

Answer: zero

3. The price of a duck is Rs. 9, a spider costs Rs. 36 and a bee was priced Rs. 27. By taking into account this information, what will be the price of a cat?

Answer: Rs.18 (Rs. 4.50 per leg)

4. Tom was on the way to KLCC Park. He met a guy with 7 wives and each of them came with 7 sacks. All these sacks contain 7 cats and each of these 7 cats had 7 kits. So in total, how many were going to KLCC Park?

Answer: 1. Only Tom was going to KLCC Park.

5. There is an empty basket that is one foot in diameter. Can you tell the total number of eggs that you can put in this empty basket?

Answer: Only One Egg! Once you put an egg into the basket, it doesn’t remain empty anymore.

6. When my dad was 31 years old, I was just 8 years. Now his age is twice as old as my age. What is my present age?

Answer: When you calculate the difference between the ages, you can see that it is 23 years. So you must be 23 years old now.

7. Suppose 1+9+8=1, then what can be 2+8+9?

Answer: 10! (Consider the first letter of the spelling of each digit, One+Nine+Eight= ONE, similarly Two+Eight+Nine= TEN)

8. Two hens can lay two eggs in two minutes. If this is the maximum speed possible, what is the total number of hen needed to get 500 eggs in 500 minutes?

Answer: 2 hens

9. Ram has 5 sons. Each of his sons has a sister. If so, how many children does Mr.Ram have?

Ans- Six. All of the sons have the same sister.

10. Help me to find my friend.

He is an odd number, but if you take away an alphabet from him, he becomes Even. Who is he?

Ans- Seven

When letter ‘s’ is taken out, it becomes ‘even’.

11. Count the number of squares.

Ans- 14

12. Make this correct without changing it:

8 + 8= 91

Ans: 16= 8+8

13. Simply reverse your note pad!

Add one line to make it fine!

9.50= 10 10 10

Ans: 9.50= 10 TO 10

14. When can you add 2 to 11 and get 1 as the correct answer?

Ans- When you are talking about a clock, add 2 to 11 o’ clock and it is 1 o’ clock.

15. How many times can you subtract the number 10 from 100?

Ans – One time, because when you subtract it is no longer 100.

16. Athiv has two kids. If the elder child is a girl, then what is the possibility that his other child is also a girl?

Ans – 50 percent

17. What do mathematics teachers like to eat?

Ans- Pi(e)

18. What does one math book say to another?

Ans- I have so many problems

Math Brain Teasers and Answers

Math brain teasers are a way to sharpen young brains. It enhances their learning abilities and problem-solving skills. It can be challenging for kids to solve out these interesting brain teasers.

Here are some easy maths brain teasers and answers for kids to practice.

19. A mobile phone and its case cost Rs. 110 in total. The price of the mobile phone is Rs.100 more than its case. What is the price of the mobile phone?

Answer: Rs.105 (not Rs.110)

20. A group of students were standing in the blazing sun facing due west on a march past event. The leader shouted at them: Right turn! About turn! Left turn! At the end of these commands, in which direction is the students facing now?

Answer: East. They will turn 90 degrees in a right turn, and they turn180 degrees in an about-turn, and finally they turn 90 degrees in a left turn. Therefore, the students are now facing east.

21. 5+5+5=550. You can draw just a single straight line to make this equation true. How is it possible?

Answer: You can draw a straight line on the first plus sign. This makes it number 4. Now the equation looks like 545+5=550 which is true. Or you can simply draw a cross line on the equal symbol to make it “not equal to”.

22. There is a golf club that is formed for men only. The club comprises a total of 600. 5% of the total men in the club have one tattoo. By taking into account the other 95% members, half of them have two tattoos and the remaining men have no tattoos. What is the total number of tattoos that you can see in the club?

Answer: 600. According to the information, 5% or 30 of them are having one tattoo. Among the other 95% or 570 men, half of them have two tattoos and the rest half have none. This is equivalent to all of them having a tattoo.

23. 27 hens were marching towards the farm. 5 of them lost their way, 13 hens returned, and 9 hens finally reached the farm. What happened to the remaining hens?

Answer: None of the hens are remaining now! (27-5= 22; 22-13= 9, 9-9=0)

24. Sam was born on January 1st, 23 B.C. in KL town and passed away on January 2nd, 23 A.D. What was his age when he died?

Answer: 45 years old! There are 23 years in both periods in actual calculation but there is no 0 year.  So you can add up these periods and subtract 1 year. That means 23 + 23 – 1 = 45 years old.

25. Can you take 1 from 19 and leave 20?

Ans-  20 (XX)

  • 19 (XIX)
  • 1 (I)
  • XIX-I = XX

26. It is given, 1=3, 2=3, 4=4, 5=4, 6=3, 7=5, 8=5, 9=4, 10=3, 11=?, 12= ?

Find out the missing numbers?

Ans- 6

The answer represents the number of letters in each corresponding number.

27. If you take 4 years, how many days will be there altogether?

Ans- 1461

  • (365*4)+1= 1461
  • Because one of the years is a leap year

28. In a class, there are 12 kids. If six kids are wearing socks, 4 wearing shoes and 3 are wearing both. How many are bare feet?

Ans- 5 kids are bare feet

29. If Mr.Spynn is 90 cms plus half his height, how tall is he?

Ans- 180cms

30. Molly is 54 years old and her mother is 80, how many years ago was Molly’s mother three times her age?

Ans- Forty-one

Fun Math Riddles for Kids with Answers

Fun math riddles are loved by every kid. It gives them a way to use their brains in a special way.  It is challenging for kids to find solutions for fun math riddles.

Here are some fun math riddles for kids with answers.

31. Add the number to the number itself and then multiply by 4. Again divide the number by 8 and you will get the same number once more. Which is that number?

Answer: Any number

32. 100 coins fell down and got scattered inside a dark place. 90 of the coins fell with heads facing up and the rest 10 coins fell with tails up. You are asked to sort out these coins into 2 piles. However, each pile should have the same count of tails up coins. How is it possible?

Answer: First of all the piles need not be of the same size. I can make 2 piles, one with 90 coins and the other with 10 coins. Now I just flip all of the 10 coins on the pile. So the piles will have the same count of tails.

33. It takes 12 men 12 hours to construct a wall. Then how long will it take for 6 men to complete the same wall?

Answer: No time! There is no need of constructing it again as the job is already done.

34. A grandfather, two fathers and two sons drove to park together. Each of them bought one entry ticket each. How many tickets have they bought in total?

Answer: 3 (there were only 3 people as the father is also a son and grandfather is also a father)

35. Two airplanes started the voyage. One flight is flying from London to KL at a speed of 400 MPH. The other flight is flying from KL to London at a speed of 600 MPH. Both these flights met at a point. Which of these flights will be closer to KL?

Answer: Both these flights will be at the same distance from KL when they meet.

36. What can you put between 7 and 8, so that the result is greater than 7, but less than 8?

Ans – A decimal point

  • 7.8
  • 7.8 < 8
  • 7.8> 7

37. Add me to myself and multiply by 4. Divide me by 8 and you will find me again. What am I?

Ans- any number

38. Three times what number is no larger than two times that same number?

Ans- 0

39. In a circle, how many sides are there?

Ans– There are two sides in a circle. Inside and outside

40. A triangle and circle are friends. What did the triangle might have said to the circle?

Ans- Circle, you are pointless.

41. It is given, 81*9= 801, how can you make this equation true?

Ans- Just flip your book upside down, and it shows 108= 6*18.

Math Riddles with Answers to Exercise your mind

Math riddles are an amazing exercise for young minds. It enhances their logical ability and mental calculations. Below are some easy math riddles along with answers to exercise little ones.

42. At the time of shipping, Tom can place 10 small boxes or 8 large boxes into a carton. A total of 96 boxes were sent in one shipment. The number of small boxes was less than large boxes. What is the total number of cartons he shipped?

Answer: 11 cartons

  • 4 small boxes (4*10 = 40 boxes)
  • 7 large boxes (7*8 = 56 boxes)
  • So 96 boxes and 11 total cartons

43. I have a barrel of wine and your job is to measure out one gallon from it. I can give you a five-gallon container and a three-gallon container? How can you help me?

Answer: First of all fill up the 3-gallon container with wine. After that, you have to transfer the same to the 5-gallon container. Then fill up the 3-gallon container again and transfer the wine to the 5-gallon container until it is full. The leftover in the 3-gallon container is 1 gallon of wine.

44. William has a toaster with 2 slots. So he can toast one side each of 2 breads simultaneously which takes 1 minute. He wanted to make 3 pieces of toast for his breakfast. What is the minimum time required to do so?

Answer: 3 minutes! First of all, he can put two pieces of bread in the toaster. After 1 minute, one side each of the 2 breads get toasted. He can then flip a side of bread and take the other one out. And he can place the 3rd piece of bread into the free space of the toaster. After the second minute, he can take the completely toasted bread out and flip the other one. Then place the half toasted bread into the free space to toast the fresh side. After 3 minutes, all 3 pieces of bread get toasted.

45. Mary bought a round cake for her kid’s birthday and saw 6 unexpected guests at the house. So she has to cut the cake into 8 pieces. As her kid was 3 years old, they insisted on making 3 cuts on the cake during the celebration. How can she make this possible?

Answer: Consider a middle point of the cake in its vertical position. Make a cut horizontally till it makes around to reach the same point again. This makes the cake into exactly half (two round cakes as if placed in a stack). The second cut has to be made in a vertical fashion that passes through the two round cakes. This makes it 4 pieces of cakes. Now make a horizontal cut in a similar fashion that cut these 4 pieces into half again which makes it a total of 8 pieces.

46. Amir has 2 buckets with him. The first bucket had only red marbles and the other one had only brown marbles. The 2 of these buckets has an equal number of marbles. What type of arrangement can he make to increase the possibility of grabbing a red marble from each of the buckets?

Answer: Keep only a single red marble in one bucket and the remaining red and brown marbles in the other bucket. This increases his chances of grabbing a red marble from each of the buckets (75% approx) which is not possible with any other arrangement.

47. There are a certain number of books on my bookshelf. I took a book which is 6th from the right and 4th from the left. Can you find out the number of books on my shelf?

Answer: 9 ((6+4)-1. Or you just arrange a set of 10 books and see how it works)

48. Tom weighs half as much as Peter and Jerry weigh 3 times the weight of Tom. Their total weight is 720 pounds. Can you figure out the individual weights of each man?

Answer: Peter weighs twice the weight of Tom, and Jerry weighs three times of the same. So you can divide their total weight by 6 to get Tom’s weight

X + 2x + 3x = 720

By dividing 720 by 6, we can understand that Tom weighs 120 Pounds. Considering this value, Peter weighs 240 Pounds and Jerry weighs 360 Pounds.

49. Peter was asked how old he was. His reply was like this “In a period of 2 years my age will be twice my age when you asked this five years ago” How old is he?

Answer: Let Peter’s age be X Years

  • X+2=2(X-5)
  • X+2=2X-10
  • X=12

50. Which are the four consecutive prime numbers that gets 220 when added up?

Ans- 220= 47+ 53+ 59+ 61

51. Use four 9s in a math equation that equals 100

Ans-  99+ (9/9)= 100

52. It is given,

1+ 9+ 8= 1, then what can be 2+8+9=?

  • Ans- 10.
  • Look at the first letter of each number ONE+ NINE+ EIGHT= ONE

53. You have to take 2 from 5 and leave 4, how it can be done?

Ans- From F I V E,

Take off the letter F & E, so that IV is left.

Simple Math Teasers for School Going Children

Math teasers help kids to sharpen their math skills. These enhance their critical thinking, logic, problem-solving skills and memory. Below are some interesting math teasers for school-going children. Come, let’s solve it!

54. You are given 3 positive numbers. You can add these numbers and multiply them together. The result you get will be the same. Which are the numbers?

Answer: 1, 2 and 3

55. Robin tosses a coin 10 times and it landed in the heads up position all ten times. So what are the possible chances for him to toss it up again and get landed in heads up position?

Answer: He has a 50 percent chance to toss the coin and see the heads up position. This is because the coin toss is not dependent on the first 10 tosses.

56. Can you solve this out?

What math symbols are missing?

7 3 7 3 = 24

Ans- 7 x ((3/7 + 3)= 24

57. Ravi has two kids. If the elder kid is a boy, then what is the possibility that his other kid is also a boy?

Answer: 50 percent

58. Mary has 7 daughters and each of them has a brother. Can you figure out the total number of kids Mary have?

Answer: 8 kids because the sisters have just one brother in common.

59. 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=3, 7=5, 8=5, 9=4, 10=3, 11=? 12=? Can you complete the sequence?

Answer: 6! The numbers indicate the number of letters in the spelling of the corresponding number.

60. When you add eight 8’s, the result you get will be number 1,000. How is it possible? You are permitted to use only addition to solve the problem.

Answer: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1,000

61. When Ann was 6 years old, her brother Luca was half her age.

If Ann is 40 years old today, how old is Luca?

Ans- Luca is 37 years old!

  • Ann-à6—-à40
  • Luca–à3—à-37

62. What are the three whole numbers whose sum and product are equal?

A + B+C =D

A x B x C= D

Ans- Numbers are 1,2 and 3

  • 1+2+3= 6
  • 1x2x3=6

63. A,B,C and D can make four flower pots in four hours. If so how many such flower pots can be made in 8 hours by eight men?

Ans- Sixteen flowerpots

64. You get 40 strawberries for Rs 1, 1 plum for Rs 3, and 1 orange for Rs 5. You need to buy 100 fruits with Rs 100. If so, how many bananas, apples, and mangoes you will buy?

Ans- 100 fruits

  • 1 plum= Rs 3
  • 80 strawberries= Rs 2
  • 19 oranges= Rs 95
  • So, 100 fruits with Rs 100

65. What is half of two plus two?

Ans- Three

66. There is something special on 6th May 1978 at 12.34am. Can you guess it?

Ans: At that time, the time and date can be written as 12.34, 5/6/78.

67. Using 5 2’s, make 28

Ans- 2+2+2+22= 28

68. Using four 9s, make 20.

Ans- 9+99/9=20

69. Using 5 4’s make 55

Ans- 44+44/4=55

Challenging Math Riddles with Answers

Challenging math riddles are loved by kids every time. It is indeed challenging for their brains too. Kids solve these riddles with much fascination. Below are some challenging math riddles with answers.

70. Tom was asked to paint the number of plates on 100 apartments which means he will have to paint numbers 1 through 100. Can you figure out the number of times he will have to paint the number 8?

Answer: 20 times. (8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 98)

71. There are 100 pairs of dogs in a zoo. Two pairs of babies are born for every dog. Unfortunately, 23 of the dogs have not survived. How many dogs would be left in total?

Answer: 977 dogs (100 x 2 = 200; 200 + 800 = 1000; 1000 – 23 = 977)

72. There are 6 black socks, 8 brown socks, 4 blue socks, and 2 red socks in my sock drawer. Can you figure out the minimum number of socks to be pulled out in order to get a matching pair for sure?

Answer: At least 5

73. Seven boys met each other at a party. Each of them shakes hands only once with each of the other boys. What is the total number of handshakes that took place?

Answer: Twenty-one

74. Thomas saw some cigarette butts on the ground on his way home. He thought to make cigarettes with these buds and 4 butts make one cigarette. There were 16 cigarette butts on the ground. What is the maximum possible number of cigarettes he can make out of them?

Answer: 5. First, he can make 4 cigarettes with those 16 butts. When he smokes those 4 cigarettes, he will get 4 more butts and he can make one more cigarette with it.

75. Ravi had two ropes with him and both these ropes need exactly 1 hour in order to get burnt from 1 end to the other end. There is no option to cut the rope. So what is the possibility that he can burn the 2 ropes in just 45 minutes? solve this.

Answer: Light up both sides of the first rope with fire so that it starts burning from both ends and fire up the second rope on one side only. In half an hour, the first rope will get completely burnt and the second rope will be burnt only half. At this particular time, you have to light up the second rope from the other side. So rest of the rope gets burnt in 15 minutes. This makes it a total of 45 minutes for two ropes to burn entirely.

Math Riddles and Puzzles

Math riddles and Puzzles are an amazing way to make use of students’ leisure time. They love to spend hours doing math riddles and puzzles. Here let’s solve some easy math riddles and puzzles.

76. I am a three-digit number. My second digit is 4 times bigger than the third digit. My first digit is 3 less than my second digit. Who am I?

Answer: 141

77. 1/2 of 2/3 of 3/4 of 4/5 of 5/6 of 6/7 of 7/8 of 8/9 of 9/10 of 10,000. Can you solve this in a single step?

Answer: 1000! 1/10 of 10,000 give 1000. (Everything gets cancel out if you multiply all of these fractions and the remaining will be 1/10)

78. You are given a sequence: 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211. Can you figure out the next number in this sequence?

Answer: 13112221 (Each of the number in the sequence is the description of the previous number. If you start with 1, the 2nd number is 11 (one 1), third number is 21 (two 1’s), fourth number is 1211 (one 2, one 1) and so on.

79. What will you get,

20+ 30 x 0 / 1= ?

Ans- By applying BODMAS

20+30* 0/1

= 20+30*0

=20+ 0

= 20

80. It is given, 66=2, 0=1, 8=2, 8321=2, 89=3, 88=4, then what does 889216 equal to?

Ans- Six.

Each circle is equal to one. For example, 9 has one circle in it and 8 has two circles in it.

81. Find the missing number

math riddles

Answer- 6.

82. The two numbers opposite each other is always 21 in this figure.

15+ 6= 21

For the Biology exam, a teacher gave twelve marks to one student and thirteen marks to another one. Can you find out the TIME by using this?

Answer- 1.45

Biology teacher gave a total of 25 marks to the students. So, teacher gave “Quarter to Two”

Which means, 1.45(quarter to two)

83. How can you get 100 using four sevens and a one?

Ans- (7+7) * (7+ (1/7)) = 100

Silly Math Puzzles with Answers

Here are some math puzzles that are really easy to go! So, let’s have some silly maths puzzles with answers.

84. You are given a telephone and asked to multiply all the numbers on the device’s number pad. What will be the answer?

Answer: zero (The number pad contains number 0. When you multiply any number by zero, the answer will be zero)

85. A man is twice as old as his little sister. He is also half as old as their dad. Over a period of 50 years, the age of the sister will become half of their dad’s age. What is the age of the man now?

Answer: He is 50 years old.

86. X is a three-digit number. The tens digit is 5 more than the ones digit. The hundreds digit is 8 less than the tens digit. What is X?

Answer: Number 194.

87. If you divide 100 by half, What will be your answer?

Ans- 100 / half

  • i.e, 100 divided by ½
  • = 100 x 2/1
  • = 200

88. Add 8 4s together to give a total of 500 as the answer?

Ans- 4+4+4+44+444= 500

Funny Math Riddles for Kids with Answers

Math riddles are always interesting for kids, without which math could be a boring subject for students. Math riddles help to improve their skills in math in an interesting way. Below are some funny math riddles for kids

89. Raj has 2 books. One of the books is faced upside-down and the second book is rotated which makes the top of the book facing Raj. Then what will be the total sum of the 1st pages in each of these books?

Answer: 2. Regardless of how the books are oriented, the first page of every book is page number 1. So 1 + 1 = 2!

90. Tom and Peter live in different parts of the city but study in the same high school. Tom left for school 10 minutes before Peter started and they happened to meet at a park. At the time of their meeting, who was closer to the school?

Answer: They are both at the same distance from school as they met in the same place.

91. 100 girls were attending a party. 85 of them had a red bag, 75 of them have worn brown shoes, 60 of them came with an umbrella and 90 girls wore a ring. How many girls have had all these four items?

Answer: 10

92. Divide by 3. All the girls had three items. The remainder indicates the number of girls with 4 items.

  • 85
  • 75
  • 60
  • 90


  • 3 = 100 + 10 remainder

93. How many eggs can you put in an empty basket of 2m x 2m size?

Ans– Only one!

After that, the basket is no emptier.

94. If 1=4

2= 8


4= ???

Ans: Given that, 1=4, Therefore, 4=1

Math Riddles Images with Answers




math puzzle

Ans: “Let’s Find the Answer For this one and Write back to us 😉 “

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It is very tough to select only a few GK questions for kids as it is a vast area and in fact boundless.  Some of the gk questions may seem too simple for higher class students but it is always good to revise what you know before you add in more information to your knowledge base.

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Here we can have a look at some of the randomly picked basic GK questions for kids of all ages.

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GK Questions for Kids between 4-7 years

Children belonging to this age group are curious about everything in their surroundings. So engaging with General Knowledge questions will be a great help for them. Here we have included some simple GK Questions for kids to explore and expand their General Knowledge level.

1. How many days do we have in a week?

Answer: Seven

2. How many days are there in a normal year?

Answer: 365 (not a leap year)

3. How many colors are there in a rainbow?

Answer: 7

4. Which animal is known as the ‘Ship of the Desert?’

Answer: Camel

5. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?

Answer: 26

6. How many consonants are there in the English alphabet?

Answer: 21

7. How many sides are there in a triangle?

Answer: Three

8. Which month of the year has the least number of days?

Answer: February

9. Which are the vowels in the English alphabet series?

Answer: A, E, I, O, U

10. Which animal is called King of Jungle?

Answer: Lion

11. How many primary colors are there?

Answer: Three (red, yellow, blue)

12. How many days are there in the month of February in a leap year?

Answer: 29 days

13. What do you call a house made of ice?

Answer: Igloo

14. Which is the largest animal in the world?

Answer: Blue whale

15. Which is the tallest animal on the earth?

Answer: Giraffe

16. Which festival is known as the festival of colors?

Answer: Holi

17. Which festival is called the festival of light?

Answer: Diwali

18. What is the top color in a rainbow?

Answer: Red

19. What type of bird lays the largest eggs?

Answer: Ostrich

20. Which festival is known as the ‘Festival of flowers’?

Answers: Onam

GK Questions for Kids between 8-10 years

When kids reach this age group they start learning new things, observe the changes around them, and would want to find out the answers to their queries by knowing more about GK questions and much more. Apart from their classroom knowledge, they acquire general knowledge from books and the internet too. Here are some interesting GK questions for kids between 8-10.

21. In which direction does the sunrise?

Answer: East

22. Which is the world’s largest flower?

Answer: Rafflesia

23. How many zeros are there in one hundred thousand?

Answer: Five

24. How many hours are there in two days?

Answer: 48 hours (24+24)

25. How many months of the year have 31 days?

Answer: 7 (January, March, May, July, August, October and December)

26. How many weeks are there in one year?

Answer: 52

27. Which are the colors in a rainbow?

Answer: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red

28. How many bones does an adult human have?

Answer: 206

29. Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

Answer: Neil Armstrong

30. How many millimeters are there in 1cm?

Answer: 10

31. Which is the nearest star to planet earth?

Answer: Sun

32. Which is the longest river on the earth?

Answer: Nile

33. Which is the principal source of energy for earth?

Answer: Sun

34. How many lungs does the human body have?

Answer: Two

35. What is the standard taste of the water?

Answer: Water is tasteless

36. Which is the tallest mountain in the world?

Answer: Mount Everest

37. Which is the fastest animal on the land?

Answer: Cheetah

38. Which continent is known as ‘Dark’ continent?

Answer: Africa

39. Which planet is known as the Red Planet?

Answer: Mars

40. Which is the most sensitive organ in our body?

Answer: Skin

41. Which is the largest ocean in the world?

Answer: Pacific Ocean

42. Which day is observed as World Environment Day?

Answer: June 5

43. How many years are there in a century?

Answer: One Hundred

44. Which is the largest country in the world?

Answer: Russia (By area)

45. Who invented the Computer?

Answer: Charles Babbage

46. How many players are there in a cricket team?

Answer: 11

47. Which day is observed as World Literacy Day?

Answer: September 8

48. Who is the inventor of Radio?

Answer: Marconi

49. Which place is known as the roof of the world?

Answer: Tibet

50. How many teeth does a healthy adult have including the wisdom teeth?

Answer: 32

51. Which gas is most abundant in the earth’s atmosphere?

Answer: Nitrogen

52. How many people are there in the world?

Answer: Over 7 billion

53. Which is the continent with the most number of countries?

Answer: Africa

54. Which is the most common non-contagious disease in the world?

Answer: Tooth Decay

55. How many strings does a violin have?

Answer: Four

56. How many planets are there in our solar system?

Answer: 8

57. Which is the hottest continent on Earth?

Answer: Africa

58. Which is the smallest continent in the world?

Answer: Australia

59. How many years are there in a millennium?

Answer: 1000

60. Which country is home to the kangaroo?

Answer: Australia

61. Who painted the Mona Lisa?

Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

62. Who invented the telephone?

Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

63. What does the Internet prefix WWW stand for?

Answer: World Wide Web

64. How much of Earth’s surface is covered by ocean?

Answer: 71%

65. Who discovered Penicillin in 1928?

Answer: Alexander Fleming

66. How many stars are there in the American flag?

Answer: 50

GK Questions for Kids of class 4 & 5; 10-12 years

This is a crucial age group where kids learn a lot. Their eyes and ears are open to explore new things. Here we have sorted some of the important General Knowledge Questions for kids to shine up. These GK questions for kids can really help to open up their minds. Let’s move on

67. What do you call a type of shape that has five sides?

Answer: Pentagon

68. Which way is anti-clockwise, left or right?

Answer: Left

69. How many equal sides does an isosceles triangle have?

Answer: 2

70. Which is the coldest location in the earth?

Answer: East Antarctica

71. Who discovered electricity?

Answer: Benjamin Franklin

72. Which is the most widely spoken language in the world?

Answer: Mandarin (Chinese)

73. Which two parts of the body continue to grow for your entire life?

Answer: Nose and Ears

74. The largest ‘Democracy’ in the world?

Answer: India

75. Who is the inventor of Television?

Answer: John Logie Baird

76. Which is the largest plateau in the world?

Answer: Tibetan Plateau

77. Which is the instrument used to measure Blood pressure?

Answer: Sphygmomanometer

78. What color symbolizes peace?

Answer: White

79. Who is the founder of Microsoft?

Answer: Bill Gates

80. During which year did World War I begin?

Answer: 1914

81. How many Cricket world cups does India have?

Answer: 2

82. Global warming is caused by the excess of which type of gas?

Answer: Carbon dioxide

83. How many cards are there in a complete pack of cards?

Answer: 52

84. What is the name of the biggest rain forest in the world?

Answer: The Amazon

85. Which African nation is famous for chocolate?

Answer: Ghana

86. What makes up (approx.) 80% of our brain’s volume?

Answer: Water

87. Which instrument is used for measuring wind speed?

Answer: Anemometer

88. ‘Stars and Stripes’ is the nickname of the flag of which country?

Answer: United States of America

89. Which language is used by the computer to process data?

Answer: Binary language

90. What covers approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface: Land or water?

Answer: Water

91. Which is the hardest substance available on earth?

Answer: Diamond

92. Which is the biggest desert in the world?

Answer: Sahara desert

93. Which country gifted The Statue of Liberty to the United States?

Answer: France

94. What is the name of the Greek God of music?

Answer: Apollo

95. What does the “SIM” in the SIM card stand for?

Answer: Subscriber Identity Module

96. Which is the first element on the periodic table of elements?

Answer: Hydrogen

97. Which is the longest written Constitution in the world?

Answer: India

98. What is the largest joint in the human body?

Answer: Knee

99. Which is the smallest bone in the human body?

Answer: Stapes (Ear bone)

100. Which instrument is used to measure Atmospheric Pressure?

Answer: Barometer

101. Which is the largest continent in the world?

Answer: Asia

102. Who is the inventor of the electric Bulb?

Answer: Thomas Alva Edison

103. On whose memory Nobel Prize is awarded?

Answer: Alfred Nobel

104. Who is the first woman to go to space?

Answer: Valentina Tereshkova

105. What is HCl?

Answer: Hydrochloric acid

106. What is currency of China?

Answer: Renminbi

Interesting True or False GK Questions for Kids of all ages

Almost every kid is doubtful about what is right and what is wrong. Most often they get confused with the correctness of facts. This paves the way for the importance of True or False GK Quiz Questions. So, let’s check out some True or False GK Questions with answers for kids.

Answer the following gk quiz questions with a True or False.

107. Chameleons have extremely long tongues, sometimes as long as their bodies.

Answer: True

108. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. True or False?

Answer: True

109. A sneeze is faster than the blink of an eye.

Answer: True

110. Pigs can look up into the sky.

Answers: False (They cannot)

111. There are 9 planets in our Solar System.

Answers: False (Our Solar system has only 8 planets; Pluto is a dwarf planet)

112. Mark Zuckerburg is the father of modern computers.

Answer: False (Charles Babbage is the father of modern computers)

113. The egg of a Hummingbird is the smallest egg in the world.

Answers: True

114. Frogs have to drink lots of water.

Answers: False

115. Some animals can get sunburn.

Answers: True (Animals like dogs, cats and cows can get sunburns at the tip of their noses and ears).

116. William Shakespeare is a scientist.

Answers: False (He is a dramatist)

117. Whales have belly buttons.

Answers: True

118. Sharks are color blind.

Answer: False

119. Mumbai is the capital of India.

Answers: False (Delhi is the capital of India)

120. Camels store water in their humps.

Answer: True

121. Humans have four hearts.

Answer: False (Humans have one heart with four chambers)

122. All tigers have yellow eyes.

Answers: True

123. A pediatrician is a child specialist.

Answers: True

124. Arachnophobia is the fear of dogs.

Answers: False (It is the fear of spiders)

125. Dodo is an endangered bird.

Answers: False (Dodo is an extinct bird)

126. Bhagat Singh is a Freedom fighter of India.

Answer: True

127. Washington DC is the capital of China.

Answers: False (Beijing is the capital of China)

128. June 5 is celebrated as Environment Day.

Answer: True

129. Laika, the dog is the first animal to go to space.

Answer: True

130. Roman Calendar is named as Julian Calendar.

Answer: True

131. There are 12 players in a cricket team.

Answers: False (There are 11 players in a cricket team)

GK Quiz Games  for Kids

Just like the elders, kids are also keen to know about new things, phenomenon, animals, sports, eatables and much more. It is also good to grow with some general knowledge. So, here is a set of very interesting and easy GK Quiz game questions and answers for kids of all ages.

132. Ball, Bat, Stump, Hockey stick

Ans: Hockey stick

133. Hen, Dove, Pigeon, Cat

Ans: Cat

134. Hammer, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Cobbler

Ans: Hammer

135. Jeep, Car, Bike, Boat

Ans: Boat

136. Doctor, Surgeon, Nurse, Teacher

Ans: Teacher

137. Mother, Father, Brother, Friend

Ans: Friend

138. Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto

Ans: Pluto

139. Cabbage, Potato, Capsicum, Tomato

Ans: Potato

140. Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Ink Pen

Ans: Eraser

141.  Aeroplane, Helicopter, Ship, Jet

Ans: Ship

142. Carrot, Mango, Banana, Apple

Ans:  Carrot

143. Cow, Lion, Dog, Cat

Ans: Lion

144. 2,6,7,10

Ans: 7

145. P.J. Abdul Kalaam, C.V. Raman, Issac Newton, William Shakespeare

Ans: William Shakespeare

146. Dispur, Pune, Patna, Shimla

Ans: Pune

147. 1 , 2, 4, 5

Ans: 4

148. Asia, Europe, China, Australia

Ans: China

149. Radio, Television, Loudspeaker, Stereo

Ans: Television

150. Respiration, Digestion, Excretion, Photosynthesis

Ans: Photosynthesis

151. Hydrogen, Hypochlorite, Helium, Lithium

Ans: Hypochlorite

152. Noun, Pronoun, Articles, Adverb

Ans: Articles

153. Throat, Tongue, Nose, Ears

Ans: Throat

154. Coffee Powder, Chili Powder, Tea Powder, Green Tea Powder

Ans: Chilli Powder

155. Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Vitamin K

Ans: Vitamin B

156. Dinosaur, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Giraffe

Ans: Dinosaur

Also Read: Geography Quiz For Kids (107 Questions and Answers)

Also Read: 68 Science Quiz For Kids of Classes 1 to 10

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Basic GK Quiz – Multiple Choice Questions and Answed

Multiple Choice Questions or MCQs are always important from the point of view of competitive exams. And also in competitive exams like SSC, Railway, and Bank, basic General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions are of great importance. Check out some of the GK questions for kids (MCQs).

157. What is the place where books are kept called?

a) Zoo

b) Library

c) Garden

d) Museum

Ans: B. Library

158. How many digits are there in Mathematics?

a) Hundred

b) Thousand

c) Billion

d) Infinite

Ans: D. Infinite

159. Who is the first Prime Minister of India?

a) P.J. Abdul Kalaam

b) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) Indira Gandhi

d) Narendra Modi

Ans: B. Jawaharlal Nehru

160. How many bananas will there be in a dozen banana?

a) 8

b) 9

c) 10

d) 12

Ans: D.12

161. Who is Mickey Mouse?

a) Actor

b) Scientist

c)  Cartoon Character

d) Doctor

Ans: C. Cartoon Character

162. Who is the author of “God of Small Things”?

a) Gabriel Garcia Marquez

b) Aravind Adiga

c) Arundhati Roy

d) Victor Hugo

Ans: C. Arundhati Roy

163. What is the value of Pie?

a) 14

b) 916

c) 13

d) 34

Ans: A. 3.14 (22/7)

164. What is the position of Earth in our Solar system?

a) First

b) Second

c) Third

d) Fourth

Ans: C. Third

165. Which is the biggest continent?


b) Africa

c) Australia

d) Europe

Ans:  A. Asia

166. How many wonders do we have in the world?

a) Six

b) Seven

c) Eight

d) Nine

Ans: B. Seven

167. Who found the concept of “Gravitation” for the first time?

a) Albert Einstein

b) Charles Darwin

c) Issac Newton

d) V. Raman

Ans: C. Issac Newton

168. Who is the author of “Julius Caesar”?

a) William Shakespeare

b) Geoffrey Chaucer

c) John Milton

d) Sylvia Plath

Ans: A. William Shakespeare

169. When is UN day celebrated?

a) October 21

b) June 24

c) October 24

d) June 21

Ans: C. October 24

170. What are constellations?

a) Group of planets

b) Group of galaxies

c) Group of stars

d) Group of meteors

Ans: C. Group of stars

171. Which planet is known as “The Blue Planet”?

a) Mercury

b) Venus

c) Uranus

d) Earth

Ans: D. Earth

172. What is the person who compiles a dictionary called?

a) Lexicographer

b) Editor

c) Compiler

d) Director

Ans: A. Lexicographer

173. What is the driver of a Train called?

a) Pilot

b) Train Driver

c) Locopilot

d) Captain

Ans: C. Locopilot

174. What is the full form of RBI?

a) Reputed Bank of India

b) Reserve Bank of India

c) Recovery Bank of India

d) Reduced Bank of India

Ans: B. Reserve Bank of India

175. What is the “Fear of Darkness” called?

a) Nyctophobia

b) Ablutophobia

c) Ophidiophobia

d) Arachnophobia

Ans: A. Nyctophobia

176. What is the capital city of Peru?

a) Lima

b) Rome

c) Los Angeles

d) Prague

Ans: A. Lima

177. How many states are there in India?

a) 27

b) 28

c) 29

d) 30

Ans: B. 29

178. Who discovered Aeroplane?

a) Wright Brothers

b) Steve Waugh

c) Albert Einstein

d) Stephen Hawking

Ans: A. Wright Brothers

179. Which bird is the universal symbol of Peace?

a) Pigeon

b) Dove

c) Peacock

d) Pelican

Ans: B. Dove

180. What causes Anemia?

a) By the deficiency of Iron

b) By the deficiency of Iodine

c) By the deficiency of Vitamin D

d) By the deficiency Calcium

Ans: A. By the deficiency of Iron

181. Who is a “Chef”?

a) A person who drives a car

b) A person who cooks food

c) A person who acts

d) A person who treats patients

Ans: B. A person who cooks food

Basic GK Quiz Questions and Answers for Kids

General awareness always plays a major role for a growing kid. Here are some of the revised General Knowledge Questions and Answers for kids based on Inventions, sports, the color of objects, authors, etc.

182. What is the color of the sky?

Ans: Blue

183. What is the job of a Doctor?

Ans: A Doctor treats sick people.

184. What comes after 10 and before 13?

Ans: 12

185. Where does fish live?

Ans: In Water

186. What is sun?

Ans: Sun is a big ball of fire.

187. Who is Virat Kohli?

Ans: Indian Cricketer

188. How many noses do you have?

Ans: One

189. What is the color of Mango?

Ans: Yellow

190. In which planet do we live?

Ans: Earth

191. What is the young one of a cat called?

Ans: Kitten

192. How many years are there in a century?

Ans: Hundred

193. Which is the national game of India?

Ans: Hockey

194. What is the full form of TV?

Ans: Television

195. Solve 27*0.

Ans: Zero (Any number multiplied by zero gives zero as the answer)

196. Which all animals give us milk?

Ans: Cow, goat and buffalo

197. What is the home of a lion called?

Ans: Den

198. How many days are there in a week?

Ans: Seven

199. Where do we deposit money?

Ans: Bank

200. What is the place where animals are kept called?

Ans: Zoo

201. What is COVID-19?

Ans: It is deadly disease spread across the world during 2019 and 2020.

202. What is Beri-Beri?

Ans: It is a disease caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin B

203. Where do we get coconut from?

Ans: We get coconut from coconut Tree

204. Which state in India is known as “God’s Own Country”?

Ans: Kerala

205. How do plants make food?

Ans: Plants make food through the process called Photosynthesis.

206. Which place is known as the “Land of White Elephants”?

Ans: Thailand

Download: General Knowledge For Kids [PDF]

Sports Quiz Questions For Kids

We all have good memories of playing games in school with our classmates. Moreover, it is essential to keep our body and mind fit. Let’s check out some of the General Knowledge Questions and Answers for kids about sports games.

207. How many players are there in each side of a Hockey team?

Ans- 11

208.  How many players are there in each side of a Basket Ball team?

Ans- 5

209. Commonwealth Games are held in every _ years

Ans- 4 years

210. What is the full form of cricket tournament- IPL?

211. Ans- Indian Premier League

212. How many Grand Slam Tennis Tournaments are held every year?

Ans- 4

213. In which sports, the term HAT-TRICK is used?

Ans- Cricket

214. Number of players in one team of Kho Kho are

Ans- Nine

215. Eden Gardens cricket stadium is in –

Ans: Calcutta

216. Which country will host Cricket World Cup 2019 –

Ans: England

217. Football was introduced as a competitive game in Olympics in year –

Ans: 1908

218. Hockey is the National sports of –

Ans: India and Pakistan

219. Which is the National sport of Canada?

Ans- Lacrosse/Ice hockey

220. _ has Cricket as its National S

Ans- Jamaica

221. _ is the national sport of Turkey

Ans- Wrestling

222. In which country Commonwealth games were held in 2010?

Ans- India

223. Which country has hosted Commonwealth Games for the maximum number of times?

Ans- Canada

224. Caddie is related to __________

Ans- Golf

225. In which year Olympic Games were cancelled because of World War I?

Ans- 1916

226. Who was the winner of Football World Cup in 2010?

Ans- Spain

227. Where did the game of Badminton originate from?

Ans- Pune

228. When is national sports day of India celebrated?

Ans- August 22

229. When was women’s and men’s doubles introduced in Wimbledon?

Ans- 1884

230. Who among the following is known as “Flying Sikh of India”

Ans- Milkha Singh

231. Total Olympic medals won by India in 2012

Ans- Six

232. The only driver in Indian Grand Prix 2011 is

Ans- Alice Powell

Simple General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers For Kids (Watch Video)


Teaching and learning General Knowledge is always fun.

Moreover, being a part of molding future ‘Einsteins’ with GK questions and answers is something greater.

So, encourage the curiosity to learning more about GK facts. Hopefully, this ‘Quiz questions for kids’ blog helps you to get some easy and interesting GK questions.

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Mathematics is one of the nightmare subjects for many of the kids. However, once you start loving the subject, it is one of the most exciting and easy subjects of the curriculum.

Boost your Math skills with FREE Math Apps (Check it Now)

Teachers are finding out alternate methods other than a textbook to make the subject interesting for kids. Students are also in search of additional resources where they can find easy methods and extra help to tackle the problems.

Understanding its importance, enthusiasts have come up with many interesting websites to learn and teach the subject with fun.

Here let us have a look at some of the Math Websites For Teachers and Students to learn and teach mathematics.

1. Buzz Math

This awesome math websites has improved the learning outcome of millions of students and teachers since 2004. It is specifically designed for K-12 and comes with over 7, 000+ activities particularly to meet the Common Core State Standards. The key speciality is differentiation tools that identify particular challenges and offer individualized solutions.

2. Math is Fun

The objective of these math websites is to let students learn mathematics in an easy and enjoyable manner. They offer assistance for the subject from kindergarten to 12th In addition to covering a range of subject areas, they offer dictionary, worksheets and puzzles to interact with the subject without losing fun.

3. Dreambox

The learners can experience adaptive online K-8 math solutions which are supported with informed decision making. These kinds of math websites offer personalized instructions to enhance strategy development and special activities to promote student decision making. The academic insights and real-time data empower educators while students are motivated with a game-like engaging environment.

4. Math Playground

 This is one of the math websites in the world where students can learn maths through engaging games. In addition to more than 500 math games, students can also engage with interesting brain workouts and logic puzzles while mastering different concepts. In this fun platform to practice math facts, students can also come across math stories and videos.

5. Mathway

There is no better platform for maths students to figure out alternate solutions for the problems which they find hard in their classroom. They offer solutions to a wide range of subject areas from basic maths, algebra to trigonometry and graphing. You just enter your queries and tap the tutorial to find solutions.

6. Coolmath4kids

Millions of students across the world are using these cool math websites since 1997 to learn the subject without losing the fun. There is enough content in the website to help them learn the subject in a full filled environment. In fact, it is termed as an amusement park of lessons and games.

7. First in Math

This is an awesome supplement to any curriculum that particularly targets all K-8 students. With over 200 self-paced activities, this platform provides immediate feedback to support students to learn and master procedural skills. The website also has Math success stories to inspire students to love and learn the subject.

8. The Math Forum

This is an online hub dedicated to serve the interests of the mathematics education community. This is a platform for maths enthusiasts to learn the subject together. Students and teachers can discuss about resources, problems, research, survey, guidance and a lot more about the subject.

9. Illuminations

This online platform offers more than 700 lesson plans that cover a vast range of the subject areas. Students can play online math strategy games, and over 100 other activities train them to master the subject. They even provide newsletters where educators can get latest information, resources and interesting ideas to make the subject easy for students.

10. Absurd Math

This is an awesome mathematical problem-solving game series which lets students learn the subject in an interactive way. Students are supposed to use their skills and knowledge in the subject to unlock game levels. Teachers and parents can email the team to get the answer keys to evaluating the kids.

11. Istation

The platform provides amazing tools to assess student growth in the subject with computer-adaptive, interactive analytic and screening programs. Personalized instruction is the key and students get the required instructions as and when needed that helps to stay at ease. Students can master instructional decision-making and educators are assisted with diverse teaching approaches through customized instruction.

12. Math Goodies

Teachers and students who are looking for alternate ways or additional assistance to solve math problems can find this website really useful. Enthusiasts can get assistance for a wide range of areas such as algebra, fractions, set theory, statistics and a lot more. Students can also engage with worksheets and subject puzzles.

13. IXL Math

This amazing online platform simply lets the students to experience the subject with unlimited questions, real-world scenarios and engaging item types. The resource offer assistance to students from play school to advanced studies with lots of categories. Simply select your grade and explore the concepts of your curriculum.

14. Math Central

This is a comprehensive online platform designed particularly for maths enthusiasts. You can find a lot of teaching resources and the repository of math glossary helps you to learn more about the subject terms. You can easily search for an answer for your queries and can send the question to experts if answer not found.

Also Read: 10 Drawing Apps For Students

15. Khan Academy

Learners can explore maths subject through this platform that covers a vast range of topics from early math to algebra and advanced maths. Students can easily choose their category from kindergarten to high school. The website also provides assistance to various test preparations for higher classes and they even provide details on career prospects.

16. Math Drills

Students can learn mathematics by making use of over 50 thousand free math worksheets from this website. A wide range of topics are covered ranging from pre-algebra, measurement, geometry to money concepts and more. Choose the desired category and practice until you are tired.

17. Mathletics

This comprehensive platform empowers learning and teaching of mathematics across Asia. The website provides all necessary tools for students to excel in the subject in the classroom and beyond. The options are designed to cater the diverse approaches like teacher-led instruction or student-driven learning. There are separate sections for students of primary and secondary classes and for teachers.

18. AAA Math: This is a great online resource for maths students and teachers that feature over thousands of interactive arithmetic lessons. Thorough mastery of various concepts is possible with unlimited practice. The immediate feedback feature lets them correct the mistakes almost instantly. The resource is made available for kindergarten to 8th

19. Woot Math

The website offers formative assessment for maths learners and their objective is to collect and process information, facilitate collaboration and offer insights into trends. Assessing the student work through this platform enables teachers to identify common misunderstandings among students and take an extra step to solve it in the next class.

20. Mathplanet

This online resource offers a platform for students to learn maths with all possible assistance for absolutely free of cost. You can simply join their maths courses in diverse concepts and just explore the subject for free. They even provide practice sets for competitive exams covering maths.

21. BrainPOP

This online math website was developed back in 1999 to help students to master the subject through creative ways of explaining difficult concepts. Now millions of learners worldwide utilize the platform to enhance their skills in core and supplemental subjects. They cover a range of universal topics with localization for particular languages.

22. Art of Problem Solving

Passionate maths students can reach this math website to improve their proficiency in the classroom and beyond. In-depth problem-solving skills are taught with rigorous materials and accomplished instructors take real-time classes too. They offer assistance for the entire math curriculum for middle school and high school. They have successfully prepared several students for joining prestigious universities.

23. GeoGebra

This is an awesome online math tool that covers a range of areas in the subject like geometry, graphing, 3D, and a lot more. They even provide various online and offline apps for particular subject areas like spreadsheet and probability. Learners can master the subject by utilizing over 1 million free simulations, activities, exercises, games and lessons.

24. Wolfram MathWorld: They are recognized as one of the web’s most extensive mathematics resource that covers almost all subject areas. The students can build up their understanding of concepts by exploring over 13000 entries. Students are engaged with interactive GIFs, downloadable notebooks and demonstrations while they master concepts.

25. Kahoot

This is an awesome game based classroom response system used by lots of teachers to teach maths in an engaging way.

The whole class can play the game in real time to learn various areas in the subject. For instance, when the classroom screen displays multiple-choice questions, students can answer with their devices.

These are just a few among the many awesome websites available to teach and learn mathematics. While most of these resources can be accessed for free, some of them demand subscription charges for extended learning.

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Following these websites in addition to the syllabus textbooks help teachers to make the learning more interesting for students.

In the meanwhile, students can follow these websites to do additional practices and to learn more about the tips and tricks to tackle the math problems.

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Juggling with numbers can seem a herculean task for many children. Irrespective of whether you are a beginner or a mathematical wizard, you can check out 15 brain teasers; all under one roof. Offering an assortment of puzzles with varying difficulty levels, these fun-filled math riddles surely ignite your numerical abilities and transform you into an ardent lover of math. These are ranked in the ascending order of their difficulty levels, featuring easy ones first followed by slightly tough and challenging ones.

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  1. Tricky Math Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/tricky-math-riddle/

All about fine-tuning your memory and grip with numbers, the Tricky Math Riddle teases your brain by posing a seemingly simple question. You need to come with the solution when you add 3 to 300, five times. Representing a difficulty level of 2/5, this riddle allows you to submit your answer alongside viewing the answers posted by other online friends and math enthusiasts.

  1. Funny Maths Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/funny-maths-riddle/

Promoting the principle that math can be learnt the funny way, the Funny Maths Riddle comes with a 2/5 difficulty level. This link features a riddle which prompts you to calculate the volume of a circle, given the measurements such as thickness and radius.

A circle with thickness? Sounds strange! Can you think of a spherical object with thickness that is a favorite food for kids and elders alike? Yes! You are right! The subject of this riddle is the famous Italian delicacy; the pizza. So, with this riddle, you will learn the relationship between the thickness and radius in the computation of the volume of a spherical object.

  1. Mathematical Equation Riddle

There is no dearth for fun-filled means to master the subject of numbers, figures and variables. Check out the above link which poses a brain teaser to all those who love to solve mathematical equations. Tagged with a 2/5 difficulty rating, this riddle gives you a mathematical expression that should result in a pre-defined figure. And the trick here is to fill the expression with befitting mathematical operators (+, -, * or /) which are expressed in the form of a “?”. Go on and enjoy the thrill of juggling with various mathematical operators to ultimately crack the riddle. This fun-filled riddle thus helps you learn mathematical functions in the simple yet creative way.

  1. Car Meter Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/car-meter-riddle/

Now this is another mind teaser for all those who appreciate the novelty behind palindromes. Featuring a 2/5 difficulty grade, you have a car meter reading which shows 72927. Observe it and you know that it’s a palindrome. And now for the riddle. You need to come up with the minimum number of kilometers that a vehicle has to travel to display another palindrome on the milometer.

  1. Maths Number Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/maths-number-riddle/

This brain teaser comes with a clue. And that is to insert two mathematical symbols between four 9s to make them equal to 100. Check out the link which categorizes this riddle under a 2/5 ranking. And once you crack this one, you can proudly display your mathematical expertise to the online fraternity.

  1. Divide Into Two Parts Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/divide-into-two-parts-riddle/

With a 3 on 5 popularity rating, this riddle, so true to its name, allows you to divide 110 into two parts. However, there is a condition to this division. And that is: one part should be 150% of the other. Check out the above link and you can sharpen your brain to come up with the right answer. This riddle too comes with a 2/5 difficulty rating.

  1. Tricky Distance Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/tricky-distance-riddle/

The above link features a mind teaser that teaches you the concepts of time, distance and speed. Two friends are driving down from two different cities at different times and speeds. You need to take into account their respective speeds and the times they started and come up with an answer which matches a condition as to who is closer to a particular city. This riddle too comes with a 2/5 difficulty rating.

  1. Maths Logic Problem – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/maths-logic-problem/

A yet another mind teaser that comes with a 3/5 popularity rating and 2/5 difficulty rating teaches you math in the logical way. The riddle goes like this:

A large group goes to a party. All of them decide to play and have some fun at the bar counter. The first person goes to the counter and orders the barman for a ½ pint of beer. Now it is the turn of the second person who asks for a ¼ pint of beer. The third person now makes an appearance at the counter, asking for 1/8th pint of beer. The series continues in this manner.

Now for the riddle.

You need to come up with a solution which matches a condition. And the condition is:

How many pints of beer should the barman have so that he can satisfy the needs of the entire group?

Slightly difficult riddles with a 3/5 difficulty rating

If you are already rejoicing with the victory of solving all the above 2/5 rated riddles, then you are getting closer to solving slightly difficult riddles which are lined up for you. Try your hand at these which comes as a true test to your mathematical and logical thinking skills.

  1. Easy Tricky Maths Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/easy-tricky-maths-riddle/

Check out the above link to find a tricky yet easy-to-solve riddle that will sharpen your fundamentals about the addition to positive whole numbers. Coming with a difficulty rating of 3/5, this riddle is all about identifying three positive whole numbers that result in the same answer when multiplied or added together. That means, the sum and product of these three positive whole numbers are the same.

Inquisitive to know what these numbers are? Then, you need to put in some effort and rack your brain to come up with a right solution. Allowing your mind to think deep, you can submit your answer for the rest of the online math-learning community to be in awe of your computation skills.

  1. Prime Number Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/prime-number-riddle/

Students who are keen on learning the concept of prime numbers in the fun way can check out the above link. There lies a riddle that prompts you to come up with four consecutive prime numbers that when added lead to a sum of 220. Ranked with a difficulty level of 3/5, this link allows you to view the comments of fellow students and online friends who have already solved the riddle and have the answer for you.

Also Read : School Counselling helps enhance student performance

  1. Math or Science Problem – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/math-or-science-problem/

Check out this link and you will be thrilled to find a number of mind teasers that come with a variety of difficulty levels. Testing your IQ through a host of simple and difficult riddles, you can indulge in this edutainment activity that promises a perfect blend of excitement coupled with a widened knowledge about math concepts.

  1. Number 8 Math Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/number-eight-math-riddle/

The riddle with a popularity and difficulty rating of 3/5 is all about how many times you will have to paint the number 8 by the time you finish painting 100 hostel rooms.

  1. Common Exam Problem – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/common-exam-problem/

Under this heading, you will be given a series of additions with their respective answers. You should identify the common condition that satisfies all the additions. Once you have identified the commonality between all the equations, it becomes a breeze for you to solve the riddle that is mentioned down below the equations. You can submit your answer alongside view the solutions provided by other online math enthusiasts.

  1. Trick Maths Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/trick-maths-riddle/

You will agree with the fact that Math is a tricky subject governed by simple rules. If you follow these rules, you will be able to solve riddles effortlessly. One such tricky yet simple-to-solve riddle can help you sharpen your knowledge about division and multiplication operations on a series of fractions. This riddle comes with a difficulty and popularity rating of 3/5.

A Series of Tough Math Riddles

Let us now move on to the toughest riddle link that enlists an array of brain teasers with a 4/5 difficulty rating. All of them naturally come with a 4/5 popularity rating, exciting the imaginative side of math learners to come up with the right solution.

  1. Tough Maths Riddle – https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/tough-maths-riddle/

As the name suggests, the link of Tough Maths Riddle presents many tough brain teasers that test your reasoning and logical capabilities. Try your hands at these for you to experience the excitement of putting your math knowledge to its best use.

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Closing Thoughts

All in an attempt to strengthen your knowledge about math and its expansive collection of concepts, working on all the above brain teasers and riddles will help you experience an impeccable grasp over the subject of numbers teamed with functions, figures and variables.