General Knowledge For Kids (105 Questions and Answers)

It is very tough to select only a few GK questions for kids as it is a vast area and in fact boundless.  Some of the gk questions may seem too simple for higher class students but it is always good to revise what you know before you add in more information to your knowledge base.

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Here we can have a look at some of the randomly picked basic GK questions for kids of all ages.

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GK Questions for Kids between 4-7 years

Children belonging to this age group are curious about everything in their surroundings. So engaging with General Knowledge questions will be a great help for them. Here we have included some simple GK Questions for kids to explore and expand their General Knowledge level.

1. How many days do we have in a week?

Answer: Seven

2. How many days are there in a normal year?

Answer: 365 (not a leap year)

3. How many colors are there in a rainbow?

Answer: 7

4. Which animal is known as the ‘Ship of the Desert?’

Answer: Camel

5. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?

Answer: 26

6. How many consonants are there in the English alphabet?

Answer: 21

7. How many sides are there in a triangle?

Answer: Three

8. Which month of the year has the least number of days?

Answer: February

9. Which are the vowels in the English alphabet series?

Answer: A, E, I, O, U

10. Which animal is called King of Jungle?

Answer: Lion

11. How many primary colors are there?

Answer: Three (red, yellow, blue)

12. How many days are there in the month of February in a leap year?

Answer: 29 days

13. What do you call a house made of ice?

Answer: Igloo

14. Which is the largest animal in the world?

Answer: Blue whale

15. Which is the tallest animal on the earth?

Answer: Giraffe

16. Which festival is known as the festival of colors?

Answer: Holi

17. Which festival is called the festival of light?

Answer: Diwali

18. What is the top color in a rainbow?

Answer: Red

19. What type of bird lays the largest eggs?

Answer: Ostrich

20. Which festival is known as the ‘Festival of flowers’?

Answers: Onam

GK Questions for Kids between 8-10 years

When kids reach this age group they start learning new things, observe the changes around them, and would want to find out the answers to their queries by knowing more about GK questions and much more. Apart from their classroom knowledge, they acquire general knowledge from books and the internet too. Here are some interesting GK questions for kids between 8-10.

21. In which direction does the sunrise?

Answer: East

22. Which is the world’s largest flower?

Answer: Rafflesia

23. How many zeros are there in one hundred thousand?

Answer: Five

24. How many hours are there in two days?

Answer: 48 hours (24+24)

25. How many months of the year have 31 days?

Answer: 7 (January, March, May, July, August, October and December)

26. How many weeks are there in one year?

Answer: 52

27. Which are the colors in a rainbow?

Answer: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red

28. How many bones does an adult human have?

Answer: 206

29. Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

Answer: Neil Armstrong

30. How many millimeters are there in 1cm?

Answer: 10

31. Which is the nearest star to planet earth?

Answer: Sun

32. Which is the longest river on the earth?

Answer: Nile

33. Which is the principal source of energy for earth?

Answer: Sun

34. How many lungs does the human body have?

Answer: Two

35. What is the standard taste of the water?

Answer: Water is tasteless

36. Which is the tallest mountain in the world?

Answer: Mount Everest

37. Which is the fastest animal on the land?

Answer: Cheetah

38. Which continent is known as ‘Dark’ continent?

Answer: Africa

39. Which planet is known as the Red Planet?

Answer: Mars

40. Which is the most sensitive organ in our body?

Answer: Skin

41. Which is the largest ocean in the world?

Answer: Pacific Ocean

42. Which day is observed as World Environment Day?

Answer: June 5

43. How many years are there in a century?

Answer: One Hundred

44. Which is the largest country in the world?

Answer: Russia (By area)

45. Who invented the Computer?

Answer: Charles Babbage

46. How many players are there in a cricket team?

Answer: 11

47. Which day is observed as World Literacy Day?

Answer: September 8

48. Who is the inventor of Radio?

Answer: Marconi

49. Which place is known as the roof of the world?

Answer: Tibet

50. How many teeth does a healthy adult have including the wisdom teeth?

Answer: 32

51. Which gas is most abundant in the earth’s atmosphere?

Answer: Nitrogen

52. How many people are there in the world?

Answer: Over 7 billion

53. Which is the continent with the most number of countries?

Answer: Africa

54. Which is the most common non-contagious disease in the world?

Answer: Tooth Decay

55. How many strings does a violin have?

Answer: Four

56. How many planets are there in our solar system?

Answer: 8

57. Which is the hottest continent on Earth?

Answer: Africa

58. Which is the smallest continent in the world?

Answer: Australia

59. How many years are there in a millennium?

Answer: 1000

60. Which country is home to the kangaroo?

Answer: Australia

61. Who painted the Mona Lisa?

Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

62. Who invented the telephone?

Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

63. What does the Internet prefix WWW stand for?

Answer: World Wide Web

64. How much of Earth’s surface is covered by ocean?

Answer: 71%

65. Who discovered Penicillin in 1928?

Answer: Alexander Fleming

66. How many stars are there in the American flag?

Answer: 50

GK Questions for Kids of class 4 & 5; 10-12 years

This is a crucial age group where kids learn a lot. Their eyes and ears are open to explore new things. Here we have sorted some of the important General Knowledge Questions for kids to shine up. These GK questions for kids can really help to open up their minds. Let’s move on

67. What do you call a type of shape that has five sides?

Answer: Pentagon

68. Which way is anti-clockwise, left or right?

Answer: Left

69. How many equal sides does an isosceles triangle have?

Answer: 2

70. Which is the coldest location in the earth?

Answer: East Antarctica

71. Who discovered electricity?

Answer: Benjamin Franklin

72. Which is the most widely spoken language in the world?

Answer: Mandarin (Chinese)

73. Which two parts of the body continue to grow for your entire life?

Answer: Nose and Ears

74. The largest ‘Democracy’ in the world?

Answer: India

75. Who is the inventor of Television?

Answer: John Logie Baird

76. Which is the largest plateau in the world?

Answer: Tibetan Plateau

77. Which is the instrument used to measure Blood pressure?

Answer: Sphygmomanometer

78. What color symbolizes peace?

Answer: White

79. Who is the founder of Microsoft?

Answer: Bill Gates

80. During which year did World War I begin?

Answer: 1914

81. How many Cricket world cups does India have?

Answer: 2

82. Global warming is caused by the excess of which type of gas?

Answer: Carbon dioxide

83. How many cards are there in a complete pack of cards?

Answer: 52

84. What is the name of the biggest rain forest in the world?

Answer: The Amazon

85. Which African nation is famous for chocolate?

Answer: Ghana

86. What makes up (approx.) 80% of our brain’s volume?

Answer: Water

87. Which instrument is used for measuring wind speed?

Answer: Anemometer

88. ‘Stars and Stripes’ is the nickname of the flag of which country?

Answer: United States of America

89. Which language is used by the computer to process data?

Answer: Binary language

90. What covers approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface: Land or water?

Answer: Water

91. Which is the hardest substance available on earth?

Answer: Diamond

92. Which is the biggest desert in the world?

Answer: Sahara desert

93. Which country gifted The Statue of Liberty to the United States?

Answer: France

94. What is the name of the Greek God of music?

Answer: Apollo

95. What does the “SIM” in the SIM card stand for?

Answer: Subscriber Identity Module

96. Which is the first element on the periodic table of elements?

Answer: Hydrogen

97. Which is the longest written Constitution in the world?

Answer: India

98. What is the largest joint in the human body?

Answer: Knee

99. Which is the smallest bone in the human body?

Answer: Stapes (Ear bone)

100. Which instrument is used to measure Atmospheric Pressure?

Answer: Barometer

101. Which is the largest continent in the world?

Answer: Asia

102. Who is the inventor of the electric Bulb?

Answer: Thomas Alva Edison

103. On whose memory Nobel Prize is awarded?

Answer: Alfred Nobel

104. Who is the first woman to go to space?

Answer: Valentina Tereshkova

105. What is HCl?

Answer: Hydrochloric acid

106. What is currency of China?

Answer: Renminbi

Interesting True or False GK Questions for Kids of all ages

Almost every kid is doubtful about what is right and what is wrong. Most often they get confused with the correctness of facts. This paves the way for the importance of True or False GK Quiz Questions. So, let’s check out some True or False GK Questions with answers for kids.

Answer the following gk quiz questions with a True or False.

107. Chameleons have extremely long tongues, sometimes as long as their bodies.

Answer: True

108. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. True or False?

Answer: True

109. A sneeze is faster than the blink of an eye.

Answer: True

110. Pigs can look up into the sky.

Answers: False (They cannot)

111. There are 9 planets in our Solar System.

Answers: False (Our Solar system has only 8 planets; Pluto is a dwarf planet)

112. Mark Zuckerburg is the father of modern computers.

Answer: False (Charles Babbage is the father of modern computers)

113. The egg of a Hummingbird is the smallest egg in the world.

Answers: True

114. Frogs have to drink lots of water.

Answers: False

115. Some animals can get sunburn.

Answers: True (Animals like dogs, cats and cows can get sunburns at the tip of their noses and ears).

116. William Shakespeare is a scientist.

Answers: False (He is a dramatist)

117. Whales have belly buttons.

Answers: True

118. Sharks are color blind.

Answer: False

119. Mumbai is the capital of India.

Answers: False (Delhi is the capital of India)

120. Camels store water in their humps.

Answer: True

121. Humans have four hearts.

Answer: False (Humans have one heart with four chambers)

122. All tigers have yellow eyes.

Answers: True

123. A pediatrician is a child specialist.

Answers: True

124. Arachnophobia is the fear of dogs.

Answers: False (It is the fear of spiders)

125. Dodo is an endangered bird.

Answers: False (Dodo is an extinct bird)

126. Bhagat Singh is a Freedom fighter of India.

Answer: True

127. Washington DC is the capital of China.

Answers: False (Beijing is the capital of China)

128. June 5 is celebrated as Environment Day.

Answer: True

129. Laika, the dog is the first animal to go to space.

Answer: True

130. Roman Calendar is named as Julian Calendar.

Answer: True

131. There are 12 players in a cricket team.

Answers: False (There are 11 players in a cricket team)

GK Quiz Games  for Kids

Just like the elders, kids are also keen to know about new things, phenomenon, animals, sports, eatables and much more. It is also good to grow with some general knowledge. So, here is a set of very interesting and easy GK Quiz game questions and answers for kids of all ages.

132. Ball, Bat, Stump, Hockey stick

Ans: Hockey stick

133. Hen, Dove, Pigeon, Cat

Ans: Cat

134. Hammer, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Cobbler

Ans: Hammer

135. Jeep, Car, Bike, Boat

Ans: Boat

136. Doctor, Surgeon, Nurse, Teacher

Ans: Teacher

137. Mother, Father, Brother, Friend

Ans: Friend

138. Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto

Ans: Pluto

139. Cabbage, Potato, Capsicum, Tomato

Ans: Potato

140. Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Ink Pen

Ans: Eraser

141.  Aeroplane, Helicopter, Ship, Jet

Ans: Ship

142. Carrot, Mango, Banana, Apple

Ans:  Carrot

143. Cow, Lion, Dog, Cat

Ans: Lion

144. 2,6,7,10

Ans: 7

145. P.J. Abdul Kalaam, C.V. Raman, Issac Newton, William Shakespeare

Ans: William Shakespeare

146. Dispur, Pune, Patna, Shimla

Ans: Pune

147. 1 , 2, 4, 5

Ans: 4

148. Asia, Europe, China, Australia

Ans: China

149. Radio, Television, Loudspeaker, Stereo

Ans: Television

150. Respiration, Digestion, Excretion, Photosynthesis

Ans: Photosynthesis

151. Hydrogen, Hypochlorite, Helium, Lithium

Ans: Hypochlorite

152. Noun, Pronoun, Articles, Adverb

Ans: Articles

153. Throat, Tongue, Nose, Ears

Ans: Throat

154. Coffee Powder, Chili Powder, Tea Powder, Green Tea Powder

Ans: Chilli Powder

155. Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Vitamin K

Ans: Vitamin B

156. Dinosaur, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Giraffe

Ans: Dinosaur

Also Read: Geography Quiz For Kids (107 Questions and Answers)

Also Read: 68 Science Quiz For Kids of Classes 1 to 10

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Basic GK Quiz – Multiple Choice Questions and Answed

Multiple Choice Questions or MCQs are always important from the point of view of competitive exams. And also in competitive exams like SSC, Railway, and Bank, basic General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions are of great importance. Check out some of the GK questions for kids (MCQs).

157. What is the place where books are kept called?

a) Zoo

b) Library

c) Garden

d) Museum

Ans: B. Library

158. How many digits are there in Mathematics?

a) Hundred

b) Thousand

c) Billion

d) Infinite

Ans: D. Infinite

159. Who is the first Prime Minister of India?

a) P.J. Abdul Kalaam

b) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) Indira Gandhi

d) Narendra Modi

Ans: B. Jawaharlal Nehru

160. How many bananas will there be in a dozen banana?

a) 8

b) 9

c) 10

d) 12

Ans: D.12

161. Who is Mickey Mouse?

a) Actor

b) Scientist

c)  Cartoon Character

d) Doctor

Ans: C. Cartoon Character

162. Who is the author of “God of Small Things”?

a) Gabriel Garcia Marquez

b) Aravind Adiga

c) Arundhati Roy

d) Victor Hugo

Ans: C. Arundhati Roy

163. What is the value of Pie?

a) 14

b) 916

c) 13

d) 34

Ans: A. 3.14 (22/7)

164. What is the position of Earth in our Solar system?

a) First

b) Second

c) Third

d) Fourth

Ans: C. Third

165. Which is the biggest continent?


b) Africa

c) Australia

d) Europe

Ans:  A. Asia

166. How many wonders do we have in the world?

a) Six

b) Seven

c) Eight

d) Nine

Ans: B. Seven

167. Who found the concept of “Gravitation” for the first time?

a) Albert Einstein

b) Charles Darwin

c) Issac Newton

d) V. Raman

Ans: C. Issac Newton

168. Who is the author of “Julius Caesar”?

a) William Shakespeare

b) Geoffrey Chaucer

c) John Milton

d) Sylvia Plath

Ans: A. William Shakespeare

169. When is UN day celebrated?

a) October 21

b) June 24

c) October 24

d) June 21

Ans: C. October 24

170. What are constellations?

a) Group of planets

b) Group of galaxies

c) Group of stars

d) Group of meteors

Ans: C. Group of stars

171. Which planet is known as “The Blue Planet”?

a) Mercury

b) Venus

c) Uranus

d) Earth

Ans: D. Earth

172. What is the person who compiles a dictionary called?

a) Lexicographer

b) Editor

c) Compiler

d) Director

Ans: A. Lexicographer

173. What is the driver of a Train called?

a) Pilot

b) Train Driver

c) Locopilot

d) Captain

Ans: C. Locopilot

174. What is the full form of RBI?

a) Reputed Bank of India

b) Reserve Bank of India

c) Recovery Bank of India

d) Reduced Bank of India

Ans: B. Reserve Bank of India

175. What is the “Fear of Darkness” called?

a) Nyctophobia

b) Ablutophobia

c) Ophidiophobia

d) Arachnophobia

Ans: A. Nyctophobia

176. What is the capital city of Peru?

a) Lima

b) Rome

c) Los Angeles

d) Prague

Ans: A. Lima

177. How many states are there in India?

a) 27

b) 28

c) 29

d) 30

Ans: B. 29

178. Who discovered Aeroplane?

a) Wright Brothers

b) Steve Waugh

c) Albert Einstein

d) Stephen Hawking

Ans: A. Wright Brothers

179. Which bird is the universal symbol of Peace?

a) Pigeon

b) Dove

c) Peacock

d) Pelican

Ans: B. Dove

180. What causes Anemia?

a) By the deficiency of Iron

b) By the deficiency of Iodine

c) By the deficiency of Vitamin D

d) By the deficiency Calcium

Ans: A. By the deficiency of Iron

181. Who is a “Chef”?

a) A person who drives a car

b) A person who cooks food

c) A person who acts

d) A person who treats patients

Ans: B. A person who cooks food

Basic GK Quiz Questions and Answers for Kids

General awareness always plays a major role for a growing kid. Here are some of the revised General Knowledge Questions and Answers for kids based on Inventions, sports, the color of objects, authors, etc.

182. What is the color of the sky?

Ans: Blue

183. What is the job of a Doctor?

Ans: A Doctor treats sick people.

184. What comes after 10 and before 13?

Ans: 12

185. Where does fish live?

Ans: In Water

186. What is sun?

Ans: Sun is a big ball of fire.

187. Who is Virat Kohli?

Ans: Indian Cricketer

188. How many noses do you have?

Ans: One

189. What is the color of Mango?

Ans: Yellow

190. In which planet do we live?

Ans: Earth

191. What is the young one of a cat called?

Ans: Kitten

192. How many years are there in a century?

Ans: Hundred

193. Which is the national game of India?

Ans: Hockey

194. What is the full form of TV?

Ans: Television

195. Solve 27*0.

Ans: Zero (Any number multiplied by zero gives zero as the answer)

196. Which all animals give us milk?

Ans: Cow, goat and buffalo

197. What is the home of a lion called?

Ans: Den

198. How many days are there in a week?

Ans: Seven

199. Where do we deposit money?

Ans: Bank

200. What is the place where animals are kept called?

Ans: Zoo

201. What is COVID-19?

Ans: It is deadly disease spread across the world during 2019 and 2020.

202. What is Beri-Beri?

Ans: It is a disease caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin B

203. Where do we get coconut from?

Ans: We get coconut from coconut Tree

204. Which state in India is known as “God’s Own Country”?

Ans: Kerala

205. How do plants make food?

Ans: Plants make food through the process called Photosynthesis.

206. Which place is known as the “Land of White Elephants”?

Ans: Thailand

Download: General Knowledge For Kids [PDF]

Sports Quiz Questions For Kids

We all have good memories of playing games in school with our classmates. Moreover, it is essential to keep our body and mind fit. Let’s check out some of the General Knowledge Questions and Answers for kids about sports games.

207. How many players are there in each side of a Hockey team?

Ans- 11

208.  How many players are there in each side of a Basket Ball team?

Ans- 5

209. Commonwealth Games are held in every _ years

Ans- 4 years

210. What is the full form of cricket tournament- IPL?

211. Ans- Indian Premier League

212. How many Grand Slam Tennis Tournaments are held every year?

Ans- 4

213. In which sports, the term HAT-TRICK is used?

Ans- Cricket

214. Number of players in one team of Kho Kho are

Ans- Nine

215. Eden Gardens cricket stadium is in –

Ans: Calcutta

216. Which country will host Cricket World Cup 2019 –

Ans: England

217. Football was introduced as a competitive game in Olympics in year –

Ans: 1908

218. Hockey is the National sports of –

Ans: India and Pakistan

219. Which is the National sport of Canada?

Ans- Lacrosse/Ice hockey

220. _ has Cricket as its National S

Ans- Jamaica

221. _ is the national sport of Turkey

Ans- Wrestling

222. In which country Commonwealth games were held in 2010?

Ans- India

223. Which country has hosted Commonwealth Games for the maximum number of times?

Ans- Canada

224. Caddie is related to __________

Ans- Golf

225. In which year Olympic Games were cancelled because of World War I?

Ans- 1916

226. Who was the winner of Football World Cup in 2010?

Ans- Spain

227. Where did the game of Badminton originate from?

Ans- Pune

228. When is national sports day of India celebrated?

Ans- August 22

229. When was women’s and men’s doubles introduced in Wimbledon?

Ans- 1884

230. Who among the following is known as “Flying Sikh of India”

Ans- Milkha Singh

231. Total Olympic medals won by India in 2012

Ans- Six

232. The only driver in Indian Grand Prix 2011 is

Ans- Alice Powell

Simple General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers For Kids (Watch Video)


Teaching and learning General Knowledge is always fun.

Moreover, being a part of molding future ‘Einsteins’ with GK questions and answers is something greater.

So, encourage the curiosity to learning more about GK facts. Hopefully, this ‘Quiz questions for kids’ blog helps you to get some easy and interesting GK questions.

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